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MAIAKHOVA, T.I,,., kand, vater-, riemk; V~A.; vetc:~--'Lrai-nyy v--z~h, ~ ~ - 1. -., Y -I VELIYAMNOII, K.S., M-ASOXFOll, G.S., dc~',';pz, veter, nauk, nauchinyy rukovodit-ell r~6,-,ty Use, of domost-lo zWai,atin fri-r treating aoe(~Idloalii In chl-I'mi. VotorInailin 42 Ag 165, (M3 RA 118, 11. I. Ha~uohnc ~roisvadatvtinnaya labcrAtoriya pc. WrIbe s bolezny,am'$. molrdnyaka seils~okhozy,,ly-stvannykh zhivrotriykh MI.Meterstva sellskogo. khozyaystva RSFSH. FANFILOVA, V.F. Caoa of sur-6-1cal roconctruction In injury to the ervinar bile dw~t6 Khirurgiia no.3:108 t62. O,a-,~A 150) 1. Tz 4--y khirurgichoskoy klimiki (zwr. - prof. P.I. kidrosov) MoHkovshogo gorodakogo ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Zramoni nflirl'Imc.- -Lssledovatel2skogo instituta shoroy pom-shchi imeni '~,V. sovskogo (dir. zasluzhennyy vrach Ukr.SSR li.M. Tarasov, glavnyy khirurg zaaluzhennyy deyatell ..auki prof. B,A. Petrov. (BILE DUCTS--SURGERY) F, 'I m k-1-5MR COME" RgtM- N fmR,.- MIMM WIN 7 0M. A Mg lo, T, IS ai, t "A MMUNA % EXC711TITA I'MICA See 7 Vol 11/10 Pediatric~- Oct 5 2746. CLINICAL EL ECTROCARDIOGRAPHIC PARALLELS IN DIPHTHERIA OF THE PHARYMA (Russian text) - Panfilova V P - PEDIATRIYA 1958, 12 (54-59) Graphs 3 Seventy-five children affected with diphtheria of the pharynx underwent clinical a~d electrocardiographic investigation. Changes of the cardiovascular system were revealed in all patients. In mild cases the changes were assessed as in- fectious heart', in severe froms myGearditis was noted. ECG changes in the myo- cardium appeared 1-2 days earlier than the development of clinical symptoms of cardiac affection. (XVIII, 7,50) .......... PANFILOVAt V.P. Clinical value of electrocardiographic studies in some infectious diseases in children. Vop, okh. mat. i det. 6 no. 2:24-28 F 161. (MIRA 14:2) 1. Iz kafe~ry detskikh infektsionnykh bolezney (zav. - prof. D.D. Lebedev) pediatricheskogo fakullteta II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo institute. imeni N.I. Pirogova. (ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY) (DIPHTHERIA) (SCARLET FWER) (HEPATITIS, INFECTIOUS) EXCERPTA MEDICA See 18 Vol 3/8 bardio. Dig* Aug 59 f 2017. Clinical electrocardiographic parallels in diphtheria of the pharynx (Russian text) PANFILOVA V. P. Pediatriya 1958, 12 (54-59) Graphs 3 Seventy-five children affected with diphtheria of the pharynx underwent clinical and electrocardiographic investigation. Changes of the cardiovascular system were revealed in 0 patients. In mild cases the changes were assessed as 'infectious heart'. in severe forms myocarditis was noted. ECG changes in the myocardium appeared 1-2 days earlier than the development of clinical symptoms of cardiac affection. (XVIII, 7, 50) PANYnWA, V.P. Clinical and electrocardiographic parallels in diphtheria of the tonsils in children. Pediatrila 36 no.12:54-59 D '58. (MIRA 12:1) 1. Iz kliniki detakilkh infektsionnykh bolezney (dir. - prof. D.D. Lebedev) pediatricheakogo fakul'teta 11 Hoskovskogo moclitainakogo instituta, imeni V.I. Pirogova. (DIMTRIKRIA, physiol ROG changes (Rus)) (YUCTROCAIRDIOGRAPHY in various dis. diphtheria'PUS-3) Panfilova., V. Ye. "Choice two-crop red clover,t' Trudy Kirgiz. nauch.