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FETRYS, Tibor, dr; Iff'.1,INSKA, nulla, wgr HDIANIOnum disulfide Ots a low-fri::ti.on luhrl-~:-mt frr sh..''n engines. ft4 okrxetmm Wa.-sz&wd 9 no.12:.".37-41,11 1) 11,4. 1. Technical University, Krdkow. NIZINSKI, C.: UMOWSKI, L. Sconovda offectiveness of prefabricated wall elements in the construation of industrial iforkshopse P Z9 I BUDOWNICTWO PECMMLGE, (Kinisterstwo Budo-wnictwa) warstawa/ Vol* 6. noe is Jan- 1957 Monthly Ust of East -European Accessions (EIPAT) LC. Vol* 0. no. 7, July 1959 uncle kZINSKI, I TLIMP PP ins& .... ... ..... &)Ide-.Ing sinter" c"bides with presadd powder cofsposittans. Mcbmsmile 34 no-9:98 c61. --- NIZIKSKL, rau$ g= ias. Slogleas soldering in an atmosphere of dissociate a=roaium. RwIr i wtal* 8 no,lsl7-21 J& 163. HIZINSKI, Jan. mgr inz.; WOZNIACKI, kntoni, doe. dr inz. -r- - Structure of Konstruktal type Al-Mg-Za alloys. Pt. 1, Rudy I metale 9 no.6t290-292 Je 064. NIZINSKI, Jan, mgr inz.; VOZNIACKI, Antoni, doc. dr inz, Structure of Konatruktal type Al-Mg-Zn d1loys. Pt. 2. Rudy i metale 9 no. 9t428-432 Ag 164. NIZINSKI. Stanislaw %to cases or &,Wpzcat bronchi of the upper rtgbt lobs. Gruslica 25 no t. -67 jam 57. . -63 1. Z Misitt Iftysjatryc%rej Akadamit Redymej w Krakovie Xlerawaile: prof. dr. St. Hornmag. Adrse: Krakow, u1. skawinaka 8. (BEONCHI, abnorn. atypical bronchi of right upper lobe (PoM 91914,90~~! ~,~tanixlaw - Orrakow. Skswineam 8,J Value of adreaccorticotrople hormone in the treatueut of sillcoicis and silicatubercuUsis Grujilea 26 uo.5t407-417 *q 519 1. Ir JMInIk itysiatr7chuej AsKe V rxakowie# Xierowuik: prof . 6r St, (ACM, ther. use sillacels & mIllootuberc. (Fol)) (31LIGNIS, ther,. AGTIE (?*I)) (TVBZRCV=13, PULOWART, there ACM In sillootabere (Fol)) EXCEAPTA WEDIC"A See 17 Vol 5/7 PuUic Realth July'59, 2092. EARLY FORMS OF SILICOSIS WITH HAVID COURSE - Wczesne postacte krzemicy pfuc o ozybkim przebiegu - Nir ifiski S Klin.Ftyzjat.A.AI.. Krakow - GKUtLICA 1958. 2619 (767-4iiri- ~-.-;Ie~~j 111U.. 9 Seven cases of silicostis in workers of an enamel utensil producing factory are presented and analysed. in 4 of the patients. buth the course of the disease and the i progress of the lesions corresponded to acute alltcocia. The on-tet appeared within 11-26 months after the patients started work. the disease was diagnosed 2-34 months after they stopped work. In one case with extensive cavernous tb. the sili- cotic lesions in the lunge were discovered only at autopsy. In two patients, there were co-exiating tb lesions. and positive sputum. In 2 cases. tb was suspected though riot bacteriologically confirmed. Four patients died. 4W BIZINMI, StRnEGIAW -.. --, "' - m'--t-ho'd for Intrabrouchial photogmphr. ftulie& 27 nQ,6: 967-973 S '59- 1e Z Kllnik:L Iftysjatryesmaj A.M. v Krakawis. Kiercitnik: prot.dr. Ste lor=rg i x Klejaklago Swpital& Chorob Plmenydii In. A. Saka- IOWGUW v rmkawi*. (BRONDHOGCWT) (PHTOGRAPU) XAMRSO, Mieczyglawa; UIZMXr. Stanislaw; PRUS. Florentyna Iffect of catastral studies based an standard roent6enographic pictures of fireclay plants. Gruslica 27 mo.ll.*2141-1152 N '59- 1. Z IlInIkI Ptysjatryezuej A.K. w rrakovie. XiarowniLn prof.dr. St. Horcmig. (PIMMONIOM statistJ NIMISKI Stanislaw Radiol cgical pic of a~!-,,te p-~; n0-5:431-442 ,',y '64. lo Z Kliniki Ftizjatrycznej Akademli Oruero,xiik: Prof. dr. S. Hornung). VIZINSKIf The cewoo.- of tuberculosis among employed !T., th(- rrc-ductic'n of fireproof material. Gruzlica 32. nc.8:72)-731 Ag 164. 1. Z Viniki Fti.zjatrycznej Akademil Pcdycznej -d Krukow.le (Kiero-a- nik: ig) i z `oradn.' Prze(,iwgru,,-,Iiczej w prTf. dr. red. St. 11ornur Skavinie Werowni.k.- lek. F. '?rus). 41047 S/058/62/000/008/023/134 3,;? y1d A061/A1O1 AUTHORS: Loskiewicz, Jerzy, Massalski, Jerzy, NIziol, Bronistwd, Oleb, Andrzej TITLE: Energy spectrum of the nuclear active component of cosmic radiation at 200 and 3,200 m above sea level PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, FIzIka, no. 8, 1962,.57 - 58, abstract 8B413 (Rept. Inst. badahj;drow. kN, 1961, no. 278/V1, 22 pp., illust., English; summaries in Polish and Russian) TEXT: The energy spectrum of the nuclear active component of high-energy cosmic rays was measured on Mount Aragats (3,200 m above sea level) and In Moscow (200 m above sea level). The apparatus consisted of ionization chamber units placed between variously thick lead and graphite absorbers: The integrated energy spectra of.the nuclear active particles recorded at the two altitudes'have the form of 12 . 3 13 E-T in the 10 . 5-101 ev range, and at energies higher than 5-20 ev the spec- tral exponents have the tendency to Increase. The exponents of power-law spectra read rm 1.5m.09 for the mountain altitude and r- 1.6+0.2 for the sea level, while the exponent of the primary energy spectrum In the 10 12 _ 1015 ev range reads Card 1/2 ' S/058/62/OW/OoB/023/134 Energy spectrum of the nuclear active component of... A060101 1.6. Such a constancy of the spectral exponent Indicates that the total Inelastici- ty factor of nuclear collisions does not depend on the energy. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation) 0 Card 2/2 Mv Zbigniew; NIZIOL,, BroaLffUw;-SAIACff,, Stanislaw RadLoizateple "" --- of the dewitT of the packing mixture in a pipeline by moans of the lontsation chamber, Arch1w gorn 7 no,1:59- 70 162o LWKZWICZ; J.; MWMZKI~ J.; !1~1 'so. ; OILS IA.; Lnolysis of the integral spectrum of tonirAtion pulses caused by nuclear active particles at mountain altitudes. Acta physic& Pol 2,3 no.1:77-92 Ja 163. 1. Institute of Nuclear Research, Laboratory of High Energy Phyaicas Krakow# 4nd II Department of Physics, Academy of Mining and Mdtallurgy, Krakow. BAMCK10 Jj BUJAlf..; MMALSKI,J.1 E~Z~~Lp B. Energy spectrum of ph,)tona from decay of IT*-Mesons gana- rated in nuclear interactions et the altitude of 3200 M. above sea level* Zeta physica Pol 24 no,7073- 380 3163. 1. Institute of Nuclear Researcho laboratory of High Energy Physics,, Krakow Department* GRIC.MW- p.r;.; TREnAKaTA, G.A.; SMSTaPEROV, V.J'; HUMN, C.P.; BMWA190 CIL; MSSAMTs, J-;__RZ jr- Integral spectrum of nuclear active particles at mountain altitudes* frora the investigation of high ionization pu3seso -Rata physics. Pol 24 noe.3057-371 S'63* 1. institute of Nuclear Physicar University# Hoscow (for Grigorovs, Tretyakova,, Shestopar~v). 2. rhatitute of Nuclear Physics,, Aimenian Academy of ScIftess, la-evan (for Ekbayanp Boyadwjan). 3. Institute of'Miclear Research,, Laboratory of High Energy Physics, Krakow, and IT DepartmaTit of Physics,, Academy of Hining and Fatallurgyp Krakow (for Masaalskit Viziol and Mes)e N"4/01-UX-- S RIEM, I.; SIZIOLM, S. VOW- Colortmetric microdeteraination of alWoids In lapim needs. AcU biochite. Polon 4 no-3:165-180 1957. 1. Zaklad Blockenit SA.GAG w Varwrawie lCierownik: prof. dr I., Relfer, (AIR141INO determ, in lupine needs, oolorinGtria miaradeterm. (Pal)) MIFER9 L,; ITIZIOLE91, S. A nephelmetrio odcrodetermination of lupine alkaloids. gal Ac Pal biol 7 no.12.-485-489 159. (EFAI 9312) 1. Department of Plant Biochenistr7, Institute of Biochewistr7 and Bicphysics, Polish Acadevq of Sciences and Department of Biwhexistry Central College of A riculturet Precented by J.Heller. (NEPHMZ,t~ (ALKALCIDS) (LIJPINES) TOCZKO, Karla; NIZZOLSX, So; RTSZrA,, Fo; BMSr1qV-; RXEM, I. Blasynthests and metabolism of alicaloids In Luplnux angustifollus. 1. Changes In the composition of alicalol4s In early stages of development of plants* Act& blachiu,polon. 7 no.2/3: 203-213 060. 1. Zaklad Bicchemil Roalln, Inetytutu Bicchemli I Blofizyki PAN I Iratedre, Blochemll SGGV, Warszawa Xlerowulk: prof. dr I.Relfer. (AMALOMS metab) MCM. Janina: STAVIOU, Danuta; TOCZKO, Karia; NIZIOLU, S.- BRZES11t W'&,; Biosynthesix and ustaboUna of Lapinus auguatifalius alkaloids. It Biosynthesis of allmloids isolated. from gems and. cotTledou)t. Acta. blochin.polon. 7, no.4.,459-468,160. 1. Utedra Biochoulf, SGOV ~i zaklad Biociteau Ratua rnstrtutm Biocheinii L Biofisyki PAN, Warazava, lierovnikt prof. dr Ignacy Reifer. (AUULOIMB setab) REHERr I.; WIEWICROWSKIr ~L; N17.TOLE.K, S.j STAWICU, D.; BRATEK, D.M. Blogenevis of alkaloids, 11. Bul Ac Fol bial 10 no.5:161-166 V62. 1. Institute of, Biochemistry, and Biophysicst Folish Academy of Sciences, and Department of Biochemistry, Central College of AgricUtarep Warsaw* Fresented by Jeffeller. jl~ KHODANOVICH, I.Ye.; KRIVOSHEIN, B.L.; GULYAYEV, A.1,; NIZIYENKO, I.G.; CHEFIIOBYLISKIY, V.A. - Results of factory tests of an expansion-chamber condensate tank with automatic cleaning. Gaz. delo no.6/7:65-68 163. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Vaesayuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy inatitut prirodnogo gaza, Krasnodarokoye upravlenlya magistrallnykh gazoprovodov i Gosudarstvennyy proizvodstvennyy konitet po gazovoy promyshlennosti WSR. GRIHMOV, P.Gf; LAPINA,, AA. W.TELITSYN, G.T.; HUME', NT2 - - ; RTBKgOVO N.M.; SEWK&KOVICK, L.T.; KASi~&NDV,- A.P., MCI BARAKOV, I.A., tekhn. red. -- (Aid to the study of the economics of the trawler fleet] V pamoshch' isuchaiudhabin ekonomiku tralovogo flota. Murmansk,, Mar-nakas kafthaae lad-vo, 1960. 