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SKOROKEODCV , Lev Yakovlevich; NEYEMI, I- I. , red. -[How microbioloinr developed] Kak razvivalas' mikrobio- logriia. Voskva, Meditsina, 1965. 48 P. (I-',IRA 18:9) tie a I Ic v V( Z" wn, :j c~ tl SIILTB , Pafni I Lvovich; NEYMM I Y MI. I.. r--.d . . FRFTI~14.411' , A.D., red. . (Whnt a woruan shou"'A know a`iout her hpalth', Chto znat' zhenshchimi o svocm zciorovle; nauchno-populiarnaia med Atcil nskaya lilleratura. 'Pookvn, Vi~ditsinap - 1965. 25 j~. -,-- (MIRA 19s1) T-OLYAEKIV, Nikolkiy Yakovlevich; NLYVAN, rpd. , is the onerry of hcial th I Kurenip - vrag zuoro-., I I a, [Smokinf I Mo.qk-va, Meditaina, 1965. 26 p. (MIHA 18:12) LAT31NIK, Gar:rl YeflmovIch; SHCHERBAK, Yurly Fodoi,ovichi NEYMAIJ, , red. DnCEICtious hepfititis; Botkin's disoase] Infektsiony),ri ger-atit; boleznl botkina. Moskva, Meditsina, 196r 29 p. (MIRA 18:12) CHAZOV, Yevf.~oriiy Ivanovich, rioktor mod. nauV .; 1%J!-f!.,,AN [l',!yc,,2ardJal infarct.; caures, treatri-ari-, pre,.r--r.tion!j InfP-:rkt Rdokrarda; prichiny, iecl;o.,.-',e, precuprezhnienie, lk,osk-v-, lcit,5, 31-) 1). I (1,~IPA ZIKEYFVA, Valentina Konstantinowia; IIEY14AN M.I. red. 1--l-1- - - .9 (Therapeutic diet in diseases of the liver and bile ducts] Lechebnoe pitanie pri bolemiakh pecheni i zhelchnykh putei. Iz(1.2., is.Pr. i dop. Moskva, Maditsina, 1965. 53 P. (14IhA 19%1) TRAIiGEYZER, Valentina Andreyevna, kand. mod. nauk; NETMI, M.Lp red. (Prevention of &theroaclerosial Preduprezhdenle ataro- skleraza. Moskva, Meditaina, 1965o 54 P. (MIRA lgil2) KARPUKHIN, Vasiliy Tiirofeyev-.ich, prof.; NSMIAIII,- red. [Uro).ogical diseases] Urologicheskie zabolevanlia. lzd.2., ispr. i dop. Moskva, Voditsina, 1964. 54 p. (MIRA 18:3) KUCHERUK, Valent Viktorinovich; NEYYAN, M.I.~ red. (Control of rodents, carriers of diBeasea3 bo,~-Ibz u g,-iz-anani- nositeliami boleznei. Moskva, Meditsina, 196,1.. 36 p. (VIRA 18: '1) 137-58-6-12032 Translation from~ Refvrat;%.nv~ zhurnal, Metall1irgiya, 1958, Nr 6, p 121 (USSR) A U THOR: NevmAr M. N. TITLE Cert,3in Data Perlain)ng lo the Pl,,nning of HN,droi-netallurgical Zin( Plart~- iNekoturv~e danny~e o Proyektirovanii gidrometal- lurgi( heskikh t-111r'koV'Vkh zavorlov PERIODICAL~ Tr. soveshcha,-,i,,a po metallurgii tsinka. 1954. Mos(o,,k, M-~-t a H u r91 zd.t 1956 pl) 30 43 ABSTRACT The aothor desc ribezj engincering processes that have been developed Te, ci)tl~ for various z)nc plants, new equipment, and novel le(linological proiess systems developed by resear(h in- stitule~. AH proje~ ts provide lor roasting of concentrates by the method of FluoSolid, roasting in furnaces 6.7 m in diameter, 8 m high arid ( ipaDle of a produ( tivity of approximately 100 tor,-. Tho- opt-rAtion of leaching of oxides, dusts, arid subli- mates of the Pb production i-i to be combined with the subse- querl operjt.ons Of SLJ)Jatizat~on of Pb slurries, thus ensuring a high clegret! of extra( tion of Zri and rare metals. The plans for extensive ernplo~ment of plastic materials and of card 1/'! erarni( 'ile for lining of pie(es of equipment. A n 137-58-6-12032 Certain Data Pertaining to the Planning of Hydrometallurgical Zinc Plants sensitive system for removal of dust from gases has been designed, in part, for wet electrostati(. pre( ipitators so as to permit their utilization on a larger scale after they had been tested under shop conditions. The plans call for more extensive employrnent of pipe lines to provide hydraulic trans- portatior, for slurries, re-pulpec dusts, and oxides. A.P. 1. Zirc--Prod,ictior Zij1r- cre-c-Proce.'sing 3. Industriai piants-Design 4. lnd-istria-' pianls--E.I,Ipme~~t Card 2/2 137-58-4-6443 Translation from- Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 4, p 15 IUSS-R) A uTHOR N e y rn aM.-hL,/ TITLE: Designing Roasting Shops for Zinc Plants (Proyektirovaniye obzhigovykh tsekhov tsinkovykh zavodov) PERIODICAL, Tr- Tekhn. soveshchaniya po obzhigu materialov v kip- yashcherri sloye. Moscow, Metallurgizdat. 1956, pp 46-56 ABSTRACT: Zn concentrate roasting installations are designed on the basis of research work done by Gintsvetmet at a small experi- menial furnace at the Elektrotsink works and with the aid of literature data on the work of an industrial installation at a Canadian plant. The design and installation of rectangular arid round pilo! plants is described. A. Sli IndusLria- p-Lants-Design 2 Zir-c-RcasLing-App~4-a-i-n:, L Card 1/1 LEBEDEVA, Kar-'talina liladimirowta; NEYM4, red. [afety me.-sures in T.he --et-a-l-lurQr of lead and z-i-c Tekhnika bezopasnosti v metallurgii svintsa 4. tsinka. l,.oskvL-, l,'.etallurgizdat, 1963. 298 p. (1,1IRA 17:6) ir. e~,er ~a~d s," PA 64Tr/6 USU/nntrmiae an/rob l948 Electrons - Motion Energy - Dissipation *The Zaargy Dissipatim of Electrons During Their Movement In a Rapidly Changing Homogeneous Elec- tric Field," Prof U. S. Kayman, Dr Tech Soi, 19 pp "RadiotekbP Vol III, No I L2vestigatea conditIms of elactronle motion betureen two perallel grids 11-ving long transit time. Sub- x1tted 13 Mar 19-47. QT56 IM ritatomicta us the Whado-OM 1"Ce of TAG& "a Tocrodd 06d(IoLtwo KI W(ca Ifth Fff4fAf(tCt## 1111,1-% Ildl kl~g In 1(UWAn ) urreol frmn l1w j jb? tilt, of '1141Y lfo~ h-~t ... f'. 1k h4- 1, fl~. At Or 1~gmfliftu .I the cm,"i'm 1u.. 1M.'t'gh tilt, Ack.1 1" it". jofes~.Jl 'Jolong All't thl'.6gh Ih, Ke'd A-,,I 4 .4 ... 1~ br, it. gf.4 11" ...... lpqw'~ '~ 1114'k thm A I .. . In,, , "f f"" IlAfg~ 411 4411~1.-J UMAI Ill th" I ,a 1'rf .4 ..")JAC 10411"'llAign All, .1. r1-1 but 11K_ 1. ~ml~ -.A I AbIr do" to it.. "f ch'if"n. to -111Aw. HIPM - tekhaichoskikh nAuk; KOMMU, A.A., reduktor; dokto3 bIAZOVA, MT.., tekhatchositty radairtor. I (Triode and totrode high-frequency generators] Triodnye i tetrodnye generatory evorkhvysokikh chastot. Moskva, Izd-vo wSovetskoe radio," 1950. 282 P. [Photostat] (MIRA 8:2) (Ilectron tubes) (Oscillators, Slectron-tubs) M?,YMA,NL.- 14. S. Ha-iiophyidcs, .3uperhi,-,ii Frequencies Radiateklinika. Vol 5, No 5, 1950. "Generalization of the Line T)2eory to Waveciirle .svstems." .No abqtract. SO: Radi.otekhnikh, Vol 9, No 2, karj'Apr 2R July 1954) Technolo y (Triode and tetrode ,ilt:-E,, hif-'r, frealency ~:orierators). (-~Oskva ' , "ove- E'- De -'- -; -' -~- I ~ -, , , T. :-r, y List -if Russian f..cce,~; im,-~, Librury of Corwress, Novciiter, I "; . - "(-I ~7 ~. 1 lortlil 9 1, 1 -- .'Ll. USSR/Electronics FD 226 Card 1/1 Author : Neyman, M. S., Active Member, VNORiE Title : Couplings between waireguide systems through openings in side walls Periodical : Radiotekhnika 9, 5-12, Mar/Apr, 1954 Abstract : Proposes coupLings through openings whose longitudinal dimensions are Emall compared to wavelength.. Gives eq:aivalent circuits for various couplings (e.g., parallel-capacttl~ve, series- inductive, parallel-inductive) and gives directions for calculating parameters of equivalent circuits. Investigation based on the theory of lines generalized to regular waveguide systems. One reference: 1 USSR. Institution : All-Union Scientific and Technical Society of Radio Engineering and Electric Communications imen:L A. S. Popov (VNORiE) Submitted : June 30, 1952 f r r- 0 --. r.1- -- ..4. A1. j, 10 A* At C. K.6- IL 11 W-- IL IL f- W-6 (, IS w 22 IL I,. A~ C~-. , 10 16 --1 so F, mom - a-ML"" 91W '00 ft"A 2.6t..Ct,4 04 8.12 z"s. tv SHTSUSHLOYGER. Vollf Bents I onov Ich; WHSHINA.T.A., redaktor; REMO, H.S. professor, daktor takhnichaskikh nauk, retsenzent--" YRA B.Z., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nank. rete;nzent, ZUDAICIN,I.K., takhnicheakly redaktor [Phenomena of Interaction of waves In electromagnetic resonators] Urleuilavzalmodelstviia voln. v elektromagnitaykh rezonatorakh. Moskva, Gos.1zd-vo obor.promysh., 1955. 