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0 0000 0 0 e 0 0 0 0000000100090000000 I rio I J?. C-_ -~ a -ta 0 JL -L-r 000 see *elsev -:9 oaf v a t# tr a 40 0 * 0 R a I %I 4v 0 -7 1 14 ! .0 -0 I. 0GOLOS L~n. *$met v It 144MI&II 19NIA-111VIN VII-Giv._ I e! %X in I.-go aU -uMaoWmu4 aq% p -d="V Jqj Aq am" Iq amml vq %I "a" to $1" 241 00= so- wimm- Mom ""84am o~l W4 w 0460" Irm In offlIPME b*Aq Mom p -m-q- so. 'V-4 J" 14" "MAI-0 p **a M p "a ft" vx 10 UU140sou"m ap "^ pw(w "a isio" so- ro 4hMAT d4$ Lox *to 0 94 (4114L vau 00.1 aqw'wd(q u4 411mvi 10 "tao-pom p" so- * 0 U V " 11 P opurpomo or "I" P Sawam 994" 16141M" 4%V IUII?Qgd UI -0 W13 W-W a 11 to *0* "Corp to 194919 9114011 N a It 00.0.0 see* to 0., A 6 44-6 w_,_ ON 1 1mz- coo 006 00 oe too r 4p it Pk'U--ENT "fFV, G. Imprr,vinr, t. e econmin level cf tLe w(.rk cf educational, inst-f-.11tion-c. Prof.-tekh.obr. 21 no.8:5-6 Ag '64. (ICHA 1. Wtchallni~ (Adela uchilishch Lenin;rrridskogo oblastnogo upravieniya professional lno-te~hniche.,ikogo obrazowiniya. FARFWT I UV, G. Conference of farm mechanization school workers. Arof.-tekh. obr. 15 no,2:20 7 158. (MrRA 110) 1. Nachallnik otdela uebtlishch I shkol Leningradekogo oblastnogo upruvleniya trudovvkh rezervov. (Farm mschan12ation-Study and teaching) W10PAROT, Alskmandr Aleksandrovioh; USTINDY. Turly Timfoyevich; x0oulmo, T'G', Inzh., retzenzent; PAR~WIM.-G,**, inzh,, rateenzent; MXKUWVp Ye.P., inzh.. r6d.-~,-TASILITWA. V.P.. red, Izd-va; SPAROSUTA. 0.V., tekhn. red. [Assembling Industrial equipmont] Montazh prozWshlennogo oboradovaniia. NoWma, Goa, nauchno--tekhn. izd-vo mahinostrolt. Ut-ry, 1958. 316 p. (MchiA827-BrOcting work) (MIRA 1137) ' I F, " .- Nec~~,n. ze'). e:, .'. - !-, *1 . - 1.) n,-,,t,.! - ": ,i. I " I: . - .. - I . . ) . -1 ''e4 . . I . - -:: -. - I. , T I-a ~ I.; T %.-C- 7 . E I 133-58-3-3/29 AUTHORS: Tylkin, L.A., Parfe_nt'jev, I.F. and Sivak, 77.1., Engineers TITLE: An Increase ir. the Service Life Df Blast FU:,nace Cl,_-rUini~ Equipment (U~,linendye sluz]aby zas,.,pnykh ap, aratov d3,.-,~:_en1;Ykh pechey) PERIODICAL: Stal' , 19153", -,T-,. 3 , pp 20r~ - 208 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Methods of hard facinL larCe bells for 'Jlast fulmace operating on hiLh top --).ressure are br-'Lefl,, discus.-.ed. T'-e., e are 2 figures. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 13-5000 75574 90V/l._'1"0-5-~)_ 1 '1 -,C)ILC AUTHORS: Tylkin, M. A. (Candidate of Technical Sciences), Sivak, V. I., Parfentl ., Kropp, M. A. (Enginee.-s) TITLE: New Design of Hot Blast Valve PERIODICAL: Metallurg, 1959, . Nr 10, pp 10-11 (IJSSR) ABSTRACT: Hot blast valves with cast bronze rings and bronze gates are used at Plant imeni Dzerzhinskly (zavod imeni Dzerzhinskogo). The welded gate consist,-, of a basic furodit (iron alloy with approximately 2'f to 29% Cr and 5% Al) ring. Better results were achieved with chamotte rings made of wet pressed segments. The segments are fired and assembled In a ring-like manner In chamotte binding medium. The ring is ground along the periphery and side faces. After removal of the surface layer at the joint, no pores are observed. The segments are enclosed by a regular St3-steel tire as shown in Fig. 3. Card 1/3 New Design of Hot Blast Valve A/ a 67 1 M I -7j/- 4-,An,- 75574 SO V/1 130-5~L 1/-,, ~-, Fj . 3. Chamotte RinG: (1~ segment: (2) tl:-e. Card 2/3 New Design of Hot Blast Valve Loosening of the ring -- tire contact since it widens the air gap between creasing heat transmission from the Such rings are installed in a blast plant. There are 3 figui-es. '(5'-)711 sov/i is not detrimerita rini, and t1re, de- r,ini_r to the tire. furnace of' Uie ASSOCIATION: Plant imeni Dzerzhinskiy (Zavod imeni Dzerzhinskogo) Card 313 25(l) SOV 1! 3 5- r' 0/ 5- '- AUTHORS: Tylkin, M.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences; 5ivak, V.14 Engineerl Parfentlyev, I.F,, Engineer; Kropp, M..A,,, Engineer TITLE. The Restoration of Crane Wheels by Building-Up PERIODICAL: Jvarochnoye proizvodetvo, 1959, Nr 5, PP 25-27 (USSR) ABSTRACT: To restore worn crane wheels, the Dneprovskiy metallurricheskiy zavod im, Dzerzhinskogo (Dneprovd* -Moallurgical Plant imeni Dzerzhinskiy) has planned and put into operation a special unit for automatically building up under flux, and developed a technological process for restoring and strengthening crane wheels of up to 1200 mm diameter. It consists of a machine for fastening and rotating the crane wheel, an A384 welding head designed by the Institut elektrosvarki im, Ye.0 Patona AN USSR (Institute of Electric Welding imen! Ye,O.Pa,3n cf the AS UkrSSR), mechanisms for the longitudinal feed and raising of the welding head, a device for screening and feeding the flux into the hopper and an aspirator. The unit is provided with a girder crane, and its main layout is described and illustrated in Figure 1. It is fed by a/,- from two STNI ~00 Card 1/3 welding transformers connecTed 'in parallel. Figure 2 SK~'Dwl; ,OV/1 35-59 -5- ~012-, The Restoration of Crane Wheels by Building-Up the wheel being welded on the uri-it. The used flux and waste (slack) pass into a special device where they are filtered and returned to the head hopper. This process is de"s,7ribed and illustrated in Figure 3. The building-up is carried out by an electrode wire made of St. 6 steel of 5 mm diameter (for large or badly-worn wheels) or 30KhGSA steel of 11.5 mm diameter (for wheels less than 700 mm in diameter in which the height of the built-up layer is less than 6 MM)2 Oper ational experience with the unit at the plant has shown that the following procedure must be observed; 1) when the ele7 trode made of 5 mm St.6 steel is used, the speed of the feed of the electrode wire is taken as equal to 43-49 meters per hour at a neripheral speed of the article of 32-38 meters per hour,;' the current being 650-700 amps and 28-36 volts, 2) When an electrode wire made of 3,5 mm 30KhGSA stee! is used, its feed speed is taken as equal to 56-64 meters per hour at a peripheral speed of the article of AC-48 meters Ter hour, the current being 450-500 amps and 28 36 voltz-, Dc- Card 2/3 tails of the chemical composition of the welded whee's tire "OV/1 J/211 The Restoration of Crane Wheels by Building-Up then given, to show that they can be subjp_~:*ed to thermal' treatment - sorbitization. -':ae: jLazlt izerif-, D12erzb !L&z (ie- vised a special process for doing this. It consists of heat- ing the wheel to 8400, plunging it into a hardening bath, tempering it and boring the axle hole. There are 2 dia- grams and 1 photo. ASSOCIATION: Dneprovskiy meta'-Iurgicheskiy zavod im. Dzerzh'knskop.: (Daepronalk-fy ""etallurgical Plant imeni Dzerzhinskiy) Card 3/3 18(5) ~7r.V/12r- a Q-0-1 2/ AUTHOR: T".A., Candidate of Technical qciences, and Tylkin , Sivak V.I., Parfentlyev,T.F., and Kropp, ".A., "nginenrs- TITLE-: Automatic Surfacing on Vertical !