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V 77 A A t I u a v a v 1,7 d o v I s r I a numbe-.r of spaca-tiignl: iacLorH expogjure to a t lon 6 c 7-c (Ir, C. 7" Es r. R 05 m is d=g-, -1 3 wil"I'll -t 'g i -. . a4 maill-am, L 3Fr.'46--65 -'! .... . . r1 days after irradiation, in contrat t to the reaction to rad iat ic i a- loll e Acceleration I da-y prior to , rradiation. had tbe t as radiation alone. V i b r a n nr pitor to irraciation O.Lu Eli- -.normal dyn-A-mict: of -cerulopl.tsmln and serotontn in irradiated. In- Analyz;lng the results of these tetts, it wan not poa- Animal -6 fi V- le to e s t nb 11 Rh a d e !, L- n d P n lie t %-,~Pn t h ;4 0 :1 1 r n ~ v ( 11 r I tn. n 1 Card 314 s p e c u ia r. e o n I r,e 7~ c r a n n g, e n t 1, r. Shn 7% A R. and 4 f u re P A S 5 )C' ATION none I T r qj Co, cl %M Imp IN INI , ME - PANCHENOV, R.T., ROZANOV) B.S. "Chirurgie du pancrea endocrine," Report presented at the 19th Congress, Intl. Society of Surgery Dublin, Ireland 2-9 Sep 1961 VOLZHSKIY, V.M.; LAF_WHNJ~Kq,_M.Ye. Anchor bolting in olate mines.- Ugo~' 36 no.4$24-27 Ap 161. (MRA U. 5) 1. Leningradskiy gornyy AxWtitut (for Vo1zhskiy). 2. Zavod po meWia~Azatsii i remontu energetichasko'go i takhnologicheakogo oboradavaniya Upravleniya'khimicheskoy promyshlennosti Lensovnarkhoza (for*Panaheshnikov). -.(Mine roof bolting) PANCHESHNIKOVA, L. I-MAW Lesson in the gth class on the subject of "Africa." Gsoc.v shkole no.2:29-35 Mr-Ap 154. (KLRA 7:2) (Agrica-Study and teaohing) I f - PANCHNSHNIKOVA, L. First four lessons on the subJect 80hins" in the 9th class. Geog. v shkole 18 no.1:43-.54 JA-F 135. (MLRA 8:3) (China-Geography-Study and teaching) PANCHBSHNINOTA 1, Topic OIndochina, Indonesia, and the Philippines' In the "h el"s geography lessons. Geog, v shkole 18 no,6*-33-" 11-D '55. MU 9:1) (Asia, Southe"tern--Geography) (Geography--Study and teaching) PANCHESKHNIKOVA,L. The subject of Olatin America" for lessons in the 9th class. Geog. v shkole 18 no.2:48-56 Mr-Ap 053. (KLRA 8:7) (Latin America-Geography) (Geography-Study and teaching) 1, L I t i UNT R -- -.1 ow g.v shkojeM no.5:28-32 Geograpby ill schoolB Of 3491a7A I - G0.0 ~ . (k~j q: 11) s-6 156. (G,.at Britain-Geography-StudY and teaching) PANCRESHNIKOVA, L. -,.- -1-.: - --;- ~, Content of geography courses In English schoo17,,vop.geol. no.44,101-111 '58. RA 12 - (Great Britain-Geograpby-Study and teaching) 61 4 English geographical textbooke for secondary schools. Geog. v shkols 21 no.5;57-62 8-0 158, (milth 11:10) (Great Britain-Geography-Textbookn) ,-, L.M. PANCHMHNIEQVA , Comparative characteristics of Glasgow aud Zdinburgb. Geog.v shko- le no.6:37-44 N-D 154. (MLPA 8:1) (Glaegow--Description) (Ndinburgb--Description) rFisher, Jack]; FnSTON, Dzheyms [Preston, Jaynes]. 'FISHER, Dzhek L FAITCHESHMOVAP L.M- Ltranslatorl Teaching goegraphy in the United States of America. Geog. shkole 22 no.6!52-58 11-D 159. (141RA 13:4) (United States--Geograph7--Stud7 and teaching) PAITCHEMIKOVA, L.M. rftv~ -Wftft~ Studying the people's democracies in a course on the economic geography of foreign countries. Geog. v Shkole 23 no.4-01-40 J1,-Ag 160. (MIRA 130-10) 1. 