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PAL.WSESTOV, M. A. "An Approacb to the Appeara-nce of Sheep Flites (J~soroptes- Ovis haiz.) Which are resistant to Genera-11y Used Acarioides." Tenth Conference on Parasitological Problemo and Diseases with Natural Reservoirs, 2;.-20 October 1959, Vol. 11, Publishing House of Academy of Sciences, USSA, Moscow-Len.n6rad, 1959. Kha-r1kov Veterinary Institute SENFTSOV, Aleksandr Alekseyevich; ZASKIND, Lyubov' Nisonovna; Mimnasnv, N.A., prof.,; PASHCHINSKAYA, G.N.. red.; TROYIM9NKO. A.S., takhivd. CHelminthe and halminthisses of domestic water fowl] Gellminty i gallmintozy dongshnikh vodoplavaiushchikh ptits. lharlkov. Izd-vo Kharikovskogo gos.univ. im. A.K.Gorlkogo. 1960. 444 p. (MIRA 13:7) (Worms, Intestinal and parasitic) (ParaBites--Ducks) (Parasites-Geene) J OUR I. ol e c, 1- 7-9 Lt7,o- : L vt n r. i c a -I C. 0 o1 1.4 f -,n PALDMTOV, M. A..(Professor), TIMCHENW, A. D., (Candidate of Veterinary Scineces, IMUTM-ZoNFTF~nary Institute) and LUPINDS, I. T. (Veterinary Surgeon, poultry breeding savkhoz "imeni 1 Maya", Eharkay Oblast) "Medicinal effectiveneso of furazolidone in chicken coccidlostall Veterinariya, Vol. 39, no. 4, April 1962 p. 46 .~ALIMPSESTCIV, Mikhail Aleksandrovi v --Qhf Pal impsestov, .0.J, prof., doktor vater. nauk., CHEBOTAREV, Rom&n Semwovich [Chebotarlov, R.S.j, akademik- SFZVTSOV, Alekaandr Alekseyevich (Shev-tcov, 0.0.1: dots., kand, veter. nauk; ZASKIND, Lyubov' Naumovna, kand. veter. rieuk, VENYOVA, G.I. [Vierikova, HTj~ red.; KALASHN-1rKOVA, G,G,jK&laahnykova, 0,H.), tekhn. red, [Veterinary parasitology] Veterynarna parazytologiia. Ky-iv, Derzhsillhospvydav, URSR, 1962. 421 p. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Akademlya nauk Belorusakoy SSR (for Chebotarev). (Veterinary parasitology) PALlmp~-F~ -~V, -,. ?~. ~~,,v 5 . A. (,", PALI"MrSES - p hief Vf-terinarian, Ssadlov ra.,,- ~n, Sar;~*.,)v I and KALINNIKOVAI T. A. ~DirectDr o' %ne R,%~ n ietc:rLn&rj *,f-, ~,, tympanlte~:. Df cbLtle. So: Veterinari.i-.; 23; 1; Juli I)L6; Lnc-'. TA*--,'UOr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 & PALIN, A.--T . ' T . I . C, - . I - Fl '." Anci~v.~s IX nn' ''I '"- ~J!"-* r-!~ "f - " - ( ?,'] '--A P4 - 1 1 14 rm . 2 : ~9-,)2 Mr-Al, l6cl. 1. Aptr-ka No.,), R19a. Rmid,i, jL.I., provizor Sone rmuterials on the analysis of r)rescriptions in Ri.gqa pharrntacia-s- Apt.delo 8 no.4:3-8 Jl-Ag '59. (MIRL 12:10) (HI(4x--MMIGINE--FUIOflJIAZ, REGBIl"I), P.L-IIXHIPTIONS) 'r FA-l", A. KLINIVICF, I.T., Pinnilbook orepgred drug,91 S~rmvfjchnik po gotovym lekFir- stvennym f- r-,Pm. Sost. A.I-Pa-lin, :-.."Aisitskii, R.IA. Kholsh-~ei ')tv. red. T., ~ 1. -Temiletova. :Agn, h. Glav. -ipr. 1--va zc.-~v Latviiskoi -"Si~ v rid N,nks, m,,inu-iln, mtc.) FALP", .- . -. pla.'Its , D' t-d E,,: ~ ri at:,,!ts - f ~ r-~ 1 ~:-,F -4- t!~ -~ t'. ~ -a'l~ 3 . LS, . '; . 1'. , . ~ ~ . , , . I I . 9. Montbly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Aril 1953. Unclassified.1 rAT'n" r. ~. V, 2p-,~e ~ Tl~- z - , ~ -- -, % The s+,,,-irly )' v: '. n",-,e -f 1-. -., ~ '4h 7-r ips. r, 4 ., I , , r . -7. v s' i 1e ' c . - , I , . Yla-lit iLLi c-' Hu., - ~-qizW Accegsi.-_-, Libr;~ry of lmnCres , Oc*ober 105- 1r'CLi*~ --:). PALIN,P.S. (g. 6huya Ivqnovskoy oblAsti) Growing figs in pots, tube, and ditches In ShuyA. T31ul.(',lA-.,.bot. andA no.21:lnl-102 '55. (MLRA 9:12) (Shuya--Fig) NAZARKVSIrZY, S. 1. ; MAKAROV, S. N, : PI UnlIKO. Y :3 ERAS1 MOV M V - -1 1 L f I NSKA YA M - L. ; VRX-%-ER, A. I - , L d,~,- tai F, -~ , V.A~ OIL '--'~V IM - , I L I INik_ N V. : SOEOLOV, S. Ya. ; IsOZINA-1,0ZINSUa., A. S. SAAKOV. S.G' ZAIZ&)TI Y, D. X. ; AII-ACRIN' N.A.; IVANOV, M.I.- PRIXIJJK)II: N.V.- SOROLEVSKAYA, X-A.~ SAIAXAT(YV, N.B.; KLLINOVSKIY, P.I.; LUCHNIK, A.I,, UAVCEMNKO, O.A., VEKHOV, W.K.; GROZDOV. B.V.; MASHKIV, S.: BOM, G.G.- PALIN, P.-. ,.Shuva, Ivanov- skoy oblasti); MATUKHIN, ZATVLPWITSKIY, G.F.-, GROW, N.G., CHHUSOV, M.I.; KIRKOPULO, Ye.N., LEVITSKAYA,A.M.; GRISHKO, N.N.; LIUVAR', D.F. VILICHINSKIY, N.M.; LYPA, A.L., OREKHOV, M.V.-, SHCHFMINA. A~A.; TSYGANKOVA, V.Z.. BARAMOVSKIY, A,L-; GEORGIYLPVSKIY, S.D.; STEPUNIN, G.A~ OZOLIN, E.P... LUKAYTEn . M.KL; KOS. Yu.I.: VAIL YhV. A.V.: RUKBADZE, P.Ye.; VASHk0ZE, V.N-, SrikiIIDZE. V.M.-, MLEDZHAVIDZE, D,V.-. KORKESHKO, A.L.; KOLEMKOV, A,I,,fg. Sochi): SMGEYEV. L-I . VOLOSHIN, M.P.; RYBIR, V.A., IVA.NOVA, B.I-; RYA.BOVA, T.I.~ GAREYEV, E.Z. Xr,3ANOV., Y.N.; BOCHANTSEW., Z.P., BLINOVSKIY, K.V. KLYSHXV, L.K.: MUSHEGYAN, A.M.; LEONOV, L.M. TaIkB given by participants in the meeting Biul.Glav,bot,sada no.15: 85-182 '53 (MLRA 9:"L) 1. Glavnyy botanicheskly 8ad Akademii nauk SSbl (for Makarov-1-ilipenko, Gerasimov, Il'inskaya, Vsksler): 2. Akadsmiya komunal'nogo khozyay- stva imeni K.D. Famfilova for Vasil'yev); 3. Veesoyuznaya sel'skokho- zyaystvennaya vystavka (for Il'ina); 4. Botanichaskly sad Botaniche- skogo instituta imeni V.L.KomaroTa Akadamii aauk SSSR (for Sokolov, Lozina-Lozinskaya, Saakov)- 5, Botanicheakiy Bad I-aningradakogo (continued on next card) KLZLIMVSKIY, S.L._(continuod) Card 2 gosudarstve=o,gc o.