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7 .-- FkLee'~141PI-JAM033577 0 described can be used for the detection and investigation of local levels In -gemi- conductor instruments and in low-resistance'semiconductors, where the method of thermally stimulated conductivity cannot be applied. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. SUB CODE: 20/ SUB14 D AT E07Apr66/ -ORIG RFF: 003/ OTH REF. 0011 NO PRESS! 5102 VIM.; --'AA5066730- VYAZELISHCHIKOV, Viktor Petrovich;_'TARITSM , Zakhar Vikonovich; IlTAVOVSKII, Y.D., prof., red.; WENKOV, --Ye'U. ' *' re MISHARINAP K.D., red. izd-va; WBUZEIESIXA, L.V.,, tekhn. red. (RuAbook on the treatment of gold-bearing ores md ple-cers] Spravochnik po obrabotka zolotoroderzhashchikh rud i rossypei. Pod red. 1I.D.Ivanovskogo. Moskma, MetLllurgizdat, 1962. 65C F. (MIRA 15:12) (Gold-Vetallurgy) RABINKII, E. [Rabinkiy, Ye.]; PARNSKII, Sh. [Paritskiy., Sh.] A device for pipe bending. Ratsionalizatsila 13 no.4t22 163. Ye. j-~ ~IY S~hq 1. PAM, F. D. 2, USSR (600) 4. Arboriculture 7. Fight for high vUbility of forest stock. Los* khoz. 5. No. 10* 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Januw7 -1953. Unclassified. FARM=. H. M. ln==~ Results of testing dustiV., equiT)Ment mounted on trucks Pnd trActors. Smahch. rpst. ot vred. i bol. I no.1:21~22 Ja-F 158. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Starshly nnuchnvy aotrudnik Porolzhskay mnshinotopytptellnoy stanteii. (SprPying Pnd diisting equipment) ~Pf;f /- YC //&4; PARIYCHUIL... X.K., inshener; TIKCPAYBVA. Te,,I., agronom It Kodel SGN-6 mounted beet seeder for districts of irrigated beet 6 growing. Sallkhozmashins no.4:6-8 Ap 154. (MLRA ?:5) 1. Povolzhakaya NIS. (Drill (Agricultural implement)) 00 04 46 P P -to Ll Ls 4 v 9 P a a 31 W A a a a a 064 PA ATA (Now A. P.). W Go" nma aber"am pa" W" or .09 Wbite rot of ca"Od by do &MIP" fid"W" Mae for AfpW. a*dPAy(vpWA, viii, 2. W 1WRO, 6 kk, 1981, A brid sevowt in 17' of outbreak of a white rut of Ok;=i4*vM woo PAZ skins calmol *41 fifiWinaa JA valorationam), similar to 1W dawriled from Irelam) JAAA, 11. pi 1101 whWh was observed in 19.09 both in experivasnial plots and In do mW GeMs in the Reverameat of Moscow, this being "ted to fivaL record of tlis dissave in that ngion. A tow foature of the oulbyeak was the dimewery of fruiMnS apotboda of At svlftwio~ rum in &be 60glip: them are Jmgr;bed as fixt. einumnon-brown bodiss term an cylindrical ntipas tapering downwands. 7U aid P 890 WO hy&JI1^ CylJDdFkA 162-9 90 JOP-4 " to 1:24#% Intermixed ~Y. eight hyallne. ollipsokW sporak to 1614 fiy 4.2 to &40 in &MR46T. In she Wd the 0*0 MYCWIMM d the 1008M was ver T IOWA Irm y frequent), me* cruciferous wows to das steam in sontac& with thm.P=hislowlag 00 $I* impuftwo of hevooff ux "Ails OUW of woe& In vartain 1,00 localities the Percentage a infewon was 84 high an 42, the WOW* queut yvaurtia" in the Wing vary cooWdsmble. '00 wee free 0 016:6-0 0 0 0 * 0 a 0 0 0 0.0,0 Wo a 0 0.0-A 0 0 04, 070 a 0 a PARIMENTSKAYAp A. r. A. M. Veselova, and '. 7. ?ariyev:;;=,a, "io,- oli, D. 'a ')i-1-- - ~ , . , , --.Z r I I I - , -c,. "--/,6 7-,.0 Z12 Zrk Illovoit VCAaLa. 'Ic~.t p, SO: Sira 3i 90-53, 15 Dec 1953 PARIEVSKAIA) A. P. fCO-author.7 See: 1- 11 , o, . ""D, Lj-,~ ~,,r-~ak . A. F. 11 Prar- -- 'L C e 5 I-rl ~, rl~:'Ol Of i-03'ic 194" so: 0- ilu -,~I-90-53, J-' Dec. 1953 PAiurva ~kyA- (31me A. F.). Bapyenor =&Ltessaime ;ieuop&moHux lismRoll -No3allvisop Mommatint, Pdarganjum W). (A viru% diwm of ornamental pkzota (monic disease of PrIaryonium sp.)j-Mwb7oo6u&l&-wi jMim;ibic4bqyj, 17, 5, lip. 376-379, 2 figs., 1918. Geraniums in floricultural farina in U.S.S.R. were found to be affectod irith three types of nitmaic JR.A.M., 2o, p. 3(4j, the numben of infected plants vsr~)ring from 1-1 to " per cent. Leaf crinkling ww present in all three ty . The laminse (if ~ pea plants showing tylot- I had lisle and dark green spoils arvi pale green spot ling along thr, svinn. At the end of.lunc the myrnlitonis 64--anir masked: at the beginning of AuXwt jonall, round vellow mpas with dark green eentirs apl"red j,11110 in old W%T,*; young leaves "nor slightlY wrinkled. In tYpe 2 the leares slitexedl small, bright vellovo sloolo; isollietittles; ning-sh3ped) which later ciiale*ml into larger, diffuse, irregular An-as, The symptoms dimppeared at the end (of Julle. Type 3 showed the whole lamina eo%vml uidi aniall yellow sliats. Later larger,. bright yellow rings with yellow centres develcolvd, and ultimately vivid yellvw spotting appeared between the ring-shaped spota. The mults of experiments showed that the disease can he tranunitted by grafting, but not toy sal) inoculations (loc. cit.j. The symptoms on the infected Meteoy varivtv agreed with those caused by PrJarpmium %irus I (Pelargonium leaf CUT) vims], hiot their were some different" from thow described by 11" (ibid., j i, p. 2461. It is iouggrioted that the plant* were possibly inflected with two viruw*. one causing leaf curl, and the, other mosaic of different /~ /V. USSR / Virology. Bacterial Viruses (Bacteriophages). E-1 Abs Jour : Ruf Zhur - Biol., No 18, 1958, 110 81201 Authors :Sveshnikova, M. A,; Pariyskaya, A. N. Inst sNot given Title :Actinophage Flora in Different Soils. Orig Pub :Mikrobiologiya, 1958, 27, No. 1, 99-103 Abstract :To isolate actinophages from soil, a suspension of thc! soil in distilled water was centrifuged, the 5upernatant liquid -vms passed through a Zeiss filter, introduced into a melted nutrient agar cooled to 45-50P, and jx3ured into Petri dishes. The solid mecUum was inoculated with specific acti- nomycete culttwes; the presence of phages wis established by the absence of colonies. By this method, a2tinophages were successfully found in 4 of 14 smaples of hothouse sails exa- mined. The majority of isolated phages proved to be polyva- lent. No actinophages ware found in the other 10 hothouse Card 1/2 FARIEV31KAIA, A. F. fco-jluthor2 See -. ~iOIL I Di,.., I I s. I. PAHLI'l-')KAIA, A. F. "'ate ri'llis o,- -ai of in t:.c -.,)7e -t- 1 - i D on tht~ Biu.-,o~y of -,I.e IV'-_c,.or (Itlt,alesth-s ;, , " I t,; -- 0. 30: 3IHA 3-L-9C-r,3, 1" Dec. 19513 pAr4svsxAvA.(Mu* A. P.). M&Trpxau no croalkypy Tomma *Kpuw. lWimdinem of Tomton in the Nniva.1-AINKPo6sontims JX4-ra- Union), vg, 4. lip. 5027-531, 1 filt., 1950. Rwriturnta Carried out in the Summer of 1949 at the Microbiological institute of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Menen, Monow, confirmed that flynk.66- olpmwvs in the main vertor (if the woodinno thsesm of tomst4w (tomato hig lkurl virm: R.A.M.- 27-11. 48) in the Crimrs. The dims* was moot prevalent in the 7uisk diptrirt. where the insect wap ver,r sloundant. In fip)d temls under naturs) (Imflitims of infection. th, 'sternmed' varieties Jubilee, Alp4tera. and Gritxi%-Pk.r urre the nival resimant. Owing free from infection in thrm different localities. In the vouriw of thin Pludy the, authon o6wrve4l in the Krasunciar distrirt tomato ti-&( curl. a virusi dins~anr firint dm7ilied by Sukhov and Vovk (A new Nirun div*W of tomato Iraf rull &mt ito vet-lor Aj~0143 tynom. VA Anul. M. VASA. N.S., 56, p. 433, 1447), and Iminxing I't tonluld, traves IN.A.M.. A 1). 1611 SIM) lif virup rinforp I" l4pniatip alkatovi wilt). (;,-I K1.1 . ..... I Va. t' ~ A. 11. 1 It- It I., 1.- .1 h1i, r -I. p~ . I I I. A, s& it, y WS, ivot, r - 16h- -). , .1 m thr I)M.. on ti- biol.g v ot 1114' .Irr.. t "t .. ',-'7- 11 Morobloleff 11-5.3-R- (YAkrobiole0a) TOL 19 no. 6 - 19-' 1 I;%ZHENETSr,IY, A.A., akademik; PARIYSKAYA, A.N.; PETROVA, K.Z. e TAnsmission of biochemical characteristics in bacteria by trans- foi4ation. Dokl. AN SSSR 151 no.2:443-41,5 Jl 163. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Institut mikrobiologii AN SSSR. (Nucleic acids) (Bacteria) EMSANOV, A.L.; BROVCMWO, M.I.; PARIYSYAYA, A.N. Passage of assimilates IBto the conducting tissues of rhubs-rb leaves (Rheum rhaponticum L.). Fiziol. rast. 6 no.5:52?-536 S-0 '59. (MIRA 13:2) 1.K.A. Timiryazev Institute of Plant Physiology, U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Moscow. (Plants, Motion of fluids on) ~7 /7' SYMUIKOVA, N.A.; PARIYSKAYA' A.B. Actinaphag-e -f,lors in rRrious soils Ewith summary in English]. Mikrobiologiia 27 no.1:99-103 Js-1p '58. (MDU 11:4) 1. Institut po izyskAniyu novykh antiblotikov AMR SSSR, Moskva. (ACTINOMYCES actinophages in soil (Rua) (SOIL, microbiol. actino-phages (Rua) SIZOVA. T.P..; PAIRIBUTA, A.M. Seasonal changes In the relationship of seations of the genus Penicilliun In the soil. Blul.M0111. Otd.biol. 58 no.5:95-100 '33. (MLRA 6:11) (Penicillium) SILIM. V.P.; PARIYSKAYA, A.F. Phrelgloff of roses sad grasses infected with Rrysiphe graminim. Biul.Gla,r.but.mada w.23:68-76 155. (MMA 9:7) 1.Glaray botamichaskiy sad Akademil muk SSER. (Grasses--Diseases and pests)(Romes--Dissases and posts)(Mildow) RUDE. 1.S. j PARIYSXAYA, G.Y.; STARDWMVSUYA, S.P. Recording high-frequency reflecteO. vares In the Rinsian Flatform. 1xv. AN Je 056. (MLVA 9:9) l.Akademiya nauk SSSR, Geofizicheskiy Inatitut. (Russian Ki,tform--Sei smome try) PARZYSKATA. G.N. Determining the avePP4,pe velocity by the point of Intersection In retraction wave hodog:!aphs. Trady 156. WRA 10:1) (seismic Vnives) PARITSUTA. G.H. Studying the composite rarface relief of vertically stratified media by systems of lorgitudinal seismic profiles. Trudy no.6:283--319 '59- (MRA 13:5) (Seismic prospecting) P'Or y pi') /V, r Iv. 4v za a~ El AV .50P. a I V. t 4 E A 4 a 'Sj Z. a -5 -go 21 13 94. J JI .3 ZNAWNSKIY, V.V.; RYABINKIN, L.A.; PETROV, L.V.; VAIRTANOV, S.P.; GAGELIGANTS, A.A.;KOTLYLREVSKIY, BA; LOZOVSKAYA, I.F.; LYAKHOVITSKIY, F.M.; MAIPIN, N.I.; OSTROVSKIY, V-D.; WJYS"'AYA, _gj.; RIKHTER, V.I.; RUW, V.V., SLUTSKOVSKIY, A. I.; TARUTIS, G.H.; TURCHANEENKOP N.M.; SHMIDT, N.G.; SMEYERSON, M.B.; GURVICH, I.I., red.; BORUSHKO, T.I., red.izd-va; GITROVA, O.A., tekhn. red. [Instructions for seismic proSpecting)Instruktsiia po seistaoraz- vedke. ~bskva, Gosgeoltekhizdat, 1962, 95 p. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.)Ministerstvo geologi! i okhrany nedr. (Seismic prospecting) BERZ,DN, I.S. , doktor fiz.