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JAGIELSKI, J.; KOLIS, J.; ROBACZYMSKA, G. Electrocardiogram of the newborn infant. Kardlol. Pol. 7 no.2:87-96 164. 1..Z Osrodka Kardiologicznego PSK nr 1 (Kicrovnik: prof, dr Z. Kawarzykava) i z I Kliniki Poloznictua i Chorob Kobiecych Akademll Medycznej we Wroclawiu (Kierownik: prof. dr K. Nowosad). G~!br VNS Faz ~.rr i erz ; N' 1i 1S J~- r-i C~~ - E Ilk, AA jA ; ',-Apoll.. A..1.7i:a of trum3ftiricn~j 15 Ginek. Fol. '146 no.8;P,1,7.,S5`3 AF NWIJO, Jc U FC T(l prcf, dr. med. PoLjz)~tr~t,,~i i C'LO Kc,bipcych Akad9mll- R,~dy zn,A w-, 'e,_-)r?_,i.,'l_u prof. dr. mr-d. K. Nowcbqa). JAGE'T."M, of the QIV-, 36 1,,- 165. 1. 7. Osrodka dr. i Chorob Inwiu (Kj.errwrii;~: VI-OC. '11-. r6i j; r zy PSI," Nr. 1 w~j 1:17r.,--cilt(witi i 7~ I J. 1~. N(1~40sacl). ANDREASIK, -Wgniew; ATIDUASIK, lren7i; Recurrent ir, ccj%r-~!e 932-934 Ag 165. 1. Z 11 Kliniki. Chcrob ~-,evinetrzn.,,-h Ak-aql,2,-iii llcdyc.,,nn~ wa Wr.,)cliwiu (Kierownik: prof. dr. med. A. Falkiewicz), z I Oiniki Polomictwa- I Chorob Kobiecych Akadaaii 1-~-dlykznej we (Kitrovnik: prof. dr. med. K. llowe,-Fad) i z Pracowni Serologicmij Wojewod-zkie.i Stacji Krwiodaw6twa we Wrccla-wlu (Hifirown1k: dr. m.-A. 1,1. Dzierzkowa ). 110TWOSAD 'D . ; 1 t ', , , ,, Kazimlevz; IfEltSUCHI, Tadeusz; J' ~ a (1'~ ,, I Z'-' ; CIASTON-1-DW)IIIISZA Weronika Role of listeriosis in prefnrincy ccmpliCLtiGnS 11114L its :3,-,r(:auj;q?, in wards for newborr, infants. Ginek. Fol. 36 no.8:939-944 Ag 164. 1. Z I Klirilki Folomict-wa i ( h-)rob Kobiecych ~-kad;;mii Vf-,dyczfo-)j we l4roclawiu (Kierownik: pror. dr. K. Nnwosjdi. ECIKRM. ffadauez; IOLIS~ Taslas Premature esparatIon of norrally located placenta. Afibrinagenoula. Came report. polsict trgod.lek. 15 no.33:1280-1282 15 Ag 160. 1. Z I Kliniki Polozaietwe i Chorob Koblacych A.M. we Wroclaw1u; klarownik: doco dr Eastmiers Novocad. (PrACnTA PMVIA blood) (AIFMIKOGMMU in progn.) ROWZYNSKI,, Jerzy; KOLIS, Tasios Dawgo to the fetal extramittea caused by encirclewnt by the umbilical cord. Ginek. pol. 34 W-4:519-~23 163. 1, Z I Kliniki Poloznlctwa i Chorob Koblecych AM we Wroclawlu Kierowalk: rof, dr cod* K, Nowosed, U14BILICAL COPD) (EXTRMITIES) ABNORMALITIES) (FETAL DISEASES) 1INFANT, 104BOM, DISEASES) NOWOSAD,, Kazimierz,prof. dr.; WAwmrwr(,,z, Marian; NIIUI~8'71&9~10310 WIEGZOMV Ellgiuar. Corxibution to the clInical picture of prainvasive cancer of the uterine cervix* Pol. tyg. lek. 20 no.1.2143/,-436 92 Vir 165 1. ~ I Kliniki, Polomietwa i Chorob Kobiea7ch Akaderrdi Medycz- nej we Wroclawiu (Kierounik: prof. dr, K. Nowosed). WAWRZKIE'WIrZ, Madan; NOLIS# Tasion Invasive cervical cancer in pregnant women. Pol, tyg, lek. 20 no.20:721-723 17 14Y f65. 1. Z Kliniki Poloznictwa i Chorob Koblecych AM we Wroclawtu (Kierownik: porf. dr. Ke flowosd), 4 NOLIS 11 .. Tasioo; NOTISCIelA, Jadwiga Umbilical infectlow, or newborn Infanto. Gin,,k. Pol. 36 rv).~P: 897-901 Ag, 165. 1. Z I KlIniki Poloznict-,wp- i Chorob Kobiecych Ak-qdemii Medynnej wAj Wro:ilawiu (K'Af)rnwrIIk.- prof. dr. mcd. Y. Nowosad). GIERON-ZASADZIENIOWA, H.; HALAZINSKA, L.; KOLISOWA, J.; UJECp H.; ROBACZYKSKA, G,; JAGIEISKI# J. ' Auricular pararhythm In newbortz Wants. Kardiol. Pol. 7 no.3011-216 J 164. 1. Z II Kliniki Poloznictwa I Chorob Kobiecych Akademii lotedyemej (Kiercrinik: prof. dr K. Jablonski); z I Kliniki Poloznlctwa I Chorob Koblecych Akademil Medycznej (Kierownik: prof. dr K. Nowosad) I z Oprodka Kardiologicznego PSK nr 1 we Wroclawiu (Kierownik pi~of. dr Z. Kowarzykawa). NOLIS, Taslos; MLIS(Yelf-, TadwJ-va I ~ - Umbilical infectiorl& Of -'ewbG"n if~fllflt5- Giriek. Fol. 3~-. r.".-8: I 897-901 Agy 1b . i. Z I Kliniki Poloznj.ct-4a I Chorolo Fobiecych Akaflomii 1.',(jivcznej L, we Vro-:~Iawiu Morownik! dr. mv!,I. K. Nowonad). fall ZOO. ll;elr el (SUL AS& 00. SO #0.a got got so. *ON! *eel LA.. It, t4Js WP1 AL _0 - ,. . a. . ;fat t: __ ~- - .. -- - - - I-.----- - -- - - Pa0c,614t."01 r4c"Sfilt 0011(t M P - i1a- WcTt In Nnwe PudWS 11MV409 (MMOMe A .(Cpqttw om attudkm (Wevinimmite Nick to the Amtve Wwave (be mutfactat the gkqs melt ml (bep,%At fifstd t1w tle(Ml W*% dKW(VV1(KC the -(XK41 IM (44M H I k 2 A40 ZOO cog ji 14001 age *IV GO 8 0 K dt a ~c 1vt fe 0 484901 "Gov m 11 ads wirl ir "was-i-s-V -103. 1 )_Tit 0 No. 2~ 6 Cho' A I.. pm VOW-, ~hiz~d ot t n fil. flilm. and culi"t thiaa i lotAiih Al;rsldvo, wbce4 "~Tacfd 04-~ nit, cts nt tht crigh are (11 nxi, iinif m cii!trIbrtira Ulf- mm 79,3Lrd feti micy V3 ""'u, .,u 3) th~! div- are,:,mly t c plicrit sh6l-tidw was i; from 1:33 tt, 82 min , with N,cnorlly 'Fib nf 1~ t. muirp.' and rn~_ AUTHOR: Noltkent M. P. SO11/72-58-9-3/2o TITLE: Experience in the Introduction of Simultaneous Bilateral Grinding of Sheet Glass (Iz opyte oevoyaniya odnavremennoy dvustoronney shlifovki listovogo stekla) PERIODICAL: Steklo i keramika, 1958, Nr 9, PP 7 - 12 (TJSSR) ABSTRACT: This method of glass grinding offers considerable advantages as compared to a separate working of each glees surface. It permits to save working space and equipment and to produce high-quality glass. In order to solve the problem which are connected with this method a small continuous test plant was constructed in glass works. This plant operated according to the system due to Ya.I.Andrusenka and M.D.Tamarin. It was designed in the Orgetekle (PKBpInstitute of GIMS). The designs of the grinding machines of this system are portrayed in figures 1#2 and 3. Ya.I.Andrusenko suggested a hydraulic pulse generator for the stabilisation of the level of the system, as can be seen from figure 4. During the first period of test runs grinding plates Card 1/2 were examined which had different arrays of slots. In Experience in the Introduction of Simultaneous SOV/72-58-9-3/2o Bilateral Grinding of Sheet Glass figure 5 the two specimens are shown which meet the requirements. The experimental evidence is presented in a table. It was found that hydraulic and mechanical pulse generators both operate satisfactorily. The mechanical type, however, is more simple, cheaper to produce and shows less wear. As a conclusion it is stated that the grinding of both glass surfaces proceeds with equal intensity, and that the simultaneous bilateral grinding offers great advantages. These experiments furnished the required experience for the design of highly efficient continuous grinding machines. There are 5 figures~jand I table. Card 2/2 IMEBIRGo-K.L.; KOSWY* B.S.; NOWKWiL&P.t~ R92fIKOVg K.I.; LoAmf Holop rods isd-va; ikA t ~..