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PAPS04ANYAN, K., ekononist Yethods for calc-ulatJng tfx offl,:Irf"v I," nftv e,;Uitz~,mt introduced with the use of Itnto Hank credllts. PrOm.f,-m. 7 no.1:39-43 Ja 164. (JC~I.A 1734) KUPEIOLAN, Faina Mikhaylovne-0 p:,-of.1 RZIIANOVA, Yovdokiya Ivanoviial dote.; PARSOANONA, X.O., red, [Biology of plan'. development] Blologiia razvitiia rp-- stenii. Moskva, Vysshaia shkolap 1963# 423 pe (AURA 170) 3(4: GORLENKOO FAkhail Vladimimvich, prof.; PARMANOA, E.G.,, red.; YEMCIVAp L.L., tekhn, red, . - - - - -- . [Concise course in the imminity of plants to cmnamicable diseases]Kratkj.i kurs immuniteita rastenii k infektsion- nym bolemian. Izd.2.0 ispr. i dop. MoaWa, Gos.izd-vo "Vysehaia shko'-La," 3962. 302 p. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Kafedm nizishM rasteniy Bio.Logu-pochvermogo fakul'teta Moskovskogo gomdarAvennogo universiteta, 14oskva (for GorleWco). (Plants-Disoase and p3st resistance) KUZO, Aleksandr Mikhaylovich, prof.; IIAI=DANOVA K G, rods; VOROITINA, R.K., te)03n. red. '-- - ---- R. [General biocho2dstry) Obshchitia biokhimiia. Y4skva,, Goa. izzd-vo nVysshala shkola," 1961. 253 P. (MIRA l5s2) (Biochemistry) ShUrR:?,C,,', Sh.Z.; A17HUNMADE., I.R.; IL'TAYLOVA, D.B.; SEdl, ~JA, f L`i .; ISRAYLOVA, T.A.; Ii.S.; 3TARIKOVEK-1a Al, - AK.~UIDOV, T.A.; ODIDLFLI, KARLENKC), S.N. Results of treating newly detected cases during 19hu-11 in th-a ~ftmicip~ql Antituberculosis DispensAry wid m~.-tl,W3 of controllinp, the use of antibacterial preparation.- 1~, patients. Azerl.. m5d. zhur. no.7-59-65 J1 163. (mi R;, I.?. I , ZHANIE, V.A.; VOLKOVA, L.I.; RUBIN, B.A..; GORIMIKO, N.V.; PARSADAHOVA. K.G., red.; MIGOMIX. L.A.. [Problems in the tevolopment of agricultural science in the Chinese People's Republiej Nekotorye voprosy razvitiia sellsko- khoziaistvennoi miuki v KNR. Koskva, Goo.izd-vo *Vysshaia shkola," 1959. 293 P. (MIRA 13:7) (China--Agriculture) ZRO TSOV, F.I., prof.; CESORGIUYSIXT, V-I-; POLTAKOV, I.I.; FHATOV, G.T.; BURGHEMO. Te.T.; PARRADANOTA, K.G.,red.; PAYWYA, V.A., [Practical work :Ln -the physiology of p0 fiZiologii Se'LlecokhosiBietvenzykh P.I.Zherebtsove. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo 447 p. (Veterinary physiology-fitudy and teaching) farm animals] Praktikum zhivottykh. Pod red. *Vysshaie shkola,* 1959. (MIRA 13:7) ZHEDENOV Vladimir Nikolayevich, prof. "rinimal uchastiye NESTURKH, M.F.; PARSAD.OOV, red.; YEZIOVA, L.L., (Corpurntivo anato-,Qx of primaton, includinj,, man] S.-avni- telInaia anatomiiz prima~ov (v'Kliuchaia cheloveka). Pod red. PI.F.Ilesturkha. Voskva, Vysshain shkola, 1962. 625 P. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Institut antropologii, Mookva (for Nesturkh). (pRDAU.%"A?-)jkTO14Y VERBIN, Akim Akimovich. GOLLKOV. A.F.. red.; PARSADANOVA.; GAWYETA M.S., .- - - r5tudies L on the derelopment of Russian ngron(my (introduction to ngrono- my)] Ocherki po r;!z-vitiiu otechestvennol. ng-onomit (vvedenia v agronomilu). Mosk-ra, Goa. J7.d-vo "Sovetakain nsiukA." 1958, 259 pe (Agriculture) (MIRA 11:Q) Imm DDERO)MALOV. V.P.; PARSjOlkNOVA, K.G.. redaktor- PIATONOV, G.V., redcLktr; GRI130VJ,. m.P.. tekiiiif-cro-ggrr--myd.tikt~)r. [Failosophic and natural sclence premisea ir. I.V.Mlchurinla theories] Filosofekle i esteiilvennonnuchnye predposylki uchenlia I.V.Mlcburtm. Pod red. G.V. Platonova. Mook-ra, Goe.izd-vo "Sovstflkain nauka," 1954. 259 P. (MA 8: 4) (Michurin, I-van Vladimirovich. 1855-1935) (Biolc)gy) IVANCE3=0. P.L.. profeenor; PARSADMOVA X.G., redaktor; GUMM, A., tekhn.1- choski.7 radaktor. iii~~ [Introduction to W.ologyl Vwdente v biologlia. lzd. 2-9. Mosk-a Gos. izd-vo "Bovel',okaia nauka,* 1954. 358 p. (~a.BA 8:4~ (Biolog7) ROSKIN. Grigorly 10sifovich; ISVINSOB, L-B.; IGNATIYVA, G.M., red.: PARSADANOVA X.G.. rod.lrdatellatva: GAMZAY3VA, H.S., [The technique of the microscopol Mikrookopichesknia tekhnika. Isd-3-e- Pod obshche'. red.G.I.Rookins. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo "Bovetakala nauka," .957. 466 p., (MIRA 10-12) (Microscope-Technique) FERDMO, David Lazareyich;.~!LRSADANOVA K.G., red.; GII.UGORCHUK, L.I.,, tekhn. red. j - [Blocher-lstry]Biokhimffs. lod.2.., perer. I dop. Mskya, Vyeshaia shkoln, 196:2. 612 p. (MRA 16:3) 1. Chlen-korrespondeat Akademli nauk SSSR (for Ferdman). (BIOC HEMISTRY) GOLOVACH, A.G.; PARSADANIVA, K.G.. rerl&,ctor; GUBER, A., tokhnicheskiy redaktor. ' " [Phanological ohoemations in gariens and parks] Fenologicheskle nabliudealia v sadakh i parkakh. Izd. 2-3. Moskva, Goi3. izd-vo "Sovetskain nauka," 1555. 55 P. (K',RA 8:8) (Phenoloor) Vel K-11 S~ y ~e ~'i ofessor; IUMITOKOVA, Z.A., re"ictor; " '. ch, 1p, W4,.I.G.,.roPd-Ator Izdatel'stva; GARZATIVA. N.5.. iildiiAcheskly redikiiii- CHature photographer.] Faturallet-fotograf. lad. 2-oe, lepr. i dop. Moskva, Gos.i:sd-vo OSovetakels mouk&,O 1957. 