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A"Wi,40tv N' F Nit4yo IV,I*b jrj~,j ~ tv I J, "'.5, 7, Wn I'm A J11W. 4.71 Xkx~. I(Aq, crttv unw~ruti&oj piwa-U.-s W114-11 LTitt- loric;,l Inst, Acad "ci J.*Sslt. Acn,tr--Ic Co,.,nf~ I I (Dinvertntion for tte 04!rrr,~, of ljocl~or i!-. Pjvlr,;,iril cl-irnr-r) Kl-l::Imayp, lelo-is' NO~ , 1~,- ~ ':o~ -r-;: Nixgbnw- lr-r-c-TUIAUNOT. A..T.6 otvut&tva=ff reda-ktor-, MITMBXRG. I.a., redaktor tadatollatva-. SALIXOTA, u., t4khaidwskir reUkt-or [Gott protozoa and their role Im the cultivated soils of ogbcjcj*t&Qj FachvenVe prostaishle I Ikh roll T kulltuMkh packwakh Vabskistaom, Toehimut, Izd-vO AkIdaull nauk ftbakskat &U. 1956. 144 p. (KM lot)) (Vabskistau-41*11 micro-organtems) (Protozoa) Name: tNIFOLYOK, Vilttnr FedcroTtcft Dissertatims Soil protozoa and their role In culturod soils of Uzbekistan Degree i Doc Siol Sci Affiliations Inst of Zoology " I-ArIsitology ~Acad 3al Uzbek Sm Defense Dates Places 25 Jan 579 Council of the 7-0,mlogical last Aced usm Certification Dates 18 MhY.57 Sources MM 15/57 45 11110MUK, fly. Fanistlas and 4mmice of this protozoan faum durtvg the culti- wattom of virgin laude In tb* Golo4mWa Stoppe. Vzb.blol.shur. no.6:67-74 1 59. (KMA 12:1) 1. Imst tat 66610611 1 Parms1tolog I AN ftm, 10cladmWs SteM-Protosoal Wil vdcro-orgaatem) KIKOURg Y.F.; RXBIHkv Y.K. ratemdation of Protasoa vith Tarious groups of sail baat*rU. Usb.biol.zhur. w,6t3-6 t61. (KIRA 15t2) 1. ImUtrAt bota-fkg AN VsM. (Protama) (Ball aicra--*rgaml~) NIKOErUKP Vr., KLV=Gyxp K.I. I- Uportmes sC pmewUt"fAfip&UMlAQf Cattomes" Vlth Pr*tift* Irradiated with g~ re" a . trsb. btalo shur., 7 no,4c V-61 163 U!-r (KIRA 1714) Is rhatitut botmiki 0 troM Fast calculation meajod of the quantity of micro-organIzas Jn a liquid aedlum. Usb. tdol. thur. 7 no.5s81-82 063. (KM 18111) ~ ~ I E ( 1, 1 ~ , T~ I -. ,~-- . I . "C;crceminr th,.- Pbar-yrreal Teeth Amrif tbe (-;Pn;r, HyUrid of Gar-v," Lo~. I., I - y, lcr'l !%:t., V -1 1 30, Illa. 90 19141. Mr. , ch.-4- 4 . o mn c 7 h , ' "*Ll-. A:- the T?P--!rt of SO: Dr,~Indy Ak-+~n' Ll NixoinTax, K. t. WWWWW of am"" risk rmir %cphoucy wd Slamiflowwo for qy~tlmatlm ZffmtlOtbu)p" I=t of Dmlutlowl NwpWlW Lmud Acadmialm A. k. sweguaw, And Sol mm. ON- ldiafoql~aj RU: K"wtatUlw pmuDW for dooms In selowe wd wgim*ring in lbecow in 1947. $01 sm4lbe/mg is Apr 55 7 25V,3 Ryb. r-hoz-71o, 174,191, 5. -7-72,'r, T.I. E1,4Aronarkozz Ryb. I i.'(,o rep-ClIzovanle V. ;:'.,iivcr- -.-o-. yb 249-73 SO: L~Anplal No. 13, P49 1, ITrIOLYUKT-NP IF. r. 2. um NO 4. Science Inumopwiew tWWditatiou of fisho Saratav, Oblastnot it6-vas, 1052 .9. Monthly List of bgsiam Accessions, Library of Congress, Janv*17&- j9S3. Unclassified. CMIPL Val. 5.40. 1 -like. 1"2 1 1.4 1 - v .... It- A N, 0-st.-fiov Is., ims, Otto 04A$, fie Vokloft %Tot. 7% go. , r, 0.; KIkojZ!Lkin, & I.; TiWforsymp O.,if Sturgeons Biology of sturgeon bybrids. Dokle AN =P 86 No. 2, 1952 Mont IJ4,t gj Rvom Iccesslons,, Library of Ccagrosag Docamber 1952. Unclassified. XLXULTUXIN, R.I.; MUMMA, N.A.- MArlitestioa of oturposs witit storletso bokl*AK IM 93 w-5:8"Z D 153, (mat 6tiz) 1, samtoftk*" otdolonlye Toose"Smosm inati- tuWasrokoW, rytiwge khosMetwa i okoasopaf ii. Prodatavlaso ak&4onikon (sture"") 7-7' T BI'DIOFY Morphology card 1/1. f Pub - 2-2 - 37/41 Authan j Ilikolyukin, All. I.; Chirkina, A. I.; and Burenina, X. S. Title About the teeth of young hybrides and tasic form of sturgeon Ptric,11*04 Dok. AN B33R 98/2, 303-306, 3ep 11, 1954 Ab#trmt Thesis on the teeth of yourg hyl-rides and the basic forms of sturgeon is presented. Nins USSR references (1878-19,54). Table; drawings. Inntitution j State 'Xodlcal Institute, $&ratov Presented by : Academician E. N. Povlovskly, May 25, 1954 AWTHORs Nikolyukin, R.I.. Professor 26-58-2-51/49 TITLEa Distant flybridization of Fish (Otdalennnys gibriditatslya ryb) PER'10DICALs Prirods. 1958, Or 2, pp 31-3A (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author deals both with interspecific and Intraspecific hybridization in fish, of which the letter is the more usual form. The resultine hybrids are usually intermediary between the two parents but mostly tend to favor the characteristics of one or the other. Intrmspecific hytrids are usually fertile, but the interspecific ones show a vnriation from alToat complete fertility to complete sterility. Hybrida have two usest as food fish without further breedi:ig. or an a basis for selective breeding. The USSR is very interested in breeding hybrids from salt-water fish which could exist in fresh-water con- ditions and wculd be used to stock the storage-lakes. fish- ponds and rivers. The question of fertility and early oRtur- ing to of importance.' In 10,49, the Serstovskoye otdelenlye .