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L AGWEVA-KATKOVA, O.G.-, VOTACHIK. V.I.-,MMOLATIV, T.G.; KULIKOVSKIT, G.G.; LIMCHN, A.G.;IELYMAA, L.T.; RASPOPOT. A.?..- SUPRUMOT, Y.K. Boris Sergeavich Proobrazhanakii; 60th anniversary of birth. Test. otortnolar.. Ifoskya 14 no. 3:97-100 Kay-June 1952. (CLML 22:4) 1. Preobrashanakly is editor of Vestnik oto-rino-larigologil and attached to the Therapeutic Sanitary Administration for the Kremlin. Is Active 4embar of the Academy of Kedical Sciences USSR. Awarded Order of Lenin in 1943. Is Chairman of the Administration of the All-Union Society of Otolaryngologiate. NEj2_,mq L. V. T]rRMOLAM,T.G.. rodaktor; MOBRAZMSKff. B.S., redaktor; RUNIBURG.D.K.. rodaktor; TIOTIN. U.3.. rodaktor; ALMAIMROV. 1.M.. rodaktor; IGMM. L.T.. rodaktor; GABXUAND. M.I.. takhalcheekly rodaktor .................... (Diseases of the pharynx:, laryoz, trachea, bronchi, &ad esophagus necessitativg surgery; doctors' handbook] KhIrmrgichoskie bolosal glotki, gortanie trakhel. bronkhov L pishchevoda; rukovodstwo 411a vrachol. Pod red. 1.0.1molaeva. B.S.Preobrazhemokogo. D.M.Rmtsmburga I 1A.S.Temkins. Moskwa, Gone lz(t-vo nod. lit-ry, 1954. 867 p. (Thrott--Surgery) (HLU 7:9) (Remptratory organs--Surgery) (loopbague-Surgery) I IM14 1,111 L, V MUMN. L.V.; LUBOWMIT. V.I. Nathod of 60jactive Investigation of the function of the amUtory smalysor in children with hearing disorders. Test. oto-rin. 16 no-3:40-46 xy-Je 154. MYA 7:7) 1. Is Mauchao-issladovatellskogo instituta defelctologit Akademil podagogicheeldkh nauk RSYBR. (HEARING TXSTS, ftechnic) WMAN, L.V., kandidat maditsinskith nauk (Moscow) ESore tbroat.' A.V.Xorchagin. Ravl~w~d b7 L.r.seimm. 761,d akush. no.9:59-60 S '55. NLHA 8:11) (TRIT)AT--DISUSES) (KORCFAGIN, A.T.) 141,I)ICA See 11 Vol.11/6 O.R.L. J1,"I 51,1 1100. FUNDAMENTAL QUESTIONS ON Till-1- DEVELOPMENT OF HEARING PER-- CEPTION AMOi7,~T '11ARD-OFAIEARING' SCHOOLCAIILDREN (Russian text) N Ym an L. V. Inst. of Defectol., Arad, of Pedagrog. Scis, Moucow - e fn-fttF-ffii-ciV.--7UF-jf-t-torhnyt nlukh u tugoukhikh I glukhrinemykh detel, Moscow J 1957 (".#5-05) Ref. 3 A atudy was made of the development of the hearing perception for speech elements during a special training course amongst 27 'hard-of -hearing' schoolchildren with severe loss of hearing and grtatly tinder -developed speech. In relation to the tone threshold the majority showed loss of hearing nbove 70 db. . 6 children had hearing loss of 55-7-5 db. , while one girl had a loss of under 50 db. The audiometric curve was of descending character in all cases. Considerable restriction of auditory fre- quency range was found in a number of children: in absence of sound perception for frequencies beyond 4.096 c. p. 9. ; In 6 children. of more than 2,048 c. p. a. ; and in 2 as low as 1.024 c. p. a. Practically all children distinguished vowels A. 0, U; 18 out of 27 diatinguiahed the consonants below a level which ensures satisfactory com- prehensibility of words and sentences. One schoolgirl distinguished all familiar words uttereJ with colloquial force near her helix; 5 pupils differentiated 8-9 words out of 10, and 14 leas than half. The basic principles of the lessons, given twice weekly, consisted in: (1) registration of the state of the hearing function; (2) pre- sentation of clear visual aide for the sound in use; (3) arrangement of playing spells. Control Inspection at the end of the year revealed in all pupils an improvement in I the differentiation of speech heard and of vowels and consonants, also in discerning of acoustic signs characteristic of certain groups (soft. hard, ringing. dull sounds, etc.).. These elaborated differentiations remained constant. It is presumed that owing to lack of trial of listening to sounds of threshold or below-threshold intensity. 