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NIKOLISKIY. V.V.# Cand Med Jci - (dius) 05tate of
phftocyto actIvIty cf PI"d leucocytes in patients with
"m blood circulation
Nos 1958t 12 pp (First Vos 6rder of 6nin kd In5t in
I.V. SechenoV, 200 copies Ms 32-58, 112)
- 77 -
Mwgoqttc activity of laukoertoo In circulatory 4 isord*rs of tho
brain Lwttb stmory in Franchj * Zbqr*rAvre L pett 1* 58 no.I:Z9-34
1580 (MMA 11:2)
Is Kefi* vArvtWkb IdesaW (tow* - prof e ToeltAK P (does&&"D
I Nookovskago ordeam, Imalm m4itshakora tastitul i twat
(MAIN, blood supply,
also, off. an phocacytooto Me))
(MQMrf*SLS, in var. Us.
brain Was Use Ous))
Mialml characteristLes of enasowllUs *WervW a Lmi~arsk,
zhwo IWILO I PGM. 61 no,6c865-466 161. (milpi 15c2)
1. urodm nervrqkh bolemey ("pobtyarnhahly aby saamsti san-
duywhctwgo - dotsout S.A.Kellnikav) I Mookovskoac ordem toaLna
mditatnskogo lmtltuta, (ENCEPHALITIS)
6. VcF, Virus.
in -:w
.4 -- ~~ i I-I- -- f_-
Sverkhzvukovye techentia v diffuzore tsentrobectmgo, nal7mtatelia. i-bskva,
Oborongits 1942# 3 P- (TSIAM. 11ridy, no. W4)
Title tr.s Supersonic flow In a centrifu4al superchareer diffuser.
SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the 4oviet Union# [Abrary of Coneress,
SUMALINIKOYF KeustanUa Tedorovicku KIKOLISKIT Y~~ UM.~ tokbn.
' 'Q
remk,, retsowwntj YAKIXM=, -I~kbn. mmk, red.;
SATILITEVI, ro.Ya.j, M, ixd-ma; IMOCKLI, 'r.r,,, t*kba. red,
EgftdMphical mathads of deteiminine the air ptrmaters of
the centrifugal stap of a comprwasorl GrardanalftlebaWds q)&.
soby opredeleniia parmotroy yozdukha v toentrobashnoi stupoul
kompiessora. MoGkya, Vashgis, 1961-a 227 p. (Kim 15:2)
Rafto Vaves Oct
"fte Electronics of a Mana Comb," V. X.
Immkh-'r. "!A V. S. Rikolskly
"Miur Tekh Fit" Vol 22) 'No 10, PP 1599-i6o5
LVestigate "~Aio-wave properties of Plamr e016
pierced by dlectrcm currents, taking ibto &ccmmt
tbe scatter of Uhe electrons according to Ve-
locity. Give general method of solvin$ ymblen
for arbitrary stationary function fo(v) of
distribution of the electr=s in the currents
&&cording to velocity. Indebted to Prof S. 1).
Gvozdover. Cite related vorks of L. W, Losh*Aw
*49), A. 1. Akhiyezer, amd Ya. D. Yaynberg
MMLIKIr, T. S,g USILIMS 9. I.And U)PtWHIW,,, T. M~
wrom of Uw glamitim Squtlem In the ?beery or AmplUlors of
ContimsWU ftfte Wavew Iv a poper gives at tlw AU-0niveroltr Sclostifle Conferame
IlLoomommew zesteresol, feet. Week. Ok-a U-Se 1953
Wabelation W1695s 1 war 56
Theavy of travollug-wave tube@ with a cowputatlom o0 therma a*tion of
elealraw In flow. R no.5t45-52 W 153. (KW& 6:8)
1, I!,stabukty fftrtst Noskavskage gotn4antvanage univeraltsta,
,;. W- (a atronice)
,- O~y V (:4 SZ7,r 6e. c 4",
dele-C V- ) - -C~~ I & lm(f);~ I, I I " 0/
L 1.5ta.
M.~ --AP5CM438 110m,'WAYWI,
A I R. 2 -Gi -(Engiro-mr.) Bv-I,:*us Yu.- V-. t4rintter),. q.
';it, - S. (EnFi - I -
M:$:Lzelor); shvarzab ya bear)
TVM'~t IEf6ct.or the technological protems of tremling
mt-Im "-v.
-1964i -254
504A!'11"N! '-St4l 75 (7
q'wPo'.1 r, 41: f 6rro&II,3:r, chromium rcintalnint -nlloy, alumistum cont-On'Ing alloy,
c;>i~r*.qion mietant alloy/91-626 &)ftoy
-xmt~=I liz--AV -MB"tablut?- Of A-T
,Olilt alIV)clixted wIth tlie reducLicin, rracenm. -,w,. CI" ionn which fom. during
coating or tim ~d r-- p r1or to dviving djecr"um the At&bI 11ty of
U1,41- INI't4l of tile heaters Vigaacmn c-m-rosior, In tic --mirim of service, NII sh-
inzt tur ILho wire in ita fiwl size in v=7 affec-tim. CrIlIc. art. han 1 table.
.-.41 -IMM; 'Y", L r-y.
;'iQl R,'g !K)V; 001 Xlup X"I
;Awd .111
AMOFfis ftkollakLys V, S-00movs,
TITLZI Molting nickol-chrcatim alloys in an are fUMOO Vith MW supply"
SOUSCII 3"119 no* 2# l9as 137-139
TOPIC TAGSt nickel chrmium alloys 1101tings -01799A blow$ Kh2CM80 nickel chrmium
alloy, Kh15X60 nickel chrcnium alloys titanium resmalp silicon content, in, nichrme,
nichrome strength, nichrme plasticity# Kh2Cb8M3 alloy, U20NOM alloy
ARSTRACTo Experimental results obtained in, molting XL-Cr alloys in an are furnace
with blown-in. oxygen are presented. Tho procedure was developed for obtaining,
metal with a low C content, and free of' titanium (despite the us* of'Ti-containing:
waste products such as (WCWT3, WGNOMO and. others), The relatioa of Cr/G to
temperature was studied in order to determine optimal content of' chromium, k
schamsitic: drawing of the molting "sembly used in these experiments. is, sham in
F21 . I of the Snclosures It consists of a 50-kg induction oven. with the crucibla
(&I mad f ~neslua-chramium, a floating tungstsn-rhoni= therviomple with an
I I( ) cowacted to the potentiometer (b) and W the oxygen tank
alundust tip
passed frm the tank throu& the motor Into the quarta tube
According to the tests of several melts in. the tu*mtwv Ijaterml.
Cr/r. relation was
Cii 30 W
L +
The authors conclude that this m1ting procedure resulted in an effective
decarbanization of the metals# in the rmoval of Tis and an in a greater content of
Si which, increased the strength and plastic properties of the alloys. Orig. art'.
hast 4 figures and 2, foroLlass
SQWTMi 00 DATZ AMt 039&rdk MCLI OL
390 COD& HL sour I", an am
11101.1 SKIT V 7.3. 1 G(ll ~ (IV, I N .
K&klr.g nickel-phro-rito kllr)yi Jrj An 21 - flir,~lr.F9 Wlth txj~.--n r.~F'--Otrp,
of aie bath. .33tall 24 ? flckA 1,119)
UILM, Kolo, professor: XAMIMITF I.R., im-henen. NIKOWSM T Oct.
rodaktor,o SUROTA, T.A., rodaktor; AXDIXW. G.G. pim- 9
0 wxn=F-nnzw,
[CMJ*x It= stWiy In mol olue od pjW] Zompj*kvWj khror4mWestj
as mollieft thafttakh I larleral&. Kookva. Uglatektdc4at, 1954.,
M P. (Km 8t5)
(Tim attdy)
im sur t 4sr h; GRIBIN, G.P., otv*tsty*wqT red.;
mIaMTA, ~V.A.~,rod=txdatellstvs; AL&WTA,,T*.t..;
=WT. A.P.,
(Organization of labor and wages In coal altos. a handbook for
mine workers] Organ1satelta truda I sarebotoalm iplgta an vVlltWkh
shakhtakh: spravochnoo iposoble d1la rabotalkav-shakhty. Moskva,
Ugletakhtsdat. 1957. 258 P. (NIXA 10:12)
(Cool mines and u1ning) (wages)
SUBJECT I USSR/Luninescence, 48-cf-36/56
AUT110R$s Konavokly V.S. and Loshniftove. O.M.
