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IF a W., and oleAa-h Z. ThLliaiw - of CYIJD- !w~ 411956), J-22. condition of wt,;,; uations -WbOse flp-tcrmln ail iil~,% id tnsvers~., r,, bs SOME. PROBLEMS OF STRUCTURAL ANALY- ~/Sls OF rL.,~-rms"*iTH MIXED DITIONS. W, No~,, ki and S. Yaliakk, 'A,: ad. 7- 7 7" ay~wni of Yruill;oicri lnt~,;tall Of the, ~vc- oad kind which m ce -:t2an parb-cul-sr cases bocome Fredliolm equationa of the firrt kind. DY :77 i l & i ~ ca 1%,-11 SPOVS,511 1* z f t, e t! i1mply suppor-C6 vivi. 1-4 double U180nomotfWA", 11 40 che rdA,~ of Shell are I diapjacemern due Wt vu 01 V to th o Ira? rerta in, 10 to a superpo s trion of two rarij 2 aubjected to the influence of tvcnpcraiu,-c an.1 the second to 'a simply supported ~hcd lia ied at the cigei jch moment$ Ar ift e~3 corresponding to the uipc ~-t t;kx~-c-r, In th, canc wam, upvc,:~ ;e .30be Y ~n i'n In the :3,rt! cif c,~nt!rv,vn bOtIfUhIrY LOfiW -P.3, L.Lc Ifrhjr;n. c !~;v fifv kip.& t. !11rc f Iti at (in Poliq1t). %t, & M A t -supportzi lying in the same A plate deformed before. placing it on plane is the jiubject of di 9 Paper. The in, r i AleforTuation, )t;;. fruing -hiiing the of che ;.Oiae' I "~~r ftoM ~Ulv '14, 1 stresses. S~jch a plate c, p- ternPJ 10t':C iS U3ed. The gene-a! rctho,! o, TLe !)oiur-w, of fz--.c, ob, 'Urt! A vlcT~Ial wo:k. Fnle naNllt& ircin 'ite e cp" it form- oi A q, r4 A ;,-r, .7 MPP;R~-aTC-j2`g-*1- d:cu- _kr~11. Mezh. Si~;. 1,10956), 233455. (Polish. Russian and English -mminaries) --The au, ors-owelder a gwoxal problem Of forced t It &. 'k-foad ckcWar subject, vikratidi b, ;L plate to a periodic o d Ai-7 nomal to the plane of the plate and a stead), compression load, g, in the middle pto n~! of the plate For mixtd boun- dary conditions part!%, simpi~, supp4~rt-d F"tly fixed) thc aufficArs assume Lhc superpusirioa [ deflections originated frorn agiform boundiary conditions (totally simply supported or totally fixed). The total deflec6on is souCht in the form of an Integral, This transfoms the odginal pailid differential equatior. for the total deflection into an integral Fredholm ~~qw.tion of the first kinJ~ The kernel of this equation is fout,d in tort-is of Bessel functiom and the Fr--Jholn) eqiiarj~n is solwd by -representing the integral ja form of a aum. This . tent of linear nonhamdgenem alge braic I gives a Unite SYS eqiiati-oh-9. Parficular forced 'Vi6i'l.tions fl?z - 1; 7- 7- Hon A .~Xo and v -449,1W A41); ' rdhot.1 disCCA~ the ptc;bJefe,of dell v CC too rQ~jc ll~~s ,with relatively *iaerxt 4310=p"ong 02=':rati~j the supp*tt Alcoa of thi PI-ste, Discootht"us And 431 ca dw ptripbety dAidt.of 11314 pTpottsot CUMPS.'LuLd.the pisence of elastic long as. And roundatwol. Tbc gencral c;%# is reduced to A systein of Fiedholm Idept aqvAttowA of the first or, aaccod ki: ~eptMlojj on Theqqzweleav bts~fwd 0 cm4s Wws of thc~ pomewical cozpAtiblUry lot PC is "gZants mad teSiou*, in which rho type 4 saprozt difitta froat the :v: b&GiC *Y51923 (0119AIly 4 2110ply XUPPaMd PJAM3, Reptt3rAution of 64 smught val'Ies in the tom of arrhopost Action enabICA raue(AS t4t syWcema of fategrai eq"Sionna at the first kind bb~tllAtd to 111fialrd Sy4f,408 Of SIStbAir VPAI)009. These ectible, in ceitnio, "set, Lho soludoa in an explicit forts. Authnrx zat" systems of eqmtiona of the oe-eonJ kind by nolq the IfeCotiva lotthad, the error 1xing discwsed 044 A"Lud. 71-e die9ty'la, ill-AstrAted by A aefies of rectangu- 10 Plots 0%. e4go Of vwh)Ch I* pvtially alstply supponed, portl4ur C[jtMpCd OF flee; OyStC91S Of tCCtAft$dAr PIXt*A In COMIRCt AJO-~Ij cjsda; P!Ate-i with filks, 114CAt and surface suprorta, etc. PJA4111, of Ritz- t~A, ;~.-X 4 -04 .*04 wjj- A 40 AM I CT 6~31 viamiivt foaW illorl.'. a rib I', sk;. f, cAla tvi -.4 T-li.i. 14A PUpfit", I tk, a 'Ong ~UJ pJaLd t' Sn~V:~ Piz- V11144 ,late with 0110 spuc dd. it with ona 110"t "Orgoi "d raoomz%aar P", v7/1 ow State of stress in infinite and ueA-imfinlte elpstic annces due to the action of an Instanteneo-us reAt source [with su=ary La English]. Prykl.mokh. I no.1:121-130 157. (MLU 10: 9) 1. Institut mokheniki Pol'skoy Akndemli nauk. (Strains and stresses) (Heat-Tranamission) )5 vt _OLANY- W- PRZ ESTRZE V TAX NAPAZZ XYW I rjztAzmiEm cH*mdwjmo . . . . . . . . . ME . Unatyn NoO, 1967i jpp,185-366.. involish, wlUi ounimarMs In Endlish and Rasolan. malyels OftZatr eon state In an elastie space nad h*lf- act 4%tv to the action of Ain lnotantoneous soureb C p of h"t. and of the stress state In an inelastic half- SpWs caused by a concentrated Inatantaneoup beat at am Is solved by the rpeth- Zawva, , -The -latt pvot~IL of reflection2. j AA Ani M q XD'1~4jU/Ii A, t. A rn. problurn in which ternpera- tura T = 0. The at-tion e~( Ihin aukirce will resultta a tamperature and ~Xreas fidW in the elastic space, Asisuming that the thermal and elaitit properttesof tJsb madfurn. are coriatanto, independent of the Coor dinaws and the %rrTIpC? ratur e ~ the 4ctlou of thts in - Riantaneous SGuzC& WIL, provoke dymarnic eflecto, In the dtaplacarnnnt equationa of the theory of etau- ticity the igiertia terms -ire raken into account. The problem to char~ctertzed by Rpherical eymmetry, the lamVerature arid streve being dependent on the distance R from the source and the 0mv t. In all-I, No- 1,937. Mac+ stailaw ' -pp. 417.;458.. Thooralital Joyeotigation of a airn- ~onfiactad thlit plate f oe Itom atro4voo- at tile P"y 4ag" --abli b rain-statcin the region a.gwell at Coq-lj~Qn0rktktOUIffWQ of thd plate And xe Pot y*Xion,, Th,i btra a and oreutiYornporienta LAra re, e A Tiv diii pJacame it I" Ictiona for gent:v Uums a~Ad the generalized Airy tilu, )a. 1"he :neth. od-io illumitrated by mtmin of threa txamplea: an -infinite plate, and a piatn infi"Ita platc, a a tlj strip. 