-issled. in-ta, zhivotnovodstva,, Issue 9, 194.8, p. 201-13 --- hibliog: 6 items SO: U-3566, 15 March 53, (Letopis lZhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 13, 1949) gn g ng- gn~v g, ,-,I; % iZ WO V WAKOV, Ye.N. [Kazakov, IE.I.1, doktor takhn. nauk; TYAZIMMAy A.A. [Tiaztmlova, A.M., kand. tekhn. nauk; FMILOVA, Ye.M* [Panfilava, IN.M.] Study of the thermal decomposition of Ukrainian brown coal by a solid hea'u carrier at a temperatiare of 6000. %ompl. vyk. pal,-energ. res. Ukr. no.1;222-229 159. (YJRA 16:7) 1. Institut gory-uchikh iskopayemykh AN SSSR. (Coal-Carbonization) KARAVAYEV, N. M.; KAZAKOV, Ye. I.; TYAZHELOVA, A. A.; PAMLqVA, Ye._ N. Yield and camposition of lIght phonole obtainod from A wn- temperature brown coal ter and their utilization. Trudy IGI 17*45-151 162. (MIM 15:10) (Phenol condensation producta) (Coal tar) X-O aM.5-4 -si 0 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 G cv 0 0 0 0 0 4 a 6 a 0 0 11 u0 m m F7 M, 9 00 43 00 000 gow "CPSUIZIS M. ia 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 w AD #1 19 1) M ithis a 0 0 lee lee .0 0 =00 IvQ. AcW. ~Ikhlujk"P, Iwo ago DAM on too wi Aei- body-A.- vir". goo '.,go UW 6 cytes a6d 4*0 see AIf-ILA MITALLUMCAL LITRIATLOR CLAIWKATM ,to. II.Val" - :90* be* .%go tie*, 91 ve* KUM -60.4m.- I S63010 It 0.1 cog NJ III CK a.,m Ahl sondo Nil 5 a a a v u a is ID as" 9 p a tt 4 Do* 00 0 00 0 9000 0 0 0 0 0 6~ 0 9606066669066::06 00000 00000000 00000000060000 Mbr. ,, Inst. Genetics, Acad. Sci., -1919-. "Difference in Blood Value of Karakul Sheep in Gorrelation with their Organic Constitution," Dok. AN, 23~ L'o. 6, 1939; "IRelation of Exterior Characters of Karakul Sheep to Quality of Fur of Their Young," ibid., 27, No. 8, 1940. L PANFILOVA3 YE. P, "Reactivity of Skin in'Certain Breeds of Sheep in Relation to Wool Yield." Acad Sci USSR, Inst of Morphology of Animals imeni A,, N. Severtsev., Moscow., 1955& (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Pbysical and Mathematical Sciences) so: m-955, 16 Feb 56 PAKFIWFA, YO.P. Effect of the maternal organism on theskin and wool structure of newborn fina-fleaced and sonifine-fleeced lambs. Dokl.AN SSSR 104 no.2:-329-331 S 1.55. (WMA 9:2) l.Predetavleno akademikom Ye.P.Pavlovskin. (Lambs) (Sheep) PANFILOVA, Ye.P. Iffect o' age of the owe an the development of skin and hair In lambs. Izv. Otd. set. nank AN Tajlzh. SM no.16:123-133 156. (MM 10.-4) 1.1notitut morfologit zhivotnykh Jm. A.)[. Severtspva, AN SM. (Lambs) (Hides an& skins) PANPIIA)VA, Ye,P. Skin structure in newborn Dagheetar Mountain lambs depending on different nutrition levels. Trudy Inst.morf.zhiv. no.19:52-75 '57. (MLRA 10:5) (Hides and skins) (Lambs) PANFILDTAO TOOP . . . . . . Preed chamoterimUcs of skin strwItuys In &sop " related to different typeactfeeMag* fti* Ind. vorf* shlys nooMI76-187 1570 1 (min nt4) 1; Institut morfologil shivotnykh la, A;X~ 5wertsova A SSSH, (Sheep-~bedizg &ad feeftag stuffs) (Skin) PANFIIZVA,,Ye.P. Formation of hair in sheep during the postnatal period. Piul. MOIF.Otd.biol. 67 no.4:124-128 J1-Ag 162. (~gttA 15:10) (WOOL) (SHEEP) PANFILOVA, Ye.P. Postnatal development and grc%rtb of the skin in sme- fJme- wool and medium-wool sheep. Trudy Inst. morf. zhiv. no.35: 58-94 161. (MIRA 14:6) (Sheep--Anatomy) (Skin) (Growth) PANFILOVAD Ye.Pq Development and grvdtb of the sklm in Gisoar sheep, during their first year of life. Trudy Inst. morf. zhiv.'no-35-.95-109 161. (MIRA 14:6) (Lambs) (Skin) Orcwth) M.7 N MR, PANFILOVAv Ye.P. Effect of tl-.e level of milk feeding on the development of secondary hair follicles in Vyatka sheep. Trudy Inst. morf. zhiv. no-35:270-273 161. OURA 14,6) (Lambs) (Skin) PARFILOVA, Yo.P. Structure of the skin and fleece in newborn fine-wool lambs. Ttudy Inst.morf.zbiv. no-23:26-67 '59. (NIIRA 13:2) (Lambs) (Hides and skins) -Y COUATRY U66i:, CATEGORY Farm Animals. Small Horned Cattle. ABS, JOURs IRZhBiol., No. 3. 