198 P. (Hature photoi.,raphy) (HLRA 10:7) PAVLOV, Grigoriy Ilikiforavich, pror.; NIKITIN, Petr Ivanovich; BAESLAV, Isaak Solomonovich; PARSADAINOVA, K.G., red.; URIRA, T.D., tekhn. red. ~ - ~ ":- , __ (Course in animal phyniology) Fraktikum po fiziologil zhivot.-,ykh. Pod red. G.V.Pavlova. Mockvi;, Gos. izd-vo "Vyi3shaia ahkola," 1961. 258 P. (MIRA 15: 5) (I'hysioloMr) OGATT;'T' ~N K T - ALBANDYAM, jL.B., alcademik; PARSAMYAN, N.I. N ~c~- roaction w.',,h DetermAnation of the rate constant of H p- ~,2115011 molecule. Dc,kI. AN Arn. SISh 1,C) no.3:15c'j--163 165. (MIRA 1811") 1. Institut khtimicieskoy fizik-i All SSISR I IAboraLovlya khim!cheskoy fiziki All Arm.I;SJI. 2. AN ArmSSR (for Nalbandyan), Subvnit'~ed Novemler 18, !964. FARSJ MAN,- So Ye. How we reached high egg yields and a shazj~ reductlon of production costs. Ptitsevodsitvo 8 no.10:12-15 0 1513. (MIRA 11:10) 1.Zaveduyushchiy ptitaeforrjoy kolkhoza "Paykar," Ichmiadzinskoge rayona, AriTanskoy S'.R. (Pvul.try) MIRYASOV, W. Z. ; T~#Wqy, - A.r.- Magnetic properties and structure of markmanese - 'loron alloys. Vest.Hosk.un.3.9r.mat., nekh., antron., fiz., khim. 14 no.l: 43-50 '59. (MIRA 13-8) I.. Kafedra magrietisma Hookovskogo univeratteta. (Manganese-boron alloys) 6?2 31 AUTHORSt Miryasov, N.Z., and Farsanov. A.P SOV/55 - 59-1-6.1 2E TITLE: Magnetic Properties and Structure of ~Ianganese-Bbron Al,oys -X I PERIODICALt Vestnik lLoskovsk-~~o iiniversiteta._Sgriya matematiki, mekhaniki, astronomii, fizil(i, khimii, 1959, Nr 1, pp 43-50 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors investigate 20 Mn-B-alloys with 5 up to 52~7% of B (atomic weight), For a content of boron greater than 33~6 the alloys were ferromagnetic. The intensity of magnetization 6' reached its limit value in fields of 13-14 thousand oersted; this limit value was taken as 6 li, the interval 77-W011 K 2, it is gs . IF0 (l- NT ~ 6'0 incrcaseto with the content of boron and reaches its maximum at for a greator content cf boron there again appears a diminution of 6' 0. For all alloys the Curie- point was 289 + 40 C In the alloys there appear the combinationst tin4B, Lin2B. YnB, and %,.n3B4' The (arrier of the is MnB. The atomic distance Mn Mn of this combination is so that the vclume integral is positive, if' according to Sleltei Card 1/2 1 ?2 31 Magnetic Properties and Structure of' Manganese-Boron Alloys the diameter of the empty d-shell = 1.71 The absolute saturation of 6' 0 for MnR in 2 1) times greater than e 0 for Ni The autho Mell t 1 0-1 :...Puzey. They thank Prol'ennor Ye.l. Kondorrkiy jiscus!iions- There arr-e , ror,-Sovi(.t references, of 2 are '.ermar., 1 American, 1 Swedas):. ~ French, and 1 Englisi. ASSOCIATIONsKafedra magnetizma (Chair of 1,agnetism) SUBMITTED: November 10, 1957 Card 2/2 MIRYABOV, B.Z.; PARSABOV. A.k. Yerromgnetlem of mang3mes e- boron alloys. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 23 no.3:285-288 Xr '59. (MIRA 12:5) 1.]Pisicheakiy fakulltet Hoskovskogo gosudaretvennoge universiteta it. N.V. lemonosova. tHanganese-boron alloys-Kagletic properties) 24 AUTHOR3: Mlirya-3ov, N. Z. , Paronnov, I.. P. I - TX. Fer-()-i--,~-netism of the Alloys 1'11n-~'! (Forromagnetim splrivov '!In - PFRIODIC!L: -zv~;stiyn Akadenii nnuk 3erivn fi-!.ichosk,'kyn, 1010), Vol '~, 'Tr ', ~)p PF~,5-28P, (IUS3.,t) ABSTRACT: In the Present paper the authors investigated th.? dependen7 of spont:ineous magnetization 6 0 and of the Curie pointO on the comnosition na well as the conditions for th, occurr,-?nce of ierromagnetism in '.In-B-P-lloys. More th-in LO Iiffer,nt. i3llo~-s with ri ') to 5?.7 ate' boron cont,int wer,~ investig,3ted. j,llo.(s cont,,iring- up to 33 nt~ boron proved to be no-i-f err,mrifrno tic rLt room temperaturc iis ns -It t~- temppr*iture of lin *uid nitrog:en. For this reason 11 sRmples mentiarir-d in t'ie tible were used for further investigations The mnfrnetization -ittalne,i Its maximum vnluf~ in fielis of 130CC-111COO o~:. T103 v,ilop -~ms as.-mmed an- .9-turrition- maF7netLzation ( T 3 , The temperature dependence of T 1.n th. tpm,~,erri turf, r,ingv-room tomptirnturo uz) to 770 1 ,P, shown foi- Card 1/3 one of the sa-ples in figur., 1. 11L ippears fr,)-i 'h- Ferro,magnetisri of ~h- 'llow 'ri-I i t 6 (-~~n~3i 57 5 'inri 1tLins i ts oi on contont i. i., reltic(~d. Thr. r,f Tn-ti..- a c c () rd inf; to thc in '.hr fi in f igure The results cf .v -id -wt~,~ t;,,-r inhir n,,..v s i.-. point to the presonce of ph .:ics in the conc !itr,,.t . 'I r- n~~' invostig7ited. ~ho type of the lrittice as wel I its parameters wore determinen in monocrystals for '.In.