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XRASIOVSKIY, A.A.; VOROBIYBVA, L.M.; PAXSRINA Ye.V. Studying the photochomic&lly active form of chlorophyll in plants belonging to different systematic groups [Vith summry in English]. Tiziol.rast. 4 no.2:124-133 Mr-Ap '57. (MLRA 10:5) l.Institut biokhImdI Im. A.N. Bakha Akademli nauk SSSR, Moskva. (chlorophyll) AUTHORS: Krasnovskiy, A. A., Pakshina, Ye. V. SOVI 2o-12o-3-40/6-7 TITLE: The Properties of Pho1WrUMu-c_ed_F'orms of Chlorophyll, Proto- chlorophyll and Haematoporphydn, as Dependent Upon the Con- ditions of the Acid-Base Equilibrium (Svoyetva fotovosstanov- lennykh form khlorofilla, protokhlorofilla i gematoporfirina v svyazi s usloviyami kielotno-oonovnogo ravnovesiya) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol. 12o, Nr 3, pp. 581-584 (USSR) ABSTRAM In the reaction of the reversible photoreduction of ohloro- phyll and of its analogues the excited molecule receives one electron from the donor molecule, a pair of ion radi- cals being formed by this process. This reamtion is easily reversible and after the electron transfer an acid-base equilibrium is established acoording to the properties of the medium. The latter is connected with a subsequent proton transfer and with the formation of more stable reduced forms, which "accumulate" the energy of light quanta. An accumula-- tion of such photoreduced pigment forms is only found in media with a certain basicity. The authors investigated the Card 1A velocity of the reverse reaction of the photoreduced pigment SOV/2o-120-3-4o/67 The Properties of Photoreduced Forms of Chlorophyll, Protochlorophyll and Haematoporphyrin, as Dependent Upon the Conditions of the Acid-Base Equilibrium forms and their absorption spectra in media with a varying basicity, in this instance proceeding from the same concep- tions. For this purpose distilled pyridine and piperidine and ammonia water solution were used. An evacuated tube with a reaction wixture was illuminated by a cine-lamp with 500 Watts at 2o for the purpose of photoreduotion. In a second experimental variant the base was only introduced after air had been admitted. It can be seen from Table I that the said reaction of chlorophyll regeneration from its photoreduced form with an absorption maximum at 52o mp proceeds relative- ly slowly. After the introduction of a strong base (piperi., dine or ammonia) the absorption at 52o mp drops rapidly, and the inLtial chlorophyll regenerates already during the first minute. A later introduction of oxygen does no longer change the absorption at 670 mA and 520 mp. Figiire 2 shows the accelerating effect of piperidine and ammonia on the re- generation of thqinitial chlorophyll and of its photoreduced forms. Other experiments were conducted with the introductlon of one of the mentioned bases into the reacting mixture after Card 2/4 the reaction of photoreduction, the mixture being cooled to sovl 2o-120-3-4o/67 The Propertien of Photoreduced Forms cf Chlorophyll, Protochlorophyll and Haematoporphyrin, as Dependent Upon the Conditions of the Acid--Base Equilibrium -4007 and after atmospheric oxygen had been admitted to it. In this case the said reaction was markedly accelerated. Identical experiments with phaeophytine yielded no spectral changes, which would correspond to the spectrum of the primary forms (as in Ref 4). When phenylhydrazine was used for the reduction, the r-th form is produced, which after the addition of a few drops of piperidine is immediately transformed into chlorophyll. Thus it is just the bases which have an effect upon the reaction power of the reduced pigment forms. There are 4 figures and 7 references, 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut biokhimi-I im. A. N. Bakha Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Biochemistry imeni A. N. Bakh,AS USSR) MSENTED: January L ~ 1958, by A. N. Terenin, Memberv Academy of Sciences, USSR Card 3/4 3OV/2o-120-3-4o/67 The Properties of Phctoreduced Forms of Chlorophyll, Protochlorophyll and Haematoporphyrin, as Dependent Upon the Conditions of the Acid-Base Equilibrium SUBMITTED: January 16- 1958 3. Chlorophylls--Photochemical reactions 2. ChloropliVils --Properties 'I. Porpl,,yrins--Properties 4. Acid-base equilibri-Lm Card 4/4 FAKSHINA, Ye.V.; K~Lr-.SlJ0V-`KIY, ~.A. Study o~ tht- of cr.lurfmihyll, b&clpr'r7,--*-.!oro7,hyll, bacter'~ovlridln, L;rotochloroplyll an,' the effect of lif7hl. on t,;,ie reaction. B~,Ahlmiia 29 no.6t1132-1142 N-~' 164. (mj~'P, lp:L~) I* - I ' '~:-R, MoilivL. 11 Trietivit. hickhimii imerit A.N.Ba~hm N, .1 . May 14, 29640 KWNDVSKIY, A.A.; ~KS~INA, Ye.V. - Comparative study of the formation of pheophy-tiniq from chlorophyll and its analogs in the dark and in light. Dokl. AN &SSR 148 no.4t935-938 F 163. (MIRA l6s4) 1. Institut biokhimil im. A.N. Bakha AN SSSR. 2. Chlen- korrespondent AN SSSR (for KrasnovBki ) (Pheophytinal * wi - i. APOSence --or .40 no ga O-A kly---affo tA~~ z ~ , 0 Strangth of the :.bohdo Ight aacelerated the- I zat. on of hoo~hjti 17,11 prot6chlorophyll. -in _aque6Us.-p p, ____ ' qridino solutions. 0.-- ldh~ th ',-,c 6 S from that --jiff r za 7~ -oh-, Axft.' 1-1-i'the--photoreduc- b t- _di&6_t4n9i Ad ~Wb _thtm me W, 1- red '.,X_ saftanin a.0 "-b "Pho ibI'It`,'_ tophe6ph_yt topheophy- z ~Y NSW .4M Ox of :V, olenoes SSSR2 ENO L 00 0 E,:- LS-, IMPU', so 1A f 7 q - ....... ....... A4": KRASNOVSKIY, A.A.; DROZDOVA, N.N.,--PAKSIII14A, Ye.V. -------- Effect of carotene on photochemical properties of chlorophyll. Biokhimiia 25 no.2:288-295 Mr-Ap 160. OUPA 14:5) 1. Institut biokhimii im. A.N.Bakha Akademii nauk SSSR, Moskva. (CARMNE) (CHLO11OPHYLL) niASNOVSKrY. A.A.; P4qfWIHA. To. V. Iffect of"i6id-base equilibrium on the properties of photoreduced forms of chlorophyll, p1rotochlorophyll and henotoporphyrin. Dokl. AN SSSR 120 no. 3-.581-584 My 158. (MMA 11-7) 1. lustitt4 biokhisti im. A.N.Dakho AN SSSR. Predstavleno skadamikom A.N.Tereninyu, (Chlorophyll) (Protochlorophyll) (Hens top orphyri n) 7. , 1, , "', ;. : . , 70~-~ 3,T- L. 137~zl VA, Ii. I.T., "Different o' ',hloro-)~vl'j ani its Analo-.ues ani t)eir Role In or ',iotoche, ~.-al '~leclr--)n (or ivlr,) - nll Transfer." Report -n-sentr, ! ~t t e Wi Int-.rnational I qt-v -'on 7rv9s, 1',-l~ Au-.iist 9~1 7 (3) AUTRORS'. Krasnovskiy, A. A., Pakshina..Ye. V. TITLE: The Photo,-hemical and Spectral Properties of Bacteriovirid:n of Greon Sulphur Bacteria PERIOD17kL: Doklady Akademii naak SSSR, 1959; Vol 127. Nr 4, pp 913 - )16 ,USSR" ABSTRACT: The barteria mentioned in the title contain a green pigment - bacterioviridin (or chlorobium-chlorophyll) instead of ba:te- riochlorojhyll, contrary to purple bacteria. It was to be ex- pected that 'lie great shift of the maximum of bacteric7iridin nto 'the ~.-r. side (as in the case of bacterio~,hlorophyll) be explained by the aEgregation of pigment mole,:ule6 in ~)Tdered structures. In the present paper the a-utbors invest- iCated the properties mentioned in the title in cells of liv;ng bacteria, in solid films,. and in colloidal and genuine aolu tions. A b a o r p t i o n s p e c t r a of a b a ~~ t e r 1 a 1 - 3 u s e n a i o n . The measurements in aquecus solutions 1FJ_g 1~ , agree with those described earlier (Refs 5 With a 1;CP/16' glycerin-ontent of the medium an additicnaI Car; 1/4 ap-ppars at 6710 mv in addition tc the dominating Maximum a,; and Spectral Properties of SOV/2 C Ba-er* ~f G-rear Sulphur Basteria 7.30 m~, (in accordance with Ref 7 It aeemB t~ --r-:ean~nd ,.,e Omc-nomerjlcll form of ths pigm9nt. A dlBag&Tegatin-6 eff-:-t glyerin oanr-A be %asumed. A b a o r p t n 1 J 4 a 1 s i 9) f 1 1 A and a I i I c r p-.g1D9r.t separated f~-,zim a culture of Chllorol,-Luz absorptio., spectr-am. similar to -chat of :ng a few drops of tha ooncentrated a--et-,nir i~',c;zent a:%',--~4 -r',o an Pxcsss of d1st4lled water a oolln,4dal aulut--cr -~s firmed. FiCure I shows the spectra. F I u ') r i- 3 - ~ :) - s p P -:, t r a ( Yl.,. . YerAhi n and 1~ . Fed.-)T-,virh *~-,A rpa-~ rReasurements" were measurud with freezine d.)w-n tc -`0 ing tD a -qeth-jd already des,~-.ribed (Ref ?). Tlh~ 7,-- solved) as well as the agkr9(;atqd forms of ar,~ ile s 1~ en Furth e r th o i n ve a t i gat i ons ar 8 1 ---~i -lut. F'Lotochemiral p -~, - -- t 1 e 5-::L'.ar%r to 3hl-.