111 P. (KY-RA 9:2) (Blectric resonators) UTM, -Mikhail Samo-vlovich; S)WISIPYR. V.1., redal-tor; UJI1011OV, G.T#~., redaktor (Generalization of a circuit thaor7 for 'wave systamO Obobshchento tooril tsepst na volnovye sigitemy. Moskma, Goo. energ. izd-vo, 1955. 191 P. (MM R-.6) (Electromagnetic thooi7) (Radio waves) NEITMI,, M. S. "Successive Calculation Method for Wave Guides and Oscillati.141 Circuits," Radjo Tekh., No 1, 1955 IV 4-- T M f) A~, 01 . j USSR/Electronics - Iriformation Theory FD - 2 5'-"( ca- , I/I Pub 90, - 2/12 Au -nor Heyman, M. S. , Active Member, 00191'!, Ti-,,Ie The Gerieral Theory of Si.7nais and the General Theory of Autonvitic Processes P~---'iodical Radiotekhnika, 10, -13-16, May 1~53 ract Arguments are given In favor of eztabliuhint~ two disciplines of a general character: namely, (i) the general theory of siCmals and (2) the C, en - r,-', 11 ~, -ory of autornastic pro(-esses. 7hey are defined and the basic f-ature- .' f-onlen4,~~ -,.re 7,-,e -lies between them an(~ their i,.: ~- t an c: and eiectronics are empha--J..,.~-, ":..e providing a theoroti.-C C~:- )I- to treated by infor!,.i.,.,.tion th!~'ory "I ~'11 a~ Institu~ion All-Union Scientifi:! and T~cnnic--~~ ';oc- q .~-.'o Enpinee-i-.-Z Eiectric CommunicatIons L-,ienl A. S. VITMiZ) SubmItted 7 March 8, 195', I Y ~-P'Vj I I I (VI, ..) , USSR/Electronics - Waveguides FD-2281) Card 1/1 Pub 90-2112 Author Neyman, M. S., Active Member VNORiE ' lkethcd of Calculating Waveguide and Oscillator Systems Title A stopwise Periodical Hadiotekhnika 10, 12-22, Jan 1955 Abstract A method is given for calculating waveguide systems and closed vibra- tors., based on coupling between the core complex and core simple elec- tromagnetic systems. This Vernits finding the parameters of cavity electromagnetic systems without the neel for calculating the wave electrodynamic relations. The author classifies electromagnetic sys- tems and discusses the relationship between resonant and critical fre- quencies, wave characteristkcs, distribution parameters, and struc- ture of electrow-gnetic fields. Institution: All-Union Scientific and Technical Society of Radio Engineering and Electric Communications imeni A. S. Popov (VNORiE) Submitted July 3, 1953 SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CARD 1 / 2 PA - 1247 11UTHOR NEMN' M.S. TITLE On the Method of Computing and Projecting Generators vith Triodes, Tetrodes, and Penthodes. PERIODICAL Radiotechnika, 11, fas(;- 4, 15-23 (1956) Publ. 4 / 1956 reviewed 9 / 1956 The present work investigates the method of projecting new generator tubes and computing electric circuits of lamps such as are at present in use. Computation is based upon an assumed useful efficiency or net output, and the losses in the oscillation system of the anode are taken into account. This method is a further development of a. previously published method (M.S.NEJ11AN, Vestaik elek- trotechniki, go 1, 25 (1930)). For computation the usual simplifying assumptions are made. Initial equations: On the occasion of the computation of already existing types of tubes 4 parameters are known and 19 quantities are sought. These quantities are connected with one another by 15 independent equations which apply for triodes, tetrodes, and penthodes with the exception of some older tylies of tetrodes. In computation 4 degress of freedom are left over, and further 2 ad- ditional conditions are mentioned, At first, while all additional limitations are neglected, the computation method using both degrees of freedom is studied for the determination of the maximum total degree of efficiency of the generator. This computation method permits the determination of the highest degree of sufficiency and of the corresponding Call fir: AF 1157024 AUTHOR: Neyman, M. S.- TITLE- A Course on Radio Transmitters. Part 1. High Frequency Radio Transmitter3. (Kurs radioperedayushchikh ustroyatv. Chast'. Radioperedatchiki vysokikh chastot) PUB. DATA: Izdatellstvo "Scvetskoye Radio", Moscow, 1957, 296 ?p. ORIG.AGENCY: None given EDITOR: Zabolotskiy, N.G.; Tech.Ed.: Koruzev, N.N. PURPOSE: The book was written as a textbook for the course in radio transmitters and was approved as such by the Main Administration of Polytechnical and Machine- building Institutes of the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR. A Course an Radio Transmitters. (Cont.) Call Nr: AF 1157024 COVERAGE: The present voliune contains the first part of the course and covers the fundamentals of the theory and of design of high frequen3y oscillators, oscillatory systems, self-excited oscillators, transmitters with amplitude modulation and the principles of construction of long, medium-and short wave transmitters. The author acknow- ledges the cooperation received from Gonorovskily, I.S., Professor, and Granovskaya, R.A., Docent. He also men- tions Andreyevskiy, M.N., Docent, as the author of' textbooks on the construction of radio transmitters. These textbook will supplement the present textbook and will serve students working on design projects. There are 23 references, 21 of which are Soviet, and 2 are trano- lations into Russian. Cwd-z~~_ P~%. 7212 A U "? I ion: Actin- Membcr A i,ou,ii,tion T I TL ILI -,,;I It i'k I Rf. I of' .1.1tji v riosi,ch,ijkli klistroanjk..'-, ~,iui- I i telyakh . Rus s i an) - PERIODICAL: Radio,,er.nniha, 1957, Vol 12, ',Tr ij, pp 12 (U.S.G.R.) Received: 6 / 15157 Reviewed: 7 / 1957 AB3TRACT: The modern klystron amplifiers of hi,:h performance require very high voltages of the supply line and they have narrow strips of the trans- mitted frequences. For waves longer than 50-60 cm, moreover, the over- all dimensions of the klystron amplifiers are much too laree. The pa- per under review an-alyzeS the causes of these 5hortcominCs and indi. cates possible ways for their partial elimination. First of all, the formulae are de:-ived for the restrictions which are imposed on the designing of the klystron ar-plifiers. From these formulae the conclu- sion is drawn t'aat in order to have the possibility of a low volta6e in the supply line the crcss section of the electron ray must be large. For the case of a compact cylindrical electron ray thii paper derives the restrictive condition and the condition for the lowest permissible voltage in the supply line. It is demonstrated why there must be a narrow transmis:;ion strip and also that in this respect v7e will obtain more advantaCeous circumstances only if the performance of the klystron amplifier becomes very high. It iS Bhown that it is possible to obtain Card 112 a widening of the 3trip also at the expense of the reduction of the HJAS~, j 300K rXPLOETATION J V" "t Neyman, M. S. Avllomaticheskiye prot 3(-- 3 3y I ya%, -Ieniya; (obshcftiyt,~ vr)prosy teoril 3intrm, soa--!r,-,ha-iftc'L1k~i upravlyayunt-,chiy~, zavisimostey) (Automatic and Phenomena (G~~nerai Theoretical Froblem3 Df 3y3tems Containing Control Lc),)ps) Moscow, 1-.-,d-vc, "Sr)vetskoye radio," 1958. 14-1 p. Errata slip lnserted. 141-mber of c:)Dles printed not g1vtn. Eds: M.L. Volln and N.D. lv,~iniinhk(j; Tech. Ed.: A.A. "'veshnikov. PURPOSE: This book Is intended for students, engineers and scientific workerz3 ipecia.lizing In radio and -Ie~tra-iics and related fields. It may also be useful tr) rf:--aders Interested In gereral proollems of aLito:7atI(, PrOl~e3,3,~S. COVERAGE: The author from a Blnglf! point of view the various aspec%~, of al),tomatic proceise.3 and nhermmena, Including stablilty and '.-:3tabllity, C ar~L~l I Automatic Processes and Phenomena (Cont.) scov,.'2672 physical discontinuity and self-osclilation. Ch', ef attention Is devotcd 1;r) clnsed-loop r--Ircuits of (~ont-oi actions, which uriderile a-L-J. of a-at-omatic The relation between the -,~,eory of autoinatio. and certain problems of formal logic are examir-A, ._:i well as problems of r~ons*~ ;ctlng automatle, oy.