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IB85. PACHOMOVA A. 1. Filattjv', Ukrainian EXI). f I.Vt Ode-,." USSR. 0 The iurg. cu I , f ( ng c,-~ rj;t,j . ~i, , u I, t, ( It u, -iian tex') 11ROC.FILATON"S UK IL11,N) IN EXP. INS,r. EYL DIS. 1U55, 3 ( 167-175) The results of surgical I reatment of c(II-fleal rl.lulae are -inal) sed. The fistul-,e developedeitner as a rebuii pro,esses in Cie corite;'l. ot "tter A I ~.11 'w~ penetriting gruftinj~. The totilL unuti, uti6erviiti-ii, was 22 or-. Ahow 27 sure,ic-kI inlerventions wej*-L- performed In one of the Iatients all it :dectomy Was pet-formed with simultaneous %:autei ization of the riai gins of tile iistulae witil a thermocautery and covering of tile cornea with a flap -)f conjunctiva; tile purpose of this procedure, called Kunt's openition. is tu cl,,5e the fistula. 'Die pcsitive result of the operation lasted only 6 days; then a recut rence took plave. In tile further course list fistula was closed bv pArtial lan-Alar grafting. In 5 patients with fistulae of the cornea a partial penetrating graft was perfurtned on lectonic purpose. In the post-ilveration period. tnere Were 2 pAtAents who leveloped a rise of the intra-ocular pressure and formed new fistulae in the region of tile marginal ring. A positive rebult was obtained in these 2 patient.; with only a lamellar grafting of the cornea. which was performed later on. The most favourabie result of the the surgical treatment of the corneal fistulae was observed after partial lannellar grafting by Filatov's method. 71he operation was performed by means of the trepan IFM-U and a circular knife. By this method the tectonic purpose was achieved in 15 out of 19 operated patients. In the remaining eyes the transplants were displaced because of a bad trepanation. In 11 patients out of the 15 the fistulae closed and a complete regulation of the intra-ocular pressure was observed. Bibliography - 23 iMes. Pachomova - Odessh PAKHOMOVA, A.L. starshiy nBuchrWy sotrudnik; MOCHALOVA. Y.V.. mladshiy ~---i~;uchqyy sotrudnik Use of cortisone and AGTH in kerstoplastye OTtozhure 12 no.4:252- 256 157. (MIRA 10:11) 1. Iz Ukrainskogo nauchno-isoledovatellskogo eksperimentallnogo instituta glazxWkh bolezuey i tkanevoy terapil im. akad. V.P. Filatova (direktor - prof. N.A.Puchkovskaya) (CORNM-TRANSPIANAT ION) (CaRTISOMR) (AGTH) PAKHDMDVA, A.I., starshly nauchuyy sotrudnik Partial penetrating corneal transplantation in complicated leakowas. Oft.zhur. 14 no.8:471-477 '59. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Is Ukrainskago nauchno-iseledovatellokogo eksperimentallnogo institute glaxrqkh bolezuey I tkanevoy terapil in. akademilm V.P. Filateva (direktor - prof. N.A. Phchkovskaya). (CORNIA-TRANSPIAMATION) PANHONOVAp AsIeq starshiy nauchrW sotrudnik Removal of paralytic lagophthalmoB. Oft.zhur. 15 no.4:232-236 060. (Y-M 13:111) 1. Iz Ukrainskogo naueffino-issledovatell3kogo eksperimentallnogo Instituta glaznykh bolezney i tkanevoy terapil irwni akademika V.P.Filatova (direktor - prof. N.A.Puchkovskaya) (Z M -DISSA AND DE M TS) J. FAKHO140VA A I otarshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Nonrestoration of the anterior chamber in partial penetrating corneal transplantation. Oft. zhur. 16 no.2:79-85 161. (MIRA 14:3) 1, Iz Ukrainskogo nauchno-imeledavatellskogo okeperimeniallnogo instituta glaznykh bolezney i tkanevoy terapii imeni akEdemika V.P.Fllatova (direktor - prof. N.A.Puchkavokaya). (COMM--TPAMPLANTATION) FAKRCMOVA,-A.j.,4t,arshiy nwichnyy isotrudnik Comparative evaluation of some operations involving the removal of oangenital ptosis. Oft.zhur. 17 co.7409-416 162. (MMA 1693) 1. Is Ukrainskogo nauchno-inaledovatellskogo eksperimentallnogo institute, glawykh bDleznsy i tkanevoy terapii imani akademika V.P. Filatova (dir. - chlem-korrespondent, ANN SSSR prof. N.k. Pkwhkovskaya). (EYXLTDS-ZURGERY) PAKHOWVA, A.I. Gotma globulin in the blood serum in rheumatism. Zdrav.Bel. 8 no.7:40-42 JI '62. (?URA 15:11) 1. Kafedra fakulitetskoy terapii (zav. - akademik AN BSSR prof. B.I.Trusevich [deceased)) Minskogo meditsinskogo instituta. Nauchnyy rukovoditell raboty - S.I.Holamed. (GAMMA GIDBULIN) (RHEUMATIC HEART DISEASE) -_:i'AIU0IOVA A 1 .9 starshiy nauclmyy sotrudnik Partial penetrating keratoplasty by using the FIIIII I - - with a corona diameter of t =. Oft. 7!vir. 16 no.7: -'I 1. 1z Ukrainskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo eksperimentallnocc, instituta glamykh boleznoy i tkanevoy tera ii imeni akridemi-ca V.P.Filatova (dir. - prof. N.A.Fuchkovska)%~- (GOidk,A-TAA~SPLANTATIOII) SWASTOYANDTA, B.A.; PAXHDMOVA, A,K.. mladshly nguchmyy metrudnik. Pine needle Infusion In the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases In calves. Toterinarila 32 no*12:57-58 D 155. (MLRA 9:4) 1.1ovesibirskoya NIVOS. (CALTXS--DlSZ&M)(TXM13ARY MURIA KEDICA AMD PHARKkCY)(DIGrMITZ OWANS-DI SIAM) ------ t:A' Row" 17 odu" - r Oi~'4TMM*) -4 IW 1 'Aga to.was band Maw In thi`aU a kj~a vonlanUd the v.UtHe cab jtj 2-j! - ` --, ;~~ ~ ; " :, ~,t - -~- ~.~ *,~~'z: 1-7Z~-,,` FAYHGY,OVA, A. S. "Manganese in the Sediments of Polar Seasg" Do~-.AN, 28, No. 1, 1940. Lab. Marine Geology; All-Union Inst. Marine Fisheries & Oceanograrhy, Moscow, -1940-. --7 -,',.'17 ~- ~' - - 'M Onan M1 awmi dig Ibr va"Wo aum io sbunt 0. 12% &W is 4vard I"Ody In a Amy turba Ow rwral Owift wAimnats 015 =-Duovzm brotanclatiumbolby, ,iraiwed Us stfib clash snowd. with Ft. In m& Mn OAVWD , -%. Unshaysix.0 inarawattrandis pnA*W smacd. cWkidAy with tbr fiarst detritus.. It do" to inskovdatswater. " 1br s- un. 1br st"berm pialm costakard OARS to 11.217 MR; lbrKwaSts -- -svwird Isom 0AW to 1.22554.Mn. =rhargAnte4mbired ow front the Kwu $-a contsitird 1.213% Mo. It 1".. %Ivwmu~ PAKHO140VA, A. S. Cand. Geologic-Mineralog Sci. Dissertation: *Manganese in Sea Sediments.* Moscow Order of the Labor Red Banner Petroleum Inst. imeni Acade-niciab T. M. Guokin. 16 Dec 47. SO: Vecherayaya Moskv~, Dec, 1~4? (Project #17d3b) !f,. - ne ---~ ~ r: - , : ' ' -. .7 n , - . '.1 - -,. 1. 1, ) , , !, I - . , , . n , . I J, -, . 