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ACCESSION NR~t AT4040736 cloud z1bedo caused by a sharp increase in the absorption of radiation I iqL,.Ld water, and urher. I - 3, the cloud is amost black, A method thu approximate eatimatton of the spectral albedo of Lce-crystal civuds in proposed. It is pointed out that when ice clouds are ob-- aerved from above. the spectral composition of ascending radiation ,j4'1 dt:pend not only on the cloud's spectral albedo, but also on that oi the underlying surface6 A computation 6ased an an assumption of grayneua of an underlying surface, both ground and atmospheric, does nor. pr,--)vide a correct picture o! the spectral structure of the radia- LiOft froat a aloud, Orig.; arL. hast l figure, 1 table, and 4 formullm A, --~SOG I I, T ION iGlavueya geofizicheakays observatoriya, Leningrad 00& ,';:-bMITTZDt 00 ATD PRESSi 3101 ENCLt 00 ",U'3 loOD91 ES NO REP SOVI 007 OTHERt 000 C*arJ 212 NOVOSELITSEVI Ye.P.; TER-MARKARYMITS, N.Ye. Brightness variation when crossing the water-air interface in the presence of turbulence. Trudy QCO no. 153tl2l-124 164. (MRA 17s9) IT(l) GW 'AC0 URI'2531/65/0001170 ESSION NR: ATS025229 3? -;AUTHOR::, Novoselltse Ve P. V, fs~ :-iTITLE: Selection of a spectral range when using a,radiometer for determining the I f ~temperature of the underlying- surface.and.that of clouds SOURCE:.. Leningrad, Glavnaya geofizicheskaya observatoriya. Trudy no. 170,1965. 1 !Issledovan,iye radiatsionnykh pro~ses,sov v atmosfere (ITivestigation of radiation pro-~ ;cesses in, tbe.atmosphere),- 88--~92 ~TO PIC TAGS: atmospheric cloud, IR radiation, earth radliationVradiometer author examanes the problem 'mun ectral-interval' ~ABSTTRACI The of choosing-the opt. sp ~Ffon radiometric measurement.of the temperature of the underlying surface . and that of'; ::clo-uds. ~.In making-this.s6lection, consideration is gv the quest- i ions of which 'sp cc-tral interval -is, reliable f-rom the:standpoint of measuring departing radia-' ition at. a, rather small solid. angle, in -which apeciral,regions is the radiatio n- read--~. !ing distorted least, and in which intervals is the radiation intensity most sensi-;--.` ,tive to small changes in temp&rature.: It is found that the radiation emitted by ~a ~blaok_ body.~ in the-8-12 p region considerably exceeds--the corresponding value for the':-. I jCard _jR_ KOVOSELITSEVP Ye. Polities of revenge and aggression. Kc=. Vooruzh, Sil 4 no.18: 7943 S Q4. (MIRA 17s9) NOVOSELITSEV,, Yuriy AleksandrOvichp inzh--transPOrtnik; FOZHIDAYVA-1 red. CHlghways~of the future ]Magistrali griadushchego. Fosirma, lzd-vo "Sovetskaia. Rossiia,v 1962. 180 p. (MIRA 15:10 (Transportation) ROVOSM&TSm, L. A. 1 22AO., Angle-AmorbambRya barlb& ca noft'na blithnom I arednem Vastobos pool& vtoroy,nizovey jsM. No, 1954. 16m. 22sm6 (Nook* ardens, LanIns gas. aw-t ino No, Tilessicusavab UO ski* Do to &-53"l sot Eldshn"a Letaple, Vol. 1, 1955 KELYWYA. I.L..- NOTOSELMETA. 1.F. A survey of vegetation of the Kerch Peninsula. Bot.xhur. 44 no.11:1616-1624 N 159. (KIRA 13:4) I* Institut lama I drevestay Akadonli nauk SSSR, CAmisnoyaralce (Kerch Peninsula--Plant comanition) NOTOSUCTSETA, M.P. 1xPertment In raising herbaceous forest plants In open plots. Bot. shur. 44 no,7-.974-973 JIL 159. (KM 12:12) I.Toaeoyusmyy nauchno-Issledovatel'skly Institut lakarstyannykh I aromatichookikh rastenlro stantelya Bitsa Hookovskoy oblasti. (Botamy-scology) tKOWWTSUA, H.P. 'Larkspur (Delphinlivu elattun L.),, a now medicinal plant. Ape delo 10 no.5s2O-24IS-0 162. OURA 24:22) Voesoyuznvy nauchno-isoledovatel I skLy institut lekarstyeartykh i aromatichaskikh rasteniy. SEUVAN07A, T.M. Slatine content of larktipar D61phinius datus L. In relation to the developmental phuse and age of tho'plant. Had. prom. 17 no.6t"-45 Je'63 (KML- 1714) J. Voes'oyuznyy naucbno-issledov&4'Aiy institut lekarstvw- 'n7kh i Aromaticheakikh raoteniye NOVM&LITSEVA, N.F, Some characteristics of the anatomical structure of Delphinium elatum L.v Delphinium dietyocarpum DC, and Delphinium confusum M. Pop. Rast. res. 1 no.2:246-251 165o (MIRA 18:11) 19 Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut lekarst- vennfth i arcmatichaskikh rasteniy, Moskva. WBALKOR K.S.; PMLISON, M.Ye.j SHRETER, A.I.; VLASOV, H.1.,- GUBANOV, I.A.; PjvMV, M.G.; PIMEMOVA, R.Te.; SEREBRYAKWIA, A.A. Preliminary evabiation of plants of the family Compositae for their sesquiterpenia lactone content. Apt. dalo 14 no,5937-41 S-0 165. (MIRA 18~111) 1. Vaeaoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellakly Institut 1,ek.5-jtv3rnykh i aromaticheakikh rasteniy, Bittsa, H~skovskoy oblasti, 1ACCESSION NR: AP4015307 fewadvantage I-ling -in that only a knowledge of the law of oxcillatory-element control is necessary. An, *xperinumtal, verification of a third-ordor prediction control schom'o included: (1). a conservative - element plus an Integrator; (a) an ~oscinatoryelement plus an Integrator. Oxcillogranis of the transient processes 'In thi aLnulator used are supplied. Orig, art. has: 4 figures and 23 fornwAas. ASSOCI&TION., n BMU=TED: Z3Apt63 DATE ACQ: IZU&r64 ENCL: 00 MM CODE: CG, EC NO Rzr soy: 002 OTHER: 001 cmd z/z NOVOSELITSEVA, Zh.A. (Moskva) Modeling of a controlled delay using standard computing elements. Avtom. i telem. 