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24-1-10/26 On non-steady state filtration in a-strip shaped stratum towards a rectilinear chain of perfect wells. main cases of non-steady state filtration inside a strip shaped stratum towards a rectilinear chain of perfect wells with equal debits. The subject matter is considered under the following paragraph headings: the case of a rectilinear chain of wells inside an unlimited stratum (non-steady state filtration of soil water in an unlimited pressureless stratum towards a rectilinear chain of perfect wells of equal debit with a constant spacing); the case of a rectilinear chain of wells in a strip shaped stratum (non-steady state filtration of the soil waters in a strip shaped pressureless stratum of the width J, towards a recti- linear chain of perfect wells of equal debits with a debit Q,(Q); the case of a rectilinear chain of perfect wells in a strip shaped stratum assuming that the stratum is closed from one side. The results were obtained for the two fundamental cases of non-steady state filtration of soil waters in a strip shaped stratum towards a rectilinear chain of viells of equal debit aith constant spacings assuminG that at the initial instant Card 2/3 of time the potential in all the points of the stratum 24-1-10/26 On non-steady state filtration in a strip shaped stratum towards a rectilinear chain of perfect wells. (p - 0 and that at the permeable boundaries of the stratum the potential remains constant all the time, equalling zero. However, the obtained results can be Seneralised for the case of any number of parallel chains of perfect wells with equal debits and constant spacings; it is only necessary to add the potentials obtained for each individual chain of wells. Equally, the results can be generalised for the case that at the initial instant of time the filtration regime is a ste-,dy state one or a non-steady state one and to the case that the potential y at the permeable boundaries of the stratum does not equal zero but changes (with time) according to a riven law. In this case it is necessary to add to the derived formulae the potential of the filtration flow at the initial instant of time and also the potential of the unidimensional non-steady state filtration flow, in the direction perpendicular to the stratum boundaries, which satisfies the 6iven conditions Card 3/3 at the stratum boundary. There are 2 references, both of which are Russian. SURAITTED: June 18, 1956. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. NUMIROV, S.H. Using the method of tWdroelectradyuamic analogies for approximate calculation of nonstationar7 fields in continuous media. Nauch. dokl. vyq. shkoly; energ. no.1:241-245 '58. (KIRA 11:10) l.V"sesoyuzny7 nauchno-ist3ledovatellskiy inatitut gidrotakhniki im. Me. Vedene7eva. (Field theor7--Zlectromechanical analogies) AUTHOR: Numerov, S.1,T ., (Leningrad) SOV/24-59-1-18/35 TITLE: -MTMFfre-r-e-n-cLl-~Imperfect Wells in the Elastic Regime of Percolation (Ob interferentsii nesovershennykh skvazhin pri uprugom rezhime filltratsii) PERIODICAL:Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye Tekhnicheskikh Nauk, Energetika i Avtomatika,1959,Nr 1,pp 114--115(USSR) ABSTRA,CT: This is a continuation of the author's previous work (Ref 1) in which it was shown that for a chain of perfect wells the percolation resistance is determined as for the case of steady percolation of an incompressible fluid in a non-deformable medium. By modifying the solution obtained earlier (Ref 1) for perfect wells, it is shown that the above result also holds for imperfect wells. There is 1 figure and 1 Soviet reference. SUBMITTED: 3rd June 1958 Card 1/1 PODOLIZElY, jt.M.; z;.V - I.V.; MINIM, %1!.V.; _7 _' i . J, 1 -~~._!N, V.fl. Tantalum in alagkitos and :jubulkn1ine grWAtOg ~n the eastern part of central KazakKstan. Geokhtmiia no.5:574-581 14Y t65. O-URA 18:9) 1. TSentrallno-KazAkhs!-~irskcye Cuol-gicl-,eskoye upravieni7e. - .HMIEROTA, A.B. Space distribution of early-typo stare in Cygnus. Izv.Kryn. astrofts.obser. 19il,89-229 '58. (MIRA 13:4) (Stars--Distribution) KUPMROVA. &.B. Catalog of spectra, photographic ~Wnitudes and color inclicas of 5,000 atare In Cygnus in an aroa of 60 x 60 with tho con- k 0% 0 ter at 01- If5'O '0 '20 O!r 41$,0"36 . lavArym.untrofit.olmor. 19:230-340 158. (MIRA 13:4) (Star%--Catalog%) 1IM41,20VA, A.B. Study of interstellar ~-bsnrptlon in a region of C7gnus with the centers at rk 7n- S z~ 1-3360. Izv.1rxym.astrof iz.obser. 25:46,60 161. (IURA 1,1 -ID) (Interstellar matter- -Spectra) WJHEROVA, A. B. Di~;sertation defended for the degree of Candidate of Physicomathematical Sciences at the Main Astronomical Observator7 In 1962: "Interstellar Absorption, Spacial Distribution of Early Stars, and the InterraIrtionoMp with Nebulae Based on a Catalogue of Spectrn and Photo- red ligh Indices for 15000 FMnt StFtrs in the Cypnus Constellation in an Are,q With Center atJZ 1950 = 2no4m, 5 195o =-f- 360.c# Vest. Akad. Nauk SSSR. No. 4, Moscow, 1963, peges 119-146 11 I-W NU,',~2iOVA, h (Leenima~rsd) --m .0 Rncf,,unter at the *R.-bochii' fpketory. Rabotmitsp 3-) 13 Ag '57 NWIC, H. Yugoslavia (430) Technology-Periodicals Replacement of brass Ve 72 for brass Ma 69. p. 200. TEHNICKI PREGLED. (Croatia. Uprava. a unapredenje proizvodnje pri privednom : avjetu) Zagreb. (Bimonthly technical journal issued by the Production rnprovement Adminis- tration of the Economic Council) Vol. 4, No. 4, 1952. F 4p_t EuroiDean Accessions 14p_t. Library of Congress Vol. 2, No. 6, Ame, 1953. Unclassified. BRKIC.I. Contribution of the treatment of tuberculous sorositis. Ned rh.,fiar&j6v* 14 no.1:87-98 U-7 160. 