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1"Mmosewy, T.A.; NIKDIATVAp U.S.; EOING-TiLOTA. Te-Y. " 101M ~If K.L. softvvj" ~ :~. -, TV==! 0 CaUslose Crisdiag om a vIbre" will. Tokst. pros. 18 no.2.-16-19 p 158, Oam 13: 3) (Collatees) I A ~ ~ kand.tekhm.naurr; KWILEVSKlY. As Z.1# VetemInIng the dogroo of celluloso pol"*rls4tlon b7 th* specifle v1seosity of Its solutions and Its orgonle boo*. Ukot.prom. 18 no.419-11 Ap 158. (NMA 12:4) Ohwom) (Nylon) NIZOSATMA. M.S.; NMIUVSKIY* To.K.; YMMUMUNA. ?.P.; LENIEDVA. 2.9. op"alm sobAlemis of solwasim, Is vaterawy moselso Uses. shia.volsk. 20.482&29 1.". (Nlu 1382) IL- 160601MON07 MOUNIU60-1861040MUIL'SKY Isetitut lsbw*tvwmftg velokm, (nor") (A~jm sompowAO) -NI=IATWAO Me; NDGIIJWMY. U.N.; LINCWTA. Z.K. ssw of $1w propwSlow of "1141"o soxsl~ is COMIM I"M - wrowls w" - "am 141boat". %"Told& 20.4:20-a 060. (=A 13 110) L Vbmwyvnff muskmo-looledffetel '@my Isoutus Iskmefffmaw Tq2dM. (GOUSIO") PW 3/1 83J61 /000/001 /C)C(q'W- 36 DIOI/B205 AUTHORS: Nogilevskly, Ye. M.9 Mikolaysm, 1. S., Afenina, T. X., Liatkovaq Z. K. TITLN: Improvement of the properties of viscose fiber PSUODICALt Diniobeeklye volokna, no. It 1961, 37-40 I=?: An attevilpt has boon made to Improve the elastic properties of vis- cose fiber by treatment with organic smines and by covering the fiber with polymer fil". 1) Viscose rayon (metric count: 60) see treated with mono*thyl or diethyl aaine at 40t for 4 bro or with tri thyl amin* at 200C for I hr. After the treatment it was carefully washed :t OOC. Results am summarlsed In Table I - 71bor treated with sonoethyl anine showed incremod adsorption of iodine and decreased hydrollsability. 2) Viscose rayon was treated with a 1-2% alcoholic solution of the copolymer of caprolactan and "Aro(oico) salts (boxamethylen* &mine adipato) (60:40), or with a 1-2% solution of polyvinyl &estate in 65% ethanol at 40(h After the treatment In the former case. the fiber con- it was w%shed with hot water (8000. Card 1/4 AMIUg T,Koj NUO&AWAV K.S.1 NMUAVURt ls,IL; LINIUWA# S.K. mul at tan suveftm at So - fu~ m fAw iw of Moir 4OW410se alftV81416 W628306-j" two (X= 1584) A - -&-% U V~Iwwv - - Wddy ImUlut Ukm"tnwgW (VIOMM) (A"Sylatles) smommuiua mmffjmt A.A. oftipw~O (sonvism hpbeto) flbwo. Ddlm6voldL mo-5045 962* (UM 158n) 1. lrsN*7wm7 awashommiseladowaullskiy imatitut Labowtv"Nego valskma (for vibolow"), 21 N"ko"kly t*ksmulqry Lastitaft (for lemma). (COUSIOM) (247m) MCIUMILITt IS.M.1 NIKOLAWA, W.S.; APONINA,, T.Kg USMA, N.V.; UNIKOVA, L.K. modul"tum of t4w POW too of vlosom flbwo kV maw of portial awf#UfA=. Ma.vob*. w.2sX02 16). Mu 1615) 1, vessloww" ~hmo-lsflsdovstoll skis imutut iatwetwonefte voldtm. (PM*s) (Agetylatlm) I L ACC M AP6012414 SOURCE CODEs MV01833/65/000/006/0003/0009 AUTWRs 11I.Warlov. NA_L; ft"isys A X9' N'.; Molore &A us 3.1 Surov, UnIkova. ~M t hKIM, W. op - OM I VNXXV 16 1 TITLEs Properties and methods of making rayon filaments 30URCEs Khtalcheaklys volckna, no. 6, 196% 3-9 TOPIC TAGSt synthetic fiber, organic synthetic process, textile, textile eng1neerLogs textile Industry machinery !ABSTRACTs Various patented processes for obtaining viscose fibers similas ito cotton were evaluated. Basic technological parameters were worked oul for a 2-bath and 2-bath method of forming and drawing xanthogenate if Ilaments, FAmiuIrmsents for construction of spInnIr ,I,equlpmnt were ideteralned. Tlecose filaments whose physIcal-mache &I properties compared to those of foreign rayon Moments of average strength were obtaIned an p1lot ~Wlpmnt. Orig. art. host 5 tables. 00=3 lit 13/ SM DAISs O2NRr65/ ORIG MWe 003/ OTH Ws 022 UM 1 677.463 SEUMMILO A*200 Fr-Gr*4 or:-ALLUAMUm.Li~ ken4t4st biolactchagicikh muk; 40190 TOA.0 ft"Iterillse of the cbmical compoollift at sessol Is an region of a Alto sorlow spot.- saseraisc to dots from a histologloel stuo. Somseleglis 36 SOJI&IO " 157, (am 10:6) 16 Is WOW bldAUdl ("T. - pref. AJ.Vmfpouk) Nookomitep NAII*tmkqp institute (air. - detsent e.g. %lots*) sun kmadmist blelecidnakikk malk AmSelve on#"$ of low vammal of Wallow mesh &ad of Some drested or fins - Ip ~ series* 8"WIMIOSUG J6 ",Itwlx " Is?. OM 1016) 1. Is WtsMW bieWmit (mv. - pret, &J-Marpeask) Sakmitage "41,181NOW stantelfaidnek"P G.M.'seloodft) (Ung-Dumm) (CANIM in To M) 39AMM". A.2.-, MIXOMITA. L.1.; -NIZ="MA NJ.; GLAMMUfMA, I.A.; 20116 G.So; AMUM. OWWWA. IA. GOTAMUS, T.T.; "WAX, cyo.; sKUMTA, V.S.; FAWAq V*Vo; 0 N.; 4 Commstea bolween e~lo the d*ntlnoo &M the or Ift *ale, *%abodslo no.22203-205 F 159. W 12,6) 1, Utedre blakhtell (sav. - prof A-B-Om&rP*Mk) ftGkOvsk*& mdltslashW stamtoloochookago Wtituta. (2~) SIROUTUA, N.V. Obnowdm 000a4 st $be ~l et ef~& SOOW $04% Is fte Idstal ~ be *r *Sri~ PPOOOGOO am ot eavion seem, Sonw, - palm. 4 "JI" 1b 10. (am 130-7) IL. Effit"M biqamdl -It - prore"Of Also aww"MO Ibefte"Up sooftsolostabo~ Iwoltoa (41re"m - "I"St Gove soloddy)o (UMMI, ~AQ WW* uaamut u. W. NIKCIAT19VA# We Ve - *On Gertaln Methods of TreatIng grythr"da.0 Second Mos- cow Statis Obdlca]L Inst Imni I* Ve Stallno Moscowp 1955. (lAssertation for the Degree of Candidata In Nwftcal Sclerms). So.a Knis"a latepisOg No. 6,v 1956* VSW/H=in =d AnIml, -Mysi,:.loQ( - Blovie Blood Dismsese T-3 Abe Jour : Rof Zhur - BIol*, N:) 18, 1950, 841114 Author : Vlaos.. ICi.Kh. Nalousov) 11,01). Inst Title Tac rm'clan or Trentin6 Ezy.!iratta I'latimits with Vc, lbovI101-Us. Orl a Pub "Povr=. probl* Gezntll. I perclivaniya kruvi, vn. 1955, 29-30- Abstract 1.1,; s'jotrnct. Card 1/1 w4 AMML noolialow (OrML MA patbolAOML)o T-15 2ffwU of "iftl fuuwo. IMISIng ree"attone, Abe JMW *, IW ZbVr -a Kole# 5-1 Up 190 039 Author OWMNAMS J*jjj# NOVO@ INOMOMMO, Der& .ftyaw Imtegon"Is in Nab,, pwl""nip 1krov 1"7p 2, So 2. 