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16.8ioo,i6.8300,24.6000 76995
AUTHORS: Okun, L. B., Shabalin, E. P.
TITLE: The K e4-D--cay
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki,
1959, Vol 37, Nr 6, PP 1775-1780 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Calculations were carried out of the probabilities of
K.4-decays. The selection rules for the decays and
the isotopic relations between various K e4 decays were
determined on the basis of the Sakata model (Cf. S.
Sakata, Prog. Theor. Phys., 16, 686, 1956). The
numerical value of K e4 decays probabilities waa:
EV (110.0296 +g'0.0029). (34)
Card .1/3 as compared with the probabilities of K e3 decays (Cf.
The H.4-Decay 76995
L. B. Okun, Uspekhi Fiz. Nauk, 68, 449, 1959):
~ O,58GYAII/76sn3.
X'J` .
(where ?C is dimensionless coefficient; 14 is mass, of
K-meson). It may be seen that the probability of the
Kell,-decay is extremely small in comparison with the
probability of the Ke3-decay. Therefore, an experi-
mental check of the derived results probably cannot
be carried out with present-day techniques. An excep-
tion is the possibility of checking the absence of the
decay K+ 2 7r + e- + V- . in a photoemulsion this
decay should have the appearance of an anomalous
T -decay. Should this decay exist, it would mean
that the model of Sakat-, (cf. loc.cit.) is incorrect.
The text contains 9 references, 3 Soviet, 6 U.S. The
5 most recent U.S. references are: S. Oneda, Nucl.
Phys 4 21 ~1957); S. Sakata, Prog. Theor. Phys.,
Card 2/3 16, 666 '('1956 ; S. Okubo, et. al., Phys. Rev., 112,
21 (1)
AUTROR: OkUnIp L. Bol, SOV/53-68-3-6/11
TITLE: S~7'-angs paTticlqB (Stranmy7a chaBtitBy). Decays (RaBpady)
PM-IODICAL: Uspekhi fizicheskikh nauk, 1959, Vol 68, NT 3, PP 449-480 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: This article has already been published in the English language
in "Annual Review of Nuclear Science, Vol 9. Thera are 7 figures,
6 tables, and 118 references, 34 of which are Soviet.
Card I/i
KOILTJNOY, 7.1.L~M)$ L.B.; Rulax, I.?.
Singalarlties ol s=e YBy--m diagr=s. 2bur.ek*.i toor.
f12- 38 zD.3:877-M * 160. OU3A 3-3: 7)
KD2YAW,'I.Tu. -, Gmj , L-I. - PMIX, A.P.
Remrks pertaining to the decay of the cameade byperons
toor-fis. 38 no-3:1012-1013 * l6o.
Ollu 13 3 7)
XOBZAR", 1.7u.; O'CUS, 9 1.B.
1- - -... -- ---
,Symobli for s%ron intsrAction constants. -shur. Ok2pq i toor.
fiz. 39 nv- 1:210 JI 160o (XIU ID12)
(Nuclear ybysICfi--NDtatIQDI)
,CI;T 13
PTOPOrti6s Of the axial interaction and decay I t I VI
"bur. slmp,, i toor, fix. 39 not, 1:214-216 Jl 160. WU 13:12)
. (Nuclear
XDIXU;07, Y.A.;_,OKWIP, 1.-3.; RUDIX, A.P.., quDAMV, V.7.
PoBition of the nearOBt SiMgularltlgj) of the 7~fl-Bcattoring
amPlitudo. Zhur. ekBy. i tDOr. f12- 39 MO-2:340-344 Ag 160.
(Yield theca7) (Scattering (FayEiC3)) (MIU 13:9)
0101, 1.3.; :RUDIR, A.P.
v 0 0-
---.vA+2y-douq and --Agagtlc moment of 'the T. h7POrO.".
Zhur. ekBp. I teor. f1s. 39 n0.2078-383 Ac 160. (MIRA 13:9)
S/05 60/039/003/049/058/XX
Nun' L. B.; Rudik, A, P.
The De,~aya K~ --~ %+_+ e+4 o?- ard K' + + A+ 4
Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy te~xeticheskcny fizikll,
Vol- 39, No- 3(9), pp. 660 604
/Y +
TEXT: A theoretical study of the decay reactions (2): K+ -; r4 , e 4
and (3): K." -~, z#' -, jj+ ..t. p- '111 made In thAls paper. TheEe rea~tion5 have
not yet. been ~.bserved; hows-ier. they are not absolutely forbidden 'n b 0.
realm cf the presert-day thaorii~s but carnot tE. dug to wpak interaiticr_~
alone. The authcra shz~w that bcth these reactions may be due to th& com-
bined weak lepton Interactlor. and electrcxagnetic interaction ard be
Illustrated by the Feynman graph of Fig. I. The dotted 1~lre represents a
X+ virtual photon, and the full cArcle of the graph
I-lo+ (p shows a X-decay into picn t gamma quantum. Surh a
ell _P_,G-) graph 'a shown in Fig. 2.
Card 1/4
The Decays K n + e e ana S/05 60/039/003/049/058AX
+ B006X3070
x 7 +
x The decays (2) and (1) are analogous t,.) thq known 0 0
conversion transit'-one in Tha matr-'x ct
A P the graph (Fig. 1) ~s formulated as
n Y 2 IK T., r 1~- -1
wh r, r
e efck P ~i k2 V471, 9~1 13 u'..;?F,?,,'
p Ct 2~1/137i I ., c, - 11 u ars splinors ~~f the ]~-~ptsn
4 1
zfieid e or and y. are the wav,~ furcttrins c.f
(.Fig. 2) K- avid -n-utsic. fielde, G is f-be we"- *Intzra.,,tion ,onslanl.
-.2 2
G, I proton mass)~ TF Is U- vert,wi
0. m V efGk p
part (full circle) of the graph (Fig. 1). f Js a
2 2 2 2
of k k + G! 2E rr an d !a considered tr, t cre'ant... Thq trta'
probat-111ties fOT the decays (2) and (3) are found to be W 0.56 Wr-
? r
P G 5 -110 f W f whi~re W 15 4,-h,~
and W - 0.11 W .2. 6
Card 2/4
+ + and
The Decays It+ 9 + a B105616010391003104910581M
+ :BOOW3070
+ 11 +
probability of -s decay. From the number of the observed 7 decays in
which ng single decay, of the type (3) was found, it is concluded that
12< 0-4. The relative probability, however, does not depend on f 2
I As 0.2. In the following, the auth,ors discuss the calculation of
the pioi, elvctron2 and muon smtra for the decays (2) and M- The
resuliB are given by form*jIaB 9) and (10)) and (12) and (13)p respec-
tivol-y) and are illustrated in Pigs. 3 ana' 4, respectively. Tho authors
thank :6 D. landau and I. 7u,. Kobzaroy for discussions, S. A. Nomirov-
skiy f0:, numerical calculations) and Xv-L
-Dx-jhizhIn for pointing ott an
error. Ihere are 6 figures and 2 references: I Soviet and I US.
SUBMITTED: March 1960
AUTHORS: Xotzarev,, 1, Yu,, Okuntq L.
TITLE: Which Is Heavier; the X Nesonfbr
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i
Vol. 39, No. 3(9)v pp. 605
the Ko Meson ?
- 2
teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960,
- 609
TEXT: In the present paper, a method in proposed for determining the
sign as well as the magnitude of the mass difference between Ko and K'
meaon3. The X Mason has the shorter lifetime, i., - (1.00,0 .0 ).10'osec
+1 6 -8 1
decay); -t.0 - (6.1 ).10 sec. From the fact that only transi-
712 2 -1:1 j
tions with AS - +1 are allowed in weak interactions (S - strangeness),
it i3 concluded fi~lloxing Ya. B. Z911dovich (Ref-4) that the mass dif-
ferenes of these two mesons is equal to
An- E 2nx - I /-r.o -10 1 where g2F~~ 10-13
-4 10 Boo '~* 10 is the square of
Card 1/4
Ihich Is Heavier: the X Meson or the 3/056/60/039/003/050/058/XX
Y1.0319son ? B006/3,070
'the weak interaction constant, mXis the mass of the X--meson, 0
11 tzansitions with AS - +2 were allowed., one would have
10 1
AM-HMX"10 990' It Is known experimentally that ilml~-10 sec ; so
transitions withAS - +2 are forbidden. The authors now propose a method
of determining the si -
gn of 6m. Experiments of this kind have so far been
inconclusive. The method makes use of an interferen2e phenomenon In a
0 10 -1
X2 beam; which can appear only if Am,~00 sec, . Suppose a monochromatic
bean of K0 falls on a target consisting of two thin plates, the plates
(a and b) being made of different materials atd seps7ated from each
other by a distance 1. The following relation is derived for the total
pyobability of Ko decays on the right side of the plate b:
Card 2/4
Which Is Heavier: the K 0 Meson or the
X0 Xeson ?
are the refractive indices of the K 0 and K0 masona, respectively). it
is auggestad that one c;f the plates be made of a material with small Z
and the othsy &ith large Z. Sons other details of the experiment ar6
discussed, The possibility of working with a non-monochromatio YO b-vR
conDidered but found to be less favorable. It Is mentioned in con4clusion
that the experiment in practice would be more complicated than is
aketcbed here. It is recommended that thick plates bs used~ because in
that case the yield of KO mesons would be greater. According to
S, rl~ WJL1=UA; for example, the yield for a copper plate of -I cc thick-
naaB Is 10'-4. The authors thank V. 1. Vsksler, Ya. B. Zelldovich,
1. Ia. ?omeranchuk, and B. M. ?onteXoTvo for Interest and dis~~uaeiors.
There are 1 figure and 7 references. 4 Soviet and 3 US.
