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Power Transmission by Direct and Alternating (Cont.) SOV11386 Berlin.. Ye.M. Current Regulator for E-V D-C Ttansmission Lines 203. A current regulator, developed by_Tekbb~dro NRS'~md'instal3zd In'the Khshlra-Mscow d-c lineo proved to be-too'complidated-and not sufficiently reliable- because of the great nuder'of tubes reqdred' (about 20). An- other'type of current regulator ( a contiLidtless tYpe developed in'1944- by'Professors I.L. KagancN, and A.A. Sikovich) also was found unsuiUble due to its lag and nar.-jv zone of regulation (50*-60*). The author was commissioned to design a "tubeless" curmut I-agalator, which he'666pletfid in'1952. Experimental invasti6stions on it proved that the previous dial. advantages were removed. There are 5 diagrms and 3 Soviet references. Nelik-Sarkl B.S. InvestigLt.Lon of SkmUrg Devices for D-C Transmission Une s 210 Investigations were carried out by WIIPT in the YaLshirs-Hoaccv transmis- sion line on the use of shunting devices during repair of mercury xectifiersp and without interruption of electric transmission. Shunt rectifiers - -and shunt discon ctors were tested and approved for use in the Stalin- grad-Donbass system. There are eleven diagram and no references. card 9A3 Power Transmiss ion by -Dirent acid Alter-4ating (Cont - SOV/13W) Shekhtman, M.G. Electromagnetic Power of a Synchronous Machine Operating With a Itectifier as a Inad 225 The author explains the theorr of 0mchronous machines operating at, WA power against mercum-7 rectifiers., and discusses the conditions of operation of aynchronoas machims from the point of viev of -bbeir tlebtro- magnetic power. There P-oa two diagrams and no references. Mdpulina, N.A. Bridge System With (Apacitors Connected ia Series Th Circuit Windings of the Txwasfo,_mier 234 The author explains the theory and discusses the results of experi- mental investigmtior- on the above problem. There are 12 diegrams and no references. Mallganov, N.M. Basic Fee-tc-reas of a System With Beidge Converters Comected Through Capacitors in D-C Transmission Lines 255 The aigthor explains the theory and practical application of this system,.vhich consists in the possibility of comiecting bridge converbers to an &-a network not through transformers, aa is usually done, but through a bank of capacitors ( N.M. Mellgtmov holds author's certificate 110-105207, 1952,on this method). -There is 1 appendix, 16 oscillograms, and 5 Soviet refereaces. Card 10/ 13 Power Transmission by Direct, aad AlternatLig (cont. SOV/1W Uchinakiy, G'.S. The Possibility of Using Cable Paper in the Manufacture of Pmr Capacitors Fbr D-C Transmission Lines 282 The'author desdribes'a -method of reducing-Oft cost of capacitor batterie's- - -_ operating In ripple voltage circuits by using cable paper in their manufaci- ture. 'Cable paper costs 10 times less than conventlazal capacitor paper but-its electric-strength also is less'and therstors its thickness must be greater. Tn determining the cost of Eva capacitors the author drave on - the experience of the -bigh-voltage laboratory of LPI (leningradakiy poli- tekhalcheekly Institut.) where cable-paper capacitors for d-c and ripple voltages have been produced on a semi-industrial scale since 1938. The techni,aal"editor sugg4sts that plants manufacturing capacitors consider the author's results when pro4lucing capacitors for the above-mentioned conditions. He notes, however, that the cost X-Plationships advanced by the author cannot yet be considered justified owing to the lack of operating experience which wou3A indicate a long service life of cable-paper capacitors In comqwrlson with conventional capacitors. In his comparisons the author used 35-40 V/= as the working voltage density. There are 2 diagram and 4 Soviet references. Card 11/13 Powr Transmission by'Direct wd Alternating (Cant.) SDV/13* 0 ell Oinisov. Electrical Pwarme-tere of D-C TTwunission Lima With -cored:, ibtal-sheathed Cables 2" Me author obtainis'Awsign parameters and equivalent circuits of d-c treandsolon 31nes. ivnelsting. of *ingle-core cable with a viscow saft-rant and leM'or,aIwdnM sheathing. There are 6 diagram and 3 Soviet ref- MNT AL!PkMIATM CUT IroshchIMPITS ]~.Ae_ and 4i..-A.- .RDwovskI y. Static Stability of Long-distanoe Electric 2miudasidn-LLnes. With AvLx:L3tax7 Wnchronous Condensers 299 R has carried oub an investiption on couWarative stability of long distance transaissioii lime vith-and withbut synchronous condensers. The investigations were tarried out in the Stalingrad GES - MDacov line. 7he avitJors do.scribe the test's and their results. They mention experi- mentalwork'done b*,K.I. lazaebkov, V.A. Anreyukv A.P. Zhilin and A.V. 11andstrawo I.A. Xboov and Ye.F. Arzemstsev participated in develop- Ing the'stability ecigarlson model. 'There are 7 diagrams andL 7 ref- all Soviet evencesp, *Lrd 22,&3 SENA L.A.; PkIIMI,. AI.P.: FIIJDL!/.,'IM, R.M. I I Stildy of the quenching of the pilot arc- of a high-voltage mercury- are rectifier. Izv. NIIPT no.1:39-59, 157. (MIRA 18:9) - FANOVv ID. Electronics in the control apparatus of the productim processes* p.29* (RADIO I TEMIZIIA, 'Vol. 6, no, 2, 1957, Sofia, Bulgaria.) SOs Month2y List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 12, December 1957 Uncle PAITOVI I.V.,; ANTONINOV, V.N.; SOKOLOVx D.D.; ZAGU,%0,11-IYY, V.V.; OrbIEPNIlly S.Y.; OBYDM.IYYj P.T.; KOROBOVp A.S.p red.; KOYONOVI A,S,p red. izd-va; EIMMOKH, F.M.v tekhn. red. [Provisional.technical specifications for planning landscaping operations]Vrememiye teklmichaskie vsloviia na proektirovanie rabot, po ozeleneniiu. I)tverzhdeny prikazom po, II-Iinisterstvu kommmallnogo khoziaistva RSFSR No.233 ot 20 oktiabria 1961. Izd-vo M-va ko=un.khoz.IISFSR, 1962. 