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NOVORADOVSKAYA, T.S., ALYAVIAN', Using the method of mathematical statistics for the setup of th3 experiment and analysis of the equilibrium sorption of (yeaq. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; tekh. tekst. prom. no.609-84 164. (MIRA 1&3) 1. ~Ioskovskiy tekstillnyy institut. I NINOPUISOV, A. 7. Novorasov, k' !.-"EpilPpsy with attendant shin poolhic in Lower Volk;a Provinces," Trudy (Sarat. gos. med. in-t), Vol. VII, 1948, p..117-36- Bibliog: 37 item 30; U-3264., 10 April 1953, (Letopis 'Mumal Inyl-h Sta-tey, No. 3, 1949) .-NOVORASOUp P.Yao; FZY=lSOHq A.S*; KOROBKOV9 G.G.; GORIKOVAt A.V. Influence of cortisone on the growth of experimental tuN=Bo Trud-y Sar. 'goo. mod. inat. 26:72-75 '59. (KM 24:2) I* SaratovskLy md.itainakiy inatitutt kafedra patologichaskoy Asiologii (Zavi-aotsent P.Ya. Navorasova). CORTISONE) (TUMORS) Q-~OVORUOV*t P.Ya.; FUGWSONt.A.S.; XOF4WVr G.G.; G='.MVAr A.V. Chaav of ac= biochemical indwces in exporimental tumor growth and following treatment with cortidone, Trudy ~kw. goo* mod, inst, 26z26r8O 159. (MM 24:9) ,,I, Watovskiy meditsinakLy inatitutg kafedrapatologichaskoy fiziologii (zave - dotsent F.Ya. Novorasova). (SUCCINIG DEMROGENASE) (TUMORS) (CORTISONE) -99MORASOVAP F.Ya.; SOLUNs Ye.N. ImMuence of cytotaxine an the origin aM development of the -tumr, K-1 in'whLte rats. Preliminary report* TrudY Sare game mM* Lost.*' 2601-43 1599 (MIRL W2) tov ditsinekly institutp kafedra patolpgicheskoy Ifi=ij.ak(izyav7- dotsent FAIL. Novarasova)o (SEM THERAPT) (TMUS) FFIGEL-'S.ONp A.So; SOLUNt YO.A. Innuence of payvalent and specific antie~u-tcerms sera an the ae*elopmnt of iwl~t turzorm In expoilmatalim.nizals, Tru4y*W.'goo. md. i=t. 26tR4,..M t59* (KERA 24:2) 1. Saratovoldy meditsimkLy imtituts. ksXcdrapatologichookoy fiiiacei'(Sav. -&ti*nt P.ya* Ndvmqwova); KOMAROVA, G.N.; NOVO L.Ya. Indium in collaform cassiterits. Trudy IMM no.18t25-29 163. (HIRA 16:12) NOVOROSSOVA. L.Ye.; LEONOVA, T.N. Ydaramlytic methods of the analysis of simple tAntalar,- niobates. Trudy MHE no.18-16&-174 163. (MM 16:12) NOVOROSSOVA, L. Te. Cand. Biological Sci. "Investigation of the Formation of Sod-Po4zolic Soils." Sub 10 May 51s Moscow Order of lenin State U Iment U. V. Lononosoy. Dissertations prosented. for science and engineering degrees in Moscow during 1951. SO: Sum. go. 480. 9 MaY 55 sx" in sods umdoer spme it". tAilll A, 1111ACIS ;&I aticTcAs shc wits of pitue timliv,, tUS 4 IIIA%. 0t 9.6% The A44(h coutcot &.( Ific ash of WtKv ricolt" v4rics from OXI to 0.71 -catl that of pint- tutawcl. - IV 00 Itic C4. NIC. K, Na Un Fe Al"I ash coatets, 7zte- t,,*,,A a. - R is Wittit.1 OtAt (t. cimmiuUtit., UPPCV LAI'Cr tit (kXfZUblC4j SUil-6 UtldCr %pCU(t' (IWC-t 6 114A 6114C 4!%1C1tl3iVdY W thC CC%-dUAI effects itt Ow :1"NIAtillil - (11 thC tililtC1746 IVUI AINO In .4 E2T9C 1111VASILItt 40 OIC It'litftiliOll 44 IIIC S'401 thfqOURfl lItt' umilm 1. jotre NGVQRC*SOVAj L.E.__ act. uxjjr~ 7'. ,NO. ViJ4f~-PW.-JWW;1-Z U vMpertieso typica 't - [ ~ l ck l d" d t A a i th ) ( ra ro s on n a e cen za ope te gr y p qZ. U w f kl w e k! lf d 1 x Wft ea a ze . ur y t ( ), m Y~,&Izo 'r~ did an stran :0 l odu d t j y g , ;'ART' are and mossy, ep-*% -Tbw- are brownfsh:.iolored ivith abundant rubbli~ r Wrid. Mart kraAuli~.4 and coarse, Ith 46fick periRratiom, -4ukk io%s of atm,.inoisturx and. with gttle~ nuteents avait- ' _ : "4 bl ,11r,has e. _bcttcr:~ - . I I befter.nutrition, bwettiir_profife~ and a, en - - . , : , _: 1 -1 develapeit hurnusaaccumulitive horizon. i In developm t, : - 1ilick add andquirtz iccuimulate at the4urface; s oxt es anct alk. e. a- cations decrease. -The content of IT C all NE - .. ' . , , -- 1,, I d oxides rrom-briakda~vn of feldspars fficreaics With " d ep 71~ sorc I sJol-briiiWown: proclu cts of feldspa and transfinrins: - to various ncondary mincrals. -X-viy studies siliolirt: ' "the rr "vice of montiftorillahlte:s mical cchlarfteh hydrous icas; an r~6ck M. it d not pCescrit [a parent tin s man -Honites mxy~ sot 5 be predorninant f* t1m oil -~7 . ' th than: kaaIfi:ff;ez'f d M Mccfi,jiniiie ra-_ MM prp-vlo O"i -and chem.- _.ciirxipn~i -,excban ge 2citrom, and PlE are rL tabulated. -A block tmpk. shows, progressive" dja"gC% ( . NOVOROSSOVA L,Y-e,,-_KCMAROVA, G.11. Soluble tin in ores of the Dzbalinda deposit and solubility of cassiterite in acids. Geol.rud.mestoroxh. no,1:122-125 Jii-F 162. (14MA 15:2) 1. institut geologii rudrqkh mestorozhd9niy, petrografii, mineralogii i geokhimii AN SSSR. (Tin) (Cansiterita) KMTM.,Vg S,D,; NWOMOTA, A*Sh. Nitration of aromatic hydrocarbons. Report Yo.2: Ritrottlon reactions of ~utylbenzens and tort-amylbenzene (In Azerbaijaul with summary In Russian]. Iz7* All Aserb. MM. Ser. fis. takh. i khim nauk. noo4: n7-131 158- (MIRA 11:11) Oenson~) (Nitration) NOVOSAD, A. NAn Uportant Govirnment Document on Water Econosiy.w p. 249 (VODA, Vol. 33, No. 10, Oct. 1953) Praha,, Csochoslovakis. SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, Library of Congress,, Vol. 3, No. 4, April 1954. Unclassified. NUMAD -A NOVOSAD, A. The water management bill. p. 221 -Vol.. 5, No. 7/7a, July 1955 Votla HOSPONARSTVI TECHIJOLOGY Praha, Czechoslovakia go: East.Europeon Accessions, Vol. 15, No. 4, May 19546 NOVC,SAD, A. NOVOSAD, A.11ovember, Czechoslovak-Soviet Friendship Month. P. 377. October, Clean Water Mlonth. p., 378. Vol. 5, No. 11, Nov. 1955 VODNI HOSKIDARSTVI TECHN-OLCOY Praha, Czechoslovakia So: East Europeon,Accessions, Vcl. 51, Vo. 5, May 1956 HOUSIIO, A. Orcranization -X the econoiy of Czechoslovak -cater resources. (To be colntd.) p. 4. VODA. (Ustrodni sprava vodni'-.o hospodarstvi) Praha. Vol. 35, no. 1, Jan. 195-'). SOURCE: Z~Iu European Acceszions LIA, Vol. 5, no. 9, September 1956 NOVOSAD. A. Czechoslovak vater ri&ta. p. 34. VODA Vol. 35, no. 2. Feb. 1956 Czechoslovakia Source: EAST EUROPEAN LIM Vol. 5, no. 7 July 1956 NOVOSAD,, A. Laws concerning water. p. 127. Vol. 35, no. 4, Apr. 1956 VODA Praha, Czechoslovakia Soured, East European Accession List. Library of GongoTess Vol* 5, No. 8, August 1956 . NOV-0-30, A. Organization of watmIr mnagement in the German Democr-tic Republic. p. 257 VODA (Utredni sprava vodniho hospodarstvi~ Vol. 35, No. 9, Cetp. 1.956 Praha, Czechoslovakia a-)TP.GE: East Puropean List (EFAL) Library of Congress, Vol. 6, M-,). 1, January 1957 NOVOSAD, A. ProtectiGn of fisheries in hydraulic constructions. P. 254 (Vodni Hospodarstvi) Vol. 5, No. 10, Oct. 1957, Czechoslovakia SO: MONTHLY INDEX OF EAST EUROPE0 ACCESSIONS (UAI) LC. - VOL. 7, NO. 1, JAN - 1958 KOVOSADs, A. A new f oundation s tone in Czechoslovak water legislation. p o57. (Voda. Praha. V01. 36, no - 3, Mar. 1957 -) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC., Vol. 6, no, 7, July 1957, Uhcl. NOVOSAD, A. Furth'''r decentralization of the sanitary engineering adminstration. p.117. (Vada,, Vol. 3,6, No- '15t May 11,0572 Prahav Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) w. vol. 6, No. 9, Sept. 1957. Uncl. NOVOSADj, A. Increased efficiency in the water management. P. 169, (Yoda) voi. 36, no. 7, July 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of East European Acessions (EEAI) Vol. 6,, No. 12 November 1957 KOVOSADv Antonin, JUVr. Water resources management and tbe 12th ConMes of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia. Vodni hosp no.9%362-363 9' 162, . 1. Statni, planovaci komise, Praha. NOVOSAD. D. Treatment of amenorrhea by Implantation of estrogenic capsules according to Zondek. Lek. listy Brno 7 no-9:234-236 1 KV 1952, (CM 22s2) 1. Of the Obstetrlc-G~rnecologtcal Clinic (goad-Docent Vlad. Vasek, H. D.) of Palacky University, Olomouc. NDVo3A 0, _D CZECHOSLOVAKIA / General Problems of Pathology. Tumors. U-7 Comparative Cncology. Tumors in Humans. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 15, 1958.9 70900. Author- Novosad Dusan. Inst FUIUM15~nYver- rty, Olomouc. Title Disturbance of the Menstrual Cycle in Cases of Cerebral Tumors. Orig Pub: Acta Univ, palack. olomuc. 1955, No 6, 155-158. Abstract: Nine patients with cerebral tumors had a regular menstrual cycle prior to the onset of the Illness. Eight of these patients manifested oiigo- and even amenorrhea after the start of the illness. The tumors were localized In various parts of the cere- brum. In two cases the menstrual cycle reverted to normal after the operation was performed. -- M, A. Koyro Card 1/1 30 KMALEK, J.; TALAS. M. ..~ BARTOSOVA. L. Problem of hirsation, Cos. lak. cook. 96 no.9:262-269 XRr 57. 1. Poroduickogynakologicka kliniks FU v Olozamci, prednosta prof. NUDr. J. Mervalsk Kosal klixtika PU v Olomouci. prodnosta prof. MUDr. Go Lejhansc..J. No, Olomouc, por.-ano klinIka. (RUR hirauttem, otiol. & ther. (Cs)) SWOSAD, DvA&zxg STMIKOTA, Jamila Ifforml course of the OpwrperiuO after the Intemption and Its doTUtl*DA. Ceekan.25[391 no.9.,704-707 N 060. 1. (lyn.por klin, FU w Olosonal. iABMTICN TRUArNOT C) KOLAROVA, 0.; KOHOUTEK, M.;,, IIOVOSAD, D. Sequelae of induced abortion. Cesk. gynek. 29 no.8:608- 613 0 164. 1. 1. gyn.-por. klinika lek. fak. University J.E. Purkyne v Brne, (prednosta prof. dr. L. Havlasek); Gyn.-por. klinika lek. fak. Karlovy University v Hradci Kralove (prednosta prof. dr. J. Pazourek, DrSc.) Gyn.-por. oddeleni nemocnice ve Sternberku, (vedouci MUDr. 0. Novosad). J. 'A Conference on chemical engineering in Fragae." P. 1003 (Institute of Applied Physics - Czechoslovak Academy of Science) Vol. 51, N". 5, I-TaY 1957 ,90: Monthly index of East Iwopean Accession (&kI) LC. Vol. 7, Nj- 5, I~aY 1958 NovOSADO J. "Discussions on chemical pilot plants and regular plants." CHEIIICKY PIRUIAYSL, Praha,, Czechoslovakia, Vai.. 9, No. JI, April 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EDIJ), LC, Vol. 0, NO. 9, SePterber 1959. Unclassified. 1VOWSAD ~ J. Studies on granul-r materials. Pts. 1-3. Chem Cz Chem 29 no.U;2681-27C9 N 164. 1. Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague. ,-'Zjw- J::O IS L OTAXI A ILI T NOVOSADt J; ST MARTs G. Institute of c-Liemic--l Pro(jess Pundamentals of the jzech,oslovuk ',c:adom,- of Scienceso Prajue (for both) Prague,, Collection of Czec'-ioslovak Chemical Commmications, T-75- -3261 1,0 10, 9 , !~P 3247 "Studies on Granular Materials. IV. Oalculation of the S'Lliaft Torque for -,,,Tixdn,- Granula-r 1:7aterials.11 PIMT. D.Gs. dotsent; MOVOUD, N.A. Seventh Conference of the Lvov Institute of Blea4 Transfusion and Smargency gargery. Problgazat. I perel.1croyl 4 no.8:59 Ag 159, (KERA 13:1) (BUM) KOVAL! V. B.M- ; j1q'~Qg~LD, Li. A. Blood coagulation system and clinical characterllstic5 of tyirorbotic complications in amylaid nephrosis. Sov. med, 27 no.8:21-25 Ag 164. %fMIP A 18 - 3 ) 1. Llvovskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy inatitut tuberkuleza i perelivaniya krovI (nauchnyye rukovoittell raboty - diy3ttvitelInyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. Ye.M. Tureyev, prof. 1.T. Stukiilc i dotsent S.M. Martynov). Nuosm, N.A. B114M, ~~oagulatl.on in (,!tmat, -J parel. krv7i 2?P.31, 237 169,6 (MIR& 16*83,C) 1. Wvovskiy Inatitut perellvaniya krc,7a. Com ovaluatiam.4 -the - Poiati" -C'. . or an antiglobalin ~:taotliu a~ol"sio. mciaftcliatUnit- with a:ptetvxg&~nt gen. Sbor.