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PA,LICHUK,B.yu., kandidat tekhnichemirikh nauk Velding of two-layer pipes with a rustproof ljqer. Svar.proizv. no-3:5-7 Kr '55. (muk 8:9) 1. Moakovskoye Vysaheye tekhnicheakoye uchilithche Inent Baummma (Pipe. Steel-WeldiDg) SIA)KYANSKATA, F.B., kandidat tekhnicheeklith nauk; DTATWVA, V.N.; AFAKASIYEV, P.S.; TBGOROV, A.P.; VITKOTSKIY, N.D.; MISHIN. I.A.; MXWVAR, B.I.; TABDIR, N.A.; FALICHU.-N.Yu., kandidat tokhnichookikh nauk; PRID, U.L.; LSTIN, I.A., bm:A-fd&Wtekhnich,vkikh nank. Methods of testing stainless @teals for susceptibility to intergra- mular corrosim. Zav.l&b.21 n9.11:1314-1340 055. (KMA 9:2) l.Toesoyusuyy nouchno-imeledevatellskiy, i kenstruktorokly inetitut khimichookege mashinestroveniya (for S3.omyanskaya, Dyatleva).2.Na- challnik TSentrallney z&vodskoy laboratorii (for Afanas'Yev).3.9&-- chal'alk laboratorii skeperimentallnege zaveda khimichookege mashi- nostroyeniya.4.Sumakey mashinostreitelluyy zavod Imeni K.V-.Frunze (for Vitkovskiy, Kishin).5.Inatitut elf-ktreovarki imeal U.O.Patenal Akademli nem-1 SSSR (for Medovar, Langer ).6.Koskovskoye Tymeheye tekhnicheakoye uchilishche Imeni N.I.Baumana (for Pallchuk).7.Zame- stitell nachallnika TSentrallnoy zavodak.-oy laboratorii zavoda 'Serp i Molot" (for Prid). (Steel, Stainless-Corrosion) AID P - 4507 Subject USSR/Englneering Card 1/1 Pub. 11 - 5/12 Authors Pallchuk, N. Yu. and A. I. Akulov Title Automatic Welding of Non-turning Stainless Steel Pipes Periodical Avtom. svar.'~ 2, 27-34, Mr/Ap 1956 , Abstract The authors describe the technIque and equipment used in automatic argon arc welding of l1hl8N9T stainless steel pipes !57, 63, 76 and 89 mm In diameter, while In the stationary (non-turnable) position prevalent in various piping systems. The installation is illustrated, the details of handling and finishing of the process, and the results of tests of welded tubing are given. Three tables, 3 photos and 3 drawings. Institution : Moscow Higher Technical School (KVTU) Im. Bauman Submitted : 0 17, 1955 Submitted No date SUBJECT% USI~Oldlng 135-8-18/19 OTHORSt Kassunovt Yu, I., Candidate of Technical Sciences, and Pal'chuk, N.Yu., Candidate of Technical Sciences. TITLEt Testing of Welded Joints in Austenitid Chrose-Nickel Steel for Interorystalline Corrosion. (Ob Lopytanlyakh evarnykh soyedi- nenly Is khrosonik*levykh austenitnykh staley n& m*zhkristallit- nuyu korroviyu). PERIODICALs "Byarochnoye Prolsvodetvo"# 1957, 06, pp 42-44 (USSR). ABSTRAM The authors criticize recommendations made by A.I. Krasnovskly ("5varochnoye Prolavodetvo", 20 1956) conoeraing methods of testing oorrosion resistance in acoordance with "I-OCT6032-51" This standard does not apply at all complete tests of welded Joints, and, besides, it contains many inconsistencies which have been revealed in a discussion organized by the periodical "Zavodskaya Laboratorlya* (2) in 1955. These inconsistencies and Krasovekly's statements based on rOCT6032-51 are cited. The article further contain* detailed Information on testing methods and rules actually practioed, Including the form of Card 1/2 test specimens, the technology of their preparation (sheet iIALICHUk N.Yu. kandidat tekbnIcheskikh Dank; ASULOV. A. I - , k-Andidnt - NO ew"Mye skikh nank. Automatic argon are welding of 18-8 type ateels vith enrenstatie electrodes. tTrudyj KVTU no.71;93-104 "M ()41,4h 10-/', (iteel-Welding) .(Protective ataospherel PALICRUK.N.Tu.; MUKH111,G.G. lffeet of chrome, silicon and vanadium onc"- 'Dhase formation in manual welds on 1" type stools. Avtom.evar.8 no.4:42-57 Jl- A9'55- (MLRA 8:11) 1. Moskovskoye Vyssheye tekhnicheBkoye uchiliishche imeni Baumana (Steel alloys--Volding) (Metallography) 31,459 Sli ? DC,40,'Di 13 AUTHORS: Shash-;.n, D.M., ana Pal',-!.,Ae, :;.Y-. TITLE- Effect of alioyin6 elements on tne -,orrosion re-iist-tr-e welded joints in -'Kh.I8N,-iT s-,cel sub,ected tc, prolon,-ed at P ER !0 D 1 CA L: Avt(,..iatiches,:aya svarka, no. TEXT: The results are given of -Investigations on the e'fert of ine composition of the weld metal and prolonged heatiig at 350-6r:)00C on the -or- rosion resistance of Joints welded by the argon arc process -.nIXI6H -jT (lKhlSNgT) steel. Welds were additionally alloyei with Ti, Nb, Sa cLna LQ L41 reveal the effect of these elements. Specimens were neat-treaLed :,s 0 quenching in water from 1050-1100 C, or homogenizing for ,~, with air cooling; aged for 5C0, 1500 and 3000 hrs at 4-,", LI-_3 ana Specimens were then Cround, and tested for intercrystalline Lne standard