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32919 Nickel plating of type mi~taL... S/194-/61/000/,.)11/049/070 D27lfIJ302 of ultrasonics made it possible to shift the threshold oE quality c verarle from 1.5 to 5 A/dm~'; this accelerates by four times the o process of nickel deposition. 'lit the same time, ultratjorlcXibra- tions rtinke "t possible to raise cover hardness to 450 kg/Vn- (in- stead of: 250 when wmial methods of nickel plating are used). It is noted that it i~ worth ifale increasing the ultrasonic intensity beyond 0,5 W/cm- oz; the dopoultion of metal ftinction of- current re- -perimenta mains, virtually con:,,tant.-i- 'Ler-Olin lintit. ex 1 ultra- sonic bath waa devoloped with a copacity of 80 1., using tV';O vibra- tbra type experimental plating was done in this bath in op- tiiftaL conditions. It was found that by using ultrasonics nickel plating can -be accelerated altogether by 6-8 times. 5 figures. I table. Abstracter's note: Complete translation_7 Card 2/2 RYI~TSMv ~Vlxd~imfAnst I c kand geogr. mwlc; PSHONIKv B.H,v .;,Z y lewGop takhao red* (Zlectrification In the pivating point in creating the WOROMICS of cam-4m] MaktriflkAtsila -. stersbeal isozda- uila:~ ekosomiki komm-4 sm, Mlwk~ 19610 26 po (ObWwbastwo po.rasproatiamenliu:po3lticbeskM i saueb3Wkh xamall BL*lo- rusakol SRI 20-24) (NM 15:2) (Electrification) TSELIMYEV* B.A.g kand.meditsinskikh nauk; NCVIT�Kll,_jR. glectroconvulsive therapy and aminosIn In the treatment of schizo- Phrenia. Vrach. del* no.9:114"n6 S 166. (KM 13:9) I. Gruppa AMU SSSR, prikrep2w=ya k deystv. chle= AM MR, prof. Ye.A. Popvu I Moskovelmya oblAstnaya paikhonevrologicheakaya bollnitaa No 3. ~ (SHOCK Tum") (CHLORPMIAZINE) (SCHIZOPER=U) -v~, !evil. sit 1'6 I g -fait H WF fig gel GaRMWAKOTWIY T.T.; NOTITS! UIYE,!TZJLO~_-: Now typo of Vow Installations@ (kz*prow*no.lZ21-2$ A (KIRA 10: 1) (Us turbines) (Gas producers) NOVITSKIT. T.F. (Kiyev): THATCHUMMG, A-Te.(Kiyev) gastlvg system boilers fired with natuml gas. Irod-I Gan. takh. no.7:24-26 J9 160o (WAA 13:7) (Boilers) KOVITSKIr, V.G. _Budc trends in the mmufacture of nev spinning and textile mchines for the production ~qf -synthetic fibers. Shinvolok. .162. ~(XMA 16:2) 1. Gosudarstvennyy k6witu"oveta. YAnistrov SWR po ,,avtoi.oatizataii I mashinastroye.6iyuj (Spinning machinery) (Textile machinery) GLINTERM. S.R. (Leningrad); YZMMtTANOV. A.T. (Leningrad); MMN, L.R. (Leningrad); NOVITSKIT. T.G. (Le-ningrad) Assurance of operational reliability of Ionic converters in power engineering oystems. Isv. AN SSSR. Utd. takh. nauk. Snerg. I aytom. no.5:19-27 S-0 159. MHA 13: 1) 1,2nergetichaskiy Institut AN SSSR. (Ilectric current converters) -1 ROVITSKIY, V.Q. (Leningrad) C Iffect of I d. a. power transmission on the istatic stability of an electric power "Stan. Izv.AN MX Otd. lakh. nauk Imerg. I. avtcm ni).It.12-23 Ja-F 161. (=A 14:3) mfictric poor. distribution-01reat, aurioat) GERTSELIMG, G.R.; GLINTMUM, S.R.; KASHTELYAN, V.Ye.; KICHAYEV, V.V.; KOVITSKIY, V.G.; SIRYY, N.S. Study of the parallel operation of electric current generators feeding two electric.power systma via a.c. and d.c. power transmission lines* Sbor. rab. po vop, elektromekh. no.6:17-36 1610 (KMA 14--9) (Electric power distribution) (Electric generators) I t KOVITSKIY. V.G.. inzh. (Leaingrad) Increase in the static stability of a system by a method which I Involves the regulation of the transmission of O.C. P-06-re-r, ElektrichIextvo no,6 58-61 Je 161o (KPA 14:10) . (ThterconnecM electric utility system) U go of HH-7 ~wd MPT-9 electronic, 111muUting devices In calmla- tivg the stead3-atate stab5lity of a system which Ira2ades a d.c. powertrenamitting,network, Sbore rabo po vope elaktromakhe no*6: 153-160 1610 (min 14t9) (Electric or distribution-Models) Meetproc' network analyzers) MMINy Leopid, Robertovich; GLINTERNIK# Savelly Romanovich; YFAIELYANOV, Anato,34y Vladimirovich; NOVITSKIY Viktor evich* lii--va; BO~~;9,~ Grigor,y MKOVSKU., I.V., red j -7-.T.I takim. red. (D.C. transmission lines an elements of power systems]Flektrq- peredaeba postoiannogo toka kak element energetichaskikh sisteme Moskva,, Iad-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 34-0 p. 1. Oblen-korrespondent Akedemii nauk SSM (for N WU )15:10) e~i= - (Electric power distribution-Direct current) (Electric current converters) KOSTEMKO., M.P.,, almdem1k; NUIUM,, L.Re; GLMEEWK, S.R., kand.tekhn, nauk; KASHTELYAN,, Inzh.; JIOVITSKIr V,Gt, inzh.; -SIRYT., N.S.9 Inah.; GERTSENEERGy G.R.0 U ~.=.mauk Autcoatic control and stability during parallel operation of the generators of an electric power plant feeding a.c. and d.c. power-transmission lines. Elektrichestvo no.10:1-9 0 162., (MIRA 15:12) 1. rhatitut elektronekbani'd 11 SM (for Kostenko, Neyman, Glintemik,, Kashtelyan, Novitskly, Siryy). 2. Vsesoyuznyy elektrotekhnichesk1y infftitut (for Gertsenberg). 3. Chlen- korrespondent AN SSSR (for Neyman). (Electric power distribution) KOVITSKIY VIGI Consideration of d.c. power transmission lines the static st&bl2lty of a consaUdated electric rabopo 163. (Electric power distributiou) in the calag&tioa of power system. Sbor. (KIRA 160) GLEBOV, I.A.; KASHTELYAN, V.Ye.