~ ani .,:n-13. The values obtained arc in pood agreement with the dat'i by Kiessling (Rof 7). It may be seen from the data mentioned that in allo:rs of the Un-B-system the Curie point remains practically unchanged at different B-concentrntions and s equal to 289')+ 4. Conclusion: ferroma~;netism occurs in allOV3 with more than 31 ", B at the beginning of the se:~,ir-iti-)n r,! the MnB-phas.). The magnetization 6' 0 attains thO '-iIX1'T1Ur-. value for th-a pure ',lnl3-ph,)se and is equal to 1.40 1 1 j7!; cm ~7 Card 2/3 The average itomic moment for ',AriB is equal to 1. ,))p,. The Ferrumagne t i am of the Alloyr: "In-B .3p,turri-t tnn i rt&ir t. onF r Tn i t r o t r~ rq, 1 ID s n, eviden-~l y may be 'D and 8 rol*Qrei(-.r,:, . 'IATI( Fizicheskiy fRkul't,t. Ins', ov:-~knpo f~os . iinj r- * 1 * r Lomor,osova (Physics Lepartment of the Moscov, State Univ,~-r,,ity imeni M. V. Lomonosov) Curd 3/3 , , ~-;Oi --- lip"I'l-ola , -litio:-I of '.' 'r. -1 "'ald of . -I' -it r, PARSAN~I, A. P., A.110yo," 'r.'Osco'.'i, 1960, ' T)T) (L6~0:~,Cov; Jtat.) 71*11i.-.31-oity im Y. V. Loifiono.,o.,) (KL, 8-00, 114) I I . . . . . . . -T-2 -0, 1- 4-1 -.;E jc Ucl.- ... ... ~J-, J- %-JJ]6 J. .:~-a 9;f, 4. P, Tj 94 VIII.J.:1 09 t4 r..V "4.d*i J. Z_ .1-J.P44 J. Aqs.v W*4 VOLKOV, D. I.) KOIE)(IRSKIYP E. 1.P KprqcH,.[Kp G. S., KMYASOV, N. A., PAFZMCI;jl- A. P..q IRCEEP V. E.., CBECEMNIKCFV., V. I. and G05740, U. (moacov) i LI V'Vi "Results of Studies of Certain Magnetic arul 14agneto-Optical Properties of Ferro-Magnetics,." "Saturation Magnetization of Culli AUoye a". Low TIemparatures." "Magnetic Properties of MnB System." J "71emperature Dependence of Paramagnetic Susceptibility of FerrItes." -, "Magaeto-Optical Resonance in Ferromagnotice." (Krinchik) report presented at Colloquim on Magnetism, Grenoble, France, 2-5 Jul 58. Eval: B - 3,LU,755 3 Sep 58. 10 Card 1/1 : Pub. 129-7/2~ Author : Parsanov, A. P. Title problem of the erwiua tion of magnetorteters Periodical Vest. Mosk. un., Ser- flzikomat. I ye!st. nauk, 9, Wo 8, 53-56, Dec 1954 Abstract The author discLssecz two methods of graduation: measurement by a non- magnetameetric methot~ of the magnetization I=f(He); measurement by a coil. of I:blk ( ]k iG the current in the compen!3ating rolenoid) - He investigates thc seco nd method in c~el,uil. lie thanks T. A. vielkina for assistance, Institution Chair of Ma&metlsin Submitted June 11, 19~1' 5~~q /v - -7p FALUNOV. A.P. 0 On mfignsto=ater calibration. Vast. Yollk. un. 9 no.12:53-56 D 15L~. 1- Wedra mwetiama. (MLRA 8:3) (Kagnotometer) USSR/Physics Magnetism FD - 2 16" Card 1/1 Fub. 129-6/2o Author Yelkina, T. A., and Parsanov, A. F. Title Influence of elast..c stresses upon magnetization in weak magnetic fields Periodical : Vest. Mosk. Un., Ser. fizikomat. i yest. nauk, 10, No 2, 41-48, Mar 1955 Abstract : The authors Jiscuss their experimental -work conducted in order to verify the theory of Browr. (Phys. Rev., 75, 1471 1949) and Liboutry (Ann. de phys., 6, 731, 1951). The measurements w-tre carried out with a vertical astatic magnetomettr by the null methcxl; the samples were placed in the center of the magnetizing coil in a uniform field. Seven references; e.g. S. V. Vonsovsk.iy and Ya. S. Shur, Ferromagnetizm, 1948. Institution : Chair of Magnetism Submitted : June 11, 1954 PARSAYEV, M. Cherry snout beetle Rhynchites auratus !cop.: a dangerous pest of common and sweet cherries in Samarkand Frovince. Trudy UzGU no.llOtlI9-l23 161. (MIRA 15-3) (Samarkand and posts) PARSCHKOV, P. G. R. J. LEVINA, ZhOKh, 1941, 11, 56-7-57~ FA;ZAijANyaIN R.S. , ~;~ln !I ~C L - - S) "Pr-c'-le, ! Lv'. '-I ~- -_____ - - p tIons of krme-.iar rr-ti. _:ine in ~rjtuct,.n, the hcz;lth of t,.Cj rl.'Aioll (Jill-ill:, 1,01 - .: t.1 t-.!. *" I, I ; .'~ , It '. , n_-., ~ 6 1 L' 1, )f 0) Z' --, p~ (yerevaD bta,., -,,sti ( L, 1-',,) -67 ', 05021 AR0032253 (/-V) S01JRCE CODE: TJR/0398/66/000/006/B001/'B00I AUTHOR: Pasechnik. ........ W~- 6 - I 1 TITLE: The method of silicate treitmetit in double solution for reinforcing the soil oi filling hydrotechnical seaboard structure SOURCE: Ref. Mi. Vodnyy transport, Abs. 6B3 REF SOURCE: Nauchn. tr. jjj~r. uchcbn. zawd~!IlLy-,~1-va inorsk. flota SSSR, rio. 1. 1965, 82-86 TOPIC TAGS: sea water, soil, soil stretigth errinly, silicate, silicate treatinent A~BSTHACT: A 9tudy on the effect of sea water on the strength of soil: "r reinforced by double silicate solutions is degeribed. The 1,robletn'o-f the radiuf3 of soil reinforcement is examined briefly. The potentialities cf the method to strengthen thd soil of fillings of offshore hydrotechnical structure has been confirmed by research. Ori,,. art. has: I figure, 2 tables, and 5 re:~erence Items. [Translati(,n~ of abstract) SUB CODE: 13 Card 1 /1 UDC: 624. 