1959, No. 12021 A AUTHOR PanXiiova, -pholo.4v AS USS.~ 11L I ITLZ, Ttie Struoti).re of 7!awborn L;o-ibs of tha Daghestanskaya Mountain Breed at Various Diet Levels ORIG. PUB. Tr. In-ta morfol. zhivotnykh AN SSSR9 19579 ABSTRACT The skin's structure was studied on sam-ples obtaiti,A from 5 sheep and 14 nevtborn lambs of the Da-hestanskaya Mountain breed at a various diet level during pregnancy, It was determined that Nvhen sheep are given an ordinary farm diet t1he structure of their skin in its derival- tive become detiDrioreted during pregn-,mcy and Uftese deteriorations are Tnost' extensive in eives with a bigerdnal- DregnRney. The preser- vation of the skin's structure the fleece's normal growth and a 4-9 percen? thickenirig of Ca-rd: 1/3 :USSR CATZ,a-oRy ABS JOU;-,. RZhBiol., lio. 1959, iio. A U T 1- 0 R. T IT Lle ORIG. PUB, 4-he ABSTRACT V skin,in newbO,,,,n lambs was Promoted b keepilig Owes with twin fetuses on an imp diet roved In the single-birth lambs of the group which was fed relativel abundantly, It, density -,yas ~S -D y -he hair 'j 'Orcent greater than in twin lambs of the MatrOl group. The effect of -he diet level Upon the thinness of the fiber" during the uterine period has not been estab- lished. The glandular apparatus in lambs born Of eWes that were abundantly fed was better CARD: 2/3 L~- i) c1 yef AVR Z11 .48 v pj~j j a,,!1 it q -.,j Vg 12 iii tv 0.1 ; I I I %. ! a Avg ; 10 via $r, le ~t ~1, 1 V3 J, lit ilia :W all R.Mg! -R4, S I HIM A U. "Se "it JI 3 A 3 :1 V 3 li 10 -,"Amin, i 04 , " I fig 1 Imal ri ;A 8 ~It III AS 44.1 fiA IMP%. 17 03, KUSHM, Kh.F.; PANKLOVA, Ye.T. Rare case 6f uDiOvular twin chicks. Zhur.ob.biol. 16 no-3:248 my-Je '55. (MLRA 8:9) (3M1ffOI0ff -BIRDS) (TWINS) (ABIUMnITINS (MUHALS)) PABFILOVA, Te.v.; MOISETEVA, I.G. Experiments on blood tranefusion in animals. -Diol.v shkole no.l: 79-83 Ja-F '57. (MLRA 10:5) l.Institut genatiki Akademii nauk SSSR. (Blood transfusion) (Hybridization) (Poultry breading) ISMMINIL, T.I., inzh.; Prinimali uchastiye: LYUBIMOVP V.A., inzh.; PANFILOVA, Z.I., inzh.; YEVDOKIMVA, V4W, starshiy laborant Automatic UA-300-4Sh weft winder for the winding of wool yarn. Nauch.-isel. trudy TSNIIShersti no.17:86-91 162. (MIRA 17:12) R-10 MA - N IM 41z- EM ZENEVICH, G.V.; KRUGLOVA, L.I.;_F.U\TFILOVA, Z.F.; UDALITSOVA, M.S. Materials on the problem of improving the organization of psychoneurc- logical services. Trudy Gos. nauch.-issl. psikhonevr. inst. no.24; 209-216 161. (MIRA 15:5) 1. OrgsAizatsiormo-metodicheakiy otdel Gosudarstvennogo nauchno- issledovatel ,skogo psikhonevrologicheskogo instituta imeni Bekhtereva. (UNDIGTOLD-NEUROLOGY) (LT,,N]IIIGiiAD-PSYCIIOTIIERAPY) PAINFXLOVAj Z.F. Changes in the nervous system in internal frontal hyperostosis. Vop. paikh. i nevr. not5:3,00-301 159. (MIPA .14:5) 1. Iz kafedry nerviaykh bolezney Lening'radskop gosudarstvennogo ihstituta dlya usovershenstvovaniya wachey kzav. kafedroy - deys'tvitellnyy chlenAkademii.meditsinskikh nauk SSSR prof. S.N. Davidenkov) i kaf~dry7rentgenologii Leningradskogo meditsinsk6go instituta imeni I.P.Pimlova (zav. kafedroy - chlen-korrespondent Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR prof. D.G.Rokhlin). (NERVOUS SYSTEM) (BONES-DISEASES) 77- - PANFILT-.1 Z.P. Y-ray diag-nosis of fzcntal is nauch.