-der-a Lenima, =_'vrrsJltela (for Zma_'easkL7 yarno-Allpiyakiy botanichaskiy sad lol'skogo flliala lmeni S.M. Kiro-wa Akadamii nauk SSM (for Avrorin); 7. Botanichaskiy oak pri TomBkom gosudarstyennom universitete, (for lvanov); 8. Botanichookly sad pri Tomokom goaudarstvennom universiteta imeni V V. lxkvbysheva (for Prik- ladcyv); 9. TSentral'nyy Sibirskiy botanicheBkiy sad Zapadno-Sibirako- go filiale, Akademii nauk SSSR (for Salamatov, Sobolevakaya): 10. Bo- tanicheakiy sad Irkutsko gosudarstvennogo universiteta Imeni A.A. Zhdanova, (for Malinovskiy): 11, Altayskaya plodovo-yagodnayEL opy-t- naya stantsiya (for Luchnik); 12. Bashkirskiy botanichaskly sad (for Kravcheako); 13. Lesoatepnaya selektsionnava opytnaya stantslya deko- rativn.vkh kulltur treata Goszelonkhoz Minlaterstva kommunal'nogo kho- zyaystva RSFSR (for Vekhov)-, 14. Bryansk-ly lesokhozyavatvennyy insti- tut (for Grozdov); 15. Botanicheskly sad pri Voronezhskom gosuclar.- stvennom universitete (for Mashkin); 16. Orekhovo--Zuyevskiy pedago-- gicheskiy institut (for Bosse); 17, Botanicheskly sad pri Rostovskom gosudaretvennom universitete Imenl V.M. Molotova (for Katukhin)i 18. Botanicheskiy sad Kuybyshevskogo gorodckogo otdela narodnogo obrazo- vanlys (for Zatvarnitskiy); 1q. Zoobotanicheskly sad pri Kazanskom univeraltete (for Grachev): 20. Gosudarstvennyy reepublikanakiy proek-tnyy Institut "Giprokommunstroy" (for Cherkasov)- 21, Botani- cheskiy sad Odeaskogo gosudarstvennogo universitleta Imen! I.I. Mechni- kava (for Kirkopulo); 22- Botanicheskly sad pri Dnepropetrovskom goeudaretyeanom univeraltote (for Lovitskaya): 23. Botanicheakly sad (continued on next card) ILZLH]gVSKIY, S.L.---(continued) Card 3. Akademii nauk USSR (for Grishko, Likhvar', Vil'chlnskly); 24. 11yevskly sel'skokhozyaystvannyy institut (for Lypa)i 25, Botanl- cheskiy sad Chernovitskogo gosudarstvennogo universitets. (for Grekhov); 26. Botanichaskiy sad pri L'vovskom gosudarstyennom universitete - iment Iv. Franko (for Shcherbina); 27. Botanicheskiy sad Zhar'kov- skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imenj A.M. Gorikogo (for TSygan- kova); 28. Botanicheskiy sad Zhitomirskogo sel'skokhozyavBtvennogo institute (for Baranovskiy); 29, Botanicheskiy sad Akadenii nauk Belorueskoy = (for Goorgiyevskiy); 30. Institut biologii Akademii nauk Belorueskoy SSR (for Stepunin): 31. Botanicheskiy sad Akademit Litovskoy = (for Lukaytene); 32. Bobanicheekly sad Latviyakogo go- sudaretvannogo universiteta (for Ozolin); 33. Kabardinakiy krayeved- cheekly botanicheskiy sad (for Koo); 34. Sukhumskiy botanicheakiy sad Akademii nauk Gruzinskoy SSR (for Vasillyev, Rukhadze); 35. Be- tummkiy botanicheskiy sad Akademli nauk Grusinskoy SSR (for Shanidze); 36. Thilleskiy botanicheskiy sad Akademii nauk Gruzinskoy = (for KwAzhavidze); 37. Sochinskly park Dendrariy (for Korkeshko); 38. Gosu&arstvennyy Nikitekly botanicheskiy sad iment V.M. Nolotova (for Sergeyev, Voloshin); 39. Krymskiy filial Akademii nauk SSSR (for ROW; 40. Botanicheskiy sad Holdavskogo filiala Akadomit naxik SSSR (for Ivanova); 41. Botantcheskiy sad Botanicheskogo instituta Aks- demli nauk Udthikskoy SSH (for Hyaboys); 42. Botanicheakiy sad Kir- gizekago filiale, Akademii nauk S&M (for Gareyev); 43. Botanicheskiy (continued on next card) NLZAMSMY, S.L. -(continued) Carl 4. sad Akademli nauk Usbekskoy SM (for Rusanov, Bochantseva): 44. Botanicheskly sad AkaAemil nauk Turkmeaskoy bM (for Blinovskiy); 45. Respublikanskiy sad Akademii nauk Kazakhokoy SSR (for Klyshev, Mushegyan). (Botanizal gardens) Mimi" 06 Vill *411 4 0 -00 j _06 4S1& oe c 1101161101hW17 w ngw& dm~ff ign V 01 IV=) A tor-I porumm In t he w.q. .1 00 a I -00 06 a11 .-06 dodo goo 9 a =00 : 0 0 zoe 00 zoo 410. so 00 so 008 -Zee see too -00 too-, 00-SAO Ug .11.i"liw a.. 's, I - A IF :111 I& a a a d" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 we at 0 0 0 0 at & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 d, 0 0 0 jz B 11 /B1 41.8 AUTHORS: Andreyev, L. A., and la-inge, fa. TITLE: Effect of deformation or, tne work lunc-,Ion of monocrysa-,'-,-,e molybdenum filaments ilEhIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo t-la, v. no- TEXT: The efiect of deformation --n tie work fz~.,.ction w-, determInL-i :n hign vacuum (5 - 2-10- 8mm Hg) by measuring the contact potential ul--Ing tne vibrating chord method. Trie Aork function wa6 found to decrease in uniaxial. elongation. Tests were conducted at dilferent deformation rate-- (1.2 - 30 mm/min). The measuring setup based an the ~rinc'-~Ie 31 a vibrating capacitor formed by Iwo MK(1'e1K,, molybdenum filaments s'pecimen and reference electrode) 50P in diameter, whicr, were i~laced in a vLcuum vessel. The static capacitance of tne cal..