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NOVIKOV, Tq. .-kand. eel I skokhosysystrennykh nauk, red.; EZGUCHV. A.P..
wi~ -A
eel Iskokhosysystyawqkh nauk, red.: TOYMMU. 1.V.. red.:
M OTOTA, A.F., takhn,r*4.
[Cattle] Kmnyi rogatyl skot. Izd.5-oe. Moskva, Gos.isd-vo
gellkhos.lit-r7, 1957. 342 p. (Agrozootakhnicheakie karay. 2.g.
obuchanita) (Km 10:12)
JQU= Aft4wA2~mlrmm;drexlch- 130BYLET, P.G., redalctor; PATWTA. M-K,
tekh&Lckeskir r , or*
LPrisciplas Is raising purebr*d dairy cattl*J Qsnovy chistaperednage
rasvodoniia molochmago skota, Moskva, Gos.lzd-vo selllhoz.lit-ry,
1957. 235 P. (MLRA 10:6)
(Dairy cattle breading)
_R .6 B101. 56 .2
4, T Parm a.-
hOOk f mt,10--thenElre
Orik Pub.: 1957 No -4 --!51~
Abst][44t ksilutes. certain statemmts. made bjr A',Y&., NLI&khovskiy
I .
_. I ~.,
:LI4 ii-not
Jbtch the highest of ~ selection
ndta pkdcidizre.'~ ARW~ and se-
d aradning factors fdr Improving'& breed
lect, on4re, at
tlmid~vi -vhd- onsiders
Y_ to t a OpInIon. a . kly
that _iiitfio" of itiisinj and
feeding the tock are
young a
o'classification at' of breeding. 3m,_
are AIW. consideration of the
(i&ich, made without
VTIMX %age -Alelcoandr-Inh; BFAMMOT. M., red.; BXIWT& A# Ile, takhn.
Ermq-mwing ank producti9n and butter fat ci=tentl Povysheids
udolnostj I xhimommloometl 1wrov, Nookwa lad-wo 'Inanie,
IL9580 30 Ps (Toosoluance obihchesit'vio poi rasip'rostranonlin politi-
aheakft i nauchalich owdi, S~r,5~ noozo). (KKU llsS)
NOVIKCV~ Te.A.. kand. asl9skokhozyaystvonnykh nauk.
On the proper attitude toward the legation of classical f1gung In
aulml actenema, ZhIvotnovodstvo 20 no,4:89-91L Ap 1580 (NM 11f))
(Stock and stackbreeding)
NOVIKUT. TsA..dokbor ae1'akokhozy&yatvennykh nauk
Ivalustion and selection of bull sires* Zhivotnowodstvo 21
no.1:65-73 J& '59. (MU 22:2)
(Cattle breading) (Bulls)
dak.tor a9ItokoIchozyay&tven?T1,,h nauk
New beef cattle broads in the United States. ZhIvotmTodstwo 21
no.5: 87-M Mr 159. 22:7)
(VuIts4 States-Beef cattle)
G.N'. s7t; ivc
(General zootecluW] Obahchaia, zootekhniia. Izd 3N parer.
i dop. Moskvaj, Sellkhozfzdatt 1963. 534 P. ?14 RA 17:4)
C--irgence of a Ametional Taylor's series for t1he characteria.
tic functional of a randcm field. Usp. mat. nauk 19 no.6:195-197
N-D 164 (MIRA 18 -.2)
Air spraying of heavy liquid fuels. Trudy TSNIIV-F no.60:
62-73 '64- (MIPA ISU)
LL~-1-1-7-66 nn(m)/T Di
ACC NR,AP6025686 SOURCE COEE: UR/0413/66/000/013/015~3/011537
MWMMR: Privalov. A. I.; Illichev, V. V.. Kovalev. N. I.- Novikov. Ye. D.; Sizov
M. A.
ORO: none
TITLE: Device for checking the working substance in a closed hydraulic system.
Elass 72, No. 183626
SOURCE: Izobreteniya, proqrshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 13, 1966, 153
TOPIC TAGS: hydraulic device, hydraulic engineering, hydraulic equipment
ABSTRACT:#An Author Certificate has been issued for a device for checking the y2rjjq
substancekkin a closed hydraulic system. It consists of a main pump, a booster tank,
and pressure.signaling devices mounted on the pressure and suction lines of the main
pump and connected to ft elmd 4*wljc *stm To automatically compensate for working-
substance looses in the hydraulic system tne signaling device mounted on the pressure
line actuates a hydraulic pumping cylinder to replace losses., and the signaling .
device mounted on the suction line turns it off. The pumping cylinder is equipped
with a terminal switch which signals the amunt of liquid fed into the system. ESA]
SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: 19Maar64/
card 1/1 NJ a PDC: 623-451.8
AUTHORS: -Novikov, Ye.F. and Sinitsa, S.P.