43-ya shkola rabochey'molodezhi g.Mc)skvy. (Gommunist countries-Z-.onomic geography-Study and teaching) HADEN-GUEST, Stephen (1902- ), red.; GOJOUNOV, V.V.[translator'j; PAINCHEESMIMA-4 TI'M translator]; FAREEROVA, N.I. t-f-ra'nslator]; VASILrYZV, P,V,, red.; 'VIFFER,, P.B., red. [World geograpby of forest resouces] Geogr4fiia lespykh resuroov zemnogo shara. Pod red. P.V.Vasilleva i P.B.Vippera. Yoskva, Izd-vo inostr. lit-ry, 1960. 665 P'*. illus., ma . TranslhLted from the English. NIRA 15:7 (Forests and forestry) .. A.Ye.; PANCHESHNIKOVA L.M. - BIBIK ===.=$- Obhtral "pedagogical readings"on geograpby in 1963. Geog. v shkole 26 no~,2:.82-84 Mr-Ap 163. (MM .16--.4) (Geograpby-Study and teaebing) PANCHESRNIKOVA, LiM. TeacbIng geography in the secondary schools of capitalist countries; England,, France, Federal Republic of Germany, and the United States. Geog. v shkole 26 no.6:58-63 N-D 163. (MIRA 17:1) L'Akademiya pedagogicheskikh nauk RSF5R. I PANCIMV, B. Temporary Seizure of Property Ar-c-ording j~o the Dec-roe for Pesourees of Mines im~ Other Underpround Resources. Minno Delo (Mining), #6.-1q.- Nnv-Dec 55 PANCHEV, B. "The new law on mines and quarries*" P.h (Minno Dele, Vol. 12p no. 6p Novo/bec, 1957s Sofiia.0 Bulgaria) Monthly Index of East biropean Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 7, No. 8, August 1958 PANCHEV B N L-= 0 _IIP - Ion-exchatge separation of thallium with wofatit Pp and its phot*- metric determination with orystal violet. Izv Geol inst BAN 12:237- 243 '6.3. ~AATOVANOV,, L. P.; TARGOV, Z.,- PANCHET,_C The epidemiology of haemorrhagic fever vith the renal syndrome in Bulgaria. J. byg, epidem., Praba 5 no.1:52m64 161. L Department of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases of the L. P. Pavlov Medicinal Faculty, Plovdiv. (EPIDEMIC HEMORRHAGIC FEVER.epidemiol) PANCHEV, Evg., inzh. . Some methods in reducing internal stresses and increasing durabili-ty of hard-alloy cutting tools. Mashinostroene 13 no.12:42' D 164. *.,,Tz--~.__,-,", - ~,_' __ - -, .". . . '. - ~; .. %, .~ - i:~ , ;~-. i ~%_ PANCHEV, G. Bulgaria No degree listed Department of Children's Diseases at the Institute for the Specialization and Advanced Study of Physicians (Institut za spetsiyalizatsiya i usuvurshenstvuva-ne na lekarite), Sofia; Dep6Lrtment Head: Professor Br. BRATAYOV. Sofia, Pediatriya, supplement of Suvremenna Fleditsina, No 2, 1962, pp 39-45. "Peptic Ulcer in Children" EWT(3.)/T WR Acr NRt AP6007496 SOURCE CODE: UR/01001 16610111002/0195/OZOI AUTHOR, Panchev, G. 1. ORG: none TITLE:- Current distribution, and input Impedance of T-shaped, corner, and bent-. ribbon radiators SOURCE:: Radiotekhnika I elektronikaf V. 11, rio. 2. 19 6 6, 195-201 GS: dipole antenna, antenna theory TOPIC TA -ABSTRACT: Rigorous formulas for T-shaped, corner, and bent dipole supplied from a concentrated-emf source are developed by solvingthe integro-differential t Do 3 (where /a ka, aqua io that describe-the dipole vector potential. For ist he rad ius of bend), theI dipojeal?~~Ps determined not: only b the azimuth compotient but also by the radial component of the vector potential.. With the arm length L _w A /4, the input reactance of the above types of dipolea . I's lower than that of a linear.. dipoles.. For / < 2, ihe resistance of the bent dipole f a about .7.0 ohnis , and, that of the T-shaped and corner dipoles is about 40 ohms; herice, them can be easlily rnatf-hed to the supply cable 6, The T-shaped- dipole field is allipticallY i ad Orig. 