1138 L L 06336-67 E74P ( i/9;9~rn) 1_'F;7,~T(t)AT!___ _~_M/WFV1PZW_ KC NRi AP6030328 souns ckdt W6153/WOW603/0507/0510 (N) AUTHORS Pasochniks So YR.; ~VKonovj D. R& ORGt Department of Technology of lbtals and Structural Haterialal Vorono?,h TechnoloF_ To- ical Institute (Kafedra tokhnologil motallov I konatruktalonny1ch materiR V, To-ronezh-_ skily tekhnologicheakly institut) TITLZ:. Corrosion of carbon steel In corrosive media In the presence of Inhibitors 6OURCEI IVUZ. Xhimiya I khImichaskaya. takhnologlya, v. 9j no* 19 19669 507-510 TQPIC TAGS: carbon steelp corrosionp corrosion inhibitor ABSTRACTS The corrosion of carbon steel (0.17'% C, O.kUV% I-In, 0.23% si, 0.029% 3, 0.021% P, 0.03% Cr, 0.05% A) specimens '10 x 20 x 1.2 mm was studied at 200C ill aquo- ous solutions of calciun chloride contairing the inhibAtors pota.,~siuln dichromate, wetting agent OP-10, mo~,or fuol,Vand a foaming agent and its fractions. The foaming agent, a waste producE",bf byyithotio rubbe.7 plamta:conslsts of tha residue obtained after distilling _~ffftho bulyl fraction from higlier alcohols, and In Addition to the higber alcohol.3 (C4, Q6, C~p etc.) contains a large amount of hydrocarbonds, highor aldehydes, estorsland resins. A1.1 the InhIbitors were found to slow down tho corro- sion considerably, but the most effective -Inhibitor was the foamin,-,? agent. Its pro- tective filn insulates the cathodic areas 4nd hinders the formation of galvanic micro- couples; the film, formed by a mixLure of orgknic substances, is very plastic and Able, :ord 1/2 acs 620,19 card PARMGCV, G. New system of plannirg has been Litroduced, and why! Graibd.av. 20 no.4:6-7 Ap 16". (MIRA 16:5) 1. Nachallnik planovc-ekonomicheskogo otdela G.lavnogo upravleniya Grazhdanskogo vozduslinogo flota. (Airlines-Management) PARSENYUK, B., inzh. I Roller smc(Ahing ol the surface of concrete. -Rud. mat. i, 4 no.3:55 Y~y-Je 162. (~GRA 15: ~ ~ (Concrete plants-Equiprient and supplies) FIRSOVA. '4.I.:PARSHAEOVA, A.I.; PDPOVA~ N.I. js~,. ,gstablishment of stable fDrest shelterbelts in the Tatar A.S.S.R. Uch.2ap.la2.115 no.8:55-6.2 '55. (MLRA 10:3) 1. Day-etvitel'nyy chlen Obshcliestva yestestiroisp7tateley (Tatar A.S.S.R.--Windbreaks, thelterbel-.s,etc~ 41;M -7 QT-Si f -7- fo~ ;4 5,5:x vi, FARSHIKOV. A.I. Adiabatic-isothermal ca:.ortmeter for deternininp the final Integral he-ate of solution in the presence of the negntive effect. Zhur.prikl.khin. 33 no.1:110-116 Ja '60. (MIRA 13:~) (Calorimetere) (Hew, of solution) MATERUVA, le*Ao; VALYUSRKO, M.G.; PARSHIKOVIL, Ye.Ve; YEVNINA, S.B. I--- Investiguting borate :oolutions by the ion exchange method. VeBt. ILU 16 no.10:125-13.4 161o (MIRA 146) (Borates) (Jar. exchange) 1) ~-l 'K "~) -11 ~~ 0 '~ ~~ cl , I BTSTROV, S.F., dotsent; PARS41KOY. Yu.l.. atudent III kurea - --- i'l Determining smai 71-~,antities of arserdc. Report No.2. Apt.4alo 6 no.108-42 Ja-F 157. (MIRA 10:)) 1. 12 Moskovskogo farmatuevtichaskogo instituta Kinisteratva 2d.ravookhranentya RSPSR. (ARSENIC) PAHSHCHIM,_S.A., kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent; TISHCHMO, A.K., upirant selecti* a single-stF-ge hydrodyawaic torque converter for the winch of an electric c.rane* Izvev:rs.uchebezavo; mashinostr. no.4: 52-60 161. (MMk 14:6) 1. Kbarikovskiy politokimicheskiy ImUtut. (Electric cranes) (OU hydraulic machinery) FARSHCHIK, S.A., kand.tekhn.naut. Selecting the rated value of hydraulic converter transmimsion ratios for boring mach.',nery. ShaVtt. otroi. no.5:11-14 '58. (MM 11:6) l.Kharlkovskiy polltW-micheskiy Institut. (Boring maehinery) (Oil hydraulic machinery) PARSHCHIR. S.A. Rffect of the high-spiel coefficient on the efficiency of ntagms of axial compressors. Sbl:)ra.trud.leb.prob.bystr.oftsh. 3:133-143 053. (Compressors) (YJ&A 9:9) 124-11-12767 Translation from: Referativnyy Lnurnal, Mekhanika, I 957,Nr 1p 6-1 (USSR) AUTHOR: Parshchik, S. A. TITLE: The Selection of a Pump for a Witter-Jet Propulsur. (Vybor nasosa dlya vodostruynog.:) dvizhitelya) PERIODICAL: Sb. tr.Labor. gidi avl, mashin. A. N. SSSR, 19'10, Nr t,, pp 12 1 - 1 34 ABSTRACT: The paper is devoted to a comparative consideration of water-.let propulsors equipped with axial arid lateral water intakes at various operating regimes. An efficiency comparison is made for screw-type and wat r-jet type propulsors in relation to their relative advance rati01 ). The factors affecting the effic ency of water-jet propulsor." are analyzed, and experimental valu( s of the efficienc%, of water-.ict pro- pulsors are cited f 3r several types of ships. In conclusion it is indicated that a rational field of application of water-jet propulsors IiE~s in the ~,rea of high values of the relative ad- vance ratio or, for giv(-n rotational