40i . . .......... thenno-elastiep'ablim Rozprai 1 5 (1957),469- Z and EawCUrls-Mades) 497. (PblislL M The theimal strews within. the ebstic hAiPace subject to a given arbitraq t"perature diddbution over a finite r4lan of the free surfam are deterailaed by.asing the Green s fuitWaa for the'heat-tumfer problem of an infiniteli smaU heat $Ource within the surfaie, how w" the. tempeiriture solution for the finite VqPM it obtained by integration..' troduciag this inte qW. into the potential equation for th thernio-elastic gacenvtt fwwdon and,removing the Multing tion-zew IREM-M ents pw op, the surface by superimposq,& iaftd, idutim WHing Aho; free bounda coaditioa d4iived hop~i~ G solution pf ~the it a qakw** iia~cdon, the .a -d i~P WI&_U A- "ail-steady date J_ffWrMo_el"tkproWem. RozprawyInt.5(1957). W9_(Pblish. Russian.and EngM Oen -in the elastic half-space, from a beat-s6urce within the fi-ee surface moving constant velocity, are determined by removing the time- th the aid of a coordinate system moving with effect Wi ' ti th l l ll k th f i h - ons e we erma so u or nown, the scum, us t e i ng g the equation of the stationary, heat source and integratin thermo-elastic dis lacement otential for thme solutions p p with the aid of Fourier integraLL The S -stress components an the free surface -are. remoind by 3 a solution of the biharmonic equation super-Postuou Of aidot4"orkinfunction. A.M. the , MLan-JA3d- ot sum la a dodk wm -i The va dome fa a rawy Int.' manna Rusdau and the" The strength are o harmonic&H i'dw to a t I y c i=,ftlhema~dufi d U.. ua an deterrail" by ft lacement wn t.pstm flelds laccawnt for%. Jho dUs p '4 bf covicentratod, a Unear and a plw hoat,460", Aoftw djL -A M. O U . me th effects ~ JVA- AC-K'-' W 110 MAN #I.& cl-space bistwit~00oul ocurC4. 0. hact" /f/~ J4) p 0 /f'/ VV' POLMD/A+,omfc a:id Molcc-,aar Pk,,si-;.; - Heat* D-4 Abs Jour Ref Zhuzr - rizikFL, No 5, !-~-_,5(3, ~io 10433 Author Nowacki. X, Inst lmstit-xte sf Basi!-2 Tezhn~_-a_', R-:~nL.-2ms, PoLish Academy of Sciences, Polq_nd Title : A Boundaz~r Problem -,f Heat` CD2a!i:.(.t'-_'on Orig Pub : Bull. Acad. polon. sci., 195-~-, C.I. 4, 5, No 4, _;n5-pip, xix Abstract : Me au'lLrior determine_- j-' trap temT)arat,,ire in an elastic body, inside of 1`3 located a sou:-ce of heat and on one region of the su~,Zac:~ /lc ~he_re exists a t3mperatura T>,O, while remaining raGilonspu)rb are such that T-=O. Me bo",mdary of condiftion _f-_-_-/7 c 15~ ?T/6 a=0, c,)nsequentl~y is theimally Iinrple examples are given to ex- plaia the method of Card 1/1 7- F7 rZ 0 ~WSTRMES IN A THM PLAT D U XV9 OF-THERMOELASTIC STRAW., Areb7micfi. !Ga-3-w-&n-eITvrWr-oaWj, j SPO .7-TMONUL inve Lou t4-dat*rmine the streseeff due to discoAtinuous con-' at6d thermal-action -resulting iA a thin pAte. r (treated its a two-dimensional problem) with free temperature in the surface alernent; edges, when the dA it; T and that of the remaining rogion to zero, From the solution of this problern the stresses are obtained &a functions of the considered point (x, y) and the point where the nucl&uB of tharmoolao- tic strain acts, In this way the influeace ouriaces for tl%o atravaes (i.e., the Green's functions of the problem) are found. Consideration is given to 0-.) 7------ infinite atrip, a somi-infinite strip, and lit. 4'1 andSA6194ski, ate Ceitalp 9 pro ems of, iectaoguhr - %_)lates* It i. WjEh. S 57) 109-1 ~msian surriataries) o , an( %' _d on two wgulav isotropic. p106 imply supporte W having 1"iffe'rent ~oltyldaty 01blifiPA3 -along th a t* wo rem -atning c ge." a sidered d 4 re COn I c s t f ess e., being i n- gen ral functiom; OLV, Y. It is simpkst to explairt Aheir-ffiJ -a particular case. ethod ~by takifig pliu~ sijnply:suoported -at x7-0 -a, awd Aan,ped at 'Y=O; (q -th-hifillite Sttip simply b ',virde&As j)6rtion OT _0 Pport(rd .1 -V"= "A", Rib ~ct 1-6 pedw ic strm, ca~ ~~%iffi t ,6d -by kflt -widition- fomcs I A6 I vt ,, t , , I I . - : , Z'-- --u ar- o, an --I klefits a t I n long, A Itl e of tlkese additioutal he te o i a e e de'lection w (if thl: pla ifieir linfi-.of action. - -TEL ioq-iivthis probf(~t'n"': is- -ce)nvur ted ''i (' - __ n's 0 an jn4,gr( CUM 4, i. -lfial~ 11aflon. by id ~f th A iarinonle 1_1~1,uation. "iffl),titi -a I LI :I, illy; if ft., systfln 'Aciuble. I widerseiiVISfort~Yiel ~ij~ uf -timar equMi_on'4'%vhidi can bf" tmaltd liy Ow lanvifiar n 'AS, examples S~veral pr6bletus airrady solved by 6(ju-C rwtho& itre.treated.- hu nwill(A i_'i-Ailwimisly of groat, generalitv, T A three-dithensioaal thermodastic 1 - F\W problem with disco SU HIT! I j T~,e stntinnarv ~tRte of sli--ss v; inalvztd m the eiastv- halfspac,~ widt r"I pal cular solution of the well--known potential equation strain function a solution of the for the thermo-etastic . bi-IXM~A A. M. Freu4ewhcd (INL-w York, N.Y.). IN fVCK 1, ~6;~LWfjght A plane distottloa ptoUem Arch. -Medr-5M.-W(T957), 417-438. (Polish- and RZuwian liummaries) ro This paper deals with a simply connected thin isotro _RIVret from edge stress, under a given st-a-fe-of initial 3t . over a-region oUthe plate. The.strain and stressA throughout the plate are determined. The resvis i~vo e the Green's functions for the plate, which have been determined in the case of (i) an ififinite plate, (ii) a semi- infinite plate, and (iii) a plate strip. R, M. J~orrisj ale, NG,,'ACKI, W "Two steady-state thermoelastic problems." p. 579 (Archiwum Mechaniki Stosowanej, Vol, 9, No. 5, 1957, Warsaw, Poland) Monthly Index of Fast European Ac(:essions LC, Vol, 8, no. 1, Jan 59 U(NACKI, Witold The long-run pl&n for the development of Polish science In the years 1961-75 and the Five-Tear Plan for scientific research. Review Pal Acadeiq 4 no-3:1-15 '59. Mai 9:6) 1. Read at the general Assembly of the Polish Academy of Sciences on Feb. 24. 