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255N S/078/61/006/008/01T/018 Determination of the... B127/B226 mixture was determined by a special method. The weighed alloy containing beryllium carbide was dissolved in nitric acid. The nitric oxides were absorbed by silica gel; potassium diohromate and concentrated sulfuric acid were added to the solution. The methane formed by hydrolysis ot' carbide Was determined by combustion. The results of a chemical analy3is of Be2Cu-CuBe (2~-') are given in Table 1. A saturated beryllium-carbide solution in a liquid copper-beryllium melt is formed within 1.5 - 2 hr. In all experiments conducted at 17090C9 the content of free beryllium was 2.0011.7 by weight, as had been calculated. This indicates the absence of a reaction between carbide and melt. At 17090C, a considf.-rable increase in the carbide content is observed. This may be explained by the fact, that at this temperature, sudden dissociation of carbide starts: Be 2C.olidf==ai1Beliq +Cgraphite' In the range 1287 - 16260C, the solubiliV data obtained were expressed by the Schroeder equation: log = 1.337 "Be2c -5312/T, where NBe2 C is the molar part of beryllium carbide in the melt, Results are given in Table 2. In this way, also the solution heat of Card 2/5 26283 1211 'I-ZT IM SIOTS1611006100910021olo 5 LI BIOT/BIOI AUTHORSs ffesterova, Ya.K., Pashinkin, A.S., ffoyoselovs, L.T. TITLEs Determination of the saturated-vapor pressure of solid tin selenide and tin tellurid*o PERIODICkLi Zhurnal noorganiohookoy khimiio v. 69 no. 99 1961t 2014-2018 TEXT: The lattice constants and saturated-vapor pressure of SuSe and SnTe wore determined. This is of interest for finding out whether it is possiblep by distillation, to remove the tin impurity from selenium and tellurium, which serve for rectifiers or alloys for thermoelootric cooling. The present study is a continuation of publications on the saturated-vapor pressures of solenides and tellurides of the second- and fourth group elements. (La t publication: I.V. Korneyeva, V*V. Sokolov, A.V. Novoselova. Zhe neorg. kVaii, 3.,241 (1960)). The compounds were prepared from the elemental the composition was checked analytically. Radiographs were made by the TKPV57 (RKD-51) camera and nickel radiation SnTe crystallizes cubically in accordance with the N&CI type, with & 6-310 � 0-005 kX# Card 1/ 5 SJO'JAJ61/006/009/002/010 Determination of the saturated B107/BI01 this value agrees well with publication data (Ref. 8, see below). The lattice constants of the rhombical SuSe cell are 1 a - 446 + 0.01; b - 4-17 + 0-01; 0 11-46 + 0.01 U (Table 2). The values about agree with provTous data TR*fO 127, as* below)i an shown by the intensity of the lines# the compound has the son* structure as GeS (Ref. 21, see below). After d1stillation i&vacuum (10- am Hgj SnSe at 650-700 C and SnTe at 640-680 0), chemical composition and lattice constants are unchanged. The pressure of the saturated vapor was determined according to Knudsents method. Two quartz-effusion chamber& with openings of different sizes wore used* Calibration measurements were conducted with KC1. Measurement results,are listed in Table 3. The maximum error amounts to 20~. The fol lowing dependence was obtained for SnSs in the range of from 549 to 647 08 log p - - 9186.6/T + 8.696; (p in an Hg)tHo 0 a 42.0 + 11 kcalper mole* The jollowing equation was obtained for SnTe8?nl [he range-of from 575 to 731 Ci log p 9817-3/T + 9-009, (p in mm Hg);A H0260,K - 44-9 9 .14;3kcal/mole. The authors thank Yu.P. Simanov and L.M. Kovb& for help with the X-ray investigation. Card 2/5 26253 S/078/61/006/009/002/010 Detefmination of the saturated... B107/B101 There are I figure, 3 tables, and 29 references: 15 Soviet and 14 non- Soviet. The four most important references to English-laiiguage publicaticos read as followas Ref. 81 K. Hashimotog K. Hirakawa. J. Phys. Soo. Japan 