25 no.1:91-T95 Ja 164. (MIRA 17:2) F's L 1865~i'-65 ksD(a)-5/AZDC(a)/AFETF/AFI-=/FtEij',(d)/ D(d ACCEYMON NR: AP4041465 S/01031'64/OZ5/006/0896/00/08 AUTHOR: Gul'ko, F. B. ; Kogan, B. Ya. (Doctor of technical sciences); Lerner, A. Ya. (Doctor of technical sciences); Mikhaylov, N. N.; Novosel'tseva, Zh- A. TITLF-:- Predictiop.methc-d with high-speed analog computers and its application SOUR ~-25i-no, 6,,,1964,,89-6-906~ TOPIC TAGS: automatic control, predictive automatic control, predictor, analog computer predictor ABSTRACT: A method of optimum or near-optimum predictIve control and the principles of analog predictors are cDnsidered. A time-optirnized third-order syetern for controlling a 3-link plant -is examined as an example illustrating the method of truncating the system by one order and using an anitiog-tvpe predictor. The predictive metlv~d may be used for controlling plants of any order describable Cord 1 [3 L IM57-65 -6 ACCE&SION NR.: --AP-40414,5 ~A by this form of differential equation: if fi (XI, a) Xk 14 (ZA. Xh- 1), it (t) all functions fh (k 2, 3, n) vhere ~a u (t) is the controlling action; alr~ assurried to be continuous and continuoursly differenttabLe v.,ith respect to -ZA' XA-( and f, continuous with respect to u. The optirnafity of the trajectories computed in any (but the first) predictor is ensured by the presence inside any predictor of other predictors C-nputir.;I, in an acce-'eral-i.n.r !Planner, '_he iLs in a decreasing number of links. An approximate simulator of the :-ecornmended for the Predicor, vh~ch is intended for repeated solving of a set of ~!fflfarential equations. A laboratory rnodel of stich a predictor with six computing amplifiers, built by V. V. Gurov, permits an equat.on-aviution Card 2/3 SUB CODE, DF , IE NO REF SOV: 007 OTHER: 003 I"t Card 3/3 f I- - I I r- , 11.1~~,. f 7 -St. AUTHOR: Gullko, F. B, (Momow); Movoselitseva, Zh. jimoscow) ORG: none TrrLE: solution of Uoustationary problems of filtration and predioWen by simulation methods SOURCE: Avtomatiks I telemekhanika, no. 4, 19660 122-141 automatic control, random flunction. linear auto -2"010M, TOPIC TAGS: optimal matic c0 computer ~slmulatlon, filter. mathematic predletion ABSTRACT: A noustationary problem of optimal linear filtration and prediction Is considered for a class of additive noise with fLtdte disperblon. Differential filter equadons am derived, permitting ths use of analog computers in the solution of the problem. Examples and sImula- tion results- -are' given, Representation of optimal filtration, and prediction problems in the form of a differential eWation with respect to the useful signal is found to be a very conve- this reason the nierit technique for the synthesis of optimal filters and their simulation. For results obtained MV In some cases prove to be more useful than other methods which are of- an so sentially calculational nature. The formulas obtained provide a complete solution to the synthesis problem, by defining the structure of the filter (predictor) and the values of all its Card 1/2 UDC: 621.391,172.001.57 1. 43710-66 ACC NRs AP6023668 0 parameters. The most significant technical difficulties are encountered In the handling of the variable factors, the complexity of the determination of which increases disproportionately as the exponent of the differential filter equation increases. However, this problem can be easUy circumvented through the use of memory devices since the law governing the change of the factors is determined by a priori Information alone and is susceptible to prior computation. The results constitute an extension of the well known results of R. E. Kalman and R. S. BuBsey (Novyye resulltaty v lineynoy ftl1trataii I teorii, predskazaniya. Trudy Amerikanskop obshchestva twhenerov-mekbanlkov, sertya D, "Tekhatcheakaya mekhanika" (ruask. per.), t. 83, No. 1, lzd-vo Inostr.: lit., 1961) to a case in which the additive noise in the observed signal is of finite dispersion. Here, by virtue of the formal analogy between the basic equattom in both works the study of stability and convergence aspects in the problem discussed can be carried out with the methods of Kalman and Bussey. This article deals only with the particu- lar case of additive noise with finite dispersion--speciftcally, with a situation in which this Interference can be reduced to white noise by means of a Mear differential operator (operator without memory). In this instance, the exponent of the differential equation Which describes the filter Is not greater than that of the object under observation. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 40 formulas. SUB CODE: 09,14/ SUBM DATE& lOJxd65/- ORIG REF: 002/ MR RZF: 002 ACC NRs AT6029239 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/000/0262/0269 flikhaylove No No; Now"Vtsevas Zh* A. none Application possibilities of an analog prediction device for the optimum con- of systems containing an oscillating circuit RCE: Vsesoyuznaya konferentsiya-seminar po teorii i metodain matematichesko?,G model-i ,vaniya. 4thl, Kiev, 1964. Vychislitellnaya tekhnika v upravienii (computer technolo- 1, in control engineering)-, trudy konferentsii. Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1966, 262-269 C TAGS: analog digital computer, error prediction, mathematic prediction, time mal control TRACT: The possibilities of solving the optimum control problem for third-order tems incorporating an oscillating circuit are investigated. The prediction process based on the reduction of all coordinates of the model to zero (except the output rdinat.e); thereupon, the stabilized value of the output coordinate is measured and red in the memory until the beginning of the next cycle. This value is said to be predicted value of the system's output coordinate. This method is applicable to ear objects with transfer functions containing real poles only. Based on Pontrya- Is maximum principle, systems of equations were constructed and circuit diagrams ACC NR: AT6029239 'Iwere designed for an optimum process in a third-order system with two conjugate camn- I plex poles.' When 6 >tO.003, the initial conditions do not go beyond a cer-tain limit- led domain. While at first glance this domain appears to be small, it grwis exponential-! I) ! 1y with the growth of 6. Several modifications of the problem were investigated: L the modeling of optimum control for equilibrium, and 2) the modeling of optimm. con- trol for a rectilinear trajectory. The general form of the latter problem: given a I itime function f(t), it is necessary to provide a system control such that the rela- XI(() (1); X2 U) (1); X, (t) true from a previously unknown moment of time v. When f(t) = rIT + r2, the em can be considerably simplified. A circuit diagram for this care is presented. art. has: 6 figures, 4 formulas. CODE: 09,12/ SUBX DAM 12Feb66/ ORIG Pxr: m JACC NR: AF6034046 SOURCE CODE: UR/0103/66/000/010/OIS3/01" AUTHOR: Gul'ko. IN B. .(Moscow); Novosel'teava, 7%. A. (Moscow) ORG: none I TIT~E* Solving the nonstationary problems of filtration and prediction with :arbitrary noise by simulation methods ISOURCE: Avtomatika i telemekhanika. no. 10, 19 -660-'153-168 TOPIC. TAGS: signal noise separation, electric filter. computer simulation JABSTRACT: This in a continuation of the authors' earlier work (Aytom. i I telemekh. , no. 4. 1966); a more general form of noise, viz. , arbitrary additive noise. is considered. Differential equations describing the filter are met up, .!.which permits using analog computers for solving the problem.. From jValU~S of Signal &(C).dUring (t Q. an estimator t)* of the desirable UDC: 62-501*22 vyl rv At-* 0t 1 1v f: . I It M m 14 i A h N 114 IL 3.4 ~j ON i !z -t z! U% 4 0 Aa 5 q it. calm. h 111 z ,j -4.4 a i i au Sri .0 U. fljj 8 a 4.3 14 J- 40 'oil Allt HS CA u 0 10 0 so of o2 -~, ~ 1-11 V1'4 , jIq ,-j , 'Oil.,-V.-V. I , - - h. Sci.) and.11C)II(C-HILOY 11. 14. (Cand. Tech. Sci. BA3HEN (Cand. Tee Cent. Sci. Res. Inst. Technology and Machine-Building, Moscow. "An,wendungsgebiete und Technisch-Wirt-Schaftliche Kennwerte Fuer Das C02 Schweissen" Schweisstechnik, Vo. 2, 1958. NCVOBHIZMA, Re-Not SLADKOVAs TQ*Ao - --a --- - 7~ ,Pmblicatien of geographic&l maps with a reduced number of colars* Good. I kart. no.100-34 Nr 156, (MZRA 9:20) (Cartoermpby) NOVOSFIINOVI G. P. Novoshinov,, G, F. -- "Material on the Stucky of the Physical Properties of the Horny Material of the Hoof in Healthy Horses and Those Afflicted with Pododermatitis.11 Min Hiaher Education USSR. Kazan' State Veterinar7 Inst 0 imeni N. L. Bauman. KazanIv 1955. (Disseration For the Degree of Candidate in Veterinavy Sciences). So: Kniz4naya Letopis', No. 11, 1956, PP 103-114 ACCESSION MR: AR40k5694 s/ooSI/63/000/023/0355/0355 SOURCE: Me KhIslyat Abs. 23K96 AUTHOR: Nwashinskays. N. S.; Klyuchnikov. N. G. 'yIIC TITLE: The protection of steel In water by the salts of certain dicar6ox acids CITED SOURCE: Uche zap* Mosk* gas@ pede In-t Im. V. I. Lanins, no. 181, 1962, 20-27 TOPIC TAGS: corrosion. corrosion inhibitor, steel corrosion, sodium adipate, j sodium malonate, sodium oxalate, Iron oxide ABSTRACT: Among the sodium salts of the dicarboxylic acids, the highest.protective* 1-power with respect to steel-20 in distilled H20 Is shown by sodium adipate. Na- malonate has less protective activity, followed by Na-oxalate. The protective can- centrations In distilled H 0 for 90 hrs. are 0.0001 K for Na-adipate, 0.05 N for Na-malonate and 0.1 H for ia-oxalate. With an increase In the chain length of Ma salts of dicarboxylic acids on a CH2 group, the protective properties Increase. Electronagraphic studies of the stdel surface showed'that In protective concentra-I tions of the Na salts of dicarboxyllc acids, a film of -F Is formed. Elec- f Card 1/2 el 03 M-: I Card i-_ . . I T, ! . I I a ,I . i 1 .1 V. -o * . ".1 , .. 1 A' ACCE66ION NR** AR4015692 S/0061/63/000/023/0355/0355 SOURCE: RZh. Khlolyao Abso 23K63 AurrHoRs Dwravlav. Is Me; Kallast# V. A.; Novashinskeyep N. S. I ran TITLE: The effect of oxygen. Inhibitor and oxide film an the corrosion,of i In water CITED SOURCE: Uch. zap. Ilosk. " s. pod. In go -t Ime V. Is Lanina, no. 181. 1962, 13-19 TOPIC TAGS: 'corrosion, corrosion Inhibitor. Iron corrosion, rust..oxide film ABSTRACT: It has been confirmed that Fe does not undergo corrosion in distilled water in the absence of oxygen. With insufficient oxygen Inthe water and aqueous solutions of inhibitors an the Fe surface a film is formed, consisting mainly of Fe304 and Y-FeZ03' However, this film has poor protective qualities and the cor- rosive process proceeds with the formation ofY-FeOOH in the solution. The pre- sence or absence.of the primary oxide film on the Fe surface does not have any influence on the'further development of the process,. Studies on the Fe surface by the electronographic method after treatment.with aqueous solutions of Inhibitors Card 1/2 card 2/2 ACCESSION NASS AR401501 6/00131/63/000/023/0355/0355 SOURCE: RZh. Khlmlyap Abs. 23K92 AUTHORS Kallast, We A*,# Zhuravleve lo No; Noveshinskaye. No So Study of the