~citor was 4 pf. lo remove impurities, the filaments were first annealed it 0- in ny--~ roger., t.,-.en at 180*1 - 190GOC in vacuum to ;.r.3duce tne granu~,r sruc-,ure. -.Ise of Card 1/4, Effect of deformation on tj-,e -Aor,, the molybdenum filaments as electrAes made it easier t, ii-oduce pure metal surface and to effect t;,e ~eformatiori. '1':.e i'iIaments worc to vibrate by ponderumotive farce.; current ~ - - crs varied capacity by 0.02 pf at moz3*- Ti,e ~;ot,~ntial diliference ot-t---,eer. molybdenum filaments for di-l"ferent tubes was I ~1,0 mv, and was me~sure-4 wit, an error of ~).01 v. The measured values indica-ed that tnt- work fun2i'-~;n increased with elongationA~, "e-ormation, Al r-:,-ged ce*zeen ~, an. ~ 0 mv for all specimens. :.n *,,.e eias~ic range 6f '-r-y at all, then, with furtner 3eformaticn, it roLe slowly, t:it~n ra'-fily, ~-ni finally slowly again. It made no di~-ference whetner tne e----ngation w~L's continuous or discontinuousAl r,-nained constant for severa- :.ours -..'ter stress was relieved. Tests maJe oxidized monocrystai~ine moybaenuin filaments produced almost eua--Adf= I.'Ai,!,' curves. At a delorma-,-on rtte of 30 mm/min, Af was observed *.o -i3e steeply a. same 61/1 values as with lower rates `6 ana '.- mm,min,, '2ne reSion of tne stee;'e-~-. of Al shifted in this case to smaller 11,.. T-is may be exp.ained '.Y effect of the deformation rate on tne microstructure of t.-.v filameni surface. erofessor A. A. Zhuknovitskiy is tnanked for discussions. T:,e.,e are 7 figures and 12 references. 2 6ovict and 16 non-6oviet. most recent references tc~ Lnglish-language 1.ublicatons read as Card 2 14. S/1 8, /61 /U03/101 0/,G 1 6/.~J36 Lffect of deformation on the work ... B"0138 E - N. C:1 arko , H. E. Fi rns w ort It, 11hy a . H ev. , 8 5, n o - 5 # 484 t 19 5-~ T. J Lewis. Proo. Phys. 6oc., ~~q no. 5, 187, 1954. - G. livallis, H. Farnsworth. J. Applb iliys,q 0, no. 69 594, 195b. A360GIATION: Moskovskiy institut stali im. 1. V. 6talina (!Aoscow steel Inctitute imeni I. V. Stalin) SUBUITT a may 16, 1961 Fig. 1. Diagram of measuring arrangement Legend: (1) tungsten sprina; (Z) transverse bar for regul-tting distance between filaments; (3), (7) molybdenum filaments; (4) getter flask; (5) tantalum getter; (6) 61ass branch ; (8) 6lasij tube -Aith sliding iron core; (9) tingsten spring for regulating filament deflection; (10) external contact; (11) contact for vacuum-evaporated films; (12) tube wall. (1) junction "A"; (2) top view of junction "A". All data are in mm. Card 314 Dr 3L tute of Vetcr` nary ene to. KOPC Occurrunce in ~o treat. ac&ria!~:s, ~C,-.~Dex z effec va 51rics Is M05 can -C)t~ star-,: u:,-cueas s*.-Ioula be c--rr:.ez e nz t, r,:, C;~On:.nF ZAZ T-his '--ea dJzease Co.-.D,-azc,,Ly from z; Lo r to S tL~C-r, al ter trea-umunt were cz--ric-,6 out ~er ozsurv-r, - sanitary re ..... at-~ans s'-.owcd tha. a, '.-.c ~resenL --..ere is ro Lcarla~,j.s of ~-.onay oces in Eun-ary. 13 i-.eferences, U:OSL.LY 1/1 72 FPJJJ. CIA J, Jozsef j f oenerget ~' , Geza; ) Fere- n'- Electric power economy in the metallurgical and machine industries. Elektrotechnika 52 no.1/2:42-52 Ir.a. 1. Koho- es '-'epipar-" ~for :-'~-ancia). 2. Orszagos V!lla;.-.osr.-.ergIa Felugyelet (for Gati). 3. . .ru~:.---zcIgultato Vallalat V. Villamosene.,-,-- L '- vez~toje (for i'alinkas). GATI, Gezai PALIMAS, Feztnc itemarko. Elektrotechniks 52 no.1/2:4P-52 159. 1. OVILLEF (for Gati). 2. F.T.IASZ V. hlorzeti Villamosenergin Felugyelet vezetoje (for Palinkas). A A A J f A ~ -"- - Idw pwrArlk*l i swaflababy cd Ow swessm" in vdkm S. & d. F. .00 04 .00 No =go GOO woo oaf 2 Argo 800 voo fill no 0 09TALL946CAL LITIRATWI CLAISWSCATMN moo ; ; st!w aaio. - . I woo 0.41 Lit LOU 46, I 00 rI map 10 u i 4 so a 0 a I w 0 0 a a 2 0 4D I; * 0 0 0 PALINKAS, Istvan Conference on the problems of *the calculation of prime cost and ircome in the agriculture. Magy tud 68 no.10:627-628 0 161. 1. Igazgato h., Mezogazdasagi Uzemtani Intezet. PAIJNKAS,, J. "Qu.artzy atom., and molecule clocks." P. 311 FIZIKAI SMUZ. (Eotvos Lor-and Fizikai Tarsulat) Budapest, Hung8rv Vol. 8, No. 10, Dec. 1956. Honthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) IL, Vol. 8, No. 6, June 1959. Unal. HOGARY/Pharmcology and Toxicoloa - Tran' ilizers. V. qu Abs Jour Ref Zhur - BL)l-, N 2, i959, 9009 Author Szabo, G., Zsoldoa, I., Ralialms, J. List Hun~Aria.-. AS Title Actio., Df Chlorpronazine (Larf~,actil) in the Rc4ial FLuiction in Hypertensive Patie,its. OriC Pub Acta ned. Acad. sci. hu.~.-., 1957, 10, No 3, 327-332 Abstract 25 mg. of chlorprommine (C) were administered intrave- nously in 20 ml. )f Vaysiological sollition to eijit pa- tients with hypertensioii of mediun severity. In all case5, a sbort-lived decrease of t~,e blo.-)d pressure was :ioted. Systolic pressure decreased, :)n the avera-e, by 35 im- and diastolic pressure by 22 of a i:iercury cc)lumi. C exerted iio har-.iful action on the kicL--.eys ai~d did not esseiftially c:,.ange the renal blood flz)w, Card. 1/2 SZABO, Gy.. dr.; ZSOLDOS, I.. dri; PALINKAS, J.. dri Effect of chlorprona2ine (largactil) on renal function in hypertension. Ory. hatil. 98 no.5-6:93-95 10 Fab 57. 