(Saratov Department) of the VNIORKh conducted experiments to try to obtain a hybrid, combining the swift growth of fish such as the sturgeon ani teluge alth the freshwater properties of the sterlet. They obtained a fish which weighed 400-500 Card 1/3 grams after two years' growth And twice that by the end of the Distant Hybridization of Fish 26-~P-2-5/41 third yeer, The Author mertions several successful hybrids which have been produceds a triple hybrid beluga - sterlet - 8evrugs (Fig. 4 and 5). sterlet - belugs. -Vhon the fish are finally released into the ponds snd rivers the hybrids breed either mmong themselves or, An is more usual lue to their greater numbers, with one of the pnrent species, in which case they tend to assume more and more the cheracteristics of the species. V.I. Michurin obtained new sorts of fruits and berries by hybridization And created the theory of diAtant (interepecific) hybridization, N.V. Tsitsin has continued his work and has developed valuable wheat-couch-freas hybrids. Academician V.L. Yommrov has pointed out the wile spread of hybridization in the plant worli. !I.A. -imofeyevm collaborated with the author in his hybridization experizents on fish. There are 10 rhotos, 1 graph. and 9 references, 4 of which are Soviet, I Sweiiah, I Dutch, I German and 2 English. Card,2/3 Distant Flybri(fization of Fish 26-58-2-5/4e ASSOCIATIONs Sarstovskoys otdelenlye Vse'soyuznogo nauchno-Iseleloystellskogo instituts ozernogo I rechnogo rybnogo khozynystva (The Sarstov Department of the All-Union Reseerch Institute for LRke ftnd River Fisheries) CaM 3/3 1. F I shes-B reed Ing-USSR 17(4) AWHORSt Nlkolyukin, ff. I., Shpilovakaya, 0. V. SOT/20-125-2.1-52/63 TITLEs The Back-oroem, Hybrids Between stoast - sad Ruso, Hatog as Compared to Their Original Forum (Vosyratnyye gibridy sterlyadi I belugi v sravneali s inkhodr7mi fornami) PERIODICALs Daklady Akadeall naule S33Rg 1959, Vol 125, Ur 3. pp 646-649 (USSR) AASTRACTs St*rlot and Huso huso do easily crace-breed under experimental conditions and produce cospletoly viable intersediato-type- hybrids of both reciprocal forms (R*f 4)- Since 1952 such hybrids have boon bred In the panda of the Toplovgkiy Piah- Brooding Institute4ariatevshmma- 4blast). Hitherto Progeny neither of any type of sturgeon has been produced In the ponds# nor of sterlet. In 1956 a mature sperm waa found in a 4 year old hybrid; In 1957 & progeny small In number was produced by artificial fertilization of the spawn of a Volga Huso huso. Only under the effect of hjypophyaeal Injections the hybrid separated speru. In 1958 Individual Kalos delivered a small Card 1/3 amount of thin sperm. After hypophysootonyq it was.however, The Back-oross Hybrid* Between Starlet SOV/20-125-3-52/63 and Ruso Humaq as Compared to Their Original Forma possiblc to obtain up to 50 c=3 at a tine from a fish weighing 2.5 kg. Thus it was possible to carry out back-cross- broading with each of the original t.TDQ#o Thus a series was formed out of 5 typeat 1. 3-(sterlot)l 2. Starlet z (Hugo haso z Iterlet) - 9MS9 3, Hugo huge x sterlot a HS; 4, Hugo huso z Hugo hugo z starlet) a HUS9 and 5. Hugo huso - H. The larvae hatched from then were bred in aquaria. with a permanent flow. An expected the types 3 and SHS remained behind the types 8# US and MIS with respect to the rate of growth. This can be well seen an table 1. The hybrids HS and MIS grow more rapidly than 11uso huso which is due to heterosts. The total appearance at the ago of 3-5 sonths of each of the hybrid forms correspondsto the inherited nature of each individual (FIg 2), None of the two back-oross hybrids showed an Increased varlabllit'y as & result of a cleavage. The practical Importance of the back- cross-breadive may be e,C, in the cage of a mass settlement In the Stalingrad reservoir where the males (sexual maturity at the Me of about 4-5 years) find among the starlet females more easily partners for reproduction at a time when their own Card 2/3 females are not yet sexually mature, The capability of .The Back-areas Hybrids Betwoor. 3terLat SOT/20-125-54-52/63 and Huso Huso, as Compared to Their Original Forms reproduction which In ri need not be fully dovelopedg ought to Increase in the backaoross hybrid. Reproduction will not only take place between the F1 males and females but In also to be expected with sterlet. A polyzorphic hybrid population thus produced may create In the natural way a now not mlerati-,% race of sturgeons. This race will combine the fregh_w&t*r_lLf* vhIch to characteristic of starlet and the rapid growth of Huco huso. It In to be expected that the zentioned hybrid will more easily becoze.faaillar to froxh~water-life than a pure-bred Huso huzo as a result of a better adaptabilitVt' heterosis and the fact that 1/4 of its blood is sterlet blood, There are 2 figures, I tableg and 4 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONs Saratovskoye-otdolonlye Tessoy=nogo nauchno-lasle4ovatellskogo Inatituta asernago I rechnogo rybnogo khotyaystya (Sarstov Department of the All-Unlon Scientific Research Institute of TAke and River fishery) PRESENTEDs December 11, 1958v by L Io Shmallgauxeng Academician SUBMIT=t December i0q 1958 Card 3/3 NIKOLTUIIN X. 1. R*arine, sturpona in ponds. Trudy sovv Mt. kon. no.14tes-91 f62, (MIRL 15t12) 1. Saratawskoyw oUtleniyw Gosudarstvs=ogo, nauchno-issledovatelskoga inatitut& oroornogc. i rachno o rybnogo khozyaptya (Go#NICM). fSturgeons) (Fish culture) RMUMM, V.D.; UNLYRIN M.; WLUIWA, T.N.P TDMr=k,, I.L. r 16w1bility of obtaining diploid gynoCawals in stugeom by redlatim. SadlobloloClIa 3 no.IcIO4-110 163. (KM 26g2) 1, lutitut W-ologicheskoy fisiki AN U04 Kmkvap I Sarztmko7v otdolmi" gocudarstramogo naucbno-Iseledovatellskogo inatituta ameracca I rectmogo, ryboago khowya7etwo. r n=-FMM) ( UMATI(X--PMIOMICAL WPM) MAUL' 1 0 7 :j 14 . I I'letridization (.,' I Ishes ante ita rols in Ftccli,-A'lizntil~ln. Trudy VNIRO 5512,)-.46 064. Introduction of a LelugmA 3turgeon )Vbrld In JrOj:jtljr-j~q-'- Risu,rvalr. Iti,,i. s I'll 3-141, 3cA,A o-Niat-vations (,n the hi-tolor~'AcAl -#r%ct-zra oll ti-,q e,nn-4f; In titur,19(m hybrtris. Ibil.s145-158 OURA 11W IIIKOLYUKINS, doktor blo3og. nauk Hybridisation of sturgeons, Prlroda 54 no.ls66-70 Ja 165. (141RA 1892) 1. Vaesoyuznyy cauchno-isalsdovatWokly institut morskago rybnogo khozyaystva L okesnografiig Moskva* TAYSUx To, Too) IMOLYUKIM. A. V. ft" W0618"7 . Coustructisa of dust "tdwra for dwe asekiowy,, IA#. prm.0 12p loo to 1952, 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Oodmr wis unc-1. K11QPAWT..