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LUKASHEVICH, le.F. [Luka3hovych, 1E.Kh.);. N(%VIK(I;VAI,, A.A. [Novykovit, A.A.] - -~ -1- - -.- - - Changes in water-soluble proteins In the muscles after denervation and tenotomy. Ukr., biokhim. zhur. 35 no.2:195-201 63. (141RA 17:01) 1. Department of biochemistry of Dniepropetrovak Mjdical Institute. DUCL CODE. 101 -711bonki-), P. YL.; Miristich, A. D.; 1uhra:;hoyIch, Manzon,_S. M.; A. A.; Shchosno, T. Yu.; Zubonko,__L-_P_-_____.,, Biochemical changes in muscles of dogs following amputation and replantation CP .of an oxtramity 'SOLRCE: Rof. :~h. Biologiya. Part II. Abs- 91232 WURCE: Tr. 1-go Mork. Vied. in-ta, v. 42, 1965, 135-141 TAIGS: do-, tissue transplant, musclo physiology, do-soxyribonucleic acid. .ribonucloic acid, phosphorylation, organic phosphorus compound .ABSTRACT : Extrenitio3 of dogs wore xmputfated and kept at room temperature for 12 hrs or on ice for Z to 24 hrs. In 1 to 2 hrs nitromen as well as phosphorus !notabolism, disordors appoarad in tho muscles. Phosphocreatine and ATF levels dolcr':ased. and inorganic phosphorus and water soluble protein levels increased ivdthout affecting fraction ratios during, the first hour; in 2 hrs the myogen level 'idecroased. Changes of phosphorus compound levels wore similar in extremities kept on f iice for:2 hrs; levels of water soluble proteins and their myqgenic fraction increased land their phosphorylase fraction docreased. Twonty-four hour cooling led to the same ichanges. Phosl;hocreatine and AW wera almost completely broken down. Nucleic acid L 09082-67 NR: IJ&28909 'lavels- decreased si ho level of inorganic phosphorus Increased mnificantly and U A. ,considerably. In moso the general levels of inorganic phosphorus, phosphocreatine, ILT?, water soluble proteins, myosin and collagon decreased in the replanted ext-tremity musclos. P-MA and DNA levels rose. In a year the general levels of nucloic acids, ~RNA,, MNA, water soluble proteins and their fractions were normalized. Fhosphorus ~co.-J'Pounds, particularly phosphocreatino. ATP and inorganic phosphorus. were poorly !restored. In 5 to 7 yrs the levels of nucloic acids, itator soluble proteins and linorg-anic phosphorus fractions wore completely restored in the extremity muscles; 1colla-en and myosin levels were partially restored. Phosphocreatine, AT? and general I U iphosphorus levels remained considerably reduced compared to norms* Ektremities k t Ke lat room temperature for 2 hrs failed to accrete. N. So J-ranslation of abstracyt. SUB CODE: 06 ZUBENK09 P.H.; MRISTICH,, A.D.; IIJKASHEVICIi,, K.F.; HANZON, S.M.; NOVINOVAI-A.A.; SHCHESNO, T.Yu.; ZUBENKO,, I.P. Biochemical changes in the muscles in dogs following the amputation and replantation of an extremity. Trudy 1-go MMI 42:135-14+1 165. (MIRA 19:2) 1. Kafedra biokhimii i khirurgii detakogo vozrasta Dnepropetrovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. IL"Wo A.D. 9 kaud.~biolog.wuk; KAMVAt K*Vot kand*biolog.n=k;, NDVIKOTAV A.F. Composition of milk obtalmd frm cam of the Ilvestock section of, the agricultural experiment center In Gorki Le -4-k:Lyo,. Agro- 929 1600 OMA 13 s12) bleloglis. no.,6023- is V#Oiooyusrqy nambno-ionledovatellskly Institut W-iotwwodstvag g.:Nookwa. (Gorki Lenluklye.-Agricultural experiment stations) (Milk-Compbaltion) 119~I~91A A.G. Basic characteristics cf soils in the Aktyubinsk par". of the Suburral Plateau. Izv. AN Kazakh. SSR. Ser. biol. nauk no.2:45-50 163. (MIRA 17:10) GAMATMOVA. A.P.:.,-f(CVIMVA, -A0..- --. 11- .:,:- ", 7- --.;. - - - Resistance to oil of the banding with the 88-11 adhesive. . ~'- I-Kauch, i rez, 22 noel2s36-39 D 163* (MRA 170) 1. Nauchno-losledovatellsidy inatitut resinavoy proWshlonnostio_ BROU.5HUYN, L.A., kand.tekhn.nauki YiauchM sotradnik; BILIBIN, I.T., nauchnyy aotrudn1k; KWITCHENKO. Ta.P., nauchW sotrudnik; UVIN. D.M.. nauchnyy sotradnik; NAMEWIN. B.N., nauchayy notrddnik; VOTIKOVA. A.L. nauchny7 soti-adnik; PORIZOVKIK, A.N.-S nau A.*., nauchnyy sotradnik; XUYETA, KOK., [Operational and a-4nomic evaluation of truck-trains of various composition] Ekspluatatsionno-okonomicheeksia oteenka avtopcezdov razlichnogo sostava. Moskva, Nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo avtotranap. lit-ry. No.l. (ZIL truck train) Avtopoazda ZIL. 1958. 58 p. (WRA 12:12) 1. Moscow. Nauchno-Inaledovatellekly institut avtonobilinogo transporta. 