-~,tc7rnt'i for cortal!i of living organl.,~t,nv,. The autnor rnakt~,,, min-Imurri of mat.hemat.icaL and 4n some Instan3es to rpake the presentation. as and as simple as h-- avoids ~ertaln terms used ir t;h,-- To emphale~,13~, the arritr-ary and subjr.-c-1-1ve charactc.,r of tht~ general notion of open-1r)op and riiosed-ioep (feedback) ;3,';S!.ern.3, he introduces the terril. ~'f.oritrol loop". The material is Illustrat(Id with tlax~,r Cor rh(~ most -L-r' from the field of' elet-ronics and radio. Fo r t o.,3 r! interested In furth,,~-r stud L i -1.trmatic y of certain problorrio control, th(.~ dut.hor off't!r-B a 111,01- of' 16- Sovlet, 4 of which are t.vansi-ation-..,. No 1.) i - r.~l on nI 1. t I (~- 13 P,-- ir f n - t1oned. Thrir-e are ric) 6 (4) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1598 Neyman, Mikhail Kura radioperedayushchikh ustroystv. ch. II: Radioperedatchiki averkhvysokikh chastot (Course in Radio Transmitting Apparatus, Pt. 2-. Superhigh-frequency Transmitters) Moscow, Izd-vo ItSovetskoye radio", 1-958. 398 p. No. of copies printed not given. Ed.L N.G. Zabolotskiy; Tech. Ed.; N.N. Koruzev, PURPOSE: This '.s a textbook for students of ra,dio-engineering departments of polytechnical vuzes. COV3RAGE; The author discusses closed-loop oscillatory systems and describe13 the operation of triode and tetrode superhigh- f-.equency osp.11latore. He also discusses the construction and operation of multicavity magnetrons, floating-draft klystrons and traveling-wave tubes. Attention Is also given to pulse C=61269_ Course in Radio TransmittIng (Cont.) SOV/1598 modulators and methods of frequency modulation. The author thankB Professor Ye.l. Manayev and Docent R,,A. Granovskaya for reviewing the manuscript. There are no references, TABLE OF CONTENTS.. Introduction 5 Ch. 1. Oscillatory Systems for Superhigh Frequencies 9 1. Closed vl!Drators 9 2. Basic shapes of closed vibrators 14 3. Methods of tuning and connecting coupling elements 20 4. Other types of oscillatory systems 26 5. General aspects of' the theory of closed vibrators 31 6. Toroidal vibrator5 39 7. Coaxial vibrators 43 8. Vibrators in the form of two-wire lines 48 Ch. 2. Triode and Tetrode Oscillators of Metric and Decimetria, - Waves 51 1. Oscillator resonant circuits 51 2. Calculation of lengths of resonant lines used in oscillators 62 Cl~-~ 88-58-98-1/4 AUTHOR- Neyman, M.S., Doctor of' Technical Sciences, Professor TITLE: Foreword (Predisloviye) PERIODICAL: Trudy Moskovskogo aviatsionnogo Instituta, 1958, Nr 98, Probler,.is in Superhigh-frequency Radio Engineering and Electronics (Vo rosy radiotekhniki I elektroniki tverkhvysok1kh chastot), pp 33 NSSR). ABSTRACT: The autbgr of the Foreword is the editor of this collection. The collection contains three reports on origInal research in the fields of waveguide systems, ribbed electrodynamic structures and self-excited oscillator modulation. This research was done from 1955 to 1956 at the Radio Transmission Chair of the Moscow Or-der of Lenin Aviation Institute imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze. The present work is the third collection of reports on research done by this Chair. The first two collections were p;ablished 1n 1954 amd 1957 (Truly Mill, Nr 39 and Nr 73). B. Ya. Myakish.~_,v is the author of the fir;3t report which is concerned with the calculation and experimental determination of the reflection coefficient for Card 1/3 Foreword 88-48-98-1/4 electromagnetic waves obliquely incident on a ribbed metallic surface. The study ishows that when the depth of surface grooves is approximately one quarter wavelength,depth resonance occurs. At the same time, image reflecittion of the ray is of very low intensity (a small percentage of the radiated power) and almost all the energy is reflected as lateral waves. Simple analytical expressions were obtained for the amplitude and phase of the rays and fields reflected by the grooves in the case of narrow grooves. Data obtained by calculation is given for wide grooves. The phenomena of transverse and longitudinal polarization of incident waves were studied. L.T. Telyatnikov, author of the -s.=-!cond article., explains the spectra change theory of amplitude-modulated master oscillators during simultaneous frequency modulation. In this study the following cases are investigated: (1) single tone modulation; (2)-modulation of the surn of the non-multiple frequencies; (3) periodic pulse train modulation; (4) irregular signal modulation noise . The study shows that additional frequency modulation effectively and assymetrically changes the spectra of amplitude-modulated oscillations. In the third study, written by D.I. Voskresenakly, Card 2/3 Foreword 88-48-98-1/4 a new method of measuring the reflection coefficient In waveguides and feeders is explained. This method is especially useful in Ineasuring very small values of the reflection coefficient (on the order of a few percent). It is called the resonance method. Greateat attention is given to the application of this method in measuring small reflections which occur in rectangular waveguides at the junction of straight and bent waveguide section3. Examples of measurements made by this method are given and the results compared with the calculated data. These calculations are based on the theory of bent waveguides elaborated by the author which was published in the preceding collection of faculty Studies (Trudy MAI, Nr 73, 1957). AVAILABLE: Library of Congress JJP1ks1r 10-8-513 Card 3/3 NlnQN, K.S.. 1V Alectromostio aurfaaa waves. hv. rys. =heb. imv.; radiotekh. U0.11-12 Ja-F 158. (M33A 11:4) 1, Rodkomendovana bdedroy radioperedayush~hgftustroyatv Nookovskogo ordens lenIna aviatsio=ogo Inatituta In. S. Urcighoalkidze. (RaAie waves) NZYYAFI, II.S. Special. features of applyin.,- the nethod of forced freq--.enc7 arnchronization to backward-wave oscillators. Izv. 77s. uc~jeb. zav.; rad'-otekh. no.3:2RF~293 MY-Je '5P. (1413A 11:?) (microwaves) 06526 6(4,7) SOV1142-2-2-21-015 AUTHOR: Neyman, PA.S. TITLE: Some Basic Problems of High-Power Radio Trans- mitter jjcvej.opment PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysslaikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiotekhnika, 1959, Vol 2, Nr 2, pp 146-154 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Based on an analysis of the most essential general engineering deficiencies of modern hi,,o,-h-power radio transmitters, -,he author describes some possible avenues for their future development. He discusses some 6vayb -..L' :-t:,zLA,_ii,6 ;,raiLbmitLet- dimensions, of eliminating some of the numerous stages of high fre- quency and modulator units, of a radial coolinS system simplification and ways of simplifying the control of transmitters and auxiliary devices. The author fur- ther presents a review of papers which will be of interest when solving the aforementioned prouiems. rn'~ emphasizes that prognoses for the future, especially for the remote future, are necessarily always incom- Card 112 plete, since unexpected aspects and possibilities wili 0652f) jov/1 +' 2 - 2 -2// 2 Some Basic Problei;.s of 11-61,h-Power Radio Transmitter Develop- ment confront t-e re';c,-,.rcher cluring the progre,3 of ~iis work . Therefor,-,, this article should be consiiere!] only as an attempt. of compilin6 some h---nts of a ~os sible future devciopment, based on ideas w~,.ich are already known at tlic~ nresent time. There are '21 references, 11 of .