speeds and diamters of the rotor, at high forward speeds of the vessel. The work underlines the im'..)Ort- ance of a coordinated matching of the type of pump and duct conto%irs in Card I /I relation to the forward speed of the vessel. (S. M. G( rlin) PAWSHCHIK, S.A., kand. tekhri. nauk; Z AV IYALOV, i , I nzh. Effect of the of a vmp runrer arri ris:cc~ity cif -~-- fiuJ.d on the energy indic-~s of a hyciraulic Lc;rqua convi%rl.f,-r. Gidr. mash. i gidr. no.l-.?16-219 165. ( M L-11 A 19 : ~ 2 ': 1. Kharlkovqkiv rolitek)inichoskiy In-ititut. L * Y 1, 7;1 T., 'I T' 11 nyq re I;' 1,~, ;I,, J-, no~ PARSHCHIK, S.A. Selecting ptLmps for water-jet enginen. Sbor. trud. I&b. hydr. mash. no.6tI21-134 156. (MIRA 10M) (Water jet) (Pumping mchinery) PARSHCHIK, S.A. Selecting parai7ete:~s for reversible hydraulic torque convertere. Sbor. trud. Lab. g1dr. mash. no.7:87-96 '58. (MIRA 12:9) (Hydraulic machinery) PARSHCHIK. S.A. Investigating the reeii;tance of metals to destructiori by cavitation. Fbor. trud. Lab. hydr. mash. no.6:135-141 156. (MIRA lOt1l) (Hatals-Test-Dw) ALEKSAPOLISKIY, D.Ya., kand. tekhn. nauk; KOCIIA--0:, A.Ta., kand. "ekvin. naulr, retsenz,mt; IMOLEVETS, ~I.3., retsenzent; J~kt">I~C Y, S.A., kanii. tekhn. nauk, red.; SAWD, I.P., -- ~ imb., red.izd-va; TIKHR;OV, A.Ya., telchi. red. [Hydrodynamic tranamLssinnsl Gidrodinanicheskie peredachi. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1963. 271 p. (MIRA 16:12) (Oil fwdratilic mnehincry) PARSHCHIK, S.A., inzhener. Selection of the rotor design of axial compressors. Sbor.trud. no.4:76-84 '54. (MLRA 7:12) (Compressors) PARSHCHIF, S. A. "Experizental Investigation of the Cor-pressor Cascade!, of Blades" Amde--.'~a liaz-, Ukr. SSR, Kiev. Laboratortya pmb".em byotrokhodnykh mashin i meVhan!zrnv. Sbornik trudov, 1(,,55, no. 5, 1,. 1(,'-)-124, Muc., diagru. 3 Fhmslan refs. Summary - 519851 f DMOTIp fttr lVenovich; ATM ISKIY, D.Ye.. dotsent, reteenzont; R"ALBS, B.B. , dotwint, retsenzent;-MI-VeRT rateenzent; EOZOTSK*,'Y. 1.L., doteent, kand.takhn.nouk, rateensent; XOIW, N.M., kend.takhn.nauh, red.; ONISHCHWO, N.P., insh., red.; (KRNWAYMIMAYA, M.S.. [Pumping and conproulng machinery] Has-Day I komprassornyo mashiny. Koskva, G)s.nauchno-tekhn.izd.-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1960. 281:p. (MMA 14:4) (Pumping machinery) (Compressort) (hns. Keebanical) PARSHCHIK, S.A., kand.tekhn.nauk, dotoont Selecting parameT-rs for a corst-r(illed t,ydrwynaz-'C to~~r~-c- --In--'~~r*~~:' L ~ :.' of the crane lifting rpechenism. Yest,mas~lncstr. 45 . 165. ( '14E F, ~" -~ --, , - '-, , - FR -91 W 4UmW.LEmm) , VIA UVFWA hVEWAW ODD 1OR/'0207/65~/ODD/OD5/0130/01)1 W1;-AP50272B41JP(c)/RPL --YRIAT/Rm ODI LWEMSS Orlenko, L. P. (Moscow]; Parshey, L. P. (Moscow) zz~ MG3 lume 011-TTLE: Coaputation of the enerar of a shock wave in water rMRCE: Zkmrnal. prikladnoy nekh3niki i tekbnicheakoy fiziki, no. 5v 1965, 130-131 if, 537, Y gl- TOPIC 'TAGS% shock waves shock isve front# shock wave pro'sgation, shock mechanics, P explosion, explosive, explosion effoott unGr-w-a-Ter 71-1 ABSVIACT: The energy of an underwater shock wave steisming from an underwater explosio 49 solyed througb conSlOpmtion of irreversible machWeal dissipation of energy. The disaivation-of en "& an underwater shock wave is determined with the aid of the qhocI: adiabatiot discharge isenlropesp and the variation or frontal pressure with distimceo The total value of izreversible energy losis-El in a shock wave from an underwater explosion with spberical throw-out of explosive naterial is given by 4 t wbero the unit emerar losses 0(12) are 66;i1 to + 2~ (Ps - 08) -!1 pdvl P Card 113 L 92,85-60, ACC NR; AP5027284 (see F. A. Balms, K. F. Stanyukovicb, and B. 1. Shekhter. Fizika.Vzryva. Fi=atgiz, 1.959). 2he quantitieB p. and To are the initial pressixre aDI unit vol=e of the water; p2(r) azd v2(r) are the pressure and unit volrme at the shock wave front; r is the coordinate of the shook wave froit; and ro is the throw.-out radius. The integral term in the second equation is co~yutvd along the expansion isentropes of the water (see Figo 1. _iv to a voluse TO corresponding to the condition of the wwter alter. expansion to the initial pressure p . Total energy Q is the ma of the imerg, of gas bubble pulsation W Plus. Me ;;iu': E - I&I + E2 whare E, is " defined above and E2 is the secb"ical energy co~Wuted by, mpirical xeans.~ Plots of the ratio. 9,/Q and (for pentolits) '12/0- Terms T, are given where B2 is gkivn .Ity ~Cnrd__2/3 L 9285--66 ACC NRi AP5027284 (G Is the weight of explosive). Additional conputatiowpf E/Q and 71/Q for two daywities of TEN explosive (pentw2gE!!!Kityl tetranitrate' PMN) are given and dis- casned. Orig. art. has' 4 f45is-A, and 4 equationso r SUB CODEs. 