1. A Budaposti Orwoetudomanyt Iffatem I. as. Belkltnikajanak (Igasgato: Russrwak, Istvan. dr. "gyatemi tanar) koslommys. (HYPSMNSION. ther. chlorpromazine. off. on renal funct. (Hun)) (CqWRFRDMkZINX, ther. use hypertension. off. on renal funct. (Hun)) (KIDNWS. in various die. hypertension, off. of chlorpromazine on funct. (Hun)) PAUKUS, JAP!03 FOWI MihaUA. Dr.; ZSOLDDS, Istvan. Dr.; vOLTAT., Bdit, PALINKAS. Jai. a Dr. Hill l jviAit, Dr. ii"hMIrir Rffects of acute diminution in the volume of actually circul.ting blood on kidney function in renal diseases. Magy. belorv. arch. 10 no.2-3:43-45 Apr-June 57. 1..A Badapesti OrvoBtudomanyi &;yetem I sz. Belklinikajanak (igazgato: Ruaznyak Istvan dr. egyetemi tandr) kotlemenye. (LIVAR DISSASES, physiol. eff. of acute dimution in volume of actually circulating blood on kidney funct. (Hun)) ]UTONA.1aszlo,d,-.; L1MD1L,Iasz1o,dr.; FOLDES.Istvan,dr.; PALINUS, Janos, dr. Use of tranquilizers in clinical tubercul,;eia. Tuber h2loz is 13 no2:57-60 7 160. 1. A 'lianruely Tibor Tbc Gyogvintezpt, J~idapest es az Orszagos Koranyl T",c intezet, Budapest kozlemenye. (MMOBARATE ther.) (TUBZRCULOUS PATIENTS ps:,chol. ) HTN',iTY/Radio Physics - Generation ind Conversion of Rndl-i FrLquency Oscillritionr3 Abs J--ur Rc:l' :~hur - F-i::J-k,, N- I, N'- 1529 A P--Iink.~Is J,,.nr,,s Autnor Inst Title Ignition System fur 'A Si~art -,x:jt,~h Ori g Ilub Magyir tad. ru,,ad. Yc~zp. f,1z. kutatc. int. KcZl., 1957, 5, 110 5, L)2-495 Abstract A circuil, cif a pulse Coner-tcr, ~cnemting pulscs of durrit-on Df ~q,pr~:xirnat-211,,, sever,-l microseconds with !i r,--.- ,p.-,titi,)n fr,~quLncy of 5" t--Z~:lcs 7~nd an rmplitud, 1-f 'Ipprox- i.mttell 16 tc, 20 Yv is -1vcn. The ,,cmerntor is ~iscj f,,r ,,~niticn in a spark Switc~-. Ca rd 1/1 FOGAMSSY, Ba-lint; PALIMAS, Jozaef 4ual-tz, an~- alocks. :--*z 5ze---c- F - lr;. 1. Kozuom-i Fizikal !:Ltato intezet. P 4 L I NV. S , .- la r -- -' "'n e ~ IDc d a -1 d n s ,. ran,- f~ c o ~.:~ (. ~-* -~ 5 a r ~ a c r:~ ~ ~. ~ -w e - . a. *.. ~ . ~~ ~ ~ :- a - - : c e- ~,. ~~ent,er. Migy vasut F ne._31:1 t' ' I ' ~-- . PALINUS. Earolyne Salute to a veteran r&ilroadm&n. Ma vasut 7 no.16-.5 15 Ag 163, LEMUR, Rdit, dr.; PALINKASS, Kereaztely Technological description of the Hungarian-manufactured nkerv--tl tiles. EpitoanYag 15 no.6:220-223 Je 163. 1. Fpitoanyagipari Kozponti Kutato Intezet Finomkerwai&i Oaztalya. 2. OEpitoanyagg szerkeszto bizotteagi tagja (for lehymnM). PALIhT&S. L. PALIKKASO L. - Felper - Vol. 5, no. 5, May 1955. Remarks on the article *Pelationshlp between the Dinenelon Figures of Masonry Structures and the Joiner.' p. 1-19. SO: Monthly list of East Euronean Accessions, MEAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 9, Sept. 1955 Uncl. PKLINKAS, L. "Improvement of the quality of Lumber In the Cabinetmaking Industry", P. 136, (FAIPLR, Vol. 4, No. 5, may 195L, Budapest, Hungary) SO: Monthly List of 1~ast European Accessions, (EEKL), LC, Vol. 3, No. 12, Dec. 1954, Uncl. 11 11 0 1, v a a a &I a 43 or &,to 1 11 3 AS SOL at 10 A - A L--A-A a - 1 - 4 'acose"O. '-99 The anowat of macorbk acid ja jb~ bloed 01 some bet a bivol 6=6866 astiamb "d in thme wine of brued card. fti P-1 ' . K&*=i.y#,b c1nehajowfiti Fjfj- heti. KhribN 29. 26-,(ItM I I -- rhe am"wt,K w-ld ".ntMjs Ot -Wwm and of fu1J-%rcvvrn (Aid, ."v practwally fquap fhat,bf%hm-pfhr atot Iimc cif calws &rut 1"ned cank t-nimin" wo dt-lefinia- 1 ; sea bir ,mtri. Synthr, k aw~mliw acid added w vuth urinr sea ~mpl- d,cipp-red inthin 30 mtn S dv FmAh see see K94% are* see Joe ASS 1 L A MITALLUNGMEbt. LITINA161111 CLASSIFKATIOP L to-Ong , Soso.. C., *Jlla,C%l *I'll, a" M. .4, , 5 , , " T fA a AV to a a INS 0 0 a I a 0 9 a . , . IS ' ; . L: I: 1 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a 0 : a 000010 0 411 00 00 0000 go** 06001009 0 a * a 0o 0 PALI IvWLV 2&rko,_-doc. dr. Cortribution to the study of hypophysea.1 carcinoma with special reference to forensic aspects. Med. arh. 15 no-3:147-1,553 Xy~--Te '61. 1. Institut za sudsku medicinu Medicinskog fakulteta u Sarajevu (Sef: P--of. dr Miodra Bucic). ~PITUITARY GIAiM neopl) PALI M SEV, Zarko, doe., dr. Modiastinal lymphogranulomatopis and its forensic signifimnce. "ed, arh. 15 no.6:101-108 N-D '61. 1. Institut z& sudsku medicinu M-edicinskog fakulteta u Sarajevu (Soft prof. dr Miodrag Bucic) (HODGKIN'S DISUSE juris donee) (MMIASTINUM neop17 '~A:. ~' 1;'; : s ! - . G . ~w~mhgrapr.y -r 7", , - - : n 7'1-. . ,,, ~~ '*1 Ile exli~7-' nu. ~-' - r, - . .. I ..'. - ~ - and . Merl, . ni,~i . ') n-) . ~ i : - N' 1 - 4 . ), . - 1. fiauchno-issledovatellakly ordena Trudovogo Krasnopo Znamen! inntitut noyrnkhlrurgl,~ lmonJ akademika N.N. Burdenko ;,MN Mosk-va. KOMOROWSKA, Alin&; FALTNSKA-W~SE, Win, !ALUCHOWA, Olga Colposcopic examination as a method in early conplex diagnosis of cervical cancer. Gin. polska 32 no.2:255-260 161. 1. Z I Kliniki Poloznictwa i Chorob Kobiacych A.M. w Lodzi Kieraw- nik: prof. dr J. Sieroszewski (CERVIX NEOPLASMS diag) KROLIKOWSKA, Haria, PALINSKA-W]~SB, Zofts; PALUCHOWA, Olga DiagnoalB of cervical cancer. Gin. polska 32 no.2:261-264 161, 1. Z I Kliniki Poloznlctwa i Chorob Koblecych A.M. w Lodzi Kle- rownikg prof. dr J. Sisrossawaki (CERVIX NEOPLASMS diag) PALIN3KA-W# KROLIKOWSKA, Maria; #9,, Zofla, PALUCHOWA, Olga Value of vaginal smears In early diagnosis of cancer. Gin. polska 32 no.22251-254 Ql. 1. Z I 911niki Poloznictwa I Chorob Kobtecych A.M. w IA>dzi Kisrowniki prof. dr J. 31oroozewski (VAGINAL SMEARS) (UTERUS NEOPLASMS diag) PALI IqSK.A-V#Slg, Zofia; HOROWICZ, Krystyna '- ~-~%' , _- ~ Clinical and histological considerations on no-callod p&raty-pia. Gin.polska 26 no.2:205-209 Apr-Juno '55. 