~,'ill of 1~11ast 7urnpce Charger Big Cone PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya svarka, 1959, Nr 0, pp BR-93 (US-P) ABSTRACT: Experience of many a metallurgical plant has shown that the efficiency of blast furnaces depends to a large degree on the operation of the charger. It has been on many occasions noted that at the place where the big cone is connected to the furnace hepd, blowing- off of gases be.-ins to appear after a few Tnonths of work; as a result, the cone goes prematurely out of service. In order to prolong its life, it was recommen- ded t(, reinforce its working surface by hard steel al- loys. In Fig 1, a big cone surfaced with alloy Sormayt TTr 1, 14() mm in the width rind 2.5 mm deep, is shown; Card 1/3 this cone was used in the course of a year on a '-last Automatic Surfacing on Vertical TIM of Plast 7urnace rharger "ig C one furnace at the Tne-nrovskiy I.'etalli-irfYical '7orks, %~i-r- king under an increased gas pressure of f).8 atm. -'e institute of vlectric 7.1elding imeni Ye,().Taton ~%,orked out the method of automptic surfPcing of tI-P '~ig cone by using 7T-Yh1OV14 and PP-vhl2VlF electrode C, wire. The ~Iagnitogorsk '.~,etallurgical Combine has, in its turn, constructed for this purpose a vertical mill (Fig 4). The process of surfacing is shown in Fig 5. The curre-t in'ensity is 40n-4~00 amp. depen- ding on the zone of the cone to he surfaced; arc ter- F?ion is 30-36 volts. Pefore the surfacinff proces- ",e- gins, the cone is pre-heated to 400uC; to this end, a special design burner (Pig F~) working on coke gas has been constructed. There are 1 diagram and ',, pl~o-_o- graphs. ASSOCIATIOR: Dneprovskiy metallurpichesk.iy zavod i7eni 7)zerzhinsko- Card 2/3 go (Dneprovskiy "etallurgical Torks imeni I~zerzhinsl-'-iy) i E'F TYL71N, M.A.. inzhener; SIM, V.I.. inzhener; PARFENTIYEV, I.F., inthener; KROPP, M.I.. Inzhener. Increasing the durability of crane wheels. lletnllurg 2 no.9:34-16 3 '57. OCAA 10: 9) 1. Zavod imeni Dzerzhinw-ogo. (Cranea, derricks, etc.) (Steel--Hardeninf-) 130-9-17/?l AUTHORS:Tylkin, M.A., Sivak, V.I., Parfentlyev, I.F. and Kropp, M.A. (Engineers) TITLE: Increasing the Durability of Crane Wheels (Povysheniye stoykosti kranovykh koles) PERIODICAL: Metallurg, 1957, Nr 99 PP-34-36 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Short service life of crane wheels is due not only to design factors but also to the materials and methods of fab- rication and heat treatment. The authors describe methods used at the major Soviet crane-wheel producing works, analyse causes of failure and deal with equipment used for surface hardening. They conclude with an account of the installation they developed with the help of K.F. Starodubov for the sor- bitisation of crane wheels at the imeni Dzerzhinskiy works. Type 50T'12 steel (C 0.44-0.55%, Un 1'04-1.8%, Si 0.17-0-30%, P 4 0.040P S4, 0*.045) is used for the wheels which are cast and subjected to heat and mechanical treatment. The authors recommend the centralised manufacture of all-rolled crane wheels of standardised dimenBions. There are 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: Imeni Dzerzhinskiy Works (Zavod im.Dzerzhinskogo) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card 1/1 YAMW!P V, 1. -q. A p '*Sur la reaction du bromare de triphen.71(otienzy1phosphonium avee 1e sodium metallique." Parfgn%Jev. L I.; Sageourine. AL. A. (p. 865) SO: Journal of Genoral ChemistIZ (Zhurnal Obshchei Xhimli) 1939, Volume 9. #10 Is 'N v a i v A9 i1 V A 4 L_ IL L 4f it JI 11". zt Aso ILA MOTALLt';"Vc.t ulty. u 0 4T In 4's, 0 010 0 **goo 00 a 0 WW* 0 00000 I Is b Ole - 4 0i , - Is 94 1? a it x It a J) a is b it WA .4 All It Ij li is It 1111V b so Q 41 0 t v I 'A 45 4 - . ti I.( 1,VLt&I &MMDRIUM hydroxidir L. It" 1141folf(A milli 1".. M blod.v - rW" ir'r`t' M41"Ifir. 1,1011% 6, IV!) -'(10101). 1,41). vzllj~ -00 'how that the itirld 4 N11.011 Itnill CA(Oll), and MIXI 1, fly the lat-WIX-e .4 A niax .00 wield (956 ) was obtained from NIX(Oll)t IIII-0 and *X * F ~41110 1 ca (0111, to by 2 hr%. stirrine; after 2 hr.. the ovirn d the %i1.011 44n. '&'-feawd Ille late (if vaint _111110 d Nil, 1W,villir gimlet titan Ill, Vale d hillination. At I., In.-VvIll Illi. evaps. I-V )it. ,it. tau, or and liquid paraffin "r-It un~W-cl-Will. IAII.. rXIII, huwd that Cu cam 1w extd. itinn Naukat "ni;K-f sand%, . zoo a ivewer Comm. of % 11.011 Is required khan in th itm ith N11 0111 4 l d d f e v w u n. a iva orme . , y W R Winn )zoo =00 roe Zoe goo 0 0 00 ust CLAslificaylox - - . I ir to v 71 An b42 11 t 1% 0 410 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wo 00600 9Go 0 0 0 a a 0 Ir 0 0 a, 0. 00 0000000 0 0 0 4~4 VC-4 P. - !,0_4,44-6 44 I it 1 0 t " It it of U 1, it 1, 4 NO 11 a n A IL T ~T__u A 9v r IT ~tv -4 -D -t,l I. t"t it CAtt,- i 0 0 0 4 ip W P Is Is am v 'm P. w I,- j 11 -2 1 6 1 . 00 The reattlaft bgtw,.n tripbolovitwepillphosphantilyn as ai: broadde solid matallilt "Um L %' A. A. "Mulhurin. J. Gral. C&0" 00 8 Gibldlim'd III 00 lrtmn Phil' oral PhOlillf in t4AUelir. alinmi quam. ywid * in was wwmrd (8.19 ff.) with 4).43 S. Na 1xvivilef 00 , , rtbrt for , dmy. while Mirting, ofter which itm- nim-11 01 air less imictiltu"I into thr traction Intel. for 4 tire willi'L stining. 11te ether roWn. wa. itticked I^ thl, -m-hat, Io-, 00 wall" 3 Own with fresh etheir and Own tiltetc,l till 06 Thr "id Vnixt. was iveated with file. whml)y IMI!iI g I ww exid. Thr milidur consisted of 0.6721 it. Nalir. 00 Thr rthri linin. conlaivird 21.0Z1 g. Phillit. nt. I.W-V. ' 111 anil lollierm. Thror revoilto Indivatir that Mill, ( Ow wim-v wartkin intiolml ft%mti I mild N4 C. 7 0 ~410 611ALtUrMIC&L OTIAMILAN CLAWFKATIC. moo U too 11 n is 01 o4jo 0 tm 0 is -Fee it 0 0 0 go 0 go 00000060 00 0 0 900 0 -4 - o a t I 41", N 1-v J e ~ " ~ -A A1-1-S ."- a ~S 'Si 0 of It a 13 b 16 ly 4 a I a a a to V -" L 11 a ? A jL a A 11 I C 6 1) 1) be is all? unbal U43 OZO b 1 - - .-. - . - to "Celol'tt lk A I I" Tj, ra"Usho Of "acbm benives the chWOrs 01 &ajj wthy) e3u))ID). 1. N, I-ellrill-tv, still A. N , "so a o UVIIII, I if , f thr X"bot Khim. 13. 1 311txio).