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DREIZIN. H.S.; ftSHkEVICH. G.A.; PAKTORIS,~.A.; VaOLKOVA. 0.1.: UUMA, L. D. The etiology of membranous conjunctivitis. Acts virol.Bngl.ld.. 3:193-200 0 '59. 1. Department of influenza and acute catarrhe of the respiratory tract and clinics of the Ivanovsky Institute of Virology, U.S.S.R. Academy of Medical Sciences; Children's Infectious diseases clinic. 2nd Pirogov Moscow Medic&l Institute; Base of the Children's Municipal Hospital No.1, Moscow. (CONJUNTIVITIS etiol) SEILGICTAV, N.V.. prof.; PiLKTORIS, Ye.A.. Effect of pregnancy on the outcome of Botkin's disease and some problens of medinal tactics. i det. 4 no.3:73-77 My-Je '59. (MIRA 12:8) 1. Is kliniki viruanvkh zabolevanty (zav. - prof.N.V.Sargeyev) Inetituta virusologii imeni D-Llvanovekogo (dir. - prof.P.N. Koeyako,r) AM SSSR- (MWATITIS, INFECTIOUS) (PRBGNLUCY, C011PLICATIONS OF) PAXTC[RIS, Ye.A.; ENUZBVA, L.D.; 2WM.114. R.S. (Moskva) Clinical picture of adenoviral diseases. Klin. ned. 37 no.5:'B-15 MY '59 (MUL 12:8) 1. Iz kliniki virusrqkh zabolevaniy (zav. - prof. N.V. Sergayev) na baze Moskovskoy klinicheskoy infektaionnoy bollnitay No.2 (g1. vrach A.M. Pyll tsova ) i laboratorii grippa i ImtaroT dykhatelt - n.ykh Dutey (zav. - rrof. V.M. Zhdanov) Institute virusologii imeni D.I. Ivnr-ovskogo ANN SSSR (dir. - nrof. P.W. loayakov). (A"OVIRUS INFMTIONS. manifest. clin. picture (Rua)) BURINSKAYA,A.G. -, PAKTORISO.A. An oirtbreak of pneumonia caused by type I haemadsorption virue. Acta virol. 4 no-3:184-186 My 160. 1. lvanovsky Institute of Virology.U.S.S.R. Academy of Kedical Solences, Moscow. (PhfBW.CWIA.PRlN&RY ATYPICAl.etiology) FAKTORIS9 Ye.A.9 kand.meditainiflaikh nauk (Moskva) Problems of'Botk:Ln's diBease contxol. Sov. med. 2-4 no. 5:7-11 My 160. (MIRA 13:10) (HEPATITIS9 INFECTIOUS) DREIZINP R. S.; ZOIDTARSKAYA, E. E.; KETILADZE. 4. S.; PASHKEVICH, G. B.; KNYAZLrVA, L. D.; TRITE, N. L.; PAKTORISYE. A.; ANZHELLOV, V. O~ Adenoviruses and infections caused by tZ i~ the- U.S.S.R. J. byg. spidem. 6 no.2:165-168 162. 1. IvanovBk3r Institute of Virology, Acadeny of Medical Sciences of U.S.S.R., Moscow. (ADENOVIRUS INnCTIONS) PAKTORIS., Ye.A.; SHAKHGILIDYAN, I.V. Anicteric forms of epidemic hepatitis and their epidemiological significanee. 25 no.5:71-78 Vq 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Is Instituta virusologii imeni D.I.Ivanovsko AMN SSSR (dir. - doyetvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. V.M.ZhdanOV50. (HEPATITIS, INFECTIOUS) PAKTMlS, Ye.A. Current problemB of the opidesiology and preventi-cm of Botkin's disease. Vest. AM SSER 18 no.6:55--66 163. (KMA 17: 1) PaT"j UlAt; kRM~xMoVAVk Iftaftext d ass% fam at btkic% diammo YLrwy L viros# nbolo notilul-U3 I"* CXIRA lAo2) 1 AXTU fil -', Y --, . A . i1ji. ~~ an r. T~ -,;-- ,; : - .- . , ~ ~ : . . .. - r-,- ~ , -- , - * - , - t . : . . r, ; ) , I , ti. - I r.,7~ ~ . -., i n. -- . r - . I ~~n~ , 1 t ,, , ,,. . ; -. I ,~, 1,*1-t~ , ~ ,, ,: r r. . . k ~, ~! G ;j I . :; 1. - r , . . _Ut - I . 1. 1- 1. ~ '. . ROGOLI, Yu.M.; PAKTORIS, Ye.A. Parenteral transmission .of hepa~i~.Ia in adults. no.qi167-173 164. (M:RA igt4) 1. Institut viruscilogil tmeni Ivanovskogo AMN &SSR. SHEYNBERGAS., M.M.; PAKTORIS __Ig.,,A, ; ROGOL' Yu.M.; PODSEDLOVSKIY, T.S.; TENI KAY TI TE T. I Tenitityte, M.1 Epidemic of infectious hepatitis in three northern districts of the Lithuanian S.S.R. no.91173-180 164. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Iz Villnyusskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo institul epidemiologii i gigiyeny i Institutia virusologii imeni iv&ncv- skogo AMN SSSR, Moskva. - I N, ~Yyll, G. -I..; PAKTt~'R,S, Ye.A - :-, 1 i nj c a I an(,, "r.;,,.-,rmo-ogi a! -I In n ' z -,;-- ,-t: I. - . , I ~,/ ml7a.,llrus. r--).9;l')t,,~~-,-4,7 ! . Ins t ~ t-ii t v," !-usc.,l.-)gi i ment lvptnovs k,,Fo AMN f'AK I'( IRT S, fe . .1, . Ga mma g D ii n n Lrleor-e '.1 ?a-! i'r-~-hlem-9 oi, i 1,3 me (i . iru s . r,c) .9 FLA Q I . Ivan u v :3 k -)p-~ o PV N S-- -S, M( s k PAKT9,RIZ,-Is.A.; KREYEK, Kh.Ya.; PODSEDLCVSKY, T.S., SPOTARENKO, FAYYE16HTEYN, S.G. Results of mass use of gama giobu~in auring the pre-epiiamic season in the prop~yiaxts of epLdemiv hepatitis. no.9:392-408 164. (M.'RA 18:4) SINAYNO, G.A.; PAKTORIS, Ye.A.; GORBUNOVA, T.I. late results of Botkinlo dinazwe following corticootaroid ',berarq. Sove mod. 28 no.8:106-111 Ag 165. (MIRA 18:9) 1. Klinicheskiy otdel (nau-.hnyy rukovoditell - prof. A.F.Bilibin, zav. - dotsent Ye*S.Ketiludze) Instituta virusologii imeni Ivanov- skogo (dir. - prof* V.M.Zhdanov) AMN SSSR na baze 82-Y Moskovskoy gorodskoy klinicheskoy infektsionnoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach - kand. med. nauk A.V.Yeremyan). PAR' ( 1l,', 'j I . A . ' -,( - ~ ',~c 1 i' *,, 1, 11 ~ , 11 . ), . x pr r i, - nt, vc jr, ir r!. r JILT- I i 1 y ?O-I;SENk)VSKIY, T.S.; I AK-t Ye.A. Results of r:a a i e JI in the Lithuanian S . Re,, Or L ','c,.,~ ~ a+ara *.i ve La effectiveness of varims dc),,~,-s ai-d mtl,))r,,js phylaxis of epidemic hepal i t 1 s. '.'hix. mikr--)tl e, i C1. 