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N.A..; -PTIKOTA, T.P. Methods for the rapU analysis of AIF-348-A ty;* f1wros. Avtow.mvar. 9 no.5:80-83 3-0 156. (NM 10-:2) IL. Vrdenm, Trudavogo Kramnago Snaasni Institut alektroavarki tumid T,m..O.PatovAL Akadoult nank UM. (Chenistry. Analytic) (Ilectric welding) POWATITSKIr. T.T.; ADTIXDTL, I.P. I Sepamtion of silicon fluoride during the beating of fluz In the welding process and during drying. Avtozo amr. 13 no.6:19-22 Je 960. (MM 13:7) 1. Orden% Zmdovogo Kra4mogo Zmmanl Inatitut elektrosvarki in. Ye.O. Patom AN USSIL (Electric welding) (Silicon fluorides) 11071YOU., T. P. "Forms and Methods of Activity of Health Organizati-ons During World War 11.0 Thesis for degree of Gaud. Medical Sci. Sub 21 Jun 50, Acad Ked Sci USSR Sumnary 71, 4 SOP 52, -Dissertations Presented for Deerees in Sgionce and Engineering- in Moscow in 1950. From Veaherava-va Hos)mg. Jan-Doe 1950. USSR/HU-.vP rnd:.AnIn-l 14orphology (No rnr Irnd Pvthologicrl) Ly-Ph S-4 ~Yston Abs Jour iRof Zhur Biol., No 12, 1958, No 55128 Author IT6vik64r ~TiP. Inst Dr~mhcst L UT~~ C: -of -modidinc 4-6 n UT, Title IGdfifltiont ~. For-:,- ~:6f tha.14tin Ly-nphrtio -Collcotors -of the ~~tor Zxtm-Atiov rn4 the Thornx.i Orig Pub tSb. nrucbn. tr. Drgost. rod. in-t, 1956, 6, 282-284 Abstrret IThe confluont for-a of tho ly--rhrtic vccsols of the urpor oxtronitior rnd the -ir-.m,-ry _clrnd rra- ircra rtudicd. Forty- two uppor cxtro-itics obtrinai fro- htr-m corpl-c.- vcro ex- nndncdp whorovs the Josifov ncthod of filling tho-i with fluid md thcn dissecting the.- wes used. Tho initirl ly--Ph!-tic erpillrrice of tho skin of tho fingers rnd of the rror of tho prpillp forn shvllow tie well rs dcop-Ecctod notworke which Irvo lrrSo sized loops. Thon, rftor forninG lrrgo ly.-phrtic rtthixyrt they rccoh the big 13r--phrtic collectors aituctod iri:thc; rr;.-pit cror. Within tho or-pit md the subclrvin OvIrd S1/2 NOTMVA T P..- Master Yod Scl (dian) -- "Forms of comection between the output lymph vesselo of the skin of the mammary sinuses and the region of the marMOAT gland (the nipple and the areola) among themselves and with the min lymphatic collectors and the venous system". MaIdiachkala, 1958. 26 pp (Min Health RSF%, Voronezh State Mad Inst, Dagestan State Had Inst), 200 copies (KL, Jqo 2, 1959, 3.25) NOVIKOVA, T.P. Characteristics of the ballistocardiogram in healthy children of preschool and school age. Zdrav. Bel. 8 no.6:17-29 J6,62. OURA 16:8) 1. Iz kliniki detskich bolezney Belorusskogo instituta, uso- versheastvovaniya vrachey (zav. - prof. A.S.1avin) i 1-finskoy oblastnoy klinicheskoy bollnitay (glavnyy vrach M.I.Kotovich). (BALLISTOCARDIOGRAM) KHMSLINITSKIY, L.I.; NOVIKOU, T.S.; MOVIKPV* S.S. Oxidation of aromatic aidnes by triMoroperacetic acid. Ixv.AN SM*Otdekhla.nauk no,3:516-517 Jfr 162, (WRA 15:3) 1. Institut org=ichook YAWL im. N.D.blinskogo M SSSEt. (Aminea., (Paro3geoetic acid) 11OVIKOV, M5~,LINIT-")KM I L.I.; '1101VITKOVA I,. .N -w methods of nitral !on 'bLr a n, Ixture )f nitric acid- and vn--tic A A ,_~14 , 00.3 m. no.1:103 an,livdride. IZV.. Ser. k -110 165. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Inatitut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D. Zelinskogo AN SSSR. SOLOVYEVO VA.; K01MYEVO G.A.; NOVIKOV, S..S.; KIRAIFLINTITSKIY, L.T.; NOVIKOVA, IS.S. Antimicrobial activity of n1trofurans with simple subftitutes. Farm. i toks. 29 no.3:316-320 My-Je 165. (MBIA 18:8) 1. Otdel khimioterap H. (zav. - prof. A.M. Chfirny~-h) i otdel po vyyavleniyu fiziologicheskikh aktivnykh veshchestv (zav. - kand. med. nauk Yu.I.-Vikhlyayev) Instituta farmakologil i khimio- terapii A1411 SSSR i otAel organicheskogo ainteza f'zav. - prof. S.S. Notikov) Instituta organich--iskoy khimii imerd N.D. Zelinskogo AN SSSR, Moskva. A(;Q NM4 AP6030569 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/01610035/0036 INVENTOR: Lebedev, 0. V.; Yepishina, L. V.; Sevost'yanovat V.,V.; T& S.; Khmel'nLtskiy, L. I.; NovLkov, S. S. O"RG: none, .TITLE: Preparation of 2-nitro derivatives of Imid.azole. Class-12, No. 184868 .[announced by Institute of Organic Chemistry im. N. D. Zelin4kiy (Institut organi~.- cheskoy khimii).] SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye zaaki, no. 16, 1966, 35-36 TOPIC TAGS: imidazole nitro derivative, methy1formylimidazole oxime, nitrogen tetroxide imides orpnic n1tro, campound, organic oxima ABSTRACT: -In the proposed method, 2-nitro derivatives of imidazole are prepared by treatment of 4-methyl-5-formylimidazole.oxime with nitrogen tetroxide at 2-36C in absolute acetohitrile with further heating .at 1140% and 'isolation of the product by kno" methods. (VA-50.- CBS No. Ill SUB COD E:. 07/ SUBM-DATE: 24M&r65/ Card 781.5.07 NOVIKOVA, T.S. The MV-32CO dehairing machine for large hides. Biul.tekh.-ekcn. inform. no.12-.58-59 '61. (M-j~ 14:12) (Tanning-Equipment and supplies) NOT IKOVA. 