AMWO method per rOCT 601,2-56 (GOST and for Card 1/5 S/1 2 5/6 2100~_100 1'/004/,jO;1- Effect of alloying elements ... D040/DI13 carxosion by boiling in 55% nitric acid for 200 hrs. Specimens tnat pa-;sed tests failed later after aging. Nb additions raised the corrosion resi:~tance better than additions of other elements; Ti had a negative effect at higner contents, which is explained by the difference in the electrode potentials of Ti and Nb carbides in relation to the steel base and Cr carbides. Welds alloyed with ferrite-forming Si, or Si with V, had the lowest resistance to general acid corrosion. Intensive shearing corrosion was observed in a 4;1 r1 1 to 1.5 mm-wide band at the welds, and welds with acute shearing :,orios- had low content of oL, -phase on the fusion line, whilst in welds less prone to this type of corrosion, the aG -phase was clearly shifted towards the base metal; the weld metal at the fusion line had a high content of Cd.-phase,wr.-_,zn. shows that higher resistance to shearing corrosion can be reached by raising the4content in the fusion line. Increased Yb content, in the weld com- pletely eliminated shearing corrosion. Conclusions: (1) The corrosion. re- sistance of argon arc welds inIKhIBN9T type steel is sharply reduced after prolonged heating at over 350OC;welds have a high -,orrosion resistance Card 2/3 70 18(597) V/13 -50- D. 1%, and Pal'c',iul:, ,)JJTT !ORS -~hashin of Technical Sciences TITLE. Impulse 3utt .4elCing of Type lKhIK19 Steel of S~,,al_-;_ C.3 Sections PERIODIC,E: Sv~_cochnoye proizvodstvo, 1959, Nr 9, pi) 19-21 (V,3SP,) LBSTI~_'~T The authors present some prir-ary results on ex-)criments made in the fields of ir-.-.pulse we1 iing off steels.. In thi,,,- Ltudy t1ie possi'Hlit,,: of a cap- acitor as energ, ,, scurce for buttwc:'c1i,,-,'L c' pipe cle- mei.ts Z.-~td rods o_~ si,iill sections is c!isc..ssed. Th,*,: is to ret a hi-her sta'. ility agai-c-.,,-,t corrosion of t!Ae joint. Fig 2 shoas llie 1-lock (1.iagram ol. a c, rrespo-ad- ing weldin, (levice. '-':-,P(- rime nt s ivere mz-de on The compone-i)'L~:, -..,hich were to be welde('v :e-"e fastened with a current carrying , dl-vice wliicli works pneu! i.tically. 'For quality compari,,;~,ii, sm,iples /0 -, 1.48"'~ 11n, of steel type lKh12N9 (O.OP"' C, 0.19% Sj 19.12',~ Cr. 9~ 23'1~0 1"i) we,-e 'Cested .The samples -,e-2e Card 1/2 welde(1 p.,-r-tly wit, cap~icitor, partly the usu~~-_]_ way of Impulse 13-Litt of Type lKh13117c, Steel of Sma'l ~-ccticns 1.1.utt wel 'iq~. 17( r the latLer t,.c t~ , -.-,sE~.)r 1-r o, a sct t--pe MTP-200 was used, xritlk~ i7eeCi-,-L~ fro : c..-rent systo-., The .!el i:-.,: ti~--.e w-s clian-ecl. Tro. 0.04 to 0.08 sec., regulate,' by elect-fon --,L-ul,.tor tTjDC The table sho\.,s the test conditicl'..': anC3. results . The e--perji el,,t:,- sho-.,ed that a lower v:el,i~:-- tine (0.01-0.04 sec) 'ea's to a hiL;her f~tz~Lility corrcsio-,,,. Tbere are -1 p'.oto~,.raphs, 1 2 -,l-ocl-- dia((-~rams an(! I t,lile. ASSCCI.,TIOI,T: I..VTIJ imr~-zli- :~Lumana 0-1VTU imeni Bauman) Card 2/2 KMIN, G.G.; PALICHM, N.Tu. Formation of now phases in weldftd joints in 18-8-tyDa stnel containinp niobinm. Avtom. evar. 11 no. 6:8B-91 Je '58. (HIRA 11:7) (Steel alloys--Welding) (Niobium) (Notallography) 1 3 T ranslation f rom Refe rat ,vn y~, z nL1 rna iMet,, - :-_gi -aPS S AUTHORS Pa Ihuk , NYki , Akkilo,,AI TITLE Automatic- Argon-sti-elded Consumable-ele(trode Inert Ar, Welding of Steels of the kh-8 T~pe (Avtornati( heskava arQ0no- dugovava s,-arka pl.%vash~ himsya elel,trodorn staley tips PERIODICAL V sb PrOC)MOSt I dV1L)1T1dt1ZdtS1~',J svarki (MV'FLj, 7, 1) moscow~ masligiz, 19~7' pp 91- 10-; ABSTRACT An investioatlOn %kaS kdr!'ied out to evaluate the qualitv of welded Joints of-sti-el Of 16-8 IVI)C WhIL h were fabric ated by means of ari automatit- Ar-shielded consumable - elect rode ar( - V.eldinp- P-ok ess Tne t '-.erri)( a! ( unipositon of metal _n t;-e searn showed t"'at tl-.e coefi:~ lerit Of .5SIMilation of G Cr, N;, Si, Mr-,' Nb, and Mo closely PPr().1Lres t"'le value of 1, Nk"Ale the L_Oef- ficient of assimilation of Ti an-iomits to 0 7-0 8 The meL-har.- ical properties of welded )oints of steels of 18-8 type (executed in any position in spa(el, as well as of rigid pipe-iunctions,are quite satisfactory and rricet the requirements for welcied (-on- nections of such steels Welded mnctions of I_)rnm thick Car(fl /Z IKhI8N9T steel, executed xith weldirg rods of Khl8N9T type, 13 ~8 - 3 - Automatic Argon - smcided Constmia.,,-e - e~e( *1 :-(-)6e I c -It exhibit an ak of I 1!