-QJ[4~; POIDOMMSU, I.K. Co&tmwd collector of mdergrowd waters In the form of a ImmIssatal 4RUery wtth artesian wells agwaing Into it* Ted. I sam,toA, so-3:10-12 mr 159. , (NIAL 12:2) (Saim-Water-supply duenoertme) lt[WAW, G.K. (Raino lustaniag aback valves on the delivery side of a pumpo Todo i aans t*kb. sool2c4-5 V 159. (KM 130-3) (Wster--~DIstrIbmtI9a) NIXOKUMI Orimi-Markovicbi DUNIN, red.1 MUErUJIGIE'Ll, A.S..p AM-MMVr S., tokhns red#, (Caloulations for underwater pipolinsol Raschety podTodrqkh trubo- proTodar. kkup Asorneshr 1961. 164, . (KVA 15t6) Nolervater jpolines) NIKQQROVt G.M., in&h. SYDLINt G.A. Designing underwater pipes whose sectims am welded toptb*r abm water during asseably". Stroi. truboprow. 6 noAtI3-16 Ap 161. (K[M 14 z 6) 1, rastitut Olproasneftl, Baku. (Underwater pipelines-Welding) 1 RIKC)KAROVP,-G.K, - - _ __ ~... -'. Method of c4lcul%ting unlerw%tAr p1pelines whose joints sire welded above the water. L'Atroi.truboprov. 8 no.7tl4-16 Jl 163. (MIRA l71Z) 1. Filial Vamsopimogo natichno-issledovatellskogo, instituta Todo- anabzheniya, kanal4satell, gidrotekhichookikh soorizzhenly I Inzhe- nernoy g1drogeologii AWemii stroitel'stya I arkhitektury SSR, kku. fir -I P4 of P: 1 A 1 2 arvoy o f a 1,, n4, I ' I a 7 -'a!,; J*!, AtUl I t 0: A. 10. 55 'JILOSOML. 0.t., kaodidat woditoiaskiW nank ToKesta of progusayo Zdarawle 2 %*sU:LS-19 9 156s (MLIA 9t!2) (MUMMY, WNFUCATIM CN) KUMNCZXI, O.t.9 kandidat maditalmokikh muk 21o4 mfflr to the latermal f~l* "mitaltae Ahab* L eta. moo4c 10-19 ji-Ac t5ke (NM 7tll) lo As kat~67 skuohnvtva I Cfaokol*CU (saw. prof* r.A.Errawatka) I kateb7 klinlabookar a"tonit J Werattvn4r khirurgit (var. prof. N.T.04pwv) we ff. (MITA&Us rMUM9 Iblost oWplyp 4=4e me"Ote) altmat, OIL, kwAid&t u"itwinskikh, m&W (Nookv&) InsiM saft is s wAtioralty boVIU4 vat. NA,ofttm ao,)tl-? Wr 155. (NM 8:5) (~tw In (~mm mrstac cam in matemity ward) NLKCUCIIIX. O.X.,kmadtd&t seditainakikh aauk. I Abortton. Zdarawle 2 no.3:10-11 Mr 156 WAA 9; 6) (ABORTION) UlKogcilgrx. 0.r.. aliflet Melittir'SkEkIl nauic %MUMMINIMMON Kedtcol csre of wcnec. Sor.tdroly. 16 no.t3:14-13 Arc '57. (KLPA 1?:!)) (XMCIVAL WILARN in Russia) KIKONCHIr4 O.K.,kWidaled.nauk ...... Obstetrical MA Crmolodc N*rvtcgQ Im thO UoSeSoRo 1917-19579 Akmaht. I cla. 33 se.5:3-20 &0 057. (*IRA 12:5) (MMUCS. htst. in ansela) (GTMOU*'f. hiss. in Ituoula) - - - --- -1 - --- ---4 r, .1% 1.;;- , - , ,.- - -- -T t WINCUMIX, G.K., km[nd.sed.Uuk I - oil .. ~- Sawlet vown. Zdarev's 4 no.1:1-2 Kr 1513. (*litA 11:1) (NAT=AL AND IVAIR WI&FAV.) KIMMICLIC 0 r , - kand,med,,nauk State concern for sothore in ttt* UM. Akush. I Cto. 14 Mr-Ap f 58. (MIRA lig5) (KATUNAL VWJARX In lussim Otat)) ILMICSIX, O'K.C. kAAd* Ned, rAkuk, Vathods for Improve ut of obstetrics and otecoloa in rural areas. Akmah. I gin. 34 ao.6t3-6 11-D 158. (am 12: 1) (OSUMCS in Rue Is ia rwal areas (Rue)) (ff=OUW samw) xz~ age - " of fwtbor torrowtog obstotria md w eacteal care avA, ow tasim of edwrefoestomat udi4al persomist, OW,sestra IS so,lit 34 1 1". (OU 130) 1, Malsterstwo x4raveekhramonlys SSM astra, (01 p I 11"L Imsin) at*,, bRud. me. u"k nfit"s years dwo tke dwroo of tke hestdi= of tko Oweve InIA Commoll of the V*G*5*R* ou My Sp 194ke Akush.1 glu. 35 "0 4t3-1 il-Ac I.". (WAMUL WWAU) (NMA U:11) (WILD WWAU) Tummir, OAGO'sauk Feeble% of contracept1cm and the orgaulvation of sUrtiou coatrol. In the V.S.SeRe Akumb.1 Cle. 35 oe,.6t34 " 159. . odu mis) I. GUv"y spetatallat Upravlonlys, spet stall stravannoy m4italuskay pososhchly Mulatoretva tdravookhravenlys SSM (CONMCMION) (ABWION) IIIXOKCHU 01*gL.K=drdysnaj.RAFAL'KW#, S.R.t, red., BAWINA, K.T.F takkm, red, [ArUrW b10" mpFLIr of the uterus ad the admm staft) ArtorWv. we kzo smbWwM* miatki I pri4atkov sWaaMMa. Kaskmg a*#, Isd-" Md. ljLt-ry NW6150 IWO 56 P. (MA use) Ww"Low SUPPLY) %rKORCHIKr O.K. (Hoskya) fit&tO pfttqation of hoalth of vown m4 ebildren in the V*3*5.,P.. Saw* admi. 19. w.6c6-n 160. OaPA 130) (WONC9--UUTH AKD HYGIM) (CHUD..CAFZ UD MIM) NIMHG!iIKI- 0, grgent pnblow of obststridians abd 97n*d*10916td- Akumb. I on. 36 na.20.8 06AP 160. (KIPA 13 912) (OBBTTMCS) (GUWO=T) -A~Wqulx. )I!g&-XQr4XKt!jMsa,, PQPGVAj G.T., red., L'I-VUlAYEV, 1"J., tokbno red, (Abortion and controceptive substawas) Ab6rt I petivazacbmLtoeb- v7e mrsdatva. lid,2, Koskya,, Kedgiz,, 1961, 39 p, (KIRA 1401) (ABORTICIM) (CMUCEMON) ECIZWsOVA G.Ya.;. k&". Lod. uede ;Q; PIRADOYAp M.D.r kand. =ad. rAuk; RAPAL'ra-S. S.P.p ru4.; MICHIKOVA, Yu.S.,, takhn. red. (Irananations of the Tenth All-Union Congress of Obntatrial~ and Oynecologists,, December 12-281, 1957 in MbscowjTrujy Vae- soius:nogo afesda skuaherov-ginekoloCov. Hoakyap 1957. Haskyap Fedgisp 1961. M p. (MBA 15M) 1. Vaes-;*mzWy s"yezd akusharov-ginekoloM. 10thp I!oikvr 11,57. - T-1 r rvir, O.K. Pwtbor Inrcma"ou in oboUtric and grwoloCical aft-vit* for the publlt# Amshoi Six* 37 xo*Z*-9 Ir t6l, WU 140) (089TWwas) (GMMOW") NIKONC m . k W med.nauk f TaM ca" of yewhtelr %afar 1$ Is too latel Worawle 8 aa.12s 19-M D 162. (00scuilos-MMMION) (KIRA 16 t 1) NIXONCIIII. 