* t6FdE.-red, (SVIpment for AS plants] Oborudovade stokoVm7kh sayodar. Pod r*do K*I.Remdkova. lad.2.9 liqw. i dop. Kdakmg Goi. izd-~m 21t- ry po stroitet iErkh4t, i stroit. materiahmt 3.961. 6"' (KUPtA 14:8) (Glass ma=faottwo--r-quiPwnt and suppUes) VEYIIBERG,p Kaltman Lipwnovicli; GUMIMELO . Isaak Yavgentyevich[deceased]; KOTLYAR,, Abram Yevoeyevich; NOLIKE21p Mazimilian Petrcvich; ORLOVv katoliy Nika2wfevieli-XEERSMi-SKEY,-S&--m-Ze-tanov:Ech; SHKOLINIKOV, Yakov'Abrmmovich; BRC1407,9 P.V.v rataenzent; ULIZNYAK,q A.A.p retsenzent; KISELEV, N.V., retsenzent; KLEGG,, D.I.j. retsenzent; SHVAGBM,, Ya.D,., retsenzent; DUKHOVNYYt F.N." red.; TRISIMIA, L.A., teklm. red. (Equipmnt and meahanization of glass factoriesl0borudavanto i makhanizatsila atokollr7kh zavodove (By] -&.L,Veinborg i dr, F'o- skva, Rostekhizdat, 1962. 451 p. diagra. WERA 15910) (Glass-Equipmut and supplies) CECHtH.; HOSKOVA,A.; IIOLL,A. Tranaminass &43tivity In healthy infants and its relation to neonatal jaundice. Cesk. pediat. 20 no.l.-23-29 Ja 165 1, 1, detaka klinika lekarske fakulty Univeroit J.vE# Purkyne T Bme (prednosta - profe dre 3, Bruneokyp CSM-T HOSKOVA, A.; OW11,14. UT!~~- - - About the posal.bIlity of glucoa(!4~ phosphate lehydrngenave deflatency in our efiwiti-y, Cav. lek. ceck. 164 no-10t 262-265 12 Mr'65. 1. 1. detaka klitii-k-a lekaroko fak-ulty University i.E. Purkyrie v Bme (prodnoatal prof. dr. Z. bi-Linerky, GS,-,. NiLL 1 19 1. F. Grain Raising high yields of ,rain crops. DooL. sf-,llkl,oz. No. 2, 1953. L, Monthly List o'' Russian Accossions, Library of Congress, June 1953. Uncl. NOLL, J,.q ina. -- Distribution of fiber circulation during rragmentation. Bul VUPC 6 no. 3; 3-17 163. 1. Research Institute of Paper and Cellulose, Prague. NOLL, Jaroslaw, inz. Relations and phenomena during paper web formation. Pt. 1. Papir a colulosa 19 no. 7s192-194 JI 164. 1. Research.Inititute of Paper and Cellulose, Worksits Prague, pU yj .3u J)j v u T Tj I ; T.- 1OLLI Jarostflvf . - Rulationti and p*-eyitjz5na In msking paper web. Pt.2. Papir a celliloaft 19 nu.8;219-2202 Ag 164. 1. f(ascarch Institute of Paper and Cellulose, Worksits Prague. KOVACS. Irvin. (Ir.,,; RAW, Xrno, dr.,; X3MTBSZ, Idith, dr.,; KOLL, ralman, dr. J'&mLlI&I Idiopathlo bypocouvertineut& (absence of the T11 fac';or) OM- hetIl. 96 no.14:378-383 3 Apr 55. 1. A Magyar Nephadsereg IgessuegugyL Szolgalatanak kozleusnyse (HINCRWUGIC DYATH19SIS factor T11 defflo., idiopathic, familial) 9726? 3/181/61/003/008/017/034 Ito B102/B202 AUTHORS., Nollev E. L. and Galkin, G. N. TITLE; Generation oenters in diffusion-type p-n Junctions of silicon PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tole# V. 3, no- So 1961f 2350-2354 TEXT: The reverse current passing throug'L a p-n junction consists of two components: the diffusion current and the current caused by generation in the region of space charge of the aemiconduator. At room temperature# the diffusion component of the reverse current in silicon p-n junctions is considerably lower than the second component. It is known that in silicon with p-n juhotions mainly carriers whose levels lie near the center of tho forbidden band are generated in the region of space charge. The authors atudy the oarrier-goneration centers in the region of space charge which had been generated by host treatment in diffusio.nal p-n junot-ions 8ilicon and determine the relationship between the generation cent:fs and the recombination levels in p-typs silicon. On the basis of Shockley#@ theory for the reverse-curreat density caused by generation in the space- charge region the authors theoretically obtain: jg 0 qW ni/(T +V P0 no rqird 1/3 27M 9/161/61/003/008/017/034 Generation centers in ... B102/B202 T and -r are the lifetimes of the electrons and holes, in a strong PO no p-type and strong n-typs s4micoaduator. The authors experimentally studied the volt-ampere characteristics of the reverse current in p-n junctions produced from thermally treated (12350C) P-tYP* Si Plate In order to reduce the influence of surface effects on the reverse current, the authors chose large diode areas (0.12 am 2), immediately before the measurements the diodes were etched and the characteristics were measured in a vacuum thermostat (10-5 mm ffg). It was found that up to about 1000C the reverse current is voltage-dependent and mainly a generation current. The activation energy of the generation centers was determined from the slope of the straight line I - f(I/T) and a value of 0.6 + 0.06 ev was obtained. This corresponds to a position of the energy level ";f the centers in the middle of the forbidden band. At higher temperatures, the reverse current is determined by the diffusion oompoaent (activation energy 1.2 ev). The studies showed that a linear relation exists between the generation current and the concentration of the centers which form a recombination level In p-type silicon, that in at a distance