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MR41*1 11 i - -- -- , Rl' M., NOW umm, -One the ef "C'ma arg-tvc-ts I .- 20 CV, A -IN cg f sIvOY s n t% DIC YUDAYEV, N.A.; PANKOV, Yu.A. Incorporation of radioactive pregnenolone and progesterone into corticoeteraids by hog adrenal homogenates. Vop. med. khim. 9 no.5*.507-514 S-0 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. laboratoriya biokhimii gomonov i gomonallnoy regulyatsii protsessov obmena Instituta. biologicheskoy i meditsinskoy khimii AMN SSSRI, Moskva. FANKOV, Yuriy Vasillyevich; MESHKOVSKAYA, M.., red.; KUZNETSOVA, A., ~ I I I .-I tekbn.--- red. (Mechanization of conveying operations in an enterprise] Me- khanizataiia perevozki gruzov na, predpriiatii. Moskva., Mo- skovskii rabochiip 1962. 4,1 p. (MIRA 17:2) PANKOV. Ye.V. (Sverdlovsk); KIIYIIKOV, V-N-, dotsent (Sverdlovsk); --" "--- t1j~,0.511yov, V.14., karid. tekbil. ,auk (Sverdlovsk) Highly productive operations Of aclaSS4,4cation yard. zhol. dor. transp. 47 no-5:38-22 My 165. WmA is%6) 1. Glavnyy inzh. stantsil Sverdlovsk-Sortirovochnyy (for Pankov). AWOVOV, VIndimir Andreyovich [docorisodj; YOUZLOV, Valentin Georglyevich; MXQ1J,,.Ycvgeuiy Vavil!.Yovicb; VASILIYEV, V.K., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., retsonzent; 4UTATBLIJ)ZE, S.S., doktor tekhn. nauk., prof., retsonzent; SERDYUKOIT, S.A., nauchn. red.; SERVO, Yu.I., red.; CHISTYAKOVA, JR.K., tekhn. red. [Marine condenser plants] badovye kondensatsioraqe ustwiovki. Leningrad, Sudpromgiz, 1963. 489 P. OURA 16:12) (Marine engineering) (Condensers (Stem)) ,J~A OV ov) I~q ~K. SKOBLIN, A.P. (Kharl], Revievs. Ortop. travm. i protez. 26 no.6:P3-84 Je 165. . (MIRA 18:8) pANKOV, Ye. Ya. , Cand Med Sci -- (diss) "Nerves and arteries of the thymus in man and in certain animals.- KharIkov, 1960. 12 DD; (Khar'- kov Medical Inst); 200 copies; free; (KL, 25-60, 139) GORDIYENKO, V.114-, kand. med. nauk; PANKOV, Ye.Ya. Konstantin Feliksovich Elenevskii (1864-1942); on the 100th anniversary of his birth. Ortop., travm. i protez. 26 no.l: 83-95 Ja 165. (14IRA 18:5) 1, Iz Ukrainskogo instituts, ortopedii i travmatolcgii imeni M.I. Sitenko (dir. - chlen-korrespondent -11414 SSSR prof. N.P. Novachenko). Adres avtorov: Kharlkov 24, Pushkinskaya ul., d.80, Institut ortopedii i travmatolOgii. ~L 02326-67 ACC NR: AR6023338 SOURCE CODE: UR/0299/66/000/003/1~,032/~,-032 UTHOR: Pankov, Ye. Ya.; Gollobenko, A- L- C.2 fill ITLE: Morphological changes in a bomotransplant with deep freezing OURCE: Ref zb. Biol, Part II, Abs. 3Mi96 REF SOURCE: Sb. Aktualln. vopr. kliniki i lecheni-ya ortopedo-travms.tol. bollnykb, Kiyevo Zdorov1ya, 1965, 270-273 l C TAGS: tissue transplant, bone, freezing, morphology ABSTRACT: Bone from cadavers frozen at -700 and stored at -300 was investigated histomorphologically in 3 to 7 days, 2 to 4 weeks, and in 2 to 7 mos. In 3 mos the bone surface become rough, and in 7 mos the bone acquired a brownish color, cracks appeared, and the odor changed. In 3 mos the osteocytes started to lose their staining properties in tbe area. of the interea.lary laminae; then the empty matrices of"tbe osteocytes formed diffuse fields with small groups of staining osteocytes remaining intact near young osteons and the subperioateal zone. In 3 to 4 weeks nonuniform staining was observed in various osteons, the intercalary zones, and