-)rophy1L1 a the pi -,-r,=-nl j-,&r. . ~ ~h . '. `,y as -,orbio ac id ar s..)diuq s-ilf ide (as ~lectrcn dono; ~ 7~ C3.rd 2/4 solution, Ue di'fferenne is that in th:.E -&9- lh;~ Pht::Iem-ical and Spectral Properties cf SOV12C- 12"---' Ba~tarioviridln -f Green Sulphur Bacteria products of irreversible reduction are fcrmed as in the -,aar-- of chlcrophyll a (Fig 2). In the yresen~e of the ?xygen ~f tl~s air quick photochemical oxidation takes place in irgani~! solverts (as bacteriochlorophyll). The pigment is more re- sistant in oolloidal solutions and aqueous suspensiona (Refs 1,2). P h o t o a e n a i t i z I n g e f f e c t . The reactions of the photochemical transfer of hydrogen are siff.1- larly sensitized in solution by the pigment as by chlorophyll. The azo dye methyl-red is irreversibly photoreduced by tht, colloids of bacterioviridin and bacteriochlorophyll as well as by bac-.erial suspensions in the presenoe of ascorbic acid if they are illuminated by a spectral part which is near the i.-r.-region. V. N. Shaposhnikov and Ye. N. Kondratlyeva, Kafedra mlkrobiologi'L MGU imeni Lomonoeova (Chair of Micro--- biology of Moscow State University imeni Lomonoso7) provided the Chlorobium lamicula culture. There are 4 figures and 14 references, 10 of which are Soviet. Card 3/4 The Ph,~Tc:hemlc-ai and Spectral Prcpertiee of SOVJ12C-1,27 4 Ba-.teric--rid'~n ~,f green Sulphur Bacteria ASSOCIATION: InstItut biokhimii Im. A. N. Bakha Akaiemil nauk 33SR (Institute of Biochemistry 'meni A. N. Bakh ~,f th- A--aiemy cf Sciences; USSR) FRESENTED; June :4, 1959.. by A. N. Terening Academi-,~ar, SUBMITTED: Mar,~h 206, 1959 A Ca~d V. KHASNOVSKIll, A.A.1 PAKSHINAr TO.Y. Reversible photoredwtion of bacteriockaorophyn and its participa- tion in the Frocesmem of photochemical electron transfer. Dokl. AN SSSR 135 no. 5:1258-1261 D 160. (MMA 13:12) 1. Institut biokbinii in.A.N.Bakha AN SSSR. Predstayleno akadudkon A.N.Tereninyse (CHLOROPHILL) BOMIAg AVMROMO (CRIDATION-MMMIMUMION) A~s Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., Ho 3, 1958, 10353 Author K.-asnovskiy, A.A., Vorol,'yeva, L.M., Pakshina,-Ye.V. Inst Institute of Biocht;!mistry, AcadeW of Sciences USSR Title Investigation of the Photochemically Active Form of Chlorophyll in Plants of Various Systematic Groups. Orig Pub : Fiziol. rasteniy, 1957, 4, No 2, 124-133 Abstract : Using as subjects of research plants of various systematic groups the absorption spectra in the red area of the spec- trum and the kinetics of chlorophyll bleaching were inves- tigated over the vhole of the vegetation period. A detai- led method of acquiring "green solutions" is given, as are mpok urements of the kinetics of bleaching and of the absor- ption spectra. Cblorophyll bleaching after irradiation with intense red light varied within the limits of 1-30%, Card 1/2 nied by displacement of t'he maxirmirn into the long-wave part. In June and July there was 20-30% bleaching iL the sugar beet, while it was oaly in September and Octo- ber. 'The prcoect wa-i -_-amplei.ed Ln the Institute of Bioche- mistry, Academy of Sciences USSR. Card 2/2 3/020/63/148/004/025/025 B140186 ATMIORS: Krasnovski, A. A., C4rresponding Mpmber AS USSR,, -Pakshina, Ye. V. TITLE- Comparative study of the formation of pheophytine from chlorophyll and its analogs in the dark and on exposure to light PERTODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 148, no. 4, 1963, 935-938 TEXT: Chlorophyll a and b, protooblorophyll, bacteriochlorophyll and bacterioviridin %ere converted to pheophytins by treating their ethereal solutions with aqueous solutions of HC1 or oxalic acid. The reaction was nturlied spectrometrically in acetone anj pyridine, both containing IVA Aatcr. The effect of light (104 erg/om -coo) was investigated in vaciia, to prevent secondary photooxidation. At 220C and with 10-5 mole/I pigment and 2-10-2 mole/1 oxalic acid, the time (in min) needed for the half- cu!iversion of the ?4g complex in the dark was:. ra I'd 1/ 3 ~148/004/625/025 8102Y68~ Comparative study of the formation ... D144 acetone Yr id ilki (both con-taini 10;9a,ter) bacterioviridin chlorophyll a 4 -.240 protochlorophyll 25 400 '400 bacteriochlorophyll 25 chlorophyll b 105 400 In acetone the reaction rates difft-r idely. -Wey -prove':t'd be, iMijindent, of the degree of reduction of the "ha'W1r-1s'o1at*dr.doub1*-4.6nde'U'Ahe initial pigment. The rapid pheophytinizatto of-bai terbyAkidA 'j-' ~b due to the absence of the cyclopentanone ptudied in aqueous acetone solution in the'pr*'6*30614 ZkAbill, 4-1'0-.Moi*/1 oxalic acid at room temperature and at'-2b0c, vhi orlzq-4fteat~lat all, was observed in acetone, pheophytinization of bacterioviri'din waskapid in pyridine but not accelerated6more than in the-dal 9, opheatinization," of chlor;phyll a and b and protochlorophyll was compl6ted~*vj)yridine 2 containing 2-10- mole/l ox-alic acid within -10-1 5 Pyrid lyw~ containing 10% water and 1% HCl wlt~in 40-50 it iis Card,.2/3' Climpar-itive, study of the form~,jtion B144/BI86 labi 1,, phtitoriAur Lion -iro ho.-ts forin h i th pyridine or oxalic acid owine to their (Aectron-Pinor properticiA. To verify the expecte(i inhibition by .r.- or polyenes, tet,ts wert, mule with additJon of inethyl oluctrrm-:iccepto i-I, r,-,rotenr? an3 riiphth;,rene. T h es ecompounla inlidbitel the photoreaction n c,) nc on t r, ton sof I D 10 ..ole,,'l ~niepenlently of the aciJ ~iiqed Init iii not affect 'n'tieophytiniz:it ion in the lark. Owing t) the vacan* electron pairs at the NI of the pyrrole rinr,.u the hydroeen ions are bound before !,'c i!7 driven out; but it is still unclear whether the incorporation of the protnnn proceels, in one or more !stages. Photopheophytinization which has been observed only in the absence of stable photoreduction prod!ict3 is inhibited by the same substances as photoreduction and is probably the cause of reversible photoreiuction. There are 2 fig"Ires and I table. AS-I)CI:*~TTON: Institut biok-imii im. A.N. Bakha Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Biochemistrv imeni A.N. Bakh of the Academy of Sciences USSR) ~TJPIJITTED October 15, 1962 Card 3/3 86847 127.5 0 11 ~3, 010 UPIZ S102 60/135/005/042/:)43 BO 1 6YB052 AUTHORS: Krasnovskiy, A. A. and Fak V. TITLE: Reversible Photoreduction of Bacteriochlorophyll and Its Participation in Processes of Photochemical Electron Truns- fer PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 135, No. pp. 1258-1261 TEXT: The authors describe the formation of active photoproducts in the photoreduction of bacteriochlorophyll (from Rhodopseudomonas palustris) and the interaction between these products and electron acceptor molecules taking part in the biochemical electron transfer of photosynthesis. Bacte- riochlorophyll was submitted to a final chromatographic purification (Ref. 4). The photoreactions in pyridine and water were conducted in spe- cial Tunberg tubes in which measurements with Beckmann and C ~-4 (SF-4) spectrophotometers were possible. The electron donor typical of bacterial photosynthesis of Na 2S was used. The solution was evacuated by shaking for 30-60 sec and exposed to light near the infrared region. As a result, Card 1/4 86847 Reversible Photoreduction of 8acteriochloro- S/32 60113z1OO::/042/J42 phyll and Its Participation in Processes B016y,3052 of Photochemical Electron Transfer the absorption maximum of bacteriochlorophyll at 780 m4 dropped rapidly, while the maximum of the photoreduced form appeared at 66o m4 (Fig. "). In the dark, this reaction became automatically reverse, and at room tem- perature bacteriochlorophyll is almost completely regenerated within a few rr.~n-.ites. Regeneration sets in immediately on exposure to air (Fig. 2) The ai;,hcrs believe that an extraordinarily active photoreduced form of pigmen'. and a photooxidized form of electron donor are formed, probablLy in ac~orlance with the elementary process of X + SH OX + 'SH (X - molec,,1e of bacteriochlorophyll). They also studied the potential of a platan-iz electrode during exposure to light of the following types of pigment in pyridine with an addition of Na 2S: chlorophyll a, bacterio- ch3&ophyll, and bacterioviridine. The potentials of the three pigments wer( -ry similar (Fig. 3): During exposureto light, the potential chanees by approximately 0.1 v in the negative direction. In the dark, the potential returned to its original value within I - 2 minutes. The authors assume that all three pigments form electron-active photoreduced products of the same type. In previous papers (Ref. 7) it was found that photo- reduced pigments do not accumulate in the ternary system (electron donor - Card 2/4 86847 Reversible Photoreduction of Bacteriochloro- S/020/160/135/00-5/3-12,'C'47 phyll and Its Participation in Processes B016/BO52 of Photochemical Electron Transfer chlorophyll - eleptron acceptor), since they rapidly react with electron- acceptor molecules. However, when the reduction of these molecules is "sensitized", the photoreduced form of the sensitized pigment starts to accumulate. Hence, the