of 0.55 ev from the valence band. Card 2/5 J!71!8T 3/181/61/0()3/008/017/034 Generation centers in B1021B202 It be assumed that in the p-n junctions studied a donor level of gold impurities mots as an motive recombination level and an acceptor level of gold as an active generation level in the space charge region. The former is at a distance of 0-35'ev from the valence band, the letter lies in the middle of the forbidden band. Using the date of Bemaki the author compares the reverse-current densities theoretically and experimentally. Good agreement was obtained for the individual samples. The carrier concentra- tions were calculated from the formula n 2 , 1-5-1035T3 exp(-1.21/kT). The i authors thank V. S. Vavilov for directing the studies and B. M. Vul, Corre-- sponding UemberASUSSR,for his interest and advice. There are 3 figures, I table, and 10 references: I Soviet and 9 non-Soviet. The two most im- portant references to English-language publications read an follows: G. Bemski. Phys. Rev. ill, 6, 1515, 1958; D. J. Sandiford. J. Appl. Phys., 30, 12, 1981t 1959. ASSOCIATION: Fizioheskiy institut im. P. N. Lebedeva AN SSSR Moskva (Physics Institute imeni P. N. Lebedev AS USSR, Moscow) SUBMITTED: March 10, 1961 Card 3/3 4 AUTHORS: TITLE: VM88 S/181/61/003/008/018/034 B102-iB202 Galkin, 0. N., Nolle, E. L., and Vavilov, V. S. Recombination levels in p-type silicon occurring at high- temperature treatment PERrODICLL: Fizika tvardogo tela, v. 3, no. 8, 1961p 2355-2361 TEXT: Heat treatment of silicon at temperatures above 12000C leads to a strong increase of the suface recombination rate. The lifetime of the non- equilibrium carriers decreasesto values of the order of 1 Meo and less. The nature of the recombination centers occurring in this connection has hitherto not been explained. In a previous paper (Galkin, FTT, 11, 1, 6, 1960) it was demonstrated that in p;type silicon the dependence of the carrier lifetime on the injection 1 vel (with injection levels of 0.005-0.05 ev) corresponds to the Shockley-Read law. The recombination level is at a distance of 0.13 ev from the valence band. At higher injeo- tion levels, however, no linear dependence could be observed. Hence the authors assumed that another level participates in recombination. This problem is studied in the present paper. The authors study the dependence Card 1/5 27288 3/181/61/003/008/0113/034 Recombination levels in p-type B102/B202 of the lifetime on. the injection level in a wide range of the injection levels, the position of the recombination levels (generated by heat treat- ment) in the forbidden band and also their nature. First, they theoretical-- ly study recombination-by local levels which lie in the forbidden band. They experimentally study the dependence of the lifetime of the non-equi- librium carriers on temperature and injection level in p-type single crystals with p-n Junction by the "frol aencylt method of S. G. Kalashnikov and N. A. Penin (ZhTF, XXV, 1111, 1955 . The p-n Junction was produced by diffusing phosphor into p-type Si (20 min, 12300C). This was made in quartz ampule. Under the.a.ame conditions part of the specimens had Veen previously subjected to heat treatment (30 min - 2hr) in order to increase the concentration of the recombination levels. Ohmic contacts weia obtained by melting Ag onto the n-type side and Al onto the p-typs side. In order to keep the current which is due to surface generation and which passes through the p-n Junction low, the Junction area was chosen sufficiently large (0.12 am2) and etched prior to the measurement. The lifetime was determined between -70 and +1850C and the injection levels between 0.01 and 0.6 ev. The initial carrier lifetime was at 50 1weo, resistivity was Card 2/5 27168 S/181 61/003/008/010/034 102 B202 Recombination levels in p-type B YB -10 ohm-am. The ratio between diffusion current and generation current componenVwas determined from the volt-ampere characteristics of the itios (v - Mog W have current in forward direction. The ahareateri4 two linear sections of different slope. The first one (0.26 ev) corre sponds to the current due to generation in the apaoe-oharge region, at higher voltageso current occurs due to-diffusion. The majority carrier was determined from the Hall-emf. It was constantly concentration PO 1014 om-3 in the entire temperature range. It became constant riqual to 7-5- after a.2-5,hour heat treatment (within the limits of measurement accuracy) which indicates alow concentration of the introduced oentera. The curves -1(1+An/po f(&n/p0) of specimens with annealing times of less than 1.5 hr were not I'Aner. They c orre spond.ed; approximately to formula 7 .4-La) (5) Pe Card 3/5 27288 S/181/61/003/006/01.0/034 Recombination levels In p-typs B102/9202 hn Is the concentration of the electrons (minority carriera)o p 0 that of the holeu (majority carriers), r the'lifetime of the latter; the subscripts :o and co refer to an infir-itely amall,grAnfinitaly larCe injection level, I and 2 number the two existing recombination levels. Only with specimens that had been subjected to heat treatment for more than two hours these curves were linear. Heat treatment at temperatures exceedinr 12000C also leads to the generation of two-donor-type recombination levPls at distances of 0.1-0.2 and 0-35 + .0.02 ev from the'velence band... The concentration of the centers with the level E v increases Y(ith increasing time uf t2 " 0.35 a heat treatment so that - in the case ot long'-lasting heat treatment - re- combine .Uo.n by the'first level can be neglected. The level E t2 " 0.35 ev 7 may be explained by the prosence of gold atoms in the crystal,which, according to Collins at al., form