147 p. (14M 15:8) 1. Gosudarstvennyy institut po, proyektirovaniyu komunallnogo stroitel'stva. (Landscape gardening) GETSOVA, 1. N.; PANOV, 1. V.; BIEDN14GINA, N. P. Benzazola ani napthazo'L-,- series. Part 63- 2-cycloalkylaminonapth 11,2-djW.dazoles and theIr 1-and 3-alky-I substituted alerivati-ios. J'hur. ob. Nhim, 34 no.6.-2026-2029 Ja 164. (1111-ItA 17-,7'j 1. Uraltskiy politekhnichaskAy irstitixt. imeni Klrova. FEDNYAGINA~ N.P.; TYURENKOVA, Gdl.,:_PLflOV I.V. ~ I.. _4 Benz-and naphthazole series. Part 5: 5,6-dimFithyl-2- hydrazinobenzimidazole and its N-alkyl-substituted derivativr . Zhur. ob. khim. 34 no. 5:1575-1577 it, 164. OURA 17 0) 1. Urallskiy politekhnichesiiy institut imeni Kirova. ~9 PANDV, 1. V. "W"ting with bacterial fertIlizers. Zemledelie 4 no.12: 85-86 D '56. (NLRA 1022) 1. Inspektor Gookomiselt po sortotopytanlyu eel '9kokbozy9,v9tvsnrqkh kul'tur po Dnepropetrovskoy oblasti. (Pertilizers and manures) PANOV, I.T. . BONAGINA, N.P. Structure and pharmacological activity of 2-hydrR21ne balzesoles [with summary in En Wish]. Farm. i toks. 20 no.6:25-27 11-D '57 (MIRA 11:6) 19 Xefedra farmakologii (zav, - prof, A.Ke Sangaylo) Sverdlovskogo gonudarstvennogo meditainakogo institute i kafedra organicheakoy khImIi (savo - prof. I.Ya. Postovskly) Urallskogo Dolitekhnicheakogo Institute Iment S.Ne Kirovae- (HYDRUM. ral. cpds. 2-hydrazine benzasoles. structure & pharmaeol (Rua)) (HIM LIC COUNPOUNW, $ame) KHADZHIOLOVp Khr.; DOCHOVSKI, D.N.; PANOVj_Iv.,-,._PABADZHOV, L. Distribution, evolution amd forms of sil-icosis in the "Chiprortsi* mine. Nauch tr. vissh. med. inst. Sofiia 42 no.2:93-111 063. 1. Fredstavena ot prof. L. Tlvetkov, rukovoditel na Katedrata po khigiena s kliqika po profesionalni bolesti. (SILICOSIS) (EPIDEMIOLOGY) k"JAMN. X.v Ansh,; MIMOYNO A.-e Insh. Inti,oduaft Industrial building mothods Into housing construction. Zhil. st-A'~ nof 12:2-4 160o (MIRA 13 -. 11) rv (AlAttment houses) (Precast conerete'construction) red.; STARUKHIN, N.M., red.; DUBRAVIN, G.B.., red.; UA,27 PETROVAj V.V.#,4--va; NADMOVA, G.D., [Construction specifications and regulations] Stroitell- rWe norwj i prav-1.1a. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat. Pt.3. Sec.K. ch.l.[Apartment ard public complexes, buildings, and Aructures- regulations for construction organization and acceptancel Zhilye i obshchestvennye kompleksy, zdaniia i sooruzheniia; pravila organizatsii stroitel'stva i priemki v ekspluatatsiiu (S'NiP III-K. 1-62). 1963. 1.1 p. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvennyy komitet po delam. stroitel'stva. 2. Gosstroy SSSR (for Dubravin). 3. Mezhve- domstvannaya komisstra po peresmotru Stroitellnykh norm i pravil (for Panov). 4.. Vauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut organizatsii, mekhanizatsii i tekhnicheskoy pcmoshchi stroi- teltstvu Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Starukhin). FANOV, X.V. I Public inspection of technical progress. Tekst. prom. 25 no.12: 85-87 D 165. - (KMA 19:1) 1. Predsedatell Soveta Nauchno-tokhnicheskogo obshchestva Moskov- skoy kruzhevnoy gardinno-tyulevoy fabriki imeni Tellmana. I . PANOV,K.V. ;1 -1- Operation 'i eriodic repair of equipment in chemical plants. Xhim prom. no.6!FI74-Pl?Vje 147. (KLRA 8:12) 1. Glawnyy mekhanik Nluist*rstva khtmichemkoy promyshlennostl SSSR. (Chemloal plants) ~AW~I ~ - XCIVIII7,111111 A.Ke; LYROV, G.P,j FANOV, L.X* Limstigating the ruanIfestation. of rook pressure in the chamber and pillar system of minix~%* Vope goro davlo no~17113-18 t63, (Min ISO) 1, Kumetskiy nauchno-isaledovatolfskiy ugollnn institute S/124/62/000/005/014/048 D251/D308 AUTHOR: -P TITM: ?Aethod of investigating the potential flow of an in- compressible fluid around a wing profile of arbitrary form PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanikav no. 5, 1962, 29v abstract 4B149 (Godishnik Mash. - elektrotekhn. in-tp 1959 (1960) v. 6, no. 4, 191 - 211) TEXT: By using the results obtained by Kantorovich (L.V. Kantoro~- vich, V.I. Krylov, Priblizhennyye metody vysehego analiza, (Appro- ximate Methods of Higher Analysis), M.t-L. Gostekhizdatp 1952# Ed. 4, 446 - 462) the author gives a method of successive approximaticne, for obtaining the function which effects the conformal transforma- tion of the contour under investigation onto the unit circle. Examp- les of the calculation are given. 5 references. (Abstractor's note:1 Complete translationjo Card 1/1' -M S/124/62/000/005/013/048 D251/D308 AUTHOR: Panovp L. TITLE: The potential flow of an incompressible fltid around a wing profile of limited thickness and curvature PERIODICAL.- Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanikap no. 5# 1962t 29# abstract 5B248 (Godishnik Mash.- elektrotekhn. in:--t. 1959 (1960)v v. 6, no. 4, 223 - 225) TEXT; The possibilities are considered of simplifying the me 4-hod expounded by the author (Godishnik Mash. - elektrotekhn. in-t. 1959. (1960) v. 6, no. 4, 191-211) for a curved profile with limited thickness and curvature. Examples of the calculation are given for two forms of the win rofile. 3 references. [Abstractor's note: Complete translationi. P Card 1/1 S/124/62/000/005/023/048 D251/D308 AUTHOR: Panovt. Lo TITLE: The flow of an ideal incompressible fluid'around two parallel infinite circular cylinders PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Melchanika, no. 5, 1962, 51v abstract 5B318 (Godishnik Mash. - elektrotekhn. in-t. 1959 (1960). v. 6v noo 4p 213 - 222) TEXT: The problem is considered of the flow around two identical infinite circular cylinders of an ideal incompressible liquid. It is shown that this problem may be considerably simplified with the help of the simple conformal transformation considered in a previ- ously published work. In the transformed plane the me 'thod of Kanto- rovich may be applied to effect a conformal reflection with the aid of which the problem may be completely solved. The proposed method is especially useful in the case when the distance between the axes is*greater than twice the diameter of the cross-section of the cy- linder. [Abstractor's note: Complete translationi. Cdrd 1/1. I-- PANQV,-J4A------ - Applying the hc4ograph method for the study of the potential flow of an ideal incompressible fluid in a plane diffuser. Godishnik mat elekt 8:73-86 160. (publ. 61). -- Is- .