TITLE: A method ofmcasurfng the semiconductor diode imped-
ances at a wide range of bias
PERIOD!CiU,: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika,
no. 6, 1961, 23, abstract 6 D143 (Nauchno-tekhn.
inform. byul. Leningr. politekhn. in-t, 1960, no. 3,
TEXT: The method proposed is based on determining active and
reactive components of the complex admittance (CA) from the ampli-
tude of the voltage across the CA and phase shift between the mea-
sured and the resistive voltage. The alternating source voltage
U is applied to the CA through a standard resistance. Balance am-
plitude modulation of the voltage obtained at the CA is applied in
order to improve the accuracy of measurements. The voltage at the
CA'together with the resistive voltage is applied to a phase detec-
Card 1/2
A method of measuring... D201/D302
tor. Depending on the phase shift between the resistive voltage
and U (0 or 900) at the output of the phase detector, the amplitude
of the modulated voltage (MV) will be proportional either to the
active or to the reactive component of voltage at CA. The modulat-
ed voltage is then amplified by a narrow band IF amplifier. Its
output voltage is measured by means of a synchronous detector, in L/
order to increase the selectivity of the arrangement and to make
possible determination of the phase sign between the active voltage
and that at the CA. The arrangement permits measurement of the im-
pedance of semicorAuctor devices when the amplitude of AC signal
< kT/q, the polarity of the biasing voltage beirZ arbitrary. The
method described has several advantages over the usual bridge meth-
od. Results of measurements of CA of alloy semiconductor diode
(carried out at 112 and 2700 mc/.q)are given. I reference. I-Ab-
stracter's note: Complete translation.2
Card 2/2
L 10784-67 VIT (I RO
i ACC IqR=.P7OG3490 -------
..Yja_* Give
,.-AUTHOR.-,.-. bvik -Fbzde7_eYa, A. G*; Stonov, L. D.; Bakuwnko, L. A.
fx0Vkcv;.Pozdey Eastern scientific Pt~, -Institute of-Parbon C~
search idstry_
UMOV; Bt&dmewmp
y initituth is
cientlM R6sWX!jh MM#Jjtjd0 - of - Chemf n,,1 Y,,IMA nf pl..t
Mi3soyamyy nauchno-laziedavateltskly jutitut kbimdche
M. kh. aredstv zashct~ty
TITLE: ~Investigation of the herbicidal activity of sgod- and
pf :the... pyridine, serie a
-40URCE'; Khimiya'v selfakan khozyaystve,,,v. 4, no. 6, 1966, 35-37
~T'OFEG TAGS: Pyridine, veed.killer,, organic synthetic process, agriculture crop
A serloii'.~f 12 sod. and thiosiodcarbazones of. the pyridine ' aes
synthesized and tested for herbicidal activity owmheat and radish undo
laboratory. conditions. . 1V was established :that ~ -the *Pboiological activity of
..tho.thiosemicarbazones, sapeci&W.the 2-derivatives, is substanti&Uy higher.-.
-.:A: detera.thAtion'of the po2arographic reduction am oaddatian potentials am
their comparison with the herbicidal acUrLty 9f the compawAs showed no
at relitionship,, inaGetift that, ~ the Wridine tkiwardearbazones do not.
take direct ' part , in the =j&tj=.%--6dhj"j4n I esssg * t occur
a= 'ha In p2ant
Xtissuin. -ALP"Sib"llfth&l"aof_..thehii6laida tMoead..!
action Of 0yridins
Vislow-Muca of Intierma Q~awlsz IDMPG!Mft~ with
0 1 -
5 (3) SO'1/79-29-3-20/61
~AUTHORS: . -:Yesaf6vt V. lot Stashkov; L* 14, Sirotkin, L. B*j
Suvorov, A. Lot
TITLE: Onthe Characteristics of the a,P-Unsaturated Ketones. VII
(K kharakteristike a,P-nepredelfrykh ketonov. VII)
PERIODICAL:- -Zhurnal obahchey khimit, 1959F Vol 29, Hr 3; PP 845-849 (USSR)
ABSTRACT,: The present paper is issued as first publication of experimental
data on the hydrolytic cleavage of the aliphati6 aromat!-,o
a,P-unsatdratdd ketones containing an aryl radical which is
directly combined with the carbonyl group. Ketones of this
type were obtained by dehydration of the P-ketols which had
been synthesized according to the method of' Grignard, V. and
Colonge, I. (Ref 2).
