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00 ;4t -,the A-1 ~~Cwi~e of: cedum. ;a, 'IlAng's Ah. af;z=e at tbi6 4xi Alio' aivroun ng: am 'det.0 -wit c era ers Ih 9 amar Um an d ce -V': Dail~ tor OUAi~ibi~ Valuable k we OP I-A 110 . jtD,,q K ~~ r/,, Irt' ~-IE v A A03THOIRS. a, 7C.; T --- I LE. The Appli-aticr, f pes cn t~~e Irrves- '~e V a lat i'l i 2 ;at inn of t ~)O' 'I ,.)f Crystalline Fl~ atomov Ilya izl!-~- ak-* lva~ krie' ~Jl--fDsfox'," pri prr,k,--.1.4 .-r,' PERIODTCU. Zhurnal' Analif Vr,!. 12, Nr 6, pp. 7" 23-71"~ JSSR) ABSIItttCT.~ By the appli,-~ation A' rad i -a-t i.5e topes it was estal,li on a baking of phr~sphrr- , th- ~Ilver concentration in zzir'- and alkali ne--.ea-+I!~y -jh~- F-I,or: -tnd tLe zinc concentration -n zi:.-~ fide pho-)phors vcIatiliz es f-r,m 5 t- loo/o. The volati'Lizati- pends on tl-e baF-, sut-J an-, in ear,h-alkaline phosph-rs, tilizati,,n ic; nct hIZ-hpi, than in calcium oxide 1 t:, 20/- in a ;itites -up P , --Iai~iljzatior. of the a:-c-e'-erat.---: ~trr. the ba3ir f3-ibstan,E, it, fir-,t few minutes cf t-~ak-MF.. mony lir~al - 110 ",,1 at O -r9 ;w t ZnO A eratures 1 P4 y . v . 1 i , p were iv3ed ,i-: raJJ r;);-~ . There are ank! 9 efpr~-rjneq 1 Cf whicb Is Slavic, .0 A~;SOC IAT10N: 111j-s-'Cris Drien: AN U3SR (Fizi-hf--S~ ~y Jinr-r' I . N. Lt I o%d-' -- ANI card! 112 The Application c; I Rar4 -.r, t l.r- of the Vclatilizatirjr- -f t-he A-r-lprall~:-s SUBMITTED. July 26, 1956. AVAILABLE: Library -f C-nure-,3-- 1. Crystalline phosphor acceleratora-Volatillzation -at, 2. Radioactive isotope5-Appli- ll:IT13 Card 0112 24;1 7 v -I T :Y pip 1377-1378 (USSR) T T, I H, 04 K" ~_r;- :3 rld -jail Al r I f C, r C 1 I.P V Q t'!! I'P( ncP () ', TIf' lllv~.- Ili 0 .1 f: -3 Q 0 ~'D .)S , i -j o re., c c- i if s ~ ),! o 1 0 V w - rP,, . a it a o u, a I. rie a i 1'e,, J'~ T( I i I ~ 4 j r.~, :,-,,-n "a ra M,'l 12 4~, '_ ~j Cll~ Y,r-I'MI fie t~.; 1'. M V ~i t~on Bt:-t . een tt, jmlnL-.;r.*ence- -a nu '. D. orui tcu P~cLra j7 !~r; or. i-_ --vul.Li in tn- ipr-er a'ia n~- r t-C I V,--riS al'u sl1r.2 1,1 r. s ~u s r I " - -q t; r. w r, b v tj i o V n In s E-v Vo r- t r. E. f I rs t I ~, n, s, , I a [r, I rl r r ~jtm', t 1, t)e f( 'ind in c it s c- ,) r a ,4 1 a, I ,a I, I t y #~ t 1. t ti u r. . , , r Is Li I I d Xv -4 r p. r n t -c yn ti,k- fre,jUene-v So.' I e r I nj~ t a founa in ",gurt- 2. hpy df:mun!:,'.ri.~tu w ~ I, c I: %.:,,;n i - s i n, n-~it-o ~ i ca ry t In t :'t,,T. r, V. other in rd e r I. ~, a ~-- c- rm r, t. w r, i r k: E, r t: 1 i:. c I, I v e r ~, a na t -; r c. T -r- fire I c I h s~rence- pl. i (-- n a r~ 7 1 v L 1 1 N. ~t va 7:. I rs t~ V S/048/60/024/006/02-1 /0 ~olln B013/BO67 AUTHORS: AlentsevM. N. and Pakhomycheva, L. A. TITLEv The Relationship Between the Absorption and Lumines~-encp Spectra of Compound Molecules PERIODICALs Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 19(-0, Vol. 24, No. 6, pp. 734-737 TEM In 1957 B. I. Stepanov (Ref. 1) established tile following relation- ship between absorption and luminescence spectra of compound molenulpsg EV/XV - Dv3exp (-hv/kT) - (1). He proceeded from the assumption that when luminescence occurs the molecular distribution on the v~'brat.',,)nal leve:s of the excited electron state is an equilibrium distrl4bution dep-rdlng :,ti the temperature of the medium. This relation was verified by several ex.- periments (Refs. 2-4). Formula (2) was obtained by taking the logarithm of formula N(and b~ corresponding transpositions (Ref. 2)A 3 lnV - In E,,/x, = (h/kT)~). It was found, however, that in numcrr:,is cases Card 1/3 The Relationship Between the Absorption and S104816010241006102 1 11/0 ~G/)'-X Luminescence Spectra of Compound Molecules B013/B067 the temperature T 1 calculated from this relation is higher than the ex- perimental temperature T. In the present paper, this difference between T, and T was studied in aqueorus erythrosine solutions. Fig. I shows the absorption and luminescence spectra of erythrosine. On the bas~15 rf Th- experiments, the following conclusion could be drawni When a differenre exists between T, and T in the experiment, not a homogeneous scluti-~n blj~ a molecular mixture with different optical properties is cont-erned. The part played by the inhomogeneous molecular composition becomes especiiilly manifest in experiments with fluorescin solutions. At different pH values, the measurements of the absorption and luminescence spectra of fluoresvin solutions yielded the results given in Fig. 3. It may be as,~umpd that also in all other casqs an inhomogeneous composition of luminescing molecules is concerned, if T, and T are different. The equilibri,-im distribution of excited molecules is always stabilized on the vibraticnal levels and corresponds to the temperature of the medium. Ttie results 4;-- tained may be considered also from another point of view: Th4~- devia!ion of T from T indicated an inhomogeneous composition of the luminescing subsiances investigated. The present paper was read at the Eight~ Card 2/3 The Relationfshij, Betw6en the Absorption and B/O4fI/(,O/(3',,4/0O(, /0'." 