11, 716 (1956)i Ref. 12: A. Okazaki, I. Ueda. J. Phys. Soc. Japan, 11, 4~071956); Ref. 23s W. H. Zachariasen. Phys. Rev., 4.0, 923 (1932); Ref. 20 D. R. Stull, G. C. Sinke, Thermodynamic Properties of the Elements. Amer. Chem. Soc.9 Washingtont 1956s pp 180, 2019 209. SUBMITTED: July 27, 1960 26287 __ f6l S/ , I 078~ /006/009/008/010 2_4 ID B127/ "101 AUTHORS: Hu Chlih-tau, Novoselova, A. V. TITLE- Thermal analysis of the XF - LaF 3 - K 2BeF4 system PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, v. 6. no. 9, 1961, 2148 - 2157 TEXT: The authors studied the above-mentioned system in order to clarify the interaction of the individual components. The XF - BeF2 system had already been investigated by M. P. Borzenkova et al. (Zh. neorgan. khimii, 1, 2071 (1956) who found the following compoundst K 3BeF 5, K 2BeF4' KBeF V and KBe2F 5' The XF - LaF 3 system had been investigated by Ye. P. Dergunov (Dokl. AN SSSR, LO, 1185 (1946)), and an incongruently melting KLaF 4 with a transition temperature at 7700C and 33 mole % of LaF 3 was observed. The eutectic lies at 620 0 and 21 mole % of LaF 3' The BeF 2-Lap3 system had to be studied by the authors. The differential thermal analysis Card 119 26287 S/078/61/006/009/008/010 Thermal analysis of the... B127/B101 was conducted by Kurnakov's pyrometer and with the use of platinum plati- num-rhodium thermocouples. The results of analysis of the BeF -LaF system 0 2 showed that below 1000 C LaF does not dissolve in BeF The specimen 3 2* could not be heated more strongly since otherwise BeF 2 would have vaporized., The authors also studied the KF - K 2BeF4 system, and found that the liquidus intersects the peritectie horizontal line in the point corresponding to K3BeF 5* The transition point of this compound is 735�5 0C, and the eutectic point is found at 705.t5 0 and 81 mole % of KF. Also the KF - LaF system 3 was investigated and the eutectic determined at 63C�5 0C and 20 mole % LaF V The results obtained for the system KF - LaF 3 - K2 BeF4may be seen from the malting-point diagrams. The area of the liquidus curve consists of five fields, three of which correspond to the components LaF 3~ KFand K 2BeF 4' and the other two to the incongruently melting compounds KLaF 4 and K3BeF 5' Card 2/9 SMUOVAIP I.S.; TMWAO N.y&.; SEMMMOO K.M.; NOWOSELOVAs A.V. CWnpounds of beryllium chlorides with dialkyl sulfides. Zhuro Ahla. 6 no*Ut2522-2516 1610 (KM 14.-20) (Barylllm chlorlde) (Sulfide) BOSIKV I.I.; HaVOSELOVA, A.V.; SIMANOV. YU-P- . I Study of the systea L12304 - BeSO4. Zharaworg.W31a. 6 no.11*250- 2%ff 161. (KM 24:20) (Kithlum sulfate) (Berylli= alfate) 2 Z VU 30181 S/OTS/61/006/012/OOT/oll B124/BIIO AUTHORSI Zlosanov, T. P.# Tananaytva, 0. 1., Movoselova, A. V. TITLEt Study of the interaction between lead selonide and ozygon PERIODICALs- Zhurnal noorganichookoy khiaii, v. 6, no. 12, 1961, 2753-2757 TUTs, Continuing an earlier study performed by the,authors (Ref. 3: Dokl. AN SSSR 12 sit 809 (1959)), the composition of the oxidation products a pr*pared~by-roae ing lead solon1do with oxygen at temperatures ranging from 500 uO to 9000C was established, and the electrical conductivity of the respective products measured. Load selenide was oxidized in alundus crucibles in the furnace.7T.-r-2 (TG-2) the t*aporatur* of which was con- trolled with the potenti6*et*r-.* PD-12). Products obtained were ~12 (F emained by c#oalcal and x-rayAi~hniquos. From the results of the two methods, it Is-obvious that at 500 to 6000C lead selenite forms, while at 600 to SOOOC. .the phase A appears which has not yet been described in literature, in addition to the solonits; this phase is the only reaction product on beating in the air for 2 hours, at 8000C. Evidonc* is given for the fact that the osyselonite 2PbO-PbSoO 3 is concerned here which is based Card 1/3 30181 3/078/61/006/012/007/011 Study of the interaction... B124/B11O on the consistent dtnsities established by pyonostetric and x-ray measure- ments as well An, on the identical powder diagrams of oxyselonit*oynthati- C611y.