- NOVITSKIY VA.; SIDELINIKOV, V.V.; SIROIKO, T.K*; ?ML" Ii ;t~Z - NIZOV. NUNSET, U.N.; ST-FRUMM, 0 L.D.; YUHMCH, Ye.I.; TSUKEMUNt L.Y. Scientific problems in the field of automatic control and regu- lation of large electric power systems and their elements. Sbor. rab. po vop. elektromekh. no.10:23-40 163. (MIRA 17:8) V. xl_ Dissertation: "Investigation of the Fomxttion ard Structure of Hollow Steel Ingots." r, , Cand- Tech Scis Central Sci ties Inst of Technology aTYJ Mchino Lixildine (T3NIITMash),, 17 May 54. VecherrVaya 'Voskva, Moscow,, 7 Nw,, 54- ISO: SLU 284, 26 Nov 1954 SOV/ 137-58-7-14814 Translation f rom- Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 7, p 126 (USSR) AUTHOR: Novitskiy, V.K. TITLE; vestigation of the Forming and Structure of Hollow Steel Castings (Issledovaniye formirovaniya i stroyeniya stallnykh polykh otlivok) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Vyplavka stali dlya fasonnogo lit'ya. Moscow, Mashgiz, 1957, pp 106-143 ABSTRACT: The investigation adduces a comparison of existing methods of producing critical hollow parts and notes the low yield of passable work produced when they are made by hydraulic press forging from standard steel billets (B). A list is given of the advantages resulting from the use of hollow B (HB). A number of methods of producing them is listed, and data are presented on the nature of liquation, on mechanical properties, and on the structure of HB. The process whereby Z5-t HB are produced at the im. Ordzhonikidze Ural Heavy Machinery Plant is exam- ined. Drawings of molds, diagrams of temperatures in various portions of the B, methods of taking specimens, and photo- Card I/Z graphs of longitudinal sections of the B are presented. On the SOV / 13 7 - 58 - 7- 14814 An Investigation of the Forming and Structure of Hollow Steel Castings basis of the work done, the author hypothesizes that HB of the best quality are obtained when heat is driven out of the cavity very rapidly by water cool- ing. A thin-walled steel tube should be used as the rod for forming the cavity in the B. 1. K. 1. Steel castings--Structural analysis Card Z/Z SOV/137-59-4-7745 Translation from: Referativw zhurnal, Metallurglya, 1959. Ur 4, p 59 (USSR) AUTHOR.o Movitakly. V.K. TITLE: The Conatruation of a VaMUE.Installation for Casting Large-Size Ingots up to 120 ton Weight PE110DICAL: V abl. PrImmenlys vakuuma, v metallurgil, Moscu-w, AS USSR , 1958, 107 111 ABSTRACT: Theauthor4eserlbes. basic characteristics of a large-size vacuum In- stallation, Intended for the casting of Ingots of up to 120 ton weight. The 'Installation comaists.of a vacuum chamber, the chamber covering lid, axt Intermediate device-and a pump station with pipes and a condenser for the chilling and purification of gases drawn off the chamber. The chajober has a cylindrical shape,, Its external diameter is 4,9U0 mm, the height without the covering1ld Is-6,350- mm. It is made.of 20-mm thick sheet steel. The chamber-walls areinalde equipped with transverse and longitudinal 200 mm*:v mm thick reinforcing ribs. The presence of ribs- makes the chamber inside diameter equal to 4,460 mm. The chamber Card 1/3 bottom Is made of 30 mn'thick sheet steel and is strengthened from the sov/137-59-4-7745 The Construction, of a Vacuum Installation for Casting Large-Slzo Ingots up to 120 ton Weight aluminum orbrass plates.are placed,- they are sealed with water glass and serve as vacuum tlghteners:for the. time when the ladle As not yet filled with metal. The In- stallation . for 9ooling Off the hot gass : drom off the ohmber, and for lts purification from dust I consist.a-of* 3*S a high oylUder of 600 mm in diameter. In this cylinder .water circulates. around longitudinal pipes, through which the exhaust gas passes. The cooled-off gas,.enters the upper portion of the container where a dust collecting filter is placed. fte,pump.,station is situated outside the shop; it consists of 7 vacuum Pumps' of ~ thp W-6 P", and- of 2 pumps of the RWW-30 type with a total efficiency of the atmospheric pressure. A la 5W la Ye.K. Card 3/3 SOV/137-59-4-7745 The Construction of a Vacuum Installation for Casting Large-Size Ingots up to 120 ton Weight external surface by 50 thick and 250 mm high reinforcing ribs. A forged water- -cooled supporting ring Is mounted an the chamber topi It has a rlng-shaped recess to place a sealing rubber band of 100 x 30 mm cross section. There is an emergency hatch of 600 mm In diameter in the side of the, chamber; on the top there is a hole of. 250 . mm in diameter to -evacuate air and gazes. All parts of the chamber are weld- JoIned. The chadbei-_ls fixed an &-fikMation. Itswelght1se-45t. Thechamber ..Cover lid Is of a complicated-designand has the shape of a truncated cone. Its lower basis:, is formed 1W a forged supporting ring,- having:on its perimeter a 100 mm Wide, protrusion which enters Into the recess.with the packing in. the upper chamber ring. The cover with --all its, effective loads rests merely on the rubber packing; this ensures reliable-seallng.. At the upperb"Is of the cover there is a supporting ring through which metal teeming from the intermediate ladle Is carried out. On the .Upper basis of the cover an adjusting plate with &-water-cooled packing ring is fixed, on which the intermediate ladle Is placed. To observe the ascent of metal in the mold and the behavior of metal during degassing there are inspection holes In the covering lid. The total weight of the lid is 20.5 t; the chamber volume is - 130 ~3. The intermediate ladle has a capacity of 20 t. In the nozzle underneath the plug two Card 2/3 V ; , Ll I , , Ir, lbscau, Izd-vo AN S&SR, 1958, p165. Use of Vaeum in Ketsllura- (Cant. 533 O:ra lo"f je of sonalmsions: TMA-UM eftjQ gigk&4k C)SO,,a_ flealtics of the limptso which in turn leads to unsatisfactory ftslaa =d 01111""haracterlstics* 2. If the chasiber is evacusted vhen the filling proessa has already started,, results are scunhat better., bat ftere we still, 41saftmOmpop lwlu&ng marked cheadcal baterogeneity. 