'kt., has: I figure, 48 formiAas, and I table. olar z a p SUB COD 1: :17 69 SUBM DATE: - 08Au 64 j~ ORIG REP: 004 E 9 62i.396~677.493.001.24 uDc. PAIICHEV, H.; BRATOVALIOT, D. On the seasonal prevalence of air-born infections. Folia med. (Plovdiv) 7 no.2:112-121 165. 1. Higher Medical Institute "I.P. Pavlovn'in Plovdiv, Balgaria, Chidr of Infectio s Diseases and Epidemiology (Chieft Prof. D. Bratovenov . PANCHEV, IVAN Panchev, Ivan Darvinizum i marksizum. Sofiya, Nauka i izkustvo,, 1950. 247 p. (Darwin& and Marxism) SO: MONTHLY LIST OF EAST EUROPEAN ACMSIONS, L. C., VOL. 3, NO. 1, Jan. 195h, Uncl. PAMHEVF IV., dots. Investigations on sexual generations in vAgetative k7brid-9. Hauch. tr. Mad. akad. Cher-enkov, Sofia 1 no.1:107-116 1953. 1. Prodstavena ot prof. M.Popov, zavazhdashch Katedrata po obahcha biologiia. (HYBRIDITY, aox patterns in vegetative hVbrias) (PLANTS, bybridity, sox patterne) (SIX CHARAOTHRISTICS, patterns in vegetable bybrids) PANCREV. I. - 3, 1953 7riticum njrzJJum.N P. 175, Izvestiia, Sofiya, Vol "Stu(jiss of the Braneby Wheat . so: Bast 3hu*opean Accessions List. Vol. 3, NO- 9, September 1954# Lib, of Gongress A" C 11,6V 13UTamr./cenoral moi.C.Gy. C.Crc-tics. T-1-r. vf ;,bs Jc.,ar: 11of Zhxir-Diol-~ lio 2J, 195-S, 90433. Must 'Bic V. -ffier'ra" .ov Modical Ixador~W. Title A StixV oT the Son. wa Gmieratio-1.1 of VeL;ctative llybriCts. Ori C Dab: Nauchni tr. 141od. almd. ~ "V - 1953 (1954), 1, No 1, 107-116 (Dul[rarian; res. I~ass.) !.batract: The opinims of coatoymporary C;enoticdsts are criticized The author believcs ' Lat the with veCota- tive Ilybrids demons-l"rato that the of in- heritecl ehamctcr~.stics are not dotornined by chra-m- sona3, but, mthcr, dopend on met-nbfI-,lisi.,. M.-tterial is prosontecl on Vic sood _rencration o-f t-.):-.rto 3rc2ts. ~% plant ir. describQ(1, ,)-ac branch of w%ich yielided fruits crC the Golden vayio"C'y type, while rm-dher yioldcd tho Card 1/2 341- PAMHEV., Iv&., prof. &--probl-a-m-of heredity In the light of dialectical naterializa, Vok,filos,,i ests, noe2s6c~-82 160& (MM 15;7) 1. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy fi2osofii Sofiyukogo maclitsinskogo instituta,, Narodnaya Respublika Bolgariya. (WMITY) (BIOLOGY-MLOSOPHY) PANC;HEV,.-;Y-.,-Mqf - list; on the Ernst Ha6ckel, noted biologist and militant materia occasion of the 130th anniversary of his birth. Prir i znanie 17 no.4:20-22 Ap '64. PANI'liEV, Iv., prof. Jear Lamarck; cn the occasion of ths 220 7e-ara 3ince his bixth. Pri.r I zntnie 17 no.10:19-20 D f64. tj tA e K4(z TO Ito 41 ~ V I , , V-r RI r :rb 4~1 P 2 i'l t4 14 BR&TOVA11OV3 D.;- TARGOV,, Zh-; FAIr-'EVJ!'Xbr- yndrome in EpidemiologY of h"=rhagic-fver with renal 8 -126 ol,,~ epid. i ii=an. 33 no.1:122 Bulgaria. ZhUr. mikrObi (14ULk 15:3) je- 162. 1. iz kafedry epidemiolOgii :L infekts'onnykh bolezne.y Bolgarskogo *dt5,wkogO inetituta izj3nj pavlova, Plovdiv. (BUjG,kRj&-HEMGO%GIC FZV-rR) %MVEn-DISF.&SES) DIMITRDV, D.; PANCH37, L. Case of 6ral di7btb"eria. 6 no-5:120 1955. 