2. Ilauchno-issladovatellskiy Inatitut avtomobillnogo transporta (for allexcept z1veva). (Automobile trains) BRMSffM, L.A., kand.tskhu-nauk; KVITCHMMO, Y&.P.: NOT11DIFA, A.I,& Prinimal uchastlys: YJWT' YU.I.; ISM. I.1., KARTMe SOL*$ red.; GALWICKOVA, U.N., takha-red. (Operational and economic evaluation of motor-Tehicls trains with diverse fozmtlonj Ikepluatateliono-okonoodeshakela *tN~zka aVt0- poexdow raslichnogo sostava. Xogkwa, Aytotransisdat. Ifoo2o 12ba GM-51P tractor with the PAZ-744 semitrailer] Tiagach GAS-51P a polupritsepom PAZ-744- 1959. 41 P. (KM 13:3) 1. Moscow. Rauchno-Insledovatellekly Institut avtomobillnogo transports, 2o Sotradniki Nauchno-Iseledovatel'skogo Instituta artolmobillnogo transporta (NIM) (for Broushtayu, Ivitchanko, Novikova 3. GlavVy Inzhefier Uprayleniya torgovogo transporii Glaymeavtotrauss (for Lesov). 4. Rachallulk otdala ekgpluatatsli Mostorgtranna (for ItkInd). (Tractor trains) KROPP, LA. (flovosibirsk, u1. Chaplyginal d.109, kv-5); M=1~0' A.I. i Extraordinary resistance to anesthetics and relazants. Vest. khir. 89 no.10:113 0 162. . (MM 17:10) 1. Iz Wavasibirskogo nauchno-issladovatellskogo instituta tuber- kuleza (dir. - zaaluzhennyy vrach RSFSR kand. med. nauk M.V. Svirezhev). NOVIKOVA f A. I. Age-conditioned chunges In the Ion contwit of murvle More awl their relation to the mambrane potential. Fiziol. zhur. 50 no.r.' 626-630 My 164. (141RA 18:2) 1. Wedra fiziologii cheloveka I zhivotnykh Gosudarstvennogo uni- versitetap Khar1kov. NOTIMOVAs A.I.; RLKI.'ffXT3VA. N.A. Problem of treatunt of thnsotoxicas Is with radioactive, Iodine. Sovet.I.=d* 23 u9s2z-222-12ft 1 0". (MIA 12:3) 2. Xx. reaftmo-radiologlobaskago otdola (vAudhW. rukovaditell - kwx& m*A.I;v&,uk- V.I. Ntra'v) I, terapewticheskuy kliniki (nawbmWy rWwvodIt*II- chUn-korrespondent ANN SSSR prof. NS. ffo2db&nW) " Moskov*ogo ob2ast- nogo ~nauchno-lasUdovataI46go klin'tchaskago instituta In"i !(eye TIAdisirskogo -(dlr, - ku& % ui*4 upak PJL Leonanko), OffpWMMWIDISN*L (IODM, radioactive ther. of brperthyroldien (fts ~~GRAWVSKIT, V.k., kand.tekhn.nawk; 1OFFINA, E.M., Starshly inzh.; NOVIKOTA, A.I., ~LUdshiy nawhnyy satrudn&; SKOPIE007A, V.M., sotrudnik Inten4fication,of the clarification off sulfite 31quore in the eawtielzing sholls of sulfate pulp faetories.- Trmdy LTITSBP noollt73-82 (MIRA 16: 10) KOREMMv I.M.;,NOVIKOVA, A.M. Reaction of jrttrium salts with disodium phosphate. 'Drmiy po khlm.i kbim.tekh. no.l*.87-89 163o (MIRA 17,12) Name: NOVIKOVA,, Anna Mikhaylovna Dissertation: Poems of Russian poets or the 19th century In national verbal creation Degree: Doc Philological Sci Affiliationi Moakovskaya Oblast Ped inet Defense Date,, Placet 29 Apr 55j Counoil of the Inst of tiorld Literature Imeni Gorlkiy~Acad Soi USSR. Certification Date: 8 Jun 57 Source: B14VO 16/57 NOVIX07A, A.Y., ataraftisr nauchayv sotrudaik r------------- 11~~ Culture of quInce In the Chechan-Ingush A.S.S.R. Zons. I ov. pros. 14 nd.7.-42-43 a 159. (HIPA 22:9) l.Opytno-ealaktolonnaya stantsiya, "Mayale. (Chachan-Ingush A.S.S.R,--Wnee) UOVIKOVAj A.U. ----nkmlim in a Ugh-WId culture. Nonsoi oreprom. 17 no. 6:31-32 To 162. (MIRA 150) 1, Opytno-BolektsionnMa stantaiyu mKa7mk* Vsesoyuznogo instituta, rasuniyevodstva. (Chachen-Ingush A.S.S.R.-Fruit culture) (Canning and preserving) 3031.D07. ?.O.; YLYSETS7. zaaluzheanyy cootekhaik RSM, zootakhaik po plemennoy xrsbot6 Poultry husbandry ca the *Gorki 110 State Farm. Ptitsevodatvo. 8- no. 7:10-15 JI 158. (NM 11:8) 1. Direktor sovkhoza *Gorki 110 (for Sosedov). 2. GlavVy vetvrech sovkhoza "Gorki 110 (for Tevueyev). (POURU) NOVIKOVA, A.N. T!, Information. Tekst. prom. 24 no.4:94,95: Ap 164. (M-A, 1. Zamestitall Dredsedatelya flauchno-tekhnicheskago soveta Gosudarstvennogo komiteta po lagkoy promyslilennosti prl ~'osp)~inj SSSR. PARSHUTINt..CloVos profe; RWANTW7A. Ye.Yu., nauchi*7 sotrudnikil TSMY,, L.L,, naucV.W sotrudnik; YEVSEM, U.K., zootelclhni NOVMVA, A.N., zootakhnik Erfect of sme amino acids on sex formation in fow2. Zhivot- nowMatwo 24 no.6:89-93 Je 162. (MM 17:3) 1. VueqoyuzrWy institut fiziologii i biokhimii aellsko- kho's stvannykh zhivotnykh (for Parshutin, Rumyantseva,, Testov . 2. Sovkhoz "Gorki - 110 Mookovskoy oblasti (for 7evveyer, Novikova). NOVIKOVA. -'Iskmandra Nikalm vn4;LARIU, L.K.,r"aktor; KIMANOTA. N.A.. ye Eatrivift for now and progres Ir " hoda; production agporlen a 10 an& *$iii'vork In 2.1ght Industry]. T b r1be sa novas. pqredqvoe; is ~PyWPr*#v9dstvOnu*-=sG*Tql bet GO prodpritattlakh logkol i pritweAd6nnesti. ~Sskwa. lsd-vo%ossft Ptefisdat. 