76 p. (min 16SO (Trawls and trawling-Accounting) (Index numbers (Economics)) 0 67787 (a) S/061/59/000/07/007/055 ' AUTHORS: 123 Namedovt She keg Rzayevp A. Sot B0057B girker. I ~- ag! z t~ 14- TITLE: The New Plasticizer kNAZ PERIODICAL: Khtmiaheskaya promyehlonnostf# 1959* Nr 7, PP 500 - 582 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present pa er the manufacture and qualities of the now plasticizer ANAZ ~abbreviatlon for All Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR (AS of the Azerbaydzhanakaya SSR)), are discussed. This plasti- cizer which was for the first time produced in 1949-1950# con- sists of glycol eaters of naphthenic, acids and is especially suitable for plasticizing colloxylin. In the beginning the strong odor of this plasticizer - caused by the content of crude naphthenic aoids - prevented Its being used to a larger extent. This odor cang howeverv be removed by a vacuum distillation of the naphthenic; acid mixture used for synthesis, or of the ready- product (Ref 3)- Ia a table the most important physicochemical qualities of ANAZ (molecular weight, boiling point, freezing point, ignition point, d 20 , refraction index at 200, saponifica-. 4 Card 1/3 tion numbert content of volatile ingredients when heated to* r '1187 The New Plasticizer AHAZ 3/06'frj9,1000/07/007/035 B0057BI23 100c for 6 hours) are compared to qualities of other popular plasticizers. ANAZ is a pale yellow, nearly odorless oily liquid. For the production of I aol of this plasticizer one needs 191 mol of the naphthenic acid mixture, 0-15 mol of sodium hydroxide and 0e2 mol of dichloroethanee For the eateriflaation of the acid mixture distilled in vacuump it is neutralized at 120-1600 with solid sodium hydroxide. The water produced is distilled off. The temperature to then increased to 1000. At this temperature diahloroothane vapors are led through the mix- ture while mixing it thoroughly. The melted sodium 9<s of the Ll naphthenic acids react with the dichloroethans according to the following scheme: RCOONa + CIC92__4 2 NaCl + RCOOCH2 1 1 - RCOOR& ClCH2 RCOOCH2 After cooling off the reaction mixture to 50-400, water is added. The addition of water causes the precipitation of sodium chloride in crystalline form which deposits readily. The eater Is do- canted and0distilled in a vacuum. With a pressure of 2 torr up Card 2/3 to ITO-180 , the excess naphthenic acids are distilled off, The liew Plasticizer ANAZ 67 7 S7064/59/000/07/007/035 B005/B123 while the glycol eaters of the naphthenic acids are distilled off at 180-21009 which are already the ready products The first runnings are once more esterified. The yield of the plasticizer amounts to 70-80%, compared. to the used naphthenic &aid mix- ture. Production costs of ANAZ are comparatively low. The new plasticizer was tested in the dermatino-kleyeaochnaya fabrika im. Nogina, (Dermatin Oil Cloth Works imeni HoRin) in Kuntsevo for the production of dermatin and aitrolinoleum. Results satis- fy technical demands. Moreover# ANAZ was successfully used in- stead of tricresylphosphate as a plasticizer for enamels of the type MVj and instead of ricinus oil for the production of Pitro dyes in GIPI-4 (State Design and j!lannirw Sole tific Re- search Institute of 7%_rnjUb dnd__P&1nt Tndijatry). It was found that coatings containing ANAZ can be cooled off to -1500 without any 16as of stability. In HII rezinovoy promyshlennoiti (Sciem=_ tific Research Institute of Rubber Industry) good results were achieved with the now plasticizer. There are 1 figurep I tableg and 6 references, 5 of which are Soviet. Card 3/3 KMEDOV, F.A.; ISMAILZADE, I.G.; MUEDOV, Shamkhal; ITIZKFR, I.L.; HAITMOV, I.M. Spectroscopic examinations or tito affect of ttia atrunturo of chloroethers of the naphthenic series on their Insecticidal qualities. Dokl.AN AzerbSSR 20 no.10:21-26 164. (I-ffRA 18:2) 1. Institut neftekhimi.chaskikh protsessov Ali AzerbS91. KAMEDOV, Shamkhal-, HIZKER 14L.; RZAM* A,S. t!t~~ Alcoholless method of producing esters. Dokl.At Azerb.SSR 17 no.9:789-791 '61. OM 15:3) 1. Institut, neftekhimicheskikh protsessov AN USSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN AzSSR K.A.Balinym. (Esters) JUN 25 1963 PHASE z B= EXROMATION SOVAI95 Nauchnaya konferentaiya InstItutov khlmll Alicademly nauk Aterbayd- shanskoy, Arwyanskay ~ (Iruz1nskoy SSR. Yerevan, 1957. Flateriely nauahnoy konferentell instttutov khtmit Akadowly mink Axerbayfthanskay, Arwyanskor 1 OruzInzkoy SSR (.Pktorlals* of Scientific Conference of the Chemical Institutes of the kcadma or Sciences of the Azerbaydzhan, Armenia% and Georglan SSR) Yerevan, rzd--#o AN ArWanskoy SSR, 1962. 