2. V. RaIsIng live feeds for fishese BiulaKOIP. Otd. biole 63 no*2tI75-176 Kr-Ap 158 (MIRA 11:7) (BRANCRIORMA) (FISMS--FOOD) Levitskava, 0. M,; Novikova, T, V.; Palish~ina F. _1:: A method for hardening unsaturated resins. '-'lass 39 :TOPIC TkGS r-'esitn''S p-balyest'eri rdbin, polymer ~IACJ, This Author's Certlfic!ate lntrtAuces a rrethod for hardc-ning unsaturated 2r x-asins in the presence of a cobait resinate andl a peroxide init-'alor. lified by adding the cobalt, resinate to the unsaturated polyester -e -cv:ess, i5 simp d-iring synthesis at 186-1900-C. T 0; none rTE D,. 12Jun64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: MT,~ -J- F --- OV :000 OTHER: 000 NOMOVA, T. Y&. USSR/Medicine - Dysentery Card 1/1. Author : Naw1kova, T. Y&. Title : Characterization of the serological properties of Sonne bacteria PerliMIC&I Zhur. mikrobiol. apid. I Inwiln.. 4, 45-46, Apr'1954 Abstract The agglutination and adsorption characteristics of 6- and R-form Some bacteria cultures, cross-agglutination of S cultures and R serum# as vell as R cultures and S ser=m, and the Identicalness of S-cultures Implated In various cities and rayons of Vologda oblast are'discussed. No-references are cited. Institution Epidemiological Division (Scientific Read- Candidate of Medical Sci- ences A. Yu. Illyutovich) of the, Valog" Institute of Epidemiology and Ulcrobiology*(Director - Meritorious Physician of the RSFSR V. Lebedev) Submitted September 11, 1953 _7 1, 08798:U'.- W(N)/zWP(j) lip(o). WW/Rx Acc Mal "603001 JV) ! SOURCE COMs Ult/0191/56/000/00'0/0040/0042 (A t%drMit: Q. P.Z Ig, VL1 Chortok. 0#_M6;'.V*lkovt 3. Uslavskly, N., N.; TGLQ~L~.Z. voilkovas T. V, 3# ORG: none TITLEi. resistance and chandcal stability of ui d pol modified with colophany satursto looter rosins SOURCE: PlastLcheskiyo massy, no. 9. 1966, 40-42 TOPIC TAGS; solid weebanidal property, polyester plastic, synthetic. iiaterial, hysical P chemistry property. stability constant ABSTRACT: Koisture resistance anfroxidation stability of two comercial resins modi- fied with c9gsphony, resin PK-10-1h copolymer of an unsiturated aster with styrene and r*sln TGM_ (a copolyqwr Tf -an unsaturated ester and polyacrylate) land no PH 151 at ro or les BE lamina't-va; Led 'an these two.vasins wore .Investigated. T y c p p t o colophany4widifted'vesins axe tdbulated. The tensile strength of the colophony'-wedi- -imina$ss based on them was practically unaffected after fled rosins and the RiMs in,vate holding r~ov NV-sulfWio acid for 7-360 days. In general, the addition of 'w *respect to va v rehistance and chouical colophany a found to be beneficial with to stabLUty of the unsatuvated polyester v%W~ns. Ov~ig..azvt. has: I figure and 3 tables. SUB ME$ III SM &M ~001 OPM uIrs M/. ON Mrs 006 PLAKSIM, I.N.; OLOFINSKIY, N.F., kand.tekhn.nauk; jK!UKM,_j.,k,,_inzh. Triboolectric separation-of asbestos materials. Hauch. soob. IGD 19:3-12 IN. (KIRA 17:2) measurea une~ eiLe.cus. Or,p.Las-uic.aerorma7u2.on or ixne auunors t J4- and i a -au p-sill con.. - t 850 -:9500 arxI., found'tba , . c sed practically- ~nb change _in the density of the -.equilibrium ea r-riers. :The lifetimes. of'.-the :electrons and of the holes were determined b- meas' uring the the . s tationary, . intrins ic photoconductivitX And :the.photomagnetic exf,, ..A-comparison---of,data.for..th6 plastically deformed and,control samples shows that' pr 1. duces-in 0 ~both- and.n-silicon cap ure:'* deformation Card: 1/2 "01MM. sistent Prolonged interrupted sleep In the treatment of rheumatic chore&* Yap. pediat. 21 noaili,44 xr-Ap ~53. (KM 6:6) I* Is, kaft&7 fakul'totakoy p*dI&trII Gortkovskago wditsinskoge instituta istent, S.N.111roys (save proto 3.1.0wrtch) I Gortkovskor detskoy klInichaskoy bollnitsy Q~rvdrwwotdela (glavue vrache L.K. M441011) (RMMWIBK, In Infant and childq oausiqg chorea, sleep there) (CHMA , In Infant and chtldt) (SPUP9 thersputic usee rheme chores, In child.) ff - ~NOMOVA V. L. 0-Treatstint of Rhematic Chores, With Prolonged ratmmittont Drug-rrduced Sleep." Cand Ned Sci,, Gorlkly,, State Medical Inst. Unni S. M. Kirov, Gorlkly, 1954. (n, No 2,, -Tan 55) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USM Higher Educational Institutions (12) SO: Sim. Yo. 556, 24 Jm 55 L 4376666 MT(m)/T/&?(j) lip(a) Miffpjv -XC-CNR. AP6029929 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/015/0090/0090 INVENTOR: Chumakov. Yu. I.; Stolyarov, Z. Ye.; Shapovalova, Yi~. P.; Novikova, V. F. ORG: none TITLE: Preparative method for a (semiconducting] po~jmer)' Class 39, No. 184455 SOURCE: Izobret prom obraz tov zn, no' 15, 1966, 90 ZOPIC TAGS: organic semiconductor, semiconducting polymer A4STRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a preparative method for a semi- cdaducting polymer, involving homo2olXcondenzatio of 2-methXj-6::2Xr1dLmjdeWe under pressure (unspecified] in the presence of acetic Adhydride or zinc chloride jar 200F.- (SKI SUB CODE: 07, l1/ SUBM DATE: 16Nov64/ IM Pe--V6: -So4? Card KCHDRATIMA, M.P.; PCOMMYA, Te.K.; IASUKOT. A.M.; WHAVOYRTA. N.M.; PRIM, G.Tu'; XWHETNIKOV. r.p.; POAMT, V.I.. redo; POIZAKOVA, K.A.,, CloonmW of Belgorod Province; a statistical nanuall Marodnoe khostaistvo Belgorodskot oblasti; statisticheskii sbornik. Orel, Goselatisdat, 1957* 165 p. (KIM 11:4) 1. Belgorodsimya oblast'. Statisticheekaye upravleniye. 