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S/117/61/000/001/004,/0131 A004/AOOl Using, to a Gre &ter Factent.9lectric Pulse Machines for Repair Works When TsM-7 &'ad "-5-eleotrodes am used for the welding of sheets up to 12 mm 40 t~lck, the building-'up coefficient amounts to about 10 grams/ampere hour. With the aid of the mentioned electrodes sheet material up to 12 mm can also be cut. The cutting efficiency Is 10 m/hour for sheets 3 mm thick and 3 m/hour for sheets of 12 mm thickness. The mechanical properties of the seam metal obtained during tests according to (-OCT (aOST) 6926-54 are the following: tensile strength '' '~ 2 8 ; cross-section constriction - 30%; impact ; yield point - 3 50 kg/mm kg/= found that the strength - 8-9 kgm/cm2,- elongation per unit length - IE%. It was . strength of the seam exceeded that of the basic metal by 1%. The chemical composition and structure of the built up layers correspond to ordinary welding seams. The author points out that, if pulse generators are used as feed sources at average currents lower then 40 amp, a steady process of build-up ensured. It Is possible to recondition by this method both joints with stationary fits and worm surfaces of friction parts, partioulary%v cams. The thickness of the metal layer amopnts to from 0.1 to 0.2 mm. There are 4-figures and 1 table. ORRUCNIK, M. ifrect of environment on the hIstologr of IntordIgItal cutaneous glands In the human foot. Blol. listy. Praha 32 no. 4:290-3o6 1952. (CLKL 2-3: 1) Is Of the Histo-labryological Institute (Head--Docent Otto Slaby. K. D.) of Charles University Brawh in Mean. rjFRU&T-&- M. Hist.-ambryol. Ust. 16k. Fak. Aarlovy Univ. Vg~,,_~lzni. *C zmO-(n4ch v nerm.61neva histolor,ick6 strukture kide interdigitAIntch prostor~ nohy ~Iovgka a o jo-,Jich vztahu k pathogenese koLfch onemocngni t4chto krajin. Changes in the norma2 histc1cgical structure of the skin of the interdigital spaces of the foot in man and their relationship to the pathogenesis of skin diseases in these regions CSL. DEW-1. 1953, 29/3 (112-125) illus. 6 Atrophy, parakeratosis, hyperkeratosis, acanthosis, sclerodermal and fibrotic chqnges and elastosis senilis chanqes are more frequent in the skin cf the interdigital spaces than in other skin reaicns. The extent of these changes varies from case to case, but after the age of 50 they are more prrnounce:. Specific anatomical structure and srecific functional stress are regarded as causative factors. The shift of the pH tcwards alkalinity, loss of bactericidal activity, the increased permeability of the atrephie'i epidermis to water and disturbances in the subepidermal circulation account for the superimposed pathological conditions. Stava - Prague SC: EXCERnA I-LEDICA, Sec. XIII, Vol. 9 No. 2, February 1955 off) 4 MEDI-3,A, see 18 1/0'. 1-, Cardlov-A-,. ,i. ~-O 441a. The arrangement and hisloarchitectonics of the vasa vasorum of the curonary architi-ktonik-a vasa va~oruni kon,nam;-A, i, arteries. I Usiloradani a histo. cloveka. 1. Sdeleni. Oitituc-ux M. Histol.-EnibrN-ol, [%;t., lAk_. Filk., 010"tolic Acta 11, 1-,]) Forty hearts of stibject-; of vatious ages were vxaminudi. 'I lit (It lit ,l sv~vtem of vasa vaorum (V) proceeds with age front tit(- I;trg(--;t trt, t t,A 1) 5,t ~ - - 10 (111 i t ( I I't I I I A I, r V t L I ~ I t V. ~k I ~ II - towards branclivs of a calibre of 300 to 300 'L. \ A-MvIlded bV allastoinotic connections down to div oi wo'l I"I, -. A;Id v.'