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NIKONOVAt 0. A. "Tbe Effect of Coares Orgarmondneral Granules on the Potato neld Under Conditions Along the Northam Ob River." Cad ACr Sel, L4wdngra4 Agricidiumi insto Kin HI&b*r Education USSR, W&Crad, 1955. (KLO No 8,, Feb 55) 80s Sum. No. 631p 26 AuC 55-Survey of Scientific and Technical DIssertations Defended at USSR HICher FAucational Institutions (U) NtKOWUh t 6- A - OW/CultiveUd nwt4; - Potatoog. VoCatabl*s. WeLons. K-3 Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - Diol., No 20, 190, 9L66T Author : Mmove, O.A. rnst Scientifte Nesearch rastitute ror AOicultum in tho ltx- tram North. Title The rnfluencee of tarCe Oronnic Mineral Granules on the rberease of Potato Productivity,. Orta Pub Drd. rauchno -tekhn. inform. IT.-L. In-t r.. kh. Kmyn. Severm, 195T, go 2, 41-43- Abstract At the Derezovskmya Agricultural ExperinmUd Station un- der the conditions of the ExtrewiMorth, aineral fertilizer at the rate of 30 kC^ectare it, 6o kgAecuwa P:~o,; and 6o kc/hectare KpO vixe-1- with humus in 4:1 wA 9:2 jr6portions were used to prepare iaru-e ganuLes weid-king 100 - 200 C. The yield of potatoes as a result of usin(; these Granules Owd 112 K=WrA, 0. W. ClIaloal, aspect and treatment of squ4nous cell cancer of ttw mul portion of the reatnes Kkirurgila, Kdakwa no, U:3" NOT. 1951 (CUM 22:1) 1e Of the Secoad gmrgical Division (Seed -Prof. A. P. Mwin), Inatitmte of Oncoloff of the 44adevy of KedLowl Ectences UM (Idleatifla SmPervisor -- Prof. N. N. Petrov, ActIve Neuber ANS USM Director -Prof. A. I. Ssrebrov. Corresponding Yeaber APS us=) - 7- 777 NIXONOTA. 0. If. Treatment of waltiple iWeloma with radioactive phosphorms. Test. rest. I r&d.uo.3.-82-& IV-Je 155. Mn 8tio) 1. Is radtakhtrurgicheskogo otdolenlya (igav.dotasut K.N.Chochla) ?Santral'nogo nauchno-tseledovatel'skoV ramtgeno-radiolMicheskogo instituta Ntatsterstva sdravockhranonlya SSSR (dlr.doL-tor mdl- tsiaskikh eauk prof. M.N.Pohediuskly) (FROSMMUS. radioactive, ther. of mystom, plasma cell) (WIMA, PUMA CILL, therapy radlophosphorms) ,,NIKQNOVL, O.N. -- Gm~ therapy Co,60 in usligmant tumors of the maxilla. Top., oak. 6 no. 9t5z-56,S 160o (KERL U: 1) ) (GUM RAYS-TMUtAPVMC USX) nNumuff, I.No; 1110NOTA. 0.N. (karve of malastatle sarcoma of the I=C durI04-69"MR-row and faroolrels therapy, Tewt,routj rad, 35 so-U66 Jei-V 960. (KM 13 t6) I. in vmd-l~l&lrurClck*~k*C* otd*Uaou (saw, - dota*ut Keffe Ok"bla) Iftstrall"We '*keg* Institute. uAltsivoltey radlologil Mialsterstva adrav okhraviest,-s. IS= Mr. - prof, Cle btediuMA. (WWGG =OPfAMM ther.) (MMOVA tbor. ) (SMMU 10MUS ther.) BAUV,p L.Rov doktor med. nauk; NIMMIL, O.N., kerd.nedr-auk Cmpmmd treatmert or mysloma of the mwdible; Mistitakil Is disease. Stonatologlia 42 no.2t6O-61 W-Apf63 (KIRI 1793) 1, Is kliniki khlmrgichookoy atmatologti ( uveduyushchty prof. A.A.Ktymd*ly) I tomingradakago mcdItsinskago inatituta imeni akademika le?*Pavlova I redtokhirurgichaskogo otdoloniya (mveduyvahchiy - dotsent K.N.Chochia) Mentrallnoso muctmo- lasledevatelleskogo Inatituta wditainskoy radlologile HALONO L.R., doktor zftd. r,-uk (1,onin.