SUBMITTED: March 12, 1960
Card 4/4
What is heaViBr 11=onium one" or llmwnium two'17 Zhur.ekBp.i,z. 4.1 no.3:989-991 5 Ibl. (KT.1 14:10)
1. Oblyedinennyy institat yadmWkh inledovaniy.
Jbdel for anonalouB =on interaction. Zhur.ekBp.i teor.fiz. 41
no.4:1205-1214 0 161. (HRA 14:10)
1. Institut teoretichenkoy i eksperimentallwy fiziki All SSSR.
(Nuclear models) (Meso=)
AUTHORS: Griboy, V. N.) Xolkwioy, V. A.) Okun2j L. B., Shekhter, V. M. q
TITU: Covariant deduction of -the Wei z adcker-Wil Ila= formula
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimental)noy i tepreticheakoy fiziki, V. 41,
no. 6(12)t 1961, 1839-1841
TEXT; A oovariant deduction of the Weizelicker-Williamn formula
(G. Weizshoker. zs. PhYB., '88, 612, '1934j E. Williams. Phy.s. Rev. _-J~, 729j
ven in explicit form. The process illustrated by -the graph in!
1934) is gi
Fig. I is reduced to the photoprooess (Fig. 2) in order 'to calculate its
'oroea.section. k and ]p are-the momenta of the colliding'charged partiol e
2 2 2 2 2
ii 'and P1 those of the paTticles produced ocl-pl, 3) _M I P, .3) 'D
q - momentum of, the virtual photon). The cross zootion of -the photoprocvBB
is given as a a T 0 for a non~-pblarlzed photon o T o
V p h7_2
ph'_% 11 p sly PV 7"1"',
T 1. T 2.o. In most general representation
clMd 1/0
Govariant-deduction of the B102/13138
a kk, + kq - *,q,) + b (q38,. - qq,) -
holds, satisfying the conditionn of gradient invariance. With
icr a(kq), the process of Fig. I As given by
d99B d'
Or q), -12-a
q)j, (2p -
The-lactor in I~rackelB is the ratio of the invariant fluxes in the
reactions k+q-kJ and k+.p-k'4pI, Ze(2p-fl) is the photon vertpx part of the
spin-free nucleus p. 'With the varicil,I.-, q', '-(k+q) and io the
angle between i~ and k' in the labor-tory t;ystem)v
Ap'/2E'_&, 2 d(-(l 2 )dj'/8 "I (kp)2 -k' P2. ~.ifh 2pq=q 2 , integration of (7) with
TeBpqct to Yields
pp, -3 (10).
dOJ3B 04 (Aq) b (pl - 91 / 4) (kq)l d
(,kp,)Tg, (AP) (P -k) 5-q
Card 2/1
L 2~200=66 EWT(m) DIAAP
ACC NR: AT6oo6751 SOURCE CODE: UR/3138/65/000/383/0001/0014
AUTHOR: Okun', L.
ORG: ca and Experimental Physics, State
Committee on the Use of Atomic Energy,SSSR (I-ns-ultut teoretichesicoy
i eksperimentalinoy fiziki Gos. kimiteta po i8pol'zovaniyu atomnoy
energii SSSR)
TITLE: On neutral 4:par~icles
iSOURCEt USSR. Gosudarstvennyy komitet po ispollzovaniyu atomnoy
,energil. Institut teoreticheskoy i eksperimentallnoy fiziki. Doklady,
'no. 383, 1965. 0 neytralinykh alpha-chastitsakh, 1-14
ITOPIC TAGS: elementary particle, parity principle, strongnuclear
!interaction., K meson, pi meson
iAMTRACT: The author presents a new formulation for the model-of
!a-gartioles, introduced by T. D. Lee (Preprint, Columbia University,
5) to describe CP violation. The present article deals with a
i.model, in which the a-particles are neutral and it is shbwn that even
L 24300-66
ACC NF: AT6oo6751
in the case when the decay K --v 2Y is due to the presence of a super-
weak interaction with AY = 2, the effects of CP violation can be of
the order of unity in experiments in which real a-particles partici-
pate. It is shown that if strong interaction of a-particles with
.usual hadrons (called Xa interaction) is defined such that it is In-
variant under charge conjugation of normil particles and changes sign
~~-'ufider charge.conjugation of-a-particlea, then there will be no CP-
11:1~-,,ylelating, effects in -processes..-tbat do not involve re4l~ a-particles.
to. ha-ve. e-1dotric charge,, then,
.;~!U;~~;Oooes~oes not in'vol~ri4,.,'W. tiolps C-violatim' e Teots will -ap-
of 0-vtolation Iri
%'-,400 which are of the same'- ad- Ui the case
4U Ptit Interaction -th! a-par-tirle is neutral, th;,I-
"f -violatlng -Intc na~ t i on may
te shown thzi,
raisi~,q th~, 1.(~r energy e.meuf-J, to be Fit in W pro(It.if t~,
e r 1 valuen of the InteractAon cunvtarit!~,
~""Patttcdes. The r-am
Vatloil r 1 qly A 7he author thanVr
S C Ila AOr. r,
S/01,6/6 I /(jd', /006/04 '/Ord
P 091/li 102
AUTHORS: Kobzarev. 1. Yu., Okun'. L. B.
TITLE. Heavy neutral p3;2udoocalar mesons
PERIODICAL; Zhurnal eksperimiintallnoy i teoreticheckoy f--ziki. v,
no. 6(12). 1961. 1949
TEXT, Arguments in favcr of' the existence of heavy ntutral psr_-u,,110:-~alar
rLesons with zero isotopic spin are discussqd. J)ome expe.riments ire
suCgested, -,Nhich should help to ascertain ;%helher suc .n mesonf3 ex4s*,
Accordin6 to L. B. Okun' (ZhEETF, 34, 46-9, i,roc, CE,-,,',' Col~f- on
Erergy Phys., 1958, p. 223), two neutral pseudoscalar m~,sons C, an:,
with tne 2ero isotopic spin state 0- (IT - r,-F)/ V-,- -fill
6,- - (P(pj + nF))/ J_ - mig
2 2 ~,ht oxi!;t In ad(lition to
pseudoscalar mescns r. and K -~Nithin the framoviork of the 113akat~i modvl
2 1
(a+ 1). In the case of idenTiy of' the strong intfir,'Wtion of ti,.e
baryons p. nq andA. the mo8ons in the octet (I-L, F, cr,) would hav-
Card 114
Heavy neutral pseudoscalar mesons i3!09/B101-)
masses according to the unitary :3ymmptry, Y. here a!! t 1,4~ of' t ho n~ W It,
meson C is pos.,;ibly much larger, From tric deviution from. uni-,ar:,
3ym.metry it is cencluded tnatt the of thc 6C meson 27 -Ct
ex,:eed 1 Bev 'the maj~., of the meson in nt,l' liqknc,-FO~.
--42,1+ , 2 n 2 r 11 r, r. i,uggested by !a
(ZhETF. 34, 1644, 1c,158) are improbable ar:ccrdine, to V 1. U,qiye--' 5'r- i
The probability of the mode. 6-> 2 7,, - 2 T-,- , S _4 _ I Ci, 7 L~A /~ ;' ',~ . W1 12
m6 44 ( p - pion ma so Another poor,,-, le decay mn:-A,~ -L3
-0 K c) 10 3
6'~-) Ko K + r0 (either 2Fr -,to G-r L "?,A i- L/
1 2
The modest U---~ro e4 + e- TL0 4 z 4 r a i,,? lo r
4- 6- C
whereas 6--->r - T 6:.~2e- (w w e 1) 0- S i1 7'
large the process &~~Tz' + (W- 1c)-ILLL ?D V~-/P for
important, In this caur~, tht-, photon apentrum ran be J,y
Card 214
Heavy neutral pseudoscalar mesons B109/B102
d tv_W3 (m 2 2 312 f 2 -1112
n (iv) Or 2mcrev- 4P kM6 2 mu (V) d t*i For the reaction
4 0
1e 4 a' experimental data of N, E, n i
d 4 tooth, 0, Chamberlain. it
E, 11. Rogers (Nuovo Cim., 19, 853, 1961) indicate 6-'.I+ + + vp 6 7~/212 On3 with f-:t;Q.3 when m
2 2 3 a L ziW 3 C.