.: is also conviectv(I with the S%litepicardial ss.~,tcrn a, well a-; with v.1,;i II1-r\oTII,:1 :%,,,I ganglictruni. I tit rainvocardial arterial braillill.-, lia"t. it') \ (if (itki, Wkll, -I~ 'Upplied front lwylartetial capillary pIVXIlv,. Dvvvloplm lit v( :11" V 1, 1''! h0ween thu 22nd and tile ~_')th yvar of lift . The di,st--t i,, t%%,~rk, of V t:, III C area of lx)th coronary arteries, rarnits interventricitlari, vviltrall" clril~iv.~ flextis and ;ome braticlies of tilt, wcond or(ler tit the arva of tit,- left \vriti-wi, . [:I thew ateasone can ditingisish tit(- ooter and tiiv middlc network, -( artetwi-. \iiih an inner terminal capillary vietwork. Toward tilt, lit ri;)11(-r%- of Ili, cormlarv tr. -. th. networks of V become rclativeiv -;iniplor. Olliv tilt- ad%.,;i(itIa 1, va,rillartz'-d' In nortnal conditions, no I'lenetration of arterioles or rapillaii, ~, va,~,rwr IWO tilt' 1111*111,L wasdiscovert-d. lit the -ystctin (it N' titer(- occut, artvriolv~, with a tit[, 11. illedia. \%[tit longitudinal or spiral-longitudinal arr-angenietit of the inti.-culai ti-oc. and \% tilt ininute limicti. 'I here are also arteriolus with epitheliottl cull,. which cithet :w I,, ,!,n,ifi,,e,d sl~ali, or cw;ltion- like conglomerations, and which ocrit,tolially ar, f(,.I:! I s4ructitres occitr in artcrioles viv~oruni tit varwus parts 0 it, il~ rhew f 0" nary tree out-;idv the area of intramural brancliv-;. R(-grv;_-;i\ _ CII.Mg, -~ ;OICL the corostarv tree between the Fillth and tile 71)tlt vvar in it %, I\, .1i,tinct \% ~iv, 11, !,.r, the 45th vear alincist tin regre-,iivv changv-.4 call be (otirld lit It, Iltlk\ In-livi-111.11-, I IrocessLls of filtroti/.ation first affect tile Zone (if rapillatic, ..11 111, I-ifi~ lh!1. nedia and adventitia, where prior to tit(- fibrotizing proct-N, j,rot.,-r m itiri, I- ! condensationnIf mcopolysaccliaride itt intracellular ~ub,tatirc, c.,:i a~ cariv iv; (wtwecti the '40th and the 5t 'tit Year. KkOH&MK, Yan [14ars'alek. Jan]; CBRUCIDUK, 14iroglav. doteent (Chekhoslovakiya. Monona Hystologicky ustav E.T.W=76TOMniversite. Fierlingerova, 10); WVAL14TA-BATY3ROVA. Galina Hiatochemical study of the human placenta in different periods of pregnancy with determination of glycoproteins and choriogo- nadotropin. Arkh.anut.glet. t embr. 37 no.7:29-36 J1 159. (MIRA 12: 10) 1. Kafedra gistolo~ii 1, embriologii v Olomoutse (zav. - dotsent Hiroslav Obruchnik) Akushersko-ginekologicheskaya klinika (zav. prof.Yan. 14arshalek). (PJACENTA. (GLYCOPROTNIHS,) (GON&DOTHOPINS, CHOMONIC) OBRUCHIK, Hiroslay; MRSAUK. Jan Histochemistry of the placenta in late gestosis. Gas. lek. cook. 98 no.24:758 12 June 59. 1. Histologickoembryologicky ustav PU v 01omouci, prodnosta doe. dr. Hiroslav 0brucnik, e. Forodnickogynekologicka kliniks, FU v Olomouci. prednosta prof. dr. Jan Maraalek. JAL. Olomouc. Cernochova 14. (PIACMTA histochem. in late geatosis (Cz)) (PRMUNCY TOKMIAS, metab. placental histochem. in late gestosis (Gz)) OBRUGNIK, Hiroslav- BAYEROVA. Galina Possibilities in fluorescent and polarization microscopic examiiiatiom on the opiphysis in man. Cesk. morf. 10 no.3; 329-335 162. 