7 Interns kliniko, Hadicinskog fakultota u Sarajovu - III odjeljonje. oaf: prof: d-r I. Bricic. (ANTITUBERGUILR AGANTS) NUNIC,,,_N.; BRKIG, 1. Subsudcoardial infaration. On our cage. Had. arh. 16 no.2:79.412 ,Ta-F 162 * 1. Interns, klinika Madicinakag fakulteta u Sarajavu - III odjeljenje (Sef: Prof. dr 1. Brkic) (HrOCARDIAL INFAROT case reports) (&=TROCARDIOGRAPHr) DANMVITC, r, Rustembegovial- CC, -M 4:-,VOLFRAM, D. Solu-bl2optlm as a now preparation for cholacyisto-cholangiographic practice. YA4. arb, 16 no,2:39-" 162, 1. Interns. klinika III odjeljenjo Yledicinskog fakultets, u Sarajem (Bef: Prof. dr 1. Brklo) rnstitut za roudgenologiju K21n. bolnice Mod. fak. u Sar%Jem M D. Was dr D. Volfran) (CHOLECISTOGRAFEM) (CHOLANGIOGRAPHI) (CONTRAST HZDIA) RUSTEMEGOVIC, F.; DANILOVIC, S. L NUMIC, N,; CERIMOVIC, S. Use of hygroton in edematous conditions. Hod. arh. 16 no.5sr/-gl 5-0 162. 1. Interna klinika Hadicinskog fakultata u Sarajevu - III odjeljenje (Sefs prof. dr Ibro Brkie). (Emu) (DIURETICS) SURBAT, R.; NUMIC, N. _ Our further studies on the treatment of tuberculcus serositis with tuberculostatic drugs and local bydrocortisane. Had. arh. 10' no.6: 81-85 N-D 162. 1. Interna klinika Medicinskog fakulteta u Sarajevu - III odjeljenje (Sef: prof, dr I. Brkic). (SEROUS MEMBRANES) (ANTITUBERCULAR AGENTS) (HYDROCORTISONE) (TUBERCULOSIS) YUGOSLAVIA DAX-ILOIFIC. Savo, and -TU-1,1IC juridin, Third Department (III Odjeljenje), If, 0 n Clinic of internal 1-ledc ntc~_na Klinika), litcultY of 1,:edicLne ("ied- ~cinski :,-'akultet), University (Univa2zitet.) of Sarajevo; prod D- lbro, Departmental Chairman (bnef). "High Asphyctic T Waves in Precordial Leads as an Early Symptom of Acute Coronary Occlusion." Belgrade, Srpski Arhiv za Celokupno..-Ljekarstvo, Vol 91, No 6, june 1963, 605 '09 p -0 - p Abstract: [Authors' EnElish summary modified] The article renorts on '~wo natients who suffered fror. t~rpical protracted aneinoluS Dain ana who dis- played giant T waves in the procordial leads from V, to V One of the 1 4' Datients had been forwarded from an out-patient clinic With a diagnosis of nourocirculatory dystonia. The electrocardiographic pattern c~iarac- teristic a.' coronary occlusion wa,.- found ir. the precordial leads of both Datients. In the assessment of such -- :,attern, we MUST, DO vary alert and note all elements su,;,~;estive of acute coronary occlusion so ao to eliminate the pozsibility of cther ailments with a similar pattern and to pormit rapid and accurate diaL-nosis and treatmont. Two illustrations, one Swiss and five YuE;oolav references of recent date. 1/1 POPADIC, t4iodrag; RUSTEMDEG)VIC, Fahrudin; NUMIC, Nurudln Lasix in edemtous conditicns. Xed. arh. !~-, t -,= 1~z I I ~, -:y - -.1. 1. 111 interna klinika Medicinskog fakulteta u Sarajevu (Sef: Prof. dr. Ibro Brkle). DA14 ILOVIC, Sava High,-wphyetic T waves in precordial. leada as an early sign of acute myocardial infarat. Srpaki arh. celok. lek. 91 no.60. 605-609 je,63. 1. 111 odjeljenje Interme klinike Medicinskog fakultets, Uni- verziteta u Sarajevu. Sef: prof.dr. Ibro Brkic. 4- IFABEIn, MARJAN Najwazniejewe szkodliwe owady lesne. Warszawa, Panstwowe Wudaen. Rolnicze Lesne,- 195D. 96 p. (The most important of the harmful forect insects) DA Not in DLA SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 7, July 1957, Uncl. Imi"mo, 14. "Wyatepowants chrabaszcza na terenach Polski. The suread of cockabafer an forested areas in Poland. Warszawa. Panstwove Wydawn. Rolnicze I iesne. 1951. 41p. (Wareav. Instytut Badawczy Lesnictwa. Prace Badawcze, nr. 66) (Russian summar7. maps, bibl.) SO: East &wopean Accessions List. iol 3, No 8, Aug 1954 NUNMG, UARIAU. Vowa podrodzina, rodzaj i gatunek w rodzinie wyrynnilco-gatych (platy'odidae, Coleoptera). A new subfamily, genus, and species of the family Platypodidae (Colooptera). Warnara, 1953. 53 P. (Annales KuseL Zoologici Folonici, t. 15 nr. 5 (In English with Polish and Russian summariefi. illus., bibl.) Vol. 3, no. 6 SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions./Library of Gongress, Jun--- 1954, Uncl. ?(Vm ~ ~R (r, "^, NUNBERG, M. New Neotropical Scolytidae (Coleoptera). P. 1 vol. 16, no. 10, Mat. 1956 ANNALES ZOOLOGICI Warszawa SO* Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL), LC, Vol. 5, no. 12 December 1956 A/ 0 (q (>, g- R e- , /-fi - POLAND/Special and General Zoology - Insects. 0-3 Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Biologiya, No 16, 1957, 69746 Author : _Hunberg, M. Title : On the Synowymity of Several Pol:Lsh Species of Coieoptera, Scolitidae Orig. Pub : Ann. zool. PAN. Inst. zool-, 1956, 16, No 12, i57-i6q Abstract : The synonymity of 5 species of Coleoptera of the Polish fauna is cited: Tryphophloeus granulatus, (Ratz., 1873) Synonim- T. bispinulus Egg. 1927; T. asperatus (Gyll. 1813), synonym- T. spiculatus Egg. 192'[; Dryocoestes autographus (Hatz. 1637), synonym- D. artepunctatus Egg. 1941; D. polonicus Karp. et Strav., 1948; Pityophthorus cephalonicae (Pfeff., 1940) synonym P. polonicus Karp. 1949; Orthotomicus proximus; (Eich. 1867), synonYm 0. fejferi Keler, 1925- Card 1/1 - 11MMEYD, M. Changes of names and the synortyny of bark beetles. (Coleoptera, Scolytidae) P. 207 (ANNALES ZOOLOGICI) Poland, Vol. 16, No. 15. Dec. 1056 SO: Monthly Index of East Eurom-in Acessions (AgEI) V:)I. 6. No. 11, November 1957 rr rd :I A FOLAND/Gonorrl rnd Spoci-I Zoology. Insocts Abs Jour Rof Zhur Biol., No 6, 1958, No 25832 p Author Nunborg Inst I Not Ulvon Title On the Appoer-ncc ef Lygroonon-tus vosmcoli Tishb. rnd L. l.