2e Statisti- cheakays upraylenlys Belgorodakay oblasti (for all,except Pirogov. Folrakove) 3- Nachalluft Statistichaskogo upravlanlys Belgorodukay oblantl (for Pirogm) (Belgorad Province-1conomic conditions) ~~BJZCT' ,USSR-, PHYSICS CARD 1 2. ?A 1M AUTHOR -ILINGERtM.I., NOVIKOYL,V.i;, - 1GARK0v1LFV.K* On' the. !ih 0~;~ Tj n& NIM7-3ff -3nioonduotor .,eory ects In a. 5 _:,".,kdmiX urw. one,_ PERIOPICAL-'. od.: eahn - f I i~ 26-P f&oo;-' 2165 (1956Y loan 195 Th ,4, tinuation. of that- p&, & con ~by A.G...SAXOJLQV;C arid.W.KLITIGERf 4-0'955) 0,1 and. inv6stigat*e'thi HALL off ect in a memA- 2 do3id-44 f.o,r- wiW iimow -~(.donorlik*). admixture Zone,iniviliat "admixture How- with.,narrow conduo It's hc etas effeot'.15. invos~tigat~*.for_ ii i4iiial ~,Qonstant_ 4.wof ~ such a 1 miatal. of,.the lor''muii ~;for:,any ~dispersion law~of_ he-energr el kaimplo af:in .00tron, cutio~~ 4-tomia, -'la'tt*ioA� in - assumed, -on this 000asion" Wi-.b. X I a~d n/n < 01- 0 W~ 4-e~iiveij."HALLOS;,i~o stant4a then determined by is -positive ~qrms itive ies n tlii:, ho lee --or ;DI lks~ if n.-se', n. if'~the zone is- -half,- hiii ~4)~ & 0.-1ere;.n*1d9, or of electrofii in ih notes- the.nuimbi e narrow zone-andrt-; 'the'd4naity: of, the, atoms,.~ in, the, lattipe_ _oorriep: t ponding, o the. n,.arrow tons., - Now'-the- constant R of a semicojadictor with &'narrow admixture zone ;Lq.-_coqp#t!*,d, for, the case- ,of,two_zonvs;,~ In the case of electronic conductivity in b.oth-zdn0_",1t I la true expe-te-di that-R(T) < 0, Naturally, the results lAtalne hero'h Id 413o if the-valence zone:and the aoaeptor admixture zone are 4 TURGEW' Ye.O.; LEVINA, U.S.; Rq~ ~KOVAp V.I. Composition of extraction and tall-oil rosin and of the products of their fractional distillation, Gidroliz, i 199okhim.-prom. 18 no. 1: 8-12 165. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Vaesovuznyy nauchno-iseledovateltskiy institut neftekhimicheskil~h protsessov. usSR/g== and Animal Physiology - (Normal and Pathological). T-4 Blood. Blood Diseases, Abs Jour : Rof Zhur - Bioli, No 11, 19581 50751 Author : Novikova, Vili Inst : Smolensk Institute of Mod-icine. Title : Report on a Fatient Who has Recovered from Aplastic Anemia. Orig Pub : Sb. nauchn. rabot stud., Smolenskiy medo in-t, 1957, vyp. 6, 93-97. Abstract : No abstract. Card 1/1 LITVINOVS YO.K.; rLEM, I.G.; GOLIDSHTaff, 3.0i,; NOVIKIVILA-11- 'Ill Opwation Of MOLU Oise Din"(oilica)brick coke ovens, Iroks I kbla, no.l.-25-27 963. (KM 16:2) UsWwkblmtant~:Lya (for l4tvinov). 2, TmnakU"skL7.* kaksakhislabeekLy sawd (for Glezer, Galldphtey% NbvlkoV4)., (Yanakiyevo-Cake ovez~&) FUWWAV R.I.; NOVIKOVA, V.I.; UMSHNVlefl, fil.1% I-------- Prevention of hemolytic disease of newborn according to data of Ivanovo Maternity Home No* 3* Sbor. nauch. trude Ivane goso zed. inst. no, 28:74-119 1 63. NTRA 19tl) 1. Iz kliniki fakulltetakoy pediatrii ( zav. - dotsent O.M. Lago) lyanovskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinakogo inatituta (rektor - dotsent Ya.M. Romanov) i rodillnyy dom No. 3 (glavnyy vrach - N.K. Elerashev-1ch). VISHMSOY, A.A.; BERASHEVICHt N.K.; LEDEDUA, Ye.N,; NOVIKOVA, V.1, Effect of pathological pregnancy and labor on the development intmeranial trauna and asphyxia of the fetus. Sbor. nauch. trud. Ivan. gos. med. Inat. no* 28t267-272 1 63 (KIRA 1911) 1. It kafedry akusherstva i ginekologli (ispolnyayushchiy obya- zannoati say. - dotsent M.A. Ttmokhina) Tvanovskogo gamidarstvan- nogo meditainskogo instituta (rektor - dotsent Ya.M. Romanov). N vVeMAO V. 194. Hygrometry .preparing graph, discs for the Babenkov automatic regulators* Tabak, 13, No. 1, 1952. 9.- 2 'Monthly List of Russian Accession-so Library of Congress, June 195W. Unclassified. W7 VA, Tobacco Industry Using automatic: regulators at the Gudauty Totacco Fermentation Factory. Taltak 14 NO. 1, 190- Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress June 1953. UITCL. TIMMMMA, A.G., KADAYEVA, O.S., GUSAKOVA, Ye.G,, KOYLKINA, N.Y., WISHOTA. X.1.. XOTIKOVA, T.K. ffydr*2ylation of progesterone to 11 o(-oxyprogesterone by the use of Mblzopua nigricans (with summary in Ingli&] e lsw~Al SSSRO' Sorebiolo noo6:712-718'N-D 158 (KMA 11: 11) 1. TeencynazWy nauchno-iseledovatellakly khtmiko-farmatsewticheskly Institut ime S. Ordzhonikidze., Moskva* (PROGISTEROhl) (HMOnUT101) (FUNGI) MMOT, M.N.; -XOTIKOTA, T.K*;ISWOLOTA, L.T.; KOVTTITXIMA, N.Y. Kicroblological transformtion of cortisone with the aid of Wedbacterla B5. 