13 63 MW role of red MA Alto bono =rVM M""M 10 ' Pr~cw- AbetrWt rSCgmgntj= vw* amlyned, rumetio- j~jptjM dQU Of SCOM thn gpwim obt&LIW. a simga pmwuwa of 75 dopp SW vw* mWjoctod to somas, rogntsom irrim"ation with a Goo r 406CIGO (na dwopy) vw vSOd* so VMWdee vwo diract- Qo;ww Vjjb %0 fWatlowl auto of arythrOPOLOSIGO ILY ratim of "tive it to to be MMMMI t"t rOftO card 1/2 LIPATS* A.A.; NIKOZATITA, N.V. roe or)Oikuiti is' AN614pasto I pwol,kml 4 89.81W51 (PW 13110 L IS fbv&nl'"V OT402S 1"Im IntOMW perellvaulls, krowl (41re - dolefivitellmy ablem AM SM prof. A.A. Dmdanarew) malstorstva sirwookhrumnlim am (MDUTIM IRAW ower.) ther. SIOUBV& K,V.1 MOUT07.Ap IWA. -1 ChOwd, In us oplam am In the Iju* modee or eximals after a &INAP6 WISIAWIr reentoon Irndlatlmo h%U. east, i PRVI, ftWI 9 So* 42296.34 &p 060, (MM-Ull) (WUM) (UMMTICS) (I RMS.FMIOL40GICAL Unqf ) ~ 1 -*~ . .~ ~-;I; CIULW# X*Ao; UK(U=A# NoTs lanum I m i m or ou aud Irs"Utod d"MMIbonsdole N"o 0641*AMU 26 0m Iola) 1. hwuft" st orp"Augropow ad lmtltuw St obaded ft"Ifto 4e So""" at go I Nodow liacTL * ) (on= AC=M) (Ammu xxmclpg) NIXOTATIEVA, N.V. T~dlato obsomtime to akiUm tow Imted by the intra. ojitmmm~ mftod with M vaodoe. Pftbl,.tob, no.106-43 162. (Km 1518) lo to dotakogo otdolmlys (am* - pror* K*P. Butoo) Nbsiwvekogo nauaftw-lasledmUltakop ImUtuta tobeftulow (dlr. T.F. OwrWbwp some dir-ektom po nauebwy aboti - prcf. ILIL A""T) lislatmtva wdraw okbreamlya FOM (DOG TACCINATICO) S/020/62/142/005/027/027 Reluction of radiation damage ... B140101 percentage increases from 50 through 75 to 100% after irraliation donen In the above-mentioned sequence. In all case a addition of PG guarantees a 40 - 50% protection of DNA molecules (Fig. 1~. The size of the DNA molecule fragments is greater with PG addition than without. Further atudien are noodoi to decide whether theme fragments are incompletely decomposed molecules of the initial DNA or a result of crose-linking facilitated by PG. PG addition after irradiation and testing of DNA and PG as to their biological activities may solve this problem. There are 2 figures and 19 references: 8 Soviet and 11 non-Soviet. The four most recent references to Englioh-language publications read as follows: A. R. Peacock@, B. M. Preston, Proc. Roy. Soc., S*r. B, j~U, No. 950. 90 (1960); R. Lat arjet, H. Ephnissi-Taylor, M. R*boyrottt, Radiation Rev., SuPP1. It 41T (1959 $ F. M. D*filipp*s, W. R. Guild, Radiation Ron.. 11, 38, (1959); P. Alexandert K. A. Stacey# IV Int*rnat. Congress of Biochemistry, Vienna, I - 6 Sept., Symp. IX, 1958. SMITTED: Soptemb*r 30, 1961 Card 24 1- KAJUIETELIDZE, M.G.; CHERNTSOVA, T.A.; NDSKAIEVA, G.P.; NIKOLAYLVAp 11.11. Hesopole.tins in some diseases of the blood system. Probl. gemat. i perel. krovi 10 no*2sl3-19 F 164. (HIPA 1931) 1. Patofitiologichookaya laboratoriya (gay. - deystvitalInyy cblen AMN SSSR prof. N.A. Fedorov) i gesiatologichoskaya klinika (z&v. - prof. M.S. Dulltain) TSentrallnogo ordona LenIna insti- tuta gematologli I perelivanlya krovi (dir. - dotsent A.Te. Kinelev) Kinisterstva zdravookhranonlys SS.SR, Moskva. LZMHMOO P.N.; NIKMAYIVA L.! -.V- *; KMYUOVA# AeDe Use of block copolymers of propylans and etiqlan* axides for this breakIng of petroleum emulsions. Dim. i tekh. topl. i masel. 9 no.3136-4D *164 (MIRA 1717) 1e Timmoyuznyy nauebno-Issledovatelokly institut po perara- botke nefti i gazov i poluchenlyu iskusetvannogo shidkogo toplive. T oil ~-Z5 i. MH 17 NO, I ACC Wh "6030025 souRcz oDDE: ua/0020/66/169/005/1201/1205 AtrWR3 likolayevs, 1. V.; Semenovs, L. P.; Kruglyakovs, K. To. ORG: none TITLE: fractionation of irradiated and protected DNA with propylgallat* on a c S:llulose anionexchange column URCZ: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 169, no. 5, 1966, 1203-1205 TOPIC TAGS: DNA, DUA fraction, column chromatography # radiation damage, Lon exdWM chromatognp1W AUTR=I. It is known that propylgallate, an Inhibitor of free radical r*sctlon" extracts from living calls protects DNA from radiation damage. DNA are heterogeneous in molecular weight sad Lon exchange chromatography with propylgallate has been found an effective Man. of separating DRA fractions and distinguishing native and Irradisted.DOM . The Lon exchange chromatography system Is described and some experimental re- sulto pessents4. IWA-50; CA9 no. III.- J SUB CODES 06/ SUBM DATES 29?k),63/ ORIG UPS 003/ OTH Uff OW A IT Y .3 V. r a (600) 4- Llec,%,,r1c Pooer Plant3 - Sm-ait 7. '.,;oeKer3 of the 'Junigalt heat and electric power plant rulfil-l the socialinnt lutirs asmmd in honor or the l9th Party Congro3-.. Rab. oncrg. 2 n3. 11, 1952. 9. vm= LAM- 2.f- -Rw-s-iaR An~t%skpsv Library of Congress, March 1?53. 