1959. (Poland~- Science) S/124/6-/000/001/040/046 D237/D304 AUTHORS: Nowacki, Witold, and Sokoxowski. Marek TITLE: Propagation of thermoelastic ,vaves in plates PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Ylekhanika, no, 1, 1962, 13, abstract 1V85 (Arch. mech. stcsowanej, 1,)59, 11, no. 6, 715-727) (in English) C, TEXT: The problem formulated is solved by Biot equations (M. A. Biot, J. Apple Phys., 1956, 27, 3). The following boun- dary conditions are assumed on the surfaces of the plate. which are free from surface stresses: (1) constant temDerature, and (2) ideal thermal isolation. Some sim lifying assumptions are p made, allowing numerical solution to be reached. Mode of dis- tribution of elastic waves is investigated for two limiting cases, namely that of a very thick and very thin plate (as compared with the wavelingth). Interdependence of the heat conductivity and motion equations is shown in two ways: on the one hand, phase Card 112 3/124/62/000/0C1/040/046 Propagation of ... D237/D304 velocity of the wave motion increases; on the other hand, the solutions for displacements contain terms expressing the appear- ance of dispersion. ~-Abstracterls note: Complete translation.,-7 -149 Card 212 I RDVATSIC ~-v til 1. ~; ~ I- - ,tain spatial problems no.3:456-467 KY-Je I Wasticity) NO L All all st it' a PRUE I BOOK MWITATION POL/3853 +A--rmoi3pi stodet (Problems in Mermoelasticity) Warazava, Padistwove M, vyC-io rzaluve, IVY0. 394 P- (Series: Biblioteks mechaniki stosawaneJ) alf-p inserted. 1,150 copies printed. Atvncy: Polsla Akadamia Nauk. Instytut Pedstawowych Problem6v Laclnusz I ;x):., A~ski, J6zef Ignaczak, J6zef Janiczek. book is intended for engineers, technicians, and students of s,--:iools of higher education. '01~- hook is a result of the author's scientific work in thermoelas- @a ous fy. Tt pvesents a methodical account of thermal stresses in homo ne e.-VI viscaas elastic bodies. The study is made ,Iv~al cxvtttions of infinitely small displacements. Equations of di3placement E,,V, ta r.w~ratiuv field are treated as a combined set of differential equations. 11;4~t ~, GROSUMMa, Janusz; NOWACKI, Witold Some experiences fiva work on national plans of scientific research. Review Pol Acadeaw 5 no.3/4-11-18 Jl-D 060. (Science) (Research) 28256 P/006/60/008/003/008/009 D265/D305 AVTROR: TITLEt Steady-state stresses in an orthotropic cylinder and plate IERIODICAL-. Rozprawy iniynierskie, v. 8, no. 3, 1960, 567-579 TEXT: I a the first part of the paper conditions are established in which the state of stress in an orthotropic cylinder in a steady-state sourceless temperature field is confined to one component only, namely, the stress in the direction of the cylinder axis - (x3)' Quoting the known statement by N. Ya. Muskbelishviii (Ref. 1: Nekotoryye o9novnyye zadachi matematicheskoy teorii uprugosti, Moskva-Leningrad [some Basic Problems of the Mathematical Theory of Elasticity, 14oscow-Leningrad3 1949, 159), that the steady temperature field in an isotropic cylinder produces only one stress which is different from zero which acts along the axis of the cylinder, provided that the linear sources of heat, i.e. parallel to cylinder axis are absent, the author verifies this statement for an ortho.- Card 1/3 28256 P/006/60/008/003/008/009 Steady-state stresses ... 0265/D305 tropic cylinder and finds the conditions for which such a stream prevails. Starting from the general set of equations for elastic strains and making use of Airy's, Green's and Dirac's functions, the mathematical considera- tions described in this paper lead W the conclusion that such a stress does exist in an orthotropic cylinder only in the direction of X 3 axis, all other stresses being zeros This stress equals -E 3Q 3T where suffix 3 refers to X3 axis, E - Young modulus, C( - coefficient of thermal conduc- tivity, and T - temperature. When analyzing the isotrol.ic case, the ab- sence of the source of heat in the cylinder produces only one stress, namety, that acting along the x3-axi& and equal to -E cy, T. In the second part of the paper, a thin orthotropic plate is considered under a steady- state linear temperature field (in the direction of the 11 3-axis)~ By con- sidering the equations for the elastic strains, the conductivity of the plate's material and the heat transfer between the plate and the surround- ings (applying Newton's law), the mathematical analysis is performed making use of Airy's and Green's functions, for which particular cases are collat- Card 2/3 28256 P/006J60/008/003/008/009 Steady-state stresses... D265/D305 dered and the conditions are established under which all the stress and strain components vanish in a sourceless temperature field. The au the r refers to the work of B. M. Mayzell (Ref. 3: Tempernturnaya zadache teorii uprugosti (Temperature Problems of the Theory of Elasticity] . Kiyevq 1951) for proof of the theory of isotropic plates. There are 3 Soviet- bloc references. ASSOCIATION: Z&kX&d mechaniki olrodk4w ci4kgyych IPPT, PAN (Institute of Continuous Mechanical Media, IFFT, PAS) SUBMITTEW April 8, 1960 Card 3/3 VOWACKI, Witold, prof.dr.inz. To celebrate professor Witold Wierzbickils 70th birthday. Przegl techn 81 no.6:21-22 F 160. 1. Zastepca Sekretarza Naukowego Polskiej Akademii Alauk, Warszawa P/002/61/000/001/001/007 DOOl/DlO1 AUTHOR: Nowacki Witold. Full member of the Polish Academy of -Fc Tie -hc -e-sl- TITLE: Research program of Polish Academy of Sciences branches for 1961 and 1961-1965 PERIODICAL: Nauka Polska, no. 1, 1961, 8-12 TEXT: The report is extracted from an outline of the research pro- gram for all branches of the Academy for 1961 and 1961-1965, and describes the activity program of the Wydzial III (Department III) which deals with mathematics, physics, chemistry, geology and geo- graphy and the Wydzia3: IV (Department IV) which deals with various branches of engineering. The article, as a whole, is the reprint o a paper read by the author at the General Meeting of Academy Members on December 10, 1960, Sciences represented in Department III of PASS form the theoretical basis of development in engineering and economy. In order to cope with current problems, Department III of PAS estab- lished separate institutes or sections for all pertinent fields of Card 1/5 P/002/61/000/001/001/007 Research programoes DOOl/DlOl science except geodesy which has not yet been grouped into a section of its own. Most of these subordinate institutions except Zaklad Astronomid (Section of Astronomy) and Zaklad Nauk Geologicznych (Section of Geological Sciences) are central posts comprising the full scope of problems in the particular branch of science. However, they