1//o ")/xx Luminescence Spectra of Compound Molecules B013/B067 Conference on Luminescence (Molecular Luminescence and Luminescence Analysis) which took place in Minsk from October 19 to 24, 195). There are 2 figures and 5 Soviet referennes. ASSOCIATIONt Fizicheskiy institut im. P. N. Lebedeva Akadealii ri~vik SSSR (Institute of Physics imeni P. W. Lebelpv cf the Academy -f Sciences USSR)_ Card 3/3 ALINTSEV, M-N-; PAKHOMYCHEVA, L.A. Relationship between absorption and the Iminescence spectra of an aqueous solution of flijoreacein. Ixv.AN SSBR.Ser.fls. 22 no.11:1377-1)78 N '58. (MINA 11:12) 1. Fizicheskiy inetttut iment P.N.Lqbedeva AA SSSH. (bminescence) (Absorption spectra) (Fluorescein-Spectra) SUPANOVA, B.I.; hWUUCM. B.S.; "NTS&VA, M.N.; PAKHOPMHBVA, LA* Discussions of the reports of B.I.Stepanov. B.S.Neporent, M.N.Alentseva and L.A.Pokhamrcheva. Izv.AN SSSR~Ser.flz. 22 no.11:1379 N '58. (MIRA 11:12) (Luminescence) ~' Ft V, ~_, C; 1~1 't , " ~- \.' A , L- 14 SUNJZCT: USSR/Luminescence 48-4-44/48 1UTBORS: Lovshin VA., Fansayuk Ye.l. and Pakhozychava L.A. TITLEs Luminescent Substances of Permanent Action with Artificially Radioactive Beta-Isotopes (Svetyashchiyocya mostavy postoyan- nogo doyetviya a iskustvonno-radioaktivnymi beta-izotopami) PnioDiCALs Isvestlya kkadenti Nauk SSSR, Serlya Fisichookays, 1957. Vol 21, #4, pp 612-61a (USSR). ABSTRACTs The Physical Institute in. Lebedow has developed since 1950 lusinescont substances of permanent action activated with various radioactive isotopes. After investigations of numer- ous phosphors it was established that the ZnS-Cu phosphor is soot luminous at beta-excitation. The following conclusions resulted from those invtstigations: 1. Sr go isotope, and in some cases Col37 isotope, are recommended for luminescent substances of permanent action% 2. Luminesc*nt substances activated with Sr go can have a Card 1/2 service time of the order of 10 years and morel PANDR, S.; S7RNAD, J.; RORBAR, R. HeavurIng the gravitatiwal constant as a demonstration experinent. Obz mat fis 7 no.3:138-142 160. (EMI 10:5) 1. Fizikalni. institut univerze. (Gravitation) ACC NRi AT6036627 SOURCE COM: UR/0000/66/000/000/0324/0325 AUTHOR: Ratner, G. S.; Tlkhonravava, N. M.;Atamanenkol A. N.; Viovopusaina, R. F.; Pakhorukov, A. ORG: none TITLE., Problem of utilizing several species of higher and lover haterotrophs In a life-support system for small Closed compartments taper presented at the Conf orence or. Problem of Space Medicine held In Moscow f rom 24-27 Hay 1969 SOURCES: Monforentslya po problemam kosmicheskoy modit-siny. (Problem of i ?ace medicine); materialy konferentatip Moscow, 1966, 324-325 TOPIC ZIGS: life support system, closed ecological system, space nutrition, space food ABSTRACT: Life-support systems on small spaceships will have to include a link of heterotrophic organisms in order to supply the crew with animal products necessary for the normal human diet. For this purpose it is valuable to examine a series of heterotrophic organisms which can be [successfully utilized in life-support systems. Card I c NR, AT6036627 ",c F The inclusion of various types of herbivorous and omnivorous fish i (Tilapia, Hypophtalmichtys, Ctenopharyngodon, carp, and others) will make it possible to provide a more variable protein diet for humans and to utilize wastes of higher and lower plants and animals. In order to supply a man with 50 g of animal protein per them will require 51. 6 kg ~Iof Tilapia. With a fish population density of 15 g/liter of water,it is necessary to have a 3500-liter aquarium which will require approx3mately, 112 liters of oxygen per diem.,' Certain water invertebrates such as Artemis, Gammarus, and Daphnia may prove to be a valuable addition to ihe cosmonaut diet. These animals are readily fish and chickens. Calculations indicate that in order to get 50 g of protein per them from Daphnia at a population density of 200 glm3. 