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PADUC10 IA. A. L.; - W.'AL I -SKI -Y, V. V. Ukraine - Karakul Sheep Seasonal anemia of karakul breeding ewes as they are raised in southern Ukraine. Kar. i zver. 5 No. 3 1952. Monthl-Y List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, October 1952, UhICLASSIFIED, PADUGH]WA, A.L. Seural regulation of distribution of water in teh organism. Biul. ekep. biolo L medo 37 no.6:24-27 Je f54. (MIRA 17:8) r 1. Is labor&torii biokhimil (zav. profo V-V.Kovallskl~') Vseso]raznogo Instituts, shivotnovodstva, Moskva. (WAMg metabolism, distribution, neural regulation) PADUGHRVA, A. L. Age factor in modifications of the biochemical Composition of blood In sheep. Biul. eksp. biol. i mod.-38 no-7;33-36 Jl 154. (MLRk 7:8) 1. Is laboratorii biokbinii (zar. prof. V.V.Kovallskiy) Vsesoynznogo nsuchno-issle(lovatel'skogo institute. zhivotnykh, Mqskra. (BLOOD, picture in sheep, age factor) (S blood picture, age factor) PADUCMWA A.I. Some brood peculiarities in the isetabolism of sheep. Biul. eksp. biol. i mod. 41 no-1:50-55 Ja- 156. OIMA 9:5) 1. Is laboratorii biokhimil (zav.-prof. V.V. Koval'skiy) Vsesqyuznogo Instituto, zhivotnovGdotva, Moskva. Predstavleno daystvitallnym chlonom ANN SSSR. S.Ys. Severinym. (S , metab. breed peculiarities) fKavWtkii,4m4 A. L. Wlw;h~. C-r-R. Ac4d. 5ri., U,P'5~5-, WK IN, 308-w- last, of Aj)ijrJ- -Smsonal vwlntlons in The Wy wt. of fen, alo I WSW lbzcp In the Kh~rxonsk region of the U.S.&R., .Max. !xi - tZe Summer and min. in t1it -wript;7 anil caA~ s~rinp . 1% t -nictfths are 16ind to 6e closely cW743ted VvI tIon of biood~,mu"e;!jkin, and subcut. 4 ..", OTZ 0 livi4 . 011't,'t iijiaj. wW infil, ht corresponding Inifl, T OdiC C BPZC3 in. _ t ' W616jical Wivity of the animals. dir tcfn'j~!rature, and the avOlatyffiltv of food a" thouglit to be the cause. (Russitan) A. H. GHzYj3owsxi. Pfi1D(,1C_/-JZ__-7 Vx) 1~ /-) - Z_ . .fUTHORs Paduchevajo-A.L.p Candidate of Biological Sciences 25-12-12/39 TITLE3 Invisible Processes (Nevidimyyo protsessy) PERIODICALs Nauka i Zhizn1P 1957, # 12, p 10, (U,98R) ABSTRACTs Numtrous "invisible" processes in nature were made visible by science. The author states that by adding sulphur compounds with.radioactive isotopes to the food of sheep the growing processes of their wool can be studied. Experiments have shown that radioactive substances in the feed appeared after 3 days in the roots of the wool. As the "marked" sulphur is being gradually eliminated from the body of the animal, the deposits of radioactive elements decrease. Depending on the bread of the sheep, the increase in the length of the wool amounts to,6 to 30 mm in 30 days. Autographic examinations have shown that interruptions of supply of nourishing elements, for instance, of sulphur, was accompanied by An irregular depo- sition of chemical matttr. This is undesirable for the pro- duction of high grade wool. Different animals show varying capabilities of assimilating organic and inorganic sulphur compounds needed for the production of wool or fur. Varying Card 1/2 quantities of sulphur in the diet of wool- or fur-bearing USSR / Farm Animals. sbeep and Goats. Q-3 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol.,, No 10, 1958, ro 45217 Author : Paducheva, A. L. Inst 0 Title : The Utilization of Labeled Sulfur for the Study of the Growth of Wool in Sheep. Orig Pub :Ovtsevodstvo, 1957, No. 9, 22-24. Abstract :The experiments carried out by a number of researchers in order to discover the results of the administration to sheep of the radioactive isotope of sulfur (s35),.along vith the feed, are described. The experiments showed that radio- active sulfur is utilized in the building of the wool fiber. Once deposited in -the wool, sulfur does not participate further in the metabolic process. Card 1/1 ?;.I)U(;Hr.VA, A.L., kandidat biologicheskikh nnuk; I)MUSENKO, Ii.P. Features of the metabolisr- of inorgsaic sulfur in fine-wooled and fnt-tailed sheet. DokI-.Aknd.sel'kboz.22 no.5:35-19 157. (mu-j- 10: 9) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-izaledovateltakiy institut zhi-,tTol novodstva. Predstavlena akademi%om V,M. Yudinym. (Sulfur motabolisi) (Sheep-Physiology) POUCIWAs A.L., kand.biolog.nauk Characteristics of sulfur metabolism In various sheep breeds and how to make use of these characteristics in wool pro- duction. Dokl.Akad.sellkhoz. 24 no-8:15-19 159. (MA 12:11) 1. Vessoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellakiy inatitut Rhivotnovodstva. Predstavlena, chlonom-korrespondentom VBeBoyuziioy akadenii sell- skokhozyaystvennylch nauk imeni. V.I.Lanina V.V.Jovallskim. (Sulfur in the body) (Sheep breeds) "PADUCHEVA, A.L, Studying the grow-th of wool In lambs during The uterine and post- natal periods by the una of labeled sulfur. DOU. AN SSSR. 137 no.2: 484-487 Mr '61. (HI:'A 14:2) .1. VvesoyuzVy nauchno-issledovatel'sUy institut zhivotnovodstva. Predstavleno akademikom A.I.OparinYm. (wool) (SuUur-Isotopes) (Lambs) FADUCHEVAp !.j PETROV, V.A. -- ---l- - ._A_ t Increaelng mltlpa~ty in sbeep by treating then with pregnant mare's serum in combination with prolan. Zhivotnovodstvo 23 no.5240-41 MY 161. (KRA 16j2) (Gonadotropic hormones) (Sheep breeding) FADUCHEVA, A.L. (Moskva., A-83,, ul.8 marta 3 -5); FERELIDIK, 11.3h. l,korp.69L-om,n A-83, ul.8 mart,a, 3a, kv: ; SPAPOVALOVA, M.Ya. (Moskva, D-80, Peschanaya ul., 4-0/3..,kv..