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.1 - t--a--,~-,7-,- 7' -7 ~:Zl . 0 . L ,, -~ -. 7 t '~ 0 Astronoaq *Abnoluta glee trophatormtry of the Silar (;orotv#. fit thm Timo of thov 00tv,lota 3.,)I,kr Lclipso of 9 July 1945.0 lzvjsttym iryvakoy Amtrafiticnatskoy Ob:mrititorli. 1~ 194A Report lio.IWW-19569, 3R 5'059020 I, I I r , - --;,. - ~;~ ~~L.- NIXONGT~ V.I.; KILONOTA.. T&.X=. Absolute slactrophotonstry of the solar corom durIng the total solar eclipse of July 9. 1945. fav. Xryu astroffs, ok"r, I pt.1t 83-101 047. (11M late) (Sua--Coron&) (Photoostry, Astronomical) KiRowi, 'f.B. WAkonev, V.I. and 51konove. Z.K. '19z"rimat In photoolecttte comp"Leas of lbrtghtwee~ of nacturn&I akies in Stafeas and Partisaaarka.9 Izvestiya KMsk, astrafts. absorvatorit. Vol. 111* 19", P. loq~--11 SO: U- 28M, L*taplo Zhmrnallu*kh Statey, No, 1, 1"9 SE if If I rM 51i""W'At. re. r. r I., . . 1. AstronoW . *%xperlwits with Pnotoelectriv.,tlCom -tri,4on of th,3 l-1,-htw;s o4' tatt 1;1,-,1t Slr4 in Simiza rind PnrtlcmnaT)a%,* Izvestlyn Kryms;coy A3troftzlchavka7 01)servitorll, 194P Report No. 4&W-19569. M 52.059020 - W - H. , KRF 'I~rA. , T.. !~IT~OWUV, V. T V I and FALURAK, A - A . NiLblyudeniye oblasti Salakticheskogo teentra v Lnfrakmsaykb luchakh (Obaervation of the Galactic Center Foglon to Inframd Rays). Akisdeutya Okuk SSSR. Doklady, 1949, V. 66, no. 1, p. 25-28, dlW., 6 refs. ,u262-S3663 v. 66 ~-# lot.. -!j 4-4- ~ ~ ~ , . i-41 A~-A u u 4 0 to "I, --- 4--L-A. J.A P 4 A A . . . . . . . L t A , -Odom* ftip tow A. IL do adw P 0o n fkvwolnt Mt TV ( (I"(1 Is Ana" SAW fimofm- W. a apeft L "A I* 404pod im 40 " aw"ftaft*440 *90 44144 low 4 logo" d N C N s m do follow 4 a ft so we as dklmo am 610 A ef now ao 't a a 0001- (me im *a @*it aw 61 ad (10 f CAVOWN *Kwdwmwv~L i me* I see was 14#400 M. C~ "MmiA 400 an it, OL i"I go S, I I Of a 0 0 1 a 0 1 do 4, 31: 4 v w 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- : : : :10:0 0 * W11OF0310vt V.B. Apr 52 vlnfrw*d Radiation of the Iftlky Wmy#2 To.1* Pavlovp Pkqs, Instq lAninp&d State Or 9 Prirv", No PP 107-109 Real naturo and struetwo of Galaxy me explained in 1948 at Criman Astr*pW~ Obe by obeavationo in LAfrared of A.A. Nalinyaks V.1, Imovskiy and V.Pe Vik*fomv,,/~ using photosensitive cathodes. In 195~O at the ram observatoryp S.F. Rodionov and 1. 0. Frishman used photocells to photograph in infrared the Cal&37 and found this radiation to be 2-10% of tbo background flow. 21M Staro, 7axAPOIc 'Zott-Ilar el octrrophotcre ter nnd th- Crlro-fjr, Astr~phynlc_,xl (15ematrry rv- .10-mijut iris, th,,4 (UnInutinn of LAi: lit, In --m-thIn 07-:r!n- Iv-v-. I-x1j- i;rI,co. I, !tr In. r.1- a!t,va'Icr.!, rif variabIr !stara. I.-v. antrof.z. cl,r-!r. 'c-; t b-I _,~_ Lit rf L!xslgr~ of JIM13 1953. of a varlahl.-I r,"j-.r -f -v. astrof 1 "on "Ist of thl Stellar t%stronnnor, Stellar Catalogs, Orlr-7) Byull. AF Gru;j ES& Abastwaansk-Va Astrof. ObservatoE&!g No lh, 1953, rp 1-2)3 Nikonovp v. Accurate color equivalents are deduced for E52 stars in the galactic zone of latitude 20P, It-mited, in the region of galactic center by declination -240 ad In the region of anticenter by longitude IWO. The atcwspheric effect was oltmated, but not light absorption b~ interstellar media. Referativnyy Zhurnal -- AstiononVa I. Geode-.Iya, No 6,, 1954 (d-)0976) '08n/Astronmv - SWItovmOT JkIlAug 33 "Index to Astronomical Literature tht USSR During March, April 1953," Yu.. G. Perell Astr Zhur, Vol 30, No 4, pp 475-478 Lists 60 &rticlea on. astronomy which.appeare~i lur- Ing Mar, Apr 53 in 15 books and.symposia, I ep*nem- eris, 6 Institute organs (e.g., "Trudy), 17 reri- odicals, and 5 abstracts of dissertations. For ex- ample, one &uthorls abstract of a dissertation, the only one m-ntioned for the degree of Dr Phys-Hath Sti, ist An Attempt to Construct a Fund-amenteLL Catalogue of IMectrical Chromatic XVIYalents of 262T32 Star@ of the Spectral Types B8 and B90" by V. B. Rikonov, Main Astron Cbservatory of Acad Sci USSR (expts were completed at Abastu*An Astrophp Observ- at o ry and Crimean Astrophys Observatori), Lenin- grad, 21 pp, 100 copies. 511WROT, V.D.0 Using multicalor atectracolortmtry In gtu4ying vol*ctive ab- sorV%lon of IntorstolUr watter, 121 134-147 "54. MBA 1314) (ratarstelUr mtter--Spectra) I I Ln trom,.mta Nb. 43 3 9/W, Dobronra7ln, P. F.p and Nikonov, V. B. TItIC Instrumnt for recarding the snergy dinti-111.~,ition in spectra of stars vLz,,r. All SS,1311. Ser. fiz. 18/2', ~ngsj 268,Mar~Apr 1954.1 Brief do3criptim is given of a do-ftco fox- re=-dIrg envrgy distributions In spoctra of stara. The inatnimrit #;~ploys Si~-,rist mdt- photo-adtipUers and to intt~rid~)d for orp6ration in & 5(X' = xoni3:u3 talescopa. The deTico r-e-.