411 no.1:61-6(" Ja 165. 1. VIlInyusskiy instiLut ej.d-.Ie;i~~L,Iogil --' i:I."iytrq 41 virusologU irn. Ivanovskogo AMN SS."R. SPOTARMKO, S.S.; FAKTORTS, Ye.A. Results of experimmts an rationa-1 uae of gamma g',n~xilin In the prevention of infectious hepatitis. Zhur. mikrebiol., epid. I immun. 43 no. 102-56 Ja 166 (mlPA 19el) lo Mentrallnyy institut epidemiclogil Mini-sterstva adrhvookhra- neniya SSSH i 7nstitut virnsologii AMN SSSR imeni Ivanovskogo. Submitted December 9, 1964. ACC NR, AP6027597 SOURCE CODE: IIR/0248/66/0001008/0087/0092 AUTHOR: Zhdanov, V. M.; Shubladze, A. K.; Paktoria, Ye._A.; Anan'yev, V. A. ORG: Institute of Virology im. D. 1. Ivanovskiy, Academy of Medical ScienceaSSSR, Moscow (Institut virusologii AM SSSR) TITLE: Infectious hepatitis, Botkin's disease SOURCE: AMN SSSR. Vestnik, no. 8, 1966, 87-92 TOPIC TAGS: hepatitis, Botkins disease, epidemiology, public health D15FER3& (3010MOA. ABSTRAM Various aspects of Botkin's disease,-& ty*pe of infectious ,hepatitis, are analysed. Its principal victims are children -and young adults. The disease is one of the most widespread viral infections In the Soviet Union, and to move dangerous for children then for adults, Clinical aspects and a de- ,talled plan-.Zar Its prophylaxis are presented,, [WA-50; CB9 No. SUB ODDE: 06/ SUBM DATE: none PAKMRIS. Ye. A. &itbreak of Influenza A/Asia/57 during the spring of 1957 in an in- dustrial center. Van. virus. 4 no.1:27-30 Ja_y 159. (KIRA 12:4) 1. Klinika virusnykh sabolevaniy Instituta virusologii ANN SSSR, Koakva. (INFMNZA, epidemiol. A/Asia/57, in Russia (Rua)) /'kk TC K, '.' ~ C , 4. FAKTORIS, Ye.A.; VMNTSOVA. L.A. ss' CT'Inica ~ epidemiological characteristics of poliomyelitis ir, Lithuania in 1955. Zhur.mikrobiol. epid. I Immun. 28 no.10:129- 134 0 '57. (MIRA 10:12) 1. 12 viilnyusBkogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta I Saniterno- epidemiologicheakogo upravleniya Ministerstva zdrevookhronenlys Litovskoy SSR. (POLIOMYSLITIS, epidemiology, In Lithuania (Rue)) Tf~ nw. 77, W-3 C r, OV PArr,Tov.) j, r - I BOO~ ~L( A)ITATION SOV1390L Kuzin, Mikhail Daitriyevich, and Ivan Ivancivich Paktovskiy Teplotekhnicheskiye kontrollno-i=eritellnyye pribory (Heat-Engineering Control and Measuring Instruments) 3rd ed., rev. and eni. Moscow, Haahgiz, 1959. 40 p. 24,000 copies printed. Reviewer: Yu. G. Yaroshenko,, Candidate of Technical Sciences;lme- U-(Uml Bkwian Division, Mashgiz): T.M. Somova, Engineer; Tech. Ed.: N.A. Dugina. i7URME: Tftis textbook is intended for technical and trade schools. It may also be used by workers and foremen to improve their skill. COVERAGE: The book deals with measuring and control instruments used in heat en- gineering. The devices described are said to be all of Soviet design and lank Instructions are given for the installation,adJUstment, maintenance, and re- pair of these instruments. Problems of repair and adjustment of instruments during the erectica of industrial installations are stressed. The prospects for further development of Lnstruments and control devices operating on op- tico-aeouAtieal, ultrasonic, magnetic, and radioactive principles am Card 1/7 Heat-Engineering Control (Cont.) S(NI3902 discussed. Even wider application is predicted for electronic semiconductor instruments. No persorialities are mentioned. There axe 12 references.,all Soviet. TABLE OF CONTEM Foreword 3 Ch. I. Classification and General Characteristic of Control and Measuring Instrtiments 5 1. Purpose of control and measuring instraments 5 2. Classification of control and measuring instruments 6 3- Instrument accuracy 7 Ch. II. Distant-Reading Instruments 9 4. Basic methods of distant reading 9 5. Direct-current distant-reading instruments U 6. Alternating-current distant-reading Instruments 13 Review questions 14 Card 2/7 Ch. 1I-_. Ir_st_-=AnI~v 7. PrepBl.,_ree meaeuemsnt aad C~f InAtrumelits 8. IIq-:_':,.-type msr,~meters 9. Spe-Ing-type presPi_,f-:! sn,! vaca= gagep 10. Dia7hr-agx-type _Lre 9-ne. -fanitu gages 11. Dead-ve-Ight gage 12. Iteppir of pre-sFti:_-_a euid. ~~rs,mmi gages 13. D-.-&fl: an~- L-a zc.~zPA 14. and instruments 15. Rules for InstaileJ,"an ane. Fc-rricin,~ ~)f d-mft and low-pressure gr.6es Reviev questions, ~'h. TV. FIvId. ard 3ex 16. rwnte~n, 17. Throttling levices 18. RUIa L3 f C, r M aW 19. f -r Ll" t' r,!