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NIGHIPOROVICH, A.A.; MALOFEYEV, V. Principles of .he formation of hiFhly prcw--,Ictiv~ pho~ systems. Fizicl.rast. 12 no.1:3-12 Ja-F 165. (MI RA 18 - 3) 1. Institut fiziologli rasteniy imei. Tindryazeva AN SSSR, Mo.,3k-va. KRASNOVSKrY, A.A., otv. red.; GUNEV, T,N., akademik, red.; ~NiCHIPUR('IVICH, -A.. A~.. , prof., rec.i TER~ENIN, A.N,, akademik, red.; LI~TIIN, F.F., red. [Biochemistry arid biophysics of riotos-ynthesis) Biokn~,mlh - hiofizika fotosinteza. Moskva, Nauka, 1965. 318 P. (M:RA 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Nauchny-y 3ovet po prohleme "Fofl,,3.r,,'.e--'.l' 2. Chlen-korresFondent All SSSR (for Krasnovskiy). IACC NR, _'_AT60j629_7_ UR/O6Oq6QO00/00O/0201;/0212 AUTHOR: Filippovskiy, Yu. N. ; Nichiporovich, A. A.; Seme-nenko, V. Ye. ORG: none TITLE: The distribution of radiant energy in a Chlorella-suspension SOURCE: AN SSSR. Nauchnyy sovet po kcrmpleksnoy probleme Fotosintez. Fotosinceziru- shchiye sistemy vysokoy produktivnosti (Photosynthesizing systems of high productiv- ity). Moscow, Izd-vo, Nauka, 1966. 204-212 . TOPIC TAGS: chlorella, photosynthesis ABSTRACT: A method of estimating the intensity of radiant energy in plane- parallel Chlorella Cultivators was described. Experiments were conducted with Chlorella sp. K., a thermophilic strain with relatively small cells and evenly distributed chromatophores. Chlorella was cultured at 36C in a cultivator 6 mm thick, illuminated fr6m two sides with luminescent lamps (intensity of photofiyn- thetically active radiation up to 40-103 erg/cm2.sec from each side). Air con- taining 1.8% C02 was bubbled through the suspension at a rate of 200 liters/hr. The cylindrical cultivating tank had mirror ends to eliminate Scattering of light through the end walls. Vie exponential dependence of spectral hemispherical coef- ficients of transmission of a Chlorella suspension on cell concentration and cell layer thickness was determined for all useful values of .:ell concentration and layer thickness. (The hemisphierical coefficient of transmission -c, is defined as the Cord 1/2 ~kCCINR_.AT6036M ratio of the value of ,lux 'Pt, emanating from the cell layer into half space 2Tr to the value of flux FO Licident on the layer surface.) This exponential dependence is satisfied with identical accuracy for all wavelengths in the range of photosyn- thetically active radiation. Spectral directive coefficients of transmission (flux emanating from the solution in the direction of the flux incident on the surface) show selectivity at cell concentrations above 150-106 cells per milliliter. The dependence of spectral directive coefficients of transmission on cell concentration and cell layer thickness conforms to Bouguer's Law only at low cell concentrations. Values of a spectral hemispherical absorption coefficient for Chtorelta op. K. were obtained for a wide range of conditions. Experimental results can thus be used to calculate the light span in a Chlorella suspension. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 10 equations. SUB CODE: 06/ SUBH DATE: 25H&y66/ ORIG REF: 012/ O'M. RZF: 007/ ATD PREss:,U06 Card 2/2 ACC NR. AT6036296 SOURCE CODE: UP/0000/66/000/000/0193/020:1 :AUT110R: Filippovskiy, Yu. N.; Semenenko, V. Ye..: Nichiporovich, A. A. ~ORG: none TITLE: Optical properties of a Chlorella suspension during the action of complex radiation spectra SOURa. AN SSSF. Nauchuyy sovet po kompleksnoy probleme Potasintez. Votosinte- ziruyusfichiye sistemy *,vsokoy produktivnosti (Photosynthesizing systems of high jproductivity). Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1966, 193-203 TOPIC TAGS: Chlorella, photosynthesis, mass culture, ABSTRACT: The problem of determining the propagation of radiation of complex spectral composition in a Chlorella suspension was discussed. Most researchers studying the propagation of monochronatic radiant fluxes In the photosynthetically active ran2e of wavelengths in flat Chiorella cultivators have supported the hypothesis of the exponential attenuation of radiation in a Chlorella suspension. nuantitative analysis:, shows this approach to be inexact. Dependences of energy and quantum transmission i coefficients of a Chlorella suspension (strain Chlorella sv. K) on the optical denaity and thickness of the cell layer were calculated for radiation spectra of light sources widely used in the mass cultivation of algae. T..e deep layers of a Chlorella suspension have a greater transparency for fluxes of photosynthetically active radia- Card ACC NRt-'-AT6036296 tion from xenon lamps, incandescent reflector lamps (color temperature -- 3000K), and luminescent lamps than do the surface layers of the suspennion. Ouantitative characteristics of 6i-3--plien-omen-on were obtained. The a*uantum content in an energy unit of photosynthetically active radiation is constant for any elemental volume in a Chlorella cultivator in spite of great differences in the spectral composition of the light. The ranive of spectral transmission coefficient groups of Chlorella for different cell concentrations and layer thicknesses contains curves like those for leaves of higher plants. The dependence of the phothsynthesis of a Chlorella cell on the density of quantum fluxes obtained for optically thin suspension layers can be used as the basis for calculating the'photosynthetic yield of cultivators and for designing apparatus for mass cultivation of algae. Orig. art. has: 4 ftgures and 5 formulas. SUB CODE: 06/ SUBH DATE: 25May66/ ORIC REF! 008/ OTH RM 0021 ATD PRESS:. 51o6 L__j/2 - NICHIPOROVICH, A. "Resistance of bonded soils to displacement during cElculation of Hydroengineering structures." Dissertation for Doctor of Technical Sciences, All-Union 5ci. Res. Inst. A, Water supply, Severage, Hydraulic Engineering Structures and Enginaering Hydrogeology. Subject: Hydroengineering building and construction Gidrotekhniches~ae stroitel'stvo, 12, 1946. Y 0 SID03DV, A.A., kandtdat tokhnichaskikh nauk, radalctor; BLIZbffAK, Te.V. dokto,r tokhnic-hoskikh nauk. professor; OLICSOWICH, L.T., kandi- dat takhnichaskikh nauk, doteent; AKMITIN, A.I.. doktor tekhni- cheakikh nauk. professor; BMMTNSKTT, A.R., doktor tekhaicheskikh nauk, professor; GRISHIN, 11.4., doktor takhaicheakikh nauk, pro- fessor; DZHUNKOVSKIT. N.N., doktor takhnicheakikh nank, professor; ZHINOCHKIN, B.H., laureat Stalinskoy premit, 4oktor tekhnichaskikh nauk, professor; HIKATIOT, K.A., doktor takhniches".kh nauk, pro- fessor; NICHIFMVICH, A.A., doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, professor; HESTIMUK. Irl"a. .