14 no.1:22-24 Ja 160. (an 130) 1. Yeasoyusnyy nauchno-Issladovatellskly khtmiko-farmatseTtichaskly Institut Imul S. Ordshonikidse. (CORTISOIR) SOV/129-59-3-2/16 AUTHORS: Luzhnikov, L.P., Candidate of Technical Sciences and Novik-ova, V.M., Engineer TITLE: Relations Governing the Changes in the Mechanical and the Technological Properties of Ternary Titanium Base Alloys,(Zakonomernosti izzeneniya mekbanicheakikh i tekhnologicheskikh svoystv troynykh splavov na. oanove titana) PIRIODICAL: Metallovedeniye i Termicheskaya Obrabotka Metallov, 19,59, Nr 39 pp 6 - 13 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The &is of the work described in this,paper was to determine the most rational combination of elements in alloying titanium for the purpose of obtaining heat- resistant sheet alloys with good welding properties. The system Ti-Al was chosen as the basic one; as the third eleaient. Cr, Mn, Mo, Fe were introduced. In each ~of~-these-.ternary systems,,one out of,the diagram of state -was studied~ which corresponded to a 6% total content of alloying.elementso- For comparison, alloys of the Ti-Fe-Mn system with a total Fe + Mn. content of 6% were alao studied. All the alloys were produced from sponge Cardl/3 titanium of a single batch. Sheets produced from the SOV/129-59-3-2/16 Relations Governing the Changes in the Mechanical and the Technological Properties of Ternary Titanium Base Alloys titanium sponge without alloying had a strength of 5305 k and elongation of 26.8% and a contraction of 3402%. The alloys were studied in the shape of 1 mm thick sheets produced under laboratory conditions. The ingots were produced by smelting 'twice in a neutral atmosphere in are furnaces with expendable electrodes. The electrodes for the second smelling were forged from the ingots produced from the first smelting. Then followed forging, hot and "warm" rolling, etching and annealing of the sheets. The finished speepens were thlan annealed in vacuuSL.for 2 hours at 800 C, cooled in the furnace to 200 0 and then cooled down in air from that 4,j -emperature onwards. The mechanical properties of the alloys wer8 determined at room temperature and at 250,,300.and 350 0. The-stamping properties at 20 and 500 C, as well as the weldability and the properties of 3 the welded joijits were also determined. The chemical- compositions of the sheets after etching and annealing Card2/3 are entered in Table 1 for 20 heats. The results are SOV/129-59-3-2/16 Relations:Governing the Changes in the Vech ical and the ani T6chnologi%aal Properties,of Ternary.Titanium Base Alloys described of the mechanical tests (Figure 1) of the technological properties (bending of a 15 x 100 mm specimen around a radius equal to the sheet thickness until the first crack appears) and the behaviour during st ing (Figure 2) and.also of weldability tests (FigureaM33. On the basis of systematiq. study of the mechanical and technological properties and of the weldability of the five ternary titanium base alloys: Ti-Al-Mo, Ti-Al-Cr, Ti-AI-Mn, T-I-Al-Fe and Ti-Fe-Mn, the authors have shown that it is advisable to alloy titanium-aluminium alloys with 0 stabilisers within limits approaching their maximum sOlubility in (x-titaniilm. Such alloys possess a high strength at elevated temperatures, good techno- logical plasticity and satisfactory weldability. There a~e 3 figures, 2 tables and 5 references, 3 of which are English, 1 Soviet and 1 Soviet translation of an English book. Card 3/3 MZMMVO L.P., IDTIMTAS T.N. Regm1ar pattern of changes of the. mechanical and technological properties of titanium base ternary alloys (with aluminum, chroultaf,.vanganesse.molybdenum, and iron). Titan I ego splavy no.3..66-73 6o. (MM 13M (Titanium alloys--Testing) 5/76Z/61/000/0001004/OZ9 AUTHORS: Luzhnikov. L.P.. hgyi~' ~V-M- TITLE: Binary titanium-tin and titanium- zirconium alloys. SOURCE: Titan v promyshlennosti; sbornik statey. Ed. by S.G.Glazunov. Moscow. 1961, 31-40. TEXT: The paper reports an experimental investigation, performed in 1957-58, of Ti-Sn and Ti-Zr binary alloys with up to 101/6 Sn and 876 Zr. Both alloys exhibit a broad ran e of solid solutions (SS) with a Ti; while both alloys lack practical 9 interest per se, their characteristics are of importance in the understanding of more complex Sa and especially Zr alloys. Mechanical and formability properties (in- cluding weldability) were tested on sheet material made from a single batch of sponge Ti, which had a tensile strength of 55 kg/mma and 32. 776 elongation.V Details of the preparation and composition of the test alloys are described and tabulated. The 1.3 - 1.5-mm thick sheets were sand-blasted and etched in a solution .of 650 cm3 HZ0, 350 cm3 HC1, and 50 g NaF, at 50-600C. The test specimens for tensile, bending, stampability, and weldability tests were vacuum-- annealed (at 5.10-3 mm Hg. 8000C, 2 hro). furnace-cooled to 2000C, and then air-cooled. Card 1/3 Binary titanium-tin and titanium-zirconium alloys. S/762/61/000/000/002/OZ9 Tests: (1)' Three test specimens of each alloy were tested for tensile strength and elongation at'room temperature. (2) Analogous tests at 400*C after 30-min soaking at test temperature. (3) Working ductility (formability): Bending angle for bending radius equal to sheet thickness at ZOOG, minimal bending radius for a 90* bend; and btampability at 20 and 550-6000C. This tersting method is described by the authors in Metallovedeniye i obrabotka metallov, no. 3. 1959, 6-13. (4) Ductility of welds obtained by Ar-shielded automatic welding (fusion). Four specimens of each alloy (not heat-treated after welding) were tested for bending angle at ZOIC (bending radius equal to sheet thickness). Details of the welding process are itern- ized. Test results with Ti-Sn alloys (1) At ZOOC the addition of up to 4016 Zn im- Oroves7-the fe-nsile i-trenit-honly insignificantly above that of pure Ti (55 kg/mm?