---a PANOV, L-* - --- - - Potential flow of the incompressible fluid in a plane diffuser. - GodisWiLk mash elekt 9 no.3:61-70 161. (pubi. 162) PMOVV .Construction of a plane symmetrical channel by a given speed distribution. Godishnik mash elekt 9 no.3:71-82 161. (publ. 162) 1M FANGVp L. A. Extending applicability of a method for the Btudy of the potential flow around the wing profile of an arbitrary form. Godishnik mash elekt 4 no.3t83-94 161. (publ. 62) %~ ~PAMIO-V~- L. Potential flow in plane canals. Godishnik mash elekt 10 .no.3:25-40 161,(publ,162)0. -PAROVs LIA. Construotion wing profiles after a given speed distribution. Godi6hnik mash elekt 20 no.3:51-64 161 (publ*162).,., PANOV, L. 4A. Dimenslonb the plans radial blain wheal for hydraulic turbo,- machines. Godishnik suh elekt 11 no.U7344 162 [publ. 163] PANOV P ~L. ~A. Potential flow in flat symmetrical canals. Godinhnik mash elekt 12 no. 3:83-95 162 Lpubl. 163). 0. AUTHORs TITLEt 29849 IrD?- IL607 S/044/61/000/007/018/055 C111/022 Janov, Lyuben On a new method for the determination of the potential flow of an incompressible fluid PERIODICkLi Referativnyy zharnal.Matematika, no- 79 1961, 34, abstract 7 B 140- ("Godishnik Mash.-elektrotekhn. in-t"v 1958 (1959)o 5P no- 49 49-61) TEXTs Under the assumption that the fluid is ideal and incompressible, the-author describes a new method for the construotion of the potential flow for a great class of aviation profiles. Starting from two functions being inverse to the complex potential zi M g (w) ; z2 - 92(w) for known profiles flown towards by a flow free of circulations, the author constructs a new flow which is determined by the composed function Z(W) - z [gl(w)9 g2(w)] (2) Card 1/3 298 9 S/ 61/000/007/018/055 04~4 On & new method for the determination ... C111 0222 C In the region of motion the function z(w) must be unique and must sa-.1-isfy dz' the condition 7 wl W-OD - 1 . The case where the equation (2) has the form M Z(W) - [gl(w) - evw)i VP (3) whore m, nq p are positive integers and m + n = p ia considered in detail. As an example the author constructs a group of monosymmetric contours the geometrical contours are so that they can be counted to the group of oarryi-ng profiles. The equations of these contours are given explicitely; a formula for the determination of the velocity along the suTface of the investigated profiles is established. Concrete examples are considered and carried out up to the numerical results. Taking z 1 7 (w) - 71 [91 (w) + 92 (w)] 2 'gl 79-2 as the function z(w) then one obtains an result investigated in an earlier Card 2/3 29849 S/044j6l/OOO/OO7/018/055 On a new method for the determination ... CIII/C222 paper by L.A. Simonov (Prikl. matem. i mekhan., 1947). There are 3 references. [Abstracter's note s Complete translation.] Card 3/3 44 Irt-L U07 29850 S/044J61/0001007/019/055 C111/C222 AUTHORe .,Panov, Lyuben TITLEs Potential flow of an incompressible fluid in a plane nozzle PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal.Matematikay no- 79 19619 349 abstract 7 B 141- ("Godishnik Mash.-elektrotekhn. in-t",1958 (1959)0 5, no. 4, 63-76) TEXTt It is stated that, starting from the complex potential of a given symmetric contourt the complex potential of the flow of an ideal fluid in a plane nozzle can be obtained with the aid of the conformal mapping Z e . Here it is assumed that the consumption of the flow is given and that the velocity in infinity is uniformly distributed over the oross section of the channel. The author uses the method described in the pre- ceding article (abstract 7 B 140), he uses the known complex potential for the flow around simplest symmetrical profiles and constructs the flow in a plane nozzle the form of which is little different from the nozzles in practice. The equations of the flow lines and the equi- potential lines art given explicitly. Concrete examples are considered, Card 1/2 29850 S/044J61/000/007/019/055 Potentia.1 flow of an incompret3ible C11i/C222 the net of flow lines and the equipotential lines is constructed for an example. It in proved that a series of new more complicated flows can be constructed with the described method by a "summation" of known elementary flows. [Abstracter's notes Complete translation Card 2/2 YUGOSLAVIA/Soils Science - Cultivation, Improvement, Erosion. J Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., No 22, 1958, 100120 Author : Panov, M. Inst Title Soil Erosion in the Valley of the Krivolakavichka River Orig Pub Abstract Soils of the Krivolakavichka Riber's valley (southeas- tern Macedonia) are subjected to intensive erosive pro- cesses caused by the destruction of forests. Particular- ly important is the erosiveness of the left-bank soils. Here is developed a net of ravines, caased by landslides. Geomorphological characteristics of the region are des- cribed, and some applicationis for the afforestation of the eroded soils are indicated. -- G.A. Buyanovskiy Card 1/1 - 83 - PANOV. M. New West"European interstate organizations and the workers' conditioge Sots.trud 7 no.7:43~-50 J1 162. (N3M 15:8) (Europe, Western-International agencies) European cooperation) rope, Western-Labor and laboring classes) t PANOV M The catchment area of the Kriva Lakavica and Otinja Rivers. Bul- so Youg 7 no.3t69 Je 162. 