--d-ok_t-' e nichaskikh nauk; NEDRIGA V.P., kan didat takhnicheakikh nauk; SAFOROV, P.T., Inzbener; LATISIUMOV A.4., kandidat tekhnicbeakikh nauk.dotnent. radaktor; I.WWROV, V.S.. kandidat tokhnichookikh nauk, dotsent. redaktor; BARWV, 14.V.. inzhener, radaktor; KWSTIAR. V.A.. kandidat tekhaichoskikh nauk, redaktor: UPKIND, H.T., kandidat tekhnichaskikh naulc. radaktor; LYAPI('HF.V, P.A.. kandidat tekhnich(jakikh nauk. ro3daktor; KARPOV, I.M., kauididat tekhnichoskikh nauk, dotsent, redaktor; IEUXIN, V.P., Inzhener. radaktor; WMVMM. L.Ta., tekhniclieskiy radaktor. [H7draulic engineering handbook)Spravochnik po gidrotekhailce, Noskwa, Gos.izd-.vo lit-.ry, po stroit. i arkhit.1955. 828 P. OLRA 8:10) 1. Moscow. V9esuyuzTWv nanchno-iseledovatellskiy institut vadoenabzheniya, kanalizatall, --ldrotakhnictieskikh sooruzhegiy i inzhenarro7 gldrngeoloeii. 2. Zaaluzharqy deyatelt nau i I (Continued on next card) SIDOROV, A.A., kandidal tokhnichoskilch nauk, redaktor.and others... (Card 2) Effydraulic enginoering handbook]Spravochnik to gidrotekhnike. Mnakva Gos.izd-vo lit-ry, po strott i arkhit, 1955. 828 p. (Card 2~ (MLRA 8:10) 2. Zasluzhenyy dayatell nauki i tekhniki RSFSR(for Bliznyak) 3. Deystvitellrqy chlen Akademii nauk AzSSR(for Mikaylov) (Hydraulic engineering) AM P - 3206 Subject MSR/11ydraulic Engineering Card 1/1 Pub. 35 - 10/19 Author : gichiporovichp A. A., Dr. Tech. Sal., 11r'of. Title : Prognosticating settling of concrete h7draulic installations built on non-rock foundations Periodical i Gidr. fitroi., 5, )2-)8# 1955 Abstract i The necessity of correct prognistication of vertical deformations in installations built on soft soil is stressed and now methods for forecasting the size of settling are advocated. The article reports in detail on various physical properties of the soilmostly clay, tested, giving tims and size of installation data. Hamse of Soviet scientists who specialized in the field are given. Eight diagrams. Institution : gone Submitted t go date NICIUPOROVICH, A.A., doktor tekhnicheakikh nauk, professor. . ...... landslide in the downstream slope of the Nikopoll dam during its construction. Gidr.stroi. 25 no.9:19-24 0 '56. (KLHA 9:11) (Mikopol' (Ukraine)--Dame) i IPS Sol -, Ki;A'-T.- Ls;, ',,.Yrs., cE3:-.c Wat to~hrt. rauk: "GAt I KoV. U. 1. . in?. he ner-, nwir~)nyy ro~ql, for j SAF'A~,v . P - I. rpdaktur i7rlstel'atva; A?ZRAA, P-11. , tmkhnichesirty r4tdalctor . T.:ength of ronc-fite hydreulic stm-ures blailt on rockless 9'~' !F I.chivobt' betcnrykh vodopMDorTkh c,:roru2henIt na nas;QsIInyk-t Mo-kvp , Gou Azd-vc Ut-ry oo (itrr-tt. i arItchit., 1957, 1 ~39 L) , ( m LRA I f I (Coor-te -cortructinn) NICHIPOROVICH, A.A.# doktor tekhn.nauk, prof. - igning the underground contour of pressure conduits on nonrock7 soils. Gidr.strol. 26 no.10:7-15 0 '57- (MIRA 10:10) (Hydraulic engineering) 96-1-17/20 -1U THOR i Hichi-porovich, A.A., Doctor Of Technical Sciences, Professor TITLE: The Fourth International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering (IV mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya po mekhanike gruntov i fundamentostroyeniyu) PERIODICILt Gidrotekhnicheakoye Stroitellstvo, 1958, # 1, pp 60-63 (USSR) ABSTRACTs From AuglAst 12 to August 24, 1957, the Fourth International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering was held in London. Long before the conference was convened, the Orgkomitet prepared the different reports. Of the 179 reports from 40 different countries, 16 were read by Soviet scientists. Prior to the opening of the conference, all reports were pub- lished in two volumes of 1,000 pages in the '--'nglish and irench languages. Mention must be made of the great organizational work accomplished by the Orgkomitet of the Soviet committee on the subject of soil mechanics (under the supervision of the member- correspondent of the USSR Academy of Sciencec N.A. Tsytovich), pertaining to the preparation of the reports as well as their publication in the Russian language before the beginning of the conference. besides participating in the work of the con- Card 112 ference, the Soviet delegation of 18 persons looked into local 98-1-17/20 The Fourth International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundatior ,Engineering scientific-research work, ;3tudied the work of the planning and construction organizations and visited several construction projects in eastern England and northern Scotland. There is 1. table, 4 British, 2 Russian, I Jsrasll, 3 Italian, 2 Czechoslovakian, 3 USA, 2 Swedishq 2 Swissq 1 Brazilian, 2 Indian, 2 Canadian, 1 Japanese, I Yugoslavian, 1 Australian, 1 German and 1 Turkish reference. AVAILABLEs Library of Congress Card 2/2 9 P V - 17 2 A UTHOR Nichiporo,vich, A.A., _Ioc to r of Technic a l 7clence., , -'rofessor TITLE: Planning and Construction Abroad of High Dam Using Local HaterialA (Ilroyektirovaniye i 9troitel'stvo vyv,)kikh plotin iz mestnykh mpterialov 7a rubezhorr.) LI 7~T-DTCAL: ',idrotekhnicheskoye stroitel'stvo, 105e, Nr ', T)p IP-55 ,~E'STRACT: The author compgres all important foreign cams which were built since 194C from local materials with those in the TJS-~'. He finds that in the US.,-)R the cost is still too high and that concrete dains are less expensive. There are 2 tables, 6 figures and 0 references, cf w-ich is Soviet 1 ',erman and 7 ~;nglish. 1. Dams--Construction 2. Dams--Material:, -3 Danu;--(:o.~to Card 1/1 MCHIPOROVICH. A.A.. prof., doictor tekhn.nauk mIngIneering repnrt on the construction of the Volga-Don Uavigable Canal. the Taimlyansk Hydro Project, and the Volga-Don irrigation structures; vol. I" adited by S. IA. Zhuk-. H.M. Grinhin. Revievied by A.A. Nich1porovich. Rech.transp. 17 no.10:55-56 0 158. (KIRA 11:12) (Volga-Don Canal) (Talmlyansk 1~rdrofvlectric Power Station) (Zhuk, S. IAJ (Grishin, M.M.) SOV/ ~Q'l - 5 ~~ - 3 -41/ 14 AUTHOR: -Nichij-~o-sl_ich, A.A. , :'cc tDr c-f Te--'- 1--,2 4 ences. I-rof e 3 sor, and Rii-e-yev,-- V. 1 . , Ent: --neer TITLE: The Results of' ctual (JbservatiDns of' Filtration in the Foundation of a Row of aater-Buttressini, ~'Iructures (Resulltaty noturnykh nablyudeniy za filltratsiyey v osnovan4i ryada. vndopodpornykh sooruzhenly) ZERIODICAL: Gidrotekhnicheskoye stroitellstvo, 1959, Nr 1, pp 20-16 (UsSR) ABSTRA',T: The authors compare the results of actual observi.-tinns of filtration in the foundations of eight water-buttress- ing structures with the results of theoretical and experimental research previously done on models of these structures. As all natural cDnditions could not be taken into consideration when tests on models were made, theoretical data often considerably differed Irom d,,~ta Card 112 obtained by Lctual observations. According to the fhc iesu I ts of' ~ctui. I GbservL~ t ion ~;f Fi I tr~~ti on in th- FD-rd ;t n Ro,A Df Nater-Buttreasing .5tructures geological conditions, theSE~ ,i ht ~~tructures wp-(.