periosteal areas; this gave the preparations a spotty appearance and was most clearly seen in 3 to 4 mos. Staining for Card UDC: 577. L 02326-67 C NR- AR6023338 sled their absence in a free state 9-t- sulfated mucOPoi-ysacebarides reve arly determined only in the 9.11 periods of bone storage; they were cle preserved their 'uniform cartilage. Endosteal arid periosteal 06118 d did not undergo deformation* staining for a prolonged period an nous cell shadows In 5 to 7 MOB in place of the endosteal cOllso bomoge with poorly differentiated nuclei were found; the periosteal cells stained more clearly* N. S. ZT-ranalation of abstract7. PANKOV, Yu.A. - .--- --.- ...... Method of determining 17-oxycorticosteroids in peripheral blood plasma. Sovr. metod. v biokhim. 1:341-346 164. (MIPA 18:5) YUDAYEV, N.A-.; PANKOV Yu.A..,, Bioaynthesis of 17-hydroxy- and 17-deoxyeorticostagido ~ry the homogenates of the pig adrenal cortex from 4-C *-pro- gesterone, 21-r,14-pregnenolone and 4-CI4-pregnenolone. Biokhimiia 29 no.4:707-715 il-Ag 164. (141RA 18:6) 1. Institut biologicheskiy i meditsinskoy khimii AM14 SSSR, Moskva. PANIKOVY Yu.A.; GODJB, O.P. .......... ion. Protecting titanium alloys from high temperature gas corros Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; cbern. met. 8 no.2:118-124 165. (141RA 18:2) 1. Ukrainskiy zaochnyy politekhnicheakiy institut i Kharlkovskiy inzhenerno-ekonomicheskiy institut. Yu. A. Cand Chem Sci _ (d_iss) ,protection again'st -PAITIKOV9 rbonization in the annealing of steel." oxidation and deca (tlin Higher an& secondary 5peciali7,ed KharIkovj 1960, 17 PP, r lied. Banner State Education UkSSR. KharIkov order of Labo . Univ im A. IA. GorIkiy), 150 COPies, (KL, 31-609 140) MIR, R an -a M ME 74 - v pw 0- Eng-g-, WIN:" pip fflm A'~og-" os! Y/i PANKOV, Yu.A. (Moslvia) Some data on chrangges Ir2 acLrenall cortex function in animals durLng 0 - the develop-ment of stress. Probl. endok. i gorn. , no.6-.3-6 I-D 163. (MIMA 17:11) 1. Iz laboratorii biok-himii gormono7 i gormonallnoy regulyatsil biokhimicheskikh Protsessov (zav. - prof. I-I.A. Y-adayev) Institute. biologicheskoy i meditsinskoy khimll. (dir. - prof'. V.N. Orekhovich) AM SSSR. FJLNKOV, YU.A. (Hockva) Chemistry of ACTH and the regulatory mechanism of its secretion. Uop.sovr.biol. 47 no.3:347-361 MY-Je '59. (MM 12:10) (ACTH chemistry & secretion, regulation, review (Rus)) APINOORNOVA. S.A.; DRUZHINIIU. K.V.; PANKOV, Yu.A.; IMINA. L.G.; KR OVA, MeAt '.. Gonference on the biochemistry of corticoateroids and their use in . linical practice. 5 n0.51393-397 S-0 159. a (MIRA 13:2) (STEROIDS) PANKOV., Yuji. I:w a to-certain action of intact and denervated adrenals in dog atimilating substances. Probl. dndok. i gom 7 no.l.,11-16 161. (MM 14:3) ("HEM CORM) PAIFIXDV, Tu.A., inzh. I M - - Protection of steel from oxidation and decarburization. Izv.Tys. u*ebosave; chernemet. no.8:61-69 Ag 158- (MIRAn:n) j 1. lbarllwvskly ekonomichookly institut. (Steel-Metallurg7) (SlagY 10 TUDAYEV, N,A~tptjlll~~~' Porterls method for determining l?-hydrn%vcorticostmroidn in peripherel blood. Probl,endok. i gorm. 4 no&2:35-42 Hr-AP 158 (MIRA 11:5) 1. Iz la'borstorii nervuoy i gormonRlInoy regulyntaii biokhimicheskikh protsensov (zav. - prof. N.A. Yudsyev) Instituta biokhimicheskoy I meditsinskoy khimii (dir. - prof. V.N. Orekhovich) AMN SSSR. (ADRENAL CORTEX HMIONES, in blood 17-hydrozycorticoateroide in peripheral blood, modified determ. method (Rua)) AFIGRIWA, S.Ao~j DIWZHININA,K.V.