1. Iz Okaliiskata sanepidstanpiia-Chirpan(gl,lekar: L.Panchev) (DIPHTHERIA. aural) (FAR, diseases diphtheria$ BULGAWA GANOVskt'- Dr. D., RANCHEV9 Dr. L. 9 DIM I TROV, Dr, K,, and GAVRILOV, Dr,N,, Research,and Production Institute for the Control of Hog Diseases, Vratsa "Immunogenic Characteristics of Cryetal-Violet Vaccine Against Hog Cholera" Sofia,-Vet6rinarna Sbirka, Vol 63, No 2, 19669 pp 6-9 Abstract: Production of crystal-violet vaccine against hog cholera, which was introduced in Bulgaria in 1947 by Chenchev and Khristoy, has been increased since then%bacaube of thei;-i*Vansion I;n ;hog breeding &ndIthe;-.1necqssity toLIMmunize a greater number of hogs. Furthermoreq a reserve supply of the vaccine must be kept'in cold storage'(zbecause of the possibility that the infection may be introduced from abroad. ing According to official instructions, the ultimate length of t-me dur 1/2 Virus 0-n tlie h-c! b r re t7i, affin,--y f0-1, ervi; vi ru s has an IL L. Diagram. Ru.S8jqnI""_OOYke' a'(' a I-jRf;hogey)j(, effeot on them. s ind LInglish 1/]. -'Ancla.-N, V. Bentonite. p~ 28 - atsii Vol. 3j 1,`0- 1) l9rb. Scfiia Bulgaria Khi,_-rotck1-.nika I Mehor yonthly Index of East European Accessicils (F,~;Aj) LC, vol. 7, 110. 1()j oct. 58 pplicnvp N. Statistics of the dam walLq in the world. p. 12)t MILTDROTEKKKA I M!,"LIORATISII. (Rauchno-te~micheski s-aliuz v Bulgariia i Mniste,rstvo na elektrofikatsiiata i vodnoto stopanstvo) Sofia) Bulf-aria. vol. 4, No. It, 1959 Monthly List of East Europcan Accessions (F-TAI), W, V01. 8, 11,10. 12, December 1959 Uncl. GERGANSKII Minko; PANCHEV, P. Working of hole-boring machines. Izv mekh selsko stop BAN 143-63 161. 1. Chlen na, Redaktsionnata kolegiia, "Izvestiia na Tsentralnila nauchnoizeledovatelski institut po meikhanizatsiia i elektrifikatsiia na, selskoto stopanalwo" (for Gerganski). a I GERGAI?P, M.;_,PANCREV.-.P. Operation of the soil millers attached to deep-tilling ploughs. Izv mekh selsko stop BAN no. 2:5-20 162. 1. Chlen na Redaktsionnata kolegiia, "Izvestiia na Instituta po mekhanizatsiia i elektrifilcatsiia na selskoto stopanstvoll (for Gerga*V,, ) - -~ i, PATICREV., S. ~4'NCHEVj S. Transro~ _'lion of kinetic energ-, of ave-,a(-.,e movement into kinetic -energy of turi,~ulence 7, rpermaaent atmospheric cimlation. P. 3. 140. 3, 1958, 111IMOLOOTIA'I MIMEOROLOGIIA SOFIIAI BULCARIA SOURGE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) Vol. 6 No. 4 Apri_l 1957 AN C. H a V) -St - BMWIA/phy,liftl Chemistry. Colloid Chemistry. Disper*ion B system a Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Xhimiya., No 22, 19%, T3506. Author U. Panxchev,_- Inst AcadenW of Sciences of RLIP Title On the Rv&poration of Large FreIIY pauing Wattr Drops in the Atmosphere- orig Rib: Dal. Boig. A 1957., 10, No 5, 355-358- Abstract; It is shovn theoretically that the falling velocity of evaporating water drops of radii ~ greater than 60 /4 is determined by the S8Me e4uatiOn a'3 for drops with emstant M9,6s. The dependence be- tween the height of a clotid and the distribution of drops reaching the earth by their size is S180 found. S/124/62/OOQ/001/029/046 D237/D304 AUTHOR; Panchev, Stj_ TITLE: On a group of elementary particular solutions of the equation of turbulent heat conductivity in the atmosphere PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnall Melchanika, no. 1, 19621P 94, abstract 1B651 (Vllvkhu yedna grupa elemen- tarni chastni resheniya na uravneniyeto na turbulentnata toploprovodnost v atmosferata. Khidrol. i meteorol.