-"~ nauc -18sle insto Perel. Imovi i neotl6zh. khl~'~ Aid." (HlU 16-.*) 04"9 160 Vitimin therapy in hypoplastic Ebid aplastio states. Ibid. 148-154 P [Ustradni sprava Dwm on the Balanka River. P. 152. TODIII g, vodniho hospodarztvi) Praha. Vol. no. 6, Jime 1%56. S-0 g. September 10,56 .URGE: F-,t Lurupean Accessions Listp Vol. 5, no. 9, NOVOSAD, Ijomalld, Cand Vet Sci - (diss) "Comparative- aw Of VitamirYD and ultraviolet radiaTion 2 =tceotain indicators of mineral and proteL-i metabolism." Mos, 1959, 20 pp (Yos Vet Acad of the Idn I Agr RSFSR) 200 copies M, 36-59, 117) - 71 - NOVOSADJ S.: HYDIF1 J. "Impemeability of the left ban1c. of the reservoir near Zermanice." p.106 (Vestnik, Vol- 33, no. 2. 1958, Praha, Czechoslavakia) vionthly Index of East European Accession (EEAI) LC, Vol. 7, No. 5, August 1958 VPz&&;a_'/,a/Physical Chemistry, Thermodynamics, Tharmochemistry B-8 Equilibriums, Phys-Chem. Anal. Phase -Transi ti ons. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 7, 1957, 22352. Author Z. Novosad. -ffo -5-en Inst t--g Title A Nomogram of Chemical Equilibrium Establishment in Ethylene- Ethanol-Water System. Orig Pub Chem. prwaysl., 1955, 5, No 2, 72-74. Abstract A nomogram is proposed for determining the equilibrium phase composition in ethylene-ethyl alcohol-water Osystem at a pres- sure of 70-350 atm., at temperatures 200-400 and a molar ratio I 1120:C204 under 3.7. Card 1/1 .125- NOVOSAD, Z. Heat transfer in tim-pbase liquid gas sy3temse In Bnglisbe pe 477* V016.201 no* 2, April 1955 SBORM CHUMSLOVAMUR KHE41CHEMIKH RABOT Praha, Czechoslovakia SO: Sastem European Accession Vol. 5. go. 4. April 1956 NOVOSADo Z. NOVOSD# Z. Plate efficiency of an industrial colwen. p, 337o Vol. 50,, no. 3# Mar. 1956. CHEMCKE LISTY. Praha, Czechoslovakia. SOURCES East European Accessions List (ML) Vol. 6, No. 4--Apr-Il 1957 SRNSKY, Vladimir; A=An. Mquak; FROCHAZKA, Jaromir; KLUMPAR, Ivan Pilot plant production of the synthetic ethyl alcohol In Cuchoslovelda. Part 1s Direct hydration. Chem prus 13 no.l-.12-14 Ja 163. 1. S.U.Chemoprojekt, Praha (for Srnsky and Novosad). 2. Chemicke zavody C133P,, Zaluxi (for Prbehatka). 3. Zavady Viteansho uncra, projekeni kancelar, Praha (for Klucqw). 33177 %,qroo 14 r 4 s/i8o/61/ooo/oo6/007/020 E193/9383 AUTHORS: SavitskLy, Ye.M., Kopetskly, Ch.V., Pekarev, A.I. and Novosadov-M-I-(Moscow) TITLE. Properties of single crystals prepared by electron- beam zone melting PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk. Metallurgiya 1 toplivo, no. 6, 1961, 74 - 78 TEXT. The properties of high-purity W, Re, Ta, Mo, Nb and V were studied on single-crystal specimens prepared by electron- beam zone melting (5 - 8 passes at 8 - 10 cm1h) from sintered- powder compacts (2 - 5 mm in diameter) preliminarily degassed by vacuum treatment at 1 800 - 2 500 0C. It was confirmed by X-ray diffraction study that single crystals were, in fact, obtained by this method. No preferred crystal-growth orientation was observed and, in some cases, there was evidence of a slight (< 0-50) block misalignment. The existence of sub-boundaries was revealed by metallographic examination. The results of hardness measurements are reproduced in Table 1, where columns Card 1/3 33177 s/i8o/6i/ooo/oo6/oO7/020 E'V 9 Properties of single crystals .... A. 3/9383 I and II relate, respectively, to single crystals prepared by electron-beam zone melting and vacuum ar~_Melted buttons. UTS of Ta single crystals was 20.8 kg/mm , the corresponding 2 figures for Ma and Nb being 41.7 and 17.2 ks1mm In every case, the reduction in area amounted to --100%. High plasticity of the zone-melted specimens was indicated also by the fact that single Mo crystals could be bent over a radius of 4-5 mm and could be reduced by cold-working to foil 0.2 - 0.3 mm thick or to wire I - 1.5 mm in diameter; Single V crystals could also be reduced to foil 0.15 mm thick. The purity of the single crystals of the metals studied was determined by determining the t'3000K /(74.20K ratio, where P denotes the electrical resistivity at the respective 1 400 and 900, respectively, the corresponding figure for tional manner being 10 - 20. investigation indicated that be prepared by electron-beam temperatures. This ratio was for single W and Mo crystals, these metals melted in a conven- The results of the presen.' hig-h-purity single crystals could zone melting. Card 2/i 331?7 S/18o/ft/ooo/oo6/007/020 Properties of single crystals E193/E383 -There are 2 tables, 5 figures and 6'r'elterences: 2'Soviet-bloc 'and 4 non-~Soviet-bloc. The four English-language references menti *oned are: Ref- 3: A. Calver ley, M. Davis, R.F. Lever J. Scient. Ins t rum. , 1957, v-34, no. 41; Ref. 4: H.R. Smith Metals, 1959, v. 2, no. 2; Ref.-5: H.W. Schadler :.~Trans. Metallurg. Soc. AIME,-100, 21-8, 4, 649. SUBMITTED: April 1. 