-26) Utilization of organic and inorganic sulfur compounds in fur-bearing animals (mink and fox) for hair production; a st,:dy with laboled sul-fur. Arkh. anat., gist. i embr. 42 no-3:84-91 I-Ir 162. (FaRA 150) 1. Lahoratoriya biokhimii (zav. - I-.Yu.Fridlyand) Vsesoyuznogo nauchno- issladovatellskogo instituta zhivotnovodetva i Otdel ~ormleniya (zav. - doktor sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk N.Sh.Perelidik) Nauchno-issledovatcl"- skogo instituta pushnogo zverovodstva i krolikovodstva. (SUIEn. METABOLISM) (HAIR) PADUCHEEVA, A.L. Study of the wool grourtb by the use of labeled sulfur compounds. (.ta' Biul. MOM Otd. biol. 66 no.4:151 JI-Ag 161. ;1 1/,.'7) (WOOL) (S-ULFUR-ISOTORES) PADUCHEVA A.L. -(USSR) "Use of Some Sulphur Compounds for Synthesizing Wool Cystine and Methionine in the Sheep." Report presented at the 5th Intil Biochemistry Congress, Moscow, 10-16 Aug. 1961 C PADUGHRVA,j~L.; -VOLKOVA, Z.I.; -PEOFILOVA, Zh..A. Rate of formation of sulfur-containing precursors of hair keratin in the skin of sheep following the peroral, administration of sulfate and methionine. Dokl. AN SSSR 148 no.5:1205-1206 F 163. (MM 16:3) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut zhivotnovodetva HinisterBtva sel'Bkogo khozyaystva SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom A.I.Oparinym. (Keratin) (Sulfur Isotopes) (Mothionine) PADUCHEVAP Aleksandra Leonidovna, BOYKO, Dmitriy Fedorovich; p , ed--4~~ -- tKnW.019-. . [Hormonal methods for increasing the fertility of farm animals] Gormonaligye metody povysheniia plodovitosti sellskokhoziaistvemykh zhivotnykh. Moskvaj Nolos, 1965. (MIRA 18:4) 302 p. "gir -4~1 due to the kind of breed. -A. -P. Inst. Nninial Plushaadry, Moscowy.""ByRI, yzgl. Bid. i Afed. 41, No. 1, 60-3(19.%).-TIe following breLdg were the wbit-ct of the study: (1) sheep vrith a fat tall and coarse wool, (2) fine-wemiled, akin to maina, ard (3 )) crczns Of (I j and(2). The hightm S~nrupd. coutc-at is found in the whole iblocA, -crum proteins, mmxlci, skin and wool of (2). When (3) is thn rc--ailt i;f crossing of s--vf-ral sumr--sive gtnerntiom of ci~..rt-wooled ewes, with fine-i;oolc-d rarns. the (3) havi~ nearly th-7 ~~ame S cx3mpd. content a-, (2). ComVin. cnntg, S and IN in bl(,W, t'kin, and tis~;Uvl c-4bittet to the in- (h, pasture or ptri-luf2ding, Lnd pregnaticy 1,11c ,knri 1~ 111E"t ~emitivk' in thin. rej~rad. Thb suisitivitY is --PrL. wai 1y -n,,tabje-in (3). A S. Mirk~-)-- J4 I.S.; OSKOLKOVI Yu.N.; PADUCHEVA, A.V. . ................ b"riments of the eroding-away of Orenaceop-argillaceous specimns with two interacting jets. Trudy- Ynat. goin dela UFAN SUR n0.3:49-51 %2. (MIRA 103) (HydraUlc mining) ve, KWMIN, I.S.; KULIKOV, G.S.; PADUIIIL'VA A.V.. Pressure of a hydraalic giant jet on a flat wall. Trudy Inst. gor. deia. UFAN SSSR no.3.87-90 162. (MIP., 1633) (Hydraulic mining' Equipment and supplies) (Jets-Fluid dynvw4cs" I SHCHERBAKOV, I.A.; IDPATIN G. Yt:.; " V-; FIDGROV, I.N. I ----------- I ~ : - r.Pr.IeSr-. STQ;~- Method of detex-mintrig- the, econamic ErfiCi;511 Y -f ing ir, coal seew. TrudY TO (S'Val'd.) no.8,.-15-23 16"o (MIRA 1,1:10) PADUCHWA, A.V. Studying vork techniques ef single-back--t o;:--rators. Trudy Gor.-gs4.Inst.TJFAXo SSSR no.41:221-229 '59. (1411RA 13:5) (146'av~Atlng machinery--Electric driving) PADUCfWA.* Bo Vo *Possibilities of Studbring La~guage tbrough Methods of the Theory of Information-Ir report pre3ented at the Conferenee an Infammation Handling, MacInine Translation and Autmatie Reading of Texts, sponsored by Inst. of Sci. and Tec.vmical Infimation, Moseow., Janua?7 1961* LIBBIEV, N.P., doktor meditainnkikh nauk; DUVALOVA, G.G.;_?~~.H,EVA., L.V. TSAW, S.S. Bffective protective schedule In maternity homes. Pediatrila no-3: 17-19 MY-Je 154. (HLRA 8: 1) 1. rz akusbarako-ginekologicheakoy kliniki Molotovskogo meditBin- bkogo lustituts (zavedW~ushchiy - doktor maditsinakikh nauk U.P. Lebadev. zaveduyushchiy otdolom novorozhdannykh S.S.TSank)-, 1-go gorodskogo rodillnogo doma (glavnyy vrach V.D.Naumov, zavedA-Y*u- shahiy otdelom novorozhdennykh G.G.Davalova); 3-p rodil"nogo doma (glavn7y vrach A.N.Tarchaninovz, zaveduyushchi7 otdalom no-forozMen- nykh L.V.Paducheva) (INFANTS-IMMITION) PADUCIMVA, N. Water - Purificaticn Clarification of water by passing it-through a suspended sediment. Zhil. -kcm. k-hoz. 2 no. 2. 