1. Histologicko-emlwyologicky ustav lekarske fakulty Palackeho university v Olomouci, predn. Doe. Dr. Miroslav Obrucnik, C. 3c. (EPIPIUSES anat & histol) (MICROSCOPY) (AGING physiol) ZAY75f-'V, Aleksandr lvanov.,chp kand.tekhn.riauk, dotsent; OBRUSN-7,K, Valentin Petxcivich, asUrant Semigraphical cal-.-ulation of the steady-st-,tte characteristics of transformers regulated by shunt excitation. Izv.vya.ucheb.zav.; elektromekh. 7 ro.lC:-1234-1240 164- (MIRA 1821) 1. Zaveduyushchiy _ka~edroy alektrifikatsii promyshlennykh pred- priyatiy Tomskago p,-.Iitekhnicheskogo instituta (for Zaytsev). 2. Kafradra elektrifil~atsii promyshlennykh redpriyatiy Tomskogo peclitekhnicheskogo instituta (for ObrusnM. S/020/6 1 /1 156/0C, I /02e/C !7 AUTHIRS: Vaynshteyn, E. Ye., Kotlyar, B 1-11 and Cbrutskaya, R, M_ TTTLE: Investigation of the Fine Structure of X Ray Absorption K Edg~_- of Manganese in MrTe in the Temperature Rdrge _--f Antif'erroma,-netic Transitijr. PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 196!, Vol No,1, pr, TEXT: In a paper on absorption spectra of i~-on 'n ferrites(Ref 1;1 reference was made to a probable relaticn (-.f som;_~ particuiar feature,~ c: . ferrite structure of X-ray spectra to the infl;,e,,i:e ot ar.-_fer-omagre'__- orderliness of the electron spin. The a,,1th(,rs checked this assumpt-C-n ry investigating the temperature dependence of the fine strutiire of spe--,ra ,neticzj with*n ~he N~iil tem- of' inagnetically active atoms in antiferromag I perature (T N) regior. A manganpso~! tollurid,, wi'h T N - ~1010K wh,, h via.; 5u!~Plied bj N. F. 1,razhd,,.,rkina A .:3 us~ed Iron Ko( lt2 I _: n e.--. t; -~~ r e -_~ _~ ~~ ~i7a ~ comparison. Previouo expei-iment!3 flk,OW-Iti ~1, t IF. thf~ ~;' ~ Ain content a distinct K edL~u otructure I ~i oi)'!tirie~ - TLo ,x[ Card 1/3 inve-tigation of t-ne Fine Structur,- of X R~ty S/-- Absorption K Edges of Manganese in YnTe n ~t.e B170 K Temperiture Range of' Antifer-romaenetic Transition conditions Aorr! 30 kw, 40 ma, expoaure 6 hours. Absorption Spectra ef M.-. in MnTe were invetitigatod n tho cange of MP tion of the apparatus ls~ls examined by taktiig tho alboorptlon L;pvc' rit ~i pure bIr and of KMnO 4' TKe experimental data. lead ',r- the fo.:cwing --n- clusions: 1.) A considerable decrease in ----.er6y Df LLe -1p (.Ii transiticn metal occurs on the transition from metal -c- Tr,e long wave displacement of the maximum on the absorption -,,--;e -i MIn .-. MnTe attains ',",4 ev. 2) At the absorpticn e~-ge of para-pha-s,-, MnTe al!-~, a ~;lear `rh.te" absorption line appear:, wl.ic?. s near the r;in6e c.." in.-a. absorption ir. the r-netal spectrum z~nd agrees ;,ith ',he ma-A,a-ff, , t,p !n- tense whie BInO acscrpi-ion line, In tree :~j, cf UnO C: i, :1,.1 4' between occurrence of' this line in the spectrLijr. and tranz~,i : ,--.n - Pn- electrons into the hybridized 3d state may assumed to be proved- ~) or! approaching the N~el point, the para-phase of MnTe exhll)lits a JY,-~tqmr1t:C and continuous decrease in intensity of the white line whict; proltaL)Ily 3 Card 211A Investigation of the Fine Structure of X Ray S/020/6-/1,A6/1_01//C128/0_17 Absorption K Edges of Manganese in MnTe in BOC4/BOr16 the Temperature Range of Antiferromagnetic Transition indicative of a continuous variation in probability of' the respective electron transition. 