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Ionospheric Researches; Collected (Clont.) SOV/5743 Kerblay, T. S., and Ye. M. Kova3av&,v, a. Correlation of roF2 1-11th Solar Activity Indices 22. Driatek V .1. ,_iy4- -j Processes in the Lower Ionosphere in High - Ui titiides During the Solar Flara or Fobruary, 23, 1956 27 Felldshteyn, Ya. 1. The Vootural B'Layer According to Obsor- vations at the Dikson Island Observatory 34 Pankratova, 11. S. Irregular Phenomena in thp F-Region of the 'lo-n-o-s-pM-er-e--A-c-co-r-d:lng to Observations at. the Dikson Island Observatory 40 Cherenkova, Ye. P. Certain Regularities in the Behavi.or of the Lower Ionosphere Over Dikson-laland 51 Gorbushina, G. N. On the Use of Single Reflections for Evaluating Absorption In the Ionosphere According to Obser. vations at Dikson Island 60 Card 3/5 (4 Ionospheric Researches; Collected (Cont.) sov/5743 Struin 1 0. N.,and Ya. 1. Felldshtayn. NondeviatIng Absorp- tion of Radio e,-,ves in -the Auroral Zone Gusev, V. D., and S. F. Kirkotan. On Certain Anomalies Duxing an Liveatigation of Ionosphebl~ Drifts' : Rapoport, Z. Ts. On the Question of Determi ning the 1113000 Coefricient Likhter, Ya. I., and 0. 1. Terina. Certain Rooults on In- vestigating the Intensity of'Radio Atmospherics (Strays) at Moscow hodlonov, Ya. S. A Possible Method or Determining Erfea- tive Reccmbination Coefficients and the Rate of Ionization in the Ionosphere Zakharov, V. I., and Z. K. Shibayev. Effective Recombination Card V 5 66 77 83 go 95 (con t. 30V/574? Ionospheric Researches; Collected Coefficient in the Ionozphare According to Ob3arvationB at Dikson Island Observatory AVAIL-ABLE: Library of Congress 100 Card 5/5 11-7-61 AP7004251 (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0106/67/000/001/0058/0066 AUTHOR:' Pankratova Pshenichnikov, A. P. ORG: none TITLE: Results of an analysis of the daily average traffic flow distribution cover the Moscow City telephone network SOURCE: Elektrosvyazl, no. 1, 1967, 58-66 TOPIC TAGS: telephone system, telephone nbtwor4, telephone exchange, telephone traffic, telephone traffi=Hm ABSTRACT: The results of an analysis of the intraexchange intramain exchange and interexchange traffic over the Moscow City telephone network from 1946 to 1963 are presented. The concepts of the coefficient of intraexchange communica- tion and the standardized factor of range between the subscriber and exchange equipment are used to determine the principles governing changes In traffic flow during the development of the network. Some considerations are offered leading Card 1 / 2 UDC: 6 21. 3 ACC NR: AP7004251 to future planning of traffic flow. The authors thank Ye. V. Markhay and G. B* Metellsicty for their help. OrIg. art. has: 7 figures and 4 formulas, [Author's abstract] (NTI SUB CODE: 17,~SVUBM DATE: 03Jun66/ORIG REP: 004/ i-Card 212 PANKRATOVA, 0,L Calculation of clusters of lines with a mixing selector using an effective access-technique. Elektrosviaz~ 17 no.7.-63-69 J1 163. (MIRA 16:9) (Telephone) PANKRATOVA., 0.1. m --`~ Evaluation of the quality of telephone co=nmications bunched conductorn with rigidly clamped rogistera. Blektrooviazi 16 no.6: 64-71. A -1622. (14:,RA 15:6) (Telephone) GUTTSAYT, Z.I.; KRAVCB3NKO, V.A.; NIKITIN, N.S.; PANICHEVA, A.G. Prini- mali uchastiye: GOLIDSHTMU, R.I. - PAIffaff OVA, O.M.; SAGAKEKAYA, V.G, KCRYAGIN, I.D., kand.ekonoLna~a. 2; ~.~ [Petroleum industry of the capitalist countries of Western Burope, the Near, Middle, and Far East, Canada, and Latin America] Reftianaia promyahlennost' Impitalisticheakikh stran Zapadnoi Evropy, Blizhnego i Sredno,-,o Vostoka, Dallnego Vostoka, 1~anady i Latinskol Ameriki; kratkii obzor statisticheskikh dannykh. Pod red. I.D.Koringina. Moskva, 1959. 302 p. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Moscow. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut nanchnoy i takhnichaskoy infox-mataii. (Petroleum industry) BARK, S.Ye., red.; VIDGORCHIK, D.Ya., red.; KACHURJ. O.Yu., red.; RAVICH, M.B., red,.;, TSIKEFd4kh, L.Ya., red.,-J~~%~~TOVA, O.M.P ved. red,, -"91c, (Use of gas in Industry) Ispollzovanie gaza v promyshlen- nosti. Moskva, 1962. 109 p. (MIRA 16:10) L. Inatitut tekhnicheakoy informataii I ekonomicbeekikh issledovanly po neftyanoy I gazovoy promyshlennosti. (Gas as fuel) L 31124-66 F_WT(j) IJP(c) At ACC NRs AP6011454 SOURCE COLE: UR/0109/661011/004/0731/0740 T. B. AUTHORs Flyagin, A.1 Pankratava, ORO: xione 13 TITLE: shaping trochoidal electron beams in long-optics systems SOURCEt Radiotekhnika I elektronikap v. 11, no. 4, 1966, 731-740 TopIG TAQ5.- SHF tube, electron beam, electron field interaction ABSTRACT: The results are reported of a theoretical and experimental investigation of the shaping of trochoidal electrozVbea= in crossed E- and H-fields when the -T-Meir rotational energy is high; the electron velocities have small spread En electric field is constant, and the magnetic varies slowly along the electron-optical system. The results of numerical solutioa of the equations describing travel of electrons in the shaping region are compared with the results of calculations based on an adiabatic approximation. It is found that the above systems permit shaping trochoidal beams having Mgh rotational energy of electrons, low drift speed, and small velocity spread in the beam, & v/vay --s U%. The experiments have shown that there are no dynamic processes in the beam if the cathode is operated under limited-temperature conditions. The relative velocity spread depends on cathode conditions and remains constant throughout the intermediate region. The adiabatic Card 1/2 UDC: 539.124.18 L 31124-66 ACC NR, AMIU54 approximation yields reliable results even with fairlyi abrupt change of the magnetic field, &R/Hav*O 0.25. IlThe authors wish to thank I. It. B12yvas for hia help in solving. pf 6blems on a special analog computer tr-~19 - art. has 1 '8 figures and 4 formulas. 