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NICOLAU St. S. acad.; SARATEANU, D.; ATHANASITJ, P.; SURDAN, C,; SORODOC, G.; Viral etiology in cardiovascular diseases. Ill. Ex~rizmental FLnd histo- logieil study on some cases of' rickettaial thromtx3angiii:is obliterans. Studil cerc inframiembiol 12 no.4:543-549 161. 1. Institutul de inframicrobiologie al Academiat R.P.R. 2. Hambru al ComilAtului de rodactie si r,edactor responimbil. 3. Membru ml GomitAq- tulu.'~ de redactie "Studii se cercotari do inframicrobiclogie," (for Sarateanu) NICqIA md.; ATWASIU, Pierretta; VELCIU;- V.; MJLRDAR,7, 1. U, St. S., ae Viral stiology in cardiovascular dioeases. V. M*rphological study of a myocardiac infarct. Histological ovidenes of a rickettaial or pam- rickettstal infect-ion. Studii corc infretmicrobiol 12 no.4:551-1556 161. 1. Institutul do inframicrobiologie al Ac-ademdai R.F.R. A Spitalul "Dr. 1. Cantacuzino." 2. Hembru al Comitatulul de rodactle si radactor responsabil "Studii al carcetari. do inframicrobioloffie"(for Nicolau). NIGOJ.j,U, St. S., acad. Inframici-obial eptdomic hepatitis; the viruB of the disease. flied. Jnter. iwcur 13 no.): 667-672 My 161. 4ETAITris, iNF-ECTIOUS virolog,7) NLCOLAU tj.-"URDAN, C.; SARATEANU, D.; ATHAJIASIU, P.; SORODOC, G.; _LA ANAGNOSTEP B.; with the col-laboration of ILIFSCU, C.; HADESCU, F.. Viral etiology in cardiovascular &ffections. II. A virological study of 50 cases. Rev. sci. med. 7 no.1/2.-f.-',?-9l 162. 1. Member of the Academy of the R.P.R. (for Iicolau). (RICKETTSIAL DISFASES) (CARDIOTOCULAR DISFASES) - NTGOT-All. At-q.; SARATEXM, D.; SURDAN, G.; ATHANIEJU, P.; AIJAGNOSTE, B.; -SORODOC, G.; with the collaboration of EJESCU, C., RADESCU, It.; MITCHIJO E. Viral etiology in cardiovasCILLfLr affectiaas. III. ThromboangiltiS obliterans with migratory phlebitis of ricketi,sial origin. 11ev. sci. med. 7 no.1/2:93-T 162. 1. Member of the Academy of the R.P.R. (.:'or 111colau). (THRCMBOANGIITIS OBLITERANS) (THROMBOFFLEEITIS) (RICKETTSIAL DISEASE3) , 3 HO _YICOIAU,_&__4%"__SAPATEAIM, D.; ATHANASIIJ, P.; ~.*)*URDAN, C.,- 0 WC, ( .; ANAGNOSTE, B. Viral etiology in cardiovascular affections. IV. Experimental and bistopathological Study of some cases of' rickattsial thrombo- angiltis abliterans. Rev. sci. med. 7 no.l/ ,2:99-103 162. 1. Member of the Academy of -the R.P.R. (for Nicolau). (THWEOANGIITIS OBLITERANS) (xacmnsin NICOLAU, ATHANISIIJ, Plerrette; qitb the collaboration of VIMCIU, V. ; MARDAU , 1. Viral etiology in cardiovast,.W.Ex affdctior4s. V. Morphological st-.Ldy of a myocardial infarction: histological evidence of rickettsial or pararickettsia.1 infection. Rev. sci. med. '7 no.]./2:105-109 162. 1. Member of the Academy of the R~F.R, (MYOCARDIAL INFA~.CT) (RICKETTSIAL DISEjOES) Z~'It-A Oro.? of, Vlr~n- ani carxr 3. ~:AJLL; pp of R-tiratr- Viral Ui,..,-~ Or 0. t~~RT--S7- an- Dz 7. ~'A,7::3; I 1- 11,3. 3- 'ROSPLratorT vir*l frog -1-"Ls - - -, u d 1 23. to man - Dr :). -6 an Dr a7LDL,: pp 11-1, i~ - Tho Machanism of !tultlplics-ian of So~ P-piratory Dr R. znd Ll- 1, null M.. Dp 125-131, "oh* Radiolovic k~poct of Viral Rmspiratory DI-3-2 I I the M~Ild,* Prof 4. =IZ3Q7,, Dr I.M. Or I,I'r, N 6. in U1,a 7.h,rap7 or R.jEir~t.r7 * 1 - 6. Prof W.q. BArs; pp 111 Dixpa.vex, 7. 'Vlru3 Carrim" I-n Rosolxtt-7 Tnf~tiorvs' ')r W.lln. Pp U~7-151. *Tmohylaxiv or L-.flu.nza,' Dr 1. S,~FTA, Lr .1. rm-7~m-4 Dr P-1,-la ZILT.17tx-11: and ~)r I. TITC~ff-kU; pp 15~- 1 Crf --noo on "ilrel 1. *O~ncluqlor. of tl~* Int~r.,-.1on ; 5 t-b.~ lo~,J; : RespLratery Dis-*m 1. ?~ar 21t-3 Vp 163-164. 7 HICOLAU-j,,'jtj.; PZTHESCU, A.I.; ATHANASIU, Piarrotts; SURDAN, in collaboration vith VllClUp V. Inframicrobiol etiology,of the ulcej?ouz disease. Rev. sci. zed. 7 nCO03/4:117-180 162. 1. Member of the Acadmy of the R.P.R. (for Nic-clau). (PEPTIC ULGER) (RICKETTSIAL DISEASES) ILIESCU, C.C. , prof.; RADESCU, Radu; In collaboration with_AISQUI,~lt-13., p:.-of.; SURDAII, C.; SARATEMUR D.; ATIHANASIU, P.; &NAaNOSTE, B.; SOWDOC, G. Same data on the role of germs belonging to the rickettsda arid pararickettsia groups in the aetiology of cer-~ain cardiolrapeular &'fections. Rumanian mod. rev. no.,8:35-40 162. - (RICKETTSIA1 DISIUSES) (MOIOVASCULAR DISIASES) NICOLAU St. S . academician; ATHANASIU, Pierrette; SURDA11, C.; SAAATUNU, D,; kROO-Ce G.; ANAGNOSTE, B.; in colaborare au ILIESCU, C.; RADESCU, R,; VELCIU, V.; MARDARE, I. Viral etiology of cardiovascular diseases. VI. Histopanological ev-i- dence of rickettsial or pararickettsial infection in thromb(muiglitis and myocardial infarc',. Stud. cercot. inframicrobiol. 