31.2. M3 will be required. Certain species of Gammarus may make it possible to obtain the same amount of protein from 4 M3. Since heterotrophic organisms (birds, fishes, and others). which can be used as sources of anim* protein for human nutrition in space- flight will not be able to utilize aU of the wastes, and will themselves require a certain amount of aminal food for their growth, it seems- Card 2/3 ACC NR: AT6036627 necessary to add a link of the so-called primary utilizers of organic substances. Among these should be included organisms which compose the biocenosis of adtaled sludge and certain terrestrial species of lower heterotrophs. inal selection of individual species of heterotrophs for inclusion Ile ft Jn the life-support system can be made only after prolonged experiments to determine the possiblity of adaptation of organisms to the specific conditions of the spaceflight environment and the biological compatibilitY :.of the selected animals. fit. A. No. 22;.ATD Report "-11�7 SUB WWs 06 / SMU DA79i 00m7" 3/3 KLMSTIMSM,, A.F. [deceased); PAKHCIRUKOV, N.I. Determination of the heat of formation of ti- comnlex salt hemaTmninocobaltitrioxalatochromium [IGO(NH3XGr(C204)31. 3H,O from its elements, Trudy MTI no.38:15-17 162. (MIRA 16:7) (Gomplex compounds) (Beat of formation) FAKHORUEMIP N.I. Determination of the heat of formation of potassium trioxalatochromium K3[Gr(C204) I 3H20 from chromium oxalate and potassium oxalatb. 1r-udy N,~Tl no.38:17-20 162. (ICU 16.7) (Chromium compounds) (Heat of formation) ,qrT-TVANO-,.,A, N.M.; PAKHORUKOV, 14.1. Heats of solution of selenious acid. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.;khim.i kMn.tekh. 4 no.3:355-358 161. (MIRA 14t10) lo Mookovskiy kbimiko-tekhnologichoskiy institut Imm' Mendeleyeva., kafedra obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii. (Selenious acid) (Heat of solution) PAKHORUKOV. B.I.(Moskva) --- Untalum and niobium, metals of 12 no.1:6-11 J&-F 157. (Tantalus) (Xiobium) th* 20th century. Khim. v shkole ("A 10:3) PAXEMKOV. 1. 1. D.I.Mendeleev. the great inventor in the discovery of chemical ele"Uts. Khts-T ebko]Le 9 fto-5:14-19 9-0 '54. (OUJU 7:9) (Mendel9ev, Doltril Ivanovich. 1834-1907) PAKHORUKOV,, N.I. r L A .- u=: num R n -. ." -~ s ~ =:J. c -, arc e I - - * re -.~_ -_ ~.- - __ - - --. u A, 1. tic, .; . ~ . ,;. ~, . , A I Ii r. i 1 1, e go ~rai,, i.,,, ~ t, ~ . 1 ;t :... no~:,o k:.oziai_-.tva SSSR. klosk,,!i, ~~e tn. lurg_~ _q, ~-"f ~.. '. ; ~ , , F: _'~' dl PAKHORUKOV, N.I. (Y-oskva) -f~- M.V. Lomonosov in portraits, illustrations and documents. KMA. v shkole 16 no.4:11-22 JI-Ag '61. (Pu^ (Lomonosov, Mikfttl Vasil'evich, 1711-1765) PAKHORUKOV, P.P. Use of vertical recognition markm in gravity survey-ing on a 1:200#000 scale in the Ural Mauntain regiorns. ,bor.Iurn.rjtLm. predl. pt. 2:6-8 163. (MIRA 17:5,, 1. Urallskoye geologicheskoye upravleniye. ACC NRi AR6035266 SOURCE CODE: UR/0169/66/000/009/VO17/VO17 AUTHOR: Pakhorukov, V. 1. TITLE: Results of hydrological observations in the Strait of Denmark for September- December 1964 (eleventh voyage of the research ship "Akademik Knipovich") SOURCE: Ref. zh. Geofizika, Abs. 9V143 REF SOURCE: Sb. Matertaly rybokhoz. issled. sev. basseyna. Vyp. 5. Murmansk,' 1965, 99-102 TOPIC TAGS: oceanography, research ship, ocean current, warm current, oceanographic ship ABSTRACT: Observations made on the expeditionary vessel "Akademuk Knipovich"; showed that in 1964 there was considerable intensification both in the northern and eastern branches of the Irminger current. In 1964 the latter was particularly deep, occurring in the form of a warm layer 75 to 150 m thick, lying at depths of up to 500 m. The East Icelandic current weakened toward the end of 1964, as a result of which its wedge became less extended. [Translation of abstract] (SP) SUB CODE: 08/ ..d 1/1 UDC: 911. 2:551. 46091) PC* V tV G 14 A L ft R S LN 001" vO's FM T W lit 00 "&w4-jd r--1 o$ IaW" AIM-V- '-p-W pow" maAMUM Airam AMMU *201--d %I Ol MW 0480- M" a% AlIWp I I 1 11 p Agn- -afta Pam G-q "R bmp lm 00 ---a -R- w9wim p- -9 -N v 3-".w =amp Iml -P-1--7 .'Z - I I r00 lowl-MM NOMMOLmd" so" 09 lip 00 In a, I'l or "aaa w M I it 41 0 tl 11 al 0 1 t a* 00 16 "1 0 *_:_ 001: to 0 9 a 0 0 a 6, 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 -0t O-CIVO-1 GM=p G.R.; J~AKHQTIXA, N.S. Case of poisoning with hydrogen sulfide in cambination vith alcohol. Trudy Imstekraev,pat. AD Kazakh.SSR lOt226-229 162. (KIRA 160) (POISOMG) (ALCOHOL-PHYSIOLOGICAL T) (HYDROM SULFIDE-TOXICOIDGY) PAKHOTINA. N.S. Health evaluation of industrial waste discharges from a load-zinc combine. Gig. i *an. 23 no.4:3-6 Ap 158. (MIRA 11:6) 1. 1z Vostochno-lasakhotanskoy oblaatnoy sanitarno-epidemiologi- cheekoy stantati. (AIR POLUITION. determ. by wastes from lead-zinc plants (Rue)) (MADD deters, air pollution by wastes from load-zinc plants (Rue)) (ZINC, deters. sam") PAKHOTINA, N.S.; LEBEDEVA, K.V.; SOKLAKOV, A.F. Possibility of usin.