'hard -of-hemring' children react in audiometry to a particular sound which at times considerably exceeds the real threshold. Radina - Moscow (S) NETMAN, L.V.,Icandidat meditsinskikh nauk Tonal a-ldiometry in deaf-mute and preschool children with defective hearing [with summary in English]. Vest. oto-rin. 19 no.1:27-32 Ja-F '57 (KMA 10: 4) 1. Iz lbiuchno-iseledovatel'skogo instituta defektologii Akademii pedagogicheskikh nauk RSFSR- (HIURING TESTS audiometry, tonal, of deaf-mute & dull hearing preschool child) (Rus) ; - I,p , AIAXUUUROV, I.N., doktor med.nauk; IINYHAN. L.V., ~, ~-, . - Professor lAkov Solomonovich Temkin; 60th birthday. Vest.oto-rin. 19 no.4:112-114 Jl-Ag '57. (KLU. 10:11) (BIOGRAPHERS Temkin. IAkov S.) DIYACHKOV, A. 1. ; MIMAN, L.V. M -- - --- ?rofeusor Fedor Andreevich Rnu. Vast.otc-rin. 19 ao.6:118 fi-D 157 (Fi.AY. FEDOR ANDREEVICH, 1868-10,,?) (MP-A 11:3) -_~MYKAN, Lev Vladiatirovich; NOVIKOV, Ta.A.. red.; KOVALMO. V.L.. (Anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the organs of hearing and speech; manual for students of speech defect departments and teachers and physicians of special schools] Anatomlia, fiziologil.a i patologila organov alukha i rechi; posobie dl-'a studentov dofektologichaskikh fakul'tatov. uchitelei i vrachei spetaiallriy1ch shkol. Koel-va, Gos.ucftebno-pedagog.izd-vo K-va proav.RSFIM, 1959. 171 P. (HIRA 1)19) (OTOLAaYINOLOGT) MYNAN, L. V, Doc Had S--i -- "The hearing function in hard-of-hearing and deaf-atute children, its st"dy, use, and davelopmento" VAs, 1960 (Acad Ifed Soi USSR). (KL, 1-61, 205) -S47- NEYMAN, L-ev Vladimirovich [Hearing function in hard hearing and deaf-mute children] Slukhovaia funktslia u tugoukhikh i glukhoren7kh detai. Moskva, Izd-vo AN Pedagog. nauk RSFSR, 1961. 359 P. (YIIRA 18:6) UNDRITS, 11 L., prof.; TEWER, REP",LA, prof.1 VOLKOV.U.N.,redo; KUZIKIN&v N.S.0 teklm. re~. (Manual of clinical audiology]Fakovodstvo po klinicheskoi audio- logil. Moskva , " gi z 1962 323 P. (miRA 16-1) (EAR-,,ISELSES~ ' (AUDICMETRY) VOZNES]21,")KIY, A.N., prof.; VOLIFKOVICH, M.I., prof.; GESHELB, A.I., prof.[deceased]; CA)RDYSHEVSKIY, T.I., prof.; YEWOLAYEV, V.G., proff.; ZARIT,3KIY_, L.A., prof.; KOTS, L.Ya., prof.; LIKHACHEV, A.G., 2AIS1. de3~atell nauki prof.; FPCSK'TJ;,YAKOV, ShIlLIGA, A.O., prof.; NEYMA&I. L.V., prof., red.; SECHERBATOV, I. I. , prod ; TIKHOVIHOVA, G.I., red.; PREOBRAZMISKIY, Yu.B., red.; CHULKOV, I.F., (V,ultivolume manual on otorhinolai-jngology] I-Inogotomnoe rako- vodstvo po otorinolaringologii. Otv. red. A.G.Likhachev. Mo- skva, Medgiz. Vol.4. [Diseases of the upper respiratory tract] Zabolevanii.~i dykhatellrjykh putei. Red. toma L.V.Neiman. i I.I.Shcherbatov. 1963. 516 p. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Chlen-korrespondent MI SSSR (for Likhachev). NEYM , Lev Vladimirovicho prof.; ILIINSKAYA, S.I., red. I-.- (knatomy, physiology and pathology of the organs of ~na-,-- ing and speech; manual for students of defectology faculties, and teachers and doctors of special schools] Anatomiia, fizio- logiia i patologiia organov slukha i rechi; posobie dlia stu- dentov defektologicheskikh fakul'tetov, uchitelei i vrachei spei-,sia.Llnykh shkol. Moskva, Prosveshchenic., 1965. 