0,,Ko. kand.,mad.riauk Cb the threshold of maturity. Edorov's, 9 no.41 17-19 Ap%je (KIRA 16:7) (SEX rx=CTICII) NIMMUKo O*Ke# kand.moderuikuk ftrther trem6A in dieemasing the cr abartiom. Akuzh. i gin. no.2992-95163. (ABORTION) OUFA IWO navoHil, T.P. ~- ~ Compatitiols for the best arCanisation of w4neation systaw md Imustva, toebre T SM 3 0n.304 NO 156. (NM UO) (Vhlte (Vblt* NMI&-SV4W4tlOU IY*t*Uff-4QW*tltlO") MONCKUKE G. fj, Lash. MW--- with v%rtloal vslls. Stroi. i dar. mah. 7; no,.UOI. u ra IF f62. (MM 16t 1), (Umrs) d - be rl - -1 rq- 1 n I-C 11 C) t I , u. J A 0 "Sukav.l.ov nul thu hureperArl v'.1-l"etic's iri cu,tivntlon." r. 19 pp; (Academy of sr-lence.-- UJ.',-'A--, Irj.,:t of' ioruAo"; WD riot E-Jven.; (KL, 17-60, 1E4) Cnuntry c USSR Category s Forestry. Forest Cultures, K Abs Jour i RZhBlol*, No 69 19599 No 24732 Author NIkonchv That i m7wis-k Fore3t ECOMMY IhStItUtO. t Concerning the SeedO Quality of the Euro. pean Larch and Sukhachev Larch in the Cul- tnres of Bryanskly, Szolenskly and Uoskcmakly Oblasts. OrIg Pub t Sba asplra:ntsk, rabot, Bryanskiy lenokhozo In-tq 195-7. No. 1, 29-45 Abstract I Determination of the seedst quality of the European larihas was conducted on plantations of diffarei:t egos and density but under ana- logous conditions of growth, It Is stated that the seed,:' quallty of tho yjung laruh just Ae sur- beginning to teal, Ccp-~,,nds on t roundJx& medial trees gi-owing under homoge- Card 8 1/3 MWLVLOT no 09 J-V~Ivq no Z41je Author Inst Title, OrIg ftb Abstract I nous cOnditiOrA Often bear seeds different 1n qualitTa Proterogeny W be considered to be the Cdause for such ve-riability in the EM. P'san Urch. The reedst quality in various s Of th* crOWA arO Identical accordLag t:rht,,,,t, Wt seadsp haviM great w*ightl, are d1stIn"had by 4acallent gelsInatIon &ad enerar of growth, Seeds of the European and Sukhachev larchess gathered in denxo cul. Card 8 2/3 40 WMIFOreatry - Forest crops, K. -AbeJaw : - Kol-o, So 15, 1958s 6W37 Author : GrofAoyv B*Vdv Gurov, rtirep PUIzer -I*Kep rUmicIvAm V.M. Dryawk Porest Zconw rutitutes Title : Introducing Ome quick-C-rowinG Tree, Species into tA&,. a Forest& of DrPwk Oblast', Orig Pub : Tr. h*ud$hDjp lWoMm. in-ta, 195T. S# 55-64. Abstract : Daft on inyesuptions or vie, Growth rate or larch crops of diCfermt, pographic, derrivatioris.dsconstmte that the most favorable tbr Onditions in aryawk, jhlua&,, mnd SmIansic oblast's am the bavpaw larch (of plaia dariva- tim).,, the Pol.1sh larch, wA Submthev 'tare frm the southwestern p&rt of its habitat. (especiaLly the larec- coned vwiwtle The best *oU for larches is m I*mhGd chwwuim with a locos subisoU; next beet are Mer, r I - ~ ~ , ~F pV] Abe Jour Raf ZL-uz* - Biul., 11j 21, 1956, 953~2 AuUtor Ilikinawk, V.rl, L-,. a t Forestry L-stituta. Title Zc:?:.j=tc-il Wtsc.An for L-.creasin_ U-.,c Q~i,.Iity of t.-trci Sca,l~- Aftcr 7,.cir fLarvest. Oria Pub Tr. Brj--:is1cjLp. 1.-~--ta. 195Tv 3) 249-253. Abstract Aa. nethod of iiicrcnaiv- t%c 1-,crui;~atila7z of Larix dect- (1,n Rill. mA L. S-AaczcvU Nil. svcA,~ wit%ia Ux It- t'.cir tl-.c barrc:: V-,(. full - kr;rai rL-ol:% ic. rcc1-,,-.:ic:Y1.~(1, V..LcL natcS t:.e 11C~CL-jtr f -r- t!l_- iit:;, Iar:-C. arld 5cc-ls -3.n!L It i f,.)r 8 :murs a-ud L. SukiczowU D.,11. for 9. rl~a occAs arc carufully Liter..,i-ingli-A acc~j1dii1r,,. tz, tl-ie ')f tfax~, Q%rcl 1/2 L5 PRODINO L#Fev; ICBMWOVe Tol-;414 T~J- TOTD-7EiR'f, A-K* Problems of floating larch* Tru4y rnst. less 45:145-165 '58- (KEU 11:12) (Loglah) (Imber-Trentportation) A, UM/Physical Chealstry - Thermodynamic&, Thermochemlatryp Nqullibria, Physical-Chemical Analysis, Phase Transitions. Abe Jour; Worst. Zhurnal KhImlyes, No 2v 1958# 3TT9- Author t U.T. UnpAw, A.S. KikanAMIM. Inst :OrnprqPetrawsk Iii Title iInfluence of Intensity NaVltude of Alternating IlectrIc Field an Temperature of Phase Transition In Barium Titanate. OrIg Pub: Nwidin. rap. Dnepropetr. ua-t, 1956, k5, 29-33. Abstmat: The temperature dependenco of the dielectric pe-rus"111ty r-of ftU*j at vWma magnitudes of the intensity I of the alter- nating electric. field Applied to the speetmen vas izveatig:&W. A strong electric field (to 7.6 kv per cm) and a hlgb tesperatuxe (to 300 ) cause a gr6at loosineas of the lattice, which in prc- served down to low temperatures. The Carie int shifts to the iid-- of low temperatures depending on r W AT), if E was increa-, sing. The forward and. the reverse courses of C do not coincide. Card Ift .22- in the piezoelectric range decreases with the te-nperatum in- =N~ase. Card z 212 -23- AUTHOR: Hikoaaako, A.S. TIT14: Decomposition of a Saturated a Solid Solutiou in Cold-Deformed Iron-Uanganese Alloys (0 raspade peresyshcheanogo, cL ---,verdogo rastvora, v kholodnodefomirovannyidi zlielezomargantsevykh splavakh) YSRlQDIGAL*.Izveatiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy,, Fizika, 1958, fir 6, pp 73-76 (USSR) ABJTRACT: The a solid solution forms in iron-manganece alloyz containing up to 3 at.% of manganese. If the alloy is cooled rapidly the a-phase can foro at, manGanese contents up to 13%. This m-phaxe is then saturated with manE;anese. The action of residual stresses nn.1 subsequent annealing i3hould decompose the saturated solutioa, forming y-phase~ The alloys were prepar4vd. from Armco iron and manearene in a biF)i-frequency induction furnace. The melts were annealed at 1100,--rl for 8 hours and subsequently cooled at 100 deg/hour. After this annealing the alloys were forged into ro&j of 8 x 8 x 200 mm dimension&;. These rods were thea aanealed at lOOOPC for 3 hours and cooled at th-i rate CajA 1/5 of 1000/hour to room tempersiture, Then the rods wer*, sov/1 3G. .!