1031 SUB CME t 09 SUBM DkTEt 09Dec64/ ORM W71 008 CMI HF: 002/ ATD PRE'~'Sis* lq;? -11 card 2/2 'L 13156-66 EWT(lYEWA(h) ACC NRs 17 AUTHOR: _G -A. V.; G*11denbet& A. 1~.; GrigorlIM L~~ P.; 1. M.1, Pan- j Orlavap I kratova2 To BV Petelin I_ M ONG: , Gorl.~iy Scientific gS!Le=ILMSIigpb."ICA_Inatlt.Ute-(Gorlkovskiy mucbno.. issle o eltskiy radiofizicbeskly inctitut) LITL T 3: Induced synchrotron radiation of electrons in cav!tv rq&2DjjM SOURCE: Zhurnal ekeperimentallnoy I teoreticheskoy fiziki. Pialma v redaktat". Prilo7heniye, v. 2, no. 9, 1965, 1130-435 TOPIC TAGS: microwave technology., cavity resonatorj microwave plasma., Ttaser radar AMSTRACT: 7he authors describe the elements of apparatus (Fig. 1) aimed. at in- creasing the1ortal Induced synchrotron radiation power by increasing the volume of tb "aetive medium" (cross section of the electron beam or the volume of the nonequilibri, Amk ragnetoactive plasm),, through the use of quasloptical electrodynamic systems of the "open" type. Some results are presented of observation of coherent synchrotron radiation of helical electron beams In "open" cavity resonators of sufficiently large volume. Self-excitation (generation) of electromagnetic oscillations at; the electron gyrofrequence (magnetic field No - 3200 0e, % - 3.4 cm) was observed in a resonator constituting a 20 cm section of rectangular vaveguide (TEO].., mode). The electron beaj was introduced at the maximun of the electric field from the end, through a waveguide biased beyond cutoff. The second, open end of the cavity was connected with a large- section waveguide used to extract the energy and to serve simultaneously as a collect. LCord 112- L 13136-66 ACC NRt Ar6oM41 Ito 5 or. Me pirtrer of the generated radiation in- creased monotonically with Increasing electron 4j~~VrrajrrrTyli rotattion velocity and with decreasing longi- tudiral velocityp and also with increasing electron currents At to szo o3fl (tD = radiation frequency,, con = electron gftofrequency) the Fig. -1 1. ___ BobIematic- diagraIm of os- power obtained was 6 w at current 80 ma and 1clUator using induced electron beam voltage 8 kv~, while at w - 2N the synchrotron radiation. I - Cath- power was 190 w at 320 ma and 19 kv. Further , ode increase in paver was hindered by difficul- i j, 2- emitting surface., 3 - ties in cooling the generators. Furthermore, Ianode, 4 - resonator, 5 - high- a gyroresonance discharge was produced in the fresuency powez outputp 6 - col- ;lector,# B - static magnetic field. residual gas in the apparatus with cD to N. . - - - --- - - . . The same causes kept the electron efficiency from r eaching the theoretically predicted value of 19%. In experimental. maser models with troeboidal electron beams and traveling vaves, the efficiency reaches 10-15%. Orig. art. ban: 3 figures and 1 forwaa. SUB CODE: 2D/ sm Dms 098e;63/' OTM. REF: OD7/ OTH FSF: 004 Card FLYAGIN, V. A.; PANKRATgAr-T-.--e. R"rimental study of methods for the formation of trochoidal electron beams by photographing electron trajectories. Izv. vyo. ucheb. zav.; radiofis. 5 no.5-956-962 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Nauobno-iseledovateliskiy radiofisichookiy institut pri Gorikovskom universitete. (Electron optics) entina Grandmother SmirnoTa. Rabotnitsa, 34 no.3:26 Mr '56. MELL 9:5) (Smirnova, Sydoklia, Semenovna.) PANKUTOVA V.G. (g. Kalinin) is shkole no. 3:26-31 Ngthods for the aPPrOximatiOn of areas. mt,v (Km 9:8) m7-je 156 ipathematics--probleus,.eXereises. Otc- -,-- - - ,-PANIWTDV-',t V.G.; POIDIKO, 10.3. (kalinin) Some means for raising the efficiency of algebra lessons in the 6th grade. Mat. v shkole no. 6:31-35 V-D 160. (IMRA 14:2) (Algebra-Study and teaohing) ACC NRI A1)7005110 SOURCE CODEZ uR/0079/66/036/00.9/1702/1705 RAZUVAYEV. G. A., MED_ATOVA., V. -N. Scimtific-Reacarcb-Instit uto nf* 'Xhemis~g under the Gorfkiy State University imeni N. 1. Lobachevskiy (Nauchno- isDol t6l IS Cly 3. in pri or ovs com gosu arsfvoiihon idiiivorsitote) ",Photo- and Thermodecomposition of Diphonyq C!I(*ium in Organic Solvents" Moscow, Zhurnal Obshchoy Khimii~ Vol 36, No-9, 66', p~ 1702-1705 Abstracti Those renctions wore investigated either in an atmosphere of dry nitrogen or in a vacuum, The photoroactions wore carried out in quartz tubev irradiated with IN light, and the thermal reactions, in molybdenum glass ampoules. The photoreactions wore carried oub in dioxano and in benzone, and the. thermal reactions, in benzene with and without platinum black, on heating at 215-2200C for 75-80 hr. The photorcaction between diphanyl cadmium and dioxano resulted in the separation of metallic cadmium. The phenyl radicals form benzene, capturing hydrogen from the solv6nt. Irradiation and heating of benzene. -s.olutions of diphenyl cadmium resulted in decomposition and the separation of diphenyl and cadmium, Interaction with benzene was observed. There was no exchange of phonyl radicals between benzene and diphenyl cadmium except, in- significantly, in the case of thermal decomposition in benzene. The-homolytic photo- and thermodecomposition of diphanyl.cadmiUm follows a course similar to that q~ the-dec moosition of diphanyl zinc..''