authors conclude that the absence of visible photo- chemical changes of a sensitized pigment in the ternafy system indicaLes a rapid reaction of the electron-acceptor molecule with the photoreduced form of pigment. Using this comparatively sensitive method the authors tested the action of the following co-factors of photosynthetic phosphory-- lation: Menadione, phenazine metasulfate, and riboflavin (flavin mono- nucleotide). Hence, they concluded that all of the three last-mentioned substances can receive electrons from the photoreduced form of chlorophyll. These experiments on similating systems prove that the above co-factors take part in the reactions of electron transfer if they are sensitized by a system of pigments (Ref. 9). The authors recommend the explanation of such elementary processes with the help of living photosynthesizing bacteria in which bacteriochlcaopfhyll mainly appears in aggregated and or- dered forms (Ref. 10) There are 4 figures and 10 references; 8 Soviet and 2 US. Card 3/4 86847 Reversible PhOtoreduction of Bacteriochloro- S/020/60/135/00~~//042,042 phyll and Its Participation in Processes B016/BO52 of Photochemical Electron Transfer ASSOCIATION: Institut biokhimii im. A. N. Bakha Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Biochemistry imeni A. N. Bakh of the Academy of Sciences USSR) PRESENTED: July 6, 1960, by A. N. Terenin, Academician SUBMITTED: May 9, 1960 Card 4/4 DOKANq N.Gj EWNMKIY, A.A.; WWOVA, A.K.; VOROBOYEVA, L.M.;IPAKSHINA, Ye. T.z M1111TIUVAp Z.A. Chlorophyll-synthesis and carbon dioxide fixatioff in stiolated barley seedliap deig exposure to ilgbt. Fisiol. rast. 8 no.10-12 161. (MID 14-3) I.-A.B. Bakh Institute of Biochemistry, U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciencesp Moscow. (Chlorophyll) (Photosynthesis) ALURINI BDRLO,6V,- VOUMV.-, MIGORIUM; QRVW- DICH; MUMAI JAVRUSEN; MPINSIri; IVANDVA ; ZT&; XWS; )DMIUV; MGIIMM;!PAMMM; iTWFIC UIRff; SHIM D~mvrving workers of the synthetic fibers infttrys MAm. volaki. no,3:79 '(A* .- NIPA 34:6) (Birgwg Georgli Ifimmicb, 3061 N, Iowa A. MY& Wipmm k-rZIMAJ quammm.. ad & ddow 1-0: in d see" lirw 1"Allwolundlab ad comewma m appme" Absum. WAAAM 40=4 has a "Wid"Mo mom Me too lelfficisy but iktk a#- andke". vWhatimma cd coi- hwg Mass *A dusiefty 7" kmbm ammone. smacts b"b the deft"y " the Y_ A dwwWs %in fob" of wskd4 w Owbudim dpw cww but j toc=j dimebber to IAW -7. 0001, dam an cumarm wkb k bAmmmome of *mv a w W thim).- j coo diarkmatim *I Vdackirs d=71 00 coo 00 LO 0 00 r.0 0 900 C*o go* a** 140880.6&p 0-9 *as OPSAPI aw sftv ss~ Zia 9 A 0 3 00 .0 ~6_ a, * ow -9 0 0 0 00 solooo 9090000000 00 I - I a 0-0-0000 0- 'a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o q 0 o 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 'Awn 4S 0 a a 11 a *a I a 1 4 1 4 t a 9 x ts UUMU161116" it 12 a, 31 a Is v as 39 a so vl)isjl lbu gas al 62 4) 00 -A a I a L a 6, - - - . All as n- A UtS--A- -A- A_-A - jk JL_.A __JL -P . t a __&_ a 00 "W~S, Wr . 0 a . c4AI_01 .80crIsts ..D -W. 0 b%rdwoos 44 womembam Pm 4d Sees Timmems meeimeaft 000 r~. A. and P.. F . . 05.11mma",ar 1, , , TA - a - T 13- IV I ft W41 m l N 406 b & o. . o A . . 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The tNmarn.. of l1w puu." ff&. 011141 uw~ r"Imi-al to O.tR& 4j.jjjj4 S..,,u. fee_ 11,S mW 0.07 41~ I--, a./cu res. C.% ch". Rjaw "1'66 zoo 1 -,.f u 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00000000 go 0 '00 "Ose -go '00 00 a.. .61 too 0 9 Wo 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 9 0 00010 0 00000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]#**as o* as ais " q go 0 0: q q a II Q 11 u ti w 1y a I Al T-W-A-1 I AA 0 CC 0 U4A 0 00 Idelloile W M --I 4d 96"s" Will, A. 00 c PahvIrm and M. Mullulis. NZ 1,01AWO (A ifiAiQ hbw) 3, No. h, 46 b2(104). - The "urekv tJ tinw MA temp. M the shwow mutruts A pparr. bothe Ob 00 111 the prMM of rwcvmy by ezv=. MW 5,1141" by trdu%w4 mists. cd 1119%. NA6604. .0 61'.. .00 00 @1-; UWIMM wit" - V at W, M' MW 1117 * Itis 3 owl it 00 Cs. 11calwe " , IW* law 01 bin. h&% partirally IN. CGWI 10 IkW-SkW~ CORIVIOU. While bUdW4 14W 0 IVA%. dIP- see 00 iximpows 13% glurraw. The WWI" vj SA f - so jj- cd Moore pw.. in firewwwry W PPIE. Zoo am studied wbib mitts. of H.40.. NasSO.. t N W.WX Mw, 09 06'. Znt*). Said HFiCA,. Na.9M. Mg-'YO. and ZnSiX. The Sea sults show that only Part NapbQ, IUH#O is crystd. out Simi 00 that nu dL%A* asks with US or NH. wits we fortryted 00~ 71w crysta. of NmJKN from the Mg both pnwvw& nuwr Sol dalk-Wily and at kRm tertgo. t1mr; Inim the Nil. both NSA), IMP mum he dried at high Irmps. (not mry 008 ZIA)') mrgardirm.A Ike awthud ul drvitkg. C. Illaar Is ~10 0- 0 0 ago '90 is.. 00 toollo -.,v r I W-LA al I a 00 0 0 9 1 OF a a as a 0-0 0 0 00000000 000 ej s* 0 a D : w: 0000000*0000 Ve I 11 Iq 04 00. 0 The action of voodoo d -,-r as dwersol Inafflials, S I Sklyalrohl. mad A. li I j I/ .":: ~ (Mouvwl 10M, No 7. 47~9111 00 M, am-ft"ing m"ll &J Wr of C are clitly dotip IN " as all mvirl-tittl bv 00 1, 14 M -NIP to VIOU-mrXi ~ moins. .1 M10-116A. j,", Co. Ph. NO 1100DA' Mki -4MI C.Mll hilir V air tivirtmint I ,h ;A; 00 -V *lm Me wtion h do, ~mm4v to ismv. ..f IN*). atul 11NO. in dw otm%vIlulim anti is iowfro.,i -00 ell 9 wwwwhat hy tbr prewmv of inerrawd anits. III Hog) NlinwTilisimme itwO cults 2 protmtlvr metkin hottist thr H %I 00 00 00 00 00 .00 00 'IT Il.f L.1%0K I.C. O It (p 4 V*bmpi sea, a Aj ar it 41 T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 44 S a a a 0 F " A a 0 OF 2 v Q at w of* 19 * ItT -D I-K~ V*P&PS 0o 00 - -00 P 4 0 a , 0, 0 " Ow"m Im d Agedwer ow A- K&OWAOR SW N. Kiftlevia. 1644MIIOM -A preliminary corn- A, FM&) 6 00 0 0 c . ~ 4VAIV(If the 00 Ifir pjjdWjj4M to vtu,vW With (he 11W,.I Walk*$. IVIWI At 00 1111xims ditim"VVIS lftl 1" the ItAlkabius vorwilmoviv Thr niost wititabit mmilkals ha flit dets of the cul Im4m W .00 00 wiscuma activation are (1, drin. W t1sr wommitir. In Ibe .00 00 womme of imAwat6on by the failing-bell vpohod of -olm. c . rviummily diturrated by tvatritWull, (2) detin. of the *. .00 00 ceflulaw covirmts, (3) drins. of N*011 mwents and 14, 00 dotes. cif clac. cmd. I nber latemling nw1baft we tk-Wwl that 4 u d i 6i 00 oc ts, an ltratigm w t pw 7 drtw. of The mrsuffing the sing of anS4 of filtration, &Dd detm. of The ZOO 06 light transmiaskin of a visc,.w stremin and regimiralkm of 0% kFiknqml~twy With a plug.wle"writ. Thrw Itieth'MIN tllak~ a _-O a 94111 it poswilile to dirt. the first Ithaw III volvation. via.. 5"11 0o 0 N ins t4 mantlipatc. wt,de .,that timtkimis dkwk~ chwily t ThrolweduluAvaticim, 00 is irtiarded by the lumpi,,hum and ad"veness of amm- 0 their The tint rcsults wm obtaivird with a tworwiler maism as bigb spcrds (ON, r. p. m and b*bn) &W with -00 an ermlim wom &I low Iwvd% (To 141 f p, tn.). Thc 600 nam of volvaikm tit tatillmir in a lah. ram tw "uvrd to ast N 'Al h " e. . A to a P Tw 10-15 WAD. by rubbing It wit p* 21 Chas. Mvic, 'go F_. 'S L a MITALLU"Kiii, LITINATUDI ct.&IMPICATOO A__ ~.- seem 11.ilAw. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 =*a '00 Wag PIP in 0 0 0 0 a 00,0004 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 a * a O,j 4' al l fe A It D, L -j .6 It 00, ""0 woo" of (v%ce", " o - !"W 00, A. Mhb ,, Opl. Chm. Ind. (U. & Is- It .-TW'Vbe PrAfflinarv rtvnrnunk-%tjW th d 0 e q q,%n~ - 0 MA di-d-tam" of ibe 2 mnhca% *TV dimj~t Chm "how 00 00 00 .00 00 .00 .00 00 00 00 001 00 .00 woo .A it q9 0 0 4 & 44, 4 00 It 11 It It 3 1-1' 4 1 ;o 0 0 o 0 0 o Io 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : : : : 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 * 0, 0 al a 0 0 1~ -WNW a 40 ift AM Own ~VOM A. ftknb w SM so MWsd= (VIM sm ad&# MIS 3.-1s=rwr- be mte at riss of air bobbbo to vis"m wmagal with air deaf~ to am 0" ft" owns I" I he offs" of relmous as presman ow as Tiese" if sm in "Osavd so ftm as vww urwa, m& to -9 1 IM alms a Ow umems Q*FO%F lawamin aw vausity of memo$ 010 Ow I I of aw bows* v so onlwly dMaldwi os Ow appresm a* euvam% woft le als"Isums in of GO-SWOM low ugem fts tua real$ of defifft a "a I* to yl*U a OMN. I ~ 0 ~ peftmo, vith to satum"m Via dw 9"001%. Is all; 6.6000609000 lee -00 see 00 400 see fee 400 "0 see 00 00 00 00 00 00 1 00 00 111 Oak 0 00 a 00 at 00 -00 -00 A. I'AbAm -00 Kiw1r va. OvC. Ch~. Ind - 417~ S 0 C A. 26. 7imr." A m-difiratim cA th~ UI-Iw&Mr "'S"Invirt fow III, I, in ,f thr vm,mt". of vm~ "m tllumr.(~J nd dt--Til-t Addid dats mi~ Ki%,,n N,u Ing tIk- armnualImi,t itrut-ttur of viv~vr %An% Thr an,111t. aiy q viwow I. tm~awd I, miffint, 'rh~ tbv7mw in vt-~fy wilb fillintam is tw,,I.wIwnaJ N, I,,- It ~-I ih~ filivinij mat,"al. Cha% Maw zoo 43 :10194*11 1. 