~rttd, Kutnechrty:~ poruul,-k,, 4cm 8, kv.1); HI 1VU. mad. nauk Combined treatment In extensive recurrence of mallpant maxillary tumors. Vest. khlr. 91 no.9tlO&109 5163. (MIRA 17lil.) 1. Is kliniki ohalyustno-litsevoy khlrurj;ll (zav. - prof. A.A. Klyandiskly) 1-go LanintTradakogro mditalnskogn institute. !ner.1 Pavlova I radlokh1rurgichookogo adeleniya (zav. - dotoent K.111. Ch chia) TSentrallnogo nanchno-lasledovatellskogo Instltutri maditalnakoy radiologii. -!9Q4QV4,.Qf F!-, C(abined treatment of myelowtasts wlth radioactive phoephorus and sarcolysine. Med.rad. 9 no.9:3-8 3 164. LMIRA 1814) 1. Hadlokbirurgicheakoye otdoleniye (sav. K.R.Chochpa) Tbentral - nogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituts, medituinskoy radiologil Kinisterstva zdmvookhr&zeniy& SSSR. State of blood aerum proteina In patients with ma`iEmart reoplss~z befor4 and after radiotherapy. Md. rad. Iri no.2113-16 F 165. (miF-j. is:61 1. Fadlokhirurgicheakoye otdaleniye TSentrallnogo muchno-issledo- vatel'skogo rentgonu-radiologicheakcgo Instit-Aa tUrdsterqtva zdravookhraneniya SSSR 1 kafedra bick),imt.1 1*-r.!nrrtdBkorr) ve'korl- narnogo inatituta. Electrophoretic -of r. -4 1 , v r -a. n tumors before and fo-Ilow,'np treatmen'.. Vop. onk. 11 nr).2:.711.--7*,, 165. 1. 1z TSentrallnogo loricheskogo iristituta (d'Lrektor: Ye.-L. Voro'b'ye-0. pill" WN, ftm as IBM 99 4616 16 mud& Awmtblkp All4blaft ti. N. Mob 06 IL moo= tv fta am-ML 16:, 1. tuft 9&W snow UNIONS an buds 4tt =2 AS NWUW* WSW rastm is sm the at the vu WWRO taw living froudam at an asiml: PWINIP sowing with aw W Us &Isom*. A*dw* rMOMiNd that b~v" Of OAWS thst bm a 1"Imid ftm on toot dlmsm NbMU be boo GvWt ftm mitue is 09 j~t tkw &Isgua "d that ft reamteb mA tmtmwt at tooUsaaft- 61MWB Iftemstam"k-ams M-bmaA be alves to pmme abobve Is the ma ~*UUan or tbu TLnWO jmmam~ma twum at go virmol - so= also Trum. J" by L. Lulich U=RAWdicive, T~Inarr - larecuo" Sep 52 Diseases "Persistence or the lroot-and4south Disease Virus In -'Lzear Beat Pressure Residuej' V. 1. Kindyakow, C"d vet Sci, 0. S. Vikonova, Jr Sci kasoc Sci Entl let inst* rimakh Affiliate, All-Uniot Aced Agr Sci imeni V. X. Lenin "Vetcrinariys,' vol x)=) No 9P pp 34., 35 Observations showed that foot-and-mouth disease virtis persiAts in sugar beet pressure residue (used as anizal feed) between I and Ij bra. On the basis of this, it is possible to essum that 22" sugar beet pressure residue in quickly sterilized of the foot-and-moutL disease virus naturally, and, tbercf~=c, za=ot transmit that disease. That pros- svre residut is free from foot-and--~wuth disease r1rus is expla' ed by the fact that its reaction is extremely acidic (pH = 4.8), vbLich cau&ez it to lose virulent characteristics very rapidly. 0 also 1-90 by L. Lulich DOGDkMWA. NIXDMTA. 0,.L _ IdVddste The pleased ~tefulwse of satorWaos fta-Prm. 35 so-?W-A j0 160. (OU 13;8) (v6per Im"OUT) V-0 un "roo"u, aim@ NOT wedisins penicillin "?restmat of Jkptio Thrimbosis of the Interstitial. Wame WIth Pudoillis,O 0, S. Sibmam, Derr* ftot On or Idnia loop lummi 8. P. batidn, I % low Aw sw IL Cooloto reoww# van offeetei after, adaWstratiam ot .3 mIlUes =It@ or posloillim. fttlsf"tm7 re- M110 wwo offooteiky aftsialotwation of dom lose ON 3 StIUCS Mite SOMMM& vith, mWasids, or (-brj~* Iss"Most dosevo of penicillin are smossawy *we purulent wMalmotis Me developet. tl' Tir ~ -~ I' V it C,_ ~ Is 11.3eptle ThrcAbosis of a CavernZus Bra-ist.