4) Vanishing or considerable decrease ~,n in'ensity of the long-wave white line was observed on passing througti the N6-1 roint. Position and relative intonsity of the f'ir.,,,t absorption maximum, which are due to transitioyfof photoelectrons of the absorbing atom witY,in the range o' the I-, states of "he rr:etal, remain unchanl--ed just likt~ on passint~ t~'rough the Curie point. The problem of interaction between telluri'im atoms and manganese atoms requires further investigations. There are ', figures and 8 references: 6 Soviet, 1 US, and 1 British. A';SOCIATI~N: Institut neorganicheskoy khimii Sibirskogo otdeicniya Akademil nauk SSSR (Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of the Siberian Division of the Academy of Sciences TJSSR).Odesskiy pedagogi- cheskiy institut im. X. D. Ushinskogo (Odessa Pedagog-_ca! In8titute imeni K. D. Ushinskiy) PRISENTED: July 4, 1960 by A. P. Vinogradov, Academician S U F) IML I T T ED June 2?, 1960 Card 3/3 OBRYADCHIKOV, A. 1-4. "The Manufacture of Motor Fuels," Pablished by Gostaptekhizdat in 1949. OBRYADCHIKOV, G., inzh. Re-equipment of marine electric power plants four the feed of windlasses installed on barges. Rech.transp. 21 n0-11:48 N 162. (MIRA 15:1-1) (Winches-Mectric driving) (Electricity on ships) i., VASILIYEV, Yuriy Mikhaylovich; 0BIiYADCHIK0Y,_0jeg Sergeyevich; CHARYGIN, M.M., doktor_9_e0T.__MIie__~_. iaZE; DMWIYEVI, T.A., vcd, red.; POLOSBA, A.S,, tekbn. red. [Outlook for finding oil and gas in the Pliocene sediments of the Caspian LowlandlPerspektivy gazoneftenosnosti plio- tsenovykh otlozhenii Prikaspiiskoi vpadirq. Pod red. M,M_ Charygina. Moskvap GostoptekhIzdat, 1962. 179 p. (MIRA 15: 10) (Caspian Lowland--Petroleum geology) (Gaspian Lowland-Gas., Vatural-Geology) 1. OBRYADIII, A. 2. USSR (6oo) 4- Telecommunication-Zlenets National Area 7. On the coast of the Barents sea, Sov. sviaz.,, 111-. 10, 1951- 9. Monthly fist 2f Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April, -1,953, UncL. OBRYADIN, A9N. A cooperative collective. Vest. aviazi 2-4 no.8:27 Ag 164. 17.JC)'- A 1. Redaktor rayonnogo radioveshchaniya aolmogorskogo rayona Arkhangel'skay oblasti. A.A.; CKY,'~DIN 'G. Cr_~teria -for the en,-inec-r 4 ,g 5ndard and re7fa_---~, of carburetors. Imt. prom. 31 1. TSentrallnTy nauchr.--issledcrvut;l'sK.'y i konstruxtci-ski,., Instit,'A toplivnoy apFtiratury avtotruktornykh i 3~.atsionarnylir.-h dvivateley. KAPUST3IK, E.; 0121YK, E. yonD in a unitar-I syz- [Electromagn-Atic properi.,~f,- of bax- metry model] Ob elektrom~-f-nitnykh svoistvakh bariono~ v modeli unitirnoi simmetrii. Dubna, Oblledinenrryi in-t (1.11~iA 17: 5) iadern),kh issl., 1964. - p. OBMKOVAO Ye 1. Gwid Vet Sol. - (diss) "The gluteal and femoral regions of cattle (anatomical-topographical investigation)," Leningrad, 1960, 20 pp, 220 cop. (Leningrad Veterinar7 Institute) (KL, 45-60, 127) MUSIATOWICZ, josef; OBRZUT, Alfans Anbrozy Problem of congenital infectiona of the newborn. PolskI tygod. lak, 13 no.l3t472-475 31 Mar 58. 1. Z Kliniki Poloznictwa u Chorob Koblecych kler. prof. Stefan SoszbL i z Zakladu Medycyny Sadowej Akademii Redycznej w Byalbastoku kier. doc. Mar ta Byrdy. (WNGS, abscess congen.. in newborn (POM (IrIFANT, IME BONN. die. lung abscess, congen. (Pol)) OLEMSKI, Felika; OBR2M, Ambroz7 A. Case of tuberculous stenosis of the pylorus. Polski tygod. lek. 13 no.23: 880-8,83 9 June 58- 1. (Z I Kliniki Chirurgicznej A. K. w Bialymstokm; Kierownik: Z-ca prof. dr med. F. Olenski) Adres: Bialystok. ul. Piwna 14. 