-,rd3 Mile ratio of tht~ photomurrmt jTod'uc-~d by the light of a star at a given wavo Itmigth and the photocurrent rrodl~n,_Nd by a large part of the i',-,3ctnm. 'P-m Ught oticillatAorgs cw~itid Irj the flickering and y1tration or the imago on Ung sll;" aro complotf,17 elirvlnit.ed by the new recorder, Tidg allzD Inclu,3c,; tho 0iro-ratic flUckerine, of 3t~%r* at greater zenith 1=.'Iitut~.on Acadct;V, Of 3CIOTMer, 7110 Cri;-",- n kftr0p-hysto Observatory 'JubMAtted DOBBOXRLTIM. P.P.; HMMY.. T.3. Coqmvmatlv4g stollar 4octraip*ctraphotaustaro 19V K sotrafts.obser, 13g32-4 '55. (NIRA lit4r (Spectrophotauster) 0140 milwyov, Y.N. Works of the Crisman Astrolftsical Observatory an stellar astronamr. 1xv.Krym."trofle.obser. 16:216-219 156. (KMA 13:4) (Stars-4teervattaits) UXIMASOT4. S.T.; POLOSUKRINA. K.S.: LUCHELOYSLIT. D.L-, CHWArw. 1C.1C. Color-luminosity diagram for stare In the vicinity of the am. lawAryn.astrofts.obsar. 17:42-88 '57. (stars) (wirA i3t4) I UT H (1, 9 Blanlov, 9, X., z1voynkiy, Ye. X., -20-;/2o- 12 1 - r - I ylc-~ W .1 CDrrenyording ilember, Acadeny of Sciercea, USSR, Kilinyak, A. A., 11-.1,onov, V. B,, Prokof'yeva, V. V., S-olkin, G. Yo. ... 1___--_' .1 ..... TITLE: .... ... The Une of lballaltintave Elo~ctron-Opt!,:,%l Li~.-ht An~lifierq in Astrophysics ( 0 primenonii :nnogokaek.%dnykh e1e?trcnno- opticheskikh usilitelej sveta v Astrofi.-ike) ?EHIODICAL: Doklady Akademli nalik SSOP, Vol 121, Nr 5, pp 8111~ - 818 (USOR) (jj-r ABSTRACT: This paper in7enti.r.ate3 none iroblerna ~~onnected with the application of electron-optical light anplifiers in astrophysics. The ft-uthoro estimate t%e incrense in efficiency of the utilization of the ph,)ton flux with respect to the unual photographic method. Under the lnvesti~~atod conditions, and In t:.e case of equal 41mensions of the pictures, the efficiency of the electron-optiial method is by 40 4.103 timen higher than in ordinmry photo- graphy. An increase in scrtle on the photocathode of the light amplifier reducos the increnqe in sensitivity of the electron-optical method co-.Apared with a ucual photographic Card 1/3 plate by 160 tirnes. An est17::ation of the sensitivity The Une of UuItintage Electron-OptAlcal Li,,-',.t Amplifiers S'~if2s-12--f-!7 In Astrophysics of the ligl,t amilifiers given a v,%lue of the order of IC'13. The uae of an electron-optical Pmplifier usually cannot increase the penetration roinfre of the telescope. BT.,t the reMiction of the t1nes of exposure by hwnireda of times of its nriount due to the high sensitivity of the light w1plifier easentially changree the ponuit'alities if the antrophyilcal Investi-,ation. The r~hort of exponure per-Lit the Investi!~ation of rapilly varying proceGses of very faintly visible objects ftn1 a consAder,-ible increase of the utili- zation coeffii-iont of tl~.e aatro~.hyrlcal i,.ntrurnents. T',0, reduction of the timen of expov%ro In very important for aotrospectroscopy. The above-discussed considerationi are confirmed by V.-le rerriltt oltrinei by experiments carried out by the authors in Kqnskaya actrofizichenkaya obnervatoriya All SSOR (CrimetuAntrophynical Observatory AS USSR). The proper noisea of tho llglht amplifter may be neglected in comparison with tho bnckeround of tho nky. Accorling to tl.e experimerital values, the une of the 11F, 1-, t anplifier pernittei n rf~.,fiwtlon of the tine.- of exponlire Cttrd 213 approximately to a thourandth cart of t.-Iqir for-mer anoiintl The Use of WultistaFe Electron-O~tical Ligint Amplifiers SOV/2o-121-5-13/50 in Astrophysics which satisfactorily a6reen with the above-given estinate. A figure shows the photographs of 2 eztragalactic nelulae, which were taken by means of a light amplifier. There are 4 figures, 1 table, and 6 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Krymakaya antrofizicheakaya oboarvatoriya Akademii nauk SSSR (CrimedlAstrophyeical Observatory AS VSSR) Glavnaya antro- nomicheakaya observatoriya Akademil nauk SSSR (Astronomical Main Observatory#AS USSR) SUBMITTED: April 14, 1958 Card 3/5 AOOI/Al0L AVIRMs Dimovs N.A., Nikonov, V.S. TMA9 ftotool*ctriaal determination of &qutv&I*nt widths of If pin early SUM I PERIODICALt ReferatiMy zhurnal. Astronomiya L Goodoslye, no. 10, 1961, 22, ab- stroot iom6T (Ouir. Krymsk. astroriz. obsery.w, 19W. v. 22. 