~ pipyi 20. Differential pra~~3tL:-D !~LW3eO 15 16 17 20 31 33 34 38 51 55 57 58 59 65 71 73 79 C ard 3/7 He&+.-Enx:Lr- - - - - ~'-- *. - ' I - *) - -, - ) 21. 22- 23. C 24. Fapa~ 25- U-j:~mr -m-Ic ReIrlirg S(YV/3902 a s, Lre gage a C31u-e ggg 6 ga,~es Oh. V. r ca 0 26. Met, - ~z-, t E, 1 1 ~ t j n of 27. 28. 1 29. Thd n, 3C. Raj~~-'-:- cif 3 - eclrii yyrameters 32. -r- it, -X millivoltmeters 33- 34. 35. P 36. rv-.' ~wu 37. Rs, E. ' jrL -1. 1-, v C ard 4 /7 lo,3 112 121 12 5 136 138 140 140 142 v16 158 173 191 193 215 219 228 260 Heat-Engineering Control C -..) 38. Measuring devices for resist&rce taermameters 39. Rules forinwtallation, adjustment, and servicing thermometers and ratimeters 40. Repair and checIdng of resistance thermometers and devices 41. Radiation pyrometers Review questions C"a. VI. Gas Analyzers 42. Puxpose and classification of gas analyzers 43- Manual (nonautomatic chemical gas analyzers) 44. Autmatic chemical gas analyzers 45. Autamatic mechanical gas analyzers 46. Autcmatic electrical gas analyzers 47- Magnetic gas analyzers 48. Optico-acoustical gas analyzers 49. Accessories for gas analyzers Reviev questions Card 5/7 SOV/3902 263 of resistance 272 measuring 274 285 310 313 313 314 321 323 325 339 345 ~46 354 Heat-Engineering Control (Cont.) Ch. VII. Specia-l-Puxpose Instruments 50. Planimeters 51- Beat- quantity meter 52. Instrments for measuring smoke density 53- Instruments for measuring humidity 54. Instruments for meaaaring salt content 55- Instruments for measuring oxygen content in water Review questions Ch. VIII. Individual and Central Heat-Control Panels 56. General principles of control-panel arrangement 57- Construction and installation of control panels 53. Location of instrLiaents con panels 59- Connections for control panels 60. Individual and central heat-control panels Review questions SOV/3902 Ch. IX. Autmatic Control 61. Control of industrial processes 62- Operating principle of automatic control systems and stability of autmatic control systems 355 355 357 353 359 36o 364 367 368 368 368 369 Y(,O Yja 371 372 TF2 373 %rd 6/ 7 Hest-Eng~_neering Control 1* ': -t.) SM/39D2 63. clamairication of control-lers 376 64. Self-actuated controllers 376 65. Relay-operated controllers 380 Review questions 394 Ch. X. Orgaalzation of Instrument Repdr 395 66. Organization of servicing of control and measuring devices 395 67. Organization of instrment repair 396 6B. Organizatlon of the work area 398 69. Safety regulations for work with mercury-containing instruments 400 Review questions 401 Bibllography 402 Subject Index 403 AMIABLE: T-4braxy cr.P C-Yngress (Qr,274.K8.1959) VK/PW/WP Card 7/7 8-26-60 PAKTOVSKTY. T. 1. and M. D. KTIZTN Teplotekhnicheskie kontro'no-imeritellnve Tr~brry; ustroistw., mont-,zh ', re:TIrrit. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1949. 297 p. diajr5. Bibliography: p. 294 Thermotechnical contrnll~nF and measuring instruments; working, principles, assembling and repair. 11C: '.~C274.KF 30: Manufacturing and Me-chLnic,l Engineering in the Soviet T!nion, LU;r,ry of Congress, 1~5~- PAKTOVSKIY. 1. 1. 7651. PAKTOVSKIY, 1. 1. -- Teplotekhnicheskiye kontrol'noizmeritellnvye pribory. (ucheb. posobive dlya remesl. uchillebeh). Izd. 2-ye. Ispr. I q0D. MOgkva- sverdlovsk. mashgiz, kuralo-sib. otd-niye). 1954. 400 a. a ill. 23 BM. 25.0D0 eks. (1-y zavod 1-5 tYB.) 7R. 90K. v per. --- bibliogr: a. 3Q7 (12 nazv.) -- (55-3745)P 621.036.5 & (011-.3) Mazanov, F. 2artiynaya organizatsiya zbvoIL v ber'be za vypolneniye pyatiletnego plana. (1-y gos. podshipnikovyy zavod im. L. M. Kaganovicha). -- sm. 7335 SO: ICnizhaa-va LetopEis'. V01. 7p 195~ XMI, Mikhail Dimitriyevich-, 'E~q!;A~IT.,.Ivanjvanovich; TAROSHMO, Tu.G.,*, retsenzant; DUG.T]U', -II.A.. (iost control and wasuring instrwmants) Teplotekhnichookie kontrollne-immeritel'rLye pribory. Izd-3-. impr. I dop. Moskva, Gon.nouchno-takhn.isd-vo mehinostrott.lit-ry, 1959. 408 P. (KIRA 13:3) (Heat engineering) . PAKTOVSKIY, Ya, V, (ftybyslie-,f) Tomographic refl----tiori of Kitaevlls reflex in some card i cva s cnulp-r disenses. nc.4;%1.16-U1 162- (y, 17- 1 15 ' 5 ) 1. Iz kafedry rentgenologii i radiclogii (zav. - prof. Ye.L. Kerash) Kuybyalierskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEK-DISEASES) (REFIEM) PAMVBKIY, 4-a-Aluftysher) Clinical roentgenological diagnostic posvibilities in intracardiac thrombi. 39 vo.1s54--60 Ja 161. (YMA 14 xl) lo Zz kafedry rentgenologii x radiologil (zav. - prof. Ye.L. Tevesh) Kaybyahevokogo meditsinakogo tistituta. (MM-DISUSIS) (THFXKBMIB) VOLOWSHINA. A.A.; PAUOVSKIY, Ya-V- (KuYbVsh6v) Case of diaphragmatic flutter. 