19 NIMMAnWAs So To p ftv to gm (60) 4. usew" godauaw 11 M, 1. - @u6 md ---- On ot&?AUfq of bw b~ of a UO OF MOGUUOS- USL a"* -b- we u go adak MA at m"m Ammims uww at Cow ~ OjAblow"9536 6"Iss"Ode VIKCZATATA NOT lashoasri PAKTAUTLE. A.S., lazMaer; IMSAT-01(t T.P., NAKWUM. L.D.. lostwoor: DAWMIAN. O.B., lashoser; IOM, N.Y., lallieser; GIUMT.A.To, lashomer; ~WIIZT. D.Fo, isshmer; 081915, Co., Isolwoor. Os %be orgmalsatlos of service for district substations. Alsk. sta.25 mo.20"2 IF 134. (MM 7s2) 1. Ammer" (for liksleleve, Pampatalkh and Nakhmisrow). 2. Dombossomergo (for Awatow MA hameliam). 3. Noossorge (for Klementlyov). 4. Goremorgo (for loffe, Ofts4ow and Noolkle). (glectrie substatiose) AID 7 - 3003 subjest vMR/Inectrielty car4 IA Pub - 29 - 18/26 Author s NlkolaYOVG* 906- Title 3 An eMmrl*nge in operating an AN air alroult broaker par,1041"I I ftorWtlk,, 6# 2T-29, JO 1955 Abstrast s The author describes 120-kv air elrmdt bMkGrf Of ShO AN SR-25" type,, which Orr@$* sumet rsultlo~ly at one of the hydroolectrlo canoe"" devolop~lm. SW author describes the method of Goodusslas repelvelp introduced in 1945, as well an the shook-up tests or the circuit breakers. lbres dftvlap. lmtltutlon : None Submitted s No date AUTHORi Nikolayeva, N.V., Erginee:- 91-56-6-19/39 Zhe Reconstruction of Extingaishing and iorking Valves for 220 kv Air Switches Made by the Firm VEM (Rekonstruktsiya gasitellnykh i rabochikh klapanov vozdushnykh vyklyuchato- ley 220 kv firmy ViA) kERIODICALs Znergetik, 1958, Ur 6, pp 21-22 (U551i) LBSTRACTs The author states that VEY (formerly ALG) extinguishing and working valves type 3XAPF 2507 (1950 pattern) are defective, aince the rubbe~r washer which has a copper-plated steel washer vulcanized inside it ic liable to split and be ex- pelled by the flow of comprenaed air into the extinguishing jets and air ducts, thus Creatly increasing air leakage. A diagram is given showing how these washers were successfully replaced by rubber washers v~.ithout built-in copper plated washers, wh!le the diameter of the upper sealing washers was increased. There are two fij;ures. AVAILABUs Library of Congress Card 1/1 1. V81TO64wifteption RMUNVAt N.V.l MIIYA, Ye. (Ricquallar. r-arc4rmye itespublika) -------------- R~Visn OG4ZLVIO plan and economic regicuslization of Rumania. Vest.LGU 16 rso.16:65.-74 s6l. (KM 14: 10) (Rimnia-Electrif Leation) Mum, Amtelly A 8"15. Alske4w Armalrowleb; DOMM& 110. %%"1& lvmm~; MUOLUM fadeab" Twillyowm; fMffM. fez., reamwa 6j, m .9.0*0 V~ (naimal a oft** at its soomw ma wevapowl nuites"tal obs- umbpv"gralemokil osbwko mookwa, o"A96-To gow.1114-17, 143 On& 9: 1) dwrAfts-A -1" , NwAldst gmeaOldwakilAmak.- WOMIT9 2.900 joktor a w-ndmun aa, ~wa mumers M., faft"m loutelostles ommunwas &.ILO toomidwour 0&*uw Eftsh"s a sftftb se Its essom sea seepeowl follwass skmessm- NopenefteMi *do*. b0senk 0-To go loonsUfteMis polfts i made@ ~~Wp holwedabo ook-slee M6. P pe (IM 1081) (Tmi--- AL-mim 0 amen") IW MMY, Mikolay Ulkolsy*vich. datment, lmcA.paCmf,uauk; DWIFATIP-74, Lidlys lvvnonoo dotsent, basCipegrat,asuk; BURMO, Serogy lRederowleb, dots*nt, kandpogratems*1 SHUM Sime Alsksandro- vichg dotment. kand.skoam.awsk; GUM CE, Pries Vladimiravlehe prof.; DAUMIT, Anstolly Uktorovich, deteent, kmad,pogref.asuk; DMINIS, Alsksay Arkmd0yevIcht dotsent, lwad,4eog"f,nsvkg DONSIMMICH, Lyaftlls Ivenovus, dotoent, kand.pogref.aeuke, MFIOWA, Telem ft- mnovm,, UVOW, lbr4py Sorlowleb, dotwnt~ kand. poost.neek: TJDCVWMm Stepan Ivase"ch, dotsento kand.pot".f. souk; 9XVIL141M. GrIgarly Solammovich, Utmatq km4'rogref, nsuk:, NIUMUTA, NadesMa Ta"lgpvua* Aossent. kand.pWgref.sawk: O"Skow. bond. pogref . omkg FI~30* Dmitrly Noisayevich, doteent# ImadopeemLamuke, PMrMVAq Note- Ilre Georglyevne, pror.. doktor okamemmm*.- =1 WIT. Boris Nikola- yevich. prof.. doktor poCref,sauk-, SMAGIN, ftvsl Grigorlyeviche doteent, kond.geograf.mawk; 1 1, Vlktor Waritsovich, prof.. doktor *konow.vmuk-. TlWNW. 1.A., md,; MIMOVAO XjP,$ red.; TxUll 11, S.G., rod.kertt AMIKIU. V.1., md.kmrt; 90"VIKATA. N.D.. tekhn. red. [Sconosto geography of foreign comatries; student mmslj Mtouml- chmskmis eeogrstlis serubeshovkh stran; posoble d1le studentov. Woekwo. Goo.uchabno-padagog.isd-vo 16-ve proevAWSR, 1960. 702 p. )~ mpe (KIRA 13:12) Woography, Scomoule) Lr, Lm~- v.1.1 LUUMT-a-CIVA F iatorap=tajoaftroace an trwMaription of pop-aphical 8~0 6 nolssl2J,,= 161. (vim 1J.: 10) (mme, amovalklad) UP~o S.L.l RMIAMA Xf UMWAv 1-9- liselln md oldhomin St Uw AdWdrogamstles stw almdal Is dop lt*Ad *Mo. TVWV bwt.w"mk Ar"ars'46. m GINN 162. - (NVA 11112) (losprowl aud") (ID -A -) wwzvw~"&~ KIMM, S.L.1 1119CLATZVA, N.V.; DAVIDOWA, I.R. Unstles of IsaproWl alcohol deAWdropuation in the liquid pkese. Part 2. 91n.1 kat. & no.5s723-735 S-0 163. (MM 16 v 12) 1. Institut orgenietwakoy khimii imfd X.D.Zelinskogo AN US. DAVYDOVA# I*R.v- KIPERWp S.Lo- bilLOLAYLVA H.Ve Kinetics of loopropyl alcohol dabldrogomtIon in the liquid ph"*. Part 1. Kin. i kat. 4 no*4605-613 JI-Ag 063. (WRA 161:11) Is Institut organicheskoy khimii imni A:; fb- f -I= rv.i -~ * Hikasy"Go No Too Oferfecting the Method of Obtaining Dry Protein fmm the Flesh of Haritim Nawalsew Noftow Tededcal Inst of the Fish Industry and SconorW lowni A* L Pikoymo Hoscowp 1955, (Dissertation for the Derres of Candidatom In Teehnical, Science) Sat Knishnsys, letopialp No. 27, 2 July 1955 KOMMO We& UTLI~~~ AWmvft the rooUW~ of solvmt fm potels tlx~ dopea"d IW Isv, vyve wabob, savel pi"s t*h. no.2167- A #do. (KM UM I, TooooyamW =mcbme-loolodovatollddy UwILI'Lut awskogo r~ kM~Wgyg"a I okoaWSmCilt laborstarlya shlrowt kormovykb aryaktovo yet) ftprotoi=) 7 m=um A.A. baW-t4khR-DM4 g!