- divided into three t~,roups, and results of ncluol k;Dser- vations were given for each group and comp~ired -~.-.,-h f- theoretically-obtained data. Engineers V."I. 3,irenkov and N.V. Yudin c 11aborated in the preparati;-,n an-i t~e anal~3is of' the data described in detail in thi~i There are eit,-ht profiles and one table. Card 2,2 NI W(MVICH9 WMVICH~PA- ~ Prof.9 doktor tekhn. nauk; ISTCMDIA, V.S., doktor tekhn. UaW;-TITOTA, W.I., kand. takhn. uauk; BORSHCHEVSKAYA, F.H., red.izd- va; GILMCE, P.G., tekhn. red. (Instructions for planning the underground contour of hydraulic structures not an rock foundations, and subject to water pressm-el Ukazaniia po proektiravaniiu podzmmogo kontura vodopodpornykh so- oruzhenii na neskalInykh oi3novaniiakh. Hoskva, Goo.izd-*o lit-ry po stroit.9 arkbit. i strait. materialamp 1960. 98 piMIRA 14:6) (Hydraulic structures) (seepage) HICHIPOROVICH, A.A., prof., doktor takhn.nauk Dame built of local materials. Gldr.stroi. 30 no-P.'LL6-5.3 Ag 16o. (14IRA. 13'*8) (Dame) NICHIPOROVICHO.A.A.9 prof., doktor teklm. nauk; TSYBULINIK, T.I., naucbryy .'. SfIRS~UKOVA, M.A., red. iad-va; RUDAKOVAq N.Lp tekhn. red. [Forecasting the settling of bydraulic structures on cohesive soils] Prognoz osadok gidx-otekhnichaskikh soorfthenii na oviaznykh grun- takh. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit. ma- terialam, 1961. r,18 p. (MIRA 14:9) (Foundations) (Hydraulic structures) NICHIFOROVICH, A.A., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof. Seventh International Cortgress on Large Dams; seepage control arrangements of earth and dumped rockfill dams made of bitumen and other materials. Gidr. stroi. 32 no.2:55-.60 F 162. - (Damal NOVIKOV, I.T.; 1EMOZIURY, P.S.; GIEMBURG, S.Z.; BELYAKOV, A.A.; ERISTOV, V.S.; RZIESELSKIY, A.N.; IVAETSOV, P.M.; BOROVOY, A.A.; TEIM, I.A.; ALFKSAIDRCV, B.K.; YURINOV, D.M.; NOSOV, R.P.; MlYliAYL4DV, A.V.;-NICHjj!fEMrH- A A-; ABBLEV, A.S.; PROSKURYAKOV, B.V.; MENELI, M.F.; KRITSKIY, SX.; BELYY, L.D. Hikliail Evgonlevich Knorre. Gidr. stroi. 32 no.5: My 162. (MIRA 15:5) (Knorre, Mikbail Evgenlevich, 1876-1962) NICHIPOROVICH, A.A., dolitor tekhn.nauk., prof.; TSYBIJLIIIIK., T.I. DetermininL- po:--~ pressure in slightly permeable soils in the body of a dam during the process of their consolidation. Trudy Lab. no. 4.-5-317 10. (MIRA 17:6) NICHIPOROVICH, A. .4. "'-eform-ation and S-~,,a~, -- -~ . ~' -,~ -'- "p-:!iE. " n.,'--crt uxesented at- i Exe ~ NIt" I. I rit I , , 1:-.t~ - ,- L;tr:-- I --~i -17-nt,, )i - Ma.v ; i, . Y k!tm, I in. r" r iu vn. ark 4 L 1L u E j t r 12. nrx~- Z, C! n ITICHTPOROVTCH, A.A. Deformations of dama constructed of large-rubble materials. Trudy (j,ITT-j 1():a) VODGEO no. 11:1-10 165 1 SO V 1 3 7 5 7 10 11) 1 :, 4 T rans I at ion f rom Re ft, ra I ivr,, ~, zhu rr~a I Mt-tel lk~ rgi,, t, 7 r , ri, fj AUTHORS Dovr,;j r S A IN I L h i po rov h F %I A V T I T L F: Or, t he Tf- I, r nitt I C on du, I i,,, I I ol Di t- [- b r. t i i i K \ t) 1) r(, termi( 1-,c~ko~ pr-w-odir-no-1 shr,mpo% kh ,rn,tzol< PERiODICAL Sb,, hn Ir Fiz -tt.,Vhr. ri-t AN RSSR Nr 5 p p I 17 - 144 A BS T R AC T A de~~, r,p,,or. of p r w, dt - -1 (1 e,.,, p(- r ~ m,, I t nto ~t %t-st g,ot- ex, po! or 11~ T a be,idir.u tool trd tY,t, ~:pc, n- ,% it u ~ p, n ) I !- I, - I a rA s Heil t ~( h;~n~?.e %kin 1 1 (1 if c t,ir(~ of , Cij ~,e~d'r, Tool I h t- J)~ t T 01 'pe T-Tj(-r'~: 01 -80 ,1 (1 920'( V,, r. o,, V- I -i ~ t- I. h e,, I ed t., ho r -f -, % " ( I %k'I I c r g) pp.. I- (I -"pe, me, helor,- Ylt-JI.T.J4 11 d 01! Nfi( ri &~pld,,ed the lt,~st 11 c,t I (- x k 1 1!; v t- h '~' -I (I rc) - tollct%v,t~~, , or-der Th c th,-im- pr-nP(-rt.(:- oI tYt, ubr ( rr T I" 't tit i ve por I- o, hcm,, .,I prop Thk c,d I g tool ,I I (,rl,(-s - .'niolint of ht"it I 'o 11 c I Card I I Z met. ternper,it,,re of QZ0o .- !(-~-s t ,t 78(111 1 I_ .i(_) ~- / ! 4, -, --, - i ! I I ~ . Z, .; On the T~v rm a I Cor (1, t. ~ I, i,f D.v Lw, - .( ,- t 7, b " I h v rvd~j( I on y 1~-(- ., I T ) r , - ~4 ~ . r t, i t-q . r , cl ; , , in t i -I . i i t ) %,~ , - T , n i ) , , , i - , r , - v ~ %1 11 - Card 2/2 "a" 12 A 91 -4 U 0 1 1: 0 ~o so" It . i OU 93 .2 0. --~o OR .4 VU t U I z e Us U WS 42 x ]PIN dig Hl ii ip a H. u".,U tA 43 4 T, Z 0 V it & Is 9.- oc c Z. 14-~ jai u 0 b ot 11 a jut An A A SOV/ 137-58-9- 19065 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nir 9, p 132 (USSR) AUTHOR: Nichiporovich,_F..V. TITLE: Selection of Lubricants for [lot Stamping of Metals (K voproSLI vybora smazck dlya goryachey ob"yemnoy shtarnpo,/16 rnetallov) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Mashinostroitel' Belorussii. r,ir 4. Minsk, 1957, pp 23-28 ABSTRACT- An examination Of lubricant (L) selection is made, and rv- commendations are presented on the method of determ--rivig the lubricating properties of salts of various compositions for hot- stamping purposes. The experiments were run on a double- pendulum testing machine. The design of the machine and its manner of function are presented. The quality of the L was de- termined in t2rms of the ratio of elastic energy emitted to total energy of blow. It is asserted that the higher this ratio the greater the friction and the poorer the L being tested. The derivation of an equation for calculating the coefficient of resti- tution is presented, as are the results of experiments with salt-, of various compositions. It is stated that the use of salts as L Card 1/2 is capable of significantly diminishing the coefficient of SOV/ 13 7 - 5 8 - 9 - 190t) 5 Selection of Lubricants for Hot Stamping of Metals restitution and consequently of increasing the energy of plastic deformation. Of the L investigated, the following showed the best properties C aC 12 ( 7 5,170) + + KCI (25%) and CaCIZ (70%) + NaCl (31%) (sic ! I ). Use of these composi- tions is more appropriate than that of table salt. They reduce the coefficient of restitution by 151o; this is very important not only from the point of view of an increase in efficiency, but from that of increasim-f the life of forgincg dies as well. 0. F. 1. Meta Ic;--F`iocessirig Nes--Peri'ormance --Appii~2aLions Card 212 NIGHIFOROVIGH, F.Y. Slastic behavior of a body in the process of plastic deforzation. Sbor. nauch. rab. Bel. palitakh. inst. no.6o:l4,j,-i68 '57. (WRA 13:2) (Elasticity) (Deformations (Vachanice)) DOYMAR, S.A., doteent, kand.tekhn.muk; NICHIPoROVICH, F.V., dotsent, Imnd.tekhn*nauIr Effect of testing temneratures on the dynamic hardness and elasticity of metals. Sbor.nauch.trud.Bel.politekh.inst. no.?6:67-73 '59. (KIRA 13:6) (Ketals. Affect of tempev~ture on) HICHIPOROVICH-. - G.A. Sorption leak detector. Prib.i tokb.okep. no.4:f%-87 ,6o. (MIRA 13:9) (Tacumm apparatus--Testing) A,CC NR, AP6034238 _(NT SOURCE CODE: UR/0120/66/000/005/0186/0188 ~AUTHOR: Nichiporovich, G. A. ,ORG: none .TITLE: Inverse ma netron vacuum gage for measurement of pressures in the range from !l x 10-12 x 10-t torr ;'SOURCE: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 5, 1966, 186-188 TOPIC TAGS: vacuum measurement, manometer, pressure measuring instrument fnforAjETeo.4~ (V 0 De Vic P_ !ABSTRACT: The VIM-1 vacuum gage for use in cryogenic installations is described. Thei il[IM-l uses one of three (MM-14, KM-14S, or M-14M) types of manometeric converters !