1956i 61 (NM 10:4) A**'tarl TS.entrallnoge koaltetaprof-voymns rabschikh t I ok:# h-livy I lackey Prowsh2snubsti. ftwtntwof)- TrAVA- AlArmanArm... WINKASPIP , KOCHMM, Vadim Vadictovich; ZMLIZITOTA. S.I., takhalcheakty re"ktor [As guests of textile workers of Uruguay] T gostiakh u takstill- sholdkov Urugvata. [Kookwa] Izd-vo VTvSPS Profisdat, 1956. 75 p. (KEBA 10:3) (Ruast4-Rielatione (General) with Urogumy) (Uroatw-Relat tons Oeaerml) with Russia) KIMLEVSKIY, V.I.; KUSWU, V-V.; UOVIKO'IA A.P.; GETSOVA, I.N. -4--.- ~pl Antifungal co-pmnds. Fart 1: Dialkylaminoalkoxydiphorqla and fluorenones, Zhureorg.kWm. I no.2z262-263 F 1055. (MIRA 18%4) 1. Urallskiy filial Voesoyuznogo natichno-issladovatel.tskogo khlai'ko-farmatsevt-oheakogo instituta iment S.Ordzhonikidze. NOVIKOVAS A. P. "Method of Fixation of Histological Specimens," Inste ftthols-& ThWapy*Of Intoxication# Acad, Ued. Sci, USSR So: Arkhiv. Patol., Vol. XI, No. 3, 1949, uncl. and 1949 Letopial Zhurnallnykh Statey No. 23, iten 17169 Im AIO(1j1raV4r k,~.P, MOVIXOTA. A.F. Answer to the criticism of A.L. Shabadash of the now method of fbation of h1stoladcal sections. Arkh. pat., Koskwa 12 no.6: 49-50 Way-Doe 50. (CUM 20:4) RT~ Nfavt -y USSR/Hy---n rnd Ani=nl :or1nholq_ mnv ne. Prtholo4wl) Ly:~ h S-4 PyCtC:iI Abs Jour I Rer Zhur BioL, No 12, 1958, No 55124 Author 1%!qv*iovr Inst Iijr-liostm InstITutG of Modicino Titlo iThe Eftoront IT--phIntic Voesols of the Htrrn Spinvl Oolum Orig Pub Sb. nvuch. tr. Drgoct. :-ad. in-t, 19550 6, 285-286 Actrvat tThe rnrto.--7 of the offormt ly-ph?tic voscclc of tho porio- Actv md of the hw-vn vrrtabrnl colum H--:-cnte tire studicit ra irall. rs the connection of therc ligr:-,ants with :-rin ly-,phrtic collectors fn~ the vonour syrtc.-. The in- vcstigvtions were pcrfnr7-cd on 12 oorpcon recording to th4 71.0thad,of G.U. rodfov. rt wra ostrbli 'ehad thTt the cf- fcrant ly-iv rtobrcl colw,.n oriGinrtQ ph-tic vc.-solr cf the vc An the Irph-Ale-c-pillery nottlork of the pariostow- -n& of the Intorvortcbr-l divas rnd flow into tho lyiph-tio grngliom iftch ~nro loortO in the proxinity of the rib nuelco. Thu bi sl; c-.--rss of portg-nglionte vaesols flovfs into the thorvoic Onard 1/2 21%); 17(c) EEL= r NXT cTwrrA=MK MT12%6 6 VA Caufm=e m teLe Eltu*W Ilato of At-la Ka4rcr. 2t. 4-mm. ,a"Uklft wam3th; c"labloDWIs I radl-Uldraq% wg4ltdtm cu af 9*wtot sclomtfAltas Macblolaa N" ON&Iwtt*m mactm) =-1. N*acm. tffiff~m GUT. mir. go loplIummalim stawy enrgtI Pt S-W nj~%.t- SS=. 1%9. (Swft"' in 6ownsl BLS A.T. tobWWRGUY, Cwrwpmdln Nmbw. MIG Ac~6W Or Oft"I . Sele~ ILt CA. Mirdxas T4A. SLs To.l. MmIl. mawl Mo to* id Ut"m ftr o"lotme, f4ift"a", ad uglaw" w "U " for f - fte 4"Asaft a "n" Am nua%louw we "nou" ""doom tnot. U" Wrallms I or a (I-low at of folm Glum*& W "IftUOA 44 00 ft"A IMM"14001 009"40" GO *14 f4ft4ft %IG dt 116010 *me# b" $%I"- I'Mo 10% to seem. "Um I a"" %y *-14.- -f oft-I PMWA= at Uw Wf.Z.UW aa r . MOM", -go, oft"Ww" of ffs"muse ft Neu and, ~14 I-w%ftt ot glatum ot glal"AI'm twe"" Woo de ~, .,a ftr ". U 41" s tb"op""t Nunn". wu ONTV Ift we ar"I'm ftegift "It Utda by plaft, me Umir e ftw f U i , ' " loom eaft to, . $CIWygw, NA 0.4. Nardw 9ft" 414M. ,c ""U04 am) Gas lp k"Amw% go rAt. mid 0"" (Ovem W. am) of Aff4ft aMgaUft ft MM In W10 0g NOVIXOTA,g- A. Women are a grsat force In the building of commmism. Okhr. trada I mote.strakh. no*3:29-31 Kr 159. (NIRA 32: 1. ffskretarl TSentrallnoce Xmiteta profsoyus& rabochikh takettl1noy I l6gkIay promphleanosti. (WOMM-ftloyment) TOTIXOVA, A.P. (Lenlagrad) UscoadManed secretion of the salivary glAnds In peptic uUer. FMAZI01. I skep.terap. 3 no.5:70-72 3-0 159. (mm 13:3) 1. ;z terapertlobaskoge otdolsidya (savedvrashchly - S.P. laylkam) bolloltay twat YWalua (nwhqy rukovodltell - profs Ye.I. ?Suker- shtsyn). (SALIVATION physiol.) (PVTIC ULCER pbysiol.) , VOTVWA. A*P*-, TOSIMIMSKIYP S.P. [deceased] Bme charwteristles of the development of offspring of dogs ex- posed to radim fission prodwts [with awmary In Tmgllsh]. Ked. rade 4 noo2:15-20 P 159. WRA 12:4) (RADIUM. effects. off rftg of dogs exposed to radium fission prodo (RUM ZAYA. B.B.; ZITYMT. 11.1. BMUIM, Lj.; - MMI, RWT J). I.; IMMMUT, N.A.; nBLYA KOSIALP, Vu. I.; I BOWTOUri Tu. N.; SEMLIrSOVA, mr. f Tate aequelas, Ot lesions induced by radioactive substances ju SIM3Ll doses applied in a chronic experiment. Ked. red. 4 n0.30-6 Kr '59.. (KIBA 12:7) (ISOTOM, effects, renote seq. of W. b7 9=11 doawof radioactive enbetances in animals (Hu)) NOTIEDVA. A.Pe. xasluzheunyy vrach RSM (Leningrad) I------------------------- Qzalltatlve composition of sallve, In peptic ulcer patients. Trach.delo noO100093-1094 0 159. (!MA 13:2) 1. forapsyticheakays otdolenlys bol In1tay Iment Lanina. OWIC IUWIIR) (SALIVA--AN&LYSIS) --ItOVMVk, L.P. (KoskM) Pboullaritles of local (=tausous) reactlous In offspring of Irradiated dogs. Pat.fIsIol.okep,terap. 