1821~~ (MI,U 18-1 11 El PWI -1 I'll p". I .1~. Ybr. (?), Cardiology Sect., Leningrad branch im. S. F. Botkin, -11- M '6n~Lon Soc . Tnerapists, -cl949-. "ick,ievemertts of the CardLol-gy 6action of the Leningrad JJranch Imeni L;. ?. Botkin, All-Unlon '~,oclety of' Thorspists in 19,18," Terap. Arl,hlv, 21, iio. "'), 1,;149. q, lie 4t (I W-*-*-4l,- 6 0 at to Is Is 14 It Is )I Is It a 11 U 4 is n A )I A 19 v It LJ it I I a M I I L AA 0 Q LOCO C9 6 The rote of thermal tpilign of a mixture d methmLe and ax,gen. M If Nat, __ 00 --_MWMe` S412144.4tiv pk,.* 1~ '~~Wwvww 1. MIS 45OW2) r f4tive, u1 hich 'wtch"Mwtttc ((4t4IM (if ell, att4l 10 will evithottr have I--#? I *fill 671), Ftor qr%aawp(~. at at pt-%;Ifr. IWWW allusill 4 cm a low m. 1~.Ur_ Into".11 4 ASA 0 rill .0at 1, a 33 -tit, 4 1 li".11V .1.~ 11 cm Ow 1 0, V If. 4'.1.1 '. .941.t N. 'Ju.1 ~.l (tic 3 CtIR-w, I j zr 4110 z tITIM&IIAPt CLAWSIVK#Tirw 41 Z V is a 0 all 0 0 0 0 a 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 a (DO; 44 IN 0 49 0 IF 4, 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 74 41 0 0 0 a 6 a] 4 411 0 11-11'"1 (1 a I a I I :0 C.-L. it 4 a4vtol 09 -too f4foestwo 1"96 ee Livest tios Is t1tow uwigctlcw~ P-W hg the hotat Icuttwo ON CA& P 17t[W2) so . N. FCAIMOV 'tot Pkyssk. Z,~=jd w 1,. 74 wettic U.MG was ortafted to det. bow the kM may be car a The fudoictimg FerW Varies ini.,emly wil ing tic ifiductitsm 00 a and y age, MP r#-vi v Const. (wiletre P. T, V. ex p." and aMd'.) 10 UM -2*C" 'C"'- dwitcoifitit: of the 11110 Of f9M im MI exnwvr atilt, =41pe (,(the containce and Ma(CtW 01 the WgUf4 AS IMU "s the PcMntj fidlU I. vaics javemly with the offano. of the 0,,.,,,- Mte*,r," .21 ith .bat thecceticmay, detive4 by 6Un%hAjj (pcrccditxg abstract). 1141WARE 41 60 14 - I L 4 ACIAMOG(cot. UTCRA1096 Wildr(CA1140 a *see*&* &*a a 0 : 0 00*00000 0091 Ofa a is a so a a SO 4 to a 43 a 46~c* Vu t t 1 4 it t a -L Au ILI 14 Ntc ' A wticl It M- ulted 14Y Chang, the tamp and KTIWLV, W"Iff- I Litis. -f 6 cc" tit cl tK- size c 0 . (tltc C.LWIK" Ititi Is utcat" 16MEW SUITtl C30 0 goo Oro 0 see ae* 100 0 J to 9 a ;ip ~ Igo.. 21VINI&.4 63.0f T Ir lot $41we waiwolao it 10 It to a. 0 OR a R a If it to dR4: od 0 0 0 0 0 a 4-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 *'0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I (I ~Ml 00 0 0 40 900 40 9 0 0 0 IN 0 0 0 41 1 0 9 "i 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 INOD IMIIIAIIIIIM. B. N7-5TI,'J,,'!N, M. G. J. GEM. Chem. (USSR) 2, 1-8 (1932) The t'n-armochemistry of solutions. 1. Heat capacities of binary system; aebtic acid. - water at varictis temperatures. CA: 26-4743/1 Fas"W6469 0 0 6 6 * * 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 ; * ; 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 ; a AL T P? ?v tf r # ttl toll I f ~D~ --motis Wall fr-T Jt; 3--1 1 jrf 5iR lit WIR ;twlve;q ou WIN OVSV40603 3 W 0 0 0 : 0 : * 0 0 0 9 0 0 0: 0 0 a 0 9 0000000 6 too& a*** a** 0 & 6 40 0 I :I a A 6 1 1 1 is at f; is 14 -5 to 1? 11 t9 a a a )A b :6 v A A; 1: a ii m a i. V 0 c .1 1: 41 a or* X Y. I At so " w It A A A 00 -00 go .60 00 1 1 (kaoral mthods of Ob study of Wmations (ad by Mae. D.- 0 " ,10r rmlI ITY h a i A U N C A V K J 1 . . cuutaran , acs av l l 1 . ,inwcova. . . S. S. R TYS ( , T : P. If. Rathmann .0 i #I coo 00 z0 J! i~ we 0 =00 go CTA OI Al IL CH 00 IT N TI AWFI e C T - l- S E LLU W AL L A I I A L CA rini-41 7; T ..... o 0 1 AV 'c1 Ls" , --4;0 t 1 - W 44 -3 a 4 3 9 1 0 0 0 OF M ff tv tl 0 4 11 a Is a 11 01 11 1, Is 0 19, F-04 0 0 41 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 r 0 0 0 0;0040800900060 00 0 a 0 * 44-0-c-w -W - - ", ori, a a c t6 is 16 It a toA11 21 *JOB boxel 13 A) U a w 95 I a it fa is w f_4 0 wrrt- ......... ........ ........ :2 squ tommd ea eirplade an jntrdwtjm into tuh" ht&td ffo"pkM9mtjLkesqL&m. A cnm;lete bibfiA~hy jj given rhoequationPill'. OxEst w" used 00 '3~ 06 r 00 90 00 ::9 0 Aio goo ~: 1; '00 r A 0 s L aKdTAtLU*GCAL LITeR&TURt CLAWFICAUGO 00 A 0 I:L, %imago E u a 41 10 stj tv It it of a a q W Of (9 t9 It K MLO A 1 14 10 -lIJ (D0oil O'o0 0 000000 0 00 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 (a 0 0 c of 0 a 4 0 0 1-6 0 00 0 p 0 0 0 0 0 4 * 0 4 0 0 0 0 as go O's 0 0 0 411 00 0 40 0 * * 0 as 0 Go a 0 e * 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 Si t fa a k A Joe so 0 0 0 0 c 06 000 0 &at.* age F74 0 6 GOP If al Us 000 * 6 S, 6 *ti 0 Soto so** it to 0 Is is b Is a It 0 a so a Ill u a R a 41 1W to " a a- a I. I. t__ I #A a a 0 A a f _#' #.Uqms -.1tilsts ..4 KUJiAKOVA AKO -" C" Pk l . y + (C. (")dj at teast up F. it. R .11,() cAmeys the law 09 1 Lee a r0 0 40 j: -=00 410 zoo 40 z;00 a 0- 00 see 0 0 ts, At. ILA &STALLU41GKAL L11141ATkAll CLAMPOCAT411 =09 t too 0o ' ~ u VI -0 to ! W_ "o- ' 1 to Am & I to ed a 4 1 mi Gm i _;i-i-l ~. ;00 4 -i 00 410 4 ~ 1 19 (11019 all ad via NOR I W4 4M,- 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 a * r r 996 9 960*0004 :* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S, 0 0 0 0 401 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 9 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 ; 4 0 0 4 0 to lavesticatkis of the Condition$ of Ignition of gaseous mixtures, III The pertod 0 of induction and the region of thermal Ignition of mixtures of ethane sith oxygen. ' ' ' A:Li S -, 14 ~ 4, 33 &1N I " (1 1; AtivervA, Ast, %I It NCI*14A.V1i J PA A,I ( ct 1 16,111:11, CIA,` 'I' , - k - inductioti 1.tuml) f,.f it,, ' d IN " If. 1111tt C,14. f 3 (.W1 1 1.110-1 (COU "C' 11. ANAth ot J A AMI 411 ft"wn an'j the PlA,-MaIN 1-1) oI :1 expl-Wn 11"lits timaptn-Ar% IV. Influence at Chaace 04 00 of composition am the region of Ignition of mixtures of methitize with oxygen. %I H " - A' CIL. Up No 1 14001 ASID A I S~WAIAI%-V MJ 41 4 MiltS 01"ta ITIIIII 2 1- 1., 04) 3 00 I.. i" to`;, A 411.1 till bo It, w0 Ar% 11"A ell Or to till, 14"al. 1441 -110 of A 00 *AD t AIA .. 1, ~1. . %I I-Itm t, "..I, if 11, "'I'l r, I .... it, I,t,t h.-, 'I"I vlwoc'- f., 'W Ifi, "Oort.", 1. 1-1 fit th, Im-ot" rotlic, ", it) AII'IA at 140 Itti, I ... it, :- I , , A 11, Ih, 00 ee I A1.1-1,41 ort-giv- a?%, n bv two WIMArAt'. rurw'. Im, q, it and ,it, 11-0 00 00 , 00 " 00 r A .00 , -00 1 ; 1 j A 0 0 0 0 c a 000 00 006 0 4 0 0 9 0 0 0 a & 00 goo* * * 'p IF 0 & 6 6 * it Or 4 T I 4 & 0 0 0 41 " a 0 44 (1 4 .to 91-4 L_A _A 1~0 &-a 0-0 (got* i .."Ott . _ l me" ac cbmser or cimp"Mcm aa the twoke Kati= PAJ(0. zecit. -11, EX404t-It has been damis that OW &dmt%tum ct Ad" t0 incth"G-OryRell ini"tum dims vAt ch&W the Ume U9 but cutemiS tM m9im of 4MR1011- TbO dux&Uw of the kvotc Untit obap5mumd's law. The rt?k*n of Wdt~m c6 6 to 4 ' reduay changes wdb the madwac coac=Cratie" and thm Urmits of h coo isou , WtIon cskt in mixtutrocaacafizing from 2% to 37% of met too 04 '000 die* to rot do 'a C'N lie A -.1 9-4 1 8 Od a I IF 9 do a a I 0 009 00 0 001*0 Ole fee* itgot 00e00 000 COO00600006 -00 -000000 0 6 6 * 0 0 6 0 0 0 * 0 **so* S 0 o: 11 G1 la w % 116 of ..t. 09 'r 00 so 00 00 j 00 a 60 00 0 a 0 Cw a go Q, -00 r"WT.!~ ths (StoWds poe4d. T. A. K,wif.v,,v* sio 14 . *U. scusaltun. NyArsk. Z. Sdwjdalgi" 4. xls:u ~IOMWQ R"Cush)-ptrumv chance-time Curfts ('w muccut1wr rcatkias io the th"mal 4mmgmt .1 NMI thOW that 41W OMWT 414 t*,, .40 hAtwOm 1wrt'al In 111111404 fra,timts .00 00 a. s L a sfTALLUOrKA~. LIT140641 CLAWFKAM. u -, - At *2 &1 o o 0 '00 _60 A* 4A 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 so u 0 0 0 C ape f-m? OrS, -A 0 0-,#, 00 e (I it e 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 oil 0 0 0 14 1 6 . 