-matem. nauk; YEPINATIYEVA, A,M. - ~~:ABJLc LLyA,- ,G.N.; STAfODUB-RDVSrA.YA, S.P.; F&2-!D, V.M., red. izd-va; MITT', S.P., tekhn. red, [Dynamic characteristic:3 of seismic waves in real medi&]Dina- micheskie kharakteristiki seismicbeskikh voln v realInykh sre- dakh. LBy] I.S.Berzon i dr, Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 511 p. (MJRA 16:2) (Seismic waves) PARIYSKLYA, G. N. Dissertation defended for the degree of Candidate of Physicomathematical ScielLces at the Institute of Barth Physics iment 0. Yu. Sluddt in 1962: "Several Results of the Interpretution of Dynamic Characteristics of Seismic Waves." Vest. Aked. Nauk SSSR. No. 4. Moscow, 1963, pages 11()-145 S. f'- V P.;,' YSK G.N e STARODUBROVSKAYA . AM AYAS- e. [deoaas dj) Utilization of the dynamic chexanterigtica of reflected wavas for detecting and tracing layers (if variable thickness. Ftazved. ge-OfIz no.233-12 164. (~U RA 18: 5 ) --im - 16k otv..-ed.; IOUN, F.H.,; NEDDSHIVINA, T.G., red.; TIJWMIROT, O*G#, telrhn*red* (Agroclimatic mnual for Dwyet-Mongolial Agrok'Amatichaskii spravochnik po Buriatekol ASSR. Leningrad, Gidrometeor.izd-vo, 196o. 189 p. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glevnoye upravleniya gidromteorolo- gichaskoy alu2bby. Zabsykallskoyo upravloniye. (Baryat-Mongolia-Grope and climte) PARIYaAYA, L.Vj KOGAN. F.H.; KALACHKYA, A.P.; CHERKDHICHENKO, G.S.. Prinitriall uchasti7e: PASHNINA, V.I.; KOROBKOYA, T.U.; BURYA- KOVA, G.I.; AGASIMIRA, N.S.; ANTOMIA, G.R.; ANMOYA, T.Ya.; BOBINji, M.L.; YAUUKOVA, Z.P.; YEFREMOV. Tu.A.; POLUTSLAYA, L.G.; SHI&TINA. V.G.~ LAWITICV, P.P.,; ROGOVSKAYA, Te.G., red.; MGEM, A.N., [Agroonvitio reference book on cheakil sprnvochnik po Chitinakoi matecir.lzd-vo, 3959. 131 p. Chita Province] Agroklimati- oblnntl. Leningrad, Gidro- (MIRA 13:2) 1. Chita. Gidrome tecroloj,~J ohs skaya ot serve toriya. 2. StarBhiy inzhoner-agrometeorolop, Chitinskoy gidrometeorologicheskoy observatori.' (foz- Pariysl-xya). 3. Chitinskaya gidrometeorolo-i- chesksys observatoriya (for Kogan. Kalacheva, Cherednichanko). (Chits Province- -Crops and climte) PAJIIYSKAY.As T.V. - ----- D~mvnsitizing action of ascorbi-c acid. Trudy Semipal. zed. imt. 2:137-142 159. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Kafedra pediatrii Semipalatinskogo gosudarstvennogo maditsinskogo institirta (ispolnyayashchiy obyazannosti zaveduyusl2chego kafedroy T.V.Parlyskaya). (ASCORBIC ACID) (ANOHMAXIS) BAZHENOVA, K.M., dots.; VOLIFOVSKAYA, R.N., dots.; GARVIN, Leonid Iosifovich, dots.; KALASHN1KOV, B.P., prof.; KtYANDSKIY, A.A., prof.; LEVIV,-G.Z., prof.; LOPOTKO, I.A., prof.; PARIYSKAYA,_J-V-, kand. med. nauk; ROZHDESTVENSKIY, V 1-.'--'-Aoktor med. nauk; ROMANOVSKAYA, V.K.j TUR, A.F., prof.; iHVI'LIVITSKIY, T.Ya.9 prof.; KHROMOV,B.M., prof.; SHRAYBER, M.G., prof.; DIYACHENKC, P.K., red. [Manual for the physician on emergency and first aid] Spra- vochnik vracha skoroi i neotlozhnoi pomoshchi. lzd.2., ispr. i dop. Leningrad, Meditsina, 1965. 355 p. (MIRA 18:4) PARIYSKAYA, T.V., Cand ~!ed 3ri - (liss) "Desensitizing ft A action of certain (;).dive sibstances." Len, 191)~., 17 P, (First Len %Illeci inst im Acaria-,ic.-J.- J.P. Pavlov. Lair of i,ediatrics) 20C ies (K',, 26-~8, 110) PARIISY,lk, 'I. N. The njarjLnC of -4'rr- tnnsporl--ti a,, 1 Pos-h-va, ~~- )f: to rCizdat, 1 100. 7t -1 . s . (L' -1 ~ 2:; " T.FF6(2-F3 4~. Y, PARIXSKA.-Aj, Z. N. Planlrovenle tovarnykh yerevozo~. ZRAnning of goods shipments_7. Matody opredeleniia ratsionallnykh putei toi-arodvizhenlia. Moskva, Gostorgizdat, 1947. 78 p. 7--aps, diagrs. DLC: TF662. ?3 SO-, Soviet Transmr itiola and CormMicatiova, A-Bibliogra , Library of Congress Referenee Department, Washington, 1952 Unclassified 14(6) SOV/1 12-59-5-8757 Translation from: Referativnyy 1zhurnal. Elekt:~otekhnika, 1959, Nr 5, p 48 (USSR) AUTITOR: Okorokov, S. D., Zaporozhets, I. D., and Pa~ sk!j,, A TITLE: Methods for Selecting Materials and Planning Concrete Compositious for Large Hydraulic Structures PERIODICAL: Nauchno-.tekhn. inform. byul. Leningr. p3liteklm. in-t, 1958, Nr 1-2, pp 17-25 ABSTRACT: Experience of the Chair of Construction Materials, Leningrad Polytechnic Institute, as well as methods and sequence of operations are set forth: (1) breaking up the concrete struc-.-ure into zones and selecting concrete grades for them; (2.) careful analysis of ground and surface waters for aggressiveness; (S) selecting cement gra-des, and sometimes planning their composition; (4) exploring and choosing -:he borrow pits with due consideration of all engineering and economic factors; (5) finding the source of desirable coarse aggregate; (6) determining cerne-A requirements and the W/C ratio. M. K. B. Card 1 / 1 is o A m 4 . &pit Lsf~#14 A t It, It it !1'.1 A A Katfoctlas tow? ,1 K11, 11 A t oA it ' d lirlatr ll All h I'l, I it" t i. wimit-il 1~o the tviuttsu"'t .4 a w* pilown 1I.A.1 60 a 00 00 o .00 of 1 00 so , 00 06 .00 00 .00 vi w- it .1 u it 0 0 0 00 0 06 on 00 0 0 0 St 0 0 44 0 4 0 0 0 /6V- aO, Nr - / .4.1- ",z- .- e,* Orwo d ecionk m" ad Owsumi d ambum d OD-1 V G. Feamb.v and N, N. Paiiiski (COMPI. remd, Arad, Sc, U R S S, im. go. the ittinsity of comic rays it is cak. that the half-life of an " average atocn " is ~ 1-6 ~ 101, years. V I. B BWZ D19 SiM VIWAMT, Adhawr jean c3.aude (1797-.18861; PARIYSKIY A A [tra~iqlntorl; DZHMELIDZE, G.Yu.., red.; AYJUYYDXI, S.W... tekhn. red. [Mer,oir on the torsion of prisms. Aemoir on the flexure of prism ] Menuar o kruchenii pri=. 