44 1 Is It U 0 14 It Is it 4 Is a III a a 0 0 it J0, a W w a Is 1Lk b v 15 10 6 At %; it a ME* A A I -JL,- S k --A , 0 j --A, L~ b p., t 0 1." 4.0 1. cap# at &SO-SLA MIALL10111114" LIVISAIMM C"SWIRKA11411411 .1. a.. Gas T a 111,b *000000000000::::Ooi:::Ooooooooooooooo.oooooo droo =Co* -00 .-Moo 0 Mae goo use -00 t30 0 5-1 too Iwo 'S. Ito! - - a 9 A 0 2 0 0 1 ~; Ind 0 411111, 90009006099i ~00090000 FOU, M--,- allasil"lli#114 " , 0 1X40 0 *1* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 O:w ow 1 19 11 b i m )I ii i 0 P v b) I VI -P--J -1 L-P 0(X 0 U41 b a a es A h* rahm. Ore. CAW -00 (U. S. RA 4. No. 1-3. 4 M IW7) -V&*M Amit I eXpql. WO IW-tMy Pf"CritUfft SM &MIlMd, GFkb MUb- -00 Cbm. AM ader OW JIV OID 04 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 =0o 0 age 0-1 ir 0 010 a 0 0 0 0 o wo 0 * V 0000*0000090000 a 64 0 0 0 0 94 0 # *1* 0 0 0 6 *0000000 t .1 *4- 0 .6 It u tj a is 0 0 1, It .4 Dun J11PAPAP 11 AS 0 0 1 1 0 Is 6 Q 1 61 J! 6 & Al P As A A Ol #bS vl~c*" &0 "list A 19 e-. o" b", 7 -9 31, 741441 sn't',.e Irilt"mi, "tmrt .. a s Ilt '""We ; It teste, , I tn'ttmd I( D. WZAV) I. V 0 I oll lbr %Pjjjjj,,F -In. in relatkm t. 111%1.11111 1 he re-It, I. I.A."I 11"I the I'mi, ..I Ift1t. J ,.4. tI.q-jlfJ-'t III, X"" It- 11, 1". 1 , w4d I at- "mx an't ~1. -11". 1 It, Im 111..) .4 I'ml. I mdo" tj aging is -muirted u,tpFsr,,,,,j th r .,,olwallical ~j the It'llp re-8,11411"n. lper i I"'JIvIllull tr,stvurnt ,( vst., 1. 1" xg,n, he 1n walct-WkIl"I ~Al- tilled atth ,,_h -I rr e ~ e l Cha. 00 .00 00 Of wl - pe wi s. ISIS I 00 1 1., 0 ~I` .1 sit u 10; 0 0 0*0 0 0 0 111 0 0 0 0 : 0 0 00 If *so*** ***fee 111 0 41-10*01144146444-sias s #it's M is U a w Is . PY IS b P 0 b )d b h 77 a N 16 N b b J, U V, p 4 0 1 1 1) 1 1-1 A& a OL 0 it so of 9~ snow"" fma me gnprawwwalwou U.-Manka.1i Owl. ad A S~ S N 4 Cha, Ilium 40 00 0 0 0 I* Is 0 : 0 -00 0 .00 AS, 0 zoo 0 X* 0 L A 611 L L UVGK At t 'I I *.I 1,4k (I S%W It- 0 -A 0 j 6i a 3 ;ag' 00 U 6 1, 'D a, '119-0-0 0 0 40,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 VA 11 10 tjw ti 16 it a 1) w fitlbv a p : $.I Q it w 61 It I it a it r 4 1 1 to I Ll a I I m a Q 0 U.4-IL a ItI -, He 0 .00 New-um of mtd aftimmalm from t1w r. .1 Q. 1%~,' I hT wilvilit fill"Iffs Of c1l'olf), Iftfiv, Aful off" the 'e- -wval of the N11. bv vacumm ~lmji ChMl 141AM to goo 00 0 Mee rA 0 DO"* it 000 &IS IL A iiol -i-. -'*.'-.'-- ' ' "' ""'- too ;,bill T ..' 1, ~ ~- ". Joe I V 'I, m . 0 1 v - g- 'w S n' I a tm 0 o 9 do a b 0 A 0 : 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 4:b 00 0 000 0 0 goo 00 00000 0. to 0 tr C. 0 A L 0 to 0", E, 'a 4, 'to $1 If 1111 Q 41 41 411 ~ of cp a a Wila"O".13 ..1t.08W 1931unlivi,84 to 1% gig , 1 0 Ar . 0 0 coo 00 00 so* it -14 al m-1 dmA% A%vALmij Atli qit. A A ;1 i 31;ol so 00- 09- . l 13A -VJ4~111 Aq1 4min AmakAfit P suput", Aql u,unim, mmir,41 Aqj po -11&4,jslwljl 41o"t V 'j"j.1 'If F ~t Pul J-f) 01111M1 j PUUt3A4tll!,l . - - 14 in )0 0 0 r I r -9 1 A 4 5 f I -1 0-1 11' sjp I* tyl, *qvi as$ *of .1 lox vqaw awe Raf 1, 41 In 4, to 11 04 4 41 0 a iti 00,0 vo. 0 0 a ibiffi- ---- -- --- -1 -00 ~90 -00 :00 Os we* we* see see No@ selaups" 7 mm~mftw wo a a W, & 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 I 1 1, It . 1 4 -1 4 a 11 u A it a ill ft A 10 k 11 L! to lot a b v to to I I, L 1 6 A 4 L L 0 0 0 (A 0 ti I 00 00, 00 00 -09 klow Caere Rvep"fortive IN a leming roirdlugn P&LA.eq and F %I-L-h f 1*6v, 0 '1-- 1 S S 00 " IM" l1w 1011"1 1.1, 4 -1., " kni..i to 11 r 1virns - and .4m bul I he oo~ at, 4 . N apn I-- . .. 00 An. I. lem than that fm the "Vorroll -brn FtfIll l, II.All ~'-' cof ullwr. 'w pill$) ' ' .00 t"; 4 - II-d-- Who- lhoon ~;: 1 111, : 00 00 ...... "t . ~mlw,o zTeppeortipor is ag cgormorl Jl.d 1,44 43 00 l1w i-vuln, " anal.mgm, I,, the "tooling and 1~ zoo 00 Vvirt-mr4l I,v the ~enr -pnit-al frtronuhm~ In an an vi - It. .,I Uffill Pi,11 and .-f f,t to- 1 00 1-1 -1. 1-, m"Al -11.41- _I_. ~66 '00 to I* P 14 .00 3 .00 0 t ~ 600 96 l .00 00 , '90 00 : . 06 00 '.06 00 00 9 V00 Q.. too - -- - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m 'i to of an I 1i 3 a an* 0 0 I i lax 41 0 0 c gwmdm d 1001 of mumb movw& 00 o~dm amiu. 11, 40"UM 49 CJW tW volmd cacasuibawds aW.Gis m d dim Me. US 00 vWw oft dw 400OW be~ mb" b" a . sba Va. mad 008 tm " bes a m raw 1% Odom bw 000 ON U.Nah" Id �9"O. so do 100 of dj the ewe., 02 bum M4 . The L#dgl at 00, omdftg 6 t =&m" tpAt tbg bsetiod If do MW a go an A. A. FGAP-V p* I m coo ape be '00 boo ] O sow "am *so am SIR jusualwl will am Ali ro - . a& laws solve** ; -' 0000000000000 0 LOW0000OW900090900 L~I`:: 00 00 0 We o * W-0-04,il'o, 1W4. 4 ::Ofooo 006 go* 0 90~6_ At fit. &xvI -It A` A L A-" I - mellt~ -- ---IN maws 40 Oft"woos 0 _09 , 00 A - 1-00 N d W "C= 00 a T J. #-kw. Cason. GOMM V WE 98M.-Ampar -d voirme s own vamb "", M n oes 008 ph UM so a . . "a, "Cufau b (meda Ova a" M. Wod Vnixt. Of sk. and tmvtcw f w i IT: emm. of tOw" at edhdm up to "wi . . , of a Pipet) orlow mdo a amd & we bad. lbt Bad S is CVMW Vd bY NWOW of rubber tabig %9 dl w up I (shicierkitime) lbe -00 ' t 0 =0 a sma e g Do, of a p1w) Shkit in two im cama"d m., . t whent . V. A .00 l tabit. Tbresdab==ammommal to a MO shm rad is Plead the 'ooo Fourref efew" se This be wW Wa AW : 7 . w a, Ifew Zoo a crrl 1 = promMON, Am the w h h 0 asm. w t ot at"r d the t i b d O 000 mg a , min w 4M. the or Pin Whits of wakwh 00 w . Om mixis. of Sk. Wiib aftz Air ca"S va on me comme a dm @a "b JJ111 , M l 1 11 fill mill Clow" 60 . The own cd mi"Os am wim of lk dhm do S 1,00 Orna malromb: .2:3 valat. of ak, '00 016LLOWAL Irromatm ctalwaalm "Os' z BMW 911108949111 lapaw Joilt fire im flaill m on tot , 0 ,0 " , IF A I : ON ;;I90646 10400 6 1 If 0 0 0 0 0 0 i 1 . 0 0 0 6 0 o 0 0004 0004 oq*f~wwoloQ'*jooqO goo 00 0000000 *to I too$# PS OllftwOunalyalp a I IL L 00 00 00 09 00 00 00 00 all majosawavaW as* alia Oft 4 $Is* ;= Is l6m. A. JWb.. IM. No. S. 3-12; NUm. NifAral. Zhaw. JOW, No. 7, 111) 11' P b k i I-oa - . l w was "int m d Ar plahwom no C"wmnmosim= Gban 04 the revemeratim of the canspo. nests noon splamims "Im. cd Cot and N"j,. Tbrunte"Ve" I lit P b7 a 34M stibation of lbt steeping alltall- Tlw I W acmifimlim No wasb* of list ea" 1w tankled by a -1 M wW0m al Ar blewhing t2i"ll, IPH appm. 6). The 24old fishbiam aml drOmm thr ma Ime lveltnk-ally almshed tmu tbw "huming amb. by water Is calumm Oplimum remits for egew tim$ Cu and NH, Imn the -pinsing water we obtalmad in vansum "apuraitv.. the .;nn- nW# valor is dm "Murvail to the produrtim cyck W It Itch?, 6 L A WIAL&~" 6.lTl44TWl_ CL&Mvkt&l*P slob 00*0 .0 0-0, 0 elf 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 feet 0 Its- -it I 000*0000006r0*6969 0 000000000000900e0 *ADS 6LO a 3 sea too .60 oop 00 DID p *0 Prodman of OMM gem 00A A. raltairver Sood a. P elm. r4b. OPW. (;Vjj- son. Soom A&W. Zbw on ko~ 7, too; cf. 09 it C. A. JO. &W.~ ;~~ j. ti. -00 ad &amh m- in aww'. Md Md. wt. vwim, oo: I'mits we obta6W iol 11w *ft. d - , UWWMM ty 00 xUlatieft with lont V.,Crp, mA P,111, the nub, fk m the lifte d beillmil al"I an The Fdajitv P"'I". KA-)rA am magm. I he amt. C4 OAVAUJOW &. ,0 00 OW 'hot a' 7-'W- iWf"Wft Illith tiWA (A -00 00 tsntbnl al the exprowd Wk&l,. W R. Henn zoo 00 000 sea 00 w moo eel 1,1200 zoo zoo so* a t3O9 seem ev"Ollloot NO.-JR. "DOW to 4". Got 16"Jo1cwt. *$&III Got a.. t, 00 a S . It 31 9 ";JL, 'j"'al Soft$ St'vell 0 a 4 0 &&ease* a a 0 0 0 0 *-S-AF-0-#-OALM--O--WO 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9~ *oil I to to a %3 0 u b " a Of a 3ni so m w a milimovalossl 0 43 a 0 A A- A U'p's jm~ pv'4~ms ~* o0 The kko" of ad do A ft $*llryvai, Kilts, 00 ftksbvrv and F K. mallks. cNotJopbryow lat. 1). 1~ M*mW#m IW*. No. 3 4. 6Z. 00 C~ kJol'" k0pol 14up IM. No. 7. Ire i ct C. AJJ :00 MW 16 Initial fair fit chvins lot CV164tvior 111traWalki 009 a- tall ubhoo in ot, #-I,Rw an-I in Morl v-4all), -00 00 AV.-hs- I- 9h, malme 0. that A the .4vr"t%*j.0w I't" -00 t jj-t,,jkw. m% the trying pt-vrds. Aloft a Nl'j 00 ""n A vill'Aw .. 6.'- ill~j '-runkum, aivial" 1. .00 00 1h, al. .4 .11villot "I" 'ap"tiv go It Mom 4 0 000 00 00 00 coo 06 .00 see 00 OF zoo Soo 'Go '00 bell.! I t - -.60 00 '00 ,$t0., vo o 0 a low a w 9 1 0 to lodalt is IVN410 .4 g. AO *0 o. it g a I IS 010 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 08 M Is 16 OP 4 a it 00 A At a I a A 1_1 : V 0. 