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NOZDRYUKHIV~ V.K.; &tEYTM, A.A.; KLYAVIN, V.; ELIZOV, I.; SUSLOV, V.F.; PAK, V.A,,, kand. geol.-imin. nau-k; YAKM-IZV, V.1%; LES-UR, Yu.1%; -KG7MMV-, I.A.; RACHOLIK, V.I.; TAM-10VA, N.A.; KOLMIKOVIA, V.N., kand. fiz.-mat. nauk; NASYROV, M.; SHULITS, V.L., doktor geolgr. nauk., prof., oty. red.; GAYSIVSKAYA, I.., red.; VAS1W'1POVA,D., red.; GCRIKOVAYA, Z.F., tekhn. red. [Fadchenko Glacier]Lednik Fedchenko. TaslLkent, izd--vo Akad. nauk Uzbekskoi SSR. Vol.l. 1962. 247 p. (MIRA 115; 8) 1. Akademi7a nauk Uzbekskoy SSR, Tashkent. Institut matematiki. (Fedchenko Glacier) PAY, V. A. Mine Vent I I - + - -n Selection of the norm-)l r-inge of t',.e type -ind stze of' centri 4-, qr-l vent'--ir.l.irs "ICE A!%* U53R" for the Donets Bqs'n ~.ines v!'~'Ich ~r~ lifficlilt to ventll:-'te., Ugol', no. 2, 101~26 Mont'aly Li~,-t of Rus-dan Acces..~y, Libr~iry 3f C n,r PAK, V.A. Division of Fergana molasses according to their rhythms of strRtification based on seismic prospecting data. Usb. geol. shuri no.6:55-62 159. (XrR& 13:6) 1. Institutuatemt1ki AN UzSSR Imeni V.I. Rouanovskogo. (Yergana-Geolopj, Stratigraphic) (Rocks, Sedimertarv) PAK, V. A., Cand Geol-Min Sci -- (diss) "Contemporary structure of southeastern Fergana according to seismic data." Tashkent, 1960. 16 pp; (Academy of Sciences Uzbek SSR, Inst of Mathematics im V. I. Romanov k' . Inst of Geology); 150 copies; price not given; (KL, 25-60, 128 PAX V.A. .1 - Seismic prospecting for studying the geological structure of the southeastern part of the Fergana Valley. Uzb.4eol.z)nIr. no.2:55-64 '58. (MM 12:2) 1. Institut mekhaniki i matemtiki im. V.I.Rommovskogo AN TJzSSR. (Andishan District--Geology, Structural) (Seismic waves) BUTOVSKAYA, Ye.M.; KOIIIKOV, A.T.; NEISESOVp I L - PAK V.A.; TROSTYANSKIYY G.D.; ULOMOV, V.I.,- SOK;~Zh,--A,*A-*-p--red.; GORIKOVAYA, Z.I.,, [Seismism of Uzbekistan) Seismichnost' Uzbekistam. Tashkent, Iad-vo Akad.nauk Uzbekskoi SM. Vol.l. (The Fergana Valley] Ferganskaia dolina. 1961. 97 p. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Akademiya nauk Uzbekskoy SSR. Institut matematiki. (Fergana-Seis3nology) KOZWT. N.S.; PkI. V.D. Catalytic condensation of Schiff bases, synthesized from p-saindbensoates and aromatic aldehydes, with aromatic ketones. Zhur.ob.khim. 30 no-7:2400-2402 Jl 160. (MIR& 13:7) 1. Permskiy sallskokhosyaystvennyy institut. (Schiff bases) (Condensation products) KOZLOV, N.S.; PAK, V.-D. . Catalyzed condensation of Schiff bases from p-aminobenzo-ic esters and aromatic aldehydes with aliphatic aromatic ketones. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.;khim.i khim.tekh. 5 no.3:442-444 162. (YJRA 15:7) 1. Permskiy sel'skokhozyaystvennyy institut imeni D.E. Pryanishnikova, kafedra khimii. (Benzoic acid) (Schiff bases) XMIAN, N.S.; PAK, V.D.-- c--- Synthesis of S-arylmiw ketones and their hrlramine cleavW. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.10:338&3390 0 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Fermskiy sallskokhozynyetvennyy imatitut. (Ketones) (Schiff bases) BOIMIKOV, A.M.; PAK. V.Dr. ~:..,~.r ~- Observing the development of a chicken embryo. Sst, v shkole no.6: 80-82 N-D 154. (MIRA 7:12) 1. Kolotovakiy goeudaretvanun pedagogichaskiy institut. (ftbryology-Birds) (Poultry) KOZLOV, N.S.;- PAK, V.D. Catalytic condensation of Schiff bases obtained from esters of aromatic aldehydes wiU aliphatic-aromatic ketones. Zhur. ob. khim. 31 no. 2t497-499 F 161. (MIRA 14:2) (Schiff bases) (Aldehydes) (Ketones) VINUR, A.V.; HUMSOV, A.M.; SYROMYATNIKOV, I.A.1 VOZNBSXNSKIY, A.B.; VASILIKKO, P.I.; JAUPMAN. P.P.; TXRMAB, I.A.; VINOGRADOY. N.P.; ABTOSHIN. N.N.; AIJKSAMOV, B.K.; USFZNSKIY, B.S.; CASSON, I.R.; KHRUITS, M.I.; DRUTSKIT, V.F.; KHAGHKOVSXIT, B.N.; POPOV, P.A.; CHILIDZI, I.M.; FIIARXTOV, S.N.; KOZLOV, K.D.; BIRLIN. V.Te.; SARADZHIV. A.1h.; GORDZITIVICH, I.S.- PAIL V-9-6DORMN. S.K.; WBI=IY' L.A.; ULITANOV, S.A., GRUDINSKIT, P.G.; 7KUVSHINSKIT. N.B.; mmolmo. V. M. Mikhail Mikhailovich Karpov. Zlek.sta. 27 no.10:62 0 156. (MLRA 9:12) (Karpov. Mikhail Mikhailovich, d.1956) ?,'-K. V. S. Mine ventilation and -~, eAuipmerit; a textbook Voskva, Uwletekklizdat, 1950. 427 P. (51-37035) TN303-P3 PAY, V. S. Minim, l'-r' "71-ssian scientists, tho rrr-,-inrs f -,Ine numps -nd venl.i-!:t~,rs." M;. P. T-t-:rnov. Revieverl b-, V. S. Pnk. G-v. zhnr. no. !~, 195% Monthl-v L--*s F=D. t 2L Riissian Acce~sions. Libr!-!ry of Congress, Noverther 10'r~?. - SHOTKHET, L.A.; Pr.K, V.S., diysnyy chlen. Determinr--tion of opti-a contiriuaus load for the motor of ~_ cutter-Som- bine. in relation to its heatiar, Dop." UHSR no.3:203-207 '53. (KLRA 6:6) 1. Instytut hirriyc-ioy spravy im. M.M.Yedorova J U%,d (for Shofthet). 2. Akudemiya nt%uk Ukrayindkoyi RSR (for Pak). (Coal-mining machinery) , professor. reds,"or; ASTAKHOV, A.Y., redaktor; KCROTMOVA, Z.A., khnicheskiy redaktor; ALADOTA. Ye.l., takhnicheskiy redaktor [Mining and electric enginsering; collection of articles] Gornaia mekhanika i elektrotekhnika; abornik statei. Kookwa, Ugletekhizdat, 1954. 125 p. (HM 8:4) 1. Stalino. Donstskiy InduBtrial'ny7 institut. (Electricity in mining) (Mining machinery) SITMAKOV, L.D., akademik, redaktor; ABAhIR40V, Te.T., kandidat tekhni- chaskikh nauk. redaktpr; GHM. VA. doktor tekhnichookikh mauk, redaktpr; LIIKN, G.D., (toktor tol-chninheek1kh nauk, redAIrtor OGLOBLrN. D.N.. doktor tekhnicheakikh nauk, roda".or; OSTROVSKIV.. S.B.. redak-tor; PAX. V.S. redaktpr- SAVIN, G.N. redaktor; sirockwirry. rodaktor; SUDOPL&TOV, A.P., doktor takhnicbeek-fth nauk. radaktor; TMPIGOM, A.M., akademik redaktor; SHCHMBANI. A.N.. dok-tor tekhnicheakikh nauk. redaktor; "WLITS- KIY. G.A., redaktor; KCROVEITKOVA, Z.A., tekhnichookiy redaktor-, ANDR9M, G.G., tekhnicheskiy redaktor (Mining coal at great deDths; proceedings of a conference held in Stalino. October 19511 R~zrabotka ugolluvkh mestorozhdenti na boll shikh glubinaJzh; trudy soveshchantia v g.Stallno. oktabrl 1953 g. Moskva, Ugletekht7clat, 1955. 475 p. (NLRA 8--8) 1. Deystvitellnyy chlen All USSR (for Pak and Savin) 2. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut pornogo dela. (Coal mines and m1ning) . professor, rodaktor; BORISINIO, I.S., kandidat t9khnIcheskM nauk, dotsent. redairtor-, DULII, V.S., kandidat tokhaichemkikh nauk, dotsent. rodakt4w; MMM61, A.A.. ;tww%Awsav" v9deftor; DIYJLE)VA, 613 ielkktor Isdatelletva; AIMRIM , G.G., tokbalchookly rodairtor; SABi+Oi..A., tokhalchookly retaktor. . (KIll i0:11) [Mine fans and ventilation equipment; proceedings of s conference on mine fan manufacturing] Shakhtsys ventillatory i vevitillatoraye astanovkl; trudy konforentell po shakhtnosy ventilintorostroonitu. C. Stallao. 11=1 1955 C. Moskva. UgletekhIsdat. 1957. 142 p. 1. Nauchno-tokhnichoskeys obabehostvo gorayakov. Stalinskoys oblastuoye otdolonlys. 2. Daystyltellsyy chlon AN USSR (for Pak). (Plus ventilation) 2.1-1-91126 AUTHORS: Pak. V.S., Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, and emmmnko, V.D. TITLE: New High-Efficiency Hieh-Prearure Centrifugal Fans for Mines (Novyye shakhtnyye vysokonapornyye tsentrobezhnyye venti- lyatory bol'shoy proizvoditellnosti) PERIODICAL: Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukrains1koi ROSH, 1953, # 1, Pp 41-44 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In 1956, Mining Institute of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences designed 4 new centrifugal fans with a capacity twice as high as that of the present types. The rotor dia- meter is 21% smaller and the total weight 40% lighter than the present fans. Other properties will be us follows: 1. Full pressure and the full efficiency factors are equal to those in the best high-pressure centrifugal fans in the USSR; 2. The static pressure and the value of the static efficiency factorare 71%o higher. When manufactured, their efficiency factor will be Card 1/2 improved and will attain a value not less than 0.76. 2-1 - 1 - )J12 6 New High-Efficiency High-Pre3sure Centrifugal Fans for Mines The article contains 2 figures, 2 graphs, and 2 tables. f ASSOCIATION: Institute of Mining (Instytut hirny-,hoi spravy AN URSR) of the Ukritinlan Acadomy of Scloncoo SUBMITTED: 26 March 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 212 1. Fans-Design 'QWi-YIAA.-&imdemIk, prof.; BARU, G.A., starshly nauchnyy sotrudnik. Now min ventilation mine fans. Ugoll Ukr. 2 no-12:31-33 D '58. (MIRA 12:1) LAN USSR t DDnetskly industriallnyy institut (for Pak). 2.1natitut gormoge dela Al USSR (for Babsk). (Mine ventilation) OPans, Mechanical) -FAX, Y.S., skadsLzik; HABAK. G.O. [Babak, H.O.J. kand. takhn. nauk Xxcentric blower of the YT90 type for mine ventilation. Timnyk AN UM 30 no.8:11-13 Ag 159. (MIRA 13:1) LAN USSR (for Pak). Mowers) PAX,,_j.S., akedemik; RABA , G.A., kand.tek6n.nauk; PAK, V.V., Inzh. Hdghly economical centrifW1 fans with shaped blades. Ugol' Tkr. 4 n0-3:41-42 Mr '60. WIRA 11:6) 1. AN USSR (for V.S.Pak). (Fans, Mechanical) (Mine ventilation) PAR, V,S,; B&MK, G~A, Centrifugal fans with shaped bladei of the Minin Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian S.S,R. Sbor, trud. Inst. gor, dela All URSR no.7-.10-24 161. (MIRA 15:1) (Fans, Mechanical) -FAKE V.S. Steadiness of the parallel operation of mine fans, Sbor. triici. Inst. gor. dela AN URSR no.7:25-45 161. (MIRA 15: 1) (Mine ventilation) F K G.A., kand.tekhn.nauk _~~~emik; BABAKP ,__!A