- the SHB-1 "Lepestok" respirator in nonferrous mot,illurgica', onterixisos. Zdrav. Kaz&kh. 22 no.2.61-63 162. (MI RA 15 1 1. Iz Ust'-Kamenogorskogo otdeleniya Instituta krayevoy patologi-i AN Kazakhskoy SSR i otdela tekhniki bezopasti Ustl-kamnogorskogo svintsavo-tsinkovogo kombinata imeni V.I.Leni-na. (RESPIRATORS) (METALLURGY-11-YGIENIC ASPECTS) SEMWO V.S.; ~ Magnetic properties of certain aoi2A. Izv.vyz.uchsb.zav.; fiz. no.l:U-186 061. (KLU 14:7) lo SibirskLy fialko-talrb-i-bAsIdy imt;Lt&L pri Tomkom gosudarstvennom univereitete imeni V.V.Kuybyebeva. (Soils-MagrLetic properties) 01 *ties -200 oi~ jjk"~ I W-4.4W- ta, tool memAIM tot clac --o Ale uli-i to 04U iiw' :77 ;rj 4-~- -7 GRAEVA, P.V.; JaH6.V6EAYA,-.V.F I~roduction cf Naucti. ezkeg,>d, KhLm, fak. Od. un. no.~13t--3;3 ~ r, -: . kmIR-A i~.F)' Manum, A. PAKHPLL14, A.: "The mastery of a habit as a method (experimental investigation).* 1956. (Dissertation for Degree of Candidate function of the drill Tartu State U. Tartu, in Pedagogical Sciences). SO: Knizhnaya letopis'. Bo 23, 1'56 PAKHRDMME!t2, Vladjar-Uadlmirovich. DOB16VOLISKIY, O.A. T_ [Dobrovolle,kyl, O.A. , red.; CHEREVATSKIY, S.A. (Cherevatslkyi, S.A.], tekhn. red. [Animal and bird protection in the Ukraine) Okhorom zviriv i ptakhiv na Ukraini. Ky-iv, Derzh. vyd-vo sill- alkohospodarelkoi lit-ry URSR, 1962. 97 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Ukraine--Wildlife, Conservation of) ------------- V~z tt AR imidk 0*1 bi t UILA9 "nplVA RYA~Cv) N~e rsice MetMID, e,.Lectricity FD-a034 Card 1/1 Pub. 153-17/30 Author Vasil 'yev, L. 1. and Pakhryayev, N. Ye. Title Effect of Annealing Temperature and of Deformation Degree on the Properties of Aluminum Periodical Zhur. Tekh.Fiz, 25, 691-695, 1955 Abstract Data is presented on some peculiar effect of the annealing tem- perature and of the degree of previous plastic deformation on the solidity and on the electric resistance of aluminum. The observed rules are clarified. Four references. Institution Submitted April 3, 1954 ?AM M750V 0 K. I. Electrification of the Gorkyl Railr*ad. Zhol.dor.tranap. 43 no.12-90 D 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. NachiLlInik sluzhby alaktrifikatsii i energeticheskogo khgxpystva Gorlkovskoy Osregi. (Railr4ov-Electrification) PLIMUSOVt K.I., inzh. Experience in co=,ercial frequency electrification of the Krasnoyarsk Railroad. Zhel.dor.transp. 43 no.2:56-59 F 161. (MIRk 14:4) 1. Nachal'nik sluzhby elektrifikatsii i energeticheskogo khoz- yaystva Krasnoyarskoy dorogi,, g. Krasnoyarsk. (Railroads-Electrification) PAEBTUBOV. K&I, (Stantelys Ghelyabinsk Yuzhno-Ural'skoy shelesnoy dorogi). Why not introduce boltless terminals? Zlek.i tepl.tiav n0-5:27 My 157. (NI&A 10:7) (Blectric railroftds) PAKRTUSOVP I.I. (Gortkiy) I--- - Lopraving the structure of the management of electric pows- supply. Zh9l. dor. tramp. 47 no.70&59 Jl 065. ()MRA l8t7) 1. Naeballnik slushby slaktrifikataii i emrgaticheakogo khozyaystva Gor Ikovskay dorogi. PAKHTUSDT- K-1- Let's assure continuous power supply. 319k. i tepl. tisga no.2: 8-9 F '57. (MLRA 10:5) 1. Nachallnik uchastka anergoonabzhaniya Tushno-Urallakoy dorogi. (Blectric railroads) HOLSMV, Stepan Andreyevich-, PASITSKIT. Y.M.. otvetgt*ennyy redaktor; FROKHODTSEVA, S.Ta.. redaktor; GIATKH. D.A.. tekhuicheskiy redaktor [Diaries of P.K.Pakhtusov and S.A.Motseev] Dnevnye zapiski ?.I. ftkhtusova i S.A.Koiseeva. Moskva, Goo. izd-yo goegr. lit-ry, 1956. 213 p. (MLRA 9:40) (Pakhtusov. Petr Kuzlmich. 1799-1835) (Moiseev. S. A.) PAM-Tusov, Z. 26590 Trekhletniy paln razvitiya zhivotnavodstva i zadachi sovkhozav. Ylyas. Inductriya. 1949, No. 4 s. 68-72. SO: LKOFIS, NO. 15. 1949 1. PAK-ETU30V, Z. I. 2. USM (600) 4. Dairy Gattle 7. Stall care of milk cows during '.he sunmer, ~ov.zootekh. 8 no. 3, 1953. g. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Libroxy of Congress, APRIL 1953, Uncl. ArAIYAN, Pogos Arutyunovich, zoaluthennyy zootakhnik REWSH.- _p USOV. Zosimm Ivanovich kand. eel I skokhos.nouk; LWIYAVA, Te.T., red.; Sa ~A.Z. i. ~. IkZ ;; d. [Using food waste for fattening swine) Otkorm evinsi na pishcho- vykh otkhodakh. Moskva, Goo.izd-vo sellkhos.lit-ry, 1960. 78 P. (MIRA 14:2) (Voine-Fooding and foods) TISHOHNAKO, V.-, FAKHTUSOVA. K. Determining labor productivity in underground work. Biul.nauch.inform: trud I zur-Plata 3 no-7,.6--g 160. (KIU 13:8) (Mining eagineGring-Jabor productivity) P#)WTUSOVA, N.A. Boundary of Kazan and Tatarian sediments End the division of Lower Untie. series In the northern part of the Russian Platform. Dakl- AN SSSR 152 no.6sl432-1435 0 163. (MM 16sil) 1. Severo-Zapadnoye geologicheakoye upravleniye. Predetavleno akademikom Tu.A. Orlovym. PkKHTUSOVA, N.A. Boundary of the *~erm-,t~n rund -n *.