11 no,.1:19-26 162. (THROMBOANGIITIS OBLITERANS virology) (MYOCARDIAL INFARCT virology) (CARDIOITASCULA.R DISEASES virology) (RICKETTSIAL DISEASES) NICOLAU,__St.S.,_ucademician5 SURDAN, C,; SIRATEANU, D.; ATHANASIU, Fierrette; I G.; ANAGNOSTE B.; in SORODO~y Y colaborare co IULSCU I C. ; RADESCU, R. Infra*icrobiol etiology -of cardiovascular diseases. V11. Experimental, serological and histopathological iitudies. Stud. corcet.. inframicrobLol. 13 no.2:145.-161 162. (CARDIOVASCULAIL DISEASES virology) (VIRUS DISEASES) (RAYNAUDIS DISEASE virology) (PHLEBITIS virology) (CORONARY DISEASE virology) (RIGKETTSIAL DISEASES) NICOLAU, I . I -- - - --Ata., academician; PEMIZO, Al.; AT IA'IASI'U,, Pierrette; EURDAIT, C.; CAJAL, N.; SARATEABU, D. ; in (:ola*-,)orar-2 cu NTELCIU, V. InframicrobJal etiology in ulcerouz dJoease. 1. Stud. cerce-,. infrcimicrobiol. 13 no.3~2c)1-295 162. 1. OprAmicare prezentata la Institutia de inframicrobiclogie al Academiei R.P.R. i (PEPTIC ULCER) (iUGKE'.-rSIA1'j DISIiASES) (RICKETTSIA P -,OWAZEKII ILIESCU, C.G., prof.; iUD.;SCU, P.-a-au, dr. (ASCAR); in colaborare (.,u: NICCL27 'it. S.; OHM.-, C., dr.; SLWEANU, ). dr.; A-j!La;A3.-,J, P., dr.; UAGNOSTE~,., dr.; Gh., dr. Some data on the role of microorganisms of the riclcett3ial and pararickettsial groups ir the etiology cf sevoral cardio-lasc,,0-3.r diseases. Med. intarn. 14 n0-4:615-620 My 1662. 1. Imititutul dc. infranicrobiologie. (TrgMMBOAI,'GIITI*S OBLITEI-JUTS) (CO:iO-IPJ,,Y DIS ~'ASE) (MYOCAiLDIAL Il[.-vAPCT) (AXERIOSCU, qOS IS) (~?,A~MATJDIS )ISE.A3F) (jtTCKETTS-AL jISjL-'7;3) (01-alITA,3i3) VwjUY D.; ATHA.MSIU, Pierrette; .J~COIAU, St. 5,; SURDAM, G.; SARA ,VTAGr.WMP B.; SORODOC, G.; POPESCU, G.- en collaboration avec ILIESCU, K; RAJIDESCIU, R.; MALITC2, Z.,,. Study on the rickettsial etiology of various angiopat!de,-;. Rev. sci. mad. 8 no. 1/2:69-73 163. 1. Membre de LAcademie de la Republique Populaire RouniaJ .~ne (for St.S. Nicoiau). (RICKETTSIAL DISSASES) (VASMAR DISEASES) 111COLAU, St. S.; SURDAN, C.; SARATEANU, D.; ATHAMAS111, Pierrofto; SCRODOC, G.; POPESCU-DAIIESCU, Georgeta; BABES, V.; STEFAVISCU, I.; ILIESCU, C.; RADF.W.U, R.; MALITCHI, Z.; CADERE, T.; FLORIAN, I.; PARASCHIVESCU, N.; SETILACEK, D.; DUMITRESCU, St.; SILVIU DAN, S. A study concerning the rickettsial or pararickettsial atiology of sme cardiovascular diseases. Rev. sci. mad. 8 no.3/4: 151-1158 163. 1. Member of the Acad6D7 of the R.P.R. (for Nicolau). (RICKETTSIAL DISEASES (ANTIBODIES) (CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES) (ENDOCARDITIS) (FERICARDITIS) (HEART BLWK) (CORONARY DISEASE) (THRCMBOPMBITIS) NICCLAU, S academician; GAJAL, N., MITROM, G. Recent acquistions on the etiology of viral epidemic hepatitis. Stud. cercet. inframicrobiol. 14 no.1:7-16 163. 1. Comanicare przentata la Simpozianul *Hepatita cronica consecutiva '-! hepatitai spidemice". (HEPATITIS, IMATIOUS IMMOLOGY) (f~ffPATITIIS 7IRUS&S) (VIRUS CULTIVATION) NIGOLAU, St.S., academician; SA.RAMM , D. Morphology and biology of adenoviruses. Stud. cercet. inframicr?b4o.1. 14 no.1:75--79 163. (ADENOVIRUS) (TISSUE CULTURE) (VIRUS CULTIVATION) (MICROSCOPY, ELECTRON) r-RUMANIA Academician-St. S. NICOLAU [Affiliation not given.' "The 17th General Session of the Academy of Medical Sclencer. of i1111''1;, Leningrad February 4 to 9, 1963.11 Bucharest, Studii si cercetari de inframicrobiolog_2, Vol 14, No 3, 1963; pp 363-368. Abstract ; A very comprehensive and detailed report of this meeting with many discursive comments about weather, city, participants as well as scientific sessions which were all devoted to virology: basic and clinical aspects, epidemiology and laboratory data and discussions. Uji 9A healthy Young persozi8 Ujit;d-agent-with regard to positive or was the most frequently f0un 226 attempts at isolationp doubtful agglutinating reac-~ions. In n antibiotics were genErally 12c, strains were isolated. Tetracycli able3 and a bibliography of successful. Includes 11 fijures, 4 t 1/1 120 itemst of which about 1/2 are Rumaniano RUMANIA .JJ~C~Q.LAU, St. S., Academician, ATILANASIU, Pierrete, SURDAN, C., PETRESCU, Al., POPESCU, Georgeta, STEFAITESCU, I., STOIA, 1. and MARIN, D. of the Institute of Inframicrobiology of the RPR Academy (Institutul de Inframicrobiologis al Academiei RPR) and the