1. Z Kliniki Chorob Kobiecych I Poloznictwa A.M. v Lodzi. Kierownik: prof. dr J. Steroazewski. i & Zakladii Anatomil Pato- logicznej A.K. v Lodzi Kisrownik: prof.dr A. Pruezczynski. (VAG! NAL SMEARS, paratypical picture) j,):VjA~~kh- j y'~! '4 ..Z-' SMOSH3VSKIY, Yu.; PALYM, 0.; MMSKA~~Z~x, i. Significance of paratypy in clinical practice. Ak-ush.i gin. 35 no.4: 78--83 J'1-Ag '59. (MIRA 12:11) 1. Iz akushersko-ginekologicheakor klinlkl (dlr. - prof. Yu. Sero- shevskiy) Neditainskoy akademii v Lodzi. (CERVIX UTERI pathol.) -.r wz"Is ir-L-awell Nr-f-,. i gRz. P-cm. A, "M"PA 18,6) -.e 01. 1 - PALIOKHA, I., I:and.BO11F;kr)khozyayi3tvenrWkh nauk Aerosols destro7 storape pente. Nwika i pered.op.v gel":hr)z. 121 1 9 no.9:14 Ag 159. (MIR" 12: 1 1. Chernigovskays, gosudarntvannaya sellskokhozyuyetvannaya opytnaya stantslya. (Grain--DisoaRos and posts) (Aerosols) ROTKO. TP.- PA-LI-OU.-U. I., kand.s9lInkokhozyayGtvenrWkh nauk; KOWSILk. 0., 0 knnA!.`e`*"V~';:~&~s';v~nnykh nauk Larpe-scale experiments on collective farms. Hauka i pnred. op. v sellkhos. 8 no.9:4P,49 S 158. OCRA 11:10) 1. Nn"ovOrnyo ntdolenlyo opytnogo khnsysystva Ch"rnigovskoy gosudaretvannoy aPl'Rkokhosyay~tvsnnojr stantsit. 2. Zaveduyushchiy otdalom pnlevndstva Chernigovskoy goeudarstvennoy sellskokhozyaystven- noy stantsit (for Boyko). (AgrIculturs-Expertmentation) -PALIOKRA, I.v. Introducing henzarie into !JIe soil to -ontrol But!r:r beat weevil larvae. flauch.trudy Inst.ent.1 fit. AN URSR 7:99- 103 '56. (MLRA 10-3) (Bermene ha:mch'oride) (6ugar beets- -Diseases and pests) PALIO & . ZHIGAYWV, G.N. --- Control of the larvae of sugar beet weevils b7 working benzene hexachlorlde into the sell. Sakh.prom-30 ne.2:67-70 7 '56. (MIRA 9:7) l.Inatitut antomolegli i fitepatelegii AN USSR. (Benzene hexachloride) (Sugar beets--Diseases and pasta) PALISA, (fnu) (Capt. M) Coauthor, with Capt. KRAL (fnu), MD, and Lt. Col. OWDRACEK (fnu), MD, of article, 'Epidemic of Czechoslovak Tick Enceph- alitis in Hradec Kralove Kraj in 1953," comparing clinical as- pects of louping ill, Czechoslovak encephalitis, and Russian spring-sumer encephalitis. (VZL, Feb 55) SO: Sum. 600, 1 Aug. 1955, FALISA, V.; 'ALCHOVA, M.; FENCL, V. - ZWRIL, J. An atypl.-al case of botul l8m. Bratial. lek. listy -1 no.1; t 711-714 164 1. Klini-ka nemoci infekzii,,h KU (Karlovy univers'.1.7] v Kzini (vadouc.i.- doc. MUD~-. V.Palisa, C.Sc.) a Krajska hygianickt- epidemiologicka staniie zapado~ieakebo kral's (zastupujicit vedoucit MUDr. V.Tomecek). PALISAJ. Proposis Ln the anirter4c -,-" epizimi- clas. I ek. cesk. 103 ri, r, J116,1 1. KILnika nerrc,,,i leyLarske fa"ity KU [Karl.1%-ry wiiversityl v FIZIT-1, rrecLnr-,si-&: ci,-,,--. dr. V.Palllsa, (&~. i A L: SA t . . f I . - , e -. -1 - :. ~ : 4~k * , '- . --' - - '- '. r~ . , ; - :-. :: ~ -_. .- . *.- A-, t - '. - - 1~ . . - t , ; .1 . . - - E - - I -_ 51 -~ 0 - 1. . . n'-ia f:r-:-.3c " I ;.' , X~ '! ~1.' n y F., .* !.l ,~- , " v KIA , - , , ": y .1, . . -,c - - -- .- - *-~ -! , : , Sc. ~ . . - . ~ t . . . . . .. - y SOURCE CODEt CZ t Cz 0060/65/66oj666W57r*9- AUTHORs Romm V. (Docent, Doctor, Cw-Aidate of sciences); Kolarova, vTb,,(Qoctor of medicine)0hiiiii, R. (Doctor of r-odicine) ORGz Clinic of Infectious Diseases,-LELU-bvaded bY Docent, Doctor, Candidate of Sciences Vilem Palisa/, Plzen (Klinika infekcnich nemoci LFKU) TITIE: Severe bacterial Infections found in servicemen SOURCE: VoJenake mdravotniake liety., no. 6. 1965. 257-259 TOPIC TAGGS: mLUtary medicine, disease incidence, bacterial disease, therapeutic medicine, tuberculosis ABM'RACT- 29 cases of severe infections in which the life of tha patient was in danger are discussed. 2-2 cases were du bacterial meningitis, 3 to tuberculous roningitis, and 2 each to 1V -__~t ~o~coccal~'4 epticamia. and streptococcal sepsis- 5 of these patients died. The danger of tuberculosis and of relapsinr, bacterial mningi is discussed. EarI7 diagnosis and correct thArapX are required for a successful treatmente LB-ased on authors' Eng. abst-.J- Li-PIL-5i SO CODE: 06 SUBM DATE-i none / ORIG REFt 006 OrH REF: 024 616-Meh 5-33 KANIA, Vladimir; BEITYSKOVA, LibuBe; ONDRACEK, Jaroslav; PAMSA, Vilem Contribution to the Droblem of microsed-imentation. Cesk.Dediat. 14 no.12:109'3-1095 D '59. 1. Infekcni klinika lekarsk-e fakulty KU v Hradci Kralove, pred- nosta doe. MUDr. Jaroslav OrLdracek. (BLOCD SEDIMMATION) PALISAP Vileu An epidemic of atypical nonicteric hepatitis. Cas.lek.ceak 100 no.35: iio8-11i2 i S 161. 1. Intekeni klinika lekarske fak-plty KU v Hradci Kralove, prednosta. doe. MLTDr. Jaroslav Ondracek. (HEPATITIS epidemiol) PALIS!, A,, r, pr: s c f 4- ---nu:-. -' ' , y a -", e - -2 ~ f ~ pf-~ -- ~! n e ~ a - -- - - . . ~ -- z - - . - ~!: . E h-- --7 . I I : ~j -fs~, 1 ~-4, 41 1 1. Irfer'-.c:.i ~-.l ir: : V a I r-i,. a rsk- f a: u I ty Uni ve.,-:~i ty Kar I rcry v Flz:~, (Pred-nosta: icc. dr. Y.Palisa, CSc.