1. Geografgki inatitut Prirodosl.-mat. fakult, Skopje. I I - I T),,~ 4" /, v / VI - PA#011. N. -~;! - =46-A . the Buropean Coal and Steel Comunity and the situation of the labor clase, Sots. trud no-5:47-54 Ybr 157. (Km 10114) (*rop,ea-n coal and steel community) - (Darope, Western-labor and laboring classes) ptk Soi-I e--osion iii Friva lakavica Valley, P. 13 (GJAS-NT Iy, Vol. -16, No. 1, lQ56 (niblished 1957) SO: Month Td-st of East European Accessions (EEA.L) LC Vol. 6, No. 12, 1957 'Incl. J Financial instruments of the European Common Market and the luropean Atomic Authority-. Fin. SSSR 19 no.4:80-86 Ap, 158. (MIRA 11:4) (Rurope.Yestern-Gustoms unions) (Euratom (Proposed)) PANOV, M. Financial a"cts of the activity of. the '"Zurop*~i-.n Coal and Steal CowRwity." Fin-SSSR 18 no-3:77-85 Mr 157. (MLRA 10: 5 ) (Awopean Coal and Stool Community) PAN0, M - A. . I ~ Sparzha :Asparaci9j. Moskva,-Sellkhozglz, 1952. 46 -o. SO: MAgnthlX List of Ruggian Ac"-,qqion-,;, Vol. 7 No. 2 May Y`54'. F-~, rxiv -, NI.A,l (ick-tor sallskokho-, naiik Intraspecific classificatlon of the cn.,mnon cz-.-4:>n fl~. ce-a L. I r Izv. TSUKA no.4:62-69 T 64. ( I -"; ;-,J ! 17 :-1 1 " 1 .1 1 1. Kafedra ovoshchevodstva Sellskokho-yaystvennoy ~ilalemil imeni Timiryazeva. LEVENETS, SAMMIN, A.M.1 SEMIKINO I.D.; KAZAKOV, V.E.; BFhfBINEKj Yi,'I.; PANYUKHNO, L.G-f; SVINOWBOV, N.P.; AVERIN, S.I.; SNlRNOV,-V.M*;., ZELENSKIY, T.D.-;~!AYKO- B.G.; TISHMNKO, 0.1.; O-KHRIMOVICH,- B.P. MARKELOV, A.I.; DANIIDV, A*M.;,.TISHKOV, Yu.Ya.; P~OV PETROV, A.K.;- VASILEVSKIY, P.A.; PASYUK, K.I.; NESTEROV, V.I.;. KHRUSTALI.KOV,'L*A.; GLAZKOV, V.S.; MAKAGONAN.G.; FOMIN, Me; TRISHCHENKOP V.D.-,- XqRZH, V.P.,- SUYAROV, D.I.; ARSEYEV, A.V.1- PAYLYUCKENKO, A.W.- ZHADAYEV V.G.; KONDORSKIY, R.I.; MOROZOVA, I.A.; KOCU.TOVP V.,V.j PRUZZHINER, Y.L.; MALEVICH,, I.A.; MkLIOVANOV,.D.10; ZAKOVRYASHIN., I.I.; NOVSKIY, I.S.; NOVIKOVA,- V.P.; GRISHIN, NON.; MOSKOVSKAYAp M.L.1 KORNEYEVp B.M. inventions. Met. i gornorud. prom. no.3s75-76 My-Je 164 (MIRA i7:10) L MVYJZOVA. L.S.. redekt-or; ROSLOV. 0.L. #N0& V WUM AMR 41 tat Men [Growing mushrooms] Tyrembehipents shospialonov. Moskva. Goo. Isd-vo torgelit-ry, 1956. 137 P, (KLRA 10:9) (Nuhroom) FANOV. Mikhail Alek ovich, imudidat sel'skokhozMstvvnnykh nauk; ~11111=14M gNgir YOM. -,redaktor; GURIVICH, M.M., tekhnicheskiv redaktor a M 70 [Perennial vegetable crops] Knogoletnie ovoshchn7e kulltury. MoskTa, Goo. Izd-VO Belkhoz. lit-ry. 1955. 126 p. (HI&A 9-8) (Perennials) (Vegetable gardening) AUTHOR: Panovj M.D. SOV/102-58-4-10/11 TITLE: The Consequences of Automation and of Other Forms of Technical Progress PERIODICAL: Avtomatika, 1958, Nr 1+, pp 83-81+ (Ukr.SSR) ABSTRACT: This is a.summary of the report of D.A. Morseq Director of the International Labour Organization, at Geneva~ june, 1957. Card 1/1 PANOV-t M. D. Uproshchennye konst.rukeii nekotorykh gidravlicheskikh pressov vepomogetellnogo nazacheniia (Vestn. Meah... 1951, no. 29 p. 16-18) Simplified designs of some auxiliary hydraulic presses. DLC: TN4.V4 SO: Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1953 PANOV, H.D. Report of the General Director of the International labor Organization D-A-Moree on automation ancl its conctequences, Avtomatyka no.4:83-B4 158. (MIBA 12:1) G4-utomatlon) PANOV-4-M. D. Packing (Mechanical Engineering) Using substitutes for non-ferrous metals in the parts of a gasket packing. Vest. mash. 31 no. 10, 1951. Sept ember, I 95~M 9. Monthly k:ist gf Russian Accessions# Library of Congress, Unclassified. PANOVP.M. D. IF-- I\-j:1 2. USSR (603) ?. Construction of Auxiliary Hydraulic Presses, Informiti-.)n Digest for Maching Construction, Feb 19.52, Moscow 9. Compilation of Information on the USSR Machine and Machine Tool Industry Contained in Soviet Publications. ATIC 101339-AB. 41MMMINOL, 1. SHMOV, P. v. , PANOT.M.D. 2. ussR (6oo) 4. Lathes 7. Wficient raDair of the lathes by mechanic. Vest mash No. 9 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, A-pril -1953, Uncl. PANOV, M. D.1, ENG. Extrusion (Metals) Hydraulic extruder GVv50-53- Ve6t- mash- 32 NO- 3, 1952. MonthjZ List ofRassian- Accessions, Library of Congress. October 1952. UNCL&SSIIPIIM. FANM~likh~ail ~r ~eyLch, kand. ekonom. nauk; PARTOSH, L.Z., rod.; --l RLKITINp I.T.v ttakhn. red. (Dissipation amidst destitution] Hastochitelletvo i roskoahl aredi nishchety. Ilook-va, Izd-vo "Znanie.." 1962. 31 P* ,Novoe v zhizni,, na-,-,ke, III Seriia: Ekonomika, no.7 (NM 115161 (04pitalla) PAYIOV Mikbail Dmitriyevidhq kand. ekon. muk; PARTOSH, LA., red.; HE-. red [Extmvagance and lumn7'among,po"rty] Rastochitel'stvO il. ro3koshl, sredi nishchety. Vloskvaj, Izd-vo wZnanie,," 19620 31. (NDvoe v zhizni, nauke, tekhnike. III Seriiat Mcorrmika, no97511 (MI*3A 15: 5) (Labor arA laboring classes) PANOV, M-F-I Btarshiy elektromekhanik We need the help of the factories. Avtom., telem. i sviaz' 5 no-5:41 My 161. (MIRA 14; 6) I.Ghelyabinskaya distantsiya signalizatsii i avyazi Yuzhno-Urallskoy dorogi. (Railroads--Switches) AUTHORS: vu,r-.s, M. F., Panov, M. G. 54-4-3/20 ----------- TITLE: Investigation of the Polarization Anisotropy of Molecules of Ortho-, Meta-, and Para-Dichlorbenzenes, Dibromobenzenes, and Xylenesby Scattering of Light in Solutions (Izucheniye waizotropii polyarizuyemosti molekul orto-, meta-i paradikhlorbenzolov, dibrombenzolov i ksilolov po rasseyaniyu aveta v rastvorakh). PERIODICAL: Vestnik Leningraskogo Univers-iteta Seriya Fizikii 'W-1i, 1957, Vol. 22, Nr 4, Pp. 14-18 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The influence of the position of two substituents on the optical anisotropy and the polarization tensor of the above mentioned compounds is investigated. The