37 no-2:125-126 F 159. (KIRA 12-3) 1. Is propedowtichaskoY terapewticheskoy kliniki (sav prof. S.T. ShentakDO I kafedry rentganologii i radiologii is-av. - prof. Ye.L. Kovesh) Lvbyehevskogo neditsinsitogo instituts. (DIAPHRAGM, die. flutter (RUB)) PAKTOVSKY, YA.V. Use of tomography in the diagnosis of intracardiac callcifica- tions. Vest. rent. i rad. 38 no.5:8-13 S-0063 (MIRA 16:12) 1. Iz kafedry rentgenologii i radiologii (zav. - prof. Ye.L. Kevesh) Kuybyshevskogo meditsinskogo instituta, FAKTOVSKI19 U.V.; ZADULISM.9 L.N. Roentgenodiagnosis of calcifications of the fibrms ring of the tricuspid valve. Vast. rent. i rad. 35 ro. 4:68-69 Jl-Ag 160. (MIRA 14:2) 1. Is kafedry rentganalagii i radialogii (7Ave - prof, Ye.L* Keveah) KPbyshevskogo meditainskogo iwtitutae IHEART-CALCIFICATION) ZH&VORONKOV, V.V.;- 4!~~OMKlyf Ta-.Y-- Angioeardiography in pulselesis diaease. Khim. med. 38 no.5:121- 126 My 160 MEA 13:12) ~ARTFJUES-DISMSES) (ANGIOCARDIOGRAPHY) PAKTL20S, E. E. FAE "Alenovin,F and inFe.,-Aic,l, c~,,Izei -f U~ "it - Rep rt tted "or Lhe ', st Intl or Resy, ratx6r,- Tract V-'rus and HickettEii!al G-in. P-t-c c-, 7pen. 23-27 Nay Ad NR, AP6021713 02 -1-0 SGURCE CODE: LM/0130/66/000/003/0 7 0287 A%,'"R: Monid, A. G.-. Benvakovsk M. A.; Smol _yarenko, D. A.; S'vtsov, G. V.; Tkachenko. E. V V., D'yakonova, -.S-;J~o I.; Pakudin, V. -P.; Sh 30gipatrov, V. T. 2ov,_ ORG: none TITLE: Production testing of 08Yu cold rolled low carbon steel' SOURCE: Metallurg, no. 3, 1966, 27-28 TOPIC TAGS: low carbon steel, deoxidation, cold rolling, quality control 08Yu steel ABSTRACT: Production testinp was carried out on nonaging 08Yu steel sheets at the Cherepovetsky Metallurgical Plant and the results were compared to the norms set by Co_sf~o~~7 C9. ~( I- e It in,( was carried out in single-grooved Martens furnaces of average ty-;--&oxi capaci dation~ly ferromanganese was done in steps--50% in the furnace and 50% in the ladle; Al war, also introduced in the ladle in quantities of,~10-150 g/T of steel while full deoxidation was accomplished by the addition of Al~'Oellets in quanti- ties of 900-1000 g/T. The chemical composition of O8Yu steel compared favorably with the standards set by GOST 9045-59 (experimentally--C=0.04-0.08%, Si=0.01%, Mn=Oi32- -0.38%, S=0.009-0.016%, P=0.01-0.01S%, Cr--0.01-0.03%, Ni=0.03-0.07%, Cu=0.02-0.07% and A190.02-0.05%). Ingots weighing 14T were hot relledAh 15-18 passes into slabs of Ct 621.771.24 Card 1/2 L 39980-66 ,kCC MR, Ak~621!i3 135-140 mm thickiss and 1070-1430 mm width on a 1150 bloom. These slabs were next co.'~d rolled to aximum of 68% reduction into sheets of 2.5-3.5 rnm thickness and 1040- -1430 mm width. nnealing was done at 5500C for 10 hrs at a heating rate of 150/hr - and cooling was at 60/hr. The final operation was a finishing pass at 1.0-1.3% reduc- tion. Tests made on the sheets after aging at 2000C for 30 min subsTjantiated that the steel was nonaging. The sheets performed well in stamping jestsl3fhich were run un- der the stamping conditions used at the Gor1ky Automotive Plant. Orig. art. has: 1 table. SUB CODE: 11,14/ SUBM DATE: none .cam 2/2 C "IT: ATE C. P? AN r-. 51f 7 1)`,". No-3, 3~!-"5 C, 'g. FAKUDIN, Z.A.,, kand. sellskokhoz. nauk; GWFJiOVSKAYA, L.J. Differentiated cu2slivation of aoll. Zemledelie -,7 no.7:4~-5~, il 165. (KTIRA 18:7j 1. Yxasnodurskiy nauchno-Issledovatellskiy institut se.1'skogo khozyaystva (for Glukhavskaya). 9WJ1._2aA&._kand. sell skokhazyaystvennykh nauk Use the acblevemate of the Kramnodsw Agricultural Research Insti- tute to fulfill the seven-year plarA ahead of time. 7Amledello 8 no-12:32-20 D 160., (MIRA 13:11) I.,Dlrektor Xrasnodarokago nauchno-issledovatel'skogo Ilotituta sel'skoga khosymp tva. (Kmmdar Territory-Agriculture) -LA8346.1 -RD! A cc. AP50 IRA Alk, MaHkovit I pwbAl ~:k- jwthod, for.:**" 1112/01 lov itrols:,. Cl"s 45 fi~bomwd by North s So- 175789 hWtOJ*til6i4 SADYEOV, A.S.,akademik; PAK~PjU,,I.P-.,--BUZITSKOVA, Ye.P.; GW-KIVUfW. A.Sh.; ILUNDULNOV, A.; ISAUV, Kh. Acewmilation dynamics of the reducing sugars. oropnic aelds. pectic and tanning substances in the leaves and locks of some varieties of cotton. Uzb.khIn.zhur. no.6:41-48 1 58. (MIRA 12:2) 1. AN USSSR (for Sedyk-ov). 2. Inatitut khtmil rastitellnykh veshchestv AN UzSSR (for all). (CotJon) (Biochemistry) PAKLTINA, Z.P.; SADIKOV, A-S., akadouLik "-erce tin- i-sopharoBide from the fiorwers of *-?~e ~N-31F varle',-~ of notton (Goasypium barbadenuej . bokl. AN Uz. z,SF! 21 I.o,P: 30-32 16.). ( 11-1; 1 P.A i 9 : i , 1. Nauclino-issledavate-'Iskiy,,ill ktimii I teklinologi.1, khlopkovoy tsellyulozy pri GosFlane SSSS. 2. AkadsTrAya nauK UzSSR (for Sadykov), (diss ) PAJ:Ml:ZA,, Cand Ciiern Sci --~IStudy of her-o:.sis wLU alterniflora Z~~darivativos of cvtisi.