176- Mo SKI. summew) Mr. t Tha author& discuss, tht possibility of direct photaelectrical deter- mination of' equivalent widths of spectral lines by th**differential atorine method. In, this method, light fluxes are measured from the portion or speatrua w,hich Includes the line being studied, as well as those from two portion& of con- tinuous spectrum to-, both sides of' the line. The m*&*ur*ment& oC the both light. fluxes are, oonductod tT seem of & single photomultiplitr andaltemate. every D 5 see. Fhotocurrents from the line and continuous "otrum are integrated ltvl;p;~- dently. The method described was applied to determination of equivalent widths. of H 24in spectra of 22 6tars of spectral classes 09. - 40. Observations *stab- lishea th* possibility of organixing the large-ac&lephotoelectrical daternina- Card I/V 46 IL; S/035/62/000/010/016/128 MO I/A 10 1 AUTHORSs Mekrasova, S. V., Nikonov, V. B., PolosukhIna. N. S., Rybka, Y*. TITLE: Photoelectric magnitudes and colors of reference photometric stars In Kapt"m are". 1. Some problems in methods of com- piling ftwdamental photometric catalogues PERIODICAL: ReferatIvM zhurnal, Astronomiya I aeodezlya, no. 10. Ij62, 30, abstract 1OP44 ("Izv. Krymak. astrofiz. obzerv.", 1962, v. 27, 228 - 240) T14T. A catalogue"of photoelectric magnitudes and colors of reference photometric stars in Kapteyn's areas Is necessary ~o reduce zero-points of scales of stellar magnitudes to a single system. an well as In allowance for atmospheric extinction. The authors set forth the task of obsgrvation of all reference photometric stars in 139 KdLpteyn's areas ( 6> -15 ). In the ruture, observations should be extended to the entire southern half of the sky. Two methods are briefly described (Ye. Rybka and V. B. Nlkonav) for compiling such catalogue. Both of the methods are applied to the same observational data ob- ined In Crime& by means of an A3T-7 (AZT-7) meniscus telescope. In move L Card 112. s/o35/62/ooo/b10/016/128 Photdelectrio magnitudes arA colors of... Ao0011A10l detail these methods were described earlier. Observations of 14 reference stars In 7 northmost Kapteyn's areas are utIlIzed (results are tabulated). as well as of 17 stars of spectral clazaes DO-V2 from Johnson's list. Meth- ods of observations and processing are described. It turned out that both of the methods yield errors of the aame order (0%1), however 141konov's meth- od Is more economical in tlwe consumption and makes It possible to control more reliably the constancy of!the photometric system. It was decided to use the latter method for the further work on the catalogue (individual observa- tions are directly extrapolated beyond the atmosph*re). It Is established that Instantaneous values of the gradient of extinction factor versus stellar color relation should be used in compiling catalogues of stars with a wide range of colors. There are 14 refernees. B. Fesonko (Abstracter's note: Complete translation) Card 2/2 f -14 119-, 5/033/62/039/0(j2/011/014 E032/E314 AUTHOI-S: Butslov, H.H., Kopylov, I.H., Uikonov, V.B., Severnyy, A.B. and Chuvayev, KX* TITLE: Experiments in electron-optical photography of galaxies in hydrogen light using the 2.6 m reflector of the Crimean Astrophysical Observal;ory PERIODICAL: Astronornicheskiy zhurnal, 4. 39, no. 2, 1962, 315 - 322 + 3 plates TEXT: Detailed studies of extragalactic nebulae require the use of large telescopes. As regards detecting apparatus, the use of ordinary photographic techniques in conjunction with narrow-band filters necessitates long exposures and in therefore inconvenient in practice. The authors have investigated therefore the possibilities of image-converters as a means of avoiding these disadvantages. An Image-converter was sat up in the direct focus of the 2*6 m reflector of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory. The Immediate object was to investi- gate the hydrogen emission in a number of galaxiris. four* light colour filters were introduced In front of the converter and Card 1/3 S/033/62/059/002/011/OL4 Experiments in electron-optical ... 9032/9514 the screen or the latter was photographed by a motion-picturn camer&* Altogether 58 galaxies were photographed in Ha and other light. Photographs or io of these are reproduced and their reatures are described C',IIGC 604, 1569, 4214, 4449, 4490, 4736, 5194, 5457, 68az and 69461. Many unknown clouds of hydrogen- emission were detected in the galaxies. In nany cases there is no correspondence between hot-star clusters aiv] 4ydrogen clouds. The hydrogen component shows greater concca- tration in the equatorial planes than the stellar conponent. In some galaxies the nuclei consist or isolated condensations. The dimensions or the nuclei in H M light are in s(mie cases appreciably largerthan in other light, although in a number of cases the reverse, situation obtains. In several galaxie3, streams or ejeati6no. from the nucleus, which are vinible ottly in. Ha lightt were detected* Card 2/3 AGAPOyf re.S.; ANISDUV, V.F'.; NUMVt V.Er.; FROYOPTEVA, Y.V.,,, 511OCK, -S.K. E"rimmtal appUcation of television technique for obserntions of star*, Izv. Kryu. astrafts. obser. 