H 1 6 5 3)Mg' I '
3)3 C - C-- 0+ CH3CoAr - ;0. (CH 030-C-CH2 COAr
Experiments with respect to the hydrolytic cleavage of the
P-ketols were carried out as well. The data of table 2 show
Card 1/2 that the 0-ketols are far more unstable than the corresponding
On the Characte.?istice of the a,P-Unsaturated Ketones. VII
alp-unsaturated ketones and prove to be more sensitive to very
Weak,hydrolysis teagents.-Besides, the bahwrior of the P-ketols
in--the hydrolysis differs from that of the %,P-unsaturated the fact that a change of the NaOR-conoentration
exerts a,slight influence upon the cleavage intensity of the
-ketols whereas the hydrolytio cleavage of the a9p-unsaturated
ketones is c6nisiderably influenced. The rate of hydrolysis of
the Aliphatic aromatic-ketones investigated increases signifi-
cantly when the NaOH'doncdntration is increased from 0.01 to
0.1 n. 8 P-ketols hitherto unknown were synthesized and de-
scribed. It was determined how far the hydrolytic cleavage of
the-o-ketols ind at the same time that of the a,p-uneaturated
ketones develops and it was proved that the latter separate but
little HBr on bromination. There are 2 tables and 4 references,
2 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Ural'skiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Ural State University)
SUBMITTED: February 18, 1956
Gard 2/2
V, 38847-66 P-,1.7P(J)/9aF(m)/T lip(c)
ACC NRs AR6011877
AUTHOlt Novikov To G,; Volkova 11. 5~1, &Ikova G. re.
TITLES Preparation of oarbazole-phenol-formaldehyde, rosins
SO=z Ref. zh. Khimiyaq Abs. 16S322
REF SOM(Mv Sb. Xhim. produkty koksovaniya ugley Vost. MR. Vyp. 2. Svoidlovsks
TOPIC TAWS- phenolformaldehyde, phenolic plastic, resin
ABSTRAM Me cionditions of preparation of carbazole-base novolac rosins were
studied In d6tail. 2id choice of the conditions for the preparation of oarbaftle
forx4Utes In easily extractable lamellar form was detemined by using pure cakbk-.
Zola wid.,vArIdks.'--qaant1t1ea of fomalin and HZS04. The following opti*um condItj0WL-.-,i~__i
for the lorepwition of fomolitas were founds carbiazole/formalde6y6 molar rat"..''
equal to 1/39'awtount of H93 in the aqueous phase 2%9 consumption of HZS(4 (d
11-1?_% of t4t&,I-oharge# acid diluted to a 50-60% concentration. A now nothod was,':,"
developed for~prvparint novolao resin by condensing the carbazole formolito
phenol wA,.foritalin while heating the reagent mixture on an. oil bath at
didti 114 zig'off -tho water,, and gradually raising the taxperaturb to 130-1*0.
nical and dielectric properties of P1.95sed, prod a
1df the mocha ~tctg prepared
azo14v_phond;-f*z=2dftd* -rosins with fibekgLLas finor; given. Thp b1gh
Organic insactofungicides. Part 76: Synthesis of some new
derivatives of aarbamic acid.. Zhur. ob. Khim. 34 no.6:1779-1780
is 164. (HIRA 17:7)
1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issladovatellskiy institut khimicheskikh
aredstv zashchity rasteniy.
SHERPAIKOV, MlkhaIil Grigorlyevieh; FISENKC, Vitally 191dorovich;
NOVMV Ye van---4"- YURCHEM, I.F., lnxh., red.;
MANIN,:I.I.,, reteenzent; KOLTUROVA, M.P., red.; VOROTNIKOVA..
LF.,, tOkbn. red..
L gee of.track maintenance workers; manual]Oplata truda v pu-
tevom khoziaistve; spravocbnik. Pad obahchei red. I.F.
IUrchenko. Moskva,, Transzheldorizdat, 1962. 185 p.
(MIRA 16:2)
SHCHMMKOV, Mikhail Grigorlyevich; FISENKO, Vitaliy Isidorovich;
NOVIKOY eyjqn~y Ivanovicht-YURCIU21KO, I.F., lnzh.,, red.
-DMU'WA, M.r.0
(Wages in the maintenance and operation of tracks# buildings
and structurea; a manual] Oplata truda v khoziaistvakh putt,
zdanii i sooruzhanii; spravochnik, Izdo2o, perer. i dop,
Moskva# Transport, 1964. 309 P. (MIRA 18:4)
Ogff=IN, K.A., kand. coil akokhois.nauki Prinimell uchastlys: BRUIXOT. Pa.,
naucks" notrud-I ; BUKTMSIVA. 2.T.. nauchDyy sotradn"r: ITIN.
