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Jz U-4 I L A. pro,'. , lvlu~,.Iao y 1.~, I physiology of thr? motor arialyocro 1",". zap. Fed. -n,,4. 239:93-97 16,14. (M!lRA 1.8:3') IVAROVA, V.P.; PAIIKRATOV, 114..A., prof., nauchnyy rukovoditell raboty Localizaticn of extinctive inhibition in the cerebral cortex. Uch. zap. Ped. Inst. Garts. 239:99-107 164. 18:3) .2, S>4 I'%LOV, YU.S.; PANKRATOV,_j-,.A.; prof., nauclinyy nilcovoditell rabety Trradiation of stim-alation In t.he cerebral cortex. Uch. sap. Ped. inst. Gerts. 239:109-lu6 164. (IMMA 18:3) ,1-*t,cl I raboty. TARASOVA) O.V.; PANKRATOV, H-tt-, PrOf-, nauchnyy nikovo I U.. 'L condit--oned Ff,ect of bromine on the extinction 0" a reflex. Uchs zap. Fed. inst. Gerts. 239:117-122 164- (1141P1 18-3) ASFINA, L.G.; PAjj1q(ATOV, M.A., profo, nauchnyy rukovoditell raboty Effect of bromine and caffeine on the extincion of conditioned motor reflexes. Uch. Zap. Ped. inst. Gerts. 2391l23-129 164. (MIRA 18:3) THORP T.G.; PANKRATOV, M.A.j prof., nauchnyy rukovoditell raboty Restoration of reflexes from the auricular skin of a rabbit as related to the regeneration of nerves. Uch. zap. Pod. inst. Gerts. 239:131-137 164. (MIM, 18 - 3) PANKRATOVY M.A.; POGORELOVA, P.M., POLTINNIKOVA, A.A. -.-. .1 Phenomenon of parakinesis in cond1tioned reflezes. Zhur. vys. nerv. deiat. 12 no.4:637-642 JI-Ag 162. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Herzen Pedagogical Institute, Leningrad. "~,,ftWGV, M.A. (Leningrad) Problem of funGtIODal localization in the cerebral cortex. Zhur.vys.nerv.deiat. S) noo3:383-387 MY-Je 159. (MIRA 12:9) 1. Leningradskiy gosudarotvennyy pedagogicheskiy institut in. A.I.Gerteena. physiol.) PAIM-TOV, I.I. A. 'Dankratov, Im. A.' 1111eflexan from the cat Is skin. Analysis o' the scratching reflex)"' Trudy Fiziol. in-ta in. Pavlova, Vol. 111, 1949, P. 82-87 -- Bi7C,l 4 0 g: p. 87 SO: U-3566, 15 March 53, (Letopis tZhul-nal Inykh Statey, No. lb, 1949). PANKRATOV, Mikhail Aleksoyevich; MARKOV) N.G., red.; KOZLOVSKAYA, M.D., tekbn. red. [Method for producing conditioned reflexes in animals in school nature-studi projects) Yetodika vyrabotki uslovnykh refleksov u zhivotzWkh; v ugolkakh zhiv i prirody shkol. Moskva, Cos. uchebno-pedegog. izd-vo H-va proav. RSFSR, 1961.. 71 p. (MIM 1525) (Conditioned response) (Sleep) (Rypnotism) p macylatjocaL M.A. -463..- Two cau in Ph I" Usso. 1961, Kai bet" 103oved ;rL7;t kept 4 &Ad I )'Car. reapectively muui a number of PCTP&twke aboemd. I)uri."g PRS- the" IFAS Im of wt., 00-09 traphic dislurbances. and a one cat, aection af the postefior 6=94 of timl proppy 4w. In , carried out and this Increa"d cajua= of the 41n&1 card - abc the distarbium*$ dstriul Pregnancy and was ax-compam I by failure to secrete milk. T) H. SNYM. 60 00 00 3 00 w 00 31 so 11 it a 10 "1 - LO-JL-% --m" -4-0 1 M-PMOMS OCIALL&WliKAL 1 001, ev, 0; on, our '00, -on, 0; A, 100 ;l I 0061 0 0 w 0 go x J) J2 13 leis xv isips o a u 6 0 FF USSR. .00 D U*ft Ilimbs. d$ aval to, to the Lttr. P 900 too 4100, 200 be 0 too tie 0 94- OALL)l Cat 0-- itl' I Y** ad 0 if 64 ~ d4c; 0 0 0 0 0 * : : : V e MMKOV, M.P.; PANKRATOV 14.p.; BABMO, V.A. ___j Cohesiveness of plating in the electrodePOsitiOn of iron from electrolyte. Zhur.prikl.khim. 35 no.4:803-807 AP 162. a chloride (MIRA 15:4) 1. Saratovskiy politekhnicheskiY institut. (Cohesion) (Iron plating) (Electrolytes) UYUSHKIN) I.Ye.; EfiJ-1YFL~TOV M.P. Mot~ods for determining the ctrength of banding of coatings with the base metal. Zav.1ab, 31 no.10: P-02-IZ,03 165. (MIRA 19.-1) 1. Saratovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. t - . ~ IJ-- - i, PANKRATOV,Mj~_ I - I , Reconditioning parto by electrolytic iron plating. Mashinostroitell I no*7:15 IJI 162 *(Iron plating) (MUU 15:7) 4-" S/080/062/035/004/011/022 D217/D301 AUTHORS: Melkov, 111. P., and Babenko, V. it. TITL:t-;: Adhesion of iron coatings deposited from chlor-L,2r: electrolytes PERIODIGIILL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, v. 35, no. 4, 1",!'~'2, 603-bOb treatment of components in a 30% sulphuric acid so- -',--lor to hard iron depo c' ition is known to be the most effec- opera-~ion in preparing the metal surface to ensure SUbseqUent satisfactory adhesion of the coating. However, in most cases it is al!io necessary to suspend the components in the plating bath without sw-_;tching on the current, prior to electrodeposition. The initial current density used is 4 - 5 times lower than the wor,:ing one and is increased to the nominal value with 3 - 5 minutes. The aut'lors have expressed the opinion that susdending components in the bath without passing current serves the purpose of preheating tlie ca- thode layer of the electrolyte. This assumption is based on the fact, that preheating the components in water prior to plating also Card 1/3 S/030/62/035/004/011/,')22 Adhesion of iron ... D217/D301 ensures good adhesion to the deposit. The question arises to ahat temperature the cathode layer of electrolyte must be preheated. i-Irom experience it is 'J-.nown -that good adhesion can be obtailled at 50 - 600C and lower temperatures. However, a bath maintained at 600C is operated at a hydrochloric acid concentration of 2.5 - 3.0 g1l instead of 0.5 - 0.80 67/1, i.e. at concentrations suitable for a solution working at 80 C. in order to study the changes in elec- trolysis conditions in relation to electrolyte temperature, pola- rization curves were plotted at 25, 40, 60 and 800C, using an elec- Urolyte containing 200 g1l FeCl U 2' 4H20 and 0.8 g/1 H01. The electro- lysis cell was placed in a thernostat; a 0.455 C steel plate of 1 CM2 sLLrface area was used as cathode, the anode being clectroly- tic iron. The cathode Potential was measured against a satUrated calomel electrode. it was found that adhesion of the coatin,- to the base raetal in the deposition of hard iron, using a ( Ileposition method developed at the Saratov Pol)technic Institute, exceeds; 4500 kg/cm2. A qualita-tive relationship was found to ex-ist bet-ween the adhesion of the coating on the one