results are compared with those of an additivity scheme. The values for dichlorobenzenes and dibromobenzenes are -ssentially higher than the additive ones. This pheomenon is explained by the linking of the r-electrons of halogen with the l-electrons of the benzene ring. With xylene the obtained values are some- what lower than the additive ones. The latter is difficult to explain, but is, with reservation, ascribed to the induction effect. Card 1/2 InvestiCation of the Polarization Anisotropy of Molecules 54-4-3/20 of Ortho-, Meta-. and Para-Dichlorbenzenes, Dibromobanzenes, and Xylenes by Scattering of Light in Solutions There are 2 figures, 2 tables, and a' references, 3 of which are Slavic. SUBMITTED: March 27, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 PAYOV, X.G. Anisotro-py of pilfiri7abilit.7 dihydroy..vb,~wizenii itii~, r1trnnhc.,)ri1. nn bv sjf-tt.,~rine in unI!.itione. V-st. WU 14 . (Iii-ii. v:11) (Bonzone) (Rienoi) VUKS, H.P*; PANOV, H,G. Inveetigatingthe optical anisotropy of molecules of orto-, meta- and paradiablorobenzene, dibromobenzene, and xylene by aeattering of light In solutions [with sunmry in Inglish]. Vest. IOU 12. no,22: 14-18 157. (MIRAI 11:2) (Benzene--Optical proportion) Mlene--Optical properties) (Idght--SeRttering) -MOROV, V.V.t prof.; PAWOV M*I*,, starshiy naualmyy sotnidnik j Conservation of bmologous tissues and their climical use. Ortopoptraymei protez. 22 no,40-6 Ap 161. (KIRA 140.1) 1. Deyetwitellriy7 ablen AHN SWR (for Priorov). Adros avtorov: Moskva, G-a. Teplyy per.,, d.16, TSentrallw.,y institut travmato- logii i ortopedii. (TISSUES-TRAFSPLOTATION) (TISSWI-PRESERVATION) V. V., GoRrEm, -fu, S., PANOV, M. N.) FEDORENKO, N. V.., AFRO "Characteristic Energy Losses in Sing3e Collisions of Atomic Particles" report presented at the 3rd Intl Conf. on Physics of Electronics and Atomic nollisions, London, 22-26 Jul 63 ACCESSION NR% AP40356" 8/0057/64/034/0"*AMT/0690 AMOR: Gord"ov, Tu.8#,#'jNLimM0, Tr=% loalw4tion aid electrm attachment by hydMen ims In oollisions with gas. &,aecuiea ane! atoms SWIRCE: Murnal tekhnIcheskoy fialki, V.34, n0*5q 1964, 657-860 TOPM TAM Ionization, e1octron attachment, Ionization phenomena, Lou collision, nitrogen, argon, hydrogen ABSTRkCT-. The *room sectioLm for Ionization and electron attachment by I&A. and 2 "+3 iot%s in collisiom with R1,10 Nand A molecules were measured for incident ion energies from I to 40 MV, rxd t?; results are presented graphically apd are cam- pared vith those of other workers. The apparatus employed was devaribed by N.V.Fe-.'. 'dorenka, V.V.Afrozimov and 113%Kaminker (ZhTF 26,1929,1956). The Ion beam was se- lected ty a monochromator, defined by slits , and dix'veted through a collision Chan-: bar containing gas at such prersure that multiple collision@ could be neglected. :The cross.sections war* calculated f the total eleatzm current and the current of Ionizat gas moleculoa by neglecting the possibility of electron stripping from Card -ACCESSION NR-.A.P4035696 !the incident Icas by the gas moloculeso ffibstractorls note: The "potential method" by which the electron and Lou currents were measured Is not described in the pre- :sent paper.7 The seam adopted by the authors cited above were employed to slimi- nate edge effecti% I and measures were taken to avoid the effects of secondary emis- sion and reflectim of ions scattered from the primary bean. The error of the me&- surements is estimated to be 15%. The Ionization cross section increased monotoni-; cally with energy ~7ver the range investigated. 7be *results deviated by more than the experimental error from those of H.13.Oilbody and J.D.Hasted (Proc.Roy.Soc.A240, 382,1957) but agreed satisfactorily with those of several other groups. The calcu- lationo of D.R.Dates and G.H.Gritting (Proc.Phys.Soc.A66,961,1953) reproduce the proton hydrogen crosa sections satisfactorily for energies greater than 6 keV, but .-,,:the calculated values are too small at lover energies* This discrepancy Is ascribel to the use of the Boni approximation In the calculations. 7be electron attacluuent maxima in the energy range investigated, the maxima occurrire cross sections reached .at higher energies for the heavier Ions. The results agreed reasonably well with !those of other workers, with one exception: the cross section obtained for electron attachment by 9*2 from H,-j at 1. WV was considerably C.-vater than that reported by S.N*Ckmh arA W.F.Sakeridan (J.Cben.Fbys.2Gj,48Oj,1957). "?be authors thank ProtoNsW; CWd 2A ACCUSION ?8 Fedoronko and Y.V.Afrpsimm for advice and constant Interent In the "ork." Orig. art* b4iss 2 91gurooo ASSOCIATION: Jrixiko-t*~hulchomkiy Inatitut im.A.F. Iott* AN WOR Leningrad (Phycvioo-! technical Institute# MR), S=MrrrED: ObJun63 DATS Aft MayG4 ENCLI 00 SIM emus ME, NP UR REF GOVs 004 It 007 &rd 3/3 ACC 1W, a.5026~32 SOIMCE CODE: VR/0386/65/002/C)06/0294029-�--~, yu j AUTEOR: Afrosimcrr, V. Gordeyevr,, Yu. S.; Panovp Fedoreakb, Y. V., ORO: P~Xsicotecbnical institute im., A. c i &%%L F i Z ft, 0 - teklmichesMy-institut Akademii nauk'388R) -14 11 t5- 5-- TITLE: Ionization and scattering with characteristi c energy losses in.atomic coui-: sions SOURCE: Zht4rnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki. Pip1ma v redaktaiyu. Prilozbeniye, V. 2j, no* 6,-1965, 291-296 TOPIC TAGS-.. atonic plwsics, ionization,, collision cross,section, argon, krypton, neon V ABSTRACT: This is a.continuation of an earlier investigation (ZhTF .34, 1613, -1624- and 1637.. :L9&). of the elementary acts of,collisions between ions and argon atoms having kev.energies at impact. parameters smaller than the atomic dimensions, Where, it was found that:tbe spectrwn of the excess inelastic loss is not continuous, but consists-of relatively