are not capable of tackliig all forthcoming problems by them- selves and, because of the shortage of scientifically trained person- nel, equipment and facilities, must closely cooperate with respective university chairs and industrial institutes. The shortage of scien- tists is particularly noticeable in physics, geophysics -and in certain branches of chemistry. In general, all scientific branches of the III-rd Department are satisfactorily equipped with basic instrument-,-, but some special apparatuses are still in short supply. Lack of proper housing is also acute in some instances. In the next five years, the Instytut Chemii Fizycznej (Institute of Physical Chemistuiy) will be accommodated in a new building and the first pavilions will be built for the Instytut Fizyki (Institute of Physics). The trans- fer of Zaklad Syrntezy Organicznej (Organic Synthesis Section) into Card 215 P/002/61/000/001/001/CG-7 Research program... DOOl/DlOl a new building is under consideration; construction of the geophysi- cal center in Belsk is nearing completion. The Section of Astronomy will receive in 1961 a Schmidt camera 60 cm in diameter. The re- search program of Department IV, Technical Sciences, can be divided into two groups. The first one includes electronics, metallurgy and metal science, acoustics, nondestructive material testing, rock for- mation mechanics, automation, flow machines, chemical engineering, hydraulic engineering, electrical engineering and application of isotopes in technology. The second group includes fundamental re- search in the field of theoretical mechanics of deformable bodies, which includes the theories of elasticity and plasticity, rheology, strength of materials; further, bydraulics, pneumatics, acoustics and the theory of magnetic field, including its application in radio, electronics and electro-acoustics. Contrary to other departments of PAS, this one does not yet have a full-fledged system of posts for -tackling all research that is of fundamental importance in engineer- ing, and the development of such a system to concentrate among others on automation, chemical engineering, mining, metallurgy, machine Card 3/5 P/002/61/000/001/001/007 Research program... DOOl/D101 construction and civil engineering will be the principal task of Department IV for the next few years. As a top priority scheme, Instytut Automatyki (Institute of Automation) will be established in 1961 by expanding the present Zaklad Automat ki (Automation Section). Extension of the Zaklad Mechaniki G6rotworu Nection of Rock Forma- tion Mechanics) and Zaklad Metali Section of Metals) into the Insty- tut Podstaw G6rnietwa i Butnictwa Rnstitute of Mining and Metallurgy) will follow at a later date. A highly important task will be the extension of Zaklad In~,ynierii i Aparatury Chemicznej (Section of Chemical Engineering and Chemical Aparatuses) which is difficult to accomplish because of an acute shortage of properly trained scien- tists. The needs of the national economy call for two more institu- tes; Instytut Podstaw Budowy Maszyn (Institute of LInchine Construc- tion Principles) and the Instytut Podstaw In~ynierii Budowlanej (Institute of Civil Engineering Principles). The new organizational system is now under discussion. It seems that the largest of all institutes of the IVth Department, the Instytut Podstawowych Proble- m6w Techniki (Institute of Fundamental Problems of Engineering) will Card 4/5 P/002/61/000/001/001/007 Research program... DOOl/D1Ol be the backbone of the future organization, linking a group of present and future instituteslike Insty-tut Fizyki Technicznej (Insti- tute of Technical Physics), Instytut Mechaniki Stosowanej (Insti- tute of Applied Mechanics), Institute of Automation and several other already mentioned sections. The principal task of all insti- tutes and sections will be the training of young scientists. During the past eight years, sections and branches of Departments III and IV of the PAS greatly contributed to the development of several disaLplines of science like mathematics, theoretical and experimental physics, electronics, physical chemistry and electrical en .gineering. ASSOCIATION: Polska Akademia Nauk (Polish Academy of Sciences). Card 5/5 HOVACKI, Witold Research plans, Polish Acade:V of Sciences agencies 1961 and 1961- 1965. Reviev Pol Academy 6 no.1:1-16 Ja-Mr 161. (Polish Academy of Sciences) (Poland-Research) NOVACKI, W, On the treatment of the two-dimensional coupled thermoslastic problems in terms of stresses. Bul Ac Pol tech 9 no.3:155-161 161. 1. Department of Mechanics of Continuous Media,, Institute of Funda- mental Technical Problems, Polish Academy of Sciences. (Elasticity) (Strains and stresses) '6 -3/ U- U- 0160 i 10.511'06- C) D2347D303 'Lowacki, W. TITL__~': 3ome problems writh rectangular plates i'MIODIC,~U,: .1cf6rativnyy zhur-nal, I!eklnaniha, no. 1, 1963, 24, abstract IV163 (Bull. ,v-,ad. oolon. sci. sc.-'. teclin., 1961, v. 9, no. 4, 247-256 (Eng.: sur,=ary in lius. )) T _'T The author considers the problems' of free and forced vibrations aad stability of rectangular plates. He begins by constr- Uctin(f two systcIns of orthogonal functions satisfying the equation 4 I Y) = 0 given in a rectangular domain Bath sides a and b. The first system. C3 of functions satisfies the boundary conditions ~_2(,_,O) . - f (x, 0) f (x, b) = \f 7 2f (x, b) . 2 f(O,y) f(a,y) . 6f(ay) 2f(O,y) . 0 (3) ax "lard 1/2 ~;/12ZV63/600/001/05 1/0 8 0 .;ome oroblems- i-rith rectangular -)Ia',:es ~j234/D308 in constructing tine second system t-he oricfin of coorClin--Les is 'Ler--ed to the point (a/2, 0) and tiie z.)ounaarv conciltions ~~f (a/2,y) f(a/2,y) = f(-a/2,y) -X are satisfied. ."ith the ai(I of these two systems the a-,ithor z;ol.'VQS the )ro'bleias o~ forcec! w.'.bratio-zis o-,'7 a :,,-'Late frceLy su-)-)ortc(~ aLow., -lic ec~.,,cs x 0, a;id y = b, and along ,:,ic c(.~,,C S well as that of a nlace clanl)ec: zilonc~ tlie cd-cs --C a 170C 11.r Su i) L10-1- the C&-Cs Y = 0, Y ''C! alSO C011--Zr',~.---~; a solution for -L';.C- ca!",C Wilei, ti,.c pla-c is adc:itionalLy che Line x 110 Call-1-.'clers a.