~=KHOVA, M.A., PANKOV, 'fu.A,, RODINA, A.I. YWAYEV. N.A. (Moskva) Bi,)synthenie of corticoateroide by adrenal sections of various ar.imals, [with summnry in English]. Probl.eudoke-, I gorm. 4 no-3:3-11 MY-Je 158 (MIRA 11 : 8) 1. 1z laboratorli nervnoy i gormonallnoy regulyatsii biokhimicheskikh proteeseor (sav. - prof* N.A. Yudayev) Tnatituta biologicheskoy i meditainskoy khimii AMN SSSR (dir. prof.' V.N. Orekhovich)." (ADRENAL CORTEX HORMONES, metabolism synthesis in adrenal slices of various animals (RUB)) TUDAYEV, N.A.; ~~ ~Yu- Biosyntbesis of corticosteroids in vitro with normal and denervated adrenal glands of dogs. Probloendck*i go:rm* 7 no.,2:18-23 161. (MM 14:5) (A*DRKNOCORTICAL HORKOIM) (PROGESTMWNE) (ACTE) PAN-KOV, Yu, A. (Mogkva) Some data on the inf2uence of the higher nervouv activity on the adr nal cortex. Probl,endok.i gorm. 7 no.3:3--9 161. (MRA 14:9) 1; Iz leboratorii nervnoy i gomonallnoy regulyptsii biollii- micheskikh protsessov (zavo - prof* F.A. 2-ayer) Instituta biologicheskoy i meditsinskoy khirdi (dir. - prof. V.P. Orekhovielh) Jum SSSR. (ADRENAL CORTEX) (NERVOUS SYSTER) PAITIEDY, Tu.A, Penicillin ointment in the treatment of infectious imratocenjuncti- vitis in sheep. Vaterinariia 32 no.12:36 D 155. (MLRL 9:4) l.Glavay vaterinarnyy vrach Kusnerskego rayon& Udaurtakey ASSR. (SMMP-DISKLM) (ZYZ--DISUM) (PANICILIN) TUDAYEV, N.A. P.ANKOV, SURIKOVA, N.P. [deceased) (Moskva) Effect of cold and of aseptic inflammation on adrenocortical secretion in rabbits. Probl.endok. i gors.,3 no.1:20-24 Ja-F '57. WaA 1o:6) 1. Iz laboratorii nervapy L garmoua2lnoy regulyateii biokbimicheakikh protseasov (zav. - prof. N.A.Tudayev) IuBtituta biologicheskoy i meditsinskoy khimii (dir. - prof. V.N.Orekhovich) Alcademli meditsin- ski" nauk SSSR- (ADRKNAL CORTEX HORHONES, physiology, secretion, e~ff. of cold & aseptic inflamm. in rabbits (RUBD (99LD, effects, on adrenal cortex hormone secretion in rabbits (Rue)) (INFLAMATION, experimental, aff. of aseptic inflamm. on secretion of corticosteroids in rabbits (Rua)) PANKOV, YU.A. (mosima) 117- Corticosteroids secreted by the adrenal into the blood in rabbit [with sum-ry in Ingliob, p.1241. Probleendok. i go-m. 3 no.1; 31-34 ja-7 157. (KLRA 10:6) 1. Is laboratorti nervnoy i gormonRlInoy regulyataii biokhimicheakikh protsessov (sav. - prof. N.A.Yudayev) Instituta biologichookoy i maditsinakoy khImU (dir. - prof. V-11.0rekhovich) Akademil meditain- AM na uk SSSR. (AMINAL CCR.TZI HCRHONBS.'in blood, in rabbits (Rizi)) USSR / Human and Animal Physiology. Internal Secretionj Adrenals. T Abs Jour : Ref MIT - Diol.) 110 4) 19A ZiO- 70394 Author : Yudayev., 11. A.; Fankov) Yu. A.1; Surikova, N. P. Inst : Not given Title : Changes in the Secretion of the Adrenal Cortex in Rabbits under the Infbaence of Cold and Aseptic Inflammation Orig Pub : Probl. Ealola-inol. i Gormonoterapii, 1957, Vol 3, No 1, 20-24 Abstract : In male rabbits weighing 2.5-3.5 kg, kept every other day at a temperature of -8 to -12 degrees C. (duration of the experiment was 11-36 days), the content of hydro- cortisone (I) in the blood increased from-36.1 to 163 go-A percent., while in rabbits with experimentally induced inflammation after 1-7 injections of 0.2-1 ml/kg Of turpentine., the I