* Zub 4 Dec 51, Central Tnst for iM Advanced Training of Physiclutso Dissertations presented for science and engineering degrees in Voscow during 1951, SOt Sm. No* 4WO 9 May 55o 1k, I K C N- M7 A t, r"'. 4 ~ I ~4 ,iv-~-rroita Sinus "Clinical arpect or lnr,-ctlcus thr~~Lcris of the cavernous situs.0 KlIn. mc-d. 'rj no. 6, 1952. Monthl List of Fursten Ancespicna. Library of GonLreEs Octoter 1952'. t 1EMMOTAW - 9.9. -, olfal"I ureat of ISPUA thrombools of tho oqwur lowltidiml aims. Tact. otarlw2ar.0 obskvs IS W*5 37-400 owt-o" Im. (02025:5) 4 Of the Wummm Xvtslm (Z~*A -4Mrofo IF* L 0 Active KmAar AN ~) *f ow sawltal lam" ILPS lktktno ONOWO gUlUOTA, als. Cimmous angUme of the brain. lbar.rioyr.i pailth. 5) ma*504J-345 W 151. (NAM 6t5 ) 1, lkrmye stdoleal" ecte" I*alm bollattey Iwo& SelPo lkskUms Wata*-Nmrs) IMONTA. 0. g. t'--j Aftlome &" varicose dIlMlon of the value of the SPIA&I card. gkw, wr. t PaM. -% no.69583-565 1o '54. (ML 7&7) 1. Serva"s otdtleMys bottattey %Pima, WI* ammisms) twm, 1&10" affly. . Overimm, wttk anciams) Ospim. Itth varices) (win. %fttem. vItk wartese) luezi SeP.Notkims, (Kcakwa) NIKWOTI. O.Sat IWOOMMOOMOVAK Mdlateral lasles of the crewdal serves in timers of the er&af&l %aae, Mar, movi, I paM, 54 ao.8:653-658 Ag 154. (NMA 7t9) oUoleal" ballallay Imal I.P.3,atkina. vallateral losisme cowed by tvaere of orealal too) (OMMK, naVlasies, tumors of arealal b"is cowlag vmtlateral looteas of aroadal serves) XTIMNOTA, O.S.; (11102GITVSWA. V.S.'(Waskya) ...,..w ............ Itmosko-Cushing wyadrow. Probt.andakr. I torn. I no.4t29-32 J14c '55. (XLRA 8: 10) 1. In aerywo t khlrmrCtch4viwCo otdoloatya Moskovskxw laro4skay klintchaskoy ar4etta Lenim ballnitty tamal S.P.Notkina (glavu" vrach--prof. A.V.Shabamv) (CUSTIG SYND KN, case r%mrts) Pf 0 v KWALSILKOVA. S.R.; RIKOWTA. 0.S. Tortatione in the structure of the arteries of the basis combrt *P4 thosir role to the clinical symptomstolc47 of vascular diseases of the brain# Zhur.asyr. I polith. gapplownt:5-6 157# WRA 11:1) 1. Safodre nervnykh bolesney (cow. - prof. U-1-Grashchankov) as base bollaitsy iment G.P.Botkine t kafedr* k1tatchealcoy onstomil (say. - Prof. B.T.Ognov) Tgantrallnogo Instituto usovershonstvorentys, vrachey, KoGkvG. (BRA IN--BLOOD WMLT) (ARMIU) Neurelogtool symptom of obstruction of the abdoomEcial aorta. Xcw. mdo 21 no.9:98-102 a 157. (KIRA 11:1) I* Is IdImiki cLarwayich bolagney (cav, lafedroy - doystvitelloly chl4n akmdmtt mAttstuaktkh rAuic SM X-1.0rashcheakow) TUntrallsoco, Inotitate usavorshenstwoventp wrachoy t oarvwgu Weloutim Moskow- skoy ordem &onto* k1tutchaskoy bol0attey tment S.P.Notkine (glavM vrech - prof. A.M.Xhsb*nov) (AORTA, die, ooclustom of abdou. aorta) Hemorrhages an4 awsoolonalsein In tumors of -the brisin [with summary In Mkiglish, v.621. Too. nelrokbir. 22 no.10-7 At-F #58 (MMA 11:1) 1. CAfodre nervulkh bolesney Tgentrallnoge Institute usavarshonstwavanlye vroahty I aarvnoyo otdolsalys, Clinichaskoy ordaus Lenins, bollnitay istent I.F.Ratkina. 