-' 12 kp /crn2 The rnac ro and mi,, .-ostructure of tne welds i s independent of t lici r posit I on in span e du r ing weldmQ, and 1 s only slightly affected by t lie t vpe of vvel ding, i od c mploved I C 01-11pd red \A. it Ii OKli I 8N9 the Kh l8N9T welding rod produk es -ri fine r ~% eld st ru( ture ) The res,.stance of butt welds to intercr-,-stalline arid o%t-r,1'; , orros,.Dn is qu:te satisfactory and is virtually unaffected by steib!11,,z~itio:. ind stress-relevmg processes after the welding operations G - N Card 2 /Z A U; 2 i 0 i-_3 Muknin; ~~nd Candidjetes of Te~bmYe_af ic-nca- s i 1 TLE: On the Formation &f' a New Phase in Grade Steel, CcntaininE Nioblum -'01. r. v v svarnykh shvakh n~i stall tipa PERIODICAL! Avtomaticheskaya ~~vtjr~a, Nr 6, ABSThACT; ','iith rei'erence to critic:suz exFressed '-.y the preceding artic'e in tn~s ccpy_~ on tne rmi "N -phase" in"16-e raGe steel, tne authors 4ef'~r.c ~1.c_ and, although tney partly agree with Lashko, Jnsiqt. "N-phase" is to be considered a nEW phase of is *-1 crystalline structure, "nich aLpears ir. with high niobium content (after v.,iri(jus nea* reduces the plasticity and iffvact-rEsistance -.f 'nv, There are 2 tables _1ef'C-rL-rC E-S 0 " W"11 C1. 1't 3: SUB141TTEDi 1jecember 191~7 AVAILABLE: Library of Coneress I Card 1/1 1. Seam welding 2. Niobium-Effectiveness i '01L_ ~_ 1, o i-" [14; 1 v KAZENNOV, Yu.I., kand.takhn.nauk; PILICHUK, N.Yu., kand.tekhn.nauk Testing veld joints in chromium-nickel sustenitic steels for interer7stalline corrosion. Svar.proizw. no.8:42-44 Ag '57. (MIRA 10:11) (Chromium-nickel steel-Welding) (Steel, Stainless--Corrosion) 135-12-15,,'17 AUTHOR: Akulov, A.I., Pallchuk, N.Yu., Candidates of Technical Sciences TITLE: Ck_2dAatt'CMtjC_ Gas-o-arc Welder for Thin-sheet Metal (Svarochnyy poluavtomat dlya gazodugovoy svarki tonkolistovogo metalla) PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye Proizvodstvo, 1957, # 12, p 44-45 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article gives a detailed description of a new semi-auto- matic arc welding device for welding In shielding gases, de- vieed by the MVTU imeni Bauman. The davice, which is illustrat- ed by 2 photographs (Figure 1) and an electrical circuit dia- gram (Figure 2), consists of a welding pistol and a control board in a cabinet. All work parts including the feed mechanism are placed in the pistol. The feed Cable and shielding gas are led through one flexible hose into the pistol so that the whole system is cooled by shielding gaig. As all work control is on the pistol, the operator can work at any distance from the cabinet. This feature and the weight of the pistol (2 kg) make the device particularly handy for assembling work. It enables welding seams of any outline, in bottom or ceiling position and " 6 0" WIA-5 eliminates the disadvantages of the semi-automatic "Irl- Card 112 welders,produced up to now. These disadvantages are partly Semi"tometic Gas-arc Welder for Thin-gheet Metal 135-12-15/17 r eliminated also in the eemi-automatice "EMB-I"and "rMB-8" de- signed for arc welding in shielding gas by the Scientific Re- search Institute for Technology and Organization of Industry (NII tekhnologii i organizataii proizvodetva). There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: MVTU imeni Bauman AVAILABLEi Library of Congress Card 212 MUMUN, G.G.; PAL'CHV-.-A.Xum.-, B,Ffact of binbium on the structure of solded jointe on 18-8 t7pe austen- ite steol. Avtom. svar. 10 no.2:1-10 Kr--Ap #57. (XIBA 10:6) 1. Mookovskoys Tyasheye tokhnicheakoye whilishche In. Baumna. (Niobium) (Steol-Welding) AKUIDV. A.I.; PALTHUK, N.Yu. fffthal argon In welding stainless steel with a consumble el9ctrode. Avtom. evar. 10 no.2:50-56 Mr-Ap '57. (MLR& 10:6) 1. Moskovskoys Vjvssheye tekhnicheskoye uchilishche im. Baumana. (Steel, Stainless--Welding) (Protective atmospheres) PAL I CMIN, A . S. , 3 tarshi y prepodava te 1 1 Network for Intei-rating weak d,c, vo--taFes. Vest, s-;"az' --4 nc,,- - - 1 -10-11 ii '64, 'MLRA 1-1:9*1 1~ Novosi~irskfv elektroteki,nicheskiy institut svyazi, FALICHUIR A 3 - _ hener. Improving the amplitude-frequency characteristics of the DR-89 receivogr unit. Vest.sviazi 16 20-7:14-15 Jl '56. (MIRA 9:9) l.Nevosibirskiy radiotsejktr. (Radio--Receivers and reception) 1 -946346 AP-504% 4D ircutt QP1g- b) ad rential equation is iievaient.