TITLE# Thernoluminosednat of Winorals tUrmolyusimosteentelys,
PERIODICAL# Invontlya Akadoell Nauk 335R0 Serija Fixichooksys, 1957, Vol
21, #59 pp 111-714 OSSH)
ABSTRACT# Various sanples of calcites were Investigated with respect
to thermoluninescenc9. They were subjectvd to a preliminary
Irradiation by X-rays by means of an X-ray tub* BST-W yielding
approximately 100 r/ooc. A photoolectrania aultiplier of the
FIM-19 type was applied to study the thetwo-lumlaoscence of
thee* minerals and to record the curves of Its Int4notty.
The Inspection of the curves represented by Fig I and 2 to the
Vapor shows that the magultm4o of luminesconco peaks 4spea4s
on the time of preliminary Irradiation, laoreasing with time.
The comparlaon of thormolusinescence curves of the yellow
calcite, ]Fig 1, and the red-vtolot calcite, Fig 2, shows that
Card 1/2 the peak of the first curve to considerably higher than that
TITLEs Thernolusinescence of Minorals (Torsoly-uninesteentelya
of the rtd-violot c4lc1t*q which Indicates that the yellow
calcite Is considerabIr older than tho red-violet one. This
conclusion was confirmed by geological data.
Thus, the method of thermoluminescence can be applied for stu-
dyieg thellge of the rocks and minerale as was suggested by
Daniel* ( . In add1t1cm to this, the authors propose to use
this aetho4 for the control of concentration processes to the
cases when a mineral complex to be concentrated contains a
mineral possessing an ability fer luminescence,
The artlole contains 4 graphs.
rour non.-Slavic references are cited Oon* of th4a translated
into Russian).
INSTITUTIONs State Institute of Rare Metals, (Glr*dttot)
SUBMITUDo No date indicated
ATAILABLEs At the Library of Congress.
Card 2/2
Viktor Sormavich
104P8 wd thO 0- of some) lr*r.ArMUd4 I OPIAU trU&.
mook"t clopplitlamr. 1960, 31 P. (Olt& -IM.&Ntow wwwtw*.
. skoomlebaskII& #Wwl i kmaMov w pzow,#hUtmykk, prodprilaUlakht
n6-5) (Y-DA 240)
Viktor Serreyevicht TIMAD, Hikbail Alaka"e-vichl ST.,WVA,, V.A.,F,
1 4
P07MM-0- Ll Lv F t*Wm. red,
Nandbook for wivers workinc on the imrfaso of eoal md shale aims)
Pludatka. d1la rabochikhp sanittykh a& poverkhnosti. ugollrqkh L alaw-
toMkk sbakht. Kcakwap Gone ususbao-tekha. l9d-vo lit-ry pa go"nomm
dome 1%1. U.2 p* (=A 340)
(Coal alms and mining)
RIKOLISM V 5 MIMI, Y.A,j SUROVA, Y.A.j red, izd-va; FiliSM'L, L.l.,
I--.--.,-- ve i B L ~;rve d -0,
(ffandbook of regulations for vorkers in coal and shale pits] P*,-
Plats- dlIa rabochikh ugollvqM, i alavt#Mkh ratresov, Koskra,
Go9.n&uehno-t*khnJzd--vo lit-rjr po gornow delup 1961. 147 p.
(Coal mims arA mining-8tandards) (Vaps) (KIRA, 14fu)
TYURIN, Mlkhail Alak"yevicht. V.A.,
red. isd-ya; KIKSMjp A.I.j, t4kbn. Me
(Wide for vorkers of coal prepax-ation " briquatinc pImmtel Pa-
vdatka dlia rabochikh, obogatitellrqkh i briketrqkh fabrik. Kookvap
Goff.nauchno-tekbnAzd-vo, lit-rT po, gorn=u delu, 1961. 16'3 P.
(MIRA 14112)
(Coal prepaLration p2ante) (Briquets (Fuel)) (Wages)
HILOWSM , Vik.tor Sar kba ALI Y. ,
pyovichl TTURIX, r'l il okee-yovichl STUMOVA,
- ---- killtv Lela, UILI=, r".
fffamibo* for udwgromd wwkere in gml "d p"U aims) Pudatka
d1la rabo*hMt smigLtykh a& podmurkh rabotakh r uplllWkh I
olaatmmykh ah-Irktakh, KofkTar Go** " bno-t*4. ild-mo lit-ry PO
gornow dolup 1961e 170 pe (MA 24SO
(coal aims am minuc)
SUZAKIN, Vitaliv Goorgiyevich, kand. tckhn. nauk; SHOEaJOVICH,
Abrm Kikbiql-wieh, inih. PrinIzal wbisstire VkR.S1tAVSL1r,
A.M.,, kand. tdkbn. nauk; 3M.C. L.A., retsenzent;
NIKOLISKIY,, V.Sop otye r*d.; PGMVSKAYA, I.K.v rsd.1sd--v-;
'tFv~~~Icbn. red.; P?OZO.--IOVSUYA, VA., tekbne
hieducing labor cons=ing operationelz in open pit w1mal Sui-
zbmdo tridocakosti rabot na k&rlerakh. Yo::kyap Ird-vo
ONedrag" 1964, 213 p, (MIRA 17:3)
VIktor Serfe.,evIch jdcCja4s&j; CIWINP911i, 111khall
[Organization of labor &r4 wages in ;7.1res; a refferenco
aid] Organizatsita trWa i zarnbotnoi pllity na s~akhtAkh;
upravochme posoble. 2. peror. i dop. 17,d. F oskva, 'Vedra,
1965. 288 p. (KIIHA 18:3)
Work practices to a votorinary laboratcry. VeVirlrAr'lm 4-1
4-6 D 164o O'C' F; i er~ i
I* Direktor Vinnitskoy voterinarnoy labormtoril.
Immurr, T.Y.
- - --. - , -- -- -I I
allmleal @ad awgUal souldwatleas @a the trameas of Irlwalml
armroldia IW rovestles of trigoutml serve ro0e Tqwe aotr*blr.
16 so., 41" As~ 1"2.9 (CUM 23:3)
1, Professor, 2,, Of tbe CHOW for Servem Dlemmos ead lowesergery
(ZaA - Prot, V, A, XU*Ildcir)o Iloster SoMal lastiflato.
D%UIIOVSr,gk, Kim VAksimovm. Priniml uahastipk NIKOLISKrf V',V'..
kand. tokhn.nauk, dote.; LTAPKDU, T.G.r
ft*K*q takba, red,
(Radio ewlmserW reader In OmmolKhrestatatils, po redlo-
tekbul e n& nemstskow iaqkel pasobie d1la otudentov,, Isu-
chniuahchikh imstrarx7l las7k. Maskyag VysaW& shkola
1961. 74 P. (Radio) (KMA 15: 21S
Aizomphorlo PonAlon
[a se 4-16 A a f 6 t 0 0 0 0 0 f 4 0 0 0 0
i L 1. - LA L-
go c 988" si *ago"" V Kul
w9bow "Invy
mwel? *bm 0 is bb"A
"on almmil 4R am* cw.*.
ra M.
too 666 041d(t%*4K&4 t-Ifft,4 4f 0 9
6 11 4* V. 1. bl.,
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0
OW -0 0 a i @I a. *. i *,, 4. 0 0 * 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 a 4 0 0 0 0 : : : 0 A
9 0 0 9
fees 0
4 111, W
0 0 . a a a a
4111, L-L-A-i-AL; 1; 7 i 14-00 111 so U-6 re
e all amppm do do ambeW 0 epiow. AL.~
l~ M
c N
I (we d 29" ago
t inw; aw - -I dw stbe f boo a
bmwe"Mm. rft game 60staw tow.