2. Daystvitat'ryy ablen Akmdeull aeditsinakikh nauk SM (for Graskaheakov) (MUIN MWLASO. couplications thosorrh. (Rae) (CgMLML HINDRIM9, otiolca Rad coothogenests, tumors Otus) ulmOVA, O.S. 4t artortoweame somatemooLs *of tho ftfttm. gw*mt. 22 aa*Z:Us-IZI r 1580 Ow" LWO 1.5 in kltnikt norvqrktt bolocadW (tar. kaWrar - d4WgtvttslOcjy chlea Alm4emLL =Attsiusidkh meat UA K91.6rushcheukowl "katr%16- nago tuatitixta usaverah*nOmmiya vraeW t nervaogo atAtloutyw Xnkow*kW ardevis Isaias lrlinichoskqr ballatter ineut lSJFJ*tktw (clavvy wrach - prof, Atif.1tsbamov) (Irtmax. meoplaom artertowonome ommotemools (fte)) 590ANOV. prof . 011steml pt~e of tkroubosts of the portal veto and Ito Weachims. Saw. Md. 22 no-12934 D '58. (IDA 12 9 1) 2, to Kaskovolmy garadmkoy k1luldwskoy ordem Losim beltultey imal S. P. Utktm (gl&My vmck - prof. A.S. SbiabasiW)o (VEIS. POWAL SISTO, die. throatoots, clim. ptature (Rum)) 5 ma"I. 0. S., mou. K. r. (with sunmry to YrOuble Darawwr. I pail&* 58 50058526-52's 058 (NLRA Ilt?) I* glialft servarft bol"my (saw. kafodray - prof. N.Y. Grashchemkov) T$ontrallnoce Jusituta useverabovAtwevanlys hey I morwWo otdolealys, bollmlotr tu*nl S,Po latkine, Moskva* (NWANOVA. 94GOparts, brain Mm (BRAIN NZOPLASMS, case reports a0lamomm, 0,46)) Problew at scuts, mer'oum or lyWhoeytic chorlostnYtif julth sumoory In Fremhjo lburnwvr, I polkh, 56 no*6t675-69o 58 NlU 1197) 2. lerynoye otdolenlys, IlInIcheskoy ordens lanins bollultsy Iment S,P. %tkina I kafedra nervnyib bolatmey (gave - vrof. Me Grashchenkov) ftentrmllnogo Institute usovershonstvawmnlya vracha7, Mockwas (wimairls, acute sorcum & 2yunhocytic chorlowealngitle (Ahm)) NISMIA. lalugm twsv-w bole%MW (Sav. kafedry - prof. ILL, GmgboWoJnv) MostmIllmCe bwtiftta usavershe"tvowaslys vmbW I awvWe aft- delqmijm telfaltsy Imml X*IP* N*fAclm (ClAvW wrack - pref. A,N. lbsbamw) Xwk"4 (Buis. dis. mufAlowdools Mfzm~=- eage bmin (amn on the clinical aspects of hawrrhoCe Into the cerebellun. Zhmr.n4mr. I palkh. 59 no.8:933-936 159. (KIRA 12:12) 1, Ujullm oervaWft bolegnoy (save kafedroy - pref. Welt Grashchonkaw) Matralluage Inatituta usoversheatewwanlys vreahey I nommys Me- lenlye bellnitey Issul S.P. BotkIn& (ClavM vrach - prof. A.Y. Shaba- MOS NoskTaq, (OEM== d1e.) (MIMMMN) M0110VAir G&S* Clinioal platurv of hesorrhagel into the brain stm. Zhur. nsrv. L palM. 60 no, M1610-1615 f6O. (KIPA, 14W 1* K14-lba vervn7l& belesney (say, k#Xedroy - prof. R.1. Gra3hahenkoyl Ventraltwgo inatituta usmr*hewtvoyanLjw vraahey L narmoys ot4lardr bollnitsy imni S.P. Botkim. SuBumt koxer pmfot wilownt 0434 .1 Sympt4me of an*urym of tho abdakima malta, Savo sod. 25 no,j: 5&.60 Mr 161. (KM 14ti) I@ Is Mookawakar gorodakay Irlialcheakoy ordwa lanins boltattay Imad SoFolotklm (CUvW vrvAh - pmf.A.gJhabmw). (AMIG AKZWMG) SZUWW# A.R.@ pwero;_~RCMOVA, Q.& CLIstad sapects or amballas u4 tbrowboals of the smeatwlt u4erifts fmaeC X'no*2249-22 D 162o (KRA 1612) le ra Mukovskay klintaheakoy ordem Zmbm ballultay laml S.F. Bbtkim* (UMLM) (WSMM=r. AlTUM8-4UW=) sTEmon, r ,i!! ~ovc~~A., q., .&. Cerebro,wascular disorders in sqocardla.1 Infarct; autopsy data* Zhurensyr. i psikho volo 64 no.5t667-669 164* (MIRA 1787) 1. Kllnika ravnykb bolezney TSentral'nogo instituta usovarshewtvo- vwdya vrachey izaveduyushchly kafedroy - prof.N.S.Chetvarikov) I neynoye otdolemiye bollnitsy i=. S.PoSotkina, Moskva. VISISOTO Twep"i KIKONWAP Role Rocent tectmia movemmats In the soutbers Writim Territmy MA adjacent reglows DIuX.MGIPOtdsWIs 39 we2t2g-37 Mr--Ap f60. (IUFA 14&4) (Ikrtlm Territarp-44abat Stru*tlral) NUOUNk, R.I.j RG 0 VAN; K3X VAN' U- KVI CV-011 ~UL Gemuphology mg recent Uctonics of northwestorn Korea. GealA 9"fts* 4195-0 962. (9M 1599) 1, bdIarmtoohmly libinkogo otd*lsnlya AX SM* T2adiyo*Uk I InUtut abolsdawmaja prLrody Akademil nouk Kor*7~koy Marodno- DmAratlebselmy 0 UIYM --0 t=!!