-c iffe set upo solved, and icily' ip,% fbimlas are derived. The division ratio depends on L, tunnel- t d" rap p ,paranst~rti-input-current peak, and the position,of the Initial current. the circuit parameters and supply vb1tages,, the . divivion rat i0 can W. jllii6: stobli -1 u6in.gA then ad*of r Ior. by connecting a temperature Y ivideki stible. operatim within +10+70C j~' 2 0-1th i ~-db' UIM r- AU6 of up to 10 In old possible. The Aboory was verified by h- secUon dividen which stapped-down a frequency of 100 kc (a idal wave) to'l. ke, and with a sJngle-section divider which was fed at '10465- and had 'a ratio of 31. A des4p procedare tar the tunnel-diode frequency for.Up'' Orig. art. Mat 5 figares and 20. formilas. [031 SUM,DLTXs 1i 65/ WM RMs 078 RJW1 001,1 ATD 002/ NOCRALOVO Boris Mikhaylovich; PALICMM9 I.F,# red.; YEHRAKOVt M.S.9 tekhn. red. [Commodity production, the law of value, and money under socialism; lecture on the 6conomics of socialism) Tovarnoe proizvodstvo, zakon stoinosti i denIgi pri sotsialima; lektaiia pD kurou politichaskoi ekonomii sotsializma. Moakvat 12d-vo Moak. univ., 1961 64 P. NIRA 14:8) (Economics) TKACHEVSKIY, Yuriy Matveyevich;-!~L ~, red.; YERMAKOV, M.S., tekhn. red. [Work units in corrective labor colonies] Otriadnaia sistema v ispravitellno-trudovykh koloniyakh; lektsiia dlia studentov iuridicheskogo fakullteta. Moskva, Izd-vo Mosk. univ., 1962. 29 P. (MIRA 16:3) (Convict labor) SAZHIRA, Muza Arkadlyevna-, DCLGCRIXOV, P.D.,; PALICHUN, I.F., rod. f1conomic crises of overproduction. lecture] Mconomicheakie Irri- zisy pereproizvodetya; lektalia. Moskva, Izd-vo Koak.univ., 1959. 64 p. (MMA 13:3) (Overproduction) OS IVIUVAI, Markiana. Nikolayevna; PALICHUN, I.F.,, red.; YEW-ILKOV, M.S., tekhred. [Building of socialism in the agriculture of the European people's democracies) Stroitellstvo sotsializina v sellskom khoziaistve evropeiskikh stran narodnoi demokratii. Moskva, Izd-vo Mosk.univ., 1961. 57 p. (MIRA 15:4) (Europe, Fastern-Agriculture) MOCHALOT. Boris Kikboylovich; SUTOROTA, U.I., otv."d.,- PAL'CMTS. I'F" red.; YRRMOV, M.S., (?red@ under socialism; a lecture on t?w course In the political econovq of socialism] TorgovIie pri notsislisse ; lektsils po kuren politicheskol skonomilsotsialism. K.I.Suvorove. Moskva, Ind-vo Nosk.univ., 1961, 50 pe (MW 14:4) (Russia--Co=erce) AUTHOR: TITLE: PERIODICAL: SOV/107-59-4--D4/45 Pallcliun, r.,Bobruysk A Paint for Alcaline (Kraska dlya shcheloch.nykh akkumulyatorov) Radio, 1059, Nr 4, P 30 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author recommends -i 'r.ome-made paint for alc~aline batteries, consisting of lOg celluloid dissolved in 100 g acetone and 30 c- powdered paint. Card 1/1 PALICHUN, ?., starshly serzhant sverkhrochnoy sluzhby. Tuning the radio strtior, without connec'ing t,,e :)over Voen. sviaz. 16 no. 6:14-15 Je '59. (MIRA 11:1) (rtadio, Military) CHEMSHEV, M.A., prof.; BASILOV, V.V., inzh., retsenzent; ZAKHAROV, A.A., inzh., retsenzent; PAL inzh., retsenzent; SERGEYEVA, A.I., inzh., red.; USENKO, L.A., [Arrangement, maintenance and repair of tracks] Ustroi- stvo, soderzhanie i remont puti. 2. perer. izd. Moskva, Transzheldorizdat, 1963. 466 p. (M IRA 17: 2) IXBEDLrV, Mikhail Nikolayevich, prof.; SMRIN, Nikolay Aleksandrovich, prof.; IMUKOV, Georgiy Nikolayevich, dotsent; MOLIDTv Aleksandr Georgiyevich, dotsent; PMUKOVICH, AJ., inzh.; IA~'Cff2L,-P.S., inzh., retsenzent; SOKOLOV, F.G., inzh., retsenzent; EYGELI, I.Yu., inzh., red.; BOBROVA, U.N., tekhn. red. [Railroad surveyirg and construction] ILyskaniia I postroika zhelez- nykh dorog. By M.N.Lebedev i dr. Foskva, Vses. izdatellsko-poligr. ob"edinenie M-va putei soobshcheniia. Pt.2. [Railroad construction] Postroika zholeznykh dorog. 1961. 319 p. (MIRA 14:8) (Railroads-Construction) 14URAVIYEV, Ivan Vladimirovich; OGAR', Turiy Sergoyevich; _EALSHU.N,_P~j"gyjt~!,y~~ch; AIRAGAV, 3.11.p inzb., red. [Machinery and tools for track maintenance and repair] Pu- tevye mekhanizmy i instrument. Moskya, Transport, 1964. 18:9) 311 p. (MIRA PALICHUN V.T. (140SYva G-359, ul. Partizanskaya, d.49, korp.1, kv.46) Importance of the eradication of infectious tonsillar foci during the preparation of rheumatic patients for heart sur- gery. Qmd. khir. 5 no.2:35-39 Mr-Ap%~'l (MM 17:2) 1. Iz kliniki bolezney ukha, gorla, nosa (direktor - deystvi- tellnyy chlen AMN SSSR, zaalushermyy deyntelt nauki prof. B.S. Pseabrazhenskiy) 11 Moskovskogo meditsinskogo inatituta imeni N.I.Pirogova i Instituta serdechno-oosudistoy khirurgii (di- rektor - prof. S.A. Kolesnikov, nauchnyy rukovoditell - akad. A.N. Bakulev) AM SSSR. PALICHUN, V.T., Ph;TaOVA, Ye.l. Prever,-Lion of new ri,.eu-ma*Lic attac~,:s vil~hin the immediate sta.Le fol.lowizig Lonsillectomy. Zhur. ush. nos. i gorl. bol. 23. no.2.