3. Vactnin trestmient I& a lmliminary Isfil given favorable results as regards red:zcIng the amount of dissolved bydmom and producing a denser InSot, 4, Vamm tre I N In the teemilng led' Itself m7 also produce satisfactory rematso but the degree of.rairefaction, mozat be such greater,, since both metal and slag nast be degmsi- fleC 5. 0& tba basis of the investigations, the we of Vamas qpexs to U. aftsable In the production of large Ingots and heavy forgings $Iwo It _prenateml p3astIcity and makes it possible to reduce the hest-treating tim flar 2wo Inipts, 41COM& Lr, Design of a Vwwm Tmats.21ation for Teeming Large Castings lWatIftlip to 220 Tons 107 fte I+ aftbar describes the Insts2.1ationt which vu desigmed on the basis conduated by the Tsentralln3ry usuchno-Inaledovatel'aldy :IwtltKt takhoologii I x9ahinostz%qen1ya (Central Scientific Research ~MwltltmzU of Yeanology mad YAW= Building) and the Ural feldy savad, vwdya (Urals HOM-Naahln=7 PIMO- Tt C014642-6ti of, a Vaemms chamber and a pumqAng station with pipe system and taoler* CaA 1.0/26 v".of vaemn in xetanurgy (cont.) 533 Mirie we 9 drmdjw. mdtriki sr,, 107warkp N.Yaep likolqWp V.I, Ond G"Up 9.1. Obtalning Demw rx~Aa.or Carbon-free Ferrodhrow and Metallie YAnswese by the TGOVE04MANOUt YAUCd 112 Autborts.cow3mlons: 1, Bliaterl" of the iWts Is canted by a hIds Vs amtents, particularly bydrogen and rAltr*g=. 2. VMM Umatmazwt Is the *IM]Ast and most reliable waftod of profteing dn" jWU Of the" metals. 3. LftM&Wtion Of VW4= treatment of ferroanoys at the zoporoshtye verrotuays plant resulted in an Inneass of 5-20 percent In the satisfactory 3de2d of metallic wwgw,- awn W& to Increase of 3 percent in the case of eatbon-ftw ferro- Wkyame, 4, Tee=m treatment of allop makes it poesIble to reftee the eontent of geseso gas*orus., and nonestall1c Ina2=lons, 5e Vas=m treatment wAsr a res"doW Preseux of about 5 ma, weremy also permits a certain re&wtlon of the carbon content, thus assuring a 7192A of DzOM-t7pe ferroebrawe of vayaryLag qaality, 6, it to P I - P we -Red that vacaim treabeent be tested in the proftetion of othw f"reall"11- More we 3 Soviet references). Card 21116 ----------- Avg=& 0"Fors'l, II.a. Cusforemej an crysteausation Icrialaillastail. astallov) PINIZODICAU Uvest tadomli Sauk 33311. OtdoleAlte TokbAlctcarlkt Sauk, 114;6~ st 4, pp 153 - 155 (MM) , ARNMOTs this souterence was bola ati Us Inati'mt mashumvedon4a AN ctmistut* of MaCha"Cal Bag"VIDS of the Ac.9c. IWk left 20--31_1956. About om people par%lelmal am varUciponte Included specialists 1A the fie of she 9 motallum crystaUagra , p &%Co. veldiza, 0112487 boas Noel aboUstry. mathosarN. =alas &ad other "14 asojects. in as"nam to soviet Participants. j:J6 gets visitors included PrOssmat 3). CaLla (seat Qemwq) mA 1. Cbvorlswv (Caso1moslovakis). This CONJeroftes an my u1sation of astall Was %be fourth conference rglatigW. to t". s"Wax problea of the thsorj~. of to Processes. igikgj;~f ft$ol and k1lairs sith S~-J.l was ZOAAaNU4 papers were XTAAT- X.P. -AAAMbov. arlaev - 'Corta'a Rothaile of 5- 03AU'L416 of Lane Cas%uns. (up to 20 t) =49 of log stool- T A-4--Nanta"Y' A.S. IdLrql,zZ4. end V.T. MW 4y'ntiUWV66 QY_ stalliaers on W" Normature saa Freper-Les f stool 1". CzatbablovelLis) - v.WTQrLzW ( 01011 no &tax last"& 0aoF-A.T,.Vsoa9v - 'CrystalllsstlQ& Of Coatlawomaly 0041b 10119% had Influeace an 1% of %tie Proparues of TA4"d Issel0l azd UrIssim of movessiat at the xotal In The Z_'qUjd Ccre an UW atallLmatica of steel Xago,.* ang Costiaga-; A.A. goviltavs. OW B.S. Gulza,'91 - a WA A~IbAMICAI kropertles of steels at 31116vated in jWX; - 1zAtjuG=* of Imoulau I Grascion of the Must 4ZA the a f Salidilamt4on of IA&ot:*; G.J.. Imniva pet a 8=9VID&I StC~0004 sad jWfarnati 0, to the GrA4% OL & Cam"WaLag looto; T.G. GPU_UA AMA P.I. XAQaXd5j!r_XX0** dealilk With Problems at torsi-tion of the pr--avzj, ItrActure of structural stool &2d the Wlasace an it of the towvrvA"v of poll.-Ing. the features of crpstall&sation of "stings made of alloys SLIM special Properties a" of austemito. steols we" deffill ULU is us fol"WAAS p2gral luouce of ICA atioix Ga. the 13trurturo ant Pre 'C. parties Of Alch-41. T Susie r.r. &5"'Wma' F.T. "asmaim. H.P. L ~jkjLkz X.Ta. --~Ncurrsmce I'll Itiga- stature alloys vArl" amd Ito., C0210/10 taonfO azd 12vorimantal Investigatica. of the Protcza or ftelallisatioa of Cost 11"06 X&" or Refractory COVAIdeted Sb* PVOCRss Of 0 -v T-5 k fLrxft~ CM- CJLSI .....a a-- CJ4 X. mjr~T~ a - OJO.T.."m WJLr..We AJL^49~ RAJ%~Po- OAJOW~ IL Za 2~4 oh I if"; ,slip 1v --;.A I A c - 41: A IP all -. R3 son A .1 lit -.3 as a Is. GOROZHANElf, A.H., kand.takhn.nauk; NOVITBUY, T.K.. kand.tekhn.nauk; IMNIN, I.Re, d4ktor tekfm-~&~uk-, d~MVSKIT, S.A.j kando'takhu. vauk; ZADYZHZNMaT, B.N., kand.tekiln.nauk-, HIL IIM, .B.B.1 bind.tekim. nauk; XWCMW, icand.tskhim~auk;TSVIN. 