%thich have a cold cylindrical cathode closed at both ends and an axially mounted anode. i,,he free electrons in this inverse magnetron cavity in which the electric kind mag- 'necic fields are orthagonal cause the gas to be ionized even when itg pressure is !as low as 10-13-10-14 torr. The gas discharge current is stable when the anode :voltage is Ua > 4kv and magnetic intensity 1i > 1.5koe. For linear operation U. shouldi lbe 6 kv. The M-14, unlike the other converters does not have a built-in nagnetic i- Ifield and may measure the vacuum only in installations which have H >1.5koe. Pressures!, ',in the range of 10-12-10-14 torr may be measured directly. If the pressures below 110-12 torr are to be measured, an amplifier capable of amplifying currents of the 1/2 ACC NR: AP6034238 order of 10-13 amp without excessive noise contribution is required. Oria. art. has: 2 figures. SUBM DATE: 02Sep65/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REF: 003/ SUB CODE:09,2~ ACC Nr-,: AP7001953 SOURCE CODE: UR/0l20/66/G00/GG6/04,j-0/Gl54 AUTHOR: N,'ichiporovich, G. A. ORG: none T Comparative calibration o, an 4onization r-nagnetron manorne-cz and a ,ITLE: I I maernetic electrodischarge manometer under superhigh vacuum conditi,~r-s 0 SOURCE: Pribory i tekhnika ek6perimenta, no. 6, 1966, 150-154 TOPIC TAGS: manometer, ionization Imagnet vacuum measurement ABSTRACT: Operation of these three manometers was compared; (A) A hot- cathode ionization magnetron-type manometer developed by J. M. La-111forty (J. Appl. Phys. , 1961, 3Z, no. 3, 424); a Soviet-made version is described in some detail; (B) A Soviet-made cold-cathode MM-14S inverse-magaetron manometer Card 1/2 UDC: 531.788.7 ACC NR: AP7001953 operating -in a constant magnetic field produced by a permanent magnet; anode voitage, 6000 v; (C) A Soviet-made B aillard -Alpert -type IM-12 manometer. All three manometers were compared on a common vacuum system. These results are reported: (1) The discharge -current -vs. -pressure curve of the B-manometer 's usable within 10-22 _10-4 torr; (2) The current -vs. -pre a sure relation of the A-manometer is linear within 10-3-2-10'6 torr; (3) The lowest pressure measurable by the C-manometer in Zx 10-10 torr. Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 7 formulas, and I table. SUB CODE: 20 / SUBM DATE: 05Nov65 / ORIG REF: 00 1 / OTH IU:F: 006 Cc-,dZ/? F,ROLI%L5XIY, V.G., doktov tekhr- nauk; SINIOUJINA, Yu.V.. ka:ld. NICHIFOROVICH L.V., iuz~. Selection of o,,)tijrpxri deoi[j-, and operational soli.Aioris usii;g jIF , dieftal computors um6 discrete descent tochniqu-31~. En(jrF,. i !],. :t i , !,, ~ prom. hj,_ 7a 1 ~' I'll . , . * 1. - . ~ L 2&12-66 ACC MR& AftO13610 SOURCE, CODE: UR) fAM/000 AUTHOR: Shcherbinap Th. V. (Candidiite of sciences); llic!!imovich. L. V,. (Engineer) ORG: Kiev "Order of Lenin" Polytechnic In5titute (Kiyevskiy ordena Leidna. poUtekhnicheakiy institut) A TITLE: Bases of algorithmization of calcuLitiors of operating conditions of open electrical networks using the "Ural" series computer SOURCE: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Energetika~no- 8# 1965, 7-114. TOPIC TAGS: computer, algorithm,, electric network ABSTRACT: Selecting the "Ural" typa Computer dUG to its great -suitability for the typo of problem at hand (single address In- struCtion System, possibility of usage of half memory 100ationst .flexible re-addressing system)t the authors develop the basio positions In an algorithm for.oaloulating operating states In open electric power networks,, as developed and tested MaW times: in 1961-64, A typical problem has the not plan, with parameters of loads and voltages assigned at a-certain initial pointo The distribution of current or power tilrough.the sectors of the eye- temq the voltages at all points and. the summary power losses - must be calculated, Loads sa-e oongildered to be assigned in Our- rent rather than In powere The adirantage of the; algorithm pre- sented in detail in this..arti*ls to the- great speed of aomputa-~ 22472-66 ACC Nks AP6013610 tion. A disadvantage is the re(rArement that points and sectors be numbered in order. The authors are now developing an algorithm witbout this deficiency. Orig. art. has: 1 figure, 2 formulas, and 1 tables DFRS."'I SUB COEE: 09 SUBM DM: '15Jul64 ORIG W: C04 Cacd 2/2 !Oe SHCHERBINA, Yu.V., kand. teklin. nauk; NIMIFOROVTCH, L.'I., inzh. Selection of optimal Lrwich cut, points in 10(()) kv. netwnrks of large cities using divitE.1 computers. 'nerF. i elektrotekh. Pr-)m. no. 3: 12-14 J L-', 1(,f . (VIRA 18:9) GORDBYHY. G.S., prof.; YAKUSHKIN, D.L. Prinimali uchilattye: UDR61ATA, U.V.: GRANOVSKAYA, A.Ye.; TEMSTIGNEUTA, Yu.3.-. KRYLOY, M.T.; OYKIB, D.I.; KAKHOVL?TSKIY, V.B.; K:-:YRJMGRF, A.L.: RAZAILENEO, V.I.; ffDjk=X+__ PATIOT, L.I.; RTAGARWA, N.V.; SOSENSKIT, I.I.; CHKIMISKIT, Yu.T.. TULM-MIKOV, A.I., red.; SOLOVIYEV, A.T., prof., red.. RAKITINA, Ye.D., red.; ZTJBFILIIIA, Z.P., [Agriculture in capfLtalint conntries: a stfitistical monuall Sel'skoe khoziaistvo kapitalistichatikikh stran; atqtisitcheskii abornik. Moskva, Gom.1zd-vo as1'kho:..1it-ry, 1958. 247 p. (HIRA 12:5) 1. Moscow, Vaesoy-uznyy nnuchno-issledovatollakiy inFtitut ekonomilti sellskogo khozyeyastva. 2. Otdel nauchnoy informatisil po ekonomike i organizataii nellskogo kho!,yayastva zarube:chnykh atran Vaesoyu.znogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo instituta ekonomiki sell,lkogo khozyaystva (for all except Tulupnikov, Solovlyev, Rak1tina. Zu"3rilina). 3. Direktor Vaenovuznogo naunno-insledoiratel'skogo ln!tituta ekonomiki sellskogo khozya7stva (for 'hilupnikov). 4. Zamestitell direktora Vaesoyuznot,,o nauchno-isaledovatellskogm institute economilri sel'skogo khozyaystva (for Solciviyev). (Agriculture--Statistics) IFICIFIFOR", V.A. Soce Indications of aassive doses Idin,l terap,tab. 1. 