-61-66 It--Ap'63. U-M-4 16.8) 1. Iz kliniki bolezney ukha, t-rla, nosa (diivktor - dsystvi- telinyy ch-len Ad-el SSSR, zaslu~hennyy deyatell nauki prof. B.S. Preobrazhenskiy) lechebrioi-o 1'&kuilte,,a 2-go 14oskovskogo med-i tsinskof'r,o instituta imeni li.I.Pirogo,ra. PALGIC, h. Reorganization of cur second:;ry professiom.1 schooI5. p. .--26. T SECDE77SKI LIST (Drustvo geodete NR 'rirvatSkE') Zai_reb. "ol. lo, no. 3/4 , Mar. / Aprli. 1956 SOURCE: East Europe Accession List (7-FAL). Library of Congress, Vol. 5. no. 11, Nov. 1956 PALCIC, B. Reorganization of our secondary professional schools. p. 226. GEOnETSKI LIST. Zagreb. Vol. 10, no. 7/8, July/Aug. 1956. SOURCE: East European Accessions List,, (EEW , Library of Congress Vol. 5. no. 11, Nov., 1956. PAL'M, T-kr-nnko, Dr. PALGIC, Branko, dr. ',~: Contact points In the bridge prosthetics. Zobosdrav. Test,, Ljubljana 9 no,1-2:8-10 1954. (ORM AIM BRIDWORK *contact points) rALCIC, Branko PALCIC, Branko, dr. Accidents in prosthetics. Zobosdrav. vest.. Ljubljana 9 ne.1-2: 37-40 1954. (UMISfRY, OPMATIVB Oaceldental, InJ. In) RIAT.T.A 0 R.N.. prof.. FALCIC. Branko. doe. dr. Ctranslator3 Acrylic crown and bridgework. Zobondray. vent., ldubljwm 9 no.4-6: 15&159 1954. 1. Beferat na strokawnes sestanku Drustva tobosdraystyenth delavaev glov*nlje septembra 19.54. (000 AND IMIDQBVM acrylic resins In) (ACRTLIC RNSINS crown & bridgework) PALCIC. Prankeg, doe. dr. Prinw7 prosthetle trime. Zobosdrair. vent., LJOIJ&n& 9 no.4-6: 181-187 19%. 1. Referat na strokovnm meotanku Drustva sobosdraystvenih delavosy Slovenijo sept*sbra 1954. (DWAL PROSTINSIS prop.) PALCI C, S. Controller of electron tubes. p. 260. (Hadioamattr, Vol. 10. No. 10, Oct. 1956, Beograd. Yugoslavia) SO: HonthU List of Last Eurovean Accessions (IRAI) Lc. Vol. 6. No. 8, Ang 1957. Uxcl. PALCIC,S. Generating high-frequency voltage with an oscIlIntor. p. 78. (Radioameter. Vol. 11, no. 3, Par. 1957, Yugoslavia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEA1,) L9, Vol. 6, no. 7, July 1957, Uncl. PALCIC, S. Testing lmz~.ruments for electronic tukes, p. 1D0. RADIOAKA,17,R. (Savez radioamatera Jugoalgvije) Beograd. Vol 10, No. 4. Apr. 1956. SOURCE: East European Accessions List, (EEAL) Library of Congress, Vol. 5, No. 8. Aug. 1956. . . . ; -, " .- - , . ~ r I " " t : I , ~ 2 '. : . . . .: - - -, - . ~ 1 .1 : '.. : e 3 * K ER7' -, .. F, ~ I I - " :' "J"' ' - .~ il . " '. F or ~lm of " '. . ; . PAk-C-O, M - WIZMWLAND. T.R.: PALGO. K.. VAAN, J. -1-"""NNft-MWW Method of cephali&-cholosterol f1j,~culattnntmet. bratiel.lek. liety SuPPI.l'yol.30:12-26 1040. (CLUL 11):L) 1. Of the Second Internal Gliaic and of the Biochemical Npar-iriRnt of the Institute of Medical Cl.anuiatry, of Slovak Untvqrsity. PA LE U-S Small mechanizations, an Important soi=ce of' economy. ~,!.421 I~MUSTFIA L:-,!,'RFJLU7-. (Asociatin Sti.intifice a IFinerilor ,;I Tehnicietiijor dinRominia si Ministerul Industrici Lemnullji, Bucarnsti, EiLmanis Vol.9, noll, 30V 1?", Menthly Ust of -',*ast Euronean Accesslow 1C, %loi. ~, no.") FeL. Uncl. i ALC'U, G. Small mechanizations, am' important Bource of economy. -. 42r- IT-,M:',ThIA LMI'11"I. (Oasociatia Aiiniftca a Inginerilcr Be Tehnicienilcr din Rominia Be Mintsterul Inaustriei limnlui) Bucuresti, humwiia. Vol. 8, No. 11, Nov. 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (kjAI) LC, Vol. c,, No. 2, Feb. 1960. Uncl. MOKRZTGKI, Nikclaj; PAIZZ-'1'W5,KA. J.-ridwign Cases of staphylococcal pneuraonia :La adults. Gruzllca 27 no.3:247- 253 Har 59. 1. Z Zakladu Tr3,zjntrII Stud,,wu D~,'I,,-~nnlenla Lekarzy v lodzi i Szpitala Specjalistycviero '~m. dr L. Sokolowskiogo v lodsi Derownik Zakladu A Orek-tor 8~,.pltala doe. or M. Zierski Ordvnator Oddzialu: dr M. Kukrzyi,kl. Ad!'ofj, Iodz, ul. Kosyniercu GdyaBkich z6. (HICAOCOGGAL CU:3e reports, P neumo r, la (PO I ) ) %,- (PNMMIIIA, case reporta. Micrucocc'al t?nl)) FAICUUM, Jadwiga Snontaneous pneumothorax. Gruzlica 25 rio.9:733-741 SePt 57. 1. Z Zakladu Ptyzjatrii I. D. iS. K. L. i Szpitala Spec.