Methodological Center for Rheumatology (Centrul Metodoloeic de Reumatologie), Bucharest. "The Role of Rickettsial and Pararickettsial Affections in the Activation of Arthroses and Spondyloses." Bucharest, Studii si Cercetari de Inframicrobiologie, Vol 14, No 5, 1963, pp 551-563. Abstract [Authors' English summary modified]: Positive micro- agglutination reactions for rickettsial or pararickettsial germs were obtained in 80%6 of the serological tests on 100 patientil suffering from rheumatic arthrosis processes. The germs were also isolated in white mice and chick embryos for some of the patients. Therapy with tetracyclin group antibiotics resulted in marked improvements. The actual role of rickettsia or para- rickettsia as causal agents or as factors reactivating a different pathologic process is still not clear. Includes 2 tables and 24 references, of which 15 Western, 3 Russian, 2 German and 4 Rumanian. 1/1 RUMANIA NICOLAU, St. S. Academician [affiliation not givenj "Account on 'The International Meeting on Information Concerning Rickettsias and Their Vascular Complications', Paris, 7-8 May 1963." Bucharest Studii si Cercetari de Inframicrobiologie, Vol 14, No 5, 196~, pp 669-672. Abstract: An account of the meeting organized by the Society lor 'Exotic Pathology and held within the frame%.,ork of the Pasteur Institute of Paris on 7-8 May 1963. The conference, which was also attended by delegates from the U.S. , was divided into four sections: epidemiology of rickettsia, laboratory diagnosis of rickettsia, new clinical data on rickettsioses, and specific prophylaxis for rickettsia. 1/1 III.COLA.U, St.S., academician; SURDPII, C.; SARATEANU, D.; ATHANASIU, P.; SORODOCP G.; POPESCU-DAIESCU., G. Hickettsial etiolo of cardiovascular diseases. Stud. cercet. endocr, 14 n .4/5/~37-456 163. VIOLMO St.S. SURDAN, C. Recent nosological aspects in the pathology of latent rickertt'_ sial or pararickettsial infections. Research on the etiological role of certain inframicrobes in different diseases and mani- festations: cardiovascular, gastric and duodenal ulcer, prea.- nancy pathologyv eneumatic arthropathies and certain chronic lung diseases. Arch. roum. path. emp. nicrobiol. 22 no.A,: 961-978 S~-DI63 1. Travail de 111natitut dtInfromicrobiologie de 1'Academie de la Republique Populaire Roumaino. Mrectsur: Acad. St.S. Nicolau. P! I GOLAU , St.S. , acad. ; SU.RDAY! '~ . ; SAf--,', fEA:.1; , D. ; A-'-' -"-Af~ - ii , Fierrette Studips of the rjcketts~a' parari~`--etts,-al Ori~44-1 of s(-jmE- peripheral anglopathies. Stud. cerf--e,. infraniicrob4ol. 15 nc.4.' 325-337 164 --S(", A I.; &AHES, V.; S'!~GV-S S 1, id) S I F f~ T-e t tc-- E*:', CM?KLO'll I, Y( 1p,: ~a; FlUOLA", S,,.S; CAP,-~?- F,~, A i s as e s c :,;I:T. t RUM41A 'Jem!)er Correspondent of the Acadany of the Socialist Republic of Rumania (Mcmbru corespondent al Academici Republicii Socialiste Romania); and POPPA, C. "Therapy of Hemorrhagic Shock with Flasr,,4i Replacements" Bucharest, Revista Sanitara Militara., Vol 16, Special No., 1963; rn 37-40 Abstract: Didactic discussion of normovolemia and hypovolemia iind of treatment thereof witil blood or various derivatives such as packed erythro- cytes or reconstituted blood; plamm and derivatives; or plasma substitutes including salineg glucose solutions, natural and synthetic macromolecules; or nutrient solutions. Review of optimal sequence and amount of fluid re- placement for various types of blood loss, pre-operatively and post-opera- tively, without regards to surgery Is presented. 1/1 TRUFINESCU, L., ing.; NICOLAU, Th., ing. - -- ------- Considerations on reducing the diqpq~rsicn cf ther-m-istors. Metrologia apl 11 no. 8s372-37--, Ag '64. APOSTOL-0 N. I-LIC-2 - I Importance of social consumption hinds for the population a9eds. Problems econ 15 no.1-1:3-13 N 162. 'T B~t ;nu-I 1955. 27' T~, t n DLC Uncl. SC: -font' 1 - Li~~t -f Earo' r,,' r'. '.cce!3~3i, ns C, 7, J 7a--,e 75 ICC TC, ;cl 1I.-FL VIKOIAU, V.,prof.,inzh. (Ilumpiskayu Narodriu.,m Respublika) 19ffect of load rates on the strength of cormretes. Bet. i zhal.-bet. no.3:123-1?7 Mr '59. HLU 12: 5 (Ilucharetit--Conc:-ete--Tefiting) NICOLAU, V. The inf luence of the loading speed on thei breaking r esi stance of concrete. P. 11h. REVISTA TRANSPORTURIJOR. (Asoclatia StiIntifica a InF-Inerilor 91 Tehnicienilor din RomirtA si Itinisternil Tranoporturilor Rutiere, Navale si Aeriene) Buouresti. Rumania. Vol. t-, no- 3, 14ar. 1959. Monthly List of East ~Airopean Accessj.r,ns (EKU) 1C, lol. 8, no. 7, July 1959 Uncl. /(I , - L5 9 -2 .