~ % (mm"t -- - % . Sort&-"Ology, Strwftna) ACC NR- A117003450 Mo nograph Nikonova, Rurina 111inichna Erosion surfaces in the topography of the southern Primorskiy Krar (Poverkhnosti, vyravnivantya v rellyefe Yuzhnogo Primorlya) Moscow, Ixd-vo ,Nauka", '66. 0093 p. illus. , biblio. (At head of title: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Sibirskoye otedlentye. Vallnevastochnyy geologicheakiy institut) 700 copies printed TOPIC TAGS: topography. erosion, erosion surface, tectonics, sedimentation PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: A study was made of erosion surfaces on the territ3ry of the Southern Maritime Province (Yuzhnyy Primorskiy Kray) to determine the processes governing the development of such formations. The Southern Maritime Province Is a relatively small area where the folded regions are In various stages of development and characterized by different degrees of tectonic mobility. Comparison and correlation of erosion surfaces within this area provides an opportunity to determine their relationship to stages in the evolution of the Earth's crust. The author, a member of the Laboratory of Neotectonics, and Geomorphology of the (Sovietj Far Eastern Geological Institute, discusses the geomorphological structure of the area. Its sedimenta- tion processes (a relation to topographic features. the ages of the various UDC: 551.4(571.63) AUT03450 erosion surfaces, the Went of topographic erosion during different planation periods, and the conditions surrounding the formation of the various types of erosion surfaces. The correspondence between specific planation epochs and stages In tectonic developtrient,, and between structural zones and erosion levels' is shown, and the effect of climate. lithology and fluctuatton in sea level on the development of erosion surfaces is discussed. The author exprexses his thanks', to G. 1. Xhudyakov and to the following members,of the Laboratory of Neo- tectonics and Goomorphology: N. A. Gramenitskays. Ye. P. Dentsov. A. M. Karotkiy, and A. P. Kulakov. The text to accompanied by 20 figures. TABLE OF CONTENT (abridged): Foreword -- 3 Historical outline of the study of erosion surfaces an the territory of the (Soviet] Far East -- 5 Tectonic development of the Southern Maritime Province -- 11 History of sedimentation in relation to topography -- 14 Erosion surfaces in the topography of the Southren Maritime Province -- 36 Card 2 / 3 ACI- Nit, A.117003450 Basic deductiond 85 Literature -- 90 SUB CODE: 081 SUBM DATE: IGJun66/ ORIG REF: 097 card 313 lm~ -------- KRWff&L',O.P.(KM-&to1'q O.P. I. doktor bdL*L.nuk, otv. mde; OZONDTA,, LEOP red AIZW,, V.P.(kd*ov red.; "-a - 1-0 T.1:jKh*J&mvm'1w, T.I.), toMm. ro& (Iktwials for studying the history and naturel resourees of Uw Kalov PresorvebMerialy do vyvch*Wa Istoril to pryrody mloau Kadvolkoho gft~wp 4 31 , Kylvo 1~r~v* Kylvalkoho, univ. 1962, In P. (lumv Proservo) (XIMO 16, 1) NIXONOVAl S.K. I Connection between teachinr Feography and foreign languAr es. Geog. v shkole 25 no.2:60-62 Xr-Ap '62. REM 15: 2 ) 1. 