increased to 2V-3 ganma percent. The content of corticosterone (II) di- ot change (the values Card 1/2 UWR / Human and Animal Physiology. Internal Secretion,, Adronals. T Abs IT01w : P-Of Zhur - 33i0l;,~ NO 15, 19A NO- 70401 Author : Pankg, Yu.,A' ."'Y n Inst 6V'9-iv&-M Title : Cortioosteroids Secreted by the Rabbit Adronal into the Blood Orig IVb :Frobl * ETdolcrinol. i Gormonoterapii, 1957., Vol 3, No 11 Abstract :In the blood flowing from the adronals (but not in the arterial blood nor in the blood takon from the inferior vena cava below the point at which tho renal veins enter), seven corticostoroids vere detected. Of these, idontifi- cation was Lmdo of hydrocortisono, aldostorono, axyl corticostorono. Provisional idontification vas Made of 19-oxy-11-dooozycorticostorome The other corticos- toroids could not be idontifiod, Card 1/1 YODAYEV, N.A. (Moskva); PANKOV, Yuk. (Moskva); DRUZHIN-1-11A, X.V. (Moskva) Method for determining corticosteroids in the adrenal glands and in blood learing them. Probl. andok. i gorm. 2 no.3:100-109 Mv-Ja 056. (KIRA 9:10) 1. Iz laboratorii nervuoy i gormonalluoy regalyataii biokhtmichaskikh protsessov (zav. - prof, N.A.Yudayev) Instituts biologicheekoy i meditsinsko.v khimii ANN SSSR (dir. prof. V.N.Orakhovich) (ADRENAI GLANDS, hormones. 4term. in adrenal glands & blood method) (BLOW adrenal cortex hormones, daterm, method) AUTHORS: Vodoplyanov, TITLE: Measurement of the in'rigid foam at hLgh PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vyssh~kh no.2, 1962, 8o-82 37717 S/139/62/000/002/012/028 EllVE435 Pankovi Yu.D., Korobov, A.I. dielectric constant and loss angle frequency uchebnykh zav -edeniy. Fizika. TEXT: Rigid Jfoat-us used presently in radio-communication apparatus have dielectric constant nearly equal to unity and a small loss an-le. This makes it difficult to measure their characteristics 44 at. frequencies as high as 300 megacycles. The:authors evolved an improved variant of.the resonance method for mejasurements at .Lrequencies 270 to 330 mega 'cycles by using variable resistance. A high frequency signal generator was fed from a stabilized voltage source and connected to a measuring circuit comprising a remote controlled capacitor made of circular discs in air with vernier adjustment, and a thick silvered tube. The galvanometer was' eIonnected through a high frequency detector to a loop -;'reakly coupled inductively with the measuring circuit. The measuring circu*it had provision for shunting the capacitor by a non- Card 1/3 S/139/62/000/002/012/028 Measurement of the dielectric ... E;14/E435 inductive resistance made of nichrome and copper wire. The generator frequency was adjusted for resonance with the $atilple elamped-between capacitor plates. While frequency was held constant, the capacitor was adjusted to achieve resonance without the sample in circuit. The dielectric constant of the material was determined from the ratio of thicImess of the material to the distance betwee~n'the capac:Ltor discs in air at resonance. The tangent of the loss angle was calculated as a product of frequency, capacitance of the sample and of its equivalent resistance. T'he equivalent resistance was determined by measuring current in the circuit at resonance with and without the sample, and thirdly with the calibrated non-inductive resistance in the circuit. Assuming-that loss