-7 Sov, AjTHOR - -UiAu!-&Lq Ir. Ri~.Dubl ic TITLE- Thi, Effects of Rate of Lcladir4; aii ~Llie 3tren6:t,~, Cf ~-ERIOD'CAL: Be-,..oL i zh-elr,-zcI)eIon, 1959, Nr -qn T L; kBSTRACT: Th-- effect of rat-~ of iloading on tbe strrl-nqt,.v~ of ~,On-~re*,e is It is kaawn Ui.3, i!' 'c~adi.,-r-, Is "he crushing vallie, for ).I'jmat;i 1,,~ad' 'S 1-noreas'-'. I given-, f-'gures obtainEl'. UU2inil testz~ .arrie-, -,u" oy tne. SCient."Ic and Rr:search Inat~ti-I,e f~:,-~ and Materials iLi Bucl,are3t. As is Ex1reardy "cwn., wnr-,n :~f con~!,-ete is lncrpased very rapilly the as a,--l elastic. bokiy. Tc obtair', der-rmatjr.-Ts p:")-- longed loa,iinL., ,L.,3 requirea. tnis rapid incre-a~-~ c~!' loading plas"IG Jefcrm-itions .al-)not uad tD tLp s-,rerjgt;j concre'-.e: in faot, the tendency is to tne --oEcraiy. ~'I Ui(~ loading J-s in,-reased more rapia'Ly ar-d the ccacret~ react.) as an elastic tody, on,a wouid exp6,'. the s-.rengT.t of ,,onorete to fal". The author tesT.~,4, ord-'j,ary C~-~' -14 samples for benlinG, t-ansion and so V/ 9 ,, - 5,3 t, The Effects of Rare of --oad-ing or. the IStren-,-t;*- Of C:-;rin- of r-onr;rete to reinforcement. Table 2 give-5 va,u-~:s ,b~r,:Lne,, durIng these tests. Yig 1, illustrta-~es the cf ,,on- crete samples foi- ben,-'L~Lng and Fig ;-I r,,,-Jves diagrams of ttp strength of the concrete subjected to bending a'~ varlol,~s rates of increase of loading. '-he grapns show that tht~ fa]-', ~n strength at a high i' ate of loading Is for samples kept in air, whereas f,:i- examples kept in water this fa--,---i Is far less. The fall in bending strangth in case of' rauld -1cadJmg can be, explained by the eliastic work of corcrete ir the elongation zone, wtiich causes a rtiange in ~.he stress picture (see Fig 3). Samples tested for axial elongation are illustrated in Fig 4. Universal press TEB (Werkstoff- prtIfmaschine, Leipzig) of 10-15 t 3apacity was used for testing samples by CrL;.;3hing them wi,~hin a fraction of a 3e,;ond, The moment of breaking was fixed by means of electronic ap-jaratus. The results of t.ais tesT; are strated in Fig b. 711hen the tests nad I-,een carried ou-, at. this inc.-easeA~ rate of' loading per ". iz t--*Me, the tensile strength was 0.35-0.4 of the max,.'un,Am etrengtIn which wa5 Atained at a sluvier rale of loading (2 seA. Fic, 6 giITU~ card 2/1 iia~-,,ran showIng ttie rt?laticn3hir, -110-aaiLc, ana The ,~'.f 1 S Rate. of Loadin,,, n1n the 3t r~5 c- IIJ IL nj C a 1"' 1 P ne ~ T~ e loss c, f 3 " r--, e e L! or unj (,f t'r 1c)adinti, amo-ant-, tc F,g P -~e 11 a:7 E, E- r i S , of b:reakint~, ~f ab 9 ')f fu aalit~.~,icr. ef r91Lf:)r-E;"nu1it. r'!) 'ar, I)"- sa'l~ i a,, I u s I c. t 1 -1 ti a t t t, t P_ s t s s h c w a 7) n --; rt e 9 ',Psr.s ai. ac..,-It-.rated rat,~s, sh(.w mu,1-:L lc_-~wel- Gf zz,TeF,-t~'. This a-:plies wnen samp._'~ JLs ShorGer timp t liar, 1 t o 2 second3 1~-. _-f ez3' F I nc, i cut In compr(!sgion tneie. -F, On the cont:ary the :,-,rengtia is r g 1-. 1- t7' F - a 1 t' .0 n C f t1l 4~ -1) _rO L em r) t r e ~1 s r v g n a the ti~leory of G:.if f, th shrx.ild be appli:-14 a ~-L, t ari,:, n treaking take. pl a G E: at, a r a r,:- of -ic-ELA Li). ifiss 0 . . '-3 3 e 4 h C_ r'm h c) I' the c c. n 7 t (- d (_ e, s -I o f al - a, w , - - as sume s that -.,_~,is phenomencin of ia the ratigut- of re-la,'croea Rel-1-ultZ -)r)taine-.i i-, L. G. Frolov '~Onfim this theory (Ref 4). In tne -,a3r- (-ver-reinforced heams Frolcv Q~)talned fu'~igue conc:,-ete In tte com-:-essed .,crie. In SovM_~j-Z.." " i.-. Tttz, Efff~-`,s of -iate of Loadinj3 DL the of Cc,_-srure 'r_,Awetan the r~A.nforeenienl- and the nnerel.F- aaz3 'Dnqki~n, I C Ompr I -Is so d zone shrard, and f a t- ig-,.ie of the c onr, rot. (-,~ r--s,, I ~(-d Tii,-, author also '_nvestigated over- 't-eiLf'01'red 'heams ~F 1 -0 L, 0 T."a Zita-~ilc 'Limit of a centrally laa,Jed beam was 1800 tcccl applied -progressively over a period c-' 11 'tays. Tne t-_~Slf_d this beam by repeated load-Ing and irig lasting 18 -aays, and the break.1:1g wa_~ ar~hiev_ed by ;si_n~ an electromagnetic Instrument similar to that of TsDJUIS of Mintransstroy. Rig 11 Shows .-rackS on a beam wtii,,hL appeal-ed after 50000 cycles reptated load:_ng and unlca~_Jng. Tt,~se "est-s shuviea that L.-.e OOM'Dre33eli Cf Leam dimia'.'stied ,onsi-aprably anj -.