1 11in. Ghirurg. A. M. BI (TUMOUIMIS, GASTROINT TMAL, case reports tiaberc. pyloric stenosis (Pol)) XASILUGOW-Aling; OBRZUT, Ambrozy A. Oscillometric index and intramuscular and surface temperature of the lower extremities in diabetic patients. Polski tygod.lek. 15 no.39:1486-1490 26 S 160. 1. Z Il Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych A.M. in. J.Marchlewsklego w Bialymstoku; kierownik: prof. dr ned. J.Chlebowski i z I Klin. Chirurgicznej AMB.; kierownikt z-ca prof. dr nod. F.Olenski (DIABETES MELLITUS physiol) (BODY TEMPERATURE) OLENSKII Feliks; OBRZUT, Ambrozy A. Surface and intramuscular temperature in operations performed under general and local anesthesia. Polski tygod. lek. 16 no.26:985-990 26 Te 161. 1. Z I Kliniki rhirurgicznej A.M. w Bialymatoku, kierownik: a. prof. dr mad. Feliks Olenski. (BODY TEMPERATURE) (AIMSTHESIA G&JERAL) (ANESTHESIA LOCAL) -1 Ci i Fe r- t r A,:: U Ac r L P i- cs, t i r c A i e r L Li t, -.1 S u L C I Irl L C a L I DRANOVSKIY, M.G.p kand. tekhn. nauk; OBSEDSHEVSK)."A, G.N., red. [Studying and developing the equipment for thermal rolhng of wood) Issledovaniia i razrabotka oborudovaniia dlAa termoprokata drevesiny. Moskva, T!3entr. muchno-issl. in-t informataii i tek-hniko-ekon. isal. po lesnoi, tselliulozno- bumazhnois derevoobrabatyvaiushchei promyshl. i lesnomu khoz., 1963. 32 p. (IAIRA 17:1) ACC NIL AR6034808 (AVY SOURCE CODE- UR/0398/66jooo/oo8/A071/A071 AUTHOR: Obsekov, V. M. TITLE: Using bare and powder wire in welding SOURCE: Ref. zh. Vodnyy transport, Abs. 8A505 REF SOURCE: Proizv. -tekhn. sb. Tekhn. upr. M-va rechn. flota RSFSR. no. 7(51), 1966, 40-42 TOPIC TAGS: welding, wire, shipbuilding engineering, marine engineering, welding wire, powder metal wire ABSTRACT: A description is given of. bare- and powder-wire welding in the construction of diesel propelled ships at the Gui,-,el' Shipyard (SSRZ). Bare-wire welding is carried out with A-547, PSh-54, or A-765 semiautomatic units which are equipped with mechanized feeding of the wire to the welding area, are easy to handle, and are suitable for use in almost- inaccessible spots. The methods recommended for dressing the edges of butt welds are presented. PP-AN2 wire Card 112 UDC: 6 2 9. 12. 00 2:6 21. 7 91 'ACC NR- AR6034808 i 1. 2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 2, and 3 mm in diameter is suggested for use in powder-wire! welding. V. Fomenko. [Translation of abstract) SUB CODE: 13/ 2/2 OBMU,, S. T. 1. MRAYLOVA, . M. V. M66 OBSENEV, S. I. i 1111MAYMIA, If. V. Sanitamoye sostoyaniye reki upy v r-ayone tuly. Gigiyena i sanitariya, 1-949, No. 6, s. 12-16. SO: LnOPIS ZRIMAL ISTATEY, Vol. 27, Moskva, 190. 085HADKO. P. OBSHMO, B. "Ad. Teaching technological planning. Prof. -tekh.obr. 11 no.1:21-24 154. (NUU 7:6) 1. Prepodavatell reseslennogo whilishcha Wo.21 (Noscov). (Turning) (Technical education) OBSRADKD, Boris Iosifavich; 31- SKIT, F.L.. rodaktor; SEMINIK(NA, E.I.. A.P.. takhnichookly rodaktor. [Method@ of teaching turning] Netodiks. propodawanits. tocarnogo del&. lzd.2-e, perer. i dop. Moskva, Voss. uchobnopedagog. isd-vo. Tradreterv- isdat. 1956. 