14emuar )b isgibe prizm. Floskva, GOB& izd-vo fiziko-matem. lit-ry. 1961. 518 p. Translated from the French. (MIRA 15:5) (Elastic rods and wires) (Prisvw) (Barre de Saint Venant, Adhemar Jean Claude, 1797-1C86) -,-AccEss ima A?4m4oZ5 S/ODW/64/000/001/0029/0039 AYJTMDI?S: Mikhaylova, N. G.,- ?&tL V!Idb B, S. .M. C=qputing theoratical sat=ogra= for the simplest cam of structure in T As: a owic- at normal Inaldencti S6URCE: AN SSM. Izv, Smdp geofiticheskayal rio, 1j, 3.964,0 29-39 '.TOP1C '=S-. seismogram., BLIN 2 coaputer,, theoretical seisvpgram,, transition la ad wave, double yer., normal iucideace# irm"eut wave, reflected wave,, refract transition laWar z The authors have set up a program on the BESM-2 for computing theoreti- !ABSTRACT cal seimograns of plane waves at normal incidenz~. The compAtations are made by the difference method. Seismograms have been cal.-ulated for waves reflected arA refracted at transition and double transition layars. Tba authors have analyzed the pattern of change In form of the record for waves reflected frm trmaition laywo of differv* thickness" and for waves refracted at Uwe Urwa, It, is 'shimin that for thin transition 2Wern Us form of the rd2eated ways In sinilar to ths torn of Us Incided vuej, but the apectru a is shifted toward lower frequea ciao. The form of -the refracted wave from the transition law is almost hable from the fcm of the incident vavoe A cowparizon of the forms for the records of waves raf2eated from a double tronsition layw and from a Uyer with constant velocity has sbam that there is an imigniftcant change in displace-: ment for very thinl2ayers, For thick layers the dirference becomes appreciable, A cowrUon of c results for waves reflected from a transition layer with and without consideration of short waves haa slimm that when a transition Uqer is present, interfereneg phenomena in the layor., as a result of short waves., are weak, It is possible thart to use the approxima4ion fornila of Bortfeld for computations without consIderation. of the short wares, "The authors express their thanIts to V. 1. KeyUs-Barok and 1. S. Berzon for v4ausble rourks and advice proferred during the prosecution of the work and tho resdiM of the asnasoript,*' Orige art. has a 7 figures anit 3.6 formulas. ASSOCIAT31)Nt Akedsalyi nat* IMM Institut f4-W Umli (AnslaW o; Scimces SM institute of P~Pias of the &Wbh) I SUB)=JEDs ~~63 DATE ACQx 31WA64 'EMLs 00 ...SUB GODE& ASs PH ND PJW SOV: OOS OTH&Rs 006 2 rio0i ~, o i '- :- Iwt an&* god lo ty o the Joye" buridle. Or g. -SIUM.ZM:~ 20664t," )W! i~::OTA vxr-.: OnG IREF*.- 1 003 ~ I- j, . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - M"T -a A Y -10 il A y Pl. GA R Y S K I Y , B -S lnt,~nbit.y of wwi;~a jr-f',w ri the aar,~-. I.i !Trdi Li c, ~L--S~,itut f-.Zild ZC'mP AN R MIKHAYIDVA, N.G.; PARIYSKry,,-B.51 , -1-- ~ ~ -1.1--l- Calculation of srntbettv seismograns for sizople cases of the structure of a wdiu% at normal angles of Incidence. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geofi:s. no.1:29-39 Ja'64. (MRA 17:2) 1. Institut fizild Zemli AN SSSR. AU- M6 AT6U33686 SOURCE CODE: UR/3231/66/000/001/0092/0106 AUTUOR: Pariyskiy, B. 3.; Radchenko, V. 11. ORG. none aves accompanying a fracture TITLE: Lono'Itudinal %v, SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut fizilci Zenili. Vychislitellnaya seysmologiya, no. 1, 1966. Analiz seysinicheskildi nablyudeniy naelektroiii))-I,,Iiii-iashinaih (Use of electronic computers in the analy;3is of seismic observ..tions), 92-106 TOPIC TAGS. high speed computer, eartbqualce, sEismic modeling, seismic wave, wave mechanios / BESM-2 high-speed con-puter I ABSTRACT: The article chiefly examines the relatiDn of the dominant wave period to the dimensions of the earthquake focus. This is of special interest in view of the attempt's made to -estimate the stressed sta:',e in the focus according to the relation of earthquake energy to earthquake period. The rnat;er is considered from the standpoint of the plane problem of the excitation of waves due to a discontinuity occurring in a medium represented by a homogeneous ideally elastic space. It is assumed that liomogeneoui; tangential stresses act until a certain 1/2 UDC: 550.34-517:681.142.35 ACC NR, R1`6033688 instant in this space. The model of the discontinuity is taken as an ellipse (in the I-imitin- case, a plane slit) at which z.t the initial instant the tangential stresses begin to decrease to zero. This model corresponds to a strongly extended fracture; the ellipse simulates a zone of inelastic deformations along which displacements occ jr. The problem reduces to that of the effect of the stresses applied at the initial time instant to that ellipse and the solution is ob- tained in numerical form, with the polar coordinate being isolated by means of a Fourier transform and the remaining equation being numerica',ly solved with respect to the radial co- ordinate by means of a BESIM-2 high-speed computer. Only longitudinal waves are considered, since a large direct access rnemory is required to an,,.13,ze transverse waves. Some findings on the direction in which oscillations are generated within the focus also are obtained but; owing to the idealized treatmont of the problem (due tc~ the limited memory capacity of the BE&M-2), they cannot be considered absolutely reliab.'e. "The authors are deeply indebted toMs. G. Neugauz, A. A. Abramov and L. S. Klabul-.ova for their valuable suggestions and un- flagging assistance in this project. Orig. art. has: 17 formulas, 9 fig-ures, 3 tables. SUB CODE. 08;=;=r,09,20/ SUBITA -"ATE: none/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REF: 001 Card 2/2 VUDIWROVA ~V I.; ZHAPROVA~ G.M.