resistance of the protective films formed an tran.during the TITLE: action of Inhibitors CITED SOURCE: Uch. zap. Kaska Va. pod. Inost Im. V. le'Lanine, no* 181, 1961, 124-110 TOPIC TAGS: corrosion, corrosion Inhibitor. protective film. Iran corrosion, samicanductive film ABSTRACT: The authors determined the resistance of protective films formed on iron In solutions of the following Inhibitors: potassium chromate, hexamethylen*-l diamine chromate, sodi 'um molybdate. sodium tungstate, sodium benzoate, sodium I adipate. The growth of the protective film starts during the first few minutes ofj the inhibitor's action. Later, slight thickening of the film occurs. Protective films appearing an Iran under the Influence of Inhibitors possess samiconductive 10 references. Authors' summary properties and have perforated conductivity. Cwd 1/1 -OATE ACQ:, O9J4n64 11111, CODES MM EKCLi 00 KLYUCHNIKOV N.G.; NOVOSHINSUYA U.S. Protective acti dn:qf--xaftl=- adipate azd dibu-t5rl est-er of adipic acid. Zhui--':,pAkl.. khim. 36 nollx2470!-2474 9 163. (WRA 17. 1) .1. Kc#kOTqld3r goimd&mtvsnW pedagagicheekly-Anstitut imeni Leni". NDVCSIISTSKIYP ~~, I ~, . 4_- Sow recent data on the geological structure of the Bitkov p1troleum deposit. Trudy MGVI no.12.,80-85 158. (MIMA 220J (Bitkov region--Pstroleum geology) NOVOSIIZTSKIY I R.M. Compwtion of reservoirs in fields of =Itlwne oil reservoirs. Neft. i gaze pran. no.2:37-41 Ap-Je 162. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Ukrainakiy nauchno-inaledavatel'skiy geologorazvedochnyy institute (Ukraine-Oil reservoir engineering) NOVOSILETSKIY, R.111. I..ecovery factora of certain fields in the cis-Carpathian re.-Ion. Neft. i gaz. prom. no-4:40-4-44, G-D t63. (RI-luk 17:12) 1. Ukrainskiy n4uchno-Issledovazel'skiy geologorazvedocinyy institut-, Pvov. NOVOSILETSKII, RIM, - - - - ~~ 1. ~---- 11 - - ~. Formtion of clear h1gL-gravitV oil pools in the ci&-rArpmthian region* Trudy UkrNIGRI no,5s97-105 163. (MIRA 1833) NCVOSIi=N-Mt-R4H*- Dependence of the initial production of oil on its physico- chemical properties in the Glubinnaya fold of the Bitkov field. Trudy UkrNIGRI no.7:193-198 163. (MIRA 19e1) 1. NOVOSILITS01, A, 1,; KHODAKCV, A. L.; SIMLIMAN, MI. S. 2. USSR (6ou) 4. Dielectrics 7. Effect 6f deviati6hs fr6m stoichiometric composition on the properties of BaT103 ceramics in strong fields. Zhur. tekh. i eksp. fiz. 23 no-3 1952. 9. Wnth List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Fe !U~-1953. Uiclassified. MVOSILITSZV. Bo. insh.; CMDINDVSXIY# L.. Inzh. trailer desIgned br the $racial Design Office of the Koscow State Building Trust. IIs, strol. Nook. 2 no.7:15~-16 JI '59. OURA 12-.10) (Truck trailers) TSEV, IV s -_IQ K) i.k ~Imshfr 1,41 litt. 2M) -A (Fropi DAWN A.Radf!"M WOVOSILITSEV, Nikolay Sergeyevich (Rostov on the Don State Tjniv) awarded sci degree of Doc Physico-Miath Sci for the 6 May 57 defense of disset*tation: "Influence of crystallization conditions on Seip ette ;11 salt-electrical toeMetoelektricheskiyel properties of barium titanate" at the Council,, Mos State Univ imeni. Lomonosov; Prot No 17, 21 Jun 58. (BINTIVOI 12-58920-21) SUBJECT: USSR/Luminescence 4,9-3-1/26 AUTHORS: Novosilltsev, N.S., Khodakov, A.L., Sholokhovich, M.L., -re-s-*7Eko_,Y9.G. and Kramarov, O.P. TITLEt The Cultivation and Investigation of Ferroslectric Nonocrystals (Vyrashchivaniye i issledovaniye monokristallov segneto- elektrikov) PERIODICALi Isvestlys Akademil Nauk SSSRg Serlya fisichaskayaq 1957,Vol 216 #3, pp 295-304 (USSR) ABSTRACT& The Scientific Research Physico-Mathematical Institute at the ROSTOV/DON State University has studied the interaction of barium titanate, strontium titanate, lead titanate and lead zirconate with a series of substances in the molten state. A number of suitable salty solvents for the above aentioned sub- stances and crystalllzation conditions have been established. Several methods for cultivating crystals of barium and stron- tium titknatos and sirconates were applieds a. Monoorystals of BaTiO and SrTiO, were obtained out of a molten mixture of sodium a9d potassiJ carbonates and poly- Card 1/4 crystallic barium and strontium titanates. These monocrystals TITLE: Card 2/4 The Cultivation and Investigation of Ferroelectric Konocrystals (Tyrashchi,raniye i iseledovaniye monokristallov segneto- elektrikov) Were obtained out of a molten mixture of potassium fluoride and respective titanates. b. Nonocrystals of the lead zirconato were obtained out of a molten mixture of potassium fluoride with polycrystallic lead sirconate. Three different consignments of barium titanate crystals wake grown. They differed in the value of OA ratio. The Curio point of these crystals was at temperatures of 500,800 and 1100C. During the careful studies of B i0 3 monocrystals, it was found out that many of their properti:TS can be changed under the in- fluence of various factores some crystals aged (but the aging Is reversible); some crystals after being subjected to strong heating and rapid cooling down, showed (juring 3 days) a re- duced dielectric permittivity fro* '."'~_to 1,9001 some barium titanate aonocrystals darkened by heating in vacuum and by cathode bombardment. This darkening was not accompanied with ny structural changes but electric conductivity increased to : uch a degree that the measuring of dielectric parameters became impossible. 