0. W it u a 40 a c a jw 0 it u u Id Is is It a 91 is to A Ito a A* WrAIR 0 LI-11-L91-1 - -1- 1-1 - 1. 8, 0 r Q a I 1 4 A -40 00 00 tho -we It. ., 11114 -jA all,, -041 Olddadaa. A. 2 .4-, 1AWi , U I" -It., (p 1, A' I At -00 "44, mfdd "I ~tlatlc it, pCIA I Tbl " It avll~- t"di .-so ox .V,.tAt A"I'l hv t W tcal"Ivitc it -480 111m. it," All t t, "I wt - I T I Tht~ 1, %lot du c1,, A- .*9 --t "ir .. 1, -A- V-11~tivt' "f" I hI- Ana C,11- t dv~rul~'l - it An, . d.%p rbi, w l"", "I =00 1,1gth A1141n )4 .1 1 Ifl. --4G a it 'A I ( I, 'A Will t)lc I., h, "A" 00 so 4-09 see KOO =00 "Oe to 0 cz- io LO 9 -ITALLOOKAL LITERAT09 C sac., ad !%v 's, 00 U; ~ -;T-- tw 0 u 1" 00 LS a q a it 0 Ct It N MW V 0 0 000 O's is 0 0 0 000 0 00 0 ! . . mkkbw Idtha. MM ~ I I MN IMP I -- 7 7 to fit is w a 66 0 s a n 3 x 5 v 9 r I F M m T 0 L to 0 &No 1V CSM., - -A 4 *0 The 6111111111111 (VILIttions mill ematuem-o"Cou adittufte. (l. A. ("itn"tel'ut4m fluid Cswt4 fetid R S. .5. 4. 3.1 - t to arnica It" 1) "'tAg" VaCYhlC hY f4CtUn Of 1-8 cold COV41CIliell 'Afyium Ivy a factor of Is the energy mitwor thm the 4mt. .1 Chasto of a vuh dets. the rallacity of the ,wk to 00.3 ~Xuitq a CH.'O mill. Thor vdtk quem tactraws &a the *00 19vuur* of the usixt. drlem" amwding to the empirilcal L=uk 11 Kouttwovic (C. A. Z7. 3M411. As a function 00 4 cl the elvctv~de omm.. the crit. emMy is const. for krote epm and u%Tmws repildly fcw muLLk-f w9cm. nw mitt. : wm ablo ilk-misrs with dixforaging: Ittlip.. the kkv of ttw racm wag lnvpwkxw to the "VitVinscall 4 the lCulp. Ilw vulknoiq firsults acv "ved thetivel4ittly 4ju the 4wQvlpd~Mq 44 a chain FmcbAnIall fqw the litnitium vgu~ dmd of The rwaliva by tht "Ck (it activerearcris 1,CAKXIC. N1 fivegiell It? to, 1" Ow Iwtolv o( (Ito 4411h V AU 114 gir 0 0 4~411111 0 0 0 0 4 .00 -00 .06 8490 see 600 goo Igoe boo too _0 $11111 L 1 4 4* CI 4 a 1 ar @1 to dal a 3 To im ig 6 0 of 0 0000 0 to 0 gig 0 to **gee*** 0 ca off lot, ts- imi AL 094 t-9-C-94-1, 01t(K4141% -AV #&CVF4qf-f6 000 -.00 G* -00 -00 00 '00 _00 Go&. -00 ml 66Z yekdGm A lm=r" in pw"*.Q, *a j 'we 16*60w-ts" by'18A, Im" bow 00-3 4z caupc=44A mcosouu"x M-MM 00, Uwe we two valoft mmr-, w6ich *am alm) wM odwr dt-fiy&3wcbcx w1mMm, in adard Sol with tim theat7 a4tffmimd. TL G. P. 3 ILL It if &Z AM a C" to. aq *4 a, 16 1 it a we 1 19 64 -3 a0 000 00 0000 re 00 100 0 4 0 es* 0 **Io 's * 0 e 0 0e,0 0 e 0 9 0 0 041: 'too--. A MIT Mi 141t4 d 14V Was flem rw th 'be 'S wl`~ prim Ve v a 10 - I k A ARTACLUNGKAL LITIFEAU is I- I- 0 0 as PCO.", ..a 0 *66#04 a sees 664000&6009600 all Oulds lop a 0 a .1 1-0 -D -of" dl of the coaditicas fac the (adaulmdan ad gaveaus o. 91, a. Nefilla" lind %, V. Fol"Wich. I Am", (It 14.14 It,) 0, 44A &ItIMA) Mr qwl I thr (41m ('11. 1 -4 1, lim,i Wil' I,. a mul, ill .1111111 41141 ~11111 "lm Ill IfIl4th dim. With all Iftarsw Ill Ifillp. 11,ir hillif (d Ili. 16andfi:V4. The Indst"t"XII'm cd MISt. '414-tiflottf weft oudied in IIw amitlir t%wrib. The pryi.A. .1 Ill wirre vcgv quall. 'adiffaci1v tw'I ru~flnc I I NO' fit,- min. twe"llfe'.1 sqfl"I~ 1.4mme 'MI. 1Ivt&4nA tk~ lemp I,. K7,91' dr---f ik~ ,to " cm. Tfic fkvcluf~lftv 'j min tw-ure ut.m I wen civen hv &tbe ftwmuta ic p - (J ~ ri + W tm of Imumin Ilan (d Ileritane 411.1 0: ItIjil. ill ~Iml is "Aff(mcir I hall ill quarl I V-VI, VVIOR Ill 44 4111OW Itill) MV M41-11044 V"W1 IIIINI'le"I 111411441644 11juil flow Me" 4.1 Ohl of:c* 0' w li a YO -09 woo goo ro 0 21 coo*: woo CLAIUOKATICN 0.". too An I soda a a a IT - isa IT o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 * 0 0 : (R]o too 000 0 0 0 0 Of 0 go 0 0011 Gas AA~~ dw TZ Am=lzv ad 0014 14" uW0.1m of 0~, M-4 ML (if g1A 10 O-Oir L by 049 OC PIAON J' CO by jeglw P. Im At N, H -4'Yw P- T. off ill .91A"IAGICIL LOW1466 C"ISICATOM 1.1;rvo wa. m. 449 vIA441 GW dkv all LUL 1 1 4 two a viiias a a 2 e u all 10 a, X, 0 0 0 lot 41* log, of" 0* a 1e g o so ,Do's AIL brW&UXM RL mU4. Aftd. &L UMAB, IVA*',I',Ia-'-TM. -10~0"Inq W" wkb a V~dAy ea"mcud bomb (Oc lfwW&C dw k.