1 1, , - %,- -1 ~ , , I " r ~ , - PUMOTA, AJ. Chool"I composition of sediments In the Volo Dalta, Blul, NDIP. Otd. goal. 26 uo.305 151. (NIM 1115) (Volga Delta-Rocks-Analysis) PAIROMOVA, A.S. Distribution of iron and manganese in marine deposits. Blul. XOIP. Otd. gaol. 26 no.4:91 '51. (%NIU 11:5) (Iron) (manganese) 15-1957-3-2963 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 3, pp 77-78 (USSR) AUTHORS: Klenova,, N.V.,, Belevich,, Ye. F., Gershano-fich,, L. Ye., Gudkov, M.P., Pakhomova,,.A.S.. TITLE: The Tendency to Change in the Geological Conditions of the Delta and the Northern Part of the Caspian Sea (Tendentsii izmenonly geologicheskikh usloviy dellty i severnoy chasti KKispiyokogo morya) PERIODICAL: Tr. aosokeanograf. in-ta, 1955, Nr 28, PP 39-82 ABSTRACT: From studies of existing maps of the Caspian Sea and of the Volga delta, and from investigations of sedimentation and the development of relief, the authors have drawn some conclusions about the probable changes in the physical and geographic environment in the north- ern part of the Caspian which may result from the regu- lation of streamflow of the Volga River by the construc- tion of a series of dams. With a drop of 2.5 m In the level of the sea the area would decrease 35,000 km2, and Card 1/3 1` --1957-3-296' The Tendency to Change in the Geological Conditions of vh Delta an t e d the Northern Part of the Caspian Sea wi. h a fall of 4 m the area of decrease would amount to 56,000 V. In the latter case, an independent basin would be formed in the eastern part of the northern Caspian, separated by dry land formed from the union of the Buzachi Peninsula and Kulaly Island. In general, the character ol the mantle rock in the western part of the northern Caspian would remain the same, although it would be somewhat redistributed; in particular, toarse-grdined sediments would be moved further out to sea because of shoaling in the littoral zones. One might expect flner-grained deposits In the eastern part of the northern Caspian in association with the Isolation of tty Ural trench. It is possil,le that calcium salts would pre- cipitate In this basin. The position of the Volga delta would shift; its marine part WOUld become smaller and be displaced to the southeast. The eastern canals would die, their flow focusing in the BelenskayaRank system. Some of the small rivers and canals in the western continuation of the upland districts of the delta would also die. Shoaling of the eastern part of Card 2/3 15 -1957 -7 -2963 0 The Tendency to Change in the Geological Conditions of the Delta and the Northern Part of the Caspian Sea the delta front would facilitate the shifting. of the Volga d13- charge toward the central depression of Relenskiy Bank. Card 3/3 L. D. 3h. PAXHOHOVA, A.S. - 6hauge in earth of the northern GRapian Sen. Izv.AN SSSR.Ser.geol. 21 no.11:61-76 N 156. (MLRA 10:1) .1. Gosudarntvennyy okmanograficheekly institut, Moskva. (Caspian Sea-Sediment-ktion and deposition) FAZiONOVA, A.S. Sedimentation in--~h-e-a7r-Gern vart of the Casnian ..ea. Tru(jjr GOIN no.31:30-106 56. ~.YLKA If, 7) (GIA30101 -ea-ziedimentation and denopitioi) PAKROMOVA. A.S. .- -- -, Geological conditions of the beach of the Volga Delta according to data of oil wells. Trudy COIN no.34:142-160 057. (WTRA 10:9) (Volga Delta--Geology) BLINOV, L.K., nauchiVy sotrudnik; TSURIKOVI, L.K., naucbzVy sotrudnik; -.TAKHOMCYVA,-A~S,-nauchnn sot-rudnik; SOPACH, N.D., nauchrWy sotrudnik. Fri-Mr-Ii uchastiyez FONSOV, A.G.; KAIASMIIKOVA, V.V.; KIRILIDVA, Ye.P.; LOS', B.M.; IZBEDIVA, G.V.i KORNIIENKO, V.S., red.; ZEWSOU, T.Ye., [Msmal of marine bydrocbemical investigations for kWdro- meteorological observatories and n- I bydrometeorological stations] R-akovodstvo po morskim gidrokbimicbeskim issledo- vaniiam; dlia gidrometeorologichegkikh observatorii i morskikb gidrometeorologichoskikh stantsii. Pod red. L.K.Blinova. Moskva, Gidrometeor.izd-vo (old-nie), -1959. 255 P. (MIRA 14.-6) 1. Moscov. Gosudarstvennyy akeanograficheskiy institut. 2. Labo- ratoriya kbimii morya Gosudarstvennogo okeanograficheskogo instituta (for Blinov~ TSurikova, Pakhomova, Sopach). (Water-Aualysis) PAXROMOVA, AeS. - fl:- - - Change of the bottom of the 11orthern laspian due to the lowering water level. Trudy Okean. koz. 5:151-15.0 '19. (KIRA 13:6) (Caspfan Seao-Sedimentation MAI deposition) PAKHOMDVA, A Chemical composition of suspended substances and bottom sadimente of the Volga Delta and the northern part of the Caspian Sea. Trudy GOIN no.45:117-144 '59. (MIRA 12:9) (Volga Delta Region--Sedimentation and deposition) IMLVU Ao S "UhMA-C. Chemical nature and dyawdesof suspended mtter In bottom sedivients of the Sea of Azov. 2*udy GOJN no-52:74-104 160o (MIRA 13:11) (Azov, Sea-,39divients (Geology)) PAKHOMOVA-, A.S.. Organic matter in bottom sediments of the Caspian Sea. Trud7 GOBI no.59:58-4 161. (MIRA 14:7) (Caspian Sea-Zedimentation and deposition) FAKHOMDVA, A.S. Effect of the discharge of the Kura on the hydrochemical regime of the mouth area and the western part of the southern Caspian. Trudy GOIN no.68s29-49 162. (MVIA 16:7) (aura River-Hydrology) (Caspian Sea-Seawater-Composition) PAKHOMMA, AOS* Hydrochemical conditions of cold waters in the eastern part of the central Caspian. Trudy GOIN no.6809-93 162. (KRA 1617) (Caspian Sea--Seawater-Composition) 11~0dOMOVA) AcSo Salt Compas-, ion -f trie wa,~v-s of L,e csnu-al and sou~ner-, ~asT.P-,-, Trudy GOIN no.72: 6,93 161. (MIF,4 *18,~.l AYZENBERG, Ye., rAKHOMOVAP G., aspirant Establishment of gradual norms is the basis for planning transportation expenses. Avt. transp. 41 no.5:31-32 I~r 163. (MMA 16: 10) 1. Urallskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Transportation, Automotive-Cost of operation) AZOS. S.; AB IYEV, A., ARTAXONOV, I.; RABINA, I.; BZRMWVSKIY, V.; BLOZHKO,V., BRAVAMN, A.; IBYKHOVSKIY, Yu.; VIROGROOVA, K., GAIAIMIX&, Ye.; GILIBMARSH. I.; GLOBA, T.; GRXTVW, N.; GORDO. G.; GULIDIN. I.; GULTATWA. To.; GUSHCHM, I.; DAVIDOVSKATA. Te.; DAKSKATA, G.; DJUAGM. D.; UVDOKD(OVA, A.; YAGUNOV, Y.; ZABILTSHINSKIT, I.; ZATDAEBJBG, 3.; AZMOSUIKOV, I.; ITKIIA. S.; KkRMVSKIT. V.; KWSHIN. D.; KLTVINOV, Ye.; KUZNWSOVA, G.; KURSHAEDV, I.; UMULNIK, X.; LIBYZAROVICH, G.; LISOVSKIY. D.; LOSKUTOV, F.; KALWSKIY. Tu.; KASLYANI?SKIT, I.; KAYAIWTS, A.; MIT-1-78, L.; NITRCWANOV, S.; NIKHAYIDY, A.; NYAKINMOV, I.; NIKITINA, I.; NOV33, R.1 OGNIV, D.; 011KHOV, N.; OSIPOVA, T.; OSTRONOV, N.; PAKHCKOVA, G.; FMTKAR. S.; PL&KSIlq, I.; PLITMWA, N.; POPOV. V.; PMES tu.; PROKOFITIVA. Ye.; PUCHKOV, S.