donor levels in p- 'type Si which are at a distance of 0.35 + 0.02 ev from the According to Bemski th6 gold concentration in-Si subjected to heitwtreatment for 2.5,hours, should amount to 1013 cm -3. The reason of-thid gold Impurity might be the quartz ampul which contained the Si during the heat treatment. The authors thank Card 4/5 Eggas S/181/61/003/008/011/024 Recombination levels in p-type B102/.202 B. H. Vul, Corresponding Member AS USSR, and E. 1. Adirovich for advice, B. Ya. Yurkov for help. There are 7 figures and 11 references: 4 Soviet and 7 non-Soviet. The three most important references to English-language publications read as follows: H. Lax. Phys. Rev., 119, 1502, 19601 C. B. Collins et al. Phys. Rev., 105, 1168, 19571 G. Bemski. Phys. Rev., ill, 6, 1515, 1958- ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTED: Fizicheskiy institut im. P. N. Lebedeve AN SSSR Uoskva (Physics Institute imeni P. N. Lebedev AS USSRg Moscow) March 10, 1961 Card 5/5 37949 9/181 62/004/005/051/055 B163 B13 Malovetakaya, V. H., and Vavilovs V. S. TITL1'; The effect of oxygen on the life-time of minority carriers in p-type silicon PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo, telat v- 49 no* 5t 1962# 1574-1576 TE&2: single crystals of p-type silicon were obtained by zone melting without &~ crucibl4. Very low oxygen content was achieved by zone refinement in a hydrogen atmosphere or in vacuum. la the top part of the single crystal the oxygen concentration was increasad by ;.making part of the last passage in an atmosphere of moist hydrogen. The oxygen concentration was determined froa the intensity of the Infrared absorption band at 9.1 microns. The life-time was measured by B. D. Kopylovskiy's phase methodat a, low injection level. ifith oxygen content increasing ftom. 16 -3 17 ~_3 5610 cm to 1.5010 cm the carrier life-time.lacreases from 1.6 to 32 microseconds. Its temperature dependence was measured between 220 and 4300K and was found to diminish with temperature* The decrease is less for specimens with higher oxygen ooncentratioast and below 000# it increased Card I ACCESSION MR9 AP4034920 AUTHORt VavLlov, V* So; Yegorovg V. Do; Vint,jvkLn, I So If TITLEs Radiative recombination in cadmium telluride as a result of excLcatLon by fast electroa pulses SOURCEt FizLks everdogo tela. v. 6. no. St 19649 1406-1412 TOPIC TAGS: radiative recombinati on, cadmium telluride, CdTe, laser material, stimulated emissiom, semiconductor ABSTRACTz The recombLn&tLan radLatLon spectrum of CdTe excited by fast electrons was LnvestLgated in thp photon energy interval from I Oo7 to lo6 ev and at temperatures betiteen-10 and 300K, The p-type ig,,tmptes with resistivity of Iv, tO ohmeem were exaLted by I Hav elec- troa pulses of 2*5 Vacc duration from an electrostatic generator* The r*patition fgaquancy was 10 cps. and -the currant density per electron pulse varied betweeen 0*3 and 0o$ mAfca. Since a 10 hr axposiare to this type of LrradLatLan dLd not affect the recoubLuatim Land __13 ACCESSION Mgt AP4034920 isdiatLon spectrus, it was assumed that the affect of the formation of radiation defects could be neglected. It was found that at LOK the recombination radiation spectrum consists of three intense bands; .41th =*xina at photon energies of 1#05 Ott 1.47 :t 0.01, and I.S9 :t O*Ot evo The short-wave em.Ession badd is Located in the region of the fundamental absorption band@ Analysis of the data shows that vertical transitions with emission of optical phonans with Cero momeatum. occur in CdTe and that the probability of suck I processes is high. AccordLng to criteria developed int Basov, H. r7., 0. N. KrakhLn. Yu. H. Popov* ZhETFg v, 49 196L9 pe L203 0 it may, therefore, be possible to obtain Laser action in CdTe at tow temperatures when the nonequLlibrLum charge carrier concentration is considerably smatter than that corresponding to the degenerate state's Orige art* hast 6 figures* ASSOCtATX0H9 FizicheskLy instLtut LKeaL P. He Lehade"AM SSSR (PhYsLaq zasiLtutd/Ax 6552) rd `3 SUBMITTED: 2ONov63 DATE ACQt ZQK&y64 EXCLI 00 $us cout Ps KO REF SOVt 004 OTHER& 006 313 VAVILOV, V.S.; JOUE. E.L.; YEGOFOV, V.D. Recent data on the spectrum of recombination emission in cadmium telluride following electron excitation. Fiz. t7er. te2a 7 no.3, 934-936 Mr 065. (MIRA 1814) 1, Fizicheskiy inatitut imeni Lsbedeva AN SSSR. Moskva i Moskovskiy, gosudarstvennyy universitst. WW/&P(k) ''L 2982-66 AP5023360 ACCESSION HR! UR/002 5/10'4/001/OOT3/0074 66 AMOR: Vavilov, V. S.; Nolle, E. LI.- Wi 6 TITLE;, Cadmium telluride;ilectron-beam pumped CdTe laser SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, -v. 164, no. 1, 1965, 73-74 TOPT C TAGS: laser, s emiconductor laser, CdTe, electron beam laser, recombination radiation y a be am of ABSTRACT: The authors report attaining laser action in CdTe pumped Ir electrons. A sample 0.4 x 0.4 x 0.4 mm was cleaved from n-type CdTe with a hole Co.qCentration of 1014 CM73 at room temperature. The polished front face of the sample was perpendicular to the two polished faces forming the cavity. The IsEoTle was attached to the cold finger of a ci7oatat maintained at 10-15K. The beam of 150-kev electrons was incident on the front face of the sample. The beam current eas supplied in o.4-11sec pulses at a rate of 10 pulses pei. second. The short-wavelengbh radiation emitted perpendicular to the polished faces forming, the cavity vas shifted 20-30 X toward the longer wavelengths, as compared with radiation emitted from the front face exposed to the electron beam. When the current-. density was increased from 0.3 to I-awp/CM2, the intensity of emission increased IC rd 1/4 U GA. L ')982-a ACCESSION NR: AP502336o 'by approximately two orders of magnitude (see Fig. 1 of Enclosurej. Simultaneously,- - the width at half maximum decreased from 25 a to approximately 3 A (Fig. 2). At a current density of 1 amp!