=tmi tag pWagmpbkdly and with -MOdW 826- &sviw 'm cbi~* - A" do mug. R. L R. we mew fp VIP V a: w WW W, - a It MIUM &*sit a4bb gig* to -40 I atom 14WLAV fouls -4 7--falar.1 -410 *IV 441 981981 ac 41M M u Ic a .0t go a c 0 it It It V ir at ! 0 0 0 a we* too wee Mee goo as I ire: 4 1 4 f is is U it w is is It t$ 11 0 B 1 12 x it 0 U U w 0 Is 91P is P a A# a a .4 49 A 2 L 9 Ll 1 A it, a; 0 A. I - -A 1 f1m. rwttae fte ftnammamw at D(Wd ftdo (a saw". :09 to C. Katuffim. Atf? fiqlMON ad A. Sdrbiwv. TmAm. Nye, U.SS.R. S. 1. -00 "S. 1936. In EvrCksk.-It In mentiaced that pmwfow pubUmbdd .00 o veark han dealt witts tests made at courpsmOttell, Joss, teaqmrsturn ad It .00 c in found eat this can give 00 concieptim of (fie Oampamtivo belaviour of ago 0'a diewnt fue% at Uw higber Premum and twiperstarm owuning to Need --** engin". The comftwtOn of a spedgh " bourth"' foe coaducting tuts an 09 facts at high tewpcmt=ft and pvmutva is detcribvd and the exparismaW ZAP 0 readta an u% aih obtained to this ' boat&" siv ghvm The Powd of --* a o indixtion in the seff-igniti= (it inixt. of t:01cle with MesityGme Vras Ao :to detemiacd and a conctitimal occew scale vm wt up. The famadatious am zoo 0 ro Ir gNm for the possibUity (it working out a wK4 at Uw mduLtica ad see Mewl fuds in [Imbs. In order to make mom definite the concept of coodi- tkKW cetene numbets. A B(Mography is given. F. R. Q m too 41 0 !20 0 ~R to LAO ,041 so I L tYALLUPGOCAL LITIEWLSe CLAISIfIC&TIC" I moo L o to ro it 0 44 a it N 9 all It 01 s W13" 144 4)0000 0 -0 00000 40 0 0 40 0 4 0 0 0 41 40 off S to 0 0 0 41 41 * 0 4D 41 0 0 to 0 0 0 0 0 a a a is to 0 0 0 0 0 0 go 0 Soo,* QQO 0 0 0 0 0 9 a Ill to 0 6 0 S 0 0 AFT 0 6 9 9 0 0 w 6 1 1 a 11OU1100016 IIN 11111PIN Dion 36171*10101t no Idols or is a a do a a 41 0 C AL P a 'L L -AL-K- r--Q K TILM-M-JIUM file -IL- L-A-1. A, !!,cot a 7 1 am -00 A TU tra"twill d M&I late Mc dagoo Its am taw Gutdpit6ft d bidauds. in Eingfish),-Like Coffa (C. A. 31. WO, C.H. 00 in 0 orair at about =I41' Wassawid Sum aftern titne 60 tsgr,. (01towed by a We douneadcondbuxtion al Ike ge=tixjn Aftmitf-rIlk after 4 tim tog r, whessm "it Mar be Mum"I Q 004 an an custd6goed (act th" & the own. of the iadwtk. 'x =00 00 4~ J~Noad r IJ,-wrved by atany invest*tars durfac the sufo. Ignilion 01 two q"fesawly 0 004, different proc take Plam. Adds. of N or MR. =00 effecle I equal reduct(an to Vt. viawtoctbat-odwhvdc~ 00 41 do "~dtocatke an octiore VAX" its The dewkqxmmt CW thI, 00 cWtoa." The pcrW re immases with temp. " dr. 0: i traws with porcautre and with the adds. ol N. thfAlodkottev to 04wa mech"tim, at ke"t (L pact, ((w (he rembanin thie H. A. Beatty 00 zoo 0 1 '200 NO T 0 i=00 t:00 Ed- 0,101 CLASUOICATICOM RVALLOGICAd, LIVE Vt L 3-t T- ov I 014: to Do ; 0 t 0 0 0 0 0 10j., : 'O-tw 0. .0 ta 0 *, JLv 000 Goo a 000 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 :1/1" 0 It's, 000000 00 a 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 v WO a 0000 I "lJ- so n a a A) ff a 30 0 a 4 a a 4~* 004 md M. mixtum of f O Tw"gim-epwadko (A i AM 01 Uw cm &n w vtm- 44d the WAtAVKO Oe Uw dIAMISW O d oww"m up is % am 004 in uw Oe