~. PALISEK, F. "New technique in the production of drawn wire." Hutnik. Praha, Czechoslovskin. Vol. 5, no. 10, Oct.. 10",. Monthly list of East EuroDean Accessions (EEAT), LC, Vol. 8, No. 6, Jun 4.9, Unclas PALI..)'EK, F. P~LISEK, F. Problem of an effective . e of dies. , - 5"). Vol. 7, no. .-,, Feb. 1~-57 H'JTN- I K TECHNOWGY Czechoslovakia So: East European Ac--ession, Vol. 6), No. 5, May 19157 A17-:3EK, F. 1. Ha~-.- -),,ir aji~est-lrL, :An!,f:.ct..rec! ; -1. r 5 . Vol. ", rm. .', Fe~,. l"'57 * 11 H1,7*1Y. -EC*:':- ~'~,,-Y C ze choslowdrd -a 3o: East Diro ean Pccess-'on, Vol. -, ", La.( 1"r'17 PALISEK, Fr&ntisak . Forming of bondIrAg mate-:'ial by -&-rrlde (-em,--nLea ",*-;.B. -*Lr.~j I vyr 11 n- .9 !."8-450 -~ I r. 4~ MISHEVSKIT, A.G.. zasluzhennyy rrach USSR Activity of a consolidated hospital. Sov.zdrav. 1P no.12 '59. (MIRA 13:4) 1. 1z Dnepropetrovskoy I-y gorodskoy klinicheskoy bollnitey. (HOSPTTALS) HLIAVICH, Ye.S., (ioteent; PALISHEVSKII, Yu.A. Clinical importance of anatomical and surgical features of the terminal branch of tde facial nerve. Stonatologlia 35 no-1:30~33 ja,_F s56. (mLRA 9:6) 1. Iz kafedry gospitalinoy khirurgII (saveduyushchty sasluzhennyy deyatell nauki professor T.Te.Gnilor7boy) I kafedry operativnoy khirargii i topograficheskoy anatomli (zaveduVushchiy professor Ya.A.Rotenberg) Denpropetrovskogo meditsinskogo insituta. (JAWS--SURGERY) (PLC ILL NMJI) PALISHKIN, D.A., inshener.;KLUIN, N.L. inshener. Corr*ctW 4ensivoter rea41ngs. Sellkhounashins no.4:8 Ap 157. (NMA 10:4) 1. Moskovskiy Institut inekhanizataii. i elaktrifikateli sellikogo khoxyaystva. (Soil mechanics) AIM-V, A.L. [Vechanizaticn in v z;-.-~- iA nd C, cr P*- t rvr ou 1,- t 2": V. Vi copi"! PALISRKIR, N.A., aspirant Water hammr in a pressure coaduit avatem with a ear" tank on a rimer pipe. Nauch.zap. MIIM 21:109-116 159. (MIRA 13:8) (Water hammer) (Surge tanks) PALISHIM, S.A., aspirant Investigation of surge tanks with riser pipes. Mauch. zap. WIM 21:117-141 059. (KIft 1318) (surge tanks) PALISHKIN, N.A., kand. tekhn. naukv dotsent Pressure losses in the latticbs of water intakes of hydroelectric power stations. Izv. vys. ucheb. Lav.; energ. 6 no.9:99-103 (MIRA 16:12" S 163. 1. Belorruskaya seliskokdiozyaystvennava akademiya. PALISHKIN, N.A., kmLnd.tekhn.nRuk Iffoot of a b7-pass on operation of a leveling tank- Izv.ucheb. zav.; energo 3 no.4:133-138 Ap 160. (MIRA l3s6) 1. Beloruaskeya sellakokhozyaystyanwWa akademiya, Predstavlem kafedray vodoenabsbeniya i gidravliki. (Wdrsulics) lash- $ I Analytical methods for deeigning equalizing reservoirs with resistance and their analysis. Izv.VYs.uchev.zav.-energ. no.B:121-126 Ag 1 58. (WRA 11:11) 1. Beloruaskaya sellskokhozyaystvannaya akademiya. (Reservoirs) L 12914-66 EWT(m)/EWP(j) RM A,'~C "M AP60W957 SDURGE CODE: UR/02136/65/ODD/022/OD41/OD4: q'/'5 "N' -15 5 L/ 1/, 5 fl- 1-/ 1/ AUMRS% Novikovaj,4. V.; Tar!!?tL A. I.; LevAni4cil, 0. N. j Palls"Zo He D. ORGx none TITLEt A method for obtaining varnish coatings Class 22, No. 176345 SWHGZs Byunsten' izabreteniy i tovarnykh znakov,, no. 22,, 1965., 41-42 TOPIC TAGS& varnish, maleic &aid,, polyester,, styrolp glycerin ABSTRACTs This Author Cwtificate presents a method for obtaining varnish coatings based on polyester maleinste resin and styrol. To prevent stickiness of the coating, to increase its durability, and to shorten the hardening time of the varnish, a polyester of saturated two-bass acid and allyl aster of glycerin& such as polyallyl glycerin phthaUtep are added to the above Ingredients. SUB CCDZI U/ SUBM VATZ* OIJun64 Cwd lh UMs 667.6s676. ZAMORZAYEV, A.P.; PALISTWT, A.F. Mosaics for 167 two-dimensi~)nal 5hubnikov groups (lower of three kinds). KriEtal3ografiia ( no.2:163-176 Xr-Ap '61. (YJRA 1-:9) 1. Kishinevskiy flosudarEtvennyy universitet. (Crystallography, fv,,th,,,ti,,I) ZAMORZAYFV, A.M.; FALISTWTT,-A.F. Two-dimensional ShUDILik" gro!,pe. Kristallografiia -1', nrj.4:517-~.24 JI-Ag 6o. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Kishinevsk-ly goeudaretvenny7 universitet. (lattice theory) PAl,lbTHANT, A.F. Syme t ry ar - ii n - : ~z t.~-j z.- - a.-,ers. Kristal3graf-ia -' no.5.-7PJ-7~~ ;- () I I'D -~ , (KRA !C-) I I 1. Kishlrov!--- 1-y ; r),-i,id;i rg* wm ~ -TI ir., ive rslil.- * . PALIS-FIAN'T, A.F.; ZAIADRI-AY-~',', A.M. C, oy=e,~rv gr-ups and var--'~,us x-4nds of antisymme*.r- DO y of I r-~er ornaments. Krlstallograf--ia 9 no.2:155-161 Mr-Aplb4. (MIPA 17: r~' 1. Kishi-nevskiv gosudarstwinnyy universitet. PkLISMANT, A.F. 'n - . , _V. .-ar, TD, -. sym-r-e'~-7 grou~,s and .-ar*c,.:,g -v.---c- -' I K--.'sT-a"-icgrafi-4a !'I I-a-F ',-c. --8 1.: -- - universitet. . K.:shijnev,,Yiy gosudarstvennn I PALISTRANT, A.F.; ZAMORZAYEV, A.M. Groups of symmetny and antisymmetry of layers. Krist'al-lografila 8 no.2:166-173 Mr-Ap '63. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Kishinevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. M4685 S/01-1/0/009/00c, F ^10 /El q1 /Oa /0 AUTHORS: P e.