2 a L :PC /64n. Probably this decay ic predominant in a ,ide
,card 112
j 0
Pos~*,ible decays of rew r~e3ons B108/3186
0 + 0 9 3
rfing~j of 1, and ia. cr IT + I + n 0 a
a fl 2 it with fJO-37 if
The si.~:Alll ~,idthj may in !~ow-- cases be explainco by the
7 0 C ,: u v
kine-matic factors. 1. he -xicths of the pion decays show that the
photon decays too .:.ay play an important rcle. There are 5 fieures.
ASSOCIATION. Institut teorf-ticheskoy i eksperimentalln,-y fiziki Akadei:,,ii
na-uk I;S~;::,(Institute of Theoretical and :,xp,~;rimental
of the Academy of Sciences USS.H)
4, 1962
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Kobzarev, I. Yu., Okun', L. B.
TITLE3 On the gravitation interaction of fermions
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 43,
no- 501), 1962, 1904-1009
TEXT: The effect of the spin of a fermion 6n its interaction with a spinor
field is studied in linear relativistic approximation (S. Gupta. Proc.
PhYs- Svc-, 165, 161; 608, 1952). In such an approximation, the interaction
of two particles is described by M~ller diagrams. The relation
(x) e'- I I > d' x = (2.z)' h (p, - p3 (P" P'J' 0- (3),
vhich in the mathematical formulation of the princ4ple of equivalence,
is deduced for the determination of the gravi ton vertex. ( 21 and 11 ',- are
the physical states of a given particle. The symmetrical energy-mocentum
tensor 9 corresponds with the total Lagrangian L-L +L 4L +L +L of the
ik f B e V x
Card 1/5
r S/05 62/043/005/043/056
On the gravitation interactid'n;.. BI-25YB104
interacting elementary partic Iles. L f is the free Lagrangian of the
elementarj particles, L.9 L., and Lw are the Lagrangians of strong, electro-
magnetic, and weak interaction% respectively. L xis the Lagrangian of
unknown interactions that are bossibly present. The vertex part satisfien
the transverse condition qkr:,k. , 0. The gravitation vertexes for the bare
particles after removal of L', L L , and L are
S e w X
rA1 9, j2p, p, (q, q. (7)
for a spin-zero meson (pion) and
= -L (TIP,) Ili
U:(TjP* + Thl
for a spin-1/2 fermion (prot6n). The formulas
; - 1-11,11iPA) 0 +Tb) Its,
Card 2/5
On the gra7itation interaction... B125/BI04
2 IJ2(T,P*) Ui, (10)
hold for a neutrino whose free Lagrangian is 2 and 4, respectively. In
the case of (10) the virtual gravitons can turn into a neutrino-anti-
neutrino pair vith "irregular" helicity. It is therefore a physical problem
to establishwhetbers. neutrino is a two-component particle. In principle
this probliem can be solved b~r measuring the*neutrino flux in outer space
using two different methods (gravitation effect, and weak interaction).
It would also be possible to establish whether abnormal, inert neutrinos
ex,ist in nature. At a total energy of
E- VTP;~),_i -,010, 19
in the c.m.s., the gravitation interaction becomes a strong interaction.
The redshift and the deflection of light can be described as classical
effects by means of the Lagrangian L - -1 7 C for the interaction of the
I I g 2 A A .
particle with the external weak gravitational field I ik* The perihel
card 3/5
On the gravitation interactiono.o B1250104
r7, ~ 9; 1g. P, P" + g. (q, q. &.) 19" (23)
U-2?n- I If, P, P't +(01, q, P') + f3TS (G" q, Pj +
and n) ( 24
f4T�((Tj'? - 2 Q Pj) + Is (qjq~ - 01 ba) + to T&W, q) fjp
hold, respectively, for a pion and a proton. The f's and gle are scalar
functions of q . In a,discussion it iv shovin that the vertex of the
interaction of fernionn with a gravitational field has properties analogous
tolthe electrodynamical vertex as described by Ward's theorem.
ASSOCIATION; Institut teoreticheskoy i eksperimental'noy fiziki Akedemii
nauk SSSN~(Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics
of the Academy of Sciences USSR)
SUBMITTED: June 14, 1962
Card 5/5
ONO', Lov Bori-~ovich; V.D., red.; PIA.UhT, L.Yu.,
tekhn. red.
[Weak interaction of elementary particles] Slaboe vzaino-
deistvie elerentarnykh chastit3. I-loskva., Fi=ntgiz, 190.
21,7 p. (MRA 17:1)
ACCESSION MR,t AP4031166 8/0056/64/046/004/143.8/1419
AVTHDRSs Xdbzarev* I. Yu-i Okun', L. B.
TITM Absence of Yj - 2n decays and conservation of space and com-
bined parities
SOURCE2 Zh- eks.Ver- i teor. fiz., v. 46, no. 4, 1964,, 1418-1419
TOPICTAG53 parity conservation, combined parity, P invariancep
CP invariance, n meson, strong interaction, 2n decay
ABSTRACTs The importance of a search for the 27T mode of decay of
the n meson is :enphasized in view of its relevance to the question
of P and CP invariance of strong interactions. It is pointed out
that present evidence on the absence of this decay indicates that
the invariances in question bold to an accuracy of one part in
5 6
10 -10 . It is suggested that this result could be improved by per-
haps three orders of magnitude and pointed out that it would
C.4" 1/2
then provide a test of CP'much superior to any known at present.
"The authors ,express gratitude to P. A. Krupcb1takiy for useful re-
SUBMITTEDj 240ct63 DATE ACQ: 07M&y64 ENCL: 00
SUB CODE, PH NO REP SOV3 002 OTftns 003
Ioxt ma, 2--l-B,; TSTjXl.JtyANp 1.!;.
Weak -mo3~,n desay. Zhur. eksp. I teor. NA2. 47 no.j~
349-351 JI '64, (MIRA 17,?,"
16M LYT(l) VW'T I a If /IT/ EWA(m) -.2 F,4D(t
A 961 NRt APS000332 5/00r6/64/047/005/27-77
AUTHORi O%un', L. B.
TITLEs On the posmi-ble types of elemen
SOURM Zhurnalt eksperimencal'110Y 11 teoreticheskoy fiziki,
no. 5, 1964, 1'"/7-1"81
TOPIC TJkGSt elementary particle, tepton, baryan, spin, bomori
fermion, elev~ertary particle interaction
ABSTRAM 'rhe possibility of existence of particles wii-'~ un~,,
combinationa of baryor and lepton numbers and apinis 1.11
both for particles poseessinq and not posseesinq strOnc] irLe~~
It is pointed out that whereas electric charge can be possi~s-4---
by bosona and fermioriB, and both by strongly interacting par-.;
and by particles t1,ia* do riot intei&ct strongly, not all part,.
can carry baryon oi iepton charge, and particles with zeto
Cord 1/3
L 16500-6.5
or lepton charge must possess integer spin. The authcr
investigatcs the degree *-o -hich t'-,,ese I imi tat ions can be
experimentally, and also the extent to wt-ach it has beer, p~,
that there do not exist in nature interactions 4hich do not
to one of the four 'Inown typrds of interactions (strong, wei!iN
ele,ctrcoagnetic. an-,' grbvitational), By considering all.
combinations of tne rnree quantum numbers that char-acter-ri,
elementary part -1cles and the ahil'-Ity of particles to ai w - - h
strongly, it is shown that t1houre may Le 1.6 kinds of partic-6o
have not yet been observod, although wzi do not need these
covered particles to eKplain any ~ncywn phenomenon. B y e
the possible enargles an, 11fet-imes it in Shown that SOV116, I.,
particles could not Kave been observed in the experisIl-'111LB
out so far, but an increase in the enargy of accelerators a:
t in experimentai techniques may lead to the dis,-ov,,
new types of elementary particla5. uThe author thanks V, * a.
Rarentetak V. N, Gribov, Ya. B. Zel'dovich, 1. Yu. KohTa-
- - 4~.- ~;:-
L 165oo-6,5
-kava& !. Ya. Pom-eranchu)- and A. P. Rijdik for --ajje~
G. Kg
diacuasions~" Orig. art. has; 2 tFibles.
SUBMITTED3 l6juri64
SUB COD91 N p NR Rff.F SOVe 003 OTHER,
cwd 3/3
t WT(l)/V1( W ~10 ISF(c)
ACCESSION NR: AP5000350 S/0056/64/047/005/1.90,5/ 9.
