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VOYEVODIN,.V.V.; NOVIKOVA IOV. Progm for finding the charactorLatIcal polpml4l or 4 m4trix, Vych. met, i prog. ls266-AS 162. (MIRA 15A) (Matrices) 1. N.OVIKOVA2, 1. Ye 2. USSR (600) 4. Fish As Food Studies on the iritamin B1, and BZ content in certain co=ercial fishes and in whales.j, Hyb.khoz.v 28p No.11, 1952 .IICVIKGVA# K. [Novykovap K,jp nauchW sotrudnik bWove water-supply systems in rural areas of Lvov Pravince. SIV*, bud. 21 nool.-22 A 161o OM 24:3) 1:,,Kafedra gigiyeny pLtaniya i kominallnoy gigiyany L'vovskogo aedditAnskogo institutst. (Lvov Province-vater supplys Rural) U LEYPUNSKAYA,, D. I.; YERFUZVAp yeOROF MOVI.KOVAI K.A.; FRUSLINs Hadi=etric metbod for controlling oil saturation in the studies of bubble point oil flow In bydrohynamic models of P=011~ mwdLae Trwy mi no.-io:349-356 157. (MM 24:6) (oil reservoir engineering) IRYPUMUTA. D.I.; PRUSLIN. Ta.A.; TnPMYA. Ye.R.; NOVIKOVA, I.A. Radioactive method for studying the displacement of fluids from porous media. Trudy MI 12-.361-367 158. (MIRA 22:3) (Oil field flooding) (Hydraulic modeling) 110VIKOVA,,.E.F.; BASARGIN, U.N.; TSYMOVA, H.F. Hicromethod for the determination of sulfur in organic substanies with carboxyarsenazo,, a new indicator for the titration of S04 - ion. Zhur.anal.khim. 16 no.3:348-351 1474o 161. (KMA 24:6) 1* Ta. V. Sesailov Scientific Research Institute of Fertilizers and Ineactifungicidesp and V. I. Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistrys, Academy of Sciences U.S.S.R.,. Moscow. (Sulfur organic compounds) (Hicrochamistry) 110VIKOVA X.F* Study of the incidence of myocardlac infarct; according to data collected La Sverdlovak. Sov. zdrav. 22 no.6:22-25163. (MIRA 16&9) 1. Glavnyy terapevt g6rodskogo otdala zdravookhraneniyalAverd- lovsk. (SVEMLOVSK-HEAW1-- INFAWT ION) .,C-CIESSIOX MR: AP5015W rR/,-)C, 63/6b /ooq/,-x)5/b 554/b 560 AUTHORs Sovlkova Determination Gf pesticide residues In plant material Vqesoyuz I,: r-.a r n -noye khtmichsakoye cl)shchsistvo. Zi n 6~~ 55 -,-es7icide a[~r culture I' ';iew 04 the ronst-11' opi? ~ age , a r r3( (:nem Lca 1 r L or -tcction. whtch are vpr~ ttax"-, rii~ de o terui;n~,.ti,on of --tvtif:ide r-esidues ma,-er~al is extreme1v i;rgPro, 7%, f. ' Gwlhols of det.ervainLng ~ZutB ta made on the basis of te fo iia n PQ C i E ic as POS 8 i b) e, 3 U f f tc i P (I t I Y3engl--Ivr~, and 'lie vresenc4P hntfa minitnum tnfltien-, on tilde resul(-S OF qnslys"a. M -. AP5115Vo ~tt of individual compounds i,, D,,, anti r a 541 f one Uldr-in and dkeidrLn. 300 , phygon 4,4,-',-tpt~ochIorcIipheny! suIfone), i?,,tter sulfanste o il,~ p zoyl oulfanat copton (N-triciLioco parothion) and tmth~yl ar%a'ogq -8 ide cmrbophos, sevin, zinel, ,'rAn- a ffiane~ itsama-lioNt none aJFj,.fl:Ml 00 .W; REF SOV I oo 6 ENCiA cic. T B CODE: LS GC omm 16o JFRS - ------------ ~OvItOTA:,: by. --Abot-, hur. riihid. KM 2 WI,W. and M-20(1953) RzeQtr,opfc: mfxts. carx accarnplbbed. by -meth6d-olstepwiieitctificatfoitatz lot ~Iifferint pressuiis without'recourse'to acfdrt~ of m 3rd com ponent. -Thk of comon of --A rk PP9L . awwroplemixt.on pressurcand Im- principle it appffcnb[~. to; ra v binary inbtt., - Th6 ecandmy of t withincleam fit diffierchec O(cominw. Of ucotropt MOT p Sum. . Rectificiii1od'ataybe bat& 6rc~tE~Uous. Atnetfio(E' 'for computatiow of %~cohilnuous rcetificatiort for min and Ma3" b,-P. aze0trople SyWnz t% presintC4. Result% of ex- rk WREL M, inixt.- of vvmter-formtc -acid and HuOTE- N u d ni, V., Z z !Iu W aM, yen-" - 7 :rv 9-. T , IMIKOVA, WAMIIIv U.N. Volumetric adcrcawaysis of su2ftw In organic compoun" vAlag &-new carboa7arzonaso ind1catoro Trudy Nom.,aml,1424- IN 7 V' (MIRA 16*3) -32 163. 