-8 -f~- 11129 on Decomposition of a Saturated cL Soll d Sol-,it, -_ on in (,~ 1,11 - Deformed Iroa-L(anganese Alloy6 cold-deformed in a rollinE; mill (63% deformation) 3-id samples of 2 x 2 x 15 mm diriensions were cut i .rom rtie rolled strip. Vnese voor" n3chined Into cyllnlrirai shape. The alloyo t'ontan3d 6.0, 8,-V) and of mahganese. Apart frozi man6anese, e;jrjj allay b vt 0.05% of carbon aal no z,,)ru than 0.1% t-;" c.,Itier The sa=les wre winealed at tezzlicravir~,-s b-~zwet;r --,C)0 and 9b66C In &teps of 10000, and 50' m-in'lites it, each. temperature. Isotharrial annealine of "Vas carried out at 530 and 6-WIC for 1, 5.. ',, W, and 30 minutes. The oxIdes were rerlo-isd L7 polish:ng the resultant deformation elimitiated Ly in, :ill, acid. X-ray defracuen patLeLrts were, obtal"'#?(I C"U cylindrical samples of 0.6 = dixm6ter using,- rob..ilt emission, A VRS-3 camera with a drum of diameter was used. TW lattl.Ctt ronGtant of th,~ a PIII.a6t. was deterained to within G.0003t,.;X and to withLU 0.0024.-.)X in the case of y-pljise lulaount Uf T-Pnazze in the alloy was determined by the "rerhod of ` 'L 4~. E: 1) 12 Card 2/5 'icniri, 6OV/139 -58-6-11/2-9 On Decomposition, of a Saturated a Solid Solution in Cold- Deformed Iroa-klaaganese Alloys pairs". Fig I shows the lattice constant of the a-phase as a function of the annealing ter_PejQtUjO- UP to 3000C the lattice constant of tho a-phase ~Ls unaffected; further increase of temperature produces a sharp minimumi of tho lattice coastant near 6000C with a subsequent rapid rise until the Initial valuo la reacheC. again at SOG-90OPC. FiE; 2 &haws that y-pbwase appears first at temperatures of 450-4750C. The larEest amount of the y-phase was observed at 600-6250C; in s"ples with 12.2% Ma the CL-pbase is almost completel..- coaverted into y-phase. The lattice constant of the y~-phase (Fig 3) decreases with increase of the annealing temperature. At the moment of appearance of the y-phase its lattice constant is largest with alloys witb 12.21%, Mn, The amount of the y-phaso in the sample and it6 lalticf., coastant depend on the duration of the annealing treatment. Fig 4 showB that the y-phaso content increases rapidly during the first minutes of annealing and that subsequently the rise in the amount of the Card 3/5 T-Phase slows down. The y-phase lattice constant 1: C. 110v/i3q, 1:11-8. 6 ii/'9 On Decomposition of a Saturated a Solid Solur.;cn in Cnld- Deformed Iron-Manganese Alloys (Fig 5) falls rapidly in the first stager; of annealLng and then decreases uore Ao,ly. The results, obtained show that at 400-GOOOC the ar~ount of r-finganeise in ib~,, a,-phase decreases but =nealinG at teuperature!~ ab",,ve GOOOC re-established the initial :;oncentvaticn of The changes in the -f-phasq latti-c-3 constant', way L--A explained as follows,. Annealing of col4-defor-med allcys produces diffusion which lead-o- to C-oparation ef components. The y-phase prod-uP4 on this separatv~a is initially rich in manganpso and 4.-Lerefom, ha;, a large lattice conbtant, With inr..reav~o of the tezr,,~-ratur-~, and duration of anneal'Ing, tLe amouni of thq yj;~ase rises so rapidly that the-re is not oriou6h time for rtanganese to spread everty throligboiit the y phas.- crystallites. With the increase in the ameunt of 1.he~ y-phase the concentration of manganese in it deciva!,os and consequently its lattice constant becomes smaller, After a certain time the rate of formation 'of thA Y-phase Card 4/5 slows down and the concentratJoL of manganese in i* SOV/1 319-58-6, .11/29 Oa Decompositioa of a Saturated m Solid Solution in Cold, Deformed Iron-Magaaese Alloys becows zore uniform and Spproaches 12%. Annealing at tea tuxes above 600 C dissolves the y-phase and On co-rUinag the saturated a.-phase is produced a6ain. T'here are 6 figures and 4 Soviet references, ASSOCIATION: Krivorozhskiy Go=orudnyy Institut Institute) SUBUTIUM: 26th May 1958 Card 5/5 NIMMIUM Aff. .-- - ~ ~7 i.- .- !"-.--.".,- -- ~ : D"empositim of tke gqwgaturatod -Owo in cold warkod Lro*- som4wo" all4well l9wevrequakebal4wol fin. se.6tr)-76 159. (KIRA 22: 16) 1. Ariverosbakly CornaradaWy lutitltkt. (Irom-sawam4e &Uoys-Testlac) 85135 S/ I .75/601OW/00EA06/009 if-too AOWWl Translatlon from; FeferatlvM zhurneLl, Ketallurglys, 1c,160, No. 8, r,. 2!k1, # 18430 AMORi Mikonerkop A. S .,.Ma: The Effect of Kschanical Thermal Treatment cn Phase Transforma- tims in Iron-KgZanese Alloys PERIODICAL: Sb. nsuchn. tr. KrIvorowsk. gornorudn. in-t, 1959, No. 7, pp* 317- 321 TEXT, An Investigation was made with alloys containl:ng 6-12.2% Krk . 