- 1 Y/ u Y Ri, I i 5 t' in t ~ MYH_ TITLE- On the T~,r-or v of Phot-o ion' zat. ,onlr-fF-Centrec. PERIODICAL: Opt ,ka i spekt rc)skupiya . 1960, Vol 9, N,--, ', Pp ~V~. TEXT: Continjc-,us states, of the F-, ent7H spec t7-,,jm a.,e I ni,erp:ated ty the present autho-s as p-,Iaroris mo Ir4 in tne 5--r.:~ene~ C.-.~~_jl:-mb field of an anior The P~ i 1 1 y- pI ~', _-,ni za t irin by t ransi t l,rin-z f r.-.m the F- f".entre gr -~,rd s t -:,+ e I -a t e ~ ~I t 1 s shown tha t rju e tc. pa r t I ~ Lpa t i or, o f pho nor. Z1 phc r ns 1 t ions . t he de.~ endenr ethe 4 on i zat i o r; p.,r.~ba b: 14 1. v y of abso rbed 1 i gh t i s ar, as ymmet ., i, a! r'. r-, w., t~, M a_ xM,._A IT. The long -wavelengtl.,.~ end ef th, S urve is S.ImilaT t-- *.ne PekaT OUT179 (Ref. ~) fC-T ph,Dt.,-,tTan3 it ions in the i,srret- ipec t 7--,tm +.he sl7icrt-waveiength end of the a.ithclTS'oz. fa smoothly t,,ari 'he Pekar urve. Witt, increa.z6 t empera t,,re. t n e magn i t u dr- o If' t h e i,-r, i a t ! r-T-1 PT -~ba, b. Iitj maxiim.~ri de~re-ase~ and I~he half width if *~ie Prc.~babilltv r,r,,-- card !/'- S/051/60/001/00'1/00~/Ol B"OVE1,91 0 T~~ ec:, v P,,,: t,--, i r, r-I 1 --a i , f F T'-, e I I e.1, f r e q i, e nr y j ep end c-;,-,.- & e n i .- a ' i .- r. ~ -, :. " I I t y f "-),- a KC I ~- r Ys t a' a t 7 6 K r I ) h n - ~ ~,-- ' K (,-.U7',,'e are given in a f i g,ra ,,~ Pago 6t'-~ C. I .. i~ i m la r 8-n eXpeT ,ment a 1 -4 -perdciic e f C-POT te'~ t-Y Ini r-a - ;P-. Re Tb f , i! -r -3 a n (I I , e f e - -3 r. - SUBMITTED- F:~ t -y -")4 0 r7,- ] . /, L 14507-66 EW T (I 1JP(c) GG -now ACC Nib -APF~024697 SOURC E -C-db-E-~---U--R700-561WSTO-A~9-T6V3/-CFI-fffO-766- AUTHOR: Hooks lenkp V. A.; Pallstrant, M. Yes ORO: Hoscow State University (MoskovskLy gotudaretvennyy universitet); Mathematical Institute of the Academy gf Sciancaa--Moldav"t~-MR-olatomatL- cheskly InstLtut Akad*mLi nauk,Holdavokoy SSR) TITLEt Determination of the critical temperature of an impure super- candugggl-by th use of the two-band nodal SOURCEs Zhurnal,,eksperimentaltnoy I tooratichookoy flzlki, v. 49, no. 3. 19659 770-780 TOPIC TACSt superconductor, impurity, critical temperature, energy band ABSTRACT% A theoretical investigation was made of the influence of a nonmagnetic impurity on the superconducting transition temperature of a natal with overlapping energy bands. Sines the single-band model approximation was not applicable, a method developed earlier by one of the authors (Ve Ae Mookeleako, FMH,, 81, 503, 1959) and also by Suhl aIt ale(Phys, Rev, Lett. 31, 5521, 1959) was applied. A weak electron- phooon coupling was &soused, and single-particle green-function elements-' which ire nondiagonal to the band Indices were neglected, It was demon- &-Cad 112 0.1c I 000a L 4507%-66 ACC HIs AP5024697 strated that, due to Interband electron scattering on the impurity, a significant change occurs In the magnitude of the critical temperature. For the range of small Impurity concentrations, a lowering of the transition temperature was predicted. The results can be applied to d- and a-band overlapping In transition metals and to a- and p-band overlapping In natal& of the net* groups in the periodic system. Orig. art. bast 44 formulas. (ZLI SUB CODE: EM,NP/SUBM DATE: l8Nov64/ ORIG REFt 006/ OTH REF: 004 ATD PRISSt OoO4 L 3bUI-60 'A T ~6 1 (gi 61 U1111- -114 1 -TD t0 A- ACC NRs A?600735~ SOUFICE CODE: IfR/0*1~46NZ021/002,702T~b/208i' '71 AUTHORS: Falistrant, M. Ye.; Moskalenko, V. A. .71 ORG: Institute of Physics and Mathematics, AN Moldavian SSR (Institut fizi-ki i matemaTiDk~i~avs ~oy ZTTJ- TITILE: Determining the critical temperature of superconductors with paramagnetic impurities SOUR.GE: Fizika metallov i metallovedoniye, v. 21, no. 2,, 1966, 280-281 TOPIC TA~'S: superconductivity, critical temperature, paramagnetic impurity, Green function -,eEC rovoc) 1A.P-,re,9cr, dwk) AbSTi,ACT: The effuct of interelecLron interaction retardation on tho critical temperature of a superconductor with a par~aaagnctic impurity is considered. The equation for the coupled :;tauo of a pair or electrons (or holes) with opposite momenta and spins and zero coupling energy is jr') dy1dy, (xj yj) Gp, (jrWg-) B, (yj - y1j) where G(xy) is the single electron Green function in the presence of an impurity, Bo is the zero phonon Green function, and the bar indicates an average over impurity atom sites and spin orientations. The kernel of the integral equation is Card 1/2 UDC.- 537,312,62a536.01 L 35901-66 AC-C--NR: AP6007)55 evaluated. The critical temperature Tc for small impurity concentrations is given by T'O 4 T, irs where T0 is the critical tomporature for the pure metiLl, -r. is the relaxation time, and a ha's the form 11M (Ps - PFJ- R) & IPP PP/R) 2'hol (p P, PrIO) + AR) Here PF is the magnitude of the momentum anti the contour c encloses the singularities of the numerator of the integrand, The ratio of the paramagnetic impurity contributions with and without consideration of the interelectron interaction retardation is about 0.03 for a majority of suparconducting metals. Origo art. has: 6 equaGions. /4 SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DAM 28Sep64/ ORIG REFS 003 CO,d 212 Pal'strant, iX. Ye. s/:)--8/62/OOC,/rC,5/C76/-_ `nfrare` 'u.