1952 Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, July 1952. TJj;CL-kSSIFRM KUZL%TSOV, A.V.; PADUCHEVA, Ye.V.; MM401AYEVA, 1*14- Wormational language for geometry and the algorisM for translation f~rom the Russian to the informational language. Soob. Otd.mekh.i avtom.-inform.rab. no.~'%40-73 161, (14IRA 15:2) (programing languages (Electronic foomputers)-Geometry) LAVGLEEEN, MJj,-j_FADUGHEVA ~.- Ya,.V. Handling of words with homonymy of a part of speech in the analysis of English texts. Soob. Otd.iwkh.i avtom.inform. rab. no.2-.228-233 161. 04I~ 15:2) (Programing languages (Electronic computers)) (FInglish language) I PADUCHEVAO Ye.V. Logical stress in advertisements and notices. NTI no.5.* 32-32 163. (MM 16: ILI) pADUcHgVA, Ye.V.; SHUMILINA, A.L. Sptagmas of the Russian languaV. Soob. Otd.mekb.i avt=. infWx.rab. no.2:89-113 161. (MIRA 15:2) (Machine translating) (Russian language) PADUCHEVAq Ye.V. Preliminary breakdown of a phrase in syntactical analysis.,e (as applied to the Russian 'Language). Scob. Otd.m]Cn.i aitom. inform,rab. no.2:114,116 161. (MIRA 15:2) (Machine translatiM) (Russian language) AP-THOR P-aduchel,2a:. ,Ilei-ninv f(,,r Cach Of Its iornlol2t A S!~ ( x * LIA T fr)N (!'It PADUGFILVA, Ye.V. 1 -1 - - Synthesis of co---lex sentences -wlth unambiguous syntactical structure; for t~a translation from an information --nd lovical languago into Rasoian. NTI no.6:43-49 164. (ILtA 17-9-) PADIJCMAI Ye.V. - ---------- -- e . 4ney of certain antitheses in the case system of the R fti Rusoism noun. Soob. Otd.mekh.i avtom.inform.rabo no.2:156-165 161. KIM 15:2) (Machine translating) (Russian language) PADUCHEVA, Ye.V. Programming analysis of the English language (for translation through an intermediate language). Soob. Otd.mekh.i avtom. inform.rab. no.2:210-227 16L (kRA 15:2) (Programming languages (Electronic computers)) (English language) PADUCHEVA, Ye. V. (Moscow) "Several Questions of Analysis of Complex Sentences and Sentences witb Homogeneous Members." Theses - Conference on Machine Translations, 15-21 May 1958, Moscow. LANGLEBEIR, M. M. and PADUCIIEVA, Ye. V. (Moscow) "Elimination of Morphological and Syntactical Hormonyms in the Analysis of English Text." Theses - Conferencee on Machine Translations, 15-21 May 1958, Moscow. VOL(YTSKAYA, Z. M., PADUCHEVA, Ye. V., SHELIMOVA, 1. N. and SHWILIKA, A. L.~ Moscow) "(Sintagmy) of the Russian Language." Theses-Conference on Machine Translations, 15-21 May 1958, Moscow. Sauv, Sh.l.; PAWCHIKH- I-P-1. Protective casing for fagoting Pres288- Mashinostroitel' - no.9:33 S ,59- - (MIRA 13:2) (Power pressets-Attachments) -L -9462-66 FBPZE!dT (1) /EWT W ILEG (k) --!2/T/ EWP (k) /!';W A (h) /EWP (b )/EWA (m) -21ZVFk( V) AP5027431SCTB/IJP(c) WG/JD SOURCE CODE: UR/0161/657667761173 2 3 2 .- C AUTH AUTHOR: Kryukova, I. V.; Karnaukhov, V. G.; n.Rr on qj. 7 ORG: none TITLE: Stimulated emission from diffused valli antimonide p-n junctions SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. T, no. 11, 1965, 3421-3422, TOPIC TAGSi. gallium antimonide, pn junction, stimulated emission, laser, semicon- ductor laser, junction laser ABSTRACT: Stimulated emission was obtained at liquid nitrogen temperature in dif- Veed GaSb p-n Junctions. Thediodes were fabricated by diffusing zinc from the gas phase- inio n-type wafers of GaSb. grown by the Czochralski method. The Fabry-Perot cg6vity of the 0.4 x 0.4 x 0.4 mm diode was,formed by cleavij. Carrier concentration and mobility of the samples -rere 21.9:x 101.7 cm-3 and 3200 cm /v-sec, respectively. T& rspectrum of recombination radiation at various current densities (J) is shown in Fig. I. -Fig. 2 shows the narrowing observed at the threshold for the onset of stim- ulated emission at J = 3-5 x 104 amplcm2. The maximum narrowing of the line (balf- width of 0.006 ev) was achieved at J 5.4 x 1o4 amp/cm2 and was limited by the iridth card :1/3 46 -66 L 9 2 ACC NRs AP5027431 W 43 43 4-1 J 43 -rI 41 4-2 AM it"i ~0.7.v AME, ev Aw 0 m a 750 Eev Fig. 1. The emission spectrum of Ga at Fig. 2.' Narrowing of the spectral line 77K for the following current densities: at the onset of stimulated emission at TTK and at the current densities of: I - 1 0 104; 2 -2.2 x 104. 3 _ 1:8 x 104; 4 _4.5 x 104'amp/CM2 1 5.4 x 104; 2- 3.1 x 104; (E=x O.T90 ev).. 3 1.0 X,104 amp/cM2. Card 2/3- L 9462.