~-r- Nort~:erm bas.4n. Mat. p,~ geol. ' p-,-- -' k:~r - -.-. - -1 r . P-'~ I-: Z, - - .9 , , .t 3-18 '62. Reaults od dee.-, ~rall!np. in 'he 3--),it.iwe9te", Fart ),- Onega region. I~A-d.; 149-158 I'litu" i FAKHTUSOVA! NA. Recent data on the age of the sandy Jurassic series in the upper reaches of the Pinega River and at the Pinega-VashIm vatershed. DoIdJN SSSR U4 no*4:886-809 Je 162-. (MRA 15:5) 1i Severo-Zapadnoye geologicheskoye upravleniye. Predstavleno akademikom D.V.Nalivkimym. (Pinega-Vashka Valley-Geology, Stratigraphic) PAKHTUSOVA, N.A.; SHISHKIN, M.A. Recent materials for establishing Lhe boundary between the Permian and the Triassic in the Basin of the Northern Dvina River. Dokl. AN SSSR 143 no.1:194-197 Mr 162. (MIRk 15:2) 1. Severo-Zapadnoye geologicheskoye uprableniye i Paleontolooi- cheskiy institut AN SSU. Predstavleno akademikom Yu.A,Orl (Northern Dvina Valley-Geology, Stratigra;L7.c* PAKffUCHIY,A.P. '"M State beet farm is a candidate for participation in the All- Union Agricultural Exhibition for 1955. Sairh.prom.29 no.4:34 '55. (KUM 8:9) 1. kleyakiy sakharnyy kombinat (Sugar vests) JPAKHUGM. V., rancl. mallskokhoz. nauk Smsilage straw and chaff along with green and succulent forage. Nauka i pared. opv sel'khoz. 9 no.7:44 J'l 159. (MIRA 22-11) (Sim i I&" ) (straw) USSR/Frr- S--,Pll Hamad Cottle Q-3 Ab- Jour : Rof Zhur - Biol., No 11, 1958, No 4998, Author : Frkliuchiy V.H. Inst MW*Ik Titlo Tho Food Rationp for Cows Durin- tho Survor Sopson. C-- Orig Pub Satz. tvnrinnitrtvo, 1957, No 6, 26-28 Abstrpct Tho rrticlo contrins drtv on the food retion! for cowe with veriou, iilk yialde md r 3.8 to 4 porccnt -,.ilk frt content ,than the livc wc-ight of the vni-rls is betwom 450 rnd 500 k,c. These retion, ware worked out by the Im-titutc of Ani~ml Husbnndry for Forc~t, Stoppo, rnd Woodl-nd Regionr of UkrSSR. Card 1/1 21 USSR/Farm Aiiii-als - L-irge Rorned C-atii-l'- Abs Jour Ru.' ::hu~- - Biol., No 1.8, 1955, 8-3)333 Ituthor P-,-'-huchiy, V.m Inst Title Corn Silage as Basic Foc~dor for Milch Cows duri,ij7 -h, Winter Season. Orig Plub Molochn. i myasn. zhivotno-,rodstvo, 1958, No 2, Abstract '.!hun increased a unts of corn silage were fed -,0 comb-;,--tion with sr-all --Lnunts of tubers, prc-A:i and cellulose becanc improved, milk yicl,-!-~ sc:d, %nd expenditure c~ c ol,.c c.. rated feeds was dQc-rcase,-~. Card 1/1 ?9c, 'k ~ L' C h 'I ~ , ~' YA PAKHUCHIY, V.K., nauchnyy sotrudnik; XALIBINA. A.A., nauchrkyy gotrudnik; kft*919YA, L.P., nauchnyy antrudnik. Chemical conservation of green fodder. lauka i pered.op.v sellkhoz. 7 no.9:10-11 S '57. (MIRA 10:10) 1. Uirrainskiy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut zhivotnovodstva. (Feeding and feeding stuffs) _.jPakhnckv-i, V.K.J. kPnd.Ba.'si:oklic)z.nEuk-, PAMCHIY, Vasiliy _Koi.&eyevtc,,4 Tu.G. [*matko. IU.H.J, kand.sel'skokhoz.narzk, red. [Corn and protein feed in the rations of dairy cattleJ Kikurudza t9 billcov! -my v ratsionakh mol,)cYunv',c',i koriv. Kyiv, IQ59. 40 p. (Tovarystvo ,v1d, r Ukrains'koi RSR. Ser.6, nc.18) (Dair.v cattle--Feed'In- and foods) PAKRUCHIT VasilAy Moiseyevich [Standards of feeding and forage sbareal NorW godivIl to kormovi ratsiony. Kyiv, Dersh. vyd-vo sills1kohospodaralkoi lit,ry, URSR, 1999. 206 pe (MMA 15:1) (Foods) PAKHUCHIY, Vasiliy Noineyevich [Nkhuchyi V *M.] kand.*el'sk*k'h*2.nauk; ".ximarm-1kyi. L.N,% red.',- LIMMOVA. X.L. tekhn. red. [How to prepare high qualitY silagal IAk pryhotuvaty sylos vymokol lakosti. 11harkiv. lharklyalke kmyzhkove vyd-vo, 1961. 86 p. (MIRA 15:2) (2noliage) PAKHUCKIY. Vasiliy Moiseyevich [NDdel feed rations for cattle, swine, and sheep)Primernye ratsiony kormleniia krupnogo rogatogo skota, avinei i ovete. KharIkov, KharIkovskoe obl. izd-vo, 1957. 120 p. (MIRA 16:1) (Stock and stockbreeding-Feeding and feeds) PAMULISKIY, A. 1. Ryboiadnye ptitsy iuzhnykh morei SSSR i ikh vred. f7ish-eating birds of the southern a seas of the U.S.S.R. and their harmfulnesi. koskva, Moskovskoe obahchestvo i5p~--atelei prirody, 1951. 94 p. SO: konthly List of Russian Accessions, Vol. 6, No. 5, Aucwt 1953. - 14L.Alr(X. X*rA-, r/, t ~i j -- t - / I Vish-eating birds of the southern seas of U.S.S.R. and the damage they cause.