-, UD,ENATSI, B.M.; KAURMYp V.B.; PARIMMY, G.B. Radiation-catalytio traneformation of methanol* Dokl. AN SWR 164 no.2.-361-364 S 165, (MMA 18:9) 1. Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN WSR. Submitted February -19 1965. KAZANSKIY, V.B.; NIKITINA, O.V.;_!~AR~j~~IYO G.B.; KISE13v, V.F. Electron paramagnetic resonance study of the radical form of moleculer oxygen adsorption on reduced titanium dioxide. Dokl. AN SSSR- 11 151 no.2:369-372 JI 163. (KMA 16:7) 1. Institut khimlehaskoy fi7iki AN SSMt i Haskovskiy gosudaretvannyy universitet im. II.V.Lomonosova. Preds*;avleno akademikom V.N. Kondratlyevym. (Titanium oxides-Spectra) (04rgen) (Adsorption) USMVPbyxical Chadstry - Kinetics, Ccubastion; ExAwims., Topo- IPJWM atz7p CAUl"is. B-9 Abs Jour: JbferMt-Mmz=I ainkra.- NO 3, 1958, 71%. Author : R. To. Nv4&UyzdbviILj,-G.B- XR2~~~yj~V.A. Paltorak, VS. VoyeYodoldyo last : Acmdow of Scian"m of UBE. Title : Baction of DeuUmIlm Atom with A' kene. . Dependence of Metb&Ue DVAterjj&t4(Vj CM L aMeentntion of Dmterim Atoms in 8"tem. Orig ftb: izw. AN s=. md. idft. n.., iq%o No 5t 516-3A. Abstract: -romatlaa of alkyl radicals vith D2 (EM-EhIp., 19A, 7439-2) vm studied with the a"Ileatim of the mme- spectrametric: amm,17sis of D eontent in the being profteed metbAme. The ratlicals vere formd according to the reaction D + N -~* R, vhere M v&B C2H4,, CA, and In the cases of C2H4 and imo-C4R8, the D contealw6 in nethane increased, 1/2 4- PARIYSKIY, G.B.; ZHIDOWROV, G.M.; KAZANSKIY, V.B. Spectrtm of electrcn paramagnetic resonance of a wthyl radical adsorbed on the silica gel surface. Zhur.strukt.khim. 4 no.3: 364,367 W-Je 063, OaRA 16:6) 1. Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR. (Methyl group--Spectra) Cben&6~ Piwaitiop -, .- 7~ --, 11 ~ ;- - - .- :- -., '~~ - - .~ - 1 ",-- -- . I I . -, - j - I :. ~ :. .. I., -'. - ~ 11 .~ -,-Iwl~i , . KLZMKIYP V.B.; PARIYSKIY, O.B.; UURSHTEYN, A.I. Using ,&--eie~c tron puremagnetic renow=e method in studying the properties of bydrogon atoms formed by Y-Jxradiation of silica gel. Opt.i spektr. 13 no.1:83-89 JI '(2. (KERA 15:7) (Paramagnetic resonLince and relaxation) (Silica) (Hydrogen) LL562 S/O'! 63/148/001/021/032 B 1 4:1Y11 186 AUTHORS: Vladimirova, V. I., Zhabrova, G. M,, Kadenatsi, B. M., Kazanakiy, V. B., Pariyskiy, G. B. TITLE: Joint action of radiation and oxid.? catalysts on the dehydrogenation of cyclohexane PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 148, no. 1, 1963, 101-104 12039 or NiO. After a vacuum pretreatment of the catalyst at 400 0 C, c clo- hexane vapors were led over it. The determinations concerned; 1~ the catalytic properties after '.rradiation with 0.8 Mev electrons at room temperature, dose 2.4-10 6 rad/sec, energy aboorition 1 .9, 109 rad;'2) the paramagnetic properties aft(tr gamma irradiation with C. 0 at - 1960C, dose 3200 mcu, energy absorption 5-10 6 _ 1-10a rad. 1) A low-temperature dehydrogenation of cyclohexanone took place. Good results were obtained TEXT: The radiation effect on catalytic systems is studied in the dehydrogenation of activated by SiO 2, A MgO, ZrO 2' ZnO, Card 1/3 S/020/63/148/001/021/032 Joint action of radiation and B1441'B186 with SiO 21 Al203 and alumosilAcate with a H 2 evolution of 0.58, 0.565~ and 0.405 mg1g. Zro 2v Yg0 and ZnO were hardly active and NiO was com- pletely inactive. On SiO 21 the conversion percentage increased with increasing irradiation'dose. Thus, the oxides that proved effective were just those that are ineffective under normal catalytic conditions, even at high temperatures; while the otherwise active ZnO and NiO proved ineffective in catalysis combined with radiation. 2) The e.p.r. spectra revealed additional lines in the irradiated samples which are attributed to the formation of adsorbed free radicals, i.e. C 6H7' This effect %as most marked on SiO 2 and increased with increaving dose. Similar signals were observed for alumosilioate and Al 203' Weak additional lines were observed in MgO and ZrO 2 , but their origin was not clea.