4 W
) fee
aw 1
00 v0
4 8% S
U 1
UP t to
* sh 0 0 0 0 0
00 fe a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * , 00 000000 00000614 see 000,
.- - . . ,
N L T .
'LL L. Z, r. L 1 8;.
Nikollskly, V. V. 'The affect of bexcanal anesthesia on the oxy--en ccntent In the
Efood", Sbornik nauch. trudov kurorta Saki, Vol. IV, 1948, P. 1115-117.
Sot U-3261, 10 April 1953 (LeUpis tZhurnal Inykh Statty, Ho. 12, 1941).
I; Ircilf"falOy, V. V.
111WOORkIr- Y*V-, ZalesskAyt;, Ma., and Chukrayeva, IN.J. 011's dytm-nice t_r IiJ4
changes and the albt=en content n oisch~rger of gonorrhea ratients under the
influence or renicillin and sulfadin thprapy", Sbornik much. tr,-~rv (Rost.
obl. nauch.-Issled. akushersk--g nekol. In-t), Is.,we 80 1948, p. 88,94.
SO: U-3261, 10 April (Lato,~is 'Viurnal Inykh St-A y, flo. 12, 1',49).
-v, I A
--; Z-,lP;3F H, ': , -~ .
5idcrov, P. P. and Ulkn' Is',Ix- V- Z- *The attki,7 cf -.ritamda as a TAln-rpA=lnj,,
nnd accelerriting factor in nomAl lv,~r", 5bernik nauch. tnv (Post. obl.
nauch#-issled. akushersko-ginekol. in-t), Issue 8, 1g/.8, P. lIP-26
Krasnyanskiyj L. M.v Mikol'sk1y. V. it aM Skuhonltnrv, V. F. *Cn t~ie
of dst.,!rmining abortive p,rtians of t+,e uterus*, Sbcrnik nauch. trulov (Po:;t.
obl. nauch.-Issled. aku3hirs,c-g4.nekol. in-t)., Issue 8, 1948, p. 1(P,72.
SC: tr-3261, 10 April 1953 (Letopis 'Zhurn-il Inykh Statey, Nc. 1;~, 191.9).
40' .4
%M %,"bob OZ
-Tlqv mK %nq %*V ZTW %0U IGOV
6tt 9PO/"S 1,41W - "Otou/sm
J:o nw~U&*Uob V%jA M064 S% SWJ UOTIUVOS
8,41 .1r4ji 4%w 1 SOM" %*muss nu *IMM9
Q,4ul *MftWv:s--O* du %T%do Ipw 9%=woj **T%
--$.a jo uW's w4vi
9 ag " All NTVP';g.
%9w1 vM &MON
fSAID6110AM ex off
luwq*o%g 14"ITOM *A #A.,
61j 4V/60
lart"t's r"atlaso ll*klaila, Okokwa 17 ",39317-30,11W-Amm 1952,,
(am 25 1 W
2a Dvpart~% of Bloa&mUU7* Awlew mollad lastitato,
in the Lipids uf the Brain Under the Actim of the 7oxia of B. Pcrfrira,:C-nz,,,
k. It. FaverenW,, S. Te. 011slitcyn, V. V. Ilikollskiy, Z;hair of Bioche:i and Chair
of Marobiol, R3stov Statc Ned Inst
Ura-In Bloldhin Zhur, Vol 25P 11cp 2, pi) 127-131
The hemolytic fraction of the toxiij of :3. i-,orfrin -cn3 (1) 4-3 MrOr~:.Cd -,OrI0 Pa313.1
17t bmin Mmjf3 t1han by arv ollwr Unlor t!io action of tt,.e tox!n of I# Vic
q,=ntity Of aU lipids exrept diwAnoplaosphatideri incrvavai .1a the '~mj_ 7,110 i,
content of other,*iojuble lipido increasc3, Iio::Ably !uc to their h1j% co:-,tent
Of PhOIPI)Dr7lch~)Mne forried 2t 'he :dte 0~
110 aff-ct!orl or lul
action Of the lealthibane ,)n lt-cithin. A3 a reitilt -)I z~ ~iccjric reaction
of nerva ti7muc to the toxin of 1, '.he canto.,it c,.' c,_,rcbroaIdc3 incm-33(.3.
CCA ILrIr .rj)
MIKOLISKIYg V. V.: "On the origin and role of the h1&~-molecidar aliphatic
&aids (624) in the animal orgafilam. 0 Rostar State Medical
Inst. Rostov n& Donu, 1956p, (Dissertation for the Degree of
Doctor in Y-edic#l Sciences)
I M letopts' No. 28 1956 Moscow
Sourcet KnI!tw
Meet Of leStalaC rOU&SIM 0u the llptd comp"Itlem of Us ble"
a" Ilver 16 rate- 7drobloktim,ghwe 31 8*,61&776M 199,
(Kim 13t5)
Is lapa"actO of Blechendatry ~M bputmat of meet"Solea "A
ftdieloff of the lbetew-u-Sm MAlml rustitate"
Dyrpsics of unsaturated fatt)r aoidar, of the blood in, patients
subjected to mdiotherapy, Ked. rad. 5 no.12sl~-17 160,
(MIRA 140)
OTALWA, S.A.;. RIKULta-r-Ti..; CMnwMTAS T'.K.
W4104100 Of MJIkY w1de to the 'blood of normal wabjocto, Toy,
md,kbl& 6 noW340,10-f 160, (KIA 1315)
1, Mair at Aleahomistry of the Rostov Ibdical rutitutc,
(YOTT ACOS blood)
19fr"t of 1-irradiation on the formation %C pancreatic enzymos.
Vop.sedAhim. 6 no.40654M JI-4 c6O. (KIFA U93)
1. Cbalr of Siochadstry and Cbair of Radiology~ Rostow Kedical
111OLISK17r V,V,
SUVIlfied wrtbad for th* #Mtheele of oC -kat*Clut&rfa sold.
Lab~dele 9,no.3t29-30 Mr 163. (lapA 16(4)
1. Kafedrs b1oftiall ftost6vskogo mWitainakfto, Instituta.
(GLUrAltIC A%qD)
swir-"Joint operator motbad in the theory of wavegmi"s. lkdlotekb.
1.*Ioktron. 8 no.lDrI796 0 163* (NIRA 16tlO)
state ct tj.~,
1:"jdy 'rLE7
1 7 7-
LV -
F.. Dtibligning i; 1-ngituditil-Ill -mAitrillitted
"4C) tj I)ta elektri 4~ 05'. 1$- 415
il~~IjinjCular way
4- a-t anti nu a In-n-ul A-pi-evinuo gi.11mil'-w-ork. (Rad. i
V4- 9,: no.- 8, 1345); thiv articb-, prvir,-n. a~ a physical Intorpre-
xl-~, ct-4114f -#A tr PrOPAS Do flPfls T
pxxil-16-4 ~-medem~ t o- tiot conouta for -th6ixe and athr, t
rer rlti~ 9i se and paramct,-~r a ar,t! 1 .4 not c: orlqtar~t 'lver tho roq a - at tion
villikritv of physical prr)~Cp;,f3pM in th~p rm~, tl:zg i~4 r-w.;iv,,gu0Je ferrite
'"eir and the rotator ~r.
n s t ru c 0 o n c f t lie f e r rt-,i66A w v - se r I p c r ac it v r, L a -
av(; C)-fac to r %re d Tmf- C'~q IV
I-rom Amd I tables.