-Iiis means t',(, .cnesloja bi~tvieen tLe re,_nfc~rcemezir, aad i,.,.e ioncre,~e nad 1'n e r,,- a flgur-~s , 2 t~ibie.-i and 5 Sov'..7--, Card 4/4 RUMVIA/Humn and Animal ITysioloLZr (Normal and Pathological). T-7 Sax Glands . Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Bi~l., No 16, 1958, 75-o63 Author Velicar., Elem; fferteanu,, H.; Nicolau, Vantit-a. Inst Title Experizental lnvosti~ption :)f Changes of the D~rnardcs the Estral Cycle Under the Lnfluence of Neun)tic Disor,-'-c-s of Hijier Nervoi;js Activity. Orig "b Fiziol. norm. si. Patil-, 1956, 3, No 5, 558-567. Abstrac+ No abstract. Card I./I - 85 - Tn ta- NITESCU, I.I.; GABRIELESCU, Elena; CLEJAN, L.; BOOE14.0, Aurelia; NICOLAU, Vantita. Influence of avitaminosis E~ upon the reaction of the vital coloration of brain. Studil cere fi-tiol 4 no.4:441-448 159. (EEAI 9.9) 1. Institutul do fiziologie normala si patologica "Prof. Dr. D.Danielopolu" al Acadeniei R.P.R. 2. Comitetul de redectle, Studii si cercetari de fiziologie (for Nitescu) (DEFICIENCY DISLiSES) (BRAIN) (COLOR) (THIAMINE) (METHYLENIP, BLUE) (NEUTRAL RED) TIMFOWM,T.,dr.; HICOIAU,V-,d37. The clinical value of qyj&ntitative urine sediment in pyelonapla-Ma. Med. intern.,Bwur. 11 ino.12:1889-1895 '59. 1. Clinica. medicala a S-,Italalui II.C. Frimud. (MLONMI,HHITL3,cxine) SCHAGETER, A. , dr.; MOGOS, Gh. , Lr NIC-OLAU..,-V. , dr.; DDITTRIU, Mariana, tir. Paroxysmal tachyea-rd-ii., a symptcr- rev"alingg media3timil I with cardiac metastasos. Med. intern. 1.4 no,10:1237-124" 0 '~,2, 1. Lucrare efoctuata La GlInica madic.,ila, "I.G.Frimu" (prof. Dimitriu) . (TACHYCARDIA , PAROMMUL) (ML-DIASTINAL NECPLAS',-f) (LINPHOSARCOMA) (HEART ITEOPLAS14S) ANGHKL, Tiorica, (ir.; TIWZ?141JJ, T.p dr.; NICOLAU Cons iderationig on the d3agricsis of hypokalemic irtateff. Med. intom. (Racu-,r.) 16 n(,,,7-.863-869 J1164 1. rAicrare efpc~tuata 'r 'Cli-n-ina medl,-,ala a Spitalului de e.dultl al Raionuliii 30 Decorrl;ale, Bumares"i (dln)ctor2 prof. C.M. Diraitri,a). N,GOLGEANUj D., ing. Quality of now spartmento; before aga after the deI'.vf~ry. Conatr Duo 17 no.78463 '-6 Ja 165. 1. Head of the Deliver-1 Sorvice in 1-.he Technical Sectl,)n aC Investments of the Bucharest People's Council. NICOLEANU, I., ing. Technical improvemento In addition water instal.-atior.3 at ti~-, Fintinele Tharmoelectr1i Power Station and their effect on water losses. Energetica Rum 9 no-9071-3/81 S 161. SYURDZA, Nina$ NICOLESCO, Nw-,-.ela. Collaboration technique: CCNSTANTIMCO, Georgeta. Uncommon frequency of L. ponana infection In Rattus norragiaus. krch. roum. path. exp. microbiol. 21no.3: 655-660 S163 1. Travail de 111hatitut *Dr. 1. Cantacuzino*; labDratoire do leptospirose, Bacarest. NII;O"'COP Marcela Research or. the resp,-..nse of 2 lines of mice to live or kil2ed typhoid vaccines. L-mb. Rown. path. exp. microbiol. 20 no-3: 523-528 S 161. 1. Travail do ItInst'Itut "Dr., I. Cantacuzino" Laboratoire du Vaccin T.A.B. (TWHOID immuno.-I ogy) NICOLESCO, Marcella; ALZXENCO, Ecaterina C=Parative study of veveral strains of S. typhi isolated from the same patient by hemociature and coproculture. Arch. roum. path, exp, microbiol. 21 no.1:10:."108 Mr `62. 1. Travail de l'Inati--,ut "Dr. I. Gantacuz:lno" -- Service dati Enterobacteriacees. (SALMONUU, TYPHOSA) (FECES) CCM13IE,SCO, D.[deceased]; S7JRDZA, Nina; NICOLESCO, Marcela Further research on the sources of infection in leptospiroses. L. bataviae and L. -axoebing isolated fQr the first time in ~imtnia. Arch. Roum,, pith. exp. m1crobiol. 22 no.1:5-12 Mr 163. 1. Travail de l'Institut "Dr. 1. Cantacuzinoll - Service des Leptospiroses. (LEPTOSPIROSIS) (GA-1U DISEASES) (HORSE DISEASES) (SHEEP DISEASES) (DOG DIS'.-ASES) (SWINE DISEASES) NICOLESCO) St.; ONICESCO, Doina; GAVAT, Victoria; SIMIONESCO, Vasilica Apropos of the vignificance of some neurological lesions caused by an.Imal parasiten locallud in the muscle. Acta Morph. Acad. 3ci. Hung. 11 no.2:257-2a. 162. 1. Laboratoire d'Histologie de l'Institut de Medecine et de Fharmacie de Bucarest. (TRICHIROSIS pathol) (NERVOUS SYSTEM pathol) APDUFTESKU, E. (Angel.escu, (Nicolescu, A.]; BERBULESKU, Em. [Barbuleseu, &.1 Surface-activo cationic substances. 1. Synthesis and solubility of some cetyl picolinic salts, In water. Rev chimie 6 no.2:309- 316 161. ". Akadpmira ARR, Otdel Ihimicheskikh issledovanly, Bukharest, sektor kolloldov. 