-giya, 1958, no. 4, 51-57) (in Bulgarian) TEXT: A group of particular solutions of the heat conductivity equation is sought. The turbulence coefficient is assumed to be a power function of the altitude. In the present instance, vari- ables T (time) and z (vertical coordinate) are replaced by a Card 1/2 PAIICHEV, S. 110n the evaporation of the raindrops inthe layer bet,~,een cloud and earth." KhIDROLOGIT-A I METECRCLCGIIA., Softia, Bulgaria, No. 6, 1958 Monthl~f li5t of EAST EtTROFEM A GGESSWIS (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 7, Juli 1959, Unclas FAMHU., S. 101 op. of the size of the 11pormula for stationary v8 city Of falling waterar intermediate region it p. 3 (Oddrologiia j Meteorologiias ,Vol. 91 no. 1, 1958, Sofiiaj Bulgaria) Montay List of Fast ftropean Accessions (EUI) wo Vol. 7, no. 91 september 1958 Unclassified PAIia,-V, 5- *1 iid drops i, 0 15rof the augmentatiOn of c-0 .1 water conve-I clouds. IlCont-rib-tition to the theO" ,io. 2, 1959 I-STEWCOLCOIlk' I Sofjia, Bu3fyaria-, y,F,IIRC!Wllk I Lc, Vol. 8, 1140 July 195(-, Unclas Monthly'. list of EAST EUR&EAN ACC-'!,-SSIG~13 - 7. SOV/49-59-4-16/20 AUTHOR:j TITLE: The Determination of Velocity of Precipitating Drops Enlarged Through Gravitational Coalescence in Clouds (Opredeleniye skorosti padeniya rastushchikh cherez gravitatsionnuyu koagulyatsiyu oblachnykh kapel') 'PERIODICAL: Izvestiya kkademii nauk SSSR, Seriya geofizicheskaya, 195% Nr 41 pp 624-628 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The velocity of raindrops falling from clouds is usually determined fo,. 5 parameters; densities of water Pw and air viscosity of air I gravitation g and the radius of drops r With an increase of the Reynolds number Re =-2pVr/Tl the friction can be ignored but a new factor should be added: the variability of the mass of drops due to their gravitational coalescence. In this case the velocity of fall will be expressed as 'Eq (1), where s - density of cloud. Because q) depends on Re (Table 1), then the for- mula for calculation can be derived from the rate of growth of the drops (Eq 2). The equation of motion in this case can Card 1/3 SOV/49-59-4-16/20 The Determination of Velocity of Precipitating Drops Enlarged Through Gravitational Coalescence in Clouds be expressed by Eq (3) where m - mass of a drop and F. - air resistance calculated from the expression at the top of 625. The value of ~(Re) can be experimentally determined ble 1) as Eq (4) (Ref 8) where a(Re) and b(Re) are des- N cribed by Eq (5) which also must be found experimentally (Table 2). Thus the air resistance formula will be finally defined as Eq (6). The equation of motion can be shown as Eq (8) for the conditions (75 and its solution as Eq (9). Since ap can be defined as L#q (10). the formula for V will be E3.(11), which for s =:O (dry air) becomes Eqs (12) and (13 The Eq (12) converges at 2 yr < x X9 which corresponds to r