2 (Swfwr--Aw1YGis) (Sulfur organic compounds) NOVIKOVA8 K. re. NOVROVA, K To.: "The separation of biraLry azeotropic mixtures by t-av-stage rectification at two different pressures". Moscow, 1955. Kin Health USSR. All-Union Sai Res Chemicopharmaceutical Tzat Imeni S. Ordzhonikifte., (Dissertation for the Degree of CarAidate of TECHNICAL Sciences) SO: Knishnaya Letopial No. 51, 10 December 1955 IM&M. A.G.; IOVIXOTA. ftavation of the sIxture cyclohazanano-cyclobazaacto Nodoprow. no.1 t24-26 Ja-Mr 955. 8:5) I..Vsesq=zWy nauchno-loslodavatiol'okLy khtalko-farmateftichookly last ltidlmo~d go OrdskoulkUse. (dyanoXAM, cyclobazanone-dyclahazanol mixtures, s"ratton) AN The ali.. ~tm '4 1 .. r C V j /C: C~' tl--Iq~ YI:n-. MATRADZI, A.G.; MOVIKOVA, Separating the mixture ethyl acetate - ethyl alcohol, Ved.prom. 11 no-803-36 Ag '57- (NIU 1a:11) I* Vassoymnyy nauchno-isslodavatellakiy khimiko-farmtsevtichaskiy idetitat Iment B.Ordshonikidze. (ETHYL ALCOHOL) (ETHYL ACITATIC) (DISTILLATION) AUTHORS t 112yJkDy.Qj K. Ye-0 Natradze, A. G. Gi,-50-2-7116 TITLE,: Graphical Com~_Otion Methods for Binary Azeotropic Mixtures (Graficheskiy metod rascheta binarnykh azeotropnykh smesey) PERIODICALt Khimicheakaya Promyshlennoott, 1958, IIr 2, PP. 38-41 (USSR) ABSTRLCT: The advantage resulting from two-step rectifications at va- rious pressures for the purpose of separating binary azeo- tropic mixtures suggests the necessity of a 3imple method of investigation at random pressure. Since until now no practically useful theoretical method of determination has I'een found the method for two pressures mentioned in the title is described. A rectangular space diagram is descri= bed in which the three parameters are represented by pres= sure, boiling temperature and mol-percents, the latter be= ing put down in mol-percents as abscissa, the reciprocal value of absolute boiling temperature as ordinate, und the logarithm of pressure on the z-ooordinate. The modification of these thre; parameters can be represented as a straight line which can be projected on a plane, and which can be Card 1/3 used for mathematical deductions, as is shown by the au= Graphical Computation Methods for Binary AzeotroDic 64-58-2-7/16 Mixtures thors. A simplified method for the determination of the two-dimensional analytical geometry is described accor= ding to which the authors investigated 30 systems. From this can be concluded that the range of pressure changes at which azeotropes form is different for various systems. The continued change of composition of the azeotropic mixture according to the change of pressure is charac. teristic for all systems, the ranges of change, however, being different for every system. The data of azeotropes at random pressure can be represented graphically, just as well as the pressures at which the systems become azeo= tropic, and the concentration ranges within which an azeo= tropic formation takes place. A method of approximation for the investigation according to azeotropic data with a certain function (pressure) is also mentioned. Then the dependence of the azeotropic composition and of the boi= ling temperature on pressure is investigated. The results computed coincided with the experimentally obtained error limits tolerable in orientation computations. There are 3 figures, 1 table and 9 references, 4 of which Card 2/3 are Soviet. I Graphical Couputation Methods for Binary Azeotropic 64-58-2-7/16 17ixtures ASSOCIAT1011z Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovateVskiy khimiko-farmat3evti. cheskiy institut imeni S~ Ordzhonikidze (All-Union Chemim copharmaceutical Saiantifia Research Institute imeni S. Ordzhonikidze) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 1. Lir*uids-Thermodynamics 2. Liquids-Temperature factors 3. Pressure vessels-Performance 4. Mathematics Card 5/5 MMOTA. F.T**'; XAZUMUO AsGe ftmph wthod of calcu2atlug binary aseatrople nUturos, Rhim, prom6 no;2-.102-105 Nr 10. (MA 11:5) 1, Teenoyuznyy nawhao.