1.01 9, jand.tekbno us*; LZFIN. K.Ne, kand,lekbusnauk; NAZWO A.L. lzsb~-. LUSS. A.&: kandLtekhu,.uauk; CHERNMIP B.&O' kand.tekhn-taui; ASWIYZV. A.A.. kand.takhn.nauk; YNWAMDV, X.A., lnzh.; GUMMY, Tm.R., kand,tekhn.nauk; lffAgOflWT9 Aege, Izmgh*; 3WAMW. ThelL. kund. tekbn.nauk; UMMOV. Ye.p.., daktor.tekhn.nauk. prat.; SHDIVAN, L.A.. kan4otekhn.nauk; PULIN, ~ lir.'!,- . U32h.1 X06111 T1 v yeeNe karA-tektme nauk; PROZOROV, L.T.. doktor tekhn.nauk;- CHENOVA, Z.Ie, tekhn,. red. 16 (Ion. Am"atravrqk 1"' chno-te .-194-~ us nistrosul".- ET (Stea) bins uamftdtlirs'Nof hopy aft ry go mash upiti6eldla. Meskwa,. Obfiistrou.~,ift ft - ?No' entem., 1 0. Pe scove Uyatellskll Institut takhnologil I ftabi- no. 98). (KIRA 13:7) (rowdleg) (vorging) The C --of th6 WAU thkkness of the ~mold surface. Pi.-tho riapld, or achange,of the mass of the mold itself (through the use of A. wall, th ~ ckn molds.,with'a, reduce I ess). It was,found thit,:fo; castings of the wei ra -ng6.ini~~ptig'af~d:(56.~150-kg)-- the principal factor -that dete rm the rates of their solidification and coolin- ars to be the mas s of the ~mold itself. The thinne z. A g appe, mold heats..up-m6r6..rA-pi4y-th~n-t~h6-ordiiiar.~' thicker mold, and the T gradients are subs tantially reduced. o_ The. inve atigition i'loo-covered the effect external therma". 1"d t lled-mold-on the- macros tructure insulation layer appie o an- ordinary and a- thin-wa the. castings dnd on Itheir rate of cooling. A de reas c e of the wall thickness of a mold to-a b/x xawtio of -less tha-u-030--results in a-significaxit decrease of the mass of the -mold a: reduction of the rate of.solidification of the casting,,a reduction in the'T difference between the. peripheryand the axis of -the ingot, -And, as an. ultimate con- sequencei--in an ab-sen.ce An e tin - I As sures. Vhe re is noL' into rnal th a apPreciable change in-.macrostructure, but a casting poured into.a thin-walled and the rmaily-insitlated., mold is 6,ompletely1free of internal lissures. The experimental. thin-walled molds::were used -in-.adtual ro-duction in the pouring- of highly-alloyed p I, istinos -of 700, and -750 kg, and- resulted in the elimination of .a wys in cz internal -fis-'suies- and- in- a- f the 3iumberof low- grade -rejects as -identified--, reduction o here 'are-:1 1iiuresand_ 2 ta'bles; no references. 44618 AOO6/A101 AUTHORS: Pokatayev, S. V., Engineer, Novitskiy, V,'K Candidate of Technical Sciences, Kryanin, I. R., D6-ctor of Technical Sciences TITLE: The effect of the steel melting metliod upon toughness In the weld- adjacent zone during elect in ric slag weld g PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo,' no. 1, 1963, 3 8 TEXT: Different values of toughness in weld-adjacent zones of steel from different heats.depend on melting factors, such as deoxidation, content of sul- fur, phosphorus and gas. The investigation was made with-grade 2orc (20GS) steel containing (in %): 0.16 - 0.22 C, .1.0 - 1.3 Mn,,o.6 - o.8 si, -,- 0.030 S and P; -4 0.3 Cr, Ni and Cu. Specimens of steels from different heats were elec- tric-slag welded at 850 - 900 amps current; 40 - 41 v arc voltage;. 203 m/h electrode feed rate, and 1.2 m1h welding speed. The flux was 04-7 (FTS-7). The following results are presented. The melting process exerts a considerable effect upon the mechanical properties of 20G3 steel. Free Al in amounts of 0.01% and less, reduces the toughness on account of ferrite brittleness and,the Card 1/3 S/135/63/000/001/001/016 The effect of1the steel melting ffiethod upon... 1Aoo6/Aiol singling out of sulfides in the form of films on the adstenite grain boundaries. Ferrite brittleness is caused bylan increased conten~-_-of dissolved oxygen and nitrogen. Particularly high sulfide separation on the grain boundaries takes place at a sulfur content in the steel exceeding 0.02%. A low content of free Al and increased sulfur amountt reduce the metal toughness in the coarse graiti range even to a higher degree."The causes are: coarse-grained structure, singling out of brittle excess ferrite along the boundaries of overheated grains, and the presence of sulfide inclusions in the ferrite edges along the grain boundaries. The negative effect of sulfur upon the toughness of 20GS steel in the weld joints increases strongly with a higher carbom.content in the steel. The possibility was established of melting low alloy 20GS steel without a de- crease in toughness in the superheated zone during electric slag melting. The basic conditions for producing such a steel. are: melting with not over 0.02% S, deoxidation with 0.02 - 0.04% rated amount of free Al. It is recommended to use ferroalum.inum for deoxidation taking into'account Al losses during its introduc- tion into the ladle. The P content should be limited to 0.02%. The thermal cycle of the alectrio slag welding process was determined by S. S. Astaf'yev, Card 2/3 3/135/63/OW/001/001/016 The effect of the steel melting method upon... A006/A101 A. I. Rymkevich, (TsUIlTMASh), A. 1. Pugin and V. A. Merkulov (IMEr imeni Bay- kov). There are 10 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: TsNIITKASh Card 3/3 L.I., pTof.t otv. red*; YEVTUSHEIKO, G.1..' dots., zam. Otv- VIEDVEDIR i.A., prof. -V YU.I..q dots., red.; MIVOGLAZ, J red.; KUIIDIYF .9 4. NITSKIY, M.Ya-j red.; 11,011ITSKIY, V.K.j, prof. . red.; SUPON red . AXjfa'2y'Aj1f G.Kh... prof. dots.9 red.; hy iene* interdepar-tvental collection of sci- Industrial truda; rrezhvedomstvemji sbomik entific papersi Gigilena nauchriykh rabot. Kiev., Zdorovlia, 19(4,. 