* has '3 formulaso Cins., 38,97Y TOPIC*TAGS: organocadmium compound, thermall decomposition SUB CODEt 07 / SUBM DAM 06Jul65 I-ORIG REFt 012 OTH REFt 002 UM 541.144.8 011 j1j 7 TEPLITSKAYA# Ye.S.; MALAYA,, L.P.; MIRGORODSKA)l I A.K.; SHEYKO, Z.A.; KOCAX, TS.I.; COIFOVA, U.S.; GIRGORASH~ N.G.,-. PANKRATOVA., S.; GORUCHEVA., L.Ye. Spedies of dysentery pathogens en6ountered in 1959 in cet-tain regions of Dnepropetrovsk Province and their.sens#ivity to.theclysenter'y bacteriophage and antibiotics. Vrach. delo no.9:11~r118 s 161. (14IRA 14:12) (DNEPROPETROVSK PROVITCE-SHIGELLA) (RAGTERIOPHAG8) I . (ANTIBIOtICS) ACC NRi AT6036937 SOURCE CODS: UR/0000/6 6/000/000roD,7301~8 I AUTHORS: Guzman., I. Ya.; Faakratoval V. S.; Makaroval T. S.; Vinogradova, L. V., Logacheva, N. S. 01t: none TITLE:' The influence of some technological parameters-on the manufacture and properties of cellular carborundum. ligl~t-weight refractories SOURCE: Nauchno-taklinicheskoye obshchestvo chernoy metallurgii. Moskovskoye Vysokoogneupornyye materialy (Highly refractory materials). Moscow, Izd- vo Mletallurgiya, 1966, 153-158 .11 TOPIC TAGS: carborundum, silicon carbide, silicon, refractory product ABSTRACT:' A method for obtaining light-weight, cellular carborundum refractories made of P -sic, Si20N2,and SiO2 is described. This investigation supplements the results of L Ya. Guzman and V. S. Morozova (Ogneupory, 1963, No. 12, 558). The method consists of the adding an intimate mixture of SiC '+ Si to an aqueous HCl solution and of subsequent firing in carbon-containing media in a GO + N2 atmosphere. The effects of the silicon composition and grain size of the mixture, pH of suspens:ix and the firing temperature on the properties of the finished product were investigatei The experimental results are tabulated. It was found that the best results were ~~:ACC NR,-AT6036937 at pH 3--4p a moiature contont of ouriponnion of 140%, and an Si content of LO%. Ilie optir=m firing temperature was found to be 1300--lhOOC. On the basis of the above results,, a pilot project for the*manufacture of refractory bricks has been initiated at the Podolsk Refractories Plant. O-rig. art. has: tables. So CODE: l1/ SUBI-I DATE-z 02Nov65/ ORIG REF: 002 C rd -2/2 I C M PANKUTWA Iffect of fertilI28rS on the development of benthonic fauna in vimba-chalcalburnus nursery ponds. Trudy probl. i tem. sov. no*7: 46-51 157. (KM 10:4) (Peakupis Valley--71sh ponds) (Fertilizers and manures) (Fresh-water fauna) PANMTOVA, V.ra. Tendipedid larvae of some rivers of Krasnodar Territor7. Trudy Zool.inat, 26:365-374 159. (MIRh 13:5) (Krasnodar Territory--Ghironomidae) I Among the titles and authors of p.;~rs and other expected je~rticipmnta at the 1~ - ~IeteMtioml Ccrgr in ef U=olt ~ in YAVsm. Wlacgnaln, . 20-25 are the followirZ: USSR rAMVSXAYA, r. S. , XmIlningrad CclIeZe of FlaherW, Kaliningrad - 'The role or blob q.~tic plants L. troplj!c CytIes of fresh -ter bo"es" OCRMIIOV. K. V. . AstrakhAn Statie Fe,erv%tim, kham - "The role of cs!ll-ulose tact,.irla An tra in biolorleal. produzti~-ty of ~_ter bodies* IVLEV. V. S., Sematopal DlclcGical Station ize,nl A. 0. Kc~levO-~r, r.-%~OtcP02- - The tramformticn or enirV on the Meb,st tmphlc larels of' a rroductf- p.-Ccess' ac~' 0. fish productlm* LNeview m;--, sessicn 1-17 KORD3 Virm Vlt.Vyt~, Lebomtori of Forestry, Ace-d-:rr or Sciences MSS - ~rhe trcm~hlc of water bodies vn differe-no au~gez of their histcrlml derelopcvnl~* KRWII;S. Y. V.. raccht" D-iAm-nt, T.Cific Institute of Ymc-Ine nstery and O~nac~rv;hy "Ca the ccone-tim of fl -icg dc~m of Young flab of red -I- vIth 0~-, cmc.!!-!= it a I..". KR=V, Yevs-ray mkhaylvech, E-I~tkft Depeumtcon-, T4~cjfjz or )~&rlne rlstt.-7 and Ccvsmc,.--4;rv - --e of a d1nensim of ad=ssl= of red "L~_ 7roduaers en the pbcs;h.-, regl=e of .;.I-_-r.X lmkes' vi-M-Arsal, Serrvy lzatIt.te a' Hicro- Biolq7, Acalettf of' Sz.-t=t. ISSI - `Zhe role of mLcrocrgm~%Lsw in -he deztr4cticm of crgazile ub.mmces in a ~zter bcdy" a-,,I, Prccvsj~s, re "-to --I lI=olcg...I microb1clorzical' fPler.~,- Sesai" IV7 XMIW.A. . ambloILa -tutim, Gmn, A-rcerlan =R .;t4d lz~itti= but has hot seat-t-4 ;,e;~z7 V Zool~.iczl Imstitutet Acde=~, -0. the or temdl;e_~ds lmu,~ (wron-Idae) in comn-ectim vitb thet ecndltl=s of exictenct' RASKPOV, I. X., Iabo~_tcry of Li=olca. Ac*At,7 of ScLeones U-ZI - "C= the mIn concepts 8r.1 dIrec*lc" err hrdrobvt~v in the So'let V.Icn* RODINAt A. G., Zoolcgtcml Instituteo AcAde,:Qr of Sciences L=R - IL=C!~Iclcgr Of the detrl" of lakes" ROCS=1.0. L. L., ;IstLtute of G-otprsVqv Amde:V of sciences t=.R, -.1d MAM, Crt;c-iy I.. Siberian De-_-ewmt of the or Sciences LTZR - `r~- Lk. Day~.I" S~aMOV, NLko!Ay Mkm!A7tyIcbj Institute of Bialow of Water A-Ger~olrx, A=_e~7 of Science- :.=n loolca of the ;4~rto;,Jlic 1. connection vith tb-.* Cat_I=tIc= of the -cLe or t1. littcral -cme or *!~e life of vo4~ --.e-. rem,r,olrv; SDKCUa=I, ;. X.. D-pae~o t of the A=4~:cy of Szl~tces t.73'1 - "Tbe Ice resim Of tte Z-X)AI LIA-r" 1(. S., 3-101C.71-al. F,%.~Itj, Kca~ Un.1-ralty. Xonzov - %.fivencla of .-IT cot,crztra~tcns of PO!%zoo= mt-er = hydro- , wA "Crm t~g r~~estlm of the inn,,~nm Of se.%St on -tem I wrimpv, X. K., Licnalogical. In.tittte, Merl" D.piul.meot. AcoAcco, or 5.1,.c~s =2 - 'T=n - over of the crZtnic cm-ter trd no.* blogeml. elecents in the Lk. YAIMCVSXOLTA. A.Inks&nL- ZoolcStcal lwtIt-tO. Ac.i,-7 of Z.i~ncta - "rhe ftv-1, Of MLI.% mo=t.Ln vater bodies of Middle Asia" ZHADIN, V. I., Zoolcgleml Institute, Acadc27 Of sciences =31 - of the redica.ti- pbm;hoxus at fert-lizIng a -ter bo4* ZNMVZL. P. A., ScientLflc lactlL.L. or r4droblolmy or the State University, MmL-t-n SSR - ',LecismiloAtict, or rlsb~ml food ore.41%~ fro& the fst= or estuary cacqlex (of the Caspian relict +ype ') in wlx*er re.trvolre of the Vk~im and the Crines" '7) 2) PAMMATOVA, V.Ya. Bottom fauna of panda of the Vinba-Bleak Hatcbery and modifi- cations induced by fertilization. Trud~ Zool.inst. 26:296-3k6 '59- (N[IRk 130) (Pookups Valley-,-Pioh ponds) PANKRATOVA, V- ya- ka River. 