-ricis Htg. (HWonoptorr, Tonthrodinid7c) on the Lrrch in the Exporimont,l Forest of the Principrl Schcol for Agri- culture in Rogov. (0 poyrvlcnii Lygrooncrn-tus wesmrali Tischb. i L. Irricis Htg. (Hymoroptorc, Tonthrodinidrc) nr listvcnnitso v opytnom losu Glrvnoi shkoly sGl'skogo khozyrystv- v Rogovc'). Orig Pub t Sylurnp 1956, ~100, No 3, 50-51 Abstrrct s No -bstrpct Crrd 1 1/1 NUIMM, Marian ........... Wap and means of increasirg the reoistame of our f orests to the hamful activities of insects. Nauka polska 8 no.3s78-91 ji-s ,6o. 1, Calonek korespondent Folsklej Akademil Ilauk,, Warszawa. i NUNBERG, Marion I I Refitarks on the systematics and synonymic of Scolutoidea ( 'leoptera). Ahnales zool. 20 no.199357-361 163. CO 1. landuirtechaftliche Univorsitatt" Warszawa. HARPER, BOZICEK-HRUSKA, Bozena, ing. [translator] Mweb) Welding with electron bombardment. Zavarivanje 3 no*7/8:137- W S-0 160. 1. Zavod za meh. telin. u Zagrebu; clan Urednistva, *Zavarivanjel (for Bozieek-Hruska). NUNIOt Kh.L. Experiment In the automatic control of wire broadcasting stations and of their substations in city wire broadcasting networks, Vast. -sviazi, 20 no-539-11 W 160. (MMA 13:32) 1. Starshiy indtoner Moskovskoy gorodskay radiotrwalyatsionnoy seti. (Wire broadcasting) SOV/99-58-12-2/7 AUTHOR: Abdulragimov, T.I., '~'andidate of Technical 'Scicncea, Nunuparov, M.S., Engineer TITLE- ~31.1 I the Flushing of Saline Soils in the Kura- Araks Lowland (Nekotoryye rezul'taty promyvki zasolennykh zemell v Kure-Araksinskoy nizmennosti) R PERIODICAL: Gidrotekhnike i ateliorstsiya, 1958, Nr 12, pp 10-22 (TJSS,) ABSTRACT: The author summarizes results obtained in flushing saline soils in the Kura-Araks Lowland in Azerbaidzhan. Collectinp- drainage systems have been built for this purpose, baned on the experience gained at the Muganskaya opytno-meliorEttivnaya stantsiya (the Mugan Experimental Melioration Station:, where in a short period of time, saline soils were successfully flushed. This melioration measure was started in 194". Since 1953, the different kolkhozes in this region have been charged with soil flushing operations under the technical supervision of the Ministry of ','later Economy of the Republic. From the beginning of this program, and until 1 January 1958, -3.6 thousand hectares of land of high salinity were recla,-med Card 1/2 by soil flushing, of which 29.4 thousand hectares werE! given SOV/99-58-12-21'- Some Results of the Flushing of 3aline Soils in the Kura-Araks Lowl-4. a double flushing. Table 3 shows the results of thesi melioration operations. The author quotes vnrious ex.imples where these reclamation methods have been successfull'f applied. The arable acreage farmed by kolkhozes of t-le Sabirabad region, increased from 17.8 -7'0 to 62.8 % in 1950- 1956. In the Sallyan and Neftechalin districts, planting areas were expanded by 47.6 % over the last 6 years, and the gross cotton crop was increased by 45.3 '%. All the data given proves the success obtained b'v these methods, which refute the criticism voiced by P.S. Rymer', Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, on this reclamation policy. There are 7 tables, 3 graphs, I set of diagrams and 4 photos. Card 212 NUNUPAROVp S. Black Sea merchant aeamen are striving for technological progress. Mor. flot, 21 no.9:1-4 5 161. WIRA 14:9) 1. &uaoatitall gluvnogo inzhunera Chornomorukogo parokhodutva. (Black Boa-Morciiant marine) HUNUPAROV, S.; LIKVER, L. Experience of the Black Sea Ship Line in the use of epoxy resins. Mor.flot 21 no-2:28-30 F 161, (MIRA 14:6) 1. Nachallnik tekhnicheskogo otdela Chernomorskogo parokbodstva (for Nunuparov)v 2. StarshLy inzhener Odeaskoy mauclmo-iesledo- vatellskoy stanteii TSentrallnogo nauchno-isoledovatellskogo instituta morskogo flota (for Lik7er). (Ships--Maintenance and repair) (Epoxy resins) N'UNUPAROV S. V-.- Merchant seamen of Lhe Black Sea in the struggle for the fulfillment of the decisions of the December Plenum of the 'Ventral Gommittee of the CPSU. Mor. flot. 24 no.5:33-34 11~r 164. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Nachallnik tekhnicheskogo ot.dela Chernomorskogo parokhofttva. S/08 61/000/020/061/089 B102XB147 AUTHORS: Yelin, I. A., Zhur, N. V., Lik-,rer, L. A., Nunuparov, S. M. TITLE: Protection of propeller shafts against corrosion by glass plastics based on epoxy resin PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 20, 1961, 264, abstract 201196 (Byul tekhn.-ekon. inform. M-vo morsk. flota SSSR, no. 1 (40), 1961, 32 - 45) TEXT: The application of reinforced-glass-fabric coatings produced on the basis of epoxy resins is much cheaper than rubberizing, and reliably protects propeller-shaft surfaces against corrosive destruotioll. IAbstracter's note: Complete translation. Card 1/1 COURANTIMOU, Emil, Ponf. ing.; WJNWF.ILER, Siegfried, ing. Determination of optimal safety coefficients for aerial electric lima* &wrgetica Rum .11 no.7:317-319 J1 163. .%IIRNOV, L.I.; NURAKOV, 0., red. [High mountains (mountain climate and reduced atmospheric pressure); effect on the body. A bibliographic guide to the Soviet literature, 1940-19591 Vysokogorle (gornyi kli- mat i ponizhennoe atmosfernoe davlenie); vliianie na orga- nizm. Bibliograficheskii ukazatell otechestvennoi litera- tury (1940-1959 g.g.). Frunze, 1963. 109 p. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Frunze. Gosudarstvennaya, nauchnaya meditsinskaya bib- lioteka, Kirgizskoy SSR. 10877-65 OP SATPAYEVA, T.A.; NURALIN N.N.; SHVEDKO, V.K.; FURSOVA, M.Z. DZHA)UNOV, K.D. Characteristics of the distribution of or@ material in some rocks of the Dzhezkazgan series. Vest. AN Kazakh. SSR 17 no.917O-83 S 161. (MIRA 16:8) NUMIN, N.a. Role of fracture tectonics in ore deposition In the Dzbezkazgan deposit. Izv. AN Uzakh. SS)t.. Ur. geol. n0-2: 59-67 '59- (MIRA 13:2) (Dzhezkazgan District--Ore deposits) RMLIN.? N.H. Localization of ore mineralization in the Dzhezkazgan deposit. Trudy Instopolenauk AF Khta~h.SSR no.4M-89 161. ('~'IRA 14:10) (Dzhezkazgan District--(h-o deposits) NURALIN,._11.11,; SAFARGALIYEV, G.S.; SEYFULLIN, S.Sh.; SHVEDKO, V.K.; - -- --- STITFANOV, V.I. More on the genesis of the Dzhezkazgan deposit. Geol. rud. mestorozh. 6 no.1:105-112 Ja-F 164. (MIRA 17:11) MOULIN, Said Shagilrerciannovich; IIURALI- Ijurgazy-Nu.-aliyevich; SATP-':YEV, K.I., akademik, oi~i. r-ed.1deceased]; NESTEROVA, I.I., red. [Structural conditions governing the formation of the Dzhezkazgan depositl Geologo-strukturnye usloviia formi- rovaniia mestorozMeniia Dzhezkazgan. Alma-Ata, Nauka, 1964. 175 P. (IURA 17:10) IIA , A .7 , L 11',~ V 'i I . I vu, 27189 INURAIIIEVI * . N. , SAMANDARG-7, S. A. - Zavodshaya Pererabotka Kh1cpka Nashinnogo Sbora. Te~stil. Prouk-St: 1940/, No. 8, s. 5--c' SO: Letopis' /,burn,,lltnykb Statoy, Vol. 3"), 1--11119. It-, ~ ~, - '- T',- - 1 ' - Technology (Muchine-ijecked cotton v-nr, its processirig). Moskva, Gizlef- I prom, 19'1. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Librar of Congress, November, U:jCLAJI3IFIF-D. A*H., kand.takhn.nauk ?echnical re-equipment in cotton ginning. Tekst.Droo.17 uo.11:48-50 V 157. (KIRA 10:12) 1. Direktor TSentralinogohauchno-tooledovatellskogo inatituta khlopkovoy promyshlonnosti. (Cotton gins and ginning) NMLIYZV. A.B.. kand. takhn. nauk -, tow,( m - . , g~ 0, Separation of linters should be concentrated in oil mills. Tekst. prom. 19 no.5:20-22 My 159. (MIRA 12:10) (Cottonseed products) NURALIYEV. A.H., kand.takhn.nauk For further technical progress in the cotton ginning industry. Tekst.prom. 20 no.1:21-24 Ja 160. (MIRA 130) 1. TSentrallnyy nanchno-lssledovatelfsU7 Inatitut khlopkovoy promy3blennosti. (Cotton gins and ginning) VURALIYEV AX.. kand.tekhn.nauk Hake use in,cotton manqg~acture of the achieverents of re.,:earch work. TekA-.-prom. 21--ho.10:18-21 0 16X~ (MIRA 341:10) 1. Direktor TSentrallnogo nauchno.!issledovatellskogo instituta khlopkovoy promyshlennosti. (cotton v.wtaacture) SOV/126- - AUTHORS: Krinchik, G. S., and 14izalJ_~~D. TITLE: Magneto-Optical Resonance in Ferromagnetics. II. The Near Infrared Region (Magnitoopticheskiy rezonans v ferromagnetikakh. II. Blizhnyaya infrakrasnaya oblast!) PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov I metallovedeniye, 19599 Vol 7, Nr 5, pp 691~498 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Change of intensity of light reflected from nickel, cobalt and iron samples on reversal of magnetization was measured at various angles of incidence in the wavelength region 0.9-8 p. Measurements were made in "he same way anrj' %t the same magnetizing currents as in Part I (Ref 1). The apparatus used is shown schematically in Fig 1. Light from a source S passed through a monochromator X was polarized by a selenium mirror P , and, after reflection from a sample Q , was focused by a mirior N onto one of the junctions ("a") of a vacuum thermoelement. Some of the light from the source S was dire,,-ted by a system of mirrors towards N in suoh a way as t3 fo(-us It on the second junction ("b") of the thermoolement. The Card intensity of light reaching the junction IV' was increased until the signal reaching the Input of an amplifier 1/3 became zero. When magnetization of the sample Q was SOV/126-- -7-5 - 0/2 5 Magneto-Optical Resonance in Ferroma1metics. Ii. ~ 'Ah"e D'ea -- Infrared Region reversed tile amplifier ---,ecorded a reading to the change of the intensity of light reflect-ed f---m th-3 f e iromayne t 14-c sample. One half of this deflect4(_~n waz divided by the intensity of -reflected light and a quantity 11 wa.,, obtained in "his way. Exper-!menta' ('!Urves of "6 as a function -)~ wavelength obta"ned ar v -'ous angles of inci'ence are shown for zil, a., _L U --,:kei, -obalt and iron Ln Figs 2, 3 and 1+ respecti-vely. Frz~,m al,, i e S 6 for two angles of incidence and 81~ fo-_- niQkel. 45 and 800 for and Aron) the rod,! an-'i imaginary ..,-jmpf)Den1-,3 (M-1 al"i M2) of the macne~.-)-cr,~~Ical constant were obt-ained using Eq (5) of Pari I (Rof 1), The dependences of M1 a nd Mp on wavelength ai-e s,h.-;V---- in Fig Continuation of these (;urges into tti(~ -isjt, region are shown as dashed curves (the data we.-,,e ",ak-c- from part I). The values of Ml and M2 ~ f j -~ln, -t,-~ * Card cobalt ~,ould not be calculated for wavelength:i grt~atpi 2/3 than 2 25 because of the lack of published data Dri t~e I- opticai c1stants In that region. The curves of Fig confirm the existence of a new type of resonan-6 ir ttp near Infrared region (this resonance in the Vsl~b!-~ SOV/126-- -7-5-10/25 MaUnet 0 tical Resonance in Ferromagnetics. J. The Near 0- Region I rared region is described in Part I). The authors discuss a possible explanation of the resonance as a spin magnetio roiionanop 1.n tin effoct-tvo exchange fiold. Gn I'd 3/-~ 'VIiatlo 14 I-o ~)' r 1. V I 11, wi tt I mi II, n ro ro n no o I() r w I I I o hr soviot, 4 U411g.0.101 and 2 I't,tirl"i III III(JI1.1 Vl*('111 "Vng I I -III I III,, Russian. ASSOCIATIONs Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M.V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M.V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: May 11+, 1957 24(3) SOV/56-36-4-9/70 AUTHORS: Krinchik, G. S,, Nuraliyeva, R. D. TITLE: Magnetooptical Resonance in Nickel at Infrared (Magnit;.