20/ SUPY DATEs 06Jant;5/ ORIO RM OD3/ OTH :REFt OD2 CSADCHUK, Ye.I.; BLEM, B.A,; FARSHEX",V.A. W Selectin.v an eff' arrang(--mE-nt of eqL.i=ent Of tnl~ installation for dri.ling wells 45i.0-5000m. deo~. Mash. t neft. obor. no. 11:7-12 f65. 'M,-RA 18.12) 1. Trest 'Ilolgcg:-adnt!ftef7azrazv-~(jkEi". PAR51fEVA, -rt. P. FEM I Fool EXPLOITMON SOV/6012 Akadeldya mauk SWR. Institut &Vtom&tlkl j t9jjy3mekhsUjk:L. Awtomatlaheakoye regulirovarlye I upraylenlre (Auto=t1o Regulation and C ntrol) Kosoow, Izd-vo AN 88SR, 196?. 526 p. Errata slip inserted. 9DOO copies printed. Reep. Nd.Oi Ya. Z. Taypkin, Prolessor, Doctor of Technical Scienceal Ed. of Publishing Houses Te. N. Griforlyevi Tech, Ed.% 1. M. DorokhIna. 0 PURPOSEt This book Is Intended for scientific researah workers and engineers concerned with autmation. COVERAMs 21o book Is a cc-liection o4 articles 9pnsisting of papers delivered at, the Tth ObrXerepas of f:uzlor Salentists of the Instl- tuto at Aut9mation and Tele*ohmlos, AcadeM of Sciences USSR, hold In-Mard1s,1960. A iride range of sciontific and technical questions mlating to autmatic 2vgulation,and control Is covered. Card 1,42 Automatla Regulation (Cont.) SOV/6012 The articles a" organ~zet. in seven meotions, including automatic control systems, automatic. process control, ownputing and4deolalon- askin devices, automation components and devices, statistical methods in automation, thoory of relay circuits and finite auto- matio systems, and autowated electric drives. So personalities are mintioned. Reforenoen are given at the orA o:,' each article. TANA 07 CONEWSs PART L AUNKATM CONTROL MTM chikov, S. 1. 2he effect of dry friction and slippage ay) on error ftring reverse gear operation of serro.- feed systexx 3. Androychikov, M. 1. Dyawde accuracy of machine tools with programed control Card 2/12 Automatic Regulation (Cont.) SOV16012 Norkin, K. B. Transmitter &utotuning system using an automatic optimizer 144 ~,Parsheva, R. P., On the boandednesB of tranolent regimes ih -~~--flw--~:_dlmensidnal automatic control system 154 Shadrin, V. N. Programmed control system idth frequency distribution of channels 161 Fateyeva, E. A. Three-channel optimizer 167 Khasanov, M. M. Analysis of the dynamic characteristics of ar, automatic control system for air conditioners 176 Voloshinova., Ye. V. and Ye. V. Shtil I man. On modelling learning processes in automatic systems 188 Card 5/12 AUTHOR: FarBheva, R. P. 8/194/62/000/012/019/101 IX2 01 / D3 08 TITLEs Limitations of the transient states of a 5-dimeneional control ey6tem PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomat.ika I radioelektrcinikag ,tio. 12, 1962, 0, abstract 121-2-93 ya (In collections Avtomat. regul:.rovaniye I upl:., M., AN BSSRO 1962t 154-160) TEXTt The example of a con-zolled wing rocket (with a liquid fuel reaction motor and airborne speed stabilization Is used for the ans- lysia of an autonomous control system with five degrees of freedom and on nonlinearity, having an autopilot with rigid feeabaok and a three-dimensional field ol' control of angle, angular velocity of pitching and of deviation o;. ' tho holght from a given conetant va- lue. The author determines 1;he finite region reached by every tra- jectory if the fixed starting time independent of the trajectories is exceeded, provided that F~t the inBtant-.of starting the trajec- JCard 112 5/1194/, 62/000/012/019/101. Limitations of the ... D201/ 308 tory began within this region. The region which by trajectory leaves at t,~T io also determined. T.1 ions allow for the determi- "ese 2 reg nation of safety limits for starting the rocket together with height oscillations of a horiLontally flying wing rocket. 4 refe- A rences. Z-Abstracter's note: 13omplete translation.1 Card 2/2 PARSHEVA, R.P. (Moskva'! Use of a iynaml- [:: D--,- i;, n. -. -.- * ti--- --ons, ru-t--lon -.'- i -: o n - trol lers. Av*.om. I , A I em. " --, r. ~. 1 , ~ -.1 Ja 164. 4"IRA -.. - ) 4 Liji,92 7 S/044/63/000/00 1/048/05-3 Ao6O/AOO0 AWHOR: Parsheva, R. P. TITLEs On the boundedness of the transition trajectories in a f1ve-dimen- sional automatic regulation system PM,IODICAL: Re.lerativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no. 1, 1963, 35 - 36, abstract 1V162 (In collection: "Avtomat. regulirovaniye i upr.", Moscow, AN SSSR, 1962, 154 - 16o) TEXT: Using the example of a winged guided rocket equipped with ai auto- pilot with rigid feedback regulated with respect to angle, angular velocity of pitching and altitude, the problem of the boundedness of the transition tra,',ec- tories in the five-dimensional aLtomatic regulation system is investigated. For this it is assumed that the nonlinear function f(a) belongs to the class.A