-Issledovatellekly khjmjkcp-farmatgertjchGGjdy InstItut lmtd S. Ordshonlkldxe. - (Assotropes) NATRAME, A.G.; ROTIMTA. K.Te. DehydratIon of tortlary butYl alcohol. Ned.prom. 12 no.4:3-3-16 Ap 158. (MIRA 11.5) 1. TsevoynsW nauchno-Iseledovottelskly khtmiko-famatsevtichaskly institut imeni S. Ordzhonlkidse. (BUM AIZOROL) GEWPEhINO N.I.; NOVIKOVA,,K:.Te. J~opar#ticn of azootropic linary sixtures by meam of graduated rectificatiou under twa, varying -pressures. Khla. i mod. no. 12:72- S!r ~59. (MIM 13:10) (AMMPFO) KOVIKOVA, x1re, I . amphoamlytic method for caaculations of double azootropic mixtume Edim, I med, no. 12:85-105 159o1 (MMA 13:10) (Azwmns) ,!~~I~KOVA, K.Ye.; KONDRATIYEVA, N.M. ,61!. Liquid-liquid equilibrium in the ternary system acr-.,Ionitri-le- methanol-water. Zhur. fiz. khIx. 39 no.6-.1432-1434 A 165. (14IRA 18: 11) 1. Vaesoyizinyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy vitaminnyy institut. Submitted March 10, 1964. L 09019-67 Fan (m)/MiP(w)/Fj4p(t)/F.Tj jjp(c), ACC Mt AP6027798 SOURCE CODE. Urt/0126/66/022/001/0138/01401 AUTHOR; Mi ..Wnov 0. ;5,. S!yiakov A. D.;:Batenina, 0. L; Novikova, K. Z.; Danielyan. T. A.; Tyulialov, Y-j. M. 0 ORG: none 3? TITLE: Effect of oxides on the D propgties of rjoly~qcnum SOURCE: Fizikametallovimotallovedeniye, v. 22. no. 1, 1966, 138-140 TOPIC TAGS: molybdenum, oxide formation,, brittleness, metal grain structure ABSTRACT: Oxygen is a harmful impurity in molybdenum, inducing its 9mbrittlement at low temperatures. However, the causes of this have not . previously been elucidated. Northcott (Sb. MoUbden, pod. red. A. K. Katansona, Id., HL, 1959, str. 52) claims that oxygen is present inMo in the form of the oxide MoO 2, but it would be more correct to assume that the composition of the oxides is not- unambiguous and should be expressed by the formula Mo, 0 . To investigate the behavior of molybdenian oxides during heating and cooling, an oxide Z'se in composition to that of MoO was obtained following, partial reduction of the polymorphl C 0 2 oxide MbO3. The obtained powder was pressed into 1040 mm. briquets and sintered in an argon Crd UDC-. 54L45+539.56+546.77 ACC NR: atmosphere at 1000"C for 6 hr. After this. the oxide's coeffiaent 0 of linear expansion at high temperatures (up to 80001,C) was measured with the aid of dilatometers, and its phase. composition before and after sintering examixted by x-ray structural analysis; ~d roentgen- or,rams indicated that, the compositen of the investigated mdde corresponds of Mo 0 0 ' ~V) 3* An analysis of the temperature dependence of 0 (coefficient of linear expansion) showed Q at from 150 to 20*C the value of 0 for M02 03 sharply decreases. Any further decrease in tem- perature, however, leads to a sharp rise in 0 . Considering that a similar anomaly is observed for MoO,,, it may be assumed that axis effect is characteristic of molybdenum oxides ingene- ral. These findings also serve to elucidate the effect of oxygen on the properties of Mo with de- crease in temperature. The mean 0 for Mo varies from S. P 10 6 at' . O*C to 5. 59-10-6 at 500-C (Teplofizicheskiye svoystva veshchestv, sp-ravochnik pod red. N. B. Vargaftika, M., Gosener- goizdat, 1955~); the 0 for the oxide is some%iiat lower. Moreover, at