AVIRMs loffe, S. L.; Okun', L. B.; Ruaik, A. P.
TITLB% Weak interactions ~n colliding e'eq~rqn v
SOURCE: Zhurnal el-,apevlmental 'noy i teoreticheakoy fiziki, v.
no. 5, 1964, 1905-1918
WRIC TAGS: weak inte~rekction, colliding beams, electron elactt-i~
colliding beam, electron positron colliding beam
ABSTRACT: The aut-hors calcul'atc. the cross sections for sevex-a.
inelastic processes involving weak interaction, and discuss t,~*
poesible experimental observation of these processes using e:c~i~,
electron and electron-pos'Ltran colliding beams at energies
B*V, when the weak i.,riteraction becomes strong. The derivation
based on the point-Alika four-farnricn structure of weak interact ~c.-
(assuming that there is no W meson), dnd that the standard sch,,n-:
CCWd 1/3
L 34546-65
of the "square of the charged current" holds. The procedurets;.~
to calculate the matr.4-x elementa and the differential crome sec-
tions, and to integrate the differential cross seettons, aro do-
scribtid in detail. 1rhe values obtained for the cross sectiong; c,-.
the processes e+e , + V + +4 V V +
e ~i Ve ~1 t 0 e e e
40 40 4 Pul
and e e e v v are 4.2 x 10 1 .6 x 10 1.2 x 10
5.5 x 10- 40 CIP2 respectively, and are much smal ler them thtp
section for the process e e- - V 0Ve (1.1 x 10-34). "~,['he authw-g
thank A. D. Dolgov, I. Yu. Kobzarev and I. Ya._._L9gj�r jic u i
ful discussions. Tfhese croaA sections are atill helow the
bilitiea of present I&y experimental means. Orig. &r1:. 'has:
fiquv*s, 55 formalas, and I table.
ASSOCIATION: InatItut teoreticheakoy I eltaperi-mental'noy Liz,,~-
(;~nstitu-te of TheoretIcal and Experimental Physics)
card 2/3
t 34546-65
~- - , ---x lm~ AP50003!50 1-1
t I
SUMMED: 20hay64
Card 3/3
L '29670-66 I-WT(I)/r IJP(C)
ACC N'R: ATbO12696 SOUCE CME: MV31381651OW1385lowilooll
AM011: * Xbbiarcv, 1. Yu. TerentIxey, M. V.
I By I
OM: Institute of Theoreticaaana "Experinental jimics of the Statia C tee
an the Use of Atordt Bnermy GOR, Moscow titut teoreticbeskoy i eksperimentall-
noy fizik! Gos. komitets, po Aspol'zovaniyu atomnoy energii SSSR)
TIIIU: RemsxX concerning C-odd 3MAtipoleB
SM-RCE: USSR. GosudarstvemW komitet po IspolIzovaniyu atomnoy energii. Institut
teoretitbeskoy I eksperimentallnoy MW* Doklaayp no, 38% 1965- Uner-baniye
o C-nechetnykh mlltipolyakb, 1-11
MPIC T=: parity principle, elementary particle, electron scattering, boson,
Tarmdon, nuclraT sgin, cjuanti= electrodynamicu
ABSTRACT: 7he autbors discuss the possibility of the presence of C-odd terms in
the vertices of particles of angular momentum J > .1 ana abow that in the case of
particles vith spin J > 112 the violation of cbe7rge invariame In electro6ynanics
leads to the appearance of C-odd form factors. The number of such form factors is
equal to J - .1/2 for fermions and J for bosons. The presence of a C-odd and ver-
tex parts vitb J > I can give rise to certain correlations vbdcb miE;bt become cb-
Card :1/2
ACCESSION XR# AT5022105 UR/3138/6~/&6/
AUTHORt Oktml 9 L.
TITLEs Note on OP-parity
SOURCEt USSR. Gosudarstvennyy'komitet po ispolizovaniyu atomnoy energii
Institut teoreticheskoy i eksperimentallnoy fiziki*fD_oklady7t no- 306, 1964-
Zameohwdya o CP-chetnosti, 1-7
TOPIC TAGSi elament&%7 particle, p&rityp mesonj weak interactiong strong
ABSTRACT% A brief statement is made concerning the K '0 27T-Lejere rted by I
Christenson# Cronin, Pitch and Turlay (Phys. Revs Letfsin3v 138 1964)- It is
contended that thia decajr can be observed if a now type of interaction W 1.9 10
times stronger than the weak interaction w, approximately 1o3 times weaker than
the strang intoraotion St conserves hyporcharge Y and P-parity 'out violates CP-
parity, Increasing the accuracy of the following experimontes aq=etry and
polarization of scattered protonol cross sections of direct and inverna retLotionci
Y6 and OX& -correlations; correlations in P-decay and in strwe Partiolo
decayp by an order of magaitudeone would be able to check up the abovo hypothe-
Card. 1/2-
L 174244
sis "The author is indebted sincerely to B. L. loffe. 1, Yu. &sarev I. Ya*
L;0,;e4ranchuk,. M. V. Terentyev and I't 5, S~Uiro for diamwsionso
ASSOCIATIONt Institut teoroticheakoy i ekspeilmentallnoy fiziki, Gosudarstveruw 1
komitet po ispoltzoveniyu atonnoy energiip SSSR (Institute of Theoretical and
Experimental Physical State Committee for the Utilization of Atomic 1hergyt SSSR) i
SUBMITTEDs 14Deo64 JWCLt 00 So CODE1 ap S",
NO RU BOVs 002 OTM 029
C,,d 2/2
1 41603-65
ACCF.WON NR. AP5007717
ALYTHOR4 Kobzarev, 1. Yu, , Okun', L. 5.
1 '2 ru)e for a-liror, decay
!SOURCIE: Yadernayafizlka, v. 1, 196Z, 160-162
TOPIC TAGS: DELTA T - 1,."2 rule. str~inge panirle pr-,:,d~zctlon, T.-u Varocle cit,c,v
BU Eub 3 Bymm etry
AB97RACTi C;kbbibo ncjtic~,d CP!,w,.,, Rev. ~.,e,ht_ 12, 62, 196-1) that tav
5%) devistion from L~te j~ T 'k-:~,Iy n'--ay !,-,e due to the iact I F
and, vonserjuemlN I -I
2x reactions are 8UPPTe.$sC1d. b~,C,
corleerning the K7r2 der-ays no', nti,!t,;;cL t&,,scnkpluun Lhat the A T I
~atrong rule and may be %,)clatef! ~~v v,,1,uz- interactions.
present communIcanicsit. T-~(- a viewpolra Maybe chf~c~,,-j
experiment-J1y, and Lhe-v which cokild, eluc.,daLe lh~, I.
of thn A T - 1/2 rule. One c-i ,,KZ~i)l- tl!ILS ~s;-s )! 10,,e. measurcmew 0,
ol trausitions with b T un 'i a"-,, T. Tht, D*Lher, one should test .~qot,j
relationa during single r%rod~icuozr of q*r-aLgP ;'7he autboris thank V. V, A~
Cc,-d 1/2
L 416o3-65
for very useful discussim, on the rol e c, Be.-, "!Ur!"Lig ~jur', ng "(-de(>-iy. Or~g. a r--
has: 8 formulas and I fig-tire.
NO REF SOV: 001 0"I'lly ~1,, 007
Card 2/2
DOLGOVI A.D.; f-,K',TNI, L.D..; jTl'.F'RATrlliUA, I.Ya.; SOLOVIYEV, V,V.
Electromngnatic liffer-r.,--es of "c,3ryo:-, za3ses, and the SU6-symnRtry.
q lAd, fiz, 1 nc).4t?30-732 Ap 165. (IMIA 18-0)
1. Institit tocretichankoy i eksperimentallnoy fiziki G-onud-qr-3t,.-pn-
nogo komitata po ispoll2ovaniTa atomnoy onorgii 5SSR.
1 f;
I I tj I r,,,y
Multiplication of currents by the admixture LT 3/2 In
A-hyperon decay. V-d. fiz. I no.6:1134-1136 Je 165.
2. Institlat teo-n3tiche2lkoy i eksperimentallmy flziM Goslul'arnt-
-ve-inogo ko,-,Jteta lo igp.-)? Izwaniya atorunc,--, energli SSSR.