-'nllatycznego Im. dr. A. Sokolwskiego v Lodzi..Kierownik: doc. M. Zierski. (PNIUMOTHORAX spontaneous, etiol. & ther. (Pol)) POLAND / Physical Chemistry. Electrocha,.aistry. B-12 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 7, 1959, 22658. Author : ezowska V, . Wroblowa, H. A_n- Inst : Acadefay of Sciences of Po*'and. Y on The Title : Adsorption of Dibenzyl Sulphoxide 5ic Phase Boundary Mercuryaquoous Solution of Sul- phuric Acid. Grig Pub; Bull. Acad. polon. scis Sor, soi, chim., geol at geogr., 1958, 6, No 3, 191-199, XV. Abstract: With intension of Investigating into the nature of particles of dibenzyl sulfoxido (1) which is adsorbed on Fe and Ni and raises the over- voltage (Y?. ) of hydrogen and doorcases the Im- plantation of electrolytic hydrogen into the metal in acidio solutions at high cathodic pol- arizations ireater than 0,7 v) RMF:him, 1955, Card 1/3 23 a U.L.Y Z-LVV t'.rUU11'jjU.LS E'.VY Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-KhiLiiya, No 7, 1959, 22656. Abstract: H2SO4 solution by 100 to 150 mt,). Thu :,uthors arrivad at tho conclusion that in tno first soc- tion I is adsorbod as noutral ftiol(,cu1cs oriunt- atod by tho nogativcly polarizod oxycn atoz, to- wards tho surfacu of Hg; thQ sc;cond soction cor- r,-;sponds to th,) purO 3urfaco of Hg, and at ~oqual to about 0.85 v, I is adsorbod again, now in thu shapo of a cation, which is ori--.ntGeL by thu pos- itivoly charg~A S atoiA towards thu surfac- of Hg, which Gnhancas the risu of )~ . It is assun,-A, basod on tho rasults obtaincid, that I iS adsorbcd in tho shap- of cations on Fo and Ni in acid sol- utions in tho caso of high catlaodic polarizations. -- I. Bagotskeya. Card 3/3 24 PAIZZEWSKAP W. -~- 1, Influence of catalytic promoters on the permeation of hydrogen frm the gas phase into iron. Pt. 2. Bul chim PAN 12 no. 3: 183-188 164. 1. Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of SaJLenceB, Warsaw. Presented by M. Smialowski. PALCZLr*UA,, W. The influence of polar organic substances and catalytic poisons on hydrogen over-voltage on niclool and iron cathodes. In English. P. 37. Vol. h. no. 1. 1956 warazata MATEMATYKA SDURCZ: East European Acession List (EEAL) library of GongresE Vol. 5, no. 8, August 1956 PALC -I e%h)SK.A,\Ai - I-ALC.C.i, ~1, h' - LJ ~7: Ac E ar 11 COUNTRY Pc d CATSIGORY AB3. JOUR. 'I, f--r~ Z L:l o xid E- a t tie t t,, no vo~o.,j erc:,rj an: ,n I.jk,~.-au8 Solz-tic'~ of r Ac~ Mt'aSlIrf-.Mpr,t,,. c1, em, A a r: r, Z L I 'cl V T. L I -~C'~ 1-je -tJ :~r ,rftces j~sr, tn,~ y mox,.rji..ji I,.) 7iore nezvLve ar,~- (-,' tte op2:i-.or,, in the "D 12 21 1) 59, No 4 .~ej, -id-:3rbei as a zciar ~.rr;- tr- IL miti; '-he neoza-~ve 'e. An a-sor;.-ior, of 1 wiLh 3ncreasinE -ic,n Of" Lhe is ooserved up to c iso-.-~erm raving a lanear c:.e,r- the tior. o c t e r. A 1. c 0 I';----e ,-v -rt:.~ 3-15cr,~e` molec-alle.5 -;t5 clOSE! tC tne u C. r u -no'-.,'c M2 ) o t. -ic r FAMMOIKA, V.; RATAJCZYK, L Influence of catalytic promoters on the permeation of hydrogen from the gaseous phase into iron. The effect of hydrogen sulphide. Bul chim PAN 9 no.4%267-275 161. 1. Departnent of Physical Chemistry of Electrode Processes, Institute of Pbysical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences. Presented by M. Smialowski. (Catalysts) (E!yd"gen) (Permeability) (Iron) (Sulfides) c X --.P, CATEGORY t ABS. JC(TR. RZKhimo,, No. 1960, No. 1714~ OPIG. PUB, AM T--A rT or, n:-, a neutAral moleca---~; at po- I-eflt;h.F ')elow -10.5 v, Is :usorbed a- ~:e :;jtior. by -j F 1 t u.e a r): o r p t ii e F .7- nn i --i n F e i;-. ire )~,-'nio n off tne n 8 a .1 -")!- 1) i~d a s t ~. e c a t i o r: ;q Mol-t~ n-~~at d ve tnun -0. / v and ir.--reae,~s -.r.6 .~Pf! over;~otential in tha t re4ton. Tns inhib-' t C.01 SON g()96T 4*mTLME I r U~ L-3) )0,10% o1albo Spocad kind. Wt,4d'Ti and Chemical Abstracts k %W 25v 19*. Waft -Measure- Mato aJ& of CCUB including electrcdes of MdUffir. A#, and Pb) Immersed In x2td. *Was. rd thpir 'A.Mod $=. no. Owts with a Cofamon aninfl. b1b): tvt potential for such clectrodes mts by the anion. Michael Falk-,~ 37 ROPYT, Minczyninw; 3ZYMANSKI, Andrzej; PALCM513KA-KLU"', Jadw'Fli. Case of escphageal divertic-alum diagnosed and treated as fibrc,-- cavernous pulmonary tuberculotia. Gruzlica 33 no.9&SO7--810 S 1 65. 1. Z Katedry Ftizjatrii Wo'skowej Akademil Medycznei. w Lodzi (Kierownlk: p.c. dr. med. M. Ropek) i z Oddnialu Chorob Plucnych Szpitala im. dr. Rieganskiego w Lodzi (Ordynatort dr. Z.Czerw"nski). FAILZEWSKI, A. Analysis of elenantary and oonposite rl.C. dlalliW~Vlrcuits. Archiw elaktrotech 10 no.3:685-709 '61. latedra Teletechniki Laczeniowej, Politechnika, Warnawa. PAWZEWSKI, A. Two-sectional stage switching groups at the subscriber s,~age in automatic telephone exchanges with crossbar switches. Archiw elektrotech 11 no.2:193-227 '62. 1. Katedra Techni-ki Laczeniowej, Politechnika, Warszawa. 