~OIAUV I-Itao-kad.takka.maski Iiiih, &.I., twom" As-- no jhsbb~ so a soum at glatode &4W od food pr"wtqo frody 45d22-1% 142o - OU 16 5) (Vhdsb~) (Glatude &c14) imosm) . 4~ on Preto" Usm of tAw Ustjet, of wbabis for Um of splaus. vo.b (=A 1613) MCI swddlik bwp bou I IsAwmebw. (ulaids) (Golotols) lbtbod for the qu&lItative domUrstizatian of dicIdarmUmm in waftr saluticam, 1xv* vpe nobabo sav,j plabahe takh* mceW70- 173 #63e (MM 160) Is WassayusuWy asualmo-i"ladovatellsidy ImUtut awskage .,p%wg khosymptva i ahmemograft1j, labomt-oriya tokbwlogU nwvidkb bm FUEW%Mmmhr*ft I vadcroslaye I&) (solstice (chmittry)) VINUTUA, R.Te. m I Wftmw-~ illl"Ilmll,~ fjvktmt of vi I matelam to be used for the storage of aleaMUmd and srambsM juiess and for liquour aging, Form. I spIrt. prum. 30 wo2slS-16 '(A* PaRA 18 12) L TeessymW mushoo-luledmtellakly Institut formentnoy I splrf4ovW proWshleammU, MIKOLAIEVAR-MITO, Alcohol legges in tb~ trvatment of now woc&n containers with wator- &1cabol selutionse rom, i spirt.prca. 30 n*.SS2)Q4 064o (MINA IMI) 1, Vvem"ayy nauchao.-issl9dovatol'skiy institut formentaoy i spirtoway promrshUmnostle pl, I N, MU1,11KMIA 920 MARAdui M" W V j- w- 4W 009, 00 DOC ywm' 0. 1 go&! own ON. two. go *~ T. . WOWS, .0 00 -00 00 .00 go a met& 0 dm pwr I P. A. 06 all :000 00 GO feel i 000 100 ago see Igoe 0 do two 00000006082 ego 000000000 ::o00: Ike 0 0 ... 0 001604, . 0 OOS21 0. 04699090st 0 0, 0 0 0 v V-9-0 a 0 0 0 1. z4 J5056 8/708/59/000/002/CO7/008 D221/D303 AUTHORs Engineer TITLEt Formation of small holes by electric sparks SOURCE: Izhevsk. Mekhanicheskiy institut. Voprosy tochnosti metallorezhushchikh stankov i mekhanicheakoy obra= botki# no. 2, 1959P 87 - 99 TEXT: The experiments of electroerosion drilling of holes with a diameter form OoO5 to I = at the laboratory of Professor B.P. La- zarenko are described. A mention is made of special machine tools built for this purpose which were designed by Engineers Ye.M. Levin- son and Ye.V. Vladimirov. The experiments are divided into two groups: One dealt with carbide and stainless steel drilled singly and by multi-oloctrode system to a diameter of 0.2 - 1 mm. The oth- er group contained holes with diameters ranging from 0.05 to 0,1 =. In the first instance the material was pierced by broaches in a ne- dium of paraffin. The tool vibrated in order to enhance its stab..- lity, Details are given of the operation with a brass tool for noth Card 1/3 8/70 59/000/002/007/008 Pormation of small holes by ooo D221YD303 uses noon lamps instead of *mmeterso The stiffness of the multi- electrode arrangement is-improved by incorporation of a textolite guideo Provision of an additional steel sheet under the manufactUILI sieve ensures an equalizing wear of too long electrodes (this is due to uneven wear of the latter)@ Data on electroerosion machining of holos below 0.1 mm diameter in T15K6 carbide using molybAn-num tool are tabulated, The above leads to the following conclusiongi The machined holes are of 3-4 class of accuracy. Tbeproductivity for holes with diameters lose than 0.5 mm is greater than by conven- tional drilling. The advantage increases when the hole is smaller than 0.1 mm. It permits machining to a greater depth and ensures a saving of expensive toolso The method can be applied for simultane- ous drilling of 50 - 100 holes. There are 13 figures and 4 tables. Card 3/3 SWIM, TJs ISMILAWAo O-Uo asse"m of loplam simile to file ftkoml WMIG, lawess. AW, malak 5.8.9jes ftf, 6"1., 4530 "020 44.0. (a" 614) (" 47 20.2alum 153) OMA* 9.5-0 rlUug~t S.T.; unwUmlif R..I.; calcmMaTif W.V.; JUMMOVA, A.&I RfMKMAV AMC -- - I SOUATO foret redel warp l6reip go&$ NmpmpmAf not UwA. 90L E at Pskov hollows oftuAlma eallestleal lareaulf Mw- pskiw" "soul efo'Lutlobasku aboma, 1~fftmmd. assomuniste 1%0. 171 P. (i=- i ~u 1-6 ) Jmjr.2Uq Sab"- An h. A -,,A&L ---- - -- hbonb I'm& seam. Immor.46mudw. A. d3ft ftkwdw OW&KI (rar Lmdev). A. MmmwUsAl ishmikego upmwlmb#a hkow3koy Or"ti (for vwaw) (hkow pfiewlaw 'futlatims R. S. NIKOIATPAO R. S. Qlavestiektion of lherval lkehange in the film Conderwation of Par& later Mapor within long Vertiftl lubee,l Kin HIgber Education USSR. kqtw"v latustrw Inst imai T. V, KvWV~hov. NftAffs 19%. (Dimsertation for the Degree or Cudidsts in TECMICAL Sciences) Sos X&IOMWa latoplelt No. 17v 1"6 1q, 11, u II mgm twgggw r7'?H74-%- E W6 16 -gall ., H '. --at 11 js _%~ I 'to Is A lots it f '99 o x t of 04 Sill All isp up - .%: SZOLOWAs AsTo A 1prier sarimW of seb~e &M propemle for stabillsimS ad VQSWLSP ties the 1e"1 at the amplas Sees truay ok~q kome 515aft 159. ikis-1316) (Ouptea No) NIXCUMAp lt*Vo - z r Tedola" M~~ rw "I" t" rwuuoa of the owpw Sm. Inwy Imt. Ae". Y7sl0l-109 (Ompim S"-40&oUa) aw le"I of 'GO. (NDA 14A) RIKOLAYEVA R V - %HA0-MA(;0W-P,()V, 5.0- Now date cmIm Caspian Sen level during the historical t1m. Trtdy IML. okean. 