nerrow.discrete lines-, a%pumt vacku Tone- 6peczrum- of -the ~excess inelastic -loss -is not- continuousp but ~ consists of :relatively,narrow d.isIc.rete linesy the energies of which do not de- pend on the shortest distancebetween the nuclei# on the relative velocity of the- particles or on the-scheme ofthe elementary process by vhich the cbarge states are. changed. To determine the,,extent to vbich the observed phenomenon is.generalp-the ~.authors investigated collisions between ions and atoms of different noble gases. The measured excess inelastic energy loss R* for the Wet + Ar pair vas found not to de- card L-9298-66 ACC NRt P150,_>64.12. pend on the'- scheme, of. the elementary proceso.: Excitation of everal Ines was ob- served in Oei.investigatell, interval -of shortest distances between the nuclei. of'-the- col-liding particles* ~The region$ in which one R* line is excited and the ___J__ C L _92~6--6 ACC NR, -AF5026412 ofthe shortest distance, but,c4anges abruptly on going from the excit4tion of one haracteristic,,' line to.the-excitation of another. It is difficult at present to present an suwwbiguous: Interpretation of.Ue. observed effocts.-The explanation offered eaAler' based on ther'assuMpt-lon that -vacancies are produced 1n the Inner 'sheils of thii-collidii~k:~iiz~~ti~les.'and are -followed by Auger,transitions, in in poor, Iagreement vUb the experimental daita,' as are other hypotheses. Authors thank M- I Ya# Amuslya:forla discwslofi of;6ults and A. P. Sherxin and Z. Z. Let fdr elp -Vith some-,_oj!.t.he measurements.. . Orii- art-- sq. 3 figures- qcf,qc~', 11 T. ACC iM AP6004887 SOURCE CODE. UIV0057/66/036/001/0i23/0131 AlfrifOlt: Afros1movV.V.;~Gordeyav,Yu.S.; P3nmm-#-;.Fedorenko,N.V._ 60~ b1tG: Ph -tekh lea- ysicotechnical Institute in. A~.Fjoffe, AN SSSJJ, MninFt_Ld_itFizJLko ni C1 kiy insititut.AN-SSSIR) TITIZ: Ionization and scattering with characteristic energy losses In stomic collim- SOURM. Zhu _a1 tekhnicheskoy flziki,v. .36 v ixo* 1, 1966, 123-131~ TOPIC TAGS. Ionization ~.Anolabti kryptan c scattering , argon., noun ticl` excitation ef, e-collision, ion ene g7 rrgyl par i)~ eliea-~ "Th -.characteristle inelastic energy- 16,38as (energies carried off ABSTRACT., e trow~,And. riWiatl6h) previously `*n~estig.-%ted in Ar+-Ar collisions by ti)-., presen t w t ors,~~ (Ccwipt.. Rend, do' 9 V 1 1.4 tont., Int. Ph' n. VIOlkisato dans lea Ga ed,b 4, SE 1,411, K,'rls, 19:63; ZhTF ~ 34 ;1613 :1964;. ZhTF, 34 i( .1624, - 1964; ZhTF .34 16374 1984) and+ confir"t~xi*,~b~r'E'*Ev-erhiiii~et, al (Phyp'., Row* Lett. 14,,247, 1965'- phys. ftv 14. 484,.4966* N(k+-Ne r o'havia been' f urther investigated in Ar+-Ar, Kr+-k , old Net-Ar. collisions -at Ion on rgi Itmident 0 es,:pf 12 v 2 and 50 IWV, using the apparatus; wad techniques descriW .i in*,the'earlier' papers#:., Chsract~irlvtia ineleastic ewrgy loss T'Iinea" were obaei~vmd a 1 1% a va Ou"W'Al in -the earliet: Papers Charsct~irletlc _71ines were obsl6rviid - In' alit the- Inv6stigated systems'. . The tion of the -dif ie're -at "lines (occurrence odl the.difkerent 'Coed 1/2 ifiel Baltic eiwrgy loss probabilitleis for "ezoAt1R__,._ charactorisiiC energ?,.' ACC NR, AP60041187 losses) were n0arly Andepond.ent of the incident ion energy but depended strongly onthe 61stance of closest approach; the positions of the lines, hcveverg did depend.somewhat on the incident Ion energy. The curves representing the composition with respect to charge of the_scattorc~d particles As a function of scattering angle revev~led regions of.- slow and rapid change 6ssociated.with,excitation -of the different characterigtic lines,f and the differ6ntialrer6ss'.section deviated from a smooth curve at scattering~angleS associated with'ex rcIt at 1,o.n_of the characteristic lines. There was no simple,relation between the char6cteristic .8 !excited in Ne+-Ar collisiGIM, and those excited In Ne+-'Ne and Azt*-Ar co llis ions, fjoMr thls_tt is .concluded that, the. lines are, Inot to b6r ..ascribed to excitation any energy,. eve 9 ,characterist c of the isolated atms. u ties arts..po nte re nco, 1%tteMpta including the atteinpt-of i to miccount for - the*,' rimenta -,U'.Fano and W.;Lichfi~ 1965) ekpe ~(Pjiys Rev.:~.;~ett 627 rans - - argue rOs.u ts:by in-40king,"AugerA itioins. The skuthers in lavoi'of,th6ir earlier hS~Obtheb id z ita-tti4- 'ol -collectivd-vibrat ons'of the-blectron shells i1nVo V ng eft The . . ~RICISJNOV, V.V.; GORDEYEV, Yu.S.,- PANOV, M.N.; FEDORFNKO, N.V. .. . ionization and scattering in the characteristic energy losses in atomic collisions. Pis'. v red. Zhur.eksjer. i taor.fiz. 2 no.6.-293--296 S 1659 (MIRA- 18:12) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy ins4l-.itut imeni Toffe AN SSSR. Submitted July 29, 1965. AFROSIMOV, V.V.; GORDEYEV, Yu.S., PANOV, M.N.; FFDORENKO, N.V. Use of the me+.bod of coincidences in studying elementary events of atonAc colliLions. Zhur. tekh. fiz. 34 no.9:1613-1623 S 164. (MIRA 17110) 1. Flzlko-t9khnicheskiy institut Imeni loffe AN SSSR, lenLlgrad. - - - Z~M~W~w AFROSIMOV, V.V.; GORDEYEVp YuS.$- PANOV, M.N,; FEDORENKO, N.V. Characteristic anergy losses in static collisions. Zbur. tekh. ftz. 34 no.9:31.6)24-11636 S 164. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheakly Institut imeeni A.F. Ioffs AN SSSR, Leningrads I m AFROSIMOV, V.V.; GCIRIIEYEV~ Yu.S.; PANOV, M.N.; FEDORENKOJ N.V. Elementary processes in atomic collisions inv.ilving changes in charge states. Zhur, tekh. fiz. 34 no.9:1637-i644 S 16-' "jMIRA 17:10) 1. Piz tko-teklinicheskiy instItut imeni loffe AN SSSR, Leningrad. PANOV, M.P.; IVANITSKIYj Ye.A.; HEL114ICHLIK,, Ya.G. Practice of shooting wells with TShB torpedoes. Neft. khoz. 40 no.lt65-68 Ja 162. (MIRA 15:2) (oil wells-Zquipment and supplies) 11(0) SOV/93-58-9--10/17 AUTHOR: ivanitskiy.. Ye.A., Shvay, L.P. are. Shve-tv., A.P. TITLK-. The Production of Vertical Fract~ires by the Hydrz~:allr, Fracturing Process (obrazovaniye vertikallnykh tresh,~-hin pri gidro--aznme) PERIODICAL: Neftyanoye khozyaystvo, 1958, Nr 9, PP 56-59 tUSSR) ABSTRACT: This is the first part of a study of the dire,-15,ion of fract-ures produ ced by hydraulic fraoturing. -The study was carried out by the industrial department of the UkrV74IGNI Institute, The laboratory experiments were carried out on a unit which was desi&ied by E.B. Chekalyuk, an engineer, atad improved by the authors of 41.-.he present article. Th. e text gives a detailed des,,-ription of the experimental equipment whieh is shown in Figur:--s 1-9. The experimental results will be presen"t-led in "Neftyzu-ioye 1rh^,7vLQ.jrS.tVo, " 1958, Nr 10. There are 9 fi-gures. Card 1/1 FANDV, M.P. . _ Instrument for measuring deflections of wells. Izn.tckb. no.4,. 10-11 Ap 159. (MIR& 12: 5) (Oil wells--3~uipuent and supplies) P - -- - ME U (0) -;9v/93-58-10-9/19 AU7WR: Panov, M.P., Ivanitskiy, Ye-A., Shvay, L.P., and Shvets, A.P. 7=. The Development of Vertical Fractures in Itydraulic Fmcturing FO~razovaniye vertikallnykh treshchin pri gidrorezryNye) PEMODICAL: Neftyanoye khozyaystvo, 1958, Nr 10, PP 39-43 (USM) ABSTRACT: 7his is a continuation of an aAicle published in "Neftyanoye khozyay- stvo"19 1958, Nr 9. The present article presents the rttsults.of 16 fracturing operations carried out under laboratory conditions (Table 1). The experiments showed that all the nvVles developed vertical fractures, that 54.1 percent of the cises developed two fractures (Table 2)j, that the vertical and radial fractures were shallow, and that the fiactuxes developed in a vertical direct- ion in spite of an attempt to orient them otherwise. The development of the fractures in a vertical direction is in contradiction with the view of many authors who maintain that fractures must develop along the lines of the rock strata. 7here are 2 tables and 2 Soviet references. Card 1/1 SOV/93-58-10-10/19 PARM, K. P. VANITSKIY, Te.A.; SHYAT, L.P.; SHMS, A.P. 1-1-:'~-" - Vertical fractures formed by the hydraulic fracturing of strata (conclusion). Neft.khoz. 36 no.10:39-43 0 '58. (KRA 11-12) (Oil wells--Hydraialic fracturing) __ - - - -TaaUY-,_M.P.; IVANITSKIT, Ye.A.; SHVAT, L.P.; SHMS, A.P. Vertical fractures formed by the bydraulic fracturipS of strata. Neft.khos. 36 no.9:56-59 S 158. (MIRA 11:12) (Oil wells--Hydraulic fracturing) - h(4) c,'OV/115-59-4-6/27 AUTHOR: Panov, M.P. -- ---------- TITLE: A Device for Determining the Curvature of Oil Wells (Pribor dlya izmereniya krivizny skvazhin) PERIODICAL: Izmeritellnaya tekhnika, 1-959, Nr 4, pp 10-11 (USSR) ABSTRACT: When drilling oil or gas wells, various methods are used for determining the shaft deflection. Most me- thods are based on etching a glass plate by hydro- fluoric acid. The author and I.M. Chirko developed a new method for determining the curvature of wells without the application of hydrofluoric acid. For this purpose, a device is used, as shovin by A dia- gram. A piece of photographic paper, developed to full blackness, is installed in one chamber of this device. The chamber is then filled to a certain level with a mixture of hyposulfite and potassium ferricyanidS solutions. If the well temperature is below '?0 09 10 parts of hyposulfite solution are Card 1/2 used; if it is higher than 7000, 20 parts are re- SOV/115-59-4-6/27 A Device for Determining the Curvature of Oil Wells quired. In either case, 1 part of potassium ferri- cyanide is used. The effectiveness of the mixture begins 8-10 minutes after mixing and ends within 18-20 minutes. When the device is lowered into the well, the liquid will bleach the photographic paper according to the angle of deflection. The author developed a special protractor for a precise deter- mination of the well curvature. There is 1 diagram. Card 2/2 /,p AUZHOR: Fanovp-M* P*,, and Ivaaitskiy, Ye. A. 93-58-3-11/iT TZW: liesults of Introducing Cumilative Perforation and Torpedoing (Rezul'taty vnedrenl~,R kumulyativnykh perforetsil, i torpedirovaniya) MODICAL: Neftyanoye khozyaystvo, 1958, Nr 3, pp 45-47 OSSR) ABSTRMT: The article states that perforation vith cumulative perforators and torpedo es increased the yield.of oil. This method vas succeopfully carried out in a depleted oilfield of the Boryslav Petroleum Administration (NPU Boryslavaeft/). Fig. 1 gives the production curves before and after perforation with a PK-103 perforator. Fig. 2. gives the - ,pplication of a TK-FP-114 production curves before and after a torpedo. Fig- 3 shove the detailed design of a TK-PP-114 torpedo. The charge gear and the cutnastive perforators were developed by the Perfor,rator Laboratory of the Scientific Fesearch Institute of Geqnhysical Prospecting Me-thocla (Laborstoriya perfaretaii 1MGR) an& are currently produced in two modesl: PK-103 for 4600 temperatures and PK-103T for C;ard 1/2 93-58-3-11/17 Remdts of lutroducing CumiLative Perforation (Cont. ) texperatures up to +160". The authors conclude that in view of -the suc- ceesful experiment at the Boryslav ailneld ci=alative perforators my be reccmended for apening dense formtions and that'TK-PP-124 torpedoes increase the oil yield of dense sandstone fommuons. Miem. exe 2 tables and 1 figure. AVAMLA=: Library of Congress Card . 2/2 , M.P.; IVANITSKIY, Te.A. K7----7n;;oducing #uxulative perforation and shooting. Neft. khos. 36 no.3-.45-47 Mi '58., (MIRA 11:4) (Petroleum engineering) --v o , J,7r.