A F'TCQN: wune
00 C: cc
v9Mixr64 L: i C, S UZI i-
sov. clo 1 0 y
.~5 . EAT(d)/E,4T(l)/T/,E4A(h) Lelf, (c
Arx NR: AP50Z76zz SOURCE CODE: 11 RIO 10916510101011/199 z/ 1999
AUT1,10R. Nikol1skiy,,_Y._-_.Y.; Sukhov, V. G.; Korniyenko, D. L; Orloy, V. P.
4~4 % 7-
lril'LE,; Calculation oi a rectangular wavezuide filled with ferrite or ferrite and'
diclectric and magnetized longitudinally
5 X: Radiotakhmika i elektronika, Y. 10, no. 11. 1965, 1992-1999
TOPIC TAGS: rectangular waveguide, ferrite layer wavegulde, dielectric layer
ABSTRACT: The method of_!iEe1!-funct1cn9 used by the authors for designing
rectangular waveguldep containini-lerrite rods (Rad. i clektronika, 1964, 9, 8,
13,15, and 1965, 10, 4, 618) is extended over these configurations- two ferrite
s trips adjoining the -wider walls of the wavegulde; same, ax1joining. the narrower
c(Ird J/Z UDC: 621.372.853.2.001.24
L 7813-66
ACC. NR: AP502762Z
Mialls; ferrite rod in a waveguide filled with a dielectric of 1, hollow ferrite
rod, dielectric utrip between two ferrite strips; ferrite strip between two
dielectric strips. Curves of the prop-agation constant, losses, etc. , for quasi-
TE, and quasi-TE,,, modes calculated on a digital computer are presented. The
Mathematical lnterp:retation of the. elGctric and magnetic fields In a ferrite-
containing waveguidt. in cHocussed. Orig. art. has'. 8 figures, 3 formulas, and
4 tables.
SUB CODE: 09 SUBM DATE: 2,0Ju164 ORIG REF: 003
Card Z/Z
Rikollakly, "!!ewlSy
.__ _ _Y;0lmIrovIch
Antennas (Antaww) moscow, ra-vo, w"zow, 1%6. 0 P. mum., bibuo., tabus.
Errata slip Ineerted. 15,000 eopits printed. Textbook for vW44mte studying at
electrotechalcal institutes. or comwinLeations.
TOPIC TAGS: antamep tatems, theorys *at"= reillation pattern, anUmm couff
antenna Sagimerims
MWM AND COMM: This book has been approved by the USSR Xlnlatry of Compunics-
tione for use as a textbook In radio "entering institutes. The book contalms
standard satertal om the course *Antennse and feeders". The principles of de-
signing mltt-pwrpose mA multi-wevebmad matennes are stressed. The usual tbao-
retleal problaw sw& as principles of electrodymmics, elementary radiators#
e(pdysleut circuits, wevagaidWo, md otbers have been ellainatcl to We volume,
S. A. Shlpkov road the ammacript, V. 1. P*Ildsher prepared a mmber of graphs#
0. Z, Ayzemberg pmavt" commiants and advices and A. K. Model edited Uw booke
Forword - 5
Introduction - 7
Mitt A?1502678Q
Ch. 1, Clactrodynadc Primetples of Antomm Tbeory - 9
1. Treasmittlag MA tIMITIM emutam" - 9
2. 3100"Am redlatorm to mateass theory - 13
3. Avero4p pme. balaws " esteem "givaleat cIrtuit - 19
U. . so" elfttz m $sand a thaftmas applied to antemm theory - 24,
5. B"ia Charentieftsties of t"nswIttIft matemmiss . 26
6. B"Ic charecterlettes, oC recelving antemmais - 34
7. On the qWftlmto mad strIct antemms theory - 42
11, IffectIve DIrect1vity of 1"Istor Systomme ad Auto=& Struaters
1. Autema as a comblustion of -alamenterf reilators
2. 01screte reftator slatomis - 50
3, UONVING of 411mam systomms - 55
4. couttwom distribrAttow - 68
5. Ant4um &bow a reflactIng surface - TT
6. Weamm parmAmm - 85
7. A periodic awArce d1stribition - 9T
a. Effective directivity control - Im
9. Classification of sstm~ WCOALms to atzmatum - 2a
2, Verlous types said oomme pg rtim of the trammed"fos Uses - IV
2" Descriptlan OC trammad"Iss eam"Ums - 133
34 circular "agram - VA
It. Ustemag Ila" - 132 -
ACC~ Hit; - AW-~0216780
5. Important transmission lines and their elements l66
Ch., IV., Linear Antennas - 1W
1, Antennas similar to the elementary awe 180
2, Linear electric vibrators - 190
), Linear magnotle vIbratore - 207
4. rateractlan of linear vibrators - 220
5. Systems of linear vibratm - 225
Ch. V. Surface Antename - 240
1. General remarks - 240
2. Korn antennse - A2
3. Lens antennae - 254
4. Kirror antennas - 269
Ch. Vt. Traveling Wave Antennas - 289
1. Gederal conceptions - 289
2. Uninterrupted Unew distributions 303
3. wIttelt"Wat antenam - 313
4. Surface and cavity antevow - 328
Cho VII, Puwtlowa Pocullwities of Antmmae 335
L Fledia communication and broadcasting antens" 335
2* .10dw Muteness - 341
30 *o1mr tip" at am~ - 549
Appndlx I., MUstion flold of a age -to Smuft1lud alawat - 355
APPODUZ it* ftble or tmpw#mo" -
so 0=2 0q/ AM Olr*b66/ am art oa/
U,SSRI Yarz. A%niMalt. 7auttIL-, C7-L
Abe Tour: Ref Zhur-Biol., Ho 12, 19589 54748.
Author :_Nikolfskly V. V., 3yuzyumova, L. U.
Inst Itot gl-ven.
Title t On the Effect of Yeast Obtained by Hydrolysis
upon the Immunological Reactivity of Calves.
Orig Pub: Tr* In-ta biole Urallskiy file AN SSSR, 19579
vyp. 4, 135-139.
Abstract: The administration of hydrolyzed yeast in doses
of 50 to 240 g. daily, between one month and six
months of age, exerted a favorable effect on the
growth and development of calves* The average
daily weight gain of the experimental animals ex-
ceeded by 100 to 120 g, that of the calves in the
control group. The calves of the experimental
group reacted to the reiterated injection of the
paratyphoid formol-vaceine by a higher titer of
Card 1/1
NMLIBKlr, Y.T., professor, doktor retoriuarmykh nsuk; STUITUNDTA. ro-K..
....... wwm~q NNIFIMT-notrudalk; IDSTMA, L.L., aspirant.
Watummal Inimulty of calve@ to dleeae*e. Taterimarlia 34 me.1c
29-34 ja 157. NWA lot 0
1. ImUtut b1ologti Vrel'skago, filiola AkMeutl mmk SSSR.
Nalve~) (Tuffinity)
Klg&'ULT~ V*~To- TRIYO*ffk. At #prof ~,otv*tatv*W redo: IZNOMOVA#
cjktwml diamwe mistame ta C&IT" &A "we of Imrawtse
it] a pr1rods ost*iitvom*l restatoatm4tt arpalms telfAt k
MASISINdIft I Pu4taft as POT"Waltas Sverdlovsk. 19580
Ulp. (Alwd~ll& amok ~. Mrallakil filials *erdlevoko
lmtltut 11142061. RQ.10) (*=A its 12)
(calvis) (Imunity)
NaTOL'Sayl, ;: vf-
mLafektayia ta Imm=-Iogichns Reaktivnost' Tvari=oga Orgaai=u" Mey,
lzdatel-tatvo, Ukrainiskoi Akade=li Sel'ckokho%faiatvenrqkh Nauk, 14-4- pages-,
1,100 copies."