=2 the divergence in the horizontal plane perpendicular to the front face was about 150. At an input power of the exciting electrons equal to 300 V, the output power within a solid angle of 150 was not -less than 0.3 w, 'The narrowing of the spectral I~ne to a value less than kT, a sharp increase in intensity, and the appearance of directionality at a current density of 1 amp,/cm2 J indicated the onset of stimulated emission. The 5timu]I:ated emission was attributed exciton transitions._ Orig. art. has: 2 figures. NSII ASSOCIATICA: Fizicheskifintititut im. P. 11. Lebedeva Akademii nauk SSSR (Physics Institute, Acp,~np~ of Sjienc!.s)~SSR) q -1 SUB SU13K[7rZD: 25jan65 E14 CL: 02 COM- C- NO F8F BOV.- 008 OTHER: 002 ATD PRESS: [_Card.. 2/4 *Cd_A.kF RCE CODE: IJR/0181/66/008/001/0286/0287 AUTHOR: Nolle, E. L. Vavilov V. S.; Golubev, G. P.; Kashtskov, V. S. ORG: Phzsics Institute im. P. N. Lebedev,AN SSSR, Moscow (Fizicheskiy institut AN S.SSRI, TITLE: Induced radiation of cadmium aelenide due to electron excitation ACME: Fizika tverdogo 1, 066, 286-287 tela, V. TOPIC TAGS: light radiation, radiation intensity, light emission,' light excitation ABSTRACT: An attempt was made to obtain stimulated emission of light from calcium selenide excited with electron pulses. A specimen having the form of a rectangle parallelepiped 600 x 400 x 50 U was used for observation of the emission. The elec- tron beam was incident on the largest surface of the Bpecimen, while the emission wool recorded from the specimen's side faces, the distance between which was 600 U. The i measurements were made at 8bK, The observation of emistion from the side faces showed, that the maximum of the spectral band is shifted by 35 A to the longwave side as compared with emission recorded from the forward face irradiated with electrons. When current density was increased from I amp/cM2 . a sharp increase in emission inten-~ sity was observed along with the simultaneots appearance of the directional effect.ofil emission and a decrease of the width at the half-height of the band from 80 to 15 A. At a.current density of 2.5 amp/cm2, the emission spectrum has an equidistant struc- Card 112 ow L 20491-~66 ACC NR: AP6003819 ture a. t ~ e-- f -m of owlara, ted 266-1 from each other. These stages h oi testages loca apparently-are associated with-.the resonator modes. lite maximum of emission was at X - 6950.A. -The angle between the directions corresponding to the values of emission intensity equal to one-half of the maximum value was 12* at a current density of 2.5 amp/cM2. These data indicate that generation of stimulated emission occurs in cadmium salenide. Orig. art. has: 2.figures. [JAI SUB CODE: 201 SUBM DATE: llAug65/ ORIG REP: 003/ OTH REP: OOl/ ATD PRESSi Card 2/2 21 7Z::k -EWr(I)AWT m WG(m)AWP(t) 1JP(c) L ) it ACC NR. AP6006842 SOURCE CODES UR/Oi8l/66/008/002/053210540 AUTHORt Vavilov, V, 8,; Nollep__L ORGs Physics Institute im, P, H, Lebedovt AN SSSR, Hoscow (FixichaskLy inst HE AN SSSR) TITLES Spontaneous and stimulated emission of recombination radiation of CdTe due to electron excitation 4;,-~ SOURCES FizLka tverdogo tola, v. 8, no. 20 19660 532-540 TOPIC TAGSt recombination radiationt recombination emission, single crystal ABSTRACTS An investigation wa,%mad of the emission of recombination radiation by nonalloyed single _dTa%rystals due to excitation by 150-kev electrons. An electrot~-tii`be with a constant high voltage which generated 150-Vev electron pulses with a duration time from 0.25 to 10 post was used. A beam of electrons was focused on a spot 1 mm in 2 diameter, whore the current density reached 3 dmp/cm The free path of 150-kov electrons in CdTawas about 40 P. The emission spectrum of CdT4 due to electron excitation consisted basically of four bands with photon energies close to 19 1.4, 1.55, and 1.59 ev at T id lOK.- It was possible that the emission bands at I and 1e55 ev in,CdTo not Card 1 2 L' 21477-66 ACC NR, AP6006842 alloyed with impurities were associated with recombination through single- and double-charged iccoptor vacancies of cadmium, whose energy levels are Ev + 0.05 and Ec - 0.6 evv respectively. The emission band at 1.47 ev could be associated uLth recombination through foreign impurities@ The intensity of the shortwave band incrtased exponentially with the temperature decrease 1 1- T-n, where n - 0.5-1.50 thus indicating the absence of a thermal barrier, The intersity of the band also increased with the excitation level according tb the square law. At high excitation levels the intensity pendence changed into a linear one In the case of the-hilthest-p rit dTe specimens, thus indicating the predominance of radiation emiss n recombination. Apparently, the shortwave emission band was linked with the annihila- tLon of excitons. A direct coherent stimulated radiation emission of CdTs was oV&srved in a region correoponding to the annihilation-of exeLtons at a current density exceading'0.3 amp/cm2 for 10K and 1 amp/cm?- for 80K. orig. art. has,," I formula,.-and 8figures, (JAI SUB CODEt 20/ SUBM DATEs' IlMay65/ ORIG REFt Oll/ OTH iWs 010 AMPRESSs q-09 !E F'. 77 71-17 ACC NRs AP6015473 (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0101/66/000/005/1522/IS27 AUTHOR: Vavilov. V. S. Golubev, G. P. Konorava, Ye. A.; Nolle, E.. L. ; Serglyenko, ORG: - Physics Institute im. T. H. Lebedev A14 SSSR, Moscow (FizichesHy institut AN SSSR) TITLE: Recombination radiation of diamond4~during excitation by electrons SOURCE: Fizika tverdago tela, v. 8-,n7. 