261 p. (Turning) (MIRA 9:5) -- - -FU B. Moskva) Teaching in technical schools. Prof.takh.obr. 13 no.4:3-6 Ap 156. (KILBA 9:8) 1. Prepodavatel' teldmicheskogo uchilishcha go. ?. (Technical education) SLEPININ, Vla4imir A1eks#'mdrovich-;, OBSWKO-,-Bqris IosifovichijEVINSOM, Semen Yakovlevich [decaasedj-,--PK%-!UKWV-,-V.M., nauchn. red.; GORYU- NOVA., L.K., red.; DORODNOVA-p L.A., tekhn. red. (Collection of problems and laboratory exercises for studying maebini on lathes] Sbornik zadankl i laboratorrWkh rabot po tokarnowu delu. Izd.3., parer. i dop. Moskvat Vses. uchebuo- pedagog. izd-vo Proftekhizdat.. 1960. 226 p. (KMA 14:9) (Turning-StucV and teaching) OBS&NO. B., prepodavatell Stud~,ing mechanization and automatization daring the course on "Tfarniqg.' Prof.-tekh,obr. 17 no.2:10-14 If 160. (MIRA 13 6) 1. Tekhnicheskoye uchilishche ffo.7. Moskwa. (Turnin,-,-Study and teaching) OBSHADKO, Boris Iosifovich, inzh.; BILINSKIY, FI.Ya., red.; DORODIICVA, . . ". - I I I - e 0 [Tec~m?logical processes in machining on lathes; manu acture of standard parts] Tekhnologiia takarnoi obrabotki; izgotovIenie tipovykh detalei. Moskwav Was. uchabno-pedagog. izd-vo Prof- tekhizdat, 1961. 374 P. (KIRA 14:9) (Turning) (Machine-ehop practice) OBSIIADKO, B., prepodavatell Development of student thinking along technological lines. Prof.-tokh. obr. 18 no-5;10-13 14Y 161o (KIRA 14:8) 1. Takhnicheskoye uchilishche No.7, g. Moskva. (Turning) OBSHADKO. Borip Iosifovich; GOLIDIV, I.I., nauchrjyy red.; SAZIKOV, M I., red. b-OP-OMA, L.A., tekbn. red. (Theory of tolerances tolerances and fits.Caecking and measur- ing instruments and the techniques of measurement; methodo- logical manual]Poniatie o dopuskakh i posadkakh. Kontrollno- imneritellnye instrumenty I tekbnika i2mereniia; metodiche- skoe posobie. Voskva, Proftekhizdat, 1962. 59 p. (MIRA 15:9) (Tolerance (Engineering)) (Gauges) (Mensuration) OEMPN'-Ba~~~ PASTUKHOV, V.M., naftchnyy red.; BOBROVA, T.L., red.; GORYUNOVA, L.K., red.; NESMYSIDVA, L.H., tekhn. red. (Methodology of teaching machining on lathes] Metodika pre- podavaniia tokarnogo dela. Izd.3., perer. i dop. Moskva, Proftekhizdat, 1963. 281 p. (miRA 16:4) (Turning) 0 K li AT 1((: .11, . R ~ , prel, :~e, ft V,t T, e 11 Horizons of a w,7-ker and lnnova-.or. Frof-tekh. ob--. 21 no.5sl7-20 fly 164. 00.rc~. 1. Prof uchil',shcne fic.40, Moak-va~ GORYANINOV, Mikhail Abramovich. Prin1w&1-'w%"mwVWUDKO, B. 1. 0 inzh.; GAGIN, B.S., nauchn. red.; BONDAROVSKAYA, G?V., red.; TOKM, A.M., tekhn. red. (Industrial training of lathe operators) Proizvodstvemoe obuchenie tokarei. Izd.3., perer. i dop. Moskva, Prof- tekhizdat, 1963. 299 p. (MIRA 17:1) :,Af '311 " N, 11 . M. C, I Y. 1; j L 14, Faramagnetl~- r.rDp(rtl~.s of prjly-ycl~jpentadiene. khlm. 5 n c . 7 r) 5 %tr-Ap '64. P.El i a 1, '. n:. i i ',a krAin, ci I pr.' DEMWVETSKIY, V.P.; YEFIMENKO, G.M.; OBSHkROV, V.M.; ZHIGULEV, P.G. ...... Distribution of the temperature of the gas flow in a chnrge layer during various charging conditions. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 7 no.8:35-39 164. (MIRA 17t9) 1. Sibirskiy metallurgicheskiy institut. VIMMIINY B.N. . - J Ivkhn., nn,4k~ mlsHill, .:L~F:MEN'KC Cbs.~'A?0,1, V.M. Jmzh..~ "-C., Mitomat . "ri,. - - ; Of ' ie 'j; i I r i !iu I "of' blIns', .o t Las* furna ~.3 1 tlqere-9 a, *.7., .-V~ ,I~ -,Mblne~ stb", ..I ~~ A, :, .., (MI-. A . -, ! ;:7 Aaften-,e of certa!n factorn on tho 'Wx t -en tof ojRixigg- zont Lo blast f=--aces 13. N, Zliervtin, V, M. Minkirt, 1. D. N-&-aliarmVI V If ON4ztrcm 1. A- Suchlov, avA M, Y~, omotkhoV M,F,E7 !