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WRKOVO A.S.,insh; MULISHIN, K. Yo., Units for triansparting and layiv4g, cAbloo Kont, L "too rabo v strolo 24 nool0:14-16 162* (XIM 15t2f) 1* Tsentraltnays konstruktorskaju byurv KWaterstm straitelletY4 RSFSR. 0 (Electric cables) (Comeying machinery) PROKZAMV, ra.S.; AIML,15HIM, K.To. Heavy-duty trailer. Awt.prom. 28 mo.12s43 a 062. OWEA 16ol) j~ TSMtrallnoys konstrukt-orskays byuro MIntafterstwe #U-oftejf~tvs R"', (Truck trallers) pravaa, ru.s.; !lIKULISIM6,0 K.Te. Rev crtuiev for comMractioulp as:- %.It-- I-AC.- . and unloading w=k. Gar. khas. Mask. 36 no.5:48, 3 of c My 162, (MA 25:7) (Cruwa, derrickag 0) PRONZALIkT. Ta., inth.; 919MISHIN. 1. Now assombIr crude. rokh.wl. 28 ao.8:12 160. (Km 1):9) 1. fgsatr*llaoye koastruktarokoye byaro Kintstorstva strattelletva RVSR. (Craass, derrtcks, etc.) 0- At-~Hlx R.K. inth.; iTLTNUTIZUTA, K.I. inzh. ~AJIKL p 01 p Correlation of the Souders$ formula for froons. TrqdyP OTIPAshp l2sl39-W 162. (MM 17c1) - 1, Ikuchno.-Isslodovatelskays laborstorlya po kholodillwy tekhaike Odesekogo, takhaologIchaskogo instituta plahchevoy i kholodillnoy prosyshlennosti, MIKULISHINO R.K.v Imb. Smoal casaade myuto~ra te~~. I takho no,ltZ9-32 165. 017FA IP:gp -;;IKULISHIN. S.P. (Revda,, Svc -rdlovakoy obl"ti,, ul. Chakho-va, d.8,,kv.51, Duodeno-colonic fistula in peptic ulcers Vast* khir. 91 no.7s 79-e0 J1163 (HIRA l6ol.2) 1. Is khlrurgichaskego otdoleniya (mv. - A.Too M1sh&nmk&yu) meditainakoy sanitamoy chastl Sre&eural'Bkogo medeplavill- nago savoda. BURGOCIMY', S., doktor tekhn.naukt molushormyr doyat-ell nauki i teUmikij NIKUL115M. I.K. # Insh. d6tactioss voitace, reculation in sex, I olectric networks. Kekh. blek, eats. **I'kMg. 19 so.1945-4 161. (KM 14:3) 1, Sol tokovkhmytystvannays akadmiyu In. K. A. TIxIMs4mm (far surguchav). 2. possonakLy soltskokhosysystrennyy Institut (for (Toltage reguletion) KIULISHIII, V.K. 'An Investigation or !t Iforcontact Tonsion Regulator for IWral Electric Networks'; dissertation for the dogrou of Candidate of Technical Sciences (mrdod by tho TUdryaner Agrimltur%L kaadm7g, 19Q) qsvestiya nui sevskoy 3411WmkhoiW&y#tvwr4y Aktidmiit 146ecow, M. Z,, 1963# pp 232-&T momau" TtL., inzh. "UEmL2w&,A . -a, ffydramlla hol6t to be used In asselablIng qmrstlans. Sell.gtral. 14 60.9g2s 8 059. (Km 12CII) (lVdramlic Jack@) KIXUL'SKLK, rU.A. -4~ ~ -1 Centrifugal casting of worn gear. Lit. prolaw. no.8:35 AS 163. WRA 16 t 10) APTHOR: w"W;6 " Olk!ift, %- &r-4- rr Hikullshin, K.Ye. ,S, nee rc sail ~112L]9: Mobile Tower Crane IUK-3-5/2,0. (Hob,'11n77 tashenn7T kran 14SK-3-,/'20)- PZRIODICAL: Kekhanizatsiya Stroitellstva, 191:7. Nr 11 PP 24-25. ABSTRACT: The collect.1,7e of the Central Cons' ractional Birema of the Glavstroymekhanizatsiyaof the Ministry of Building of RSFSR is re3ponsible for the design of tbe nbnve- taentioned crane and the Moscow ;irane factory produced Its prototype. Th:) orane can lift a 5-ton weight at an arm length of 10-12m and 3 tons