-66- ACC NR' AM NR, AP50 (431. of the sl of the slit of the monochromator. The intensity of the line was not proportiQnul,to j -i~ e I' J. The laser action was.attributed to interband transitions. Orig. art. has: 2 f res 2 figures. ICS] 0 E. 8 UB D SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 3lMar65/ oRIG REF: 001/ OTH REF: 002/ A D ATD PRESS: T W. 38 880-66 EWT(1) /EVIT (m)/T/EWP(t)/ETI IJP(c) AT/JD/JO ACC NRt 66_6/j~9V2/j944 SOURCE CODE: AUMOR: Kryukan, I. V.; Paduchikh, L. I.; Karnaukhbv, V. G. ORG: none S TITLE: Recombination radiation from galliuAntimonide p-n junctions SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 6, i966p 1942-1,944 TOPIC TAGS: gallium compound, antimonide, pn junction, recombination radiation, optid, tranr,ition, radiation spectrum, impurity level, conduction band AMMACT: In view of the lack of uppimity on the nature of the lines observed in the, recombination-radiation of galliumkdntimonide p-n junctions, the authors present ad- ditional data and propose a new scheme for the radiative transitions. Inie spectral composition of radiation was investigated-an a function of the current density and the concentration of the doping impurity in the initial material. The samples used were n-type with electron densities from 8 x 101-'3 to 2-3 x 1018 cm73- The p-n junc- tions were produced by diffusion of zinc. in addition, alloyed ~-n junctions were prepared from undoped p-type samples with hole density 1.5 X 103- cm73- Radiation was applied in pulses at 7TK. The radiation spectra of the diffusion junctions were strongly dependent on the degree of doping, exhibiting three intense lines at low densities and only one line at high densities. An increase in the current density shifts the line peak to lower energies. An interpretation of the spectrum is pre- sented, wherein the short-wave peak is attributed to radiative recombination of the Card 1/2 L 38BBo-66 ACC NR, Ap6o18569 0 injected carriers, and the long-wave peak is related to radiative transitions of the -carric~rs from the conduction band at the impurity levels. The variation in the number of spectral lines with the impurity density is attributed to incomplete orverlap of the levels of the zinc and the residual impurities. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. SUB CODE: 20/ sm DATE: o7Aua65/ OTH PXF: 005 rtatioul OChangO in the Chemi0al Diage &go piacesew Gand Agr and in Snw Stori (ReferativMY Zhurnal-Dimiyap )(0500wp ion of APPlOv When Stord in the ("amposit icultural Irwtv ()Wks 1954- amik Agr Sc'P jun 54) NO 11s- 80, SUN 318, 23 DOC 1954 Biochemical p"adtie3 of apple fruit grown in Omsk V. N. Ruchkin. F. G. Kropachavu, and L, V. Paduchikh (S. M. Kimv Agr. Inst., Omsk). t AcT, Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R.. Inst- Biokhim, Sbornik 3. 221-39'1955).-Tablts of analyses of cultured and wild variv- till f apples grown in Otuk area ore givr-n fay dry matt,i, pectins, nitrogenous wubsuam~, ascwhir ocid and btemity of reipiration. Tite wiki varicties t=d to contain highct levels of vimmin-C. but thii tends to dectine mom- rapidly in storage than k; true of the cuhumi varieties. Wet mal cold smumms tend to lpwei the %Lctivity of oxiduscs. Within a given Varkty no mr0ation Could be found WV"Cull - r a5e storage tLbility. preserviLlt4m of vitamin C, and oxid activity. G. At. Kosiul~IPP!L 22(l) SOV/3-59-5-31/34 AUTHOR: 'Faduclulkh, L.V., Candidate of Agricultural sciences. TITLE: Bibliography, This Boc* Should not Have Been Recommended to Vuzes PERIODICAL: Vestnik vysshey shkoly, 1959, Nr 5, pp 90 - 92 (USSR) ABST11ACT: This is a review of a training aid named "The Technology of Agricultural Froducts" by V.S. Shmal'ko, approved by the Glavnoyc upravloniye sel'skokhozyaystvennykh vuzov (Main Directorate of Agricultural Vuzes) and published in 1957 by Sel'khozgiz. There are 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIOIT: Belotserkovskiy sel'skokhozyaystvenxYy institut (Agricultural Institut at Belaya TseAov) Card 1/1 SEMOV) FIVan-ovich; KUTSENKC, Petr Prokoflvevich; V&siliy "MQII& loonicl Padovich; AKIMOVA, N.M.,otve'tetv9nnyy redaktor- ' ' L-tor; SUSMVIGH. V.I.,takhnicheskiy redaktor [Automat12atiOn Of telephone comannication in a district] Avtomatizataiia telefonuoi sviazi v raions. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po voDrosam sviazi i radio, 1956. 37 P. i (MLRA 10:5) (Telephone, Automatic) PADUKOV, V.A. ,--, :- A method of estimating the fractiared state of rocks. Zap. LGI 49 noolt72-73 1646 (MIRA 18:8) GOLOVIN, G.M., kand.tokhn.nauk; PADUKOV, V.A.... inzh. Determining the optimm feeaing forces of rock drills. Gor. zhur. no.6:70-71 Je 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Laningradskiy gornyy institut. (Rock drills) ft, VIDERNIKOV, V.A., prof.; LIPSKIY, I.A.,assietent; PAWN, A.I., ordinator Control of suppurative diseases among workers at sawmill NO-3- Vast. derm.i ven. 33 no.4:?9 JI-Ag 159. (NM 12:11) 1. Iz kafedry kozbnykh i veneriChGBkIkh bolezne7 Arkhangel'skogo meditsinskago instituta. (SKIN--DISMSES) (ARCHANGEL-WOODWORKIRS-DI SEARS AND HYGIM) CESSION NR: AR4022429 S/0058/64/000/061/A026/AO26 C A SOURCE: RZh. Fizika, Abs. 1A253~ .0 AUTHOR: Ofengenden, R. G.; Padun, G. S.; Parovik, N. M.; Lyuban- skiy, G. B. TITLE: Analyzer for simultaneous measurement of neutron spectra, background, and.effect by the time-of-flight'method CITED SOURCI~:. Tr. 5-y Nauchno-t"ekhn. konferentsii po yadern. radio- elektronike. T. 2. Ch. 2. M., Gosatomizdat, 1963, 7-15 TOPIC TAGS: time of flight spectrometry, neutron spectrometry, back- ground determination, mechanical neutron beam modulation, neutron channel width, background