Veterltarlyn., I Vol. 38,, No. 1p p. 91, i96L.
I f
Uraam-ri-v~V., r7-XVa-KG, 1. F KAMM E. L. and GAIWAU, T. -1.
(Correapgnding Hmber- of UASKW 2~~niaa'AcadamT of Acriculturma
ScimmojL/, Prafessoro GarAldatax of Vbterinaxy Scianceac acd C4md-fdate
Qr siougicma scianceaf uAsm)o
Wacticus Vastraeateritis of swine
Yeterlaarlyet Vol. 38t No. So August 1961o pp. 30
NIKOLtSKlY ,Vladimir lvlat:t I ; -.C`Z~ Ir.-','!-.',Fiy , V-N, v T, "4*
(Infecltiou5 (vl.rus) gastroent.,eritir, of svine] Irifsk*siore.
nyi (vinisq-11) gastrcen,~erlt zv"Lei. Ftavp IzAI-Y,3
Ic)64. (d p. (1,1 T 7 A 17: *9)
_LTjKqk9!~.IT T V . proro EMMKO, loPop kand* voterin. nauk; ROMM,
'A 101,
. - I.--
K.Asp Mnde ireterine nauk; GAYUWiKA, T.V., kand, biolog. nauk
InfectIms gestroont4ritis in isw!no. Votorinarits 36 no.St
30-33 It 161 (KIP-4 1811)
I* Ukrcinskays akadamlya 4allskokhozymptyannfth nauk, 2. Ch-lem
korrmopmdent Ukrainskoy akadamli sollskokhozyaystrennykh nauk
(for Kikollskly)e
OSADcHAykr rtr.., aspirantl MIKOLIMUr, V.V,, prof,,, rA=hqy rukeyoditell
9mreUon or cytopatkiogento Wsts b ewp during Uw seat@ fem
of hmm-rbWo sspUcemlso fot*rlnwtia 41 W.9129 8 164. (MA IftO
1, Tmainsksys ordona Trudovogo Kressecot 'I I sellskokhosM-
stvenmya skadadyn,,
1-TrIT'Inly, 7. V.
gl~oll6iy, V. V. -- 'Yessu?emnt of tho To-ror of vametic her-l'W"llty
and Dielpetric P~-meabllltv of F,~rrltes." "In *i!rher Fducaticn
Voscow Crler of banin Avlatlon Inst ironi retro Ctc!zhcni-
Vicize. "'Osccw, 1956. (TIAss-ertation for t~~. D,!tmee of Cwdldate, in
T-chni-al 7plence)
So; KnizWtavq .1,Atopis', No 1":,, 1711:6
USiP. / Stdiophysics. Radio Itesaurements.
-#;a Jour i Hof Zhur - Fizika. go 5. 1957, No 12684
Author Nikollsidy, V.V.
Inst I 'lot gLven
TI tle 9Meagurements of the Parameters of Ferrites at ilicro
Irequencies. Parts I and 11.
Orig Pub #Radiotokhniix I elektronUoL, 1956. 1, No 4, 447-468
Abstract t7he author considers the problem of the measurcmat of all
components of the mapttio permeability tensorA, aad of the
dieloctrlo-oonstant tensor - of a ferrite from the incrorant
in the natural frequency and bandwidth of the cavity resor4L-
tor (its complex natural frequency). For this purpos*# it
to necessary in principle to obtain four Independent complex
inoremants. Me variation of' the conditions is reached by
Card 1/5
USSR / Radiophysiog. Radio Measurezents. 1-7
'&be Jour I Ref Zhur - Fitika, No 5, 1957, go 12584
Placing the ferrite speoLmen in various portions or the
resonant and maguring the dirgatimn of the magnetizing
field 9-1. It is desirable that each reaction of the re-
sonator depend on the minimum number of quantities to be
dOtOndned. For this purpose, U10 specimen should be small
r*)AtLv* to one or GOTOM1 dimensions (for example, a thin
plate, a thin cylinder# a small sphere). These types of
BP*OiMWS are amlyzed frai the p6int of view of aimplici-
V Ud intensity Of the resonator reaction that U*y produ-
ce, Ihs principle of perturbation of the resonator is Co-
noralized to include gMtropic media', With thigs, a rj_
90rous formula is obtedned connooting the Increment in its
natural complex frequency with the PArknotors of' the pertur-
bation region and with the vectors of the initial and per-
turbod fields. The formula is applied to the measurement
Card s 2/5
U58R / Radiophysics. FAdio Measuromanta 1-7
". . _ '- 1;- 1957. Uo 12584
USSR / Hadiophystax. Radio Itoasurwonts, 1.7
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizilm, go 5, 1957, go 12684
Cotl4ulatLons are Given. along with for=Alss, Ibr these case@
The problem of the permissible disawater of the cylindrical
speolmett is invoetigated. Oaf& are given on the construation
of resonators that can be adapted for the measuramt of all
the parameters of cylindrioal ferrite speoi a Tfw r*gul -
tant experimental curves show that the disorepawy between the
measurwent results of the components ofA- and c , wtwn usitLG
the resonators. do not oxased 10 p*rcent.
Card 5/5
Al / ea I. " _;A-' IV.
AUTEM Nikoltskirf f.T.
TIMM -T&-TC-Uja-fj-o-n-_ofthe Phase Shifts of "trOPLO DIscontl=Lties
in ftys Guides by means of' the Perturbation Method'a (Usabet
faxovykh edvigov girotropqkh neodnorodnoster r volnovods,
astodoa vow=hcheniya).
PMODNALt RadiAekhnfta, J Xektronikaj, 1957s Vol'.11t Nr 7t
pp.833-842 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs The principle of the method 1= been considered awd Ort.-
eralised to include in a number ofautgorat
works (Refs.2v 3, 41 5 and 6). In.the present work the
method is applied to the problems of gyrotropic discontimai-
ties in waveguldes. An an4ysis is ce-rriel out under, the
assumption of the so-called quasi-stationary approximation
vh1oh limits the dimensions of the gyrotro ic regionB to values
thA42 the wavelength of the system. Ke waveguide con-
sidered (shown in Fig.1) has a gyTotropic discontinuity- Vl.
,which disturbs its regularity. It s assum d that initially-
-the, fields in the waveguides &re io and, t and that its
,Dermittivity and permeability-.Are and. In the per-
iurbed state the fields, are -9 ands-olt and-UtRe"permittivity
and omsbility are expressed. tensorialIK (as given by- lqa.
The trOJUNISOLOML coefficient of t system can then
Calculation of the Phase Shifts of Qyrotropic Discontinuities
in Waveguldes by means of the Perturbation Nethod.
3) A fertitei, horizantal vertically magnetised rod, Fig.2B.
( If given by, Zq. (25 ) ~ -
4) A ferrite sohere magnetised along wW of the 3 axes
~p given by Eqs.(26) and (28).
5) A ferrite diaphragm either vertical or horizontal (Flgs'.3&
and 34 )q f given by Zqs.(31) and (32).
Similar expressions were derived for,a cylindrical waveguide
with a diso (Fig,4at given by ZQ- (33) ) and a ferrite
sphere UPig. 4 go 1P given by Zq. (35 The phase shift of
a ooexial line with a ferrite ring (rig.5) Is expressed by
Zq.(38). The above formulae were employed to determine the
phase shifts for some of the systems and the resulting values
are shown in the carves of F1,g.6. The paper contains 6
figures and 6 references, 5 of which are due to the author.
SUMMED: October 9, 1956.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress.