-. RMOVA. F.; RUHTANTM,M.; ~~. I.; SOBOLI. S.; SPIYAKOV. Ya.; STRIGIN, I.-, SPIRIWNDVA,V.; TDMO, Ta.; TITOV, S.; TROITSKIY. A.; TCLOKONNIKOV, K.; TROVINOVA, A.; FJMOROV, V.; CHIZHIKOV, D.; SHRIN, Ta.; YUKHTANOV, D. Roman lazarevich Veller-, an obituary. Met. wt. 31 no,5-.78-79 Mf l 58. (xiRA 1i:6) (Valler, R3mn Lazarevich, '.89?-1958) ALEKSEYKV, A.M.; PAKHOMOVA, G.I. Connection between the water economy and the p~,vsical and chazLical properties of the high polymric components of the protoplasm. Fiziol.rast. 12 no.1:52-55 Ja-F 065. (MIRA 18-3) 1. Kafedra fiziologii rasteniy Kazanskogo universiteta imen! V.I.Ullyanava-Lenina, AUTHOR: Pakhomova, G.N. and Chizhikov, D.M. 285 TITLE: Influence of the anode material on the electrode deposition of cadmium. (Vliyanie materiala anoda na elektroosazhdenie kadmiya. ) PERIODICAL: "Tsvetn:ye Metal1l" (Non-ferrous Metals), 1957, No. 1, pp. 4b - 49, (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: The investigation described had the object of finding conditions for the electrolytic production of cadmium with the total content of impurities not exceeding 0.0l,c,,. For this degree of purity Lhe material of the anode is important, and lead-containin- anodes weie found to be unsatisfactory. Suitable anode materials were found to be 14yo silicon cast iron. With such electrodes the optimal conditions for the electrolysis with pure electrolytes are current density at the cathode of 60 amps. per sq. m, temperature 35 C and lower cadmium-c oncent ration limit 20-30 grams per litre. Under these conditions, the anode consumption rate is 0.009 grams per ampere/hour. Impurities in the electrolyte should not exceed the followinG values: 1 mg/litre Cu 20g/litre Zn, 3 S/litre Fe, 1 g/litre Ni, 0.5 G/litre Go, O.S g/litre T1 and 12 g/litre Mn. Oxidation of impurities does not occur on silicon-iron anodes, and for this reason the presence in the electrolytes of man anese, iron, chlorine and thallium ions does not decrease the yield of cadmium. There are 3 refeLences, of which 2 are Russian. AUTHOR: Pakhomova, G. N. TITLE: The Role of Antimony in the E)e(trolysis of zilic (Roll surimy pri elektrolize tsinka) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchn. tr. Gos. n.-i. in-t tsvetn. met., 1957, Nr I i. pp 147-159 ABSTRACT: The influence of Sb on the process of cathodic deposition of Zr' was investigated. When Zn precipitates from solutions con- laining Sb, its crystals diminish in size and change in texture. For a normally progressing electrolysis process the Sb content in the electrolyte must amount to 0.o5 - ot~ mg/liter. Raisins the Sb concentration to 0.2 mg/liter results in the formation of small disoriented Zn crystals with strongly developed surface, Depending on the conditions of the electrolysis, 13-25 percent of Sb are deposited at the cathode, 20-80 percent on the anode, while 10-70 percent remain in the electrolyte. Sb concentration of the precipitate increases if the Sb concentration in the working electrolyte is raised. When the Sb concentration in the electro- Card 112 lYte is increased from 0-05 mg/liter to 0.5 mg/liter, it, Card 212 PAYCHOMMA, G. N., MAMSKIY, G. N. and SIMER, V. V. it Selection of composition of electrolyte, material for the cathode and obtaining of zinc at high current densities with use of ordinary stationary and continuous action mechanized electrolyzerr. (drum, disk and others)". Report presented at the Intervuz Conference on Electrodeposition of Nonferrous Metals, Ural Polytechnical Institute im S. M. Elrov, Sverdluvsk, held from 2T-30 MaY 1963. (Reported in Tlsvetnyye Metally, No. 10, 1963, pp 82-84) jpRs 24,651 i9 may 64 PAKHOMOVA, G.N.; RUPPULIp Y.K. Testing ribbmip-type vertical electrolytic cells for the pro- duction of zinc with high current densities. Sbor. Rauch. trud. Gintsvetmeta no.19:314-318 162. (MM 16:7) (Zino-Blectronstallurgy) (Electrolysis-Equipment and supplies) PAKHOMOVA, G.N. Intensifying and mchanizing the process of the elec--raly--ic deposi-drn of zinc. TSvet. met. 36 no.l2t25-28 D 163. (MIRA l7t2) PAKHOMOVA G.N., kand. tekhn. nauk; GUZAIROV, G.S. ; OUCHNIKOVA. K. I . . ~A-RkV, V.Ya.; ALENTOVA, L.N. Verification of the Intensified rate of zinc electrolysis W-Itn a current density of up to 800a/m2 in industrial baths. Sbor, nauch. trud. Gintsvetmeta no.23:283-292 165. (MIRA 18;1-" " ,: :,*:,,. :~ve-- -~ r, - o, ro E~ ~ A I S In5. (r - ! I PAKR~~VA2 _ G,_-j. _ Seminar of member countries of the Mutual Economic Assistance Council on improving the toobnology of the bydrmotallurgical production of zinc. TSvet. not. 35 no.10:85-87 0 162. (MIRA 35 - 10) (Byaromstallurgy-corigresses) BAYMAKOV, Yuriy Vladimirovich; ZHURIN, Alaksandr Ivanovich; LEVIN, A.I., prof., doktor tekhr nauk, retsenzent; SMIRIXV, V.I., prof., retsenzent; STENDER, V.V., prof., rstspnzen~; GORBUROVA, K.M.p prof., doktor khim. nauk, red' - PAKHOMDVA G N., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; MARENNOV, Ye.A., rtt.; redAzd-va; MIKHAYLOVAP V.V., tekhn. red. (Electrolysis in hydrometaUurgy]Elektroliz v gidrometallurgil. Moskva, Metallurgladat, 1963. 616 p. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Kafedra tekhnologii alektrokhimicheskikh proizvodetv Ural'skogo politekhnicheakogo institute (for Levin). 2. Kafedra metallurgii tsvetnykh metallov Urallskogo politekhnicheskogo instituta, Dey- stvitellnyy chlen Akadmii nauk Kazakhokoy SSR (for Smirnov). 3. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk Kazakhskoy SSR (for Stender). (Hydrometallurgy) (Electrometallilrgy) _PA 01,~ 1-1 6VA )G. N , 137-58-5-9358 Translation from Referativn),y zhurnal. Meta'lurgiya. 1(458. Nr 5. p 60 ~USSR AUTHOR Pakhomova, G.N. TITLE Improvement, Intensiffication, and Standardization of the Proce."