00 00 00 a! 00 00 All S 60 -It& a MR ID a 00009 of* 0 goo 00000 000 b jab a 1) a It 9 10 a a 0 b 0 6 0 42 a A - -00 -00 1 -00 by,. Slid -00 ,Oily solow, 'u s It that the Vim wilb .00 'how. Ind. ( * to e'W'Am's &Weis ccjjuww arw Witt, go* OWNWIll s"t is -01, A cuv= This 1~ ,, a j.. C NH ce"', Iggs~ (cl- Pksbvr CW. W&W B2. goo zoo 600 00 0 MOULtURM" LOtIsIbM CLASIMPOCSTODIS too 18194a -I- dot 8161 1 i ad *0 "s 0" : 0, 's go goo*;* 909999096 *too*** lbso Mlles , I eel, e1 00 gli 00 't 00 00*0000000000000 1000*4 aI . p I - 40 Ill 1) it It 11 11 *"I, )I t) 10 )] AA. J 11A A - A a Ili Il I Vv a I 'W '***10 0 4 fees 0 0 0 0 # 0 it v is " w 11 wv 10 a b v b 10a Al lu as 41 0 1044 Tw of nom, waft O"Mras ix as mm"b W- dw '"Odh Of wbtm, A. Pakft. %seS to thr nwm-tit. its lw wiWasky of Wkwum. v of of I-limimry Inaturins 71W arralcki.i.creaw (A Oweelty wo, obstrvvd is the nwicecislislia PTot-"* And at the beginuillS ,f PrAwkinaly ballurins. The low"'as of the "f Irkwow CUMMI tw explaitwd b7 I h. mact" of Ca andd. Linwtion of Ibr "Cla bridgm or t,y ibe action of tkw *1,41uclurr" vi.. Comity of Vik'aw but had swortk-ally no ~&Tt on the j,-1 Iivv- NOWAY. Nsiinal&- sulla. wmkrnvdtbr&U%dIAtV IvAas- bell-va wP. chaim of crilulow and thus cauim knminS of wimmuty all tbr cowd. -*ns. ali vi.. it&_, destnict" at thr cAlulaw mols. Hightma rriefform A. A. Podpwny a are I see !z*0 a zoo .1-11 a9 vi 9a 0 kV 40 papip all an loll Volll,, of w1wh IBill oil poooooo*ooooooo*ooooo40000000000001000009000*11 "0009je 000-00000400090400 01.0 o19,10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01.1// GERASIMOVA, L.S.; PAKSMR, A.B. Internal stresses and fatigue ,imlt o" cellulose fibers. Khiyn. volok. no.4:42-45 163. (MIRA 1. Vsesoyuznyy zaochnyy institut tekst.illnoy i legkm, promysh- lennosti. 44 O"WO.Wo 0 0 0 0 0 4 .4 go 0 So se : is i # 00 01'9 iva! 104kip wits is wsjwap~o ~~O_Aftt_d _f* &""out Aw pasplayms 1."A -00 -00 000 . 10 Got I gab Is MOMIGNIM, I d 1. Awmbw ad A. IL (J. AptL dio a (CPA), (11). * coo on No d samm cAr 411h w sew jom(NHjj9D, + 2N&OB -*.III) + wasso'. see R.T. 41 zoo too !n~ww sesw W&V GOT GILA&I am mv It, ; " '- i - I a 4 :a* go go: :::Ol:*:% 0 Re OJVO m It It 0 w a I It 23 0 32 a V 11 11 v ii w 10 w V a .1 CFO to CE a U's 0 -1T -190 00 .: .. 00 00 Aj .60 of P=NWW*vo A. .00 J ApOW C&pn. 00 9 ju -00 a th. viinwifir 0 attir". dweet prop". -00 tun' ::, Our c4mottent of WIIVIF Chkwtlw wilbis Ibr -no .4 -0 a (1-h 2.b S.A. The vierdly 01 bbwb" CvNmkvw dr. cyraws strovey Wilb the 4esm of bkwhim *I Pli 7.5 It, -00 R-b; at pH 10.6 God abovit the dftj~ is ON go awbrAl. .00 00 J-hr- tk---bhw th, downw1jon on 00 (Comm, i"De OD., tte.) Chew " hbMisfill Poo 6 twutrw onnhurn. A r4hibnak -00 0* 00 .00 00 0 00 coo 0 .06 so we: -1 90 to 0 ~01 A WOO =0 : W, 14 tw 0 or -a ii- a I a 00000:000000000000000ooooooooovooggooooosooo ~000000,000*0000*000000 000900000000000000000o V 11 u 11 11 of I R a so h i F a 19~ AIL1161116A or "I"'') I I it a A 161 6 a p U R o41 Af , .i, .. in C*IIWUW darlad the proolootme of libefees, Alk--*LT -v suit A 11,thl,kov froso. 14,1 -, y .14 Fo,.1, -18000M 0, S .1, N , 1940, No 3, im-03 - Livelustory maxidard ineWtv ctilijkloor wait treated untio 18% N&011 in i be cotel (I he at 20' ~. avid excess elk" lambed 00 met The, wily t-4 r0hilow (I, me. ohlit lot Ifinvortioling a go lift'lon so I I ~ ~j an I,v I lot 40 "it vol 10% N011111 at if' fiv 411, "in, fill"Snot th.-itto a No, I Sh.-Il . I'llro. Sashing (it., for.litilt. IMI 16 hh,, volit, 10*,-, Oft.h. onatill sout .4,1 1#A) noted m-nical t'. woolions will, .11). A,4111 no),) votill, ds.i-) Wit). and drying 00 or '160 4%wor )If Ill. Were M 144) :1 ... .... 11.1 VII The 1, biodryinasit linw-V I loon filmor flat& floor loo-14TO1611T 014Y .4 1 in 111% N001 was it lot I was vviernorvistral horn alkah velholoor (altre norf - -111.tusn. cottinc otull for 34 And 414 he- ! 11 a a be 0 a v "pool UUMMES A a It A I I, , a - - , ki p I,. I h) isioloilint, with loot and -.1, 1-1-n JAW Inotbalve I or I wea toy toorosting moth Nact weaking, the ovesithor with weak nil The winthair and the S riourrovelf with hot a1c. The .~gerse,ale,l I .. washed with water and dried In sit. Froon vi-siour I *a- In floor Itivy" of fulm, lhin lairri, ni vi.~ worst pl.-I Ili sla- and tenstod willibald NoClandlibiAlo. I tar Illin sea% lievol hovin Wid with Oatry and do wit lit air. %itFtwkastxxlu#14Kreams iti, wily. in Asks front ft. 1:1 fit DIN% by removal of the lou'"MA. ftvoclions~ 1,11V ..Iy im-rce" to 2AM Weer ,villelft. to 5,25% after Invii1weling [in 24 be%.. to 11.49"1 Ater jolorit1woloill Gin 414 lot. to, ILI atin essinthalling rL.Sispic"Itc. u 0 Is of 0 to it a, ft a a a a a in 41 * * 0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0090 WO 00 0 * 00 9 00 00 09-1 , ,olood to 3.3 lVoit", offer doln I III foint-sking up of the I %tru. Iltrit dUrillit -1111 14 "HIMN IMI With thr %WVMtKM (it elk- -4nslr trisrellirs and I paroivl~ on %oln am] it&% a a r I" "llml .- thor volv. :A I in at, Ak ..lit than the preovding 141- 4 d-In, loon -4 1 -t ... lots n,"-ustionst. "filing I'li,itivions rift- lvmlll~ Iiott- '401 %,Ith thr online. 114-11 -oh. of P At I.- hotnif- In I flo, -1y of ~k, -Ow i 41k lotion list thr hr,tily Intel fitwr, to IN ;.-w 14M elk, fintakil soml AV 41fird Wool and to it) 1.1% for ill. 111wr dr" indrit-T. At "l) MI W R, Hrnu .41116 -00 -4111* -00 no* $90 00 600 SOO .00 00 WOO Mriv An I 1 0 not 0 0 1 1111 a I a a 39 is. ** o 0 0 0 0 0 0 00010 0000 0 000900000 00 a BELRD, A.; BDRISOV, A.; GENIN, B.; GUSLITSER, I.; GRUZDE;V, V.; DICH,S.; DUSETEVA, Ye.; YEWPDVA, A.; ZAK, S.; XLZTMV, A.; KRUFMIKOVA,Ye.; KONKIN, A.; NDGILEVSKIT, To.; ELESHWEEL#--A.; SWLKOV, G.; CHICHIHIANI, A.; CHUGUNOV, K.; SHIFRIN, L.; YUNOVICH, E. Sergai Alekseevich Tairov. Kh:im.volok. no.3:79 162 iMIRA 16:2) (Tairov, Sergej Alekseevich) PAY'SHm-1 ~' P . guy medlim, 11rojov-S'na HWF. EV..4 0. .1, 161-4-The paper is a preliminary report of alkylating 'cellulose under conditions similar to those existing in a homogeneous medium and to those described by L. Dock ~(C. A~ 31, 890). Vise= Mlk, bleached lintcr (of the fShulskaya cuVrym,-nlp-n-ju-jn--fWa-tiT) ano niter paper were " Pau I . The amt. of ridded into '6~ N-irmse. The expts. were 5% of the wt. . k-.T 4A"UMO_F1Rd ~ou~t%71S5!120* with a 5% conen. of cellulose. At 0* (and lower) viscose silk dissolves rapiM-y-7n_Tje- base conig. ZnO and forms a yellowish, semitransparent dense insms. Bleached linters form a gel-like mass which con- tains lumps and fibers. Filter paper apparently dissolves The viscose cellulose fibets were in cold HIO and in a 901 I ut an examination under the microscope show.-; only no. of org. solvents. The methylated mass from filter eatly swollen fibers. At room temp. and lower the sOITM paper is completely sell. in HjO and contained approx. 14 % ~ of thp incompletely dissolved products are very stable. BY oLAjrD,, The temp. rigimi and the time were not accu- beating to W-70' (and sometimes to .50') flakes ate ritTiry-URd. (the time of the reaction was " brs.) flen- formed which dissolve an cooling. Higher conen.%. Of base zylallon produced substances (tn. 161*) sot. In ale.-ben- produce no flakes in spite of the fact that viscose silk di3- rene Ind tivridine nd partly sol. I I-n-fwn-zyla- selves directly in the conc-d. base. For methylation anrjo-n ex I W J it was disRolve4alffin-41/c NaOll with S. v We all eXCE-s's of MU-Sol (5-10 mols.) was added in small port ions addn. MnO. The reaction was cluiried out at room temp. will] mixing to Me cellulose soln. The traction began at, and was completed by heating 1.8 firs. on a water bath. room temp. and proceeded with foaming and a temp. rise The exact conditions of the expts. were not recorded and of 45-[iO*. After the reaction the basic medium wim neu- I Ile proi*rties of the productswere not detd. Thedescribed tralized and poured into HO at 80'. McthykelluIO-w method is suitable for the production of simple cellulow X .. 1 "a' - sepd. in The form of flakes ftc were vrjqre(T-vr lerssol. in IflO, since products of small. defirces of alkyla- 11,0 and dried. The flakes dissolved completely ,. C.13 t ion (but set. in H20) can be obtained. 13 relerences W.N. 11prill 'HO; in hot 1RjO they scpd. in I he form of a gel Find flakes. CM'EIIMR= MRM 0 9 els a 0 9 0 9 els a 0 0 sa sis 0 0 Fie rie 4 0 0 4 4 0 of 1 41 4 a I I ; 12 11 14 1 1 M It rl; .1 11 D R it _4 V a NO k W U jj Is 111 v V it A., it v 41 64 a 00 _jL_ "t. I,- Fill '00 Oea The sellhici of va"O" newlitiodis M Irsesetweval I" VMS~ -00 00, sty of WArecallulose A Pok,hv,~. .1, F,,Aov and L. ' "i"Ll fte"IFIF)POW"i bir a trellow either (it the welts Finel of Use Trih. ImacnIce W. S. "t lxbe&va. Iran,. fast C" . L Boiling I with dimd. water is &xtempank-d by a dr k 1 390, No. 3, I#L% 7 - rile starting nitsovellulsemir (U ,.,,Ww of the it of thr S% An. (by W% on boiling for . .01111111 *0 'untaintif 11.1% of N. It, is was dctd. sttnWt&nrsxsjbiy herse. Wild by 33% on folding fair 8 hirs while the 9 tit th, ) in 0.2. 