-Olkinx -419 S chhaldv- thr lgu,.Iuvll of M011 with thhu 1), Oft- 0 hich stwei,dit sinniii anvou4) inthl- -00 lemirit dirretions. On thv basi, of the perfurtned expl, -00 it WUS dvtd. Let he traVti(M IWIWCV" ' 0 U: NCJS + 21RM11 .c1; and 1:1031 i, rnwr4ruted by - Q- 1 . :is -j .1FIC, -4 -,11cI + SAh Fhe 1"Cluatkni (11 Ow " zoo 00 0 : ! -I VIA I P.,;(, )(II, lak- phict, 11'.111 St'l. Which I. ril hVI 1.#..% pill in j. it* tim-tj Iltni, btstins SCI, ariveding it) I I I -W1. 4 : 00 + Ftej + HCI. and ('21) SOCI, + 2EtO1J zo 00 oS(OEt), + 211CL At kiw temps. this FeAdi- does 9 not promed to comPletion. but sjOp% at the intCrMV"te 00 stage amwding to SM, + EtOH - HC1 + EtOSOM. G*9 &0 The effect of high temps. is manifested in fadlitatinS the zoo zoo w0 0 -so Us 0 '111I9. 1.11103 11�41 1%.! 0.. 11 -1Qx u IN 'D III a 3 9 1 ON KIIIIii Ilan it, a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0, q 0,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 i'; 0 ego o q b o 0 o 0 0 0 o 909016 go so ***go * 0 * goes T v 9 -9 _11. -9 A'Al 4 -6 -4 of 0000000000 000 N"I 0 a x to 000 0000#06#009 " t 0000000 0090 I a 0 a to Q 11 W is m to b a a 3 0 a 11111 a 36,20 0) W 13 oil is is 1v is 0 a ov 0 61 Au as ad ro 0 A ,_L _ lom-06111111, - .00 Op 00 The actin of bromine on "um Cithylstip. I_ N 90 --[WjrnCgV- and M. lif. Alwzn"~~ 7',.dv I 0* ';mvoda,a, 1**,,,. Mal~i Kiij,,,. is, t-, jK,ItK;v,. d. C. .1. 34. 47251~ -Nos 112 g.i was pIcIml. I, qn, it% m,1VmxIv4 Ailmnw it~ a 04~x I it. wyo% ckpiorprili'l Vbllh a Itllus Itt it ..I Itt 0... mlod 0111,11ith Admi, luntorl with vlpm'mi~ .1takinot In.11% PA" (;.'IN) IV.?, thr 11111A 011~ brAl"d tin A WWII I-At It AIM OW gnmiclit. left %laminq Im 1,21 h.. jh~ Isq.1.1 a. livariled front thir ppid. Nally vvhx,h was irrated ;I imu, W: wit ~Ihwl. 7%tri,thm-1 wio.dilld. It. -In 1-1119 h =00 00 0 Ili, ruarinon ptmfnvf~ Div trinaming wn~ Ili. 1"A", :,.: :1#md ' 00 W " ' It d 11,111WI. 1~'. " 2 3 .101 a ulialm. wil-Im-lim 00 No .,I Agli+i. iii, sinwil-Ir with oh'. and irthii in all Ivulms. go Si thpirs, il'~ ' 0-IJ11111 and rvorylaim C 53.'24i and If It "711' - - 1 niulifnialim) w-sill Natoli Inuiluvi-da -all which 46,milml 0 it lumn thl. inih the cvtolutim cof a mr,mic -Uor qd Av. H-V 70 r a ~ )II, Thi,xv Witirtu- %V R If"m - o0 a zoo Wo Jodi 0 3 a I L A DITALLUPGOCAL LIT(RAILOF CLAII)FICATION 0 Soft: Wool .4 U a ito to It; 'v 0 V'11-4 0 pp 0 to to cost P42 "of pfntt Ho Joe, V'71 41 1 -A), to -I I I TW 0 wn 1~114 Oo 10 T mo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 0 0 0:0 0 0 it 0 0 0 0 0 to A 0 0 Ir 0 0 0 0 0 O i0 : o * 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 q 0 0 0 0 0 o elie seeii 00 & C 0 000000 00 -- -* -4 4. - ---- - 49 0, 'T, .1 15 4 0. 1 11 X A N X 0 0 63 4 41 0 0 -a a .6 -A, J- k-0 Omoo"s amp i-pa"titto AbVIN 0. P, wbm -1 with a pr". oblaitted by irratmg jo- jobearlwm Whit CIC%Et; CJI,- kle. NHCOWI verdlex. on 7040' (newly quaml. yield). -00 L-S, bOW-wand A. A. Sb"= Tay b1mbumb. 2-moblityiumban, m, 71-2': El 1-taphthyl 13, 67-74 sale, plairs. m. 32'. The pencral equation for all 1-00 hop 4toivlarm. 1"Nap., sboalik )tabd Kun. 1. object of the expls. im to verify and to shot mwtWm of carwboxylalim with pyrombonu de"Jup fwlbty the Method of Both Und MeLse (C. A. esters is RNHs + (ROCOW ---t RNHCOX(hk + R011 *0 U. -)Owlbtp,. .01MMMANkestmWilbolloff - RNHCOjR + M. An ruelknt yield was obtained I raffirob mul to ext6a thar use as corboamylatims -00 agents in the prrM. of quiubw I caurbDuatt, (ruquipinc). m. == 94-b*. boter to the moallm CPH"NIO(Oll) + trMIMIMMS"Miaztba -00 P. and S. (Elocoho - C.11"NO(OC0.81) + F10111 + CO~, Of m-thor with a 10 KOH ada. i 1drialmled a War ]Do cat" of 0 C% Or (2 . rrwl with RX, (2 9.) in a .50-ml, ise 0 z houttossawbobutox 1* auk with a reflux condimser for I br. in a water 1 sting apw in vrWd to amian and pbmab. In tri. bath 10 the reaction (910CO)NO + %Wt. - romm" 11. and 5. pre Ru "gbm**Pbm karbistult 2HtOCOCJ + SO#. 77W reflux mulcuser was rquit)p,sl 1341110 H$7zl#NHC- with a C*CJ, tube to =44mbobutoxymbox yJwvt?mV, any arivao of wo6lurv Win 90,3 A 0*0 Ar , ca%mkm medles, im. 234-3 ji Xbt dectopm.); the resdim had. SUr was evolved the rmduv 4~920 bmez, Ions camliew =qWs, =- 2%,"W, Was LAW. fmom a so" W&IS Awk U=kl SIM. prTsbuft. roo ad. im CH" &W iomoor, I)Iramically hood. in AvOKI The main frartim (1.9 g.) b. 91-9' and was idtotifird ow CCL; nu plormy1hydmalitteciarboxyUte (carbobuttay- as EsOCOC3. The rmtim chammetim the pywAcw. Ame), FbjNH)X%Di3, pearly vcmW, m. back comrs as pmWisr mbydrW9 wbk-b poomm %mpw 2=031-taml. in CCI*, CH" axod por. ether. mol. in am: analocyoritbordinaryonhydridrs. This split tins mechs- i low; St lot ), 0. 81* s2bm confims The alrowturt of the mW. of Do te (4- cater. Atternpia to rrplwt mwtiop with haws as a (body quat'", 70=1711 =OZb-M=!;L, I Z 0 caft0lb"Y" Awatb"). p-x1Oc*%"Hc%vl uMnOm for The prit". oll pyrotwbunk voters wm on. mm-Wbitc m, 92.6" eau" Do &WOWAN J veal rx* Prodamd under the xam m"llacs Orm the treat. lose nwal of ~for (in the Presence of how) with NOW00, orbith woo rkAxinrd frotm the rrarlim J )v at with MMI. I I Mpt"N". use I SOICATOOS m I, W- jp r~, 4111 OIAW OR O"T W I I Ir 9 a T TA a W 0 1 4) a I IF U 11 AT 00 AS b to to 11 W x a; #9 Of ND a I so 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000, 106.0, 0 0 000 0 !we -0 foe-so 000000 11111100l 1000006000 0000 o -0 1-TOMM"44-MMIF MW 1 4 0 V-41 00900#90909 0 0 * 0 0 41 0 safe 0 1111 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m a a a a it u a) a &PIP St A k J! A -s- L -!! eel AN 0 lop 4-t; 's. 0 0 AmeD robviards ih,w. 6 MW *a Its elerrim"O". -00 Kh. Shaliev. 1-,.dv I 'shebOv -041 Gou"Jara. Umsz...Nbowask R-Aw Kettom. 15, W-11401M.- see livatinj tfilOttily1rile diliftmulide with P(Olit), produtrd -09 002 ,hr di-RI "ever of 3-Pnvyipbl"hinous juid areinding to l .0 Alm trartim l (Olit), + DYCH.C11ACH.Tiv - 1RrCHCH,- ' 00 a Cl1sP0(01 1)m (1) + Refer. The P(OHO, was obtained 00 oem try the nvrti~xl of Artmirov amordint 1. the equation PCI. -00 3MONa - 3Nn(*l + Pil)E0, in dry rehrr. Th~ ImA- :b,.t of thr Trarthm was flaciftntally disid. (twitr) untim a -00 Wuced persoAur and felt- fmcli-ln kh, 40 -W* taken. The * 609 JirAAlprU(J11Ct,P(()E1)1.thj49 . lis a collickbis liquid with ajilraimmut o&m. is acA. im water anti sk. and slishily ftA. in .00 I ether. Heating I with 11BY produced the fire 3-biomo- Also propylplimphinma add arveArding to the rraction I + 211BY - 2hilly + UrC11,01,01,1`01 011),. 1 (4.5 g.) ? coo 00 m was meakd in a tubt with 9 uil. of 49% 11fir and the waird coo tube ws3 kept in a water thernbwtat for 3 his. at 1111)'. 