60W8-189 162. (MM Vol) LUJT~6 D.Ael NIKOLATEWAV R.V. - , , " ilm~j&ft a". Isv. a sM. gar. gen. w.6s iFftbum or the (MM 27: 2) "6-UO " 9630 NIKOUTEVA# S*A.; ZAIMBRINA, T.N. 0.004* Corrosion of titanium in copper sulfate solutions obtained by taw leaching of copper concentrates. Zhur. ar4kl. khim. 36 n0-981942-1945 D '63. t W__RA 27s 1) ACCBMW Us AIP44112" AMCKSt glk*IWST&o 3- A- 16 SaSkIkhInse T. P. iTMZ: Titanium 4P4% under kidwr oxygn prosempas fSOURUS Wo Ofm notpau7oo see 1@ 19646 54-55 TCMPIC TAGS: t1twim WtIong titanium critical addetism, crI%Is&L :,pr*"U", Moslem oxide protective film 'ANTRACT: Laboratory accidents resulting In tizenium WtIon prom this study. It was known that t1tanim mateclaves Ignite at h a% ox a asure if there Is a d1scontlaulty in the protective roolve MIC fno Autoclove teats at dIffer"t pressures UP to a 0 MA) with titanium chips,, ONA r and plates scratched by "te- ting 6 S 14PIted by a sparyk either from an Inductlams or from, Prue sen inff a Selt chrome wire were run with the fellewlng reoultse it, to Icult to Ignite a monolithic titanium block as It, reqaIres ifirT ;very kes of Its very high oxygen pressures (above 60 ata) and a disrupt oxide f1lm, itanium chips half submerged In water sAd subjected to a 'Madd sp&W ivites, at 80 ma oxygon proosuret whereas a ACCISSICK 51 AIP4OU2U Idehrms spot* ledt" them at is ata air at 1000C d Ires 6S als t 1501=1tim re itl t I 1 " ?1~ a San" an on a a ' v o " 4 Titaulum Powder a at ats. d t l dt t 1:esswe. The prosesse of T1 1 h Oc itimalm h t s t 1. er causes a o o. o pow gp r c ure a a empera I pressure at uld ozldatUm is so A Mftma~dbl --- rap1d that a a of axl4o film on the nots.1 cau"S expodwo am& Mustrated by mmmms umples. Origo art. Ws~l 71 2 Tables* ASSOCIATIONs Noso , JPGW smstoo it! E UTZ ACQS.M SU 1 00 SUB COON: -CH, AP Na W SWI 000 0~2 000. 7,~ -wd a/a. Pub. 127 le'f12 1: r n y 11 . ; a red 1r: r, J,-, c va A . 'Itudy of thri dir-solvire., sps-vul of c_v!:7~4143 UA ltE ftatlorriar-/ =en"lal i-n 1,65-1;35, 1955 r~'I, (~m It r';(II Ve,-,t. Lon un. star. Irit. ithimi, 4) -3-1he Llpf-led wltn W211Acr.__Cv%7~11Ir;% CUSSO_~V?~Iln im_a-v.~, potential of -the dissolvvd cfic!znit~~7~ wnr, at the lab~_ratury of t1hu -i*lfic Tlvsenrch Chu.-AcnI Institute ~-,.ftr-r A. A. ZUanov in -cle, L-minF,rad. Thr- are de.-cril.-iA and their remilts !~ro prr_r,,-wxd -r, tho., f-r7-.i :~f )P!Ot0i7,r!*.77--,- ~Ln i T ', - , " I , I I . I I i1-7-, . ~ ". J i . " - ; Ii-I I1~ . I... U 01 1. waals, TS*T* I URMAMAO SOAO wrest ot ~6dxvmm es No mto of "!sties of amman Is-W- sklmle MU. less. Ifts is. 11 mol#,Wff 7 856* (WM " Waul=) Oanu= Ob"dow)) AUTHORS: N 5--k.-Rakhnu, S. 76-32-5-16/47 TITLS: The Xffuct of the Wature of Cations an ti,o S~;ecific Anion Adeorption (11iyanlye prirody kationov ra j1potaificlioskuyu 1ft4- sorbtsiyu anionoy ) PZRIODICAL: Mirnal fizicheskoy kilrii, 1950t Vol. 32, Ur 5, PP. 1059 - 1o62 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In order to solye the problem whether in a apecific adsorption of any anion the same potential is maintained in conbination with different cations inventleutione were carried out of the electro-capillary curves according to the nothod bi Gui (le- ference 2) using a mercury cathode In volutiono of chlorides, bromides and sulfates, which with the same concentrations of the anion contained different concentrations of Vx hjklro-en- and potassium ions. According to the expori-nental reaulto it io assumed that the cations also partly enter the adnorption la.yer of the anions and thus decreane the m-,nitule of the po- tontinl +. The nzount of entering catio,;s enn here dc~end on the electric field streneth of the anions, on the ratio of the Card 1/2 radii of cations end anions in the solution, ftnd or the par'. I T~o'Effoct of the Nature of Cations on tho Specific 7C-32-5-IC/47 Anion Adoorption ;lnjed b7 the tpecifically effective forces, e.C. co--.Plex forziatior. The obtained recults for I N "d 3 It nol;ltlonc KCI + HGI correspond to the f1rat an3umption while for the decrease of the radius of the bplrated cation a the ccries a30+ aq > Cd*2 aq,~ Ba+2 &q) K* aq ja assumed, which is coin- ciding with the date by Viklander (Reference 7); It ic also assumed that with the anions the series Cl-aq'/ Br_aq~ 3042aq has to be assumed which was ~orved by the experiments carried out* Finally the assumpti on t;r Graham (Reference 0) is mentioned by means of which also the charac- ter of the course of the curve can be explain ed. There are 6 figures, 1 table and 0 references, 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOC IATIOZI: Tartuakly gosudarstvennyy universitet (Tarti- State Univergity) SUMUTT2D.- Januar.T 119 1957 1. long--Adsorption 2. ions--Propertles Cazd 2/2 j(4) A-A PCIR 3 Ats L-.L7ig L. TITIZ: lnvuati,~7tion of the Dicsolution lr~tcl th' 3'-c (AY Fotenti,%1 of Zinc in llylrochloric k7il (IC710- doyanigo rkorosti rLztvorenIjn i a,mal Igami t.,11 r ka Y f; olynr oy ot a P&qIODIV.L: Zhurral :.hiTii, 195-^, Vol 32, 7. 1- 10, pp 2356 - 2361 OUSSR) A-IST RACT The present -, is in, !.1re-!t rcl.,,tlon to Q nu-il-er of publications writter urder the :;uiervision of ,Professor Ya.Y.Durdin Otekoc i-6). X.A.Dyorkin and Ya.V. Durdir, (Rcfa 5,6) co-rried out a detailed inir,~stij:-Aion of the liesolution kiretics of =atallic zinc. To avoid tte influsrcc of ~%n unever. r-4rrtce the dirsolutio- I:i~-rticz of Zinc Ucre in-fectl,;-ted in the pr cncnt cr.vo. The of the renL:ents uo(2d were made at the :afedra =,rIItIch,?n!:oy I:himii fart~ tW0M=0gDVMbMIWAIL',Chnir of w Card 1/4 ;rrtu 34*-~te Univercity) by AnRlytical Chemistry of Invecti,~,Aion of the Dicsolution Rrite and the Ste-Ij 3071",-C-52- 0-lrw~/D Potenti-ril of Zinc Lmzalaam in Hy'roch1c.