268 P. 8:3) WIRA I 1. Kiev. Institut gigiyeny truda i professionallnykh za- bolevaniY. 2.Kiyevskiy institut gigiyeny truda i proCes- ionallnykh zabole',-ran-V (for Medved', Krivoglaz). kand. tekhn. nauk; MANIU, I.R., POKATAYEW, S.V., insh.; NOVI 3~4 ,4_1. doktor tekhn,, nauk Effect of steelmking conditions on the impact toughness at low tesperatures.of electric slag welded joints. Svar. proizv. no.6t22-26 Xe 163. (KM 16:12) 1. TSentrallnff nauchno-lasledovatellakly institut tekhnologil i.sashinostroyaniya, WCHIKOV, V.A*p doktor takhn. nauk, prof. Moskva); KOV1T6K1T,-Y.-Kt_-jjxzh, (Moskva); SHTROBELI, V.A., insh. takva) Strong regulation achieved by third and fourth derivatives of the absolute angle. glaktrichestvo no-302-37 Mr 1164. (KIRA 17:4) NOV-1:13KPf ~ V.M. -' r r,, a in ,-,AY rj' of me-,h d I I . - systeme. T:-j'Ly no.54,-.37?--,Yq2. l6i~. (K-rpA. 1? ~ 12 ~ L 06h59-67 Yo. (m) JR ACCI N,Rt AI*24.541 SOURCE CODE: UEVOO69/66/021/001/0046/0046 AUTHOR: ORG: none TITLEe Homogenization of a heterogeneous periodic system SOURCE: AtomW& energiyao V. 21, no. 1. 19660 46 TO echnoloa, reactor neutron fluxj free pathp heterogene- i- Pjc TAGS: nRelear r ous nuclear reactor., homogenization ABSTRACT:. This is a summary.of article no. 92/3586, submitted to the editor and filed, but not full. Homogenization Is defined as replacement of a heterogene- ous priedic system by an equivalent homogeneous medium In which the neutron flux and ''current coincide in each elementary cell with the corresponding values~for the hetero- on the qversge. Tv!o presently known homogenization methods are re- geneous system Viewed (by D. Behrens, Prcc. fts. Soc. A 62, 60T, 1949, and by N. 1. IAletinp Trans. ok Second Geneva Conference, Papers by Soviet Scientists, v. 2.. M. Atomizdat,, 1959, pt 634), and it is shown that both methods are fully equivalent if correct account is ttken'of the angular correlations between the individual mean free paths of the t l rons. Orig. art. has: 3 formulas. n sp com. 3,8/ Sum DATE: 21jan66/ oRia REF: ooi/ oTH my: ool A Card UDc: 621.0390512.2: 621.039.51013 L ti ACC Ms AIW24020 SOURCE CODE: UEt/0252/66/042/00VO015100M Z AUTHOR Gurzadyanj G. A. (Corresponding member AN ArmSSR); ITOVIkov.,. "-I~ ORO.- 13yurakez Astrop1mrsical Observat2g Branch, Acaderzr or Sciences, Armenian SSH (Fillal %weMnskoy astrofizicheakay obaervatorii Akademft'nauk: Arwianskoy SSO TITIZ Light filters for the ultraviolet region of the spectrump made of thin I Pf alkaline m4tiis- SOURCE: AN ArmSSH*.DokIadyj, v. 42, no. 1, 1966j 15-3B TOKC TAGS: sodium,, potassium, rubidium) uv filter., metal film., optic tranamiasion ABSTRACT: The authors report a method, for which an Author's Certificate was awarded (no.* 179961 of 30 JanvarY 1965), for producing filters by evaporating in vaeuva a j'.'Ilm Of sodium, pabassium, and rubidium on a polished plate of crystalline LiF and aubse- quently hermetically sealing the metal with a second polished plate of Lir and a ring grasket made of Polyethylene or teflon (Fitz. 1). The filters Fig. 1. Construction of light filter. 10 - plane- parallel LiF plater., 2 -~ alkaline metal film,_ 4 .- teflon rino gasket, 5.6 stainl~i_S'S_it_~ii frame, 7 - serev manufactured in this manner make if, possible to isolate in- dividual spectral regions in the MW - 3CkO A range. The 2 L 0,41 ACC NRs Ap6op4026 racuum apparatus, used for the purpose is described. The sodium, potassium, and rubidium filters had respectivq transmission maxima '6f 16,, 40., and 9% at i6rio, 2500, and 2600. . The transmission of all filters in the visible region (-5000 A) was of 'the order of 2%., Orig. art. has: 3 figures. SUB CODE: 2D/ sm DATz.- og,(jep65/ ORIG REF: 001/ 07H RV: 008 2/2 41-0~ card /V V L i ri 17 rf SaALIXCV. Kikhail Georgiyevich, kandidat t khnicheskikh na,*; NOWITSKIT Viktor KMVlovIch. ks"didat tekhul heskikh usuk; e ]~~~Ichsvklkh nank, redakt~`.. XHITROV.P.A.. tsidinicheekly redaktor [Automatic and remote control of traction substations for railroads] Avtomatiks. I telemekhanika, tiagovykh podstantsil shelesnykh dorog. Koskwa, Goe.transp. shel-dor. Izd-vo, 1955. 216 p. (WRA 9:2) (Automation) (Blectric railroads--Substations) HTTr= iyf V. 0. P1,38/4-5-733 v . 'C' vlml r1 --I s 1 Fj i n fo BOMOT, G.D.. Inshener; NOTITSKLY, T.P., kaadidat takhnichaskikh Muk. . ~-- M- Reinforced concrete supports for electric transmission lines! BleYr. eta. 24 no.12:33-34 ID 153. WaA 6-.12) (Ilectric lines-Poles) V SIRGIYUSEIr. A.D., kandtakhn.itauk (Leningracl); MOVITSKIT, V.P., kand. taktm.nauk (Leningrad). Now designs for bridge floors. ftV I put.khos. n0-9:37-38 S '57. (KIRA 10:1o) (Bridges. Iron and stool) -11dIvitskly., V, P,j On the hydrological investigations in the northem part of the Barents.Sea In.the fall of 1955 and 1956, ifaucbno-tekhn. byul. Polyarn. a-i. in-ta morsk. r-vba. x-va i olmanogr (Scientific technical bulletin of # the Polar Scientific Research Jnstitute of the Mritim Fish Econcqr and Oceanoloa), Ito 4s 1957, p 44-48; (RZhC-eof iz 'YAKO'V-IZV,, Borls- Aleksandrovichp kand. geograf. nauk; KASIYMOV.. A.P.0 kaudepogr* iuiukred,;BAMOV,I.A.i re [Climits of Varmansk Frovincj]:Klimat Hurmanskoi ablaoti. MurmanskI.Murmanskee knishnoe Izd-wo, 1961, 178 p. (KEFLA 15.