hand, and temperature and Card 2/3 S/080/62/035/004/011/022 Adhesion of iro-n ... D217/D301 acidity of electrolyte on th "e other. A higher hydrogen current ef- ficiency during the first moment of electrolysis was established to be necessary in order to activate the cathode surface. Finally, it was established that the optimum soaking period without passage of current in the iron plating bath at constant bath temperature is a function of the acidity of the electrolyte and diameter of the components. There are 3 figures and 6 Soviet-bloc references. ASSOCIATION; Saratovslciy politekhnicheskiy institut (Saratov Poly- technic Institute) SUBMITTED: April 15, 1961 Card 3/3 PAN M TOV, M.P., inzhener. - " -6 - .wtwly . Strength of'some units of the S-6 combine. Sellkhozoashina no.10:26 0 '56. (MLRA 9:12) (Combines (Agricultural machinery)) PANKRATOV N. polkovnik.9 kand.istoricheskikh aauk PartY-fights against the expaoiters, flor.the dictatorship of thepro- letariat. Kom. Voorazh. Sil 3 no.2:75-81 Ja 163......-. (RIRA 16:2) (Commmist Party of the Soviet-Union) PANKRAT(YV N. - POLONSKIY, L. P Organixing the mintenano6 and repair of motor YeWlto in an automotive transportation unit. Avtransps 40 no,7:17-21 Jl 162. (KM 15: 8) 1. Idnisterstvo av-tomobil.Inogo transporta i shosseynykh dorog RSFSR. 2. Glavuyy inzh. G.Iavnogo upravleniya avtokhozyaystv Porvo.12hlya i Urala (for Pankratov), 3. Glavnyy inzh. grazovogo avtokhozyayotva Ryazanskogo axtotresta (for Polonskly)o (Motor vehicle s--WLintenance aiul repair) PANMTOV, N. Small self-regulating suction column. Muk.-elev.prom. 20 no.10:26 o 154. (MLRA 7:26) 1. Thahavtopromstroy. (Pneumatic-tube transportation) PANKRAIW Maintenance and repsir by uriits and in specialized areas should be introduced everywhere. Avt. transp. 42 no.ll*. 15-16 N 164. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Naohallnik teklinicheskogo upravleniya Ministerstva avtome- billnogo, transports. i shosseynykh dorog RSFSR. PANKRAT'DV,, N. Ways for reducing lalwr conau--ption and expenses in the maintenance and repair of motor vehicles. Avt. transp. 43 no.6:2-4 Je 165.. (14IRA 18~6) 1. Nachallnik Tekhnicheskogo upravleniyu Ministerstva avtomo- yll dorog RSFSR. billnogo transporta i shoi3seyw PANIMWOV, N. P,. Bearings (14achinery\ j Vays and means of 10 2, 1-::2. rie'~:]. in the bearing ind-ustry. Fodsh-3pni.1k, I.o. economizing, u - L .4 1 , ~ ssian ssions, Library of Con~ ress, April 191-72. rr 3 ~ Mont 1v List of Ru . Accelor-s- 1; IT. K, Jv FL, A" t VAYNGLWV, M.L.; GERLOVIN. Ya.I.;,PANKRATOV, N. A. A negative optico-acoustical phenomenon. Opt. i spektr. 1 no.8: 1023 D '56. (MLaA 10:~2) (Molecular dynamics) (Infrared rays) V- ~: ~ dtz .g. v xit M MEN k- P T~- AUTHOR; Pankratov, N.A. 51-5-18/26 -TITLE. On the Relationship between Specific and Threshold Sensi- tivity of a Selective Optico-acoqstic Receiver Chamber and its Time Constant. (0 svyazi udel'noy i porogovoy chuvstvitell nosti kamery selektivn?p optiko-akusticheskogo priyemn1ka a yego postoyannoy vremeni) IMIODICAL:, Optika i Spektroskopiya, 195?, Vol-2, No-5, pp. 662 - 666 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A selective optico-acoustic receiver is a receiver of radiant energy in which under the action of intermittent light gas pressure pulses arise. The radiation in the receiver is absorbed directly by the molecules of the gas filling the recei- ver chamber. Such a receiver has a wide application in gas analysis. The pressure pulses are recorded by a microphone. The limiting sensitivity and the time constant of the selective receiver was first calculated by M.L. Veyngerovlpef. Further work on the subject was done by M.A. Ye yashevich et al. [ie-f. 21, P.V. Slobodskaya tRef.31 and A.D. Sall' [Ref.41. This paper discusses excitation of acoustic vibrations in the selective-receiver chamber in a way analogous to that for the non-selective receiver [Itef.51. The relationship between speci- Cardl/4 fie and threshold sensitivities of the chamber with its time 51J-18/26 On the Relationship between Specific and Threshold Sensitivity of .a. Selective Optico-acoustic Receiver Chamber and its Time Constant. constant is derived since the latter quantity is easily deter- mined experimentally. Under the action of the incident radiation) an increase in temperature, pressure and density of the gas is produced. Only alternating components of these quantities are of interest. To find these three quantities, the authom uses 3 equations: the equation of thermal equilibrium, the equation of state and the equation of conservation of mass in the chamber. The author shows that the specific sensitivity of the chamber u is given by: 12-2,0 (l - e-kjz)d-j U Peff. ~l (8) AV (4a I T3 + P)Jt T S V, + 0 0 where Feff. is the mean effective pressure in the chamber, Qinc is incident energy, P 0 is mean pressure, Q is frequency - -P 4-k ~iviniAwni-, light. k,i is coefficient of absorDtion of 51-5-18/26 On the Relationship between Specific and Threshold Sensitivity of a Selective Optico-acoustic Receiver Chamber and its Time Constant. of light of frequency,4 by the gas, crl is emissivity of a layer of Sas,of an effective thickness TO is mean gas temperature, is coefficient of heat loss by conduction, convection and work in expansion of the gas, 811 is the total surface area of the receiver, w is the frequency of light modulation, It is time constant of the receiver which is the time in which mean temperature rise reaPes 63PA of its max* value. At low frequencies, when (wr) := 1 , the effective pressure and the specific sensitivity of the receiver do not depend on frequency and are inversely proportional t~ the heat losses. In the case of high frequencies when (WO >> 1 , the sensitivity is inversely proportional to the ftequency and does not depend on the coefficient of heat loss nor the emissivity of the gas. In this case, the sensitivity is determined only by the specific heat of the gas. The threshold sensitivity of the receiver is defined as the ratio of the intrinsic noise to its specific sen-cftivity. This intrinsic noise is due to fluct- uations of temperature and pressure in the gas filling the receiver. The author shows that temperature fluctuations, and consequently, those of pressure, depend on the emissivity of Uard 3/4 51-5-18/26 On the Relationship between Specific and Threshold Sensitivity of a Selective Optico-acoustic Receiver Chamber and its Time Constant. the gas, its coefficient of heat loss, time constant and the frequency at which observations are made. The threshold sensi- tivity can be calculated from: n6-). ,.