* A.I. Plakhullskii. Reviewed by Ta.A. Is&kow. Blul.XOIF. Otd. biol. 58 no.1:90-92 '53. (KWA 6:5) (Water birds) (PWdullski4, A.I.) --1-- . ...... - FAKE[ULISKIY, A.J. Birds &a transmitters of Idgula Infestations. Yop. ikht. no.15:ZO3-208 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Cestoda) (Birds as carriers of disease) (Parasites-Fishes) PAIMISKIY. A.I.; GLADKOV, N.A.. red.; KOGAN, Mel., red. lahthy"ame birds in the harriftluessi Iftoladuys ptitsy Ind-vo Hook. ob-va iepytatelei posnantlu fauny I flory SSSR. (Birds--Yood) southern seas of the U.S.S.R. and their luzhnykh morel SSSR I lkh vred. Moskva. pr1rody. 1951. 92 p. (Materialy k Otdol sool Icheskit, no.30). (Fish IS (KIM 1113) FAKHUMOVS I.I.; POKATILM, V.Ya., inzh.-dizelist Cardborad linin substituting for "paronit" lining. Elek._J topl.tiaga 6 no.4:14 Ap 162. (AURA 15:5) 1. Nachallnik proizvodstvenno-tekhnicheskogo otdela lokomotivnogo depo Krasnodar (for Pakhumov). 2. Lakonotivnoye depo Krasnodar (for Pokatilov). (Diesel engines-Fuel systems) PAKHUNUVAI, V.G. SEE ILC DECEASED BOTANY Namie : PAKRUTA, S. Affiliation: Director, Belorussian Visual Station fbr Observing Flight of Artificial Earth Satellite, 1"inn'r Remarks : S. PakhxLta is the author of an article celebrating the lau-1-hin of Sputnik I, entitled Nith EnDrximm Interest". Source : N: Kramnaya Zvezda, No. 23T, 6 October 1957, p. 1, c. 3A PAKMA, S. A. Planimetric prn~)Iem of a coleeivegraizW no.32:115-119 1 57, physics) material. Uch.zap.BGU (MIRA 11:12) (Mathamtical SOVI/124 58 Z ~18~ Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958 Nr 2. p q6 (USSR'. AUTHOR: Pakhuta, S.A. TITLE- -ICWTTM~ationof the-Depth of Limit Equilibrium in Terms of Surlatt. Loads (Raschet glubiny predel'nogo ravnovesiya k z,,\ lslrrios~l o1 poverkhnostnykh nagruzok) PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Belorus. un-ta, 1954, Nr 19, pp 82 92 ABSTRACT: The author examines the limit equilibrium of a homogeneous heavy, pourable (loose), substance possessing both friction and cohesion and bounded by a sloping plane, along which a nori- pressure is uniformly distributed It is well known that when the angle of inclination of the plane relati%,e to the horizon 'is greater than the angle of friction of the soil, then the loose substance cannot remain in a state of repose, if the depth through wh~ ch it extends exceeds a certain limit h. The author derives a formula for h (which quantity he designates,' not quite properly, as the "depth of limit equilibrium") and adduces some considerations with respect to the possibility that folds may form in the crust of the earth 'xhen Card 11Z the limit equilibrium is exceeded It should be noted that the p-ohlem SOV 124 58 2 2182 Calculation of the Depth of Limit Equilibrium in Terms of Surface Loads posed here (the "generalized Rankine problem") was first solved by S. S Golushkevich for the case in which there is no load on the surface of the sOsiance [ Ploskaya zadacha teorii predel'nogo ravnovesiya -sypuchey sredy (The Plat-e Problem of the Theory of Limit Equilibrium of a Loose Substance.) M o s c o %k- Leningrad, Gostekhizdat, 19481 G S Shapiro Card I 1Z PAKHUTSKIY, Ch.; LAZARENKO, Ye.K.; FENOSHINA, U.I. Glauconite from Cretaceoum sedisents of Ruzanki (aoutheastern part of the central Sudetes). Vop. min. osad. obr. 6:333~-348 161. (KIRA 15:6) (Suds te 9-Glauconi te) PAY, 1, E. Ad,iltlonv to the definitive establishment of preventIve measures against silicosts in the Valea Jiulul coal mines. vi 256. REVISTA MTNFLOR. Winisterul Minelor, Ministerul Industriei Pertrolului. BI Chiniel, Directia Exploatarilor MInIere s1 Asociatia Stlintifics a Tnginerilor al Tehnicienilor din RomWa) Bucuresti, Rcmania. Vol. 10, no. 7, July 1959 Monthly List of East European Accesslons (EEAT) LC Vol. 9, no. 2, Jan r6o Uncl. PAIIC,N&rko,d-r,s&nItetski jpotp-akovnik; NOVAK,JoFip,d-r,sanitetski potpukovnik *rch fractures in soldiers. Voj. san. pregl, Bsogr. 17 no.2:157- 163 160. (IJG fyac t. & dim loc.) FD 126 USSR/Medicine - Dysentery Card 1/1 Authors : Semenova, M. A.; Pakidov, M. I.; Kaplan, A. S.; Arbuzova, A. D.; and Petrova, A. Ya. Title : An experiment in the combined treatment of children suffering from chronic dysentery with colibacterin and Chernokhvostov's vaccine Periodical : Zhur. mikrubicl. epid. i immun. 4, 29-,0, Apr 1954 Abstract : C'aildren in a nursery for children suffering from chronic dysentery were used to test the effectiveness of using Chernokhvostov's vaccine alone, or in combination with colibacterin. The results are given in percentages. fio references are cited. Institutions: Microbiology Division (Head - Prof. L. G. Peretts) of the Sverdlovsk Institute of Epidemiology, Microbiology ind Hygiene 'Director- G. F. BoRdanov) and the Childrens Sector of the Vizhne-Tagil'sk City Division of Public Health (City Pediatrician M. I Pakidov) Submitted October 10, 195"A EPAKIDOV A,, hlJCHEt, I.M., kand. tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; II3UURNaG, V.A., kand. tekhn.nauk, red.; VARKOVETSKAYA, A.I., red. izd- va; MERMP, N.Y., tekhn. red. (Program control of lathes and turret machines]Programanoo upravlenie tokarrymi i revollvernymi stankami. Moskva, Machgiz, 1962. 