-alpt,,h,~-okiy rezonans v nikele na infrakrasnykh PERIODICAL- Zhurna-L eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959: Vol 36, Nr 4, pp 1022-1024 (USSR) ABSTRACT; In the present paper the authors report about JnvesUcatior-~ of the resonance absorption of infrared light In nicke, ry means of a magnetooptical method. The experimental arrangrP ment cons4sted essentially of a 40-40.3 mm mechanically pclished piate made from electrolyte nickel, which was fitted between the poles of an electromagnet, The samp'.e was maen-tized vertical to the plane of incidence of the !iG-h. 'o saturation. The light was polarized in its plane of inrid~r,--; the light reflected by the sample fell on one of the junc-tiors of the vacuum thermocouple, and part of the ligh* cf the same source was directed by means of a system of mirrors to the other uompensation junction of the element. By means of th-'s arrangement the intensity variation of the light reflect-d tv the sample was measured when the sample was remagnetize6. Fr-r Card 1/3 current recording the galvanometer M 21/4 was used, which Yas SOV/56-36-4-9/70 Magnetooptical Rooonance In Nickel at Infrared Freq-uencles connected to the photoelectrooptical multiplier FEOU-15. A scheme showing the experimental order is given by reference 2. The following is assumed to hold for E: E -iam 0 i E M o 0 0 F, where M is the magnetooptical parameter, a material constant. It further holds that M = M 1 + M2, and with 6 =AI/I it holds that 6 = 2 sin 29(M 1A - K2B)/(A2 + B2); q is the angle of in- cidence, A and B are functions of n, k and 9. Figure 1 shows the measuring results of the variation of 6 for nickel at dif- ferent angles of incidence of light. Every point on the curve is tile result of mean value calculation obtained from 40 read- ings. Within the investigated range of 4 - 8ptit could be ob- served that at -4,s.,the effect changes its sign; the curves have a minimum at negative 6-values and a maximum in the range of positive values. 6 is inversely proportional to n2 and k2 P n and k grow rapidly with increasing wave length (see table). The Card 2/3 diagram contains the curves for 9 = 60t 759 80 and 850. Figure 2 sov/56-36-4-9/70 Magnetooptical Resonance in Nickel at Infrared Frequencies A -n- shows the / -dependence of M 1 and M2 at 75 and 850. 312 ' creases with A up to about 4/,-, after which it again decreasesi Mi is in the negative and has a minimum at 4t,. This resonance wave length OfA = 4 � 0-5,&6 corresponds to the reorientation energy of the spin magnetic moment of the electron in the ex- change field of the ferromagnetic. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 8 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Moscow State University) SUBMITTED: October 9, 1958 Card 3/3 limb S/ I SOM1000100410061014 B005/BO60 AUTHORS: Krinchik-# 0. S.,,Nuraliyeva, R. D. ki TITLE- Us, eal Propertiesfaf Iron'- Nickel and Nickel - jmetoo2ti "!Copper Alloys in the-Infrared-IFegion PERIODICAL: Vestnik Moskovskozo univarsitAta. Seriya, 3, fizika, astronomiya, 1960, NO. 4, Pp. 45-46 TEXT: The authors of the present paper studied the magneto-optical. properties of ferromagnetic lainary alloys of iron - nickel and nickel - copper at wavelengths of light in the range from 1 to 84. The alloys were prepared at the NIIChermet (Scientific Research Institute of_feZTjous Xgtallux ). The measurements were made with a previously described method (Ref. 1). Two diagrams illustrate the results obtained. On the ordinates there are plotted the values of 4 (relative change in intensity of linearly polarized light under equatorial magnetization of the sample) (Ref. 1), while the wavelengths 'of infrared light are plotted on the abscissas. The first diagram shows the results obtained Card 1/3 83931 Magnetooptical Properties of Iron - Nickel S/188/60/000/004/006/014 and Nickel - Copper Alloys in the B005/B060 Infrared Region for technical nickel, purer (electrolytical) nickel, and for two nickel - copper alloys with 10% and 20% copper content. The other diagram shows results for pure iron, pure nickel, and five iron - nickel alloys (90%, 70%, 64%, 21-5%, and 10% iron content). Two typical changes may be observed on the curve3 at the point of transition from pure metal to thp alloy: 1) the resonance in the longwave range, which appears in pure nickel, either vanishes entirely on the addition of copper or iron, or it is shifted to the far infrared; 2) the addition of relatively small amounts of copper or iron causes a reduction in the value of A. For nickel - copper alloys, these two effects are based on the decrease of the spontaneous magnetization Is (S is approximately proportional to Is2)~ while for nickel - iron alloys the value of S decreases a great deal also when Is remains practically constant, or even rises. This behavior is probably due to a change, caused by the addition of the other component, in the periodicity of the lattice potential of the pu-re initial metal. This explanation presupposes a participation of conducticr, electrons in the magnetooptical effects, and therefore approaches Card 2/3 1 Magnetooptical Properties of Iron - Nickel S/188NOVOOO/004/006/014 and Nickel - Copper Alloys in the B005/BO60 