- 2) (ftr~k Province-Climate) K04IT,SKJ.yp VOPO i, FormAiment currents in the northern paef. rf the ?Areau Sm. -T2ixdy GOIN no'. 64:3-32 161. (MM 14;8) (~-rento Sea--ocean currents) NOVITSKIY, V.P. Dyarmics of the waters of the Sea of Marmira on the Bosporus shelf of the Black Sea. Okeanologiia 5 no.5:841-848 165. (14IRA 18: 11) 1. Azovo-Chernomorskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy Institut morskago rybnogo khozyaystva i okeanografii. -NOVITSKIY y V.$. 0 ijuh. Use o~ daAcrets pistol in el4ctr*l equipment instalIatiort operations, &erg. stroi. no.16:69-71 1600 (MIRA 16:12) 1. Maskovskiy filial Vaesoyu=ogo instituta po proyektirovaniyu orga- nizatsiy.energetichaskogo straiteltstva. .M'ITT-3Mf, V. V. 1 -A -Ilcat`on Variat-a- of ,'-le Sj:j-~,-j ci' t',Ie -i imuni Pror'. N. Ye. H4 a- (-Dissertation for ~,he roe- r a e o f C a..'id i da t, e i a T e c hn i c a 1 :3) c i e a c e G SO- Iloch-.rnkra '-~oslcva, J...,nuary-lbcembur 1952 KOVITSKIY, V.V., kand.tekh-n.nauk (Moskva) The delta function and its use in structural mechanics. Rasch. prostre konstre no.W07-244 162, (KIRA 16:6) (Functions) (Structures, Theory of) PMEVEMV, M.P., inzh.; _~OVIT~Kff, V . inzh.; GRITSENKO, V.G.,, imh. - ~J~ Rack pressure manifestations in the development of steeply dipping seams In the OYAnovka" hydraulic mine. Ugolt.prom. no.4:35-38 JI-Ag 162. (MMA 15:8) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut gidrcdobyehi uglya. (Donets Baain~--Hydraulie mining) (Rock pressure) MOLINO X.E.; FMV-SMV, M.P.; NOVITSKIY, V.V.; GRITSENKO, V.G. Improving rock pressure control in mini g steeply dipping seam under conditions of the Yanavka hydraulic mine. Ugoll Ukr. 6 no.6:13-15 Je 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Ukrainakiy nauchno-issladavatellskiy institut gidrodobychi VIP. (Donets Basin-Hydraulic mining) (Rock pressure) UHANSKIY, A.A.; A.FAIIASIYEV, A.M.; VOLIMIR, A.S.; GRIGOR"I'M7 71i.P.; KODANEV# A.I.; 14AWRI, V.A.; HOUT21KI7, V.V.; TIKHOKBOV, U.N... retuenzent; 51,111Uo, i.k.-, --- re4. .9 [Collection of problems on the strenoth of materials] Sbornik zadach po soprotivleniiu materialov. fzd.2., perer. i dop. Moskva,, Nauka, 1964. 550 P. (MIRA 18:1) IIOVITSKIY Vp ,_,inzh-; PEREEMEV) H-F-t inzhe Coatrol of a difficult-to-cave roof a' tk*-*Sukhodol'vk&W-'ff*A mine. Bazop.truda V--Iprom. 7 20.7:20-21 A 1630 (MMC,, (Donets Basim.-Coal mUMS audl- mdMigg) KALUZHERKO, R.K.; NOMSKIYp V. Ye. Tmmmopathology of infectious nonspecific polyarthritiso Terape arkh.:35 no.5t87-89 NY'63 WRA 16:12) 1, Iz kliniki fakulltetakay terapil (nachallnik - prof* V4PA. Beyyer) Voyenne-meditsinskoy ordens. TAmina akademii imni S.H.Kirova. I .- I- - - KUERYAVISEV, NOVITSKIL V.Ye.; YAFAMV, R.M ~111-., ~ -1 -1, ~; - Carbon agglomeration reaction (carbo-test) in the diagno'sis of infectious nonspecific polyarthritis. Vope revao 3 no*3: 63-67 JI-S-63 (HIRA 17:3) 1. Is kliniki fakulltstakoy terapii. (nachaltnik - prof, V.A. Beyyer) i kafedry epidemiologii ( nachaltnik - prof. I.I. Rogozin) Voyenno-meditsinskoy oTdena Imina akademi.1, Imeni S.K.Kirova, "OVIT - ISKIY, V. Yu. Plywood Industr7 Plywood containers from waste veneer sheets. Dar. i lesokhiir. prom. 1, No. 7, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1953. Uncl. NOVITSKIY, Ye. , - The progress could bave been more significant. Vba-,. man. 40 no.7:27 J1 164 (MIRII 17z8) 1. Nachaltnik shtaba grazlidanakoy oborony Borispoltskogo rayona, Ki7eveskaya oblast'. BOYMV, A*I*: ICERTRIOW, Tu.T.; MOVITMaY, T**Ao; OTMAMINW, G.I. The filkliber-VIIN Induction pr9filograph. and profilemater. Stan,I lastr. 26 no.22:20--24 D 255. (M=A 9:2) (Surfaces (Technology)) T. 6k _15-6 'WT(rfl)/nTP(t)/r"WP(h) tap ( n iTD ACC Nk, mwpon- - __~SOURCE CODE: uW~q f';'I06/65_/ /',~:'P353/0356 YV' AUTHOR: Ivanov,A. G, MUff - Hj_V- N - KDLI~ ~Ye- Z~ XA~V ~-A B ez G.I., ORG: none TITIZ: Anomalous-polarization:of sodium chloride under impact loading - SCURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoretichesi~rfiziki._ Pic 1,13IM: v redaktsiyu: '(PrAoZheniye)) -S.. no.. 8. 1965, 353-356-- TOPIa TAGS.,~sodium chloridep shock wave propagation], y'ressure effect, electric lsXization, -si o Mle arystal p TRACT authors report results of an investigation of the polarization of single crvsta% chloride under impact loading ~perpendicular to the cleavage plane in. 0 the interval.of Pressures (P) from 50 to 550 kbar. The impact loading was means -.of the explosive devices used by L. V. AlItshul, Ier et al. (M V. 279, 1963). A.