- 2 Qt ~0 V2 V 4W kT2S 1 '(4a 1 To + 0) A f (14) (I - e-k VJ)N where qt threshold incident radiation energy, n = the number of times the increase of temperature of the gas due to the incident light must exceed the spontaneous temperature fluctuations (noise) for the former to be recorded with confid- ence, T = temperature, .4f = the band-width of the amplifying system. The threshold sensitivity does not depend on frequency and it can be calculated from eq.(3,4r)without any assumptions about the microphone used as a detector. There are 6 references, of which 5 are Slavic. SUMITTED: October, 15, 1956. A yarjIVR: Library of Congress t AU THORS t Veyngerov, M.L., Nechayeva, L.M., Pankratov and sivkov, A.A. TITLE: A Now Math6d of Investigation of Emission Spectra of Bodies at Room Temperature (Novyy metod issladovaniya spektrov iBPUSkaniya tel, nakhoayashchikhaya pri komnatnoy temperature) PZRIODIGLL% Optilca I Spelctroskopiya, 1958, Vol IV, Nr 6, pp 797-799 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A now differential method of investigation of emission speaatra of 'todies at room temperature is reported. This method is based on the use, of two refrigerators, in the same way as in the analysis of gases -by mear-3 of the negative optico-acoustic effect described in Ref 3. Principles of the method can be seen from Fig 1. In front of a monochrmatcr slit 1 there is a plane mirror 2, a concave mirror 3 and a nor--aeleotirs optico-acoustic receiver (see Ref 4). The signal produced by the receiver 4;is amplified by the amplifier 5 and after synchronm-,s rectification by a detector 6 is measured by a mirror galvanometer 7. In front of the other monochromator slit a mirror modulator 8 and two vessels 9 and 10 filled with liquid air are placed. A generator for the synchronous detector Is on the axle of a motor 11. Directly above each vessel filled with liquid air there is a tell which has Card 1/3 sylvite windows. Plane mirrors are placed at an angle of 4;50 to the SOY/51--i-6-15/24 A New Method of Investigation of Emission Spectra of Bodies at Room TemDerature horizontal above each of these cells. .rho arrangement is shown in Fig 1 on the right-hand side. According to the position of the mirror modulator 8, radiational exchange between the receiver 4: and,ono or other of the liquid-air refrigerators mill occur. The resulting sipjL produced by the receiver is equal to zero unless one of the cells Is filled with the &as to be studied. In the latter case the resulting signal is proportional to emission of gas in the spectral region selected by the position of the monochromator prism. Using the apparatas described the authors obtained emission spectrum of methane at room temperature in the region near a I&. The results obtained are shomn in Fig 2. 'The monochromator slit vidths used vore Z'mm -which correspond to a spectral interval of 0.75 iL. The method described can be applied to liqaids and solids, as -well as to &&see. The authors point out that Stepanov and Khvashchovskaya kRef 7) described an apparatus consisting of a refrigerator, a monochromator.. the substance studied and a receiver which was used to obtain curves Gard 2/3 from which by the usual methods the absorption or emission spectrum SOY/51-4-6-15/24 A New Method Of Investigation of Emission Spectra of Bodies at Rom Temperat-re could be obtained. There are 2 figures and 5 Soviet referencee- ASSOCIATION: Gosudarstvannyy Optichaskiy Institdt im. S.I. Vavilova tState Optical Institate imeni 8.1. Vavilov) SUEMITTED: November 27, 1957 Card 3/3 6 7 157 J. Y00 Pankratov, and Vinogradova, 11TIS - On the Maximum Possible Sensitivity of a Selective Optico-Acaustic Receiver PERIODICAL: Ontilca i spektroskopiya, 1959, Vol 7, No 6, pp 789-797 (USSR) ABSTRAGT: An optico-acoustic receiver consists of two main parts: a receiver clamber and a microphone. Iffinen a condenser or an electrodynamic microphone is used in the receiver the properties of the chamber cannot be separated from thcGe of the microphone. On the other hand -when an optical microphone is used in conjunction i~ith a solective-receiver chamber, the properties of the chamber and those of' the microphone can lie determined sopar-.italy. It for this raaaon that the authors used an ozitical micro~hondA6wn rchauatical ly in Fig 1, -A, _LqZ21v.2SI,~,hanbor (1) was filled vith a gas which can absorb infrared radiation, Pulsatiom-. of' the gas pressure, producodbya"pulsed" infr,-Irad beam, act on a celluloid membrane (2) coated vrith a srocular layer of antimony, This membrane vao used both as a chamber wall and a microphona membrane. An objective (3) vas placed at a distance of 15 imi from the membrane, Ir! the focal piano of the objective there Yjar, a -lass raster (4) throuL-h which light from a source (6), was Projected by a condenser (5) or. to tho Card 1/3 ma,!ibrane (2). The IiJit -vas reflected from the ia%-abrano and, after 67157 O-il,51 -7 - 6 -1,~/,Ua Cn the Ma7irram Ponsible Sensitivity Of a ~~810ctivo 0PticD-Ac,7"x:,tiC R-5ceiver passing through the objective and the raster,it was deviated by a mirror (7) on, to a single-stage ohotomultiplier (9) of FEU-2 type. The construction of the chaiabor is shovin in Fig 2. It consisted of a working spe-ce (1), a ring-shaped charnel (2), a channel joining the vorkinE space and the rf)Uion immodiate3v "bohind th,3 membrane (3)" , the membrane and itE r-upporting ring (4), a ewqy)n5ation channal. fin antry Yjilldow (0) , a window used to protect