---ed up. No lines at all were detected for irradiated ZnO and NiO, either with or without adsorption of cyclohexanone. The different activity of the catalysts studied in oxide catalysis combined with irradiation is explained by Card 2/3 S/020/63/148/001/021/032 Joint action of radiation an~' B144/B186 their different electron properties. In dielectrics and poor semi- conductors the radiation-induced ionization is stronger, since the electrons and holes formed are longer trapped and the paramagnetic centers are resistant at low temperatures, while they vanish so rapidly in ZnO and NiO that no e.p.r. signals could be recorded. There are 2 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicieskoy fiziki-Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemical Phy-31CS of the Academy of Sciences USSR) PRESENTED: July 30, 1962, by V. N. Kondrat.lyev, Academician SUBMITTED: July 19, 1962 Card 3/3 KAZARSKIY.V.B.; PARIYSKIY, G,B. Electronic para-W-netic resonance spectram of ethyl radicals adBorbed on a silica ael surface. kin.i kat. 2 no.4:507-508 Jl- Q Ag 161. WIFA 14:10) 1. Institut khimicheE.koy fiziki AN SM. (Radical.s (Ghems try) .-Spec tra) 2.q:1W 11D~T hW 71,1769 Z02 11-14 12A7 S/195/61/002/002/004/004 B101/B208 AUTHORS: Mishchenko, Yu. A., Boreskov, G- K, Kazanskiy, V. B., Pariyskiy, G. B-~' TITLE: Effect of i onizing radiation o n the catalytic and magnetic properties of titanium dioxide PERIODICAL: Kinetika i kathliZ. v. 2, no. 2, 1961, 296 TEXT: Several papers published in the course of the last years studied the possibility of changing the catalytic properties of solids under the influ- ence of high-energy radiation. Kohn and Taylor (Refs. 1, 2) observed a considerable effect of gamma and neutron radiations on the catalytic proper- ties of Al20 3 and of catalysts on SiO 2 basis (Ref. 3) in the isotopic H - D exchange. It was the purpose of the present study to investigate the effect of gamma radiation on catalytic and magnetic properties of TiO 2' The cataly- tic properties were studied by H - D exchangel the magnetic properties by electron paramagnetic resonance. The TiO 2 samples consisted of anatase with specific surface of the order 130 m 2Ig. TiO 2 was heated to 5000C for several Card 1/3 21769 S/195/61/002/002/004/004 Effect of ... B101/1208 hours at 10-5 mm Hg prior to irradiation. The samplES thus treated exhibited no marked catalytic properties at OOC.- They -Nere novi irradiated with gamma rays of Co6o in vacuo at the temperature of liquid nitrogen with 120 r/sec The integral dose was about 1.7-107 r. The irradiated samples showed high catalytic activity at the temperature of liquid nitrogen. The catalytic activity was increased by at least 3-4 orders of magnitude. Heating of the irradiated samples to OOC considerably decreased the catalytic activity. The constant of the reaction rate at OOC I hr after ;hawing was by about two orders of magnitudes smaller-than at the temperature of liquid nitrogen, The T102 samples heated in vacuo at 5000C showed no iiignal when the epr spectrum was taken. At the temperature of liquid ni-;rogen, the samples irradiated gave a signal with well-resolved hyperfinf? structure, total width 400 oensteds, g factor approximately 2. The signal does not change if the sample is stored at the temperature of liquid nitrogen. Short heating to room temperature reduced intensity and changed the shape of the signal. When the samples were kept for I hr at room temperatiire the signal became stable. This parallelism in the changes of catalyti,. activity and epr signal as also observable in silica gel (Refs. 3-5) and A12 o3 (Refs, 2, 6) It : ard 2/3 21769 Effect of ... S/195/61/002/002/004/004 BI)I/B208 may be concluded therefrom that irradiation gives r:Lse to the formation of centers (defects, radicals) that cause the increased catalytic activity and the epr signal. The authors are now studying more nhoroughly the changes of the epr signal and of the catalytic activity in the annealing of T102 samples and under the action of various gases. References; 1) H. W. Taylor, E.. H, Kohn, J. Amer. Chem. Boo., , 252, 19571 2) E. H. Eohn, H. W. Taylor, J. Phys. Chem. 6 , 500, 1959; ~3 E. H. Kohn, H. W. Taylor, J. Phys. Chem., 966, 1959; '8. H. Kohn, private communication on the 2nd International Congress of Catalysis, Paris, July 1960; 5) V. B. Kazanskiy, G. B. Pariyskiy, V. V. Voyevodskiy, Dokl- na 11 Veesoyuznom soveshchanii po radiatsionnoy khimii (2nd All-Union Conference on Radiation Chemistry), October, 1960; 6) V. B. Kazanskiy, Yu. I. Pecherskaya, Zh. fiz. khim., JA, 477, 1960. [Abstracter,s note: Complete translation of the original paperi There are 6 rofer-ences: . 3 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-S:)viet-bloc. The 3 refer- ences to Lnglish language publications are given in the text of the abstract- ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. L. Ya. Karpova (Physico- chemical Institute imeni L. Ya. Karpov) SUBMITTED: February 15, 1960 Card 3/3 - PAMYSMY, G. B. VO-MODSKTY, Vladislav V. 0 *MWSXrY) At. B. "Radiation induced surface reactions in silicagel." report to be submitted for thet Faraday Society, General Discussion on Radiatton Effects in Inorgimic Solids, G.If-sur-Yvette (Seine-et-Oise), France, 1-1-12 Apr 1961. Inst. of Chemical Physics, Acad. Sci. USSR, Moscow. HE H ISHC NKO, Yu. A.; BORESKOV, G.K.; KAZAVSKIYp V.B.; B. Effect of ionizing radiation on the catalytic and magnetic propertiea of titanium dioxide. Kin. i kat. 2 no.2:29b Mr-Ap t6l. (MIRA 