1 t was estsbilshed that cold plastic deforratation of Fe-kn alloys entg1le the tr&nsfo-,"a- tion of E- and f-phases Into theo~-phase. At a higher degreo of dmfor.Tstion the- amount of the transforsed phase Increases. Thq separat'llon of F,- &M 6-phazqg t&k" plaag durIng annealing or the defomed allays. Thq f-phag,~ !a separst,~d at 450-615 C, wd the Z-phaae begIns to reparsto out a. th,.4 615 C WMnrt11ng,- temperature. There are 5 references. I. B, 7ranslator's note: ',"his Is the full translation of tite orIginal Pjealan abstract Card 1/1 A92Ms 11kameakov A* as SOV/126-- -7-5-11/25 TITZ81 OR tka pastors Influencing the Cheap in rhysical. Properties of Forritai During Annealing Cold Deforvied Iroa-Kanganose Alloys (0 faktorakh, v1iy~,yuahohikh as. imeneniye fislobookikh avoysty ferrite. pri otshi kholodnadefami- rovemmykh shale smargmtsevykh splavoTr P2210910ALs F1sIka netallow I notallovedenlyog, Vol 7, Mr, 5, pp 499-702 MU) 11SI AUTUCT& This sin of the present work was to study the Lafluan" of the AWLS90.moas, sobtont, and annealing temperature, an the softening of binar7-mangazwoe allo7so. and also tke factors influencing th Ohan 0 in physi*al properties. Irou-sanganose alloya we% usel for the investigation. The chemical composition of the iron and atanganesev the conditions of solting and diffusion annealing havo been described by Kuriloklx (Rof.61,. Tho &11075 atudled contain*d 1#14, 2.07, 5,95, 6.0, 8.39 and 10.54% m&nganes*; 0.05% carbon, and &at more, theist 0.1 Card wt % of other tlesiontse Cold plastic deformation was 1/4 administered by, rolling. The degr** of deformation was SOV/126- - -7-5-11/25 on the Faistors Influenoing tho, Change in Physical Properties of Ferrite During Annealing Cold Deformed Iron-Kanganeso Alloys calculated from the change In Length of the specimen, and was found to be, 63%. Spiscluenst 5 z 4 z 52 ma,, wore used far me.auring hardnees and. *Ioatrtaal xvaistanae. Besides, anall prismso 1.6 x 1.6 x 10 mu, war* made for X-ray analytin; after annealing they were made into cylindrical specimens far taking X-ray pletureae Both s*rioa of specimens wore annealed simmLtansouslyt for this purpo" they were transferred to a heated furnaa*, held thero for 30 minutes at a given temperature, and subsequently slowly cooled. The othor two sari*# of specimens were ann a.Led at a higher temperature. In order to remove oxide films from the spe,cimen, aurfaoss the, latter war& ground and than etched until the deformed layer formed due to grinding was removed. The; hardnese was measured by, tho Yiokertl method. The amporemeter-yaltuater method was used for measuring the electrical resistance, (Ref.61. X-ray pictures were taken from cylindrical apealmons of 0*6 am diameter. These, Card were exposed to cobalt irradiation in a chamber of 143.25 an 2/4 drus d1sawtor. The pictures were read with the aticrophoto- sister W-2 at a magnification of X 21. The secondary distortion was detorninod from the lines (110) and MCI SOV1126, - -7-5-11125 an the rectors Influencing the Ch"So In I?by#Lr.&.L Properties of Ferrite, During Annsallng Cold Deformed Iron-Kangamse Alloys and the also of mosaic blacks and the tertiary distortions of tba crystal lattice from the lines (110) and (310), using Lysaks awthod (W97), F1g.1 shown a portion of the r*41[n *,Zuilibrium diagrax, with the field in which the phaso forms on annealing cold deformed alloys super-Impaaed. -Irig.2 a change in hardness of alloys of different composition L In relation to annealing temperature for Identical soaking time (30 minutes) and d*p-oe of deformation is showno FlgvS shows the, *hang* in magaitud# of the coher*ut disaosination, ranges (D),, and secondary ( 4&/&), and tertiary crystal lattice distortions In relation (-\,/ U to annealing tamp4rature far in allay containing 6% Va. rig.4 shows the dependence of spooLfie oloctrical r*siataace Card on annealing temperature, for alloys of differont composition. 3/4 As a r*xult of th* &bay* invostigations, the autbor has arrived at the following aonaluslongt SOV11,24- -- - - 7-5-12JZ15 On the Faetars Influ6nolng the Change, in Playstual Propertles of Ferrito During Ainnealing G*id Defomod Iran-Kangaaesf A110TE 1, The basic factors Influencing of Fo-Sh alloys are great lattice mosaLo block sizes. tas naraoning aaQ soLuouLug distortions and very =all 2, In the annealing temperature range 460-60000 the V -phase proalpitatel frou the sup*r-saturatod x-solution, Card also exerts an influenoe, on the change in physical properties. 4/4 There are 4 figures and 9 Soviet references. ASSOGIATIONs Krivorothakly gornorulnyy institut astalloT (Kri*mY US Institute for ttw Xining of Ketals) SUBMITTXD: February 14, 1.958 a/1)T/S 1/000/0 12/131/149 A006/A101 AUTMt Maianka, A.S. --- - ----------------- Tr=s eve ocreat-of structural dwove an tbsrw.4af in Iron-sainganese wA Iran-alakel alloys MIWICAL j ftforatlvW amml. Poetallurglys, no. 12, 1961. 16-17, abotmOt 121196 (w8b. nauchn. tr, Krivarodwk. gomorudn. ln-t!, 1961, no. 10. 36T - 371) 2=1 An investigation of Po4b arA ft-Ki alloys stwus the'"' the 9110YLM of Flo with aw4passo wid nickel entail& a roduatlan of thoruo-Aaf. The therao- oaf Upoads an the phase cowpooltion of the allay; It dearvases darply at the appearanoe of the rod 6 phossa. After the deformation of heterogeneous Y*4b alloys, the themazeaf Increases. This Is contwated with the transforeation of tto Cand -rpmoo tat* the 44-phase. The deforviation of hnoogetwous ft-Ph alloys contaln"Ing >6% Ph, asuses an Increa" of the them*-oaf; thin IndIzates the non-howwWnsous lattioe struature of the solid solution. The therwo-oloctr1o Card 1/2 8/137/61/000PI2/131/149 The effect of structural char4ps ... A006/AlOl method can be successfully applled in plants for the production of articles ahich oontain different awunts of Nn or K1 an-I havbg a dlffemnt phase struc- ture an a result of heat treatment. T. Runyantseva (Abstractor's notes Complete translation) Card 2/2 37721 P S- c C, 5/1.39/62/000/002/017/028 E073/E535 Nikonenko, A.S. and Kharitonova, V.F. T I TL S: Investigation by me&ns of the thermoelectric method of some processes that occur during thermoLiechanic"l treatment of iron-nanganese and iron-nichel alloys PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vyashikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Fizika. no.2, 1962, 114-117 TZXT: Experinental results are described of the influence of phase transfortuations on the thermo e.m.f. of iron-manganese and iron-nickel alloya. The iron-manganese alloys contained 8.4%. and 12.21' Mn. respectively, and (in wt.tS) 0.05 C. o.o46 s, 0.03 P. 0.03 Si. 0.055 Al, 0.077 Cu. The iron-nickel alloys contained 15.5% Ni and 0.05 wt.