and satisfies certain "dissipativity' (dissipativnosti) conditions, and the roots of the characteristic equation of the linear Part of the corresponding system of differential equations are real, distinct, and negative. On these assumptions, it is demonstrated that the integral curves of the five-dimensional system with Card 1/2 On the boundedness of the ... s/o44/63/000/001 /c)48//05 "~ Ao6O/AOOO one non-linearity are stable both n the sense of Lagrange in the positive di- rection, and in the sense of Masse-at. 1. A. Litovohenko LAbstracter's note: Cumplete translationj Card 2/2 SHPAKOV, B.G., Inzh.; PARSHIKOV, A.F., inzh. Results of reconstructing slab mill "1150" at the PagnitogorBk Metallurgical GombLne. Mont. i spets. rab. v stroi. 25 no.11: 18-21 N 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Nauchno-issledo,tatellskaya stantslya Gosudarstverinogo tresta po montazhu metalliirgicheskogo oborudovanlya v vostochnykh ravonakh. PARSHIMTIEDV,--A.L. Biological activonees of the Kola Peninsula forest soils. Poch- vovedenie no.12:95-97 D 160. (MIRA 14: 1) 1. lm titut lesa i lesol-chimit All SSSR, Arkhangel'sk. (Kola Peninsula-Forest soils) PARSHI"TIKOV 6 F~_ - Changes irith age in the mineral coaq)osition of needles in some t7pes of spruce forests. Bet. zhur. 44 no.2:228-231 7 '59. (MIRA 12:6) l.Inbtitut less, Akademit nauk SSSR, s.Uspenskeye Mookovskey obl. (Spruce) (Mnts-Assimilation) . I i . I - .I I I , . , I PARSHNnUKOV. A.L. - r~tv~ :~a"islOn Of 8131)CiSB in sprace foresto of the central taiga and , avi, ~ ~ I W, eO~" its effect of softle. Soob. Inst. loss 110,903-63 158. (MIRA 11:6) (Forest soils) (Sprace) PAPSHIKHIV. P.V.. kandidut ekonomichnikh nauk. -_- .7-1- '-- Extending, the rtisources of materials and equipment In socialist agriculture. Re):h. oil'. hoop. 8 no.53:3-5 S '57. (WIRA 10:9) (Ukraine--Farm machanigation) FARSPIKE',, p','JA VAS-L'YEVICH PARBHIKHILI~ V gjl~!evjch;. PLYAZUN. To., redaktor; LVVCHENKO. 0., tflV~ "V 't a iv r; teVhnicbes iy re eIrTor [Sixth five-year plan 11.9an important stop in solving the principal economic problem of thu U.S .3.R.] Shoste pliaturichke - vnzhlyvyi krok u rozvllazanni ostiovnoho ekonomichnoh.:) savdaanta SRSR. Kyjv, I)erzh.vyd-vo polit.1tt-ry URSR. 1956. 92 p. (MLRA 10:9) (Russia-Aconomi.c policy) FESKOVOT. B.1., inzh.: PARSJjRYj,,A,.G. [deceaseill, in2h. Regulator of pbospha--e concentration Im the feed water. Energetik n0-9:36-)7 S 158. (WRA Iltll) (Phns-?hates) (Food water) SOV-02-r8-9-25/29 AUTHOR: Peskovoy, B.:., Engineer; Parshikov 'A.3. TITLE: A Boiler Watar Phosphates Concentration Regulator (ReFul..Ya- tor kontsentratsii fosfatov v kotlovoy vode) PERIODICALt Energetik, 1958, 1~r 9, pp 176-'17 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The automation laboratory of the TsKTI has rorked out anl tested a trial model of phosphates concentration reg--~lator for boiler water. The regulator is designed to mairtair a constant concentration of FO ions in the water, thus preventing ',he formation of slig deposits on the heating surfaces of the boiler. The Tegulator's sensitive element is an automatic colorimeter which tests the actual phos- phates concontration in the boiler water sample by a change in the optioal density of the phosphomolybdic group. A constant sample is supplied from the boiler water, and the Card 112 measuring d,ivice is eet to operate a remote control appa- A Boiler Water Phosphatee Ccrcontration fie~;ulator s(~V-ql _5FI_q_?5/,-q ratus whici varies the vclurre productivity of' the f9el supplying ?hosphate solution to the boiler water. T~e a,,i- thors describe th~- electrical system of the regulatcr. There is 1 circuit diagram and I schematic diagram. 1. Boilers-Fc9le .'~. Phosphates--Applications 3. Feed water regulators--Desi&c. Card 2/2 AUTHOR: P~tr T1TLE: f'~ D, P IT 10 D T,." L Zh ABSTRACT: A I I 1 1 1 jllt I I ;i I j JTJ j I I it a 1. 1 heat o C ~~01 I r~ une I r ij~ I 111f 'a L3, I r, I I (? t I :' I I ". I .(,(I , (I nir " 1, 1 , I-, ~ I' xx hal 1j,.t tht. 111L if i!;~ t i 1 t-d t.i,; E s lo -1 - 1 '';:. ":. ". ; V 1", 1. ! . t I 1 .2 1 V !I 1h:: C) 1:1. o- c a I r) P, ~i I f, I "_.~l Ll! I of T d I eal IAL'IT!k ca-d I 'lill'i ! ~ - ~ ' ~', 'A I,' (i k , I k i I Ad i t 1 , -I he 1 %,T-t:_: 1 U I id; r, Ii a A d o i L) Arr .11will ol, t -a T T 1-ne e j~ss.-- a temperat,.:,!I. dr~~,, C C, -Me e e y z r 3.-. e r e -.e ~ea.~e~-. As 7 Jel- -r---' e a A d s r, e --.a a r e. fL Deeter,-.ininE; inlezra" SOV A d er,,,pera a' d J!~I:- A P. T -:.c 's L, ~z p a --p Ho s-- c. S a P a s e .2 i w'- i J e a Wnea S, s~pp'ft-j a :,a', BIAS- a eJ s -a a S 1 7- 5 m SI,7 T E D: Ma - PARSHIKOV, I.A. Adiabatic follaw-up calorimeter for determinir43 the heat capacity of saturated solutions. Zhur. prikl. khim. 34 no. 12.2649-2658 D 161. (MIRA 15:1) (Galoriineters) MIKOYANP A; PODGORM , N.; ZOT)V, V.; FAVLOV, D.; DUDIV, Yu.; KOROLFV, D.; MASUMVP II.; W75HYP Ye ; KUPIEUCMC, A.; AP5KU71M, Y.; GLTeJD--V, I.; FA~~H~IKQVI ~M.