-issl. psikhonevr. intit. 'h12!--'28 '61. 7W: PANFIWVA, Z.F. Organization of therapeutic and prophylactic aid in peripheral diseases of the nervous system. Vop.psikh.1 nevr. no.7;434-439 161. DURA 15:8) 1. Iz organizatsionno-metodicheskogo otdela (zaveduyushchiy - dokto-f med.nauk G.V.Zenevich) psikhonevrologichesk~go instituta imeni V.M.Bekhtereva (direktor chlen-korrespondent Akademii pedagogi- cbeskikh nauk RSF!SR prof. V.N.Vyasishchev). (NERVES PERIPHERAL-DISEASES) ~T PANFILOVA, Z. P.) Cand Mod Sci - (dies) "Changes of the nervous system in internal frontal hyperostosia.1 Lenp,1958. 15 pp (Len 2 State Order of Lenin Inst for Advaniod Training of Physicians im S. M. Kirov),, 200 copies (KL, 18-,158, 105) f L- C- -v - Ghanges in the nervous system in b7perostosis frontalii interna [with summary in French). Zhur.nevr. i poikh, 57 no.9:1136-1140 '57- (MIPLA 10:11) 1. Kafedra nerynykh bolezney, (sav. - prof. S-N-Davidenkov) Institute usovershenstvovaniya vrachey imeni S.M.Kirova, Leningrad. (HY#XROSTOSIS FRONALIS IRTERNA, complications, NS die. (Rus)) (NERVOUS SYSTEM, diseases, caused by hyperostosis frontalis interne (Rus)) 50 KADENv N:.M.9 prof.; KEAZABOV, M.I., kand.meditsinskikh nauk; PAITILOVAI, Z.V. Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers in the USSR and means for a further morbidity. Sov. med. 5:17-21 My 160. (MMU 13:10) 1. Iz Moskovskogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo instituta, vaktain i sporotok imeni. 1,I. Machnikova (dir, A.P, Muzycbenko) Ministerstva, zdravookhraneniya SSSR. (TYPHOID FEEVER) (PARATYPHdID FEV~R) ~4 - A-~ kAHMANA, Z.V. ()(oskva) Work of medical institutions of the U.S.S.R. in lowering the rate of Intestinal Infections, IIOV, 2drave 11 no,I supPlement-11-14 0 '11* (MLRA 10:1) (GASTROIMSTIIUL DISIASRS. Prav- and control infect, in Russia) GORODINSKIY, S.M.;,PAI !L)qyjk, GOLIDSHfEYN, D.S.; NOSOVA, ~j_ _ L.M.KALYUZHNAYA, T.P. r -- ,, ea. [Decontamination of ir-eans of ir~dividual shieldii-ig and protective coatings] Dezaktivizatsiia sredstv indivi- duallnoi zashchity i zashchitnykh pokrytii. Moskva, Atomizdat, 1964. 1-17 p. (MIRA 17:6) FANFI -L:G;, M.L; HODICTOV, I-S-; FAUSTOVA, D.G.; ROKE GOLTSHT=~ D.S.; GORODILIFSKEZ, S.M~, red.; TIKHCUIROV, V.B., red.; PODOSFIBIA, V.A., red.; VLASOVA, N.A.2 tellm. red. [Protective coatings in atoTrde engineering) Zashchitrwe po- kritiia v atormoi tel-hrLike; sbornik statei. Moskva,, Gos- atomizdat, 1963, 1,83 1). (MIRA 16.12) (Shielding (Radiation)) Z 'k ZGESSION NR: AT4016990 S/3057/63/000/0001001610024 .UTHOR: Gorodinskiy, S.H.; Panfilova, Z.Ye; Spiridonov, A.D.; Shudranko, N.A_ -MTLE: Investigation into the deactivation capability of basic construction 6,nd finishing materials 9OURCE: Zashchitny*ye pokry*tiya v atomnoy tekhnike (Shielding in nuclear .,Ingineering); sbornik statey. Moscow, Gosatomizdat, 1963, 16-24 TOPIC TAGS: deactivation, decontamination, nuclear shielding, radioactive contamination, radioactive decontamination, residual radioactivity, radio- 6ctivity protection ABSTRACI% The authors point out the absence of complete generalizing data Zn studies of different construction and finishing materials from the point of . t view of their ability to