-iiiich are Soviet and 10 English. This article was recommended by the Kafedra radioperedayushchikh ustroystv Ttloskovskogo ordena L2nina aviatsionnogo instituta imeni jergo Ordzhonizudze (C!.air of Radio Tranzimitters of the Moscow - Lenin Orde-- - Aviation Inititute imeni 3ergo Or(IZIIOn!kI-12t- i SUBMITTED: Deceiber Card 2/2 063LP~ 9 (2) 30V,/142-2-4-1/26 AUTHOR: Andreyev, P.N., Zatskaya, T.K., Neyman, M.S. TITLE: A High-Power, Wideband Ret3natron Amplifier P""RIODICAL: lzvestiya ticho-bnykh zavedeniy, Rr~diutekhnikfl, 1959, Vol 2, Ur 4, pp 391-398 (USSR) ABSTTRACT: A 10-kw resnatrDn amplifier is described briefly. It has a very wide frequenej passband (about 6'/o of the mean frequency). The basic principles used for desig- ning this amplifier are explained. The frequency pass- band had. to be achieved without using some coupled os- cillatory circuits, neither for the input, nor for the output. Not more than 6 kv feed voltage were to be used. The reaction of the output circuits on the input circuits and on the exciter were to be eliminated as far as possible. The electrcn-ray principle was used for designing the electrodes. The amplifier was buil-t as an all-metal structurE- w-;'_th continuous evacuation, thus all oscillatory systems and electrodes were pla- 'Inrd 1/3 ced in a common ,iacuum. The two ascillatory circuits 063V CV/14 2-2-4-11126 A High-Power, 71ideband Resnatron Amplifier of the amplifier are coaxial, halfwave syotems. The in- put and output :3ystems are tuned by p-'-stons. Input and output of rf energy are designed -.or coaxial cab- les with 50 ohms impedance. A general diailram of the resnatron amplifier is shown in Figure 1. A photograph of this device is shown in Fig 2. A detailed diagram is shown in Fi[r, 3. The most important components are shown in a photograph, Fig 4, and in iiagrams, Figs I and 6. All basic units are watercooled. The construc- tional details are described briefly. During tests, the following data were es"ablished: Load capacity 11 kw; anode voltage and voltage at the screen grid 5.8 kv; bias voltaq;e at the screen grid -165 volts; capa- city in the exciting feeder 2.9 kw; current of the a- node-screen unit 4.5 amps; control grid current 0.6 amps; cathode heater voitarre 5-3 volts; heater current 1700 azaps; cooling water consumDtion 20 liters Der mi- nute; continuous duty. The amplitudo-frpqency charac- Cnrd 2/3 teristic of the monatron amplifier ic; shown in Fig 7. 06348 0`07/14 2-2-4 -1,12(; A High-Po,,,ier, Wideband Resnatron Amplifier The amplifier power was established by measuring the rf power absorbed by the cooling water. The amplifier worked reliably during the test. The publication of this article was recommended by the Department of Ra- dio Transmitters of the Pdoskovskiy ordena Lenina fiviat.- sionnogo instituta imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze (I`Yloscow - Order of Lenin - Aviation Institute imeni Sergo Ordz- honikidze). There are 2 photographs, 4 diagrams, 1 graph and 7 references, 6 of which are English/Ameri- can and 1 Russian. SUBY17TTED: February 25, 1959 Card 3/3 9( S 4 AUTHOR: Neyman, MOS., Professor Do,~tor- of Technic-all -- `-~artme-n-t;--Tead T I TL'-, Radio EngineerinC., Dis(,.Ip'iL-E'-, (On tae of struction Plans f~:)i T--ainm- T?aJio/Er-,gir,eer:3;' PERIODICAL: Izvesti-a vysshik-h uchebnyk-h zavedeniy, Raciioieknr,~Lk-a, 1959, Vol 2,, Nr 5, pp 624 - ~-~28 (IUSSF,~ ABSTR-ACT: The author r~zcommends a :7adical (-.hanrTe cif tae train-.~nC 0 program for vadio engilaeers, since exiStinF:-, Lns,.mi~--- tion plans ar-e lagging bf?I!Lnd the rapid de-,.reiopmen-, of radio elec.tronies and its theoretica.". foundat,.nns The requiremi-nts of coritemporary radio ergineering cannot be met: by COrreUtlng ex-Lzt.-,r,.g in.,;T-,ruction plar,,;., because a MF-ll,e additior) :)f nevi u~,-ects v,,ou.,ri rio', ;.,ii- minatue existing deficiencies. Lhe discussioii of prob- lems connected with a revision of training Card 1/6 program is meeting a stubborn opposition, s:-rr-e such SOV/142 - I Z/ I q Radio Engineerir4,7 DisciplLnes (On -,he Problem of Instr-uct(ion Plans for Training Radio Enf~ineers) change will mean a break -.-.,lth the 'nistorica. develop- ment of rad-'o engineering, originating at the electr-,.- cal enginee'_~irjg facuit-les., which in turn were deVeloped at the facultles of m-echanical engineering a,, =T.itu~- ions of _'-Lignler iearnincr. Until today, t,his 1-iisror,ca- development of the radi,D engineering -faculties and de- part-.ments has a influence on the training proj~ram, resulting in a too coverage of sub- jects dealing with electrical and inec' -lanical engizieering. Radio engineering facilities or departnenus often be- long to po,.,.-~-r en~,~ineering, elec1-r,,(-_-a1 en-inee7nngj... avi-. 0 '7j ation or other specialized institu-~, ions (.,,r ,ruze.-, The members of the scientific councils of these insirutons often do not show suff`tcient undei~standin.- of the prob- leDis of tht~ radio enC-jineerinG departments, since, the ma,-iority of' council members belongs t,o various o-1her departments. It must. he kept, in mind that, under con- Card 2/6 temporary conditions, a radio enr,~_,neer vii-1.1 not ,.-()r? Radio Engineering Dis,'-plines (On the Prob.em ni ins,~ructic)?-- for Training Radio Engineers) alone on one P.,-rjbl rj,, but, in a '.eam of several other radio en-gineers. eLectrical en~!neers, chemical engineers etc L 1i eam viork -Ls practiced at Soviet 'zidustTlal lh~llf-r--. aor some t 4Lme and it ,s the on!-,I possir-o-'i-y w ing fast and high-quall-i solut lons of comi~!,-,ated engl neering problems on t1ae present hi-h levei of sca.~'nce, 3 Each of the engineers in such a team must be trairied and must always be )n-formed by re(~ent literature on current development's in his field. At the sairr- it is not desireable to train hil-,h'iy speriai,.-,ed rarlio engineers, since the dif ferent f ieids of radio engi neering are often interr onnected . A too aig~,iy s,~e(- lal 7 Zed enginee-r would be useless for Iiis team within a fe'N years due to the development of radio engineering. Card 3/6 It is necessary to limit the t,raining proCram, for radlio k", 3OV/ 14~~ - Radio Engineering DisciplineE, (On the Problem of Instruct.Lon Plans for Training Radio Engineers) engineers, espe(:-ially in the f2elds of electri--al and mechanical engineering, The amount of theoretical in- formELtion existing on essential problems of radio engi-- neering is extraordinary large, thus an attempt, to in- clude all these subjects into a training pro-ram is doomed to failure. Only the fundamentals shouLd be included into the training program without overburden- ing the stud-ents. The number of courses should be kept at a minimum. Such an approach will provide the neces- sary time for Lacluding some (i1sciplines of decisive importance Ln rad-io engineering, which were thusfar in- adequately covered The author discusses briefly the numerous and c.omplicated problems arisins, with sucli a revision and gives some recommendations concf:~rnin- the arrangement of courses. The mathematical instruc Iuion prog,,ram should be enlarged by the following sections! Card 4/6 1) introduction to analysisi 2) differential a-rid ante V/1' SDOV/ 142 - 2- ~, -I L~ I --:~ Radio Engineering Disciplines (On tile Problem of Instrlic'.1-an FIans for Training Radio Engineers) gral c-alculus, ordinary difCere-ntial eouations~ 3nalytical and differential georijetry. 11) lector aria- lysis and matrix ralrlulus; 5) di-irferertial eq,~iatior i, with partial deri.vatives and int,egral equatiorl.5; theory of' probability and random processei~i ',I) series and. integrals, The theoretical mechanIcs -r.,ijise should be included in the physics -ourse, The tra,I,*..,(Ai a.1 chemistry courae can be eliminated, covering items in the radio materials course whicn exceed 'evel of the chemistry course 4r-, i seco4dary sr.hool, I I The author presents a list of courses which sr;ould be comprised in the training program for radio neers: mathematics,general physics, theory of' magnetic circuits, theory of the electromagnetic field, vacuum electronics. solid state electronics, signal theory, automatic process theory, technical drafting U 4 Card 6 applied mechanics, technology of radio eq ipment ; rad- I-JOV 14 2 - Radio Engineering Disciplines (On the Problem of Instruction Plans for Training Radio Engineers) parts and materials, elec.trical equipment of T adio networks, transmitters, receivers and amplifiers, antennas and feeder lines, pulse devices, theory cf radio networks, specialized courses, and cour-,es (Ieal- Ing vvith now problems,. Tho reorganization of' t lie in,,Aruk--- tion plans will require careful preparation and. addi- tio--ial discussions to adapt the training prog--am 'or radio engineers to present requirements. The ar-ricie was published as a subject of discus-sion. There is L Soviet reference. AS"JOCIATION:Kafed-ra ra-dioperedayushchikh usT.roystv Moskovskogo ordena Lenina avlatsion-nogo instituta imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze (Transmitter Department of the Moscow Lenin Order-Aviation Institute imeni Sergo Or,dzhcni.