300-19 163. (MIRA 17c1) -2 r~ liv AP502.1256 V 0635 ~jgjapc v T e An.' 3 11 or-- v ,in V. -v&tIons of art I f! e~ q r' 4 q t:, g v. P r~ C, AC t 'T r AV, `)-2.12 T-., SIN 9141 AY5012T56 (m/oo,.70 /65/161 /UO6/12W/l 300 13 - -y YL*~ Arislmlv, V, F, Teflop Prokof'I li, S1 rienok ~J, F~ 9'ralt ust ion o f the thre%bc I d A c iiq i t y 7y' k-pA t 1m, ~hr~igh at, p I I &r F U 1X;k1ndy v ~ I T!,eVS: 1 4,* t i4,,rqtt-n, fi'-, i RLr -bap v-,,tt I o,. .tFuht flux wmourowm~ t -W- 'Me threghc.,11 oensltl~~,.Ty -f v F1 1~ 1 1e 7, vl'.h it high al alm= Ito i %1 1 mr-3 d h I r 110 x on A Y! I.y hoo hoor To~ i i u, r, t ~tdiy determinA-d frui) ot,-i a r r thp Crimman observator,/ with tore TM-500 -.M. VJ The um-ftitive 'r? 4-yvt4m vqn dovr~lope(,, r"r -)tMo"Ving, i1totovit ftmrs by re"tirfrig 01 ~u ft -,f nij-.10, rky rn?liation:.. ",a ~Agafla~wt EM I (V N51 41150 12758 ~q in Irl g. I of Lhe En, w*n ~-h h .-Fi r I Mpnt. a j 1~( -r.,i -w4l t;hr-,nhol .1 sens I t. I vi t y r th4s TV klyst (-M cul Nted. 11 t ~F] . I Ard thnt the two? of Fj jr h a h I ivnI v wn s P, y9 I em ~,,c),Fet her 'ei th a -..A --ite 'to I OFIC-Opm v I U WA a It pr, a t. ALIT I* ti rpt~r--,,A. -10. 1 --t 1 f~r fn-,- emporntres run4O ng f r,~,v n^ vs, i &I ne cnriIn t:~ :lnp mi n,,te . rbin appricisiches limit cf 4--t,ecting &0 r-vr~'~y vrum MI-1- has! W)id I table, lip) iiT :OR i Krymakays Dbaervn-,,rly-i Akpw,~m,! n;%-,-ik 8SSR (Cri,%e4n P.)V.- 004 ~THR ik FD P 11.1,rtS I~M 00", I I W M-rYTT Im. F - T Iftonav, T. F. OProblms of mathmatical trdxdxg In the Itechtdcums'.0 Min Education RSFSR. h6acm Obl&A Pedecogical List. Moscow. 1956. (Dissertation for the D"e of CaMidate in PedaCogical Satence) Sot Wahnsys latopisf. No. 27, 1956. Hoscow. PaCes 94-2,09; 111. T F. Ail'=# I-", rm first $&-;A* Makewich prize ~ givm to the following to#"g Candi&te Qf TseWcma Sciancer A* M Assanow, Togimers W, 1, Tomhehiny TO IP* mikawrt D. r. xastm*o, s. ca isrinchow, I. s* xurkay, x. x. Lashakovag N* go Tambukt Aw A* &a&tnLkcw and a. To- Litvin (Axitomebilo Works ijmd Ukhacher) for their paper *Investigation and Introduction of tht Process of Nitroemeatation b7 Direct Isothermal Hardening in an Alkali rnside Muffleless; SquipwmtOs theIr design of a muffleless furnace heatad by vertical radiation tubes in of interest. Rosidta of .the 1958 Com"Ution for Obtainine Imeni D. K. Chernev and Imeni V. A. Minkovich Prim# KetsUoyedemiju I temicbeakeys. obrabotka mt&Uovv 1959# ice. 6# pp 62-4 MMMO,p T-L-9 MUM,, PAIR.1 NZMV,, T.Fj TMLMS=g A.G. %Isc 40 Khm stool for the half-Gas" of Suldmabdis &I"" 4XIOse KetanaTed. i term. obr. mat. xw,4tl5.l9 1@ 161, (KMA 16# 6) (Autimmabilos-Aitles) (31401 411mrs-Testinc) - Irmw, T.Y. Some evidowe of p*trolew-baartag potoatlat of tb* Went liberiam lmlmd. Naft.khow.34 w.6:4" AC 156. (mm 9: 10) (Siberta, geetW) Irosterw-Fatrelaun 3(0) . SOT/20-124-2-4-3/71 'AUT301: Nikon Z_ TITLZ: Authtgenic Iron# Sulfurq Organic Carbon, and 31tuaina In tho Kesozoic Sediments of the 19ast*rn Uril ReCion (Lutigon4yo shol*zog seraq organlcheekl,~ aglerod I bItumy v ogadkakh mesa- toys, Vostoohnogo Prii ParoncAL: Doklady Akademil nauk 6SSRt 1959s Vol 1249 Er 2, pp 592 - 394 (USSR) ABSTRACT: An in known, the organic substance is oxidized by authigenic oxide Iron and sulfates. This oxidation may t:ke place to a considerable extent within short periods (Ref 102). The process mentioned In the course of which oxidation iron and sulfate-sulfur are reduced to widespread (Refs 3,4)o The authigenla Iron Is precipitated from the solution an oxide- tIon Iron (Refs 5.6). Sulfur to carried away from the regions of denudation and accumulates first In the seitsvnts as so 2- unless It migrates as a component of the organic sub- 4 stance and Is eabodded. Part of the organic substance Is Card 1/4 decomposed by redox processes, This takes place the sore Authiganto Iron# Sulfurp Organic Carbant and Bitualas, r- 12*-124-2-431TI Soy In the Mesozoic Sediments of the lastern Ural Raglan quickly the thicker the original mass of the oxi4lzer is. For thIs reason there exists a certain Interdependence bet- woon the stages of accumulation of authigenic Iran, sulfur and the organic substance. The content of authigenic Iron Inarcases along the arose s*ctIon of the Mesozoic from the Upper Jurassic to the Cenomanlan, It then rapidly decreases and later an Increases again. Due to this fact 2 periods of accumulation of authigenic Iron are expressed In the do- nudations (PIIG 1). The distribution of Corg Is also cyclic and inversely proportional to the Iron concentrations (Ref Sulfur# as one of the elements which are the most capable of migratLon (Refs 11012) was washed away and