00 a After bratinjr 2 byrrs wert fornird in thr rilixt. Thr 06 -F lowl: layer was Filet. The uliper layer was frcvd from if Are 0! filer by repraird grace ionat itins. prodorins an acid *inch 0 u Irrihnsish Men SnUP-RC litillid- and lohich is troll in coo wits", sit-. and alimbtly mol. in cthrr. Is was analverd in thr lo"n of t1ir Fla salt. BY healins 11YOW11,06- 110(011), with air. KOH it is tian-foreard into Ow K %alt 00 4 allylphosphinviets acid which behavirs like an umaid. we 41 substance. It instantly des-olorim, Di veralto Btu] KNI11O.: an cztv*, of K'Ainill, jopl,. if the dark trillion sits". File"" rdrfnxv3. W. R. Ifente Art- P-0 0 to. AM. - soldwj AV ON* a., SHADI still," a- It. 6 j ; S a An A I a ad 0 it a 1 0 IN 0 A a In n is 0 1 Sh --- lip 3 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 9 0 0 41 9 0 0 0 W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 PARFM3YEV, L. N. "Action of Bromine on Sodium Ethylatel, Dok. AN, 24, No. 8, 1939. Lab. Organic Chem., Uzbek UnIv., -c1939-. _44_4 ii 9 9 0 a 0 E, 1-- a so 9 F 1 0 9 11 0 13 0 1) is V x V at-S-31 S 29 2 a 2XI J) 32 ju 0 33 b V a Is a it a 13 at a 01, H"r Fits m 1 13,~ 7nii, ii-14"IL 10"p, -Too f .0 0 ejA_ 000 -go .00 C 1*4111 as a Tu Milos Cd 0" mamewmill on "Dow me "mi- Vo WA A- M- MWWV- J- C'". R.) 11, 7,07-12(IRIO.-In the Vo 00 preitism of a Hide cont-d. jIjFA),. HC(OHO. anti Act in go tilt rialiq 2 1 tesict normally &1 40 -Sol* to give thr J41181. so ItAbi-O' 41:0.1)tllb. With CII,Ar., lite twuftwl~ air oo it ~ 'me m. :01% wh0i dwiimpi. im so tautijuji and MrC(()RI).C.C(OEt)%Ir, b. W'S it'. 11. 41 41,910. Wis adds 4 atoms of Dr to give a broanil, which deromps. even, when It is distd. at 30 nim. 9100 00 U 400 AJk-'w ;so 00 too too PITALLUStSOCAL LITENATURE CLASIVICATIOP too *Jko-, too, 16 m CIP all A I it Im 0 0 G I w IN 0 dD a 3 9 V Is n It a *17 A it a Of 0000&00000t0600000 0200:'S sees 0000000 as :::1009990960866 PARFENT I YEV, L. N. 2081L. Parfentlyevj, L. N. K voprosu o khimicheski svyazannoy uglekislote sharq>anskj&. vin. Trddy Krasnodarsk. in-ta pishch. Promsti, vyp. 3, 1948, s. 17-21. -Bibliogr. 6 nazv. SO: LETOPIS ZHURNAL STATEY - Vol. 28, Moskva, 1949. PARMT-YF,V, L. N. 20815. Parfentlyev,, L. N: i Salchinkin, A. P. Izucheniye reaktsii g1droliza dietilugollnoy k1sloty. (K tekhnologii vinodaliga). Trudy Krasnodarsk. in-ta pi3hch. prom-sti,, vYP- 4, 1948P S. 123-26. -Bibliogr. 7 nazv. SO: SETOPIS ZHURNAL STATEY - Vol. 28, 14oskva., 1949. IL The passible Me VA&i Is Of Imm. 6- -a ;1;7"=4U-1 wines. (Kra%fumlar Inst. firtViatt Imi-paiaram S.S.S.R. 11, No. 3. prk4me wars in whk-h M b W**3i)V in oft. combinations In qwk%ng . Ai., The, pmk. .1 albyl pm-bon- = ,tr. (FtOOCW. (1) b. 73-74'. dl: 1.1300. err dm-viW. I Is cvkrkw, has a oparkling twir, a I wine oglor, b - powly ea. In water. readily sW. in ethv:NZ.. and various MR. sohreals. It Is drearboxylated at I&P to give EtsC(h H) and M, Hydrolysis of I W" KOH *Ms CoHdoll M) WA KHCOJ. Ilydraym, taskmem pLarr very readily in distd. water af room tr M -a M. The rm. Ywins rem" takes pla 0.1 N wW. or in a dry wine mum. such as Rimling. Reartion of I with PbNlI, gives pbr"yl- ow"bam. IwitbJtOHykMsROCODRt.IU.%ndHO. The potential utility of I in mg. enthrmis is pointed act. and Its rgmwmr fair in "Alinx wines i* diwvoont. S. C.. .-.- - ~yw v-,. -- 5 - IWIMOT'IFT. M., tekhnik-etroltell. -- ---- om- successes and failures in building. Sell. stroi. 12 no.3:31 Mr 158. (MIRA 110) (Soanovo District-Yam buildings) INELYUB1111, N.L.., zasl. uchitell sbkoly RSFSR; UCHMOV, LA.; ITOVIKUVA.9 L.I., red.; PARFMITITEV, I-I.V., red.; TAR&SOVA, V.V., tekhn. red. [Manual training in eight-year schools; conference on theory ,and practice of the Sverdlovsk Province teachers] Iz opyta tru- dovogo vospitaniia v vosImiletnei shkole; nauchno-praktichoskaia .Iconferentsiia uchitelei Sverdlovskoi oblasti. Pod red. L.I. !qovikovoi. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. podaeog. nauk RSFSR, 1961. 190 p. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Akademiya pedagogicheskikh nauk RSFSR, Moscow. Institut teorii i istorii pedagogiki. 2. Direktor Sverdlovskogo ob3astnovo 4-r,"- tuta usovershenstvnvaniva uehitole- (for JR&IYUbin). 3. Zaveduyushchiy kabUsibla podagogiki Sverdlovekogo oblaotnogo Institute usaver- sbenstmvaniya ucbiteley (for XACb&nOV)- 4. Zmduyugibebaya. labo- .mtoriyey tradovogo vospitaniya Wambno-issledovatel'skogo, insti- tuta. teorii i istorii pedagogiki Akademii pedagogicheskikh nauk 133FSR (for Novikova). (Sverdlovsk Province-44anual training) PARI?BNT 'TEV, H. -, -- The plan Is fulfilled ahead of time. Sel'.9trol. 11 no.12: 10 D '56. (MLRA 10:2) 1. Nachallnik otdala po strottelletvu v kolkbozakh. Sonnovsko o rayons, Chelyabinakey ob.lasti. fSoonovskiy District-vYar'm buildings) KYASKOVSKIY, lzraill Grigorlyevich; LEVI. S.5., kand.tekhn.neuk. retsenzent; PAR13W-T,I,IW. N.F.,,'inzh.-prepodavstelI; MWOV, Ye.D.. in2h., nsuchny7 red.; TYOTMIX, M.S., red.; GILUSCN, P.G., [Electric equiiment of building materials plants] Blektrooborn- dOVBniO 28vodov strottellnykh materialov. Koskva, Gos.12d-vo lit-ry po stroit.. arkhIt. i stroit.materialem, 1959. 232 p. (MIRi 12:4) 1. Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Inatitut organizatail, mekhani- zatuii i tekhnicheskoy pomoBhchi stroitel'stvu Akademli stroi- telletva i arlthitektury SSSR (for Ioevi). 2. Dneprod2arzhinskiy inditstriislInyy tekhnikum (for Parfentlyev). (Building materials industry-Electric equipment) !,~'i A,..iVSMrY , lzral I I Gr V, v I p re', senz a nt -'t F YLY L 5 e rl r., equ' -zrert. 11-11 To 3 Elektroob,~-uci,~*-~ii:e jw 11 r"A t-er ny pe:,ur. A ~3 k-vi , 4 z t;~,. Z'] 2. PARYENTM, N.N. Vauchnoye znacheniye rabot S.V. Kovalevskay v oblasti chisto-, matematW . Kazan', Izv. fiz. matem. o-va (2). 23 (1923)., 1-1-1. SO: Mathemtics in the USSR, 1917-1947 edited by Kurosh, A.G., Markushevich, A.I., Rashavskiyp P.K. Moscow-Leningrad, 1948 - - , -,- .,, ,I . -L - i -; -. - I I ! - ~~ - ~;7 .. . . ~ , , - i -. , ~ , -- 1 ", . - - . - -- , - -Z ". , 11, . 1-11 . FAIRFM IYEV, T. L. Wine and Wine Making - Analysis Determining the freezing temperature of a wine by the component method. Vin. SSSR. 12 no. 6, 1952. 1952 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, September -)W%, Uncl. PARFENTIM, U. --- Cotre,at disability evaluation is a guarantee for reducing temporay-I inability to vork. Mchr.truda i sote.strakh. 5 no.4.*13-14 Ap 162. OMU 15:4) -- 1. Glavnyy vrach 2-y gorodskoy bollnitay, g. Koyrov. (DISABIUTY EVALUATION) PARFE-TOYEV, V. "a. Parfentlyev, V. Ya. "'Pest2 a-A diseases -)f 1-ral.-I croos and '-,rasses and mef-.s-lrer to Combat them", Trudy Vyye7c'noy sessi-I fili'tili VEeqo-.,-Iz. hfc;lr-. naulk Im. Lenina, rz~.zvlt',ya 7.err.. kh~oz---, sev. jbi. SSR, Alj:ia-Atp-; !qL-9, -:). 