Card 3/3
109-8- 13A7
AVMRt likellskIn 74'70
TITLLPt Determination of the ligen Values and
Puzetiona of Gyrotropic Media, by the Met 0d of Buccessive
Approximations. -rf,,..%;akhozhdeniye,
sobetvennykh. znachaniy 1, futktsiy g rotropnykh sistem
setodoin pool edevatel, ( nykh. priblisheniy)
MIODXCLLt Radiotakhu*& L Blektronikar 1957t Vol'.11, Nr 8t
pp.1074-1077 (TMSR)
,Tt This yaper proposes a method of finding the natural
frequencies of cavity- resonators and the agation, con.-
stants of waveguides, which are partly fi M with a gyro-
tropic or isotropic medium. The method is based on the
accurate formula for the perturbation of a. cavity reson&tor
or wavoguide which was give b the author in his previous
works (11 2 and 3)'., The fo~aua is in the formt
n f, An 01 n. f (a, Ll
itare INtr, Is the perturbed elgen value for a. waveguide or
a resona AU. the perturbed eigon f=ationav A, and a
CW& 1A
AUTHOR. Ifikolskiy, V.V. 109-3-5-11/1?
TITLE: Determination of the Internal Field in the Perturbation-Method
Analysis by Solving the Diffraction Problem (Nakhozhdcniye
vnutrenaego polya v metode vozaushcheniya pri pomoshchi
reaheniya difraktsioanoy zadachl)
PZRIODICAL: Radiotekhnika I Zlektronika, 1958 Vol III 'Nr 5,
pp 9JO - 697 4USSR)
ABSTRACT. A homogeneous plane wave is assumed to Impinge on an
Isotropic cylinder of radius r, . which is oriented alonZ the
axis y . The problem consists of finding the field inside the
cylinder (the refracted field). If the electric vector of the
incident wave is parallel to the axis of tho cylinder, as
expressed by Xq.(l) the scattered field and the refracted field
are gilrgn by Zqs,(35 and (4). respectively; in these equations,
k - wleg and e and p are the pwameters of the cylinder.
The fields have to satisfy the boundary conditions expressed by
lqs.(5), from which it follows that the coefficient bn can be
expresseA bv Eq.(6). On the basis of the Maxwell equations and
9q.(4)tit is show that the magnetic field :Inside the cylindcr
Uqrdl/3 can be expressed by Zq.(7). If it is aosu=ed that the maenctic
vector of the incident wave is parallel to the axis of the
Detorimination of the Internal Field In the P*rturbatioa-method
Analysis by 5olving the Diffraction Problem
cylinder, the internal magnetic and electric fields are
expressed by 3 s.(S) and (9). respectively, and the unknown
Coefficient b?- Is given by Sq.(10). If the cylinder is
subjected to tRe action of two waves whose directions of
agation are perpendicular to its axis but differ by an
* Z* and the phase shift between the wavog is cx the
internal field can be written in the form of 1q.(12). ihe
above equations are used to aralyse the behaviour of a vertical
isotropic cylinder plaoed in a rectangular waveguide. The
position of the axis of the cylinder In the waveguide is
described by co-ordinates z - z I am X W x., (see FiS.2).
It is shown that for this case the field inside the cyl W er
can be expressed by Sq.(14). it is also shown that the
transwissica coefficient of the system is expressed by Zq.(18)
or approsiuately by Sq.(16). The above analysis did not
take into account the finite conductivity of the walls of the
waveguide. This effect can be taken into account if the
coefficients a 0 and b. are replaced by corrected
Card2/3 coefficients A. and Bo I which are expressed by Zqs.(21)
Determination of the Internal Field in the Perturbation-sethod
Analysis by Solving the Diffraction Problem
and (22). respectively. The above analytical results were
employed to evaluate the transmission coefficient V for
the following system: X/s, - 1.4 11 6/60 a 9 9 d/a a 0 to 0.2
(where d is the diameter of the cylinder). The values of
BO as a f anc tion of MA for the above cons are shown in
Fig.3. IFig. 4 represents the values of the transmission
coefficient 't an a function of - ndA 9 while Fig- 5 represents
the values of the coefficients which are proportional to the
amplitudes of the field on the surface of a cylinder situated
either in free space or in the centre of an Rio waveguide.
The paper contains an appendixt 5 figures and 8 Soviet
SIMAIVT : December 7, 1956,
AVAIUBIX: Library of Congress
Card 3/3
&UTHOR: I. NikolsTrJZ' Ir --7,-,.
TITLE: The 3implest Case of Diffraction of a Plane Wave from a
Gyrotropic Cylinder (Prosteyshiy sluchay difraktati pl,)r;koy
volny na girotropnom tailindre)
PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, 1958, Vol 3, Ur 6,
.pp 756-759 (USSR)
ABISMACT: The problem is formulated as follows. The axis of an
infinite cylinder having a diameter d - 2r, , coincides
with axis y I. The permittivity and permeability of the
cylinder are described by the tensors expressed by Eqs.(l);
the parameters of the surrounding medium are c 0 and ti 0
A plane wave propagating along the axis z impinges on the
cylinder. It is necessary to find the field inside the
cylinder and the scattered field. If the electric vector
of the incident wave is parallel to the axis of the cylinder,
the incident wave can be expressed by Fq.(3), where the angle
q is read in the anti-clockwise direction. The internal
electric field is given by Eq.(4), while the external field
is expressed by Sq-(5). The magnetic vectors of the inner
and the scattered fields are then nxpressed by Eqs.(6) and
Card 1/3 (7) respectively. The coefficients b a and a a or Eqs.(4)
The Gimplest Case of Diffraction of a Plane Wave fron a Gyrotropic
and (5) can be found from the boundary conditioas expressed
by Eqs.(B) and are in the form or &qs.(lo =4 (11) respect-
ively. If the incident wave is such that its magractic
vector is ara1lel to the axis or the cylinder, as expressed
by SquJ1231 the Internal and the scattered fields are er-
pressed by Eqs.(13), (14), (15) and (16); the unknovm co-
effi-_ients b~ and a~ in these equqtioas ari- erpresscl by
Eqs.(17) and (18) respeztivell If the diameter n' the
cylinde-r is very small, Eq.(65*can be written as Lrq'.,(19) and
Eq.(10) is in the forna of Sq.(20); from these it follows
that the magnetic field inside the cylinder is in the form
of Kq.(6a) which is in agreement with the formula obtainel
by Subl and Walker (Ref.1). For the case of thp incident
Card 2/3
I -, ', -" '-1
The Simplest Case of Diffraction of a Plane Wave from a Gyrotropic
wave having the magnetic vector parallel to the axis of the
cylinder, the internal electric field in a thin cylinder to
in the form of Eq.(15a). There are no fi6ures and 2 refer-
ances, one of -uhich in On,*,lish and one Soviet.
SUILLITTED: January 2 9 1~)57
1. Electrozaanetic waves - Deffraction 2. Electransgustic waves -
Analpis 3, Cylinders - Applications
Card 3/3
AUTHOR: ITikollskiy. Y__T__
TITLE-, A Transverse Ferrite Rod in a. Rectangular Waveguide
(Poperechnyy ferritovyy aterzhen' v pryamougol'nom.volnovode)
PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, 1958, Vol 3, Ur 6,
pp 826-828 (USSR)
AB3TR&CT: The problem of a magnetised ferrite cylinder, parallel to
the electrical vector of the H 10-wave in a rectangular wave-
guide was dealt with approximately in a number of works (Refs.
I and 2). Here the problem is considered more accura'-17
(thq second approximation) and the solution is suitable for
engineering applications. The electrIcal field of an H 10-wave
impinging on a cylinder (see Fig.1) can be expressed by
(Ref.3) Xq.(l), where :
x0 - wNoo'r.070 ; X -,ff/a ; ,~ - are cos(%/2a) and
sin 4~ - 1r1/x, For practical applications only the first
terms of the above expansion are necessary so that the field
is given by Eq.(2). The fields inside the cylinder and the
scattered field (without taking into account the effect of
Card 112 the waveguide walls) can be expressed by (Ref.4) Eqs,(3).