4 no.1:28-32 A&~F 160. (KIRL 13:5) 1. Rmkowoditell - chlen-korreqmudent ANN SM prof. N.A. Mmye"kly. (RADUTUN Urms). (KIT Awslol. ) PMSI A.A.;, IKOVA, A.P. ?athological anat6k7 of wuto and subacute phases of radiation sickness in,jenimal stposed to'uranium deampasition products. Made rada- 5, no.4s43-47 Ap 160.1 (MIRA 13:12) (UMNIM.-ISOMPES) (HOIATION SICKFMS), ,P.; MELIYANOVA, 11.11. NCVIKaVA, A Gendon in hypertension. Sov. mod. 24 no.4sl2l-126 lp 160. 1. rz trattyey- terapavticheskoy kaffedry (zav. - prof. B.V. Ill-inskiy) Leningradskogo ordena Lenina inatituta usovarshenstvovaniya vra,~hay Ix, 4,14. Kirova i to obOyadinaniA bollnitvy im, Lonim (glavarf vrach V.3 RazumMin). NUVOLFIA) (MEIRTONSION) 5/0481~2/026/OOT/014/030 B1.04/B138 AUTHORS: Vvedenskiyt D# Ye., Shekhobalovap V. I., and Novikova, A. So: TITLE: The mechanism of the influence of "third" elements on the results of analysis of aluminum alloyb PERIODIdAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 26, no. 7, 1962, 896-699 TEXT;,As shown in an earlier paper (L& Ye* Vvedens-kiye Izv- AYSSSR, Ser-'fiz-, 4, ~27-0940)), the influence of Si on -determination of Cu in Al-Cu alloys subjected to spark excitations is shown by.a sudden change in intensity at-j2 weight ~*. It was then &as 'umed that a structural change in the alloy'altered the conditions of entry into the, spark. To test this, the influence,of a third element was studied in dependence on its concentration. The influence of the S.i,oontent on,log(ICu/IAi) d:epends in a complex manner on the ratio between1Si,.the number of Si atoms, aLnd N -, th I are the line intensities. Cu e number of Cu atoms. ICU Al This;functio-n has very stable extremes. At. NSj1NCu 1/5 the influence Card 1/2 S/048/62/026/007/014/030 The mechanism of the influence of ... B104/B138 of Si is shown by a sudden change,which produces a low on the curve O"log The compou"nd corresponds to this ratio. At (TCu/,Al) Cu5si NSi/1TCu-,-J1/4~, to which the alloy Cu 31 S1 8corresponds# the curve jlog(1 shows a peak. a. function of 11' IN has Cu/'Al) d/1og(1Mg/1A1-) as. Zn U9 a minimum at IN. wO.01. As N approaches-1/2, 't he irf luence of n Mg Zn/xbfg, Zn is vanishing,-.There are 3 figures.. Card 2/2 NOVIKOVAI, L. S. Cand. Geolog*fineral Sei. Dissertations. "Fracturing Property of the Rocks of Middlx Timan.4 Inst.of Geological Sciences, Acad. Sci. USSR. 28 Nov 47. SO-. VechertWWa Moskva, Nov, 1947 (Project #17636) 15-57-5-612? Translation from: Referativn y zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 5, p 61 (USSRJ AUTHORS: Offman, P. Ye.,-~ TITLE: Structure of the Tuffaceous Stratum in the Southern Part of Tungus Syncline (0 stroyenii tufogennoy tolshchi yuzhnoy chasti Tungusskoy sineklizy) PERIODICAL: V sb: Vopr. geologii Azii. Vol 1, Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1954, pp 556-567 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic Entry Card 1/1 AUTHOR: Noviko 1 SOV/11-59-1-2/16 TITLE: On the Problem of the Tectonic Position of Riphean Volcano- genous Rocks on the Russian Plateau (K voprosu o tektoniche- skom polozhenii rifeyskikh vulkanogennykh porod na R6skoy platforms) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya geologicheskaya, 1959, Nr 1, pp 9-29 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The latest exploratory and prospecting operations on the Russian Plateau showed that, at the end of the Riphean time, the following tectonic parts were already formed: A) moderate- ly elevated parts of the crystalline foundation - the Baltic shield, the Voronezh, Ukrainian and Volga-Ural crystalline blocks. B) the grabens of the Onega and Ladoga regions, filled with Riphean formations. C) the grabera-like Pachelma, Kreattay, Kotlas and West-Ukrainian depressions. Riphean sedimentary rocks fill these depressions in the crystalline foundation. D) the ledges and the depressions of the drystalline foun- dations of the South-Western Belorussia and Western Bash- kiriya. Only small deposits of the Riphean rocks were found on the ledges, and large ones in the depressions. E) the Card 1/3 Moscow syneclize, where Riphean rocks again cover the crystal- On the Problem of the Tectonic -the Russian Plateau Card 2/3 SOV/11-59-1-2/16 Position of Hiphean Volcanogenous Rocks on line foundation. F) the Belorussian anteclize, where Riphean sediaente,form layers of little importanos. The Riphean volcanogenous rocks were