channel width TRANSLATION: The time analyzer is intended for simultaneous time- of-flight spectrometry of the neutron spectra and the background. Cat rd I 1/2 ~'ACCESSION NR: AR4022429 The instrument is designed to operate in conjunction with a meclhani--~ kcal chopper which modulates the neutron beam. The time intervals during which the background and the effect are registered are sym- metrical with respect to the neutron pulse. The background events are'recorded in 128 channels while the effect is recorded in 896 i:channels.. It is possible to employ also all the 1024 analyzer chan- nels to measure the effect. The channel width for the registration of the effect is regulated between 0.5 and 128 msec. -The channel w1d,th for the background events is seven times larger. Provision is made for the investigation of individual parts of the spectra. IThe information is read out to a rapid printer with a printing rate !of 10 pulses.per second. Yu. Semenov. ~-DATE ACQ: 03Mar64 SUB CODE: PH ENCL: 00 Ccrd.__ I) t//,v j-.1w, AGMXA, H.S., inzh.; AKUTIP, T.K., inzh., AMSOV, A.M., inzh.-, ANISTOV, B.S., kand.tekha. aauk,-, BZLOSTOTTSKlY, O.B., inzh., BERLIN, A.Ys,jnzh.; BESSKIY. K.A., inzh.; BLTUH, A.M., inzh.; BRMi, I.T., inzh.; BRODSKIY, I.A., inzh.; BURMAS, M.,inzh,; VAUMAN, I.Z., inzh.; VARSiLAVSKIY, I.Y.Jazh.; VASIL'YYjVA, A.A.,inzh.-. VORONIN, S.A-.,inzh.,- VOYTSEKHOVSKIY, LX., inzh.; VIMLEVSKIYI A.A.,inzh.; GERSHMAN, S.G.. inzh.;. GOLUB'LATNIKOV. G.A.,inzh., GORLIN, M.Yn., Snzh., GILUOIATIKOV. A.H., inzh.; DASHEVSKIY, A.P.,inzh.;DIDKOVSKlY, I.L., inzh.; DOBROVOLISKIY, H.L.,inzh.-, DROZWV, F.F.,kand. takhn. muk,; KOZLOVSKIY.A.A.,inzh.; KIRILFMO, Y.G.,inzh.; KOPILYANSKIY, G.D.,kand. tekhn. nauk,; KORETSKIY. M.M.,inzh.; KUKHARCHUK, I.N.,inzh.; OCHER, M-G.,inzh.; KMLYAK, M.V.,inzh.; MIRONOV, V.V.,inzh.; NOYITSKIY, G.V.,in2h inzh.; PANKRATIYEV, K.B.. inzh.; PARKHOMMO, V.1 .-..kand, biol. nauk,; PINSKIY. Ye.A..inzh.; POILUBNYY, S.A., inzh.: PORAZZHMO, F.F.,inzh.; FUZANOV. I.G..inzh.; REDIN, I.P.inzh.; HE-UlK, I.S.,kand, tekhn. nauk.; ROGOVSKIY, L.Y.,inzh.; RULERMAN, A.G.,inzh.; RIBALISKIY, Y.I.,inzh.; SADOVNIKOV. I.S.,inzh.; SEUROYANOV, N.11..kand. tekhn. nauk,; SEMSHKO, A.T.,j.nzh.; SIHKIN. A.Kh., in-.h.! SURWTOVICH, I.N.,inzh.; TROFIMOV, Y.I.,inzh.; FMER. M.M.,inzh.-, FIALKOVSKIY, A.M.,inzh.; FRISHKAN, H.S.. inzh.; CHER SHKEEV, V.A., inzh.; SHESTOV, B.S., inzh.; SHIFKAN, X.I., inzh.; SHUHYATSKIY, A.F..inzh.; SHOURBAKOV, V.1.,inzh.,- STANCHEEKO. I.K., otv. red.: LISHIN, G.L..imh~,red-- KRAVTSOY.Ye.P., inzh.,red.; GRIGORI "0 , G.V.,red.-, KAMINSKIY, D.N.,red.; KILABOVSKIT, I.P.,red.;-LEYTH". L.Z., rad.fdaceasedj,; GUREVICH, H.S.,inzh..rad.; DANMVSKIY, A,S.,inzh.,red.; DEM111, A.M., inzh.,red.; KAGANOV, S.I..inzh.,red.; KAWYMW, B.N., kand. takhn, npuk, red-LISTOPADOV, N-P-*izizh.,red.; MMIMEVICH, I.R., inzh. radldeceazedl; [continued on next card) AGALINA, H.S.... (continued) Card 2. PENTKOVSKIY, N.I..I!nzh..rad.; ROZENBKRG. 3.M& , inzh., reds; S"VIIo D.S., inzh.,red.; IPEDOROV. H.P.,inzh,,red.; TSTMBAL. A.V.,inzh.,red.; SHIRSOV, L.V., red. izd-va,; FROZOROVSKAYA, T.L., tekhn. red. LKining ; an encyclopedic handbook] Gornoe delo; antaiklopedicherkii spravochnik. Moskva, Goa. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo lit-ry po ugollnoi' promyphl. V01. MOrg9nization of planning; Construction of surface buildings and structureaJ Orgenizataiia proektiroveniia; Stroitel'stvo zdanii i sooruzhanii us poverkhnosti shakht. 1958. 497 p. (HIRA 11:12) (Mining engineering) (Building) % PADUN-- _ N- (-Kiyev) Investigating the strength of Multipanel three-dimensional fram-evork. Pryki.mekh. 6 no.1:76-87 160. (MIRA 13:6) 1, Institut stroitellnoY mekhaniki All 'USSR. (Structural frames) PADUN-LUKIYANOVA,_~.N. [Fadun-LukItianova., LJI,j Stability of.pingle-stage three-dimensional frames. Zbix.pratst. Inst.makh.AN URSR no.23-.57-"5 ~&L. (MIRA 14-12) (Stracutrul frames)2 RUMANIA Farm Animals. Domestic Fowls Q-6 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 3, 1958, 12192 Author Paduraru Anatol Inst Title The Rearing of Chickens in Batteries (Vyrashchivan- iye tsyplyat v batareyakh) Orig Pub: Probl. zootehn., 1957, No 3, 32-38 Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 48 IWOM , 14arieta; NITUIZSCU, Marcela; PA~UWU, Aneto , I I ,.11, The drying pp of the rivers in the Cris Basin. Studii hidrol 3-,15-23 162. M.; POPA, L.; PADURARU, 1. Reftearah on the correlation between the tkrdd funati=al state and sQme biochemie constants in rabbit liv4r-and blood serum. atudlicere biol anim. 15 no.2.-159-169 1,,tawanicaro, prezentata do V, Ghet DINU, M.; VERMSANU, N.; FADURARU, 1. Influence of the nature of proteins in the rations uith increased content of maize on the physicochemical character- istics of sidne carcasses. Studii cere biol anim 14 no.13: 421-434 162. 