396 p. 1100 4oples prInted. .Sponsoring Agency: Akademlya nauk ArwWwakoy SSR. Inetttut argani- cheskoy khImU. Reap. Zd.t L. Ye. Ter-Minsayan; We of ftblIshing Houaet A. 0. Muni; Tech. Zd.s 0. S. Sarkl*yan. 0 1 .?MC)SZt This book In intended for chodate and ahwical engineers, and may be usefal to graduate students eagoged in chemical vs- Card 2/11 YALterials or the Scientific Conference (COnt-) COVEMOEs The book contains the results of research In physical, Inorganic, organic, and analytical chemistry, and In,chemlaal engineering, presented at the Scientific Conference hold in Yerevan, 20 through 23 November 1957. Three reports of partl- oular interest are reviewed below. go personalities are mentioned. References accompany Individual articles. TABLE OF CORTENTSt )"MICAL CHRMSTRY TsIts1shvIlI, G. V., and Ye. D. RosebashvIll. Use of the hod. In Studying Soot* Complex Cobalt Compounds net1c Met 5 KanobashvIU, Ye. ff., and L. V. Ivaultakaya. The Ftfact of T-Radlation an Colloidal Solutions of Qallit=# Indjux, and Thallium Sulfide 23 ZU11rugarow, z6 Ger V-'Ye- Salmayx.And S. T. Maradova. The Effect of tho Conditions of Synthesis and Formation on the .Card 2/11 A- Katerials of the Scientific Conference (Cant.) regaygn, f. 1. Synthesis or Some Orgunle Compounds or BUU'Ur With rnsectIaLdal and A*arloidal kativit7 ARMYTICAL OKUMTRY Begbanlyp I* D~# and T. R. ffirzoravae Voluzatrla-rodato- metric Method of Detendning Small Amounts of Uno Swe ploying Compl*x Compounds or Trivalont Chromium 2, CMWCAL IXG1,1 NO k*U1c-Akhn* A, F. Investigation of the Xlectrical "Iting Mais 361 Yknoday, Shankhal, and 1. Nixkar, and A. Rzayov. Synthsals,~ of PlastLolgiar Card 10/1% S/204/62/002/005/oo6/oo? E075/9136 AUTHORSs Mamedov, Shamkhall Rzayevt AsSet and Nizkor, I.L. TITLE: Synthesis of new plasticizers from kerosene naphthenic acids PEP.1001CAL: Neftekhimiyal v.2, no-5, 1962t 760-792 TEXTt A search for new meihods of producing cheap, high quaiity plasticizers led to the utilization of.naphthenic acids 0a the raw material. The new plasticizers werie obtained at follows& CH 2Cl, + NaOOCR C112OOCR + 2NaC1 CH 2Cl, N&OOCR CH2qOCR where R - naphthenic radical (mol.wt 14o-16o). individual fractions of the acids (kerosene naphthenic acidas 55-60% fraction, 110 to,140 *C - acid value -3U01 25-30% fraction$ 140 to 160 OC acid value - 270-200) were neutralised with solid N&OH at 50-100 aCe Dichloroethane was introduced &1 170-190 OCt the reaction being continued for 6-8 hours, The pr6ducts were Card 1/2 Synthesis of new plasticizers from ... S/204/62/002/005/006/007 E075/E136 distilled under I min fig. The fraction boiling between 200 and 240 *C (yield 7699) conatituted the new plaxticizer named IINViN3 11 (ANAZ). The plasticizer has negligible volatility (0.044-d.9% at 100 :C), good light resistance, low freezing temperature (-40 to -63 C) and good compatibility with plastics (does not sweat out from plastic films) and their solvents. It 16 insoluble in water, stable to heat and cold and non-poisonous. "ANAZft (5-7Qo) successfully replaces dibutylphthalate in collodion cotton and butadiene-nitrile rubber and castor oil in dermateen. It also replaces satisfactorily tricresylphosphate in perchlorvinyl ename1G. There are 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: Institut neftekhimicheakikh protsessov AN AzSSR (Institute of Petrochemical Processess AS Az.SSR) SUBMITTED: March 31, 1962 Card 2/2 KAWDOV,, Shw*h-?; NIZKEEEp 1. GIrool othtre aid thoir d"4v&tLves. Part "t MeycUa Y*-ahIoro others. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 ne.3408-M3 Wr 162. (KM 150) 1e InstLtut neftekblmdchookikh protaosoov AN AserbSM, (Glyaols) TT K&KWN,, Shmakhal; NTT- I.L.; ISKOU021, I.G.; 1 MOT, M.; NAMEDQTp I.K. fipthools and sUidv of Hamm "atra of #2ic7vU49e4C-ddW*'*therv- I., Dwa.,Aff Aserb, SSR 19 noolt2346 t63* 161/,) I., rutituV ft4akhl-lclzeokikh P=Utsacm AN AmBS& Prodstaxleno akMealkou K.,A,Dalln7so (CyeUc coapound"pectm) KA=Cffl Sh-khal; NIZ=j, I.L. Glycol ethers and their derivatives. Part 52r Synthesis of alkoicy derivatives of methyl ethers of 1,2-cyclohezowdial. Zbur.ob.khim. 33 no.3-.W445 Mr 163. (KIU 16:3) 1. Institut neftekhImIcheokikh protseasov AN Aserbaydzhanskoy SSR. (Cyclohexanediol) (Ethers) 10-MEDOV, Shamkhal; NIMER, I. .... Glycol others and their derivatives. Part 77s Synthesis of alkoxy- methyl ethers of alkyl cyclohexanils. Zhur. ob. Khim. 34 no.6:18.'4- 1830 Je 164. (111RA 27:7' 1, Institut neftakhimichaskikh prolaessov AN A2erl.-SSR. ~- SIZEDT. A. A. Investigating thq coollng system of the Inst.masbA sallkhos.makh. 158, (Djge~l aMingg-Cooling) ZAAZ-204 diesel engine. AN URSR 6:65-76 (KU 13: 4) GOLUBEVV T.M., daktor tekhm. nauk, NIZKOV, A..,,,, kerd. tekhn. nauk Longitudinal roUlnig of periodic aect!cnns on em eq~erDwntal mlU with a hydraulic tracing servo syotem. Ket. i gorrorud. prom. no.lt4l Ja-F 164. (KTIRA M10) GOLUBEW9 T.M.p doktot takhn. nauk;__41~49 OWLICIOIKO, P.P.; HDROZOV? L.V. Unit pressure during rolling with continuously increasing reductions. Kat. i gornorud, prom. no.6t27-29 R-D 165. NIRA 18:12) f I MUrA, K.K. t DiWasto of spiml tmbermlosts and actinou7mals. Tout. khIr. 71 no.2:65-" 1951. (CLML 20:8) MIZKOTSKLU, K4K.,, kandidat maditainakikh nank (LaningraA, 21t Inatitulakaya, *-'~~-;~-d-,Ui GRATSURSKIr, T.P., doktor maditainakEkh nauk larly disgnagig of ttiber=loua spand7litio. Test. khire 74 no*6: 67-74 8 154. (KIRA 7110) 1,, p0 offta aosud&rstyennogo nauchno-ingladavatellokogo lastituta khirurgichaskogo tuberkmleza t, kastao-austamvkh wabolevantre (TUMGUW$rs, SPINAL, diagnostag early) KIZKOVSKATA, K. K. Niskovskara, M. H. 