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LIS. Ya r 641. HYPERTROPHIC 09TWARTHROPATHY W UROVCICLAL CARCINOMA. IMPROVED ArTER DEEP X-RAY TREATMENT OF THr TUMOUR (Bulgarian (W), - W mor K. Distr. Onkot. Disp.. Sdia - SAMR. MED. l93#. SIT (N-4 The author rvparts, a case itt &44-year-atd matt in wh(th a hypertraphtc *at#*- pathy oC Pierre Marie's type developed in the, eartr ph&At of & bromhfal carcifto- ma. The pathogenetic rotation between these two conditions. as well ac the favemrsble influence upon the oatcoarthropethy of deep X-rar therepy appt(td to the (vamr, are pointed out. (w. 5, 1 S. I f,) do N ISSLM, Ke I THAL, A. Gmtribution to tho ellnical plcUtre of pulmwi&7-~ fibmsis* Cook. podlftt. 20 nos3t386-3'S Mr 165 1. ginderklinik dtr noditinischan Akadonlov VaCdeburg, DDR. ,L.~,' 'I I' - f, ~,, ~ I ~ -. , 11 . A -7n1qT*&6nt* in -.- A ',n R'L;n-f-noi, trt If! ;A% i !rtsi i " !- ger,cf. St Lit Tleh 17 F k~S-K,R, AlowAndru, ing. prIncIt4L1 (b'ucur*vtI); CZ-47A, Alexttndm, .... h4. P"r'in"cLpa2 ( ftcurestl) Modern assoublr line processing of electric machirv &haft* of 3-10 clearance gauga. Electrotshnica 11 no. 5:173-180 My 163. 1, UzIna do mastni eloctrico Bucuresti. if UM/ft"Stry. ftrestry and Format Wtivation. J-3 Abs Jaurs Mftmt M.-Siol, go 6, 1957o 22576 Autbw CMrIm Imat Title Praftettas ath"m ia ftmat seeding plantationg. OrIS ftbt ftv. vWkrilar, 195h, 69, No 5, M7-212 Abstmet: Swe Smo2ullmatims am offerod an metho" of argmizing e, praduatIve seed base of oak acorns by rounding seed plmta- time - 'A"Isdolcal advice an tbe cmv of e, seeding plot is g1ran. Card 1/1 -15- Firrofto- C-. D"irg ...... 0 PC 4 -TZW CA VWA.g lksminsUs Val )g No. So rob.v 1956 sot zaA swqew &9ametam uA (mL) L4.bnLr:r of cmer-sowe Yal 5v lb- To jul*pv% laclmcloa- Chm-IcAl rrcducts -,%cir catLcri. Cutodyalta S,~;rtcmts. ;~bls Jcur: 'Lkf loo 8, 1959, 25076. .',uthor Popescu, 0. w.~! ';Istcr C. Ills'. !-~~ T i- tl a PrcAuctiozi of Cham,,U fr,:,- W-istes Luft fr:o;i Fkulurol Rnufncturt.. '.,ilj: IAAcr--rllc- I ' tit Ccrcet-nrl ;,limnt, 2, 5K,-700) (1~"j"311 (in at:.innin.', with FrciOi r,.,,d :.batmi-t: No fibstmct. L41 NIS WR C i .; WILTUi, D., ing. MoblUsation or the internal roserwas for an inteCral utilization of V,9 existirg production capacities. Ind allm veget 13 no,3:65-70 Mr 162, L Fabrica de ulei 'Diminta", Bucuresti. RUSU, Andreif ROMFELD, I,F, KISM.-Cornel, ing.; MARG19AW, loan, inC.F GAMIL&O T.0 inge- VallAmom problens but still insufficiently solv*d. Corstr am 15 no.7210 16 9 163. 1. Director al Trustulul Regi-onal do ConstructU do LoeuLntm, Narwwwas (for Rumm). 2. Urectoru-I p Docuresti. (for RomenfaId). 3. Director tehnic &I D.G.c.xv.C.R. (for vistor). 