1.0 and 5.07V seezvione soin%. The 9 of the 0.2% . . oh. am the p"rentairr of N in I renusiened peracti -00 -Irs. charactcTizeii restivie fully the t~ of the I u3o6,, and cedlir siarhanceff 01 0 vessel 11 117e) This shoin that the ther 9 of the A% imiles- chastat-irrist" tile prottellift of costs. Of the I partit-l- and thir threleve .1 mi"ifimtson - 004, inewrial mWeres. uwd for the prodtwetion id nitro Lac-quirrie awl l olairird unrlearseet,,t lu"llnept I its hard war" it",&- ,-# ermstion-portlair filill. Ther 9 of t tie r6 ; .,In was debt hm-h 2W lb 09: h W ll t d t 4 f ,,enswerallefir Ill,, 9 .4 elm- itibill 4 the 0 21; .-Hi .1 ew "sea.- wit a tath ar mil w is ~ For 11*5% Miles, tit.. list-traw 44 1111, 1 wits 11,1117j, isfirl bod 00 :ooam the q tj curasniteorsitim At" of mUukpw. The 9 111113 hm sell M% Were tmAHnj 14 her- Treatment of I 4 0.2% Sad 1 0,, Aiu. was drid. in an Osltwalld irb. with 11 asset only -rcttm-"*o the excvm it ac-quiered by I by i i'O 0 ,urnitterval2tY. lwas(i~boikdf(m3hrs.iniSIDPV--4 00,1 - bodift is with hard water but dt*Teuft the 9 below these 000, man; (2) boded under the ssarese, conditiow for M . of the hiskial 1. Probably at the expnew at the Moval of Fr 'j::OG hr%.. (3) boded for 3 hers. in water cossig. Kirsec C*(OH),; ; Cis fetaga be 2A a, the jntjW I T prdw reatnesnit of 1 1.00 011111,, 44~ boded under the some cisteditionsi for hers.; (5) . with so" leads to a %harp decrease of the 9 ved to Ilk. Na beeiii. 90A sealed for 2 brei. with less) parts of a sides. of ' villubsifil'Stilles of thir nitro ffruup. The ritilts abassied that !1: 00 ; M) the oertapht"Plesete (H j in rtnum.. 4 W et T of At . ,he treat strest with U a. of jeractical Mi. 800 0011 ~rriv a. in i% late the initial I w&% in. littfinaftly treated with 7 bw =is the *,if else 1 last almo lot milwina i Ift'n 's - I Iw sssnit a, in " hot I tit o boiling hard was- lot 3 hr,, ; ( ' - 1 . Mw redressed "let with hard war" duritill tbe Van, hu'd z 040 onteallwa%trealtrillaters4. Whesiledfor3lers watell 2 " am Stabilizatrome (If I Ii W n *O -I& Are . III 1-0-1 1- 9 hrs. with 0.2es, smisla An It- e ts A 411 Co- I was ver-Imil with cold wet" selier the treativirro. it" in operve air atwi at 11l' in a drwr For the (fee it ill 600 IWO 0 00 0 0 411 1 1. 42 As n 1;o T ZA I 1 0 sea a a 9 1 Iff 0 1 do a 3 wn I is __Wj 9 IF ~ re Is it 2, a a it via ma 4 0 0 0 WO 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 __q 0 0 91 --- --- ~m .-Oo 00 00 00 00 The adualim ad 0 pdk&U Is twm of -00 OM. A. ftkAp&~ * 0 (t low. No. 3. 16% - lost lmn~ : -00 0 72 Alls" mvwn"I IsY CAPT""M Ill ths' lls'411"I'll "I 00 vilahlos, t"ftfm~m. much bratimpub-sw Va.- Inug"l, - 0 fficull 1'. J d . $114wr i ous, an : In U. (If lbb. idklbh 1. 2M.1riviss 0 hitcl. than tbAl gxrpl. a 1b I*Jrv jd"b -00 AO 06 W. R. firpl, 00 00 0 00 -0 0 ~00 0 v '40 a I i 900 bw -00 woo so I . l4to 0 16 J 31T 1 4 ;4; 00 04 go 0 0 00 0 0 0 0Oa 0 00 0 f 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00000,000000000000-0000 990000090 ooeqooo*oooo , 4 1 0 , a ~ ~ - - 'D EM 0*00 so: - 00000001 0 IF Im-N a N ON oat -00 go ode md-mmobeft fur The ftaft pop-am aa var 400 S. "R.1 mwmwkn IM ~V i ~~ 1 .00 -00 . ~P dww own" we Fra... T--. '"L &HOW. - &Wknons is do dye- ndby 1 1 00 abmwecau ima is -madem"28-1- k.7dwp---.' b " and -00 fam'.4" cobs* tb* dwkr-t Im =. '~~m the Oubm bY be diswuma -ism + =P -00 0 , a Kau* wcro Itiodaujo mod we --MOM. Irmp.; bhw wA "d-vickt aht FIF PC& 4rajot Ggom Aso a pop "us A , a asum + :8 1 o .00 dt m . RIAU" . mmim*& am Pwk 1 Pebac" v s_m " to "d-viuble bbe ~ o 0o gwj." slat GG N F ' 8'. rl. + Tcoo + 8 Eltm F bbw Old Fisk; d- 00 ro ND We&- b- red; wow mad Fw- S cimaso woo i 0018 - + d.-h- 8 B" + 1171 BMWs GS mi= - AmN I ZIA .600 00w + vWk,. 60 --I LASM + abor 'd ;;dw~_I Wkm me; MCI + And Plow OW bhw; + ANN (WOW P Wim ma n go ON JAOA low I a see Po Pan an ebtam" OF A an O'D th. mismso- dy". W. R. N~m t: cdd see 006 LWMSOIJW CLAOINCOM mamma smiev all 0 ee 0 0 0 : 0 00 O ob tto 0 0 0 9 4 as *0 AT o I Of "Wisisto A. pro- vff. S u ~Wh f M C" I I got . . o " na. inat I(,. S. x.) staoist. No. 3, 17,04 M Tbr .IjMt of the %I"- ans. to sangilify ibr re.uh-shisimil by Dexilvif WO .41110 Girastite (C .4. A 51711") ainti to --vify star dt~-OMPD. Tv- -1111411 Io, I'll at %A' Ca. In. No and Cis tyllukaial untlostris. A -00 i -mus. looviii olcadistaily wa- Isbac-ttl an a allows P111111f, 1 t 4 d 1 ar Gas s w 1 [Isis.. w& ongubsted in couti-d. NOCI -41, fix 2 Nza "n to entnialetr MMWW of im- id n jib * s . ru jhk- * poristwas (.ulficlm, thinewbunise-. I-- i &oil treated for 10 tacalsa. W Ow oti-INSAillf 'All (Cock, an wish III ivierd ti 1101111. The anot. .1 ArOH and than, lists cd dw ft, . 0 =00 000 . t that a N.0, Cucl,, ZnCi,). Prrlimistatiry xPtV,. hovved sci6marservalind.hymblasulictipt- Tbremnsigninti treated "it ablentalfale and the pmvntap of r 00 0011 TIWfliolaossaideconsiod.orkla liat a drfinits, tinna (with a %1411) Willitch) Will ilal- SA) % H 4MV00d.caw- The Trimly of star kcinsion. u1joissauslogs . , V owdiftlialis utnorlwid is a 141% INSOA, An, ailift wbirk it a- "A increlow with axing of the vi."., into A dn-yes- looks.. 441olly dw~ al i h h coo a. froptaIrfard list 4 win, in it) in) of A, fal No Ill "a. of . m w s j e has can ca ' 11 j u l 11 11111 " as-cr b ow NUOU In Town, Tjosso a '' I kx* is distd. 1.v the colloidal ivop,,"bast @I 11W at ' " lZ = . Dw saWrt stionthat,. Inass an go -iih sciel a drinan sorlav filin .1 a I* Irgramlal pAnna , whkb rotlanh the J'his capkinso " the eftl of site - . of viu*ow an the derwallan. inability Of that, aso* Ramthste. M90. Metals the devolvapost. of the Mallueor x94 iniat mob - extent than dnft znw). Tbwr&" UPID. I Cannot Thog. Kl K10, in the, ppin. bath. W. it. M. 6 1 0 1 L 84TALLUP&ICAL LIVISSIUPI CLaSUPKATOOM 1114- -X. - , Coe a.- -1-1- be Ilo 60411, a" 0-9 ISO 0 0 a Ran lin AM I Is I fU 0 0 0 '1 9 96 9 oon $ Ilva 0 0 0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 4 , te 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V a 0 0 16~2 000)00 00 0 000 0 0 964114111 00 00 4111- 00 00000 0 0 0 0 111 40 o 0 0 0 foe QF is it a a a it 42 41 AA 6 U or* 0 : a a 0 of Evel"ohm do WhIseft far gestelow sow latow- fromewraft9d peral6va. A. Palishveopidli. Man- 7 - k44. tpool. logo. C". )**1N. j#A" "j. b. b. ad.) low, No, 3. W 6- 1)"ling Ilit rVaps. ad the i"ithlual 00 0 1"Wids tbr temp. of the hipad dM"W" radvially. fcorb. 00 a Ins T.O. (the of the wrl idles a Irfutlle O_ IU fLamns r(justwas am Provowd lot 00 a : -41cs. I he temp sit Crepe. with I #"K and of 7 am and #-. I _0* 001 xp"0114T + b)ITI(.VIPK)40 -ISFI(ar + b)ll*I(Ml /'MW - KkdT + .&T* - 1*)JV (1) wkffe It is the forming surfam films (Whicki kinder the C"WE. Prom-) AD 1.00 Lev of evaps., F, She saufmcr M evapa. in sq, cm.. F, thr attire compkx, but own in sarb cauri tbg cliatip of the Aro 0 ee j total awfam through which the heat pones to the liquial. temp. d reaps. no be cvAcd. bun (1) "d (2). Is the 1. the ttmp. of out" all. 0 t1w cwff. W diess6ow in sq. *%PRO. the dMIS" of the temilts. of its folkiwas bqM'& =00 00 a cm./Mv.. a the care. of brat Im"Alty to cal./g. arc.. I the SWA Mahn. diving WWOM. I r"Ved ib. '610 0') = . of ectlyl- is's wt. of thy 36 V is ilit mol EMU lb 711 &116 JI Wid I we cosub tmv . . ., - ~ .. .Q. CV"pg. liquid, P the prceswe of the varicandkis " in. -11 n va". Velocity MIND drtd. from of the M" in P"A didws. Simshw*- llis WOW wt Of The even. liquid ins. the kma al wt Oihr tinwand W z 00 '19 940 . . a Vot equatiom can he amph" fix types, a thin loyes of * d l b 00 , C e s l ermccusp the hijuid to the JulJowing Imm J 1 40 - 1hol r + 0/ of thr liquid "W willian 'Th l' 0 1* s 49 A11PN) t m l f O F I t . . e ' b - M + (01(a +1 - ( 40"tantavi to all arfWa v ti . p I it ZO( 1( ' see a 0 - U ' cwrc~poodalotbr otitial at. W varims Way byris of The Liquid me" drid, thwu time 10 V4. (2). wbtm 0 * Th l d b r e . t ca cm. u1 its vadam. T. and tivw. The npil. irwits apcvd well with t t be evapS. liquicl pn sq *-.un be valcif from 7- #)6j V,PM1 i1volim) protword by 161imilin and Zet'dowlt IC A. 23, it JJZ'r. -Xral I/ I.X)j 4;.19-- jxvh1Jv;)'kY':W' 9111W) Out mrs'"lills Ilit provell" of at-Avrats need fix abAd -1 + 611 T1w velm'. the 1011"In. of l"Urre Irian CTWIAW ewers MOS kincom see celkidim must be cliword bsewn tkw method does so Ity -d evapn. G dmes" with a tin-reii,or of the temp. of z rvaps G reaclin a ctinst, value Gat. when the temp. take into COMMIArrIltion the initial we no low lacquer "'. reaches Tat.. The "apit. of -Aavilt liquids from s0im. rwrlv~ rrf-~~ W It flean t:94 Uz- to* so 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Al 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V 0 Al 0 0 a 0 a 0 a 0 97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 * 0 0 0 91 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 * 0 0 a a 0 a 41 0 a 02 90, 00.1 908 008 00 r 00. 