the membrana (7) and the chamber casing (61) . Two nhambor5 were constructed-. one was cylindr,,~al in shape (10 mm deptYL and 9~4 ifim diam(5tor), -%ni tbe other was rocta ngular-(6 x 7 mm, cross -saction' and 3 M4 d*rJt)')- W11611 fil]Od With "02 tho cyUndri(,al chwnher h.,td Ft timo constant of 0.0 soc and tho roctangrular one - 0.003 soi::. AbfzorntAon of radiation omitted by a Hefner candle (a selactive soiArc;o) amounted to 137, In the cylindrical chanilb3r and 61" in the rectangular one. The r.,,Lt- woan-:~quaro noise at light-iriterription frequoncy of 10 Cls vas oquiv,-lait to a radiation flivi: of 6 x 1-0-0 Tf in the iL~ylindrivil c-hainiuar an,-' 8 x 10-9 W -Lr) ths ractang-alar, c~ha:aber~ The noise decreased V.'ith iw:reasa of the light-intermption fraquency (Fig 4)~ t-it lov, froTaencie~ (10-15 C.,A) an ovtical microphong mada it )ossibl.3 to reach the sensitivity limit of the outico-acouf_ztic receivor, since thc noise of the r,3ceiver -was practically entirely due to the chwiber noiso. T a cylindric,11 chalA;'3, J limit becaune -.f tfig heat lossea and had a lover sensitivity 67157 SOV-51 -7-1.3-- Iz.138 On the t1aximum Fossible Sensitivity of a Selective Optico ~'coustic Receiver higher absorption of infrar,-d radiation; it suffered from the dis- advantage of a comparatively large time constant. The heat losses in both chambers were primarily due to thermal conduction and the radiation losses were very small. It is possible to increase the chamber sensitivity quite considerably by increasing its dimensions, filling it with gas at low pressure arxi using multiple passage of radiation through the chamber. Then absorption of radiation should be of the same order as in one of the chambers doscribed above but the sensitivity should be higher. Moreover, under such conditions the thennal conduction and radiation losses wili be of comparable magnitude. This Is important since in the case of non-selective receivers the optimum chamber dimensions are obtained when the conduction and the radiation losses are equal; this may also be true for selective receivera. AcLcaowledgment is made to Prof ess or M.L. Vayngerov f or his gaid=ce. There are 7 f iguras and 22 references, 17 of -which are Soviet and 5 English. WEMITTEDt May 5, 1959 Card 3/3 68317 S 011/51-8 -1-17/40 AUTHOR; Fankratov, 1-1..~L ............... TIMS. A Selective Op-cico-4tcoustic Receiver with an Electrodynamic Microphone PIRIODIt3!6L. optika i spaittroskopiya, 1960, Vol 6, Nr 1, pp 109-115 (USSA) j.BST,,.;'GT: The paper deals rith various prooerties of selective optico-acoaslic receivers in resonance ;le~trodynamic microDhoneasAre used. The author determined firat the dynamic impedance of tl~e iaicrophona bativeen 50 and 1000 C/s. Through a microphone R. and a cal4bmtUA... resistanco R an alternating current was passed from an uudio-frequoncy oscillator ZG-10 (Fig 1). R vias -varied until it was equal to R.; -equa.-11,", was checked by measuring the voltage fall across R and im by means of a tube (valvo) voltmeter M'M-M The author deterninedalso the noise at the output terminals of the microphone using a technique described earlier (Rof 1,,1. The measured noise spectrum (curve 1, Fig 2) agreed quite -well with noise deduced using Nyquistts "onnula, from tho"Measured dynamic impedance of the microphone (curve 2, Fig 9). in both curves the maxima occurred at the resonance frequency of 540-550 a/s. Above the resonance frequency the noise fell ar-0 war, Ga rd 1/2 governed by the impadance of the microphone coil. Belov the reaonance 87010 S/051/61/010/001/013/017 E 201/E491 AUTHORS: TaahratRy, N.A. and Vasillyev, E.F. TITLE: A Non-Selective Optico-Acoustic Receiver With a Capacitor Microphone PERIODICAL: Optika i spektroskopiya, 1961, Vol.10, No.1, pp.127-130 TEXT: A new version of a pneumatic infrared detector with a capacitor microphone is described. The chopped beam passes through the 3 mm window I and is absorbed by the aluminum layer deposited on the organic film base located in chamber 2 and fastened to the brass ring 3. The detecting membrane, metallizzd by antimony or silver and maintained under a tension of 1.6 x 10 dyne/cm, makes contact with the brass ring 4. A perforated brass electrode 5 is placed in the plexiglas ring 6 parallel to the detecting membrane at a distance of 10 to 15 11 from it. The latter, with electrode 5 , forms a capacitor microphone with a capacitance of 4 to 6 ji'~F; it can withstand a polarizing voltage of 5 to 15 V. Slow changes of temperature are compensated by joining the volume in front and behind the membrane by means of a channel 9. The capacitor microphone is Card 1/3 87MO S/o5i/61/010/001/013/017 E 201/E491 A Non-.Selective Optico-Acoustic Receiver With a Capacitor Microphone connected to the balanced r-f (320 kc) bridge. The h-f bridge voltage is amplitude--modulated by the interrupted signal and feeds the amplification unit which consists of an r-f amplifier, a detector, an a-f amplifier, a synchronous detector and a d-c indicating instrument. With a 0.15 c amplifier transmission band and a 10 c pulse repetition rate, the rms noise value is 1.2 x 10-10 V. The threshold sensitivity of this detector is 2 to 4 times lower than that of a detector which uses an optical microphone. However, the detector with a capacitor microphone is simpler and lends itself to wider use in cases where the radio flux to be measured is chopped at low frequency. Acknowledgments are made to M.L.Veyngerov who directed this work. The first of the two authors (Pankratov) developed the receiver, the second (Vasillyev) developed the amplifier. There are 2 figures and 15 references: 9 Soviet and 6 non-Soviet, SUBMITTED: April 19, 1960 Card 2/3 AUTHORi P_a_nkK_ktD_Y_t_N A 32054 S/051/61/011/005/015/018 E202/E192 TITLE: Non-selective optico-accoustic radiation receivers with electrodynamic microphone PERIODICAL: Optika i spektroskopiya, v.11, no-5, 1961, 681-683 TEXT: The author set out to build a non-selective receiver with a resonance electrodynamic microphone and