716-ya *kola Moskvy. (Georraphy-Study and teachin ) (%Fjish--Study ard teachingI X NRC LI j t AUIXCRt Kikowray S,Ag...(I*IubwAo"V rft.16 SmOmdashA_A. Xej_AkuUnf K* 84Iq CRO $ was TITLEs Roaction at dressing s~mt GVS-9 vith binding &Lent Pj_"l SOURCS& PlastiabseAdys massyp no@ 3p 1966# 45-47 'TOPrC TkGSs orpnosIllcou oonpowd# pollester pl"tlop a4h*along spectrographic an4rals Z ABSTRACTs 7bo autbor studied the nature of boade faim4d, betwetin the arganosillOOM dressing GV" and the said poly"ter rests PW-I# Adak we obtain*& frost diethylone- solutia N I=K(Cw) P" heated for I hr at of GVS-% (bw* t" setw Is convert" into 1= until, an laftsible and IA*olubls product rarmle -Ms W4uat obtained was cepar- atedp pow4ered, end wizei with pa2yoator rosin PK-I. Cho, part, or the mixture was kept for 2 hr at roon twporature and the second part at 14W* T6 prevent oxidation# the mixture was heated in a N atawsphoree Me samples ware washed vith acetans, in a SDzb lot apparatus for 6 bi sia subsoquentlr ocamosed to tablets Ath Or for an infIra- red spectroscopic atudy6 The spectra of ths, thermally hydrolized GVS-9 solutions and of the mixture of GY" with. P94 rosin, iftch wort processed at roost temporaturer Cwd L ACC M.&MG079M Were Ideatleal, At roce tsupwatur*r the dreamdag agent did not react With the PKA resino, and the awbood rosin-vas t2r washed oVt with acwtonto 7he samples of PM-1 rosin treated idth - GNS4 at UQC W4 a 1725 am' ". aorrompon4inC to the carbawyl w pup or tbi rosin. So btawLty of. Uw UM = A- p corresponding to Uw' Vinyl or QW4' docreemads A sUW ww mad*'tf the, Offoat of a QV&4 dressing 0 In rx-1 r*da an aw ;Zinla a4besion to a fj~~~iFthreed aoutelainC 581. U% 2% A ft" threads of fiberglass (W-15 SiOt "A 421+ N !,* and In BJCLP~ W 14 j0w were treated th 51 aqueous; soluti, ! of W" for ID6-15 vdautact dried, In air,, yently treated with kApt for 30 minutes, at UW* Dressed threads we.. subseq 67% PK_1 rosin In a st1ram oolutLone Mde reaction was; performed either in hot or in oold ooluUcu At& -& subsequent he&Une* Dressing of glase fibers A* GVS-9 inareseW markedly tbs. adhesion of tbs W-1 resin to, -their owfaceep especlaUy **n treaw a a bot solution, Ow strength of resin-to-aber"s. bond was 362.5.or 307*5 kg(wAdtb bot or oolksolatice treatmat ro"Uvelye Orige art* has t I fig- and I table. SM CM2sO?p'I'n/M DATEs 12J&z65/ QUO Rvi -,007/ OM RUs 004 Vt 2/2 ONN. M-0 C43t-d GOLMNKOVLp L.I.; SHAMUSH, A.U.; NIKONOU, S-K'-; AMIN, K-S- Grafting of Wyamrs to solid surfaces. Part Is StWY or the interaction or organosilicon compounds, With 91&8S based on infrared absorption spactra. Vywokomaoed. 4 no.9tI35tv-2360 S 162. (KMA 15:11) 1. Usuchao-issledovatel'shy in3titut plastichosklkh M"Ne (Glass) (silicon rrganlo compounds) SUMMM, V.A.; KRASIL,TtiCHIKOVA,, B.L.; KIKOWTA, S.K.; SHABADAM, &.11. Kichanim of the effect of the thermochouleal trimtmmt of Clace f1bers on the strtngth of polpst4r glass plastIcs. Plastmssy no.1000-35 163. (KM 16:10) ACC- NRs- _776 ~O95*0 (A) sonu com uRN191/66/000/M2/00 9 AUTHOR: EjAgga Golubenkova, 11. 1.,, Akutin, M. G. ITORG: ncne ,pounds with glass fiber TITLE: Retwtion of organosilicon coir SOURCE: Plasticheakiye maosy, no. 2. 