'Ttiberculaus apondylitte in adults-* State order of Lenin last for theAdvanced Training of Pbysicians Iment S. K. Kirov. and State Leningrad Sci Res Inet of Tuberculosis. Leningrad. 1956. (Disser- tation for the degree of Doctor in Kedical Sciences) Kniz letople, go. 21, 1956, Kd6cow NlzmvsrArAt K.K., doktor med.nauk (Leningrad. r~n. rnatitatowa mi., d.60 kv-31) Marly diagnosis of tuberculosis of the hip joint. Test.khIr. 82 no.3.-136-139 Kr 159. (KrRA 12:2) 1. Is Leningradakago, nauchno-IseledoTatel'skogo Inatituta Wrmr- gicheckogo tuberkmleza (dire - prof* P*G* rornev)o (TUBERCUMM, OSTROARTICULM hip, early d1ag. (Rua)) (HIP. d1se tuberc., early ding. (Rua)) GRA TSIANSKIT, V.P,,. pror. [deceased); NUEOVSKAYA,., M.M. . doktor med.nauk Differential diagnosis of tubeiculmm oateitiu and oateoblasta- Probl. tub. 42 nQ.11:19-22 '64. 1. laningradakiy inatitut khirurgicheskogo tuberkuleza (direktor prof..D.K.Khokhlov-, nauchnyy rukovaditall - daystviteltnyr chlen AMR.SSSR pror. P.G.Kornev). NIZIOVSYAYA, O.K* Tormation of an antibiotic substance by the fungas Terticillius laterLtium (rr.) Rabh. depending upon the culture media. Trudy Bot.inst..Ser.2 ao.6-.49-52 t53. WRA 7:1) (Antibiotics) (Rund) KIZKGYSKATA, O.F. I Oulw~l Occurrence of antagonistic relationship awng fungi of the canue Aspergillus Kich. Trudy Bot.14st. Ser.2 no.8:53-58 153. (KLRL 7:1) (Yungl) X=OVSKAYA 0 P * K=VA, N.H.; SHIVRINAP A.N.; L-OVYAGINAp Tej.; L-MR-0 t - - 4-----TUT-ONOVAp YO.G. Biology and biochemistry of "chagat" the sterile fam of Foria obliquao Trudy Inste mikrobiole no, 6:277-285 159# (MIRA 13M) 1. Laboratoriya novykh antibiotikov Botanicheakago instituta AN SSSR. (PORIA OBLIQUA) SHITRINA, A.N.:-NIZKDTSXArA,,.O.?.; MTrAGINA. re.T.; PLATONOTA, Te.G.-. mrwv.A, N.M. Chemical composition ot pore fhagi at different stages of their development. Bot.zhur. 44 n0-12:1724-1727 D 159. (KIR& 13:4) 1. Hotautchooldy Inatitut In. TaL.Konarova Almd**11 nauk SSSR, Leningrad. (Kushroose-Chanical compositidn) , IIIZKMKAYAP.,O.po; HIMVA,p N.H. kitaganistic characteristics of Boldiomycetes. Mikroblologiia 32 no.5t771-777 S-Ot63 (KERL 17t2) 1. Botenicheskly Institut AN SSSR. MATTISON, N.L.; 111HOV-SUYA, O.P.; MARTYNOVI'L, Y-3.Ya, Medicinal effect of ~;ute~- f-z:n -*Ea7,--l. - no.3:377-360 '65. ;--E~A T 1. Botanichoskily institut tmeni. V.LjcnarGria AN 1-n~nizriw I Lenlngradskiy mad! tvirinkly !n,,,t" tia impril YEFIKMOV O.M.# otv. red NIZKOVSKAYAP O.P.Ijed.; SHIVRINAO A.H.0 red.; TKKIMOV, [Food proteins end pbyi3iologically active substances for livestock farming; higher fungi as possible sources of their production] Kormovye belki i fiziologicheaki aktivrqe ve- shchastva dlia zhivotnovodetva; vysshie griby kak vovTo-.h- rye istochniki ikh poluchenila. Moskvag flauka, 1965. 126 p. (HIRA 19ti) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Sotanichaskiy inatitut. 2. Labor&- toriya biukhimii nizahikh rasteniy Botanicheskogo institute !m. V.L.Komarova, AN SSSR (for Yakimov, Shivrina). ITIZKOVSKAYA,o Ye. K. "Influence of Growth Substances on Fruit Formation in Strawberries (Fragaria Bucharica)," Dokl. A. Nauki 3, 1948 r SRA 110 - II VCVS K A'YA Y'-' USSIR/medicine Plants, Physiology May 1948 ~Medicine,- Variation "Formation Variatious in Cotton Plants Under the InfImmea of 2 -Dichloronhanolhydroxy- 4 acetic Acid*pn Yu.-V. Rakitin, K. Ya. Oveharev, Ye. K. Rizkovskaya, Inaiitute of Plant Fh-,-siology imeni K. A. Timiryazev, AcEL,,my of Science USSIR, 3 PP "Dok Ak Nauk WSR, Nov Ser" Vol LK, IIo6 Results of studies conduct-3d to determine the forration. variation a in cotton plants that a~c the resuli, of the adainistration of 2,4---Iic~lorophiE~no'.,hydroxyacetic acid (DU). Tests were conducted in 1.947 at the F~rm inigni Yirov. Submitted ty Aci~demicin.rl K. A. Kaksimov 22 Fltr 1948. Pk 67T59 NIZKOVSKAYA Ll , Ye . K. "Adaptation of Certain Forms of the Genus Cousinia of Famiro-Alay to Moisture Conditions," Hotan. zhur., 34, tro. 2, i949. RIZEN-BrAU, TaXe ~.~Locallgatian of gutta-percha to 4wommis. Dokle AS Tadth. MM no.1:23- 20 f5lo (NLRA 9: W) I.rastitut botanIK'Akadmail nauk Tadshikskor SSI.TiLdshikskly gavUUir- st,wemWy wdvorettote Predstawleno chlenowe-karrespandentou Akadeall nauk fadthikskar SSR P.N. OvAinnikown. (Gutt&--PlsrchA) (,Nwomltt) NTZKOTUATA. re.1c. MKOV.. D"lopment of gutta-percha containers In sucounim, lkklo AV T&dsh*$SR no.5:21-29 '52. Wu gglo) to Wablkskly Predstayleno chlecom- korrespotiftntontAN Tadshikskoy SSR V.r. Petro"u. . . (Gmtta-;,percba) (1kcavula) -6 L 00 11% -6 FUM :ACOM101i NRl AP5016636 U[t/0138/65/ooq/oq6/bo42/0o45 7 f AUTHORSj Raktwm~ H. Z.J1 Nizkovskikhp He He TITLEs I Effect of the conditions of plasti IcizIation, on the plasto-olastic propertiesi iof natural rubber :SWRCE: Nauchuk i rezina., no. 6, 1965,, 42-45 ;TOPIC TAGSt rubber, ticizer/Pepton, Bistri, Honacit IV poptizar, plas ~ABSTF-CTs The conditions of plasticizing natural rubber b7 using various Septizers, eag,, Pepton 22 (ojol-dibenzamidodiphenyl disulfide), Bifitri. (di-2,j4j5- ~ttrichloropherWl disu3Xide), and Renacit IV (zim salt of pentachlorophenol) were I lifivestigated. The plasticizing affect of these sW)utances was atudied as a ;function of their amount and plasticizing time in the rubber mixer RS~-140. Plotted[* P Icurvea show that the addition of 0.05 parts bv weight of paptizer considerably lincreases the plarticity of natural rubber. The optimum amount is 0.30-0,40 ;pepavt. for Bistri and 0.15-0-30 P.P-wt. for Renacit IV and for Pepton 22, 1ccording to their effectiveness, the poptizors follow the ordert Renacit IVj Card - 113 L 00836-66.1. 'Acamioii NR: AP5016636 as an istri. Zinc oxide and stewin can, be used Pepton 22, zinc oxUle atearinp B !effective peptizer (especially for food products), A wirdna exposure of 9 hr is neczssary to impart uniformity to the plasticized natural rubber. The elastic !properties of the pia-sticized natural rubber change in storage much more rapidly the ame plasticity. The plasticity of natural rubber ~tnan for a resin mixture of a iplutted against plasticizing time and piasticizer type shows that Neozone D lowere, ther effect of Renacit-1V and Bistri at 130-3145G. -In a combined plasticizing and il proceses Neozone D must be added at the end of the mixing. In plasticizatim bon rolls,, the plasticity of natural rubber increases more rapidly in the presence Sof peptizers. - At tbe- end of the-prooess the plasticity of natural rubber is equalized in both cases. It is established that the effects observed by using adifferent combinations of poptizers can be divided into three groups: 1) synergy- ithe use if a mixture of Renacit IV and Pepton 22. The plasticizine proceeds more 'rapidly and with a smaller amount of poptizers than by using these products separately; 2) additivity-the activity of the combinations of each substance Us eqwa to the sum of the-activitiee of the single componental 3) the inhibiting ~6ffeeb--the addition of zinc oxide and stoarin separately to Ranacit IVp Pepton 220 :band Bistri dear"sea the plasticity of rubber* The plasto-olnetio properties of :=Lxtures wA the physico-oachanical properties. of vulcanizates and products made !Card 2/3 RAKHM9 H.Z,; FETROTAv T.I.; NIZKOVSKIKH, N.M. Effect of technological factors on the bond strength of stiff double-ply butadlens-aitrile rubber. Much, I rez. 24 no.11: 45-47 165. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Orenburgskiy zavod razino-takhnicheskikh izdeliy. NIZKOVSKIY, V. Honorary guest of Denmark. Av. i kosm. 45 no.31:74~76 162. (KIRA 15: 11) (Gagarin, lurii Alskasevich, 1934,-) Book revlev. Zemi mel. 1 no.2:93 Mr-Ap, 165. NIZKY' I. Mastering the cutting of beech timber. p. 21. LES, Bratislava, Vol. 1, no. 3, Itar. 1954. SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), I-Co Vol. 4, no. 10, Oct. 1955, Uncl. "'TIFY, 1. Technical and organizational operations in tihe j.!roduction and transportation of timber. P. 13 (Les Vol. 3 (l.e. 12) no 1, Jan. 1956 Bratislava) SO: Vonthly List of Ea!7t European irkecession (EEAI) LC, Vol. 6, no. 7. JulY 195?. Uncl. ,CtECHOSLOVAXIA Nvel I-ACCK und Artie NIZNAUS!~Dotrment of Plant Phyviology, siolrj i --- . . y lpatits:t% Oi tile 34LOVak K~~606. .41 of SOCIA11COO, ItechnalcvAk &Cadony -if 5clhnces (OddeloaLs fyzIo1oejq rd4tttn, r. akadenie viedi CSA4 [~exkomlovanska Ak*d=I& Ve(Ij,) i3ratialavi "VegmtAtivc Reprod'4'tior- of Poplart." Lratislava, jjinlo4,11, 1161 18, vo 2. !9611 pr 132-140. Abstrac'. [Curman a~Awwry modif ipdl i !1.3tabolic and biothe:AcrIl studies of drY =tter, ashes, 1, P (01 F20~5'# K ~!,2;, C* (C*4i), etber-extractibIt avid redtacirg s-oibacances$ sts-ech And cellulose in I- and )~-yertr n1& roF I ara. IN;, !; ind K sirt Lac-ilited to thc. vegetative; starch, Ca ard calluloxe in tbv b-stal parts. Cellul:psa it, hialmer in youngt C& and tciler fxtractlvei in older trees; FkFfir chcmatoqraphy of cmmino acids imd sugara sliaws tb-nt L-ncresse. latter dttreazo imring toot formation, -;ithouz ivalltative c?4n?aG. Four 1*351efi, 5 c'ifc-=to;grouze' I elactropboiegrao; 7 Weztern ard 8 CzPch refarencom. MOCIN283923W Pig- C). Tho treu%aent of stahles La rn= aaal expeilmemial anf- -~mgs-bj-ofa~ 4os" of-DDT. __Cto, Jbilik.-Dan "irarec. --- ---- and noittuitr r,.skic~ (PLm. citol, ujt,,ir, rague), ii ukahl CCW--~ 161-,? 3 (1053) ~,-ln 6 patitnt3 cut 3110. S~Zab?ea cv_lfroL~!d by(~~ aral do-ses al.M rtig, of DPT for 4, flays. siniil"r ~mllts were obtaind In res. No toTic sytnrtcrus wer-c rlmejrred In any rf tht p-.xtlcnts-, AnThuay &_uikk A . NIZIMMA-MACKNA, J. OccupationaL dernatoses In setaL workers and minerse Frakt. 