~imple measuring~cirauit was used (Fig. 1) The parameters of the shock)4ave ~ in the single -crystal were -calculated -from the: khom atate'of- the careen.,. A measuring-line made of IM-0.3/10 cable of 200 ~ ohm wave resistance and an OX-21 oscilloscope were used~-in.the:sexperiments. The~aryatal thickness (10).fluctuated between 0.15 and~0.19 em.. The results of the-experiments in the-form-of a plot of the initial,current-imp :density,M: against the compression behind -the: front ~ of the shock wave (a) -are shown in -.Fig* *2o-~-Each point on the curve was obtained~in a:scparu+.e experiment.' Shock-wave Toompressicd of polycrystalline samples of sodium chloride, idith initial density 2,13 ccr a9o~r 174/7- ACC NR; -AP7000053 SOURCE CODE: UR/0207/66/000/005/0104/0107 AUTHOR: Ivanov, A. G. (Moscow); Novitskiy, Ye. Z. (Moscow)' none JITLE: Problem of1double layer in shock-compressed dielectrics SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy mekhaniki I tekhnicheskay fiziki, no. 5, 1966, 104-107 1T6PIC TAGS: pressdre transducer, dielectric material, dielectric layer :ABSTRACT: A pressure pulse transducer (consisting of flat electrodes separated by a :dielectric) equivalent circuit is derived and its response to pressure pulses is con- sidered. The dielectric material when undergoing pressure stress develops changes on :the surfaces perpeddicular to the direction of the stress. The transducer is analyzed !on the basis of an 4ssumption that a double charge layer is formed in the dielectric. .The initial current pulse in the transducer circuit is shown to be proportional to the value of the 'dipolJ moment of the molecule, number of dipoles per unit volume, and the area of the plates., The transducer is considered to consist of two regions with the pressure front as the dividing line. Cases of high and low conductivity behind the .front are treated. 1, Orig. art.-has: 4 figures, 17 formulas. SUB CODE: 20,09/ SUBM DATE: 28Apr65/ ORIG REr: ool/ OTH REF: 001 Card 1/1 ~Swphyqiologr of Plants. Photosynthesis. Abu Jour: Bef. Zhur-Biologyn,, No J.. 1958., 1129. Author : Novitakly, Yu.j.'___ ~T Inst : wtft~~44~~ologr of Plants of the AcadenW of Sciences um Title : A Device for Studying Photosynthesis by Using C14 in an Air Currimt. Orig Pub: Fiziol. ftatenin, 1956.. 3, No 6, 574-578. ".. '."~ 'VALIja~_uw Woo Vwwu of Plants of the Academy of Sciences USW. There is a bibliogmj*y of 14, titles. Chzd 2/2 //0 V T Y W~-%/Physiology of P&ts - Respiration, and Metabolism. 1-2 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 3, 1958j, 10383 Author : FIQ yo Yu. Inst : Institute of Physiology of Plants Academy of Sciences USSR Title : The Electrophoretic Method of Separating Amino-Acids from Sussrs (Preliminary Report) Orig Pub : Fiziol. rasteniy, 1957, 4, No 1, lo3-lo5 '4 Abstract 0-5 al- of iburfold alcohol extract of perilla, or lettuce l dmavaft V" devosited on the middly part of a strip of flat A UJUMOVA, G.A.; STN!".11.0VA, V.Yu.; HIDDINIKOVA, V.P.F 1,--'OVTrSXlY, Yu.1, S=e -phyoiolcg--'ca-' end aytolcgical chang-es ~-- jze=':nat-'pr seedo In a conot-%nt mFg-notle fleld. Percrt, Y:.2i gffeoz of a uaifum magnetic flold of :Lcpr intonsi"y* Fiziol,raot. 22 no.611029-1,03LI IT--D 165. (MIRA is Inatitut fizioiogil raoll-arsly imeni K.P.Tio-Iryazava P14 SSSR, ?Aoskva. Sulinitz.ed December 7, 3.964. NOVINSKIYO ru.set agronom po zashchite rastaniy Plant protection In Poland. Zashch. rast. ot vred. I bol. 9 no. 4:91-V 164. (MIRA 17:5) NOVIT:391Y, K. Yu.; KHMICIMITHOVA, G. T.; YUHIPS, Yu. K. ...k-.,WAWAso ~ ~ f Faran series. Part 32. 5-Nitro-2-imlomethy1furans in tie synthesis of 5-altro-2-furfurylamines. ':hur. ob. Khim. 34 no.6.lsvpa~- I Je 164. (MIM imed' Lomonosova. 1. Moskovskty gosudarstvennyy valvers.l.t6l. MMOV Do ===r TECMW" Periodical STBOITEWTVG. V01. 5,v no. St 1958 9 Dos NATZVp Me: Usixg a group of dredging machines for read construction. p. 23. Nmtb2y List of &at Emposm Accessims (ECAI) LC,, Vol. St no. 3t Narch, 1959. Uncl. 'xiI.X011, D. "On the question of snow removal from Bulgarian roads." STROITELSTVO., Sofiia. Bulgaria., Vol. 6. No. 1, 1959 Monthly list of EAST EUROPEA14 ACCESSICIIS (FEAI). W. 1101. 8. 110. -1, JulY 1959, Unclass 1. TMMOVj S. I.; MOVKOV, S. S.; RASIULOVA, I. L.; ZZLINSKIY, N- D., Acad. 2. USSR (600) - - - 4- Cyclohexane Derivatives 7. Contact transformation of butyl-substituted benzene and cyclohexane, Dokl. AN SSSR, 87, No. 4,, 1952. 9. Mont List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Fe , 1953. Unclassified. NOVKQVIC, B. 11WOVIC, B. Agriculture of India; a general outline p1.1 Vol. 2. nol 10, Oct. 1951+ POLJOPMREDA AGRICULTURE Beograd SO., MCUTHLY LIST OF E&ST WROPW~ ACC&SIONS, (UAL), LC, VOL, 4,, no. 9, Sept. 1954, Encl. ROVk6Vt6lz b. , - , - - , . . , - - - - NWAIA -061ygd" 'for antUirciaft' batteries- ahd the coutrol of service." V.ojnI Glasnik, Beegmd,, Vol 7t go 10t Oct 1953t p. 51 SO: Eastern European Accessions List, Vol If So 10, Oct 19548 Me of Congress N IkIMV G.,i USKOVA., L.Y* NOVKGVSW AA,-,.FOSIAVSKAYAj, K.D,; Rumaut V.A FWROVA.. G D.; BROVIEDIl. IS re&; MFAKj, Ye.G. red. [1466ial of, teebaical spealfications for - reMents and Ovparstions used in.laboratory Vork; orgavlareagents *zd preparations] Sbor- tekbnichaeklTeh usloili na~ reaktivy-_i preparaty Ma laboratorrjkh rab4t; o4a~a. chqWdo:reaktiv~ i properaty. Maelmat Goo.amuchno-, tekbnlixd-va khImsellt-ry. 196149 582 P.. (kIRA 14;12) 1 ~V86soyumq7 nambno-issledovatellskiy inatitut khimrsaktivov i osabolchistykh veshchestv Gosudarstvannogo k=iteta Soveta Ministrov SM po~ khimii -(for 4al. excopt - Br6v)cihv Shpsk) s (Chemical teists and.reakents KEMMIYEVA. A.1.; SKORCIMODOV, K.A,i, Prinimali nehantlys: AE-W ANDROV. G.P.; BABW, r.,ra.; BAYBARWAvP.P.-. TAYNSR%79. TS.Z.; GUSEW. L.T.;- ZEMTTIN, N.P.: KOITSITATA# To.K.;'LUINA, K.K.; NOVLYANSKATA. K.A. PCD-. VOTWY. L.S.: TBM D.S.; FLIWV, I.A.; TOW. U.N.-. GMOVA. I.. red.; TWOROVA. I., takhnred. [Tolght over the gets] Swat nad sastavoi. Nookovskil rabachil, i959. 