1z Llvovskogo laza (direktor - I.T. Stukalo). of protein metabolism follaving peroral use of 301 vaccine In yourg school chlUren. lbt.. no-8:36-218 158. (14IRA 13;7) nauchno-temledovatellakogo Institute. tuberku- G.l. Chemeris, uauchay7 rtd,,ovodttell - prof. (FROWN KITABOLISM) (BCC-'. VACCIRATION) PETROSYA.N L.G.; 11OZINA, Z.I.; GUZIUTOVAv I.G.; ~ICK,'~POR~K, VLA. I ~sthodology of deternIning !;he permeability of oil-Ixtaring for- mations from electrie logging data. ?rikl. geofizo z~o.33:169- 175 162. i.MZU 15:10) (Oil well logging) Electric) (Oil sands-.--Pomnabil-ity) On t'rp -)re3e-icq c;~ tk-~e nnxi-ju-. viscoiil,-.y 1-1 c,ern,-Ac masams 'with su~,-.nrliaa -,--a `,Usoinn nad '.English]. 1~011. URSR (MMA 1. Institilt lviflive- `Akh materinliv Ak-de:alii arkhtekturt I budlruitstv-i Ti-511. rodfitavlen,3 akndamlkom Alcadenii nallk Uz;zs.~, 1 4 It 0 1 IF I a 11 U If 14 0 0 it go is 0 0 0 0 4 40 0 0 Q 0 a 0 a a pit mous eipupcotoatsu 4.40 *0 4 00 A litst imarmaxo4pamics of mag,&-Uxis sitaualt-1, Vail Tbe effect tit intlow-ous intection" if ITISCOCIA1111111 SuUate 00 ondogs AclinitallituAy I. NJ, fim, t. 64- ... ...... 00 I, H IIA. 11-4. air t_qnJAttvly 4upiwevcd by evro the d~. 4 e0 4411 4 VAII 14 ItIltAV4 'IV t-I 11419' -11 tlk'fa- MgSO.. land ttaw- lectrction fitinnoilted by illict'liOlk of Piln- 1.1111, 1.- 1 ILA .4 I..Iv .1 1 it I tit, "Actaine is ociouletidilly The micuptin of tak it 'Inallilly (11. 11-1 (All 1- (If t""' With'?# 41150 inhibited lit proporibris to the amt. (A A0;04 Admitlis- GO 11 -Tiff 11"1"94-1 In fl`x 'KA'Y '1144t lllttrvd~ all'i (all"., (fit tcrecl. but unlitz the effect tit littak-ullim, no :11tidn'dac of I Cu. t,-. .4 112 1 III'MIK14101 Only h4otWokinctic elfe"s rtult from the applicattion of linrl,ij tit, 1.,v onli art murval III at k-A,I I It, , Alld sigs.A. ria, itactralA, in urinary vcd. pectitimattly is due to ItAl Aft dIr-II.qv- jbi-t an ib, antiviral. tw(harviescrit" Ckallam brotright abotat ty and 0 lk~, "1 0 S . ajj~ f-j.jTLt(ory failure and " , 1 ' 1, f " :;: injectkitts of Vill".-Arone volurstencted tfw. duavals. Ad--- 0 IM mW11" . ~I. h, ~1., IX Tire action o 11 ; 1 . ' ArAl I mini4tratka" of CjCI, totbroriag injectirm of UgS 4, oc"t 00 0 sulfate an tht salivary. initially. sort rental secretions Of the n..fify fb~ eff-i ,,, Ihe -wal,vary And 14? ovirit oris; it ho M MA;111111 I t-f I It - - 1 I 4 1: 1 NJ I,x-, hovirt-vvir, auginein the diuiri-A,. -11be jup."itan W ' V - 11 . A- I- , 1 ,! C.Ci, at tt. w-wictil III appearame A re-1wilittity fad,"M 00 lh, ,dIVA,V j,ollwituncl IfillfrAvIl hir cialhair fidjure) 1,:"N" hican and mgArraturil- f-Anctions Inim-tions c4 Pawn" 490 a di,cirrikanry Ect %tvri thIr OH-raciv end abl-4t.4nal tars art r~; 11C tm4psj 111 19 Av to at Is 0 Its If a a C 4 09 111 OR Ct ell is 00 000000 IS 0 0 0 0 14 4D a 0 IS OeO 41 44 0 0 0 GIVIS tmn, ~iwv, wtute the thar"ic rtsl4riatt(lat to dtvic.~d, A-h-nirt.] m-rimlicAi it IIIC1l:A,CII by the tvxiag vouirlic. imin, of (11te di4plualm. X. The effecl all ittieLifoas*tmiWLWumciLfatecodap- A lephiciftir. (;. Nichits, 1. IIojw_-%Lo, and 1. PallameAnta Ifutrus. [had. 1~41, 32. -111(mwn,43, norvil(all U Sigsti. ful'T, the Itattic I.ItAinwlytiamr: triltvt on dogs lancstlat-ItoLd waft chinns. 111--- 41 (in Im"golvithi-filrd Railroads, except low the dkirca.&A em~(Alltv III the fir,t girflap (to 11tv &Ists 4 MAW.. M. Mg.,W). vits., thc of Ific ka.. -I'- 54 0.- it. W-141-11 0 -we I V'vT'-0 a Otto O~-O -00 .00 -gio -41#0 -400 000 =00 1:60 00 oo Ire 0 :3 0 0 600 so 0 too I 0 0 0 % 0 a to 0 IS a 6 0 0 0 11 0 0 at 0 0 0 111111010% 1111601010 4400 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 NICHITA, C, , ednd , in st ~ tehr lco I 3(,HOBL ~ , F , I rp. 'hopper for roota ias-~d in poultry emd s-,dln,3 hreedl-:g Mac electrif ag-ic 8 nr,,5;23-26 S - () ' ~, 31 ~ 1. Rescarch Inat-.tu for Mechanizat.1-M of A~:rlcull ire, 3-)ntribution3 to tne !~tAy ~f -~,cpit:~trlry Juc k 9 p . 675 Vol. f), no. 5. 161 RIIF Bucuresti 7,0: 'on~~ly List of Ea.A Euro.pean A-cession~ L:, 'Vol. no. P Df-.,cember ]'?5~, RUMMIA/H== and Aninal Ebysiology. MetaboL.ju. Abs, Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol-, No 6, 1958, --6734. Aut,hcr G. Nichita, I.R. Dan and M. FOPeBML-B~ran- Inst Title The Pzmarstion and Utili"tion of Nutritive Yeast,, Orig Pub: Bul. stiin+,,- Acrd. MR. See. biol. 91 stiin~e A agric.,, iq~6,. 8, Ito 3, 685-696. Abstract. Techaicea, irprovements axe described for the procetis of grcwlr4 the nutritive yeast ToriLU utills on bydrol,yse,te of wheat chaff. It was establiabed cn a group of young pigs that the proteins of nutritive yeast (inTorted) proluce a greater effect on grmrth and fattening of the animals than do the proteins of cereals tind agricultural waste, as vell as proteins of anlmst derivation. When 5 grams of nutritive card 1/2 J RLP,,U.NI,,, Form Animals. 5niall Hornod 3tock. Abs Jour; Rof Zhtxr-Biol., No 23, 1958, 105676. !-.uthor : 6 ~ I In s t LIOU gi ran. Titla Contribution to tho Study of Normal and Patho- logic 73norgy Motabolisra in Gray Lambs Obtainod from Crossing of tho Karakul x Tsurkan Broods. Orig Pub: Probl. zootohn. si vctorin., 1~,,57, No 9, 15-25. Abstract: Enurgy motabolism at :r,,st in grcy Eilbinoid lambs with a chronic digostiva, disordor and in tho last pcriod of thrir lifo viets 14/o lowor than tho control Lictabolism. Hnc.,rey -,-ictabolism at rr-st in gruy 1roarling ow,-s, -viti: norMal pig fa3ntation, affuct---d with acutu gastroontcritis, daercasos during th,.; aou-rso a,.' Cisl-;aso by 40% as oom;)ar(-.d with tho r--ontrol. NICHITA G.- HADIOVICI, Niculina - ) -!j Comparative studios of basal motabAis-m in white rats and hamsters (Cricetufj). Studii cerc biol anim 14 no.]:7-16 I&. 1. ^Iomunicare prezentata do V. Ghatie, mamhm corespondent al Academiei R.P.R., si memlbru al Comitetului. de rodactie, "Studii A cercetari. de biologie; Seria biologie mrLimala." FICHITA,\,G.; BURLACU, G. Specific dynamic action of food metabolites. gxperimsni~al studies on birds, Studii cerc biol anim 14 no-4:495-506 162. 1. Connonicare prqzentata de V. Ghetie, membru coroapondont al Academisi R.P.R. 9i membru al Comitatului do redactio, "Studii A cercetari de biologie, Seria biologie animala". IMVID, Boris, ing.; NICHITA, Irinit, fiz. Application of spectral analysis of emission in geocheinical prospecting. Rev min 11+ no.8:370-373 Ag 163. 