48-3-2/26 TITLEs The Cultivation and Investigation of Ferroelectric Mono- crystals (Vyrashchivaniye i issledovaniye sonokristallov segnetoelektrikov) Thus BaTiO crystallization out of molten salts yielded va- riaas modiiications of crystals with anomalous ferroelectric properties,, By varying temperature conditions, it was possible to grow crystals with different values of the a/& ratio, including non-ferroelectric crystals. It was later discovered that these crystals can be carried through the whole series of states by means of thermal treatmentz Nonocrystals of SrTiO 3 were obtained by two methodar 1. Out of a molten mixture of polycrystallic SrTiO 3with potassium fluoride, and 2. Out of a molten mixture of polycrystallic SrTiO 3with 50 % of sodium carbonate + 50 % of potassium carbonate. The monocrystals obtained by these two methods differed in their dielectric properties, Monocrystals of solid solutions of the (B&,Sr)TiO 3 type were obtained out of corresponding mixtures of barium and stron- Card 3/4 tium titanates and molten potassium fluoride. Dielectric 48-3-1/26 TITLE: The Cultivation and Investigation of Ferroelectric Mono- crystals (Vyrashchivaniye i issledovaniye monokristallov segnetoelektrikov) parameters of thece monocrystals vary considerably after thermal treatment. After 3 hours of annealing under a temperature of 1,3500C the crystals darkened but acquired nor2al ferroelectric propertios. The extensive experience in cultivation of ferroelectric crystals has shown that crystallization conditions strongly affect their ferroelectric properties, Some ferroelectrics can stay in a metastable state for a long time after soli- dification, The article contains 11 graphs and 2 photos. The biblio- graphy lists 39 references, of which 31 are Slavic. INSTITUTIONi Scientific Research Physico-Mathematical Institute at the ROSTOV/DON State University im~ Molotov PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED: No date indicated AVAILABLE: At the Library of Congress. Card 4/4 NOT.OS1VTSU. U.S. Phase trajectory of an oscillation circuit containing seigmetto- electric substsuces. IzT. AN SSSR. Ser.f1s. 22 no.12.-IA27-1430 D 156. (MIRA 12:2) I. Nauchno-Issledowatelskly fis1ko-matmatichaskly Institut pri Rostovskom-na-Donu gosudarstyannon universitate. (Hysteresis) (Ferraelectric substances) UTHORS SOV/70-4y-18/26 Novosilltsev,, N.S. (Deceased), Khodakov, A.16,, Sholokhovich and Kramaro'V I I . . TITLE: Experimental Work on Growing Single Crystals of Ferro- electrics (Opyt raboty po vyrashchivaniyu monokristallov segnetoelektrikov) 10PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 1, pp 101 -- 108 (USSR) ABSTRACT: General review of work on (Ba. Pb)(Ti, Zr)O 3 ferro- electrics. There is a considerable difference between the.observed and calculated densities of perovskite ceramics indicating disordered regions between domains, Colour and electrical conductivity are also variable. Attempts were made to grow SrTiO 3 by the Verneuil process but complications due to the formation of the hexagonal phase occurred and lowered permittivity. Growth from the melt has also been tried using an arc furnace but difficulties with oxygen deficiency and the metastable hexagonal phase again arose. Remejka (Ref 46) reported that the presence of iron oxide hindered the formation Oardl/3 of oxygen defects but only 1.5% ferrate in BaTiO 3 gave SOV/70-4-1-18/26 Experimental Work on Growing Single Crystals of Ferroelectrics a hexagonal structure. In 1956, zone refining was tried very successfully, crystals greater than 1 cm being obtained but attention has turned to the use of crystals with artificially Introduced disordering. It was found in 1951-2 that appropriate thermal treatment could restore BaTiO3 with poor permittivity curves to the proper state and the composition to the equilibrium value. In 1953, it was found that foreign atoms could alter the temperature variation of physical properties and solid solutions of BaTiO 3-BaSnO 3-BaZrO3were studied. Because of applications to memory devices, the interest in single crystals and their electrical properties increased. Melts of KF were used for obtaining crystals of (Ba.Pb)TiO 3 and (Sr,Ba)TiO 31 Dielectric properties have been measured at from 50 to 10 6 c/s, including recording of the hysteresis loop under various conditions. Linear expansion Card2/3 SOV/70-4-1-18 6 Experimental Work on Growing Single Crystals of Ferroe-yeatries coefficients have been measured as has the dependence of Curie point on composition. A volume jump at the Curie point can be shown dilatometrically. X-ray measurements for (Bao. Fb 0.5 )TiO3single crystals gave a = 3.965, c = 4.037 and On = 1.016 at 20 OG, Twinning has been studied optically and supercooling at the transition through the Curie point has been shown. Cinematogrgphic records of jump-like transitions (at about 500 C) taking 0.1 to 0.4 see at a rate of heating of 2-4 /min have been made. The changes in-domain structure in electric fields have been followed. There are 3 figures and 48 references, 44 of which are Soviet, 2 English, 1 Dutch and I international. ASSOCIATION: Hostovskiy-na-Donu gos. universitet (Rostov-ha-Donu State University) SUBMITTED: Derember 7, 1958 Card 3/3 110TOSMITUT, KHODAKOT, A.L.-, SHULtKAN, K.S. ~ Ketastable states of BaTiO3. Daki. A.kad. Nauk SSSR 83, No.6. 829-31 '52. . (RA 56 no.668:5454 '53) (MI-RA 5:6) KALAKEIOV. Z.S., kapitan I rang& sapass; , A.A., inzh.-kapitan 1 rangs; LOPHIS. A.K., kapitan I range; YAMITANOT. N.V.. kapItan 1 rangm, BOWAYLINUIT, D.K., kupitan 2 range; GOWnWO. B.I., kapitan 2 range; TALIKOV, I.Ta., insh.