'ludy Larvae of TenclipedIdae (rhitronorAntdae) of the 0 11 Zool. inst. 32:189-207 164. (?IJRA 17-.U) 5- 1 * PANKRATOVA, - Ve YA. 2 * USSR (6oo) 40 West Kazkhstan Province--Larvae 7. Larvae fauna of Tendipedinae in the ponds of the State Forest Belt region between Vishnaya Mountain and the Caspian Sea, Trudy Zool. inst., 11, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April, 1953, Uncl. PASEUMA V TA UrTa of Tandipisdidae and HeleidAe of marshes in the vicWty of lZaluchlyes," Zool.shur.33 no.6:1293-1306 V-D 154. (MLRL 8:2) 1. Zoologichookiy institut Akadexii nauk SSSR. (Zaluchlye"Iarvae)(Diptera) MIIIKADZE; I.G.; V~M, R.R.; BEZHRIOVI F. Kh.; Prinimali uchaetiye: KHUROSHVILI, G., inzh.,* TSAGARELI, T., inzh.; MTARADZE, E., inzh.; BO-CHOR79HVILI., G., tekhnik; MAYSURADZE, L., laborant; SHUBLADZE,G., -"At;- FAITKRATOVA, YOO, kamnerez. investigation of teschenite disintegration by the thermal method. Soob.;JT Gruz. SSR 34 no.3t633-640 Je 164 (MIRA 18:1) 1. Institut gornogo dela imeni G.A. TSulukidze AN Grazinskoy SSR. Submitted November 25, 1963. PANKRATOVA, Yekatering Tva ovna, assistent; SALINICHENKO, M.A., meto- ~BAZENKOVA, K.I., red. izd-va; SUEMANOVA, K.G.) tekhn. red. (Greenfallows, our Virgin Tand] Zaniatye pary - nasha tselina. Perm', Permskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1960. 17 p. (14IRA 14:12) 1. Kafedra obshchego zemledeliya Permskogo sel'skokhozyaystven- nogo inatituta (for Pankratova). 2. Dom politicheskogo prosve- shcheniya (Sallnichonko). (Following) PATTRAT(ITA, YE. K Dissortations defended at the Instibito of Plant Phyalolopr j Irrini A. TimIryazev for the aca:demic degree of C~ndltdate of Biological Sciences: "Effect of Extra-Root Topdressing on Cxidation-Reduction Processes, 7jitrogen Letabolisr, and the Harvest Vield of -Fruit Crops." Vestnik Akad 11auk, Wo- 4, 100, PP. 119-145 5, PANKRATqy~,. Ye.M., kand.biolog. nauk Effect of treating seeds with variable tenperaturon and trace elements on the cold ;esistance and yield of corn. Agrobiologia no-4:553-557 Jl-Ag 63 (MIRA 16:9) 1. Kirovskiy sellskokhozyaystvamiyy institut. (Plants-Frost resistance) (Plants, Effect of temperature on) (Plants, Effect of trace elements on) PANKRATOVA, Yd.M. Effect of spray application upon the oxidation-reduction, nitrogen s 0' metabolism., and yield of fruit trees. Nauch. dokl. vys. hk 1 (MIRA 14 5 biol. nauki no.2:162-168 161. 1. Rekomendovana kafedroy botaniki Kirovskogo sel'skokhozyaystvennogo instituta. (FRUIT TREES-FERTILIZERS -AO MOURES) (PW1TS--MTABOTdSM) R PANKRATOVA Increasing the physiological activity and yields of fruit crops through foliar feeding. Fiziol. rast. 7 no. 5:584- 59o 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Chernyehavokiy State University, Saratov. (Fruit trees--Fertilizers and manures) PANKRATOVA, Yee Po Cand Aer boi -- (disz) " Certain data on the bioloty or the blossoming &nd pollimption of carrot seeds." Mos, 1958. 18 pp (Mos order of Lenin Agr Aced im K. A. Timiryazev), 110 copies (KL, 36-58, 114) -52- 7 WSR/Farra ;uAnals Honey Bcc. Abs Jour -',Jiur 27155 Author pall'u"allova., YCOP. Inct Mscow 1~-Gricultural il-lcni K.A. Title r.,L-fcci; of Pollination by Dcr--z3 Dn thc. Yiclcl of Carrot- S"Ced plants . Orig Pub Dold. Mbsk. s.-Idi, almd. in. 11C.A. Tlmiryuzc,,ra, 1957, -vY,). 30, cl:. 2, 332-336- Abstract It was establislice. thra'.- rolu of wind in thc pal carzot tion. of carrots is thu, princil I urft) c pollinizers are bees a-.1.1 Or-. the cls frr-- 1y pollinatod by insects, the yield of carrot seed vmo 15-3 tinus hidicr -113 ccj).irnrcd with. thu ivbcl~; C()'!Lv;,,Cl by Card 1/1 X-0 WE PAMATOVA. Z.P. (Makhachkala) -Z-- -------- Use of Preparations of Ranvolfia serpentina in the treatment of hypertension. Vrach.delo n0-71109-110 Jl 160. (HIRA. 13:7) I. Gospitalluaya torapevtichaskaya klinia (zav. - dotsent Kh.l. Gadzhiey-r) Magestuaskogo moditsiuskogo instituta. (FAUWOLPU) (HnSWENS 101T) PAMMTOVIGHt VII9 Irtirodshing a burning gas gmebar from a wel% GiLs. ;rm no*4-. 14-15 Aii 158. (mm 11:4) (Gas, Natural) (Fire extinction-Explosion sYstems) PAWIMATS, I.F. (Krasnoturlinek) *- t - Radiography of the mastoid process. Vest. r'6nt. i rad. 32 no.l:ll supplement 157 (MIRA 10:5) (MASTOID PROGICSS-RADIOGRAM) I . L PANKMS, I.P.(Krasnoturlin8k. Sverdkovekoy obl.) Now metal bad boards. Ortop.travm. i protes. no.3.50-51 MyTe '55- (MLRA 8:10) (ORMPMCS, appratus and Instruments, bed board, metal) -o in P~l-'TF.PJdSOV, P. A. 2. USSR (600) 4. Drainage - Asia, Central 7. Vertical drainpgc in the irrigoted regdons of Ccritral Azia, Soob. TIFAN SSSR, No. 30, 1951. 9. ~Icnthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, IIEZch, 1953. Unclascified. Lt Pankratsov, P.A. 2. ussn (6oo) 4. ASIA, CENTRAL - DRAINAGE' 7, Vertical drainage in the irrigated regions of Central Asia. Soob. TFAN SSSR NO. 30, 1951- 9. MonthIM jdjj af i~ussiaa Acce~ssions Library of Congress, March 1953 Unclassified FA T E A. Novais sistema rpyruzovykh tarlfm floUi. /-The new tr-riff systeni in the merchent marine of t,-l-e U. S. S. R.,~ (-Vodnyi tran-sport. , 1940, no. p. 7-10 DLC: HE561.R8 So: soviet Transr~ort~:ti,n and Gom!.unicati-nns, A,_Biblio:-ro-phy, Library of Congress REference Dv-partment, Washifig-on, 1952, Uncla--sified. P - __ 'PANKRAT IYEV, A. F. "Electric Motors for Buildings Liable to Explosiono, According to Foreign Data" report presented at the All-Union Scientific and Technical Conference on the Electrical Equipment in Buildings and Dutside Install tionsLiable to Explosions, 14-19 April 1958, Stalino (Energet. Byulleten' , 1958, No- 7, pp 29-33) SOV11 12-58-2-Z303 Translation from: Referativny-y zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1958, Nr 2, p 83 (USSR) AUTHOR: YudL-i, N. N. AITLE: Automatic Explosion-Proof Electric Equipment for Underground Mechanisms (Avtomatizirovanneye vzryvobezopaer--oye elektrooborudovaniye dlya pcdzem--iykh