PIMIUM "t"Od witit aw w so a umd" cc dis exham* C==7dlmmMW,# lic looll 7-:e IT FA log Of IMD -W" 90 1 1 1 ld 0 0 1 1 V K I A 0 3 1 a ; ; v 1; a, ; a so Igo *0*0460*00000400:::Goo iS see ~ Noe cc* 00 :06 goo No* (see, tat 4406009 it ***so 11 Is ts w ts A il r &-A-J A-CC a A--k-c t--L. 1. a A- 1--fe a oil ."a ;-9.0drafe-5 hYdrambotui in the U-N-U&JimUmandIII.B.Nodamus. J. Um AM. (U. B.S. R.) t k-". I :0 A lice of utteltd. hirdrombodu prtsent in ~rdxckics benzine is .00 & (*Aill MC(iots Wtiatcd by the fortnalka of high-energy .00 CCWCCIl4utho1kuid-g&siutC9f&m. Therructioudoestwe Proceed is (be gas phase. The rate of olidation, I,rV"- 00 js~ tic4w to the 0 prew"t No to the area 01 the ist"fue. "Ift milk tem(O. In GmQcd with ifte Arthevius equation ta 60 a!, an with (he Coacle. of 14fiftlifor (a it"d livills Chriddilds. 0 do 00 seWslooslulates. The peviA o(laduction is isiomely pro- '041 poditcal to the rate of axida6m. Lithl, enwiefly 3 WI.Mviolet. abortems the induction Period and ac"Icritte, ee~ Omphotouidatioathe ""tive ceaters may be formed both a( (he imtcorface and In San- but only as the 00 :1 interface im the cbscoce of light. ortc-) 10cd to 118811iliw cmCking btazime are a ot adimbed a( the interface and cupture the reaction chains within the fidiald, FsplU prmrdure and app. are dewfibed. wee John Livsk I,** do S L a atTALLUIRG$C11. 91 of C".. Good 4111111pc 41"s, 00 t a ad a 0 1 or did t3 a 3 0 v dr- 01114 old# War gag ,j*VWtgM it N KW O's 0 a 9 a 0 0 G Ole 0 0 0 a 41 0 0 dla 41 41 111 46 0 41 J, 0 0 oie C) do fooddo 0 a 0 IS 0 0 40 111111111 V WV W W j 11 te. U. 66, a to on 0 11 10 16 11 0 I. I it C T 1E Ad ~ - a 2 a t 1X 00 A got 440 POCV1.1 f% L~' -40 TJw c=d(d=s (w tM Inflanuffiadnis d lias wuztma. VI. CwA son" (a Pow"*" Mixtum. a. %-. i ::: IM10. 0 0 !0 00 o e: 'j, 00. Aivamw and IL& Neftun. C". (r. S. s W.) 46 W-10641M); cf. C. A. al. t41--cut.1 dA.W, readt In Ipentaffloc-% Wfits. at Octnum ad I/. to 1/. &(al. 10 Uw IMP- "WO MU-qW*- OM WMM(M the dissu, QdAhe CISCOM UK LM Cold4lawe oret(con (rocreows. 4f P94UM exidtad wwW (cm 3 at 217, -mn W 04 61 111111, on . ".C. PE*WJOO a the &csw i4 About Ito -./-c- and We temp. dm to the ame region b, 150*. ne mduds of teacdocs ar. chlcdy "krdc. and Petoxidm with only relatively slight fonnation a LO and 100t. OwWde of the cold-datue region an auto. ettafftic orfectim liven try Arv! mW *pA. 4 "--" takAs Place. praus th- kinetic data .1 ~Nqlio tetap. coca. in the rate of hydru. due to the cotd-Itarove region. Thcv wevults are "Ostined on the basis of chain cesctlow pf qw - otatedakea the hotemedtate products al oxidation reach catalu clit. crown P. It. Ratht"ann malroLLUNdCAL 1.11CRAVAC CLAISWCAT140 -00 -06 -00 too age ve: 2 se C*e -.00 wee w ft 1 4111 a 31 V I u is IV 00 14 0 00 R (11 IS GOT Is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * a a 0 a 0 0 0 Go 06004 0 0 * 0 0 so 0 q 0 C 0 0 00000 of The IX. Effect of , 0 Fri-WoMfu an eireciono(Self r'qJ;_M[xtureS' ;iIIIIIIel". a Nit-mlatl 'lilt 1" V. ~'-'okwv' =15) to) -(-(iY;'.*', I)reg- silres of 5- 21) cm. lig Amth N~ ui,~ 'I;v po%. Caulysts, tile 111trite behig uq:~ ~'tl bevamse tile -The in-it 4'ffNtiv(!AdIllixt'I%ubmlI r":'r(4 ~ If IIC- qQ111itizillS CAtAJVtiC CfYv, f 'iS 'Bile to I 114tegA0101111 (it varlou", Cbelit readmils, and khe euplimun Is due to re- sulting thermal effects. Tile cill.-rgy of artiviltiatt is MIXIvit 2(J,Z4Al cal. iu tile pirmatce of 35; NO,; 1. e., tho: same as Without tile catalyst. P. H. gmgxmw.__ 7,11o % so 0 6 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 **(to*$ *a* j 0 4 1 4 1 4 4 - 0 11 is -4 . . 