be deactivated after radioactive contamination. T11.0' ability of materials to become contaminated and to be deactivated is shown io be a function of their chemical composition, physical structure anc ,7ace state. Fillers, additives and pigments may impair-the ability o", material to be deactivated. It has been shown that such materials as cement, LCCESSION NR: AT4016990 brick, wood and ceramic slabs for flooring have strong radioactive sorption and are practically incapable of being cleanGed of radioactive substances. Rowever, !:he authors feel that the results given by various writers on tests -if the deactivation capability of materials are largely of little use, since these results were obtained with different investigatory techniques. Inasmuch ~ts the capacity ol" a matcrial for deactivation depends greatly on the nature of "he radioactive contaminants, the level of contamination and the method of deactivation, commensurate experimental data require that research be conducted ander strictly standardized conditions; Th2 authors studied the deactivation capability of different materials (cement, grade 200; woods of various kinds carbon steel, grade st. 3; stainless steel, grade lnl8N9T; ceramic floor slabs of various kinds; Dutch tile slabs; experimental facing slabs of poly- _gtyrene and a variety of chemically resistant slabs of cast stone; asbestos- abonite flooring strips; taxtolite; phenoXite slabs for walls and floors; silicate glass and organic glass; polyvinylchloride masticated rubber for- mulas 57-40 and 80; polymer films on a polyvinylchloride, polyethylene and polyethyleneterephthalic acid base; glyphthalic and polyvinylchloride.lino- LeUMS; relin (rubber linoleum) and a wide variety of lac dye shieldings) by Contaminating.the materials with radioactive substances, deactivating them a-ad .C.ard 2/3 ACCESSTION NR: AT4016990 then determining the activity which could not be washed away (the so-called residual activity). The evaluation of the sorption-desorption properties of the materials was rrmde according to an accepted laboratory practice. The results of these are presented, codified and interpreted. The work carried out showed that the basic construction materials cannot be employed without shielding for protection against radioactive contamination. Of the materials tested,, the following may be recommended for use as shielding materials: silicate glass, organic glass, glazed ceramic slabs for the interr nal facing of walls, masticated rubbers formulas 57-40 and 80, polystyrene facing slabs and films on a polyvinylchloride, polyethylene and polyethyl- eneterephthalate base. The.wide range of polymer film-forming substances will make it possible to select lac dye shielding systems with the proper characteristics, which may be used under various production and construction conditions. orig. art. has: 2 figures and 2 tables. none SUMMTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 20Feb64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: NP, 11T NO REF SOV; 005 OTHER: 009 '-d 3/3 ---------------- ACCESSION NR* AT4016991 S/3057/63/000/000/0025/0034 AUTHOR: Gorodinskiyp S*M.; Karpovs V*L.; Nosova, L*H#; Panfilowit Zo Ye.; iRodionov, I.S.; Shte.ding, M.Ne TITLE: The development of a masticated rubber ona polyvinylchloride base-for shielding against radioactive substances SOURCE: Zashchitny*ye-pokXy*tiyav atomnoy telchnike (Shielding in