at an arm length of 20m. It was designed for the conatruction of flat's and industrial buildings up to a height of 8 storeys. The lifting speed Is limited tc between 0-30m per minute. The maim character- istic of this crane is that dismantling can take place with a minimum of labour. The dij=antl,~d r;*.rt.,3 are +rans- ported on lorry HU-200. The. assembly npenratialrat requir-es, four to fiVe assemblers for six to eight h~-,ur3. Te2l-mical data of the crane in ,,3.'ven. Te3ts proved ver7 x;ciessful. There is one illustration. Cerd 1/1 1* Hdtsts-4Ms1Cm 2. Hoists-Perforawmas DRUT , M.P.; IOSKXOVSKrf, I.V.; KOPERIN, V.V.; U:IPVc=X TSUEOM,, D,P.; KORELIN,, D.S.p naucbMy red.; IZTXWrl6#o, red. lad-va; HOCHALIKAv Z.S.p tovkha. red. (FI-m4 the orcanisation &M oncution of arectine work; prlwtpa2 designs of the riggiM of *qulpmnt]Proaktlrcvcnle orgaulzatsU I proimds"a montathrVkh rabot; omovuye ra- shadla takelasba obomdovwdis. Kaskvap Goastrollzdat, 1962. P. (WU 15: 22) (VAchinery-tracting work) CMULISHINO lu.&. C"tigg of kanso imerts an a vvrtical costrutucal aschinso Lit* Misys uo,941 6 164. (MIRA 18W) DEIFAT f M.P. . inth. ; TSUKERMAIN , D.P., IMz1h. ; Nill'-l'-~"IN, - , -'r-z' Standard land anchors. Mont. j spots. mb. v stroil. 26 no.e: 19-20 Ac 164. (:I!PA 17 1114 ) 1. TSentrallnoye proyektno-konstruktorskoye otdelenlye Glavkhim- montasha. BILWOKITj H.; HlKrSHKIN,, L. Adwnced aoticoo In parts &M ship repairing jordso Kcro flat@ 24 nooSoX32 Ag 164o (MIRA 18:9) 1,, Gl&vM spetelaliet Goeudarstv*nnogo proyektao-konotruktorokogo I mu4hw.4s~lodmt4l'skogo Institute. morskago transporta (for lilyanskly)o 1~ PM;11.1 ""I . ", . I k I c , Ix i~ t., '. .! ~ ~ : , 1, .- 0 : a - , I , . ; I , ~ , :. 0 - I t " v 11 - .- , I 1.~ .p. .., I ~ -* ,7 , - . . t - - - ekbil. uluk; Klitc,. Ti.. I.-, F-itF.Sl I Y k' " 21 C V A . 1 e . X . , red . [Erxamplf,~e of tim ca3rulRt'.ono fnr refrirnrating raschotoy kY,,.)Iodilltqkh witariuvok. 'MoAvap rrishlennost.1, 196d.. 380 P. I--I I'll ~r LE,Z-,, T. , =1E.-LITIT,~ i3~. "t i W~=,T --- , - - r. v "The Investigatiod ol* New Cotling "Yate- In Cold Storwe." Report submitted for the 10th Intl. Refrigeration Congmse, Cope r,!i.,.,-en, 19 August -2 September 1959. CHUXUR, S.. loktor tftjchn.n&uk;._X~= ft~KA. D., inzh. ,__kl Partially snbm" c4seade, cooling syst4a. ftas.10.15SX 30 mo.2:48-50 159, Milk 13:4) 1. Odevskly teftnologichoskly Institut p1shchevoy I kholodll'- may prolvshlensoett. (Refrigeration and refrigerating, machinery) (Odess'4--Cold storage warehouses) 0 gtKUESI[TU,, D. G-1 CHUKI-D(r 9- Q. oft4ndlawltlas of Met, tmmftr In powl w"Ifft systs" am conditims for their ratioma applicaties.1w aspect pressat" at the utk ratermatimmi cawrass or Nafriarationg (11R)o Mudebt That Clormwo 17 Aug-4 Sep 63o CHULIM, S.G.;-MIKULISIUNt. D.G.; CHEPURNEKKO, V.P.; CHIUMOTt N.V., red.; VOLK-OTA-,T:d-.,tikhn. red. (Now type of cooling systems for refrigerators) Nov" okh- lashdalusbahle, state" kholoalltdkovl Amen opytow, 14o- akwa, Gostorgisdat, 1963. 