711966, 1522-1527 TOPIC TAGS: recombination radiation, diamond, excitation spectrum, electron beam ABSTRACT: The authors study the recombinati -> radiation s on -pectrum of a diamond near the fundamental absorption edge and in the visibi region. A pulsed beam of 150 kev electrons was used for excitation. The pulse duration was variable from 1.3 to 12 2 usec with a prr of 10 cps. The current density in the beam could be raised to 2 a/cm The recombination rediation spectrum extended in the visible region from 580 to 320 my. Some specimens showed a narrow band with a maximum at 389 my. The radiation spectrun in the ultraviolet region consists of three bands with maxima at 235, 242.3, and 250 my. The Integral intensity of the fundamental radiation band (maximum 235 My) is only 0.5-1% of the integral radiation intensity In the visible region. It Is as- sumed that the bands at 242.3 and 250 my are phonon repetitions of the band at 235 my. Card 1/2 L 32642-66 ACC NR. AP6(). When the curve for this band is extended along the axis for phonon energy It ap- pears asymmetric with a fovm approaching Haxwell distributionwhich indicates that the radiation is due to recombination of free particles. The shape and position of the ultraviolet radiation bands, and the effect of excitation level and temperature on luminescence intensity show that luminescence Is caused by annihilation of exci- -tons with simultaneous radiation of phonons. Orig. wt. has: 5 figures, 3 tables (141 BUS CODE; 20/ SUBH DATE., 210ct6S/ OTH REFs Coe/ ATD PRESS 2/2 L 40050-66 EWT(I LP(cj=-~-A.T - -WO-1 20/ 6 Q ~OdO/00 3j ACC NRoAP6022024 SOURCE CODE: FO-f7-6 I Of7 AUTHOR: Vavilovp Vo S.;_Nollej, E. L.; Tegorov, V. D.-. Golubev G. P.; Mashtakov, V. S. - - -==u ORG-. Institute of Physics, AN S6i,-Moscow (Fizichaskly institut AN SSSR) 41-7 TME-. Outfit for studying the recombination radiation of electron-excited --L5 semiconductors 1~/ t/ SOURCE: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no, 3, 1966, 176-179 TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor research, recombination radiation AB57RACT: Connected with the outfits described by C. Benoit et al. (physics Of Semiconductors, Paris, Dunod, 1964),an improved outfit developed by the authors is capable of exciting eaniconductors by 150-key electron pulses that have a current density of 3 aMP/cm.2; Pulse duration, 0.25-10 r%sec; repetition rate, up to 30 cps. Stimulated radiation of cadmium telluride was achieved In this outfit for the first time. An electron tube with a constant high voltage and a pu.1sed grid modulation is used for high-power electron excitation of semiconductors; a 20-section steatite tube has been actually used. A block diagram of the outfit, principal circuits of the pulse generator and synchronous detector, and the pulse shape of the electron beam are shown. A He cryostat permits stucUUg the recombination radiation of semiconductors at temperatures down to 1OK. OThe authors wish to thank 5* 1. Vintovkin, V. S. Ivanov, and B. D, Ko2ylovskly for their valuable advice connected with the development of the outfit.fO Orig. art. hass 4 figures. 1031 SUB CODE: 20, 09 / SUBM UM 25Nay65 / ORIG REF: 004 / OTH RM 002 cam I/ I ciL am: ACC NR: AP7005333 SOURCE CODE: ui?/oi.Bi/6,(/oog/ooi/ol22/oi.28 AUTBOR: Nol-le, E. L. ORG: Physics Institute im. P. N. D--bedev.. AN SSSR,, Moscow (Fizicheakiy institut AN SSSR) TITLE: Recombination via exciton states in semiconductors SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 9, no. 1, 1967, 122-10 TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor carrier, exciton, radiative recombination, electron re- combination, stimulated emission, impurity center ABSTRACT: The purpose of the study was to clarify the role of excitons in the recom-1 bination of electrons and holes in semiconductors by analyzing the statistics of re- combination via exciton states. A relation is derived between the exciton binding and dissociation coefficients and an equation obtained for the recombination rate with account taken of the additional recombination via impurity centers and of the radiative interband recombination. It is shown that the rate of recombination via exciton states can exceed the rate of interband radiative recombination at values of k7k both higher and lower than the exciton binding energy. Various recombination parameters (forbidden band width, exciton lifetime.. binding coefficient, and ratio of exciton and interband recombination) are estimated for a number of semiconductors he f (Ge, Si, GaAsp CdTep 09, ZnS). The stimulated emission from semiconductors in t presence of exciton states and the statistics of recombination with account taken of C,,,,, 1/2 UDC: none ACC NR- AP7005333 capture of the exc:Iton by impurity centers is also discussed. It Is shown that lor .the most part the conditions for stimulated emission are not satisfied in the pre- sence of exciton states. In the case of low excitation level,, the recombination rates of captured and-of free excitons follow the bimalecular law. Under certain conditions,, the'recombination rate of the captured excitons may exceed that of the free electrons. The author thanks V. S. Vavilov for interest in the work an' Vul, Yu. A. Kurskiy, M. V. Fok.. and V. A. Chuyenkaw for a discussion of the rett.. Orig. art. has; 2 f1gures,, 15 formulasp and I table. (02) SUB CODE: 2q/ suBm D&Tz.. 3oKey66/ oRia mw-. k Uq om Rw: om j ATD PRESS: 5116 Card 2/2 IOLXX, L. 1. Clinical aspects and, therapy of toxic forms of Filatov's d1g4ase (acute mononucleosis)., Kaskya no.4:48-51 Ap 150. (CLKL 19:3) 1. Riga. RMLE t L. YA 2M7 Hollep L. Ya Midchaskoye Zwcheniye Vitamina K Fri Krmteebenlyakh razvennot Oapezni I Khirurgichaskikh Operatsiyakh. Zdravookhranehidy Sov Patv,, So. Z,, 1949,, S. 62-72,t Razymee Ma Patyah. Yaz. SO: Letapiall, go. 30j, 1949 ROLLS, L. TA. ---madmAviWA&I Polyarthritts spAraw In the pro-detorlo period of Hotkin's dlgeaxe. Klin. ined., lfoakva 29 a0-7:52-55 Julr 1951. (CUG 20:U) 1, Candidate Kedical Sciences. 