1961 .'Table 1: ff V. ArSI-Ae MV. fQ3 it 345 w 345-355 140 11n 175-f85 Re 112 220-250 Nb 79 130-140 TA 76 150-470 V 91 170-190 Card'3/3 26392 S/032/61/1)27/008/017/020 AUTHORSs Savitskiy, Ye. M., Kopetskiy, Ch. V., Pekarev, A. I., and Novosadov, M4 I. TITLE: Device for zone melting of high-melting metals and alloys by electron bombardment PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya, laboratoriya, v. 27, no. 8, 19611, 1041 - 1042 TEXT:,~I,device for zone melting (Fig. 1) wan designed In the Laboratoriya radkikh'--metallov i splavov Instituta metallurgii AN SSSR (Laboratory of Rare Metals and Alloys of the Institute of Metallurgy., AS USSR) on the basis of western papers (A. Calverley, M. Davis, R. F,. Lever, J. Soi. Inst., 34, 4, (1957); H- R. Smith, J. of Metals, 11, 2 0959)). This device may be used to obtain single-crystal rods 150 - 200 mm long and 3 - 5 ma in diameter for use in radioelactronics, in the manufaotare of precision instruments, and for research par-poses. In eleatron bombardment, a zone is malted with a width approximately equal to the diameter of the specimen serving as anode. The liquid metal is kept in the melted zone by means of surface tension. The above method permits Card 1/5 Device for... 26 392 S/0.32 '61/027 "08/017/020 B124/B215 the purification of rods 12 - 14mmindiimeter. Th6 support 2 for fixing the specimen 3 is placed on the water-cooled plate 1. Tantalum springs which permit free expansion of the specimen d-aring heating, are used for fixing the specimen in perpendicular position between the molybdewam clamps 4. The support with the fixed specimens is insulated from the plate and serves as an anode. The cathode is a loop of tungsten filament 0,6 -- 0.7 mm, in diameter# or is made of tantalum foil. It is fixed in position by the holders 5 made of steel. The cathode is heatted by a charged copper wire connected to the holders. The support with the nathode holders is adjusted by a guide nut which is driven out. of the working e~hamber by a conical, vacuum-tight, mobile device. One cathodt~ holder and the plate are earthed. The electrons emitted from the cathode are focused by means of two parallel molybdenum plates placed at a distanoe of 4 - 5 mm from each other. The Plates have 5 - 7 mm openings. The whole working chamber is enclosed by a water-cooled steel or giass envelope 7. The guide nut is rotated by a d-c electric motor 8 over a belt drive and worm reduction gear 9 at a total transmission ratio of 1000. The electric motor is turned off by the limit switches 10 at a distance of I - 1.5 cm between focusing plates and specimen holders,. The vaculam Card 2/5 POO 3/032161/027/008/0-17,/020 Do-vice for B124/B215 .-System:conalsts of a BR-2(VN-2) forepump.and a BA-05-1 (VA-05-1) .'standard unit. The latter consists of an oil vapor diffusion pump of H5'053, a ilider, and a chamber with ionizqt4on and thermocouple ...Manometers. :A,vacuum of 1*10-5 mm Ng at an evacuation rate pf 3.000 I/Min may be the system. A,rootifier consisting of a step-up trans- ..,-,fotmer.and four KP_110 (KR-110) kenotrons connected in parallel# was -anode grid. The rectifier guarantees semiperiod for,f eding the rectification with a voltage of 3.6 kv and,.a maximum current of approximately 350 m The-above feeding system permits a continuous z, regiAlation of the'di'tal temperature and the'elimination of unexpected overcharges. For visual checking of the melting process, a.lens waq Anserted into the glass envelope through which.enlarged images of the cathode-heaied to 2000 - 250'OOC, of the focusing screens, and the zone- of the melted metal can be projected onto a screen. For the purpose of degassing-the.specimen before zone melting, the specimen is annealed ~in vacuo by means of an tlectron beam, 100 3000C below the melting point of the material. The melting conditions for some high-melting metals are given in a table. The new device was used for preparing Card 3/5 ~6392 3/032/61/027/000/017/020 Device for..4 B1 24/13215 .:.Nbt No t. Tap Re-, and W single, crystals whose properties demonstrate -,of zone melting by the, great v*2ue electron bombardment in'a high vacuum, , There are'*2 figures, 1 table, and I ,,., non-Soviet-bloc reference. ASSOCIATIOIN Inatitut betallurgii Akadei~ii nauk-SSSR im. A. A. Baykova imeni (Institute of Metallurgy of the Academy of Sciences A. A. Baykov) . Tables Melting,conditiona for hi h, meltin*6 metals. Legend: L Slicametp a HPYTK lle Tax (Al ;etal;,(B) diameter of rod, 50 AA j 0 mm; (C) voltage, vIt (D) current, HHdaWk 4. 1200 Ito ma; kE) niobium; M molybdenumi MO.'114OACtq 'A T..HTM r- 2 2 Mo 1800 30 150- (G) tantaluml (H rhenium; ,a Peissift P e t 2.5 290 160 't!) tungsten. ~ I B0.14PAM P'm , 2 180, . I A ardL SAVITSKIY, Ye.M.; KOFETSKIY, Ch.V.; PEKAM, A.I.; NOVOSADOV, MOIO Obtainingg and the proportion of, single crystals 4, tungsten,, rhenlun, tantalum, solybdeum,, and n1oblum metals "Isal. po sharopr. splav. 9t192-194 162. (;aPA 16:6) (Metal crystals)( jZone melting) 1IM"COADOV, P. S. (&igineer) "Argon arc welding of zirconium with titanium, zirconium with niobiuw. and niobium with titanium recommended replacement of the ekLtrode with more refractory metal.. 11 Report presented at the regular conference of the Moscow city administration NTO Mashprom, April 1963. (Reported in Av-tomaticheskays Svarka, No. 8, August 1963, PP 93-95, M. M. Popekhin) jpRs24, 651 - 19 may 64 ITOVOMMVIN. S. (grgineer) ana GUSWAp E. A. (Ene-neor) (Moscow) "Argon are welding of zirconium with titanium and niobiump niobium -with titanium" Considerable attention was given to heat treatment and study of properties of these combinations over an extended period of time. Report presented at the 1st All-Union Conference on welding of heterogeneous metals, at the Inst of Electric Welding im. Ye. 0. Paton, 14-15 June 1963. (Reported in Av-tomaticheskaya svarka, Kiev, No. 9, Sept 1963, pp. 95-96 author, V. R. Byabov) jpBs 24,651 1-9 may 64 NOVOSADOVA,, Z. 0. Turievs, Yo I., Trwova, V. A*, %snetzova, H. J.p and Novaudova. E. G. wCatalytic Transformations of Baterocyclic Coirpowds. M. The Tranefcrmaticn of Awan and Furanidine into-KYdroearbong-w (P. 136) SO: of fSneral ChemiLUX, (Zhumal Obshchei Khimii)v 191,7, Vol, 17, No. 1 MJKAY, V.; KAT-A , M.; NOVOSADOVA, J.; JMIKA9 Z. Deteruination of tryptopban wtabolism during sports activity. Cas. lak. cask. 102 n0-35:967-969 30 Ag 163. 