L 1961-65
'ACCESSION NR: AT5024120 UR/3138/65/000/330/0001/0r,04
TITLE: Baryon charge degeneracy in quarks model with charge parity Mesolls
SOURCE: USSR. Gasudarstvennyy komitet po bnpollzovaniyu atomnoy onergil. Inatitift
i tktperimontal'noy fiziki. Ooklady, no. 330, 19fiS. 0 vyrozIld'.11M po
barionnomu zaryadu v modeli kvarkov n zaryadovoclietnymi mezonami, 1-4
TOPIC TAGS); fermion, meson, vector meson
:ADSTRAM Because of the succeas of SM) Gynmetry, interest has been arow;*d ly
,composite modela in which tho fundamental formiona '(for exi-mple, quarkn) itit--ract
;by, exchanging neutral scalar masons 1. it"In-shown that a degeneracy oxisto In nucli
models betwen states with different values of the baryen chargr- T~is degeneracy
Is due to the fact that the interaction of Lagrangian for 0-mesona with quarks p, n,
g(~p + ;n t
!Card 1/2
L 1961-66
;is invariant relative to the charge conjugation of each of the quarks. The exis-
IAence of diquarks with masses of the order of ml would result in the splitting of'
ordinary atomic nuclei into diquarks in nuclear times. Since the nuclei are stable
~in the experiments, and physical quarks with masses of the order of the masses of
nucleons are absent, it is concluded that the coerposite model in which quarks in-
teract through exchange of neutral scalar mesons contradicts the experiment. This
eonclusion also applies to neutral psoudoncalar and p-aeudovector mesons. "I thank
X~_, B._Zek~doyUc , 1. Yu. Kobzarev, and I._Y.a.-Pomeranchuk-for the discussions
which resulted in this note." Orig. art. has: 1 formula.
,ASSOCIATION: Institut teoreticheakoy i eknperimentallnoy fizikil Goaudaratvennyy komi-
Itet po ispolIzovaniyu atomnoy energii (Institute ofTheoretical and.Dcperimental
~Physics, State Committee for the_A plication of Atomic Ene
.NO REF SOV: 000 OTHERi 002
lCard 9/2
L 3911-66 EWTU)
~iACCESSION Kni AT5022319 UR/3130/65/000/343/0001/0007
I q 3a
'IAUrHOR: Zelldovich, B. Ya'.-, Okun', L. B.
1TITIX: Possible nonconservation of SP Rlrism and nature of the AT v '42 rule
iSOURCE: USSR. Gosudarstvennyy komitet po ispollzovaniyu atomnoy energii. Institut
;teoreticheskoy i eksperimentallnoy fiziki. Doklady, no. 343, 1965, Vormozhnoye
inesokhrananiye CP-chetnosti I priroda pravila A = 1/2, 1-7
TOPIC TAGS: parity principle, K meson, lepton, particle interaction
!ABSTRACT: It is known that the decay Ko - 2v may be interpreted as the result of
,lnonconservation of CP parity. Wolfenstein U. Wolfenstein, Imaginary Fermi Con-
istant G as a Model of CP Violation, CERN preprint 65/249/5 - Th. 525. 8.2.1965)
1has recently proposed a model in which the entire nonconservation of CP parity is
Idue to an additional factor i in front of the Lagrangian of weak nonleptonic inter-
laction with AT a 1. All the other terms of the weak interaction Lagrangian remain
the same as in the standard current x current theory. It is shown that two pherio-
mena are tied together in Wolfenstein's model: the nonconservation of CP, and the
AT z 1/2 rule for the Lagrengian of nonleptonic interaction with I AT Cer-
Card- -1/2
L 391h-66
Itain qualitative estimates of the scale of nonconservation of CP parity in ampli-
tudes with AT = 1/2, 3/2, and 5/2 are made. From the observed probabilitT of the
~decay KO - 2w it follows that CP-odd corrections to amplitudes with AT = /2 amount
-32 -4), CF-odd corrections to amplitudes with AT = 3/2 may be of
ito 10 (or even 10
the order of 2%, and to amplitudes vith AT 5/2, about 10-2% if the transitions
ft,m AT - 3/2 and AT x 5/?-/a pWthors are deeply grateful to 1.
q comparable.
,. y
-LYU. Kob, MV, 1. Ya. Pome~"Auk, and M. V. TaiQP-t!Yev for many useful discussions--
of the pio-Blems iouched upon 1h the papa-r-,-1'--'Vrfj-. iif. has: 1 figure, 4 formulas.
SUBMITTED: 2214ar65
NO REr sovi 002
OTHER: 007
Card 2/2
On the rule AT = 3/2 fcr adron decay. 1).d. fis. I no.IjILO-162 JA 165.
(YIRA 180)
- L 1M0-66 F.WT(m)/T/JM(m)-2
iACCESSIce NRt APS019593 UR/0386/65/601~100$10020/0033
AUTHOR: .4 q
Okun' L. B.; Pomeranchuk, I Ya._
,TXTIZ: The "shadow universe" and neutrino experiments
'SOURCE: Zhurnal okaperimentallnoy i teorsticheskoy fitiki. Pialma v redaktsiyu.
iPrilozh2niye, v. 1, no. 6, 1965, 28-33
ITOPIC TAGS: neutrino, nuclear particle, meson
AJ35TRACT: It is pointed out that the "shadow universe" hypothesis stmngly contra-~
-dicts the results of neutrino experiments. It is shown that the discrepancy be-
tween the "shadow universe" model and experimental data with regar,1. to thi number
of 0-decays Is about ten orders of magnitude. The considerationa given in this
paper do not pertain to hypothese3 which allow strong Interaction for long-lived
Irmesons. Recowwndation3 are given for experimental verification of theories of
Ithis type. "The authors am grateful for ussful consultation toV. N._ (Irj~oy,
Kaftanov, 1. D. Kobzarev, and B.,M._?A_tqkQrm," Orig. art. ha 5 famulas
yaderni~j_Aziki Akademli nauk SSSR (!~!Psl nt of Nuclear
dm of Sciences SSSR) 11 -, I .
NO FXF SOV: 003 OTHERs 009
Degenerati cn an a cha7ge _J n a ir",
Parity Me3cn3. lAd.. flz. '2 165.
1. ins"ll.,it I~coreticheslpr!y 1 t~knpmlnentallnoy
Gosu3arstvennogo kcrilteta po i2polIzovanlyu MtU~mmc-,
L 13117-66 EVT(1)/EWA(M)-2 IJP(c) AT
ACC XR: AF6DO1773 SOME CODE: UW03%/65/002/OID/0466/0469
To-rent4yevp M. V.
AUTHOR: Kobzarevi 1. Yu. -'~!a
OW: Institute of Theoretical and En!riwntal sic# (Inatitut tearetie'teakoy I
eksperimentallnoy fiziki)-
TMZt A note on C-odd multipoles
SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimental'noy I teoreticheskoy fizik4-. Pialva v redaktalyu.
Prllozheniyes Y. 20 no. 10p 19651 466-469
IMM T&GS: parity principlep photon scattering,, electromagnetic Interaction,
nucleon ucatteringp devteron scattering) correlation statistics
ABSTRACT: The authors discuss briefly the possible presence of C-odd terna In ver-
tex parts with I > 1. When I a I (e.g.t deuteron) this term Is shown to vardsh
for real photons. The effect will therefore be maximl for large-angle vc~~
of electrons. The coefficients in the term my becom small. 7be smaLIntlaG Ml_
nected with the non-elemantary nature of the nucleus is manifest In the tm%"nILr-r,
of the foro factor., which can be naturally asGumed to be the care for C-c-i-Ln taii.;
C-odd terrun. Thertforep e. Ix-rge m=en'v=- transferj ona can expect curr,?.Latl~.ia
effects of the order of unity in the model of J. Berncteln, G. FeinbCT9,p W-4 -L. D.
Card 112
L 13117-66 1
ACC M: AP6001T73 +
CP +1
Lae (COIUU~Ula, Univ. Preprintp 1965).