-n'neseence cf t"-e C en e - - -rc e P zh-._rna' , R' z`ka, nc,. !)62, a- , Ij _srac'- ;~N 3(6~) , rj'l - r,,6 Xio S -:7.:... r Y 1 -a'- a -* 'ous'y by Pekar, DeyL;en. -3 -5 _ne_~ prev_ a been tLken as t-e basis '3r ve L z p a c e.-. i e and -.he (ID-w-tumperature) half-wIldti-, 0 f um, fn e s - e r. C C b S f v R- cianter ir. a ','.CI crystal . Ti-,e values obta_~ned are ai,,i 3.24 ev a6s ai~ain~it tt~ie followiiZ experimental dataL availab- e in the - C.`7 ev, 25 or 3 - 15 ev . The probabi'4tles of optica- transit-ons -n the unit anc, t-e quan--~:~. rad' at. __u7.fne~-ccnce between 20 and 270oK have also beer, calculated. res,~'_~S arc pres-nted in a table which shows, in particular, that luminescence at LO-11, 193`~'K) nas a quantum. yield approaching unity, whic',- rapi'd-.~. ~bstrac-~er's note: Complete translation] V. Strizhevskiy 0 -- rd 1 / I L 1641-66 EWT(l) IJP(v) GG JACOESSION NRs AP5014849 UR/0020/65/162/003/0"9/0542.,~j 1AUTHORS1 Moskalenko, V. A.; Palistrant, N. YOO i zo!kllp or?, ITITLE: Determination of tVe' ritioal temperature of a superconductor Iwith electric impurity if ~ !SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 162, no. 3, 19650 539-542 :TOPIO TAOS: superconductivity, critical temperature,, electric impur- 11ty,, impurity effect ABSTRACT: The authors consider a two-band model of a superconductor Ion the basis of the Froehlich Hamiltonian, and show,, under the as- isunption that the Impurity to electric, that Interband scattering by ithe Impurityresults in an appreciable change in the critical temper- .!ture of the superconductor The proof Is based on a method used by ,one of the authors earlier iftskslenko,, M v. 4,j 2770,0 1962) to determine the critical temperaturejI supplemented by an account of the lii~d overlap and of the Ippurityi, Umklapp processeis are neglected I Card 1/2 1 L 1641-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5014849 E, 'and the w coupling approximation to used. e authors thank Ir. N. BoSqIyuboviyu qbariW4~fnd S. Ve T dAr interest and D. N. Z yablik MR- 6-- and M -7. GorflEji criticafremarxe and discussions.$ This r ,report was presenTe& by N. Bogolyqbov. Orig. art. has: 24 form- ulas. 'ASSOCIATION: Moskovskly gosudarstvenn]rj_.pnIver9itet im. M. V. 1110,8%teraticheskiy institut tomonosovalMoscow State UniversLty),, e jnauk-MSSR (Mathematics Institute, AcadeaW of Sciences)148SR). UBMITTED% O4Nov64 ENCLs 00 SUB OODW SS NR REP SOV: 005 OTHERS 002 Card 2/2 7" . 1 I I e , a I ACCESSION MR: AP4009462 S/0051/43/015/006/07U/0791 AUTHOR: Palistrant, K.Ye. TITLE: Contribution to the theory of F bands In Ionle crystals. Calculations tak- Ing Into account higher approximations of adiabatic theory SOURCRi Opt1ka I spektrookoplya, v.15, no.6, 1963, 785-791 TOPIC TAGS: F band, F center, band moment, electronic transition, phonon, phonon frequency, adiabatic theory, lattice vibrations, band shape, transition matrix ele- ment. ABSTRACT: According to M.Lax (J. Chen. Phys . 20,1752.1952) the shape of the optical bands of F centers can be characterized by a function that contains the phonan Ham- 11tonians corresponding to the initial and final electron states and the matrix ele- ments of the electron transitions between these states. In an earlier paper by the author in collaboration with S.V.Tyablikov and V.A.Moskalenko (Tezisy* dokladov na V Vaes.Soveshchanii po tooril poluprovodnikov,Baku,1962) there were derived expres- sions for the first moment of the F band, taking into account changes In the equi- librium position of the phonons and their renormalized frequencies. Account was &I- Card 104, AP4009"2 190 taken of the Influence of the Central field and the effect of anharmonicity of the lattice vibrations. The purpose of the present paper was to extend the earlier treatment, taking Into account further small corrections stemming from higher ap- proximations of adiabatic theory that may be of the same order of magnitude an the terms considered in the earlier study. In view of the complextty of the,problem of. taking into account all the possible factors involved, the present irekine'nt I.a re stricted to the specific purpose of deternining the temperature dependence 61 the first moment and to establishing which of the considered factors are responsiblefor the different distinctive features of the F bands. Thus, there are derived expres- sions for the first spectral moments of the F bands, taking Into account changes in the equilibrium position of the phonons and the frequency of t))e phonons in the electronic transition, as well as the anharmon1c1ty of the lattice vibrations as they enter into the electron-phonon Interaction Hamiltonian. Also taken Into ac- count Is the dependence of the electron wave functions on the phonon coordinates. The results of taking Into account these additional factors are discussed. "In conclusion the author expresses his heartfelt gratitude to V.A.Moskalenko for valu- able advice." 41 formulas. 2,92_ cwd