1966, 27-29 TOPTC TAGS: glass fiber, organosilicon compoxtnd grafting, coupling agent ABSTRACT: A. study has been made of the reaction of organosiliconco7our-is with glass filmr used In the manufacture of glasa-reinforced plastics) U ih-spectro- I scopic mnthod developed by the authors and irm-ersion cf the fiber in a special liquid, whose refractive index appronchvi~ thrit of glass, wn!; used for direct Identification of groups of orgarosilicon compo-iindn. grafte-d on tlie glass surfac,!. The experiments were conducted with &lkali and alkP-li-free glass fibers. The fiber wan treated for 2 hr with the orearosilicon co.-pound or its organic analog. The untreated portion or the coupling agent war, then risr"ved with a polar ard a ncnpolar solvent. Treatment of glass fibers with trimethilchloroiMane (I) or trimiO.hylsilanol (H) resulted In tbe graCtAng of trimethylsilyl. g-rou,-.c; on the glass surface. The degree of grafting was higher when the gliss wts treated with 1. ano- Weak alkalis remved some of the trirne-thyl3liyi groups. by leaching the glass. Org silicon compounds containing no reactive groups, tr1r-.ethylch1or-oretbane, and tri- T. 21 A.84 _I r!Ll ~7 T ACC NRi AP6005950 methy1carti-nol did not react vith the glass fiber surface. Orig. art. h" 3 fig- ures. ISUB CODE: 11/ SUBM DATER: 12J&n65/ ORIG REF, OOrT/ OTIJI REF: 004/ A-LD PRESS: tvT 111KO90T.L, T.R.- PLOTRIECIYA. Q.Ts. AzabwV transfusLau to a case of polsoalse with co"agiro subllmto in a child. Pledlatrits no.6:61-83 X-D 153. (KU1A 7:1) 1. Is Kasakhakoga usuchao-lealedovatel'skoeo institute okhrany mterlastva I dotetva (direktor M.YeAmrsallyeve). (Blood-Transfuolon) (Kercury--Toxicology) SIXDM.IA, koadidat medltsinmkikh sank; AMMM101r, TO.K.; ALITSMLLM. &UST-0 Course of spMenta hepatitte in children. Fedtatrila no.4g62-65 A-Ag 055. (KLM 6:12) I. Is kamakhakaga mackno-tealedavatellakoga Institute, akhrmW mt~rl=tva I detstva (d1r.-kandidat wedItatuakikh mmk Q.Te. Owseltyeva. (RWATITIS, INIWTIGUS, In imfant &M child) AUVIROTA, profo&sor; -XILCM011. T.K., dottreut; URWLMRA,,, X.F., ootesteat 1, " - -, -, Decreasing th* laclUme of patmLatestinal dlAosses La cktld"*. ldmv,gxsokb. 16 no.9s6-9 056. (XZRA 10c 1) 1. Is lbfedry Caspitallmay podiatrit i detakikh tafektatonoWft bolosmW WAselbakogo govaderstysonago, sedttelaskago laotttate host T.N*Kolat*vo 0 (AUMNUU GA]rAfo--DLMSU) MINNOTA. f.5.9 immUdat meditstaskUh nauk-. OUT. TsA.. atudLent TX karle; UZAMI, 0.1.0 atu"ut TI kurse Opillares in chIldres, in saarlet Cover " UpUberts. KnvJksakh. 16 no.9:31-34 456. (KWA 1000 to In lafedry detsktkh tafoktatomfth bolemy (saw. kifodrcW - .119uno#4 IrAtakhskoCo Casudsretveanaeo m4itstaskago dotmoutjgff 144%LtltfA tmold TAIN014tave. I (saw& NVU) (DUWKUIA) (WILLARM) NUMNOTA, I.M.; GCRU, B-A. 1-.- 1 -.1- ~ Sw long should children by conflud to W durtaC am acute parted of rhowatim, redtatrtia 39 ao.300 wy-Je 156. (KM 9?111 1~ Is ksgakhgkogs, institute akhoW watertastva I detstvao (RUMT w Fwa) Country % USSR Catogory : Di;;e.xe~, larii AnL:a1a. Disaut,es Gausud by A;,cti~irla and Fungi. Aba. Jour, : Ref 4hU;v-Biol-,j No 219 19;6, 970" Author : Hikozaava* T 0 Institut, t 2OX of itgricui-,'.ure. Titlo Some Problems of Epizooty ard Tuberculosis Con- trol in Fowl* Orig Pub, Tr. Kirovskogo s,-k~i,, la-tat 19579 1249 So 249 14~-14& Abstract i No abstract, Card: IA KIUKOYA, r.K. imadomed.nauk; UWAGMAWA, K.D.; RODOT, K.K. leown4me of typhoid fever in chtt4r*m tr*&W with Gatt- %tattoos 9dravegasakh., 17 no.totiltso44 957. (Km 12:6Y 1. ts Wedzy dotaktkh tmf*ktisl*nrq" bolezzor rAzal&4kof.