2. Rlg&* j[AT~W6.fijA&,p kandidat medttainskikh nauk (Rigs,); LUARVA. M.S. (RiWI; xm-, re.l. (mga) Taldman's test in lotkin's disease. 32 &a.3:61 Kv 154. (nu, 7%5) (El4p9titit. IMf4dtiOldS) YOUS, L.Ya., kand.medanaulc: SHTIM12G. D.Re. lmad.tted,maulc Cland-ldooWcosim of the Internal organs. Sov.mede 22 ao*3:92-99 Mr #58, (KMA 11:4) 1. rz pa tologoanatomicheiikogo otdolentva (zavm - prof* TOOTA * Gerteenberg) 6-7 Gorodskoy klinichaskoy bollnitay (gl&YW vrach N.S.Shevyakov) Koskvy. (KONILrASIS, stiol. & pathogen. internal organs, caused by antibiotic ther. (RmA)) (AMBIMICS, inj. off. moulliasts of internal organs (Run)) A &.A A 0*0 004 00" .60 69 ice: 400 at* too we* coo go* go* 600 !C*o goo 001 it AV 10 A1110, w Mr-Ok L t IF, Of 0 it 't w It 0 a 4L 1 9 It NMI I IVA dom 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 of 0004 # 0 0 0 0 ei *_9 a 0 o;e 009,00000-00 00 4 0000 * 0 * GO 0 4 It Q u 13 a 9 a a a it a a a irttm. laic. 1940. 4T.-lu phy1w. &COM CA the -00 dm~. 1 r , 1 Is AC A A Ir x 10 ~Jf It 6 (1 a fs wm4s fro too 7 #A It CC CQ I M k L Ar to 66 a b6 V 4 x Q 49 a -4 oco G L_,t . , t I .I . A_ ,- _ -a Ai 00 The phsca .wro(aa 44 oca thl Lao. . If, NQ(k. Airk". , RM -00 Farffcat4. (1 . S. S. R.) 1937, I . c*,.. l ewif. INS. U. NIfC4IfX(K-;CIft- 00 lic4xtcq to the group at c"etwo-vit"i 00 ~00 U, As a " amcstbefic it is taom puwrt(al than plocalaw. It* tutic Actim in altsculuxous adcatc"'Itta. lldKI i'1 1-3 tiloel k'94 ShAM that Of VA-WiM. 1914W&ifk' .4d(96. ItAVIV tkv tfflCCt On the q.C Of ChO PUPd. OCY hAVV -rnly a v,,-Irjr %light kX41 iffitaslas action And s(ichl wams- C 0 Z tvamictcar Action. The b(4KJ-pcrvAuce-dcpce*%inc awtkm 3 0* -3~ -4 (ftwaine is due to the dep"Won of the vavmuj((w zoo" A the fnedults ahkingals, Wash ffxxn thswaiw 00 rmh, ftmn p"M% 4 the reViratocy cvntcT. Ttk- 00 IM&MAtilKS G( tfK' COU(f%CtiQn4 0( the hCalt hY thiOCAi(W ' - 1- 1C thiiSI I k f the U UL A =00 00 1 S( ISCIRV On TESW Ll n V lk WO IW UPM OPP. 4 tht. twalt. In Unall and mcdium csrm~ thiocaim 11,W1. goo s Itt allvi-t the lKsly irmp. Tht AnAC%tfitlit JLCjiM imi VAit o haac"i tir boilme the thimsior qrtft. 111. G M. Of f iiA * 0 COO, 00 X&O fe KOO 00 ~.qf 12:00 % it; El a x 43 It to a 440 R (F a of W t / oooooo-ooososooooooso00000;0000000000*80:00ooo/ 6006 00 0 0090.0 0 060909 so* 00 00060~00000000 6.0 it a WjW *~l ##*to o f felfullm to It Ire WR OU 20 NO *61 spo t# It 4S A F 9 -f-f A IF fWt&jcj t.0 4Ff(.vfS!:fj ce"Wisum dc Lbe Wer" me sesame "d fmpw4d W. X - FOW41dys S FalWakol. 3, _~Ef- ~ OM 34" C Th h .- . . avu". actim e p the Wt CrIdelized in Rusas was emapurd with = that tbe perpa. at Riedel, The tcmicitirs oe the 2 MOIL we" i&-dtkd f(w white atke. Witb dap the -j PC"-. in en"I do" (gxdwtd it c 1W skvv (Wing Ng WV"d b". Dy intravenous (Ulm f tj d W Ktd A j pro wcaketu (k fi ( e ftct W ac Ou. 00 00 00 wee 9 of 00 ' GM-is di 441063 -at CP41 494 - - - 0 S gSites 69J& 9CW 0 1 0ad a a a I is 0sa 0 KL*911~11A e 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 T 0 0 6 0 0 Ol Mid ~ 2 1 a I a I a it it 11 u ttu u" *10111h IllikikknAvols" on Jim so use" no No-*W fi F "ecls"s At* Ownplaris wolf *soft 'Usk w .00 wd 6 and ader dw "WK. ghw"4"L 84*0- U"M #memo can w be @No& in awkgo. The jW. H -- - It'. 11 I( ift m0 .1 im". brWilat, .00 , A Amu be frawow, ! w~ *09 , :0 98 '09 600 4106 see w NO 6 saw Tfwa*U#-, Irmw f"kag" i ~ Ne L 1/1TOMr-6~ ifiew"ITOTTS1 flarlotel Issill Ike r*; All s At to is u W &L , 'a, ; alla X 11 1 a I T. IA ja & ~ 4W 11 6 ~ If it f .0 0 11 s t a 0 J 'a ~ 00 0 0 6 0 0, 0 9 1. 10=0 YA-0 KH. 2. 55.51000) 4. TolortmA 7. Slolodcal mothod of &,nduating valorlan preWatlortse Apt. del* go, Ze 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Conpess, ifumd" - j953. Unclassifted. BILOTA, 0o19-0 IOU&t- a protatior. xavadaju h hi fwrmk*joCichiakoy Lae.. iyey-;-Tww- borator lof.- %.1t.. diroictor, sayodayus tchoya TxontrallnM nauch- me-losladovatellskin apteoh*A institutome Ltqutd extraot oi lbpolls, lgrandiflore as a now drug,. Apt.delo 2 no.2t65- 66 Kr-Ap 053. (XLU 6:5) 1. larmakologich4skays, laboratorlys Teentrallnogg nanchno-isoledovate16- skage aptechnago inmtlt%tt& l(imisteretya gdravoak~ranjnlya ASTSR. (Kftnolt4) (ff1partenstom) (Drugs) I I UNIX# Ae'l.; LErSKM, U.S.; MUKHIM, V.A.; INQIWML K-1- Bklm 9 of ce2l voltage and ways to sconoxise *lsctrlc power In the eleotrorefWag of capper. Isr*Vyx. mchabo says; tmte note 5 no.$& Q-71 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Urallakiy poUtekhnichaskiy institut.. kafedra tekhnologli almqktra- khimicheal-4kb proizvodstvo (Capper-Elegtrometallurgy) LLMR9 A.I.t,NCKBIRG, M.I. C* - - --- - Optim= awront, density in the oloctrm-efininr cif'copper. Met. wt. 35 noRc2l-37 S f62. (KXRA 16tl) (Copper-glectronotanurgy) LEVINv A.I.; =SKIKH,, U.S.; MJKHIN,, V.A.; 5~~- Balance of bath voltage and ways to inprom the operation of electrolytic **Ils in copper electrolysis plants. Met. usto 35 no.2102-57 N 162. (KM 15M) (Gopper-glactrowtallurgy) pkqSi6lOgl(:,Il bdi(7,GE;. I ;DL 1,1 P d( "I. Vj IQ,' b, i If Rel,,,~iiendovuna Botmilcheskim Mz3kovskogo gosudarstvennogo univerraiteta Im. M.V.Lcmonosc~va. NOMEROV? Boris Aleksandrovich; PQK4M'KLTA, O.T.,, red.; GEORGIYEVA, I Cf. 1. 0 to]=* .15ic - (Culture aW varieties of roses in Moscow ProvincelKalltura i aorta rox Noskovskol oblasti. Moskval, Izd-vo Moak. unir.,, 1962. 