191 p. (MMA 15:10) (Machine tool s---41umri cal control) BL'YUI-T3E'*,G, V.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; FAKI:)O%*, F.A., kand. tekhn. nad; BULOVSKIY, F.I., prof., re~s-e~~AW'-WRW' !Ye *K., red.izd- va; DEVINA, I.A., red. i zd-YaOUTALL9,A.A. SI'GHETIM1!A,L.V.. tekhn. red. [Productivity and economic efficiency of the mechanization and autoration of metal cuttinC] Proizvoditellnost' i ekono- michnost' mekhanizatt~ii i avtoiatizatL,ii mekhaniche~3koi ob- rabotki. Pod red. A.A.Yatalina. Leningrad, Mlashgiz, 1963. 178 F. (MIRA 16:1-2) (14etal cutting) (Automation) PAXIDDY. P.A., dote.. kand.tekhn.nauk. Detarm1ning the most favorable position of cutting tools In adjusting machine tools. Trudy OMI no.1:21-29 056. (MINA 11:2) (Machine-shop practice) RAYKMSHTM, Isaak TSfenlyevich: PAKIDOY.--F.A.. nBuchnvy red.; CH3RVOYA, H.S., red.; ONOME6, N.G.. (Bfficient machining on antomstic lathes] Rntaionnllnon ispollzovanie tokarnykh avtongtov. Leningrad, Lenisdat, 1959. 58 P. Nru 13:1) (Lathes) (Automatic control) flA A oil r% kl~ To O a uIr -vi [[Rif I pt 04 '111 [site ifle i ar lilt 4 a joj [!art p 9 9 9 a I G ': i 5 1~ I 3, V P I L 43 a f 85- r Pik 3, j IR 1 r' 4 1 t8 16 4 SOV/123-59-15-59596 Tranzlatlon from: Referativn~7 zhurnal. Mashinostroyenlye, 1959, Nr 15, p 102 (USSR) AUTHORS: Kagaziner, Z.G., P!~ ~., Panyukhov, IN. TITLE: Investigations on Increasing the Accuracy of Lathework by Compensating the Strain of the Elastic System of Lathe - Tool PERIODICAL: Tr. Omskogo mashinostroit. in-ta, 1958, Nr 2, pp 165 - 175 AB3TRACT: A device (D) for the reduction of the effects of strain in the system of lathe - tool on the accuracy of lathe-atachining hubs and gears is described. The D represents a cylindrical modellthe spinn-ing axis of which tallies with the axis of the workpleoe to be machined. With the aid of an elastic part a roller is pressed against the workpiece, this roller being rigidly connected with the tool holder of the machine. Test results of D are given. The proposed device increases the accuracy of machining and permits to eliminate multi-cut operations (roughing and finishing) and to replace those by one-cut operations. 9 figures, 5 references. K.A.G. Card 1/1 S/194/'61/000/010/039/082 D256/D301 AUTHOR- TITIE: Capacitive sensing instruments of ne-,: coiistruction and their application PZ-RIODIC,E: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelelftroni:,a, no. 101 1961, 11, abstract 10 V95 (Tr. Lcningr. iazh,ekon. in-ta, 1960, no. 30, 181-189) TEXT: The proposed design of t1ie ca.)acitivc iastri---~cit 's based in principle on the rcsonance system of alternatin'- cifrcuits. The output voltage signal is taken between the grid and earth tL-rr,-,- inals of the generator valve, and not from the circuit terninals, i.e. the decrease of grid current of zho ,ener~itor near rcso-,arce is utilized. The instrunent was riou-.,.te( as a u,,,~it with tLC- tor to exclude the influencc of the connectin- leads. i3y takin&- the signal off the grid there is not necd for a dctecLin,; svstem. ,ard 112 S/19 61/000/01-0/039/082 Capa"-L' -. " ,,I instruments ... D256X301 Construction data, characteristics of the elements and tunings TIOMO- grams are ,iven. 7 fi ixes. 4 references. Z ,~I)stracter s U Conpleto translatio:-~~ L/ ~e Card 212 BARUN, V.A.; BUDINSKIY, A.A.; FAXIDOVp P.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent [Prc)gram cortrolled macl-ne tools and progrui;,ming of the macHiningj Stanki 9 prograr-unyr. upravlerderr. i prograrx1ro- vanie obrabotki. Moskva, Maa-inoptroenle, 1961. 347 F. ',M,TF(A !F-.4) FAUDOT. P-A-, kand. tskbAvauk, dotsent Analysing the operation of the single-coordinAte system of program control of lathes* TrUSY LINI no-3:164--180 160. (KIPA 13:10) (lathes-Numerical control) P~-A-. kaal.tekhu.nauk, dotment low capacItive transducers and theIr us** Trudy LINZ no.3:181-i89 16(6 (NZRA 13:10) (Transducers) S/123/6i/ooo/ol2/008/042 A004/AlOl AUTHOR: Pakidov, P. A. TITLE: Analyzing the operation of a single-coordinate program-control system of a lathe PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, no. 12, 1961, 50, abstract 12B341 ("Tr. Leningr. inzh.