-). but at 8-10016 Sn the gain is appreciable (67-68 kg/mm?-); at 4000C the strengthening effect is substantial: 34 kg/mm?' for a 107*-Sn alloy, as against 22 kg/mm?- for pure Ti. (Z) Elongation has a distinct maximum at 1-35 Sn; the formability remains constant to 4L5O/* Sn and decreases with increasing 56 Sn. (3) Good weldability and elevated ductility up to 6% Sn; bend angle at a radius equal to sheet thickness: 100- I I Oo. Conclusion: Sn - alloying has a beneficial effect on the formability and weld- ability of Ti-allo sheets. Test results with Ti-Zr alloys (1) At ZOOG a 2% addi- tion of Zr reduces the tensile strength r purq;'Ti bi 3 kg/mm4, an 8'16 Zr addition increases it by a like amount; at 4000 the tensile strength is increaaed from the Card 2/3 IL Binary titanium-tin and titanium-zirconium alloys. S/762/61/000/000/OOZ/oZg ZZ kg/mmz of pure Ti to 3Z kg/mmz with 8116 Zr. V) Elongation is greatest with 1-4'76 Zr (probably due to grain-size reduction as in the Ti-Sn alloy) and remains better than that of pure Ti even with 6-876 Zr. (3) Formability is not affected by up to 6% Zr, - but decreases with greater amounts of Z r. (4) Weldability of alloys with 3-4916 Zr was good; bend-test results were similar to those with Ti-Sn alloys. Conclusion: Zr is a desirable alloying element that improves the ductility, weld- abilitF, -and,high-temperature strength of Ti. There are 8 figures, I (unnumbered) table, and 4 references (1 Russian-language paper by authors, 3 English- language U.S.: Pietrokowsky, P., Frink. E.P., Trans. ASM. v-49, 1957. 339-358; Duwez,P., Inst. Met., J., v. 80. no. 9. 1952. 5Z5; Finlay, W. L., et al.. J. of Meta-is, v. 6. 1954, Z5). ASSOCIATION: None given. Card 3 /3 LUMIKOV9 LoPop kandotekbao nax~~-, NOVENA, Y.M.9 inzh- pf7sical and Industrial properties Of ternary titanium alloYS. motalloved. I term, obre met. W-4:31-35 AP 16L, MR& 14:3) (Titanium alloys) s/~aq/63/ooo/oWoWo14e AUTHORS: Luzhnikov, L*Po, 17ovikova, V.N. and Maroyev, A.F. -phase stabilizing elements In TITLZ. Solubility of tho a-titaniim -terwichankaya obrabotka metallo -PERIODICAL: Metallovedgniyo I v no. a, j.963, 3L3 -16 TFXr: The solid solubility of Fe, Cr,,Mn, Si, Cu, No, V and -Ta in a-TL' and in the a-phase of the Ti-65~' Al alloy was studied. by electrical roxistivity and hardness measurements sup?lemontedl Wh by X-ray diffraction analysta'and metallographic on essary, examination. ~ The results are reproduced in Tables I and 2. Thor* are-6-fi&ures and 2-tableise, 0 j_. Key to Table Iv'' I. - alloy system- 2- temperature, C; emporaiiire, hrai. 4 solubility t1M* at t 'of, the alloying element, 2/3 5/1""9/63/000/002/OQ3/014 - Solubility of .... 2193/9383 'Solubility of some elments in Comm T 06, Pat ~ a v U11 as TI-Fe 4W-JO IN-125 0 "3 T i-cf 650 .1 01) 0 T I-me 400 I W 0:4-0 ? I-Me 530 1 25 T I-SI 000-7ft IOO L--7;i 11 ,3-0. 5 U-St so 50 a."j T t-Ca W-4w 12S-Iw 0 T i--Cm 7W 0, 7 T[--MG' 500--m 3-0 Ti-Mo 750 75 3-4 0: 4 t--v 0 125-75 - 0. 2 ~T so 125 G." TI-T& log 75 -Ts I T on 4-6 J. Card 211/3 S/JL2q/G3/oco/oo2/oo3/OjL4 083 Solubility of .... ZJL93/ Table 2 Solubility of some elements in the a-phase of TL-6% Al alloy* 0 Key I alloy system-, 2 - tempqraturej 3 tiMO At temperature, hre; 4 - solubility of the alloying element, Temactmve 9 -C Be Noma% Goo 125 2-0 0 4 TI-A l.-re M-NO 100-75 . , 0.3-0.5 U.-AI-Cc .... ....... GW-M 125-100 0,3-0 . TI-At-Ce . 800 75 0.4-0.6 U-M -An am 12S 0.3-0.4 T 7006-M 12S-15 0,4-4,6 T I-At -31 ............ 0.3-0.6 T r,_A~ ............. . .. 009~700-40 t3&_1011-15 O.s-0.9 . ............ T I-AI-MO. r ............. 75OL-M 7" :2-0.4 7 "1-M ....... 00-750-W -76-0 125 3-12 of ........... d011-750-M 125-73-0 4-6 -Cord L 147a~1-65 V1 VdT(M)/LWP(b)/EW'A (d)/~dN..,) /--'-,P(t) ASD~M'-J~JATURIJJP (a ACCESSION N-R: AT4048055 ',11,T4/JD/MLK ~1'000-0/6411'000, 000 080/008 AUTHOR: lAzhnikov, L. P. I 119-vjk-C-Xa, V-A - , LNIArp ev. A- P. TITLE: Dilatometr-ic studies of transformatio-n-s, in titanium alloys 14 ~- ? SOURCE- Soveshchanive po rnetallyy_g~l,_metallo,,,edeniyu i pftmeneniyu titana i yego -splavov. 5th, Moscow, ITC37.Metallovedeniye titana (Metallography of titanium); trudy* soveshchaniya. Moscow. lzd-vo Nauka. 19C4, TO'PTC TAOS- dilatmnetry, t1tanforn allov, alloy phase transfor-mation, t1tanlum mochaiijeal prope timnlW-D micro;itructUre. utanium alloy ~K ~n JK ABSTRACT: Tlis is part of an exterided qt-jd,~ on. the reaction, of titanium alloys to t~er-rnal treatruent, including a stu(~y of rnechanicai properties and micro6truc!ure. ~ z --- - ., - A ct-ii,,Q ~v~ro rnnAirtP(i nn tho indiimrial L 14319-65 ACCESSION NF: AT4048055 length of aging tabulated for VT3-1. No dilatmnt-tri~- effoot ~,vas seer. in the industrial ailoys upon heading from the quen(:hed st,t(c,,, .viltfl, the exception )f VT3-1 (5i_Al, 1.7% Cr, 2%, Mlo) whieb showed a neganve eifeCt iTl the 2,~.5-400C range after quenching from the two-phase range (84.5Q. 17his points toward, the appearance of the "..