accumulated during ths, great transgressions (Jurassic-Talanginlan# Al- blang Turonlan-Oligatenic) In the sediments, love&t times when iron was little nobilb. There to a high sulfur content In all loamy strata (0-4-0-0). The concentration of A- bitunina, decreases In the Jurassic until the Cenomanianp while the Iran content Increases. In rocks from the Turanian Card 2/4 to the Oligocenic which contain less Iron but more valfurp Authigento Iran# Sulfur, Organic Carbon, and Bitunina SOV12o-124-2-43171 in the Kesozolo Sediments of'the Eastern Ural Region the concentration of bitumen Is strongly reduced. This took place in connection with an accumulation of large quantities of sulfate while C to not loss than In older sediments. The rocks of the JuMsic-Talangintan rich in Corg and bitumen# however, contain such sulfur# I.e. even more than tae organic substance Itself. Sulfates are practi- cally lacking. In the sediments of the Turanian-Oligocenic sulfur In mainly of mineral origin (about 0.23% of pure sulfur)* The content ofsulfate sulfur and that of bitumen are inversely proportional to each other. The Irons sulfur# C org' and bituminous content on the whole increases tovards the central part of the Khanty-Manslyak basin; the maximum amounts of these components are found towards the western edge of the basin (rig 2). The strongest concentrations of authigenic Iron are found In loamy sediments at greatest depths, while they are bound to the edge In swidy deposits. There are 2 figures and 12 Soviet references. Card 5/4 . Authigente Irong Sulfur, Organic Carbon, and Eltunina. SOT/20-124-2-43/11 In the Mesozoic Sediments of the Kastern Ural Raglan ASSOCIATION: Tyusenskoye torritoriallnoyo geologicheakoyo upravloniye (Tyusen'Territorial Geological Administration) PRISENTED: September 20, 195st bY S- 1. Mironov, Acalemician SMWITTED: September 199 1950 Card 4/4 111LOrNOT. T.Y. -- - Katritation of oreanic carbon, bituawas, w4 ho&Ty bosocarbans throughout the profile of Xwo-Cenosoic depcwtte In the eastern part of the traw-Und region vItb rteard to the occurrence of petroleum as4 Va. OWd. AN SM 1)4 20-3t654-657 6 160* (KIU 130) 1. flusecak" koffy1skscafs geologorwmedochwye sksWitalys. VWstawleno skad. NoWe Itrakhonu. (Siberia, %stern-fttroleas Cooloff) HOURSKIMP GAG; KIKOWT -V.Ft; FROKUPKKKO, V.I.; fMKIUp L.T.; ROMARP F'.I.; STEICHKOVO G.F.* nauchayr red.; MMMI 5: SIX T.I., vWwbobly r4d.o UUMCMIRUDLEAYA, AsO.0 tskha*red,, (My wello of the U.S.S. U.; Sere saw key val2 (Tyummul Provisse)) Hbrssavo)*L~t opernala skwaskfm (Tium-laksla dGiwtf),* lentagred Goo., nauchco-tokhne lsd-vo nefto i gorno-Uplivnel Ut-rrr loningr. ot&-I*. 1962. 220 p. (Leningrad. VxesollasWi nefUaml naucham- bwWavatallskil geologormodochr4i institat, Trudy,, me.195) (KM 15 t12) (Elerszovo region (Tyument Province)-Geoloa) KIKWVO T.r. SIPUlsomes of the bitawn coutdat Ln ore~&Lo matter for oU pr pootft* Trudy SNIIGGIIG no.26tl456150 C62. (NINA 16 M (Ktumms) I ~ (orgaide matter) quqmitim of em" In pe &POOLts " dopma4at cw ma d"Ah of eowwrmeo. lbkl., AK SM 147 no.3eTlD-= 1 162o, (au 15112)) 14, Tymmok"* torritarialluo7a gwacgichot*M upravlmiyw. Pr"stavlato skadodkca K.K. Strakhov7s. HIVONOV, V.P. DistrIbutlan of heavy IWdrocarbons as an all and gas proffpecting indicator. Geol. neftl L gas& 7 noJs25-429 JI 163. (FaRA 160) 1, XV XIIGG. (mathar's) NIFOROVO V.F. Composition of the crudea cf the northern Oblvalley. Geol. neftl i gaza 8 no. 1:20-23 Ja 164. (HIPA 17:5) 1. Tytimenakoye territoriallnoye geolcgicheakoye upravleniye. -411MVC7, ;.Fl ODearefiqs in ttey 4c -%I !roIr In Q-0) 2atitudinal 01~1 Valley tnr,~d on a study of Vvit. rxrFut. Al field. Neft,*67RZ.geol. I jr-f-Vz. I nc. 1114-16 165. (MIRA 2915) 1. IIrj--nr,-nrkciye tf-rrItArIallnoy!, rt~ologlcherkoye uiravloni!n. - lnrwwl, V.F.,,, I . :,-17 0 , !,: . Gavnj in tha o-'! fjeId3 cL' i`rcv~n-,,-, , .-I ~f i. gfor. no.5110-12 165- ( ! 1' 1 -1, A I - : -, ') 1, Tyummkoye t~irrl tcrl till noyor.~ vr%,/1(,rI - I Lr WC)DIKH114, P10" G.Yd., [Technical and econor-IC, prindi'lCis Or the hant treatmnt of retalel Tekhnicheskle i ekonotdchnskie osnovy temi- chookol obrabotki metallov. YOPWR, YA5hir,06tr0"nie# 1965. 