AUTHOR: Ilikollakiy. Y .76
TITIZ: The Variational Principle as Applied to the Son- Absorp-
tive Gyrotropic Discontinuity in a Naveguide (Tariatsionnyy
printsip d1ya nepoGioshchayuahchey Sirotropnoy neodnorod-
nosti v volnovode)
FARIODICAI: RadiotokJinika i elektronika, 1958, Vol 3. Nr 9.
pp 1207-1209 (USSR)
ABS"TRACT: The system considered is represented in the -_"!figram on
p 1207. On the basis of the PoInting theorem, for the
space limited by the two cross-sections 31 and 5" (see
the figure), it is possible to vrite two integrals in the
form or Zqu.(l) and (2), in which S is the surface en-
closinG tho considered volume V q While IL and c are
the tensors of the medium. Since the principal waves of
the type E i and H . fulfil thq conditions expreosed by
Zqs:W;ttthe two cross-sections it is Donsible to -.,rite
Eqs I and (5) in the form of rAIC't;.(4) -and (5), -ahore P
and z repreaenU the reflection coefficient and the
transmiuaion coefficlont of the i3j;Aent V~apecttvei
.~. if
the looses in the re-ion V are nigli ble, gqs.(I) and
rez i'qn.(81 and (9), w and 0 are given
(2) stilt in L here
Card 112
The Variational Principle as Applied to the Abzarptive
Gyrotropia Discontinuity in a 11aveGuide
by Eqs.(10) and (11). ftpreusi)na (7), (8) and (9) permit
the determination of r and v aince the functioi-,als t
and t~ assume extrese values I if the losses in '%-ohe region
V are negligiblo. The paper contains 1 figure and I
Ezaglish reff-rence.
SU'B=TTEJJ: July 59 1957.
Card 212
AUTHOR s -, Nikol I - SOV/109-3-12-11/13
TITLIK.- The Problem of 1(oa-hoxog*n*oux Gyrotrapic N*d1a
(K voproau o neodnorodnyi:h g4vtropnyich aredakh)
FNIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i Zleictronika, 1958, Vol 5, Kr 12,
pp, 1518 - 1520 (USSR)
ABSTRAM The paper deals with an ultra-high freque=y model of
a sodium which Is in the form of porous ferrite or
dielectric containing ferrite particles. The wdtl is in
the form of a system of Spheres which are uniformly distr-
ibuted in a filler (see the figire on p 1519). The
spheres are exall. in comparison with the wavelength and.
therefore the problem can be solved by using the perturb-
ation method in the quasi-stationary approximation. It
is assumed that the material is situated between two
parallel planes and- forms a resonator. The problem can--
siats or determining the change in. the natural rr*quoncy
or the resonator whea spherica2 "impurities" are iatro-
duced in between the planes. Lf the magnetic perturbation
alone is considered., the frequency change can be expressed
by Nq (1) (Ref 1); No in Zq (1) denotes the initial
Uardl/2 magnetic field, V is the volume of the resonator and
The Probles of sion-hosogoneous Uyrotropic X-tais,
14 and k are the components of the permeability
tensor of the ferrite. rron Zq (1) it in found that
the ch3zge in frequency can also be expr*nsed as
Nq (4). where g, is the permeability of the dielectric
In the resonator. Since the frejueney chaugg. can also
be expressed in terms of the components of the tensor of
the equivalent permeability (see Nq (6) ) it is shown
that these components are given by lqa (75 and (8).
Similarly, the third component of the equivalent tensor
is vWressed by Nq (9). The problem of a porouis ferrite
can be solved ia the same way and it is shown that the
equivalent tensor meters are expressed by Xqs (11),
(12), (13) and (143"where e. , IL, are the permittivity
and permeability of vacuum. There are 1 figure and
2 Soviet references.
MMMITTZ : July 2 * 1957
card 2/2
AUTHOR: Nikol'skir V-T- sov/to9-4-4-zi/z4
TITLIZ: On the Theory of a UHF Ferrite Amplifier (K toorit
SVCh-usilitelya na ferrite)
PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elaktronik&, 1959, Vol 4, Nr
pp 726 - 728 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The paper considers one of the possible ptaciplas of
constructing an UHF amplifier employing a ferrite material.
It is assumed that the homogeneous motion of the magnetin-
ation in a ferrite, when subjected to the action or the
field, is expressed by:
H 29' + Zh' cos (at + + A cos (2ut (1)
= 0 1 2 + 92)
The nagnetisation in expressed by Eq (2) and the equation
of motion is in the form of Eq (3). If the expression for
the magnetleation it substituted into the equation of
motion six equations are obtained. These are represented
by Cqz (5a) and (6). The equations can be employed to
investigate the conditions inside a cavity resonator. Titus
Card.I/JV when a piece of ferrite in placed in the cavity, the complex
On the Theory of an UHF Ferrite Amplifier SOV/109-4-4-21/24
frequency of the resonator undergoes a change which to
expressed by Eq (7). This equation in employed to
investigate a rectangular resonator with a transverse
ferrite plate; this is shown in Figure 2. The frequency
change for this systent in expressed by Eq M. The quaLLty
'factor of this system can, therefore, be expressed by
Zq (10), where:
ILJ- - - ($L 2 _k2
From Zq (10), it fonows that for 0 or
the system Is non-r*gsaerativeo The condition or
regeneration or self-excitatLan in obtained when the
denominator of Zq (10) to made equal to sero. The system
can, therefore. be used an an amplifier; for this
purpose, it should be modified in accordance with the
diagram of Figure
RED Ll V, ly , V- 72 -i
(Electr fjoj~ tier-ryl
Vo 7 -,,, 9
To] I z~i 3. e 4
A.C. kandotAkIm.nank. mtsonitatc Kt&X.
A.*Xo # zvd*
Erhmory of ttw olectrawgietic f Iola; mauel, for atudesto of
redlo eMlaosring] Tworils olektrompiltzoga, polls; itsbobnae
potable d1lo studestow redlotakholobaskage fokul'tatoo Mookwoo
Goo.onercolgd-wo. 1960. 430 P. (MIRA L4:1)
Madle-Smad'books. mommle. *to.)
(Blectramovistis theory)
C , A r.
1', Lj
and t,y
k V I ~J CvAal, 101`1:
for "he
jo R - o r
Card 1/13
f c
c,:, nz I ra c. r n;,
on slo,,~j Wave-- in a
Eq. may J,t-, r-sl,wrltto~ri in the for7r,:
TI iv oo I utu ion o #L7 E (1. (5) 1 s
1~ = A~+e-Jl's + B~-ejrj
For real F , Eq. (6) i3l,o-,;,3 a sup(!rpocl~,lon a*,
whIch, on the basIs of Eq. (2), ray 1),~ callA
sta t ic . (1) Sloa clectromap 'nictic !ww,es M a j,----,irotrop-'c
medium. The solution of' equations, *whi,~11.