-, infinite strii., loz,de,-; Li,nos y = -` 2b!-, k . 1,2,3, which ,:,ade it' to Solution for an infinite Strio rc:-~iforccL r--',)s lino3. L111c solution o~-: the -)roblcr. o-,' natural is ~Z 071C 1,)Utf; (I . 0 LOr U10 disturiing torce. If the Zr~~q-ac:~-,cy Zovcc 0 onc obtains the solution ot the c)"- 1.1'. t Y . /---bstracter's note: .~orn~-)Icte translation_J7 NOWACKI, W. AppUcation of difference equations in structural mechanics. BmI to Pol tech 9 no.41257-262 161. (zw 10:9/10) 1. Department or Mechanics of Continuous Media,, Institute or Funds- usn+Al Technical Problems, Polish AcadeuT of Sciences, (Mechanics., Applied) (Difference equations) b 3153 S., 124/6 2/0 UO/O 00/(V C /03 0 T054/1254 AVrHGRs TITLE% Thr throo-d1monsional dynamic problem of thermoalasticity PERIODIGALS Raferativny thurnal, Mekhan1ka, Svodn'yy tom. no. BV, 1962, 189 .Y abstract OV 125 (Bull. Acad. rolon. sci. Ser. sci. techn. 9, 1961, 419-426, 7=3 Dynamic equatices are studied for an elastic body, including the tempera-Lure induced stresses. The considered system of equations is of the forms 1 '0 W ot grad d iv grad - 7 Tj-r T T (Xtytztt) Is the temperature# I is constant. The position it to split into two components 6 i-t; "'t, 9 whe re t4 *= grad'4 ard appears as a partial solution of the equation at T z 0. Since the values of I satisfy the-heat transfer equationt the author derives the following equation for ~ s (A - L -L) (A - L -J -, R j%& '? f I it )1)0 whore R to a certain functior# proportional to the density of the heat sourcet Card 1/2 ,/124/62/000/008/028/030 1) The threo-dimersional... 1054/1254 distributed Inside the elastic body and k is proportional to the thermal conductivity. Formulae are derived for at ,representing a "dynamic" analogue of the known formulae derived by B.G. Galarkin for a radius vector in a static case. A planar problem is also considered. M the ard of the paper seme examples are given. [Abstracter's notes Complete translation Card 2/2 29461 P/033/061/013/004/004/005 Z 0 D248/D302 AUTHOR: Nowacki, Witold (Warsaw) TITLE: Applying difference equations in the theory of plates (1) PE'RIODICAL: Archiwum mechaniki stosowanei, v. 13, no, 4, 1961, 479-509 TEXT: The paper presents a departure from the work of N. J. Niel- sen, H. Narcus and P. 14. Varvak (Ref. 3: Razvitiye i pritozheniye metoda setok k raschetu pla6tinok, 1, 2, Izd. AN UkrSSR, Kiyyev, 1949, 1952) who replaced the derivatives in the differential equa- tion of the theory of plates by difference quotients and solved the resulting partial difference equation by Gaussian or itueration methods. The solution of E. Egervury (Ref. 6: On Hypermatrices whose Blocks are Commutable in Pairs and their Application in Lat- tice Dynamics, Hung. Acta Sci. Math., Vol. XV, 3-4 15 (1954), Inst. Bolyaian, Univ. Szeged) by matrix methods is referred to The present paper solves the partial difference equation by the Card 1/4 29q6i P/033/61 '013/'JO4,/'Oj4/jJ5 a / Applyin,--,, difference equations D248/1302 method of finite differences, and presents a solution of the dif- ferential equation of plate deflection by means of a. double finite series for both forced and free vibration, simultaneous bending and compression, and buckling. The author states that his solut- ion methods may be applied to problems of plates loaded in their planes and a number of static and quasi-static space problems, He indicates that Part II of his paper will be devoted to plate pro- blems with mixed boundary conditions, and the application of double Fourier transformation to the difference equation. In par- ticular, solutions are found for free and forced vibration of a rectangular plate under various loadings. The general amplitude equation for a plate is rewritten with difference quotients and a solution is sought in the form of a double finite series con- taining known eigen functions. The following examples of applica- tion of the double series method are given: (1) A load q XY and an immovable support at a point, (2) a load q and a load Rys & xy XG acting along the line x a load qxy , a load Ry~ X~' along Card 2/4 29461 P/033/61/013/004/004//005 Applying difference equations ... D248/D302 x = ~, and a load QA yj along y =~, (4) a plate simply supported or, the contour stiffened by means of a rib along x = Ft,,, (5) a plate simply supported on the entire contour and having a support along a segment of the line x = g, (6) a plate clamped along x = 0 and simply supported at tile remaining edges, and (7) a plate clamped at various points of the edge x = 0 and simply supported elsewhere. In the case of combined bending and compression, a difference equation is obtained from the general differential equa- tion in 7 4. Solutions are found by (a) a double finite sum method with eigen functions, (b) a double series method which assumes a complete set or orthonormal functions and (c) by a Green function. In the case of buckling similar solutions are proposed. Considera- tion Is given to applying simple finite series to the deflection of a pla to otrip, making uue of a Fourier integral tranfiformation devised by I. Babuska (Ref. 9: The Fourior Trant3form in t1io Theory of Difference Equations and its Applications, Arch. Mech. Stos., 4, 11 (1959)), for difference equations. In particular, a rectan- gular plate supported on two opposite edges is studied for the Card 3/4 29461 P/033/61/013/004/004/005 Applying difference equations ... D248/D302 static case. The author states that there is no obstacle to gene- ralization to forced vibration and simultaneous bending and com- pression. Finally, difference-differential equations are used with mixed boundary conditions to describe the deflection of a plate. There are 5 figures and 11 references: 7 Soviet-bloc and 4 non- Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATION: Department of Mechanics of Continuous Media, IBTP Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw SUBMITTED: March 6, 1961 Card 4/4 T sno 1127 2,~07 L'01 P/o033le1lT1 3/005/006/006 D265/D302 AUTHOR: Ignaczak, J6zef, and Nowacki, Witold (Warsaw) TITLE; Transversal vibrations of a plate, produced by heating PERIODICAL: Archiwum mechaniki stosowanej, v. 13, no. 5, 1961, 651-667 TEXT: In this paper equations are derived for the harmonic forced vibrations of a plate thermally excited by the density of the three- dimensional temperature field moment acting along the plate thick- ness. The longitudinal vibrations are assumed to be independent of the flexural vibrations. Starting from the heat equation 2 1 6 1 T T = 0, ~2 . 