95 P, (MRA l6c7) (Refrigeration and refrigerating machlacry) CHM=N,, 3.0,, pror.; MIKULISHINA, D.U., kwid,.tekhn.A&uk Chowt*ristics Of taw operstion of Panel COOUBC eyxtmw. Tmiy ()TIPLKbp 121 WY-171 '62. (I(IRA l7sl) 1. Kafedra kholodil#4kh ust&n*Vok Odosakogo tOkhftologicheakogo In3tituta plahchevoy I kholodilIntwy praq8hlennosti. ILICal4h.0, S.G.0 otv. rrid.; GITI.M.Pli, S.G., za:-.. otv. -rd.,- .`,~YZHMKO, L.P.,, red.; IIANYLlYn, I.S., red.; Al.U.:XYE;, M.-I., rod.; VEYNHMG, B.S., red.; GrWiLM', A.A., red.; YFLIIS&~, L.Z.g red.j MADAM, S.Z., red.; 14Y~2t, V.A., red.; MINKV5, ij.A., red.; IWMIBCYM, A.b., red.-, 14'IKUL'!;IIRA, L.G., red. [Trananctions of the Confarerv~e on the f,:,r Z~'nvol- opzent and Intmiuction of itofrl arraing, &,juIjr-.nn', into tI,~ National Econorf of the Tr,Ay Ronferonts1i p0 p3r- apktivam razvItIle I nwirenlis :tolodilInni tokhrAki v na- rodnoe khozialst,vo Sa~t. Morxvfi, G3.Aorgizdat, 1963. WDILA 18:3) 1. Konferentalya po perspektiv= razvitlya i vredreniya khc- lodlIgno-Y tekhniki v r---I-- CCq~L r"^-fj' If' #- .2 Odeaskly teklircl~glcheskiy Instit,it p1shchavoy I kholDIM7 prou7shlennosti (for Minkus, Earonlboy=, Chikiin, I'Mmllphim, Zhadan). 3. Vsescyu7.nyj im-,tlt-ut kholodI1'no7 pro-;yshJ!?nv.o:;IJ (for ~Alylle~is). CHUKLIMI S.G., dokto-. tekhn. nauk; AVDEYFV, Ye.S., !nth.; NIKULISHII(A. D.G., kand, tekhn. nauk POnciples of desicatng and operational characteristics of co4jng panel systema of refrigerator ships. Sudostroente 30 no.Ilt29 N 164. (MIRA 180) G! I tTb ! , i I' ~' I., ..r. . p~ - '.-. t or ', --, t ~ ~ , r, .rzi i , k ;h ~* I-' i' ~ I,' ., 1'. 5. ,V,, i nd . t o ~ ~.n. I ", -'I Solectlnr, the efficient desirr, cr thr! ellements fcr ,, nel , r, 7 [ I rj! r ys terro . Khol . te kh . i o, kK . no . 1 165. (mll-lA IF, ,q) IJMMIILAU,, Amm GiRvrtI*vua$ Garay SottialiatichaskoCo, Truda, xTiCArta; TOMO, Dj, 'kmW, val'skekhor,mmuko sumchayy red*; rM(XIX# some$ mdo; TCZRZ11A. S.A.. tokhred, [Saw I boaam a swisainrd aortae for a thausaM head] Eak to stale syUmitat-tyulachnitsel. Kinsk. 1960. 23 p. (Obaholostyo po rosprostraneutin polittahmakfth I mudutfth mall Belormaskol SM. Ree if) a (NUA 1395) Is Gnkhas twat ftorthInskogo KoWIsLoco rayous Kinskoy oblesti, (for Kikullskars), (*do*) X , . . . ~~ ", V, r T7 r BORISOV. P.P.; NIOLISELTA, G.Jr. mdatles of womatic searbous br oxMn., Oxidation of *-dllm*propylb~rA*mm~ .khlu, 12 so*3:181-193 157. (KlU 11:3) I,lr&f*dra khtall MGM Nodinvokego CGGud&r6tv*KWCf uid"reltota, (Oxidation) (Benzene) SROBTAKMXlr, K.F.; LASIORINt B.K*j KNUMMU, Geff. CRKXULLMAt let.; XGUM"Hit P.G. .-- -1 aspension polywAsatiou of the trivWI eWwr of trUthawlastwo Slatwwls of a saw wdoa subsager. Tysokoatsoeid. 3 no,660421 le 161, (NM 14g6) le Institut org&&LWwskoy kkl&U Imal, V.D.Zelinakago, AN SM. Ntbawl) Whers) (Folywrl"tion) (Ion exchafter realm) .-AImtsur, TO.T. ---' Compression of the dynamic voice range in the r*-recordlag of motion picturec, Takkikino I telev. 