0 O*j 4111111111~i **a 0 000000000 I T v b it a It W M AS 0 a v A 0 a at a a 4d a Ot a 111-1-it I q A8_1_4 'i" 0 is 0 0 .'ZO J- Del"MANOicis of ibs viocasity of &Maus* somucia" .1 Viacom to &A%"Trj.,.S 11r.'Jow and E. AArov. .kaya. ran In". CAM, *,A,. Iratim. (U. S, S. k 100. NoA. IMO 1.11 - bi-olirr 8 %*niplr of air -dry vtwow '.Avon (vilth it kration otoi-luto ivattal) with ruixint; in a stsu runix K- NsOll and kvvp it it a masixg IIIiIII. &I P. Aftor ~In. ternoiv the ltj&.3 limit thr rooliq 11111t., Irl Illf Mop. 04f to 20'. lkw the soln, into a t.11h u'Wd 14N the detis. of of of cupwationotilook Crilidivic MAU , keel) it in a thernicistat at 211' and drt. the q of celluloac (I j ift firmut owns. of I in a law ctin stand without the wp", of I train the italn. fix 111, 14 hn., after which a tur- Indit), and white flakits appear. Standing of the sobt. its .,tvn air and air fil"' through the "It. (to rot chanxt, 'h, , .'f be Iio~k "n Idiftnives %otwhat rnixv i.puliv it *;I ?s"'i whi ,I N.I)H , 11 .4 4w I And Ibt wsm Ilierdsts". it the I voln. iD on M% haw is lews than that in a sitrttl~ 1,A- contg. 117, of ZriO. The ba,sc wilus. if I ire ~.-t rrably move stable than sire thr rutwaturnatumn "n3. 410 they can be uwd tu utrue cAws (in imcstigating the pgttl,- ~Iir% fit vivrove %ilk and %tapte fibei for snvA-tinx the W R lirrin IQ- .-I. 3w,*- IN d3 a I a 0 IF J( 19 if Of It it It 4111;1) 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40.0 * 0 q 0 a 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 6 0 &'s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 * 0 0 0 00 0 00 *so 0 0 0 0 i0 0 PAESHVE.R ~ A. Symposium on synthetic fibers in the German Democratic Republic. Xhim. volok. no.406-77 165. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sinteticheakikh volokon, g. Kalinin. PAESHVER. A. All-UnIon Conference an the Main Prol)lems of the Physics an,! Chemistr7 of Cellulose. Xhim.volok no.4:76-79 '59. (MIR-A 11:2) (Cellulose - Congresses) 41 _i Age. ftr slow 60, a K. 60 Irp 10 Dee d' I1 1 i ft 00 s 16 ~ IL Do 0 '00 ~~ iva- M aa AS-4 kal l o': 96,9*096610,04444 *0 l : e I *4096696*wl p 100000 40 0 0 0 0 0 9 jj'~ t . --' i-~r 11 1 .- -: -, 0;4, 1 ia$ I , *p""W4. 111@ A lk ~L JL-A-A-L- a M 0A I A-V V-1-A-1-1 -4. 0 Ix MP 00 A .1 :- ifF - + k: 00 00 0* 00- 31 it Ig 33 m a is v a so a at 41 43 c0 JL- I&j 1AA ~J-kw 10-A- 1 AMA qualky of Ow dbrr 6 im~j No dw amos"Ptive at chrmkw rMAMIS in tkw FWnITSUCE al tbr Cu OtAn. bs kvTvswd " trealkis tbv f".4dy pft-pd. Gher, sth a "n .4 canto. MIAM -00 V--l -TIT VDIVOIN ones glum an n 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 W000000000000000000 4000000000000000000 zoo .100, =60 dos, too* $0 A 101160 "too 310 9 6000100*66000096060i I Vem, ~~O.' At t I A a h At a U "l 4~ -v t 16! it Is #&j4LI.%45 ..4 CA l rk&w. (V VIP Applwi - V 23 1 t I man. vista drIMMAIrd in a lbin Jay" am a SM24 plats, am tb6 was imuser"d in running a ater for a definite Swr", then in diL HaSO. unfil dreampri of the complex wa.- MnIsIcte. The %An was "Yard for Cu. aind the depoijied evilulaw (.,let drying to conit. at - was dctd. a, hydincitHulow. Oil Tim titur at treatment was; viiiiied from 3 to 15 vnin.. temp ' * .00 to 61 from 20) , Nils cuwa, from 2M to 0 410 g.3. and the rebuloar cown. In the copramlow lum soln, from 3.91 to 6.45%. In all cawis thr amt. of Cu oplit off by HIO inneservion, appromAwd 0.5 Cu atom prr g1lucast unit. the ek" Ina of temp. eatiliess a Asill increasit, of t1st re- l 0 actim ra .; issisTenist, of NH# col". in Osse 1ho up 11) 2 g. 1. sham no apprrvial,le effect an the rate By in- circaw of the cellulow coriLls. in wila. whb con-t. mitial Cu4v&dm ratio the rate of discestpev.~=)-tis I I. a derytinard, probaw to frurdalke vim into IWIPAW .1 :ltillfilver ratio with cmestant tht film , cAlukar conra. in wilts. decreens tbr rate tif hydroly%it. 2 a** probaNybecauwold6spkxvmentofcquO.totbek4t: (Cs- t Cn,,,Cu + 4XII, + 11,0 " 2(C.Cu.) + Cv(XII,,.- 00 I (Oll it. It is ctlescludecl flint Cu I'] joined to crillikow by a douhk boad: one Cu atom per 2 thiscrow vv4idur% s- iiiiisird Itsif firmly and h t0h off by treat memo with HA) by wham Ibr eircond pan of the Cu (the amt brilrolysiti , slepritillas on ibe &Vre of ..cqvm of lbr reftlow I is a*-by wN ft"wnt. If M. KowAsma zoo Ik z 0 *3138, all still 4A a.. is. - - - ft a A 1 a a d D a - I OF 0 9 do 6 4 v ~ 18-0, 0 lo 00 E *00 - - &A-A-6-6 0 * 0 0 0 ON e ::: U vc-- so a so so- 'r -bob= mut 44 wbomm is 09 weetimm. MWOMMOM gpbd~, a* wift abow"d. p 00 ev of N%S%. 217&LLWMW&t LnINOW" CL6UWV.AIMS FOOP Selova -AV C.. *a 10"Meall 10 , , ; a' ; 'a ; 00 * 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0* 046 0 0 0 0 0 a tip ad atll-"a low Iola .00 zoo zoo goo goo see moo, i zoo 9 2-1 logo I woo eltAhl am a- 14, 100000000 ~ 0 a 0 a e 0 0 0 Z5 400 *so 0 a c 0- 00 "lm ept." AL.0 CPU*% luv" il ol so :0t2 OOZ O*r u pa"-4 PUN HOON i"Olud 49 p" au" ream" AM. (q so 'OP P281W If -4&.qAdgi .. 00, ja 60041 09.1-t-81 1-00 A41 if O"g) pM IN Go son Oft 10 A4"itl ,I.U)f v 11-W quv A V~ PON"% so roe so- R00 so- r00 so- 09- so- v so- Go- /- d00 00 a 10 at tv T-4 -r a - A11 1 f 95 T 9 1 0 I &got J111c, 17 I'm 0 00 0 0*sees** 0 a 0 0 00 101 e egos 0 0 o 0 0 0 o C go 000*00*00000, I. * * r mlmm~.. 4"S", I - A. & It 4 ,/~ L-71 'r hr Jsq 1; Gawkinmelawaombis --flooftnommieft I A P* A. Zbmum4~ ArPt C". M.,,. Is". 17. M ":ZSM pnvomcr ,, ). AmmmuWal Ollu- ar. t. It. 4 bv ~, M .. lwum)lrd tw alka)is "d hintim, bv tlZml MIMI~ F. % 11 040 00 so 9 *go so a 00 00 L L-1 1, 1 1 t I It v 10 P 0 4) w 41 A to t-v - 4 a a a _A ;!t--"ppt wt~ not is Owasity A It 9, No 11/12, tift-201"ir-W.11 somirtj -111 11%'1 its (11 '90 VID i;ee 0 40 go* zoo mill 414- t00 s s fm a :semi*,, 0; age 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 000*6 0 0000000 0 669:nA 0 0 U VJ Is If Is I? C-U-1 MITIMA WAX 0 a LA i'!v pot, 00 If a ~11 00 00 sell 09a ,am x SO v a 0 0 0 a 0 a [--a _j A- S___JL_ -00 see now -70 so No. V/10, cf- ManhallhAtits 8 111TA&LURGICAL UVINATUDI CLASUPICATIC* toAcal -to LWI 081 2M I TTT~ W6016699010* so* 0 ***-a's coo too as 0 -00 00 keg miskil do O-V Lit 1 8 rw 0 a a I a a 9 so 1 9 ALO 0 0000000000 0 0 PAKSHVER, A. B. I 22513 Pakahver. A. B. Polucheniye I Svoistva PoLiamidnykh Smol. Vysokomelyekulyar. Sayedineniyao Vyp. 9, 1949, S. 58-70 Bibliogr: S. 69-70 SO: Letopis' No 30, 1949 CA cu:!Z= ==UAM and N rrkdd. Nom , 10. No. U. ~fr deld by fh~ Iml. 24"ItIlIrf Of thCif 6INTS Whk-h k by .1-voolng. dvring. lc n,l lAts fit thew filwf* .1111 ..1 .4 ;.,fl* Vh"Iwth UmAlwa~h PAKSHVER, A. B. USSR/Chemistry - Synthetic fibers, Anal sis SeD 011), > WON)$ jw =Ad d the 0. go "me bf 04 UZ. mzi;i WOO ppla- do lop--*, 48 W WOW" 0" From do the a" ZOM-1070,11)" rom do am. F of dm amm > `410--6b mw " mm Aab dm im NHOM- do,*. id CU(OH)s waft 'j. to ji" NHJW- Wltb Mpfa to al pfi(OWI is I mm of 1 adk*w imms bub Or !:-, tbt ObV6 by M07 a Ow Oemplim mals. Is com Jkw Im I or do CIM&M. u do latuff A va the On 41 by, tm 60#1 of atAm b ==!o no Mrl~ no, do some 0,16 wo. " Za(00), of NI(OH)s CO(OH)l is NHAH- W' "V* an Sam. A 9060. sma cu(&j). or C00101 Is N". C..W, fw &sodvwg b. KROH N. T%m ... ef its dabk*Y- .2 tA doc ob". OW wbak b?- *==,tmld amobsom. W. I At&Mpw, A, A. J~~, mW N I Podbmwvo tlvawwn rose I -V-iV R SA. "&~ 91 L -M' (ION)X I:;, 11,44ittmi .14'4. 8740A. k M S . L . .- . 1. . . - . 49 400 x holulmmis al "*I! A It Nksh,#-o ats'ji is i '4 41 is. i'11. -I' c.11'. .......... ... . ... M11, I hc .11,Mi911 1113% fOICIA111011, the -t#WW1 the &Clk-l 14 Ib, -1- ,,-W I'llt IllieFlOOL 0~401.114 bV1%TVIJ the 1'. .". k. . A., have all illif.W1.6111 VIT"t, os-, .I i Ill plim Si-sp. -(I he in-vottu-N., the Own tiwk 11-l"I us'.1.1hiv .10. lit"Ict, tx"lesw hi"Iml 1'. 4" Ills- 4 lit lit, hall). 1, #v-11" 1.1 m a In-SCAW in the ..Ill ". -Is 'It It. 411"l1 *IIAIISVIII1111 101111M 'vo-, Ttw 1'.11-inik lld~ I., Ifu '1107ur"It it,, I-er the sj~'N -'a '11rhijib.-I It lh~ ..Ill. W,I h Allimit'hills the t.. its '"dul 'a -N-t 1'w ktt'-411 1111VII'll, .11141 lit'- .- Al-his '- 61191MV-S, ftif 11, Its 'h.. lit A 4',,j 1 f'~ S, 4,1,1 J4-VjjsL %hf filli.4sr divir.. -.f I It, '11 .4 4.1 tit, 0" vo . M .1-1- .." " " .1". ill 14, 111"fifill v d I he ill .' . , m6-1 1.% 6114 1 A.