-,.a." ,.o,-,se of ,kcad Sci UzSS'~, 1' '-8. 10 pp (Aca~ Sci z e SS~~. -:~st of Chen of '1;3--etative Siibsta-icos). 1,10 copios. (111, 3l'-s"i, :-)~O i 7 SADYKOV, A.S.; j2-KIIDINU_'..V-- S6me substances from -,-cttcn bloascmj. T.aahGU rio,263. nim.naukli no.13--M-93 164. (MIR-A 2888) PAJqTDINA. Z,P,; SAsDYN07) A95a; DETELTM, 'Fa.'Ke - Fluvonolo f~rom *hjn3Ut'.,-" 1,0 (ootton g-owth rr.,M. prired.-tood. 1:67.,'70 Q5. (MIRA l8s6) 1, HauchnL-~-,-sfi.*'y .1raTjurb khimi~ i I.tkhno:Lcgli khl.opkovoy tteEtVulozy Gosudarstveamogo ktjm1~,,%jta ;lrozyshlqanosti Irl Gosplaills SSSR, U--slikem- SADTKOV, A.S.. akaden1k: PAKUDINA, Z.P. X~,-,*. Paper chronstorraphIc determination of ougars in cotton leaves. Dokl.A3 Uz.SSR no.9:27-29 156. (MIRA 12:6) 1. Institut khiuli AN UzSSR. 2. AN UzSSR (for Sadykov). (Cntton) (Sugara) (Pap'sr chromatography) IFAMIRA, Z.F.; )1YUNMV, S.Yu., akademik Therm"Is alterniflora alkaloids. Izv. AN Uz. SSR Ser. khin. usuk uo*2:69-,f5 157. (Xilu 11: 8) I.Al 'Us.SSR (for-Tunusev) (Alkaloids) SANKOV, A.S., akademik; PAKUDINA, Z.P. Certain substances isolated from cotton leaves. Dokl. AN Uz. SSR no.8:31-34 '58. (MIRA 11-9) l.Institut khimii AN UzSSR. 2.AN UzSSR (for Sadykov). (cotton) (Plants--Chemical composition) .i .- .. ~. - ....... , . PAKUL, A.K. -1 .. .... . Use of the PSh-0.4 loader for digging trenches. Vemt.sviazi 25 no.2-.28 F 165. (WIRA 18:6) 1, Neaballnik lalmiyerskogo ETUS Letviyakoy SSR. PAKULI, N Rannie burzhuaznye revoliutail POLAND/ Microbiology. General Microbiology F-1 Abs Jour g Ref Zhur - Biol., No 2, 1958, No 5o85 Auth or 1 Pakula Osovetakly, Yr-~ysyxpnt Inst 9 Not given Title FIsolation and Purification of Hyaluronidase of Hemolytic Streptococcus 'croup C. Orig Pub Med. doswiad. i mikrobiol., 1957, 99 No 2, 189-194 Abstract Of 30 strains of hemolytic streptococci Groups A,, B, C and D, the most active one is a strain of Group C which forms hyaluronidase with Ti activity of 1G0-120 units per ml of medium containinF extract of he2rt muBcle, partly purified of protein, liver extract, peptone, glucose, and mineral salts. Card 1/,',- PAKnA, Adela A cane o" -)Pk~rinost!,. I.Pwmat,,Iogia (darBz." The gouty kidney - patI.-)genesis of hyperuricer-1a and pathoaenic role of the kidney. Ibid.:313-321 1. Z I Oddzialu InHtytutu Reum8tologicmego w Warszdwi-, (Kierownlk: doc. dr med. Jadwiga Pagowska-Wawrzynska DyrekLor Instytutii, dr med.,4. Bruhl). WAWRZYNSKA-PAGOWSKA., Jadwiga; BRZEZI'NSKA,, Blandyna; GRAFF-WROBLEWSKA, Teresa; _PAjWjAO,__Adpja; WORIK-SCISLOWSKA, Maria; wspolpracowala: BACZYNSKA, Krystyna Behavior of C-reactive protein in chronic progressive arthritis. Reumatologia (Warez.) 3 no.3:225-229 165. 1. Z I Oddzialu Reumatologicznego Instytutu Reumatologicznego w Warazawie (Kierownik: doc. dr. med. J. Wawrzynaka-Pagowska) i z Zakladu Mikrobiologii i Serologii Instytutu Reumatologiemego (Kierownik: doc. dr. med. Z. Swierezynaka). P-k~ ,V,LA ,Adela; AR,.P,':('.tlA, Z-bignt~w A rare case of Felty's syndrome and p8orlaals. Reumatologia (Warsz., 3 no.3:29"1-298 165. 1. 7 1 Oddzialu Reumato-logicznego instytutu Reumatologl~znego w Warszawic (Kier~,vnilk: dr, -aied. j. Fagowska-Wawr7yTskft; Dyrekt.or InstytULL;.- dr. med, W. 9r6hl:. JAKUBIKp Adam, inz.; PARULA, Irena, inze; STWELp 3MMINWre Lime decarbonization of water and its coagulation with ferrous sulfate. Energetyka Pol 17 no.12t358-361 D163. GORSKAL, J.: PAKULA, K. Preliminary investigations an the serologic classification of strep- tococet. Ned.dosw.Mlkrob. 2 no.2:239-240.1950. OWL 20:6) 1. Summary of the report given at 10th Congross of the Polish Micro- biological and Apidemiological Society heldin Mansk, Sept. 1949. (Warsaw) Pakula, L._ The industrial landscape along the Katowice--Krakow railroad track. p. 152. GEOML" W SZKOLE. (Ministerstwo Oswiaty, Polskie Towarzystwo Geogxaficzne) Warszawa, Poland, Vol. 12, no. 3 May/June 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 8, August 1959. Uncla. PARIA.,'Le82ek, Mgr. (Xrakov Xr,,ul. R02ana 9, M.4) A course on the methods of geography of industry orgarized by the Pippertment for Scientific Affairs of the Polish Geographical Society in Oswiecim, July 2 - 4, 1960. Czaeopismo, Geografiesne 32 no.2t251-- 253 161. tmkodm of oftm T Imm P Isaw) rallm m4n.