- MA16KIty I.:; S(AuLoVilklY, V. Vladimir Evdokinovich ,halyl; obitua37y. Kons.i ov.prom. 17 no.12: 48 D 162. (14IRA 15:-U) (Chalyi, Vladimir Evdokimov-ich, IcJO5-1962) PARS I WcV 9 M.S. ; BESEDIN, D.F. ; NE" I hlir:"hi I N , A . Yo. L~,--.,ice fcr ccntr~,'- ' ~ z.,: ~ ~ - e- - - - - 6 e, I, ydra tcrz~ and the I-na . t I I .-I' t, 10, ~ *I , :trh . ""'!-, - . r-efteper. 1 neftekhln.. nc,.'~ 1~ ~. I , PARSHIKOV M.Yr,.-, MAKHINYA.M.M.; SILIII,P.M.-, YAFASKM.V.V.; "r-PISHIN-A-S; ZHIDN(YV,A.A.; KHMI.".RSXIY,,H.Z.: TA-TITASHOV,A.K.; B30;IN.G.S. IJW,SHKIN.I.P., KW-SNTU.G.M.;Z-lIVIRXO,I-S-; ZELIKKAN,I.F.; EffyZE.D.V. Birthday of P.V.Golovin. Sakh.prom.29 no.5:7 '55. (MLRA 8: 11) (Golovin, PFLVel Vasillevich, 1880-) PARSHIKOV, M.Ya. Particularities in sugar-beet e7ovir4; in Prance., SaIrch.prom 30 ne.6:54-63 Je 156. (mm! 9: 9) l.Ministerstvo sellskogo khozvaretva SSSR. ( beets) ZOT0VJq V.P.; 14MI11YA, 11.M.; PARSjijK0L,---~Lja.; GAVRILOV, A.N.; SILINq P.M.; GOLOVIN, F.V.; YJMZ.L, N.V.; BUZAMT1. I.F.; KHEMIMIY, 14.Z.; YAPASKMp V.V.; SHAifOp A.F.; SANUVO N.1-L; L1777AK', 1.~L; IVANOV, S.Z.; LEPES11KIN., I.P.; KIMMAN, B.M.; YEPISHIN, A.S.; GOLUB, GERAS11-MV, S.I.; GEUBE, V.R.; PASHKOVSICIY, F.M.; LITVINOV, Ye.V.; BENINp G.S.; IVANGV, P.Ya.; VINOGRADOV, N.V.; PONOMARFMO, A.P.: ZH.TDKOV, A.A.; KOVAL', Ye.T.; KARTASHOV, A.K.; NOVIKCYV, V.A. Sixtieth birthday of A.N.Shakin, Director of the Central Scientific Research Institute of the Sugar Industry. Sakh. prom. 35 no.7:33 JI 161. (MA 14:7) (Shakin, Anatolii Nikitovich, 1901-) (Sugar industry) PRODOL,OBDV,- N.V.; GERNER, V.F.; DOBRIN, B.Yu.; KIRSANOV, G.P.; PARSHIKOV M Ya.- FETUMFOV, M.I.; KRIZHANOVSKIY, V.A.; YAMCHUK, N.I. Abstracts. 26 no.6:135-137 Je 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Iz Tyumenskoy gcrodsl:oy infektsionnoy bollnitsy (for ProdolobDv). 2. Iz sellskoy ucheatkolroy bollaitsy- sovzhoza "Chernayan Solikamskogo payonvogo otdela zdravonkhraneniya (for Gerner). 3. Iz kafedry gos italincy terapii Luganskogo meditsinskogo instituta (for DobriX 4. 12, res-publikanskoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy ~Iordovskoy ASSR (for Mrsamov, Parshikov). 5. 1z propedevticheskoy khirurgicheskoy klJniki Kuybyehevskogo maditsinakogo lustituta, (for Petukhov). 6. Iz gospitalluoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki i kafedry patologicht!skoy anatomii Chelrbinskogo meditainskogo instituta (for Kri;;hanovskiy, Yarichuk). (MEDICINE-ABS TRACTS) PARSHIKOVP N.A., inzh. Eicpeeriencr- In o:' electric power tra:,,Lm-'cs' -,n - inf~-3. Energ. stroi. no.l'):59-68 160. (Mii-A 16:12) 1. Tr,:st "1-!osstroy.,Iektroperedaclii". YARSHMM, INIA.O in2h. Precast rainfor:ad concrete elements of --pen distributing installations of substations. Energ, stroi. no.27s76-85 162. OURA 150) 1. Trest "Mosetroyelelitroperedachi". (Electric substations) (Precast concrete construction) eviOj RAYKH, I.Ya., inzh., red.; A~eks mm"WH~,K M, ~;~ . . "Peld. ; VELITSYN, B. L. , tekhn. red. [Use of precast concreLe stnictures in the construction of electVc substationRl Primenonte sbor-nogo zhelezobetona Dri sooruzhenil podstantsli. Moskvm, Orgenergostmi, 1962. 33 P. (MIRA 16:9) (Preqast concrete constriction) (Electric substntions) sov/86-58-8-32/37 AVrHOR: Parshikov, N.M., Capt of' Tee Service TITLE: Checking the Injection Nozzles of Jet Engines (Proverka rabochikh forsunok reaktivnykh dvigateley) PERIODICAL: Vestnik vozdushnogo flota, 1958, Nr 8, Pp 83-84 (USSR) kBSTRACT: The article gives a brief description of a device, de- signed 17y an air force unit, for checking the func- tioning of the injection nozzles of jet engines. One diagram. Card 1/1 PARSHIMP. P.N., kRyitan takhn., aluzhby Check of operctimg jetv of jet ergites, Vest. Vosd. 71 41 no*8:83-84 Ag 158. (MIRA 11:9) (Airplanee-Jet propulatom) PARSHIKOV, V,N. [Parshykov, V,.M~I; MAKSMV, V.A. (Maksymov, V.0.) Effect of light and c-arbon :!icxide suppij on the characteristics of biochemical procosses in young kidney bean and corn plants. Ukr. bot. zhur. 19 n(.4:3-14 162. (MI" 15:9) 1. Institut bctqnik'. AN UkrSSR, otd-al fotosinteza. (Plants-Aasimilation) PARM V-ik-tox Ajeksanlroyicb; ROZE, Viktor Allbertovicb; KUZNETSOV, U4QY,- P.V.P red.; PONOMAMA, A.A., tokbn. red. (Use of high-speed calculating machines in trmpportation] Pri- menenie bystrodaJstwitishchikh vychislitellrykh mRshin na tran- sporte. MoskTa, Izd-vo ekon.llt-ry, 1961. 93 p. (MIRA 14:12) (Electronic calculating mRchines) (Trwisporbition-Equipment and supplies)