14k., Frahe 31 no. 23005-506 5 Dec. 1951, (GTAM 21:3) lo" Of the State District Rospital, Kladnoe* 1.NjZnNSrA. J.. KUDr.; STATEK. KUDr. Work of a dermatologist In an industrial centsr. Cagic. sdravot. 4 no.10:605-607 Oct 56. 1, Okreent ustaw naradatho sdravi a& Xladne. . (DINMIOGY funct. of dermatologist In Indust. center (Cs)) (IINSTRM HTGlnl, flame) HIZHAKSKAO J.; IfOLAN,,V.; J=,K.; TRM,J.;Tecbnicka spolupracat VOWOVA,,F. Treatnent, of warts with liquid nitrogm. GesL derm. 39 no.I: 59-63 IPf64 L 1, demato-venerologicka klinika fakulty vasobamoho lakart-twi KU v Prame (prodnostat profdr* J~Konopikp Dac.) a Komni add*- leni CM v Kladne (vedoucir MMIro T*Niznenoka)e KAJERNIK, Ondrej,, ins.,, Me.; NIZNANSKr, Auguatin, prom. mmt. L-L-W-'WAW-W 4 metab*Unz in an Injured apricot. Biolagia 16 no.6:445-458 161. (Apricot) KMINKL,, Vladimirl UEMEEI-A-up-Stin Bicastria analysis of the relationship between the osmotic prooswe of the c&12 sap and its refractive indexe MoIggia plantar= 5 no.10?-U 'c63. 1, Departmout of Mat Physiology,, Ustitute of Biology., SloviLk kcademy of Sciafftes# Bratislava IX, ihibravoka cast& 26. XMIM" iksm*ft - ---,- t~ the stability of biological qualities of stmin B-19 and its differentiation from other Brucella. Cask. wdm. 71 no.2t 99-104 Nr 162. 1. Yet. fakulta. VSZ v Bme - rabomtoriwm axper. vet,t paboalq CS"T T Bratislave. (BRUCELU) NIZKANSKYO F. Cooling in grinding. Stroj vyr U no.10018 0 063. 1. SKZ DubnIca nad Vahom. NIZROSX'f. IP;GM(sz. L;0RAVIC. 0. Studles an dornatourcoxis In Slovakia. Cas. ceak. vet. 5 no.14.*324- 326 z5 Tu2y 195o. (CLKL 20:1) I* Work jointly conducted by State Sealth Institute, Dermatological Clinic of the Nodical Iracmlty at Slovak University. ant State Mae- nostic Veterinary Inatitmto in Bratislawas ZAMMM-yj F na"Sir. r. Problems arA task@ of vaterin=7 administration In Slovakia with roferowo to protection of huma health. Cas.espkeysto 5 no,19: 447-452 16 act 5o. (am 20:4) XIZKA= F. priodm danKta"Ims m movoolo. &MUnrocau in Movmklg alovm 1 1216 ft 50 Ps &U4- 1* I= CM Tb2o 2D# To, 2 I%b 1951 &I I z Al 4 t1--,5W y I - Ft?,4 m r i Z a r, IIIZU SU. Yrantimak; MIOM# IFmatizek; rARMTAI, Jarmil& OWW-M-*AM , fterience wLth typlM of atr&Lns of Brmc*UA. Ceak, bTC* apidem. 41krob* 2 uo*5:374-380 Oct* 53. 1, Ze Statatho vedegkoho veterinoxiohe ustam v Bratislaves (MGZLLL. . typirc) 191 M I W # FrantLaek# NUOr .. Role of opIsootalogists f ood mW4. Cook. bCrg. opLdox. a1krobs 2 so.6:412-419 Na. 53. 1, Ataditel Statusho vedockeho vtorinarmeho ust&vu v Bridislave. (row, gapply In Cs*ch., role of vatertuary Ked.) (NOICUM, VIT INART, In ftech.,, role In food supply) c=08LOVAKTAIVirology - fllckettsiaso E-5 Abs Jour Rcf Zhur - WA., go 15, 1958.- 67017 Author xWnawkyo Fs. Gmittor, is Title Date on the 4itoolaMr and thce Sprwd Centrum or COA011n Disease In, Sheep. Orig Pub Vater1no,casopep 1956, 5s 328-339. Abstract; I:n connection with two aridemics of cox:EmLI4 disease (Q-faver) in Czechoslovakia* In 1954t sheep,, g=ts and cattle were inspected by the "MI, fRBC - Reaction of Blood Coagulatioa?j mathoe La various; districts, parti- cularly in laaalities where previous infections In ma were observed. Positive reactions were obtained in some of the animalso The efforts in M4 to isolate the spa- cific causal aGents from cow and sheep.mM were a ccm- plate failure, govever, when gulnea pigs were infected with a material fr= tho test aniffn1s, characterisUc Card 1/2 CZECHOSLOVAKIA/MicrobioloLV - General MicrobioloGy. Systemtics, F MorpholoGy, Cytoloay. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Diol., No 22, 1958, 99215 Author : Niz.-ansky, Fr. Tnst Title : Dioloaical Properties of Drucella Strains Isolated La Czechoslovakia. Part 1. A Study of Bacteria Strains, Obtained from Sheep in Southern Moravia Orig Pub : Veterin, casoP., 1957, 6, 466-477 Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 vt-DicA See 4 Vol 12/1 red. Micro. Jan 59 134. THE PHOSPHATASE ACTIVITY OF STRAINS OF BRUCELLA - L%letivitO pti-isphalasiquedes swches de Brucella - N#z1)ADjEkV--U. and Krrmcry V 1. Ins(. veter. scl, Bratislava - ARCRT--ST, PA-STEUR MIS 1957. 34 /4 (463 -472) Tables 4 T~e method used was that of Bodansky. consisting in MiKing equal rts of a bacterial suspension in salt solution and sodium glycerophosphale rol 5% in gly - cerinated buffer. pH 8.4-8.5); subsequently. the phosphate ton concentration is determirted by the method of Taussky and Shorr. This determination, carried out with 71 strains (21 Or. abortus. 23 Dr. suis, 9 Dr. melitensis, 17 Dr. intermedia. I Brbroachiseptica). revealed that most strains of Dr. melitensis and Dr. inter media have a phosphatase activity more than 6 times greater than that of Btrairto oi Or. abortus and Or. suis, Senzoni - Milan NIZWSZKT, Yr. *. OrWARY, L.; EMKKRY, VI. Preparation$ biachentaal properties and d1aguostic value of various Brucalla allargeae. Cook. epidem. m0crob. faun. 7 no.5t321-325 Sept 58. 