Infrared Region the theory of magneto-optics in ferromagnetic systems as formulated by S. V. Vonsovskiy and A. V. Sokolov (Ref. 3). The influence of a change of electrical resistivity also explains the great difference found in the values of ~ in the farther infrared range for two nickel samples having different degrees of purity (Fig. 1). Another possible explanation follows from the theory by Hulme-Argyres (Ref. 4), in which the appearance of magneto-optical effects is explained by band-to-band transitions of electrons. In this case, the decrease in S values would be the result of a decrease in the constant of the spin-orbital interaction, or of a deformation of the energy bands of the alloys. The authors are at present conducting measurements on other alloys and, in addition, the temperature dependence of magne~to-optioal effects is being examined. There are 2 figures and 4. references:-3 Soviet and 1 British. L/ ASSOCIATION: -Mookovskiy universitet Kafedra magnetizma University, Chair of Magnetism) SUBMITTED: January 11, 1960 Card 3/3 MW 38852 2 .3 600 5/056/62/042/006/003/047 B104/3102 AUTHORSt Krinchik, G. B., Nuraliyeva, R. D. TITLEt Magnetooptic resonance in ordered alloys and the inner- crystalline field of a ferromagnetic metal PERIODICALs Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoretiaheakoy fiziki, V. 42, no. 6, 1962, 1442 - 1450 TEXTs The equatorial Kerr effect and the relative variation of the inten- sity of a reflected line of polarized light (p-component) during magnetiza- tion of ordered and disordered Ni 3Fe, Ni3Mn, FeCo and Fe 3A1 alloys were measured. The aim was to make clear the role of band splitting caused by the innercrystalline field in magnetooptics of ferromagnetic metals and to estimate the splitting of the 3d-band in the crystal field of some ferro- magnetic metals and alloys. The magnetooptic resonance of ferromagnetic metals in the visible and in the near infrared region to explained by electron transitions between Stark levels of d-electrons in the inher- crystalline field of the metal. The shape of the resonance curves and their positions are determined by the nature of the nearest neighbors of Card 1/2 le- AW S/056/62/042/006/003/047 Magnetooptic resonance in... B104/BI02 the transition atoms in the lattice. The band splitting due to the cry" tal field is estimated to be I evt This is a proof of the model with a split 3d-band.. The-magnitude of the innercrystalline field, the degree of d-electron loca'lization and the magnetic properties of ferromagnetic alloys and metals are discussed. There are 4 figures and I table. ASSOCIATIONs Roskovskiy gosudarstyennyy universitet (Moscow State University) SUBMITTIQ i January 109 1962 Card 2/2 MAT SOKINA--VORON I CH, T.M., kand. geol.-miner. nauk, otv. red.; VWONICH, V.A., kand. geoi.-miner. nauk, red.; MATH, V.I., kand. gool.-mlrifjr. row-k, rt,,d.j FEViRCRUK, V.P., r1oktor gool.-miner. nauk, rf.-d.j KALABINA, MA.r rod.; NURATDINOVA, M.R., red. [Problems of the methods of pl.ottJng the metallogenetic and prognostic maps of Centra'i Asiq materials] Voprosy metodiki sostavleniJa metallogeniche-,Rikh i prognoznykh kart 3-rednei AzU3 materialy. Tashkent, Nauka, 196-1. 274 p. (MIRA 18-.6) 1. Sredneaziatskarye sovesh--haniye po metodike sostavleniya met&1logenJ.c-he3kikh t prognoznykh kart. lot,, 1962. 2. Ins-U.- tut geologii I geofizlAi im, Kh,M.Abdu-llayeva AN Uzbekskay SSR (for Matsokina-,Voroni~!h)'. 3. Glavnoye upravleniye geo.- logii i okhrairl nedr pri Savet~, Ministrov Uzbekskoy SSR (for Kalabina). KIIAMRADAYEV, I.Kh., doktor gool.-miner. nauk,- RADVIABOV, F.Sh.; GORIKOVGY, O.P.; SALOV, P.I.; KOZYHEV, V.V.; PETROV, V.M.; USMAIIOV, F.A.; ISAt4UKHAM-OV# I.M., dolctor geol.-min. nauk; KUSTAI'a4IKOVA, A.A.; BORISOV, O.M., HAKH,',ATULIAYEV`, n.R.; MUSAYEV, A.M.; SVIRIDENKO. A.F.; SULTAII-UIZ-DAG; GOLOVIN, U.N.# kand. geol.-miner. nauk; VISINEVSKIY, Ya.S., kand. geol.-milrer. nauk, red.; red.; ASTAKHOV, A.N., red. [Petrography of Uzbekistan] Petrografiia Uzbekistana. Tashkent, Izd-vo "Naukall UzSSR. Book 1. 1964. 445 p. (MI fiA 18: 1) 1. Akademiya nauk Uzbekskoy SSil, Tashkent. Institut geologii i geofiziki. ISMATULLAYEV, Kh.H.; NUCMOVj A.Kb.y kand, geol*-min. nauk., otv. red.; N_ qA, M.R., red.; KARABAYEVA, (Lithology and geochemistry of Mesozoic qil- and gas-bearing sediments in the Kagan region (western Uzbekistan)] Litologiia i geokhimila mezozoiskikh neftegazonosrykh otlozhenii Kagan- skogo raiona (Zapadnyi Uzbekistan). Tasbkent, Izd-vo AN USSR, 1963. 159 P. (MIRA 17:4) TURAKULOV, Ya.Kh.; YUNUSOV, A.Yu. otv. red.- NURATDINOVA. M.R.9 $ 4-::= red.; KARABAYEVA, D.U., tekhn. red. -' [Biochemistry and pathological chemistry of the ti7roid gland] Biokhimiia i patokhimiia shchitovidnoi zhelazy. Tashkent, Izd-vo All Uzb.SSR, 1963. 403 p. (MIRA 17:31) 1. AN Uzb.SSR (for Yunusov). KARPOV, P.M.; I6U,.OV, A.I., kand. nauk, otv. red.; LURATDINOVA) red. [Subsidence phenomena in the virgin lands of the Golodnaya Steppe] Prosadochnye iavleniia na tselinnykh zemliakh Golodnoi stepi. Tashkent, Izd-vo "Nauka" Uzbekskoi S&i, 1964. 188 p. (MIRA 17:6) LANO, O.K.,, glav. red.j NURATDINOVAp M.R., red.; ASTAKHOV, A.N., red. [Hydrogeological and engineering geological conditions of Uzbekistan] Gidrogeologicheskie i inzhenerno-geologicheskie usloviia Uzbekistana. Tashkent, Nauka UzSSR. Vol.2. 1964. 319 P. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Akademiya nauk Uzbekskoy SSR, Tashkent. Institut gidro- geologii I inzhenernoy geologil. NURATOVAR P. A. VALUYSKIYI N. M., and SHWARTS, Z. Sh. The Use of Certain Physical Medications in the Case of Chronic Gastriteae. Voyenno-meditsinakiy zhurnal, 1-10, 3, March 1956 , -AkIC7, ~v ; -Lt rm; ',, ichosdkh uauk~ Ii I -nz'ianar. ULMNY-P-G- i -,~Iicting, - - - - ~v. nozzle for hydrwilic rark-stri,:pIng mac~it~?-T. orom. , ' :~ - ., -. 1 -'I., Je f,)7. (";~,RA lo:pj *%,J;ir'.', ~;Oulinr) , #,glfLV?Vy vaterinarnyr vrach Irarabskaul'skop rayona, Chardzhouskoy '6-1b!"tl; LOUV, V.I., starshly vaterinarnyy vrach. Use of mounted tank vessels In veterinary medicine. Taterinartia 33 no.8:80-81 Ag 156. (KM 9:9) (Disinfection and disinfectants) (Veterinary hygiene) I/. 0/-YO AUTHORSt TITLEs 36539 S/081/62/Ooo/oo6/071/117 B149/B108 Bikkulov, A. Z., A. Investigation of the selectivity of furfurol in the purifica- tion of distillation raw materials PERIODICAL:. Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 6, 1962, 532, abstract 6M180 (3b. tr. Ufimsk. neft. in-ta, no. 3, 1960, 221 - 229) TEXT: The selectivity of furfurol (I) toward various crOUDS Of compounds found in mixtures of sulfur containing petroleum distillates was investigit- ed. This study was based on the chemical analysis of the refined product and of the extract obtained, and on the quality of the hydrocarbons in these produ0s. A high selectivity of I toward different groups of compounds was revealed. The order of the extraction of hydrocarbons by I is; determined by the number of aromatic rings and by the length of the paraffin chains in the molecules, whilat the total number of rings does not affect this ord:er, The hydrocarbons, isolated from the extract, have a higher cokq value, a lower viscosity index (VI) and a lower oxidation stability than those 'of similar hydrocarbons isolated from oil. There is Card 1/2. S/081/62/000/006/071/117 Investigation of the ... B149/B106 some overlap of the VI!of.the fractions (although the crude components are sharply differentiated by I). This may be avoided by recycling. The oxidation stability of paraffino-naphthenic hydrocarbons from oil depends on the content of mono- and bi-cyclic aromatic compounds. Since there is a great variety of aromatic hydrocarbons in the distillate, the solvent chosen must be of high selectivity to ensure a sharp separation of high grade from low grade products. [Abstracter's note: Complete tra.nalation V4 Card 2/2, SHAKAWLAIII, G.A.; NUILMAII, A.G.; 36idl;IAII, A.O.; A.Ii. Effect of penicillin czi the formation of a, ~;iutinins aft,-~r imminization of rabuit3 -with paratyphoid vaccine. LZ'V. A~i Arm. SSR Biol. nauki 16 no-3:--:~7 1-ir 163. (:':! - ,A 1 i'; ~ ~) 1. Kafedra mikxobi,,loL;ii YerevanBkOL:0 instituta. *,UlAZYL-." A. G. Dissertation: "3 xteriocid in uml Its Use in In est I nit I jisert-geg of Youtn. " Gand I et Sci, Yere-ran ,,)ovgtf,-rimiry Irst, 1? ll-kiv ~~4. ki(omvinist, fere-7tin, -,40 -,r ~4j . -1 SO: Sdi, 243, 1-) Oct 1954 COUIrIllf., US6 a .CATEGOWI Microbiology 1959 1 AES, JOU'S" Ref Zhur-Biologiya, No. 4, No. 14808 AUTHOR Shakaryan, G.A.; Daniyelova, L.T.;Nurazyan,A.G. INST. TITIE Influence of Bacteri ocioin on Antigenic Ac- tions of Paratypboid Bacteria and Agglutinir, Formation with Brucella Iafection. ORIG. PUB. Tr. Yorevansk. zootokhn.-Vot. in-tng 1957, ryp. 21, 181-187 ANCTRACT It was established that bacteriocidin (B) an antibiotic obtained from the culture fluid of a tea fungus, Meducomyces gisevii, did not decrease the antigenic properties of paraty- phoid bacteria. Bacteria, killed by B in di- lutions of 1:20, produced an even more in- tensive formation of agglutinins than the beat-killed or viable ones, which is related, in the opinion of the author, to the stimu- latory influen,^.ti of small doses of B on the RES (reticulo-endothelial system). Ta exper- CARD: 1/2 SHAKARYAN, G.A,j.1, 1. A.Go; NAVASARDYAN, A.A.; OGAIIESYATI, M.A.; MARTIRCdYAN, R.Z. " - Effect of antibiotics on the formation of antibodies in f-mmizing sheep with brucellosis vaccine. Izv. Ali Arm. SSR. Biol. nauki 17 no.2t47-54 F 164. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Wedra jLikrobiologii Yerevanskogo zoaveterinarnogo instituta. ACCESSIOK'NR: AP4021554 s/oagB/64/017/002/0055/006?- AUTHOR: Shakaryan, G, A,; Nurazygns-14 G ; Navasardyan, A. A.; Oganesyanp M. A.;.Martirosy*an# R.'Z. TITLE., Effect of antibiotics on antibody production in sheep immunized -with Brueella. vaccine .SOURCE: AN ArmSSR, Izv. Biologicheskiye nauki,, v. 17, no. 28 1964', .55-62 ;TOPIC TAGS: antibiotic effecto antibody production,, Brucella !vaccine imunization., penicillin, streptomycin, biomycin monomycins :agGlutination reaction,, fixation of complement 'ABSTRACT: Six groups of sheep (10 each) were ~Pmunlzed with singlo ;subcutaneous in ootions of Brucolla live vaccine (strain No. 199 series No, 18031- Penicillin$ streptomycin, biomycin, monomycin, and monomycin combined with penicillin were administered twice the first 1:day and twice daily the six subsequent days to 5 groupsp with the ~ sixth group serving as a control. Animal blood was tested before l'imr-unIzation for agglutination reaction and fixation of complement -2 F~ ------- ''ACOSSION NR: AP4021554 - and after imunization was tested every 7 days for a 42 day period. Results show that penicillin does not depress the production of i,agglutinins or complement fixation antibodies, Agglutinin production is slightly depressed by streptomye-in and monomycin combined with papicillin, and io sharply doprossod by biomyoin and monorrqoin. I_Prpduction of complement fixation antibodies is also depressed by ''biomycin,, streptomycint and espeoWly by monomyoin, Orig, art, has., '2 figures. VASSOCTATION: Kafedra mikrobiologii Yorevanskogo zoovaterina'rakogo kinstituta (Microbiology Department of the Erevan Zooveterinary IIZIstitute) q nf= 25Sep63 DATE ACq: Wtar64 ENCL: iSUB CODE: LS NR REP SOV: 028 OTHER:* 00 000, "7 L 37671-66 Ew ACC NR, AP60281 JK t .6691(- - - - - ~~U-JRCE CODE: UR/0427A6/019/004i 0014 .