1,71, PV, -7- A SIR' P Rwnania /Chemical Technol(DQ~. and Their Application Mineral. salts. Oxid;-~s. Aci--As. BEses. Abs Jour: Refel'at ZhUF - Khlmlya, Nc, ), 1957, 13`27~4 A uthor Braniste C., Nic-hlta Ore-~it, Slc-rzt--,ri S11,;'-d I ns t Jassy Polytechni.2 Institut~ 'n' - fate , -tle Utilizatio-r~ of Byproducl~ Sc,dium Su- Formed In the Manufacture of Sodi-w-m ..c at e for the Production of SoJll-a SiJ4 OrIg Pub: Bul-. Inst. politehn. Iasi, 1-)55, 1, No I-2Y 79-88 A bs trac t: Study of the conditions of ~he productIon of Na,-310.x from NaSO,, whIc1h Is a byprodwt of I manufacture of Na..,Cr-C, Experiments on C. ard 112 Rumania /Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Application Mineral salts. Oxides. Acids. Bases. Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khtmiya, NO 9, 1957, .13234 determination of o-timal composition Of MiXtU]'E! for fusion at 120C ' have shown that the best composition Is (in parts by weight): sand 100, NakSO., 75, charcoal 0.8 and NkCO-. 3.7%; duration of fusion 2 hours. The product taus obtained Is a semi-transparent substance of bluish shade, which is a mixture of S'02.2Na2O and 2SWI..Na~0; the product differs little from Na;S10, that is obtained from NaCO7. Dissolution of the prodUCt is effected in an autoclave at a pressure of atmospheres. C ard 2A -18 " L) 2. jouz-: Refe-ral, na:!.--TQzi:i-'-;-a, lio 5, 2-95 , 153 katLox Maele-reacv. Al., Ilichf-ta_ 0, Milaul ka~, S. Iast lbimnian Acad--rW litle Study of T-affs to tLnti of th,!~ 'fazz of 3a.(~w; (Rum-a-la) Pa--,-. I. Cirig Ra), Studii si cercetari st'~int. Acad. FUyll *,ft.-L. Iml Ft,,L. FIL stii.ntc tphn., Abst--lact: The i-yrre3tigatsc' 'r;-Liffn e~w~. bt ,.;.Tfl, s,~~ as for Ca:.:(" rjli of BU I, It f i 'j;. hy- t n a,,Fre _r_3 t C L C ~ i P za t V e r. -The t ;L n L' d-~rtiit a 3,.tiffiLjm ~c-.Tenl'_/water ratio no -e c ont: r e t e ,zi ,en graiF ~,a u n a J~YWIIIA/Coamocherdjj try. Geochemistry. Hydrochemistry Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-KhILI., No 24, 1.9513, 81CO Autht.x SavU 14., Ababi V., Inst Title Zink, Lecid, and Copper - Dispersed Ueme;ats in the Volcanic Deposits of the Calir=i MciuntaLns (1m) Oric; Pub: Acad RPR Fil. Insi. Mim., (1957), -(, No 2, 89-u6. Abstract: Based on the published and expericental -Jata (in- eluding previcus investigations of the author) the distribution of Zn, Pb, and Cu present in various deposits and minerals was studiel. In the 23 mineral samples, an average conteat (in was: Fn-6-62 x lo".5, Fb - 2.66 x 10-3, CU - 4.46 r. lo'J. The limits of variation (in ~, basis Card 1/2 D 13 Emil CALINIC99CO. S.; NICHIU, 0.; VISCRUS, I.; TIBU. Kargareta, ANTOUSCU. V. Coritributions to the study and measurement of the radioactivity of certain rocks. Studil fiz tehn Iasi 10 no.1:67--72 '59 (MI 9:')) 1. Filiala Iasi a Academl.el Republicli. Povalare Romine. (Rocks) (Eadioactive substances) 4 , j4' CHELARESCU, Al., prof.; NICHITA# 0.; PAUNEL, Elisabeta; TUDOHAS, A. Study of the oolitic limestones of Scheia, In the region of lasi. Studii fiz tehn Iasi 11 no.1.51-58 060. (EKA1 10:3) 1. Comitetul de redactie, Studii si cercetari stlintifice, FJ.zica si stiinte tehnice, Membru (for Chelarescu). (Rumania--Oolite) _NICHITA, 0.; BOIEZ, Cornelia Utilization of the clay merl schist from the Eaia-Yare region as a local agricultural fertilizer. Studii fiz tehn IaEi 11 n-,).1:1",- 153 6o. (MAI M 3) (Rumania--Fertilizers and manures) (Schists) (Clay) (Marl) CHMARESCU, Al, prof.; NICHITA, 0.; HIM, A.; PAIRIEL, Z.; BIGU, Gh., Daposit of' the white sand In the Miorcan-Ektdesti area, a solurce of raw materials for the fine glass. Studii fiz tobn Iasi 12 no.1:67-77 161. 1. Memhru al Comitetului de redactie, Studli si cercetari stiintifice, Fizica si stiinte tehnice (for Chelarescu) PA Ul'EM, FI-1s; CHEURISCU, Al., prof.; NIGHITA, Orest; COTILUT, Ch.; MITIUL, Anatolie; BOCHIM, Ariadna Studies on the limestones of the Ripiceni-Prut reglon as b~dlding material. Studii fiz tehn Iasi 12 no.2:267-282 16-1. 1. Meribru al Comitetului de redactie "Studii si cprcetgxi stiintifice, Fizica si stiLnte tehnice" -Filiala ii- (for Chelarescu).. NICHITINt I. vNev ideas In silvimdture in the light of Mahar alst mgr*bri*loL7.*pa Analcle Roaano-Soviatice. Seria Silviculturi-Industrial Lemnului Si A Hartieli. Series a II-a, v. 7, no. 16, Nolr/Dec 1952, Buaresti.) EAST EMPEAN SO: Mont List of WuW; Accessions, Library of Congress, September 1953, Uncl. Ti L4 ;,.r lpbftkWb Morowkw, Y(fti ihi s&ftt thir LW -17 lob,% wood Ttl a ~ t ~ M, mm pr-tamN (bir 5 lh(d 77 10 *Ott* 191CHKEVICH.O.N., kandidat fiziko-matematicheskikh nauk I- wommmo 'Method of determining evaporation in Irrigated lands." Meteor. i gidrol. no.2:55-57 F '52. (HIBA 8:9) (Swaporation) (Proobrathenskii.T.H.) IAWO m YeoS*p; NICHWICHO O*N., kand.geograficheakikh nauk; SVERGHKOV, A.N.p inzh,, Air ionization in Kiem, and itis enviroment. Gig. i san. 25 no.3: 99-100 fj.4~. 160. (MIRA 14: 5) 1. Iz Ukrainskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta kommunallnoy gigiyeny. (KM--AIR, IONIZED) NICHIWICH, S.M.; BLAGOVESHCHENSKIT, P.P. Work of the Rostov, Yaroslavl Province Hydrometeorological Station. meteor.e'gidroj. no.4:41-44 Ap '57. (HIRA 10:5) (Rostov jaroslavI Province)-Mateorological observatories) j ~3 7 7 7 t n i, I L t I 1,4 1.17 2- 0 1,17 1. 17 ' f !7 21 -7 1 7 71~ A I Depositiurl on Li+ilci Zlri,~ Cathodt- 777 (A' llcij,Ld cathudo was mc-a,? ti mea!1,; Oc a ~,,uthude and a loop Ill,-),-,rapri. The dat.-L ai-(-. jjv(-.,ti -in F-Ij~". '21. 311 0,01 -0.3 Fig. 2 . Polari.,.a~Ion (A" 1.1qu'd :71n,! -atho-ie Ir. a Cu~led rql~.ture 0t, KC1 al~(I NaCl i 1'-)% (1) aril 20% pota,,;shun zirconate, . -1,,q Zircon'-um Deposit.11-3r. LIq ~Ij Z-~, -9/27 At low cur,rent de]-131tle, a d1scharge of Zn tall'~-~~ pla.(ne. With lncreasln~, _nzi-rent dens-'-"Ie,~ Z.- I - In the Coim of' Interme'--ill.- corrilound accumulation of Zr- it, th, uppei, lay(-r-~~ ot' -trw ca'-Ihode ~,ausils cansideratle poda~-Izatlon. A ,'u-rthel, ioc.~ease in 2u~rent denjity --a,is~:s a dIscnarye ZrI-' Ic':-.'. .I.tO ME-ta-II-'-. zii--,cr-.Iurri. Phase ar',aly3l,:, (3f Zn-Zr alloys, Mi--roprioto.,rr,api.y of 31-1.4es JIIL3--~ost~J two phases Zn, nardnes3 4,4. /mm'-, ar-,J r a i ns ha rdne,-, o 22 mm t I- at,, a c) t' Z i wh 1, c a e c. CFm A nf e lln ctail 1 )m i i'~ -1 zl~zli 12 * ~ , I ~; wa L; r,,:: I, m f."j I f- "; I I I '-I -- r-a ,, ~; . t, ~ r~ c () n c I U S I Q r, S I- h e a t I ~~ r ~ r-t, umme t-J i; c c) rid I t I o t-L. ~; Vu r - u I e 1. ru pa "j. 1: tompevatui-e 700c), cathDJe C.t A ~-C Ca r~d it--'; a-nj L-I - --7-1 3 - Zlr%,orium Depcisit.l.,r, Ll-julid Zlt,:-, ~ f - JOV ~3: p S.A. ASSOCIATION: Ural PcjIy*,~e--:,n-'-- li.s'~'-'-Jte 'Lilral inst 1 tut SUBMITTED: 1, Ca I'd NICHXC)Vp I.P.1 SKIA, O.V.1 RASPOPIUq S.P. Eleatro''ytic dissolving of zf-:rconium oxide-carbon imodes in chloride-malta. Izv. vys. uchi~b. zav.; tsvet. met. 3 no 3:115- 119 060. (MIRA 14-3) 1. Urallikiy politekhnicheskiy-instutut. (Zirconiw~.