2. Membre du ComitA de rAdaction, "Revue de cbimis" Membrig de 11 Academie de la Republique Populaire Reumine j (for Angelescu), ANGELESCU, E.; ~I ~OL&SCI, A.; BARBULESCU, Em. Studies in the field of cationic surface-active substanc?s. I. S7n- thesis and solubLlity in water of some cetyl-picol-inium salts. Studii core chlm 9 no.2:357-365 161. 1. Contrul do cercetari chimice, Secton - coloizi, Bucuresti. 2. Membru coreepondent al Academiei R.P.R., Membru al Comitetului do redactie, "Studii ai corcetari de chimie" (for Angelescu). (Surface-,3ctive substances) (Picolinium compounds) (Solubility) NICOLESCU. A. Is It useful to cool f1jrnaces with water? p. 2. CONSTRUCTORUL. (Ministerul Constructillor A Indu-atriel Materialelor do Constructii A Uniunea Sindicatelor do Salarati din IntreptiMerile de Constructii) Bucuresti. Vole 8. no. 3W. Sept. 1956o SOUM,'E: East European-Acessions List, (EEAL), Library of Congress, Vol. 5, No. 11, November, 1956. i%. More Atention to the reduction of fuel consimption. r. 2. Vol. '), no. 396, Aur. 1957, Bucure3ti, Rumnia) ii;: -7-11onthly Li,9t of EumpeE.-.n iccessions (I'LAL) LC. Vol. ~), Nc. 12, :)e-. 1~'57. uncl. NICOLESCUI Al. Studies on the iniegration of the Lhird order linear anc homogenous differential equations. Bul Inst Petro! Rum 9, 211-216 163. ANGELESCU, E., acad.; BARBULESCU, Emilia; NICCIESCU, Ala ReseArch in the field of cationic tensioactive substances. Pt. 2. Studii cerc: chim 11. no.2:193-198 163. 1. Sectia de chimie fizica a Centrid,ii de cercetari chimice al Academiei R.P.R., Bucuresti. Rumou,/nineases of Farm Animals. Diseases Caused by Viruses and Rickettsiae . Abs Jour: Ref. Zhur-Pinl., Nc 9, 1958, 4C619. Author Surdan, C., Nic-ulescu I A UrOea, M. Inst Institute nf T~- ~-dre. Title Investigetinns in Connection with Influpmza Epizooty In Hcrees. Irig rub: Anuarul luc-rar. stiint. Inst. agron., 1957, 463-473. Abstract: Nr, abstract. Card : 1/1 I ZIMs H.; CATARGI, VICOLESCU, Al.pivEgISON, A. The influence of hypothalamic lesions on experimental t=origl3nesis. I. Intratosticular devdlopment of Walker's 256 adenocarainoma in rats with hypothe-lamic lesions. Hmmanian 14 Rev. no.3:49-50 Jl-S 160. (UMMUUMUS physiology) (ADENOCARCINOVIA experimental) (NEOPLASMS experimental) un,i r7elon. do Jr. rq , ~10 "ur ~';n-io 3t rat Iona ot Cartain 7ocl of lortoollrosIs in Who-p.' Votorinalzi, :n't1t,ite o,' l'-t.-,o;-y nd 13.10 * -;.trzior,7 nd ..n.'-! Jr.- , lnittt.ze of I Sh. ;n;tItaL. of ?ct'.a:or-; and ~n!nt.l y -nd !'ypl,no. I:'. or i ;,t~'.o lo~ 70t.'In."r"r" :t't. do Stat), al.~nllcu 5-al, 1'0~O;ti R~Clun". J., Votorln~rll,.n, Clrcurmi:rlption or Cogoloaa t'.Ircum- v sorlptlu, Jobroos R-rlwio. L/ ~C fj r. a v UL-< A Dr. At CIOLCA, Institute "Pasteur"t Veterinarta N./HFURIA, Vei:erinar7 Zone Fintinele, District Tg. Hurts; Vetterinaria:'~ S. ANTONIE Wterinary Laboratory Turnu Severin, Veterinarian N. VrRDrS and ~r. A. NICOLESCU, Veterinary Laboratory Pitesti; Veterinarian E. PARBAROSA, State Farm Voluntart, Bucharest; Dr N. SIRBU, State Fam Ratings. Animal Husbandry Ing. V. tNTON, State farm Cateasca R.Si-5-n Pitesti. "Results in Combating Spirochatosis in Poultry Fams." Bucharest, Revista de Zootehnie si Medicina Veteriviara, Vol 13, No 4, Apr 63; pp 82-67. Abstract [English sm=ary modifiedl - Orij;inal mcithod. infect gOese TC. -prevent accidental spread of fowl plaoua or leukosis), let spirillemls peak (to so many spirochetes as RBC in porlphor&I blood)l blood and us* as inocul= (0.25 al./hang diluted to 20% with Wine.) Treat vith organic arsenicals 24 how a Later. Excellent results in a number of flocks, 13000 birds total. %1w2 graphsl I Soviet. 3 French references. A., Dr, of -,,he Ar~es -;iE--',:-ne ',:---erJr-ELry la"-o- _,rratic 7crals of Acant-oce.7.Lalic naceus." -lucharest, Revista. ille Zootehrie si .,.edicina IeTe:~'.:.nara, Vol !.I, -z' 11, ~;ov 73, pp 76-77. Z'.bstract: Describes the first re~iorted inc.dence of infeot-io% this parasite in Puriania. Tne infection was ,,-ted in ,irCe3 ..,ee.June and affected pigs raised -'n Babana ~-Cs `.ad been -aken to graze at the edi.-e of t~ie woods .:,-,ere var~,,),,;s -necip 1. u ', were s oll' 1,,elolontha melolontha :.n,1 Ceto-i~,.- 3 r:!-i Jun I Includes 1 figure and 4 re es, of whic'n 2 ani, 3-66 Ew(j) RM 5/616,111-/0550/0560 ACC NR& :30URCE CODE: AUTHOR: Nicolescu..Ala Gruia, 14aria; kicolescu 1. V. State ilrize; ProfessorT-Mctor) _(Wimier of the ORG: Reseirch Center in Organic Cherilistry, Acadegr of the Socialist *A6131161iC -Of Rumania (Cent 1_de_Ze_r_c_e_fa-~_r -in Ch-iiiia--UFg-ii.