4 no.4g6"7 Ap 160. (OM 230) 1. SwerdlownWa kinostudlys. (Notion pictures, lawag) (Vagnstle recorders and recordlv4g) Country C USaR CAT22M I PAM Aftimalse Cattle A33, JOUR. RZ3101., Jo. 13. 1958* Mo. 59530 AUTHOR NiWrctdzo,, D, I. 'Norglaft &OOTIMM.1val Voterinory rnstitute on Certain Causes of the 04*urr*nco of Sterto lity In Cows and the 810*4 Picture in Various Grows of Animls an Demonstrated on the* ORIG* PUB* Naterialy 12-y Nauahn* konforentsll,, pos- ,wyashche 25-lotlym Gmz* coot*khn.-vst.** ANTRACT t It was ostablIshed that difficult calvings constitute ttw principal cause or barrenwas In the Ustram aaws, Different lov*U or dairy production oC cows do not affect the content of erythrocytes, Kb, 1mrganic P, Ca and carotene in the blood. The blood indexes of barren cows do not dIffer from the same 0 Kostroms, Breed of Cattle " in-ta. Thillelp 1957, 40-42 CAM Nkg Froqpncts for findir-g oil &M gas ir. tho Kenozate anJ Lcwsr FIRInagnmic e40t3Knts r.4" th-i f0kPills Trorigh by-Irageologir dAf.%. geof1t. (MR4 ispsoyumogo n&uchno-t!,~Iediv4teI'jIkOgG r."ft.vnn,)vo Instituta Gru&SR. TAIWIU-0 re.K.; NIKURALZEO G.R.; &BESAD7TV D.K,; G=-vLIDZE, K.I. Peadible all and pa accurancts in Mesozoic s*diimmts of western 04i6rgia. TrWr VWIGKI xa.15c66-" 159. (KIRA 1486) (G"W"otralem geology) (GqOrgja--4e~# Natural-4-sol*a) NIrUPArIZEq G.N.; ABFSADZE, D.M. C rative character-I sties of the corrrlsition of the stnj,:.ura'A stages of the Ye5ozuic and Cenozoic oil the Kolkhlda Lowland. Nettegaz. pol. i geofla. no,11116-19 164. (M,-ru. lei 1) 1. Gruminakaya komplekanaya laboratoriya Veesoyuzriogo nauchno- iseledovatellskogo geologorazvedochn.ogo neftysnogo inatitutA, Moskva. SIMMS-, 16. ,v.%%MkfiLW, Qrgwtstag the dissealmattou of ocasawle tufarsattas. Awt.treasp. 34 n*.Ilt3l-32 5 156. (UM 9..t2) 1. fbiltseldy avtartuant"7 gawod. (Industrial smuigamut) (Tint a-4ut*w*btle*-JlnwtrtnC) lariUSHIS, 'L.I.- NIKOL'mr. B.i,. v .. Iotign of sine o<o witb scids &M &Umlles. Fart 1. Aawtion witb alkalis In aqueous solutloac, UchosePolezoune U0*108933-59 '49* (KUM 10c 3) (zinc salts) (AUmlles) Ki"MA ax, A.I. 0,111 Rwftou of zinc salts witk acids wA aLkattes. Fart Ze Bisection in semr- amame solattomm., Ushe"PoLea.vas nosIOM60-70 049* (KM lot 3) (Zinc salts) (Alkalies) KHOWW, Ampmnlrta SUMSIM of lad to Ow st" wift retatlog pla%l~ slamleatr"o, Vab. ktdu. shur. w.2cU-20 $58. (NIU u9s) I.Srodimstateld goo.usiverattot In@ Vote loulaso (= (Cooductamtrto asslysts) 5(2) AUTHORSs Khadejav, V. A., Nikarashins, A. G. ~;OV132-2t'-.1-031'62 TITLEs Determinations of Lead According to the Anodic Ammetric -I'ethod (opredeleniye evintea anodnym amperometricheakic metodon) PLRIODICALs Zavodskaya Laboratorlya, 1959, Vol 25, Nr 3, pp 283 - 265 (USSR) ABSTRACTs An anodic-ammetric method Is described according to which Icad is titrated with potassium bichromate. It is based on the formation of a polarographic cirrent which forza due to the oxidation of the lead-ions to lead oxide on the Pt-microanode. A titration at pH