4, Directorul IntreprWeriL r4.2f. Sibiu a Trustulut Regional do ConstructLi d* Locuinte,, Brasov (for 1kretwan). 5. Direct-oral I.C.L., Bwur*&tL (for Uvrila). TUROCt A.-m-tal FISIM, CorateLnIvint ST=-ES-r'T',*,r., 'Ing. rnterral ream-ree for irar*"irC the produetim in the light industry, Probleme *con 16 noolltl%-161 9163. 1. Director v "Teeatoarta Cbdle&&# roguinea *tsav (for Turco)& 2, Inginer d*fp *Tesatoriz Codl*Ot, regiunea, Bramar (ror Niator), 3e Direetars Intreprinderile textile GtUti (for Stoonescu). NISTORt, DURItru, Ing.; BMM, Adalbart, Lag., bDLQr,#AX, V., Ing.; C., trig. "fl P=L, Alexandru; SGIMN, Tr,, Ing. oaf$ SIMMA, T., Ing.1 J9161, D., Ing. sef Problow of Increasing l4bor produitivity in the mchanical engineering industry. Problem scon 16 n,-.12t249-151 D 163, 1, 01reatorg UsIna Unto-Utu Wre (for Kintor). 2. Sef serv, arg, prAwtiol, 95ina Unto--*tu Nare (for Boral). 3'. Dlrscta.~, Usina Infratt,rem-Oradest (for Bologan). 4. Vaina Infratires-Orsdea (for Pkrgineanu). 5. Director, Vidna Balants,-Mbiu (for Pocol). 6. UKLrA Ulanta-41blu (for Solomon). 7. Director,, I.S.Tahnqfrig- Cluj (for Slwdrea). 8, I.S.Tehnofrig-Cluj (for Jenel). Ing,j FF-iTKTF. A.. ir,,:. I-- -,- - - - l7rintribiftif-ins tr) solving niomil o ow, :i ni t;y I- 1. icnvIRM cll!ulum. 'Oar goodmzlin I fi,4. 1 . !'(, I i t i rh n ' r. I n i *. ' t, i to , A' -% 7 : . Vol. 60 .1-1. Stal-iltzed rectifier for cut-vatic chareing of ntor,84'e ~;kttqrils. 102 Yonthly List of East Daropewi (!7AT) 1r., '10. P, rn. 2, Fct;r,zp,rr V Unclaac. FUGMW, Constantin, ing. primipal metalurgist (Ducuresti); RMTOR, Ghoorgba, aerostat= (Bucuresti) ThermLl treatmmt of siliceous cold rolled &beets vith mmly losses,, usod in Us oleo trotoobuical industry. Electrotaftm 10 no.Ut4U- A 419 N 162. 1, ImUtutul de Cometari Ilectratobnioe. USTIUM, Ghearghe, ing. (Buzuresti); ff PqTn"h&Or-&*,&,._jnC. (Bwul-esti) COrront trwieformers 1namlat4d In synthetic rosins. fjogetratebuica 21 ime.208-66 IP 163. L Allobar principal Ja H.H.C.M. - Direatia Con4rala 4L4.md4triel eleetroUhnice (for Bastlurea). 2. Corcatator I& Ins4UuU676 de, Cometarl Utatratahnice (for Mistor)6 DOHRE, Nelu (Buzau); CHITE1, Gt~.A. (Env&); CW-167PIf, Ghl. 1.. proff. (Aniritc); GR1G0FX3CU, D. Nicolas (Hirsove); NIST(2, O.F. (Buzau); KIFIIALAX U, D., prof. (Pitesti); VEWXU, 1. (Pitesti); DW(ITRI11, C. (Focs4ni); SIMON, Petra (Tirgu *tres); BAERA, B., prof. (Paunesti); COJOURT], Ion (Croklova) Exercises and problems prOP030d for grndes 5-8. GAz mat B 16 39-42 Ja 165. 