125-33. SO: U-411, 17 July 53, (LetoDisf aurnal 'n,-k';-. State-i, '.~o. 2U, Ig-'?). PARFENTIM,.U.U. ---- T, - ~.. Reorganization of pablic health service. Zdrav. Roe. Feder. 7 no.8t 6-8 Ag'63. (MMA 16:10) 1. Mavnyy vrach TSentrallnoy bollnitsy g. Kovrova. (FU 13LIC MALTH) PARFENT'IT-V, UOU. Organizing differential-service for the population. Zdrav.Ros. Feder. 6 no.11:19-22 N 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Glavnyy vrach 2-y Goro~dskqy bollnitsy goroda Kovrova. (PUBLIC HEkLTH) (MEDICkL CARE) ~ LYMDVIT7,IY,, F.H.; PARMANOVICH, V.A. I---------- Use of percussion devices in industrial seismic prospecting. Razved. goefiz. no.102-37 964. (KRA 18:7) T r )-7 : ,I j : ".1, r ,4 1 ~, / WGIIJOVA--DUDYKINA. N.M.; .hmping plant lice of the genus Calllardis Bergovin (Romoptera. I?syllidae) harmful to eaksaul [with sumnary in English). Int. oboz- 35 no.2:377-396 156. MaA 9:io) 1. Zoologichaskiy Institut Akadomii neuk SSSR. Leningrad. (Plant lies) (Haloxylon-Diseases and posts) PARYANTITIV, Y.Ta, W_-"jCaf~ ~, ~ The eleaster loaf beetle Haltics, suvorevi Ogl.(Coleeptera, Chr2roomelidne) In the river bottemland forests of Usakhr stws. Ant.obes.36 ne.1:96-97 1579 (MI2A 10:4) 1. Ilespublikanskaya. stgntsiya sashchity rastnemiy, Alma-Ata. (Kazakhstan--loaf beetles) (Oleaster- Diseases and posts) PAR?,k'NTIYIIV. V.Ya. I 14-,; t-', ~ .-, Z ~- ~:' 1 % i i ~ ~ ~- ,~- New data on the Crimean house beetle (Hicobium schneiderl Reitt.) (Coleoptera, Anobiidae). ~&nt.oboz. 32:93-95 '52. (MLRA 7:1) (Crimea--Beetles) (BeetleB--Crimea) PARFIOT 'YXV, V.Ya. f Snout beetles (Coleoptera, Carculionidae) as vood pests of a residential houses and technical structures. Int. oooz. 39 no.3:545-550 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Weevils) (Materials--Deterioration) PARMTOMM, MS. . t.,I~,~~,.j~~Ai,.Qbr;.~~,"V~;,Sie.~~iz,-~,-~I.-~- Death waich beetles of the genus Oligossrus (Coleoptera, Anobiid&e) in tku3 Crimea. &t.obos. 33:90-94 153. MU 7: 5 ) 1. Respublikanakays stentslya seshchity rasteniy, Alan-Ats. (Crimea-Deathwatch beetles) (Deathwatch beetles-Crimea) LOGIkVA_iiM M,31,; PABYJR;T'YEV, V.Ta. Junping plant ITC_i__ao~io,~~ tera, Faylloldea) Injurlons to Populus diversifolls. and Populus prulnose, In the Iste Balkhash region [with summary in BngliBhl. Int. oboz. 37 no.l.&88-104 '58. (MIRK llt3P) 1. Zoologichaskly institut AN SSE, leningrad. (13alkhasb region-Jamping plant lice) (Poplar--Diseases and pests) USSR/General and Specialized Zoology - Insects. P. Abs Juur : Ref Zhur - Bioli, No 8, 1958, 35328 Author : Parfent'yev, V.Ya. Inat Titlo The Oleauter Leaf Bootlea Haltica nuvorovi Ofil. (Calaop- tera, Chrysomelidae) in the Tugay Forests of Kazakhstan. Orig Pub Entoml. obozreniye, 1957, 36, No 1, 96-97. Abstract 'The life cycle, phenology, ecology, character of harmful activity and results of laboratory testing of HCCH were given. Card 1/1 PARFEEINTIYE7, V. Yn. Fir - Diseases .~nd rests Bark beetles and cerambycifte c,;' the fir Picep shrenkinnn Fisch et '-:e-~ . Ent. ob- 31 no. 3-4, 1951 - -f L40t.~-Llv List of Russim Accessions, Libr:-ry of Congress, Se~-,tember 1952. ied- (I-PAMMIUVA, I.E. Arom our limited experience in regional studies. Uch. sap. Fed. inst. Gertz. 169:201-204 159. (KIRA 14:1) (Iieningrad-Geography-Study and teaching) FAMNT17"Ap N,S,-- -, -__ _-_. "t", :Pbsition of Aynov Islands of the Barents Sea in the geobotanical soning of the-Kole, Peninmda. Nauch.dokl.vya.ahkoly; biol.nauki no.2:141-143 k63. (MIRA l6a4) 1. Rekamendovana kafedroy geo taniki Moskovskogo gosudaretven- jwgo univeraitete, in. H.V.Lolosova. (AYNOV ISIANDS-PHYTOGEDGRAPHY) PAR7XIT'YJVA, N. 8, Cedars growing on the Kandala3cahs Bay Islands of the White Sea. Vast. Nnsk. un. Ser. biol., pochv., geol., geog. 14 no.3:67,69 159. (XTRA 13:6) L Rafedra goobotaniki Moskovskogo universiteta. (Tandalaksha Preserve-Cedar) PARFENTOYBIVA. N.S Uve of florometric survey~Lng in lead deposits of the a-entral Kara-Tau. Nauch. dokl. vyo. sxVolv; biol. nauki no-3:134~137 161. MMA 14:7) 1. Rekomendovana kafedroy geobotaniki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. M.V.Lmonosova. (KARA-TAU-LEAD ORES) (INDICATOR PIANTS) PARFM I YEVA. N. S. Goobotanical regions In the northwestern area of the European par', of the U.S.S.R. Bauch. dokl. vys. shkoly; biol. nauki no.1:1.17-119 ,6o. (MIRA 1j:'2) l.Rakomendovana kafe~vroy geobotaniki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta Im. H.V. IOMDnOROVa. (Eandalakeha region-Phy-togeopraphy) PAMRr 1 YEIFA, 11. S. - Vngetation as Inlicator of ancient )mrst funnels in the central Y4ma-Tall. Nauch.dokl.-.,ys.sbko1y; biol.nauki no-3:1?3-177 '59. (141RA 12:10) 1. Relroteendovana k-afearoy penbotaniki Hnskovsknpo ronudarBtvannngo urtiveraltets in. 14.V.Lounnonova. (Kara-Tau-Karet) (Indicator plants) ,~-JAUM'THWA. H.S. 3rology and biology of Scutellaria Irmaculata Nevski. Vest.,pachy.,geol.,geog. 13 no.4:77-80 '58. (KIRA 12:4) 1. Kafedra gedbotaniki Hoekovskogo univeratteta. (Sculicap (Plant)) FARMT IYEVA9 N.Te. OrganIzIn IMependevt work of jetudepto studying p)rfslcn in a lboW.Img school. F12., Y abkole 2D uD.W2-84 21-D 060, (MIRA 24: 2) 11 U-79L sbko3a-Internato Moskva. (Pbysic&-Study and teaching) LOV KAWMIS, Aron Abramovich; R ,A, 4Nstsllya Tefimovas; W10 Ivan Ivanovich. uchastiye: MIM, P.M.; ITABOVA, L.A.; YBGCROV, A.L. Um N.V., red.; SYMOT, L.P., red.; KOVALMMO. V.L.. [Laboratory manual for experiments in physics; for students in pedagogical institutes] Prektikm po metodike fisiki; posobis dlia studentov pedego,gicheskikh institutoy. Moskva, Got. uchebno-psd&gog.izd--vo X-va pr6my.RSM, 1960. 341 p. (Kw 14:2) (Physics-Isboratory wnuBle) PARFENT lygjb,,~~ Simplified method of deternining sugar in wine. Trudy KIPP no,,22a383-385 161. (KRA 16:4) (Wine and winemaking--Analysis) (Sugar) PARFENTQYKVA, T.L. Contraction in the alcoholization of mast and vine. Trudy KIPP no.22s386-388 161. (KM 16:4) (Wine and vinemaking) PAUENT"fEVA, T. L. I-- - - Colorimetric rethod for determining pentoses and hexoses'in hydrolyzates. Izv.vys,itcheb.zav.; 2:156-160 164. (I-TI RA 17: 5) 1. Krasnodarskiy polittiklmicheskiy institut, kafedra noorganich- eskoy khimit. KULINEVICH, V.G.; FALIKOVICH, Yu.Ye.; PARFENTIYEVA, T.L. Selective determining of Xylite and xylose content in their mixture. Izv.vys.ucheb.&av.,- pishch.tekh. n0-1:153-157 163. WRA 160) 1. Kraenodarskiy institut pishchevoy promyshlennoisti, kafedra organicheskoy khimii. (Hydrogenation) (Xylops) P AU, rj,,? Y "--I A, T. L. K jzuc-:.r.!yu vyazlwc, pri n Trut, Kri~3n,-I--rsr. ron-:!ti. vy;~. 