-Ic k!ld th-) head of the laboratory, E-kalak. Thq rate of dissolution of zinc wrta Irvesti,-at-d at concentrations of 0,5 to 5 11 HC1. The quantity of the vteidy potential becoica more nej,:tiYe with an increase in concentr.,.tion of the hrdrochloric acid. Experi-ients concerninC; the influerce of mixing on the rate of dissolution showed thint this influence is rather strong with solutions of hij;her con- centrationa. The change of the rate of dissolution is connected with a chan~;e of the steady potential (according to Tafell equ-.tion). The cean value of the temperature coefficient =ounta to 2,1. On an addition of ZnG1 2 the potential becomes more positive and the rat of dissolution decreasen# whereas an addition of Xcl as the opposite effect. The experimental data obtain:d stow a similarity to those of cadmium dissolutions in hydrochloric acid (Ref 4). In the papers by L.Kiah (Ref 12) and V.I.Kraytnov and I.S. Card 2/4 Loginova (Ref 13) an explanation of the dissolution Investigation of the Dissolution Rate and the Steady SOT/76-32-10-19/39 Potential of Zinc Amalgam in Hydrochloric Acid ,, Tartu (Tartu State Univeralty) ASSOCIATION: Gosudarstyennyy univervitet SUB14ITTED: May 139 1957 Card 4/4 5(4) 507/16-35-1-15/4c AUTHORS: Nikolayev&, S. Ael Pallm, U. V. TITLZ-. Investigations of Electro-Capillary Curves In Mercury Can- taining Small Amounlp of Copper (Issledovaniye elektrokapillyar- nykh krivykh na rtutio sodershashchey neboltshiye kolichestva primeni medi) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 33P Nr 1, pp 91-95 (1:SSR) ABSTRACT: Since metals used In practice alwayn 9ontnin certain Impurities due to other metals. an Investigation of the effects of the latter on the electro-capillary properties of the tasic metal and'its electro-chomical behaviour is of Interes t. At present# reports on this qu stion by lothmund (Rotmuftd) (Ref 1), Irdey-Gruz (11rday and Bajor (OVor (Ilif 2), and by ) 3 M. 0. Sairnov.*, T* A. SmIrnov and L* I. Antropov (Rof 3) are to be fau-nd in publications. The results of these investi- gations, however. do not agree on4# above all, are inn-iffiziont. In the present caae the,investigations of the electro-capillary curves were carried out according to Gul- Upiann's method (Refs 12,5). Mercury-amalgaz was obtained electrolytically and analyzed speotrographically after the experiment at the Card 1/3 kafedra analiticheakoy khImii (Chair of Analytical Chemistry) RM1.1414 A.L.; MMV:*.(Sg V.L.Kaaa~~~ S:~u',Mity prodvA% a' ;0(0*1) " 3tAn&Ut r6dW FOUl"Attl fO.- 1~1 I . ~o Zhwo ' ';Yo 6 no.1121-26 161. (MI.A Vt2) (cv-,Ilt NIKOIAYKVAA-,$.A.$ MAZOUINA, N.N. I - - Dowelopwnt of toxilenic stralne of a Clostridium perfrineend culture In conned food. Yop. pit. 23 no.5#71-74 5-0 164. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Vnosoyuzrqy nauchno-iseledovatel'okiy institut konsermoy i ovoshebeaushillnoy praqnhlennoett, Moskva. 119,16 1 . . NO OW IT IN qj,j', 3-1 aT 17 LI-ROLAMB-A& & "Determination of the Characteristic Toop-raturos and Class M Derivations In Some High Valting &-tal Compowids mid Their Solid Solutions." Cand Tech 5c1, Chair of RoentgonWaphy aM the Physics of Metalso Kascow Order of Labor Red Bannev Inst, of Stool Imani I. V. I-.#talin, Fin Higher 4ducation USSR. Foscow, 1955. M. No 18. Apr 35) SO: Sum. No. 704. 2 Now 33 - Survey of Scientific and Technical ;issertations Deferided at USSR Higher i4uc&tional Institutions (16). r, ,-:5 SE-j~,RAPErl-T,~ "I -'t' 1~' 'Em , -- .1 2 -,:, 41.0 --_r .- . il f s/o5?j6j/O))/OO 1/014 /017 AQTbM1 1werooova, 1. 1. s Kagan, A. S. # Md NUOISjova, S. V. TITW 0& the measurement of the rolstlTo intensities of X-ray Pbstognphe of ample* with tozearo FSHODICALs Marmal, tokisnichookoy fisikt,, ve 3)p no. 1# 1963#*115 W.117 ,IUV# A ~mwr*L method is suggested for determining She relative In- ,~tosoltioo of tho second orders of reflection in X-ray photographs of .somples o1th textures. A method is sought of lieloating mg effect that a t*x mag exert on the relative Intensity of second-ordor;. reflections, to this case, either Ow region of the pole tigare that falls in the iteflostiog position met be uniform, I* a. the *I1% beigbts must b* , I or different for different orders of reflection " Met hhk1/-"2b2k2I 2' it must be onsurei beforehand that the Intensity of reflection inside the alit height does not change In the first order. The angle factor Is the formula for She Oweretioal intensity is to be -calculated according to The ftrawls, j =0 # cos2_20)/ein 29. Different alit heights must be Card, 1/2 'N 'IT .4 5 SOV169-21-k-21122 AUTHORSt Nikhaylovt N.V.