evaluated its sensitivity. This type of receiver was developed earlier by S.M. Luchin (Ref.4: ZhTF, v.16, 1115, 1946). The construction of the receiver is shown in Fig.l. A modulated flux of radiation passes through the*diaphanous to infrared-radiation window 1, and is absorbed in a fine Al film deposited on a thin organic backing 2. The film is mounted by means of two Al rings 3. The radiation sets temperature pulses in the film and in the gas which lead to pressure fluctuations actuating the membrane 4, of the microphone 5. The whole receiver is protected by a glass or metal capsule 6. Microphone leads are tnken out through metal tube 7, sealed into the capsule. The capsule is partially evacuated and channel 8 serves to balance the pressure Card 1/3 Wivj a vV 1 113 -~f A 'Ar rftnf' 40 '1 rCtf YwXhi; 32054 Non-selective optico-accoustic ... S/051/61/011/005/015/018 E202/EI92 on both sides of the membrane. Various types of microphone were used. The characteristic parameters were as follows: membrane diameter 6 mm; natural resonance frequency 6oo-700 C.P.Si Coil resistance 180 ohm; dynamical resistance at the resonant frequency 1000-1200 ohm. The sensitivity of microphones in the open space with 1o6 ohm load was of the order of 7-8 mw/bar. The signal from the microphone was amplified using a narrow band pass width of 20 c.p.s. The receivers were evaluated by illuminating them with the radiation from a Hafner candle. it was found that with the frequency of modulation of 730 c.p.s. and a 20 c.p.s. band pass of the amplifier, the radiation flux correspgnding to the mean square noise of the receiver was 5 X 10- w, and with the band pass at 0.15 C.P.B., 3.5 x 10-9 w. The main advantage of this instrument lies in its low inertia. Acknowledgments are expressed to M.L. Veyngerov for directing the work. There are 2 figures and 4 Soviet-bloc references. SUBMITTEDi January 21, 1961 Card 2/3 32054 Non-selective optico-accoustic S10511611011100510151018 E202/E1.92 Fig.1 Card 3/3 L 12875-66 E?rr(l)/ETC(m) IJP(c) WW T-607 ACC NRt AP6002042 SOURCE C_6D_E.-UR/62,37/60/000/V6 M/0048 AUTHOR: Pankratov, N. A. ORG: none TITLE: A non.-selective optico-acoustic receiver with an optical micro- phone JSOURCE.-, Optiko-mekhUnicheskaya promyshlennost', no, 1. 1960, 37-48 TOPIC TAGS: IR measurement, R sensor, IR detection. optic system, optic receiver..optic microphone ;Z1, qq'15__~' ABSTRACT: The paper describes a non-selective optico-acoustic receive of infrared radiation developed by the author with the assistance of V. I" Lin1kov andPA P._Shashunov. The instrument consists of a radiation absorption chamber and an optical microphone. A diagram of the optical system is shown in the figure. An intermittent stream of radiation 13 Fig. 1. Card 1/2 jj M N Y p W069 I - '~ ~~_ 21. M k 1. MOW M10100 t 'j ~ _a. 2, g F~ ignmi 1"M 2 014 WNM r RE L 12875-66 ACC NRt -.-..,..,.--.Passds-.-thro.ugh.-fluorite.,-window.-I.--and -is -absorbed -by- a --- thin --layer of -alu minum applied to anextremely thin celluloid substrate 2$which is locat ed in the optico-acoustic chamber 3. Pressure pulsations are generated by'absorption of the radiation in the chamber. These pulsations cause celluloid diaphragm 4 to oscillate. This diaphragm, which is coated with a reflecting layer of antimony, is simultaneously one of the walls of the chamber and also the diaphragm of the microphone. A transparent glass-gratIng 6 is located in the focal plane of lens 5, which is se- parated from diaphragm 4 by-a distance of 15 mm. An ima3e of light ..source,8 is projected through the grating onto the diaphragm by conden- ser.lens 7. This image is then reflected through the second half of thi grating to mirror 0 and from there through iris 10 to single-stage pho- tomultiplier 22. The vibration of the microphone diaphragm causes a periodic 6isplacement of the image along the optical axis which results iwoscillations of the light flux sent from the auxiliary source to the .photomultiplier. The separate cemponents of the instrument are discus- -sed in - detail--with- -consideration- to -characteristics which--affect the---~. parameters.of the receiver. An electrostatic microphone may be sub- stituted for the optical microphone without changing the threshold of sensitivity. The author takes this occasion to thank Professor 'M. ho Veyngerov for constant interest and guidance, Orig. art. has., 18 figures, 3 tables& [14) SUB CODE: 17p20/ SUBM DATE: l.7Jul59/ ORIG IREF: 009/ OTH REF: 010 AMPRESS: Xord - %%~ ~TNIFI - , POV v ~# ~ Gauge for measuring the shape of upper weight hooks on small P66-1 spinning machines. Obmetekhoonyt & [MLP] no,16:65-66 156, (Min 11: 11) (Spinning machinery) LUKIYANOV, A.D.; POKAMESTOV, V.V. New method for preparing peat fields. Birl.tekh.-ekon. inform. no.5:8-10 1609 .(Peat machinery) (MIRA 14:3) USSR / Forestry. Biology and Typology Of the Forest. K-1 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., N. 6, 1958, 24850. Author Pankratov, N M Inst Title The Influence of Tempe~.,ature on the Flowering of the Oak. Orig Pub: Sb. rabot po lesn. kh--vu. Vses. n.-i. in-t lesovod- stva i mekhaniz. lesn. kh-va, 1956, vYP. 32, 217- 224. Abstract: The determination of temperatures injurious for male and female in florescences was carried out with the aim of elaborating methods for the safe- guarding of the oak from the late frosts in the Card 1/3 U3SR / Forentry. Biology and Typology of tho Forout, K-1 AbG Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 6, 1950, 24850. Abstract: forest. The periodicity of the fruitification of the oak is not an invariable biological propert.