1. Ustav telovychovueho lekarstvi lakirske fakulty FU v Olovouci, prednosta prof. dr. V. Feliken, CSc. (TWPTOPHAN) (METABMMM) (MRTION) (XANTRUREHATES) (SPCRT MEDICINE) GUSEYNOV, I.A.p akademik, red.; IHUGIMOV, Z.I.j, prof., red.; TOKMZHEVSKI-Y, Ye.A.j. doktor ist. naukp prof., red.; NOVOSARTOV.. G.M., kand. ist. nauk, red.; SHIBMINSKH , Z.B02-kinde :1-St. nauk, red. (From the history of the -%xrtnt labor claaa in Azerbaijanj Iz istorit. sovetakogo rabochego lassa Azerbaidzhana. Bakup Izd-vo AN Azero.M, 19b4. 2:4 P. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Akademiya nauk Azerbaidzhani3koy SSR, Baku. Inatitut istorii. 2. Chlen-korrespondent All Azerb.SSR (for Ibregimov). L 17620-66 Ewgmysvp(J)4~ Di/ga ACC N11 AF60OT6T3 CA ~ Soma CODE, INVERTOR: Betents, Lg J.! G&jTftA4_A. D.; Derbarmdiker, A. D.; Vtnner,._r,,, 0.1 Abramovich S. Gh.; Novogartov, G. T.; ffovic!!~ov, A. N. ORO: none TITLE: Preparative method for ~enmlic fluids. Class 23, No. 1T8439 SOURCE: Izabretenlya, promyshlewyys obrattey, toyarnM xnaki, no. 3, 1966, 44 TOPIC TAGS: bydraulic fluid, petroleum beae hydraulic fluid, antivear additive, antioxidant additive ABSMACT: An Author Certificate has been Issued for a preparative method for petroleum base hydraulic fluid cobtaining antiwear and antioxidant additives. The residual fraction of transformer oil, with a viscosity of,;_0.3-10.5 e9 at 50C, is used " the petroleum base. Zthylpolyalloxane liquidilmol. vt., 1500-ITOO) of a composition of Sovol, diphenylandne and lovol are used " the additives.*IBO) On CODE: U/ am DATZ: 9MWa/ ATD PHtSO: WO-14 NOVOSARTOV, M.T.; SUSHKEVICH, YS.V. .,Des-Ign of a ferrite phase ohifter. no.9:1552-1557 3 163. (Microwaves) Radiotekh. i elektron. 8 (KRA 16 -9) (Phase convertors) NOVOSARNV, X.T., kand. tekhn. naukj PRIKAZCHIKOV, Problem concerning the calaulation of the dephasIng of a disarete series of souroes variation. Trudy 14AI no.159t283-288 164. S.P., kand, tekhn, nauk total 11-4&~ of t1le with ar-ttooth phdrie (WRA M12) 13257-65 EWT(j)/EEC_,4/EEC%.'t j'/EECk'b)-,1/FC3(k) Par -4,/Pae- 2/Pli _4/PJ_4/P1_4 A FFFR_ ~kSD ( d/A SD ~~a). -5~'BSD /A F-, 1-DA 'I' a I / E 3 f-', f, t) D-I S CZM/6000/159/0283/0288 hir,C'S~ ION NR: AT 646 41 ,AUTHOR: Novosartov, M. T. (Candidate of technical sciences); Prikazchlkov, S. P. TITLE: Problems In the computation of the sum dephasing time of a discrete series of sources with saw-tooth phase change SOURCE: Moscow. Aviatslonny~y institut, Trudy*, no. 159, 1964. Skanfruyushchlye antenny* sverkhvy,sakikh chastot (Super-high frequency scanning antennas), 283-288; TOPiC TA~iS: antenna theory, frequency scanning, superhigh frequency, phase shifter, dephasing time, beam positioning ABSTRACT: In a scanning antenqAhich is, in effect, a discrete series of sources, there are two possible methods for connecting the phase shifters to the i:,ie supplying the sources: the series method and the parallel method. The qreater simplicity of the series method 15 indicat,:td, but it Is also pointed out ,hat the system. with series-connected phase shifters can be used only with smail anterras, since the total losses in an antenna of this type are determined by the sum of the losses In all the phase shifters. Moreover, in the case of an anterna with a large number of sources, very severe requirements are levied on each shifter with respect to the spread of tlie phase to be set. Thus, In the vi. I?S the authors, it Is advIsable for such an antenna to employ the system of Carr L 13257-65 ACCESSION NR: AT4o46241 Darallel-connected phase shifter5. The n,~cessary phase advance from shifter to ~ter incr?ases linear in the parallel arrangement and in an N source reaches -V;j--e of YN w (N If the phase adv,)nce Y exceeds 211, then a Phase whose value is mu)tip e*of 2 r cannot be reproducA. in this event, the phase change In each phase shifter n.,ay take place according to a saw-tooth law Witei it maximum phase advance value of 27f , and With the frequency of the saw- :ool~h phase changing increasingly from. source to source. Now, the losses in the anton,ia are determined, in the first approximation, by the losses of only one p"',3se shifter, and in addition deviation5 of the phase from the required value, Jor an assigned change of directivity, can be larger thar- in the series cnnnection s~rr,)n,jment. However, difficultief arise, when using a saw-tooth phase change, I M. h.2 contro! and position n9 of 0--e ~ea, and in target tracking. moreover, i;-0 te-t ine retraci ng, the system wi 1 1 be defocused at those mHoment s at whi ch ri-se piase exceeds 2. The time interval during which the dephasing of the sources iow~trs the directivity factor of thp antenna by more than 10" in comparison with 4 phased.antma-ts- referred 1,9, bY the- auXhors as "non-working tlmd' or "dead M14- -_ _Afc~,-_ 't is I - -,I~ , _- - 'as! - f j 1. a le, h t *6 s comput6d - - ij~ unction of divirse factors-. t