New VToN-1,6 and VToN-2,2 centrifugal mine fans for main ventilation. Ugoll Ukr. 6 no.11:37-39 N 162. (KIRA 1,%12) 1. Institut gornogo dela AN Ukr6SR. 2. AN UkrSSR (for Pak). (Mine ventilation) FAX S V.S. , akELdemik; BABA-K, G.A. , kand.tekhn.nauk Raise to a new high level the, design and construction of fans. Ugol I 37 no.7:62 JI 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Institut gor-nogo dela AN USSR. 2. AN 43SR (for Pak). (Fans., Mechanical-Design and conottuction) KKUDOSOVTSEV, N.M.; akademik; BORISHENKO, K.S.; PYATKIN, A.M., kand. tekhn. nauk; GOLIDIN, M.A.V kand. tekhn. nauk Urgent problem in the development of the coal industry, Ugoll 38 no.6:62-63 Js 163. (MVA 16t8) 1. Predesdatell Donstskogo aoveta naroCtogo khozynystv4 (for Xhudosovtsev). 2. AV UkrSSR (for Pak). 3. Chlen-korre8pondent AN UkrSSR (for Borie~pnko). (Coal mines and mining) PAK, Vitolld Stemnovich, professor-, OVER, Viktor Georgievich-, professor ...Wmmm~ doctor lemniamenk1kh nsuk: KISELSF, V.I., r4oda"tor, ZAMSWV. P.P.. redaktor; AMIMM, G.G.. tsichnicheskiy redaktor. [Mine ventilating and draining syst*msl Hadnichnye ventiliatornye 1 wodootliviVe ustanovkt. Moskva, Ugletekhizdat, 1955. 352 p. (MlaA 8:12) 1. 11mystvitel'rWy chlen AN USSR. (Mine ventilation) (Kine pumps) L 36345-66 ZEY-N-R .7r 6 o o 7 8 o 6 SOUR CE_ -CODE: - --UR-/UU2116-6-1000 /ooz/o16o/n651 AUTHORS: Pak, V. V. ORG: Institute of Hydromechanics and Technical Cybernetics (Instytut girnychoyi mekhaniky i tekhnichnoyi kibernetyky) TITLE: Designing double-intake centrifugal fan tees SOURCE: AN UkrRSR. Dopovidi. no. 2. 1966, 16o-165 TOPIC TAGS: centrifugal fan, jet stream ABSTRACT: The author considers the problem of the source of a limited stream on the basis of vhich a method is proposed for an efficient design of double-intake centrifugal fan tees. An equation is given for the determination of the pressure-lose factor. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 18 formulas. [Based on authors* abstract) [NT] SUB CODE: 13, 20/ SUBM DATE: l8jan65/ ORIG BET: 003 PAK, V.S., alrademik; RAR& , G.A., lmnd.tek~,n.nauk; PAK, V.V.. Inzh. Highly economical centrifugal fans with shaped blades. Ugal' Dex. 4 no.3:41-42 Mr 160. (mLu 1~:6) 1. AN USSR (for V.S.Pak). (Fans, Mechanical) (Mine ventilation) 7 -i7 Y', in nn-4 ,e L 0'" W- :."3'Ln:t: Of POW I ~ . ~ 1~ -.1 '. I : . . . 1. . . 1. .- I . I . za 11, . 1. . . .. . - . ! , .; - - '. - . , , . - I . . u - . . V. V. I ris S/143/62/000/010/004/004 D238/0308 4'!jTHO:'.: 2a1,' V.V., En~;iilccr TITI,::: The velocity (lirtribution in the inter:Aade chanael of the working dinc on a centrifugal turbo en~~iiie 1zvcrtiya vysshikh uchebnylch zavedeniy, Lncr,,etika, no. 10, 1962, 101-105 T -,;' T: Stu(I.Y is- r1ladc of the motion of an ideal -fluid throu,rh a rotati-nj~ circular (frid ctiploying the Dl.dam'ocrt O'n accou'it oJ7 the curviture of the line of flow Lhere ap,)carr 'I cc~,.