0/026/001/004 is, Of, p -62/000/026/601/005. Abe -at distiDrticn: Afto, ~y Uilai, to 1*~ stat Irm Up. -.30, i7- NO` N OU - W.iAplszp M.; PALCZW-SKI, B.; PAWjjSXj, W. (Gdansk) On the existence and the imlc[ty of so]-itionB of certain differertial squatiom of the t.ype u -f(x,ypzpu)uX)uyvuz)uNy 14-,KZ'UYZ ). Annales Pol math 11 no.fy.'i5-106 -61. PALCZEWSKI, B.; PAWELSKI, W. (Gdansk) Some remarks on the uniqueness of solutions of the Darboux problem with conditions of the Krasnosellskil-Krein type. Annales Pol math 14 no.2:97-100 964 PAL---ZEWSKI.,B. (Gdansk) ai the -ariquerj&98 of sol4t lons, wrid the convergen-e of alvq appy-oximatims in 1,1.e DaxL-eux pr4.blom unde- -.~)a condl t ions cj f tle- Kram c Sel 19 k ~ i -Kre Ln tyl -e . Azir al es Pol ma I ~. 14 n n . -'% 164'. PkWZEdSK]r,B. Existence and uniqueness of solutions of problem for equation 1~. 7X. the Darbo= ~A ~X Annales Pol math 13 no.3t267-277 263. Z 7; X, A. all 4 And, =alcxtivskL in. data on the Z. Kutt N4 rTgm- pft- ,j!V R % leftolleumpr nd Jan r=-Zcwskt.t. bl"n Kru Helena as a 1956 ifle f kB Inc ta ic destdfuriza of g ing - 4a Z. PU r Poland/ChemichLi'Techno ogy)- Chemical Products and Their Application. Treatment of Natural Gases and Petroleum. Motor Fuels. WbricantB, 1-13 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 19, 1956, 62588 Author: Krupa, Marian; MaBiarczyk, Helena; Palczew8ki, Jan Institution: None Title: Desulfurization of Petroleum Products Obtained from High Sulfur Content Petroleum Original Periodical: Odsiarczanie produktaw naftowych otrzymywanych z rop Wysokosiarkowych, Nafta (Polska), 1956, 12, No 3, 72-76; Polish Abstract: Considered are the presently practiced in Poland procedures for desulfurization of petroleum products obtained from high sulfur content petroleum and also procedures recommended for adoption in practice: catalytic desulfurization of gasoline with the use of decolorizing clays or bauxite, extraction of mercaptanes with soda solution in the presence of methanol, etc. Card 1/1 I'MM/Cherdeal TochnoloC;y. Chc:-dcal Products wid Inicir IT -',pplicatimo. Cell.ulr so and Ito Dei-lvat~vcs- Paper - ,'.be Jour: Bef 71mr-Khin., tic 8, 1959, 29776. :.uthor Palczevski, T. Inst Title Effect of Sone of the Constituents of the CooldnC ;,cid and of the Wood and of CoolkinG Conditions on the Fornation of S04 Tons. Pub: Pmeolad 1hpiern, 14., i1o 8, 231-237 (1950) (in roush with EnClish and 10~sian sumaries) .',bstract: The effect of the conditiona used fcr thc.- -,irelirdnary heatinC and stecpinL-1, of the chips, of the SC con- c ntration ii-, thc cDDIinL; acid, the m-tont Of cc-,king of the cellulose, =-A of Glucose, li~y-in, cyr,-,ne, CIM-2 1/2 PALDI, Andra&- - ------ Raw material supply of the food industr-y and the- price policy; a debate with Lajos Molnar. Eleln ipar 17 no.1:31-3 of cover Ja 163. 1. Orszagos Tervhivatal. KOUTEGKYY j.; PALDUS) J.; VMI"~~.' "r. Galculation of the positions of thest-Landp- bands in the electronic spectra of benzenuid hycTrocarbons using the method of limited configuration interaction. Coll Cz Chem 28 no.6:1468-1482 Js 163. 1. Institute of Physical Chemistry, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague and Mathematical-Physical Faculty, Charles University, Prague. SURME, Given NameB Country: Czechoslovakia Academic Degreest [not eiveO Institute of PIWsical Cbemistry, Czechoslovak AffiUation i AaadoW of Soiaziose. Props Sources Prapaq C21LOCtion 21 czeagggs C~" GwMagitionst Vol us me lot OMW We pp WHOMM) Datas "Two Remuits Coneendag the Pr"Ortion of the Dow Reactivity wober. Authwa: KOUTBCKr. J PAIDUS, J PALDUS, J. QuaDtum chemical study of trnsfiam2ular iSteraction. Pt. 3. Coll Cz Chem 28 no. 5:1119k-IU6 My 163. I* Instit~te of P%yideal COWdstry, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prgg". KOLTIECKY, J.; PALDUS, J. Calculation of the excitation energies of benzenium and diphanylmethyl ions by the semiempirical method of limited configuration interaction. Coll Cz Chem 28 no.6:1483-1490 Je 163. 1. Institute of Physical Chemistry, Czechoslovak Academy of ScUnces, Prague. FAILUS J, J. Quantum chemical otudy c,.,L*' intornctiori.,Pt.4. Coll Cz Chem 2S nc.lC-:4-66'/-26F4 0 103. 1. Institute of .-hysical Che::.istry, Czechoslovak Academy c-1 Sciences, ~ rague. FALDUS, J.; KOUTECKY, J. Quantum chemdeal study of transannular interaction. Part 2: Interaction of two double bonds in the molecules of germacrol and bicyclo-[1,2,2)- heptedlens,-(2,5) and interaction of three double bonds in the molecule of barrelens. Coll Cs Chem 27 no.9:2139-2151 S 162. 