- kidze) SUBMITTED: May 19, 1959 Card 6/6 i 6. 68o , Qt : ) --, (3 0 AUTHOR: M. S. Neyman TITLE, On Super High Frequency Computation PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika, '.c,,c0, Vol 15, Nr- 3? pp ABSTRACT: - disc.~ss`on c" p T2e paper is a genera -esse-dal-- automatic computer.13 and t~-,eir possible T.-.e improvement in, the speed of ~.lgh-sueedl -c,T:pu'e-3 discussed . I-, 1-s said p-es -,~110 speed Impro'.,emer;' -!-ia:. app -',o,. c:' 'j.-c Decreaslr~E hy seve-a . 'nundred cpera"no- t')y P" gn nsmlso G c, f s 1a -ar C, pe?- second. 7-:1--, t-as twc in f],~, x 1, b It, G V - ', - severai tlMe3 in SIA--ces,31c,!. Card thus decreasing ~.Oa' On Super Higr Frequency lr~'err-.--e~~, Automatic Computation S ov1,.-L,.-., It has a dlsadvanta~ye 1!1 11 IS of propagation of electromauno~--~-~ dis, e n I t be --, o r7l,e s imp c r' a nb cp a y a geometry and er,:-",. of c ,o deve,op arid us~--- r-e he n d I sc Lis se s s upe r ae,,,- ,4, Phenomena become or pr.i,-,;e Impor'ar a --a-J I g I d condilior of self-e x c 1 4-- a , i 0,~ C -" a C, j phenom, eno,-. of' f'rCT 0--~ lrito cond"'Ic-'. ~-,-e 1, IS few fo- 6 ahe ~he priase. Ce - t a I M C' 0J C0-S L F- sma~,-dimens ior~ -es s- a r, power triode au-.ogerE-.-a~ I-S C, reflec!~Ing klys~rors. 3 o 7, r-, o e developed furt-her if' ap Io.,, c P "P...-I computers is to be successful. T, r', Card 2,~~ 1 U.S. reference. R. L. PIRE!P SIMOV, V.I.; RM", H.S.- All-Union scientific Se8Bion dedicated to Radio D--7. Radiotekhnika 15 no.7:76-79 JI 160. (MIRA 11:7) 1 (glectronice-Congresses) S/108 6o/o15/o1o,/oo1/ooe B012XB060 AUTHORi fieymanj M&47., Active Member of the Society TITLEa Principles of the Construction of Intermittant Superhigh Frequency Automation Systems q PERIODICAL. Radiotekhnika, 1960, Vol. 15, No. 10, pp. 3-10 TEXTz The author of the present paper studied several basic problems concerning the construction of amplitude-, frequency-, phase-, and mixed systems of intermittent superhigh frequency automationT In addition, the present paper deals wltfi some general problems arising in the construction and the use of superfast systems of this type. To begin with, the simplest circuits for information processingbare examined in connection with the introduction of intermittent auperhigh frequency automation. In doing so, the author confines his investigation to the case of binary systems (yes, no), although a construction of more complicated systems (with the aid of some frequencies, phases, and amplitudes) would also be possible. Only the simplest elements of such circuits are discussed. Fig. 1 shows an elementary member serving for the transfer and the processing of informa- Card 1/3 - V Principles of the Conatruction of Intermittent Superhigh Frequency Automation Systems B012/Bo6o tion in two variantst "repetition" (Fig. 1a) and "negation" (Fi,-,. 1t). Fig, 2 illustrates members with two inputs. One of them (Fig. 2a) cor- responds to the logical operation "and", while the other corresponds to the logical operation "or" (Fig. 2b). Fig. 3a shows a member with several outputs. Since a damping of oscillations is inevitable in the transfer of Information, it is nooeaeary to provide for amplification appli(AncOij . Thi-f-C, variants of such an amplification are shown (Fig. 3b) and explained. The third, which is the amplitude modulation of the superhigh frequency trigger, is recommended and described is greater detail. Fig. 5 shows suitable forms of the amplitude modulation characteristics. It is shown that the simplest is an amplification making use of a modulation frequency which amounts to half of the pulse repetition rate. Three cases of utilization of radiopulses are examined to illustrate the possible designs of the members shown in Figs. 1 and 2: a two-amplitude system. a two-phase system, and a two-frequency system, Without comparing these 9yetems, the mixed superhigh frequency automation systems are examined next. The author further deals with possible superhigh frequency pulse transformation methods, in which the pulses carry binary information In addition, the methods of their transformation into video pulses and vice Card 2/3 Principles of the Construction of Intermittent S/108/60/015/010/001/008 Superhigh Frequency Automation Systems B012/BO60 versa are dealt with. It is shown that the transformation of video pulses into radio pulses and vice versa, as well as the transformation of radio pulses of one frequency into radio pulses of another frequency are especially interesting. It is pointed out that (assuming the posoibility of ensuring quick information) it is expedient in a number of cases to apply automatic systems from some "levels" or "cascades" with variously fast action. The last chapter of the article deals with the input and output information in the case of superfast operation intermittent automation devices. The possible methods of reducing the volume of innut and output information in the solution of very complicated problems are listed. There are 5 figures and 4 referencest 1 Soviet. SUBMIITED: February 12, 1960 Card 3/3 ANMRLTV. P.N.; VAMIOVA. G.A.; NZYVAII. K.S. Resnatron self-oscillators with a large power output for operation in ths UHF band. Radiotekhnika 15 no.Us26-33 3 160. (MMA 13:11) 1. DO)y8tvitel by7e ohleny Mauchno-tekhnicheakogo obahchostva radio- takhaikl I elektroavyasi Imeni A.S.Pbpova. (Ch3cillators, Xlectric) (vdcrowaves) C/1 ? r,) 10 31980 S/I 2/61/oWoWooi/oi8 F,192/E382 ,, Telyatnikov, L.I. and Zemtsov, G.P. AUTHORS: Neyman~, MS TITLE: Investigation of flip-flopsand registers for the amplitude system of digital computing PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiotekhnika, v. 4, no. 4, 1961, 388 - 397 TEXT: One of' the authors analyzed in two earlier papers (Ref.. I - Radiotekhnika, 1960, 15, no. 3, 7; Ref. 2 - -do- No. 10, 3) the general problems of designing digital-computing elements based on radio pulses instead of the usual video pulses. Such systems can use amplitude, frequency, phase and combined method; of recording and processing of irxformation~ Some experimental results of an investigation of the basic amp1it4d4t-type binary systems are described in the following. The elements of the flip-flops and registers are based on over- excited oscillators. The experimental oscillator was based on a vacuum tube, type 6"8 (6N8), with series supply in the grid and parallel supply in the anode circuit. The oscillator operated at a frequency of 7 Mcls. One of the important Card 1/6, 31980 S/142/61/004/004/001/018 Inveatigation of flip-flops .... 9192/9382 characteristics of such an oscillator is its output voltage- at the grid circuit as a function of the negative amplitude U 9 as a bias applied to the grid, with the mode voltage S a is parameter. A set of such control curves for various 2 a shown in Fig. 1G for the coupling coefficient K = 1A (coupling between anode and grid circuits). It is seen that depending on the grid bias voltage, the oscillator can behave as a bistable element. On the basis of Fig,. 