*N"l' 1.10, .fl its, it juslif or'lop. -S I Armtm,li- T W--~W:t jM41%= 000 80000 do 4 go woL IS ICNIW, ggzr-%141~ NOL an Nipowas go Lit". *9 do A 4) amim 0*90" awe ~G=e W*MM imawilim. OIL go tam MUM-20- .8 w OIL 6, *meow" boo at gem sew. 4" > Awe litswo > [IV Coo, to 0%.4 1 6 mod IN60 14 04- - is of 6i"Olo, Sol 'i womismona Iggon q~. do iia-d to e~& 'A" comwo of jws go& U Wt. WL 018tow Rwr o- 'Zip ;=-7-,l WOW OWL md tb. dwu Ifislosomff Vwim~ M. a" popodo tww &pdw vow IM-NM is of cuilk the ma we men" wilbm abnom aud i thwwom .4 pdyamWo cows. "d dme am ~ lba VANS of d pw~ Mn ~ in Wl% *A& 60% pb-d = wo 1-176K dopendes a W VEL ow m ~ I I -M +*a wd 04K in L R aid m ow on md 9% wommoft d w6Z.*mrANw 040~d m ow Md S-29 md IV) iuQ45%, 606tim.0 par=" ~ tq% &2%,Nd 2ffw-.w.-" blums I i~dw - - , P~Wwm= I Tbry awwm &Wamp u cg soblum in mcoslf.~ with P" ab don we OW pbw b~ ow am iatw- -DPWApib _ )- a 51N ~, k-- CA no riploakes of mobitio" of Polivaillide I"piks A ii I N I H 13 m:l 11:11 1-1*01 Int, 4 1 1 lickil 46, IXlha A -0,14 madt III lip 11111111~j, W.'I ,no 1.4, IIIM -,it 111141115 a . Ith tht- III 11111A ~111 I . .1111 1 ll~ -1 .1 A 1.11w.mid, f"Il 1. 1. .411 it, to-- V-i 110),11 'T.1 'I)- 1W)II rhi- Jifle-f-ut 'd I by .,to Lurd, (1) onlg a I~Anul witnuit. (after ellf, couls num"new slid kill IX) at lip,' , (2 1 I-mw~ jil"t raid with but 11,01. &nd (31 contS no mon- imi but only lilm-imbl. avinust. mt1l" were also tuado and ak--. ,4jbrWcvnI&grmAj clewild.rcsin(I)IIi0fil acids ber by 11 il VINWIMICd that in I thir mb. itwe linked tort I~wflfuj InterfmA bowl. betwern the COM11 groups of 0. in cornpils. (it the IYIW firighburing IMA. 110-hill 1011 fooll, Whole R - 11. %19401l').. 16MC111O.Co. 90, 1. ,zo,. rb. or clif.hip. Ill, -141, if atom of tkw,* e-nlxj,. )units Ill$, vollymnil.1, at, fir"I '"'I -dvt-nl luu~,rfrivd Ify the Intrumly (if feselp'n'd thip 4 IKAya" With Illf IIKI1. -1 volvwil ul the f1toil typr Ill f"Imet I"41AIrrilt Orength.diffewiturcuinpd, alib, Noll type can be arranged in tit onier: lic(Nlf ~. pb,.-& . 11-mg avid. 4nd 11,0 , liphzi, Mid, , j,. ,W it,,, ()-'I'S "' 'tw relatively IOW "" -f of I and the disfamv I,I,~n tip neighboring tKAAr CON'li group. in the chun. f7:;:- cham 111"11% 1"W~% AlIMIJAIt C1.4011171ty WitbOill CVXI. -kl-.bk .4valsm; Ir ill,. the I ai, I all, coly Jjghtly with ri,ing conco of I in voln *not undergoes little change ill dlffrrrnt mklvvnl~ Mmouter, r g . lactack, &risk krttxw%, r a arrilmir, milvale the polar CO.N11 Emp. "Al'oll [he IIIII'll"Pol hund, and wirprem, the It, ill the bill,, 111, Illows ar"I Thi~ phempturnumn I, nut oberved ill PhOll -,its I,, tho Onmis veactim ul pbench with the kirimic x"MI, W t.lClAin ..$,I at"umv. Difirrvor" bolu-n I ,nd criful.- ."tAt. .,tv I.Mlltr,l all N it j to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 all 41 q 9 q f 40 f 4q 1 4f, 14t I I I t 0 0 4 4 2 p " a 4, 1, ii , . ; IF p 6 is A -A .1. fAF1u A-A 90 00 jocitcull ot Apploil Ctwmi,fri 1. 2; %,I,t 00 00 .00 09 lee co ~ Oe 0 1*0 u it Av in is u - ) A " - 0 "0 P ~ 110 0 oie 00 *so 0 0 0 0 0 0 00100* 606990906000 bee 00 *gg, 004 0000000*00 &0000000000000 got 01'9 10690060 000000 KUKINp Georgiy Nikolayevich.. prof.; SOIAJVIYEV, Aleksey Nikolayevich, prof.; KISELEV, AJ... dotsent.. retsenment; PAKSHVER A B., prof... retsenzent; BIJDIIIKOV,, Y.I.p dotsent, retsenzent; LUAREVA.. S.Te., kand.tekhn.naukp reteenzent; IMISHIS, L.A., kP-nd.tekhn.wukj, rateenzent; TM4AYAN, S.A., kand.tokft.nauk, retsemsent; SHMNGART, M.D., red.; SHMSOV, S.V., [Ouide to textile materials] Tekstillme materialovedenie. Plod obshchei red. G.N.Kukiza. Moskva, lzd-vo mauchno-tekhn,lit-ry. Pt.l. 1961. 303 p. (NnA 15:4) 1. Ivamovskly tekstilirly institut (for Kinelew). 2. Voesoyuzrqy zaocb3Wy institut legkoy i tekstilluoy pronyehle=osti (for Fakshver). 3. Tasbkentskly tekstilljWy institut (for Budmikov). 4. Vaesovuzrory institut promWohlemnoeti lubyamykh volokon (for Laza~a)- 5. TSentrallmyy naucbno-isaledovatellskiy institut sherstyampy proiWahle3mosti (for Luvishis). 6. TSentrallzWy maucbno-issledovatellski7 institut shelkavoy prom7shlemnosti (for Tumayan), (Textile fibers) plastics Oct 51 Solutions of Acetyl Cellulose With Different Acetyl N=6ers," A. B. Pakshver, G. K. Kopylova, Lab of Artificial Fibers,1varkQvO Chem-Technol Inst 02bur Prik XhW Vol XXIV, No 10, pP 1052-1057 cSW of tech acetyl cellulose Into fractions dis- UWA*u1sbed by their percentage of acetyl groups is 119001ble. Addn of 920 or C~~OR favors soln of five- .*U" vith a lov percentage of acetate groupj~ anqk to soln of those with a -high content- Ot Thus, it %0 or C295OR Is added *U '50* 'id* being equal,, cellulose acetate' 'UM/Chemlstry Plastics (ContA) Oct 51 high acetyl number vill ppt. On adds to the $0401 sketone, solu of cellulose acetate of methylese-1, chloride, dichloroetbane or other solvents vhi;:b react only with the OCOC~3 groUpa, cellulose see- tAte vith low acetyl nudArs vill settle out. , I . L, k- ; - i- PAKSHVER A B. Mdwd d k7utiption d dw 1kc! al wgip OW9, - 9~ Who AW kal. "kWofWWO, y'741 Xvxf. VysvkvxwkkW. SnedixexiJorm 1952, 1884M.-The raft or sob. of regenw- uted coUxkm by 10% X&OH is deaessed by streteloing aM aging.- H)*d * of a pdyamW by OAN HA% at 100* is similarly afWft-d. The polyarWe is tested as spun, aged, and stretched BO, IOD. 150, 20D. and 39D%, the latter belfore stood after setting. 2, 4. wail 41-k9k!!Ies..!~' Phenol in rate.r. cam ext I I yarn, whik cantraction sectors foryism stmicbed 150% or more. The process of hydrolysh of polyamide &W ovaner- ated beDulase in acid medium are evabutted kinetically as - diffusisn reactions. ne assumption of antarphoons and cryst. phases appears unnecessary. H. D.-Noether A&Bb Chemical Abet, Vol. 46 so. 11 Apr- 259 1954 heniotry Dyes wA Textile C $o"Change.of viscosity of qWLAM d betero. 2ynus hydrolysis in add M . and E r couoid J. IU.S.SjR:4'J' , ~'v. ~ W. .- E" C. F ion) Obsolcoaftet. -:*a. 48 no. 9 Nor .10 1954 aw nwmdwa chodistry do Al of de. AWN, ~~;; ~M UM/Cbmistry - Synthetic Fibers Jkr/Apr 52 "ChRAWO of the Viscosity of Polyanide Fibers IXWUW Reterogenous Hydrolysis in an Acid MUM," A. PWmbver, Ye. Nw2kash, Ivanovo Chas Tech Inst *WpUeld ZhwII Vol XIV, No 2, pp 112-117 i ftmp~ of Sol wt and destruction of polyamide f1bowund r baterogenous conditions in an aaid A4UR bag been described by the eq of Rotinipa avcft~zdav ("Mur Obahch Xhin't Vol XIx, p 1943, 1940) "by vbieb changes of the rate of f iss im of bonds are expressed as a function of diffUlan just as in investigating the rate of bVOW64mis of high polymers vitb destruction Md. OUW of sol vt, the presence of a muiti- 4=zThoux And cryst f Iber structure need mot W; asswawd. The kinetic eq permits estim- UM 4C the m*X structure of high-mal f ibere. "TM MOSIMIK V. A. 109111IMi A. N. IIOJAMAIIWo am-todml Inst "MOLU" zhur- x1v 0 go 3, PP 172-176 4. the udde bood In both the momu~g avA-. tbg pplymrle polymodde, "*W Is a lofAmIr reaction. ftdrazouimu low anAl W~~ low'Dw an active Part in it. the appormt at MUvotion ot the reactica I& &a uld =AS= to *a ~qla by&o2ysis of Is4tAu and or reaft# i.e.., 00 =dmllm air bwdrousis of *AuW can"s two mb dap" = the -- & 1 of solft boMs in Us UIL 4r 49 A~ it IS at a "cite or CW" -10-Mm. lIftollolsorcaprolactaialusaak poces" sbftt twice " fast am requw" 4m= at activatua Una by&olssis !A on 110 UM/Chemistry - Plastics, Syntbetic Noy 52 ;0 Fibers OInteraction Between Chlorinated Polwinyl Can- pounds and Solvents," B. E. Geller, A. B. Paksbverp All-Un,jon Inst of Synthetic Fibers 02hur Prik Khim" Vol 25, No 11, pp 1196-1200 AfUr studying the interaction between various polyvinyl conpds and organic liquids, a connection VMS fomnd between the intensity of interamol*cular intieraction and the nognitude of the contraction 2*1* Of the system. The relationship between the Pr rties of the system (contraction, viscosity,, COOVilation) and the number of hydrogen atoms cqpable of forming hydrogen bonds of the type -CI-4ff- was pointed out. 2" MYS~4y.sfi lot. v `4 J. APPI. chem. PHI 4ver. t 9 7k-a+Wj; '-Allot "Wak 1_5 .. I; Ip52XEngi. C'A. 47, 3028h. If. L. If. tT J -met 4,ioli vooaty C204 4 form tlo~ i6f ibe TiAhdilli"A NiA.-*Ud ~61:NaiMj At 40', Ana ..bydetff.tjjjklneikdaui'of the i4ulbatioVal I sit 2%~30- '-'jind40.6.---Tha i6ultis.-zUe& in Ublesi'lndicati lhatibe.~ xajt-n~.'ADcC="' M'i .irding.'to-Alho--equatlon: ROHI +4 WHIM). VP wingeg". . 'tIO6'-UV'AW'jlir the ril~Lctlod -Vewty..: 2a kA&.-Y~om: 10H kWp Qum. of lbe. Id M7, 77- - ......... 77 ..................... - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 0', mdfm vie Artr 41 43~' ,, . ; . - "' I J .?I-al ~~ , 7. -,. ; 1. '.. ~'. , . V . ., A. . . i " --.- - - . -, ,- . - .:~. v : : E. . ; :; - *~ (, - ."', . .". - ,I. .- I .- . -. - . ),~. . - . I -~. * : , t-:, . . *kI - . :1 "1 , I I :;.iy - n.-- --, ~ A :I..- ~l ( - -r'j -u Z. I - -0 ' % :ic!3o.,, ..