current through the-dielectric is very small and choosing sudh value of the resistance that the difference between currents in the circuit, vrith and without the resistance, is also small a simplified calculation is possible. Results are shown of measurements at 300 megacycles on polystyrene and polyurethane foams with different foaming agents. The method isras proved to be good for measurements at 300 megacycles 4nd more, Card 2/3 4. S/139/62/000/002/012/028 'Mcrasurei;ient of the dielectric ... with an accuracy of 104 in-the tangent of the loss angle-and 0.4% in the dielectric constant.' There are 3 tab-les. ASSOCIATION: Issledovatellskiy fizilco-tekhnichoskly institut pri Gor1kovskom gosuniversitete imeni N.I.Lobachevskolgo (Physicotechnical Research Institute at Gorlkiy State University imeni N.I.Lobachevskiy) SUBMIT-48D; February 6, 1961 Card 3/3 VODOPIYANOV, K.A.; RANKOV, Yu.D.; KOROBOV, A.I. High frequency measurement of the dielectric permittivity and loss angle in foamed.plastics. Izv.vysucheb.zav.;fiz. 2s80-82 162. (HIRA 15:7) 1. Issledovatel'skiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut pri GorIkovskom gosadarstvannom universitete imeni. Lobachevskogo. .(Plastic foams-Electric properties) L OVJ08-67 1WI* (!)/Mfr (M)/M- (a) IJP(o) 00141 ACC NRt AF6003412 SOURCE COD_ -r-,:-~ii/0'139/66/ooo/oO3/00"1'/()Olig- 2 AUVOR: ran1tovp Yu. Do ORG: Gor')dy Research Mysicotechnical Institute at the Gor'k State UnivqraA~y~ I~L. -t f ix. . - i _1 H. 1. 6.1. skiy fiziko-iek-hnicheskiy institut ~r -Gorl ivs]~65m-g-&-sbRversitete) TITLE: Concerning the dispersion of the.dielectric constant of an inhomogeneous di- electricx~ SOURCE: IVUZ. Fizika) no- 3. 1966., 44-49 TOPIC' TAGS: dielectric constant.. electric capacitor., electric conductivityp dielec- tric loss, dielectric material, manganese compound ABSTRACT: The purpose of the investigation was to determine th~e effect produced on the dielectric constant of a substance by evenly distributing inhomogeneities. A one- dimensional model of the capacitor is con6idered, with a continuous distribution of the dielectric constant and of the specific conductivity over the thickness. It is assumed that the applied electric field is much smaller than the fields due to the, inhomogeneity of the sample., and causes no essential change in the dielectric constant or the electric conductivity. The continuity equation is written for such a model and used to derive expressions for the dielectric constant and the loso-angle tangent of the inhomogeneous dielectrico The case of the dielectric with exponential distribi- tion of the electric conductivity over the thickness of the sample is presented as an Card 2/2 L 09368-67 ACC NR% Ap6m4i2 example of the calculationsp and it is shown that this case Sueen well with experi- mental resUlts obtained for films based on manganese oxidc.P,-,The frequency dependence of the effect is discussed and it is pointed out that the frequency dependence of di- electric characteristics can yield information both on the degree of the inhomogeneity and on the inhomogeneity distribution, making it possible to use this method to in- vestigate inhomogeneities in a solid. The author thanks I.. A. Xarpovich for interest in the work. Orige art* hast 5 figuresp 20 formulasp and 1 table. SUB CODE,. 2D,, DOI sum DAiE.