82 + d2 1 2 3 (1.11) in 3 dimensions coupled and not coupled with the deformation field, the basic equation is given for an infinite plate on elastic forma- Card 1/3 31129 P/03 61/013/005/006/006 Transversal vibrations of ... D265YD302 mations with a prescribed heat flow across the bounding surfaces harmonically varying in time [(32 + a2)2 _ 32+ kjtV + (1+v)'k,(~2 + a2)g 0 (1.22) 1 2 1 2 and (~2 + ~2 + ~2)U _ IU = 0, 32 = 4ph 1 2 3 (1.23) The problem is also considered for the vibration of a rectangular plate simply supported, or simply supported on the contour and hav- ing an additional support inside the plate region along the line parallel to the edge and for the plate of which one end is clamped and the other is simply supported. The thermal vibrations are also considered for a circular plate. An approximate solution is pro- vided for the above problems, consisting in the assumption that Card 2/3 P311 61/013/005/006/006 70371 Transversal vibrations of D265/D302 the moment density of a three-dimensional temperature field may be replaced by the temperature difference between the upper and the lower surface of the plate per unit thickness. The coupled thermo- elastic problem is solved making use of this assumption. There are 8 references: 4 Soviet-bloc and 4 non-Soviet-bloc. The refe- rences to the English-language publications read as follows: 3-A. Boley, A. D. Barber, Dynamic response of Beams arid Plates to Ra- pid Heating, J. Appl. Mech. 3, 24 )1957); M. A. Biot, Thermoela- sticity and Irreversible Thermodynamics, J. Appl. Phys. 3, 27 (1956), 240-253; 1. N. Sneddon, S. D. Berry, The Classical Theory of Elasticity in Encyclopedia of Physics, vol. 6, Springer, Ber- lin, 1958. ASSOCIATION: Department of Mechanics of Continual Media IBTP, Po- lish Academy of Sciences SUBMITTED: May 3, 1961 Card 3/3 N r) vk/ A VJ. PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/6096 Voprosy termouprugosti (Problems in Thermoela-s t i c i t y.). Mos cow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1962. 363 p. Errata slip inserted. 3, 500 copies printed. Translated from the Polish. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Resp. Ed.: V. 1. Danilovskaya; Ed. of Publishing House: G. B. Gorshkov; Tech. Ed.: G. S. Simkina. PURPOSE: This book is intended for scientific personnel, engineers, aspirants, and senior students. Card 1/1 Problems in Thermoelasticity SOV/6096 COVERAGE: This monograph contains scientific results obtained by the author in the course of several recent years. Considered are temperature stresses generated in homogeneous perfectly elastic and visco-elastic solids, with the displacements assumed to be infinitely small and the constants of the material to be independent of the temperature. The solution of most prob- lems of thermoelasticity is presented as the superposition of two solutions, one of which has the character of a thermoelastic potential and the other contains components of Galerkin's vector of displacements. In some cases other methods, e. g. Maysel's methock have also been used. Green's functions have been applied in the analysis of thermal stresses caused by internal heat sources. Three-dimensional and two-dimensional problems, both stationary and nonstationary, are examined. The dynamic problems of thermoelas- ticity, concerning states of stress caused by nonuniform temperature fields produced in solids by rapid heating and cooling processes are also investi- gated. For this Russian translation the author substantially revised the first chapter and made considerable changes in the fifth chapter (in the section concerning shells) and in the seventh (in the section on the propag~a- tion of visco-elastic waves). The author thanks V. I. Danilovskaya, Card 2/9 '-, Problems in The rmoe lasti city SOV/6096 Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. There are 147 references: 44 Soviet, 75 English, 23 German, 3 French, I Czech, and 1 Spanish. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Preface to the Russian Edition 3 Preface by the Editor of the Translation 4 On the Tensor Symbols Used in This Book 5 Ch. I. Introduction to the Theory of Thermoelasticity 9 1. Differential equation of heat conductivity. Initial and boundary conditions 9 2. States of stress and strain. Equations of equilibrium and motion 16 Card 3/S -_ NOWACKI, Witold- - Links between science and life. Review Pol AcadeaV 7 no.2: 15-20 Ap/Jl 162. 4063 0 S/044/62/000/012,/024/049 -AO601AOOO AUTHOR: Kaliski,-S., Nowacki, W. =i Excitatio~ of mechariical-electromagnetic waves induced by thermal shock kRIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no. 12, 1962, 68, abstract 12B306 (Bull. Acad. polon. oc4. Se'r. soi. techn., 1962, v. 10, no. 1, 25 - 33, English; summary in Russian) TEXT: An elastic half-space is located in an initially homogeneous magne- tic field, parallel to the boundary of the hAlf-space with vacuum. At the in- stant t = 0 the boundary face is abruptly heated to the temperature TO which is then held constant. As a result there arise temperature, mechanical and electro- magnetic oscillations. The mathematical problem reduces to the simultant~ous integration of the equation of electrodynamics of a slowly moving medium, of the theory of elasticity, and of heat conduction. A number of simplifying assump- tions is made, and It is the homogeneous linearized problem which is considered. The solution is obtained in explicit form with the aid of the Laplace transform. Card 1/2 S/044/62/000/012/024/049 Excitation of mechanical-electromagnetic waves ... A060/AOW In the elastic medium there arise a mechanical and an electromagnetic wave, in the vacuum an electroiiagnetic shock wave is radiated. 