1. Statay vedocky veterinarny ustav v Bratislava, (EMOWAO allergens, prep., biochem. & diag. value (Gz)) epididyniUs of r"s. Vestnik CSUW 8 no-9; 482-03 060. (EUI 100) 1. Clan corespondent Ceskoslovenske akadenie zwedelskych ved. (CzQchozlov&H&--P.axs) YIZYANSKT,. I.; GMITTER, T. On tho problest of occupational Coxialla, burnstil, infections in human embJects. Pracovni lek.12 no.8%416-418 Of601. .1. Laboratori= experim entalneho vaterinaretya EIGSAPT Bratislava Stainy vedooky voterinariq ustar, Bratislava. MER spidemiol) (OCWATIOIFAL DISIASES eipidemiol) HIMANSKY F The appearance of brucelIoeie in pigs in CtectLoglorakia and biological properties of porcitv Brucella. strains. (feek.,epidex, mikrob*im=.10 no-IM-39 #T4 961, .L., Lab3ratoriwA experimentalneho vaterinaretva PCSAW v BratislaTe. (BEMLLOSIS (SWINK dia) Nimmur Fre - r4ativation of brucallic strains with mference to the sensitivity to antibiotics6s", Cask. spidem.. mikrob. i=n. 10 no.5:3(f)-313 S 163. 1, Laboratorium experimntalneho vetdrinarstm pabocky CSAFV v Dratislave, (BRUGEUA au.iture) ~ (ANTIBIOTICS phamacol.) NuMmy 'Fr. 7 properties of boTins strains of Brucella and their role in the arddication of brucellouis, Cook, epidex, 11, no.3rI60-165 My 162a, 1. laboratorim experimentaln ho vetepinarstya Fobocky CSAPT v BratislaTe. (BRUCILLA) (BRUCE=M prev & control) -~12UNSKr, Fr. Natural sources of rabies. Ceak. epidem. mikrob. fm=. 11 no-4:254~-259 J1 162. 1. Laboratoritm experimentalneho, vaterizzarstva, FQ3APv v Bratislava. (RABIES transmission) (ZOOtIOSES), NIZNAIISKY; F. Current status of Information on pseudotuberculosis and Its ---,,-bpldemlologlcal prospects. Cask. opidem. 13 no.5:312-317 s 164. 1. Vysku=y ustav voter. lekarstva Brno, pmcovlsko Ivanka pri Dunaji. NIZMANSKY F, The aspeato of the action against the moat important Zacantroponoses. Cask. hyg. 10 no.6054-360 11165. 1. Tyakumny ustav vaterinarneho lekarstva Bmo, Pmeovisko Ivanka pri Amaji a Vyekumny ustar hygieny, Rratislava. ACC NRs AP602699 AUTHOR: Nizaaasky, F* . . . . . . . . . . . . .- - - - -- - 1-- 1 ORG., Research Institute of Hygleae, Bratislava (Vyzkumny ustay hygieny) TITLE: Rapid biochemical methods for differentiating Brucella suis from Brucella abortua SOURCE: Ceukoolovenska epidemiologie, mikrobiologic, Imunologie, no. 4, 1966, 219-222 TOPIC TAGS: brucella suis, brucella abortus, enzymatic activity determination, grovth inhibition test, disease diagnosis, biochemistry, enzyme, infectious disease ABSTRACT: 'A reliable differentiation between the Brueella abortus and Brucetta ouis atraina by a concine standardization scheme is reported. The method consists of determination of enzymatic activity and of growth inhibition teats using i selective inhibitors. The enzymatic tests consist of quenti- 'tative manganometric determl.ration of catalese.activlty, .and' of 'quic~k **a~d -9-imple t'ea*E~ f 6r per-oxydase add ur~ease acElvity. Growth inhibition tests are, paper., Card --- -------- : AM26991 strip method on one plate with basic fuchslne,, t1iLoninet diethyl-dithiocarbomate, B-oxyquinoline and penicillin, Neither the use of safranin , malachite green nor a test .for H.5 production were found to be of any help in differ- entiating between Brucatta ouia and Gvua*eZ1a abortues ('WA-50 CBE No. III ,qYS CODE: 06/ OUBM DATE: .29qep6~/ OHIO REF: 004/ OTH 113F: M. Card 212 CZ/006T/66/000/004/0219/0222 CZEcjiOSLOVAYJA AUTHOR: gizaans 7- 7- -77" OR(;,: Research:lastltute of Hygiene, B.rlatislaya ustay TITLE% Rapid,blochemLcal methods,for differentiating Brucella suis from Brucella abortus SOURCE: Ceskoslovenske epidemiologie, mikrobiologie, inunologles no. 4, 19669 219-222 TOPIC ".AGS: brucella suis, brucellm ebortus, enzymatic activity determination, growth inhibition test, disease diagnosisp biochemistry,- enzyme, infectious disease ABSTRACT: A reliable differentiation between'the BruoelZa abortue and Bruaella suia strains by a concise standardization cheme is reported. The method consists of determination . enzymatic activity and of growth inhibition testa using N selective inhibitors, The enzymatic tests consiat of quanti- 'tative manganometric, deteraination,of catalase activityo cats or paroxidase and ueeasa 'and of quick and simple t"' 'f adilvitye Growth InhibitLon tests are made by ~~a papecj 112 NIZKW, Ia. JCZEF-. Jawa a demanovska dolina. (Vyd. 1.) Bratialava,, MWd. Cestwneho ructim. 1953. 34 p. (The Jasna dnd Dwaama V&Ueye;; a 6nddebook. (Ist ed. Mus.) SOMCE: Eatt Eaxvpean Accessions List. (EEAL) Ubrar7 of Congress. Vol. 5. No. 8. August 1956. NIZI-IIA113KY, JO'A-~,F. Zilina a okolie. (V~d. 1.) V Bratislave, Statne telovychovne nakl.0 1954. 38 p. (The city of Mina and its environs. Ist ed. illus. ) I:V Faxt European Acces.3ions List, Vol. 5, no. 9, September 1956 )URCE: