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36' - 5
plot ISM
AM0831 Nikolayev, X. 1,, Kolotyrkin,, T, V.j Waltakiyq 0. W.
TITLZi Uporation of lithium isotopes as eationites by seen* of
abarp-edged moving bonds
PERIODICAL# Atommaga snerglya, vo 12# no* 59 1962, 404 - 407
TZXTs The application ofth* "Shod of IF, Spoidingg 1. Powel, H. 3wec (J.
Amer. Chem. Sao., 77, 6125 (1955)) to separating the lithium iso top** on
a KJ-2 (KU-2) oationitt to described. Since n*utrolinstion of the V* for's
of the resin 1;6+ to a temperature increase and to Irreversible adsorption
of lithium &a N4buffer band was used. First, 0.2 5 52 4On was passel
through a column with Ku-2 to n* rove. A 23-ce long NN* band wea observed
owing to the @bang* In color of the resin* 0.2 N U06 formed a 33-on long
visible U* band. The banide viors, *lusted by means of 0.25 X X&ON. The
transition of the caticalte from Ow U* to Ow Its * form is not visible
(no ah"ge in color). For calculating the separation factor d6 the autham
Card 1/2
AUTHOR: Li_~Jkqlayev~ n. ~, (Moscow)
TITLE: Solution of the equations for the operation of a
counter-flow ion-exchange column for the case of isotope
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheakoy khi=ii, v. 57, no. 1, 1965, 44-51
ALM The general equation for the operation of a counter-flow tan-
exchange column under stealy-atate conditions is solve4l for %he case of
small coefficients of separation. The column Is asau=ed to be filled
with spherical ionite particles (radius R). (1) Internal diffusion
exchange kinetics; A constant concentration 114x,r) of the rare isotope
in the ionite spheres is assamed to be maintained at one end of the
column (x is the coordinate along the column). The considerations are
restricted to N-S I and n4;1 (n in the relative concentration of the rare
isotope in the solution). The equation is then solved by separation of
the variables: N - X(x)Y(r). This leads to a rapidly converging series.
Card 1/5
Solution of th# oquations' for
Considering only its first term, one obtains 9 - N
0 v n
where are the roots of the characteristic equation (transcendental) of
2 15(a-1)
the problem! 0 . _ 2 Comparing the result with the Penske
mm ) aR 1
equation N a N a ani considering that 1n a for small 0, the
0 V P. 2
height of an equivalent theoretical plate is obt~~ined 4a h a _7
D 150 71-714
where v in the rate of motion (am 3/cm2.gec) of the ionite, D in the
diffusion coefficient of the exchanged ions in the ionite, and x is the
(2) -
relative volume occupied by the solution in the ionite iryer. x-
ternal diffusion exchange kinetics; the problem has the solution
n a n0exp(3Da(I-x)(a-I)x/R6u). Considering that a-lPflna for a-,-A, and
Comparing the solution with the Fenake formula, on* obtains h, 0 --
3 DT M X7
where 6 is the diffusion layer of the solution,,u is the flow rate of the
Solution of the equations
solution, D a in the diffugion
solution. These formulas
There are 5 figures.
3/07Y ., " / - ~ .1
for ... 3106 1e6
coefficient of %he exchangeJ iona in the
for the il-7"AP agree with experi=ental Jal.a.
ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khimicherkiy inatitut im. L. la. Karpova
(Physicochemical Institute imeni L. Ya. Farpov)
SUBMITTED: May 20, 1961
Card 3/3
Eloctria conductivity of a strongly k^ale arilon PxchAng"r.
Zhur. fis. khim. 37 no.llt2451-2454 H163. (KIPA 17:22)
1. Fiziko-khinicheakly InatItut Imen! Karpova, Koskva.
As Be# f9ealaywo No Is$ 2%dlddyv go go
~b~l 6001ft MMU. V- 33# SIR- he 10#
Am mdmp kim""t as"m swamp watepasist fun, "ttas"Me
ad-9- -0-0
Me Ift - --- --- i i i - 0011W
Anwwl me is a tvivett" valorw %w aw too* %@A I Um at "a WA"fAr
IMS anhwAp ISSAMIN 1104 now - - -awagaum " OW vwwdi~ it daft ~ am be&
$a mov w wu as Una* fosim on bolls. I= subwee ft Slaw aftlaft is
Wasm UO UMS SO a msgldf4r*st 11MOSOMMUM lifealwWoo lime
ZZL ganglia" at UO MMUS" "Games 6~
UNINUMIS assay is lam as gal"" Orwas we 6).
UNWOO am SOU"m 0- -A to to flees& 44 sow%"
at as 1010006" eabaimp b duftelft an"O tM nis as vastaw
GwAdde oduum 0 to 09 us 40101how paw"M as
tdft DUN diftaim- -
at so ago" I
TOPIC TAGO: anianite, gamma radiation, Co10 radiation, radioactive isotope.
radiolysis, vacuum exalecator, magnesium, trimethyl amine, gaseous product.
exchange Simp, 6~*n state, calcium chloride, nitric acid, carbon&%* lon
ABSTRAM Uppriments have been made on the radiation stability of Ow poly-
merization type auladles AN-17, containing 6 and 16% divipyl benzene (&VO
referred W as All-'IIXS mW A]5-17110,, and AN by irradiating them In water
with CoGO. TM maximmi toWL irradiation duo amounted to 4.7 x 104 rivent-
Serse.8aftre irradistim the estanite samples were dheoged left a hydrmql form,
by a asuftle adift sobdion md dion earefelly washod with wster.' After irradia-
4 Coed
dM-W~ 'A
ACCZNUM N&- AIPUSSU SION91"10161003/0346/0349
AUTHOIL Kallainat' IL D6; A"Ism, N. L; Gurlrm. X V.; Tuaftekly. N. M.,
TITLZ:' kwestleades Ow effect of Co" gamma- radiation as strone-base'salso-
item A]161?.Md AN
SOURCZ: Atoninsys. energiya, v. 16, no. 3, 1964, 348-34P
xurmimk, ?.T. -
immonstration experiment oa the subjee!t *]Properties of water.0
Khts. v shkole 15 no.6,68-70 &D 160. (mm 13-11)
1. Podagogichoskly lastitut. g.Ullyanovsk.
(Vater-Study and teaching)
NIKOIAM, W.T., inch.
Mobile mIlking asit. Trokt. I sol'khosmah. no-4-.37 Ap 159.
(MIU L2:5)
(Milking mchtmw)
Reducing the cost of purification works in wator-suPPIT x7vto'll.
Tod. I san. takh. no.12:22-24 N 159. (VIU 130-3)
(Filter@ and filtratton)
SOV -1: 6-50-7- "/ "0
AUTHORt Alyablyev, V.I., Korobov, G.P. and Nikolalev, R.V., Engireers
TTTLE: A Cable Crane for the Loading of Lumber by Veans of a TraJling
Winch (Kaboll-kran na pogruzko losa pri lebedochnoy trolovke)
r--IRIODICAL: Mokhanisatetya trudoy'~'mkikh I tr*xhJ!ykh rabot, 1950, Nr 7,
pp 10-12 (USSR)
APSTRACTo At the Krestetskiy lesproakhoz ToNIIIIE (the Kroottsy Leapron-
khos of the TsNIIYE) an installation for the trailing and load-
ing of lumber, has been successfully put Into operation. The
Installation consists of a TL-5 winch and a cable crane with
a special loading carriage. It is used in wood-cutting areas
of 500 1 500 m or Ions. The loading operations are carried
out by the cable crane, consisting of 2 booms and a steel cable
(110 m long) betwoon thez, along which movas the loading Zar-
riage with the hoisting device (capacity - 6 tons or 8 cu m).
Csr4 1/2 The trailing of lumber is accompliah*4 by a TL-5 winch. At
A Cable Crone for the Loading of Lu,-ber by '.'enns of a 7ral'A i r,
present 12 loading Installatinns with cable cranns m- -lizi-t-
aneously operating. Labor efficiency is !0 - 4~1' r.4 j;, -r ' -ir,
when inclined boons were used. The article ;resent; n
description of the working procedure. Tl,are is I
technical drawings, and 1 scl.eme.
1. Cranes--Operation 2. Lumber--Applications
Card 212
ftactioes of The Orekbav sugar Rorlaoryi l.DOIlIag Istersedlate
assesoulte aocording to the noth" of pa o"rater N.Kelysoova;
2, UaladIng beets form r2as care tr maw of a tractor-somat"
@bevel. Bak%-pres-30 w-2:57-58 7 156. (MM 9:7)
l.Orekhovokly aak%arayy SavoL
(OrekUv--2v4pw Industry)
51101ATIT, 3. V.
Noderalsatloa of a boot wadwr. Sakh.prom. 34 soo&
45-" Ac 160. (ULM 13: 8)
1. Ckfiyabr I sidy makharnly sav".
(aft" boot*)
NIKOtAMg N.V. g CwW T*cb Sol - (4100) *Restoration of the
capacity of rIver bed hydrollidue pw-wr stations in floods." Odessa#
1958. U pp (Min of Higher Mucation WA. Olessm. Eft-Construction
last). 100 copies (KLv 206-58t 96)
N : I ':j "I ,^ , , ;. 1. , , . , p f . * -, ,, I I I . ,
- 1. . ,
if 4 1 - 1 7 :1 * W - ', ,* ' ,
.;i 't4
k :: .. " r:; )
0, ISHIN, I.M.; _N.IKOIAYZ'I,, X.Te.
Effect of sambinod use of ACTH ard cartisaw
the healing of eutured intastiral vaunds In
t4aitim, Lkspero kkir* I &met. to.1:55--57
1, KAfedra obehahey khix-urgii (sav* - prof.
Minskoge "itainskogo institute*
vith antlwlctus On
"perimatal diffUs p*rl-
(MIRA 18i11)
Me, Gailarybov)
LO I T 01,14
t o tr V 1. 1( v a r, o v IN 4, it, r,- rp t
rM r
t r n!
Ser~,en noto. bibllot,~'Xa po
AIND Thae princ j ;~joc r jjjj 1 1 rtip, 1-
I cci!ilputt-ro, dvacribon the principal ar-4, f-unction-n! of A tralmnq
re-l by 11ho rku'.?inrm. T-li v
1 gJ tn 1~ com1pu tar, Ard a fleg-F,
t v n d 0- -.' ft;r a w I d o R ud i ? nc-p) o f - o~ir c o n.: 41 rm-) t i t ll~ I- r -) 111 1 em A f, f
i coaputop tochrmlr~!rf tvd can ti,)r vc "t; it 9 g t fur a %6,tr, n r~ tiidlIng
7,'XIJ; OF C01IT"T5 [abridged),
ION 1IR ~Y,4(,M24?
hm -0--f 411 ~gk-l tomr-u-tff-t
I-,-- - -Ulombntsofaq. if t
Cho 0 dig- al computer -- 22
111. Basic comppnentg of a training digital cpmputer -- 19
IV. Momory -- 47
V - Arithmetic componento of A tritrAnr diltitsl c on r--utr r
III . Control Components -- Ull
';I I ,Input-cut1vt equi,,-ient -- 89
Ch. 111:1. Pro"_&mmJng for a training die
gital conputer
Appe-ilUic -- 125
!~Uz; (",N)NI VP S"UTMITTEN -1~0,lug63 J;R RLEY""O'll CJM
SOV] 17 ~'~ 1 5 3:~,'
'ri-anslation from: Rcferativnyy zhurnai Nlr,.allurgiya. *%'r I p 0,2 IL:SSR)
AUTHORS: Tavadze, F. N., Nikolayev, 0. B.
TITLE: On the Study of Stresses in Molds (K voprosij izucheniya naprya
zheniy v izlozhnitsakh)
PERIODICAL- Tr. In-ta metallurgii. AN GrijzSSR. 19W Vol (4, pl) 10~ 10~
ABSTRACT: In the open-hearth division of the Zakk,.+azskiy (Transcaucaslar0
metallurgical plant an investigation %kas carried out or, the %tres%cs
in solid-bottom molds for 0-ton ingots. The mechani(al fen--oinefer
method with an arrow indicator was used for Oudying the -oresses A
brace 100 mm long with one end connected to the indi(afor was set on
the outer face of the mold 70 mm from the tipper end A second metal
brace with a set screw for linking to the indicator wa- jila(ed in !he
same horizontal plane with the first brace After the rnold had been
filled with liquid steel a recording xa, made everv t0 rr( of the (,-.Cr-
all deformation (OD) which %vas determined by the skini of the %alues
for the mechanical -expansion defortrmicr (NID) due t(j the in!ernal
heating of the walls of the mold and the deforn-iation resulting from the
Card I 1Z rise in temperature of the outer surface of he mold ( rD) 'rhe TD
Increasing the durability of molAs by mmus of cast steel
bows. %-,vIF AN arus.= 9:107-116 ~58.
(NIft 12: 8)
(Molding (Founding))
19MANKOW, P.S. ETSyhankov, P.S.1; KIKOLAYU, O.P. INIkolftlev, O.P.)
ItffectLY9 utilization of the fusel, oil colam of restificati,:r
and beer rectification apparatus, Khar.prom. no.D43-51
Ja-* 162, (PURA 150)
1. Kiyevakly takhnologichookiy institut piahchevoy promyshlennosti.
(Distillation apparatus)
ctl lifit A1,5018315
A Mjazdrlkov~ 0. A.; Nik~)layev, 0. 3,; X.; Tir-firr'.-T V. v9
Ar a, exrltntic.,i or phoiphor nus;,er,-
1hurnal tekhnlchvi~cy f1sivi, 35, 7, 1,, 13 -13 0
T)-e wit-horn ha".3 C.41! r
primils and wV11 n
f) Ifere wppr -r-ately vxtl-llf~rtt,01 I',- (,f w,', a
"ho cru~rj:y of
c." bec. Thp
r' Ir" r-1, I iy f rn ,I L at t`-~p r-,Our;~ ("f the
ba" I,A bmactj the pro
and the dlelectric i-n whti~h it, is w)sr defl ,3!-, 1t "C' ty-pp of phr,4,r)-
w-mployed and ito opCrt"Anp, cr~uditiong. kal,,-, ar- pr~-,3rmtL'd praphically
fri~ ;~-ZXO phonphor Act-i-Intel rith D.IT Cu ar.,i sunp~rn,'vd in a ',0
3rd 1112
0*2 erg
t rp Ilitl,
0 r th IT
j%!tck rlr 0 C 1;
ri, r1
ar. n
O'VT(l UP (c
ACC ArGom-14
smRcr. cow: Ult/C*5l/GG/OjO/CiDg/ITOJ/17C,,r-
'W"LHOR: Yckimovp&?(,,r#_; MYm_zdrI)tov,O,.A,; MikolsysvO,gq
ORG: LaninrKf_4._InstItute of Aviation Instrument Deal," %eningrodakly Inatitut
av tsionnogo pribarostrayonlys)
T1 S, Mechanical excitation of a suspension of phosphors In a solid dielectric
I , and
Ithq0thecry of Impact
OWPASS , Shormal, tokhmialwaker Alsikit v. 36, no, 9, 1960, 1703 1703
JTO~JC TAGS: triboluminesconce, Impact stress, elastic deformation, ol*xtic aoduluswL
!AMIU%CT,, Two of the present authors and collaborators (ZhTF, 35. Ho 7, 1319-1320,
,196) have previously dropped solid spheres onto a dielectric slab containing sus-
pended phosphorescent material and noted that the intensity of the resulting flash to
proportional to the kinetic energy of the sphere at the moment of Impact. In the
!,present paper the author* seiploy the theory 4f Impact expounded by A.M.Dinnik
j(Izbr&nnyye trudy AN UkrSSR, Kiyev, 1952) to calculate tbo duration of Impact and the,
ienergy expand" in compressing the dielectric slob to terms of the *1ostIc modult of
both materials, the radium and density of the sphere, and the velocity of Impact. It
In suggested that the ratio of tbe Intensity of the flash to the energy expended in
compressing the dielectric slab will provide a better Index of %be triboluninoncence
behavior of the suspended pbospbor than will the ratio.of the flash Into"Ity to the
L-Card 1/2 UDCt 533.378
WW IFF f (b a OL OL
- M-11
to W 0 a 0 P 0 4A a is
Amm. -
to 66" a a owme aw
w omm d Fall mii_v~ wmw. _*4
00 =10000" awl
66 tbf Skmost C4,9 mmit* kormio. ON IA." so
Visa. I=
; astior foomw aftift aw, 14"Sm "a &.am "A cotill 1, .00
Ise, soft to obr 0.4sovd mbqwg 04."1 low AV tw"ssoft" Q.~,Aftj"T1T .00~
"Volop 0a art" 1.-0 ON p"pas ex. :== %Wi%Wlr os* H. 14..d %Iwo a"
oftoww* I.,fileft4a WAShomm", .00
e few
woof "WorsIsmalsols lbaldSICS .000%W Else olimma"60.4 low Como loss
Slormod" #Macls" bpwlqw~w t%t 14srom
KC 4-smom VON 9-volifto bes"Nom Amef 40 ma VIVO* ek-qpl%.$ Tlw tw"*w Is
C*4.16 to 1K CI or-Im". a a emonalip"N" 44 Ow 0 - " 1 , 14441 town - a 44alm"o, lbr
T%volosmolor o4vatool lbretwoolo stumb6too met 1. otplw,4 pi
:.v "'W"014004t chdPWO IN Ow 6104C cum" vi 410r P"fg~W4 61014 41OK" Im d CA, 6,40-1 00
1,11041.0f 4 OWN aloe
Is a w a a is
-0 IRAG 0 0
w w Otr t 4r oil# Iva f 0
. l,,
L e
am, Mow. No. ad, Arid. W IMMOR oft wamb "d
Imub fudlaft aim GOININIft OR "Onk Is-
on P
1 is a US" MD
U6 a ft baft *mmus rows* two 0 so an I mm
~ r
so 8!8 bob
ANINA WN:N~= WSPOW IwmdIw 0 few ar 1 4001 abow to-
so al apame umwqpw of as Tb mob" abaimmod "mom ON woodmums Id
.9 M'Ift4v"
-@#.set 40 set to,
.10 V.- 2-
t- 4-T 0
IfA%4*10*;w'O sow 9-4
0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 40 ot
a qr *r 4W 4~ Or 07- w
0-W 6- t ar LF
.9 a
a 0 tjq, I; 'Ar e- w- -0
no aftmor d Gifts d 44MONOW ad Om"m a" muhbe and WOM~b
4d own avow *A lwft~ d Oemmems =d Owb6m I I % ~ N s& 4 Ain. grow
VJ4 um is. eaf-Amlopk I&, OW&VAWV wt"#.A,f "he
14=01 8446. u40 *4u"tbwmsb
. Ow-w"dw 04 hm" Of
V. blow, the
Omw erf"s
see 90
U V9 e 8 6 t 6 0 4 4 a ON WIN
Of f A A 1 00
#q f f
-"-A- -A~ t.
AS al 19 aOL t t '40
film !-so
00 a
06 4- Mood Arrt t$, 11 RAW few
Md I&
0. C4% so a or pd= so ubmn a m
du FA I*
eso v
*ANN* lftd V~b bw~w vlllm~
GOO-664 alaummmat tome= OLdsmalso so-,
-- - ---- 4 ova
014661 40 am Goo
a 0 ft 0 a * 1 a a 9 a
^ d4Q,
ro u r rnd 7. v
ri 7---
r.- --a
11r- rnj
hirepu m, 0 O.V.
SawremenmVe Sastayanlye ProbleW Giperpwatiroose. glialch. Moditalm, 1949# No. 10,
e. 6-20
601 Lotoplal Zhurmllnykb Statoyo Vol. 45o Moskv*o 1949
o i
prop,"so JA tn*tmfnt of thyrotwdeomis. Klin. sod., Uodm 241U#
Aug. 50. p. 29-34
1, Of the Stwgical Division (Read-Prof. 0. V. Mikelayew). All-
Union InstitUte of E)qwrirmUl FiAocrinale (DI. 000rod
Ifo*er in Sdonem Prof. M. A. EberGAOT:7.
MJI 19, 5, NOT., 1950
SurVerY of tile cn(locrl,~e s-
ysten. j,o,-ikv8V
"I'thlY ~ccpli-,i'ms. Librury of Conrrers. Cct,~,:--4,r,
protectios of the gisk "d w~wW~d in Sim of war* low.kne,irrost 4
80.112&29 JO-W 154. (MM 7: 0
(War-ftlief of glak MA vented)
-- I
(Ra4mic Cotter] ftdmlcbookii sob. No6kTO. MOUIS. 1955. 257 P.
(Goltor) (NI&A 8-11)
NTIMLLTZT. O.T.(Profnsuor)
Sme problevis In the patholoa &$A ~gwy of tbo tWold gland.
ProbLesdak. t gers. 1 no-1133-19 J&-F '55 (NTAA 8: 10)
1. Is kbirurgicheskoge otdolonlys (sav.-prof. O.T.Pikoloyew)
TessWummoo lastituta eksperivientalluoy eadokrinologli (dir--
prof. U.A.Vasyukeva)
(TRnVID WAND, simrgery)
- 51101AM. 0.T., professor (Kcalcya)
- we"Mom
famerY of diseases of the adremals, ftablemdok. i eon. 2 so. 51
83-" " 156. (an 9 112)
lo Is khtruftichookoge oldeleat" klialld laosoymnage institute
skeporl"atellaW ontokrisologli (dir. - prof o TeAeVeeyukove)
(AMYL I - - 1, diseases,
surg. Ma))
--- . Study end control of endmic goiter In the U.S.S.R. Probl.endoir.
I goru. 3 no-5:57-61 S-0 '57. (MM 11:1)
(GOITER. prevention and control.
endemic. in Russia (Rum))
"Varlantn of OperntionA for %-nom of t1w Suprarcrala."
Theses of the ProceedlW of the Annual Scientific Sessiotw 23-26 March 1~coq
(All-Union Institute of Experimental YMocrinoloa)
From the Ourgical Department of the Clinic (11cad--Prorecoor 0. V. Nlkulaycy)
of the All-Union Institute of Exper.lmwntal Endocrinology (Director--Proferm,-3r
Ye. A. Vasyukova)
NIMUT111. 0.T.. prafol EMKMOVA. Ye.L., nau hW gotrudaik
.11.- T~gy of the earm&l eev%m in a 7-conth-old laf ant. P*obl.en&ko
I mproo 5 ne.1194-95 JeJ '59- (XfRA 12: 3)
1. js klinikl Ts~eWussago WtItuta eksperlaontstl'=7 andokrinalocil
(dip. - pref. Ye.A. Vasrukows).
(A~AZ CONM mooplasse
lbento tmor In Inf a 62))
NINIAM, C.V., prof.
Preventlon of tbyrotexicosis (Basedowle disease). Zdoroyle 6
no. ns2O-M X 160o (KIM 13tlO)
Un1AVtA.14.j, RW.; BLOON, R-140 DOT'N1, L.K.; VELIKORSrSUY, A.N.,O prof.;
voiNumsm, v.P.p pror.t zeal. dayatell nauki [deceased); G7JLYAM,,
A.V.g prof.; DAKILOV# I.T., prof.; VUBOV, M.D., doktor wed. nauk; KA-
ZANSM, V.I.,, prof.; LIMBERG,, A.A.; LINBERG, B.S.,, seal. doyatell
naukIv prof.; KOVE109 I.Ae, doteq MESHALKINg U.N., prof.; MIRCKO-
prof.; NIFMCV, B.T.v
VICHg W.I., doktor sed. naukl Nj_KO
doktor mod. nauki FURQVSW 0 B.V.1 PRIOIWVO N. N.1dowased); RIW=v
G.A., prof.; ROVICT, A.S., prof.; RUFANOV, I.G.; STNKHKOV, V.1.1
ORATHER, NJ.,, doktor mod. mauk; GORZIJK, S.L., dots.gred.1 TZIANSKIT,
N.Y., red.1 SALISBCM, V.S., zeal. doyatell nauki, prof.[doceased];
KYOUMIN, I.W., red.; BULIDTAM, N.A., tokbn. red.
(Surgeon's reference book In two volume] Spre ombalk khlrurga v dwkh
tomakh. Pod obahchel red. A.N.Volikorstakogo I dr, Mow",, Modgiss
Val.l. 1961. 564 p. (MIRA 14:12)
1. DeystvitelOrqy chlou Akadqmii seditsinakikh nauk SW (for blokus,
Petrovskiyp Morov,, ftfawy, LIW*rg). 2. Chlenkorregrum-w"t Akadmil
meditainskM usik MR (for bogush, Struchkov, Yelanskly).
MIKOlArUl, 0. V. . prof *
h4selples of preoperative preparation of patients with twic
diffime goiter. Khlrurglla IS no.7192-" A '62.
(MlIRA 2517)
1. Is kkirurgicheekogo otdoloniya (sav. - prof. 0. T. Xlkolayev)
Tesayusnoge inetitute eksperimentallney endokrinologli.
4.1KCI.Ayll?o O.V. (mooks)
Current trorAs 'In studylrg t~* roblem of h7T-~rpar&thyrctdls=.
S-cr-rr* vop. arviok. nc92318E-2,43 163. (!J,:?A 180)
,OjAyEVP O.V., prof*j BAIABOLKIN, M.I.
'Current problems In the homorAl and surgical treatment of
diseases of the endocrine glands' b7 B.Polako J.S711aba. Ple-
viewed by O.V.Pikolaevv H.I.BalabDlkin, Probl. endokr. gor-
monotere 9 noo4tll3-116 TI-Ag$63 OMU 17i1)
NBOUJWI O.W. (lukoilamodo-a-L
Owmt trends in erdoarlnological swgmT lm the UoS.S.Ro
Pblaki przftl. chire 35 roo9o%8-'?1D 963o
lo Kiemvnik Madalu Chirurglownego Klialki Vowchavisakowego
Thatytata Ikopm7mentalmej WdokrytologU Kinistarstva Sirovis.
111KOLAYBIR 00 V., prof. (Moli7a)
Problems of Surgery on thA- Ar.(hcrinal Gl"to at the 41st
Congress of Polish &rrennoe P2.1rurglia 39 no*78 - 11163
HIRA 16&12)
NIKOLAYEVO Meg prof.1 KALININ, A.P.,, kand. mod. nauk; VLFfNBERG, B.G.
- .11 - I -W-
Surgical troat~mwat of hyperinsulinim. Khdrurglia 40 no.2sl34-
10 7164. (XI RA 17 17)
1, KkArurgicheskayo otdolentle (save - prof, O.Y. Nikolayev)
Tessaymanago institute ek"rimntalluff endokrinologii
(41roktor - prof. Te.l. Tanyukeve), Moskva.
f,'llnlcal aspects, d~rij:r.,jo!s oml -"rvl a
cytoma. Khirtirglia 40
1. Kh I rurgicheskcye otde Ion iye ~ 7a'.'
ooyu7nogo InstItuta
Y,-.A. Varyi,.ko-.ra), 1.1v"skva.
NIKOLATFV, O.V., prof. (Moskva)
Surgery on endocrine glands wA Its problems. Khtrurglia 40
no.120-5 D 164. (MIRA 180)
SOV/1 Z4 - 57-4-4496
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 4, p 91 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Nikolayev, P.A., Zhbannikov, P. S.
TITLE: Electroosmotic Phenomena in Ground Water as a Function of Its
Composition (Elektroosmoticheskiye yavleniya v gruntovykh vodakh
v zavisimosti ot ikh sostava)
PERIODICAL: Tr. Kuybyshevsk. inzh.-stroit. in-t. 1956, Nr 3, pp 173-177
ABSTRACT: The effect of the salts NaCl, MgCIZ, Na"C03, NaZS04, and MRS04 on
the electroosmotic phenomena in sandy soils was investigated. Mea-
surements were carried out in a U-shaped tube partia1y filled with soil.
A constant potential of 120 volts was maintained between the electrodes
immersed in an electrolyte. The article does not give Any values (or
the potential of the e',!ctric field and the current density in the soil,
nor does it provide any data on the distribution of the potential between
the soil and the electrolyte. The intensity of the electroosmosis was
evaluated from the change in the water level in the tube under the
action of a direct current. The electroosmotic effect was most pro-
nounced in N&Cl solutions. Some relationship was observed to exist
Card 1/1 between the above effect and the concentration of the salts. Bibliog-
raphy: 6 references. A. V. N.
IrWR/A .r1 milt tire St-'itistIC5
C8rd 1/1. t Pub. 123 - 8/17
Autbare I Nikolaev, Y. A.; ~Skalov, G. F.; and Yokplan, a. 14.
Title I Using the m7alAting cham:teriatics of tNee ripply of Diesel engines
to establish standards for~gricultural work
Periolical Vest. AIN Kac. 55R 11,'l, 77-83, Jnn 19114
AbBtr-act An Attenpt was made to uve stuatintical principlen in establighinr
noms for ivricultural ~mluntlon ull-r the fiv7urem for tractor sup-
ply a9 on,! of I,hp, o-,,iratorn. Ten R--liqsiar. referencon
. - -
, f V-V.~
Sosw problems in a machinery system for ealculturs In Kazakhstan*
Zealedelle 4 no.8-21-27 Ag 136~ (MM 10-1)
1, Institut ankhanizatelt I elektrifikatsti sel'skogo khograyletva
Kasakhokego filials, Tn*so)ntsnoy Akademli sollskokhosyrtystvenalft
nauk Imeni Lenln&.
(lasakhetAn-AgrIcultural machinery)
-_ ____44 ~14 ; TF~ , 'i ')U J_
PARAMETERS Of &UjdQ&"rn -GRAIN 1;;~~ lm NOW14*1 HAAxESTINi'\Utj-
likolairev, P*A., litshe
Preventing the lose of grain In windrow. I%kh.1 olek.sots.
sellkhos, 17 no,6:7-14 '59, (WRA 13-4)
Is Rasakhmkir muchm-Issledovatel'skir Institut sekhanizatell
I elektrifikatell sol'skoeo khoorsystva.
Sucully, P.A.
Problems In the w0umisation of Oloorp f&mtng to ff&sQkhGt&4-
ZMwetnevedsOve 21 no.4s75-60 Ap '59. (*=A 1235)
1. Direktor SassMakeew muchne-loolodevatel'skoge Inatttuts
widanizatatt t slakIrtfikatatt volookege khou7systva.
(WASAkhOUS-Sho") (ram "echantgattaft)
,9'Xw"TA'TW, P4@ , insh.
%ftrojiml prlwlpl*o of deelping vladrovelf. Trakt. I oollkiwgnmh.
30 so.llt26-29 1 060o (OM 13 -22)
1. FAwwftskly asuchno-losledowtollskly lastitut mkhosinatell
L elektriftkateli sollskogo khosyayvtva.
(Suvosting machinwy)
pun I sooK mi?WrTATION SMAMO
Planovskly, Alekoandr 51kolayevichland fttr Ivanovich Nikolayev
Protsessy I apparaty kbWcheakoy I nefte4him1cheskoy tekhnologii (Processes and
Apparatus of Chemical azA Petrochemeal Technology) Macaw, Gostoptekhizdat,
1960. 551 p. 13,000 copies printa&.
Reviewer: Kafedra protsessoov I apparstaw TAningradakago tokknologicheskogo
institata imani Lensoveta and D.I. Orochko, Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Professor. Zzecutive Mtor-. K.P. lasymasma. Tack. 94.: X.G. Vedotova.
PU o. This textbook is intended for students in schools of higher edhcatioe.
It my also be used by designers of chemical equiponat.
COVZUM-. This to the textbook ased In the coarse *Processes and Apparat" of
Chemical Technology* given at chemical smichine-buIlding institutes and at
chemical tachnoloa schools of higher education. The material strosoes the
kinetics of processes ud excludes h7drualics, ceapresearo, and Vamps. It
incorporates the idea or one kinetic law for chemical and technological
processes " advocat~4 by Professor P.O. FAmankm. This course to intended
PrOce*646 and Apparatus (Cont.)
to train rutov &&@Ignore or chemical eqa1psent with unximan produ
volume =It with given Initial and final parameters for the proces ct"Ity per
detOrIM1110 the basic dimngions of an apparatus WA of Its a, and to
The auth*rs tb~ prora~aOra p.G,, RonudwT, PrinciPal scheme.
Del- 0r0ckkO, 0. Yes Gzovskjyp
MrVashin, yu- T' POPlavskly, YX 908t1n, P.O. Anmxwv# 8.j. W&l&tov,
*A* DMaDmap K.S* Kol,twv 9 B*N, Orlov, V,1p. p"lov, SAO Ustinov,
OW-148-2001wermov' 4M a'N' UmIt* There am 91 references- 77 Soviet, 12 Er4ligh,
TARS or Comm
Ch. 1. gerwrsl principles
1* 909inBiMs and subJect or the *Processes and Appwataso cour. 5
32- cla~slrlcatl*n Of the basic Processes or chemical tech.01, 5
Kinetic regularities In the basic Processes of cbmlc&l technology 6
Oe1wr&1 Principle@ for the design or the chemical appam 9
Mchlner,7 tas an
5* Batch and continuo" processes 1-1
C"&.Q4L"' 12
NIZOLAUVO M., starshly vauchW sotrudnik
LMloolve wthod in plant dustir4o Zeshche rast* ot vred, i bolo
/* noo21lS Mr-Ap 059o (KIRA 160)
(Apmylng wd dusting oquipmont)
nauc:nyy sotr.1 GLIWAX, N., red. 1
ISUPOVA p K. j, te'dw. red,
jt~ota and divesm of gropes) ;rsdltoli 1 Wesel vinogreds.
led. 2., perer. Simferopol', KryaWat, 1961. 246 P.
vinogradarstva *tUgwrwh* (for NikolaM).
K- -...A ~&4 -va" of
~ 77
I bal. 6 so.41"-34 161.
(am=- 0406"06
(iprqljq at
and P"tm)
S"hch. rast. ot vrod.
(KIRA 1516)
UTUrTAY; 1. i.
-- - -V t
Effect of low temperature@ and moisture in the crown of as vine on the development
of mildew. Vine SSSR, 12, no. 6, 1952.
9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, September qPM, unci.
Subarged cultivation of acetic sold batteria under different
aeration conditionse Kikrobiologlia 32 no.4:703-72n J1-Ag 163.
(MIRA 17:6)
1. Biologo-pochvennyf fakulltot Moskovskogo gosudarstyennogo
universiteta ineni M. Lamonosova.
AXWMO L.A.1 VAMIN, 9.9-1 WARILY, 1-1-1 ZMyt D-D-1 MUTAUV* N-K';
@=my, N.ILI wromme AiLl NUMNO re.1.1 IlIzOlow, D.T4.1
A.2 I MG&-, Aft. (Z=ull I LONOTo AolLo
lbowe =a wastiom at beteregenew pre"Se" in a rl"I"
Md. Ts%ft MMM 260-n I". (XIMA lots)
MAIKOIATEVP P., starshly nauchnyy sotrudnik
Proporing it torAcee~ Infusion and extract. .'W:rn. rs!,% r, * T-.- W, .
I bnl. 10 no.7.38-39 165. 1101P.0, ,p 10,
1. VoesoyuzW nauchno-lamledovat4l'okly inAtltUt VjrMPI'yn I
vinogradnratva "Kagartch", YaltA.
. I LA i *-'-" I
. I - ~ 1 -1 . . I .
RZU fllament b&tteries -,.&(Ie of anode ele cmt - . i ,Idr:jl. n). 3, 1 0~,i.
M,)nthly Liqt of ~Ius,ian accessions, Llbrarj of ",)nrr ,:s, !, )--m zer I !~ - . ~nv l a-,-! if., 1.
ladmir twbnlqw of observiog shavers and storms. Trudy ?SO
ne.201406-57 '58. (XVA 12: 1)
(Im"r oeteorology)
x1loum 7 a
ademisattoo of w isdissum dwte* of the staim-werning
redloloostim statlaso Thdy M iboolU#72-76 We (NVtA 1662)
(uaar estoo"loa)
Isotopic effect on the liquid-vapor equilibrium of binary system
eastaintag deuterium compounds. Dokl. AN SSSR 110 no.2:241-244
S 156. (MLOA 9112)
1. Gerlkwvekly gosudarstvenaWy ualvereltet Imni N.I. LabschevskoCo.
PredstswUno akadwelkom A.W. Fruw&IW*.
(Phase rule and equilibrium)
(Deuterium compounds)
iFMM' RiAbtnnvieh, 1. 4., V. Leo
TITLE: The Effect of the SubAltution or Pyl!-ogm ",-it-ri%n r)n
the Ultry;?ionic 7ploc-lty, tho Pic. ."root I ')n
t i trb 7 "r,
10 D 1A L Zhu rn- 1 1 -7 r h 1:~- I i1 V,
us S, 1
ABITRACT: '.'he abov,,-=f-ntirn,!,l r-.-ocprtJc,, nvr r t i er~ cA for lr-i3-
terium content of 06 "'0 rrld 91 ato!~ -Wf-i I -,:~r ern, t virr.-
lrtervcl from 7~0-(O ~. Thr, %,11-copitl -f oh" ItIlurlun b(,nzerx
hai alreuiy boon lnv-ztlgr,'c! by Dixon nn4 !'?,Aeanler (1,-,f ('),
however, onl -y ct three.- t'~m ",-. ra t tire F. !-On thc- exrerimrnta.
may Le P.,,,n *,h,.t thf-, lou*tcriun i-roduc
Y),irt it tr er, obtntnel
irom benzrfne an,l dout-rium P,ilfur!c acid, thc latter bvinp
proluced from M, nrd h,,,.~vy itil-r. Th..- juitcriv= c*ontt-nt
distornineal uccarlint, lo thu dtitn --i,-,vlicA by I'lit and L'me.'-
Peth (Nof 9) fron th.- I-,uu!tyq while thr, urjl;nf! volucity -7n:-
arl 1 '4 ietorrilne I accor-linq tr, tho methoi o,' 1 17ht diffrection.
"kip Effect of th,~ ~'ub!ytitutior. o~ if vtlroircr. ~,-, -cut-Lrix., -n t!%-. -!truTcni.,
elocity, the Pefraction ni.l tll-.r Vi -f):7itv -f r-en-;-ne
Tht, datu oLtairiwl lif;*-r !*t-,n ti- vnj
Reffel (M 1). 7he viroozi itt-i ter ij t,, tnat I(,-
veloreli ty ". Z. ".Olt - n.-1-1 '. L. ;1.a*-,1!.-A n 11) tl-,r
flowing-out l'!.stifir tit jestrt i,^0 ICA 11.~ ViVeor-tty
of t)!(., Icut~!.rtuz cinzill) h%vinv o-fl I --4y,tA1v-3y to
that of b:wnzsne. -)cnolty ci.j I. t.~rriin-i in a , y ozo t e r ,
vhprpr~f-, the inicx o,' lt.-hl.f i b:! r-c ans
of a --Jj-uoto.,-.i!tPr )i' t.,, tvl,e). in
reIntlon to the equation Of chwi.., 10 !,or tliv tiltra-
sonle %,4~locjty bau~%d on thr,A of v,..n .#,r to.A. it It, aazumel
"hj,'t ultra:-,or.4-3 v,!loiltirs In benzene 14utt"rium hono-
loe,-- h, invt!j-,:s-ly nroportion-.1 to th.. -mi(r.,tudep of the
squ,)ro ront.- o!' the In tlie -',-,4?rf! written
by Pi-41 rtnl ~..;rin; 11 ra. that tfv~ nound
"JI001ty In t1quid!v I!! directIl relatold to tfie "free volumes".
From tho equatinn rivor. h '-11 thna* nutc.-orn thp Pti~thrrn of tnir
tonter ottitinei a 1, :, onlrri-r,~-nt )- tm- from volin-w in the
caso of n 110~! Pjb;jt1t%;'Jor, 0:' the hydropen ty de-uterium. in
benz(!ne. rnd on*? (if sith 91 ~,'* d-.-utcrtunj thin torr~sponds
Car4 214 to t1w !;:.ti obtained In thq inotopic eff-v,:-t in cocIrensibility.
SO / -7
SOV/76-52 -9/45
The Effect of the Substitution of Fydrogen by De-iterium on the '71trasonic
Velocity, the Refraction and the Viecoalty of 3enzene
In connection with thin it was found that a subntitution in
benzene of 91 e.' hyajoeen by deuterium decreases the refrac-
tion index to 2 .10 and the polarizability to 0,52 5% An
the zero energy of the C-L *-ond Is szoller than that of the
V-!1 bond a It rubstitution causes an increnae of the
Pnergy difference between the respective excitod and the
basic ulectron lovell thin fact in exrlained by observations
mt-de by %rton et al. (Ref 15 and to proved by experimental
d9ta obtainvi by Ingold and '11son (Ref 2C). Proceeding from
the equation according to Slater and Kirkwood (!~Pf 21) it
is found that a 91 ;' hydrogen substitution by deuterium
causes a dscreazc of the dimpersion enerrj to 0,4 ~.j on the
other hand it is found according to the lata supFlied by
Wilkinson (Ref 23) that the equations according to London
Ref-24) an well as those according to Clater and Firkwood
Ref 21) supply similar values for the isotopic effect in the
dispersion energy. The observed effecte described were ex-
Card 3/4 plained by the increase in atomic dimensions and by the do-
RABINCVICH, I.B. (Gorlkyi); Pri uchastli: GUM, VA..- NIKOLAYEV, P.N.1
Xffect of substituting deuterium for hydroren 7n the velocity of
sound and tho cwpriessibility of liquids. Zhur. fit. khim.
34 w).2s423-431 F 160. (MIRA 14-7)
1. Gorlkwskly Fosudarstvonnyy universitet, In. H.I.Lobachovskogo,
Inatitut Wall.
(Dauterium) (Swnd--Sp*ed) (Cjapressibility)
Silos 62/0CO/010/010,1M
AZTEDRS'. -Nik:~Iayev, P. X., Rabinovich, 1.
TITLE: Thermochemistry of Isotopic compounds.
substitution of douterlus for hydrogen
of benzene
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy thurnal. Khialya, no. 10,
1OB268 (Tr. po Wail I khim. tekhnol.,
1961, 242-250)
1;~"Th* effect of
onf-tho heat capacity
1969 ' 44 abstract
(Goilkly~, no. 2,
TEXT: The value@ of a p of liquid C 6H6 M and C 606 (11) were measured in
the temperature range 10-300C. Values of ev for theie compounds were
calculated usine data obtained previously on the contractability and
coefficient of heat expansion of I and II (Uhghla, no. 4, 1959, 10921;
1104 18, 1960, 76353). Complete substitution of deuterium for hydrogen
caused an increase In the a 0 value of benzene by 13-14%, and in that of
av by 13-20 %, The ratio of a Vtoy for I and 11 see 1.45-1-41 and
Card 1/2
Devis* for t1w simultmecrus switching-= of stopwatch aW
currant. Zhur.fls.khla. 35 044:1KO-IM Ad '61.
(MM 142 8)
1. Muchm-inalsdawatellskiy ImUtut khimU pri
Goribmkom gosudarstrennow univeraltste imeni X.I.
14badmakogo. (Automatic timers)
HADIMICH I.q.; Ty--LINOTO V.I.# lk;~UUW--lp-F.W.j j=jV.,vAr---Nt G.L.; !>riu4malas
SOL;tips rapiLwwA, A .S& ' -
I U7 Ot Uw latenctlea betwom bmwU71AIGU~ AW
bmwyl pwisUe. Dokl.Al SSSR 136 WAISV-455 JO f"-
(NDA 14 15)
1, Intlout khbdl pri Gartkovok4a goradarstv*~ ~lvw*ltou imm,
1.1.lab"be"kogo. 2. Cblea-k"Tespomd~t AN MR (ter Y&Mvay-v)*
(TLa eoqpoumb) (DMMYI Pwmd")
lawtepda effect in the beat capac.1ty of cartaln dloutarlum
eonp=Wla. 9*2~ AN SOB IQ moa W35-1338 IF 42.
(MM 1512)
le Asuchno-laslefty tollakly Inat, tat Wall prl Gorlkowskom
gowAiLretwermca mlversitete Is, Xjjabadwskogo. Predstavlanc
akadvalkam A.W.Frankinp. '
(Deuterium campowWw-7bormal properties)
DRAaOTTERT, A.K., inchener;4larGrAm. P nzh--wr.
New mischim for cleanlqg ball"t, fts, I Pat. khes. ao,70-9 JI
157. (Ballast (Railro&4~)) NO& 1016)
LIKOLAM, P.O., inthener.
The *MU-250 trwklwlor. Put 1 ~,,, At '57.
(IUAA Ir)--I)
NIZOIATIff. P.P., insh.
Hosting switches with electricitf. Putt I vut.khos. no.12:11
D 157. (Rallroado-Switches) (KIRA 10: 12)
NMDIATV, P.P.p Inzh.
Nesboalsom for workers' rail cars.
A '60.
Put$ i put.khos. 4 no.7:19
(WvIA 13:7)
(Railroad motor owe)
Polinomq Masao i ratalonalln:1-ye lireobrazovaniya no..-.oi,-rrr.-n Dki, Z8 (194-), 5?2-564.
Anammlon polinomave DANp 28 (1940)9 774,-778.
SOt Mathewtics in the USSR, 1917-1947
ed4ted by Kuroeh, A.G.,
Morkushoviah,, A.I.,
Hashevskiyp P.K.
Momeow-laningrad, 1948
IKOIATEV, P.V. Continued
Ratnionaltnyye proobraza"niya n=ogram. Y,.# Uchan. zap. un-a, 73 (1944), F3-~'F.
I-Polinomr Masao. M., Uchen. amp uD-ta, 73 (1944), 1~9-1-16-
0 edInstvennostl aranwfos umvneniy Masao, M., Ucheno UP. ur-tat 73 (1944), 117-128.
Ob awaxwfoss simmetricbeakikh wavnmiy. DAN , 47 (1945)p 86-89.
Rationallusys ansmarfou uravaudys DANg 47 (1945)p 159-162.
Anamorfose uraynady, Matemo ob.p 17 (59),, (1945)p 253-266.
SO: Mathismatics in the USSR, 1917-1947
edited by, Rurmb, A.G.,
WrkumbevIch, A.Z.,
Nasb*vsidyp P.K.
Moscow-laningradt 1948
,vir"u'usui, P. V.
22W3 Pto*Klv~u momor~ s-rukuiy, Ddaady &w. nmk ssm, some
mrt"t T. UVIlt lb 3, 190v C. 421-23. - KbIlops 6 Now.
301 19 1 ID. 319 1949
Olok Ak *"k Vol L=Z, 1b a
moc'-da"s caottlma in&" ddeh a 61VU Ima
rac tion 1(tv tas -.1a) (a 3) &"%o 4e snow
aid V '
.p 100.,f ZVFNW~ftutlaa In um ftn'
Zl;at.9 .0*.Pt )SOUNI)l f1*001 .... I f4it"s
so UK; mt J.&AM Now" tw tudift
0 -*K-kools !A the" amms dmo lb 41~4=
(nk6bWav, -Dek Ak am* ow Vol 10=0 lb 3p
u up
19119) of l(ti, t2? lo) is goal to a vla
ftlj~ezt to at leFet of %M vWlebum. so-,
tZo ly Am& A.. S. IDUMPM Jqa
amom-aw : I
---) t ,
.1 01
ro vi, LIN
K Ar'p. V. Ilimstry ansimmurijbicipLN of tur.Wom 01 k-
lady Akad. Njtuk SiSIZZ (N S,)
The'v ptper vxtrs-oli the cniepto aiJ uws Ox irlcth~-Klq r4
IN-- allthor's rwlitr Wort ftl.~4( ially *-Alize Pok-lad): (N-%
67,421-423;68,229-232 (1949),thrsc Rev. 1'.4(Altostudy
the Ix-mil-Ality rif rept(voc rklin4 F(l, r) - F((,, r,; ... i., T.)
as a binitry NL%Au determinant rj; f"(;" T, ,)I.
Ilie mmlitiong tktaitwd iur aiwt,v-am to tlAksl! pftvit-sly
siten Any two amaawxjkkc,-m-.i of F(i. t) with tht &--mr
Imiring c4 Y-A6-iNts bit jvtj~-ttive if th~ dimer-,,inn %olh
re9jimt V) at L-ml one pair (if variatiks ii 4 for -t- 4, or I
frxn-3, and ia thecaw n-41f alluther divnrml'~)ni~ Art At
kast 3. For ss - 3 And ordcra 3 ar.4 4, by prowr
-Owk-e of the 6--menta cA the &-.-tic revAution of rlfl~ r), it
can be r-cdtk ed to one C4 five CAMMmal f(wms, arik*eous to
(A kWCAU, Cauchy and ClAjk. The. y corr"xiM to the
'ailm o4 4ht ckturminant d the awimarp4ow~4 mutri;x~
On binary anarnorphotis of
c Ak-t+ :~,ojk -;1z,
Ov, to.-M111101
10, 4C,7, a n d p,t I - -i s t) i i t o" C i I,!. I i 1'. 1 1 q 1 f,,r
F: ~J, if F (1, T ')~~Q k fflV d'
and ('f dilli, -"ii,ii i(h T" "!"
. I ~i
;t(fillit, (j ~1 ;'implv TO
ano lorlh, if t~'c laO. of t: t' d ki k: ll" I I i
I I'll and Pl'~ k wo. Thi i hclur i i inn,vic i a
(.k c to r 12, T,I- If F I SOf difl`il li'lc,ll 2 W. it h
it-pri-A It, (1,, r,), it alinits (,f oi ;t;) f , t,rr
the 1 11
- giv(-J) f~llm it !Ijjl , :11Y if tho cqll'o
Fif, T)-i /(I, T)-o of dim,:i!,; !zi 3 Mltn~ 11"~!
Tmilitary flinctit'll I il~ d, I IYN- ~olvlll~: .) ~)'A( i'1
]m(Ar "M3, ;!" T, UNS 'i1c ;tpilr-l
the F rva!. (H ,hr Ti (olt t.knt, "'( ~ 0: 4 All itif
(if thir(I (f) 7'ixth ('T"o r sil-, 11. m I h. op.
it, 1! F ill I
W)M' 1, d
Binary wnamorphosi3~
Card 1/2 Pub. 22 - 5/45
Authovv I Nikolaevo, P, V,
Title t Binary anamorphosis permitting a simple A-r;ultiplier
FIR rl 0~ 4 MIIDok. All 3-35R 103/2, 195-198, Jul 11, 1955
A series of theor*za is pre5anted for the purpose of establishing
ditionn under vhich a nondegsnerAted equation In the region GO
F(t,-C) - F(t1I-r1;t2IT2Jt3#T3)= 0
permits the wdstence of the anazorphosis
CP (t,pt) =Y .(t,,t)F(t r) f
il(ti"k-0; f12(ti, O;fOtil~i
lnatitu,U~5n t Ural Polytothnical Initituto Imeni S. Y. r1rov, Srordlovsk
Prose-66 by s Academician A. N. Kol-mogorov, April 7, 1955
2~11 PQb. 22 - 6/43
Porlodical t Dok. AN SSSR 10312,, 195-199, Jul 11, 1955
Ab3trac'.' t with thp help of a atmple factor A: Ntlr) :: T3 (tlIT1;t2'-r2).
Thawtheorems also holp in deter-.1-ning the als.Tonts of the &nomorphoals
t7 the rational o;Arations on the rarticulAr tvanings of the function
F(t,T-). Three referaw,,eat 1 Gem. and 2 U3M (191k,~1954).
593no? USSR/XATMUTICS/Thoory of functions CARD 112 P(; - e 9
?IT= On the closure of namographto re resentations of equations.
PMODICAL Dokl:dy Akad. Xauk=365-360 T1955)
revi we& 6/1956
Lot F(ttT F(t I t r 11 $20 c21 *30 Ir 3) '0 be an analytic equation in the region
0 which adelta the A-multipltcator
-09'r) - Vt2t C72't3t Ir 3)' V2(%39 T3141ticl)e *3(* 10 ri 1 '2 9r 2)
such that for a not identically vanishing analytic function 0 (t,1C ) there
exists the Identity
Cttr) -*11919-7011r) -1 ftl(*I' 'i)'fi2(*i9'rd-fi3(ti' rJ
Two functions 'W(49 V) and iF(tq T) being analytic or seromorphic in 0 are
called equivalent if
I(t, 0 'Cl) - 'V$20 'C2) - *3(t3p r3) 0 1(tvr
low the author provtoe If the equation F(tgt) a 0 is algebraic relative to tit
then - except the equivalence - the equations of the bimary fields of the
AD THOR i flikolayev, P.V. (""verdlovsk)
TITLEs On the Projectivl'ty of the loomographic Representations of
Equations (0 proyektivnosti nomograficheskikh predstavItnty
PERIODICALt Matematicheskiy abornik,1958,Vol 45,Nr 3,pp 569-30/6
ABSTRACTs Let G be a domain of the six-dimensional complex Dpace.
Lot the equation
(1) F(t,T) . F(tj9rj; t Ir 1 t , V. 0
29 2 3 3
be analytical In G and in supposed to admit there the
(2) ~( t, V) tj) - F ( t, T) fi-.('i,zd; 12(tig i
f0 (tiorI )I
where tt,-O 0 0 io a Pinction also analytic In G and
(3) V1(t21t2;t3PT 3) 'W2(t3tv3;tl'T0 'W3'(tl PTIlt2't2)
Card 1/4 is the A-factor of (1). The author considers the projectivity
On the Projectivity 3f the Nomoerephic Representations 5107J'3?--'r,-1-4/7
of Equations
the whole there are proved 22 theoreast conclusions and le=ataj
e.g. the theorem s The transformation (5) transforms e-Ach ana-
morphosis of (1) into one of (4) and In Inverse manner; from
the projectivity of two anamorphosoe of (1) it follows the
projeotivity of the corresponding anamorphoBes of (4).
Theorems If the non-algebraicablo equation F(t,r) - 0 admits
non-projective anamorphoses, then the dimension of each of the
equations 0 with respect to each pair f%t r ) of the
ko k
variable is equal to 3-
Theorems If (I admits non-projective ana,morphoseg of the form
t f ~ ti); f, (tit r) then all
il tiTd; f12(ti' 13 1
binary fields of the variabl 0 (t,,,Ti') degenerate into binary
scales on algebraic curveol the m of the ~rdere of th* dif-
ferent curves in every inamorphosig In slual to 3.
In the paper the author annentiftlly uses the notions and re-
oults of former iny*qtlgations of the author tRof 29594967
Card 3/4 There are 10 refnren,~es, 4 of which are novist, 3 French,
AUTHORo -Nikolayev, P#T. _ 20-119-t-7/52
TI?LXs on the Uniqueness of Nonographic Representations of Squations
(0 pdinetvennosti nomogrefichookikh prodstavloniy uravaoniy)
PZRIODICALs Doklady Akedemil Wauk, 1958, Vol 119, Ir 1, pp 31-$4 (USSR)
LBSTRACTs If the analytic, non-deg*nerated equation
(1) F(t I 1C) 0 F(t It C'I I t2t C21 t3tr3 0
does not admit projective anamorphoses of the form
100,C) Ifii(til r d1f12(t1' Cl)lfl3(**i XA,
then all binary fields (ti,'Cd degenerate into binary scalar
on algebraic curves; the *us of the orders of different curves
in every anamorphosis is three. If such an equation in at least
one variable to algebraisable, then it is similar to an
equation of third X-order and therewith It admit@ anamorphoses
of all three general in Its nomograms of third genus as a
common base there serves a unicureal curve of taird order.
If (1) in not algebralsable, then It admit@ only nomograms of
third genus with a common base on an elliptic cirv* of third
Card 112 order.
In A.;
V 1 4
Solving systems for, Ions with gamerphosle. lev.wye.achebany.;
at. no.13145-153 5 . (NDA 12t2)
Ural'skly politelftnichookly Institut Iment S.M. Kirovis.
siuuyw, r.r.
Ammwpmc prowtief of oquatless admittim the A factor.
l2vevreousbobeftTol mat. se.21167-175 '590 (NINA 12:5)
1, wraildrty poiltel&ajobeekty institut in, S-N-111rova.
(squStless. Twory of)
F/, ,