P +1 +1 -1 -1
It does not follow that tha fore-
going correlaLloaa mutit be addition-
21 +1 1 21
ally small in electron-deuteron scat-
terIng. For 11SK nuclei, however, IN - _
I - 112 + T 21
there effects are small and, further- 21 +1
morep they can be eatimated theolre~ I
tically to a considerable degree. For a paxticle vith spin I the uUmbe-r of C-odd
mxltipoles is equal to inteaer or half-integer. In the general case (tc-kirlg ii,to
account possible parity nonconservation), the number of corresporAir% rau'LUpoles
is given in the table. The nwZer of corresponding multipoles N In the third and
fourth lines pertains to Integer rind half-integer I., respectively. "kho rl~sulta (if
the table can be easily obtained by determining the number of states in tbe t-
ch=elp vhere the particle arA antiparticle with spin T for= an "atom" with total
angular mmentum, 1. Authors thank 1. Ya. Pomer&ncbuk and B. H. Fentecozvo for
useful discussions. L. B. OMin' is grateful t_os. Coleman ir_AFff.-MFi1i5VTor in-
tereirtIng discussions in Trieste. OrIg. art. has: 2 forwAlas and 1 tabl't.
suB &Dzi 2o/ am ant 28sep651 oTs mwt oo
cord 2/2
AUTHMs lelldovich, YA, B.! OIA~1,
ORG: none
TIM Quarkes Astr*Wsiftl AM ftsical-cheadcal aspects
SMCEi Uspe)dd ftsicheskikh nauk, v, 87, no, 1, 1965, n3.,U4
TOPIC TAGSt nucleon. cosmic ray@ mosont baryon, rasa spectroscopy
AUST=T: ..-. Va.]Aoub 4proaches to the search for new Stable parti-
cles are reviewedo namelyg three assumed quarkol havIna char6as
2/39t -1/38# WA -1/381.2t as tfell as others having integral
charges. The lightest fraotional-charge quark Is supposed to be
stable In vacuum ab well as in contact with ordinary matter
,(nuole19 electrons). Conditions tire given under which Integral-
charge particles can be stables Various possible sources of quarks
are reviewed, the most powerful being cosmic rays from superstars
or quasistars.' The annihilation of quarks Is then discussed in
details Since quarks are heavier than nucleonag the process
Al + qj -,v q3 + q-1 is posel~le , followed by q, + q.1 --r nqo (where
'the subscript Indloates the number of quarks wA the minus sign
!Indloates an antiparticle; ) q3 -in thus an ordinary b"7on, of thi
15u"g__&zA q0 Is a mesons 44arks are therefore annihilated via
ACC Nkt- AF6016664 e-
a series of pair collisions. Other IiYAIy usyn are also tr&oed, Possibilities
of detacting quarks aro ravlawrado includinA phyxic4l-chemical vA vAss spoatroscopic
mathodso Orige art,, bArt 14 formiUso' LJHW
SUB CODEt 20 MM DATEs none I 'ORIG RFFj 017 OM REFs 033
L i -Q 7-1- 6
ACC NR; AP6014821 CIODI": VR/0367/6VC,~,-
AUMOR: P2j&ovLA. D.; M~,nl, L. B.; 1. Y;i.;
ORG: none
TITIET: Electror,-,~tFneltic
SOURCE: Yadernaya fizika, v. 1, no. 1,, IQ,65,
TOPIC TAGS: haryon, Coulomb interct1cn,
.ABSTPACT: The results are presented from n calculn't'lon or th,~
electrormgnetic mass dIfferencen or barions. 1he authors bernn
,,;Itb a model of "non-relatIvIstic" quar';cs, assumlnS that th-y i~r
located In n state with full orbitnl momentu;-a equal to Zero nn-1
that thO eleCtrOM3911etlO Ma13 differences of the bnrlon3 rer-,iilt
from differences In electromagnetio quaric vzases, coulomb ',nt,~r-
gnvtlc qiinrk
actiona batween quarks,and Interactions between ma v
momento. The authnrs thwik fol. nf.11~!114- a prop".110, of III--,
Ya, B. ZiAldovich -,n(I 1. Yii. Kob'.."Irov fol, t)wir wlh!"Jilo
ba-34. -I able. --[JJ1-L1')J
SUB CODE: 20 / SUBM DATI'A 23J,-m65 CYN NFIF: (113
AP7008927 SOURCE ~XDE: ujv~0331 b51 OB-)/ C 111!61
AVVIORS Okun' % Lb Do
ORG-.: nmv-~--
TITLE: Violation of SR-Invarlamce
SOURCE,: - Uspekhl fizichaskikh na'uk,.v. 89, no, 4,. 196,61, 603-64-k
IWIC 7AGS: particls Intoraction3, alpha particle, h iawson", pi lm"eaon'
rndloncl~Wo doq.aYq'19ptvn3, proton scattaringg, elastic scattering, byparon, baryon,
SU& CODE: 20
cfecay. ' PrJnrlpal experimental results.
It, 0
2. AIttempt's t~'*'Xplal-n X2 7T' (decay vithout ,Violation of
" SAf InvarDwe. - J, . I
4 3. Yurpose of the present articls,
4 4.?* Hy~bthgsls, of - SRT-InvaTYanes,
'# So- A~'Dgyo~_nspractlon.
-P 6' Alpha-partideo.
#I.. To Sunury of 1-processew,;
So Description of X moons.
UDCj 539.12.01
4 9. and Y~ 2Tr dec,)ys.
10. Interterence experiments with tvo-pi decays.
4 11. X.4~togk.,4ptays of X - mesons and thi .43 rule.
& 0
-P 12. tepton"-decaya a ,f the. xt -- meson.
4 13. IDecays tf X W03ona Into three pi-moona.
4 14. tontrIbullon'vVYkal Btates to the X1,41" 12 tra'"'"on'
p i'S. 'A'adhiltive decays of K - megonso
.111, F.AtT-.?R0CtSSES
i1 16. On the properties of Xe and Ze Interactions
9 17. IT --#- 3 'f dermay.
18.- a) 10 -,* 'and V) 0 Avi" iu- d8"780
19. YJ 10 --* jj*7x-jT11 decay.
AbLc NR. AP7008927
Lv w
0 20. 4 IT* 7T n d 7T Idecays.
0 21. Decays of the X mason.
P 22s Decaya of "BonD with J > 1.
# 23. A (e + 1e - decay and fr - p N no+ e' --o A 0 + 4
4 24. Reactions In an antiproton beam.
# 25. Polarization and asymetry in elastic proton scattering.
# 26. Comparison of cross sections of direct and ravaras reaction&.
P 27. Electron scattering by protons and nuclei*
P 28. Other electromagnetic reactions.
P 29. Zlectrmagnotiv tranaltio" In nuclol,
30. Dipole moments of particles.
31. Ceneral remarlis on vealt currants
J 32. Decays of X + mesons.
P 33. Lepton idecays of baryona and neutrino reactions.
P :~4.. .)lealt nuclear decays.,
P 35. Nonlepton Jecays ofA '0' and byporons.
P 36. Nonlepton and radiative decays of and A-1 hyperono.
~ 37. Nonlapton decays of hyperoni and ant1hyperons.
P.3B. RadiAtive decays of hypeorons and ant1hyporons,
4 39. Aboolutedifferance betwen particlse " antl-Varticlso,
40. Absolute apirality,
41. OMirroe particles..
Orltp - arto hasi 2. f Isum, 38 formulas and 9 table&. 5PAS3 38,410
~Card 41,4
T-K,-!,Illp 11. M.
IfThe W-5 '~,Urei ~-ilio ;.,vazliz: t, IW Ti, 1'1~50-
CTU-500-2 diffusion unill 3aalotransliatalommia apparaturA 7U-500-2.
Mootm, Gov. lid-TD 2it-rv po -rDprosax syiaxl I radio, 1953. 110 P-
(Xlak 6:12 )
(xano-ApparAtus and m-7pliss )
f --f
tekbnIcheskly r9d3k1or
ETIIB-100 radio r93.3y apparatus for w1re progran d1strIbullen) Radio-
tranDliatsionnais apparature proyodmago 79shchenjis TUB-100. Mcskva,
Gos.izd-va lit-ry po voprosam wrlaxi I redio, 1957. 57 p. OW 10:9)
(Radio ralay a"teme)
.,QWI. 'Lidiya Foiqejpv~, yMER., Ch*M.) otvA redoj rJA7ANTSEVA.,
red, Izd-Ta) DIKOV3 Y.N., tekbn. red.
[Equi;ment of Butozatical trwisformer substations for wb,o broad-
Castir4l Apparaturs, avtomaticberkikb trwisfornatorrqkb 3x)dstantali
proyodnogo vaahcbaniia. Moskva., Gos. i7A-yo lit-ry p0 voprosam
sviazi I radio 1961, 343 pa (V33U 11'3~0)
(Vire broadcaatb4) (Electric vubstRtions)
DOTSENKOJO L.R.1 -OXT141 , L.M., tekhnik
Introducing autozzatic contro2 at the radlo center of ROOt3-v-C-.-DC::.