mekhanizmov) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Raboty M-va elektrotekhn. prom-sti SSSR po mekhaniz. i avtomatiz. nar. kh-va. 1. M., 1956, pp 75-80 A13STRACT: Explosion-proof electric equipment manufactured by the "K-az1basselektromotor" Plant is described. A short description. is presented of the construction and purpose of the squirrel-cage series KO and KOM motors, the series PMV magnetic starter, the Type AFV feeder automatic circuit breakers, type KUY push-button stations, and alsao a number of special motors and electric appa:mtuB for mining machimmery recommended for use in automated control echemes in underground work, particularly in an explosion-hAzardous r.,ied;-"Zm A. V. S. Card 111 TULIN, V.S., prof-; MTKRATIYEV, A.F.,,. inzh,- Concerning P.F. KOvalevs article. Vest. elelctroprom 34 no.8: 60-61 Ag 163. iMjRA 16:9) (Electric apparatus and appliances--StandarQ PANKRATIYEV. A.F., inzh.; POVOLOTSKIY, M.Ye., inzh.; KOVALEV, Ye.B., inzh. A series of explosionproof asynchronous motors with 0.27kv. to 100 kv. power ratings. Vest. elektroprom. 34 no.3:4-7 Mr 163. (YIRA 16.8) (Electric mtors, Induction) (Mining ifachinery-Electrie driving) T Y~S A . F i n z h cn- 1:H Ive-a series of ~vt ex-Plosion-oroof inducllon electric motorc. Veat.elektroproL. 27 no.9:24-27 S 156. (M:RA 10: 9) 1 . Zpvod 'Tux"oRsuclektroDoter" Hinistoretwt elektroteklinichavloy ,rcm7shlennosti. (Slectric motors, Inductlo-O N' . I C!, A 1, Yliint Enr. ln,71) A . ~Sar. perin-'-ovicl. , YASNYY, Vadim Kononovich, inzh.;'PANKRAT"IEV, Aleksandr Fedorovich, TULIN, V.S., doktor tekhn. naWY-Pi-of., glav. red. toma; KOLESNIKOV4 V.G., red.; LEVIN, L.M., red.; PROSTIN, V.F., red.; TEREKHOV, S.D., red.; FOKINA, I.V., red.; OSVALID, E.Ya., red.izd-va; SABITOV, A., tekhn. red. (The coal industry of capitalist countries] Ugol1naia pro- myshlennost' kapitalisticbeskikh stran. Moskva, Gosgortekh- izdat. Vol.4. pt.l.[Electric pupply, communication,, signalize- tion and lighting] ElektrOBnabghenie, sviazt, gignalizataiia i osveshchenie. 1963. 314 p. (MIRA 16:10) (Electricity in mining) (Mine communicationa) PANKRATITEV -- - N15 , ALFMEY YURIYEVICH 756.5 *P2 PANKRATIYEV, ALWEY YURIYEVICH Nomercheakaya ekepluatatsiya morskogo transporta (CommericeL utilization of sea tran3p6rtation) Moskva, morskoy transport., 1955. 490 p. Diagra., Tables. Acclimatization of the raccoon in the forests o:! the southern Maritime Territory. Soob.DVFAS SSSR no.ll-.115..120 159. (MIRA 13-11) 1.Dal'nGVOBtochnyy filial imen! V.L.Komarova Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. (Maritime Territory--Raccoons) -5" PANKIRAVEVY A. Ju. 0 printsipakh tarifnoi klassifkatsii gruzov. Z-On the principles of tariff classific,~tion of freight_/. (Sots. transport, 1934, no. 3, p. 82-89 DLC: HE7.S6 Osnovnye zadachi ratsjonalizatsii tarifnoi sistemy. fThe inain problems of rationalization of the tariff system_/. (Sots. transport, 1933, no. U-12, p. 39-46, sketch DLC: HE7.S6 Tarif na perevozku gruzov v konteinerakh. Z7Rates of freight shipment in containers2. (Sots. transport, 1934, no.1l,p. 66-71). DLC:HE7.S6 SO: Soviet Transportation and Communications, A Bibliography, Library of Congress Reference Department, Washington, 1952 Unclassified PANM.T#.TLFV, Aleks Turlyevich; SDKOWVA. Te.I., redaktor; TIKHONOVA, WS016+84174--skly redaktor. [Trade operations of the merchant marina] Kommerchookala eksplua-y- tataiia morskogo transporta. Iloskva, Izd-vo morskoi transport, 1955. 490 P. (MLRA 8:12) (Merchant marine) R FAMT! YEV. - B -ye, Role of protective inhibition in thoracic ourgOrY. Klit- mad., (CIML 23-5) Moskya&-30 * no~. 11f 1!~-20L-,Nov, 1952. 1,, Honored Worker in Science Prof. B. Te. Pankratlyev. 2. Kiev, ANICHKOV, M.N., dots.; PIITF.TAVA, 1T.V., prof.; BIM. IKOV, N.P., hand. med. nauk; BOGUSHp L.K., prof.; GRIGORIYEV, M.S., prof.; DYSKINJP Ye.A., kand. med. nauk; KEUSHpTb.*L'~iprof.,-IWILWII,A.P.,- KO-TZESOVI V.I., prof.; OFMAEOVj F A., prof.; B.Z.j prof.; MAKSI101KOV, A.N., prof.; 00"iPOV, Bill.,, Profej SAVITSKIY, A.I., prof.; UVAROV, B.S.; UGLOV, F.G., prof.; KEOWIVp S.A.p prof.; PETROVSKIYp B.V., prof., otv. red.; BAYMEVp A.N., Oadomik.,:rod.,- GULYAYEW, A.V., prof., rod.; YEGOROV, B.G.., prof., red.; PANKRATIYEV Me... prof., red.j r PYTELIP A.Ya., prof., red.; RIKHTERTM-171-Prof-i ed.; FILATOV, A.14.,, prof., red.; CHAKLIN, V.D., prof.0 red.; RYBUSHKINY I.11., doktor med. naukp red.; RULIEVA) 14.S.p tekhn. red. [Multivolume manual on surgery] Mno otomnoe rukovodstvo po Ichirargii. Moskva, Niedgiz. Vol. 5. fChest surgery; thoracic wall, pleura, and lungs] Khirurgiia gradi; grudnaia stenka, plerva i legkie. 1960. 727 p. OAIRA 15:3) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii meditsinskilffi nauk- SSSIR (for Antelava, Bogush, Flaksimenkov, 'Savitskiy, noldin, Mak-lin). 2. Daystvitellnyy chlen Akademi'l meditsinskikh nauk. SSSIi (for Kupriyanov., Petrovskiy, Yegorov). VN (CHEST-SURCM... I I ,,I"t L I ~: - 4 ,,, - - pitIF ~ , -k P-T Wl i -- ~.! , - ` ,- - - Puti -,,DvyEheniia produkti-mosti indeck (Ye-1hods of inareasing +,-")e productivi", of turkeys). Eoslcva, 1~52- 3.14 1-,- "ItOt tioiahly LluL of Ithl:-t-lait '!ol. 7, Nlo. *~, Ooltt. '19")1 ------- 19 - PATnA'r'Y,-vVj G. V. 2. ussR (600) 4. Turkeys 7. Determining age and sex in turkeys. Ptitsevodstvo no. 6, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Fbr,ary -1953, Unclassified. 1. PANKRalm, -u. V. ?. ussR (600) U. 4. Belen'kii, N. G 7. Academician N. G. Belen'kii's book t'Standardizin-p protein in domestic fowl rations." Ftitsevodstvo no. 10, 1952. 9. monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, February 1953. Unclassified. PAN-tiaA - I YE V - G -,' - - 00roups of ;'"Io~t-co-y;- Turkey Breeds and 11'easuares for improving Them Riarther." Cand Agr Sci, (no inst Affiliation), Zagorsh, 19;';',4. (RzhBiol, No 5, "ar ") So: Sum. No 670,, 29 Sept 55 - Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (15) PAMMULTITEV, Grigoriy Vasillverich, kand.sellakokhoz.nauk; RWIXH, LARIONDV, V., doktor biolog.nauk. red.; MSUCHMIRL, A.B., red.; LUKITAIM, N.P., red.; SAYTANIDI, L.D., tekhn.rod. [Poultrjr raising on state farms] Sovkhoznoe ptitsevodstvo. Pod red. V. Larionova. %Is"a, Izd-vo M-va sell. khoz. RSFSR, 1958. 220 P. (HIR& 12:1) (poultry) PANKRATIYEV, Ivan Matveyevich; IORDATIY, N., red.; MOLCHANOVA, R. .9 'r- ~-~khn. red. (How we conduct economic conferenceol Kak my provodim ekonomiche- skie konferentsii. Odesaa, Odesskoe oblastnoe izd-vo, 1958. 21 p. (MIRA .15:6) 1. Sekratarl Kiliyskogo raykoma Koraministicheakoy partil, Ukrainy, predoedatell rayonnogo ekonomicheakogo soveta (for Parlratlyev). (Kiliya Distriet-Fars.swAgement-Congresses) PANKRATIYE;V N geroy Sotsialiptichetikogo Truda Groups of oomminist Labor. Stroitell no-4:15 Ap 161. (KEU 14:5) 1. Brigadir komplekenoy brigady komninistioheskogo truda tresta trasnodarstroy. (Krasnodar--Construction industry) r-SM5 ig-ii km g~ m, ag Km'-z 4- NFM -~---Mm LIN -x W AGALINA, H.S., inth.; AICUTIV, T.K., in%h.-, )",SOY, A.M,, inzh.; ARISTOV B.S., kand. tkhn. nauk,; BMOSTOTSKIY, O.B., inzh.-, BERLIN, A.Ya:,inzh.; BESSKIY, K.A., inzh., BLYUM, A.M., inzh.; BRMI, I.V., inzh. ; BRODSKIY, I.A., inzh.; BUHAAS, A.I.,inzh.; TAYNHAN, I,Z., inzh.; YARSHAVSKIY, I.N.,Inzh.; VASILOUVA, A.A.,inzh.: VORONIH, S.A.,inzh.; VOYTSEYfiOVSKIY, LiK., inzh.; VRUBLEVSKIY, A.A.,inzh.-, GERSHM, B.G., inzh.; GOLUBYATNIKOV, G.A.,inzh.~ GORLIN, M.Yh., lmzli.-, G9UWKflyOV, A.N., inzh.; DASHEVSKIY, A.P.,inzh.;DIDKOVSXIY, I.L., inzh.; DOBROVOLISKIY, N.L.,inzh.; DROZDOV, P.F.,kand. tekhn. muk,, K0ZLOVSKIY,A.A.,inzh.; KIRILENKO. V.G.,inzh.; KOPELYAFSKIY, G.D.,kand. tekhn. nauk,; KORETSKIY, M.M.,inzh.; KUKHARCHUK. I.N.,inzh.; KWHER, M.G.,inzh.: MMLYAX, M.V,,in2h.,- HIRONOV, V.V.,in7h.; NOVITSKIY, G.V.,inzh.; PADUN, N.M.,linh.; FANKRATI "E, N.B., inzh.; PARKHOMMO, V.I.,kand. biol. nauk,; PINSKIY, S.A., inzh., PORAZEEMO, F.F.,inz?,..; FUZANOV. I.G.,inzh.; RMIN, I.P.in7h.; HE-7NIK, I.S.,kcand. tekhn. nauk.; ROGOVSKIY, L.Y.,inzh.; RUDERMAN, A.G.,inzh.; RYBALISKIY. V.I.,inzh.; SADOVNIKOV, I.S.,iazh.; SEURIYANOV, N.N.,kand. tekhn. nauk,; SEKESHKO, A.T.,inzh.; SIHKIII, A.Kh., innh.- SURDUTOVICH, I.N.,inzh.; TROFIMOV, V.I.,inzh.; FEF.&R, M.14.,inzh.; FIALKOVSKIY, A.M..inzh,; FRISHMAN, K.S., inzh.; GaR SHNEV, V.A., inzh.; SHESTOV, B.S., inzh.; SHUMAN, M.I., inzh.; SHUMYATBKIY, A.F.,Inzh.; SHCHETBAKOV, V.T.,inzh,,; STANCHENKO. I.K., otv. red.: LISHIN, G.L.,inzhi,red._-*j iazh.,rad.; GRIGORIYEV, G.V.,red.; KAMINSKIY, D.K.,red,; KIWiOVSKIY, I.P.,red.;-LEYTH". L.Z., rOd.(daceasedj,,, GMVICH, M.S.,in.,h..rad.; DANIMVSKIY, A.S.,inzh.,red.; DEMIN, A.M.,; KAGAliOV, S.I.,inzh.,red.; KAUKAH, B.H., kand. takhn. npuk, red-.LISTOPADOY. N.P.,iiizh.,red.; MMMIWVICH, I.H., inzh. red.(daceazedj; lcontinued on next card) AGALINA, M*5.... (continued) Card 2. PENTKOVSKIY, ROZMERG, BX~.irzh.,red.; SLAVIN, D.S., inzh.,red.; YEDOROY, H.P.,insh.,red.; TSWAL. '.T.,Inzh.#red.-, SMIIWOY, L.Y., red. izd-va,; PROZOROYSXAYA, Y.L., tekhn. red. LKining ; an encyclopedic handbook] Gornoe delo; antaiklopedichoskii spravochnik. Moskva, Goa. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo lit-ry po ugollnoi' promyshl. Vol. 3.[Organization of planning; Construction of surface buildings and structures] Organizatelia proektirovaniia; Stroitel'stvO zdanii i soorazhanii na poverkhnosti shakht. 1958. 497 P. (HIRA 11:12) (Mining engineering) (Building) VOLIBMG., Ilikolay Yevgenlyevich- PANOM qE;V, Nikolay Vasillyevich; KOFERINI V.Ve. inzh-., -red. izd-v-a; RUDANOVA, II.I., [Assembly of compressors] Montazh kompressornykh ustanovok. Moskva, Gos,izd-vo lit-i7 po stroit.,, arkhit. i stroit.mate- rialam., 1961. 233 p. NEU 15:5) (Compressors) PAMAT I YEV 0. N - BAMMMV, L. S. f . 2 Complete automation in the coke shayof the Magnitogorsk Metallurgical- Combine.- Koks. i khim. no-10:33-36 0 161. (MMA 15: 1) 1. Gosudarstvennyy vsesoyuznyy institut po pro~ektirovaniyu predpriyatiy ko#sokhimicheskoy promyshlennosti, (MagnitoVorsk-Ooke industry-Equipment and supplies) PANIMATIYEV, O.H.; BMIIIIKOV, L.S. Complete automatic control of the coke industry. Koks i khim. no.8:28-32 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Giprokoks. (Coke industry) (Automatic control) BATALOV, A.B.; PANKRATJ1EV, P.V. Genetic types of iron bisulfides in the Khondiza. sulfide- complex metal deposits. Zap. Uz. otd. Vass. min. ob-va no.14: 78-85 162. (KMA 16:7) (Gissar Range-Iron sulfides) PANKRATSYEVo P-V- R~crystallization of quartz in the Kbiandiza, ore deposit. Vzb.geol.zhur. 7 no.1:3/4,-38 163. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Institut geologii AN UzSSR* (Gissar Range-Quartz) BAT.Aj,OV, A.13. ulfidl-~--.omplex, ionnation 'in the Sarkiiant-qu. Zap, 16' o ( 1-9 RA l"i 210) BATALOVO A.B.j' FAIMUTIYEV, P.V.,-.--- Distribution of .trace elements -in i.ron-boaring- akm=s of the, Iriqu deposit. U2b. geol. zinw. no.6t2l-31 '60& (KDU 141V 1. -Institut geologii AN UzWR. (IrioU region-Iron ores) PARKRATIM, P-V- Uew petroleum and gas research center. Uzb.geol.zhiire n0-3: 92 '59- (Tashkent--Petroleum research) 12:12) OA95,~I-w MA"'M�RE'AWER ggir"g-g-4vg~, , Ig X ~IQR MU lmfill PANKnTIYEVjP P.V.; SHAMSUTDINOV., M.Sh. Lithology and ore content of carbonate rocks of the Lower Carboniferous of the Khandiza deposit (southwa'&tern spars of the Gissar Ran6). Dokl. AN Uz.SSR. 20 no.104,il+3 163. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Institut geologii AN !Jzbekskoy SSR. Predstavleno chlenom-korrespon- dentom AN Uzbekskoy SSR V.I.Popovym. .