450 P. (MIAA legli) JIIKOZIOV, V. F. Variation of gas composition within gap fields. rokl. AN SSSR 165 noo4t927-929 D 065* (11IRA IM12) 1. Tyumentikoye territortallnoye gcologl&erkoye uIxavlenlye. Submitted July 3p 1965. ACC NRI AP6002912 501INT CODE: 1JR/02R6165/0001024/0074/0074 INVVITOR: SheRelyskavxkfZ, K. N.; Strrlannov, K._.,.V. Shkiyarov, 1. _11.: Orlav, T. V.; 141 kot toy_t V. F. Assonov, A. P. ORG: none TITLE: Steel for aurface-har&,nod parts. Clnna 40, No. 177083 SOUR(;E, Rytilleten' Izobretenly i rovnrnvkh zn.0ov, no. 24, 1965, 74 TOPIC TA(,!!: steel, surface hardened nreel. mnn$,.nne-ie contnfnfnz steel, silicon con- tainIng steel, chromium containing ntcel, shallow hardenable steel AT)STIMCT: This Author Certificate introduces a steel for surface-hardened parts con- tain ing 0.4-1.2% carbon and alloyed.with mangaiiese,silicon, and chromium. To obtain steel with a specified bardenability, one of three alloying elerents is added In a specified amount and the conLent of the other two Is limited. For example, in steel containing 0.3-1.4% manganese, the chromium and silicon contents are lir-ited to 0.15%. and 0.17%, respectively. Steel with 0.3-1.4% silicon should contain 0.15% chromium and 0.20% manganese, and steel with 0.3-1.8% chromium should contain 0.20% manga- nese and 0.17-0.27% silicon. (AZ) SUB CODE: Ill SUBM DATE: 29Dec6O/ ATD PRESS:41116 ZA'YY.OVP S.T.; UATMOV, P.Ya.; NIKIFOROV, O.V.; F.GVALI, *0'.",'(1.; V.I.; 1, - P RUBINSKIY, P.S.; LIFSHITS, S.I.; Y-rNSTAPEA', V.F.; VOZLINSKIY, A*G. Using oxygen-blGvn converter steel in auto-mobilo nam:Afactiire. Met. i gornorud. prom. no.4:26-31 JI-Ag 164- (M."-',,A IP:7) ';I-M-C--,', V.G.; G.F. Uso of thn precipitAt'lon In agar reactim for the detectim of the 9--,thrkx antigeti IL arilmal orpns. Vom-e-nede thur* ri(~* It 53-54 Ja t66 1911) icl_ Ali I it, It Heatir,F f 1-:).~er trng.- ri-r-frzi w-' -F. f'~'c zi ~3 RKMV, V.I.,V / , -----~;o~dtonAr fodder yeast at tiv) Kotlas,,; s1cchol plant. Gidroliz. i lesokhIm. prora. 18 no.3j24 065. (14IRA 18s5) AIXLOSCNv S.Tp SLOW, V.I. aftet at dflutlea m the debw&opmtlon of la"Bum in the pnoeme of leilme Kklme I takh, tepl. I manl 10 W.39 n-u Nr 165. (KIPA 18i11) 1, Vaskmidy wdem TrWev"e Kramme Zamwal instiWt mfUkMM4b*sk~y i p9my promphlemmoti in. akad, Gubkim. HIKODYNIN, i. L. KlK3NWj, T. L.t *PrincW*x or Constructing a Systex of Forest Park* in the Suburban Forest-Park Zone or the City of Leningrsd.,* Kin Higher Mucation USSR. l4ningrad Order of Lenin Fortatry Engineering Acadwq iment S. K. Kiror. LenL-cr*d,, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Agricultural Science) So: ralshnaya Lqtoplal, No. 19, 1956. AMYOT' L.D.; RKINNOT, T.K. TWooplasty of arteries in an infected wound; experimental observations. You. mod, thur. aa.WS-30 If 157 (am 12 17) (ARTIAM, experimental# homonlasty of arteries In infected wdm. (Run)) (WOINW AID 11MRIM, experimentale I ease) AX)R&WA, Z.r., kmaj7hfaichookikh tank; KKOIi,,OV Ir 9 - of, lopoliroqualwhLy ob7wmnwstL a Co usuchnogo motrodnike TribidrugWutairls "Id ad Mle mate @A a Wffor la "Powatimc lanthauLdes by mans of Lon WWANWI* clWomatopaphy. IXT. TSIM n0.3$196405 162, (MM 15:9) (mutarlo seld') (Chrmatopaphic awlyals) (Ran earth YAUIN) NMUW;, T.N.1 SAKMCHr, A.A-w Keeiria *uT=t oourft-t*r with alliom r"Uflor for mm, in .*loctmwt4LUurgiwa axtorprises. IMoottricheatro ac*12s5"i 0 f62. (XML 15,121 1, Tsoooyawqr *lektro+Akbmish"kiy imUtat I~i rmins, Msatri* currmt restifiers) Lic t,_!, i "The Iqeatigation of Oscillation Fluctuation of a Klystr_.- Considered randca amplitude and phase modulation of klystron oscillationG, caused by rwidom processes connected with the electron flov. Experimental measurements of oactUation parameter fluctuations showed a coincidence with the theory ftmt deve- loped by 1. L. Bernshteyn. report presented at the All-Union Comference on Statistical L--IIo Physics, aorlkly, 13-18 October 1958- (Izv. vyssh uctverwr zmfed-Phdlotekh., vol. 2.. No. 1,, pp 121-127) COMPLETE cazd under SIFOROV, V. 1.) 8M29 '?OVLZO X/L4L/5j/002/o6/oio/024 AVrIMz 91"Now- Y.N. BL92/9382 TITL9t ravestl6ation of the OsellLation Fluctuations in a Klystroa-GSBerato lip PICRIODICALs Investiya vysshikh uchebnykh sawodenly, RadioClaiks, 19590 VoL.2. Nr 6, pp 9L5 - 926 (USSR) ABSTPACTz First, the problem in investigated analytically. Under the assamption, that the resonator of the klystran can be represented by an L, C and R *quivaLent circuit, the dynamic equation of the system ist di - a v - RL M 4t C +I It- 0 1 + ft /2U )dvl /dtI where v to the alternating voltage across the capacit Cardl/4 L is the oscillation current Li the equivalent circulto $01V 5/141/59/002/06/010/0241 raw4otIgation or the Oscillation Fluctuaft2"ZIPS Klystron generator The second component in Itq (la) represents the current induced by the *Leotram bean. t a in the cathode current, Z 0 is the average electron transit time (from the resonator to the reflector and back) and V a is the voltage applied to the rtsonatore tn order to investigate the oteillation fluctuations it is asaw-ed. that theme are due to the shot noise and the Clicker effect in the at*ctron bean; the th*rual noise is neglected. XC the shot- a=d fLicker-eCCect directly induced currents are denoted