78ot, sviail 21 no,5126-17 MY 161, j miju 14, 6)
1. StarBbi 1-nzbener RontovBkogo-na-Donu radioulls (for DotwAo).
TRTcT-on-Don-Radlo stations)
I r1r
r C:'
~~APM~21~~~ U-4/07,16 7AVC, 010`0 /05 01~D cr~-
CRG: ~ Institute of Theoretical and Enerimental Fhysics, GKLA~ (Inatitut J6
teorati-cFe-'skoy i eksperimentallnoy fiziki)
TITIZ: ForafactorL in non-leptonic decays and W-boson production reactionn
SOUKE: 'Yadernaya fizika, V- 3, F10- 3, 1966, 590-591 Ij
TOPIC TAGS: boson, lepton, meson, baryon, nucleon, nuclear cai!J.sicn,
reaction, radioactive decay
ABSTRACT: This chort article, a "Lotter to tile Editor", c01'itf1.1r,:;
~three statements: 1. The decays of Intermediate bosons ln'Clo
adrons (mesons and baryon-antibaryon pal-rs) aay prove to ~_-e
.L ,w0iind *.4___--:7,_~,)
kedly less probable than decays Into 'leptons
The production cross-sectI0113 of U-bosors In the proce3:7C,"; (,)*,'
collision between nucleons or me--ons, with nuclcon.-. an," nucLol'
'prove to be markedly Smillor thrin 1b nori,-,ally tu;su:~xd. ). *.~'141_11A
the lo-wer 11-ril"k; for the mass of n W'-boson Is cstltiblish~!d or, tl"
basis of an Investi8atlon of such proceni;cs, It in ,)crt1rvnt to
.refer the boson's production crocs-sect'lon to the,
..formation cross-section of the pairs e+e- andA-~-~, In
the same processes as a reGult of Internal convercion c4nd
Cori 1/2
-ACC NR3 A?692382~
a mass of 'the order of the sou<l rlasD Of the '.-;-boron. c. a o r
expraoses his gratitude for valuable Comments to D.
.V.S. 4a OV, 1A Yu. XOxIZAR~-'V, 1. Ya. M,.FSAIANCEUX. B.- i"-
NTECOR , and M. V. MIE'NVY-EV, tind also to V 1- -~; S
_P. D Sii ;~-Y
nnd Jk, FOR notifying hin, of the OxIctence of tile
Ole by.A. ZICRICHT et al. (Proceedings of the Oxlord Conferenc.!~,__
1965, %to be published) as well as of the source publication It-
jB81f Of thIS aTtlClCo Orig. art,. har,-, 1 formula. [JPRS1
SUB CODE: 20 SUM DATE': 02IDec65 0711 ILEF: 005
Curd 2/2
OKU I p 4.
,*yql!ytvir- -AJWTRSKIT, 1.5., 3)yDf., doktc)r med.nnilk,
....... ~,-- red.; CEMTAK, I., Ted.; SMANOYA. 21.,
[Princim,las of pharmcology and slenenU of pr9Bcrl?*Icn
-writing) 0snovy farmakologil s retsepturDi. Pod reZ
X.S.Shadurskogo. XlmBk, GoD.ixa-yo BssR, ig5g. 179 P.
OIIRA 12:11)
BMG, S.L., polkovnik3 YCR0!P'.;E!;, Y.I., 'ampitan ycrvogo rrmga; GILtLO,
0,24., Rapitan pervoBo ranga; A!;A3:C!2-2SXO, A.A.; bAIXIE12riA,
B.S. k 1
-apit--n vtorogo ranga; iWMINA, G.F.;
N.V.; BUTY11INA, 2;.7n.; UIX137TEV, V.I., kapitan peniogo ranga;
Gk~S, IJ.; GD-ILYS11, N.S.; GLADD, D.F., polkovnlk; GOLOVANIJV,~, L.G.,
kana. int. nauk; COMMA, Z.D.., kand. f1lol. nauk3 CWCULVA, A.I.;
IT,01;&~A, V.A.; lJTGVA, FOLCHUOVA, T.I. ;-CELT, I,_ LS.;
SIMMMOV, H.G.., kand. int. nnuk; YUJAMA, I.I.; ClilZBOVA, 1;.N.;
TAMSEMA, L.F.; GlIM331, D.F.., l.olkovn1k; LAIETSM, Te.F.p pod-
polkovnik; MWM'., S.M.., kapitan pervogo ranga; OILDYUSKUY, F.J.,
kapitan pervogo ranga; NADVODSK17, V.79.,, podpolkovnik; MUNI, L.A.,
inzb.-~kontr-acblral., g-lay. red.; MUYKIN, B.S.., po3yovnik, zar. oty.
red.; LEMMKO, G.I., admirza,, rod.; BAMINA, G.F., teklin. red.
[);a-val atlas] YcrBkoi atlnB. n.p. lzd. Glnvnogo Shtaba Voenno,
Vorsko Flota Tol-3- [1:aval history] Voormo-istorichockii.
4. f0
Ft.1 Text for the maprl Opinnnila k kartan. 1959. xxii, 1~42 p.
OU.-U 15:5)
1. RurBia (1923- V.S.S.R.) 1-111nisterotyo oborom,*.
(linval history)
F_ ,.,T ( IA rIT (r1 1/t/,7:11iP(~ TjF(c) JD
M APS024816 M/0032/6 /0311~010A_219JI222
L. V.,
AUTHORi Kaganovskly, I. P.- Okun', L. S.; Ovodova, A. V*1 R ab kinal
'Lepikhova, Ye. Ye.
I - S5
!TITLE: Macrostructural standards for using dislocation density to evaluate non-
i I
:uniformity In Sermanlu single cgstals
:SOURCE: Zavodskaya lal:;Dratoriya, v. 31, no. 10, 1965, 1219-1222
!TOPIC TAGSi germanium single cx-ystal, semiconductor single crystal, netal inspec-
Ition, metal test
ABSTRAM ,al method is proposed for evaluating nonunifomity in germanium
;crvstal-44~ic ording to the appearance of etched thin sections. Tfmi visual forms
a the macrostructures on specimens of this type are divided intc five classes:
uniform, ring-type, ring-star, star and slip band. A photograph is given Illustrat-
Iing each category. The nommiclature refers to the distribution c!! pits caused by
etching of the samples. Each of these types of distribution is ansociated with a
idefinite relationship between axial and radial temperature gradietita at the crstal-
lization or growth fivnt of the crystal. The entire surface of suveral typical ape-
cimens from each'of these groups was studied under a 100x metallolTaphic microscope.
L 3573--66
S KR: AP5024816
Assuming that the number of dislocational falling into the calls of the r*ticle Is a
random quantity, the average,yalues-and fluctuation coefficients of this quantity
a The
,were calculated as an Index 'of microscopic nonuniformity in th specimen.
-Aacroscopi,c nonuniformity was evaluated by isolating localized regions on the reticle
iwith various dislocation densities according to the visual categories. The coef-
ifIcient of variation between,the values of the.average dislocation density in the
:isolated regions is an index,pf the macroscopic nonuniformity of the specimen. The
howed satisfactory agreement between the coefficients Of variation of the
;results 5
'Macroscopir, and microscopic nonuniformity for specimens belonging to the same visual
~class. Thus standards were developed for evaluating nonuniformity in single crys-
tals of germaniun. It is reconnended that a pattern recognItion electronic device
!should be developed for use with the proposed method to eliminate human errors r---
!sulting from the use of inspection personnel. Orig. art. has: 3 figurt.-s, I table.
!ASSOCIATION-. Gosudamtvennyy nauchno-issledovateltakiy I proyektnylr institut
~redkometallicheskoy promyshlonnosti (State Design and Planning_p~!ientific Research
;Institute of the Ram Metals Industrv)-.,.
NO REr Sm. ooi OTHERt 000
Card 2/2
L 3572--66 Ewl(I)AwT(m)/Elip(w)/r/-ewp(t)/Eivp(b)/EKA(a
ACCESSION MR: AP50214817 Ub00312J/PA)O31P0A222/l224
519.24 ;?
AVMRt Kaganovskly, 1. P. to Okun IL. S. Gepikhova, Ye. Yo.
~I=: Metrologic determination of nonuniformity in gersanium elpoAs cr7st is I
according to res1atLvity A,
SOURCE: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 31, no. 10, 1965, 1222-1224
'TOPIC-TAGS: --garmanium si- cr
ngle _ystal, semiconductor single crystal, metal inspec-
Aioa, metal test, resistivity Z
STRACTi Resistivity was measured alonz,,the generatrix and through the crors sec-'
tions of 22 geru-nium siUle crystaLF18$6'amens 28 9 1 mm in diameter and 220 1 10
WA long to develop meihod for evaluating the average value and resistivity as quali-
tative parameters of crystals to be used In making semiconductor devices. The re-
Aults of the measurements were used for calculating the mean values x and the
'aoefficleiits'of variation v of the resistivity along the generatrix, the mean
i'values x and coefficients of variation V of the resistivity in the crans sec-
pe 08
tion, an- for plotting grapha showing the variation in these parameters along the
-L 3572-66 _AP5024_811
trystals. An.analysia of these graphs showed that the variations in resistivity
'along the genoratrix am strongly oscillatory In nature with an amplitude of is,".