192 p. (MIRL 16:2) (Moscow Province-Roses) -NWMV. Boris Aleksandrovich; POKALEWWfL, O.T.,, red. [Cultivation of roass In the central zone of the U.S.S.R.] Kulftura roz v arednei polose SSSH. 2. dop. izd. Floakva, Izd-vo Moak. univ., 1965. 220 p. (MIRA 28:7) LEVIN, Aron Iosifovichl KCHBERG,, Royer Urailevich fZlectrolytic refining of capperl handbook for an alectroly-tic call operatorl Elaktroliticheakoe rafi- airovanie madi; spravochace posobia alektro3.iznika. Moskva$ Metallurgizdatp 1963* 216 p. (MIRA 17:121 NOMEROVp B.A. Fruit setting in fselecting ai.frerant parental pairs of roses. Vast. Moak. un. Bar. 6: Biol., pachv. 18 no.5t48-50 S-G IA3o (MIRA 16:10) 1. Botanicheakiy sad Moskovnkogu universiteta. J to m- Y A ju -1 Goo Or of the or 11 10 co 4 . _ - , , !stable systm-Ag, and t1w anstable syxtrm71e- Clr-AK504 in the Ii-juld pim-tain the systclix'n, All IC;.SG4- and the tim4able zrcti,mi 'n-bT,,A&.S0. hl tilt A 47, 20290. ImAlicivial cum's of Olu voild, for th, Abble sfttlr)n dtop frDin the mom mlldi-xiing ASzClj tD the ks~ cniducting TillSO, Thrv- Botherms Pic a similar to the isoll-mms of the sp. cond, for the comnion sy,,- 10 the formation of T1,90-t twd AK,50,.Tl-.SO,. V:e mill. CmC "Iddl volit"pindi W thf, tolmsatioll (if 1~.. lr;i- th-m the tabi. tou,l. of AgS0..`11l,1Wl.. In tilt fu"I Oat, of the systplim the equilffitium Is dL,.,-11(:Cd to tilt suithic pair of %A(sar to thl: lr~* itima),zi.I. simMar to Weal binpiry r itemi. I'l; the 11,Lt. of tuvd wim 4 In WhICIL CIUMIlKe, tt'-ICt On of COR111100 k4mitivif bIlt, Mace r tile comptinvits 'lire hied lqolettly dissmd. J"(i KRYUKOV, P.A.;-NOMIKOS, L.I.; AVGUSTINSKIT, V.L.; POGORELISKIY, N.S. Rock solutions In the region of the Caucasian mineral waters. Dokl. AN SSSR 157 no.5s1118-1120 Ag 164. (KIRA 17:9) 1. Institut neorganicheakoy khimii Sibirskogo otdelenlya AN SSER. Predstavleno akademikom A.P. Vinogradovym. InKIMS. L.1. of the pil value In mdrcurimatrIc datormination of ch2erxas Ions, GIdratchim.mat,24:51-52 155. (HWA 9:4) IsGidrokbimichankly lastitut Akadealt nauk SSSR, g. Novecharkasek. (Water, Underground) (Water-Analysis) MKIXOS' D.I.; Imopir, I.ra.; mrmv, P.A'. ColorlustrIc detuvinatfou 6f MS&MOolum with titan yellaw. Gldrokk1moint,2402-55 135., WaL 9: 4) I.Gidr4khimicheekly Institut Akodoull nauk MR, g. love- charkasake (Ikt,sr, Undergrouzd) (Irater-Anslysis) . t I I. . I Mj~~Vjy - Effect of olay crust thickness om oil well aematimC. frudy Akad. neft, pro=. no.2:167-184 155, (MML 8:5) (Oil well drilling) N04IKOSM, Yu. P. Moscow Order of Labor W Banner Petroleum rast imeni Academician 1. M. Mun N04IKOSOV, ru. P.- "Some problems of increasing the quality of cementing of oil wells." Moscow Order of Labor Red Banner Petroleum Rzat Imeni Academician 1. 14. Gubkin. Moscow, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Technical Scienaes.) 50; Wxhnaya Letopi I go. 73,, 1956. NobaKOSO& Basic problemis roUtivo to the orgsals&Uon and a" 1 reduation of drIllIng opsrations In, the Wait SibiAmn Plain tined an the studies of the gavisibirsk Tortitorial. Ckolqj~oal Administration. V~ SUIGGIM noj.&I lei 161. (baft 160) '(vast Speoptiain.-Oll well drIlUn&,--?Coata) t 1. Stt*Lng the causes of pipe freratirK. Contro4ing the freezing of pipes by rmans of water. Trudy SNIIGGIHS no.18tI82-191 161. (IURA 160) (Oil well drilling) xmqmsqyt~ T4.~. Freezing of drill pipes in wells. Heft. khoz. 42 ao.7:17-23 Jl 164. (MIRA 1718) E. qt-.f:~,tjrg the frp -r - ~ -? - clz B v _,~fur, cf . -7~r ' -' stand fc:z- ~Inve I . - . - -1 Z' . loyopagor,davlo ~ (~,fa i (m1w. 18:5) 1~ . I. Inatitut gGri,.)gc, d,7,,la -Slblml-j;~ ~,tdeluniya 141,7 ISISSRe /U0 m m 1E UISR/Disea;es of Fam Animls - Diseases Caused by Viruzes R-3 =d Rickettsiae. Abs Jourr Ref Zhur Biolep No 14, 19580 64649 Author Nom., E Tnst L-= 10 Title On Infectious Anamir. in Horacs and on Measures for Proventing It, Orig Pub : Eesti Pollunaje Akade teaduslike toode kogunik; Sbe muchn. tro Est. s.-kh. akad*, 1957, 3p 268-277o Abstract : No abstract. Card 1/1 14 ER&M*-jNo=j, E.J; S.AFOGOV, A.G.; SAPAROV, S.; SMHILOWANOV, Z.A., kanalle-p- ~.-uk; GRITSENM, N. Throughout the Soviet Union. Veterinariia 37 no.ls94-96 Ja 160. (IIIRA 16:6) (Veterinary medicine) (Kovalev, Saveli Leonovich, 1911-1959) 111011-24 Evalds, dots., kand. voter. nauk; LVARSOOR He# red.; Tollissov', A., . red. [organization of veterinary medicim]Veteria"rorganisatsloon. Tallinn, Easti. riiklik kirjastus 1961 * 247 p. 04IRA 150) (Veterinary medicinej ff", L. Preliminary data on dusting seed clover with DDT. p,/4,52 SOTSTALISTLIK POLLUVA-TANDUS. Tallimt Estonia. Vol. 149 no. lOg May 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EFAT), LC. Vol. 8g No. 9, September 1959 Uncl. ~/ 20-6-12/42 AUTHORSt Bannik, B. P., Kopjlova, D. K., Nomofilov, A.A.; TITLE: Capture of a IC-Meaon With Emis6ion of AH5(Zakhvat K--me- zona, a ispuskaniyea,,jye5) 2 2 PERIODICALs Doklady AN SSSR, 1957, Vol.116, Nr 6, pp. 939-942 (USSR) ABSTAUCTs The capture of a X:memon with subsequent emission of aAHe5 2 hyper-fragment was found in a stack of photoemulsions irradiat- ed in great hight. This capture is illustrated in a sketch.The particle.entered the stack from outside, pauged over a distance of 27,3 mm in the emulsion and subsequently stoped by producing a d-star. Both from the range and the scattering of the particle m - (823 t 16o ) me was found for the ma2u of the particle and from the ionization measuringw resulted m '-4700 m.- Apparently a K-meson is concerned. A black traoe of this sta. ends with a further star from which a pion is emitted. The second star oc- cared apparently with the decay of the stoped hyper-fragment into three charged particles. Each of these particles has the charge Z