-ekon. in-ta", 1960, no. 30, 164-i8o) TECT: The author analyzes a mechanism built on the principle of single- coordinate program control using electric magnets. It is intended for the program control of lathes during the machining of stepped shafts and sleeves. The utilization of this mechanism does not require a modernization of the lathe and ensures the semi-finlah and finish machining of parts with an accuracy of the 4th class. The 0upper part of the slide disconnected from the screw and placed at an angle of 45 to the lathe center line is joined to a grooved roller placed perpendicular to the center line and a bar passing through 2 electric magnets, one of wh1ch being fastened to the bed the other to the carriage. The force of the electric magnet is calculated in such a way that it keeps the bar from motions caused by the cutting forces. If the carriage electric magnet is switched Card 1/2 PEWE I BOOK EGWrfATION 215 Pak1dov. Petr Aleksandrovich Novaya netodika rascheta tekhnologichesklkh razwerov i dopuskov pr:L mekharl- cheskoy obrabotke detaley (Now Wthod of Calculating Technological ProceaAa_ DImensions and Tolerances in NwIdning Parts) Mosacw, ftsb4z, 1956. 42 p. (Obwo tekbnlcheaklm opyton) 6,500 copies printed. Reviewers: Zaretskly, A. R., Ugineer, and Egon, S. L., IngIneer; Tech. Ed., Dogina, 5. A.; Ed. -of the Uralo-Slberian Branch of Masbgiz: Sustavov, M. L PUIWM: The booklet is Intended for engineering and technical personnel. COURAW: The booklet describes the basic properties of dimension chains and methods for chain solutions, characteristic features of allovances and tol- erances lAween suceessive maebining operations. A method is given for cal- culating technological dimensions and tolerances involved in mwhining parts. A new method of calculating process d1mensions measured frM reference planes subject to further machining is presented and a nev method of studying cacq)lex dimension chadne having practical applications in plants is given. Card 113 Ruw Wthad of Calculating (Cont.) 215 ftblication of the booklet van reco"nded by the Omsk Nhehine BdIcUng Institute and the Ural Branch of the Scientific andL Technical Society of YAchine lodustry. There are 6 Soviet references. TAM OF C Forevord Mmenslon Chain 5 Basic deflultions 5 Structure of dimension ch-In 6 Saution of dl=nslon ch-Ins 9 Operating an cbdn 14 Order of calculatlons in solving dimension chains 15 Interoperational (Process) Allowances and Tolerances 16 Male definitions 16 Interrelatlongdp between Interoperational allovances, tolerances, and d1mensions 17 Wthods of aeter-Ining interoperstional allowances 19 Card 2/3 sm jbtjwd or calculating (cont. ) 215 Jbthods of Calculating Technological Dimensions and Tolerances 21 General aspects 21 First tm or calculation 24 Second type of calculation 26 Third type of calculation 31 Axles for calculating technological d1mnsiona and tolerances 41 BibIlography 45 AVAILAMM: Library of Congress (TJ 1267 -P3) VK/eag Card 3/3 30 June 1958 PAKIDOV,_.PPtr Aleksandrovir*, imnd.takhn.nauk; POSTEMAK, Te.F., inzh., _- ' - red.; XUBMVA, M.N., [Structural systems of program control of machine tools; steno- graphic report] Strukturnye ekheaW programmnogo upravloniis metallorazhuahchiml stankami; stenogra doklads. Leningrad, Leningr.dom nauchno-takhn.propagandy. 1959. 33 P. (MIRA 13:2) Nachine tools-Aumerical control) FAKMEMICZ, Z. Bulletin of Aero Club of the Polish People Is Republ-ic No. 209. P. 318. (S-=IATA FOLSKA, Vol. 10, No. 20, May 1954, Warsmra, Poland) SO: 1-11onthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), L-C, Vol. 3, 1141o. 1"), Dec. 1954, Uncl. FAKIELEMICZ, Z. LeadinE; aixplane modeling workshop in Loi-mr Silesia. P. 315- (SK-H=ATA POLSKA, Vol. 10, Ro. 20, Yay 1954, Warszavra, Poland) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (a:AL), L-C, Vol. 3, No. 12, Dec. 19.54, Uncl. FAUn,, G.V.; GOLOWM, M.P., TOOMealushashchiy; KAWIKOV, V.G.,, imb. Discuoslon of the artlel* MLUximte lack of perocnal responsibility in servlaing aut~tic v%p devices.8 AvUs., telem. I sviaz' 7 no.6:45 Jo 163. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Fbmoshchnik revizom po bezopasnosti dwisheniya poyozdov Kavkazakogo otdelenlya Sovero-Raftookoy darogi (for Pakin). 2. Groznenskaya distantaiya signallfMii i evyazi Severo- Kavkazakay dorogi (for KaraBikov). PAKIN, G.V.; BURSAKOV, S.I. Improve the fastening of separated rail points. Put' i put. khoz. 8 no.1:41 164. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Ponoshchnik revizora po bezopasnosti dvizheniya poyezdov, stantsi3ra Kavkazekaya, Severo-Kavkazakoy dorogi (for Pakin). 2. Nachallnik uchastka puti, stantsiya Kavkazakaya, Severo- Kavkazekoy dorogi (for Bursakov).