." of Electrolytic Producift)n of Zinc (Usovershenstvovaniye, ititen- sifikatslya 1 unifikatsiya protsessa elektroliticheskogo polUL-hen- iya tsinka) PERIODICAL. Tr. soveshchaniya po met-allurgii tsinka, 1954. Moscow. Metallurgizdat, 1956, pp 157-172 ABSTRACT A brief survey of investigations, perfornied in recent Years. dealing with the electrolysis of Zn and an analysis of operation of electrolytic Zn shops in domestic plants. The following rneas- ures are recommended a) the creation of optimal process con- ditions which should be standard in all plants (Dk,-,1450 amp,, n)2, acidity of spent electrolyte r~.1100 g/1 ; amount of Zri contairied in it 45-50 g/ I )'b) employment of independent electrolysis of solutions resulting from processing of oxides; c) reducing the amount of impurities to the following. Co 8 mg/f ; CU 0. 1 Mgl."f Sb 0.1-0.2 mg11 , d) increasing the D and the acidity of the Card 112 spent electrolyte in the presence of raw material ( ontaining small 137-58-5-9358 Improvement, Intensification, and (cont. amounts of impurities. The author points out that it is imperative to develop better methods for removal of Co from solutions, eliminate difficulties of stripping, and design methods for the circulation of solutions in baths, as well as for cooling of the electrolyte. L.P. E: Z Z E r Ca rd 2,12 PAKHOKOVA, G.N. Renoval of chlorine from tinc solutions using copper cake. 79ret. met. 26 no.2:46-49 Mr-Ap 153. (NIMA 10:9) 1. Gosudarstyannyy institut po tavetn" metallau. (Copper) (Chlorine) (Xlectrolytes) 'a, k~O,--Ao 1/0" (. ~ GTJLYAYIBVA, Ye.l.; PAKHOMOVA. G.N. Conference on zinc metallurgy. TSvet.met. 28 no.2:64-66 Mr-Ap '55. (MIRJA 10:10) (Zinc-metallurg7) SIMIKOV, Alsksandr Petrovich; Pk~~O- ~kandidat tekhnicheskikh wak. r0senzent; PNYSAMV, 1. tekhni cheek Ikh nauk, retsensent; KMTOV, S.A., inzhener. reteensent; IAIMIX, N.M.. red*t0r; A GILISKITA, M.S.. r*daktor; VAYNSHTBYN. To.B., tekhnicbeskiy rodakt or. [Hydrometallurgy of zinc] Gidrometallurgiia toinks. Kooky&, Go*. nsuchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po chernot i tevetnot metallurgii, 1954, 255 P. [Microfilm] (MW 8:2) (Zinc--Ketallurgy) C, Moll IBI sp 47 it 4iiiii on by t" kiL an 7 77-7 porgam .~Soye Iniekly::-, *dejgjj-"u on. O'~". pappiamis, - of-, 'the T. n%35-6? EwT(m) L w-A j), / IJPW -WW-/RM ACC NRI - -AIP6030357 QX,N~ SOURCE CODES UR/0191/"/000 009106561-~~-, AUTHORS Minsker KS 0 Zalvaraval, T. B.; Bubial L. D.; Fedonerm G. T.; Burlakova, G.L; Pakhomoval. V. ORG: none 0 TITU: Evaluation of the thermal stability of polyvinyl chloride SOU36CEt Plastichoskiye massy, no. 9, 1966, 56-59 TOPIC TAGS: polyvinyl chloride, polymer stability, antioxidant additive,chemical stabilizor .05TRACT: A study of Qq. thormaV stability of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) containing various antimcidant stabilizorsAHM acceptors) showed that the rate of docomposition iof FIC and the time roquirod for a first-ordor dohydrochlorination reaction to be lostablirshed can bo used _49r characterizing PVC, and that 0 can servo as a critorion Ifor tho offoctivoness of stabilizor action. A correct and unambiguous ostimato of the stabilizor additivos introducod Into PVC requiros that the initial polymer bo charac- torizod by a value of 0 cloco to zero. It uas noted that an incroaso In tho contont of antioxidant stabiUzars causod a chance In the rate constant of the dohydrochlorin-! U ~etion roaction. -1ho effectiveness of the stabilizor action can In this case bo, do- teminod from tho change In the rate constant of HC1 evolution. Another criterion lof stabilizer action Is 79 the duration of the induction period up to the start of I Lcqrd--vg- UDCS 67 ".3~22 0115) .423 L OdhJ:l)-b ACC NR, JU103080 liberation of HC1, also called thermal sUbility; r is described by the Arrhenius e- quation 1/-r - A exp(E/RT). It was fourA that A and 9 eharacterise the cherdeal, nattre of PVC. The use of this equation for estimating PVC cov"altions should aid in ob- tainin- a definite picture of the action of stabilizers introduced into PVC. Another equation which also applies to the PVC - stabilizer systems studied expresses the do- POM nee of the thor=l stability on the concentration of stabilizers introducedp T a : D.Cl~n, uhoro C is the concentration of the stabilizer and B and n are constants for a given series of experiments. Orig. art. has$ 6 figures and 2 tables. SUB tOM a II/ SUM DATFs none/ ORIG JMFs Oil/ OTH MWe W6 -L oio45-67 WT (m) /Pl.'P /T TJP((,,) Wd IPY. _F~:CC__N_R_vA_P__6_0_j9_ 5 4-1- SOURCE CODE-: --UR-/O 19- -0 /6 6-/ 00-8/00-6 /10 2 8-/10 34 AUTHOR: Minsker, K. S.; Zavarova, T. B.; Bubis, L. D.;-redoseveva, G. T.; Burlakova, G. I.; Pakhomova, I. K. ORG: All-Union Scientific-Research Institute of ChlorooEg_anic Products and Acrylates (Vse.soyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut khlororganicheskikh productov i akri- latov) TITLI: Assessment of the thermal stability of polyvinyl chjq6de and the efficiency of thermostabilizers SOURCE: Vysokomalekulyarnyyc soyedineniy,1, v. 8, no. 6, 1966, 1020-1.034 TOPIC TAGS: polyvinyl chloride, solid mechanical property, chemical stabilizer ABSTRACT : A critical evaluation of the ;.iethods of asz;essment of the thornal- and therm- al-oxidative &tability of PVC is given arid the efficiency of the thei-nnstahilizin,7 ad-; ditives to PVC are discussed. The thermal stability of polyvinyl chlorides containing- such stabilizers as 3PbO-PbSO4, dibutyl lead naleinate, disbutyl lead laureate, cal- cium stearate, diphenylolpropane, bis-(2-methyl-4-oxy-5-teriary-butylphenyl)-sulfide, bis-3-(methyl-4-oxy-5-teriary-butylphenyl)methane, dibutyl-4,5-epoxyhexahydrophtha- late, lead stearinate, and 2-oxy-4-methoxy benzophenone was examined by means of mea- suring HCl liberation during the heating of various stabilized PVC samples at 1700C UDC: 678.01:54+678.743 (I M15-67 __-_ ACC NRi AP6019541 A for 0-300 minutes. It was found that for the evaluation of the ther-mal stah-ility of the stabilized PVC, the commonly used indices such as "integral rate of HC1 libera- tion for 180 min heating at standard conditions" and "thermostability" are inapplic- able. 7he following indices are recommended as a basis for evaluating the thermal- and theinal-oxidative stability of the PVC stabilizers: (1) the time from the begin- ning of the decomposition reaction to the point at which the reaction rate becomes constant; (2) the rate constant of the dehydrochlorination reaction; and (3) the tem- perature dependence of the time of initiation of the PVC thermal decomposition at 1 170. OC. Orig. art. has: 4 figures, I table. SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 3lMay,651 ORIG REr: 012/ OTH REr: 007 amm PAKHCHDVA I.S. aspirantka Root rot of durum wheat in the trans-Volga region. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 6 no.10:55-56 0 161. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Saratovokly sellskokhozoaystven"y inatitut. (Volga Valley-Wheat--Diseases and pests) (Volga Valley-Root rot) CHICHIKOV, Vasili3r MikhaylOvieb; PAK"OVA, I.V.p otv. red.; MARKOVICH, S.G., tekhn. red.- [Rebelling land; travels and meetings) Buntuiushchaia zemlia; puteshestviia i votrechi. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo detskoi lit-ry M-va prosv. RSFSR, 1961. 155 P. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Korrespondent "Pravdyn (for Chichikav). (Latin America-Detscription and travel) CHUMACHENKO, M.N.; PAKHOMOVA, I.Ye. Gasn- tric determination of nitrogen in organic substances. Part 2: Formation of nitric oxide during pyrolytic combustion. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. khim. no.12:2090-2094 D '63. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Institut khimii prirodnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR. -161 3N4 - - _ ` - AC.CESSIQ9;_,lM.---"- 404.r 'SIOM/64/60 9115611156C-~ 6 06 - _ _ ~ lWR--- ;t _ U - JT Y N akhomo iU7- etc IiE Gi IT 3- !Z: -- -"IA.~ :Seii I i i i66 s- k a` M"" -Vii'kb! vsssk ~ . ~ --gabor) s'j-.--,solid con, aining -nitrogen - A 6 r-g~_L_'-__Lj'n-a~,te_ ~jW -~_461~janic materi ,.c(?,n Ban - _ . 0 yS1S -Pyr _ IT_1~4~kiiiw_:'i pUme o dldr- d6ternihAng-- ABSTR C hl tyo prgani - . _ e- 6terrhihatiori-tAe-g'.2 ~~30 z Com us' 350~~400.jnm~- dn'g, - xnrn, "y - _6 h- t d t:; ome er~ -and-pac er--ani A61 6 -a opcoc 0 k ' l d --.witfv4_- _5 :6 --u '-which hadbeeriheat6~ ~ai : n g of ~61!d d- Iabed-idthe rt -ov-vol-atile'-, tl~ ~ Oid.was, pace, jn,, qr qi~a w p ! _., ' , th ~th6 _--bii6n: e b t d covere .wit -,-a tz- cap ary th 0.- one:-,wa s:;b'( w W MFA~[RUMPPW A .t6-'bbtaifi rmcrD- t I the to pyro yse Im a-m-ml re,' to::, u BWR . ..: ~,. , ~. *, . .: . . i, . : - i ily~k 3 oyed ir.eri -iy A N SSS:~. I L IYEV, :~ . -, - ; FU.-K)VA, N.K. ; FAUG.LVA, K?.-. i Me L ~!riri i o f c herr. i c a I a n a ! :.- 3 15 r; f iT. I n er r~ ~ - j,- 11 , " ~ , - , iletody v1din-eheskopri ana.14za mineralInc,,m f.v- ":- skva, ti~~ra. No.',. I co t, " . 22- pt. I ~1. 1; VASIL'YEV, P.J., KUSEDVA, N.K,,-, PAKH%IOVAI K,,,;. [Methods for the ahemdcal anaays!5 cf mlner--ds) Metody khimicheskog,) analiza m1norallrof.,,e) syrIla. MoBkva Nedra, No.9. 1965. 66 p. (141RA 18;7) 1. Moscow. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issladrvatellskiy institut minerallnogo syrlya. PAKHOMVA, K.S.; VYSOT3KAYA, T,A. Detecting gold in complex geochamical studies. Trudy IAFAN SSSR. Ser.Geol. no.l6j75-80 163. (MIRA 160) PAKHOMOVA, K.S.; VCLK,',IJA, I . 1'. ; GORSHK(I'll, V. V. Determ-'nati,Dn ,,!'*- ~ ~rcgram anmo un -~B r- f n. 2 kp: in m- V-irr- I e ~ b.- tar. ce 5 after its pre'~'Imi Alry Zhur.anal.knlm. -'~- r.~.9;1:'85- 1098 1614. k!.':RA 17CIO) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nhuc~t.,,,-"ss'~Fidrvat,,allskly lns--I,~u'~ m1me-a-11:10go sy-lya, Moskva. NMASOV, I.Ya.; PAKHOMDVA. K.S. -1--l. Distribution of rkenims In the rocks and molybdexltAm of skarm and hydrothermal deposits in nortkoasteru Yakutia. Trudy IAFAN SSSR.Ser.Geol. no.l6z49-55 163. (MIRA 16.-9) PAXHCHOVA, K.S. %Z ----------- Seminar on nev methods of analysis of rav ores containing rare metals. Zav.lab. 29 no.3:381 163. (MIRA 16t2) (Metals, Rare and minor-Analysis) FAYNBERG, Solomon Tullyevich; FILIPPCVA, Nina Aleksandrovna; KLINIENYA, Yu.V.P kand. tekhn.nauk, retsenzent [deceased); PAXHUMM, kand. tekhn.nauk, retsenzentt TITOV, V.I., -ed ; ARKHANGELISKATA, M.S., red,izd-va; M36ZEINSKATA, L V., tekhr red. [Analysis of nonferrous metal ores) Analiz rud tsvetnykh metbl- lov. 3., ispr. i dop, izd. MoskvA, ~Ietnllurgizdat, 19o~ IMIRA (Nonferrous meta-Ls--Analysis) PAKHOMOVA, K.S.; KRIVTAKOVA, A.S. .00 1 Mlaw-~ ~-' C&Azlum determination in the presence of copper by the method of polarographic curve derivative@. Zav.lab. 21 no.2:11&4-147 '55. (MLRA 1:6) 1. Toosoyuznyy institut minerallnogo myrlya. (Camium) (Polarograptw) wi IS M-CqW7~--, O - f 047 all(UL-4-9 V. V.~'Z droo) aad, - , ~Oi4-b b4tc-d I . ~ ch As wid Cli i0c' - az (pm , - , - It- wi, t m g Ag J120 to 13 , ml All i l LO -t-7 FAKHOMCVA, K.S.; VOLKOVA, L.P. Polarographic determination of microgram quantities of rhenium. Zav.Lb. no.11:1291-1-292 '59. (KIRA 13:1.) I.Vseeoywnyy Institut mineral 1noFo sy-r'7a. (Rhenium- Analrils) AY14020384 BOOK EXPLOITATION S/ Pakhomova, K. S. (Senior scientific collaborato"') Pensionerova, V. M.:' collaborator) Methods for the chemical analysis of mineral raw materials (Metody* khimichasko analiza minerallnogo sy*rlya), Moscow, Gosgeol- tekhizdat, 930. 0070 P. 111us., biblio. Errata slip inserted. 2000 cop-Jes printed. (At head of title: Gosudarstvenny*y geologicheskiy komitet SSSR) Series Note: Moscow. Vsesoyuzny*y nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut minerallnogo sy*rtya. iSbornik] vy*p. 7. TOPIC -AGS: beryllium, boron, germanium, gold, rhenium, scandium, tantalum, fluorine, chemical analysis, raw mineral, photometric method, phato-neutron method, neutron absorption method, extraction photometry method PURPOSE AND COVERAGE This is a continuation of a series devoted to chemical and phys-116ochemical methods of testing various raw minerals, including analysi~s.methods developed by VIMS, VSEGEIVSYeGYel, and Geolo razvedochny4vy-'' treat Geological Prospecting Trust) No. 1. The Card V2 .