-po4polkovnlk; OTOW-M., kapitan-leytenaut. BIR K.I., insh.; IPAURV. 'F.C. *ftia-adidrali obshchly red.; KLIMARDY. A.I., red.; IINOVA, 14A. s tekhn, red. (Practical seamanshlifl KorskAia praktika. Kookwa, ToGnAzd-vo X-ya- obor.609. Pt.l. 1958. 416 p. (KiRa 12:6) (Navigation) A)&VO~~/4 //T. 0 AUTHORSt Bashilov, A. A., Dzhelepov, B. S., e!0-22--2-10117 llovouilltueva, L. J. D. TITLE: The Conversion 6pectrum of La140 (I'Lonversionnyy La140) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR,Seriya Fizicheskalya, 1958, Vol. 22, Nr 2, pp. 179-190 03SR) ABSTRACT: The authors succeeded in separating La140 with a high opeci- fic activity from Ba140 (T- 12,8 days). Prikhodtseva and Khollnov (Ref 23) performed new measurements on the~_-spec- trum of Lal4o under perfected conditions, which is detailed in this paper. The first chapterv Experimental conditions deals with the description of the investi,-ation of the con- version electron spectrum of Lal4o' using a magnetic spectro- meter with perfected focusation (ketron). The divergence angle of theelectron beam in the spectrometer was selected in such a way, that it corresponded to the ground conversion lines of Lal4ortith respect to vidth. An usual GoiCer-lijueller Card 1/4 counter was used for the registration of the electrons: In The Conversion Spectrum of L.14o 48-22-2-10/17 the chapter: The rvaulta of inventi,~-ation: It is stated, that the authors nuccooded in determining 20 conversion lineu cor- responding to the 16 nuclear transitions. 1,juite as well all lines, which were discovered earlier by Cork et al, could be determined, and besides also the weak K and L lines correspon- ding toAO - 73o keV. In the chapter: The determination of the multipolar order of nuclear trnnsitions into Cel4o. The ratio K/Ls the a-uth-o-ra used the values from tables by L.A. Sliv and I.1z. Band (Ref 19) for the coefficients of internal con- version and values bj Pouz for the coefficient of internal conversion on the Lr-shell, interpolated according to G.F~Dra- nitsyna (Ref 2o). In this way the theoretical values for K/L at Z - 58 were obtained with respect to the first 06 multi- poles. A corresponding table is given here. In the chapter dealing with the quantityl-, it is stated that the authors are familiar vith the data on the relative intensities in the spectra of the conversion electrons as well as of the-,--radia- tion (Ref 23). Thus arises the possiblility to determihe the conversion coefficients, if it were possible to combine the Card 2/4 scales of two spectra. This could be attained if only the The Conversion Spectrum of Lal4o 48-22-2-10/17 multipolar order of one transition were known. in the chapter: ~_t correlations it is stated, that although the authors did not investigate the correlation between the rays of Ce1409 the last obtained experience, however, woult -enable them to set up the quantum characteristics. The correlation by Bishop and Jorba (Ref 21), Robinson and Madansky (Ref 12), Bolotin (Ref 14) and Coleman (Ref 5) are referred to. In the chapter: The quantum characteristics of the excited states of Cel4o the following excited states of Cel4o are treated ) (F,,= - 1597 keV) of type 2+. 2) (Ez= 2083 keV). Here only one transition to the first level (kO - 486,6 keV) is known. The transition from the third state (E.. 2412 keV) to the first and second level of Ce'40 (k,- 815,3 and 328,6 keV) could be observed, but no transition to the ground level could be found. 4) The fourth state (E,,- 2520 keV) "appa- rently" discharges to all lower levels:O, 1597, 2083 and 2412 keV, producing di tion with a quantum energy of lt-ra ia 2520, 923, 436 and 8 keV. Subsequently a more exact analy- sis of the mentioned states is given, data on which are Card 3/4 compiles into a table. Phe Conversion Spectrum of Lal4o 48-22-2-10/17 There are 6 figures, 4 talbes, and 23 references, 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONt Fizicheskiy institut Lenin,-radskooo Cos. unive_rsiteta im. A.A. Zhdanova (Physics institute.Leningrad State University imeni A.A. Zhdanov) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 1. Lanthanum-Conversion spectra Card 4/4 t: lihol-W63 BDS S10321631 M /005/015/0,2 AUTHORS-: T.- K. Novosilltseva, 11. 1., Palkin. B. Ao, Ryazanov, V. and-Fri a. TITLE:- Method,of testing sheet~materials for biaxia.1-extension at a different reserve of elastic energy PERIODICAL:: Zavodskaya laboratoriya)-v.,29) no., 5, 19631-600-604 TEXT: :~Analysis,of a number of operational failures such as the explosion of th6'British "Comet" jet aircraft has shown that with a rise in the reserve of. :elastic energy ihthe presence of*de.fects not only acceleration of deformation -stre h-of a-material can be ex and,failure occur, but also a reduction intbe-_. ngt pected.-'.A device has test biaxial extension of sheet material- at a.differ ent rese-kve.oflelasticenergy .by means of pneumatic(gaseous nitrogen)- or bydraulic-(liquid AM-10), arranged so that the working part of the test piece ofpractlcally'symmetrical biaxial extension. In tests-of the in-- :fluence-,of-the working medium transmitting pressure to the-test-piece'on the strength..a.ndnaturei of failure of the sample, test-pieces.vere brokeri down Into -4 Into.fine pi rather:large~plecps In the bydrWalic test.,a, eces In the pnemati,c# In-teats.,.of_the..1n�luence of the volume of,the iiarking medium it was found that increase:in theivolurae of-the container did not lead to substantial change in the kinetics although the rate of deformation increased. There are 6 figures Card lll~:Js and 2 tables. U zi-.F~; ITOTOSIL"SEVA I I.; GER""KC L~ . i9f0frEV, ,,I.; GLANNOV, S. .; ZILOVA! 