$ Kayboroda,,V.I.9 Nikolayev&, S.S. TITtEt On the Preparation and Some Walitles of Lyophobic Colloids of Yiber-Forming Polymers (K vaprosu poluchentya i nekotorykh svoysty liofobrWkh kolloidoy voloknoobrazuyushchikh poll- nerov) PERIODICALs Kolloidnyy %huarnalp 1959t Nr 2p pp 246-247 (MR) ABSTRACTs The authors describe an experiment# by means of which colloid solutions of polyethylonsterphthalate (with a concentration of 4-5%) and polycaprolaotam (with a concentration of 24q. were prepared for the first time. The solutions were obtain- ed according to the following methods# One to two g or a powderized polycaprolactam crumb wgre dissov*d in 50 al of o glycerine previously warmed to 2 0 C. Under intensive mix- ing and cooling the obtained solution was poured in a fine streas into an equal volume of a carbos oline C J0.5%) water solution# which bad been previously cooled t0 5 C. 3.5 g of powd&rized polyethylonsterophthalate crumb were dissolved : Card 1/2 t 190"C in 40 al of dim*thylformasidt, Under intensive all VL A 8/190 ,/60/002/007/002/017 1 220% 1020/W52 Among Mikkaylov, 5. V., Rayborada, To lop 12TWO Fiber Formation in the Process of Interfacial Polycondenea- tion of Polyssides MIODICALs Tyeakosolokulyars"o soyedla*n1ya, 1960v Vol. 2t No* 7# PP. 989-9,93 TWs Us experimental results obtained by applyll for the first time the method@ of fiber formation In polycoadensationsfaefe 5)0 are discussed h*re,. Fiber foreation of the following monomer systems was perforne4s sobaele acid chloride said bosmwthyle" 41aninot toropMalto acid ablorift and boxagethylose dissisee ?I#* I shows the fiber formation @@bone In interfacial pelyoond*ssatioa. The Investigations show that every monomer system ba'a its own aboiresteristies In the fiber formation. The results of the present paper bold for the iWotos "basic said chloride - bexamidVIcas dismiss, In which the solution of the an* som,- posent vas pressed threno a splaaaret In the widened part of a vertical tubep and the solutiom at the other component was proceed through the Card 0 "m Fiber Permits& is the Prooese of Isterfealst 8/1"'Awm/m/Ow/017 polycoades"Siss at polyeaddes DOMM2 strusture of polymers Is sham In the 1-nky pleftre of ftgo 5o Fig* given "W slootrom staroosepts Platens a 48pop-wwb"to midso and Fig* 7 Ow areas ***tics of the polyboxas!b"ML a" fiber proased by interfacial polposdoegat lost WA having the darestoristis IMPO of hollow taboo. "Wootigatleas on thle subjeet an being acatimmed at the, institato mentioned. In the Asoostatio** To Co Gerbsebom mW To P. Revolove, or* mssUsmde lbere are 7 figureop 3 tableov and 5 reforemsems I Sovisto i 64~ 0 and 3 ISO lastitut Idmostwomoce (Soloatifte bkpoarek Institute at ftathatle Fibers) SO I February 17p 1960 Cart 3/3 S/183/60/000/006/002/005 B020/BO58 AUTHOSS: Mikhaylov, N. V., Mayboroda, V. L, Nikolayev T1TLZt Sone, Rules Governing the Fibration of Polyamidos at the Interface PZRIODICAL: Dimicheskiye volokna, 1960, No. 6, pp. 10-15 TINT: In their study of some rules governing the interfacial polycondenea- tion of monomer solutionsl V. V. Korshak and collaborators (Refs. 2, 3) pointeils the non-equilibrium character of this reaction basing an the example of the Interaction of adiple dichloride with hosaxothylens, dlaain*. The &Is of the study under review sea the elaboration of a shaping m*thoi for fibers and the study of some rules govwning the ir. arfacial polyconlen ostion of polyamides. According to-the method proposed (Fig. 1), one of the monomer* (esbaoic chloride solution in dichloro methane, for example) is pressed through a spinneret into the enlarged part of a tube ftt a rote of 90 to 100 9/min, ibile the solution of the other monomer (an aqueous hot&- nothylens, diamine solution, for *xanplo), ontors the tube through another opening at a rate of 10 to 20 m/min. A filacent is formed at room Card 1/3 87477 fees Rules Go"raing Me Fibration of Polyanides 5/165J60/000/006/002/005 at the InUrrose BWO/BO58 temperature on the contact of the@* two monoaff flowsl it I$ w0uni as the bobbin after stretching by 20 to 30% and sashing. After drying, the fiber is strat4hed by j to 5 time on a heated surface at a temperature close to the nelting point of the polymer. The results mentioned refer to the sono- nor system sobasic chlorld*-hexamat1wless dissine and adipic chloride-hexa- nothylono diamlas. The Intrinsic viscosity of the polyner and the fibration greatly dopend an the purity of the initial aonoaors (Table 1). Tho4hango of concentration of the hosaaothylone dianins, has a considerable influence on the yield of polyhowasethylons sobacic amide. An Increase of the com- ponent ratio Influences the properties of the fiber, asks@ it core brittle and r ducel its strength (Tables 2# 3). At surface tensions lower then 7-0 s;9/Qn ii' the interface of the monomers, no filament is forneS., Upon& Ing on the fl,.;* velocity of the monomers, the polymer develop@ in the form of a continuous filament or Individual flakes (Table 4). Vientloned are the offset or various thilakeslog ageale added on.fibration, proportion of tko poljMWr (table 5) (ethyl cellulose being selected as the soot suitable agent), as sell as the corresponding effect of ethyl cellulose (Table 6). "o effect of the polymeric thickening agentjo!starch, carboxy- notbIl c*lluloooo polyvinyl alcohol and oxy-othyl collu s) is sention*4 Card 2/5 87477 Soso Rules Governing the Fibration of Polyanides 3/183/60/000/006/002/005 at the Interface 3020/3058 in Table 7. Tables 6 and 7 show that the addition of some thickening agenta to the aqueous and organic phase increases the yield of polymer