422 p 66cow-vietallurgical plants) (MIRA 12:4) NOVLYANSKAYA, K. k. Nov1yanskaya, K. A. - wOn the Introduction of post-spasm psychic conditions In epilepsy of childran,w Report 2# Trudy Teentr. in-ta psikhlatriio Vol. 1V. 1949, p- 422,34 SO: U-4934, 29 Oct 53, (Intopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 16, 1949) #PJM]rATA, K.A. Review of foreign literature an childL psychiatry published durlag the lait 10,years. Sbmr,novr* t palkh. 56 no.9:757-763. 156. (K= 9:11) 1(03116 IMR=Tl review Obms)) NOVIAAMMY1. EC.A. Dia~-,nouti~; and prognostic criterls during th-e tnterparoxysmal perioil in epilepsy; eceordtng to observations at a pedistrie hospital It ...iith amnwaries in French]. Zbur.nevr. t Paikh. 57 en.7:865-M 157. (HLRA 1. Detskaya paikhLatricheskays klimilra (neachaw rukovoditell orm'. GA-Wcharevs) TSentrallnorn inGtitutR usoversbenstvovekniwn vrachoy, HoAve. kVITSM. in Infant ood child, ding. & progn- sonects of interoarmysmal sts3fres (Rqz)) NonymsurA r, A, prolonged pathological remet,10= in pWarty; anarexia nervosa In adolescents (with sumary In Prowlt] Zhur. savr. I Palkh. 58 no.*?*.86'L-866 *58 (MIRA 11-7) 1. Kafedra palkhtatrti detskogo vozrnsta (sav, - prof. G.Tee Sukhareve) ?SentrmlOnogo instituta usavershenstvOyRnlya vrachey, moakwa. (APPMM DISORMS, anorexia nerwoom In adolescauts Ohm)) the fow of pro2wpd pathological,reactions at the age Of puberty (the sp&me of dysurphopMbia). Zhur.nevr.1 OM. 60 xo*71891495 160. (KM 24s2) 1. Kafedm paikhiatrii detakogoromsta (sav. - Wof. G.U.Sukbarsim) ?Sfttmllnogo imtitata usavershonstrovaniya vracheyy Mwkva. (APOLESCENCE) NOYLUNSDU 9 A, Clinical chartateristics of the f6ar syWrome in infectious dimeases; acccrding to datIa from a pediatric Olinic. zhur. mvr. i paikh. 61 no,7:2MI-1076 0616 (KM 15:6) 1. Kafedra paikhiatrii detskogo vowasta (zav, G.Ye. Sukhareva) TSentreVnogo instituta.U801"rehenaftovaniya vrachey,, Moskva. (CCMNICABIR DISUM) PTMTOV, D.D., proC., otv. red.; VRONO, M.S., red.i DEYANOV, V.Ya., red.; LAPIDES, M.I.p red.; RAWSVIA, VA., red.; YUHKOVA, red.; RCK L.L., red., T.A.., red. 3 LIQ~gAUS SKANAVI, YeJe.., red* [Problems of pediatric psychoneurology] Problemy psMa- nevro3ogil detskogo. vozrasta, Moskva, 1964. 530 p. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Moscow. Gomidarstrennyy nauchnc.-issledovatellskiy insti- Wt psikhiatrii. 2. Klinika psikhazov detskogo vozrasta Gosudarstvemogo na-luchno-issledovatelfskogo instituta psi- kbiatrii Ministerstva zdravookhranenlya ROSR (for Skanavi, Lapides). 3. Kafedrs. detskoy psikhiatrii TSentraltnogo instituta usavershenstvovaniya vrachey (for NovIyanskaya, Mamtseva, Vrona). NOMUNSKAYAO M. G. PA: 243T92 mo.vzunzku, x.a.; sunumny, Ka., redaktor; MUS. T.P.. re- . Doris --i'amenovich Ukobl; readiva list] Boris Sonenovich Uko- bi; b1bliagraficheakil ukasatoll. Noakwa, 1953. 118. (JUBA 7:11) 1. Akadmulys, nauk SWL Kouiss4a po Istorit, flsiko-uat*uati- cheakikh nauk. 2. Chlon-korrespandent All SSSR (for fravets). (Bibliocraft,r-Ukabi, Boris Sevenovich. 1801-1874) (Ukobi. Boris Sessnovich, 1801-1874--tibliograpbiy) M 2. USSR (600) Scientists 7. Meeting devoted to the memory of native scientists (in the Cmmission on the History of Physico-14athematical Sciences). Vest. AN SSSR 23, No. 2, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, I-lay .1953. Unclassified. NOIMTANUATA. N.G. Nesting In memory of A.R.Zodygin and T.T.Fatrov. Test.AV SOR 23 ao.5: in-ni w 53. (XIU 6:7) (Zodygin, Alakmandr Nikolaeviah, 1847-1923) (Petrov. Vasilii Vladimirovich, 1761-1834) f NIG11TIYAHSKAYA, I- G. ?A 2V)V,9 i _t,ANMMV, A.I., prof., doktor Istor. Mony1w -Origurlye7na nauk, red.; MMEMDIS. S.V.. kand.takhn.nauk. red.; BOMM. T,T., (I.K.Kirilov and hie atlas of the Russian Impiral I.K.Kirilov I ago atlas Vaerosaiiskol. imperil. Koskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk S&'M, 1959. 77 p. 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Reaulto of retrospective in Coci of leptospirooia. no.10:136--137 0 165a oerclogical exaz4ration Zhur.mlkrobiol,,, epid, uf the population i immun. 42 (MIRA 18:11) la Inatitut epidemiologii i mikrobiologil 4--eni Gamalei AMN S:E Mosk7a, i Mozdokskaya rayonnaya sanitarrc-epidemiologichaskaya otantaiyao Submitted October 28, 1.964. HYD111KOV, III.I.; NOVIISKIYP G.A. Vascular changee a5 an, index rf the effi!rtlveneac c*," treating polyar'l-itis of varicus etic'lov ; Khmellnik baths. Vop.kur., fizioter. i lech, fiz. ?ullt T' S-0 065, (,Vjl,4i '-J.~,12) y teraril (zas. - r~,'. M.Yt, 1. Kafedra propedevtichesko, L 14ilimovka) Vinnitskogo mditlsiri3kogo instltuta ierapi. OW MMAWN Wllail~, ACCESSION Mtt AP50OM53 4ju-4 WAV/jw/ AUTHORS t inko K. To. I EMmkV Zinchonko, 1. IN; Zarecheriskly, To. T.1 lloshch( A_L -!.t. Ivanakiv- in, a. U.; ko, V. 1. 1 L. S I alwavakly t. Y K04SCUnin, _10. Y4.1 nin, Lo bb. KralInj It. A. -6701- TnUs Agra Class 17, No. 1667 ISOMEs gyunotoni Isobrotanly I tovarvykh saakow, no. 5, 1965, 31 TOPIC TAGSs heat snhwo~* graphite ABSTRAM This Author Cdtfricato presents a graphite heat exchanger wads, of blacks with channels for hoat-oxchanging media. It Is equipped on the ends vith caps and fittings for Introducing and removing the Indicated media. To improve the th , 1 efficiency and to reduce weight, the caps are equipped with adapter plates and horizontal baffles for zultipwo pars.11*1 cauntercurronts of the media. ASSOCIATION1 none SUBMr=1 20114~63. ]WOM 00 Bus GOm TD ND MW SM# MO 0T=# !Celft 2