1, it is possible to determine the width ZNE of the bistable zone for various 9 anode voltages. It was also found experimentally that the amplitude of the oscillations was a loop-form function of the anode supply voltage. The width of the bistable zone as ~ function of the anode voltage is greater than the width as ~ function of the grid bias voltage. Changeover of the above type of flip-flop (switching circuit) can be effected by means of an external video pulse, radio pulse or both, provided the systetp operates within the bistable zone. If the triggering is Card 2/0-11 .,)1980 S/142/6i/oo4/004/Ool/ol8 Investigation of flip-flops 9192/9382 done by a radio pulse, this should produce forced oscillations in the system, whose amplitude should exceed a certain threshold level. Further, the radio puls2 should transfer to the system an energy not less than (1/2)CU , where U is the amplitude of the threshold voltage and C is the equivalent napacitance of the oscillatory system. The fact that the amplitude-type flip-flop can be controlled either by a radio pulse or by changing its supply voltage can be taken into account in the design of a binary register with an amplitude system of informa- tion-storage. Triggering of the flip-flop by means of radio pulses makes it possible to transfer the "state" of a preceding flip-flop to the next unit, while by using video-pulse modulation at the supply side each flip-flop can be returned to its original state. In the case of triode flip-flops, the modulation can be effected at the anode as well as at the grid. The registers can be of the following three types, depending on the inter-coupling elements between tile flip-flopsl a) register with delay lines; b) register with two flip-flops in each stage and c) register with three flip-flops in each Card 3/~,,_ S/142/61 ooVoWooi/oi8 Investigation of flip-flops. E192/P-382 stage. The first flip-flop A is the fundamental element in the .register of the second type, while the second trigger B forms the coupling element. The modulating voltage is applied to the ating L fundamental and coupling elements in anti-phase. The modul 0 voltage is applied to the elements with a phase-shift of 120 in the case of a three-flip-flop register. A register element of the second type was investigated experimentally, the circuit diagram of the system being shown in Fig. 13, The potentiometers R in the circuit were used for setting the mean levels of the biases and the amplitudes of the modulating voltage for each of the oscillators. The lefthand-side oscillator was triggered by an external source, operating at 7 Me/s. The righthand-side oscillator was triggered by radio pulses derived from the lefthand-side oscillator via the capacitances C CB1 and C CB2 and the diode )C~, connected in parallel. The diode was employed principally for directional decoupling of the systems The experiments showed that a satisfactory operation requires that the directional decoupling be at least 10. If the decoupling were lower, a spurious triggering of the lefthand-side oscillator Card 4#,, 319P,G' S/142/61/004/oo4/ool/018 Investigation of flip-flops .... E192/E382 by the righthand-side oscillator could take place. The above- experiments confirmed the possibility of employing the amplitude-type binary switching circuits and registers as reliable computing elements. There are 14 figures and 8 references: 4 Soviet-bloc and 4 non-Sovict-bloc. The four English-language references mentioned are: Ref- 3 E. Goto - PIRE, 1959, 47, iio. 8, 1304; Ref. It - R.A,. Wigington PIRE, 1959, 47, no. 11 , 516; Ref. 5 - F. Sterzer - PIRE, 1959, 47, no. 8, 1317; Ref. 6 - Transactions of IRE, 1959, EC-8, no. 3. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra Moskovshogo aviatsionnogo instituta im. Sergo Ordzhonikidze (Department of Moscow Aviation Institute im. Ser,ro OrdzIlionikidze) SUBMITTED: December 6, 1960 Card 5,~,'. 23089 S/108/61/000/007/001/007 746 D204/D305 AUTHOR: Neyman, M.S., Member of the Society (see Association) TITLE. Principles of designing memory elements and of code selection for high frequency binary automatic control systems PERIODICAL: Radiotechnika, no. 7, 1961f 3-10 TEXT: In the present article, the author considers methods of realizing memory elements for binary automatic control systems and the basic principles of code selection. Different memories are con- sidered first. The passive wave memory, a memory obtained owing to a finite time of any wave propagation, can be designed using either the incident or reflected wavd in the form of pulse packets, The time of storage is then limited by the attenuation and "erosion" of signals owing to dispersion. The increase in the time storage of these HF memory devices can be achieved by adding active circuits which either periodically or continuously regenerate the information, e.g. in the form of series connected pulse-forming and anplifying Card 1/ 5 S/1023089 Y61/000/007/001/007 Principles of designing... D204 D305 circuits (Ref. 4: C. Cutler, PIRE, Vol. 43, No. 2, 1955) or in the form of one oscillating circuit, for several passive elements, such as a TWT. The possibility of storage elements at SHF based on the principle of varying the parameters of the propagation medium, i.e. of a parametric storage element is considered next. Such a memory can use the variation of impedances of attenuation constants, of resonant and phase characteristics, reflection coefficients, coup- ling coefficients, phase velocity etc, The problem of storing information could be easily achieved for instance by rectified voltage and currents of the radio pulses. These in turn could charge or discharge non-linear capacitances, alone or combined with non-linear resistances of diodes, etc, There are certain difficul- ties here, however, owing to the time of writing of the information; since e.g. if the time I' of voltage variation is T a 10-9 sec at a capacitor C = 10-11F and & u - IV the required current is i - 0.01 amp. This amplification of radio pulses is required. For the sel- ection of stored information and its application to the required element of the automation circuit code selectors could be used. Three systems of code selectors are considered, as applied to a Card 2/5 S/10 61/000/007/001/007 Principles of designing,_ D204%305 sampled system utilizing radio pulses with amplitude, frequency and phase pulse modulation. These are: parallel, pyramidal and crossed types of code selectors. If 1, 2, 3,,,,,.m denote the control in- puts and there are 1, 2, 3..,..,n outputs then in the parallel con- nection of code selection to each of the n outputs, there corres- ponds one m-th binary code combination and 2m,> n, In the pyramidal system of selection the input 0 branches off in the selector first into two directions, then into four, eight, etc, and finally into 2m directions. In the crossed system of select--)n, the selector contains n switches in one direction, situated at the nodes of a plane quadratic matrix. For every row and column there are two sub selectors, each into--tFn directions, The sub-selectors have at their inputs half of the signals of the governing code combination (21'= Vn-), so that the matrix selecting system is being governed in two steps. The parallel type of code selector contains, there- fore, n switches in one direction, n comparison circuits each for m signals and n elements which store the individual combinations of the outputs, each for m signals. The pyramidal system contains switches into two directions only, the number of which is equal to Card 3/5 2 3089 S/108/61/000/007/001/007 Principles of designing.- D204/D305 1 + 2 + 4 + _. + 2m-1 . 