1,AX01u,, K., Ing. (Bucureati); CARADOGDAN, I.j, Ing. (Woureatt); Singer, G., ing. (Ducuresti); NISTORF I., Ing. (9ucurosti); 1OKFZCU p C. ing. (Bucureati) -- - -- Considerations an the Rumanian lignite cocbustion. Ener- gotica Rum 10 no. Ile/*70-05 N 062o 1. Institutul do energetica &I Academiel R.P.R, Rervarchas In th rational utilizational of the gaecous coal from the lapent, Uricanis and Volean minot, for the man4acture of wtallargic po 221, SMTT ST "rprnA-j DE 7-711F.R1=I CA 'Rucuresti, Rumania Vol. 9. no. 2, Y,59 Monthly 1.let of %ropean Acr-ecelon Tndex (Sa-41) LC Ool. e, No. 11 t .Iovmeber 1959 Unrl. BWM, Characteristic slawnts of the coal-coking procesm., 11, On, th* decomposition of coal by pyrogenotia procosses. Rev alectratechrt enorget. 5 nolt223-2)3 160o. (MI lot[+), 1. Camito do redaction. Rovut VoloatrotocMiqut at d1onergiatiquo (for Rim) . '(C=I) (Coke) Cokt% briquettes from noncaking or slightly cakinr coal through thormocherical, treatment. 1. LabDratw7 resoarc~es. Roy electratechn onorget 5 no.2s439-470 160. (Ew 1035) 1. Cortits do rodAction, Revue d I oleo trotachnicius ot dtonorget'.que, (f or mum) (Coke) (Briquette&) BLUX,, I.t.NI.STORv 1. . CWw briqtottes fm w*-eakinC or weakly mkIM owl thrawk tbmrw- Gb~sjdmj troatmat; I1.1b"arch in. trw pilot phi##, Rev elettrotechn werset 6 no.1:151-162 961. (Coke) (Coal) BLUK, I.; NISTOR, r. COW briqustUs frm non-rAking or slightly-vakinC wal through therswebudoal treatm4at. M. Tedmalaff,, R~T olectratechn emrgot 6 na.ZC399-4m 04%, It VWAm da Cml tos &a rodaction, OR*vw dt'sIectrafAchnique st I I dlenergotiquaw (for Bit=) BLUK, I.t NISITMt 1. Pre6wUss or -oob*, briquatt* fivat W, t- or powIr 4als- Unnt enlir tbrough thersochouloal. treataient. rir. Technology. Atisdii aere energot U no.21345-354 161. 2. VAnbru al Ceeitistulal do redactle, lftadii at oerostart do *nor- gstic&* (for aim). 1.1 XISTORO I.; IORMICU, C. Coke briquette from the --onsWutinant, or low-agglutinant, emle, obtained br thermochemical treatment, IV. Mechanical resistance of coke briquettes varying and depoonding on the tjT,* and percentage of the binder. Studii corc enereat 11 no.4t675-666 161. 1. Hembru al Comitetulul do rodactlep *Studll st corcetarl do onergeticall (for Blun~ 1. T MTOR I Coking procom and Ito relation to the physiaochmical stmeturw of the giv4W coal. t. Studii core morget 11 no-4tW-A*~.' '61. 2. Kowbru al Comitetului do rodectiot MUM @I ccotaeA do m4rpticaw (for Blum) ot dl,:~qc--6tinw NO 1963, PP 10' IU "T'm, Inirared Spectric. L,&' Jitz-ainous Coal of tho Valea jiului." 31AU." I.; A. .1 - I ; CL:D::.;!, V.; Buciv~~ront, ',.ovte d'El:-cwpt(,chnJruq at W.%orE6tique .o 1, -ciria of 190 ;ip 113-124 a' Noncoking Coal vith Ste= Ux Ai;m-Lt in a Bod." ~iav = mixturo or coai,_*xtmctad rrm., uio Platri2 11, mim-sa., Lonca, and VUcan minal/ Sun, I.$ Alma"" , D.; N=ERP I 4-ARC=, L. Intrumd spestrm of the Vkloa Rulut bltunlacus *mlue Rw elmatrotachn emrgot B I noel:103--Ul 163o MISTOR. 10an New characteristic datjL of soi~p 16m-AnIan bitimlnol;s coals. Pt. 1. Rev electrotechn onargot 1) no. 2t251-267 164. NISTOItgI,,; STIWANUCUO Fe; TAZIAUAN'Uv Vo Coke triquettes from noncoking or Jeakly coking coals by thei- machalcal triatRent. Pte7e Foy electrotechn anerget 9 nooll 133-U4 964- 111*1.jit,;:~, N. 1 N, Y, 7 Some properties of RgTc e'rw-.;. crystals grawn, volutlims. '17. tver. t9ls 7 IF~2 Je l6c/0 (VIRA IF16~ 1. flz'checkiy lln3tltut Ax-Opnl' rtkA Parrynrka! N'trodincy I FukY.a-est. --I.:- r - - -- - NIOT-OR, L *Tendsn,ci~q Toward GM,at* 3~eed.w P, 28, (AVIATrA SPORTIVA, Vol. 5, No. 4, Apr. 1954, Bwumsti, ftorda.) 30s Yadldr Ust if SW *=wean Awassions. (EUL)o W, Vol. 49 No. 10 Jan. 1955 Uhal. N15TORT, 1. oualatian or ra*4ts." P, 27. (AVIOU spaRmA. voi. 5, No. 6, J-aw 2954, Bacurestiv Rmiuda.) Sot F%GtUy Ust of Egst Ell-opean ke(wasiorls, (ZEAL)t WO Vol. 4t No. 19 Jan. 1955P Unal. 1113LOR, 11 '"Soviat O.K. Lntonov performance gUder." P. 2:8. (VILTIA ZPO",UTA, Vol. 5, No. 6, Jum 1954p Bucurosti, Rmania.) 50t Monthly Ust of East European Acc4ssions, (EUL) v LCp Vol. 4, No. I# Jan, 1955j, Vaal, Li IT -I F-I:TT t ".=(Rp I , Groduate of the sero club o p. 15 Vol, 40 n0@ 90-sopt. 1955 ALUPILE PATRIM TECIMOLCOT Eou=estl SOt WINTHLY LUT CF WT EUROFUN AGCMSIC=g (EFAL)o LC, VOL. l9,, no. sopt. 19551v unal. IIISTOR. 1. IffContrIbutloas to knowledge of tho late oak ((~iercus Robur mr. tar4iflora). u. p. 16, (RZnSTA PAJK;RIWR, Tol. 69. *). P. feb. JQ34, Buaurest. Rnmala) 502 Monthly List of last Omropeam Accessione. (EM). LC. Tol. 3. M. 12. Dec. 1954. Unal. NISTM. I.; CUTS, AL nkthods of ruming morvaties for ce*4 productiong. p. 207, (.UVISTA 11ADMIUM. Tel. 69. 16. 5. gay 1954. Pscmre4t, *mania) 50: Monthly Ust of last ftropean Aceessions. (r=). LC' Tal. 3, 1b. 12. DOG. 1954. unal. tT i ~- T -- -- i ~ 4kar,&ata or *11vieu-1tural free" Los ror studsntc. P. 565. (Rn-FISTA FADMUICRO Vol. 69, no. 12, Dec. 195/,. Bucwastl, RLasulao) sot mmtWy Ust or rost Zurapsan Accessions, (UAL), IC* Vol. 40 No* 50 14ky 19550 thole Lr4 . VontribAtions to a better utillgatlon of saftwood. Ind lemmaui 15 nas2t654A V 164* "r 7m 0 'T. The Aeroclub GraduRte. Arinile Patrint (The Winf-c of t~,, FriVinrlani), #505-Ymy 55 )ur c~,vilrYls sr:1~10*" 1~ucurestj, So: ",onthl:f List of F..-:-,t Z1. !an Ac~er,3Vnq 7-11, lit jano 19559 lUnclo AP5014775 0, ,all un, MOP I%twmt4aa vi (-At~c tcTB -4 J~. I L-t tndustr7 I p,, t 4ap _tLZi R~ts~jnjpn -~Nftv-ar in "fit c Powq?T, rjt~,, r no ~Irp r.-ttwnr,, n t t LR ck 11, 1'9;,q RrO I-Ve'A* g -.~J t: 1~~, ID~ T B)M All 060 cc,* JFRS _424 AMMOM Krucheanu,, Ye-s likulesku, D.; Pi No IStaimatesku, I.1 lonetku. 