- "s, rl( Autirm T is exid by 1*01ina & fAls- P;W-km .4 at Mil fur III Min. am) di"ins "ilb pro4volyfor ramysm. (d. m1holl. CA A. 12W .11.1 L-mrfidd mA Uolr. C J. 41. ",Jstj)~ By &jjSjug She ppIll lorlbod a timmm cc "Mar ametAgre T 6 ioUted Imus dif. ferent typ" of Group A bnnoWir "amm . Tbr bmt kability of them antiMs varin Zmng an the strain of ihr streptcwmi Find an thr attlam in wbkb tbry we Pown. W"W P"ll 'St Pq*'% took OVIWU "livity '10 mim , beating at 1401)" but fi4nd"* grown in oulfirill a n . broob "h iyh% gliavw &m Aakvily Art, 5 min. at IWO 1. Z. k. PAVnA. R. -.1--.11 - I Anttstr,~ptococcal aalutinins in sera of healthy subJect. Med. dow. m1krob., Warez 3 no. 3:311-319 1951. (CLML 21:3) 1. Of the National Institute of Hygiene, Varsaw. FAMRA, R. Variability of polysaccharldoe In hamolytic streptoccol; anal'-at" of the howAgglutination and precipitation method. Ned. doev. -Akrob., Wares. 4 no. 2:197-216 1952. (CLML 22:4) 1. Of the National Institute of Hygiene In Warsaw. PAKUIA, R.$RABCZYNSKA, F. Differentiation of coagul&se positive @train* of staphylDcocci with specific bacteriorhage. Ned. doew. mikrob., Wares. 4 no. 3: 305-306 1952. (CIAL 23:3) 1. Summary of work progress presented at 11th Congress of Polish Microbiologists held in Krakow Kay 1951. 2. Warsaw. FAKUm, R. Anti-straptococcal onlatinixg In the blood of norma subjects. Med. doxv. m1krob., Wares. 4 no. 3:345-346 1952. (CIAL 23:3) 1. Summary of work progress presented at llth Congress of PolIFA Microbiologists hold In Krakow May 1951. 2. Warsaw. PARUIA, R.;TMHANDWICZ, Z. Penicillin therapr and problem of early ambulatIon In scarlet fewer. Pediat. polska 27 no. 6:695-708 June 1952. (CLML 22:4) 1. Of the National Institute of Hygiene (Director-Prof. P. Prsessycki, M. D.) and of the Second Pediatric Clinic (Head-- Prof. J. Bogdanowics. M. D.) of Warsaw Medical Academy. r"-Mk, R.; TYC, M.; W.-ILLCZAr-, W. liBacteriolytic Activit~r of q Straiii of Sarcina Lutea." P. 29',v (AC:-'.;. I-IICRCBIL)--LGICA F,ik ~C,, Vol. 2, No. 4, 1953, Warszawa. Poland. 1 SO: Monthly List of East Nuropean Accessions. (~YAL), LC, Vol. ), No. 12, Dec. 19~4, Uncl. PAKUJA, R. ; RLBCZYNSKtL. F. ; UIMU. H. ~ .. ~, -- -~ Phosphatase as index of pathogenicity of staphylococci. Med. doev. mikrob. 5 no.1:71-76 1953. (CIAL 24:5) 1. Of the State Institute of Hygiene In Warsaw. F. Studios on differentiation of Stapbylococcus pyogenes with specific bacteriophages. Ned. doev. mikrob. 5 no.2:197-209 1953. (CIML 25:1) 1. Of the State Institute of Hygiene in Warsaw. streptotoctl war.,( 7vitfUtlorii hi-vid 0 r -fit aj t W:of- Aiwa m _,V. - iFA gly 1, -hu -.111 IPA'W It il,~~ y (Vuatil~, N"a"It, tive P-aim-Ift-stimilt.' Pit)-siol. chwijiis trap m of-fluott ~--R i4 - Ll- Al io,,w n 0 3 V . I , 111N -~,f tit ln,~-(9-11 M " 'J-ti T4 4;jtal jvfMi-4i ks -wc -ton-im ~t iii- illldl It---3k:i -~,h ji,cproti- .4 ffil j I I Ah4 Elf ;4c, nt c r 7. OCC- Fourth rte dow Th / --"-/ "t- 6 ' /-'/ '-, , EXCERPTA I-MICA Sec.7 Vol-11/3 Pediatrics Har 57 765. _F"ULA R., RABCZYftKA F.. DOBRZASKI W. T.. EYSYMONTT L, SOSNOWSRA A., BUDZYNOWSKA J. and Z. Patistwowego Zak#. Hig. i Zakt. Microbiol. i Hig. Akad. Med. . Warszawa. *Wratliwogd na antybiotyki gron- kowcdw izolowanych w rOznych drodowiskach. (Rola drodowiska szpitalnego w rozsiewaniu opornych szczap6w). Antibiotic sensitivity of staphylococci from various groups. Hospitalization as a factor in spreading antibiotic- resistant staphylococci MED.D04W.MIKROBIOL. 1955. 4(399-407) Antibiotic sensitivity of potentially pathogenic staphylococci isolated from young babies in pathological cases, from hospitalized patients with typhus and typhoid fever, from parturient women in a maternity hospital and from furuncles of miners undergoing ambulatory treatment, was investigated. On admission, the staphylococcal carrier rate in the fernale group was about 12%. in the typhus and typhoid fever group about 50%. At least half of the isolated strains on admission were penicillin- sensitive. On discharge the carrier rate of penicillin- resistant strains in the above-mentioned 2 groups was 66% and 90%. The infection of patientm in hospitals with antibiotic- resistant staphylococci is related to the high carrier rate of resistant strains among the hospital staff. By means of phage typing it was observed that antibiotic - sensitive strains found on admission are replaced by re- sistant strains during hospitalization. This phenomenon of replacement is observ- ed also in cases not treated with antibiotics; it seems therefore not to be connected with actual antibiotic treatment. While about 80% of staphylococci isolated in the hospitals were penicillin- resistant and many of them were multiple resistant, the amount of penicillin-reslatant strains Isolated from furuncles of non-hospitalized miners was only 12%. Dobrzaftki - Warsaw (XX.4,7) CHRAPOVICKI, Tadauss; PAKUIA, R.; PATUROWA, T.; BUDZTNMSKA, J. Antistreptolysins in children with rhomatic fever. Pedlat. polska 30 no.12:1137-1144 Dec(55- 1. 