by C M and C M and the components due to L 2 the reflected bean are denoted by CI(t) and C20(t) , the dynamic equations of the system can be written as Cqs (2) and (2a). goploying polar coordinates r and W (defined by the last equation an p 9L6), Kqz (2) and (2a) can be rewritten an Kqe (3) and (3a), where f and If are expressed by tqs (3t). Zxpressions for the amplitude & d Card2/4 n~K 802V S/L41/59/002/06/OlQ/a24 Investigation or th* oscillation FLuctualijJ95112a KLystron Generator phase, fluctuations are therefore given by gqs (4) and (4a). These can also be expressed as gqx (51 and (5&1. Tht solution of th*&* shows that the spectral densities of the amplitude and rrequencr fluctuations are given by Kqs (61, (6a), respectively. If theigonerator is isochronous, thw spectral donsities of thoamplitudes and frequency fluctuations art given by Zqz (7), and (7a). Those can further be transformed into Sqs (8) and (8a). Tht effect or the CLick*r noise alone on tho, earpLitude, and ftequency fluctuations is described by Rqs (9). The problem was also investigated ezp*rLm*ntal1y& the equipment employed in the easurements was ximilar to that described in R*C 2. The ; esults of tho experiments are illustrated in figures 3, alad 5-and in two tables on pp 924 and qi5. Figure 3 shown ther frequency dependence of the spectral density of the frequency fluctuation for a klystron operating in various modes. The spectral density or th* amplitude fluctuations as a function of frequency to illustrated in Figure 4. It to found that the experimental results or* in good agreement Card3/4 with tho theory. For the normal operating modes the 9DI2.9 SAW59/002/06/010/024 Investigation of the Oscillation FluctuaR891112& JELyxtrou Generator ne"wrod spoctral line width in 0.1 to 0.5 a/sl the spectrum band of the ampLitudo fluctuations varies between 20 and 50 Nc/s and the xpectr&L d*nxitr Crow to-iL6 to 10-15 c/o. There are 5 figures, 2 tabL*o and 8 ref*rences, I or which is Znglish and 7 are, Seviat. ASSOCIATION: Mauckno-Isslodavatel'skLy radiefitichaskLy institat pri Gortkovskon universitete (Sel antific -rag earch RadiaDhysicm Institute of Gor'kLy UuLversity) SUBMITT&D: Nay 17, 1959 Card 4/4 S/l4l/60/Q03/oc6/Q2t/o2S E192/E382 AUTHORs Nikonov, V. N. TITLA: Concerning a Method of Measuring the Amplitude Fluctuations of an oscillator PERIODICALs Izvestiya vyeshikh uch*bnykh tovedoniy, Radlofiziks, 196o, Val, ~* No* 6o pp. 1129-1130 TEXTs Recent work by Hgggblom (Ref. 1) described a method of measuring the spectral density w,(OJ of the amplitude fluctuations of a klystron oscillator in the low-frequency region. A block diagram of this equipment is illustrated in Fig. L. The investigated oscillator I is frequoncy-stoduLated by the oscillator 7 ; the modulated output of the oscillator in applied to a crystal detector 2 where the doubled modulation frequency to separated. A signal is then detected again by means of a vacuum diode 4 and itp spectrum is analysed by means of a spectral analyser 5 The calibration of the instrument Is performed by means of an oscillator 6 which produces a calibration signal at the Input of the analyser. Card 1/2 S/L4l/6oj'oo3/oo6/O.- it/025 Concerning a Method .... F192/E38:! The above method of measurement is discussed In now* detail and it to shown that, in his experiKents. Hdggblom (Ref. 1) measured the spectral density or the asplLtude rLuctuations of the klystron oscillator over thefrequency range from 3Q.001 to 30.1 Vc/s instead of the frequency range 0.001 to 0.1 kc/c (ax was assumed by lfdggblom). There are I figure and 3.referencess 2 Soviet and I non-Soviet. ASSOCIATIONs Nauchno-issledovat*10skiy radtafizichaskiy Lnstitut pri Gor1kovskam univerattete (Scientific Research Radiophysics Institute or Gorlkiy University) SUBMITTEDs April 29, 1960 Card 2/2 t594Y AUTKORlt MaLakhove A.N. and Kikoftov# Y.N. TITLZs Correlation of the Amplitude and Frequency Fluctuations In Oscillators PERIQUICALs ISVG~tiya vydahLkh uchtbnykh cavedenty, Radiorialka. 1961. Vol. 4, No. I$ ppo 104 r IL2 TEXTt It to assumed that the signal produced by the oncIllotor to expressed byt X(t) a A.[1 M(t )I cog IWO t + where m(t) and V M are rolatLvo fluctuations of amplitude and frequency which arokin the Coro of stationary. random processes such that 0 where the Line above the systbaLs represents statistical Card 1/8 15949, S/L4L/61/0041001/0091022 QrrelatLam of the AXPLitudo E192/9382 averaging. Zn order to doterodno the spectr~al density of the power fluctuation V K(W) . It Is necessary to determine the correlation Function q?,(T) which, in turn, is dependent on the correlation functions or the amplitude fluctuations frequency' rLuctuations (I ft) and crone correlation U These functions have been dottradned for saw*' #special cases (Rot, L - S#M* Rytov - Zh=Fo Vol. 29, 304, M, 1955). On the other hands In this work an attempt is made to -find .COO and Q.,(T) for a large range at Oscillators. It"is assumed that the oscillator signal Is' governe4 by tho*foL!.owtng dltCormtial equation (Rot. 2 -. A,N. Malakhow Izv* vyssh, uch, zav. Radiofiziks. V01. 