and im- prove* fibration. At a ratio hexamothylone 4tanino : sebacic chloride of from I : I to 2 : 1, a fiber develop@ with a ribbon-shap*d cross section and almost agglutinated Inner walls (fig. 2), while at a ratio of 3 : I and more, the cross section is rather round and the inner sells are not agglutinated (Fig, 3). On the basis of the X-ray structural analysis, it was shown that the crystallinity of the fiber to inorepsed through elonga- tion, but Its strength is not raised greatly (Fig. 4). The fiber obtained by interface polycond;nettion can be reinforced by 9tretching over a heat- od surface at 200 to 05 C which points to a condensation ofits structure (Figs- 50 6). The orientation of the fiber by elongation can be aeon on the X-ray pictures(Fign. 7, 8).Th*ro are 0 figurea, 7 tables, and 9 references: 4 Soviet, 4 Us, and I German. ASSOCIATION: Twiry (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Synthetic Fibers Card 3/3 69465 8/069/60/022/02/013/024 D034/DO02 IUTRORS.- Mikkaylov, N .. JIMboroda, V.I. likolayeva, B.S. 11 ___% TITLZ: Preparation and Properties of Lyophobic Colloids of Fiber Polymers PARIODICAL: _10110i"" zhurnal, 19609 Vol 11119 Ir 29 pp 223-228 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors report on the search of me h to pro- t 040 are colloidal s2lutiOns of -for lymers WPO K IIIAM092lactamland POIY*tby OnOltorev D"alte and on the study of sane ptWelco-chealcal propervIes of tbese solutions. The authors have shown that aqueous colloidal solutions can be obtained with the ordinary Method of condensation precipitation fron true so- lutions of polycaproloctas in foraic acid, sulphuric acid and glycerine (the authors obtained colloidal solutions of a polywr concentration of 0.09-0.129 Card 1/4 , 69465 S/069/60/022/02/013/024 D034/DO02 iparation and Properties of Lyophobic Colloids of Fiber Polymers Introductory not*s they refer to B.A. Dogadkin, 8.8, Voyutokiy, Panich, B.V. Shtarkh, D, Sondouirokly wA others for the study of the properties and the processing of latexes of synthetic and natural rubber 4'Ref 2-7. Dogadkin studied the process of preparing aqueous dispersions of rubber by means of solvent exchange A'-Rof. 2 1. B.A. Glikma and L.V. Konarova ,R*f. 3-7 devoted works to the study of the mechanism of the formation of lyophobic polymer solo in organic solvents. During their investigation the authors determined the sign of the charge and the Yalu* of the I -potential of the colloidal particles with the dovin d*si nod by A.I. Rabinovich and Too F. Fadison C:ieOf, 61. The authors further refer to Pe A* Robindor, who underlined the important struc- turo-sochanical effect of stabilizers. V.P. Kovalova MIMTLM,, N,V,; MIKOL&MA &o3-.1 KATWHMAV V.I. WrSpt of ~WtOW SAWS= an jatfffa*W soadoweUma. Ty"kom. so*& 3 wou"l-M A 61. (mmu 1416) - - - -- - A --jLSjjM%" ,Fm I go 1. lbe"W", -- - ldft lw'Utm#, Is VwAkm* (004porimu4s) (&Art*" towlas) I W 11IRs AP3OOn5l of the plaotlel"d MtArA At c-quIllbriurn mg rmmAluotel At 175C till.)~er Cr lp-I I aarfa,:3 or in the r . t4 _1 Zinp redi-m. nosi~, an WDI-1 as r-ray utud- ip'll, le:md to the c~onclualon *Ihnt thi low do-inmity of th,) 6-6 arrdl 6-10 nylc-,,Fi ums tz~ tlho~r being in n state of mia-,,J by thit conlitions of Inter- Orig. nxt. 7ansorainiy nalichtn-i an lal ovate I I skiy inatitut !mka3StV*mnOgo volok- Scientific-Renoarch UNov6l 1147171 ACQ: O!Ju!63 E!;,,L, 00 CO'll 00 IND Pl~? 3)(W., C09 07 r- : 003 2 A PGFW=o W6A4 rlKOU=Mo OvA6 APW W SdMam. "MON6 am@& 8 me & 4" 21"N= M) 30 &"thd "" 36 M& UMMO 4.1.k INOtA=L-. A. -- --. - Imm"m se mlvbfi~ to lossataft, zbw, Now& 0116 10 10998 XM40" s 1656 (KM 22130) MIKA"T"Al f.A. 1% IMMUMMEND StwSis aunt of oressird The woullool owt to tho embers. Moub. I OSSO 33 so-at" " ST. (am 10 16) 1. Is fors"kago reall'sage don (dbvwvy Tnek TA.Mkouwo") 6, amebae oftlo"k4w obloon. .(MILIG" am .. Odes-sollol mosponst) TANAINAVW, I.V.1 S.1a.1 a',r.IFTP-, GJ~. Intpraction in U.0 system "ZoVi - L'4yp(Clf)6 - H2() - (C"3)2CC- Awrb. khlm. shur, no.jjq)-~6 65. (FIRA 190) 1. Institut obsh-lhey 1. naorgnnichert~oy khlnli Im.. 11,7,.XurnqYova AN SSSR, Moskva. r--2 10 ,e- 6- boom 1, fte I Uwe I ft~ ~4c 1~ 4t 20"on-ad I mi Ikkwo Is "llowma van&*.. ft 206 WUNW6 wwwr 6womm" we&_jaat# we" ampeow rw aim anus at a t4momsers st 2DO ad. mistme4s of Tcy- s$ at full liquid cossaityr witk lim-P impimf MA WA14 Lim Mid ivolm. "m ovemix. lo" of r; 1AMIL tha vp1AR& sudLtly faseffs"Id pmt mw oomposted am 0.1$ of the ovigiml, coutomt; ,dfA am MPUMAO spour ftdolw~d pft4t It wo 0.0* and with 00 ladsmk 811dkw deamilm" Pat It m0 fvm 9% to io- am as MPUNW6 alfaw doadqpmm pmt "W son@""" With 3A -mb- KKOLATWA, T. A. Cand Kol got - (dies) *Rzporienco In the devolopsent of sathods of studying organic substance In post beg-ovaW soils In statics and dyseeles.0 Loulagrodo 1961. 16 Vp with diagram; (Ninistry of HIghor and Secondary Bpeclallat 9ducation RSM Leningrad Order of Louis Uote UnIv Isoni A. A. Zbdanov); 56 copies; free; (IL9 5-61 "go 184) IIIACH, Vladimir Germanovich, doktor tokfin. nauk, p-of., -PIKOLAYLVA, I.A.v rod. (Principlev for culculatirw, thln-nt*ll threc- dimen3lonal eyetemal Oanovy rascheta to&.oateWkh prontranstvannykh aistem. Mockval, Univ. druzhb~, na.oa;-.v, 1963. 135 P. (1111--ti 17-.P,)