14:6) -I* FUno-khimicheskly-institut imeni L. Ys. Karpova. (Titar.ium. oxide) (Gamm rays VLkDD=VAj- V.I.; ZHAHROVA, G.M.; KADENATSI, B.M.; KAWSKIY, V.B.; IPARMKIY, Go B. Joint aetion of radiation and oxide eatalysts on the dehydroge- nation of cyclohemme. DAL AV SSSR 148 no.1slOI-104 A 163* (NMA 16s2) 1. lustitut khimichesl:oy fiziki AV SSSR. Predstarlemo akadmikom V.19. Xondratlyevym. (0yelohmme) (3shydrogenation) (Radiation) Oletallic oxides) . I ~- - ~ - - -- ---- ~ KWMIY., V. B.; PARIYSKIYp G. B. i "'The e.s.r. study of free radicals adsorbed on catalysts." report submitted to 3rd Intl Cong on Catalysis.. Amsterdam, 20-25 Ju.1 64- Inst of Chemical Physics, AS USOp Moscaw. KAZANSKTY, V.9., PARTYSKIT, O.B. OESR studies of the reactivity and structure of free radicals stablized on solid surfaces." Report submitted to the Sixth Intl. Symp. on Ffte Radicals, Cambridge.. England 2-5 JulY 1963 MARIAiTaYSHVILI, R.Ye.; PARIYSICIY, G.B.; FOLTORAK, V.A.; VOYEVODSKIT, V.V. Dauterium atom reactioas with alkenes. Relation of methane deuteration to the concentration o-r deuterium atoms in the system. Izv.AN SSSR Otd. khim.nauk no-5:516-524 NY 056. (MIRA 9:9) I.Moskovskly gosudaretvennyy universitet i-jeni M.Y.Lomonosova i Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Akndemii nauk SSSR. (Deuterium,~ (Methane) S/19lij6o/001/004/005/015 B017,fBO55 AUTHORS. Kazanskiy, V. B~, Pariyskiy, G.,j~., 'Joy.-1vodsk.-ly, V. V. TITLE: A Study on tho Properties of HydTogen Atoms Adsorbed on Silica Gel Su:-faces by Applying Electron Paramagnetic Resonance PERIODICAL: Kinetika I kataliz; i960, Vol. 1, No. 4, PP. 539-541 TEXT; R. Livingston, H. Zeldes, E. H. Taylor (Ref. 1) and W. N. Bubnov, V, V. Voyevodakiy, L. S. Polyak and Yu, D. Tsvetkov found that under the influence of -radiation at liquid nitrogen temperature hydrogen atoms, detectable by the EPR method, are formed from adsorbed water molecules or OB groups on the surface-a of glass and silica gel. The properties of the hydrogen atoms adsorbk~ on the surface of silica gel were studied in the present publication, Co6o was used as source of radiation, The EPR spectra were taken at liqu:.d nitrogen temperature on a spectrometer with a high-frequency magnetic field, The spectra of the irradiated silica gel are represented graphically in a figure. The removal of hydrogen atoms from the silica gel surface in presence of ethyiene was investigated, and Card 112 A Study on the Properties of Hydrogen Atoms S/19 60/001/004/005/015 Adsorbed on Silica Gel Surfaces by Applying 3017YB055 Electron Paramagnetic Resonance it was found that the desorption rate of hydrogen atoms in presence of ethylene exceeds the desorption rate in vacuum by a factor of thirty. Hydrogen atoms adsorbed at -100 to -1500C react with ethylene and oxygen. There are 1 figure and 3 refe:rences: 2 Soviet and I British. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physics of the AS USSR) SUBMITTED: August 2, 1960 Card 212 Z'l A B'- G. B. b5354 S/1 81/63/005/002/04 3/051 B102/BI86 AUTHORSt Kazanskiy, V. B., Par~iy_p_kjy,,q!__B.p Aleksandrov, I. V., and Zhidomirov. G. M. TITLEt Investigation of the interaction of free radicals with the surface of a solid (silica gel) by the P~pr. spectra PERIODICALs Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 5, no. 2. 1963, 649 - 659 TEXTt The authors give a detailed analysis of the e.p.r. spectra of atomic hydrogen, methyl, ethyl and polymer radicals adsorbed on several types of 'I' silica gels (specific surfaces 290, 300, and 700 M2~/g). The studies were made in order to obtain information on the naturc and the geometry of binding and the motions in theeasorbed state. The e.p.r. spectra were taken at A - 3.2 cm and a hf modulation frequen"ej of I Me. The apu spec- trum of adsorbed hydrogen i3 characterized by a hyperfine splitting constait of A - 1411+0.1 Me (for free hydrogen it is Ao - 1420-40 Me and a great asymmetry of the components. On the basis of the present authors' earlier r-isults (Kinetika i kataliz I, no. 4, 539, 1960) the hyperfine splitting Cerd 1/3 S/ 1 a 1/6!-/()05/002/04 3/051 Investigation of the ... B102/B186 constants A, and A,, for 1i IE and HIJE) are cal.culated: ~A ~ A = A = A IYL. ~2; .L XX spy (4a) A, 47 X2; 30 a3 (4b) A (I - 15.5X2) = A,, (I - 15.5kj; 2 (4c) a E/e. The anisotropy of hyperfine splitting is 3btained as ~7 Pr'- 141 A0~2. 2D a3 .160 (5)1 z1JE and perpendicular to the surface. The .,anisotropy of the g-factor, 6g - 911 - 91 9 is very weak (,-~10-6) and not to be observed in experiment. The polarization energy of the hydrogen atom in the E field was obtained as t~l kcal/mole. The apropectrum of deuterium atoms adsorbed on SiO2 is considerably narrower and is symmetri- cal, with smaller amplitudes of the side components. The spectrum of the methyl radicals was measured at -196 0Ci it consists of four hyper- fine structural lines with a distance of 23.1+0.1 oe and with an amplitude ratio of 1 & 8.5 t 13 1 2.1,. instead of I o ~_s 3 1 1. This can be ex- Card PM 3/181/63/005/002/043/05$ 1nvestigation of the ... B102/B186 plained by the lose of rotational degrees of freedom of CH3 on adsorption. The e.p.r. spectrum of the ethyl radical consists of 12 lines and can be considered as quadruplet arising on hyperfine interaction of the unpaired electron with the protons of the CH3 group, each quadruplet line being split into a triplet due to interaction with the CH2 protons. The e.p.r. spectrum of the polymer radical consists of six broad poorly resolved com- ponents (-25 oe distance). The results show that the e.p.r. spectra of adv sorbed radicals differ considerably from those of free radicals or of radi- cals stabil4zed in solid polycrystalline matrices. The surface effect be- comes apparent in a reduction of the hyperfine splitting constant (for hydzo.