-nica-af-Kc-aaem-le:[-Republ-ici:L SocialLste Romania) TITIZ: Active alumina as a support fcr cataly3ts SOURCE: Revista de chimie, v. 16, no. 11-L2, 1965, 550-560 TOPIC TAGS: alu-aina, aluminum, aluminum oxide ABSTRACT: A critical discussion of c�tIllytic aluminas. The authors di3cuss the structural forms under which aluminum hydroxides and oy1des occur and the correlation of form with catalytic activity; surf,-.-tce ch3mistry and physical properties ;ire also examined. Experimental data is cited to show that catalytic activity can be raised 2 to 10 times by influencing isomerization activity through the introduction of organic surface agents in the precipitation mediurr... (Elased on authors' Eng. abstracL] [JPRS1 SUB CODE: 07 / SU1311 DATE: none / ORIG REF: 003 / OTH REF: 037 SOV REF: 006 1/1 -is uD(,,: 661.862.22:66-097.5 . 6A. it I ! oVl R-0 "Na, ps- 1, -.,, 4xt. tZ. ERIA Al -ME R~x VL-Ri ail . ! . . I --z I .-1 - I . . , . , - . . -1 1 " -; I - ~ r '- I I I . . I I I ,. VICOLESCTJ , Basarabp -elev (Floicl;3ti) 3alved problema, probl(.,Ia 4560. Ge.!,, mat B 13 no.3:1.f6-l,,,? xr 162. HICOLLISCU, Sagars.b. student (Bucuresti) Molecular fascicles. Gaz mt fie 14 no.6-~309-313 Je '62. GIECORGHLU,N.H.,assist. prof. ; 141GOLIMCU'c'. Osseous transforsatiort of the eadometrium. itumanlan M. "ev. T. no. 4 '- 77-80 0-1) '59 - (111DOWRIU14, etismsec) (OSSIFICATION) -- - - - - - - - - -- NIGOLESCU, C. About a problem. P. 176 GA':E?.A. MATT,-MATICA 31 FIZICA. S'HaIA A. Vol. e, no. 4, Apr. 1956 Runania Source: EAST EURC FAN L.TSTS Vol. 5, no. 10 cct. 1956 Ye A bit re P, r. F r. I 7~! ;iIck)UII'SCU, C. i 1 1, and articrouive role of t. w f ore., t." p. 26. (RL' 'Yrj. ;,4"; 1 no. L,, April 19-53, Buctxest,L, 36: Monlthl~y Li~;t of F, Eur,Dpean Accessi-Dns, L. C. , Vol. 3, Io. 4, ;Lpr--L 1-1.34, Uncl. 'NIC011.x-c' C. "Discussions on the Instructions Conceming lyiprovement Cuttinge In Ri;ssitt 11 p. 25 (Foviata Padurilar, Vol. &I, No. 9, Sep-t. 1953, a c.'resti) Ea.qt European Vol. 3, No. 3 194. So. jLoiLthly List of ftw-m:k=AccessJ.ons,/Library of Congress, _ 14=,L-~JtkO, Uncl. ". y". 7. 10, (11--71~TA :L,.;jj, ') 6 , "Porestation 'n sand In liar.~:ar- ,, 1. .r4 40. ?. ?W". i,)514, lincureni, Rilmania) SO: Monthly List of Xast Furopean Accesalo;in, L~, Yol. 1. .1o. 12, Nc. 1)5."-, '-'ncl. llicuzscu, C. "Forest stations End riu-ticipation of the workng reo-le In refore- station work". p. 16o, (R3VISTA PADMI ILOR, voi.69, %. 4, Apr. 1954. Bucuresi. Rumania) So' Konthly List of Naiit :;woT)ean Arcei3siona. L, 7ol. 1, 11(3. 12. 39c. 1954, Unal. NICOLESCII, 0. "With confidence toward new acc~mpllnhments. p. 1. (REVIS--A FADITIWR, Vol. 70, no. 1, Jan. 1955. BLcures',i, Rumania.) EO: Monthly List of East European I kccessions, (EEAL), Lk;. Vol - 4, No. 5, MBY 1955. Uncl. ea:. FICOLFSCU, C. Towards new achievements in Alviculture according to the second Five- Year Plan. 1). 1 The First Class State Frize swarded to Dr. 0. Chirita for his treatise "General Pedolog ,y." P. 3. Professor Otto Schwartz spea'As to readers of Revista padurilor. p. 4. s`-NALELE FO!ETNC-SCV1T,'TICF. ST.;I-Ilt AC-FICULTURA Vol. 1C, nc. 3, May/Ji-ine 1956 Rimmnia Source: FAST EUROPEAN LISTS V-:1. 5, no. IC Oct. 1-?56 1 " -, L L., ~, ".- . *,hq Necesr-~,Y-j cor~qtxuct~Grls frr tl!e reec-cu-itlure mbn~,,c;fi(-nt ~111. P. 3~1. fluTiorda,' (Cr,I,ULOZ~ ~j hiRl"r- vol. 6, rio- bi IP ,:,: ~4olitfily List of Ebf't c,klr(' "'l' 11.(c(! (il''Y"') 1,(,. -'fol. i., ~i- J~jl :,,.r. Jncl. , C;. We si,ull riase ;i.f- *~ecf.nical ~ afforestati,-,n! o. 1-5 (Rel~intfi ilaa-rilor, Vol. 71. No.3, Par. 1957, Rucrresti, ibl7anla) SO: 1-iontrily Lirit of llnast k~uronetin -ccc3Fi,)ns(MA3,) Le. Vol. V, Do. ~', kug 1~457. Uncl. Per i or~ ic als w,.; nlarm:_n.~ and exvc~lti-q. s ~n -st, of Eurc~ -ar. A,-7 Fel r,iar-, RM,101A / Forestry. Forest Econoqr. K lba Jour : Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 22, 1958, N,.). 100171 t u1; hor : Nicoloscu, C - I IllElt Not j3lvun LI TII;1,3 t TIncrotasing Forest Prcductivity Through Botter Creanizatlon of Its EGononW Or.'.9 Pub : Rev. padurilor, 1956, 72, No 1, 27-30 .AbL-tract : No abstract given Card 1/1 Ye. (CniceRnu, F.'J, D, UNU41escup-l'.]; NISTOR, N. (N'Istor, 1.1; STAYATSKU, I. [Sttff.atescu, 1.1' Kri-BODfOR, S. r , L-onescu-Bujor, S.1 Some properlAes of HgTe sinple crystals grown from solutions. Fl,,,. tvc~r. 