1. Comanicare prezentata de V. Ghetie, membru corespondent al Academiei R.P.R. A membru. al Comitetului de redactie., "Studii A cercetari de biologie; Seria biologie animala." a,-., n1a 41. ArMirtjo." ZOOtechnioal R... orch Inst1tuto 140tchn!ce). (I'stitutul do CarcntjLrj 50'rec: Buchnr ?".bl- , .T,*'I;Ih63-03t r0 7, Jul 61, r4t4: , 7 . ?~..Inical!.Icom,10 Con,lderetion3 or, Ar 17-Inary 'nrMIrlationa '-.I I Enrilorr Zootoo,-Wical in /NIOD Lt:-: s ClOnstata Her. se.r .juno pmjo, 3 Counch I=tltute,~ .9cric oil "ILI COnstnnta), nob-.,oEO4 110F.1una. (3fatul ?O"ULr ti DINU., M.; PADURARU, I.; NEDELNIUC, V. Functional correlation to.the thyroid gland with hs~ morphopbysiological t~h efiaracteriotics in the ontogeny of rabbits.* Stu4it, care biol -nim 15 no.1:29-43 163. PADURAIRU, I.;T-ASCENCO, V.;,I?MLT, M. Securing additional proteins for the hogs of the Marele Alb lbroed 1)eing fattened with Traize, p. 171. STUDII Sr CMCrTIPI D-E PIOLADGIR. 311,21 BIOLOGIE PIMALA. Buciventi. Vol. 11, no. 2, 1950. Ibnthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) W, Vol. 9, no. 1, January 1060. Uncl. FADURAMJ, Victoria A powerful mobi3izing force. Hunea sindic 7 no.5:4LL-50 MY 163. 1. Membra a comitatului din*oatului do la "Intreprinderile Textile", Galati. 0 ti i R 41 - I f OW -Am 1710 S-239 MAP: IRTYSH river, region. Kristallicheskiye Slantsy Irtyshskikh Gor. Vyp. 88j 1929S p. %. Haterialy po obshchev i prikladnoy Geologii. Geologicheskiy Komitet., Leningrad. Library of Congress, Washington.. D.C. QE276-113 Petrological map of the crystalline slates of the above- named region. Scale 1: 21,000, Ust-Kamensgorsk town, Beresovka, village. I railroad. Area 49'54,-500201 N;' 81'501-82'501 E. 6 0 f .,p 66 P641C n", -A"Q FOCI, 0 MAW, pw, fus" bla-11WID Od"as clear of Pt(NH,)Xk sq. am primatic In habit, go of m imkWbmWO.1-02mm.thkk. Themystem ~A. tetnwaiW. Consum foram (100) mW the tetmlatial (111). Mm unk cell Is a - 7-274 A.. c MA. AU-88OW'. Unktial.nes. Refractivein- 4 11613. R. H. Beckwith see 00 coo u see 00 Ar ;00 Coo use --99 too &ITAILLURGICAL Lfff4AT CLAMPKATOW to 0 Room %I,-*I I" *~Vlv lee KX 0 AV 10 U Z., An L *a 0 0 a I W 14 0 a 0 1 1 T ' I 0 0 0 00 0 a o 4, 0 0 006 4 *is 09 9 0 0 0 f 0 9 0 0 : : 0 : : ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 0 e 9 0 0 O's a 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V699060400800000906*0 11 0.0 0 v to "kill"m its to xPlInUbj6p ??.son V. 1. go A_x Jig (X ttio' oo *0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 Viv- I") us AV *196 is ull Noce I- a 0 -00 -06 ra 0 9 00 ago =00 ze o z:& o -wou"gle Oysws frim AkW* 0. 0. QVA. M44. *0 121- Mlinvalot. Abstidth- ",P~1700'-Ujcruchtm stmes'Urflubj4mmed P- of Mo. Pb end Ba in Oyst&b Of wulltaitt frm .41-Ilyk In the Tyuyz-Muyun .00 it 41%trLd4 Fergana-, 00 00 00 00 1 00 00 a 00 00 of a !Z: A 0 . I L AfT*LLUPOICAL UTIMATURR CLAWFICATIC06 mooj a- J., a -a--) r 71 LS V 0 u S A p pr p it It vt id 0 It a a )IIIII IfIg-ugn I'm 0 0 : 0 04 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 ^ ~ 4 4 0 4 a * 0 0 4;e 0 0 a 07000 00 0 0A 00 * 00 0004 * * 0 0 0 0 0.0 *;;* r 00 .900 .400 A 0 1::00 A 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 00 0004 0 0 0 0 ICKMU-HIKkIIISTI, C.,academician.; SORU, Rtgenia.,; DIRBOVICEM, Arietia.; PADURARU-DUMITUSCU, Maria,; VISM, B- Pathogenesis of tuberculosis. ur. Study of the respiration and enzymatic complex of pathogenic and sapropbytic Wcobacteria. Stud. cercet. inframicrobiol., Bucur. 6 no.1-2:155-186 Jan-June 55, (MYCOBACTERIUM TUB]IRCULOSIS, metabolism oxygen consumption & enzyme activity) (P.YCOBACTARIUM phlei, oxygen consumption & enzyme activity) (BNZYNRS enzymatic activity of M. tuberc. & H. phlei) (NNABOLISH oxygen consumption of X. tuberc. & X. phlei) SCIRU, Zugenia; ROMM. Calls; ISMTI. Maria; PADURARU-DUHrZFacSCU, Maria.; POMHORSKI, lugania. Iffect of isonicotinic a,aid hydrazid* on w7cobseteria. I. Affect on the enzyme system and chemical structure of the Bacillus pars,- tuberculosis Grassberger 55. Stud. careet.-inframicrobiol., Bucur. 6 n0-3-4:533-564 July-Dee 1955. (KYWROMNK paratuberculosix, @ff. of isoulazid on enzyme system & chem. structure) (NICCIVINIC ACID ISO)=S, off. Isonlavid, on enzyme system & chem. structure of Nyco- bacterium pax~jLtuberculosis) BUJOREANY G.; ARVAT, A.g[deceased]; SFJU3ANESCU, Iq POPESCUP P. C.; GRIGORE,, S.; OPREA,, Reghina; IADURFANU, 0.; ROMAN., N. Lythr= tribraeteatux Sal=.,, a new plant in the flora of Rumania. (Contributions to the flora of Peoplets Republic of Rumania). Studii agr Timisoara 8 no.1/2:119-128 161. (Rumania-Lythrac'eae) 0 0, S, 0 0 0 0 IS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 F 0 0 0 0 0 sees 5 11115; 1 1 1 4 1 A I a 0 v 0111 to It 11 it a 'I Q U a U V a -A s' A 0 0 4 *0 so j 00 00 e 00 A tat orAjition It rabbits ind-rd b topper act mid U.I Buti ki H : 06 . . . t n. Olb x %. J'AuAhm and L WVtl' d ff .00 tMk" L i 937)(ij, O O 9 ovuMflon. form4skin L4 otftr4ed in ttic time interval ftw -00, emoffluitic fouie'les. no. of ruptured follicles and caparitY