- j AM4020384 book deals with separation methods.:for beryllium, boron germanium, gold, rhenium, scandium, tantalum,;.and fluorine. The described photometric, photoneutron, neutrorr absorption, and-extraction-photo- metry methods are recommended for use in the laboratories of e geological service, along with the.previously publis a and hod meth4-, also for use by laboratories of other organizations. TABLE OF CONTENT.I. !abridged]: Foreword 3 Boron 21 Germanium - - 30 Gold 39 Rhenium 42 SUB CODE: MA, ML SUBMITTED: 26Jun63 NO REP SOV: 040 OTHER: 008 DATE AC4: 03Apr64 Card 2/2 Call Nr AF 1095038 AUTHORi Sochevanov, V. 0. (Supervisorl, Volkova, 0. A., Volkova, S. P., Nartynova, L. T., Pakhomova, K. S., PopOva, T. P., Rozb1anskaya, A. A., R-o-zo-v-sYa-y--a-,--(F. V., and Shmakova, N. V. TITLXs Methods of Chenteall Analynis of Mineral Ores (Hetody kh'-Joheakogo analiza minerallnogo syrIya); Polarography (Polyarograrlya). Nr 2. PUB. DAW Gosudaretvennoye nauchno-tekhnicheskoye Izdatel'stvo literatury po geologii i okhrane nedr, Moseow, 1956, 100 pp.,, 5,000 coplee. ORIO.. AQW=s Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-iosledovatellskiy inatitut minerall- nogo syrya (VIRS) ministermtvv.-~-geologil i okhrany nedr SSSA RDITORs Sochevanov, V. G. PURPOSS; This is a manual for use in industrial laboratories of at encies under the Ministry of Geology and Coneervation 0 Mineral Retourees of the USSR. Card 1/11 Call Nr AF .1095038 Methods of Chenloal Analysis of Mineral Ores (Cont.) COVZRAORt Card 2/11 2he author claims that the ministry of Geology and Conservation of Mineral Resour3es of the USSR first used polarographic analysis of solid mineral resour~:ee In the laboratory or the Ural Geological Administration and later in the laboratories of the Kazakh Geological AdmInistratlon. Polarographit, laboratory equipment Is asnufaetured by the plant "Geologorazvedka" (recording polarographe c r-8, c rx-8, polarometers JTB - 1), by the Ural Branch of the Academy of Sciences, USSR (polarometer "Wan"), by the Academy or sciences of the Kazakh SSR (polarometer UVT-2.1, and by the Gintevetmet (polarometer 7T t3 -5). The f ollowing w3lentiate took part In the preparation of the instructions under the direction of V. G. Sochevanov: the staff of the Labora- tory of PhyalcochWeal Methods of Analysis (VIRS), To P. Popov& (VS3010030) and A. A. iftblanskaya (laboratory of Mineralogy and Geochealstry of Rare Earth Metals of the Aoademy of Senlences, USSR). The methods were "coeisendod for use In Industrial laboratories under the Nlnlstry of Geology and Conservation of Minerel Resources of the USSR by the Methodological Section of the Call Wr AF 1095038 Nothods of Chemical Analysis of Minera.L Oreo (cont.) Card 3/11 Solent M c Council of the VINS, namely: G. A. Lanskly CMlrmm) V. I. Titov (Vice -Chairman). V. M. Penslonerova Mcretaryl. 3. K. Rusano'v, V. M. Zvenigorodskaya, V. Q. Sochevanov, I. V. Sorokin, L. I. Gerkhardt, 1. Yu. Sokolov, and I. V. Shmanenkov (Deputy Director of VTMS, 3cience Divielon), It was found that the polaro- graphic method for determination of' a few per cent or of traces of the constituents frequently ,xcei.'i orthodox methods. The book gives Instructions for th-_- polarn- graphic determination of copper, zinc, cadmium, lead, tin, molybdenum, antimony, indium, and thalilura in ores. The polarographic method of analysis is discussed in detail, the equipment is described, and lists of reagents are given. Illustrations of electrolytic cells are given on pp. 6,7,8, and 9. The Institutions where the polarographic methods were developed are mentioned in the Table of Contents and in the description of the individual procedures In the text. (Soviet scienti3ta distinguish two types of apparatus: 1. polarometers or "visual polaro�raphs", and 2. recording polarographs or "polaro- graphs .) An extensive bibliography Is included. There are 47 referencet of which 40 are USSR. Call Ar AP 1095038 Methods of ChemlQd-L ~jjajyejs of r4inel-al kCont. TABLE OF CO"ENTS Pages Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ARparatua and Procedw-c-8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Polarographic equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Eleut.L-,;i~tic cells 6 Reference electrodes 9 "aration (,-, a saturated calomel electrode (Nn) . . . 0 9 Dropping Hg-m-lcroelectrode . 11 Calculation of the Ion cuntent to be determined from polarographic data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Card 4/1.1 Call Nr AF 1095038 Methods oi --I-.omical Analysis of M-1-neral ores (Pont.) ft2gr . . . . . . . . . 21 Simplif led polaro,~,,i-Lphic method 'of determination of copper In ores 21 Polarographle determinaticn of copxic-r o),i.dc ond sulfide In a single wt~--,Ihed sample . . . . . . . ... . . 23 ZAPMO - Simplified polarographic method for determinatiQn of' zinc 1m sulfide ores . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . 0 . . 4 . 25. Polarographle detcrmination of zinc in ores containing large amounts of copper . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . 28 Determination of zinc after separation of copper by precipitation on powdered metallic iron . . . . . . . . . . 28 Determinatlon of zinc aftrr ne.),,iration of copper by precipitation on lead coil (inethod ot' tlh,-, Kazakh Geological lidministration) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Card 5/11 Call Nr AF 1095038 Me Ch, 11'-! " al oi' nri,,) I Ores (ront. ) CopEer and zinc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Polarographic method for the determination of zinc and oopper in manganese-containing ores . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Polarographio method of determination of copper and zinc I in or-s kMethod of the Kazakh Geological Administration). 38, Polarographic determination of lead oxide and lead sulfide in a sin,-1c :3ample (Method of the Kazakh and Krasnoyarsk Geolosical Administrations) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 39 Simplified polarographic method for the determination of cadmium In sulfide ores . . . . . . . . . . 39 Folp~rographlc method for deLerjainat -Lon %ji Cadmium in oxidized ores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Card b/11 7 % Call Wr AP 1095038 Methods of Chemical Analysis of Mineral Ores (Cont.) Polarographic method for determination of cadmium In eopper-oontainiAg ores (Method of the Kazakh Geological Adminlotration) . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Cadmium eM UAO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Polarographio method for determination of nadmium and zinc in ores containing not more than 0.1% copper (Method of the Kazakh Geological Administration) . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Nickel and Zinc . . . . . . . . . . . A . . . . ,b . 0 . a. . a 0 4T Polarographic method for determination of nickel and zino In ores (Method of the Ural Geological Administration). 4T Aw Simplified polarographlo method for determination of lead In 01009 a 0 . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . 0 50 Polarographio method for determination of lead in barium- oontaining ores (method of the Kazakh Geological Aftinistration) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 . 0 0 53 Card T/11 Call Nr AF 1095038 16sthod of Chemical Analysis of Mineral Ores (Cont.) Polarographlo determination of lead in ores containing Interfering elements with preliminary separation of lead as chromate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Polarographic determination of, lead oxide and lead sulfide in a single s W le (Method of the Kazakh and Krasnoyarsk Geological.Administrations) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Polarographle determination of lead in ores containing &old-soluble tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Polarogra.0hie method for determination of bigh-grade ores . . . . . . . . . . . . Zmad and Zinc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Polarographic method for determination of nat~4ral waters (method of the All-Union Scientific Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering card 8/11 lead in . . . . . . . . . 61 . 0 . . 0 . 0 0 0 63 lead and zinc In Researah Geology VSM33N=) 63 I Call Nr AF 1095038 Method of Chemical Analysis of Mineral Ores (Cont.) Tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68 Folarographic method for determination of tin In commonly ocauring ores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Polarographic. method for determination of acid-insoluble tin oompoundB in ores (Method of the Kazakh Geological Administration) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Polarographic determination of tin in ores (Method of the All-Union Geological Institute IVSEGEI) . . . . . . . . . . 73 Polarographic method for determination of tin -;! c:-:,es containing interfering elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Molybdenum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Indirect polarographl; method of determination of molybdenum In high-grade Crea and In their beneficlition products (Method of the Caucasus Institute of Mineral Ores) . . . . 77 Card 9/11 Call Nr AF 1095038 Method of ChWaal AnalyslO 6f Alheral OreB (Cont.) Antimony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Polarographic method for delermir-ation of antimony in ores (Method of the Yraonoyai-31c Geological Administration). 81 Indium Rapid polarographic method for detei-mination of indium In sulfide ores (Method of the Laboratory of Mineralogy and Geoehemistry of Rare Earth Metais, A..!ademy of Sciences, U3SR)85 Polarographic method for determination of indium in ores and concentrates (Method of the Kraenoyarsk Geological Administration) . . . . . . . . . . . I ~ - - - - - I . 87 7hallium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Polarographic method for determination of thallium In copper-free ores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Card 10/11 ~A I Call Nr AF 1095038 Method of Chemical Analysis of Kineral C,.-,es (Cont.) Polarographic method for determination of thallium imcopper- containing ores . . . . . . . . 6 dp . 0 0 a a 0 . & 1& &.0 . . 94 Bibliography . . . . . . , , . 0 6 6 . 0 & a 0 . . . a 0 - - 97 AVAILABLE: IAbrary of Congress Card 11/11 BELOV, V. P.; GFJU4AN, A. I.; KOSTYANOV, G. N.; PAKHOMVA, L. A. "Balloon and aircraft measurements of s!,ort wave radiation." report presented at the Atmospheric Radiation Symp, Leningrad, ~-12 Aug 64. ACCESSION NR: AP4034796 S/0293/64/002/002/0257/0265 AUTHOR: Malkevich, M. S.; Malkov, 1. P.; Pakhomova, L. A.; Rozenberg, G. V.; Faraponova, G. P. TITLE: Determination of the statistical characteristics of radiation fields over clouds i SOURCE: Kosmicheskiye issledovaniya, v. 2, no. 2, 1964, 257-26S TOPIC TAGS: meteorology, cloud, atmospheric radiation, radiation field ABSTRACT: A study has been made of the possibility of applying statistical ana- lysis to fields of outgoing radiation for determining the structure of cloud forma- tions. Computation of the structural parameters of the cloud cover is accomplish- ed using aircraft measurements of radiation with narrow- and wide-angle instrumenq. The following conclusions are drawn from this preliminary investigation: 1. Sta- tistical characteristics of the intensity of reflected radiation can be used for an objective analysis of clouds of various types and a reliable identification can be made on the basis of the full set of statistical parameters. 2. The most in- formative parameter is the spectral density of fluctuations of brightness, which is quite sensitive to a difference in the character of nonhomogeneitles of dif- _.__~,erent,~Joud types and at the same time is statistically stable. 3. An investi- --Card . - . - . I ACCESSION NR: AP4034796 gation of the statistical characteristics of radiation fluxes, considered as ran- dom functions, makes it possible to take into account fluctuations of the radiant flux of'heat under conditions of arbitrary cloudiness. In this case spectral density makes It possible to obtain the distribution of radiant energy by fre- quencies and determine those scales of nonhomogeneities which make the principal contribut;on to the flux of radiation heat. 4. The spectrum of fluctuations is similar to comparable spectra of fluctuations of wind velocity and temperature ob- tained in investigations of turbulence in the surface layer of the air. The spec- trum was displaced into the region of somewhat lower frequencies, evidence'of an increase in the scales of the eddies responsible for the nonhomogenelty of cloud formations. Orig. art. has: )0 formulas. 