-Prepaked 'and of the sample*, Oxyselenite has a tetragonal body- centered lattice with the parameters a w 3.91 t 0.01 kX; a - 5.57 t 0.01 M Oxysel enitt salts incongruently; the liquid phase appears first at 705 t 1000 and the bulk of the oxyzelenite melts at 740 t 100C. 4PbO-Pb3sO 5 fans In the air at 9000C after 2 hours and was also prepared by the oxida- tion-of lead selemide, in the air at 100000 for I hour. The parameters of the rhonbic body-centered lattice of 4PbO*PbSeO arot a - 3.90 t 0.01 kX; 3 b 3071 t 0.01 kX; 5.67 t 0.01 kX. This compound is identical to the phase B described in earlier papers (Ref. 3: see above; Ref. 11t Zh. neorgan. khinii 6, 2261 (1960)) which melts congruently at 7800C. The con- ductivity of lea7d- selenide oxidized at temperatures above 6000C was measured with a small-size ohmmeter (MON-3)) and was 2-10-8 to 10 21-10-7 V. 1._Mikheyev (Ref. 9: Rentgenometricheskiy oprodelitel*l mineralov (X-ray analyser for sinerals)t Goagooltokhisdat, 1,9570-P. 95) is mentioned. Thanks aro given to L. N. Kovbe for the performance of the x-ray examinations. There are I figure, 4 tables, and Card 2/3 30181 S/078/61/006/012/007/011 Study of the interaction... B124/B11O 16 referencess 12 Soviet and 4 non-Soviet. The three,reforencea to English-ianguige publications read as followst F. N. Pollard, P. Hanson, W. 1. Godry,-Ann. Chou. Acts, 20, 26 (1959); D. H. Roberts# J. Electron. and Control 5. 256 (1958); R-_P4e-1, I. Miers, Ind. Eng. Chea. Anal. Ed. _I0v 334 (1938)- ASSOCIATIONs Mookovskiy gosudaretvennyy universitet in. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) SU~XITTZDs October 129 1960 Card 3/3 NOVOSELOVAt A. 7.; PASINEW, A. S.Msbinldno A. S.1; POFOVMr Be A. Fispam,tio'n of the -highly pure selmdus and tellurlvm6 Amals2e chWe 16 no-399&-107. - JI4 1620 (Selolnim) (TaIlurim) C-.AaNSBLffA*- A ~T, Sme problems Involved in the eheml tr7 of semiconductors. Test. *sk.-Uh.S~r.2,Kb1M., 16 n0.5$60-68 S-0 161. (KM 14-9) is Kafedra neorganicheskoy Ichimli Nbakovskogo univeriAsta. (Semic6nduators) J482 020/61/139/001/314/018 G-S ZID BiOjIB226 AUTHORS: Popovkin, B. Aj and Novoselov&,,A. Corresponding Member AS USSR TITLE% Study of the system lead selenite - lead oxide PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 159, no. 1, 1961, 117 - 119 TEX T: The authors studied the system PbSeO 3 - PbO by thermal and X-ray phase analyses with a view to precisely defining composition and limits of existence of-load-oxyselanites. The faot has been proved earlier (B. A. Popovkin et &I. Ref. 1: DAN, M., No. 4, 809 (1959)), that only lead aelenite is produced by the interaction between lead selenide and oxygeD at 500-6000C. The authors prepared mixtures of analytical-grade products 4A&(ch, d, a) consisting of yellow lead oxide and lead selenite, the latter of which has been produced of analytical-grade selenious acid and lead nitrate. For conducting the thermal analysis, carefully pulverized and mixed samples were prepared by annealing in evacuated quartz ampoules. Equilibrium mixtures with less than 70 mole % PbO required a 20-hr annealing at 560-570P% Card 1/6 25482 3/020/61/139/001/014/018 Study of the system lead selenites.. B103/B226 those with a higher PbO content - 40 hr at 630-65000. ThenK-52 (PK-52) pyrometer with platinum-platinum rhodium thermocouples by N. S. Kurnakov served for the differential thermal analysis. Al.0 was taken as a standard. Weighed portions of 0.8 g were heated in platinum ckoibles. Average heating rate was 10-12 OC/min (in individual oases 5-60C/min)l heating curves war* recorded. X-ray diagrams were recorded by the powder method. Fe-K radiation in PKARKD) oameras, org at high temperatures, the lly"0141"'(Unikam) camera