h introwtW.5 in- I the egg cells 10 be fertitived t*tvmen the 8 WWnafq~-l2Tng. OfCu(OAc)jwAoIC=adotroPicagrDt. and Mws of I -s mg -00 . K h A S -00 . . . i s, "relclW 10 the tal)t Ter of Cu(OAc)s . aloe V;: *so use 00 00 coo we@ -00 Its* S 4. S L 6 WALLUOKKAL LIMATURE CLAISVICATIC101 lose 1511060 -IV C- cat #"&slow C" ill A II y it j - a U AT 1* 0K 11 Ot If 89 Kw "I I NA v 0 0* 000 0 'a :1 0 0 0 to 0 ./-T-rvT) -V4 I I I K I: i~.t IZV. MOROZOV., B.N.j PADUSOVA, Ye.V. Dispersion equations for bent diaphragmed wave guides with a rectangular cross section. Izv. TPI 105:227-239 160. OCMA 16W 1. Predstavleno nauabhym seminarom radiotekhnicheakogo fakullteta Topskogo ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni politeldmicheakogo instituta imeni Kirova. (Wave guides) -, ~ " --,~ ~ ~ ~. .- I -f ~- 34b, PADUSZ114SKI Jerzy, mgr 1 11-1111. - -L-- ~- Y 0 c , sur s. Loss-traverse --ithod of evaluating tb--* density of =-cr ifts e Nafta 21 no.l: S-appl: Biul inst naft 15 no.1/2:2-3 t65. PA DUSZYNSKI, Jerzy, mgr Remarks concerrLing tests of fissuxed oil collectors. Nafta 21 no.11 13-16 ja 165. - 1. Petroleum Institute, Krakow. FADVA, G. D., Cand Chem Sci -- (diss) "Interaction of Diketene with Dioxynaphthalenes." Len, 1957- 11 pp (Len State Pedagogi- cal Inst im A.IS??"Gertsan, Chair of Organic Chemistry) (n, 50- 57, 118) - 11 - MA1111, V.V.; PADVA, G. D. Reactions of diketene. Part 5: Reaction of diketene with dioi7naph- thaline. Zhur. ob. khim. 27 no.9:2578-2585 S 157. (MM 11:3) l.Loningradakiy pedagogicheskiy institilt imeni A.I. Gertsena. (Ketone) (Naphthaline) PEREKALINg Vsevolod Vasillyevicb; Prini 1:1 uchastiye: SOPOVAI, A.V.; LERMf O.M.; ZONIS9 B.S.; ZOBACHEVAj M.M.; KVITK09 S.M.; BASKOV9 Yu.V.; UP.- LINg S.V.; POLUNSKAYA, A.St,j_PADVAt G.D.; ZONIS9 S.A.9 red.,- FOMMCL9 T.A.9 tekhn. red. [Iftsaturated nitro compounds] Nepredellnyo nitrosoodineniia. Lenin- gradv Gos. naucbno-tekhn, izd-vo khiz. lit-ry) 1961. 335 P, (Nitro compounds) (MIRA 24:7) PADVA, G .L,,! V.V.; HUMYANTWVA Ye.G. 16 !REKALIN, 7 " a.. Reactions of diketenes. Part 6: Interaction of diketene with some hy- droxy compounds of the biphenyl series. Zhur.ob.khi-m. 34 no.1:16~,105 Ja '64. (NIRA 170) 1. Leningradskiy podagogichaskiy institut imeni A.I.Gertsena. PADVA, G. D. Synthesis of some az7l acetoacetates and derivatives of, mothylcoumarin based on diketene. Zhur.prikl.kbim- 33 no.2:489-490 7 160. (KIRA 13:5) (Acetoacetic acid) (Coumrin) (Ketene) VALIDBERG, A.Y-a., inzh.; ZAYTSEV, M.M., inzh.; PADVA, V.Yu., bizh.; TEPLITSKIY, V.I., inzh.; T12-10FEYEV, E.S., inzb. Results of comparative test.- of cone cyclones with a spiral gas supply. Khim. i neft. mashino3tr. no.6:3-5 D 164 (MIRA 18:2) PADVI, A.Be, podpolkovnik medesluzhby Lo ading patients on stretchers into ambulances. Toen.-med.zhur. no-n:7()--72 1'56 (HIH 12: 1) (TWSPORT OP AM WOMMM)) IPADVX, E,K.; SCKOLOVA, TZ.A. Now data on t-heetratigraphy of upper Devonian =d lover Carboniterms deposits of the Dshaillminska7a GYMUSe In the Atasuynkiy regior, of central rasskhatan. Jzv.AN SSSR. Ser.geol,.21 n0-7:98-102 J1 '56- (XIRA 9:10) 1. Geologicheekly institut lkadsmii nauk SSSRI,'Noskvao (Atasuyekiy asgion-Geoloff, StrRtigraphie) AGACHEV, Pavel Yegorovich; KAWNIN, R.A., reteenzent; TOPAZOV, N.&.,,. i retsenzent; KORMAN, A.G., kand. tekhn. nauk, neuc.hMyzied-0; .PADVO, AoB* nafichnyy red.; KIJOHINA, T.A.., red.; FRUMKINI-P.S., i e. r ~e. (Course in higher mather~Ative f;er students of technical cor- respondence schools and for self-teaching3 Kura vysshei mate- matik;L dlia uchashchikhsia zaocbxWkh tekhnikumcFv i samoobrazo- vaniia, Leningradp Goa, noiuznoe -'Lzd-vo sudostroit. promyshl. 1961. .671 p. (MIRA 24810) (Mathematics) KUSHCHENKOP Vasiliy Semenovich; PROTASOV, A.M., kand. fiz.-mat. nauk, retaenzent;..PAPYP,_A.B-, nauchn. red.; KLIORINA, T.A., red.; EWTC-VA, U.V., tektin. red. [Problems with solutions for competitive examinations in mathematics] Sbornik konkursnykb zadach po matematike s reshenii.ami. Leningrad, -Sudpromgiz, 1963. 591 P. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy vysshey matematiki Leningrad- skogo kormblqatroitellnogo instituts. (for Protasov). (Mathematics--Problems, exercises, etc.) t ?I? P ? 0, A A 00 A 00 *0 00 0 4 Grp awme I III Ruminn.) gmd - Onti, (Ithl. u)(1.1 A 011ALLUNWAI. MUSAWRI CLAWFICATION IV. axt A AV No is f, n it plows watt low 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 S a 041 0 0 * * 0 0 & A) 1A 4;r, It 00 fyierungra Pmil #fAiAim Pp. Jj j W, Ilkli- 114WWRIlk RIM IPllijl~ lee ',see -00 too qoo IXOO 1:199 0 0 allill ON a.* ati -AnA T 0 ft I I* 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000060000 Olbe Pla"asocla, S. Stages in the development of the tariff system of Soviet rai-1- roads. P. 407 PRZEGIAD KOLEEJOIKY (14-daimtctwa Komunikacyjne) Warszawa. Voi. 6, no. 11, Nov. 1954. SOURCE: East -uropean :1'ccessions List, (P--AI), Library of Congress, Vol./+ , no. 12, December .1953 GULINITSKIY, N.S.; PADYUKOV, M.V.; BAMMV, I.C6 Attaining the rated capaeity of the mizLe No.38. Ugol' 35 no-7:23- 25 Jl 160o (MIRk 13:7) 1. Nachal.1nik ';bakbty No.38 kombinata Karagandaugoll (for Gullnits- kV,')2. Nachall-nik planovogo otdola Shakhty NO-38 kombinata Karagan- daugoll (for Padyukov)- 3. Nauchallnik otdola orgqn12ateii truda Shakhty No.38 kombinata Karagandaugoll (for Babayev). (Karagau&& Basin--Coal mines and mining) FASMAN,, A.B.; PADIUKOVA, G.L.; SOKOLISKIYp D.V.,, akademik )(echan.ism of carbon monoride adsorption-and conversion in the liquid phase. Dokl. AN- SSSR 150 nO-41856-858 * Jo 163. (KM 16:6) 1. Kazakhakiy gosudarBtvennyy universitat imeni KirOva- 2. Akademiya nauk Kazakhakoy, SSR (for Sokol'skiY). (Carbon monoxide) (Adsorption) SHVACHKIN,, Yu,P.; NOVIKOVA, M.A.; REZIIIKOVA, M.B.; PADYUKOVA, N.Sh. New syntbaois and feasibi-l-ity of the fermentative activation of P -(4,..hydroxy-2-pyrimidinyl)alanine. Zhur.ob.khim. 33 no.12t4022- 4023 D 163. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet i Institut khimii prirodnykh ooyedinaniy AN SSSR. WOISKI IA.; KURZEFA, St.; MZ1K, H. Studies on the etiopathogenesis of cervical incoopetence. Crin. poloka 32 no.5:639-W 161. 1. Z III KL-Lniki Poloznietwa i Chorob Kobiecych AM Kierownik: prof. dr J.Lesinski Zakladu Parmakologii P.o.kierownik: dr St.Kurzopa Laboratorium Chemiemo-Bakteriologicznego Kierownik: dr W.Soleoka Inistytutu Matki J Dziecka w Warszawie Dyrektor: prof. dr F Groer. ~CERVIX M-M dis) (PREM-A-11CY compl) o L tc-e~.itatlva determination of adenine And gu, V C.1116C.-ties of Psori'AA3 vulgorl-4. 'A' D112I.Tho"Y.A-1 Halba Ndzit- (Univ, I'Mik), Ana -Malrin"P.oil . 1. wales, drit-d at MV, vere hytWy=d In ID-15 voh. of 5% JL504 for 8 11-- at W. Parines vere i-niatei from Zile filtratt of the by- drol!rzate by addling excepq of NaHcO~ and then hot 1% cuSD,,_fibMftng & -rinc3 from the ppt.. and remating tht,ppin. once or tvAce. In some casm the rfAissolved I VSnes, then -Ttic pptd, with A&O, devompj. with hot lic) From the clW filtrate (1) gualline was Pptd. by addi. rd coned. N11. and Purlfied by dhsolving in 0.1 N NOOH and repptn. with 27p AtOrl- Adenine tras ppid; from I as the Picrate (mt pff 4) and recrystallized. FP!5hlY collected samples 2nd samples 2 weekr old and many mcmtbs old were analyzed. The total 14 of I Zs 137 mg. adenine X 39-69 mg. and guanine N 47.5-73 ing. 1. Z. Roberts VOLSKI, Adam; PAZZIN, Halina Urinary steroid hormones and cytology of threatened abortion treated with stilbostrol. Gin.polska 29 no.,1189-102 J'an-yeb 580- 1, Z III Kliniki Poloznictwa i Chorob Koblecych A.M. w Warszavie Kierownik: prof. dr med. J. L.esinski. i z Iliniki Poloznietwa i Chorob lobiecych Instytut Katki i Dzieckae' Kierownik: prof. dr med. J. Leinski. Adreal Varezawa, Plac lonstytubji 7 m 670' (ABCRTION, threatened. diag. by urinar7 steroid levels & vaginal cytol & ther. value of diethylstilbest'rol (Pol)) (DINTHYLSTILBESTROL, ther use. threatened abori abortion (Pol)) (ESTROGENS, in urine in threatened abortion, diag. value (Pol)) (17-RETOSTEROIDS, in urine same (Poi)) (PRBGW~IOL, in urine same MID BIEMKI, Antoai; PADZIK, Halina Vasomotor disorders in women in menopause and urinary 17- 6tosteroid'Ievel. Ginek. pol. 34 no.2:211-214 163, 1. Z Kliniki Poloznietwa i Chorob Kobiecych Instytutu Yatki i Dziecka w Warazawie Dyrektor Instytutu.- prof. dr mad. F. Groer Kierownik Kliniki: prof. clr raed. J. Lesinald. (MENOPAUSE) (VASOMOTOR SYSTEM) (17-KETOSTEROIDS) (URINE) pAjjjjc-GRA( ZIN, Alfreda - ------ Ele.ctic properties of biologically active organic aa;xjunds. Kosmos biol 13 no.6:501-508 164. TW(Tr) /WT TjDf~ ACC_NR_t-JM0196Z 'SOURCE CODE: UR/0368/CC/6-04-/66-6~/05297053;f--~ AUTHOR: Pae A.; .4ebjkne, K. S.; 1~1a. X.- ORG: none TITLE: Luminescence of ZO-AgAlS2 SOURCE: Zhu=4 prikladnoy spektroskopil, v. 4, no. 6, 1966, 529-534 TOPIC TAGS: zinc sulfide optic material. luminescence, emission spectrum, spectrographIc analysis ABSTRACT: The luminescence of ZnS-AgAIS2 phosphors was investigated. To prepare AgAIS?,, Ag2S and A12S3 were mixed in a dry form and heated in an evacuated sealed quartz ampule at 850-950C for 12 hr. To prepare the ZnS-AgAIS2 the powder of ZnS was prelimi- narilyheatedin a flow of H?S at 450C for I hr, mixed with AgAIS2 and heated for 4.5 hr ati 1150C. The concentration of AgAlS2 varied from 5 , 10-5 to 1.0 mol %. The emission spec- tra were measured by a monochromator and photomultiplier and the excitation spectra by spectrophotometerB. The emission spectrum, of ZnS-AgA182 revealed three bands with peaks of about 2.8 (blue band). 2.4 (green band), and 2.0 eV (red band). However, all these bands were evident only at low concentrations of AgAIS2 In the phosphor. The blue band dominated F- Card 1/2 UDC: 535.37 P:" 8 lic".3t.-I-59-IrSo 65, (MIPA 18.911 1. TartuBP-1-3, gv--,uaaj,-i',4enrryy urd-versittito -, M Mz - INIMPRE. IM-4 m "HIN E, a NO'l, IMEN -MRIWOROIE