2 Oddzialu Vewnetranego Kisjokiego Szpitala Dzieciecego Nr' 1. V ~arssawte. lisrownik Oddsialu: prof. dr. sod. T.Chrupo- Vicki i Z\Dzial"7 Ziarenkowcow)'Panstvowego Zakladu Higieny v Warssawis Irierownik: prof. dr. R.Pakula. Warszawa, Krakowskle Prsedmiescie 16/18 a. 27. (BTRNFTOLYSIN. antagonists antistreptolysin in rhe=atic fever in child) (RHXUKATIC FNVIIR, diag. antistreptolysin-0 teBt in child) 7 ~7 pm DO od -00 PAKULAI R STRAGOWSKA, W.; PAKULSKA, J.; OSVIBCINSKA, H.; RABCZTNSKA, F.; _7MASZZK' Z. Course of scarlet favor In children treated with penicillin and hospitalized In general wards with normal admissinn of patients to wards. Pediat. polska 32 no.1:83-93 Jan 57. 1. Z Panstwowego Zakladu Higiony w Waresavie Dyrektor: prof. dr. mod. F. Przoarycki I Miejoklego Szpitala Zaimznego Nr 1 w Waresawle Kierownik naukowy: prof. dr. J. Bogdanowics. Adres: Warszawa, ul. Wolska 37, 111nike, Chorob Zaimsnych Dxieci. (SCARLET FWM, ther. penicillin in non-isolated hosp. wards (Pol)) (PRECILLIN, ther. use scarlet fever, in non-isolated hoop. wards (Pol)) 4 1101 12/1() j'P(!icI;1 I-Acrol-,. Get 'P EXrV.P?'r" r)TC." 9p,! 3086. TRANSFORMATION REACTIONS BETWEEN STREPTOCOCCI, PNEUMO- COCCI, AND STAPHYLOCOCCI - P akula R. , Ilulanicka E. and Walclak W. Dept ' of Bacteriol. I Si. Inst. 5Y yg., Warsaw - BULL. ACAD. POL. SCL C L. 2 1958, 6/8 (325-328) Tables 2 Cross-transformation reactions to streptomycin resistance between pneumococci and streptococci (viridans streptococci, Streptococcus o.b.e and group H haemo- lytic streptococci) could easily be produced, both when these strains were used as recipients and as donors. The pneumococcus strain was also transformed by DNA extracts from Streptococcus salivarius and from haemolytic streptococci of groups C and H, but no transformation was observed when enterococci or staphylococci were used as donors. Of all the streptococcal strains tested, only Streptococcus s.b.e. type VU and the strain Challis of group H were transformed to streptomycin- resistant strain by DNA extracts of a given streptomycin-resistant strain of staph- Y10cocevs. Hulanicka - Warsaw Pakula, R. and others. Environmental conditions of transformation of pneumococci; the role of al~'Umin. p. 97. ACTA MICROBIOLOGICA POLONICA. (Polskie Towarzyntwo Milgrobiologow. Sekcja Mikrobiologii Ogolnej, Rolniczej i Przemyslowej). Warszawa, Poland, Vol. 7, no. 2, 1958. Monthly list of East European Accessions (UAI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 8, August 1959. Uncla. E) ~n F 17k UL /9 POIAVID/Cherrical TociniAo,-v - Cic-L-Ical Pinducts aad Their H Ap-licat-ijia- Syit'.-ctic and Natural Meciciual SUI~s- tauces. Galelicala a-,ml Dediciiial F-.xss- Abs JDur Hof Z:.ur KIzd3,-aI'-, 10; 1959, 36T,)5 AutIn -)r Paltula - R SznIellski.. J. IT.St -=~~ Title A Metlod of Obtaiiii,-- St-nble Altm-u;:i Acetate -f a Da3ic Character fir Medici~nl Purposes. Orit., Pub '.eta pol-)n. -,)!1aruc., 1953, 15, iTo 4, 297-2903. .11 11~stract I.: -)rifter V) -)btai.: a sta'Ac prLxluct, the f`.)11-.)vi..z, .-,o- tlijd is mcDY-nunderl-. s-ilid annuaiv~.i alws are Oiss-'Lveo.. with stir-i--!,'; In a 12~ aqueous s-)luti):, cD',tai 5.5 1"Is Of' -..:40H T,)er 1 -.u1 of t,~o i.'- 30 vhe- tha ~-H -A t'-Q soluti-.)., ruac!.cs 7, 1 ..iol of a 121~ ('11HOCC3 e solutio,i is added, the reactiiii takes place at ab,j-,,,t 30" L. 0.5-1 h.)ur. 7w i',r..icd Al(oh)..7 i-, by ').51;, O-MOC03 -1-t(1 'r' acle"Oc" wit, stirriii,,,to CH 3COOH Card 1/2 EXCERPTA XEDICA Sec 4 Vol 12/11 Fed. Micro. Nov 59 3460. ALBUNUN AS SENSITIZING FACTOR IN TRANSFORMATION OF PNEUMO- COCCI TO STREPTOMYCIN RESISTANCE - Pakula R. Fluder Z. Walczak W. and ZakrzewsKI K St. Inst. ol Hyg. Warsaw - SCHWEIZ. Z. ALLG. PATH. 1958 ' 21/6 i 1119 -1126) Tables 4 Four serum albumin preparations were tested as factors I sensitizing' pneumococcal cells for transformation to streptomycin resistance. One preparation containing a considerable amount alp-globulin (8%) and causing agglutination of R pneumococci in a concentration of 0. 2% was effective . R agglutinins may be an essential f actor in the transformation of R pneumococci to streptomycin resistance. Hr.~FJITA F-010A Sec 4 Vol 12/8 Med. Micro. Aug 59 2298. PHAGE-RESISTANT VARIANTS OF GROUP A AND C BETA -HAENIOLYTIC STREPTOCOCCI -Lber phagenresistente Varianten der Gruppen A und C h3mo- lytischerStreptokokken -Pakula R. and Walczak W. Staatl. Inst. fur Hvg., *arschau - ZBL. BAKT.__r_AP"RIG. 1958. 