(Khandiza Valley-Rocks, Carbonate-Analysis) I's ~. PANIRAT IYXV.,, S.F.; SUIRA, N.V PISKUN, S.A.; LIBEW. N.N., inshenor, reh;~~or; UDOD, T.Ta. radaktor; SMOLYAKOVA, N.Y., tekhnicheakly redaktor. [Hanual for the maintenance electrician in the building industry] Spravochnik elektromontera-ekepluatatsiounika na stroitel'stve. Pod red. N.N.Lebodeva. Izd. 3-e, dop. i perer. Moskva, Goa. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. i arkhitekture, 1955. 270 P. (MI-R), 9:5) (Ilectric engineering) PAMMT'Tff.-�.r.; PISM, S.A.; ZENINA, N.V.; LEBMV, N.N.. inzh., red.; ---'-kKHOKOVA, N.A., red.izd-va; BOROYM, N.K., ENlectrician-operator in the construction industrv] Blektromonter- ekepluatasionnik na stroitelletva. Pod red. N.N,Lebedeva. Izd,4,, dop. i parer. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit.. arkhit. i stroit.materialam, 1958. 322 p. (MIRA 12:4) (Electric engineering--Handbooks, manuals, Otd.) --S. F. N" 5 pAIITKVTIYFI) 741.7 X 1955 Spravochnik electromontera-eksplututsionnika na stroitel'stve. Reference book for maintenance electricians on construction jobs, by S. F. Pankratlyev, M. V. Zeni i S A. Pinkun. 3. Izd. dop. I perer. Moskva, Goastroyizdat, 1955, 270 P. diagrs., tables. "Spisok Literatury": P. 269-270. --PAYKRAT I YFF-V, -S. F. -11/5 741.17 .PI 1955 Spravochnik slectromontera-ekspluctatsionnika na stroitellstve. Reference book for maintenance electricians on construction tobs, by S. F. Pankratlyev, LI. ~. enina i S. A. Fiskun, 3. izd. dop. i perer. Moskva, GosstroyJ.zdet, 1955. 270 P. diagrs., tables. I'Spisol, Literatury": P. 269-270. -FA7IKRAVM , -S- P. M 741.7 . r- 1 1955 Spravochnik electromontera-ekspluatatsionnika na stroitellstve. Reference book for maintenance electricians on construction jobs, by S. F. Pankratlyev, _4enins. i S. A. Piskiin. 3. izd. dop. i perer. F.,skva, Gosstrovizdat, 1955. M. -y~ 270 P. diagrs., tables. I'SrAsok Literatury": P. 269-270. PANKRATIVIEV, V., iAzh. ho meat irdustry. Helping inventors and efficiOuc7 promoters of t ()GRL 12:12) Miae, inde SSSR. 30 no.4:51-53 '59- (Meat,industry-Equipment and suPPU08) ,Vt~,TIVLIV, 'n,,,. V- 1) ~ ~1- Z. 0 MEAT -TIMU-STRY a technical progress. Mias. Lnd. SSSR 23 No- Promoting 't 3 (19~2) 9. nELhl t of Eussian Accessions, Library of Congress, Se~tember 11i2on, Uncl. V Lisl _ _ _ -1.- PAN~MT IYEV V. Eng go 2. U.')SR (600) 4. Milk-Pasteurization 7. QPA--O, 6 make of steam pastevldzer. Mol.prom. 12 no. 12, 1952. 9. M2p&hlX List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, t!a ~v 1953, Unclassified. PANKRATIYEV Vasillly~-Aleksandrovich; MISHCHENKO, V.14., red. [Power feed for woodvorking machinery; its introduction in Leningrad enterprises3 Avtopodatchiki derevoobrabaty- vaiushchikh stankov; opyt vnedreniiana leningradskikh predpriiatiiakh. Leningrad, 1963. 23 p. (Leningradskii dom nauchno-tekhnicheskoi propagandy. Obmen peredovym opy- tom. Seriia: Derevoobrabat~-vaiusbchaia promyshlennost', no.8) (MIRA 17:4) Vadezhda Semenovna; BORISOV2 Yevgenjy FiliPPOVLeh; PANKRATIYEV.3- jWLOVA., VL3jjjjL Gavrilov-1-Chs-BladWy wwcbVY 60tro; PLOTNIKW~2- -K.N. -I GERASVOVA9 Ye.S.) tekhn. red. red.; zALYIND, A.1.j red*y osts inU,,S*S-Re industries] Zarabotnaia [Wages and production c .proryshlennosti SSSR- Pod plate. i sebestoin0st' produktsii Va, Izd-vo ekon. lit-rY., obBbohei red. K.V.Plotnikova. Moskv (MIRA 15:3) 1962. 267 P. 1. institut ekonomiki Akr4emii nauk MR (for PaAratlyev). 2. Oblen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Plotnikov). (Wage payment systems) (Costs, Industrial) _pANKRATjyEV.,_,Vladimir Pavlovich; T01-11LIN, Yu.K.; M01"EYEV, L.K.: KOSTINSKIY, D.,, red. [United Republic of Tanzania] Obtledinannaia Respublika Tanzaniia. Moskva) mysiv) 1965. 94 P- (MIRA 18:4) 2. USSR (600) 4. Chest - 3ur.aery 7. -Role of -protective inhibition in thorcdc surgery. Prof. Ye. E. Ill-lankrat'vev. 9. Month List of Russian Acces sions, Library Of Congress, kpril -1953, Uncl. ACCESSION'NR: A74025306* B/0000/63/000/bOO/0163/0172 AUTHORS: Kalmy*kov, A. A.; Timofeyev, A. D.j Pankratlyev, YU.. I.; Nozdzachev, M. Go TITLE-i. Investigation of a plasma source with the aid of a through -passage mass spectrometer SOURCE: Diagnostika plazmy* (Plasma diagnostics); sb. statey.' Moscow, Gosatomizdat, 1963, 163-172 TOPIC TAGS: mass spectrometer, plasma source, plasmoid, plasmoid acceleration, plasma injection,-ion separati-oA ABSTRACTz In view of the lack of information on the internal struc- ture of plasmoids and of a satisfactory description of the mechanism of plasma acceleration in different plasma guns,. and in view of the difficulty of interpreting the experimental results on interacti6n between plasmoids and magnetic fields owing to the lack of this in- Card 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4025306 formation, a method is proposed wherein more detailed microscopic characteristics can be obtained with the aid of through-passage mass spectrometer. This mass spectrometer was used to investigate the mass and energy spectra of plasmoids from a Bostick gun (W. H. Bosti'ck, Phys. Rev. v. 104, 2, 292, 1956). The operation of all the units of the instrument is described in detailin a separate article (Pribory* i tekhnika eksperimenta,'in press). The conditions for op-. timal mass separation are described. In view of the short transit time employed, there is no need for additional modulation. The ap-, paratus yields mass spectra of ions of given energy, from which the energy spectra of particles having different masses can be plotted. The angular distributions of the ions of different masses and ener- gies,were Alpo investigated and it was found that ions with larger velocities form a narrower velocity cone than the slower ions, it i~ thOrafore abnaluded that