3, .241, 1960)1 d' it's -,F + E(f). 6-0 Card 2/8 ~1141/61/004/001/001022 Correlation of the Amplitude ... U92/9382 where S(t) represenis the noise* The fluctuations -S(t) and G(t) are expressed by the CollowLng equations (ReC. 2)s + pNi (~a + a Lt.L + bLZ4 + b49Q/4AO a ps (a lc a It.)/GA 0 zq* (3) can also be written In a more convenient formt 9, )/GAo whore VJL (aabu + WS NThe noise oaw*bo expressed by 9(t) 2 (0004(a00 C.L(t)OWN 00 (6) Card 3/8 SIL41161/004/OOL/009102'2 CorrelatLan or tite AmpUtuds eL92/9582 lo L(t) are GLowly changing CunctLons of time. where 191(t) and 9 It Is shown that these components can be expressed by: .function of the noise is given by: The correlation,', COS(.t) d.. which can be approximately be expressed by: A*(,c) cot (w,-!) - A (LO) where and. ~A'L are slowly changing functions which are defined bye Card Correlation of the Amplitude ... F.192/9582 io. (U) COO 46 (2) VIP M (N. Ali( s . By solving Sq* with respect to s(t) It to found thats c(t - C)O-pCdC (Viji where f M (014, Ic-L + ej-'I, )/'Ao s The final. expression for the am 11tude correlation functLolb, derived an the basis of Sq., (IC9 I* In the form: Card 5/8 S/141/61/0041001/009/022 25949 Correlation oC the Amplitude SL92/Z39Z 0 A (,- + Y) 4- Y) -PYdy W) W 0~ 2 From this it is "sy to find the spectral dwwitjr of bhe ampLitude fLuct*atlonx; thisIs expressed by: 2 2 2 VC40 2WO-(CL)/6A (p +-X2 OLS) iihown that the corroLALon function 'for the. Similarly, it is frequency ftuct~tationm is given bys As(-. ++ AI(i y) -,,I dy .4: 2 (20) At(-:,+ y) A'(- dy. Card 6/6 2 S/l/a/661/0041001/0071G22 Corr' lation of the ANATM ... 9192/E362 whil: the croms-c*rrelation function 'for the fluctuations In: + y) + A"(- y) dy + CA29 I P (22) + S At(- + y) e -,-y dy The above expressions are used to anaLyes ;oftQ'sP4cLaL cases; 0 2) the derivative, of Wit (w) Ln the vicinity of w a 0' is ftot'~Gqusl to,26000 and'. the nolso is avach tkat its op4otcum in tfte vicinity of a has &'width comparibl'o with p or'Leas than' P * Frm the above it In concLu#ed that for the existence of crone correlation between the amplitude and frequency fluctuations of an oscillator it is necessary and sufficient that one of the following conditions be fulfilled: Card.7/8 S/L4l/61/Oo4/OQVOO(J/QZ2 Correlation or tho- AmplW499 ... E192/9362 a) .81multaneausly. t% A 0 and b.L 4 0 Is tfio came when an oscillator to nontsachroncual 0 b) simultaneously, &,i A 0 and aj. A-0 , which abourn when the lefthand-side portion or Sq. (2) contaLns,even as well as add derivatives, and c) the spectrum of the noise in the vicinity of a 0 in asymntetrIcal with respect to a 0 . It is clear that In all actual oscillators at Least the third condition Is fulfilled. It to therefore, necessary to take Into account the cross- correlation between the frequency and ampLitudw fluctuations in d*terminlng the spectral line W xW of the oscillator. There are L ftgureland 8 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONOO N^ujhno-IxsledovatoVxkLy radLqfLs1cheskLy Institut prL GorOkovsk6n un1versitato (SciontLftc Research RadkophysLes Institute at GarOkLy University) SUBMITTCD: Fob' ary 28, L960 Card 8/8 TU 33U2 sAW61/004/006/009/017 2192/1382 9-6 0 Po AUTHONSi Nalakkov, A.M., Mikonov, and Razina, T.D. TITLE; Some methods and results of measurements of amplitudo-ond frequency-fluctuations In oscillators PERIODICAL: lavestlya vysshlkh uch*bnykh xavodtnty, Radtoftstka, v. 4., no. 6, 196L, to52 - zo6k TEXT.- Two methods of measurement of the spectral density of frequency fluctuations are hmown (Ref. 2- 0. Middleton - Trans. IRZ, RD-I, 56, 1954; Rof. 5: I.L. Bersht*yn, Izv, AN SSSIN, ser.fix., 14, L45, 1950). The methods are discussed ad evaluated and one of them Is employed to measure the aramoterz of an experimental oscillator. In g*noral, the : easurement of the fluctuation spectra in an oscillator to based on the system Illustrated in Fige 1, which consists ofi I - a discriminator; 2 - detector and 3 - anal]ftr. The quest- chromatic signal applied to the Input of the discriminator to in tko Core: Card I/ItY x(t) - Aa [I + Q(t)1con (Wat + ~_a Wdt) (1.1) )3222 sA4i/6i/oo4/oo6/ooq/oi? Scmee methods and results of os.* 9192/9382 where a(t) and -%)(t) are stationary random processes having a cress -correlat Lou function '~r such that 0 0 , a 2