1. , PAITENT I YEVA, '11% L. 2. U~.31; (600) 4. Wine and Wine Raking - Analysis 7, Determining specific gravity in oero,:Iemical practice. Vin. 3:35111 12 no.11. It,,51". 9. Monthly List of -u6s-ian "ccessions, Liorar-j of 0-ngress, Yar&. 19~3. ',.:nc' ~55i 1* 4 eCl. - - i MINEVIONi-V.G.; FALQKOVICH, Yu.Ye,,;_PARFEIITIYLrVA, T.L. .1--l' ----- ----- Separate determining of eugars and polyatmaic alcoholB in vulUeonponent systena, lav. vys. ucheb. zav.; pishch. takh. no.6:147-149 163. (MM 17:3) 3. KrasnodarokJy polAte!chnlcheBkiy institut, kafedra organi- cheakoy khimii. 1. PAiTSNTIMA, T. L. 2. ussR (6oc) 4. Wine and Wine Making 7. Temperature at which wine has the grea"Lest density, Vin. SSSR, 13, NO. 1. 1953, April, 19 5 3, I'll c 1 - 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, - I PAPYAff T I YETA V - F, mleview of Profegigor D. L. Veza's Book 'Focket Atlas of Operatil,e Surgery by Military Doctors',m Khirurgiya. No. 8. 1948. Cand. Med. Sci. PARFENTOYEVA, V. F. 355520. Variont kulisnogo razroma pri opratsiyakb no slepoy kishke I cherveobra2nom otrostke. Vracheb. Delo, 1949, No. 11, stb. 1011-12. letopial 24mmal'afth Statey, Vol. 48, Mskvap 1949 F PARI&ENVY-ENA, V . F. Liver - Elood '.es:3els Variabil;Lty of forms and unastonoses of intra-tvpatic Idood vrsgc-ls. zaT,. '.t. mosk. med. inst. 2, 10/51. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Con[-:ress Aprid 1952. 7k-:l,ClAS5IFIED. FAMMIYEVA, V,.Ir.; SOSUNOV, A.I. hAhbmorphology of expel-imental gastritis. Biul.aksp.biol.1 med. 37 no-1:74-77 Ja 154. (MLRA 7:3) 1. 12 kafedry operativa(,y khirargit a topograficheskoy anatomiyey (itavaduyushchiy - profeutor V.A.Ivanov) II Moskovskogo maditsin- skogo instituta im. I.V,Stalina I kafedry operativnoy khirurgii 11 topograficheakoy an toelyey (saveduyushchiy - professor M.A. YOgorov). (Stomeh--Diseatas) V- iz ~SO~MOVV A.VS Hisitonorphologic modificiAlons of the liver in dogs madar pmlonged stimaUtiou of the vagus nerve. Blul.eksp.blol.t med. 37 no.2:68- 71 7 154. (MA 7:6) 1. Is kafedry operativnolr Ithirurgil e topografiebeAeyanatomiyey (star. prof, V.A.Ivanov) :11 Noskovskogo mefttslumkogo Instituta imeni I.T.Staliza I kafedry operativwy kbirargil a topografichs- skoy amatomi7ey (zav. PrO. K.A.Yegorov) Pyazanskogo meditsinskogo Institute, Imeni I-P-PAV13va. (LIVIR, physiologir, *off. of prolonged stimlation of va&e nerves, histol, & morphol. changes in dog) (MUS. VAGUS. physiology. $eff. of ati=lixtion on liver, hiNtOMDrphol. charges in dogs) PARPIMIUVA, V.F.; SHCMININA, Te., red.; POLONSXIY, S., (Architectonics of the ')Iood vessels of the liver] Arkbitakto- nika krovenoanykh sosud)v pecheni. Kishinev, Gos.izd-vo nartia Poldovenisalm." 1960. Lol p. (MMA 13:12) (LIVER-13LOOD SUPPLT) ,,, PATLFENT!M-4j-IFj; TKACHUK, V.A.; SHCMININA, Ye.9, red.; TARAXANOVA, V., tekhn. rei. [Architectonics of the b1cod vessels of the tbrms gland during early ontogenesis) Arkhitektonika krovenomWkh sosudov viloch- kovc-i zhelezy v rannem ontogeneze. Kishinev, Gos.izd-To "Kartia moleioveniaske," 1961. 1Z! P. (MIRA 15:6) (THWIUS GLAND-BLOOD SUPPLY) I- PARFENTITEU0 V.F.; SHCHETININA,, Ye.j, red.; SIIEK=lj, D., [Bltx.-k of the nerve trunks in the neck] Blokada W.-vnvl:b Sty0lov na shee. Kishinev, Kartia. moldoveniaske, 1962. 1-13 p. (MIRA 15:6) (NOVOCAINE) (IrECY.-IMMWATION) PARrIWA, B.G., iwhener. '-- ~-"x'-p~' Rapair of electric motors used in driving cement mills and rotary kilos. Moment 20 no.5.-28 S-0 '54. (KW 7:11) (Mectric motors- Repair Ing) EHLL160vt A,.Kb,? PARFENOIEVA I.- A)KCHURIX,, B.S.., kand.veterin&Mkh nauk; AIJIAROV,,'D.A.. kandb-i gicheakikh naukl. GAREIEV, H.S., mladshiy wxtchnyy sotrudnik; SHMTOV, S.V. Uso of timme preparatioms. Veterinariia 38 no.1:25-26 A t61. (HM 15:4) lo Sakretarg Charodimkolp rayomogo k=lteta Koxamistleheskoy pm-tii S6vatakogo Soyusa Dagestwmkoy ASSR (for Mudllov). 2a GlavzWy vaterinarnyy 'ITaoh Orshitak6jo rayona.. Poltavskoy oblasti (for Parfencyev)v 3o Biuihkirokaya nauchno-~-isvledovatellskW via tbaklaboratorlya (for Akchurin, Alparov,, Gareyev)* 4. Glavnn vaterinarayy vrach Upravl.eniya nywo-molochmay i rybnoy pronygihlen- maoti Zaparozbakogo vownurkhoza (for Sherstov). (Tisew altracts) (Stock and atockbreading) PAVIOV, S.T.; PARFENIYEV ~c.V.; FIRSOV. Yu.A.; SHALYT, S.S. Eftect of electyon. spin m quantum oscillations of the gallvano- magnetic cioeffic~ents of n-InSb. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 48 no.6- 1565-1571 Je 16~. (MIRA 16: 7) 1. Inatitut poluprovodnilcov Ali SSS'R. I-'LTZHDABA, fAP.FfN'YI,-,V, R.V.; 3HALYT, ME- gnitopt 'onon 7 Irrigitud4ral maFretic fie-I'd. Z F I r f-- F, n 2 81' AF, 16.5 P: 1. Instiltut poiuprovodnikov All Lenir.~rad. ACCESSION MI.- A114013541 S/0181/64/006/00i/0647/0649 ALTHORS: Shaly*t., S. S.; Parfenlyev, R. V.; Muzhdaba, V. M. -7-LE,: EXpgriMorital confirmation of a now type of oscillation of transverse reluctance J. !SOURCE: Fiiiks tvardbgo tela, v. 6, no, 2, 1964, 647--649 TOPIC TAGS: reluctanco current carrier, inelastic scattering, semiconductor, 'phonon, Larnior frequency, relaxation time .ABSTRACT: This type of oscillation, determined by inelastic scattering of current carriers in an widegenerate semiconductor, was proposed on theoretical grounds- ;by V. A. Gurevich and Yu. A. Firsov (ZhETF, 40, 199, 1961). To obsorve this typo ,of oscillation, it is necessary that the phonon spectrum of the crystal have an :optical branch and that the experiment be carried out in a strong magnetic field. ,The authors define these conditions in terms of the Larmor frequency, relaxation .time,, and mobility. From a consideration of there and.of the physical character :of the oscillation, they arrive at a value for,,the period of the oscillation, 'depending on the effective mass and the energy-of-the optical phonons. The oproblem of distij,-iguishing the proposed oscillation from others, especially the I.Cord 1/2 ~ACCESSION NR: AP4013541 'Shubnikov-de Haar, oscillation, is described. Since the latter appears most favorably at low temperature, a higher temperature must be concidered, but this 1eads to a weakering of the effect through decrease in mobility and complications !in the current-carrier spectrum. Soma optimal temporature is sought. It was ;found that five raxima appear in undegenerate InSb at a temperature of 104K i(Hm = 3/..0, 17.0, 11.0,-8.0, and-6.5 oersteds-103) with a period of %:-3-.10-5 -1 .,oersteds . The position of the maxi-ma is independent of temperature, but the effect was found to weaken as the temperature declined from 104 to 63K and.also las it increased to 20DK. "We'expreae our thanks-to V. L Gurevich for discussing I our results and for his valuable sugg-astiono." Orig. art. hast I figure and 1 f ormula. :ASSOCIATION: Iw;titut luprovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad (Izwtituto of ;Semiconductors is S;Rr 'SUBMITTE, Dt 260ai43 UrE ACQ s 03Mar6/+ ENCL: 00 ~SUB GOW: ECOSS NO M7 SOV: 002 OTHM: 003 Card 2/2 ACCESSION KRs AP4043614 B/0056/64/047/002/0444/0451 AUTHORSs Parfenlyev, R. V.; Sheily*t, S. S.; Muzbdaba,.V. K. TITLE: Experimental confirmation of the magnetophonon resonance in n-type InSb SOURCE: Zh. eksper. i teor. fi:&., v. 47. no. 2. 