'ela 7 no.6iI808-1812 Je 165. (1/rFA 1816) 1. Fiz-cheekiy InstItat Akacemil nauk Rumynskoy Narodncy Res(---ahlikil Bukharest. D?t--~r-djiatl~ on of t~~.u -,~actlirn of thi-, j.rria. ire -f I mar 'IV r.()nu,-df'orri air 7,ap. -. 53. mj~?ar3 3*.iintifi,-.i a 'nrinerLI-r si Te-nicierdlor dir, o r -,..; i i a -(,,5nCi I'ia !~ordnia 'ii Vir-15tor-il -nerrl,~ lo!rtr- 3.1 JgEfa List of 7Dirrp,-~an A-ci!,3si )n-, C:'-_,l' Lr, 110L. '!o. '~)m, I' 3~,LEANU, M.; tjj~O"GU, G. Spinal barbotage in t-.e treat-ment of arter-itis, 71.~=Pnian no.2-8'I-8Z. 162. (ARTE.P,l - 13 ) (SPINAL FT:~TUI,:) .0 -bttfW, su .-,7777=r,.T- 7 Mi. Acu tox C, c n ir,,vc.n. Fizio-I r i o r7,-. . Ap": ",-Z7 -3 p e KTI~ .-,-,L ~- I. 1~ -'r, Co cl---, D. , :r, Col, NI CUIES, CU r, F I L I T., :,r, ...a~, aL~, tior. not eiven, pects of 'E.eni-scus "Some knato~,ical-Cl.-Jiica'- and ~'c;c.,apeutic Lc;- Ruptures. 3uchar,ast, Revi--ta 7ol 62, '~-O -.2, :,:ar-Apr 606, 7)p 209-210. C~ cafes -D--' r,,~T)+ui7e created year--- a-. --,-e 1~esi e S U13 were G 0 Z -~ III: E C 1~ .' f ta! me.-.Iscectom.y, w:i1c ,- is recom- mended over Dar-,ial -,,en--'Scecicmy; c----:-Iemze reccvery was ,3'bta-'r.ed in all -latfents, -.-iti. only a sa-all pErcenza-:e rc- Laining on a 1.J::.-4'.ec,-ac-,.ivity stalus. Avera-e c3nvalescEnce ti--e af-~er s-.rgery .ras rjays. _ncIudes 3 fi*Ci;res and 6 references, of whic-h 2 R,,=.aniar, 2 Germar. and 2 English.-.Ianeuace. -- Manuscript s-u3mnitted 12 Aujust. 1965. -C,,L G 1-10 r c a C 2 16 C vcfy stress o,. Luj: L ~,u.j 0 L e '-c, % -c 0 all 7 3_:~ Tz:Dle, 16 an-itOE,4 cal aii-- di*-26`--a:~--S, I SovioL, 7 ',Iziariiar, rc-,~rencus. rQCcIV,:u 7 F(,oruary I (~6b . FkCFRPTA MEDICA Sec 9 Vol 13/6 3urgery June 3120. TISSUE THEHAPY IN rIlL rREATNIENT 01' THE I)ViE,~TIVE: FI-ZrULAE Torapta tistllar'A in tratamentul fistu,clor ~hgvstLve - N,~2',esc_uj. . ,%nd r .- i A. MIne, an N. and licisf-nina im S. Chn II-a Chzr_ Inbt, de M.-I. . la,~i REV. MED. CHIR. IA-~l 195h, 1421-4241 A rejort (in 2 cases with highly dij!estivc fistulae, following gastro-nepatectomy, fluodeno-pancreatectomy and cholec-istectomy with choleflochotomy for merhanical tCiPrL1q. Contintious kspiratton and the uskiat tnt-rapy in bolh cases but rv- t overy was OLtained by the implantallon of plaventa into the fistulous tract accord- Ing to Tretialiuv-Filatov's method. rhe result obtained was spectacular. rhetech- nique is quite simple: there is no ri-3k for the patient anA in casp of fail-4re the possibility of surgical treatment is rot exciiided. NICUI,PF3(',U, T,, dr. L-ifluanza virus imhib~tora. MicrobloLorgift (Boicur) 10 rr,.2a 103-110 Ar-AF-165. 1. Lucrare efectuata J-n Jnstji;~,tuj 'e, mlcrobiologie. piranito- logia, mfidemlolngl.e "Dr. Is G~Lnw,,,Lizino", Bacurest.. A Et. A 1 J A '-R d rT LF S C~ d r- 'CAn Ir. '1! iq dr !,c N~N F L i e c t r u c a ra o ~, r;, h i s. t, ~,d i f~ 1(~ no. 4. 33 5-3!~ 4. 1, 9 . i; !'tk,: ;e a 1~-. !in,, i e f i z i j jilt c I ot, i r. s mc- c. - m a - (or'.rici,cator: -10. ~-!. -"arueea, s'-i'nte med i c a I,- 7ILIS'II'EAff.',, Eugenia, dr.; (FFI'I-.SCU, Mgia,, dr.; INAFrA, T., c1r.; N-'C~LE~;Cllp I.;Idr.; RACOVITA, ~., dr.; Cciaborator telinic- CHFNFS(.T, Frequai cy of antibodies against F6,rain-fluenzal -,,Jllr~ses in th~~ Fumanian People's Republic. ~tcrobiclogia (B-uc-r., 21-l' -49-354 1~~7. -_ Lucrare efert~~&t-a In 1. R I IIA A~R L, 1 CA , 1:-,;, C, ',~tr~coltural Council cons I i ii Ia,;cicol "basis ror issuring L~it: ~oadLr Pecluircents it, LhL Arzf--s Eucnarest, i~,evist-a dc ci:~a 'Vc~erirtara, Vol. 16, No. -3y bb; PP daL'I oi~ zi~qjiCULLural proL;uct-)Ln i,-i tiris het:L.res c:, ir,.)uLicLivo ia!,,~ by .each co=une, by produce such a6 ,t:"dIra, Clover, corn; waLer supply anJ irrigation proolerns; supply uf sevds; .,e6umes; 1---ccilizer suppl.'~s; nc-4 Lmproved strains of var,"Ous plants such as f:he rio-312 alialfa domEstic srrzins; values in lei; cattle; sheep; R U-I!iN l.'./F - r- i- Hc r :~cf Zhur Biol., No 11, 195~., Nc At~! Jour : 1 1 Aut ho r : --icr) I c -J, I or! 'I l Inrt : -1VI& ui L 1 ~. f r) r F - Y-.- "In rx in t hr- F Ti t I o -c r Typ- 'F s 1~,~p-~:blic of' Rix-,r ni-7. Crig Pub ~rohl. zoot~hn., 19~7, Nr 5, ~ ?-'2 Ab -t r- --t End,-iring '.yp-~ c nf hc of ~ t r,~y bo -ly I ,lji P Irich r~ ui for pulling --i-hc-vy lc if -t - w-1kinj: Fr~-- -r~ -t trot., -r -s for tr-.-,-pcrt ~vty ov r hcrt -rc rcrr--ntr~ 'y of ~IiL~ 7 fni-r -nrl' h(-,vy-wrrk ,L;11 !-p(.cirj,. h-v,- - liv. wCiv+' rf '00 kr, 1~,` p~r hn-jr, -n! -n llirt-nc-, rf 10 wj t. h r n -iOl lo-,~I. of' 1,~()O I