- o9ju1Q/ on; REP: oo2/ oTH m,: oo6 PANKOV,, Yul.P,,..,,. Experimental investigation of an independent torsional spring suspension. Av-t. prom. 29 no.7:15-18 J1 163. (MA 16:8) 1. Bryanskiy zavod dorozbnykh mashin. (Motor vehicles--Springs) ~YNU i~ KZ Using electro-nic dete-min'r; optim--T-71 sti-act--ral Parameters of a torsiona-1-sprin- susnensicn and trailer vibrations. Avt. 31 no.1:16-lc~ Ja '64- ("A'RA i. Brapskiy zavo(l dloroz~Aiykh umshin. USSR / Soil Scionco. Fertilizers. Organic Fertilizers. Abs Tour: Rof Zhur-Biol., No 2, 1959, 6090. Author Panlkov,.Yu. V. Inst :"DT6t--g`!v-&ji."' Titlo The Proper Utilization of Fertilizers by Light Ohostnut Soils of the Buryat-Mongol Autonomous Socialist Ropdblic. Orig Pub: V. sb.: Matarialy po izuch. proizvodit. sil Buryat-Mong. ASSR. Vyp. 3, Ulan-Udo, 1957, 511- 514. Abstract: Experiments carried out for many years by the Onokhoyskaya Selective Station showod the high effectiveness of manure when applied to the fal- low under grain _Dlants. The incroaso of the wheat crop from half-rottod manure under ==or double plowing amounted to 40o, from fresh man- Card 1/3 30 USSR Soil Science. Fortilizors. Organic Abs Jour: Rof Zhar-Biol., No 2, 1959, 6090. Abstract.4 ure it amounted to 48%, and from the joint ap- plication of manure and mineral fertilizers the increase amounted to 53% in comparison with the crop grown on an unfertilized fallow. The man- uro placed on the fallow has also a boneficial offedt on subsequent plants, Studied also was the effectiveness of the compost prepared from ordinary manure and an admixture of 2-3% of P. This compost, according to its effectiveness, yiolds little to manure introducod in a double dose. Nitrogen and Phosphorus containing for- tilizers have a fundamental significance for the raising of grain crops on light chestnut soils. Potassium fertilizers do not raise the crop of grain plants, but they should be utilized under vagetablos, potato plants, tobacco plants, and USSR 'oil Soijncu. FjftIiiz-rS. urguiuu Abs Jour: Rof Zhur-Biol., Yo 2, 1959, 6090. Abstract: faed roots. Under conditions of the Buryat- Mongol Autonomous Socialist Sovict Republic, the groatost offoct is givon by minoral fortilizors applied to tho fallow undor summor troatment, in comparison with thoir introduction in the spring under pr-,-sowing treatment of the soil (in viaw of tho arid spring). -- L. D. Stonov. Card 3/3 31 WIKOV TV. V USSR/soil science . 14ineral Fertilizers - looo62 Abs JtLur 2hur DiOl-) 110 22, 1958, uk panlkav) 11 state I%rricultural Station# Zuryat_jA-.)jlrplia FrperineLAS Vith Fertilizers '.on the Title Results of the the Fxperimm3tal station. BoC;,Y Soils of 1957, vyp. 2, OriG pub Tr, DLxyat_MonC (ps. 45-54 ,sti(ptions I conauctecL in years of va- since 1949) '11v on the Widerproductive chestnut 80ils rious moistures icatea that the lar.,,;est adL ".0lia, 'I'd bt,ine& by the use of ,D.r nurya' -1431 C -vest 's tiOn to th~' vIleat hal :) 13% - 10) and 1RK (16 nineral fertilizers (1,11 t,) the bueXwhcat barvost, by [Lila the larcc,at addition pitassiM, the use of 14 0%) ancl of card 1/2 j,,Ntyovj yu.V., starslAy nauc,]--nyy sotrudnik Fallowing in the Buryat A.S.S.R. Zemledelie 8 no.6:85-87 Je'60. (MIRA 13: 10) 1. Buryatskaya gosudarstvennaya sellskokhozyaystvemip-7f- o;-7tmia7a stantsiya. (Buryat-Mongolia--Zallowing) PANKOVA, A.;SIBXK, V., doo. Therapy of juvenile bleeding. Cook. gyn. 251391 no.1/2.65-69 Mr 960. 