nuclear'ebgin- earing);-sbornik statey. Moscow, Cosatomizdat, 1963, 25-34, 0 TOPIC'~AGS: nuclear engineering, masticated rubber, nuclear shielding, radio- activity, polyvinylchloride polymer, radioactivp shielding, radioactive con. tamination,.residual activity, 57-40 rubber ASTRACT: It is pointed out that, of the industrial polymers produced at the -in terms of its inexpensiveness and mech-- present time _pol3svinylchldride is, anical and technological prop*rties, the-best material to serve as a base for tshielding in nuclear,engineering. The authors testdd many masticated rubber materials on polyvinylchloride- resin bases in terms of their sorption-desorp- F of the type of Pol nylchloridd resint pro- Y~i tion characteristic as a function for cessing conditions and the presence of different components which provide - 1/3 7' dw~ 'ACCESSION NR. A14016991 the required physico-mechanical and technological properties of the material, (By "sorption-desorption properties" the authors mean the ability of the mat- erial to absorb radioactivity and to be washed free of these radioactive sub- stances through the effect of special cleansing solutions; the sorption- deslorp- tion characteristic is expressed by the residual activity of the material in percentages of the original contamination). The results of these tests are discussed. The optiihal solution of the problem of developing a material to meet the specific operating requirements involved in working with radioactive substances was found in an entirely new principle of composition. This prin- ciple consists of the introduction into the composition of specially selected ~.admixtures of hydrophobic substances which separate out on the surface of the masticated rubber in the form of a thin layer. The research con4ucted along these lines by the authors led to the possibility of developing on the basis of the most accessible polymer - polyvinylchloride - a new type of shielding material, called masticated rubber formula 57-40 and 80. This material is a thermoplastic and its physical and mechanical properties depend-to a large degiree on the temperature (its tensile strength, for example, changes with increasing temperature) and, for this.reason, the formula* use must* be Waited to a temperature interval of from 0 to 50Cs The effect of the radiation'dosage on the strength Card 2/3 T7 AT4016991 ACCESSION NR. of the masticated rubber and on its elongation are discussed along with tertain 5her specific characteristics of the m-atetial. The authors point out that f6rmula 57-40 and 80 masticated rubber has successfully undergone tests under i different conditions and is presently being widely used as a shi6lding material in radiochemical laboratories and at atomic power centrals. Easily deactivated and possessed of extremely high resistance to wee'r,this shielding materia-l,'-- i.produced in thicknesses of 2 and 3 mm, is particularly suited to continuous i.cove~ring of floors ends produced in thicknesses of O.3j 0,5 and 0.7 m, may be utilized as a wall coveting# The mabticated rubber is ivailable in colors of brown, orange, blue and white# 11L.I. Kuz'mina and L,G, Danil6va of the Okhtin- Pskiy khimkombinat (Okhtinsk Chemical Works) took part in~the vork," Orig. art. has: 7 figures* FASSOCLAMON: none DATE AOQ: 20*64- SLW=ED: 00 ENCU 00 SUB CODE: IM NO REFSOVI 000 OTHER: 000 Card ACCESSION OR: AT4016994 8/3057163/0oo/m/o6s4/0074 AUTHOR: Gorodinskiy, S. M.; Penfilova, Z. T4.1 Zelenovs A, 6 1gary*thevp V, B.; Ivanoval T. G,; Nosavap L. H.