6 figures and I table. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 23Dec63 SUB CODE: ES 2/2 Cdrd DATE ACQ; 20Mayr>4 NO REF SOV: 009 ENCL: 00 OTHER: 003 t7 ~ 2J ACC NR, AT7000565 SOURCE CODE: UR/2789A6/boo/o,/o,/,. 3/00,22 AUTEORS: Gorman, A. I.; Korobov, M. G.; Markina, N. G.; Pakhomova L. A. ORG: none TITU-,: The angular distribution of reflected radiation from flight data 1' an IL-18 aircraft in 1964 SOURCE: Tsontrallnaya aerologichaskaya observatoriya. Trudy, no. 70, 1,,-/. Radiatsionno-optichoskiye i ozonometrichoskiyo issledovaniya atmosfory (..,;diation- optical and ozonometric investigations of the atmosphere), 3-22 TOPIC TAGS: aircraft, actinometry, aerial camera, solar radiation, rar._J-.-,ion measure-, ment, meteorologic satellite,, cloud formation, potentiometer / AFA-3? aerIal camera ABSTRACT: This paper poses the problem of joint examination of cloud an," radiation fields. A method for aircraft experiments and for processing the resultr, of measure- ments' of reflected short-wave radiation from various underlying surfacez and cloud Iformations is described. The aircraft had: actinometric apparatus for reasurinG Ithe angular distribution of the intensity and flux density of reflected radiation 1(0.3-3.0 A ); a Yanishevskiy pyranometer for measuring the total radiation flux; and an AFA-37 aerial camera for vertical photography of the terrain and cloud forma- tions. The incident total radiation was recorded continuously on the paper tape of a r-,.& 1/1 IMC! ACC NRt AT7000565 80 40 20 30 ?D to 0 -to -to -30 -40 -so -604P. Fig. 1. Angular distribution of luminance coefficient above cumulus congestus potentiometer. Flights were made in areas of Central Asiat the Caspian Soa, the I European Territory of the SSSR, and the Far East. The ascendine short-wave radiation was found to be chiefly determined by the reflecting properties of the underlying ACC NR. AT7000565 ,surface and the clouds. The anoular dependence of the ltuainance coef-"-'c- -,~ of -,-0 i earth's surface and clouds within sighting angles of O+_600 is entirely , -:-,inod by !the horizontil heterogeneity of the reflecting properties of the earth's Z-rfaca and the upper cloud limit (see Fig. 1). The contribution of the atmospheric 1.-yer above t, a water surface from the reference level to 9 km to the ascending radiation doos not .~exceed 35" of the incident radiation for dighting angles of 0+-300. Orig. art. has: I jormula, 17 graphs, 3 photographs, and 4 tables. SUB CODE: 04,?G/SUBM DATE: 20Jan65/ ORIG RU: 004/ OTH RU: 005 7- Card 3/3 -'=C'MR3- AP60'13899 SOURCE CODE- ifR/0020~6-6,46~/006/i3o-6A~07--- AUTHOR: Pakhomova, L. K.; Yeaikolopyan, N. S. ORG: Institute of CheMical Physics, Academy of Sciences.SSSR (Institut klilmicheakoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR) I TITLE: Broken chain transfer to a polymer during solid phase polymerizationi- SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 167, no. 6, 1966, 13064307 TOPIC TAGS: chain reaction polymerization, chain polymer, trioxane, ethylene glycol, catalyst ABSTRACT: Polymers containing a -C-C bond in their basic chain (i.e. 22!)Ld~~ polyethylene glycoll. or g2lytetrahydrofurani were dissolved in a solution of trioxane, th-1 cooled rapidly and polyin- erized at 3-5 to 50C with surface initiation by SnC14 - Ile processed polymer was subjected to destructive testing in vacuum at 200C. Ile results indicate that broken chain transfer with the formation of a stable product occurs for polydioxolane, but not for the other two admixtures. Ile divergence in their effects is attributed to differences in their chemical structure. An analysis of the infrared spectra produced agreement with thermal Btabil ~data and confirmed these conclusions. The paper was presented by Card 1/2 UDC: 541.64 AP6013899 e::~) Academician N. N. Semenov 2 Aug 65. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: OZAug65/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: 003 H,-~ (r '-'/ 6 1 L ~A USSR/Cuitivated Pla-ts - Faddlers. m Abs Jo-...r Ref Zhur Biol., Ho 1.3, 19-518, 82373 Author Pik!~o..jova, L.M. I-st Risteri Affiliate ',S LISSR Titie Biolo_ical Characteristics of Ci1tured Wild Growi,.~_ Grasses i. BasLkiriy% Crig Pob Izv. Vost. fil. *dI SSSR- 1951, No 7, 101-11.8 j',bstract Froi.i -953 to 1956, 33 varieties ai,d ecotypes (~q C-1t Ted a.A :L4 wild Growi-I6 species) of pereiiiial _rassus cIL Dasl~kiriyn, Easton: Siberia, Ki,ze~.:-Layn aiid Povo.Lzli c werc sti,died at the coliecti.-.& .-ursery of t'.e bota.Acal Sectio'. of the Listit te of Bioloa of Cie Baskir *,.ffilii- te Acadei-iy of Scie-cers, USSR. 'Me Crass sovi-g was car- ried ott i.. spril-& witho t a cover. Livestiontioi.s 31.owed V'~%t --der the co.1ditions of Bashkir Autoimr.,,o:.s Soviet Card 1/3 - 49 - USSR/Cultivated Pla;,,ts - FDddurs. Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No A, 1958, 82373 M Socialist Rep *jlic, tweet c'.ovk-.-,, saii.foin ai-A blue I.ybft-d a-Lfalfa -,row uore i-te-sively a--ev. reac- a greater beia~it thai-. clover-,amd yellow i-idic. From ami;g the Crasses, the .3ost rapid eXovt,i was observed in and smooth brome grasses and in stiffhnir wheatgrass; it is slower in crested wheatgrasses (Agropyroi crestat-~n and A. inbricat-on R. et Sch.) and in sle:ider Vleatgrass. Leo.-iii--~o- s perennials Vow most inte:,sively dt-ri-.6 the period of ste:: formatio: , riNit thro~g:i --i-til blossomi..i.-. The dl,xnal growth ii-,crene~.t coziprises 1.4-3-~,' cei-.tiru--- ters. The cereal pereni,ials prod-.ce their greatest growth izicrement d,iri;ig the period of spike fon-.ntion ba-llicle formatioi-.) before the start of blossoning - 2.2- 4.2 centimeters L-1 a 24-ho.r period. A direct relation-. has beei, ..oted between the hei&ht of the plauts and the i--i.,Liber of i-ter--odes i-, clovers. All pereiiiial wild growii;g grasses, with the exceptio,i of the cereals froui Card 2/3