served for the.purpose. Capillaries of "Pyrex" glass contained the substance. The intensity of the lines was visually evaluated according to a 5-stage scale. Fig. 1 shows the phase diagram of the PbS;0j - PbO system; Fig. 2 the results of X-ray phase analysis. The melting o nts of PbS~O 3 at 6800C and of PbO at 885 0C were determined. Thi p-reseno 10 of oxyaolenites A) 2 PbO-PbSeO 39 and B) 4 PbO-PbSeO3 was proved in the system (in accordance with Ref. 1). A) malts with decomposing at 7550CS 2PbO-PbSsO 3~~melt + 4PbO-PbSeO 3' and with lead selenite forms a eutectic at 6050C and 33.3 mole ~c' PbO. B) melts congruently at 805 C and with PbO forms a eutectic Card 2/6 25489 S/020J61/139/001/014/018 Study,.of the system lead oelenite... B103IS226 (800*C, 83.3 mole % PbO). In addition to effects unambiguously belonging to decomposition or to melting of the phases mentioned, others were recorded in thermal analysis that cannot clearly be interpretedi between 45 and 63 M0112 % PbO when*heating with 5-600/min, endotheSmic effects (625, 650t and 710 V0) became visib114. When heating with 10-12 C/min, thee* effects did not appear on the curves or were only indicated by small breaks. With slow heating, the temperatures of the final melting of mixtures with 55 and 60 mole % PbO decrease from 750 and 755 0C to 7300C. The eutectic effect (6050C) in each case appears independently of the heating rate. According to the authors' assumption, these unclear effects can be exerted by the formation and conversions of the unstable oxyselenite PbSeO PbO. Mixtures 3* with 5 to 20 mole % PbO showed a reversible endothermic effect at 621.;'C being absent in the thermograms of pure lead selenite. The Debye powder pattern of the sample with 95 mole % PbSeO and 5 % PbO annealed at 640 0C, showed some lines neither belonging to PbSaO nor to 2 1~bO-PbSeO The 3 Y authors assume that this effect is related to the teversible polymorphous Card 3/6 25482 S/02 611139100110141018 Study of the system lead selenite... B103YB226 oonversion of lead selenite whioh is stablized by 2PbO.PbSoO Furthermore, 3* this effect may be due to melting the eutectic of the PbSeO 3-PbO compound with lead selenite assumed by the authors. The,effects 275 + 10 and 370 + IOOC.which are not always reproducible appear in mixtures with 25-77'5- mole %. They are independent of both the formation and decomposition of now crystalline phases; they possibly belongp however, to second-order conversions of 2PbO-PbSeO 3* The structure of the oxyselonites mentioned is identical with that of the crystalline phases being proved earlier (Ref.1) in the oxidation products of lead selenide. A) crystallizes in the tetragonal lattice with the parameters of the body-centered cell a - 3.92 ky, 0 = 5.37 kX; B) crystallizes in rhombia lattices with the parampters of the body-centered cell a - 3.92 M, b = 3.73 M, and c - 5.72 M. There are 2 figures and 7 references: 4 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloc. The two references to English-language publications read as follows: F. N. Pollard et al. (Ref. 4: Ann. Chem. Acta, 20, 26 (1959)); H. Lipson, A. Wilson, Ref- 7: J. Sci. Inst. 18, 144 (1955)). rCard 4A 2~857 c Sj 026/6;/ 1 39/0-04/04,71102j; BI 03/B206 AUTHORS: Novoselova, A. V., Corresponding Member AS USSR., Korenev, T~. - Yu. P. Ii., and Simanov, -LTU; Investigation of the system KF-ZzF PEKODICAL; Akademiya nauk SSSR. Dok-'ady, v. 139, no. 4, 1-4061 692-694 TEXTs The vatl'aors invest-,gat-ed the system KF -ZrF byz dil"ferertiai 4 thermal analysis and 2) X-ray phase analysis. Pub'- i cations or, the meitir~g- point~diagram of this system are ver~r ecanty. T"he all-.horz produned XF by dehydration of KF*2H2 Oi ZrF 4 was preparei from (NH 4)3ZrF 7 by diati1ling off NE F in a CO current. ktim ),,Zrp was sYnthetized by meth~da of G. A. 4 2 4 d 7 Yagodin and V. I. Tarascv (Ref. Q's ZhV,