171/8 (606-611) Tables 2 * Phage-resistant variants were obtained from the group A strain 'Matthews* and the group C strain C4, 4 from the former and 2 from the latter strain. These variants did not react like the parent strains. One group A variant reacted with group C serum and its antiserum reacted with the group C strains. Another group A variant reacted with anU-sera of both group C variants and its antiserum reacted with both group C variant strains. All these variants had polysaccharides with relations of rhamnose and glucosamine different from those of the parent strains. The 2 re- maining group A variants were anhaemolytic. reacted only with their own anti-sera, ad day had polysacchari4es containing galactose. De Moor - Utrecht PAKUIA -,. R. -, HUIAN IGKk. N. ; WAIAMAK. V. Sensitivity to ultraviolet irradiation oi the streptomWcin-re- sistance activity in transfording ML of different bacteria. Bul Ac Pol Biol. 7 no.6:217-222 159 (AMI 9:6) 1. Department of Bacteriology. State Institute of Hygiene, Warsav presented by J. Holler. (Ultraviolet rays) (Streptoorcin) (Deoxyribomalsic aolds) (Bacteria) A _E*:i-'j'A MIDIrA 3ec 4 Vol 13/6 Xe6- Yiero. June 6C 1973. ErFrc,r or UV 11MADIATION ON 'rilk, MARKER IN TIM ENDLK;Fl,l.( "I( AND PRINCIPLE - -Pakula It. , Kownlaka J. and Ifulanicka L' - BULL. ACAD. POL. SCITUTTIM 7/ D (345-351) Graphs 3 Tables 3 The investigations were made with DNA extracted from streptomycin-resistant 11. influenzae strains. Diplococcum pneumonine and i group It haemolytic strepto- coccus. Streptomycin resistance activity wab tn~naured in the trunaformatInn ie- actions. It was damaged by UV ir *radiation of Ow Pneuntococcus and It. influenzat, cells in lower degree than irradiation of the toolatcd DNA. Activity of DNA of the streptococcus was diminished in the same dearee b) ij eadiation of tLe cells or the isolated DNA. PAKIJLL,R.; KOWA16U,,J.; HUIANICKA.B. affect of ultraviolet rays on streptomycin-resistance index In the andocellular and Isolated transforming principle. Cesk. epidem. mikrob. imun. 8 no.6:369-375 N 159. 1. Bakteriologicke oddeleni Statniho ustavu hygieny ve Varsave. STRXMX!rCIN Pharmacol. ) TRAVIOLET RAYS eff.) K PAKULA, R. Soil improvements in the years 1959-1965. P. 56. GOSPODARKA WODNA, (Naczelna Organizacia Techniczna) Warszawa, Poland. Vol. 19, no. 2, Feb. 1959. Monthly list of Nst kropean Accessions Index (EUI), LC, Vol. 8, ro. 6, June 1959 uncla. See 4 Vol 12/11 Fed. Yiero. Nov 59 3537,TRANSFOR.M.ATION REACTIONS SE-.Q:FN DIFFERENT -SPECIES OF STREPTOCOCCI. AND BETWE:~N S.PEPTCFCOCCI PNEU.C/CCPCC- A%-DSTAPHYLOCOCCI -Pak,; a P. . H_'an;cKa E arc wa: C z a A W. Baceriol I>ep,... A. "-sa-& - SCFA`EIZ- Z AL,_G PATH- 1~59. 22 2 1232-214, Tab'es z Eighty-three strains zif s*rep'.ococci and one s'.-ran ~,' pre-_=, :,,cc-s here Pxp-,sed to DNA extracted frorn stre;~toznvcn-resistan* s-rep-,Gcocc.. ~ne.;MOC,,cc. And staphylococci. Tran3formaz:on to s1.,eP,.oM*. C.-. rests-.ance -4 1!, prod_;ced wi,*,!~ Iviricians- streptocccc-,. S. sze. and group 9 s:reptococc-. T, ne * ransformable streptococci incorporated DNA extracts of different spcc;es of streptucoce: and pneumococci. These extracts were also ncor;>ora*ed by the pneumococcus. Of all tested species. only S. sbe and group H streptococci were transformed by staphylococcaa DNA. PAKUIA, R.; HULANICKA, E.; WALCZAK, W. Inhibition of transformation In Streptococcus sbe by deswWribonucleie acids of different origin. 1~il Ac Pol biol 8 no.2:49-55 160. (UAI 10:4) 1. Department of Bacteriology, State Institute of Hygiene, Warsaw. Presented by E.Mikulaszek. (STREPTCCOCCUS) (DEOXYRIB M CLEIC ACIDS) PAKULAp R.; HULANIGKA-BANKOWSKAt Ee; WALCZAK, W. Photoreactivation of UV damaged streptoWc:Ln resistance marker in transforming DNA of 3treptococci and pneumococci. Bul Ac Pol biol 8 no-7:269-274 160. (ERAI 10:4) 1. Department of Bacteriology, State Institute of Hygiene, Warsaw. Vzoaonted by R.Mikulassek. OMMOCOCCUS) (STREPTOCOCCUS (DBOXrRIMCLEIG ACIDS) (UTLRAVIOLET RAYS) KOVAISTA . Janina; PA , Roman Attempted isolation of resistant to ultraviolet rays strains of Streptococcus and Diplococcus paeumoniae. Med.doew.mikrob. 12 no.2:125-129 160. 1. Z Zakladu Bakteriologli PZH w Warazavie. (ULTRAVIMM RAYS) (STRUTOCOCCUS) (DIPLCCOCCUS PNEUMORIAE) FAKULAP It.; WALGZAK, W.; SHUCAR, Inactivation of the streptomycin resiatance markers of three speciea of bacteria by ionizing radiation. Acta biochim. polon. 8 no-4:/J3- 425 161. 1. Departments of Microbiology and Biochemistry, State Institute of Hygiene, Warszawa (STREPTOMYCIN) kULTHAVIOLLT RAYS) (moxylawnucuic ACID metab) (HADIATION EFj-'j!,CTS) (BACTERIA radiation eff) - FAUIA, R.; HULANICKA-BANNOWSKA, E. Streptowein and di4droetreptoiWein resistance marker of two transformable strains of Streptococal. Bul Ac Fol b1ol 9 no.2: 79-85 '61. (zUI lot 9/10) 1. Department of Microbiology and Hygiene, School of Medicine, Waraw, and Department of Bacteriology, State Institute of Hygiene, Warsav. Presented by E. Mikulassek. (S CIN) (STHMOCOCCUS)