-P PANOV, K.P.; IVANITSKIY, YO.A~. multlweli.ponstrations Drilling in fields of the Borislav Patroloun TrusIv. Naft. khoz- 35 no.11:47-49 N 157. (Mzu 10:11) (Borialav~regiou--Oij well drilling) PANOV M.P, inah.; IVANITSKIY, Te.A. Processing of yield graphs of deep wells exploited periodically. Neftianik 6 no.2-.10-13 F 161. (N3RA 14:10) 1. Promyslovyy otdel Ukrainskogo nauchno-isaledovatellskogo geologo-razvedochnogo institute (for Panov). 2. Glavnyy inzh. Neftepromy*vogo upravleniya. Borislavaeft' (for Ivanitskij). (Oil fields--Production methods) PANOV, N. (translator]; KARTUZOV, P. (translator]; SOCUROTA. Z. [translator]; MRYM, TIO.S., dotsent [translator]; RTUTOV, D.a., kand.takhn. nauk, red.; CHICHKOT, N.V., red.; SUDAK, D.M., tekhn."d. [Ninth In%ernational Congress on Refrigeration; collection of "portal IX Keshdunarodnyi kongress kholods. Sbornik doklaaoy. Pod red. D.G.Riutova. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo torg.lit-ry, 195P. 197 P. (MIRA 12:7) -1. Nezhdunarodnyy kongress kho~O'da. 9th, Paris, 1955. 2. Woo- ratorlya tekhnicheskoy informatjoii Vsesoyusnogo nauchno-isslado- vatellskogo instituta kholodillnoy promyshlennosti (im.A.I. 01koyana) (for Panov. Kartuzov, Bocharova). 3. Leningradakiy takhnologichookiy inetitut kholodilinoy promyshlennosti (for raffyiev). (Refrigeration and re-i'rigerating machiuary-Congresses) PANOV N. ~-. . In the North Atlantic* Vrapel 11 no,4:16-18 F 148. (MIM 12:9) (Dry docks) i* i-fo 419 0 0 0 0 00 0 00 00 4 b sk 27 X Jq a is v 13 jd J6 A, A, a J, a a a _A_J Got 00 a Dellammum at t" U011- a of the liquid prod- :1 . ucts of s"Wde-ftlil Lrdad- N. Pantiv- itud 1, ?1 0 Dudisikoy. Sborpsik '~J" /awdd im. Akatt, 1 - * 04 : im. Rrlelat. Zkm S. V, Lebedcto 19311.30411; A* N g0$ 0 a 4. L4(1100)~Thc drins. Ymm inade by hnnitm z I =00 conts.thesuliptance (htut%A to a 41crillite trillp.) in fo i wr le d i Th l bt l . tic (11 . sine were: e va un o elcr' va or n) r p j y 7 ' W 1044"; , + 2 X 0.04001143 X 0A ) C - 0 374 41.6 ' 8*0 ) C - OAXIM + 2X OAMAK14 fof litimary IWOJI (b. 110.6 00 + 3 ,: 0.00MCIII; for jec-DuOll (h. I I(I.V) C - 41.6"1 . + 1-1 x O.M"V+3 XO.WXKk)1241'; forsm-AmOll (b. ' OARKWO1211 4101M 3 2 2 0 see x ; 138.1 ) C - OW , + X + sit for 361chtCO (it. 79.9') C - 0.4242 + 2 X IMOOLS11 + 0 0, 3 X 0.(KQO(U4Cxlv: for llugO (b, 140.5') C - 11.2 1", 1- 2 X OJIMMI + 3 x OAMIXOr"s. W. R. lictin ( too, :a LITINAIURC CLASSIORKA16016 ' :7 7 9 u IS AT 10 to W a a a W a x a a it @I An L 1 0 no 2 " v 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 o IRA ' A v Al 29 a b A? a of a a 0 411 a J~ I A A 4.4, f4mos Caffiallants of the III traction u"d Ow f -"Wkaft J P&mw. _Jkwuib rpudep Otylotop Zaroda in A kdd. S. 1'. woe & 004 me* LIV bm: =d filtiervd. gave do OARX). s'simw 1xv-Ure Ov see ;:"im (at UP) 7-3 cal. pet g.. livat valwilY of 160.S* C 0.3746 + 2 X CIANO". mol. wt. goo 180. W. R. Ilron see goo woo "e* 800 too LITHRATUNt CLASSIFICATION IF smooth) .10 woo Twf- u IS AV 1j, tf 0 0 0 0 o I q S 'ICOI/62/000/020/012/040 B159/B101 I p 4UT HORS:~. Ukaloy D. Panov' N. p Sumerska, tl.,o Ro"Dev, St. TITLE:7- Zxazinazian,or~cartain nitro-durivs.tives of &roaatic~. nee idl. Khimiya,* n6*;~ 20v PERI ODI Oil lkeferativ;xyy zhuri 1962., -149v~ abstract 2~ '(Dokiad BOIA AN, 'V-. 140 6tA961P 811-81.4 [summary in TEXT: 3- r,4 tro -4-a 3-nitro-4-mmethoxy-( T 5-nitro-4-chloro-(Mo have. &:possible -and, pharz~odol iza riAiobi ol 6,'ji cal, 0g !,:!activity- are obl;ained whe'n, aromatic mdzioaryl' SMbstituted'itaid-inos are ziltratid. At >., V C, 51 aillimole$ N-pheuylberzamli d-.11ne are added to 40, ml HNO (d 1-52) band after -1.0 min 3 0 oured out'in "ey a OH,~giving IV, yield 69% , Mqp 0 1 p an wesslof- old4l. 68 C (froML&lCoh'Oj); hydrochloride (Hd)-,~'m.p 207-2090 Ci,fxom aldohol) hydrobromi'd lm) mi. P'.' 236-238'00 Srom alcohol) ; h~,droiodide asp& C_(f 223-2240 rom aqueous coki0i) ~ptc'rate pMOP* 162-163oCj anilitte-forayl Card 1/2 ,1.101-,--,Vjp L;.. m-lov, 11. -:, Nvtuio~- ~ Syril-Ilosis of rmno T.-Itrya. -suhgtituted imildinor of thlazim~-3-ca-boxi mviies. Doklady BAN Yl no.6. 41-1/7-580 '164 1. Vorgolilf"t voll A. Sra~!."Ov Npa3ov, A.],, kor.,-. !"Itg1led der Akn6cmio, BULMRIA ROBEV, So, BAIrEV$ I*, FANOV, No, InstitutO of Radiology and Radiation H~Cricne' S o'f i a "A Study of tho Radiation Protection Induced by 3-39-Dithlo-Bis-Propio 'Widinoll Sof ia, Do%lady B61garg.1toy-Madcniii Nauk. Vol 19, No 11., 1966, pp 1035-1037 Abatract: /Russian artIclq7 The authors showed recently that aome of the newly synthesizod 1-1-aryl-sub3tituted aromatic amidines omhibit clear radiation protection effects In bacteria (St. Robov, S. Todoxov,, DoM, AN SSSR# 132, ~1960i 1201) and Inmammals (S00, O*&ej, I* P-1OV, St. 411ohov, Compt., rend. Acad. bulgo Scio, 15p 1962, No 6, 613). Thoso and othor roslults point to t1ho possibility of increasing the radiation protection offect by means of functional groups in compounds containing sulfhydryl or a poVential sulfhvd2~vj and amidinc, groups Consequently,, tho prosont wor's, Irvestigated i'n 662 whito miqe the radiation protaction supplied by the 3-39-dithio- bis-proplo amild~,no, and tho effects of antagonism and zynergisn, vith adrcnalin and 4examothoniumo Results show that the dbovo compound exhibits e-'zcOllent radiation protection affect ovon during supralethal irradiation doses. It Is c;oso to the str1ingth of radio protaction observed with cysnaminee Othar combined applications of propioamidine and with .1/2 Panov, N. A. UX-ray charts of acute interstitial pneumonia in inj'ants ona month 71-d", Trudy v! Vsesoyuz. sl-yezda det. vrachey, posvvashch. pamyald prof. Filatovd, Moscow, 1948, p. 160-63 SO: U-3264, 10 April 1953, (Lf.-topis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 3, 1949) FAITV N A (prof Respiration Roentgenokymoggraphic study of pulmonary respiration in infants. Pediatriia, no.,2,' 1952 1952 9. Month List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congressy August -XVn, Uncl.