~4W' 16, Ne) jerics of Audits conducted IDII VOID fur-aces (well descriNd) g1towe(I that Qrj incre-meff lengOens the oridation zone. A Aight lengthening ~f it wu recorded with an mejeasod moiiturt content. providud the blp--c tenip, was correspovdingly raised w conip Lsutr T for HIO decexropit. Ifigher Umt temp. widens it, but does not lengthen it. Intma-sed I inetic energy of the blast has 0, -nly-whrm 6-Iq lart, IU,:x,3SA top Pm- SOV/133-58-12-4/19 LUTHORS; Chernov N.N., (Candidate of Technical Science), Docent,, Zhigulev P.G., Baranovskiy P G Obsharov Y.M., Rayev,Yu. 0. , and Kargin A.A. , (Engine;r; TITLE: An Automatic Control of the Operation of a Blast Furnace Based on the Drop in Static Pressure (Avtomaticheskoye regulirovaniye khoda domennoy pechi po perepadu staticheskogo davleniya) PHRIODICALs Stall, 1958, Nr 12~ PP 1071-1077 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Central Automation Laboratory designed experimental equipment for the automatic control of blast furnace operation based on the pressure drop between the bustle pipe and furnace throat. The signal from the differential manometer acted in turn on the following controlst top pressure, temperature and humidity of blast, blast volume. The equipment was tested on a furnace in the Zaporozhstall Works in 19~4 and on the Kuznetsk Metallurgical Combine in 1956. It was soon found that the system as designed was unworkable. The investigations carried out in the Kuznetsk Combine indicated that changes in top pressure influence mainly the prossure drop between the throat and Card 115 the middle of the stack, and changes in the blast SOV/133-58-12-4/19 An Automatic Control of the Operation of a Blast Furnace Based on the Drop in Static Pressure humidity, blast temperature and blast volume affect mainly the pressure drop between the middle of the stack and tuyere level. It was therefore decided to base the automatic control on partial pressure drops between the tuyere level and the middle of the stack and between the middle of the stack and the throat. These partial drops in static pressure were measured with two DPES type differential manometers with a double electronic bridge (two standard electronic bridges operating on to a common recording strip). The reliability of the opera- tion of this equipment depends mainly on the state of the opening in the furnace stack for measuring static pressure. This was suceessfully solved by arranging the opening through a cooler and cleaning it by a pneumati- cally operated rod (Figs 1 and 2). The recorded curve of the pressure drop between the above two levels during normal furnace operation is shown in Fig 3; during top Card 2/5 hanging of the burden in Fig )+; during bottom hanging in Fig 5, and when the hearth is filled with iron and SOV/133-58-12-4/19 An Automatic Control of the Operation of a Blast Furnace Based an the Drop in Static Pressure slag, Fig 6. After preliminary investigation of the Influence of the individual operating factors on the partial pressure drops a scheme for the automatic control was evolved, the electrical circuit diagram of which is given in Fig 7. If the top pressure drop exceeds a certain value then the controls will bring about a certain increase in the top