1,A,, ksnA*sol'ikokhoxonaxk; ZCTIKOT& Yo#4*; KARPUSEIM, Aol.1
MitrIKOVA. 74.49, aspIrantki.' TAPIM8. red.;. PMKOIPIUWA*
,,N takha.zed,
Effew to make the transition to monetary wageso, aid to collective
form absirsong economists. and accountants] Kok poireitl no donesh-
nuin oplatu; v pomoshchl predsodatellan koMoxoYq kolkhosaym sko-
noaletan I bWcbpltsran. Koakvs. acs.lsd-vo aellkhos.lit-ryg 2960o
55 pe (NIM 13:6)
1. Moscow. Vassoymnyy nanchA*-Issledavotollskiy Institut skonomW
ellOwco khasymystya, 2e Otdol, noxvirovanlya I oplaty truda Too-
oymanogo nanchno-isoledovatollskogo institute. skonomi ullskoge
khosysystva (for Brulkawg, Rnpntgevs,).~ ).j *Tsevoymmy nsuohno-Issle-
davotallskiy Institut skonomi sellskogo khosymystva (for Telf1movs)o
(Collective forms-Income distribution)
ZGUT, Moisey Abramovich; ~IOVIKOV, Ye.S., red.
[Visual alds in radio engineering] flagliadrye posomila po
radiotekhnike. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Moskval Izd-,,ro "blviazi,"
1964. 319 P. WIRA 17:8)
NLI~1.011 e,,I,~, aspirant
.Z_X_ L -
Classification of causes of th6 wear ~~f roll ing-c ontac t bearings
of mine car chutes. Izv, DGI 4-1-pt.2,i36-39 1.6240
Influence of the %aslity of gromne on the coefftc-ient of
r6sistance in the beiir,Lng a,3sembly of iiane cars.
lbid.T40-43 (KPA is-.9)
eizip~rart-, ~':*VIrll~'.S."IA,,
trackn w-ith larit, J nill, prof r~, IV 7
65-68 16-~*
ACC NRtAP6027$28 80U= =gi W0240/66/0(10/002/0057/0058
AUTHOR: Novikov, Yu.; Abramova# L. N.
ORG: Moscow Scientific Research Institute of Hygiene im. F. F* Erisman (Moskovskly
nauchno-issledowatellskiy Institut gigiyeny)
1ITLE: Use of the extraction-photometric method with arsenazo, III to detect
uranium in urine
SOURCE: Gigiyena i sanitariyap no. 2, 1966v 57-58
TOPIC TAGS: photoelectric method# excretiont rabbitp uranyl nitratep uranium
ABSTRACT: In using Paley's photoolectrocolorimetric method with the reagent
arsenazo III, the relative error does not exceed 3.3% in the absonce of inter-
f0ring impurities, The iuthors used it t* deteredne uranium ip t4iq daily
iurine of three rabbits over a period of about three imokhas' During this"time
f the animals received 10.000 micrograms of uranyl nitrate daily in 100'zil of water r
;introdue-ad into the,gas4--ointestinal tract with a sound. The rabbits excreted
,on the'average 10-5 micrograms of uranium daily, or about 0.1% of the daily
intake of the substance. (This finding is consistent with the re
sults of the
experiments of Chapman and Hammons who found that cows excrete 0e5% of the
daily intake of uranium with the ration). During the 15 days following.
cessation of poisoning. the amount of uranium In the daily urine was over
I m1wagrant but fell below I idarogram dw-ing th4 next 10 d or g. art. hgg:
1 f-1gure*
SUB C0;jt O~7ESUBH DATE: 24Mar65/ ORiG REF: OOl/ OTH REF- 001
Card 1 MG: 616.6_32.791~~7 .54*&12.463,3*546.791
f-W,117 IHJWII
GORCHAMKO; D.T., kand.tokhn.nauk; BRODSKIY, V.Sh,, inzh.; DROZDOV, VoLor
V,,.. YuJ&q, inzhe
Scraper plows for coal mining. Kekh. i avtom.proizve 19 no.3.'14
Mr 165. (MIRA 18:4)
GORGHARENKO, D.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; DROZDW, VA., lnzh.; J&VIKOV, Yu.A.,
inzh.; BHCDSKIY, V.Sh., inzh.; KOZLOV, M.D.; GLTJSHAK-C-V--,-
Using plow scrapers in mining coal seams dangerous because of
sudden ejections of coal and gas in the Vostochnaya Mine.
Ugoll 40 no.107 Ja 165; (MIRA 18t4)
1. Donetskiy nauchno-issledovateliskiy ugolinyy institut
(for Goncharenko, Drozdov, Novikov, Brodakly). 2, Glavnyy
inzh. tresta Proletarskugall (for Kozlov). 3. Glavnyy inzh.
shakhty I'Vost-chnaya" tresta Proletarskugall kombinata
Donetskugoll (for Glushakov).
GONCHARENKO. J3.1., kand.takhn.nauk; DR02-MOV, V.L. inzh.; HOVIKGV, Tu.A., inzh.;
BRODSKIr, V,Sh,, inzh.; - PSTRENKO, -Saraf BARMV,,, lu..E.
sorapsr-plaw extraction of ver7 thin and outbreak-prone