1964, 444-4S1 TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor resistance. quantum statistics, galvano- magnetic effect, indium antimonide. carrier density. low towerature phenomenon, pbonon ABSTRACT: TI.-&is is a continuation of an earlier report (M v. 6, 647. 1964) of a new effect, fizat observed by S. M. Puri and T. H. Geballe. consisting of a new type of oscillation of nagnetoresis- tance of a a-amiconductor, and resulting from inelastic scattering of the carriers by optical phorions. The present article describes the results -of a detailed experimental investigation of the trans- 4- - Xjud-1 1/4 ACCESSION NRx AP4043614 Iyerse and longitudinal magnetoresistance of various samples of n-InSb. The results of the tests, which were made in a strong magnetic field, confirm the theoretical analysis of this effect, made by V. L. Gurevich and Yu. A. Firsov and published in the same'issue of the journal (ZhMT, v. 47, 734, 1964). The tests were made at T - 90K Ln fields up to -38 kOe. The xesults show that the new type of oscillation differs from the Shubnikov-deHaas oscillation in that -the former does not depend on the carrier density and its amplitude decreases with decreasing temperature -and practically disapp'eirs' at-nitrogen temperatures. whereas the latter is observed only at very low temperatures and is determined only by the learrier density. Furthermore, the former can occur for any stati tics'of the electron gas, whereas the latter can occ-.ur only in a deg:nera~,e gas. Weak but noticeable oscillations of this type were observed on the longi- tudinal magnetoresistance curw of InAs, too, showing that this ef- fect can be observed in other cemiconductors. "in conclusion, the authors thank V. L. Gurevicb arid Yu. A. Firsov for suggesting the Cord 2/4 ACCESSION NR: AP4043614 research topic and for a discusision of the theoretical problems, and M. V. Aleksardrova for great beLp with the measurements." Orig. art. has: 5 figureps, 1 formula, and L table. ASSOCIATION: Institut poluprov-3dnikov Akademii nauk SSSR (Institu te of Semiconductors, Academy of S---iencesjSSSR) SUMITTEDs O6Mar64 EMCL: 01 StM CODEs S11 NR AEF SOV: 003 OTHER: 004 3/4 Gard ACUSSIM NRI AP)OI0624 -trar airms dKwing amerse and longi- tudinal m3gnetomisistance, d*AIDed fix tgo n-InSb smies at 90K. Dadmd linn repreomt the p-motmic bmkgmxd tn 4hich the resmwit - -11attirm are -- t , p 1. 1he u_mw put of the f igive sbom the cocUlitiM part of the muYletcmdstairce as a functim of ths redpmcal field intowity Card 01 Tramm. V'O 414W LINZ) lAafA 10 Z, 9(4, 6) SOV//l 7 0-- 59-4~ .12120 AUTHORS: Parfenlyev, R.V., Chudnovskiy, F.A. TITLE: The Use of Semicoaductor Thermistors as Pickups for the Auto- matic and Simultaneous Measuring of Temperature and Moisture of the Air and Effective Radiation (Ispoll-ovaniye polAuprovodni- kovykh termosoprotivleniy v kachestve datchikov dlya avtoma- ticheskogo i odnovremennogo izmereniya temperatury, vlazh- nosti vozdukha i effektivnogo izlucheniya) PERIODICALi Inzhenerno-fizichaskiy zhurnal, 1959, Nr 4, pp 871-92 (USSR)' kBSTRACTs Effective radiation of a given surface is the quantity equal to the difference bitween the the"rmal radiation of the given sur- face and a surroitnding medium. This concept is of a special im- portance for natural surfaces, such as soil, water reservoirs, etc called usual"y underlying surfaces. Thus the effective radiation E equa s the difference'between the long wave radi ation of the underlying surface and that of the atmosphere. The existing devices for measuring it do not meet the requirements, being sensitive not only to the long wave radiation but also to the short wave one. The authors propose to use the known empiri- Card 1/3 cal formula of B:~endts SOV/170--59-4-12/20 The Use of 3emiconductor Thermistors as Pickups for the Automatic and S:Lmul- taneous Heat3uring of Temperature and Noisture of the Air and Effective Radi- ation E -5TIL (0- V e, by expanding it into a series being a function of the readings of the dry thermometer t and the wet one 12 + /4 E ~ At+ Azt +/4-3 t I L They suggest to design a computer which should include semi- conductor thermistors for recording temperature and moisture of the air and two independent circuits the currents in which should vary in functional dependence on the temperatures of the dry and wet thermometer respectively. The detailed theo of calculations is given in a paper by M.A. Kaganov Z-Ref 27 to whom the authors express their gratitude for his advices. The proposed device is multi-purpose one making possible to establish simultaneously the three most important character- iBtics of the ground airt temperature, moisture and effec- Card 2/3 tive radiation, by direct reading the indications of a galvano- SOV/1 70- 55-4-12/20 The Use of Semiconductor Thermistors as Pickups for the Automatic and Simu.7- taneous Measuring of TemperatWre and Moisture of'the Air and Effective Radi- ation meter. The accuracy of determination of these characteristics is quite satisfactory. There are 2 circuit diagramsg 2 tables and 3 Sovie't references. ASSOCIATIO11t Agrofizicheskiy institut (Irn,-tltute of Leningrad. Card 3/3 273D4 S/1-0-/61/003/008/034/034 3111ZB102 7;P 00 AUTHORS: Parfenlyev, R. V., Pogarskiy, A. M., Farbshteyn, I. I., and -ZHEI-y~F,- S. -S % TITLE: Effect of a heat treatment upon the anisotropy of the galvanomagnetic properties of tellurium PERIODICAI: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 3, no. 8, 1961, 2501-2504 TEXT: The authors determined the hole mobility from the formulas of an isotropic model (one scalar mass and isotropic scattering) using experimental data on the Hall effect and on the reluctance in a weak transverse field. The mobility values determined from the Hall effect and from the reluctance do not differ. At 77-40K, their ratio in specimens whose trigonal crystal axis is in the direction of the current, approaches