~-phase upon diseociation of the .0-phase. A negative dilatometric effect ( LA.,-phase) was also seen in the experimental alloys at temperatures slightly below or above those for the VT3-1 VJ-phase. The correlation ~;f pbase and hardness (Rockwell ii, Ail-I.-A 5JW64 ENCL: 00 NO 06 OTHER: ooi Card SUB CODE:- MP4 LUZHNIKOV,, L,P,; Prinimali uchastiye: ffGVIK0VA,_Y~,M*; IMOVA V.Fe; MARSTF,Vj A. F. Role of silicon in AK4-tyM aluminum alloys (group RR). Alium. splavy no-3:209-215 164. (MIRA 17:6) L 57511-65 EWr(m)/EWP(w)/EViA(d)/T/EWP(t)/EWP(Z).,,EWP(b)/r-WA(c) IJP(C) MjW/JD ACCESSION NR: APS013153 UR/0129/65/000/005/002110028 669.295:621.795:620,186.1 AUTHOR: Luzhnikov, L. P.; Novikove, V. M.; Mareyev, A. P.; Orlovas I. S. TITLE. The effects of heat treatment W- transformations in Ti allays SC~CE: Metal-lovedeniye i termicheskaya obrAbotka metallov, no, 5, 1965, 21-28 TCPIC TAGS: titanium alloy, heat treatruent, dilatometry, coefficient of thermal expansion AESTRACT: Various Ti allcys (VT3-1, VT~, VTS~~ VT14\~ and VTA) v~ere studied in order t:) Eiscertaiz the conditions for w-phase formtion in metastable $-pbAse alloys. BI- ietometric samples were made, and appropriate experiments were completed. The re- sults are given in the form of dilatometry curves, i.e. Al vs. T for samples quenchi.A. frnin various tetweratures and aged at 3,500C~ The. quench temperatures ranged from Cerd 1/2 L 57511-65 AC(T~;SION XR; APSOIaI53 after quenching from the two-phase region. Thus any forming operation should be inited to the use of the alloys in the quenched condition (without aging). In c10% '~ng, the authox% givb juxtaposed hardness and dilatomet "' urves, in order to show -die effects of any phase changes on strength pr r Maxima were observed in ies.k th~, hardness curves, relating the appearance of w-phase and its effects an hardn*ss.,! art. has.- 7 figures, 3 tables. g J ACCESSION MR: AP5013162 A 17 FO, PLuzhnikov, L. P.; Novikova, V. M.; Mareyev, A, P. -IT'-;: Hardenability of commercial Ti alloys ABSTRACT;-.Ih h- 6iliti-ds -6f eight diff4retit commercial TI alloys were deter- The alloys were processed into rods of dilameeters ranging from 14 to 45 um, ~ardenabi ties were determined by the standard end-quench method. After !L rch- e the specimen--i were sectioned and hardnesses determined. The heat -r-2atm,~.Lnt schedule after the quench consisted of heating the samples at one, tur-, soue-c,imes three separate temperatures for one hour each. The results of the -jdy rre given graphically for the eight alloys and their respective treatments. UP, '0129/65/000/005/0053/0056 r)69.295 Ca-,d 1,11' I f~,)7 _65 ACCESSION NR: APS013162 which value, after the hardness drops more slowly. Hardness was related to the \',;,ructural charactgriatics of the alloys upor, heat treatment, &id three separate groupn were distinguishable: a) alloys quenched rapidly to martens k, e n4o f midi lure If oi+ a' (al predominating); this class is applic--able for VT18. VT9 - d '79- 1 VT3 allo,isd~3uenched to form the two-phase ruwture of a+ 6 phases; 14 - ; f Y1:6 rT i ~4"'~' I'e --5)\ c), alloys, in which the a-pfiase is fixed upon quenching; (VT415). Orig. I Zla..I: I figure, I table. ASSOC'i'ATION: none rJUBMIMM. 00 ENCL: 00 i A -M T TIOVIKOVA, V. N.-, Dind B101 Sci (diss) "The pbyalology of the cau-sattli-ve agents ~of nitrogen.fixaiion (Outline of the history of the problem)". Moscow, 1960. pp (Acad Sci USSR, Inst of the History of Sci and Tech), 200 copies (KL, ITO 157,-1960, 133) Alhl Xv rom sn' ut -i (-n by ~.yoe Mulec-,-Alar ss eves a ds r) rp t i o Yeftekh'-nd.ya, V. r:n V` e-l"I ar 1~7-s ~1.11f,lriza-tl on hepta-rle , Zoo- haz been madt- -~f + h, -I -S ro t0 thinphene from t-hept e or 'T A F, ii dy an ill t.,le rq~--e -)f or.. e n t r al~ -.osmc~'. Z q." or.. Of by type -f :cd wit,h zpf,~'. t j~f ard !F~ X ~,~3 t g, W,~ w ?L:! jr s read. ly ad. ,V:~w, t7- t~~ C- s amp e f c,ns ani that f:,,-Tl2 U- ht!Ptane 3f.)lut-q -z' 'e.- 'u-hout an~, from 2~z~o ite i ~i h ophen:E~ i s ver-j p-- Y Y 41.f III!-mg W[th thlophene ~J "rem br-n7,.enci e fl-ri ! n illip en t i re rqnFr7- --n- S h n--; :2: t ab I -s f :,,m I AP500 083 A r 3,11 AN ins t tute -of Phys cal Cllerr--i r, t Lnstttut CCU: ~4P &Lr. ZgDe,Q,, .3 IUIB -j. ~jC AM P P 3 3197 ZHDANOVI S.P.; K13.EIEV, A.V., Y.~. -A. Adsorption of thiophane from eclutim3 ly a7nthe'L rv-a and Ca I'll j - .11 -~ ~' U., * fau'asites. Zhur.fiz.khlm. 39 rto.7*.IT29-*;712 - - (WCRA 18:8) 1. lnatitu~ kWmii ailika-,-ov I Tnatitut fiz4ahaskoy khimd, All SSSR. NOVIKOVA. V. N. "on the microbiological diagwals of bWOsp1rGG1s,," was a report given at an interoblist i3cientific-pracitcal. conference on problem of laboratory diagnosis of infectious "Aasesuhich was beld at the Tomsk Scientific Research Institute of Vaccines and Sera, 12-16 March 1956. 5M la6O P - 237 tvallif-d Y-4" IOVMTA$ W.U. goo Wfect of phystcal factors on local races of the tychoid bectert h 057 (MIRA 111 Shur. aftroblol. em Id. I f or 1956. 