mostly developed, along the outskirts of the Russian Plateau and along the borders of depressions. All the above mentioned sections of the Russian Plateau are described in detail by the author, who comes to the conclusion that all volcanic formations of the Russian Plateau can be divided into intrusive, effusive and tufaceous rocks. Rocks of intrusive appearance are formations of gabbraic series. There are gibbro-diabases of the Western Bashkiriya, gabbro- norites of the East Tataria, and Volga region and the gabbro- biotites and gabbro-pyroxenes of Belorussia. Effusive forma- tions are represented by various equivalent rocks of gabbroic series, diabases, dolerites and spilites of graben-like do- pressions, of-Western Bashkiriya, diabams4n eastern part of the Volga-Ural block, basalts, andesit - asalts and diabases on the slopes of the Voronezh crystalline blook. Tufaceous formation by their compositions correlate with the rooks of basic series and are represented by variodi clastic~r_'Ocks. They were found mainly in Western Belorussia and near SOV/11-59-1-2/16 On the Problem of the Tectonic Position of Riphean Volcanogenous Rocks on the Russian Plateau Arkhangel'sk. Summarizing, the author states that all vol- canogenous formations in different parts of the Russian plateau belong to the same petrographic series. The following geologists are mentioned by the author: N.S. Shatskiy, B.M. Keller, A.N. Geysler, A.V. Kopeliovich, S.V. Tikhomirov, I. Ye. Postnikova, Z'.P. Ivanova, A.I. Zoricheve, O.V. Kraaheninni- kova, A.S. Nakhnach, A.M. Dymkin, L.F. Solontsov, S.S. Ellern, V.P. Florenskiy, T.A. Lapinskaya, Yu.I. Polovinkina, Ye.M. Lyutkevich, and R.I. Peysik. There are 4 tables, 1 map and 31 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONt Geologicheskiy institut AN SSSR, Moskva (The Moscow Geological Institute of the AS USSR) SUBMITTED: May 5, 1958 Card 3/3 Nothodstor plotting geological profiles. Natod.izueh.tekt.struk. 1:56-114 160. (FWRA 14:8) n 1o (Geology_-Maps) MUMOVA, A..c!- Tentnnir, Pc;silicn of Jigienati formations in thip Russlen Platfora. Ti-;j-Jy (129 no.93.,54-80& '63 (MIRA 1-7 26) KOVIKOVA, A.$ Structwe of the Russian Platform in the Proterozoic. Geotaektonika no.1:61-73 Ja-F '65. (WRA 18: 5) 1. Geologicheakiy institut, AN SSSR. ,-X-MMA&A&2s.- Iffoctiveness of phosphorobacterin in xolls of Kastanny ProvInce In connection with methods of tillage. Agrobiologila no.4:60"12 - -Ag 159. (ERA 12:10) le7devorusaff nauabno-Iseledovatel'skIr Inst1tut sel'skokhospystvanroy mikrobiologli, g.Loningrad. . (lustanar Pi-Ovince-Soil Inoculation) (Till") NOVIKOVA, A.T., nauchayy sotrudnik Simultaneous disinfection and treatment of seeds with phosphoraiA.- terin. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 7 no.U:26-27 M 162~ 1- (KM 16&7) 1, Vsesoyuznyy inatitut ael'skokhozyayatvennoy mikrobiologii. MOVIKOVA A T Mechanized method for using phosphorobacterLn. SexledeUe 25 no.4t7l Ap 163. (IURA 16: 5) 1, Vessoyasnyy nauchno-iosladovatellskiy institut sel'skokho.;- Spystvannoy mpikrobiologiL. (Bact*ia, Phosphorus) (Soil inoculation) APT004649 (A) -SOURCE CODE: FJR/0432/66/000/001/0009/0013 iuRuj: none Kossovskiy, V. G.; Gukt' K. No; Sadovskiye L. V.; NovikorA"j JTITLE: Unit for controlling operations in a special-purpose control digital 'compute r K& upravleniya, -13 SOURCE: Mekhani. tsiya i avtontatinatmiya no. Is 1966, 9 'TOPIC TAGS: control computer,. digital computer, computer research _~~WABSTRACT: A list of instructions to be realixed by the -computer serves an initial 'data for designing the control unit. The 14Ltter cam rises: (a) clock-pulse unit. -P (b) micro-a"'ration contriol circuit, and (c) operation decoder. The clock-pulse 1juat produces pulses and sequentially distributes them among its trunks. The Control circuit handles microprograms consisting of 38 micro operations (a IQ- I'Cold UDC: 661,142.63 NOMOVAS A.Y. Locall sad form of cytomagaly in newborn. Infants and during the first montlis of their life. Vo p. olch. mat. i:'det. 7 no.1:42-46 Ta 162. (HIM 150) 1. Iz patomorfologichaskoy laboratorii (zav. - d6ktor .mditainivldkb nmk L.O. Vishnewtskaya) Nauchno-issledovatellskago pedlatricbmakogo inatituta (dir. - dcktor mednm* A.P. Chernikovar zam.direktora po nauchnoy-chasti - doktor med.nauk prof. N.R. Shantin) M4n' tva zdravockhraneniya H3FSR. (VIM DISEASES) (INFANTS-DIS SwulLovs K.P.; GRWA, L.T.; NOVIKOVA, A.Y. p1wbing and, defollAtion of forage bea;w In *meow Frovime. UwJedelle Z/+ no,,7:31-35 J1 162o (KM 15-.12) V6680yusnyy nauchno-issledovatellsidy institut.kormy imni TOR-* Villyu-ma, 2, Chlerk-kamspoident Vassoyumay akodenii sel'skokho"86yetyenafth nauk imeni Lenin& (for Yelmukov)o (Ko'scov Province-Beam) (Defoliation) ~MTIKOTA, A.T. licorAosle efficiency In the production of carbon disulfide by the electrotherml method, Uim.voloko no.,104-45 060, (MIRA 13:6) 1. VassoyuxM7 nauchm-losladovatellakly institut iskasstvenaago vololmao (Carbon disulfide) NOVOSELOIlAs, R.S.; BLYAKHER, I.K; NOVIKOVA, A.V. Disorders of cardiac rhythm in f1bro-slastosis. Gore-zhur. no.12s 86 D 1630 (MIRA. 17:3) 1. 