a value of 0.85. The difference between u and u is regarded as a Hall '&q measure of the number of structural defects. Heat treatment of tellurium leads to a rise of mobility, especially in the region of maximum temperature dependence of mobility (below 200K). In some specimens, the Hall mobility attains 5-104 cm2 /v.eeo in this region. The difference Card 1/3 27304 S/181/61/003/008/034/034 Effect of a heat treatment upon the ... Bill/B102 bet-ween uEall and uA, can be explained by an anisotropy of the galvano- magnetic yroperties of tellurium. The fact that a heat treatment leads to an approach of theee two values can thus be explained by a decrease in anii3otropy- due to a diminution of structural defects. In order to verify this concluvion, measurements were made of the longitudinal (hfi,) and the transverse (&q.L) reluctance which are more sensitive to anisotropy (of. Fig. 2). The results showed that the galvanomagnetio properties of tellurium single crystals free from structural defects have at least cylindrical symmetry in the range of 4-800K. The asymmetry found by various authors was due to structural defects. If the latter are dislocations, the anisotropy of electrical properties due to them may result from the strong anisotropy of the mechanical properties of tellurium. L. I. Korovin and Yu. A. Firsov (Ref. 6: ZhTF, XXXIII, 11, 1958) are mentioned. The authore expreae their gratitude to the latter for having discussed the results. There are 2 figures and 8 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and 5 non-Soviet-bloo. Card 2/3 27304 S/181/61/003/008/034/034 Effect of a heat treatment upon the... B111/B102 ASSOCIATICN: Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad (Institute of Semiconductors, AS USSR, Leningrad) SUBMITTED: May 0, 1961 .0, 5q Fig. 2: Change of the ratio betvieen 20-.1 trantiverse and longitudinal reluctance during heat -treatment. Legend: (1) Ux -Hall mobility (uHall)' am 2/.v._ sea. v Card 3/3 MOXZHES,, B.7a.; FARFENIUV, R.V.; CHUDHOVSKIY,, F.A.; EFROS, A.L. Approxinate calculation of the mean group velocities of phonons In cubic crystals. Fiz.tver.tela 3 no.7:1933-3,940 JI 161. (IMA 14:8) 1. Institut polupro,rodnikov Ali SSSR, Leningrad. (Lattice theor7) PAMPENINVI R.V.; POGARSIU:Y, A.M.; FARWHTM., I.I.; SHALYT., S.S. -r- Ufact of anneallni-, on the anisotropy of the galvano=gnetic properties of tentri=. Fiz. troro tela 3 uoog:2501-2-504 Ag l6i. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Illatitut polupxovodnikcFv All SSSR, leningrad. Te3lurium--Magnetic properties) M22 effect) U178 S/161/62/004/012/035/052 B125/B102 AUTHORS: Par a Pogarskiy, A. M., Parbahteyn, I. I., and ~_fe.! Shalyt, S. S. TITLE: The galvanomagnotic properties of tellurium. The structure of the valence band PERIODICLL; Fizika tverdogo tela, v- 4, no. 12, 1962, 3596-3611 TEXT: The galvanomagnetic propertieB of pure, annealed Te monocrystalB and the temperature dependence of the most important galvanomagnetic coefficients were studied ar,d analyzed at 770K-and between 1-40K and 300oK, respectively. Using the d-c potentiometer methodl the 12 components of 1he galvanomagnetic resintance tensor are determined in magnetic fields Of UP to 35 koe from measurements taken on monocrystalline specimens with longitudinal, transverse and oblique orientation. The coarsely crystalline castings for the pricking o-it of the specimens with longitudinal orientation were produced by zonal purification, either by cooling the solution slowly in a dish or by the'Czoehralski method. The coarsely crystalline casting, used for cutting out the specimens of transverse and oblique orientation, Card 1 /3 S/16 62/004/012/035/052 The galvanomagnetic properties ... B125YB102 was produced by slow cooling. The experimental results are compared with those obtained by other authcrs. The isoenergetic surface of the holes in tellurium closed to the extremum are ellipsoids of revolution whose axis is a symmetry axis of the third order. In the case of isotropic scattering, the ratia m I/mIl 01.25 corresponds to a slightly flattened mass ellipsoid. This isotropic scattering is confirmed over a wide temperature interval by the constant ratios of the galvanomagnetic coefficients which characterize the galvanomagnetic properties of tellurium. Within this range of temperature the thermal scattering is replaced by scattering from the impurities. The ratio m./M 1.2 + 0.2 of the effective masses which 1 3 ' determine the axes of the elLipsoid of revolution has a similar value. The experimentally and theoretically determined dependences of the ratio R2 on the absoluto temperature T agree fairly well up to 4 0K, but '3311 Q33 1 deviate strongly at lower temperatures. It is found that m_j - 0.43 mo and M11 - 0.35 mo. The ratios Ql,,, /Q1133' Q1122*Q33/Q3311'Q11 and ~1313/Q3311 of ihe experimental coefficients of Card 2/11, The galvanomagnetic propertico ... S/181/62/004/012/035/052 B1251B102 the galvwaomagnetic tensor differ from the corresponding theoretical values, wi-Ach is due to the nonuniform carrier distribution in the specimens investigated and to fluctuations of the relative values of the longitudinal resistance of various tellurium specimens under investigation. There are 15 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad (Institute of Semiconductors AS USSR, Leningrad) SUBMITTED: July 13, 1962 Card 3/3 86446 S/18 60/002/011/034/042 Bo=o6o B "yev, R,,V-, Farbshteyn, I. I., and Shalyt, S. S. AUTHORS: =te M i4W TITLE: Galvanomagnetic Properties of Tellurium. II. The Effect of Beat Treatment Upon the Temperature Course of Mobility PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo, tela, 1960, Vol. 2, Do. 11, pp. 2923-2928 TEXT: The concentration dependences of the hole mobility'at 77 0K in tellurium, as found by several authors, exhibit an exceedinj~ly large spread. The authors of the article under consideration tried to explain the observed Emomalous spread of mobility, and, above all, the extremely uncertain temperature course of mobility by ascribing them in the first place to the variety of impurity concentration (which shows in the large spread of concentration dependence ofmithe hole mobility) of the specimens investigated. The effect of heat tres At upon the galvanomagnotio propertioe waa thoroughly oxaminod,, a" *",very considerable influence upon electric resistivity and Hall constant was also observed. The heat treat- ment took place at 320 0C over 70 hours. Fig. 2 illustrates the effect of the heat treatment upon I and R, and Fig. 3 upon the Hall mobility R~ Card 1/3