An ex;jresslon Is derived For the total non-working time for a system of sources 311owance for phase deviations which may coincide in different sources. cl-ynnendat icns are given regardi nq those s i ruat lons in whi ch beam control by Cggnsof the discrete setting of phases in ~he radiating elements may be pre- 3 L 13257-65 ACC5SSION MR: AT4046241 farable to the use of a discrete series of sources with saw-tooth phase change. as: I figure and 15 formulas. Qri,q. art. h ASSOCIATION: 14oskovskly avlatsIonny*y Institut'(140scm Aviation histitut:60",- SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUE CODE: EC A., NO KEF SOVO, 000 OTHER: 000 FYUGOSLAVIA Derartment of Internal Hedicine, Medical Center inskog centra),Karlovac. "Degenerative Diseases of the Spine." Zagreb, ha~cn~cki YJ_2snLk, Vol 85, ho 3, 1963; pp 257-267. Abstract [German summary modifiedj: Statistical and clinical data on 531 patients (55.67. female) with spinal affections seen 1960-1962 by four aae groups; occupations and by % showing any of 36 symptoms (9 cervical signs, 6 thoracal, 11 lumbal syndromes); 13 x-ray patterns; osteoporosis and menopause; proportion of agricultural workers. Sam tables; 12 Yugoslav and 18 Vestern references. L Y U 0 0 S12. V_ DA. NO-110SEL, Dr Dra.--%,t.n, and POZAR, Dr Branko, internal Medicine Section 'T- L. (Interni OT_J_e_! -and Rheumato logical Out-patient Clinic (Reumatoloska Ambulanta), Medical Center Cantar), Y_ariovac. "Palyndromic Rheumatism. 11 Zagreb, Lijecnicki Vjesnik, Vol 85, No 7, July 1963, PP 735-740. Abstract: fAuthors' German summary modifie2d The authors review the char- acteristics of the dif easo in terms of two cases ~a man and a woman) 01'- served over a period of several years. Brief arthritio attacks lazting three to four days and then disappearing would occur in both patients a. irregular intervals. The authors stress the importance of pro-nor dia- nosis with this rare disease so as to prevent improper diagnos-Is of rheumatoid arthritis and long treatment vith different medicaments. Patients should be warned of the pozesibility of frequent recurrence-, of a benign nature. One table, 14 references of recent date (mainly Nestern, some Yujoslav). 1/1 NOVOSEL, M. Motivation in industr7. p. 1272. TMKA (3avaz inzenjera i techicara Jugoslavije) Heogard. Vol. 11. no. 8, 19556- SOME: East Em-ope Accession List (EEAL), Libr-ary of Gongress, Vol. 5 no. 3.1. Nov. 1956 -.90vPaL.-Mi~~4p.docent, (Zagreb, Dure' Salaia bb) Ttansfer of wmentive power, -a prerequisite for the successful work of.a munger. Tehnil- Jug 17 no.S.-Suppl.: Organizacija rvda 12 no.8:1606-1610 Ag, 1620 11 Visoks, teluAckm skolaj, Zagreb. NOVOSEL,, Mladen,, inz. Problems in the selection and treatment of molding steel for processing syntbetic products. Pt. 1. Kem ind 13 no. 2:-118-124 F 164. 1. "Me-ba". Zagreb. HOVOSEL, Maden, dipl. inz. -Probl6ma in the selection and treatment of molding steel for processing synthetic products. Pt. 2. Kam Ind 13 no. 7: 522-528 Tl 164. 1. W-Ba, Zagreb. YUGOSLIVIA SHMAL09 Dr Zdenko, Internal Medicine Department (Interni Odjol), "Dr Ozren WMSBIL! Caifiliation not givej General Hospitql (Opoa Bolnica), Faculty of Medicine (Medicinski Fakultet) , University (Sveucilistes), Zagreb. "Endocrinological Disturbances of the Male Sexual Organs in the Course of Consumptive Illnesses." Zagreb.. Lijecnicki Vjesnik~ vol 85, No 89 1963, pp 883-885. Abstract: The,author reviews the literature on male sterility and reports on the results of his observations of four groups of persons, viz., 30 patients suffering from various severe consumptive diseases, 30 corpses of persons who died of consumptive diseasesp 10 corpses of persons who had died as the result of accidents, and 30 patients suffering from sperm deficiency. One form or another of disturbance of the sexual function proved to be present in four-fifths of the patient_s in the first group. There was a correlation between cytological and histological findings and a parallelism was noted between the curve of the cytology of the urethra and the value of 17-ketosteroid in the urine. The histolog-- ical changes noted in the second group corresponded to those in the first. Findings in the control (third) group were normal. The author suggests that consumptive diseases should be regarded as among the possi- - ble causes of male sterility. Bibliography of 176 entries. 11-1-7 - tKINCIS-Ell.YP.- "Geographic atlar, or Yugoolavia," ed. by [inz.] Petar f4ardeolc and [dr] "U'Vonbmir Dugacki. Reviewed by P. Novosel. Geogr glas 24 P01-2021 162. _49FOSF Fatrica 4 Jumica and ba7=Lte, Geogr har 9 no.1/2:4&-48 163. BOYKO, M.L., brigadir prokhodcheskoy brigady k6=unisticheskogo truda; NOVOSELETS, N.A., brigadir prokhodcheskoy brigady; MOSIVUENIZYOI P brigadir prokhodebaskoy brigady kommunisticheskogo truda; ISACHENKO, I.A., brigadir prokhodcheskoy brigady komministi- cheskogo truda Fast progesss in development mining. Ugol' 38 no.11:12-15 N!63. (Mipfi 17:9) 1.!-Shakhta No.22 1m. Kijrcrv't'L tresta Kirovugolt (for Boyko). 2. Shakhty No.1-2 "Nova~a'Golubovka(' (for Novoselets). 3. Shakhta "Zamkovskaya-2" trad.t~ FAdiyevugoll (for Musk4-lenko). 4. Shakhta No.53 tresta, Anb4isit (for Isachenko). SOY/112-58-2-317Z Translation from: Referativayy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1958, Nr 2, p ZIS (USSR) AUTHOR:. -Novoselets, V. T TITLE: estigation of the Operation of a Reflex Klystron Under Short-Pulse Generation: Conditions (losledovaniye raboty otrazhatel'nogo klis~rona v rerldme generatsii korotkimi impull Isami) PERIODICAL- Tr. n.