1z detskoy klinichaskoy bollnitsy No.2 imeni'I.Musakova. IIOVOSEWVA,, R.S.; E=HER, I.H.; NOVIKOVA, A.V. Disorders of cardiac rhythm in fibroolastoola. Vo okhro materin. dets. 8 no.l: 86 163 &IRA 17:.~) 1. Iz detskoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy No.2 imeni I.V.Rusak-ova. 70 -4vw 4 J~ A, 4"'-co Air ~f 9 ".-0 U a it 1; 1* 0 Aja 6 ft x 17 L- It, 11 1. 54 0 kit itut: ti u .1 k ck Ibis, it no c#ue& id dw in *a floW-96do (beftood-d I t(w tImMmicnt. the JpKttoMjajwt.- (A the 114M RJVCV *AICTAnt *ItAl 4W&%~ NO% In A Oil jwAllt whVire ftme Acca. Arc xub*tva to the mcs,tv tytw of -"I biatmition, Th& kAds 10 IhV fCjMtTAIi(JU UI IIIIV mAI ioachctwwua~ Analylk-AdAis uepirewntidmi the tylw .11 -.L.41t% ducivig the dilkirmt suctg. the m(mativilt of ~Mxv Do AGIO, toe, CLAMOICATM411 zoo V Ok :'-~T~t--~.--' ~-' .-- - - -, 44fWa; -40 110 %M NNW At, -6 17- Alp 93 Ls v T" a It. It 9 Q2 3, 1 00,040 000 0-0 Ole0e, 0 Os 0 si~so oe oisoeo~'. oe, 01~0:4~04-04'109 *~O-q 0 0 0 OV * O's 0 0 0 0 6-101 Av 01 iv thi:Ker6, solouetg on Atru"T day ow 19S4, and cha bl Matter; Dw 0 on it number of V reTICIbey1r, res I y VV O tTlluo soils -encountetied ote descilbed. ~- In T t ! m -,Ptate ~omnivn- This Is cor- h ich of solodhation is 4L = ed,by- the 8102-.Al,(N -ratl~ whiea Is hijh~, Tatal analyses on-senral profiles ari she g1vto as viellas thsi 140- -501. humus~ W., salts (Hcob Cl. sot, CA, US, Na)i.HIO and-pHof2praflie3, Gypsum In quaatIO-ts tureplace 51), ~,7 aiut 10% sorbed Na and dtep plowing to turn up the t Ii a([ *YPSUM MYCI lfOajbCl(AI,AVetC tr ~d:0-ICCC45fUlly In ur.". P I Se Sful I I I z ~;ffliclinrating the T. S. Tdffc 0. NDVIMDU, A.T. Swaluating sells of the Crimean steppe for reclamation Pur"Ned and considering the possibility and prevention of repeated vallnization during irrigation with waters from the North Crimean Canal. Trudy Pechy. Inste 54:255-274 '58. (MIR& 12:1) (Crime-Allall lands) (Irrigation) BIRGERY G.Ye. [deceased]; IVANOVA, Ye.P.; NOVIKOVA, A.V.; ABIZOLIDOVA, Ye.N.; LITVINOVA, N.I.; ZOLKINA, N.S~ -'-"-'--'-'-------' Use economically the raw materials in the production of viscose fibers. Khim-volok-no.5:65-68 164. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut iskusetvennogo volokna. VDTDLOYA. A.T. Composition of hmmas In Solonets soil* of the Gr1ma, Pachwayedenle no.10.-87-92 0 159. (JaPA 13:2) 1. Ukrainakly namcbno-IssladowatelIskly Institut pochmedenlya. (Crism-Solavints sails) (Crimm-Rumms) FMAKINY N.H.; DEUAGIN, B.V.; NOVI KOVA,,_A~ V.; TALAYEV, M.V. VAebanism underlying the formation of water columns ifith parti,6ular properties in the condensation of water vapors in wide freshly drawn glass capillaries. Dokl. AN SSSR 165 no.0878481 D f65. (MIRA 18:12) 1, Institut fizicheBkoy kbimii AN SSSR. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR.,(for Deryagin, KfiSIMOVA, G.I.; KRYLOV, L.M.~-Y ~~q " Congenital listeriosia. Vop. okh. mat. I det. 8 no.7:83--85 R 163. (MMA 17 1. 3) 1. Iz otdeleniya nedonoshensnykh detey (zav. 0.G. Lisnevskaya, konsitiltant - dotsent R.A. Fridman) deLskoy bollr-,itsy No.29 14osk,rj (glavnyy vrach - zasluzhenr~yy vrach RSFSR I.S. Ofyryzkov) i putomorfologicheskoy labora-LoriA (zav.- prof. L.0. Vishnevetskaya) Vauchno-issledovatel'skogn pedlatricheskogo, instituta (direktor - kand. vied. ria-ak V.P. SpIrina) Ministerstva zclravookhraneniya RSFSR. NOVIKOVA9 Aela.; ISVITAIISKAYAr N.M.; KALINIHp A.T. Defects of the cyan1de hardening layer and factors contributing to their formation. Avt.prom* no.3:3%,41 Mr 161e (KM 14:3) 1, Nauchno-lBaledovatel'skly eksperimentalInyy Iv3titut avtotraktornogo elektrooboradovaniya. i priborov. (Cyanide proceso) SEMIEVA, 11.1f.; KALMN, A.T., kand.tekhn.nauk; KOVIKOVA, A.Yao Efficieut liquid carburizing and cyaniding agents for themchamical tr"twut. Avt. prom I . 