~--- TITIX, The design of protective coverings (shisl4ings) of formula-57-40 mastiolated' ,rubb:r for structural element* 1 ISOURCE: Zashchitny*ye pokry*tiya v atomnory tekhnike (Shielding in nucleai engineering); sbornik statey. Ho3cow, Gosatomizdat, i963, 54-74 A TOPIC TAGS: protective shielding, radioactive shielding, masticated rubber, .157-40 rubber, rubber weldin3v welding RIC, radioactivity, nuclear shielding ABSTRACT: In this detailed and extensive article, the auChors describe the use of formula 57-40 masticated rubber for purposes of radioactive shielding..'-Thek larticle consists of two main parts: Part I - the shielding of.floors, and Part2 !the use of the masticated rubber for-the facing of,walls and stairs. The condi- itione of applying the rubber,, the preparation of thi floor'surfaceo'tbe preperaWn ~of the masticated rubber for welding, the actual welding of the material with ~high-frequency current, the use of various rip for welding (the SPPR and tho PS), b making and application'by welding of flanges -and crimps,, bigb-frequency Up M_ -"--LC7VV LANL. ACCESSION NR: AT4017001 S/3057/63/000/000/012610136 t ft. AUTHOR: Gorodinskiy,' S, M.; Panfilova, Z.__Ye.; pirldonov, A. Dj; Nosoval L. Shudrenko, N. A. TITLE: Investigation'of*lacquers for shields against radioactiye contamination SOVRCE: Zashcbitny*ye pokry*tiya v atomnoy tekhnike (Shielding in nuclear engingering); sbornik'statey. Moscow, Gosatomiz~at, 1963,~_126-136 F ft M TOPICTAGS: atomic reactor, radioactive cont~amination,'nuclear shielding, shielding, lacquer shielding, lacquer 0 ABSTRACT: Lacquered materials ake widely ut;ed for iinishiug processes in factories and technical equipment. The advantage of lacquered materials for the shielding of .construction materials and technological equipment from radioactive contamination is the continuous, jointless coating of the surface during any of its configurations. The present investigation showed that the desorptive properties of lacquer coatings depend primarily on t~,eir chemical composition. Lajquers with oils and alkali-oil i should1not be used fo~ 'surfaces contaminated by rad oactive waste. It is advisable to use 1-20-61 enamels, on an SVKh-40 base and commercial enamels on an SVKh-40 base -41th lacquer coaeihgs. The moat efAcient protection of concrete aigainat Card 'i/3 17, ACCESkON UP.; AT4017001 contamination is a shie'llding on a base olf the high-~licular epoxy resins B-40, E-41,_E-49 and ET-8_(POe Fig. I of the Enclosure). It 'is possible to make shield- ing compounds consisting of lacquer coatin a which ensure easy and complete de- 9 contam'ination (washing away of radioactive waste). ,Or4. art. has: 3 figures and 4,'tables. ASSOC*TION: None SUBMITTED- 00 DATE ACQ: 200664 ENCL; 01 SUB CODE: NP WREF SOV: 004 OTHER: 1303 Card:-2/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4017006 B/3057/63/000/000/0173/0182 ~WTHOR: Gorodinakiy, S. M.;-Panfilova, Z. Ye.; Golldshtayng D. S.; Nosova, L. M.; Fishevskaya, H. A. TITLE: A laboratory method for the comparative estimation of the deactivation of materials contaminated by fission product isotopes SOURCE: -Zashchitny*ye pokry*tiya v atomnoy tekhnike (Shielding irf nuclear engineering); sbornik statey. Moscow, Gosatomizdat, 1963, 173-182 TOPIC TAGS: ra'dioactive element, nuclear