@' C and not more than 0.1 wt.*,,' '0 of other adnixtures. The concentration of manganese and nickel was so chosen that the defornod alloys should consist of saturated a-phase and, after suitable annealing, there should be rejection of the excess y-phase. The cold plastic deformation was produced by rolling. For annealing, specimens were chosen Card I/if Investigation by means of ... S/139/62/000/002/017/028 E073/E535 ..:hich were deformed by 634110. The annealing was ill steps of 500C up to 900*C, holding the specimens at the given temperature for 30 min-. The oxides produced by annealing were ground off and the deformed layer was removed by etching in nitric acid. The t* nernict e.n.f. was meas%ired by a galvanometer whereby the specimens were clamped between two copper electrodes spaced at 40 tran zipart. Tl,.e heat was transmitted to the specimen by means of a small electric furnace. The ifference in temperature betwoon the ]lot and the cold contacts was 13% and was rnaintained constant during the -measurements. At each annealing temperature the thermo e.m.f. was rneasured on three specimens, seven 1"eastirealents being ..acie for each with a measuring error of 0.03 J,,V. The renalts are plotted in Figs. I and 2. Tt was found that for iron-man,-,anese alloj3 the therrio e..n.f. depends on the cheinical corposition of the -alloy. For single-phase ot molid solutions the dependence of the thert-.o a.m.f. on the concentratinti of the n1loying element o;as almost linear. The linear dependence ceased an soon as other phases were rejected; for iroti-nickel alloyg it is the y-phase, whilst for iron-manganese alloys it ifz the y and the E:-.-,!,.ases ane the rejection or these r,ha-na lcn(!.i to a flecrea."(- of Card 2/# Investigation by means of ... S/139/62/000/ID02/017/028 E073/E535 the therro e.m.f. Deformed '.--eterogencous alloys iiave a c.onsi0erably higher thernio e.m.f. wher*iby the increase proceeds at 101.- degroes of deformation which coincides with the y--~ocx transforrxition. The authors consider that the chnnge .-., the , e.m.f. as a function of the chemical and phase compositions provides a simple means of quality control. There are 2 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Krivorozhakiy gornorudnyy institut (Krivoy Rog Mining Institute) SUBNITTED: April 7, 1961 Fig.l. Legend. Dependence of the therno e.m.f. on the annealing temperature of deformed alloys. Thermo e.m.f., uV/deg. vs. annealing tenperature,*C Curve I - 8.4% Mn. 2 - 12.2% Yn. 3 - Ni. Fia._2. Legend. Influence of the deformation, %,, on Vte therno e.n-..f.. UV/deg. of the iron alloys. Curve I - 8.5% Xn, 2 - 12.2% Mn. 3 - 15.5% Ki. Card 3/0 -- '~L~~flpf~O, A.S., starstily prepodaTateIll KHARITOMOVAg 7,F,p assfatAmt Change In the tbernoolectrIc properties during the Worsation and romisting of Iron-eanpneow and Iron-nickel alloys@ Sbar, nauch, trud, KGRI no,13M&I22 162* (KMA 16 t 8) (rron alloys-Thormoolectric prroparties) (Deforvations(Mcbamics)) NIKONLUKOO A.S.0 starshiy prapaUvatell - Using the thermoelectric method to study Irc*-base alloys. gbore nauch. trud. KGRI ao.M12'13-127 162* (KIRA 16i8) (Iran alloys-Testing) (Theraoslectricity) .e KILOIKMF A,3. 4 - Immasivq the durability of the parts of mialft maWsery, Sbore aambe trod* KGW no.,19:70-73 162o (KMA 16 c 5) (0-1 mabi nery) (Mechanical wear) ffIKOHMO, A.S,p xt&-%hLy prepodaTztell Cbsnp in the coercive force of solid solutions with an Iron bass. Sbar. nauch. trud. KGRI na.13111,4-118 162, (KMA 16 t 8) (Solutionst solid) ACCESSION- NR.- AR4041598 5/0137/04/000/005/1007 11008 SOURCE: Ref. sh. bletallurglya, Abs. 5148 AUTHOR.- Ni neaka ko TITLE- RterystalUzation of xoUd solutions of ioM-nickell Ond iFP0-M0PPn9## CITED SOURCE6. Sb. Nauchn.- tr. Krivoroz.hok. gornorudn. in-t, vy*p. 21, 1963, 217-224 TOPIC TAGS: recrystallization, iron alloy, nickel, manpnese, soild solution TRANSL&TION: By roentgenographic and microscopic methods are studied the In- nuence of degree of deformation (9 - 761%) and concentration of alloying element on temperature of recrystallization Tr and.magnitudc,of grain in alloys on a base of Fe with 4% Ni and 2% Mn, with 4 and with 8% Mn. Results of formerly obtained works by author are considered also (Abstract Journal of Metallurgy, 1060, No. 3, 6367; No, So 18430; 1963, 6140), It was determined, that Tr of single-rbase Fe-Ni and Fe-Mn- Card 1/ 2 19ffect of dief i In ferritic irowww"aw-des alloys. M. mate i met"110"Cl. 7*5076-78D 9 A34 (MIRA 179, 2) 1. Krivaroshekly gornsrwwyy tastitut Ukr3m. 111MV11r.op AeSep Insh. I ,.Tfoict of mtruct-mt'~ c!iinge.