-Mrac'er*ze ~hf~
Card 33/13
On S~lo,,.i Wa'ies In a Gyrotropic -:4/2
3p-eadlng in a f,,jrotroD!c (more
r a
o c: o n sa nt
in the d'.-rection
oe in the
ca-d 4/11,
yo 41
Ecls. (1e)) and 17) ar'e a 11-11 1,Ir tO E()-'3- at"(1
From it resullun that thf,~ mai-mA.1c fl,~-ld (j," th~,
-wave under lnv-4--ut 1~,at tot-, may b,-- a
static wa,.,(-.-. It., 1;ropajr,at-lon constant F 1:;
the form:
(2) Gyrot-ropic cylinder with an id,~al2y
,ase the scalar functl
shell. In this c on IP
Card 7/13 given in the form:
-,-,I (-j I
On Slow Waves In a Gyrotrol.),lo Mf~dllur- f I ~
Is to
The s~!alar flinctiloy',
following, bmindary 11,rilts condition:
G,I 1)
whf~rre R is a radius of' l.he cylllnd~-~il.
components ar- obtatrv~d A"rcm Eq 16)
Card ~1/1-1
j 1
In a
GyrotroPlc cylinder plaCf-,'d cOaXt,".11Y 1-11 "'It" '('C.' "y
Lj,,! trarMCcidental
con(jj,(., tinp pipe. Foil 0113, ca3f~,
f Om
t hoc
equa t lon. In
Xx.J, N,l (1.111)
n thrrju:~,h
(5) Xagnefos. ta tic ()Ile 1 11 t, t lorij . A t 1 () I
I m.,; poIntj p f r) 11 jjy
any c" 1-110 !3Yst,(-' ~rj
ld,-~jj (),- ri uI ri larv--s pla"
-Iiy p
0 t r"i I 13V 0'-' 1'
Card .11/ dl ittinc
0 n o -a ,via v i! s 1% a Gy, r or o pc
Ives a re.,~ona.;or, c
on Siow '.iavcs in a Gyro,'L,-ropic me(ni.z.-i
"( 7191
attentLation, the quality factor of magnetkostatic
resonators, etc. Systems in the shape of layer or of
bar, as well as cases of transverse magnetization,
may also be studied. There are 6 references, 1 Soviet
5 U.S. The U.S. references are: L. R. Walker, Ma~,neto-
static Modes In Ferromagnetle Resonance, Phys. Rev.,
1957, 105, 2, 390; P. S. Epstein, Theorj oil Wave
Pro agatlon In a Gyromagnetic Medium, Rev. Mod. Phys.,
1959, 20, 1, 3; M. L. Kales, Modes In Waveguldes Con-
taining Ferrites, J. Appl. Pivs., 195?3, 24, 5, 60'j';
P. K: Tien, 11. Suhl, Theory of Travelling-Wave Para-
metric Ferromagnetic Amplifier, Proc. I.R.H., 1958, 46,
4, 700; 11, Suhl, R. L. Walker, Faraday Rotation rf
Guided Waves, Phys. Rev., 1952, 86, 1"--'2.
D-ccember 22, 1958
Card 13/13
_9 :-3 0
AlY1111OR: _ILLkollokly, V. V.
TITLE: Theoi-j of Forromagnetic Amplit'lero Bl:,142d on th,-, bl,:,-
turbance Principle
PERIODICAL: Radioteklinika I clektronlka, 1960, Vol Nr 1, pp 11~1-
1119 (UtSR)
ABI`j~TRACT,. In this study the. analy,.313 of' tra-jL-llrj,,-, -e;av~~ aill Vi-rrr)-
inagnetic amplifiers li explaIiied an th,., La.,J~~ o1' ti,~
dtaturbance pr 4nc 11)1(!. Vic- 111F ~iupply
changreo the magnetic suscc-ptibillty of
considered to be dl.-,turbance of tlv.~
Ilminai-j Constdcratlori.,3. vi., expr-~;Aon:~ rov 6,e-
supplementary magnetization t.-oriponcnt.,~ aie j,tvt,Tj !'(J~,
two caseo: first, when ferrIlle 13 urider thl,
of two f leldo -IT and it
4) an(l :,e,-,f,rjrJ, r,
it 1,,i affected by one field 11 (a n 1. yIt L-,
that the real part of the map-tictle perneal.,111A.- i),` tlv~
Card 1/6 medium has not been ch,11117,q.-d practically 1,:/ Al'A111,141ni"
Theorj of Ferromagnetic Amplifiero B-A.,.;tA I 9"j)
on the Disturbance Principle Sov/109-!) --I -
field; It remainti conatant rit the prinary fic- I i1 d I s t r
button. ThIs permits one to Identify the prim:iri rl~-Id
with the disturbing field with ail accuracy lip to a
spatially conatant factor. This 13 valid Alor the
reocinitom as well a3 for waveguldes, the lat-tf~r 1-~avir,;:
a transver3ally di3tributed field. From th,-- WmrifAl
vqxiation3 two fundamental ---quations follrjv~. For th-
where 6 and thf,~ di:~turbnnce and pr1mary
frequencies, respr-etively; If0Ij t.he prlm,,iry I'liAd: IN
113 the disturbing magnetization; V0 Is thr--
Card 2/6 of the resonator; V is the domain dlsttjrbari,:~e; ;.,11(1
of Fi~~rrom: , I I ,,j
I I" r Ik: k-.,~, Af !.
on the DL-,t-.m,I)anc(-- Prln~il-!,-
ti Is th,~,- ten,.:or of' magnette For 'Uc.~
wa v v 1! 111 d
I e I awl aril. d I "AIII'Lanuu 'ifill -x
wave C()k.i,l,l o tvi,-] SO 1A t ],;,, ,I I
CI'003 Of t)W ar"d n th- r ,j i
veroal cro-,13 otl-ctlon of th,2 domain 2
Re onritor, With "Ori(-~ Wif.~iral Frerp,,,
IL'ItUP,11 freqiv,,nc1e3 wIth ,A rlrl~il V1 :-,rv,.v
and I* equal to hall' of the freqij,2icy rA' th,~~
r I (-, 1 dIntrodi.Ani, the t2xprossloni of' hf~ i ij,j, I rj
bi Part I trito Efj v i '-I I n
migniAl al Ion gIvel
tramfformations, thf~- i'cAlo-eilm-, e(I-Xition 1--
c E! rd 3/6
F sin
Wh('1-(! (A) Is the pr1mary fx-equ,,-r,,(:y;
in the resonator attenuation; 0 lo the initial qualltl-,,
fl Is ampliturie of -.,3,! - Aon; ~~;-:d
of tile system; M n,* t 1;-, at
H Is field constant of the Lannor reounance. F and
are taken from the(equation F - Fell(Pr , wh,~re P
Is tge fill-in fa,-)r. Al-rztracterls Th,:- terr.
"fill- In factor" 'is ~i tran3lation of the Russirin te.-n:
Faktor zapolnentya); Y Is the phace of the amplifi-d
signal and (D_ correspond3 to M11 Ejoation (1-1
shows that thfi? f~~.angr-, in th~? attklenuat~lon of th,-,
resonator as the re~;pons,,-, on the di.;tljrbl.n;:- f 1-1d nriy
be pooltive or negative. It depend.-; un tht-
Car-d 4/6 relation between the slgnal and dlsti..ri~InF lirleld. Th-
Thco_--y of' FeVVOM,,'11',W~t tc At.+ I i !-&, v.-
on the- Dl!jturbance Pr1n._,ipJe
conditlon (if ampl H' 11w, 1., 11-d by th,: 1 ri,.,l ;;3-1 11':/
ahown In Hqoitlon J(~-
sin W, - 2? " ?F) > (1s)
-The threshold value of the magnetIzation arld
the amplifying coefficlent are given. (3)
With "Two Hatural Frequon~-Ies." In this ca!se ,.In analy.71.,3
similar to that in Part 2 Is ezplain,~-11 fox, the :3,yntr~-.
di3cusped by H. 3ul,l in References I and 2 of' 1;h,7~
Abstract. The resultant equation chows that thr_~ 'j, t,,:~ r
uation I/Q. of the 3y3tem can only decrease. Th,~~ 1-
tude of the signal always, ln~~rcaser.. It i a s 11 in 11, i r
the thre3hold value of th~.- amplitu&! of
and the amplIflinr voefficlent aro ~xplnln,!d.
Wavegulde With "One Wave." (5) With
Waves," In the f Irz;t case, the amplifierl field o1V
frequency/ G) reprooents one of the wavea of tho
Card 5/6 system. The oupplying field of the double 1"r-Iii-noy