1. Institute of Physical Chemistry, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague. KOUTECKY, J.; PALDUS, J.; ZABRADNIE, R. A study of benzodithiylium by a siAple NO LCAO method. Coll Cz chem 25 no-3:617-624 Mr 160. (EUI 9:12) 1. Institute of Physical Chemistry, Czechoslovak AcadevW :)f Science and Institute of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, Prague. (Molecules) (Quantum theory) (Sulfur) (Benz odithiylitun) IACL, J.; KOMR. J.; PALBCK. L.; PSCHACK. L Chondrom of the riediastinum. Sborn.lek. 62 no.9:249-252 5 160. 1. Radiologicka klinika fakulty viseobecneho lekaretvi University Aarlovy v Prase. prednosta prof. dr. V.Svab. 1. patologicko- anatomicky ustav fakulty vooobeeneho lekarstvi University Karlovy v Fraze, prednosta prof. dr. B.BedwLr (MIANDM neopl) (CHOMMOXA case reports) 5 Lo t7 a " All Ito badbasnXif all no W a 16 v a P a 41 Q 41 a a A A JI-L-All I., a [ -.-mr a L_ L _Ak so M a it b 4. 00 . 1 o ! a' of gissuieted Diess sun"Ce 668 41tv C;rovfta 00 : , all &ad Dwism-usyd metrive pre "I t i 1 :0 ~1. "..Yftx. . s Grcna"% 1 ."(IWT).-j'Mbninary bb. tests urld'i app. =d lartairy trials in the drylbis of bla,t-fur", *0 Im the DUright-IJOYd 114ftilld 9F&lC 11411M li'd t0 he dimm I hal a OWT" cragHnny to twat is eflectes. v 4 0 molm.l of drying mmilaml with the im-A lurth 0 00 0 ttving in diusus. Tmis of spn-smests tA I-wtland Wam- - 60 Itirtumv minevit lwrtxi with %in dihil .)it the Owight- .00 I lovil Ittrale have rkil %hown any ri-ductum of onntf(fa It C P A =00 00 of, a 0 : 0 0 szo 0 Oak 4F. It a -k 4111VALLURSK AL UTINATWNI CLASUPKATION too o0 , 1 , A0 I cii 0 t 1-0 j- " * ' " 40 0 0 9 0 a a 4 .1 ei n ti a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 *A* A s 0 0 0 0 ***So 0 0 0 0 Sell q S 9 0 0 9 0 e 0 e O Fa 000000i o * 0 0 * 0 C 0 00000 0 * 0 0 * e * & 0 & 0 PA LCYSR A-4- &Pi~b~tur, of formation'.of tetrafluo'boric acid In mixtiLres of hydrofluo.-ic and boric acids. I. G. 171yss, 14. M. Slutskaya, and S. '.,-D. Palcysiviya. Zhur. Fiz. K-him. (J. Pilys. Chem.) 22, 1322-3n(lqV); Cr. C. A. 41, 67qpf.--Vjy:tE. of x mols. HF and v mol-z. H-130 yere dis';olvei ~3 in water in waxed flasks. Somp d,%.!7? later an eycess :)-. a!'-uriij was added, then inverted sugar, and the soln. wa~ titrated (phenolphthalein). The decrease in acidity sliowed the amt. a of BFL~Iormed. When x:y was 4, a was over 0.9y, when z was 1.5 or greater, Find was smaller tile smaller x was (C.--.a ~ 0.75 y at x~~ 0.1). The equill, Is repre;ented by tho reaction BFI~--f- 120-BY Oli--t-11F, and the conet. K----x(y - a)"!IV-Y Is at 11-1po about 3 X 101 Mol'./~;'J.e. agrees with that caled. from hydrolysin of YBF4 (G. A.41, 15341). When x was 1, a wtts 0.66y at x:y=-l and 0.98 y at x:y-i-. If HBF, were the sole reaction 'oroduct of HF and HIBO 3 , a would have a min. at x:y=4; ae a is smaller in tile nre-ence of an excess Of H3BO3, hydroyyfluoboric acids must have formed. The yield a wns even smaller when 11F was Ilsqolv(,d in a satd. so-"11- of 113" . The method of prepg. HBF4 solne. by satg. HF solns. with H3B03 res2ts in Bolns. contg. much BF30H- . The titrpt~on of HBF4 soins. according to Kern and Jones (G.A. 24, 5668) yields incorrect values. T.J. Bikerman -M KZ #R5CM 10-10 #1000#p dodo The vk* jup"" M irovsk Was. I ado. Prw&hW Christ. C M ' ' a ll llattser eats. of As by I trmtnmt at roasted am ( witit hodius 6G-dD%O (by -TW Taub o Id ; W at . UM . eat, tbe renutinins As from vator An Md -1 y bees t t ) on kaving M-25 g. per d: (1) d use "wilb co ot g90I fo boiling wifli 80% b b di d 4 for 3-6 o ra., an al ( ) 000 Wt. Complete extit. was followed by Plattner's Cl pr h d ll h e met o t with 11,SO# a r processes) failed to e amma, roof NdWd~ . Au e. ztd, M r ach*vW otest. s xt 4L a - W k A SIVALLUNWAL LITIOSTURI CLASMVjC&jjCp I-law r r I ; I a a a a Is 0 a u a it I 41 00009 0 do 0 do do * 00 do 019 'Od -4 0 0 t" 1 f J1 v . . . a s I-V -W ,1441a 41 pu emirslow hm W. 7"IMM01 AW W,-.JW- 6. prMM is achieved by initiA content 4") a. ton) 17 . if. wt.) 110). f- 24 . JNd. 137-9-1u order to the r"Mi'l or (from -l"ch by an unsperitied methW the following methods were - 4 ~jo,. (2) 60% (bT wt.) 11& i tb 11 o wi boili t 3 hr ng s., (3 Willi HO undo 4 atm ~ for 31 only with iurthoct 2,i Wit bout snit &AJ hrAt ing i used (brominatton, C1, And Au from I he -we - A. S;xwzy6$kii 1. real G;q 0 0 to 0 am ~v 0 0006 0 9 LAJLJ.* 0 0 0 * 0 0 00000 0 **1 1 ""'11 .,. ..enov~tion of cms..,i -n-2 r ,,. , -, : ace3 a (-r c oi~r: E- . I " coverinf~. 1 -1 . (I".-il . V ", . 1 1. , ~. , , I , ., ". t . *,'Wi, L IZOIG) SC : List oi' -aFt ean -c(-ess-4(,rs '-i.-A ) L 1. Vol. (,JP No. 1r," I-ct-~ber :-. c: I . k . , I