2m n-l In crossed types of selec- tors all the above elements are present in the sub-selectors but in reduced numbers, sinceVn- has to be substituted for n~ In further considerations, systems with uni-polar (1 or 0) controlling signals only are considered, The elements of a selector of the parallel type are considered under the assumption that oscillations do-'- not change their parameters except when required. Under such conGitions all four A, F, T and V systems can be achieved using linear passive elements. System T . the code combination from comparison circuits may consist of phase reversal for instance. System A and f: Here the most convenient is the preliminary transition of the type A -t' Y or f -,p A -4 T. System V: Here the controlling system most likely to be used is of two polarities i.e. positive and negative. In selectors of parallel types the switching circuit should differ- entiate between the control signal m and the slightly smaller infor- mation signal, the control signals being only A or V. The differ- entiation can be made more certain by a preliminary amplification of the central signal, constant level detection and code redundancy Card 4/5 2 '10 8 9 S/10$4/61/000/007/001/007 Principles of designing... D2047D305 in the comparisons circuits. There are 4 figures and 4 references: 2 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc, The references to the English- language publications read as follows: H. Takahasi, E. Goto. UNESCO, Proc. of international conference on information, g. 2.9, 1959 (Rus- skiy perevod: Zarubezhnaya radioelektro tekhnika, No. 49 1960, p. 86); C. Cutler, PIRE, v. 43, No. 4. 1960, 1955~ ASSOCIATION- Obshchestvo radiotekhniki i elektrosvyazi im. A.S. Popova (Radio Enaincprincy Pnrl Flentrical Commilniva- tions Societv im A.S, PoDov) / Abstracter's note: Name of association taken from first page of journag SUBMITTED; October 10, 1960 Card 5/5 31-207 S/108/61/016/012/001/009 3 9201/0302 AUTHOR: Neyman, H.S., Member of the Society (see Association) TITLE: Karmatrons platinotron and magnetron design PERIODICAL- Radiotakhnikag v. 1-5, no. 12, 1961, 3-14 TEXT: Two main problems &rise in designing karmatrons, platinotrons and magnetrons: 1) Calcultions as related to the electron effects in the interaction space. They exist because of the fact that the electron ef- fects are rather complex and not yet fully understood. 2) The design of the structure of the delay system including all technical data required for their proper operation. Attempts at the theoretical solution of the above problems have produced, until now, no results which could be applied in practice. Since, however, some design criteria are necessary, the author attempts$ in the present article, to obtain a simplified approach to the design of the above devicesq based on fundamentally simple ideas and relationships and using certain empirical facts and coefficients. Card 1/6 31207 S/108/61/016/012/001/009 Karmatrong platinotron 0201/D302 The multi.-segment magnetron design considerations are included because the known methods of their design do not underline their similarity to karma- and platinotrons. The analysis is based on a unified represent&- tion of all three devices, all considered as variants of the type] TWT. Because of that the parameter 6, equal to the cathode-to-ano,Lofatio, is not introduced. Another parameter is introduced instead, representing the ratio of the distance between cathode and segments of the delay structure to the pitch of the latter. It is stated that ideas euid re- coaunendations as to the choice of parameters are tentative and should be made more exact as soon as more experimental data are available. The basic relationshipsas assumed in the article are as follows: 1) Syn- chronization cGndition, Eq.(l) 3U 1 90 where ~J - the c ~ 30-0 * H p phase velocity of delayed electromagnetic waves equal to the average axial electron velocity; c - velocity of light; c - retardation; E and V__ 0 HO - the intensity of electric and magnetic field respectively. 2) The expression for the radius fc of the cycloid of electron motion, Card 2/ 6 31207 S/108/61/016/012/001/009 Karmatroa, platinotron D201/D302 Eq.(2) M log E0 r-%-fl E0 3) The simplified relationship -,;?- - rz-- 5,8 =H_ H0 0 between E0 and H0 Zq.(3) U 0 = E0 d, where d - distance between the cathode and segments of delaying structure. 4).The'relationship between the pitch (space periodicity) D of the delay structure and the wavelength Eq.(4) D -OP x 0 . where I wavelength, phase shift per step. c 2 0 7.1' For 7L' -type of oscillations for the wave component, the inter- action of which with electrons is used as the useful effect. 5) The idealized thermionAc efficiency Eq.(S) 1 - 29e , which does not d take into account the fringe and other effects. 6) Connection between d and D Eq.(G) d = i4D, where 11. is a certain parameter, which is one of the basic design parameters. After a few transformation% the re- quired system of relationships takes the form of Eqs.(7), (8), (9) and (10) Card 3/6 31207 S/108/61/016/012/001/009 Karmatrono plptinotron 02oi/0302 6950 1020 (8) (7) HO ) -VUO(i - q h ) 19 e D (9) d JIB. (10). 2 C In platinotrons with relatively short delay structures, the maximum hasing for the "Pre ferred" band is derived as Eq.(16a) allowable d 0 P% 24, 2A - p 4 ~ o 2 &*~f lim e lim Vc- where is the lim f - 360a 0 -if 360a DNf - the average axial electron velocity, maximum allowable de-phasing, 'IP e I - distance along the periphery of delay structure and N - total number segments. This equation may be rewritten as Eq. (17) of delay structure C 2 A f 2 lim a For karmatrons the number of segments N may be i- ~ -N (9 much larger. In case of magnetrons, dispersion is determined by the condition of a sufficient deviation of the resonant frequency from that Card 4/6 31207 S/108/61/016/012/001/009 Karmatrong platinotron ooo D201/DJ02 of.the adjacent resonances. Determinatiou of the length of the delay system is considered*descriptiv~ly and as far as the karma- and platino- trons are constde redIthe final number of segments should be chosen exper1mentally. The angth A *1 of'the interaction space required for rearranging electron bunching is derived under simplifying conditions, as Eq.(17a) where U denoted as in- V e 2D ~ = F I = D 0 tensity! If the interaction space has a certain curvature - correction factor should be introduced. The exact correction factors are stated to b6 extremely complicated. The application of the above design procedure is illustrated by the design of a pulsed platinotron and of a pulsed magnetron, the results of which show very good agreement with the pub- lished data for both devices. There are 3 figures, 2 tables and 6 re- ferences. 3 Soviet~bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to English- language publ4.cationa road as follows. GA. Dombrowski, IRE transactions on electron devices, no. 4, (1959); W.C. Brown, PIRE, v. 45, no. 9, (1957). Card 5/6 31207 S/108/61/016/012/001/009 Karmatrong platinotron 9ov D201/D302 ASSOCIATION-, Nauchno-tekhnicheskoye obahchestvo radiotekhniki i elektro- avyaii im. A.S. Popeva (Scientific and Technical Society of Radio Engineering and Electrical Communications im. A.S. Popov) Abstractor's note. Name of Association taken from first page of journal? SUBMITTED, February 12, 1961 Card 6/6 %MWI, H.S. --- Progress of radio electronics and its principal problems. Izv. 7p. ucheb.; radiotekh. 5 no.1:9-15 Ja-F 162. 