* Fieditalmakage (TIMOID FAT ) (AMMOTICS) 11"'UTA, T.N. Ca" of Infections IMhocytosts In children with slight amtows. JP~d1&trII& 37 no*6:87 Jo 159. (Km 2239) 1, tv isfedry detakikh Infektalomifth balemy am bass 2-y detskoy klintchisakoy ballultay Alm,-Aty, (Lymocrus) NicL r,~ -NIKONOVAt To Neg 01141AEO, sale 406 -,r5-@ - -! THE CLINICV kl- k3 %~~ AND 4~ Of RHEUVATIW IN CHILDREN or ALMA- ATA*" TAIlHKtNTq 1961* (KAZAKH STATE MCO INST A140 KAZAKH Soo Res IN&T OF MATERNITY AND CHILD PROTECTION)* (KL-OV9 11-610 226), +230- N=Mkp Tole# dateentj BMMCFFL# L.T.; PAX, P.A. Vow of the operation of partial blood replac P -at in chf In with various fom of poisoning. Zdrav. kasakh. 22 nc.1:37-42 #62. OURA 15:3) 1. Is kafodry detakikh inf*ktaiarmykh bol mhy (sav. - T.N. likonova), kiLfedry patologichaskey fisiologii (saw, - profs O.S. Glomman) Kazakh kogo maditalask go inatituta,, Reepublikamkor *tAAULL perelivanLys, krovi (glavW, vrach - X.F. IAstereva) I 2-y 1xifektalo=wy detakoy ballaits (CUTW vrach - F.S. Sakova). (POISONINGT (BLMD-TUMMICS) ~ KMVOVAP T.K. vata, an a studtr of tho activity of the rh~wtls --*-" in rm6mw chiUrm, Zdrav,r&u*. 22 no.7934-36 162. . (NM 16d) 1. rs gasaMskoo lmtlttLta okhraW wtorlmtva I detstva (dlr. - :uwluzh=W vmkt re"blikl A,RKsmmova) L Kasakhakno meditebmingo InaUtute, (rektor - prof. it.r.%wrtx). (PJMMTIC FLV ) r 4, fijKu;uV,L, Tratlyuna P" . . j j ~,' Q I 'i p ! 'y ~'14 ~4 ~ !% ! ri't AkLWtO-7rA, dr.t3,; '1~ , rcd. [clinical a-,Fliz u~. treatment are- prevenlIGn -. f r~-! I ' fever in childrenj Klirlixa, IeJx-rili j rcv- ,a -Kaz&~.hotan," 114-5. 218 P. matjZM u detei. A-1 IA - A t 9 wl!iA I ", - I , j ( XIMNOVLV T.k., naucbzqr gotrudaik AdvaneW work mtbWs of wwwators in weavise ppentl=&. T*kst. prm. 21 no.lt5&-59 Za 162, (KM U13) U Ivas*vsldY UmchnO-U#lS4mtellskly tokatilIM7 Lutitat. (W"Vllng) -P T%* IBM of a p 466d""T 14 r"A of d*h Ar"wwbk cid LIThN U* w 2 - a y Sftprad-U Mad. IVA,. K)"). IrO iry PJ4Ar# TT. 144- -TbM M of iwbftr "ale FSU arm Ard 4"IV'3) d . " _L" . hills4yWrIN (ta- X% protria). (111 a m mi (M) a vonIxtxf in dipt. reT. Alism n,,i 190-0 days nn It IJr rats well di"g;4t4trd, ?Ivj -,r Ow" vrxp bom,~V, nleed rith 0 TnI. prK%pWe butter 1" OA I h d k 1,11 6.1 . to 3 MI. htxnorwe M . at r"4*Ccwb jr "n. -added. arxw,*d fm sta.M.1 Inr to min-, herd from #t4ns try 7% CCI.CMIF. centrUvifrd, awl the ascorbor eA1,I, A"bef 3 ml, o(lbe hmornate was ur*d as a Celt- tH Aoc-,xbk " In the whvnrJ TP*4i w vkklm as " - IrAwl ot "t". of 0'r (rpalwn with axmbk 66J. T" tr"Jp (M I[ tbt~fd a Vwrr t"crtent Of Owtml r add Iti ON SArTnall xnd In The liver 'hL.1 tht emupf " I, how '" T ~4 ~y ChemiciLl Abst. w e'rer. the rrd-~tL~g CNA?r~7 of a-Ie urt? hoo- as Vol 48 N 9 !t-vA. TVA Frwp cn III h*A $ew aworbi,,- " to tht . o. *ArrnAjs and a tawrr rri-i-Ing effirl"cr of *v livtr. 71;a 11,Ry 10i 1954 al's- v&%wq t" to "Ismil vatiatlow. ~rfrlx! 99 zpf l Che istr Bi l i )- pr P) twwbk vid the 4.zo 7 m o ca og y . 7-24 V71 (1) tA the &- l ~."Ifcw