-y but depends on the conditions of It's existence. Late frosts, by impairing the normal rate of nu- trition of the tree, exert a harmful influence on the crop of the current and subsequent year. The male buds of the oak perish through t1he effect of twenty-four hours of low temperatures (positive) from 0 3 to 10- through the effect of temperature from -6.3 to -0'.5 - in the course of 1 -- 3 hrs.; through the effect of temperatures below -10 in the course of one hour. Low positive temperatures do not show a noticeable influence on the female blossoms of the oak. A 3-hour effect of -4.50 temperature appears to be pernicious to the ovary, as well as fast warming after a 5-hour effect of Card 2/3 7 USSR / Forestry. Biology and Typology of the Forest. K-1 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 6, 1958, 24850. Abstract: -10 temperature. Mature leaves perish at -4.50 in three hours. An injurious effect of a rapid trans- ition from a low to a high temperature is regis- tered. It is supposed that, under natural condi- tions, the blossoms of the southern and the east- ern part of the crown will suffer from frosts to a great degree, since their warming under the ef- fect of sun's rays proceeds more rapidly. Card 3/3 FANKRATOV, N.N., inzh. Gold welding of contact wires; mobile uait. Elek. i tepl. tiaga, 7 no.9:11-12 S 163. (MIRA 16:10) -PANMTOV, N. N. - - 25931 Pankratov. N. N. Sluchay osoboy travmy vodolaza. Voyen.- med. zFu-rnal, 1948, No. 6, s. 23-24. 1 SO: Latoplal Zhurnal Statey, No. 30, Moscow, 1948. all I A I A I s 1 4 U a is id0m 11 0 x A a A m i C lk- 4 A 40 So ir ooz Al it u ais a X 0 4 0 41 a 43 die woo so .00 folod detumhastim of W coacestriatwo It Ind. 11.NV comoructiou Witt tion of an app. 1!L& ~-Fzhe-,HO content In Coo OPIM uVen&d peat an dewribed. A. A. Boeinfinsk roe I ~A OITALLUR 'CAL LITIEWUNg CLISUPKATION 1230.j .10 M, got I...... too uge woo 41151 -CA 0.. 0 U 0 AV 10 AS I ;; ~ ;., ; - ;l , ;, ; , ; " ;~& -. '. I An A Iv Od 0 0 a I IN IN 2 A3 0 31 : re :I* o o 0 o * *0 o o o o 0 0 0 0 0 r 0 6 * 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 -Tod 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0 0 0 * 0 Sl a a 0 0 PAYiY,akTCV 9- S - 42300: PIL'OlIkKil , N - S. llnblyiideni,,~ zn sushkoy torfn , r---formr-v-nncrc formir,nisl-cnimi gusenitnami FG-2 i FG-'. Torf. nrcm-s"', 1948, licil, s. 21-28. SC: LetODiS' Zhurnil'nir'', St~,tey, Vel. 47, 1011F. F VIMII',)G PtARTS. Xlr-h%Ano 0-1- 31'4 V.:nkr ,It N71.). M3 1951, 2,--29)- PJ - Itavo ::.5. it-,rf. rmv. (P- - ---JF PAIIKRATW~, N.S. "Investigating the Kinetics of tl:o Process of Convectional Drying of Lmp Peat in an Apparatus Having an Artificial Climate." Cand Tech Sci, Moscow Peat Inst, Moscow, 1954. (RZHXhimp No 20, Oct 54) Survey of Scientific and Techniqal Dissertations B,,fended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (10) SO: Sum, No, 451 5 "'ay55 P(-)NKRF)To\/, WS. EWHADSKIT, L.S.; A SITIV. Ye.T.; APENCHENKO.,S-S-; BASOV, A'P'; BAUSI)" A-y'; VELM, N.A.; GINUM I..,N.; GUSEV, S-A,-; UMWV, G-V-; DOWIKH, M.S,; DRMHININ, H.N.; YBYIMOV,V.S.; UVAMMT, N.V.; IUSHRGHKIN, N.V.; LUIAKIN, F.Y.; KWHMAR, G.I.; IOBAHOV. S',P.; HERKUWV, Ya.V.;NIXODIMOV. P.I.; ?ARUUTDL N.S.-- PYATAKOVO L.V.; TIODIGHEV, A.F.; SHIMTOV, M.S.; STRMIOV, B.I.; SAVOCHKIN. S.M.,, SAHSDMV, N.N,; SDTITSYN. lllk%A.;SOWIDV, A.A.; SOWPOV, S.G.; CHRLYSHKV, S.Gs; 5110HUXIII. A.Ye. Pedor Nikolaevich Krylov; obituary. Torf. prom. 35 no.6:32 158. (MIPA 11:10). (Krylov, Fedor Nikolaevich, 1903-1958) LUKIYAfR)V, A.D., Inzh.; PAVMTOV, IT.S., kand. tekhn. nauk; -POWIESTOV, V.V., inzh. - --------- 2reparation of the surface of peat fields by the deep milling of stump-containing layers. Torf. prom. 36 no.5.8-11 '59. (MIRA 13: 1) l.Vsesoymnyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiv iuatitut torfyano7 promyshlennosti. (Peat machinery) V . ., kand.teklan.nauk, )"KOVO J.H., inzh. I of cracks in the process of Conditions of the forlti0v :15-18 160, (14m 13:6) dryinge Torf.prom- 37 no*l I skogo InStituta 10 naachno-iseleaovatel 1. vgesoyuznog torfyanoy promrshlennOstio t-Drying) (Pea MALKOV, L.M., kand.tekhn.nauk; PANKRATOV, N.S., kand.tekhn.nauk; KOWTUSMNJ- V.I., red.; IJLRIO?ICV,- G.Ye., (Investigating the process of radiation-convective drying of granulated and lump peat] Issledovanie protsessa radiatsionno- konvektivnoi sushki granulirovannogo i Icuskovogo torfa. Moskva, Gosenergoizdat, 1961. 215 P. (Leningrad. Vsesoidznyi nauchno- issledovatellskii institut torfianoi promyshlennosti. Moskovskii filial. Trudy, no.1). (MIRA 16:12) PANKRATOTs V.S kand* tekhn. nauk; POKAMESTOV., V.V.; LUKIYANOV, A.D.; UAWHh~ YU.M.; MAMOV, Yu.I.,- KONDRMWOV, A.S.; MYEVSKAYA, K*T*; MALKOV, L.M.; FORIN, VA.; KOLOTUSMIT", V.I., red.; LARIONOV, G.Ye.., tekhn. red,, [New equipment and technology of peat-bog preparation and the winning of granulated peat] Novaia tekhnika i tekhnologiia bolotno- podgotovitellnykh rabot i dobychi grazu1irovannogo torfa. kloskva., Gos. energ. izd-voy 1961. 86 p. (~= 15:2) 1. Leningrad. VBesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut Lor- fyanoy proiVohlennosti. Direktor filiala VseE;oyuznogo nauchno- issledovatellskogo instituta torfyanoir proqrsblennouti (for Pankratov). (Peat bogs) (Peat machirvary) PAWKWOV, B.S.-,..k%nd.tekbn.nauk; LUKIYANOV., A.D.9 inzh., POKAIESTOV., Y.V., Mechanizing the,preparation of peat,depostbo and swamplands. Mekb.i avtom.proizv. 14 no*5:30-32 My 1W.0, (MIRA 14:2) (peat mubinery-Tecbnological innovations) 777- --- 77~ 77777, PAUMTOV, N.S.,- kand.tekhn.nauk; I&SHIMY, V.I., lush. i6at and ammonia fertilizers contributing to higher y-lelds. Torf. prom. 37 no-3:28-30 160. (KRA 130) 1. Filial Voooovagnogo nauOhno-isaledovatel'okop institutetorfyanoy promyohlennosti. (Peat) (Ammonia) (Fertilizers and manuron) P GHLTASIN, M.; MIKHATIMIKO, A. "Organization and methods of auditing the taxation work of finance organizatiotw~*" P. Pankratov, L. MEvirskii. Re- viewed by M. CheksLairt an Ifin.SSSR 16. no 6:91-92 Je 155. (MLRA 8.*6) (Nnkratov, P.) (Taxation) .4 PAITKRATOV, P. A. w"R (w0) 4. Boring 7. Highly Productive wells- Soob.TFAIT SSSR no. 31, 1951 9. lAoutbl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congross, jkrch 1953, Unclassified* PAMWTOV, P-Av high-discharge! W*119. F.S.Boiariateov. Desigailij aid building by P.A,Pankratev. Izv.Otd.ost.n&uk Jal Tadzn.SSR xe.11.97-1W 152. (KM 9..I0) l.justitut goologii Akade'mii unuk Taclzhiksk*T SSR. (Veils) PANKRATOV P A High-speed conztruction of highly ly-"oductive wells. DokLjy yad2h. SSR no.4:7-11 '52- Mu 9 . 