~l .;_Nava ardyan.-A. A. 8 -Zooveterinary Institute (Wedra mikrobiologii AUTHOR: Shakaryan.-G. A.; NurazMn. A. ORG: Department of Microbiolo-6F,- =eH-v yerevanskogo zooveterinarnc&o instituta TITLE: Effect of mcnomycinUn immunoge SOURCE: Biologichesk-iF -zhurnal armenii TOPIC TAGS: brucellosis, immunization, antibiotic v. 19, no. 4, 1966, 9-14 rabbit, vaccine, drug effect, blood serum, . ,ABSTRACT: Flonomycin (Cj8H 0 -related to neomyoin and kanazyclu) ,In a doze of 20.000 uni GlArlay administered to rabbits simultan- 'eously with brucallosis vaccine or 7 days later inhibited the for- mation of speolfic agglutinins and complement-fixing antibodies. The inhibitory effect was more pronounced when the antibiotic was combined -with the vaccine. The same dose of monomyoln also Inhibited the complement activity :of blood serum. The degree of :Inhibition waa greater in the ani- mals receiving only the antibiotic; It seems that konomycin sup- pressas the meofianism of nonspeciflo defense. thereW preventing it,s "tivation. ftbasquently, when the organism 18 00Mp1GtG1Y fread'froa,the effoot of Mononyaln and there Is-no 1 anythmu to prevent triggorlM of the above nechanisat the ont titer again Ase~Fe* OZ49- ark- has: 3 NVWes and 2 tables. [JF95t 36,93~1 SUB CODE: 06 / SUM UTZ: 14ffov64 / cRIG REF: o29 / NMAYIV. N. Blood donations gratle..Urav.Belor. 5 no.11:77 N 159. (KMA 13:3) 1. Predsedatel. Vitsbakogo obkom Krasnogo Kresta. (TITIBSK PROVINCII-BbOOD DONORS) KOREIMSKIT9 - H,k.; NURBAYEYL N With the help of the sanitary group. Zdrav. Bel. 6 no.3.1:45-46 N 160., (MM 13:12) 1. GlavW vrach Vitabskoy oblkanepidstantaii (for korenevskiy). 2. Predsedatell Vitebakogo obkma, Krasnogo Kr sta (for "YOV). (VITEBSK PROVINCE--PUBLIC WTHI i NURBAYEV, Z.M. Structure and facies of pophyry intrusions in the southern Altai. Trudy IAb, paleovulk. Kazakh. goo. un. no.2:128-140 163. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Kazakhokiy institut minerallnogo syrlya. __ NURBAIN, Z.M*; GUZHI, D.N. Structure and ore potential of the northeastern shear zone. Trudy Alt.GNZI AN Kazakh.SSR 8:216-219 160. (KIR& 13.7) (Altai Mountains--Geology, EconoMiC) 14., NMUYEV - Z. M. Genetle types of endogenstic "o formations in the eastern part of the southern &Itai Mountains. Izv. AN Kazakh. SSR. Ser. geol. no.106-" 1610 (MIRA 14:6) (Altai Mountains-Ore deposits) T_ 43091-65 EV1P(e),/F-V1T(m)/_=WP(i )/EWP(bol Pq- 4MH ACCESSXON NPI: AR5006827 S/0081165/000/001/MO12/MO12 SOURCE: Ref-. zh. lChimlya, Abs. 1M83 AUTHOA- PiAtisMi~-NoM.; Nurbekov, T.D. dc~ao:bf,--the:pbYs1cockem1ca1 ii-vertieg of 14gh-tron glasses of slag composid CITED SOURCE: TT. i4osk. kh1m. -tekbnol. in-ta im D. 1. Mend~l eva, vyp. 45, 1964, 139-144 qy_ dgILIKon lass, slag -TOPIZI VA so e a~~Olqg OiAi bid 9fj" MaglleB 4) ii f U ty TRANSIAMON: The authors established the possibility, of obtaining glasses based pure oxides and containing, among their components, those which correspond to the composition of some of the slags of non-ferrous metallurgy; they also determined the effect of individual oxidet, on the pkincipal phyG-ico-chow.1cal properties of these glasses. The authors also studied the properties of glasses prepared from tbe following actual slags. b=king slag from the Karsakpaysidy me-deplavillnyy zavod Xarsalipay Copper ill-card 1/2 7 L 43091 5~. 445W .827.,- W 7- smq~#ng Plaut) -lisid i~~Mulat6d 'slag from the Ust'-Karnenogoraldy sviatsovo-tainkovoy k&~binat (Ustf-K~a= mo the ~mguk Lead and Zinc Combine). The chemical analysis of slags Is presented. The consisting of 4 series (85 compositions). In the lirst series (Si021 Al20 , CaO, F0203), they stucued the effect of F(320 (0 32 5 mol. %) on the principal physicochemical properties. In the second Seri 'E)s i8iI ]!~203, CaO, Fe203, M90), they studied the eff ect of MgO (1, 2, 3. 5. 7 and 10 wt-V la the third series (S102. A120. 'CaO, FG20.3, M90, Na20), they studied the effect of alkalbie oxides (1, 2, 33 Q 5 wt.%) on 6e technological, physico- mechanical, thermal and chemical properties of the glasses. In -the fourth series, they studied the effPct of admbdures (metals such as Pb, Cu, Zn, Ni, etc., either free or bound to 8) on the physico~.,hoxntcal properties of glasses based on slags from the lead- zinc and copper industriev. The experim6ntal results obtained during the study of the properties of the second and third series of glasses are presented, as well as a compar- ison, of thoir properties with those of the fourth aeries. I. Mikhaylova Wp L IA~" M)1W(i)1EWP(b) Pf-J, WH ACCESSION OR: AR5014989 UR/ 008-1/ 65/ UUU/ d to silvicuitu-ral (between Gyaur &n nauk no.5:30-38 I revegatation I the influence er. biol. nauk WRIORDYM P K. Moisture regime of Kopetdag sands. Izv. AN Turk. SSR. Ser. biol. nauk no. 5:86-88 164. (mll-R-Al 18:2 ) 1. Institut pustyn' AN nirkmenskoy SSR. NURDZILADIOV, 11. Kh. "Starinnye pantomiray tazhikxv. report submitted for 7th Intl Cong, Anthropological ?z Ethnologica.1 Sciences, Moscow, 3-10 Aug 64. All BUYIMN, S.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; NUREKENOV Ye,,. The physicochemical mechanism of carbon combustion. Vest. AN Kazakh. SSR 21 no.905-41 S 165. MIRA 1839)