15:5) 1. Rekomendovana kafedroy Moskovskogo aviatsionnogo instituta imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze. (Electronics) S/142/62/005/OG1/001/012 "ho 10 E140/E435 AUTHORS: Neyman, M.S., Zemtsov, G.P. TITLE: An investigation of logical elements for digital automata using amplitude script PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Radiotekhnika. V.5, no.1, 1962, 16-25 TEXT: The authors describe an experimental study of circuit elements for carrier-amplitude logic. "For greater simplicity and clarity the first experiments were carried out using vacuum triodes and a relatively low frequency of oscillation". The system described consists of stiff-feedback oscillators with a heavy fixed grid bias 'i-.,hich maintains them cut-off except when triggered into oscillation by the simultaneous presence of a high-frequency input and a reduction of the bias. The latter is used to control the clock relations. The bias,resonant frequencies and coupling arrangements are adjusted to permit the following logical operations: (with two inputs only) AND, OR, EXCLUSIVE OR, and (with one input only) NOT (negation). The carrier frequency of the experimental elements was 750 kcs, the clock frequency 50 cps (sic'. The circuits are not unilateral, Card 1/2 S/142/62/005/0cl/001/012 An investigation of logical ... E140/E435 so that there is back triggering of oscillators, for example in the 011, with one input excited, the output oscillator is triggered which reacts back on the source for the second input. In the exclusive-OR circuit, pips occur at the start and finish of a cycle if both inputs are nominally excited, due to imperfect synchronism of the two oscillators (the clock signal is sinusoidal). The leakage is also high, the signal-to-"no-signal" ratio being three-to-one. The authors speak of a "synaptic" junction at which the type of logical operation could be controlled by an external signal, due to the fact that the difference between one operation and another is in part controlled by the type of coupling (resistive, capacitive). There are 12 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra Moskovskogo aviatsionnogo instituta im. Sergo Ordzhonikidze (Department of the Moscow Aviation Institute imeni Serge Ordzhonikidze) SUBMITTED: ~Ino 16, 1961 Card 2/2 S/142/62/005/006/001/011 E140/9435 AUTHOR: Neyman, M.S. TITLE: On electronic machines for testing ultra-high-speed pulse script digital elements PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Radiotekhnika, v.5, no.6, 1962, 663-671 TEXT: The author describes various simple arrangements for testing digital circuits using microwave pulse script or other ultra-high speed elements. The logical operations possible are "AND", "OR", flexclusive-or", shift and store. A system for manual input and cyclic operation with comparison to a prescribed end result is described, permitting operation cycles of the order of several minutes to be obtained. Correct operation is determined by stopwatch, given a knowledge of the clock rate and the period of the operation, e.g. simple counting in a shift- registee counter of large numbers of positions. There are 9 figures and 4 tables. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra Moskovskogo aviatsionnogo instituta im. Sergo Ordzhonikidze (Department of Moscow Aviation Institute SUBMITTED: May 15, 1962 imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze) Card 1/1 NERANP M.S. (I-- -.-- Super-high frequency sampled-data computer automata. Trudy MAI no.149:5-12 162. (MIRA 15.12) (Electronic computers) (Automatic control) NEYVAN. H.S. Principles of the design of super-high frequency sampled-data systems. Trudy 14AI no.149:13-22 162. (MIRA 15:12) (Electronic computers) (Automatic control) NEYNANI M.S.; TELYATNIKOV, L.I.; ZENTSOV, G.P. Study of triggers and shift registers for amplitude-type sampled-data systems. Trudy MAI no.149:23-37 162. (KM 15:12) (Pulse techniques (Electronics)) (Electronic computers) NEYMANY M.S.; ZFMOV,, G.P. . ............. Study of -logic elements for amplitude-type impled-data systems, Trudy MAI no.149s52-65 162. (MIRA 15:12) (Electronic computers) - HEYMANI H.S. Principles of the design of memory and code selection elements for high-frequency sampled-data control systems. Trudy MAI no.149:148-157 162. (MIRA 15:12) (Automatic control) NEYMANO X'S. Concerning the automation of programing operations of Superhigh- speed computer system of discrete electronic automata. Trudy MAI no.149zl58-174 162. (MIRA 15:12) (Electronic computers) (Automatic control) NEYMANI M.S. Electronic automation of research work. Trudy YAI no.149:175- 187 162. (KIRA 15:12) (Electronic data proces") (Research) r9 (Electronic computers NEYMAN, M.S.; ZEMTSOV, G.P. Amplitude triggers using tunnel diodes. Radiotekhnika 18 no.1:40-47 Ja 163. (KCRA 16t2) 1. Daystvitelinyye chleny Nauchno-tekhnicheskogo obahchestva radiotekhniki I elektroavyazi imeni Popova. (Electric neWorks) (Pulse circuits) IS S Lame A: PMT(d)/qwT(r4)/Ewp(w)/p1*) D/AEDC(b) (ARL IR Off. ~--/-AP50-- 02 1 8/0'2 /024/0012/0012 AUTHOR: vxalltsev. V. I.; Glazunov, S. G.; Zaboronok, Gr. F.,i Zelentsov, i_i_.7 Y_ seley, A - A .0. * e Vefe.dova, L. A. R!ynj~c -.1"'L aro ol d,. Fi 7ijj:F4:j7 _2nshin, A. S.; Sokolov, B. G.; 1,111ME: Vacuum -furnace fdr melting, alloys. Class: 18, No. 166934 ISOURCE: ~Byulletenl izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, -no. 24-, 1964, 12 TOPIC TAGS:--valcuum furnace, alloy melting, alloy melting furnac e, Vacuum molting furnace ABMACTt this -Autoor'Certificate introduces. a- vacuum furmace for .___Mektirlig. ulloys a '-The furnace is equipped-vith electron gunis or tilt- ~ing, thigh- melting crucibles-and a.mold vhich~ aiz anclosed- in a vactium chamber. In,order Linitially td melt -win D4- Cord 11-2 ACCESSION NR: AP404ZS45 5/0142/64/007/0031028SID07-94 AUTHOR: Neyman, M. S. (Professor); Zemtsov, G, P. TITLE: Simple method of testing discrete -operation components at high clock frequencies SOURCE: IVUZ. Radiotekhnika, v. 7, no. 3. 1964, Z83-Z94 TOPIC TAGS: computer component, computer component testing, computer reliability, computer comionent reliability ABSTRACT: This method is suggested for testing the reliability of a trigger, logical element. shift register, etc.: The pulse train from the component being tested in applied to a detector and then to a (simple or superheterodyne) radio. receiver. After the detection, an amplification at the clock frequency. or its harmonic, and then a second detection may be arranged. An experimental device i (see Enclosure 1) used for testing an r-f pulse trigger consisted of the trigger Card 1/ 3 ACCESSION NR: AP4042845 proper Tr, a detector D for isolating the r-f -pulse envelope. a superheterodyne receiver R tuned to the clock frequency, and an indicator I which served to measure the voltage across the receiver detector. The trigger included a tunnel diode with an additional inductance and coupling capacitors. The effect of the supply voltage on the reading of the indicator, for various modulation v:ltages and at clock frequencies of 70, 130, 140, and 150 Mc. were determined experi- mentally (curves supplied). It was found that the tested tunnel-diode trigger reliably operated at clock frequencies up to 130 Mc, with a carrier -frequency to clock-frequency ratio of 13.5. The method permits the testing of components not, nly for flip-flop operation but also for cycles such as: 101010, 100100100, 110110110, etc. Orig. art, hasz. 12figureso- ASSOCIATION: none SUBhUTTED: 25blar63 SUB CODE: DP !Card 2/3._ ENCL: 0 1 NO REF SOV: 003 OTHERI 000 ACCLSSICH MRs AP4042845 Tr r J k trigger testing scheme Card 313 ENCU)SM, Cl NEEYMA,NI M.S. Fundamental problems of microminiaturization. Ra#otekJu-,ika 19 no.1:3-12 Ja 164. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Deystvitellnyy chlen Naucht,'- roklaiicheakogo obshchestva radlotekhniki i elektrosvyazi imeni Popova. 'Pamoylovich; GANIN, I.K., red. [Course on radio transmitters] Kurs radioperedaiushchikh ustroistv. Moskva, Sovetskoe radio, 1965. 593 P. (MIRA 18-8) EP T ;L 36714_6t~ ACCESSION APS004417 :,processes.- - In designing technical systems for Processing and storing information; of atomic -molecular events, roughly this relation will hold true: ;:MBQjK 10, where 14 is* reliability, M is the degree of micr6miniaturization~