27-no. 5:35-37 My 161e (MIRA 14:5) 1. Nauebmlissledovatellskiy tekhnologichookly institut avtmobill- nay prompblennesti, (case hardening) KALININj, A.T.t NOVIK07A. A.Ya. ~ --im degree of carbon and nitrogen vaturation during nitridingo 'IF F#.L - V,--tallovede i term.obvemet. no.10:2-6 0 065. (MI RA IS s U) I@ Nauchno-issledovatellskiy inestitut avtomobillnoy pr=Wshlan- nostlo MOVIKOVA, A, To, . ~ "'- -1 Ultraviolet irradiation of animals, Dokl, AkmA. "Ilkhos. 2z no.7141-47 157. Mmi 1001 1. Tmesayusnyy nauchno-Issledovatel'skly Institut slattrifIkLtsil sel'skogo khotyaystya. Predstayleno akadmalkou K.G. Tevreinovyw. (Thterinary hyclons) (Ultraviolet rays--Therapeutic use) - NDTIKOTA, A.Ye., 1mnd.sel'skokhozyayatvonz7kb nauk - Irradiation of animals with ultra7lolet rays. [Amcb.trudyl TIZSJM 3.5-25 '58- (MA 13:4) (Ultraviolet rays-Floyslological, affect) (Stockand stockbreeding) L' ~oo-9-66 iortland of Mint uiwd In the it Orwuati. -Trud3r MIL49bast- (MIRA 1618) BERKOVICH, T.M.; ISAYEVA, O.A.; N=OVAO,-,R.A,; KRUNYA,, Z.F.; LEVICHRVA, MA; TR&TIYAKOVA, R.K.;-BYKOVA, K.M. Study of combined processes of heat and moisture treatment of asbestos-cement sheets for N.I.Brehovts unlined machAnized production-line units. Trudy NIUSbesttsementa no.150&-56 162o (KUtA 16:7) (Asbestos cement) BERKOVICH,, T.M.; SURMLI, D.D.; DVORKTSKAYA, R.M.; RAYMYSH, Z.B.; & _LOVIKPI~~.., P.A. lutoelmm methad of producing non-hygradcapic'psbestos cement. Trudy NIZAabeattsementa no.16zioa-M 163. (KMA 16: 8) - . (Asbestos cement) ACC &R,__ -AP6036a9 (*)-So URC CCO Dt_._UVO USA 610*00-10 10 /0 0 7 2 /00 7 1 AUTHOR: Noiikova, D. P.; Minakov, V. N. -ORG: none TITLE: Method of studying austenitic.transformation during welding SOURCE: 'Avtomaticheakaya avarka, no. 10, 1966, 72-73 TOPIC TAGS: austenitic transformation, 7;F&-A A";44,---,_/. ircfA 4"A' - 4A4A ABSTRACT: A method Jnd equipment for d servation of austenite transformation in a for 0 weld-adjacent zone of medium-allay steels has been developed at the Institute of Electric Welding im. Ye. 0. Paton. The method employs a high-temperature vacuum unit of the INASH type and permits a direct observation of the microstructural changes with simultaneous measurements of electric resistance. The construction of the unit permits loading of the specimens during the thermal cycle and creating stre~;ses identical to those occuring in actual welds. Deformations are measured with an accuracy of t1 p. The electric resistance of the specirden during the thermal cycle is determined by measuring the electric current passing through the specimen and the voltage drop in the zone of constant temperature field. This ~ethol of measuring the electric resistance makes possible the investigation of electric characteristics not only during the heating or cooling processes with or without 13 deformations but also under Isothermal conditions. Microphotographs of the proces 'ACC-N'R&-'-'-4 -ddi!44~~ 66~R66 'cou: UR,1021916610001012/00501005 PT Novikova AUTHOR: Malevskly, YV0B0 ~D# P -ORG:~.,Electrlc Wi.1ding rnstitute4.AX Ukrg 6 R (Inetttut olectroevarki All UkrSSR) TITLErri",Errect,or the annealing temperature .,an..the..sirueture and erties of cast molybdenum- prop SOURCE: Hetallovedentye L -ternicheskaya obrabot.ka metallay, no. 12, X966, 50-53 TOPIC TAGS: molybdenum,, cast imolybdenum, m ?rmicrostructure, 1~ ductility, -Inealing,,c,&,,f.-C.4.&, ABSTRAbT t ~dpeclmens (2 x'2x 45 mm),of 99.97Z-pure electron-beam melted molypdenU'% asi-cast :or vacuum awnealed at 700-1500C for 45 min, were subjected to bend tests to determine the effect of the annealing temperature on the ~Metsl structure and ductility. The as--i6ast specimens failed in a brittle -nianner at a bend angla of 30 deg, but specimens annealed at 900 and 1200C--sustalued a bend angle of 180 deg:without failure. Specimens annealed at 1400 and 1500C first cracked at a baud 6~..d4g Card 3,12 une 2 669.i28,626.1*!621.785.Ah,061 I I I I ACCMSI(V Mt. AT40OT20 81W.R1631WT1OW1OJL611OY* AUMCR: Mawbln, 1. P.; Norlk&m Do V. ITME: Sesults of v1nA direction and velocity observations amde at a height of IM metirs using the televialom tamr at Gorky SOD=: Vaes. iauabno-MIM A&. %-#A'2~cho so"OhCho TrUW# To To Flzlka, VrIzemacgo alwa. Leningrad, 1.963, 161-ye iTOPWTAW: meteordlaffo meteorolopLeal tower, meteorological obser- ~-VatLon, Gorky television tower, wind direction, wind velocity iABSTFACT: eheMmeimmtIonSectIonaftlecady GFIO carried out par&ELel dwermtIons of wind velocity ank direction at 13.6 m ad U4,m above ground levelo The ob- servatione extended throughout 1960* Wind mes and on M-12 autalatic sph vere used at the Im-er hel&t,rad anotber M-12 anemograph, at 1011 mi. Do 9r sensor of the jaft4w was. installed an the tovw or faj~ Gorky