9) I.Chlen-korraspondant AN Tadzhikskov BER. 2. Inatitut geologii Akademij nauk Tadzhikskoy BSR. (Soviet Central Asia--Walla) FAIT IURATC,- 5312. Fanhratov, F. Orc-anizatc-iya 1 rc-vizl"! -7oF~ovoy rabot', fjr.~--~--,,3,~, organov. Y; Gosfinina!-, 1954 1- 12 s , 20 s CC c-z. 3 r. SO: Enizhnaya Leto,-is', Vol. 1, 1955 W MINII j w -11- 0, MA-M-R&M MN W, . I : ,, ~~ M1 21 a R PANKRATOV, P*Ao Prospects for using ground water and measures for preventing salt formation in the irrigated area of Central Asia. Izv.otd.est.nauk AN Tadzh.SML no-8333-44 ~540 (MIRA 9:9) l.Institut geologii AN Tadzhikskov SSR. (Soviet Central Asia--Water, Undergroumd) (Soviet Central Asia--- Alkali lands) 15-57-10-14640 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 10, p 212 (USSR) AUTHOR: Pankratov, P. A. TITLE: Some Theoretical questions on Ground Water Flow and Collection (Nekotoryye voprosy teorii dvizheniya i zakhvata gruntovykh vod) PERIODICAL: Tr. AN TadzhSSR, 1956, Nr 56, pp 159-168 ABSTRACT:' The author considers that when ground waters are pumped out of'wells, the water level does not correspond to the flow pressure in a given vertical section. At any point in a depression cone, water pressure ought to vary at different levels in the aquifer. The author offers his own conclusions as to the interaction of wells in a ground water flow, and also describes the results of a 1936 experiment which he made in a trough simulating field conditions. (The results of this experiment differ from accepted views on water movements Card 1/1 in porous soils.-Ed.). A. P. Vollfson PAIUMTOV, P.A. Hydrogeological conditions in irrigated Tajik massifs in connection with problems of land improvement and use of underground waters. Tnidy, AN Tadzh. SSR 77:309-364 157. (MIRA 11:9) (Tajikistan--Water, Underground) BARATOV, R.B., otv. red.; HUEBTIKOV, M.M., zarl'. o1w. red.3 BABAKHODMAYEV, red.; K.V*y red.; DZRALILOV, red.; ZAYI',A?C)V, &A., red.; T.I., red.; PANKRATOV, P.A., red.; REYMAN, V.M., red. [Problems of the geology of Tajiki8tan; fest8chrift for the 23d Session of the Geological Congress in Delhi] Probleqr geologii Tadzhikistana; sbornik,. posviashchenrX.-I XXII sessii 14ezb-dunarodnogo geologicheskogo kon.gressa v Deli. Dushanbep All Tadzhik SM, 1964. 290 p. (MIR-A 18:3) 1. Akademiya na7ak Tadzhikskoy SSR, Dushanbe. Institut geologil. - filV~~IVJ~~IT V~/.V., inzhener; MOTIOZOT, I.A., inshener; HEM, Aj., inzhener; PANMTOT. F.D., inzhener. &MV11vtt. Now machine for spot welding large-sized, flat steel construction. Vest.mash. 34 no.10:50-52 0 154. (MLRA 7:11) (Electric welding) T /L LWH/ Engineering welding equipmnt card A Pab. 128 - 10/31 Authors Vershinskiy, V. V., Morozov, I. )..I Meyer) A. V... and Pankratov, P. B. Title An apparatus of a new deBign for a contact spot-welding of large- diaphragm steel platforms Period Ical Vent. m9h. 10s, 50 - 52, 00t 511 Abstract A narrative report is given concerning the operation and fanction of a new type contact spot-welding apparatus, designed and produced by the Kalinin Rolling Stock Construction Factory. Diagrams; illustrations. Institution Submitted LzAvvxnj nTO-1 It 42691 Comact Welding of Hoofs of All-Alcial Railroad Pa~senger Cars, ( Russia it. V, Vershinskil,*Ir A. hlo~?zov, Be T* Re A A. V. Meier, an&l'. B. Pankratov. Vestnik Atashinostrocrina, V, 3 No. 3 33, no. 8, Aug. 1953, p. 82-86. Special equipment is described. Photobraphs, diagrams. 1&r . 1954 waiding and Joinin 1-M r-111-1 PANKRATOV, R.. -tilting log dupp. Yast. lesa 2 no.7:14 J1 '58. (HIRA 13--9) l.Nachallnik proizvodBtvenno-tekhnicheskogo otdela Vetlyanskogo lespromkhoza, Permskaya oblast' . (Lumbering--Machinery) (Loading and unloading) PANKRATOV9 Troubles of ordinar7 members. Izobr. i rats. no.6:27 Je '61. (MIU 14-.6) ,a Predsedatell Leningradskogo sf)ve- Vsesayuznogo obshchestva izobretateley i ratsionalizatorov. (Germany, &st--Technological innovations) 4ie. PA931ATOY, S. Zrror after error. Izobr.i rate. no.IZ.,39 D 139. (HIRA 13: 8) 1. Predeedatell Leningradekogo oblaotnogo soveta Vaecoyuznogo obshebestva izobretateley i ratsionalizatorov. (Tecbuological innovations) PANKRATOV,,.q,,4,, doktor tekhn. nauk; SOLDATKIN, Ye.P., kand. tekhn. nauk; 1--l'- -:-- FEDOROV, D.I., kand. tekhn. nauk Determining the tangential constituent forces in excavation activating the working elements of rotary excavators. Stroi. i dor. mash. 9 no.9:4-6 S 164. (M1RA 17:11) PANKRATOV, S.A. HOW we organized our word- Izobr. i rato. no-915 6 158, (KRA 11:10) 1. Predsedatell Loningradskogo oblastnogo eoveta Vaesoyusnogo obsbebastva izobretateley i ratsionalizatorov. (Leningrad Province-Ifficiency. Industrial) PA1?1A-Ae,q- 7-()tl -S, 4, A/UTJ AUTHOR: Pankratovq S.A. Moscow) 24.8-28/34 F TITIB ; --On- methods of sol-vring the systems of non-linear, differential equations. (0 prakticheskilih metodakh resh- eniya-sistem nelineynykh differentsialInykh.uravnenky) PERIODICAL: ."Izvesti-7a Akademii Nauk SSSR. Ortdelenive Tekhniches- kikh Wa_uk.," (Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences USSR. Technical Sciences Section.) No-8, pp. 156-159 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT.: Stationary solutions of systems of non-linear, differen- tial equal-ions whic'h are sufficiently simple can be found by transforming from the equations for ordinary derivatives to equations containing partial derivatives and represent- ing the solutions in the form of expansions in fractional powers of a small parameter. The author investigates a number of equations in the resonance solutions of systems of differential equations for the oscillations of a jib of a dragline excavator: d2x + 2 2X + alx2 + blxy + cly 2 + X Os W t 0 Card 1/2 dt2 d + 2 + a~X2 + be ey + 02,Y2 + ?L 4..- 22Y 92cosw2t 0 dt timb, ~-O V, ~, 4. (Moskva) Practical methods for solving systems of nonlinear differential equations. Izv.AN SSSR Otd.tekh.neuk no-8:156-159 Ag '57. (MIRA 10:11) (Differential equations) tit, 87802 ~,'70,0 0 S/040J60/024/005/026/028 4. 