11 1 , )VA9 L. V. Effect of thermal treatm~-nt and L;I,,Iddir.;;, on -~hp strength of VT14, VT15,, and VT16 titanium alloys under biaxial t~ension. TSvet. met. 38 rio.9*75 S 165. I~aRA 18,12) 1-23052-66 FSS-~2/E'NT(1)/E'811-(M)/EWP(t)/E~mp('k)--- J-b/Jk/HW ACC NR, - Ap6ouW4... 'SOURCE CODE, UR/0057/66/ 036/003/05 10556, 1 A(P]MOR: .:X:ulgavchUk-j No-voskolltseva, G. A.- ORG:~ no! ne TITLE ~'A study of :the heating . and. evaporatiod kinetic& of 4Xplodi g Viies by the n x-ray method..' SOURCE_:~ ZhArnal telchnicheskoy, fiziki, Y. 36-,. no. 3, 1966,.549-556 TOPIC: TAGS. explo.diniz wire. electrical:6xplosioa ABSTRACT Simultaneous oscillographic recordings were -idade__ of the electrical ,parameters and the x-ray. pulse in an-investigation.of the kinetics of heating and evaporation -of copper and brass wires 5 cm. long and 1.0 and 0 .78 mm -in'diameter, -re- spectivelyi.exploded by high-density current. The wires were exploded in the -.air and in polye--hylene tubes., - The experiments aimed at An investigation of the causes of the. "curient pauself occurring after the heat-up, and the process.of phase transi- liquid to vapor The experimenta 1-arrangement made it possible to obtain tion from x-rw photographs,of.the process at-any'instant. The time dependencies of the main parameters obtained. were as follows. Current followed a roughly.sinusoidal curve from zero:'to a maximum. of about -100 ka at the 16 jjsec mark, falling back to zero, at-about the 301isec mark., Voltage, which.stayed at I to 1.5 kv' during the initial .period,.showed a ,sharp upward peak of up to 8 ky at about the 20 psec time mark. _.-The resis Itance, and. power followed roughly thevoltage curve with maxima at about -C.ard- 1/3 UDC: -53T.529 ACC N14 -AP6011404 0.23. ohm, a~nd:Zoo starting'from . near-zero, afterthe psec tilhe markv 71h6 ener followed r gy Pughly, the.porwer Curve-, reaching:a ceiling of about YkJ when the volt resistance, age and power,were subsiding from their maxima, Wires-.enclosed in poly- I ethyl tubing display~ed slightly low' -a faster drop of. the. current) ene., er values and delayed and.considerably (about 50%) lover peak values for.voltage and powers.s. run-' away. rise in the case of resistance and-slightly lower and somewhat delayed values in.the energy .curve The x-rVphotographs showed an expansion of wire diameters. -by. 1-.,48 And 1# 53~ times for -copper and brauc , occurring 1.0. and 0.2. psee be-fore the -corresponding voltage peaks when the spent 'energy mounted tb -4.27 and 5.5 kjs respectively. After.this the wire began to display an increasing series of trans- 'verse layers of lesser density 0.1 to I mm thick- On the.basis-,of their luminosity oa--conventional photographs and also from the bulging,of the polyethylene tubing, these,layers were interpreted as arc discharges. At the.instants 6f.valtage peaks$ .~.the wire was already cut up into 1 to 5 mm pieces of solid matter, with ab .out 15% of :the metal evaporated. The process of breaking up-intensified further after the, I*ak. Other parameters calculated from the observation date. were the speed and energy oe expansion of the wire, and the spread of e ~~lpE~ion prpducts in, time in thecase of bare wire azi& wire enclosed in polyethylene. tubes explanation of 'the proces's of disintegration of the wire into pieces.was, found in the variations of its initial diameter., A variation of 1% in diameter is considered sufficient to cause a con- excess of.temperature in the narrows. The faster rise of temperature in one section accelerates the process--of exploding in that area, which in turn has the effect of sloving'down the heating-process in the adjacent cooler sections, mainly because of the vapor pressure developing in the process. Speculations regarding the Card V3 L 23052-blb- W, m SEMENOVt V.; NOVOSMSKIT, L. Establishing normo for the vorklng capital iuA supplying credit to state farm@. Denit- krodo 19 no.603-a J*o 162. (mm :4s6) 1.1 Nachallnik otdols, finansirovanlya, sovkhosov MInisterstva fine aw SSSR (for Semnow), 2, Starobly kraditnyy inspektor Smalbirskoy kontory Gosbanka (Ifor Novaslavokly). (State rarme-Finance) (Novosibirsk Province-Agricultural credit) ROTOSPASSKIT. A.F.; LIONWOV, U.K., rodaktor; TATHSHUM. Ye.B.. takhnichn- .8 redaktor Nodern. blast ftmaceal Sovromennala dowennala pech' . Kookwas Goo. 0-takhns tsd-wo Ilt-ry po chernot I toyetnol mtallurglt# 1%50o 394 pe [Mcrofilml (Km 9:12) (Blast furnaces) dom Rum.] ate TuchnA. (prito Dm. 46-j i P;b , ; L,D` A; ?; ZLTWIX. T.Y, Rov~/ =W-4P Remote signaling and remote control for radio relay lines. Ilektrosviarl 11 no.8:26-31 Ag 157. (MIU 10:12) (Radio relay systems) NOTOSPASSKIY. V.V.; RAEDV, S.I.. tekhnichankly redaktor. 1~ ow-190woza, [In ~%stem CaucasvAl I& Zapaduou Kaylaxe. [ftskm. IzdL-,vo MUS P~rof Is"t. 1954. umagod]. (KUL 8:4) (Caummus, Western-Description azd travel) RGVOSZM. Tibor, dr.; RISKO. Tibor. -.W" The role of spondylodeals In Tubark. kerdesel 9 no*2:79-82 c1r.: 1FATER, Jazaef. dr. the therapy of spinal tuberculosis. Apr 56. 1. As Allant Fodor Jossef THC. Gyoatnteset (igasgato-foorvos: Risko, Tibor dr.) koslemanyo. (TOWULOSIS, SPIRAL. surg. spondylo4ests, Indic. & compl. (Hun)) L R1810 TIBOR, Dr.; NOVOGULp Abdmative resection In surgery of the hip. &a, sebeezet 10 no.2-3t 133-137 knr-June 57. 