-i. in-ta M-vo radiotekha. prom-sti SSSR, 1957, Nr 1(37), pp 30 -4Z ABSTRACT: The feasibility in demonstrated of applying reflex klystrons for gene - rating short puls es 0. 05 -2 esec with a f ront time of 0 - 0 1 -0. 1 Lusec and with a good symmetrical spectrum. it is allso pointed out that the oscillation transient time depends on the modulation method, the selection of the operating point within the oscillation range, the hysteresis of the klystron oscillations, and ~he accelerating voltage - Under generation pulse conditions, electron tuning ~is possible; however, it is associated with a shortening of the high-frequency pulse duration. To obtain the shortest high-frequency pulse, a modulation by Card 1/Z SOVIIIZ-58-2-317Z An Inves,tigation of the Operation of a Reflex Mystron Under Short-Pulse . . . . a pedeBtal pulse is recommended in which the klystron is first brought to the threshold of generation, and then the working pulse is applied. Pulse power is higher by 10-20% than that of continuous generation, and can be adjusted from tens of milliwatts to 10 w and more. A.F.U. Card 212 IML 0 U4 2 -ACC NR, AP6030304 SOURCE CODE: UR/0416/661000/008/0079/0080 AUTHOR: DubnItskiy, Yu. (Major); Novoseletskiyv G. (Senior lieutenant) f)- ORG: none TITLE: Gain In time'(Civil air fleet used for military shipments) V SOURCE: Tyl I sualizheniye sovetskikh vooruzhennykh.sil, no. 8. 1966, 79-80 TOPIC TAGS: military operation, civil air fleet ABSTRACT: Ih the article it Is stated that military commandants are assigned to civilian airports to arrange military shipments on civil air fleet aircraft. An example is given where a small military detachrent was assembled at a point located 75 km frouL.the airport. Another example describes how a military detachment is tranaported~-1000 ko (from the assembly point to their destination); the entire operation took,7 hro 20 ain, Including I hr, 20 min to flight. [WS]" SUB CODE: IS",- Of/ StEN DATE: none Card hs ACCMUW~-h-R..~- ARS004WS 7:e -B wja~ 031`~ 1F, 5, 6 IB4 -3 MMHOR: Novoseiitskiy, V. M. E~ TITLEi' On i. 9 t tl~e~derivation of computational formulas on the basis of 'e C17SED SOURCEt Uch. map. P-er-msk. un--t, no. 102, 1963, 103-107 'TOPIC TAGS: integral equation, appcoximatiOn method, Chebyshev Polynomial, Fourier series, Lagrange method, Newton's method HEM-4 TRANSLATION- Computational form~-,Ias obtained for the solu'-iorl 0 E;-ntegral equations of the ty-pe I S yF (V 0-W+ '7*0 Ord rt-x yX It j-AX1CLLYUL%; UUM-6-4-ULUXT-1011i luaicuiation or verLicai aerivatives at a depth y from the horizontal derivatives). To obtain these formulas, usta is made of formulas obtained by Bateman for the inversion of (1) and (2). Inasmuch as in problems of gravimet-ric prospecting, the function f(x) is specified at discrete points and over a finite in- terval, different approximations for the function flx) are used in the derivation of practical formulas (interpolation polynomials of Lagrange and Newton, Chebyahev volvnomiala, Fourier series). C Cyr C1 S/169/62/000/005/03a/093 D228/D307 ~MJTHOR: Novoselitskiy, V. M. TIME: Electric sounding near a slope FERIbDICAL; Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 5, 1962, 35, ab- stract 5A270 (Uch. zap. Permsk. un-t, 11, no. 1, 1959, 74-77) T-- 11: it is noted that it is necessary to take into account dis- EXT il tortions, introduced by the nonlevel nature of the observation Sur-face, when conaucting f3a3 (VEEZ) /-Abstracter's note: Vertical electric sounding? 7 near a slope. It is suggested that the case of VEZ near an inclined contact of two media -- one with a re*sis- tivity p1, the other with an infinitely high resistivity '(P2 = 00) -- should be considered in order to estimate the influence of a steeply dipping slope. It is indicated that, in order to allow for the slope's influeAce on the results of VEZ: it is sufficient to analyze the cuxrent-density distribution in the medium having a. Card 1/2 S/169/62/000/005/038/093 Electric sounding near a slope D228/D307 resistance Pi. A calculation formula is derived: P. f(P110(f d, AB), where p. is the apparent resistivity, 0~ is the slope contact angle, d is the distance of the feeding electrode from the contact, and AB is the separation 0 '' the feeding electrodes. Theoretical VEZ curves are cited for different values ofo(; 'it is also pointed out that, depending on the slope angle, the distortions at the ex- pense of the slope may reach 100%. In order to eliminate these distortions, it is recommended that a correction factor, which de- pends-on (AB/2): 2d ando(, should be introduced into each measured value of PK. Graphs are given for determining the correction fac- tors. It is indicated that a correction factor must be introduced solely in those cases when the survey depth does not bxceed the difference'between the absolut data of the VEZ point and the foot of the slope. /-Abstracter's note: Compleie transiation.-7 Card 2/2 ACCESSION NRI kP5017791 TM/0387/65/000/005/0025/0032 I AU-H(RI Noroselitsk!Zg V. M. Theory for determining dens' ty chan.,--Sf~m In hor-zonta` strata from gravity ~:MCW..UeS SOUR'I': AN SSSR~ Izveatiya. Fizika Zemii, no. 5. 