0. 1. Panich J_ [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 MiACKI, Witold ------ -- - -1--, Connections between science and life* Nauka polska 10 no,62!19-,10 162. 1. Cz:Lonok rzeezywisty Polskiej Akademii Naukq Warszawa S/044/63/000/001/020/053 A0601AOW AUTHORi Nowacki, TITLE. Formulation cf a boundary problem of the theory of elasticity with mixed boundary conditions PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no. 1, 1963, 60, abstract IB281 (Bull. Acad. polon. sci. Se'r. sci. techn., 1962, v. 10, no. 2, 71 - 78, English; summary in-Russiah) TEXT: On the basis of the mutuality theorem for displacements, a method is proposed for reducing boundary problems of the theory ce'elasticlty with mixed boundary conditions to a system of Fredholm integral equations of the first or- der. 0. 1. Panich (Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 HOWACKIq W. F'ornaation of a boundary problem of the theory of elasticity with idzed boundary conditions. Bul Ao Fol tech 10 no.2.-[911- [981 162. 1. Department of Mechanics of Continuous Media, Institute of Fundamental Technical Froblems, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw. NOWACKI. Witold Development trends in thermo6lasticity, Rozpr ins PAN 10 no.3:411-430 t62. 1. ZakInd Machaniki Osrodkow Ciaglych, Inetytut Podstavovph Problemow Techniki, Polska Akademia Nauk, Warszawa. FALISKIP S.; NOWACKIS W., Combined elastic and electromagnetic waves produaded by *heimal shock in the case of a medium. of finite electric conducti7ity. Bul Ac Pol tech 10 no.44213)-[233] 162. 1e Department of MachamIcs of Continuous Media, Institute of Fundamental Technical Problem, PoUsh Academy of Sciences, Warsaw. Presented by W.Howacki. NOWACKIp W. Two-dimensional problem of zogtetoth-rmoelasticity. Pt.l. Dal Ac Pol tech 10 no.IZ-:609-697 162 1. Department of Mechanics of Continuous Hediao Institute of Awdamental Technical Problemsp Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw. - NOWACKIR WOSO Pr-3pagation amr, reflection of a piane etreas wave from a def,-rrjable sun)ort in an elastic--visco-plas tic strain-hardwLing body. Proceed vibr 5 no.4.-297-318 164. 1. Departzent of VibratioDs of the Institute of Basic~ Technical Problems of the Polish Academy of Scienres., Warsaw. NOWA(-KIp W, Sn-.-fie dynamic problems of tharmce aetialty. Ft. 2. Proceed vibr probI 5 no.4,-.249-262 164- 1. Npartment of Machanics of ContInuous Madia of the lwtitute of Basic Technical Problems of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw. NOWACKJO W. Mixed bouridr--r.7- value problems of ellastodynamics. Proceed v-ibr probl 5 n0-33161-17? 164. 1, Department of Mechardos of Continuous Media of the Institute of Basio Technioal. Problems of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw., VGWACKI,W. ------ --- The plane problem of magnetotnermoelas tic, ity. Pt.~. Bul AC Pol tech 11 no.1:1-8 ~63. 1. Department of Mechanics of Continuous Media, Institute of Fundamental Technical Problems, Polish Academy rf Sciences, Warsaw. EOWACKI if. tz--j---~'-~-----~- Mixed boundary proble--s in heat conductic-i. Dal --c :~cl ta2- 12 no. 2:125-132 164 1. Department of "ecl,anics of Continuous "edia, Institute of Fundamental Technical Proble:.s, Polish academy of Sciences, "arr IJ aw. NOWACKI I W. Mixed boundary problems of elastodynamics. Bul Ac Pol tech 12 no. 3:195-201 164. 1. Department of Mechanics of Continuous Media. Institute of Basic Technical Problems, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw. N MI AC K 1 , lt.~ . Green functions for the thermoelastic rredim. Pt.2. ~~ I Ar Fol Techn 12 no.9:651-658 '&.. 1. Department of Mechanics of ConUnnnus Modia of' the In!it',LI!,( of Basic Technical Problems of' the Prlish Academy of :3cipnoes, Warsaw. Submitted Jiine 17, NNACKIP 1". Rixed boindaz-y -value ProIr'--ms of theer=elastic-`t~~, 31-, --- ----I tech 12 no.11:799-805 1(4*. 1. Department of' Meciianics of Continuous Modia of tho Intititute of Basic Technical Protlems of the Polish Avidemy of Sciences, Idarsnw. Submitted Tiuly 28, 1964. NOVATSKTY, V. tNowacki, W.) (IfwshAva) Wo-dimbnsional problem of magrotathermael-4sticity. PrIkI. =kh. I no.6zl-7 -165. (MIRA 18.-7) 1. Institut osnovnykh problem-tekhniki Pol'skoy Akademii nauk. r- 3t~a~~6 F-vrr(d)/EWP(-) -EM NR: AP5095666 ACMSION 9M. .-AP5025666 - ASMIMCKi-Ulkla-4-iniechiniki'aaro(ili~,W tld~m blomm:- .618 rns4wv PC& wych pro , , i'~ 6hriiU :~2AR . 04.artm4nt; of . Fundemn ZechnicaL-Prablams ra- BMITTED: SL sm ODE: As mia 0 `:000* NO F" s v AW 05 72 v IlLic f 12 Ca rd - t" M a. MmM . L 38748-66 ENP(m) RM/WW ACC NR, AP60179 6 SOUR11 -CODE-7 PO/0097/65/006/003/0279/0293 AU"LHOR: Novacki, W. K. (WarDw) ORG: Department of Vibrations, IBTP,, Polist. Academy.9f Sciq;v;~A - MLE: Thermal shock on the boundary of a spherical cavity in an elastic IViscous, plastic space SOURCE: Proceedings of vibration problems, v. 6, no. 3, 1965. 279-293 TOPIC TAGS: thermal shock, wave propagation, motion equation, linear equation, p-las- tic deformation 5 -S110CAe AJ,9VC- 1r7.0;r1',0-1V -r- ze- 0 P n-)4 r-.,,,,v 'W" e. /?,C- ABSTRACT: A solution is presented for the problem of the propagation of spherical waves produced by a thermal shock/on the boundary of a spherical cavity in inf--inite, elastic, viscous, plastic bodies, taking the strain rate and strain hardening into consideration. The solutioh is carried out in a phase plane, and is based on the method of propagation of plastic waves produced by mechanical loads. A linear equation of heat conductivity is assumed which can be solved independently of other equations. The physical constants are assumed to be independent of temperatures T 300C. The existence of a strong discontinuity wave in the two regions of plas- tic deformation compression and expansions has beer. proven. Due to very si-arple combinations of the equation of thermal conduct'viLy with that of motion, the solution L 38748-66 ACC