pressure. If after some predetermined time the top pressure drop is not returned to its normal value then the blast volume will decrease by increments with a certain time interval between each increment. When a complete permitted correction of the blast volume is made, the controller of the bottom pressure drop is put into operation and begins to correct the temperature or humidity and volume of the blast. As a result of the above corrections the pressure drop may be restored to the required value. If the bottom pressure drop does not Card 3/5 exceed normal value, then the blast volume begins to increase until it is returned to normal value and is then followed by the restoration of the top pressure. If the SOV/133-58-12-4/19 An Automatic Control of the Operation of a Blast Furnace Based on the Drop in Static Pressure bottom pressure drop exceeds the normal value then the controller of the top pressure drop is not permitted to restore normal operating conditions, but instead the controller of the bottom pressure drop begins to intro- duce corrections at first of blast tSmperature or moisture (in stages of 200C and 2g/m ) and then of the blast volume. Between each correction a time interval of 5 - 7 minutes is maintained. The restoration of the normal operating conditions is done in reverse order. If the pressure drop falls below the predetermined value, then at first either the blast temperature is increased or its humidity decreased and then the blast volume is Card 4/5 SOV/133-58-12-4/19 An Automatic Control of the Operation of a Blast Furnace Based on the Drop in Static Pressure increased. The system was tested during a period of two weeks and in the great majority of cases gave the correct solutions. There are 7 figures. ASSOCIATION: Sibirskiy metallurgicheskiy institut i Kuznetskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat ftberiWa Metallurgical Institute and Kuznetsk Metallurgical Combine) Card 5/5 ZHEREBIV, B.N.; DEMBOVETSKIY, V.P.; HINM, V-M.; NIKULIIISKU, LD-; Prininali RAM? YU.O.'_inzh.; ZHIGULEV, F.T., inzh~; SUCWW, I.A., inzh.; EMZKIK.. B.S., -- inzh.; M~I~SOV, V.M., inzh.; ZHUKOVICH, A.I., inzh. Use of coke-oven gas in blast furnaces. Stall 21 no.8:673-679 Ag 161. (MIRA 14-9) 1. Kuznetakiy metallurgichaskiy kombinat i Sibirskiy me- tallurgicheakiy institut. (Blast furnaces-Equipment and supplies) OMT-"VAP A.M. Treatment of the skin impregnated with coal dust. Ortop. travm. i protez. no-4:72 162. lKPI 15:5) (SKIII-WOUNDS AND IIIJURM) (MIIJE DUSTS-TIMCOWGY) OB,'~ H f,-I I-;, J. Contribution to the theory and calc lation of vibratory machines. p. 11L~'. (TEHNrKA. Vol. 12, No. 7, 1957, Beograd, Yugoslavia) I SO: Monthly List of Last European Ac, essions (F AL) Lc. vol. C, No. 10, Uctol;er 1057? . t:ncl. VORISKOVA, M.; Technicka spoluprace;_90�1~Y~,-E. 1 Diagnostic value of the amyl nitrite test. Cesk. pedat, 20 no.8:693-698 Ag 165. 1. 11. detska klinika fakulty detskeho lekarstvi Karlovy University v Praze (prednosta prof. dr. J. Houstek, Dro1c.). rams v*zow mum matolvakw caudfts -ms=s v.D.o m4tw Mdi all'sh Ope ftaaWm of tho ablu amblmd UM chadela bum. Vaaloas& skw. RoJI76M 465. (Hmk loin) Y'~,-Gwov, V.I. (Niv,,A-vap ~ t . , , k ,, Ar,Eiyli, -), r -,ht~'. c..,.,.n(:y Q:Dr(.g. . -#~s ~"!!. ""I. !. ~ N, A I- . ; Y,.!,,''. ; .,~, , ~', 1 . p .-, - i"'. " 'f v . D . Do vootr