- gen in a deformation of its electron shell) and in a change of the character of motion due to losses of degrees of freedom or of equilibrium positions of the radicals in the matrices. There are 9 figures and I table. ASSOCIATIONt Inatitut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR, Modkva (Institute of Chemical Physics AS USSR, Moscow) SUBMITTEDs September 27, 1962 Card 5/3 ARKADIYEVA, Ye.N.; PARITSKIY, L.G.; RYVKIN, S.M. )bthod of long-wave photoelectric sounding of local levels in semiconductors. Piz. tver. tela 4 no.6:'1578-1588 A 162. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Fisiko-teklinichoskiy inatitut Imeni A.F.Ioffe AN 333R, Leningrad. ,(Zonotion transistors) (Photoconductivity) (Quantuis theory) 1 9 - IA.-G. Dloxertation dofended for the degree o4 CLUdidale gf ZMaiggatbomUcal SgIenegs at the Physics Institute imeni P. H. Leb*dev in 19621 OInvestigation of Attachment of Current Carriers and the Kinetics of Impurity Photoconductivity of Semiconductors." Vest. A)md. Nauk SSSR. No. 4. Moscow. 1963, pages 119-145 ANTIPOV. X.F., inzh.; BALAKSH1.V, B.S., prof., doktor tekhn.nDuk; BARYLOV. G.I., inzh.; BEY2ELIMAN, R.D., inzh.; BERDICHKVSKIT, Ta.G., iazh.; BOBKOV, A.A., inzh.; KALININ, M.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; KOVAH, V.M.' prof., doktor tekhn.naak; KORSMOV, V.S.. doktor tekhn.nauk; XOSILOVA, A.G., )mnd.tekhn.nauk; KUDRYAVTSEV, N.T., prof., doktor khim.nauk; EURTSHRVA, To.S., inzh.; LAKHTIN, Tu.M., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; HATHRMAN, U.S., inzh.; HOVIKOV, H.P., kand.tokhn.nauk; MITSKIT, H.S., in2h.,- PEREPONOV. M.N., lnzh.; POPILOV, L.Ys., in2h.; POPO kand.tekhn.nauk; SAVIUZIN, M.M.. prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; SASOV, V.V., kand.tokhn.nauk; SATX1,', N.A., prof.. doktor tekhn.nauk; SOKOLOVSKIT, A.P., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk [deceased]; STANMICH, V.G., inzh.: FRUMIN, Tu.L., inzh.; KHRAMOY, H.I., inzh.; TSETTLIN, L.B., in2h.; SHUK71OV, Tu.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; MARKUS, M.Te., inzh., red. (deceased]; G-UNOVSKIY. G.I., red.; DMIYANM, F.S., red.; ZUBOK, V.W., red.; MALOV, A.N., red.; NOVI- KOV, M.P., red.; MRNKO, D.V., red.; KARGANOV, V.G., inzh., red. grafichaskikh r9bot; SOKOLOVA, T.F., [Manwl of a machinery designer and constructor; in two volumes] Spravochnik tel:hnologa-mashinostroitelia; v dvukh tomakh. Glav. red. V.M.Kovan. Chlany red.soveta B.S.Balakehin i dr. Moskva, Gos.nnuchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry. Vol.l. Pod red. A.G.Kosilovoi. 1958. 660 p. (MIRA 13:1) (Mechanical engineering-Handbooks, manuals, etc.) AUTIPOV. K.F., irzhensr- dnl-.tcr tekhli-~eskil,~ vrefeavor; BARYIOV. G.T.. in-herjer, R.D., ir,7~4!n-r: BERDICUV60Y. Tv.G.. BOBKOV, A.A., tr7.henar. M.A., kendidet nauk; KOVili. V.M., dnktrr skikh new)-, prefeesnr; V-6., doktor tek~-nl-hegki'-, nauk: icoslIADVA, A.G.. knrlldr-t Ir-l:--Tii~!hesklkh rAuk: LLURYPVT~i:,'V. 1-T.. doktor khimicheskikh nauk, Drnfessor; KURYLHEVA. Ye.'~., in-,'--erer; W-trilb, Yu.M., dinktor to~.:,7)irheskikh rtsuk, iDrnfecsor; KhYh?Vi~N. M-'i. , In7hener: NUVIKOV, M. kandidat te-khnic.-he zkikh npu~ P MY m inzhener- 9.14-. inzherer; ?0:1110V. -Ye'. i-Pav. knr,~*-P' tekhni~-hezkikvi nalik. io.- loktcr te.-chnicheskil-h. nauk, or-fessor: -',4bL)V. V-V.. k-8n6'L-,* -ek-ni- f-hobs"rikh aeuk: Z~AT.&-. te1rhnicheskilch naux, n-r 'er rt-r- 13 1 1 A.?.. ick:-cr -p:--!~rAcheskikh natik, orofesr-nr . ~P-wi -d Z;Tldi~-14UCE. V-G. , in 7 he n0r; f'3UX !It ~ YU - n7-'#)ever; in2her,er-, TS.&MIN, L. i. . ~-ener; SHUKHOV. Yu.'I. , VB-id tekhnichesirikh na0-; nAn~ ;.;. z - 1. , kandidnt tekhni,~bpWri'v, 1 VuLh(!V, S. 1. . kandist telc?i~-Irheskikh nnuLr: GO'HO-L)37z~KI,r, I do)rtor tekhnichet;kttr~ nmur, rrofessor: "I CSff~IN. A.Y. . Wz-17WOV, V.V. , kpr,' idnt tel hn i !herkikb neuk: z-AK-41 i i1, i nn-; LS,hY&V. A.I., dokt,)r tp~tn!,~-Avki)rh nBuk, nrnfp~:Pnr. lmrtdidf~t teVlinichesk-tt~?-. A.V., kandift, aruk; MARVAINAV, M.Yp., in7%erer; PANCILEUC. :71 'dF* sktk~ nalair. SPODWA;V. inzhener; STAYEV, X.?.. *~,C:~r-;id-], ~ni- chesicikh neuk; SYR iwherer; TAUR.-.. z"L'YAz-iWVA. ;ssr)UFkt -pvImicheskilch ngi2k-; (Contirtuad on oart AHTInV. K.F. ---(e~ontiniiei) Z~e re, GRA 14 u G rede Ict o r red31-tor- G-iiA--UJiC,j. D-V.. red-,'- ~Okuik'Vti. T.i. , t- [dei as& j 0-tse"n-lae 'miller's wnuall v dv,,ikh red.sovet v- i dr. Moctkv,3, Vol. 1. (Poi red. A.GrAasilnx -7a 10 L, . S84 1) . M-~A-iery Inii-tri)