Mehourement of the true energy distribu- tion must be a0companied by Me4surament of tho oqulw dintribution of the particles and the number of particles of given energy must be Card 2/3 -ACCESSIO.N NRs AT4025306 integrated over all the angles in orde) to ensure accuracy. The duration of the-discharge exerts little influence on the energy Spec- tra. The length of the plasmoid changes as it moves from the source bedause of the spread in particle velocity, and since theparticle velocity decreases with increasing mass, the light ions are conceft- 0 tratpd in the frontal part of the plasmoid and the heavy ones in the %ail part. This spatial.separation of the ions increases with increAsing transit length. In the'absencei of the magnetic field 0 the slow ions are rapidly lost i3ecause 6f the broad.velocity cone. There are grounds for asgiuning that the plasmoids produced by other .plasma guns, particularly coaxial, show a .1jimilar-behavior. Orig. art. 'has: 9 figures. ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 190ct63 DATE ACQ:. 16Apr64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: NP, ME NR REP SOVx 003. OTHER: 003 Card 3/3 pap sftgw~ wr~~- ~P__ U M, - T j YF 0 16 t5 SINELINIKOV, K.D.; SAFRONOV, B.G.; TIMOFEYEV, A.T.; PANKRATIYEV, YU.I. [Interaction between ions and olectrons in an accelerated ion beam3 Izuchenie vzaimodeist-Aid mezhdu ionami i elek- tronami v uskorennom puchke i0hoi. Kharikov, Fiziko-tekhn. In-t AN USSR.. 1960. 209-214 pi (MIfLA 17: 1) L 43799-66 EWT(1)/T 1JP(c) ACC NRt AT6020415 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0172/0181 AT, AUTHOR: Ka3jnvko -A. A.; Pankratlyev, Yu. I.; Nozdrachev, M. G., Shevchuk, B. A. ORG: none 7y- 1 17 TITLE: Investigation of a discharge in a pulsed platma source 15-ri SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Issledovaniye plazmennykh sguatkov (Study of plasma clusters). Kiev, Naukovo dumka, 1965, 172-181 TOPIC TAGS: plasma source, plasma gun, pulsed magnetic field, ion acceleration, mass spectroscopy, high speed photography ABSTRACT; The performance and characteristics of a plas gun with a hot cathode are,' studied.' The gun structure and operational parameters are described. The gun was operated with a pulsed magnetic field (20 psec) during which a much shorter high volir age pulse was applied to the cathode which was found to eject both ions and electrongi. The collector received about one anpere of ion current during such pulsed operations%lr-- As in other guns, the ion acceleration occurred only during the first few tenths of a I microsecond and the energy reached often exceeded the applied accelerating voltage. It was noted that when artificial transmission lines were used for the energy storage, plasma ejection occurred at each reflection of the wave thus forming a long train of plasmoids. The plasma properties were studied with a mass spectrometer, x-ray detec- Cord 1/2 L 4,7.',799-66 ACC NR, tors and high sILeed ph ograph The results for various pressure and current condign' tions are shown and analyzed in terms of the electric circuit interaction with a- simple plasma model. Orig. art. has: 4 formulas, 7 figures. SUB CODE: 20/ SUM DATM 1INov65/ ORIG REr: 0061 OTH Fxr: ou Ccrd 2/2 JEFESHM, V. I., TRUBCHANINOV, S. A., NOZDRACHEV) Me G., NABOKAO V. A., g0w..'MIOVy Be Gop KALMYFDVy A. A., IIUMFEYEV, A. D., "Plasma Guns Investigation,Y report presented at the 6th Intl. Conf. on Ionization Phenomena in Gases, Paris, "France, 8-13 Jul 63 KALMYKOVO A.A,,, TIMOFEYEVp A.D.; FAYIMATIYEV~ YU,1,j TERESHIN, V.I.; VERESHCHAGIN, V.L.,- ZLATOPOLISKRI L.A. Method for measuring the energy and mass spectrum of the ion component of a moving plasma. Prib. i tekh. eksp. 8 no.5:142- 145 8-0 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1, Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN UkrSSR. S/0.35/61/000/006/0,39/044 3, ~/O AGOI/A101 AUTHOR: Pankrat'yev, Yu.N. TITIE: "High-precision" spatial triangulation (Method of differentiated processes) PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Astronomiya i Geodeziya, no. 6, ig6i, 19, ab- stract 0165 ("Nauchn. zap. L'V'ovak. politekhn. in-t.Ser. geod.", 1959, no. 5, 53 - 78) TEXTt The author derives formulas for corrections of elements of mutual orientation of photographs at spatial triangulation with condition of side legs. Two methods are considered for adjustment of altitudes of'the points on the basis of the formulae derived: analytical and optioal-mechanioal one; the latter is performed on a modernized topographical stereometer of CTA -2 (STD-2) type. The teQhnologioal scheme of spatial triangulation and an example of calculations are presented. A formula in also derived for the expected aoouraoy in altitude poai- tione of the points. V. Orlov Abstracter's notel Complete translation] Card 1/1 PANKRA-11YEV, YuJI.; PUZANOV, B.S.; SERDYUKOV, V.M.; VIDUYEV doktor tek-hn. n-puk,, prof., red.; KOTLY-AROV, Yu.L., red. [Engineering photogreirmetry] Inzhenernaia fotograirzietriia. Ltvov, Izd-vo Llvovskogo univ., 19-64,.-, 283 p. (14IIU 19:2) PANKRATIYEV, YuNc, inzh.; SERDYUKOV) V.M., inzh. Use of the SD-1 stereograph for designing roads Avt. dor. 2" no. 3., 15-16,18 mr 164. iMIRA 1795) .I PANXRrT-'Y-rV, Yu. N. Pankrat 'yev, Yu. N. "Perfection of a differentiated method of spatial triangulation." Min Higher Education USSR. Moscow Inst of Engineers of Geodesy, Aerial Photography, and Cartography. Moscow, 1956. (Dissertation forthe Degree of Candidate in Technical Sciences). Knizhnaya letopis, No. 25, 1956, Moscow -RD PANKRATIYEV, Yu.N., kand.tekhn.nauk; SERDYUKOV, V.M.., kand.tekhn.nauk Using a stereo model for location surveying on the SID-2 stereo- meter by means of a sit-lereo plotter. Trudy TSNIIS no.49:104-137 -163* (14IRA 16.9)