1. Iz kafedry mtkrobiologit Tomskogo sedttatnakogo instituta tmeni T.M.Kolotors. (RAMtHRIOM(M) (EMRTHIIIJA TYPHOSA) V Nk MOT IXOTA. - 7.4. Comparison of different methods for the titratlon of the typhoid bactertaphage. Shur.a1kroblol.enid. I iemun.,suppleaent for 1956:37-39 157 (KIRA 11:3) l..Is We4ry e1kroblalogit Tamskogo maditsinskogo Instituts imeni ToKeNolotowas I (BACMIOPEE&GI) (T MAT ION) NOTINDTAi Y.N&;. SAGMAK# L#P#; IGOIFIN,, Role Leptaspiromis In Toast Province. Zhur.m1kr*b1o1.,Wd.1 fautm. 30 uo.11t64-M N i99. (mm 13:3) 1, Is Tommkogo meditslastago Ins%Itqt& I Tomakogo tuatituta vaktain I "Torotot, (ZIMSPIROM epidemiol.) NOMOVA.-LU.; SAGUM, L.P.; IGOIKIM, N.I. 2"wrolm mg ammas of 2~ptooplm infection In Tomk Province, ftvdy fmIZZY8 21#82-45 t66* (NM 2612) lo Tamidy naualmo-diveledavatellskiy Inatitut vaktaln i Worotak, (TMM PROVINal.-LOTOSPIRL) NOMOVA9 V.M.; SAGEYDAK, L.P. KologleAl characteristico of leptospim otralno iaolated In Twak ProvInce. TrWy TWRM ID86-90 160,, - (MM 16t2) L Tmoldy naucbno-iosladovateltakiy Institut vaktsin i syvorotak I Tomkiy meditaluski irAtitat. TTWK FROVMIM-IMWPIRA) NOVIYOVA, VA.; PURIOVA, IN.; KROKS, EJ. Heiraduatlon of leptospiroA3 in ardmals by means of enteral info,-.tion. Trudy TcmNl'(VS 14t86-.88 163. (MIlU 1:7 %1) 1. Kifedra mikroblologli Towleogo meditsinakago instituta I To..,skiy nauchno-issleiovatallskiy inat'itut vaktain i sporotuck. NOVIKOTA, V.N,;, SAGLYDAK, L.P.! VEFSHININA5 T.A.! IC-OLKIN7 N.J. Natural leptospfrosis foetus in SheWsky.7 Distrit~-';, Tomsk Province. Trudy Tom NIM 12*.6,1--1,9 160 (MIRA 16til) 1. Tomek.4y meditsinakiy institu*,~, i Tomskiy nsuohnc-isslado- vatellski7 institut, vaktoin i sy7,orol;6k. SAGAYDAK, L.P.; NOVIKOVA ll-U-~ IGOLKIN, M. The vole Microtus gregalis and the red-backed bank vole Clethrionomys glareolus as experimental Leptospira carriers. Trudy TomNIIVS 14-80-82 163. 041RA 17:7) 1. Tomakiy meditsinskiy Inatitut i Tomskiy nauchno-issledova- teltskiy institut vaktsin i syvorotok. YMCEx AN &1M. Bashkirskiy MW. Khimiya seraorgranichesUlkh soyedinwiy,, v neftya-kh i aeftepro&xktakh, v. 7, 1964, 273-179 TOPIC; TAGSt molecular sieve, adsorption, thlophene, bwzene LBSJ.'RAG,T.- Th6 adsorption of tblopiiene from solutiona of low equ:Llibrium couctm- ,ratl,;w In n-haptame and benzeas wqq investigated. Niraj~ sarfles of type I Z,~Oiites',Wce exudnod to shed 1.4ght on the effeot e stnictural pecuUaritiea and ~ bonding on the absorlJ g propejtiea~of"'.he zoolite8, Coicentratlo'IB 'If t yp a lfl 1 .1 - t tbA iritroduct..Jun of bllnding clays Li tbto _7 43930-6-5 ACCESSION NRx AT5006629 d-.'splare2 molecules olp n-heptann. Thiophane is p0aiti-rely eAsorbed from benzene ,j-6.titionx at equilibrium concentrationx up to 0.05-0.1- and molecules of benzaaa are in midlite cavi ica allng vith thiophow molemUs. Mal wA Cal t zedlitea a" not affective in aepamting thiophene from i3r~enej but they wW be u--ad, even in static conditions, to ooncentrate thiophene from dilute berizene solutions. Orig. arts has# 6 figureso 2 tables; and 2 formal&--: k.~3WIJ~TIOH: Ins'Ptitut fixicheskoy khiaiJi AN S&S (InDtituts of Physical tl!lfzwdsl~ry, AN SSM); VM Hp gJBXITIU t 00 ENCLs 00 WB CODE I OC W, LL- -Card-2/2- NOVIKOVAi V.N.; PURTOVA, I.V. Experimental, lepthapirosis in some-wild rodents. Iodl. zhur. 42 no.lOsl585-1586 163. (MIRA 1602) 1. Departzent of nerobiology, High'MaUcal School of Tomsk. IEDTA, T.A. studeatka III karea. I nv NeLthAwtiml gome Jkt. pro*. nolo.138 157. 11: 7) I.Orakhma-Zvywmkly podagoglebooldy Institut. reer"tio=) ZAIGALLRR. T.A. (leningra&); OSTROVSKIT. A.1. (Koscav); R-11 py,& (Orakhorvo-Zuy"o); ZHMV, V.A. (Taraidavlf): SVDBGD&, A. (Chakhosloyaklys); DMIN, Ts.B. (Koscow); BALASEF~ Z.B. (Kascow) Problem of alemetary mthamtIcs. Kate pron. no.l.-219-224 157- (MIYA 11:7) (Nathewtics-Problem, exerclses, ate.) SXOF~."TS. Z..&. OSTROVSKIT, A.I. (Mbstc.,n); 133SKIN. L.R. Ofostcva); BALK., U.S. (S-01nnst); BORM. M.V. (Wvmv); WK07, A.H. (Balm); GRAIME TRITA, Z.A. (7bilisi); (Ore!m`hO7G-Zuyevo); DUBNOT, Ta.B. (Mbs',Vla); ST30MUIT. S.B. Mskwa); MAVIN. L.P. MMN-IYHV, P., (Stavropol'); CHMIUMMI, D.L. (Grjj%SSR)-, As.W*,ITOT, U.N. (Taroslnvl1)-. OOLUSN. V.A. (Kuvshinovo); MAL11"IN. V.V. !%,Lenlmc~rad); DAVYMV, U. (Go-,--ioll); ROW-TIM-MG, V.I. (Tenft!~rad); TIKEORTOT, F.G. (Khrarenda); ROMMICHU9, 1Y.A. (Mwrlkov); FIRLOS, R.A. (14askva); O(x,AY, S.V. (Frunce); ROn.-BMMOT. F.S.; B;-MSHT-t.YN, A. (Mos!cm); ARItAZAROV, V.L. (Mbskwa) Solutions to problemso thtpros, no.h:253-270 15% (MIRA 12:11) (Math emat lc 9--Pi-oblems. exercises, ate.) KRUTIKOV, K.T., inzh.; GARIKOV, LA.,- kand. tekhn. nauk; ITTEMERG, I.A., kmd. tekhn. nauk; priala-li uchastiye: TAMMROV,, A.Xi'~W'-otarohiy nauchmy notrudnik; VOLKOV, N.V.,, otarshiy naucbnyy sotradnik; KURTSMAN, L.B.,, starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; BOGATYMA, H.I.0 alsdahiy nsuchnyy notrudnik; ZABOLOTIMA, G.K., aladshiy nauch- nyy notrudnik; le A shiy R;u.. z1adshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; AIELSEYEVA, T 1.9 z chnyy sotrudnik: PETROVA, I.A., =lad hiy nauchnyy motrudnik; SEDELINIKOVA, A.F., m1adshiy nauehnyy sotimdnik; KATKOVA, T.I., inzh.; ZELEIIKOV, P.A., inzh.; SIDOROVA., L.94 starshiy laborant; KALASHNIKOVA, V.M., staishiy laborant; VOUIMINA, A.Ye., starshiy tekhaik; USPENSKAYA,M.B.p starshiy takho; YEPIFANOV, T.K.,, starshiy tekhnik fOrganization of the shipping of transit cargoes on the Volga- Baltic Sea Waterway.] Orkanizataiia, perevosok tranzItnykh gruzov po Volgo-Baltiiskoam vadmm puti. Yfoakvas, Transport,, 1965. 