196~-J, '25-32 TI~111(1, TAG3i integral equation, Faltung irtogTal, aucf-.asRtve approximation iethod, IBSTILOT: An analysis is made to determi-np the density variations in horizontal 8traux al.onq anomalous fields 7 Th4i attraction betweer. si:ata of density 6 whioh -n denths H I and H2 axe expreHiged in twc- or b-)e-diiaensloual distributions as 361 equations of the first kind 11.2 - tit if, - +Cc +CQ Y 2n A'M93ION NR: AP5017791 ti,e d:ansity J.e riin-resented by h ror h t~--r,3 exists a simple solu- for above equationo. For h > 0,?9H the abov(3 eouationo must bo Inverted and -:~I 'hy mewds of successive approximations. For the two-dimensional problem the Zaro:b approXimation ror 6 (x~ i,4 ,~; ven X and the n-th distribution W - U + 'djqIr'fg 66 *1 (x) is obtained from the recurrence formulla f x Arif.prous proor is then given for the followhig limit prooess 10 --21 inx solution to given for the three-dimensional problam where the n-th aplyroximation is given by a Y) = W(XI 4- ~~, AAa (z, Th!~,sa approTimations are then repronented Iry Faltung intWrala, e.g., Ca-d 2/5 A"MMION NR. AP5017791 (-r) (n + 1) (x - u) dj for naiaerical solution on digital computers. it is also shovn that the terms of the geries oonstitilting the kernel of the Fe.1tung integrals can be represented in terms 13'.I.P.Mentaa7 functio". "In conolusion the author expresses hia deep gratitude to & _~Ltjjs644~_f or hin advioe and remarks on this vark." Orig, art. hast 56 equationa. :~Ar ASSXIATIM Peraskiy gosudarat-renrqy uni-rersitot im. A. IA. Gor'kogo (Perm State SUBWITMI: -16jan64 00 SUB CODE: ES, IY RJ4 FSCIV 004 OPMEF 001 Carl 3/3 L 1~1 "- -11UN Atc 4k . s AR601457 7 SOURCE CODE: AUTHORs Novogelitsk&, V. M. TITLE: Smoothing out gravity anomalies by correlating and converting the trimetric fields into dimetric ones SOURCE: Ref. zh. Geofizika, Abso 11D167 REF SOURCE& Uch. zap. Permsk. un-t,, no. 122, 1964, 55-58 TOPIC TAGS: gravimetric analysis, earth gravity.. gravimetric survey ABSTRACT: By combining the gethod of determining the direction of the beat correlation with transforming the trimetric anomaly to its dimetric form,'it is possible to separate a useful anomalous zone on the background of intensive interferences. In transforming a trimetric anomaly to its dimetric form,, integration between infinite Limits is replaced by determining the mean value for a limited interval. In this case the errors cancel one another. While separating an anomalousl zone by the method of Yu. B. Shaube (calculating the coefficient of correlation ,between the values of gravity anomaliess measured on the adjacent profiles), the errors should not be correlated. An example of processing the results from detailed surveys of a district in the Predurallskiy fold is presented* M. Lapina CTranslation of abstrac.9 &119 ITNO.I.- UDGI 550,83L LIV ,NOVOSELOK, F.B.; SOKOLOV, V.H.; APUKHTINA, N.P.; SHLY-AMM, R.A. Meahanian of the ruptwe of S-S bonds in polysalfide polywra. Vysokon.sood. 7 no.10:1726-1730 0 165. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Vessayuzrqy nauchno-issladovatel'3kiy inatitut mintatiche- skogo kauchuka. NOTMMQT,. A.A' ... Jklaing voptablo and f leld oro" In mutritive solutions Indoors, lbtlv-- Wcois U6.1164-73 &-p 154. (WM,6t%2) (Plants-SoIlless mdtum) NOTOSMY, Alsksandr &Wvich; KHOTILOVSKLTL, L.,, redaktor; NOROZOVA, G., a a r :~ktor (A vegetable garden without beds] Ogorod bos grladok. CNo6kvaj Isd-vo TsK YMN NK61egala gvardll&,P 1956. 47 p. (MIRA 9:8) (?Iant"oilleas culture) A- MTOSMY,,A., sponam, - Z, Mim yo= own grem*ouso. lUn. mto no.6#.13-15 5 156* (a" 9: W) (areenhouses) NOTOSSWT, AleksanAv Akimovich; TRIJINV S3ff, N.Y., red.; PMOKARWA. A.A., - UUM. red, [School hothouses mid hotbeds; a manual for teachers of sscondmz7 sahoole] Shkol4ae,tepliter i parniki; posoble d1la, uchitelat areduil shkoly. Neskra, aos. uchabno-pedagoc. ixd-vo " prow, RSTSR' 1.958. 115 P. (KUL 11:07) (Hotbeds) (Greenhouses) 30(l) SOV/26-59-3-17/47 AUTHOR: Novoselov, A,A. (Moscow) r_~ TITIX: Hydroponics PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1959, Nr 39 PP 93 - 95 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article deals vrith hydroponics - the culti- vation of plants by placing the roots in liquid nutrient solutions-and its advantages. HydroDonics is broadly applied for the cultivation of vege- tables and flowers in hothouses, hotbeds, and in the open in the USA, France, Belgium, India and Japan. The advantage over normal agriculture is 5 to 10 times higher crops. Experiments in hydropo- nics began in'the USSR in 1939 at the Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Leningrad State UA- versity) under the guidance of Professor V.A'. Chesnokov. They were later continued at the Lenin- gradskiy teplichno-parnikovyy kombinat (Leningrad Hothouse-Hotbed Combine). In recent years the Card 1/2 work has been conside-rably expanded. It is being . NGVOSEWV- A. S,1012001 hothou0s. I iun.takh. 5 no,S#.42-45 Ag 1610 kI14IRA 14:12) (Greenho*usos) UOVOSELOV, A.A. Studying the biochemical consumption of oagen in waters of the North Atlantic. Okeanologiia 2 no.1:84-92 '62. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Kalingradskoye otdeleniye Morskogo gidrofizicheskogo instituta. (Atlantic Ocean--Sea water--Oxygen content) NOVOSEUX, A.A. -- - ratroduction of the sIWIest methods of wIndow vegetable gardening in the Far North, Probl, Sev. no,6t183-188 162, (PM 160) ~ (Russia, Northern-4indow gardeningi (Russia# Northern-Vegetable gardeningi NOVOSELOV ALF. Techolque of ]Avg-ruge prediction of ice conditiono for the rivers - of *ansbalkalls, Meteor. I g1drol no.4r.35-36 Ap t6l. (HIM 14:31 lTivnabaikalla-Ice on rivers. lakeaq otc.)