telavision 0 t at ion aud Ue McafaIng carfamats wore P a.wd ImIde Vw mUtica IPA UUMo mess mama veimmy vu setmomd as 5.6 4am at A a =a '304 v/sw a* 13 ~6 a; CM 1/2 AMMUM Mt: A*072D differences at the two leve Is varied fromi OA m1sec In- Jan- to 3-3 a/am ln Nove i Dally. vlad velocity pattem contrastcd. the peak belm at 12004M hours and the Ob MW hom ftr 2,3.6a ad 00OD-CWhom wd C190D hours fW IM a. Peak VWXMIUM (20 min, everap) In montALly samwiries were 15 u/see tar 204 a wA 10 m/am for 3,3.6 so Ana.1pla of Us mults showed good coincidance for vbA vwm and fte W12 unit at 13-6 a, Vw W22 anemograph at 104 vi$, and i cadio pilot balloon- at 100 so Orig.. acts has z 7 figures-and 2 tabLeas ASSOC=CK: Clwlko!skqa CKO (Go rk y 'GHO) ZMSC63 ML: 00 -BUBKM=g 00 AM:;. 81UB CCDZs ZO 10 PW SON' 000 OMWt 000 rd :cc 2/ ZABORIM, V.B.; GORBUNOVA, A.A.; NOTLYAR, E.',,!.; GALITSKAIA, 'J.D. Latex base heat and sound insulating mAterials for subfiroring. Stroi. irat. 11 no.8:17-18 Ag 165. ('14110A 18:9) ZOZULYA 0 A.P.;' NGVMVAO EX. Couloxotrioldetermination of s=U annnts of furan in tetrWWdrofuraA.', Zhuri anal. khIm. 18 no.U:1380-1383 N 163. (MIRA 17 s 1) GlomdarstvenrW institut prikladnoy khimii,, Leningrad. ~ Z02ULYAO A.P.; 10-V-I~OVAI_ EIV. Coulmetric determInation of small amounts of mothyl vinyl ketone. 71&V.lab. 29 no.5:543-545 163. WRA 160) 1. Gaswisrst"anyy instLtut prlkladnoy Mali, Lentngrad. I . (Ketone) (CoulmOry) KOTIXOTAo X.T.# dotesixt; *OVLUv 1*1.9 professor, xavedanshchLy. f cancer of the corpus and corvix uteri and of neoplasms of the ovartest,'. h.1 glu, no,2194"2 XT-JO '53. (NM 6:5) 1. Katedra akmshpratya t ginekologti gv*rdlovskogo maditstaskogo InatItuts, t Skordlovskogo hanchno-tailedovatillskogo Instituts, okhr&W saterimetya I sladeacbmstva. (Utorus"Tomors) (Ovaries-ftmors) VChanges in the Skeletal System IA EAukosis (Glinical-Roentgenological- Anatomical, C6mparisan)." Cand W Sci Moscow Medical 3fautological Inst, 'MOSCOW, 19530, WhBiolo No 21, Up 547 SWv4V of,Scientific and Technical DissertAthons Defended at U.SSR Higher Educational Institutions (10) so.- Sim. xo. Wit 5 mav 55 NOVUOTA# B.Z.; BaBLUROW, A.A.g professor, chlon-korrespondent Akademii wedl- -WOMISM nank SSSR. direktor. Changes In bones in Gaucher's disease. rad. no.2:70-.74 Mr-Ap (MLU 6:6) 1. Tsentrallnyy ordena Lenim lustitut gematolog-ft I perelivantyu krovi. 2. Akademlys. meditainakikh vAnk SSSR (for Ragdasarov). (Anemia) (Bones- Diseases) l(WZKCFA, rem;;6"Ec"Poiletle dymposta, Problqomto L perelo krovi I no*4:32-38 JI-M 156, (KM 10: 33 I Is Iftatrallnogo or"na Lentua Institats gmatologil I ponllymnlya ~;ovl (dlr. - chUn-korrespondent 40 SSM prof. A.A.Sag"earov) Minloterstya sdrevockhrononlys 8=* (AMIA, 138 I&STIC, (Rua)) DULITSIN, K.S..g professor; IXOTI, J670d kandidat w4aditsinskikh nauk; IFAMHIJrN.- F.B., kandidat maditsinakikh nauk; MIMUYA* I-T- a cllnica2 variant of outecaWelopoletle dymp2asta. Torep.arkh. 28 no.4:52-61 156. (KLU 9:9) 1. Is gimatolQgIcbeekoy kliniki (sav.-prof. X.S.Dulltain) TSentrall- nogo~ordsna Lentna Instituta gematologil I perelivanlya kroyl. (A=IL, LWORYTHROBLASTIC, coxpl. mclarooli, parlostal, diffore diago, x-ray) (SCLIROSIS. periostal, in leukoerythroblastid anemia, differ. diag., x-ray) IFOVIKOVA. B.Z., kandictat meditsinskikh nauk Ossoous cbmages In chronic forms of loukosis In adults. Test. rent. I. red. 31 n0-3:70-76 W-Je 156. (NMA 9:9) 1. Is TSentrallnogo ordena Ienina lastituta gewtologil I perelivanlya krovi (dir.- ablen-korrespondeat AM SSSR prof. A.A.Bagdamarov. nauchWo kukovoUtell - prof. I.L.Tager I chlon-korrespondent ANN SSSR prof. N.A.Krayevokly) (LEMIA, pathology. bones (Ras)) (DO=, In various diseavang leukeniq (Rua)) NOVIKOVA, Z~Zog kandomedenm*g iHOyxLOVA, M.P., .. ..... . as (X-ray wintowleal ,oo0w~lr~!~rdobblls!s~ of forms and certaln feature# of x7olo emparlsons) [with summary In Inglishl. Tost,.rent; I rade 33 ao*5 8.183-0 158 (MIRA 11t2l) I Is TSentrallnogo Justituta gematologii I perelivanlya krowl (;Ir. - daystvitellviy chUm AM SSSR prof % AqA. BagdassrOYL (XTRT"A, PUSKA, OLL anat, & x-ray comparisons (Rus)) pATSICRA, M.D., JoVjMVA, Ii.Z., SUIMAESTAN, G.V. Report of a case of hemorrhagic jejamyous, of the duo&w= Xhirurglis 34 uojtl2o-~= NY 958 N6*11:7) 1. Is kh1rurgichaskoy klinUd (sav,- prof. D.N, Grosdor) TSentrallnogo ordena lenina Institute gematolegil I perelivanlya krovi (dire - chlen- korrespondent ANK SSSR prof. A.A. Bagdaearov)*' (ISOMGUS. neoplasms lelowyona, hemorrhagic case (Ras)) (L31ONTOKA. case reports esophagus hemorrhngle case (Ban))