0 .. . .. . . ~.: 0 1490 A f. a Q 4 1 f 40 1 4-A-A-f M 0 CC 0 it 4 a 6 6 4 4 1 a 4 4r .40 -00 0 00 91 Coadtlifte (w CM MKIZIMdOll, 01 V- UUV-6 VU. PeeAd af Laductioa of wid bAce La wMarve d _6ROW); .4 311 Perm of inducti-ra T is a by the Acyri(a +b1d'Op- AN, + I.N.1/pHl w 'to T - ictup.. J - dLam. of vrisel, P - grfr' P. 00 M;.. Pressure No CC" dame formation, 11,11 part =00 pi evium of ultrocen., and A,-#. a and bar cqn%t,%. Expil data are given ovor Ise range 34K"tx)* at IN) to L"I min. coo 00 3 Adda. of No or CHICHO reduce% the value cot r it) atwui COO 00 addn., mip -0 0 9/, fur 4% No aud for 5% cll'c"Rko -lose From (ON to 0.2% NO$ greatly lig"adcus Ike rc~"i"" .4 Coo go infiammallem. The re,ulls xte et FW' ~wd lop Ofe 1~.�' .4 dw- chain thetay. the addn. cd N., (31,010 and NO: OA MICA11FIC the oll. 14 initial Center* Of ITSCII(M. SO& -is j see IJ too 9! 610 $&A 9CIAL&V&lrK4t LITER610C CLAROKATION too ive 81 Rio'. J.Iqq - ---T -- - - -- d 0 a .07 w Cr go to a 00 or 000000(pooooooooo*ooo***:Ogoso*oooooooo(to 0 0 0 0 0,41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 & 0 0 0 : 0 0 0 olo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cold flame oxidation of hydrocarbons. ILD Org. Lhem. I n4.-U,'S- S - TrTT =6r, 1037 T=c!. and N., C. A. 31, 2001, ch-a-1. Blanc I woo tO t a tolf wt a wtttow~~, 0 it it to m u No w 8 tits f AL 00 a to A' 410'elf, 4,0 J4. &got iio a& 60*00 WS"4k so a a v a w 0 d a a a 2162. EAW--ran"mum spaultsumm cambommum ac Fftdft tie j cutomt. S. V. Al""V laid M. 8 1`111mveAtest" tie. 4.1PPATO-us.1m. 400 11 eambustim oC pmUns pcwAeds Im two st%m. The factmatim of a cold 0* 4! Aww precedw Ute spontalmemla igmitim so tha the inductim pedod r can be dMded (ato two wopauents: rg-the imduction perwd ad the cofid Name and rk-4w Ome twomorma the indiatims of Uw cotd ad bat R Is sbmm that ovirtain asVectsof Uw cotabustiou pimmutuang(nm wcw" an light and hvivy (uds can be expUilaid an the buts (W the two-vap Ii u ; t: 44TAL4,4111"AL UVERAVIC CCASSWCATION a *3 a V !U 0 1 1 0 Od 0 1 fS 0 0 0 'a 0 0 0 0 0 840441, 0 00 0-0-0 0 0 0 0- ij 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 0 0 !-Oe .04 -40 .00 .44 I so* =00 1. coo a0* COO zoo goo got lime* '09 INGO WOO F w 's 10 AD 0' a 14' It 17 Is &--I -m-Y 2 f- 7too too .40 (04 c -00 lot too PV of aldthydeo by himinaus combustion o# hy -40 & .00 00 Alva Kkim. Tmwdagc Topime S. -,TS--%S(M7).-Tbe .00 0 oxi-tal &(various hydrocwtKo witm by WwW their td th ith i 0 .0 0 v4, er W a r (or c< ~ through a glass tt,Ne in a 00 furqd7 ln~a ed to the requited temp., was im".1iotel. Ao , Is desw-fibed and a sketch is splitisdrd, pp 4 zo 4p so 4 41 of atitchyd" incita-,rA with the iltiralifol yie 21 ,he st-v at th~ ca. in the hot tube after Vm"- , 0 , 1 ing the lutninc~cvnt darne front The (ndnence of the 00 . cvxngm of the mixt ectop dism and material f th . ., ., . o e rrwhg3 citamlier upon the yielif of aldthv&% was inwi- ticated. Sevetiteenyrfetme". A. A. llnilCorny GO 40 Ao 00 - 1 J 00 : 1 100 91 00 S. 'k L Litte i fillift CLASUPKATKO - - too - fS Room 1111*11-0 "l, 0 5 Lv to U -- ILL414-1 0 1 -W1 L 1 9 04 0 0 W I d 0 9 0 3 1 1 tr 41 on No 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 9 0 o 606000 ii 00 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 iis 00000 0 4- 0 0 0 000 0 0 -qlt, ij~ JL r F Go's TW04WP w4dombn at R "a- !V = -00 w ad, 3. V. Al tunuama"M at PMU&S, .0 M. R. NiluWAss (J. PhylL (lem. Kim.. 1107, C 6 of- CIHl, at sit#-__ umm A acid dam (pmr sWinu! 40risetwo~ 2 . p l vt"-iCv - 7-10 em. per'aw.) W rarmM after an' so Coo -don t*rW o( a few we.. At p > pt. it to (nduc 1,30* rhilowed. (a