- cn the Ive fdvLe in iron-amgmese ~--ryn--niclee) al'Acy?. 7,bor. nmuch, trul KGRI no.IV&367--~71. I ~; WIRA l7c8i 4 'IT SOUliCK CODE: uT./0148/66Jwo1o1O1O115/O11.d A4"MOR: Nikonenko A. S. 011G: KrIvoy Rog Mining Institute (Krivorozhgkiy gornorudnyy Institut) TITLE: Phase transformations In iron-manganese alloys subjected to cold deformation SOURCE: IVUZ. Chernays, metallurgiya, no. 10, 1966, u5_W iiTOPIC TAGS: Iron base allay, manganese containing alloy, ybase, transition, cold ,,working, cold rolling I ABSTRACT: The author studies phase transforma- ItLons during heating and cooling of a cold-vorked ron alloy containing 8.4% Mn by radiographic and w~i6 magnetic methods. Cold plastic deformation was d'one by reduction un a rolling mill. The degree A i lof deformation calculated from the change In the ~height of the specimen was 63%. X-ray photographs I of cylindrical specimens 0.6 = In diameter were itaken In a high-tes"rature vacuum chamber with is drum diameter of 57.4 mm at temperatures of 293, 870 and 9700K In iron emission. The pros- Isure in the chamber was he14 constant at 1/3 LMC: -669.15-12:6204183,48 C HR, ~0-1 N/m2. A special Installation was used for measuring the magnetic properties of ~the alloys-coercive force H and residual magnetic Induction 0 The experimental, .setup to ishovn In the figure. The specimen I In a wall evacuated tube made from 'hIgh-melting glass (for preventing oxidation) was placed in furnace 3 with a double- ;vound heater made from a nonferromiagnetic material. The temperature in the furnace i ;was measured br platinorhodiuma-platinum thermocouple S. The temperature did not varr ,by more than tr. The specimen was magnetized to saturation in the, furnace and the furnace containing the specimen was then placed inside degaussing coil 4 surround-Ing i induction coil 5. When the magnetized specimen is reuoved from the induction call. 'the arrow of galvanometer 6 in deflected to a value proportional to the residual mag- lactic Induction. The coercive force was measured br sending a current through the I ,degaussing coil with a magnitude sufficient to eliminate motion of the galvanometer !needle vhes the specimen was removed from the induction coil. The coercive force was Ithen calculated from the magnitude of the current to the degaussing coil. After measurement of the coercive force, the specimen vas demagnetized and heated at a rate of 0.15 deg/ace to a predetenLized ta"rature, hold for 30 alskutes and rensguetfted after vhlcb the reelduml as4patic induction NA coorcive fame vere 004dumd egain. iTho same procedure was us" for mesaur~nts with cooUng at a rate of 0-1 669/64c. ,V,e results show a reduction in coercive force vith "sting to 670*X due to the effect I cury ,of temperature &ad. reduction in the Internal str*essfa Tbg cooling a Is lWated :beneath the heating curve. The coercive force of tb* specimen incress,es witb cooling Cwd 2/3 r-6-0363,12 -but does wt reach the values observed. during heating of the deformed specimen. Th* Inex--tse in It at temperatures of 6TO-9000K coincides -with the appearance of Y-ph"e ;In tht alloy In a quantity which Increases as the temperature in raised. At tewperam- 'tures of 9W-940*K when the y-pkase predominates, the coercive force begins to de- lcrv"*. vanishing when the allor passes into the y-region. Residual induction shows ,similar behavior. These results are confirmed by x-ray ana4siis and indicate a :possible partial " transformation during cooling which increases the hardness of the alloy. Mazinum hardness results when nearly all the y-phase formed 4urinj annealing Is converted to a-ph"s under coo-ling conditions at fairly low temperatures (below i47060- However. if polluarphic transformation takes place at temperatures above 14700K, the stresses dewlap" are partLaLly relLev*d and the bardaese Is, reduced. art. hass 3 flawwo I table. &A CM118IS/ ~ DM: 15YAr65/ OKO RM 003/ OM M 002 C, , ---' . (-. 7. . 1 11 - 'f - -16 - ('~ L . " . I . . Q - -;" -c: ~l !,-1 6 ~ I D-1 CI*VX!r, 17, -,7. S'. -~,- - - - 1 0 7 ~ r~z im. 1. .., . 1.10 ", 0 SC,.- 11: - - U I -,- 1, , 't nr !.~l , --. - - .. - -n-l- 7. .', -- ~'- . ; ~,, -~ - 1, e,! ~ . 1. 11 1 -( I - . c - ,,, F ~ 0 K . 2. U~-ZR 4. Cabbage .7. rAbbage YarI4~.-tlcs and plantinj:, datee;, Sad t op., nc. 1, 195?. 9. . Month List or Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, MY 1953, Uncl. (600) Onions 7. Yec~anical method of sowing onions. ~Ad I og. No. 31, 1953. 9. 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(KIRA 16t8) 1, Stavrq"llakly sel'skokhospystvamWy Institute (ftawropal T%rrLtory--CftUflowr) Dr-Itriy Andre.yevicho ci~ijk [vairetable growing in Stavrcpol i - t - - - , .1, 1 ria Starnpolle. Stliv!fl~A ', - ~ , 'r- (, - -'o .-1967. 221 -P. ~~J.u 1--.;k ~ ZHEIEUOTX01r. A.S.; ulxOuz_UrAt'.L'_It - XGLTCHXF. A.Lq. rtd.-. SHKUXHLN. A.S., red Eacrage evAs-itombile repolring oquipment; a referame catalMl Gemsba" L artartmatuee oboradavomis; katelog-sprevachalk, 60sts- Moll A.S.Zhernawkev I I.N.Nikonemko. hdo obehchot rod. AA. 91rcheve, Koakwa, Nimuchno-tekba;Ied-wo, awtotrousp. lit-ry, 1957e 191 pe (NIZA 11:3) lAasslm (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Klmlsterstvo awtonobillmogo trans- ports I shossoyny1ch doroC, Z.GlavVy tnehecor frosts po mkowod- stm "wodaul pa proleyodstvu gerachnoCo oboradoventys (for golychav) (Automobtles--Servico stations) RIXDMM, 1. ule" . ..... --.- -1111;iil~~mmrstlos of oil to an I"rtant wtter. Avt. tran~P. 37 no-9:51 8 1", (KU 12112) (Zu*taation aud lubricants) dotg.-. BRU'QIWTSKIT, I.As (Bmsilm~lqi, I.As), dats. - -- - $wgtoal treatment of abeeosses of the adueza uterl. Fed., alcumb. t 9tv, 20 n0-1835-38 '58. (KIIA 13:1) 1. Akushers" t ctustoloctabegbays klinlica (Ispoloyaymshchly ebysm- causeett am. k2tutkoy - date. I.P. WIkoneuke) Eryuckoco neditstasko- go lustltuta (dirsictor - dots. 8.1. G**rgtywvskty). (UTION-ASSOSS)