NR, AP6017946 in the Cauchy region is reduced to a computation of the integral of the temperature derivative in this region. A very simple solution has also been obtained in the Darboux region. It has been proven that the dynamic effects of a thermal shock die out.after a considerable la Be of time. Orig. art. has: 62 formulas and 4 figures. [Based on author0a abstraM [AH) BUB COLE: 20/ SUBM DATE; 10MAr65/ OUG REF: OOT/ OTH -REF: 004 Card L 45193-66 -- -EY,P(w) Ijptc) ACC NRt AP6027424 SOURCE CODE: PO/0095/66/014/006/0513/0516 AUTiTOR:* Zorskil, H.; Nowacki, W, ORG: Department of Mechanics of Continuous Media, Institute of Fundamental Technical Problems, Polish Academy of Sciences (Zaklad mechaniki osrodkov cialych, institut podstawowych problemow techniki, PAN) TITLE: Conservation principles for defects in an elastic continuum SOURCE: Polska akademia nauk. Bulletin. Serie des sciences techniques, v. 14, no. 6, 1966, 513-516 TOPIC TAGS: elasticity, aerodynamic moment, crystal effect, elastic stress, mat(r ial deformation, integral equation ABSTRACT: Equations have been derived for the cons~fvation of momentum and angular momentum for a system of defects (dislocationland crack) in an elastic field based on the integral identity of the linear theory of elasticity. The conserva- tion equations obtained are linear with respect to displacement, deformation, and 1/2 Card L 45193-66 ACC NR- AP6027424 stress. The paper was presented by W. Nowacki. Orig. art. has: 1 figure and 13 formulas. [Based on authors' abstract) [NT] SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REF: 001/ Card 2 / 2 NOWACKI, WOJciech KMEYBzt0f; WOROSZYL, Stanislaw Vibrations of compound beams with nonlinear effects in the Joints. Rozpr ins PAN 11 no.2061-Y75 163. 1. Zaklad Machaniki Osrodkow Giaglych, Instytut Podstawovyoh Problemowi Techniki, Polska AkademJ4 Nauk, W"zava. KALISKI, S.; VOWACKI, W. K.; WIDDARCZYK, E. Propagation and reflection of a spherical wave in an elastic- viscoplastic strain hardening body. Prcceed vibr probl 5 no. 1: 31-56 164. 1. Department of Vibrations, Institute of Basic Technical Problems, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw. NOWACKI, Y. . (1~~rsaw) "Mixe4 boundary conditions in the theory of elasticity". report presented at the 2nd All-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Moscow, 29 January - 5 February 1964 NOWACUK. W. A contribution on the planning of constructions on elastic semi-space; an extension of Zhamotchkin's method. Tr. from the Czech. P. 57. INMIERIA I EUDOWNICTWO. (Nactelna Organizacja Technictna i Polski Zwiazek rpqmierow i Technikow badowlanych) Warszawa, Poland. Vol. 16, no. 2, Feb. 1959. Monthly list of E~ast %ropean Accessions Index, (EE-4I), LC, Vol. 8, no. 6, June 1959 uncle. NOWACZEK, Wladyslaw Probleas of fixed and variable cok3ts in sea navigation. Gosp morska no.4347-M 160. NOWACZEK, Wladyslaw, doe. hab. Principles of dividing costs into fixed and variable costs in the field of maritime shipping. Tech goup morska 12 no.10#292-293 0 062. 1. Wyzaza Szkola Ekonomiczna,- Sopot. NOVIACZKIEQCZS L. NOWACZKIEKCZ, L. Breeding the oVgeniess bacteria of pectin fermentation. Biule WIok. -L&c. p. h. Vol. 10 no 6 June, 1956 MEMI S~~Jz&zr TECHNOLOGY Warsaw, Poland So. East Accession Vol. 6. no. 2, Feb. 1957 NOWACZKIEWICZ, L.; GCIICZARIK-MOZOIEWSKA, H.; LUBIENSKA, B. Methodological researches on the quantitative determination of microorganisms in the retting liquid. Biuletyn Wlok. Lyk. p. 3. PRZEGLAD 'dWKIENNICZY. (Stowarzyszenis Inzynierow i Technikow Przen7slu. Slokienniczego) Lodz# Poland. Vol. 12, no. 1, Jan. 1958. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) IL. Vol. 8, no. 7 ,, JulY 1959. Uncl. MIETKIEWSKI, Eugeniusz; NOWACZKIEWICZ, Urszula On the effect of hypothermia on the level of blood sugar during histamine and anaphylactic shocks in cats. Acta physiol.polon. 11 no-3:385-394 My-Je 160. 1. Z Zakladu Fizjologii Pomorskiej A.M. w Szczecinia Kierownik: prof. dr E.Mietkiewski. (ALLERGY exper) (BLOOD SUGAR) (FISTAMINE pharmacol) (HYPOTHERMIA INDUCED exper) (SHOCK exper) NOWAGZYK, Czeslaw Forest commmities of the Zlelonka near Poznar. Eyperir-~rt Forest District. Prace naiLk roln i leun 17 no.2:213-271 164. 1. Department of Forest Botany, Highor Srhool of Agricultitro, Poznan. J ,sh Technical Abst. 2414 621-316.933 4v 1953 Lechowski H., Novaczyk H. Routine Testing of Value anics, Electrotechnics, Arz=tara.. EksploataGyjne badenle odgromnikow r saworowycE. Enorgetyka. No. 6, 19529 pp. 285-2909 4 tabs. Tests were carried out at the Ele. of the 7003,(Westarn District Power Administration) Overcurrent Insulation Service to determine, for Siemens, AEG, Szpotanski and ASEA type arresters In use, the static and surge voltage, together with leakage current at a constant voltage. Ten per cent of thu arresters examined revealed that values ascertained by measliring deviated from rated value and had to be alsqualified. The article contains a report on the tc-st results and .in the nature of the dr-tage discovered in the arrester. The authors deal with the repaIrs affected. resulting In 70 Fer cent of the defective arresters being restored to full Gervice capacity. Attention is drawn to the necessity ror periodical examination of arresters, as a means townrds ensuring the safety of the approvriat(-, e(litir-ment. It, spJte of the view expressed by certain firms of nrre_tter inanufacturera to thb,efredt that there is not nedd fat thd ktrestdrd to be eXaumlned at eVen dismantled while they btib In servicet examination of ouch arraRters is wWoubtedly laperstive. A 51 v 11011ACZYK, Henryk, inz.,- GRZYBOWSKI., Stanislaw, mgr,, inz. Preparation of a cable line for a breakdown location; lot article of the series: location of breakdowns in electric -ower cable lines. r Energetyka przem -10 no.4:139-W Ap 162. 1. Zaklady Energetyczne Okregu Zachodniago (for Nouraczyk). 2. Politechnika Poznanska (for Grzybowski). NWACZYK, HeUr7k. inz.; GRZYBOWSKI, Stanislaw, mgr.inz. Burning out weakened cable insillation. Pto 2o Energetyka przem 10 no.6:204-207 Zo M2.