In addition to this, the average resistivity along the generatrix exceeds that in
;the cross section by 15% which may be due to high evaporation of the impurity from
',the surface of the crystal during growth. This reduces the reliability of resis-
tivity measurements along the genaratrix: for determining the distribution of reals-
:tivity through the crystal. On the other hand, the average resistivity shows a
!Anear reduction within '3% in the cross sections along the cylindrical part of
;the crystal. Thus, if the average resistivity is known in the i-mitial and final
sections, the law of its variation along the crystal may be determined. Methods
!"re then developed for selective evaluation of the average resistivity and the
~coefficient of variation in the cross section. The resistivities at fixed points
in the cr*ss section were considered as a random quantity, and the mean and root-
man-square deviations were calculated from a sample space of 120 points. Typi-
:cal distribution polygons are shown for three cross sections of the same crystal.
11t is found that ten measurements uniformly distributed throughout the cross sec-
tion give sufficient accuracy for practical purposes in evaluating the average re-
4istivity (3%) and the coefficient of variation (5%). The mean coefficient of
,variation in,resistivity in several cross sections may serve as a measure of the
nonuniformity.of the crystal and be used as an optimizing parameter. Orig. art.
hast 2 figures.
--.ACCESSION NR: AP5024817
ASSOCIATION: Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy I proyektnyy inatitut
redkometalUcheakoy'promyshlennostL (State Design and Plannig Scientific Research
Institute of the Rare Metals Industry)
Ow MERt 000
&rd 6/3
I . A. A - , OF-UlP ~ N,A,-
2. USS-R (600)
4. Iron Yoiondln7
7. uping quick-drying misturep. Lit nroi2v Vo. IP 1952
9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, A-pril lq`i3, Uncl.
f 1%. 7 oI c,m;;rsf1.nj%t1jA71 ('LAUtIor-'s w
,Ulu,b- s t:- r stc-ns In cu~)rqrw n 0
p bras of
11:0 o2lhl. alghuc acwi migl4m.
ow :. ~.qv~ 1-r ~ u ~Lf, ra tr, un! r
.4 NJ, Ws4 N 197 1 1
Almdr. 41
NaUli- I'll, h potllois(d
A, qiI.LN, M r ipf"MMOWLIM Mil L 116it rwi-
- '! t-v .-, rllits. WhVil (11C ---Im alit
triv .~v --ow; rxchanger Nli,unfl CuLLrcabGfIm-j,
A-i tt.r 11,i1(- i. pvid. m thr, 'Lizc I~L~.,agd ir;( thr
1;;;. :1 vvim dc~~i nut ultt~r dwir couilm. &1-
r-!- A L u la the amm wijuld 1~~ mlkd Im
a cu ,u frNii, Ttic crilulo~
cowl'Nis of
Jy rx---ctum, .10~m lheiw and
"Investigations of cuprammanium 3olutlon3 of cellulose and other polyoxy
compounds." Min Higher Education USSR. Leningrad Order of labor Red Banner
Technological Inst imeni Leningrad Soviet Leningradj, 1956. (Dissertation For
the Degree of Doctor in Chemical Sciencesi.
]Knizhnaya I wtopiv I
No 34, 29%. Moscow.
ChconWr-, - of vu
kc'ficLt-m of
tit of Ts ~i I o
). RAltil
'c Add: if '1~ 1 P pm 111- Irl 111, U ~r~jtj
A 'I n
pp'w im'Xm~ w"
'14 ali r-lu I
34) ~~i '~W'
~J"Cl 1 '4 1 'A
NK .~O
j ill r~l 1 Iff! ~U-14' t ftOll~ 4W k~ US(
e-~l v I- C A I IAI 4t f 1:
O'l m t 4 k 1
'164 41 n-
r I t
hy A 'I r TI,
P11SK0, Te.A.; OEM', N.G.; GRD, N.N.; GINTSIR, 21.7.
Work of S.3. Danilm In the field of calluloze and Its etbers and
eBtern. 2hur.b-b.)ffiim. 28 no.12:317b-3184 1) 158. (MIRA 12: 2)
(Danilov, Stepan 391kolaevich, 1889-)
3)ANIWV. S.N.; GINTSE, N.Y.; 0101, M.G.
ChemiBt77 of xanthogenateD ana viscoBs. Part 9: Disco7erv of
-polysulfide, compounds In Tiscose and t-beir effects. Zhur.ob.
3thim. 28 no.12:3192-3202 3) '58. (MIRA 12--2)
1. Inatitut vysokomolaku17arnykh soyeainaniy 0, SSSR I leninUad-
ski7 khI-mIko-t9khmologic:hsBkIy InBtitut Imeni LenBoTeta.
(7-12cose) (sulfides)
Rapid method for determining lignim. Gidrolls I IsBokhla. prom. 12
no.5:10-11 159. (N3a& 12:10)
l.Vs9Boywn77 nauchno-19919dovatellald7 imBtitut gidroliznoy I
sullfitnD-spirtOT07 proryshlannosti.
AUTHORS: Flisko, Ye, A., SOV/79-28 12-31e1
Grad, 11. 11., Glnto,~-, 11. F.
TITLE: On S. 14. Daailo-,-'s %lork ir, the Field of Cellulose and Its
Ethers (0 rabotakh S. IT. Danilova v oblaoti t5ellylilozzy i
yoye efirov)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khinit, 1959, Vol 118, Nr 12,
PP 3174--3164 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The manifold scientific activity of Danilov was closely
connected %vith the chemistry of cellulose and its der-vatives,
as Well as with alginic anid and chi-tin. It led to new find 4ngs
on the behavicr of cellulose to its solvents, on nitrocellulos%
acetyl cellulose, nitro-acetyl cellulose, cellulose other ', the
hydrolysis of alginic acid. and chitir. Tc,~;ether with Gintse.N.F.
Danilo-,, invezti,,,Lted the solution conditions of cellulose ir
phosphoric ac-j'.d (Ref 104), and it was found that the bqdrates
.Vlay ar- iraportarit rolo in their dissolution in concentr.--Ited
solutions of the electrolytes. A new method for the
determinat'on of the copper numbers required for important
outstanding properties of cpl'ulose (Ref 67) was devised. Tho
Card 113 investi,ation of the cellulose molecules with one oxy6en less,
On S. N. Danilov's ','Iork in the Fiel,-! of Cellulose SOV/7' -2e-.l 2- 3/A'
and Its Ethers
their desoxy, anhydride and unsaturated derivE.tives raised
great interost. The uoe of acetyl cellulose membranes as a
substitute of glass in hotbeds was worked out. Danilov's
excollert investi,~~ation of the nitration of cellulose was
proof of the nitration thrz.:)ry devised by 1.1rndeleyev.-Sapozhnf-ov
(Ref 69). Th~: ,)xy-b-atyl ethers of col'ulosl) (Ref 51) and the
carboxy-methyl --.f~-llulcse (Ref 35) were aynthesized for the
fiTst t!,ms, The vrork carr d out
i by Danilov and his cooperators
on ch--*tir. considerably widened the knowledE:e cf natural polymois.
Hft.e work In the field of cellulose ether and cellulcae ester
is directly continued by his vrcrk on cuprammonia solutions of
cellulose, xanthates, and viscose. The cuprammonia solution
of cel'lul,:;s~ consists, accordini; to Darilr)v of tht, "~;h-
molecular compound: I(V-1005 ) x Cu (NH3)M ~0021Y n?
where the cellulose and tli;t cuprammonia base? f--rn a mole-cular
c('1.11)')ur,j of varlable ccmnositon at the expenaz of the hydroen
Card 2/3
On S. N. Danilov's Work in the Field ~~f Cellulose S071'1~ -.28-1 2--11~.'l
and Its Ethers
bonds. The viscose re3earch ..,as widenod by ncw know1(-d,-,e
and was yut on a now basis 'its compositon during the
of maturation). In Danilov's laboratory synthesis mothods
~iere devised which are closely connected with the tcchnolo6v
of viscose processing, There arp 141 referen,~es, 130 of which
are Soviet.
Card 3/3
AUTHORS: Danilov, S.N., t4ntbe, V.P., Okun', 1'.I.G. 3UV1j!)-26-12-6141
TITLE: Chem4stry of Xaivthatez and Viscose (Khimiya ksanto&cnatov i 7i3kOZY',
IX. The Detection of Polyoulfur Compounds in Viscose and the Part
Played by Them (IX. Obnaruzheniye polisernistykh soyedineniy v vi8-
koze i ikh rol')
PERIODICA.L: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1958, Vol 28, Nr 12, pp 3192-3202 (USSR)
133STBACT: Viscose, alkali cellulose, and the cuprammonium solutions of cellu-
lose differ from many other products and technical mixtures in
their complex character and the strange processes occurring in them.
These processes are not only of technical but also of purely scien-
tific interest. In a certain sense they can be regarded as models
of important biological Bystema in which the oxidizing and redox
proaesses, as well au the the occurring transport of sulfur and the
transitions between disalfide and mercaptan groupings are of great
importance (t-he transform3tion of cysteine, cystine, glutathione).
H, -SE + - SH
S.. S
Caxd 113 -0 - + S - 0'!Ceptor