6s-0 0 C111/C222 AUTHORs Pankratov, S.A. (Moscow) TITLEz On a Numerical Method for the Determination of the Roots of Characteristic Equations PERIODICAL: Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika, 1960~ Vol.24, N0.5, pp.067-968 TEXT: If the equation n n-1 x +An-lx +..,.+Alx+Ao = 0 has a real root *,\ then it can be written in the form (2) (x;-~`A)(x'-'+a n-2 xn-2+an-3 xn-3+...+filx+a0) = 0. The a. are determined so that (1) and (2) differ only by the free term, i.e. an_2 - A +An-1 (3) an-3 = Aan-2+An-2 a _4 = 'A an_3+An-3 Card 1A a 0 07=2 3/04 60/024/005/028/028 C1 11%222 On a Numerical Method for the Determination of the Roots of Characteristic Equations Let At and All be values of Ao corresponding to the roots 2 (A -a 'A Then let the new value IN be defined by 0 0 3 A -A' (4) At-Alo 3 - A1+ Al 0 0 It is suitable to choose"N and so that Al-A and A"-Ao have 1 0 0 0 different signs. When for ')\ the corresponding value All' is calculated 3 0 then the next approximate value-A is again determined by interpolation, where one starts from two values -A and )V for which A I-A and Aj-.A 0 0 have a different sign, etc. If e.g. (5) X4+A3X3+A2x2+Alx+Ao= 0 has two pairs of complex roots then (5) is written in the form Card 2/4 S/O 4Y06015(0,24~100 5/02 8/0 2 8 C111 0222 On a Numerical Method for the Determination of the Roots of Characteristic Equations (6) (X2 +a1X+a0 )(X2 +bIx+b0 0, and the ai, b, are obtained from the preceding condition, i.e. *1 +b A3 (7) a +b +a1 b1= A2 *0 b1+a1bo = A 1 (here one coefficient, e.g. a,, can be chosen arbitrarily.). The free term is A = a b If there are two values A', All corresponding to the 0 0 0 0 0 values a, all of a then the new value is defined by A -A' 3 = a, 0 0 (8) a + (at-all). I A-A-' 1 1 0 0 Card 3/4 87 S/04 60/024/005/028/028 C1 11 YC222 On a Numerical Yethod for the Determinaticn of the Roots of Characteristic Equations By a multiple repetition the author determines a value a i for which Ai 1 0 is little different from A 0, and therewith he f:Lndo an approximate value of the sought solution. The method is extended to equations with n pairs of complex roots. The method is recommended for programmings. SUBMITTED- June 6, 1960 Card 4/4 g Z:j7, , ~-g -rp, 2 MEN EM PANiMTOV, S. A. "Methods for Calculation of Revolving ?2atfornis of heavy-Daty Zxaavators." Sub _11, Moscow Order of the labor Red Banner Construction Engineering Inst Imeni ~un Kuybyshev Dissertations presented for science and engineering- degrees in Moscow during 1951. SO: Sum. NO. 40, 9 tiny 55 V PANKROOV.S.-A., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. Zxperimental Investigation of dynamic loading on the dragline boom of the 3-505 excavator. StrotA dor.mehinostr. 1 no.1093-5 0 156. (MNA 9: 11) (Excavating machinery) -33 V, PANKRATOVI S. A. Doc Teah Sci -- (diss) 4~~s of the Dynami:D Calculationi of the BoomE; of Rxcavators and Cranes~ll Most 1957. 28 pp 20 cm. (Min of Hjgher~Education USSR, Mos Order. of Labor Red Banner Constructiom Engineering%Inst i~a,V. V., 23W Kuybyshevv), 130 coPi-es (XL9 25-57t 111) 4p- 122-1-2/34 AUTHOR: Pankratov, S.A., Candidate of Teel-mical Sciences. ---------- TITLE-. The guy outriggers of dragline excavators of the "Uralmash" Plant (Vantovyye strely ekskavatorov--draglaynov Uralmash- zavoda) F&IODICAL: I'Vestnik Mashinostro.7eni-va" (Engineering Journal) 1957, No,lv pp.'12 - 19 (U*S*S*Ro) ABSTRACT: The report is concerned with dragline excavator types a.=-l4/?5,3,=-lO/?5 and a.=-20/65 with Guy Outriggers. These are lighter than other designs but their dynamic loads are difficult to evaluate. The determination of the loads in the outrigger frame members by means of strain gauges,is des- cribed. Typical strain gauge records are reproduced taken in operation, which show structural vibrations. The basis for a rational design of the outriggers is discussed. There are 9 figures, including 2 photographs and 4 oscillo- Card .1/1 graphic records. AVAIIABIE: Library of Congress PANMTOV, S.A., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. Improving the design of booms for dragline excivators zind cranes. Strol.i dor.mashinostr. 2 no.7:3-5 J7 '57. MU 10:7) Obcoavating machinery) (OrRnes, derricks, etc.) VIMOV, Yu. A., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk., kandidat takhnicheskikh nauk.;RYAKRINg VeA.1 to cheskikh nauk. "Principles of the theory of single-bucket.excavatotsl by B. R. Peters,. Mekh. trud. rdb. 11 no.2:47 7 137. (KM 10:5 (Itcavating machinery) (Peters, A.R.) PANKRATOV. S.A., kandidat toldmichaskikh nauk. (hW bome used in drag 3-ino excavators designed in the Ural Machinery Plant. Vest.mash.3? no.1:12-19 Ja 15?. (HM 10:2) (Ixcavating mehinery) PANKRATOV, S.A., dots., kand.tekhn.nauk Dynamic analysis of nuavators and cranes. Hauch.dokl.vys. shkoly;(strot. no.2:135-14l ' 58. (MIRA 12:1) zxcavating maebinory) (Cranes, derricks, etc.) -PAMATOV, S.A., doteent, doktor tekhn. nauk Bending torsional vibrations of dragline g117 booM0 - IZV- 770. ucheb. zav.; mashinostr. no.9-.162-168 '58. (MIRA 12:10) 1.Moskovskiy inzhonerno-stroitellnyy institut im. Kuybyeheva. (Bxcavating machiuery~-Vlbratior) PANnATOV. 5.A., doktor tekhn- Dauk crane units- Izv- v76* Dynamic calculation of excavator and uchebe zavo; ma9hinostr. no.11/12:46-50 '58. WIRA 13:3) l.Moskovskiy inzhenerno-stroitelln77 inGtitut- (Cranes, derricks, etc.) (Excavating machinery) FAIMUT.awkb 0 kand. tekha. nauk Designing turntables fOr heavy-duty excavators* Sbor.trud, NISI no.26:81-106 158. (KM 12:1) (Excavating machinery) PANMTOV, S.A..kand.tekhn.nauk -I-.. I I ability of CalcILUting lopses in Bt craneIa caused by transitory loads. ill 158* (Sxcavating machinery) booms of ercavatOrs and Sbor.trud.MISI no*26*."167- (MM 12:1) (Cranes, derricks# otc*) r tekhn. nauk- GOIX)ZOV, I.M.. kand. takhn. nauk pANMTOV, S.A., dokto Designing and investigating the durability of the KKG-8 rock excavator buckets. StroIJ dor.masbinostr. 3 no.10:7-11 0 '58. n (MI RIL ll.- 11) (Excavating maebinerY)