~lectrometsjllurgy) (Chemis tr~$ 'Metallurgic) Of 0 4 1, tin COO te't 'o-4 klro,~, o ti 19, 0 pl~ -~Cy~y ~ Of 14 tA 011 nc - CO nter 1961), dL ,Me I af- ate 0:1 VI\ e,zt 'U.Bed. LE ~V! 0,1 V4 we we lads,01 et as b to a, CXes s96 C,,L~C tj te ~Vm cylo - J-.4 P _a,e r I ses of a L . 11 t e (~~ero,~c OLD ;\Cal tera as'd -, atr 0i: d6 of ?6 Se 5 he Ves aecre em,:: 4~ae ar g'o 5 .Ytj~~~ d, de av'JOSIP syk'&I dL to d, k:"le Are od_AI: deVen tng, 0'(I 'a:rj!O \ , tl~je 5 CX gef "Os tyie atr )I -if tat~~ recTI a.-Cr 14 0 .L 4065 -t4,'Jl "C t sto-, , k,'f~ al't k0' ~ gp -, - ?- - , O~~ ellt5 ere c t,,re jeVe 6,J.4 I t -Cof, cr~ I C ots ).OVI \lr?n we f~'L, 6 ts oodL'C- +,Va. wjl;i~ vertme" of .4 erl - C ce1% , ty~ A119, 're In Call~ f fee ell's C:)f\ '0 co'Otla-VA- ,, CV, e ce-vt Pefto f 1J.1, 8.1 f rom t)~143, to a f ey- Ttle 4U,,Xre ed -, OIA ce 0 , a.C, t~ PE"5- f36Ce .0ie t e-j,etl e of 5-0 Ine ye5 kir 'Otsoxtn 4, -D --, t c 'L , 110, tofu vyle 86 OTI tal ol'or ceti to C I Tt gle lacy, of ,,te. 3' -/'-~2~ Ao0,3/AOO I The In'teraction of Uranium-Containing Melts of Halide Sal~s With Blsrri,~-- precipItate has shown that it contains (we-ghil. %)-. ura:-,Pjm 41.6-77.3, 2.5-8.5, alkali metal 2-16. Roentgen-phaEE- analysis pointed to The f-.rIIa:.-Cr) of EL compound. In the case of the interactiori cf' K"'I-UCl 4 with blEirrith Tr:)bat-y the compounds xKC1*yBiCl?*zUC13 were obtalied, r-mle d t'! Cf the anal' see inake It probable that the follow ng reaction takes placE. _ ~ ~+Bi are 3 figures, I table and 18 references, 15 Soviet., 3 English. SOUBMI?TED: March 14, ig6o Card 212 00 67945 S/O-'- C, t, C/1, 1- 0 71, 0-'- .','c5 AUTHORSs Smirnov, 11-% V., F., D. cc 4 Raspopin, S. P., TITLE: Invetiti-,ti..r o[ the UO (f-,) + -r) + Cl,(,,) voc'-J') + co,.(,~), 1- -f ~hf- 2 Method of Electroriotive Porces PERUDICALi DoklLdy Ak-deriii natil, V"60, Vol "0, 11'r 1--1, ipr (U.Ssr~) ABS'--RACT: It had bk~en sta-,-A in earlier -apers (Ref.-- 1-.7) +*.-~at electrodes prec--od frn.;. i..e~:.j nd c%rbon are rcver-i'Lle with re,- ~mect to thc- cf-rrc--,-on(1-Lr1C cLitjor in chicri~e :.e1'3. This allo-,,s their iLtilizLtio:i for ~`.c procei-ces ind some rezctions Ly Le;~sLlrin- the ei:,f. T]-~- authors had found in re`rii--~nce 1 that ThOC1, ir. i-elt~- of ?hlorides or chlorides and fluorides -re practically ir--,Ii~ble. They accept4ad this forUOC1,~-Ias well -.nd investi,,ated the re.-~cton letween 7 --- 7' uranium dir)xide -- i-bon elect i-odes L-nd :%elt f 1i Card 1/i~ chloride-, c UC-'.4. By ;-e; tl~c to:::percture de- 679)45 Investization o-f the T]ieriodynLi-;ic.-; of' '~he S/ om/60/1 30/03/0~ 7/06 5 Reaction U(),(S) + I-C(-r) + Cl,(,,) B0041BOll 2 UOCl 2(s) + ~C02 (g) by Means of the Me t h o (I of Electrouiotive Forces Dendence of the erf in elements; of type UC,.. + C + UO":1, melt 11'aCl + KC1 + UCI Cl,, C, the c).,,.nUe AZ of th,.. isobaric 4 1 potential of the reaction. mentioned ir. the title was detE.-rnined. The production of the urvniLlrr, dioxide, --nd c rbon ele,-trodes pressed with 4000 ii,. Tho i--ol;ir r~.Jio UO2 ; C was varind 1)UtIkOr I -- 1.6- RIO~ I : A0. 'DIC elt2Ctll-olyte 'C1 , t~ L, M,~' ,ias either a eiitectic m.-.xture c~f LiCI + K r I--,- -~i -ar mixture of ITaCl + KC1. The UC1 4 dissolved in trif! ILCIt WELS -urified by a distillation ir. vacuum. A lead standard i~lectrodc. was uscd. The electrolytic cell (Fij-, 1) waS situpted in a i:,etal block which vas hentted b,,,, rz, con- trolled electric~~l resistor furn~-ce. The euf E betwcen. tl~e di- oxide-C electrode and the lead elOCtXode WEI'- i:~e~LsurEd until a constant equilibriun value appeared. Thio dejended solely on Card 21A the temperature, at which the ex:-erir-ent was m----de; liowever, V/ O-f Ge ED e -fe tyke V'~ elf~t e t%~O Coll' oI CC C Oll -Co- t" % U. Ar (~a 1 't-~ C) %yl i C 'e- k-,P- k~(%c In o'~ CO CV- N Ar ),,e Ar vc Ar r 1j, 0 c, .4. Nod 67945 Investigation of the Thermodynamics of the S/020/60/13C/'O.'-/'/027/065 Reaction UO (s) + -!C(gr) + Cl (0) B004,,11011 2 2 2 UOC1 (s) + 1C0 (g) by Means of the Method of Electrcmotive Forces 2 2 2 value for the formation heat is in gcod a,-reement with the data of reference 7, whereas entropy differs considerably. This could be explained by a different st-racture cf the UOC1, formine under the authors' experimental conditionE. There are 5 fi6-ures and 9 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIOV: Institut elektrokhimii Urallskogo filiala Aka~lemii nauk SSSR (Institute of Electrochemistry of the Ural Bri.nch of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED: September 19, 11-,~q by V. 1. Spitsyn, Acaderaiciar, SUBMITTED: September 16, V-59 Card 4/4 3/1.49/6 I/DOO/002/006/10 17 Z~6/AOOI AUTHORSt Niohltov, I.F., Dmitriyov, V.Ye., Raspopin, S.P. TITTIE - Anodic Dissolving of Bismuth Alloys With Thorium and Lead 1-n Molten Chloric Salts PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Tsvetnaya metallurgiya, 1961, No. 2, pp. 81 - 87 TEXT: To complete information on the anodic behavior of pure lead and bis- rwath in molten chlorideti of alkali metalis, needed for a corroot analysis of' data on the anodic -behavior of Bi_Th_Pb alloyis, the authors present results fron in- vestigations on the anofto polarization of bismuth, lead and bismuth, alloyed wfth thorium and lead. The electrolyte was prepared using pure LICI, N&Cl, KC1. The equimolar NaCl_KC1 mixture and the eutectic KC1-LiCl mixture were blast cleaned after melting with dry 1~ydrogen chloride and subseque~itlydegassed in a vacuum. The melts obtained were coolisd, analyzed as to their bismuth content, and used to prepare electrolytes with the necessary BiCl content. Purification of bismuth metal was carried out by chlorination under Rn electrolyte layer for 2 'nours with dry hydrogen chloride. To eliminate eleotro-negative impurities was sub- Card 1/15 S1 149/6 1 /OCk/002//(C6/017 A006/.4,001 Anodic Dissolving of Blsmutn Alloys With Thcrium and Lead In Mcl".en Chlor~,.ie SP-Its 2 jected to anodic di5solving for 3 hours at a current den2ity of C.05 &mP/,,ln . TC, obtain bismuth alloy with thorium the grit. of these metals was prezstud into small bars which were alloyed in an aluncium czuoible in pure argon atmosphere at 1,300C. ~hfs method was used to obtain blanrith alloys with 2.c'weight % thorium ard ter- nar-j alloys on bismuth base containing 2.5% Th + 1.0% Pt, and 2.5 % Th + 5.0% Fb. Polarization of anodes was measured in a closed refractory glass cell (Fig. 1), The cell was placed In a protective container in a furn, ace with an au*,oTiati~, thermo- regulator maintaining a constant temperature of 700 1 5oC. The alloy Investigated was placed in one of the branzhes of the cell after melting of the