6 ILiL%)jjrj So t iTIT43i Some propertiev of pjl~o sip Ile 9,ry a qt.-17 grown from solutions SOURCEs Flsika tvardogo tolap To 71 not 6,. 1965# 1008-1812 :TOP#"O TAOSt uorcury comyoun4, telluride, single crystal groving, crystal lattice strunture, electric conductivity, Iall constant AB STRAUT s )j.,authors describe a method never amployed before of grcw e ryptalR o jTo from dilute solutions, aimed at olWnsting previously encountered with the production of single crystals of stoichimetrio m."osition, The aingle crystals were obtained from solutions of 10 at of tallurluft .in awroury by very slow cooling from teaperatures above 450C. Crystals up to '20 z 12 x I mm could be obtained by this imatho46 The shape of the crystals dep and on JJJQ cooling Lrate. An x-ray structural analysis has shown that the HgTo sing 9 1 oryttals have a ctruoture of the aphalerlia, type YiU it lattice constant m, 6.466 + 0.002 As eorrosponding to that calculated on the basis of data on the radii of 'the Hg and To otomes Moaturomente of the slectria properties. i Card 1/2 L 2522-66 ACOUSION Ut AAMIA ;bays, shown that the decrease Im the carrier mobility In slower than in saaploo obtained by other methods. This is attributed to tbo hIgh d*greo of perfection of struature-of-tho obta-ined--saxples. Roasur-)Menta-vers &1eo-n*de-of~-th*-taapsr&--! ture depandenose of the conductivity and of the Hall constant# Doping the MST* crystals with silver, copper# and other various tapurities uAkee It possible to Iobtain p-tyle smiconductor orystols., Orir,. art. hast 6 figures and I table. ASSNIATIONt J~hyxiS!__jp!tl~~ omentan AcadW of~jiv,~js _!_t.-Bucharest J BUIRITUN Wano RNOLi 00 SUB CODSt 88 ZIR UP SOVs 00,k OTHU t 009 Card - ---- --- ---- --j"t-f-uY - lwffilt AC Fl, l ~ nl I 0 lp-9 a+-4m~PLI~ tin, one t~u - vu x - -1pri-tips r r zaMlex Of the salid ,~qlvtlotvi v-st L14AInel trv tbtt Frl4q&= m4thod: via ..-pyules cr~ntelnlng? ftn6 ~-tt rY iA, 4 - - At-cm ty- m- i irl b T7- ast s s I -F! u mnr-~ T,7- T (I /V q`f( M ~2 'j- F 'I I I-Mv r.,MP, C vv~,k _VVY: 7 am, Ye. R1 q~ r ri. IlIkulp,07i, P. OM' I"titute- Of R70-ic-G-Of thg! _PM Ac-sdevq, puc1j,,- lmdendl (1hzt1tut MW A. IWO TITV'Xi Orwine Orjlg~t 11jr e is n d vcrvi e prop rtle2 _q3je crystaja 1r(A it 1t ji of tb Ir e SMIC?.: Krintallografli- V. U, no. 2 1966), "05-31J TAOFIC TX;S I mercury covWund, selenido$ single cryntal grwrlyW, crystal lpttlce dis-1 lovit Lon 71in, nuthors propo,,;e a r-w nxt.N-1 of 1;rowilp, I-SO fli -e-crve-talfl? Coll- MrADN? of Oowly coollmr, frcn- d1bite volutions of reicnItz- in mrcurf, wltb selenium. concentratIon 4-8 nt-% frc-.m 670C. 11 dIffern fz,~Y-. cvr"ler mcth~-Iq in tEe Rr., per- A in ,he r-1,1t. n1n; le-crystal p1&te1-_tG, cerdng,,~