1. As Allaul Fodor Zassof Tba. 0yogyIntexat (Bmdapest) koslassays Igaigato-foorvan: Risko Tibor dr. (HIP, surg. abductive resection, technic (Ehn)) RISKO, Tibor, Dr.'. MOVOGM. Tibor. Dr. our mwgimd remalts with adsto-vortebratomr-spon4lodools, Orvehatilo 100 no.13:466-472 29.Nar 59. I**,Ax~Allpml Ifodw Joxsef Tbo. Gyoalutezet. Bu&pest (Igaxgato- foorivoit Babok Lorand dr.) 1. as. Sebessoti Oestalyansk (foorvas: HIGIm-11bor &.) kosl*a~Wo (MMUIMIS. SPML. sure, costo-vwtabrat ovy-spandy lodes 4, technics I results (Hun)) I RISKOR T.; 1OVaSTSEL, To bUarience vitb surgical therapy of tuberculous spoody1itis vith special reference to the operation of costo-vertebrotcW- qmdyloUsthests. Mdrurglia 15 no.2/3:222-224 162. (TUESMULOSIS SPINAL surg) 110VOSULp To Report an a study-tour to the National Pkraplegio Center In %glande- Orro hatil. 105 no.-ntl286-1287 5 J1964 C ZECHOSLOVAKIA NOVOTNA, LRE?KTORIK, jffiliation not given U _7. "Scientific and Working Meeting of the Psychiatric Section, 6th April. 66. 11 Prague, Ces'll-oslovenska Psychiatrie, Vol 63, No 1. Feb 67, pp 68-69 Abstract: The following papers were submitted at the Meeting: VOLAVKA, J.; Automatic Analysis of EEG and Clinical Data; MATOUSEK, M.: Recording System for Automatic Evaluation of EEG; YLATOUSEK, M.; ROUBICEK, J.; VOLAVKA, J.; EEG in Schizophrenias. No references 1/1 Sep gap We *a see 000999060000409404- I v a In 19 W a a v a 311 a An 9 a a *I &V 0, 4vs 0 9 C Q V 6 0 A L 0 PC R S T LN 10-1 ~110-- :Iwttttgs lop ...p a?- ('80901 I- G*CLWS -as-, !!A 00 T .11 - w s v1t J-1 :46 All" Ow 89 esp AV *0 gap r" 111WAN aq A q Wjwj~ omnwpd *MOP" "IN vm) "Miq giver Is) POW pm"AVJ mull up r qsmDA *A" vw nip" sop JO PX tuwj vIv- n. 7=0" q3mne) F24-M)w a" 03"Od Aq Immu, a 636iiwd JO .g Opla -ItmMI 0) JO -rug""AtAW eir Op"d i ~ 'A 'N -pion av. v 5 r 1. IV 30 91 Vy -7 -F-T IjA-i-% -2a -'J - r -7 w* 0 v 911- It v -17a ju A 11 %1 x :1 Z) If A1.1 1 1 ~p I.A.. 1,24- a 9 -a 00 0 00 8 0 AS 0 0 40 0 0 4 111 0 46 4V 4 110 491 64 ABC ONGIS&% am oft I all -sa *go job) WN10,2161010 looms A .0 a to a a -10 is: 0 t 1 sop 14 F go '[we -rf 90 SPUR no SRI 4" "M 0 B" -jp -d-d s"i jqj WpMV,W M 9U *00 sp OM Now 2pmn p.-Vx- il D a A amad e m M 1 o~ - "I'm l n" " al F a q n w R A P AMPMPM no ap 11001, - -Sp VP Jors"'f - - I m- - -m- w"I Move P-m-P ARP 00 4" q m Pi " " ap 61 polipm qmo Cm wwaniv-, 4MsDn*-.w *1 00 *A Im P" lp mm ove Poo mm b4iinew Amoihb-') -ft! 0.w too --I 7-V-T-A -A a a p I I'si a doll a m v -V v , TV 111 I m s I 9 34 "MUSAIWINW2 we 11alwal Will %,a pill 11 91 at 4 1 ,117,1111 8 A 9 It I I 0 4P ' A* & t 0 1 6 4 is it is to w it it to Hit bf4a Xtrom aft Utt No is to is a a 41 Q is sc 41 PAL 41 F&OCIS14S A-0 W01*1141 M01- I Va of cowl 41 f-ar*My- - - 411111W as pwasew""G. A. 1). Ldn*v. 11rec. Ina. %a. polowvk 2. No. -A, 3-61 Iwa)'-fa view .1 (1w hio A : 1, basankitw PACWT of tv"itia 7' Mistily L101101111 (ftOn (girta. yc*rAs &W (waspi in tii&vw aw". wig I ffiethods, Wvft 4kvt&Wd (fit WOMW wadwim cd 4 *Wt; irsfets and &W defic. ANwis. c4 prewtvativft hs ftkkf pecalact4. A OWY 41 40 asam soft do, c" and N-v "If. "to. - tug L-Aft th I-ec tegia. 9"11% fig the Ulinittitall rffv~ct sic WAS Q " for (O.Littidtf. Ilia ~X"iltjetffiv tucthiife Utth Fcti 4,44 see istul 0 Wish AM" tricant (Wcivs. C. .4-Tz, wn) St. tcdk.. I =04 tot ditki IM'k dkXUr hydetayt-calmic. 1tw" fter 4M. f1t, C. 6'. Miss avi&. (bat (13 o( VI tote if'( fifwfjlfc4 jak) 4'"1 his OftV AIV "Of 441 UJIWA11141,1~ C110 MAT %1WAkV. 146 KUWO~Wiijw &(M( 4tvil"I jJv.gt1wa jig (F-J% 44cwtvalism way Ir a mw.. 11tolh t. fj~l A, li,*jiqUJ, it J% SPPVA-&t.k to Aq. *Am., ticapq, 4qwxs the take. twe twit to ptuti. do PAYsinw7bumis; 86m. E. V. Fis &IRStativ. Nd. te, watelials. Tulifin F. Smith its Cot at 00-23D0 6 virdmed to the kolbe wW j, of e1 (OF goo pflcvg - the avid. I mAil. acid w&4 rsusified in 5 mals. Eton. %4atubsittv The Pir Loll. tn. 96, stittv twivats. faust HlO. w" MO& w (A costs. PAIR ad paided by Cutts. with Cs'. i The Ph COCC Wral PfqW, Ify tbnwd dervacticiiiplittim .1 Ow MM. by esterWacka with PkOff its psusiptsm (d pOCI, OW b7 tmt* the " 40H Poser Iskirlied) asect-Wively with K16 00 IWN*. shm hydisillskig to fnv tht jJH This &W w0hotf in tocs tedim. the second iss pref..4. D.WWM rJoe AIla. W-U. - 414 The Wvift flitifimelfis: method (C. A. 11, 20131 liv" Cmd VCONU6 ist U*Iww. P*Waisf aq, =&w. but in peatrin 1 0 4, it if -11, TA a ad a a I a 5 a 3 0 9 irA" 4v .0 Ili, , v to cl a dqd ;w, IS (w a d 6141 10 0 6:0-6 0000 Do ao to 0 0 0 *a a 0 a.,* 0 * too 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 00 God 4 608 loot ***see as *60 0:0 g~fo #400000 00:0 *000 11, is it a 0 w I 0 0 0 0 0 6 04-64 w alp to A a x xw It v jo W 4; a At at F it, mit H, V. movowIrm SW rm. fed. led. tq*k VIM A (WANd ta be =W-A**SO= Wym# "A dim wm '----WY Uftd is capti., an dWWY%g qP*- -A "V Afttr tomumm WKU 5%. Is scravact-Y t-ft ad&. d 04. =t. of the && alyauum kd to muf=r, .1 the Poe" woo woo M Tbe O"bum caiditimm f- tbb -"too Cog wool Calm ejulf" fe"m &P 40V - 68,1141 off 4.w As$ a 4 4A& %ease weswuldes 34q w4FJ';m';w';' a I-I Ole 0 0 0 : 04 W, A~ 41- T_ it .1 It! 1.0 ft tt U W Is W to 0 1 at a Off CONS UE;XMFQII Qd4KIEZ9 r cc, J Aft'd WWS 40 pome" md 1 -00 00,0 _qpmfma I I f v (1935), cf. C. A. A MOM- Pvnfiv.~Mn~ (I,.*" simIGNIACII. amd swAmer-wd buffw weir "ovoted vp jwnt.r