1, Gyn.-por odd. v Praze-Notole, prodnosta doo. MUDr. V Sebek. (PUBARTY compl.) (MANORRHAGI& AND MITHORRH&GIA in adolescence) 1we-16-th-a* PrOTiV;;ST,- M. r ' 3S,1"LA.~,T No abstract. A Carl- to 11 If Is 14 If kly 4 K~r u it I 1-u It 00 1 32 0 AD a AD V A of a 41 41 AD -L-J-1- .00 .00 for the removal Of 16111hors from 10-1- 11014, Viscous ma VII "'OtIt. PAW1611 ADO :30 0 tcol' 111 .1 ow% ;MD. I , (,Kill file flail, i& IrIldrisill 1101KIk1y *Ud (1'.. 1300 jil'ir fly 11%01 ing It with 111clal oxidelihilch 14SC&LOOt 'kill'. I 00 fly e"llwflillic it Into the WWI lllyrrwl Cory. too L A METALLAIRSKAL LITIRATURC CkASSWICATION ISO.. 119111li'j" boo bo* u a AV to As ad o 0 0 .1 or w 5 Go** 0 0 0 0 VASILIYF.V, V.K.. PANKOVA, A.A. Result of a study of dihydrostreptomycin paraaminosalicy:Late activity in vitro and in vivo. Antibioti;-4 6 no.5:390-392147 161, (MIRA 14-7) 1. Otdeleniye eksperimenta-11noy patologii i terapii (zav, V.F. Chernysliev) Institut4t tube~kuleza Ministerstva zdravooklu-aneniya RSIW. (SALICYLIG ACID) (STREPTOMYCIN) L 3150-M Mfr( I) ITISE 1; -3 IJPW i-COESSION NJf'.'-- -VA/0368/65/002/005;/9475/04P 771-533 4W Kalinkina OLhu*Qya A. N Pankqyp,.,_A. A -luvairovao Vt~. 1;,,. Shpollokly) M.M."', ITITM. NIKFI photographic, materials for spectral analysis in the ultraviolet region of Oe spectrum t_ . /7VA-t- ISOURCE: Zhurnal &ikladnoy spektroskopii, v. 2, no. 5, 1965, 475-478 TOPICTAGS: uv spectroscopy, photographic dmulsion ! uv photography, photographic material, ABSTRACT: The authors describe briefly the assortment of photographic materials.developed for the registration of the ultraviolet region of the spectrum. The spectral sensitivity of the materials and the dependence of the contrast of the emulsions on the wavelength of the applied radiation is reported. It is shown thAt emulsions having a high content of silver halide exhibit an.increase in the absolute sensitivity of-the layers In-the ultraviolet region of the spectrum Card L .1150-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5016O54 .....icompared with the visible region. The deviation from the reciprocity I law for prolonged exposures is determined for some types of emulsions. iThe-resolution of the material is claimed to be sufficiently high leven in thecase of the coarse-grain emulsions UFSh-O. A table isummarizing the characteristics and some of the ebaracteristic curvesl are included. Orig. art. has: '4 figures and I table. 1ASSOCIATION*6 VsesoyuzMy nau0no-isaledovatellakly kinofotoinetitut (411-Union 'Scientific-Research Inetituto.. of Hotion- Picture. Photograp%,j - ~, _>,,~ ENCL: 00 U33 CODE: ~_W, OP NR REF SOV: 004 OTHER: -000 Card f/2 ---- -- ----- - N-:2 ACCESSION-M - AP401,3038 S/0Dn/64/009/0O4/0286/(X!88 AUMORS: Kalinkina, T. A.; Xovanova, A. U.; Fankan A. A.; Sukhodrov, X. K.; Uvarova, V. M.; Shpollskiy, H. R. TITLY.: NMI photographic materials for the vacuum ultraviolet region of the opoctrum and their characteristics SOURCE: Zhurnal nauchnoy i prikladnoy fotografii i kinematografii, v. 1, noe 4Y 1964, 286-288 TOPIC TAGS: ultraviolet photographic film, film characterictic,, film sensitivity; silver halide, / ISP 22 spoctrograph, DFS 6 vacuum spectrograph ABSTRACT: -The solution of marW problems has been hampered by the lack of hoto- graphic film sensitive to the vacuum ultraviolet (UF) spoctrum (~,