109 pe (Moscow. TSentrai*41 nauchno-issledovatel'skii institut ekohomiki i ekepluatataii vodnogo transporta. Trudy, no,40). Protective-actLan of phenols and their substitutiou products In the oxidation of -styrene rubber by o27gen. Vestal AN BSOR. SonflS.-takh. A 3:45-50:160 (MIRA 13 *-9) ay. be 0, p (Phenol) (Rubber. Artiftolal) NOVINDVA, Ye.B.; UMLtROV,, M.G. of the vagus nerve an the coronary blood flow. gardiologiia 2 -no,U11-30 Ja-F t62.0 (KIFA 15'-5) -10 Is:-Iaboratorii patolcglabeskoy fisiologii i laboratorii daystvitelInago, c AMR SSSR X.S.Vavid Ingitituta terapii AMI SSSR (dir. daystivitellayy hisna chlen AM SM pr6f. A.L.'H'wnikov). (VAGUS IMM) (mmD.- YURIYFVP S.44~~~ Measurement of the coronery blood by the bubble, method. Kardiologiia 5 no.1:79-80 Ja-F 165. (KMA 18:9) 1. Laboratoriya eksperimentallnoy i patologich-skoy fiziologii .zav..- prof. m.G. Udellnov) Instituta terap'ii (direktor - prof. A.L. f~rasnikov) AMN SSSR, Moskva. NOVZOVAO TO.B. I- Meat of adrenaline on the cormary blood flow, Kardiologila 4 no@ 4t12-16 Jl-fe 1 64 (PIRA 19d) I, Laboratoriya *ksperimentallnoy i patologicheakoy fislatogn (ZaT. - profe M.G. t1dellnov) Institute terapil (direktor- daystviteltnyy chlen AMIT 388R prof. A.L. Kpanikov) AM 88SRj Koakwa. Submitted February 23, 1964. NOVIYOTIAN Ye. Ch. "The Characteristics of the Cardiovascular SYSten in Premature Infants According to Data From Clinical (lbservationd of Blood Pressure and Cand Med Sci, Acad I-led Sci, ~Josccw, 1954. (M- No 7, Feb 55) SQ: Sum. No. 631, 26 Aug 55 - Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertation Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions. (14) IIOVXWWA. Te.Cho kBad.ried. nauk JUctroc&rdjogMhfc characteristics In promaturo Wants during thotr. first three months- of life. -PladlatrIla 37 no-7:4944 J1 -590 (WA 12 -01 10) U U: lamiltutA pedlatrit AM SM (dir. chlea-korrespondent AM SM pr-of*O X. COMAM. ,In provisturs, W. (RUG)) IICG (Ras)) l~JMVIKGVAz_X*Ah..f (Mcskmv nabm.aortkagor d./,/22,1 kor.A. _W~9)ii _CHUXZVA*._L-~P-#_ kan& mg&~ QlAical- Awd. W-n-agical diag=siz of Congenital heart defeats In childrem SisenowngerIx Complex. Vast.. rerit. L rad. 35 n6s.:01642 54-160o. (MIRA 14:2) 4-is Instituta. pediatrii AMU SSSR (direktor -,deyvtvitellnyy chlen AMN-43SR Wof, OiD. Sokolovw- ov4aa*' ) L Institute. grudnoy P reva AcI11.11=1119. AW MR-(direktor $.Ae Kolemnikov). (HEW--ABK0lV4ITIW AND DEFORMITIES) NOVIKOUt.19.Ch.9, 'Peculiarities of the cardiovascular systes In premature infants during the first months of-life* Vop. ckh. mat. L dot. 6 wei''2409-4 F 16L (MIRA 14:2) 10''1s I.Astituta peaatrii AHN SSSR (dir. - deyetvitellayy chlen OR SISSR -prIof, 0.11,.Sokolov amw'PonICmMv110 (INFANTS (FFMATURS) (CPRDIOV.ASCULAR SYSTEM) STUDERIKIN, N. Y&.; NOVIKOVA, Ye. Cb.,; UMMSKAYIL, R.A. AmImental. results of research work dealing with the pregel. vation of the health of newb6ft and prma~utv InfamU during 19&1-1961 and the tasks of further studissi, Pkidiatrila. 41. noeUx 12-16 N t62 - (KM 17 94) 1. rz I~stituta pediatrii, ( dir. - dotemat 14. Ya. Studenikin) ANN SSM DOLETSKIY, Stanislav Yakovlevich, prof.; LENYUSHKIN, Aleksey Ivanovich, kand. med. nauk; AFAIMIYEVA, V.M.9 kand. mad. nauk; GOLOSOVA,, T.V., kand. med. nauk; YERKOLIN, V.N.1 KALAKKAFffAN, A.A.# kand, mad. nauk; KRUCHININA, 1,L.# kand. mad, nauk;-,.KOVINOVA Ye.Ch.p kand. mad. nauk; YEGOROVAI A.M.; O3TRCMOR9Vk:W-,---TONI=SKAYA, B.M.; FRIM1M, R.A., red. (Pyoinflammatory diseases in newborn infants] Gnoino- vospalitellrVe zabolevaniia novorozbdennykh. Moskva, Msditsinaq 1965. 282 P. (11IRA 16: 8) MOVIKOVA -.2 sell skokhozyaystyennykh nsuk. Y4t.hcd for feeding tomatoes =.der MIMP io,3:79-82 "55o - , I - LMmatoes) Vortillsers IrrigatIono Refecauchi rub. (PURA 9: il) end manures). No vrl< Y6__ - D - USSR/Cultivated Pleats. Fotatoes. Vegetables. Melons M-5 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol.,, go 1. 1958,, No 1591 Author Ye. Inst iro-V Given Title Nonroot Supplemental Feeding of Tomatoes Orig M Nauka i peredov. opyt v, 195T., No 6,t 45-46 Abstmct During tests made by the Canning and -Vegetable Debydration InAustrial Institute, the effect of P, K, N, B on the to- mato crop and on the &y matter conteat ia them, has been studied. When spraying the Stalingradakiy varietY 5-95 OW liters per hectare), the best results were attained by applying a solution of superphosphate and ammonlizz nitralue: the average crop rise was 61%; the superphosphate and potassium chloride.increased the 12%; H3BO I by 28%. T12e dxy matter content was increased sole3,v by using a mixt;ure of microelements. Spraying with 1% solution of EM04 checked the growth; a 0.04% soluttion increased the yield. Card 1/1 I.N.; ovitmi. WTIMVAI re.r4; UTRUS N.I. cauxes of the incruptatlon of InUreat satwator MUS witir cauium oulfsto. dopositso Wil I khIm. no*22t3Z-36 160. '(K= IN22) 1. Yanchno-Imals"Tatol Isidi'Ins t1 tilt banovwy khlmll, (Coke Industry-By-1vaducts) (Amonla)