shielding,' decontamination, deactiva- tion, fission product, radioactivity, radioactive isotope, radioactive contamination ABSTRACT: The possibility of removing radioactive contaminants from shieldingB a,nd other anti-radiation materials is one of the most important requirements of ihese shieldings. The deactivation solution consists of a 27. hydrochloric acid .solution containing 0.3% of either OP=7 or OP=10 soap and 0.47. sodium meta- p,hosphate. The ~1~dium solution reacts with th6 ca'tions of many radioactive isotopes and forms water-soluble compounds. In addition, the sodium meta- phosphate softend ~the water, tipro~ing the washinj action of the solution. Card 1/3 gi _5 I--- - A Fr_ - - RNO "A'al iRN R a ACG35SION NR: AT4617008 9~mples during the testd were first deactivated by the s6lution and were then washed with water. The.solution was then used,again,- and the samples were washed and dried,': 'When this meihod was insuf4cient a solution of 5 grams of NaON and 1 gram o It:KMnO4_per lit:er was tised'wi~h t6 same procedure. A counter was used to determine tVa r6dioactivit� betore and after testing." 2 figures and 1 table. 0ee Fig. 1 of the'!Enclosure,.) Orig. art. has:' A~SSOCIATTON: No4 ai SUBMTTED': 00 DATE AOQ: 20Feb64 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: NP, OG-- NO REF SOV:! 001 OTHER:' 004 A C~rd 2/3 7 W i POSTCAIT, At,cEssiol %.;It: AT4017008 ENCLOSURB; 01 2- S. Number of washing contamination cyclpB Fig. I.. Accumulation of residual radioactbAiy'of polyvin)rl chloride film.during.washing of the samples 1 in cans while shaking; 2 washing from sprayer Ard 3/3~ is- '.:A_ GORODINSKIY, S.M.; NOSOVA, ZtY#. Protective building covers and methods for their deactivation after radioactive pollution. Med. rad. 5 no.11:57-61 N 160. (MIRA 13;12) (RADIATION PROTECTION) (RADIOACTIVE FALLOUT) K.B. :~mne r'ld~ 26 1+1 165. OUT-!, 18~,31) 7 -121-1 Zb-ur. fiz- kl7lim- 39 no.5 11 - khirriko-i-eklinologicheAly 4n5tita- 1. Kazanekly PANFILOVICH) K. B.; USMADIOV, A. G. "Application of similarity methods for calculation of Co2 and water-vapour radiation at high pressures." report submitted for 2nd All-Union Conf on Heat & Mass Transfer, Minsk, 4-12 may 1964. Kazan' Chemical Technology Inst. --USSR Cultiv ated Plants, Potatoes. Vegetables. Melons. M-3 Abe Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 6, 1958, 25064 Author : Pangalo. &x_L,,.So1'dgauzeni M. K. Inst : ot given Title : teleetion VArletlds of the Melon Crop Section Orig Pub: Tr. Mo2d. 6voshahe-kartof. orosit..opytn. st. Kishinev Gosizdat Moldavii,-1956, 211-223 Abstract: A description is given of the new varieties of watermelon and melon which have been districted in Moldavia. -The Secernyy.variety watermelon is the most rapid-ripening, the most resistant to anthra- cnose, It Is distinguished by its quick and facile ripening and high fruit output. The Bi-Guv variety is a medium early, the productive capacity varies (in dry years 80.!-.1.20 centners per ha., with ir- rigation up to 230 centners per ha.), the fruit Is noted for Its production of large numbers of melons Card 1/2 FIMN.GALO, K. I. "Interspecific Hybridization in the Genus CUCTSITA", Dok.AN, 24, No. 1, 1939. Central Asiatic Station, Inst. Plant Industry, Tasbkento -1939-. Vl- ~M PAITGALO, K.I. 25463 yjr nal Novys Printsipy Vnutrividovoy Sistematiki Yulvtiirn h Rasterdy. Botan. Zhur 1948; NO-1, s. 151-55 SOi LETOPIS NO. A 191;8 I j,.-, -