electrolyte. A molybdenum wire protected by it porcelain tube was employed a3 power connection. A blerruth cathode was placed in another branch of thA cell. The anode poten-~Iall was measured in relation to the comparison lead electrode at she moment of polarization current break, with the aid of a loop oscillograph. The vibrator indices were re- corded on a photographic film. The readings were taken with a '10P -12 (~17F~_ 12) microscope. The results of measurement given In a series of grapha, show that a considerable difference exists between "he anode potentials when dissolving bis- muth and lead, and also thorium contained in the alloy. The different electro- Card 2/8 S/149/61;'W)/()02/0()6/b17 A006/AO01 Anodic Dissolving of Bismuth Alloys With Thorium and Lead in Molten Chloride Salts chemical behavior of Th, Pb and Bi during the process of anodic dissolving in molten ohlorio salts can be used for the selective separation of Th emd Fb from alloys with bismuth. A table shows the time of electrolysis re-'red for,.the Tull elimination of leal and thorium from the alloys. Figure 1- Argon`--I" Schematic drawing of the cell; I - cathode power connection; 2 - anode power_connection; 3 - tube for blowing through the electrolyte; 4 - thermocouple; 5 - electrolyte- 6 - com- parison lead electrode; 7 - bismuth cathode; 8 - anode In- vestigated. Card 3A s/14 A~~IX2AX)6A17 A006r Anolic Dissolving of Bismuth Allops With Thorium and Lead in Molten Chloride Salto Figure 2: x- Polarization of a bismuthjanode. Composition of electrolyte: I - KCI-LiClj 2 - KC1-1,iCl+ 0.1 weight BiCl 3 - KC1-LICl + 1.0 weight % 3j BIC1 KCI LICI + 5 weight % BICI 3; 5 KCI--4a'Cl; 6 - KC1-NaCl + 0.1 weight, % BI C1 7 - I(Cl-NaCl + I weight % BiC13; 8 KC1-NaCl+ + 5 weight % BiCI Card 4/8 1 J 6 P -4-9 -47 S/149/'61/000/'002AO6/017 A006/AO01 Anodic Dissolving of Bismuth Alloys With T"horium and Lead In Molten Chlorio Salts Figure 4:* FIVE! Poiarization of a lead anode. Composi- Polarization o f anodes in KC1-11aCl eleo- tion of eleotrolytet 1 - KCl-NaClj 2- trolyte; 1 - thorium anode at 720OCj KCI-LiCl; 3 - KCI-LiCl + 1 weight % 2 - lead anode at 7000c; 3 - bismuth 9 PbCl anode at 7000C. PbC12; 4 -.KC1-IAC1 + 10 weight 9 2 Card 5A 2 3 107/v Opp 401 -IZ6 44 -1,4 -1,2 -1,0 -0.8 S/149VtI/O00/002/006/017-- Aco6/AO01 Anodic Dissolving of Bismuth Alloys With Thorium and Load in Molten Chloride Salts Figure 9,:,r, Anode polarization of Bi+2.5 weight % Th alloy in KC1-NaCl (1) and KCI-LiCl (2) melts. Figure 6: ~K Anode polarization of Bi+2.5 weight-, % Th+5 weight % ?b alloys in KCl-NaCI electrolyte (1) and of Bi+2.5 weight % Th + 1 weight % Fb alloy in KCl-LICl electrolyte (2) =ER 7,6 -49 -118 -116 -Tq -11Z 19- Card 6A, Potential in relatlon,to,ohlorlne electrode 14 3/149/61/000/C)02/006/017 A006/A001 Anodic Dissolving of Bismuth Alloys With Thorium and Lead in Molten Chlorine Sa2ts Figure 7: Anode polarization in KCl-LiCI electrolyte of alloys: BI+5 weight % Pb at i -y 0.2 amp/cm j 2 Bi+2.5 weight % Th at 0.1 allp/cm Bi+2.5 weight % Th -41 C) 4,2 aji . c)4 amplem 4 - Bi+2.5 weight2% Th + 1.0 weight % Pb at i - o.04 amplem Anode potential in re- lation to chlorine 48 electrode Card 7/13 lu sli~qlt 1/ow/bo2/oo6,A) 17 A006IA001 Anodic Dis.nolving of Bismuth Alloys With Thorlum and Lead in Molten Chlorine 3alts Table: Time required for t he dissolving of alloy components KoAwtecno szeit- 8PeMV. HeG610AH- A A flf 11 C rptmecysa. Heo6zo- Moe AAa psaso- a) Amount of current Alloy Atimoro xxil POCT- 8. sopeffHa, a--w CBS& C pelf"61. MHH. required for dis- solving, ampAir a COCTAS Pb Th Pb Th b) Current intensity, composition l Pb Th 1 b amp tota 0) Time required for B1 + 5 aec. Pb 3.7 0.185 - 0,048 - 0,10 29 - dissolving, min. B f + 2.5 nec. Th 4.0 - 0.100 - 0,(15 - 28 Of + 2.5 aec- %Th 7.7 - 0,192. - 0,023 0,05 - 53 15f 4- 1.0 sec % Pb+ 0.045 + 2,5 sec.' % Th 4,0 0.040 0.100 0,010 0,023 0.(6 13 28 There are 7 figures'. 1 table and 15 references: 14 Soviei and I non-Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Ural'skiy pol itekhnioheskiy institut (Ural Polytechnic Institute) SUBMITTED: june 6, 156o Card 8/8. L0825 S/63116 1/000 fk2, 001 1;10 1 100311203 AUTHORS Raspopm, S. P, Nichkov, I F., and Smirnov, M V TITLE: Tile electrolysis of fustd. chlorides of alkali metals with anodes made of a prc&ted mul tuTe of uranium dioxide and carbon SOURCE Akademiya nauk SSSR Ural'skiy filial. Institut clektrokbirnii. Trudy, no 2. 1961, Elektrokhjmiya raspla%,Icnnykh solevyk.h i tverdykh elcktrolitov. 85-90 TEXT- Similar investigation had been carried out by other Soviet investigators using the same electrodes or ones made of pressed pure uranium dioxide. The electrolytic dissolution of the above anodes in an equi molar fused mixture of sodium and potassium chlorides vlas carried out at 680'C and current densities up to I amp/CM2. The current efficiency at a current density of 0.5 aMp)CM2 is almost 100 %, but decreast-s %ith decteasing cuff ent densities. This is apparently due to the formation of an insoluble uranium oxychloride rather than of quadrivatent ions, as was believed earlier. The chief product of the anodic dissolution of uranium in the fused salt is UCI.,, The amount of uranitLm dissolved varics from 0,025/g/anip hr at iv ~ 0.0015 aMp/CM2 to 2.4 at ia = la/CM2- The amount of slime in the electrolyte increases with the carbon content of the anode and with current density The prcpar-ation of electrodes is discussed in detail There are '5 table Card 1/1 4o826 S/63l/61.!OOOiO(QJj(JS,,Ol C 1003/1203 AUTHORS Nichkov, I F, Raspopin, S P, and Smurnov, M V TITLE. The polarization of carbon-dioxide uranium anodes in melts of alkali metals chlorldeb SOURCE Akademiya nauk SSSR Ural'ikiy filial Institut elektrokhimi, rrudy. no 2. 1961 Elcktro-khmitya rasplaviennykii sotevykh i tverdykh elcktrolitov 91-95 TEXI This work was undertaken to determine the highest current density at which UOC12 forms and to find the products of the anodic dissolution of carbon dioxide uranium anodes at higher curreni densities The polarization of these anodes in an equirriolar mixture of fused sodium and potassium chlorides at current densities from 1014 to 10 a/CM2 was investigated at 100 and 800'C The electrolytic processes change with increasing current density in the following order: 1) formation of UOCI,, 2) dissolution of uranium oxychloride and uranium dioxide or their chlorination, resulting in the passage of U" ' tons into the solution 3) dissolution of uranium dioxide and the passage of U024 2 ions, into the solution without the participation oi carboa, and finally, 4) the evolution of gaseous chlorine There is I figure Card 1/1