- trifugal force actin,( ia tlv~ 6ircction pci7pendicular to the line of f 1 o, i. The rotation oil the 6icc initiates a centrifugal forcc in thc radial direction. Thc transmitted rotational motion of thc circular 'Tr . id Civcs rise to a Goriolis force in the direction pnr..cndicular to the relative velocity. jince tiac isolate(; clemeot is subjccccd to retardation in i~s mot-'oil, a -'~~%rtonian force acts on it in the direction of motion of the element. in adGition there is a -presLure P-r-adient in thc flow alon,' t%e direction of motion and in the direc- Card 1/2 ./1 4:~/6 2100010 10/004/0 G4 The velocity 6istributio;i ... :)233/,)308 ,:ion perpezic"icula--, to -C r-.otion. Zln,: cqvatiorn of vcloc-ty 6i:,tri- butioll ir, -1a*J1a -,I i (13 2-r cor. ~3 = 0, which agreus ~rith experimental re5ults. 'Zhe discrc.)-incy ctwcen cx-pcrimental results In6 those o!3- tairLed from the cqu.,tiola _1PPlication Of -C'ne is attr to two "ross errorL., fi_rstly, the ~crnoulli equation to tho c.-nzirc volumo o-1E tlae i:-.-,_crDlade chAruicl, thiAs aso-jmi,a,~ 'n t:1,1C11 ~)Oint iii, ~jic blow, and second- ly an izico 'L _. ri7cct `irccUiOrL la a5crijea to t1ac cwtonian force of in- ertia. It was as,,,;,LLmcd tii,,t tiw elm2ntary volume o- fludd is acccl- e r at c 1L'L 1' 11 1.L.,, MOtio.-I ~.Tdlc acL-_,~_Ily Ait is decelerated as a co-asc- qucnce of t1le comli~ion o--'- cont-frAlity of flow. There are 3 J'i,-,urc--. i-,sti *Li-,,,: ,orno, o dc', a A4 USSR (Iiining institute ,6,~,:ITT:~D: November 22, 1961 Card 212 PAKV V.V., inzh. Determination of the diameter of the rotor inlet of a centrifugal fan. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; gor. zhur. 5 no.10:121-124 '62. (AURA 15: 11) 1. Institut gornogo dela AN UkrSSR. (Fans, Mechanical) PAK9 V.V. Study of the operating characteristics of centrifuggal fans. trud. Inst. gor. dela AN URSR no.1207-46 161. (MIRA 15:11) (Fans, Mechanical) PAK) V.V., inzli. Utter to the editor. Izv. vys. ucheb. zar.; energ. 6 no.~-:1~3 Je 163. f MMA 16. 1-1 ". PAZ, V. V., lnzh. Some pmItive aspects of a now method for aerodynamic design of centrifugal fans. Izv.vy9.ucheb*zav*,,9nerg* 6 inoelt?7-M Ja 163. (MIRA 16t2) 1. Inotitut gornogo dela AN UkrSSL Predotaylena kafedroy gornoy makhaniki Donetskogo olitekhnichookogo institutao ~Asrodyna.riico) BABAK, G.A. (Babak, H.O.1; ~#K, V.V. Power losem in centrifugal ventilators. Dop. M UHSR no.12t 161fo-1621 162. (KM 16 t2) 1. Tastitut gornogo dels. AN UkrSSR. Predstavlano akademikom AN UkrSSR V.S. Pakom. (ALms, Rechanical) Wo V.V., inzh. Distribution of velocities in the blade paBsage of the rc-tor 'wheel of a centriguga-1 turbomachine. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; energ. 5 no.10:101-105 0 1&e. (MIRA 15:11) 1. InstitLt Eornogo dela All LkrSSR. Predstavlena kafedroy Cornoy mekd-.aniki. (Turbomachinss) PAR, V.V ~ Effect of the number of impeller blades on the aerodynamic characteristics of centrifugal fans. Sbor. trud. Inst. gor. dela AN URSR no.7:70-.90 161. (MIRA 15:1) (Fans, Mechanical) G. stra,--' ly n,..,,,c, n,,-, Res rnse to D:-rL* (,-,, io.,,: . I 1-o*..,i. n z, artlelle imprc-.ri L: c ve.. til-a ti n L;:.r-- t.7. w--'- c tr-', (~ - To , 1,. . ~- A U, cl' 36 nc.' :6, -.-r G,- C.I (lakohin, Llv) ~r. lam 44 I PAZ. Y&J. -, UWANOT. Kh.U. Rests of vatting of viscose rayon [with BMII*h summuy In Inmertl Koll.shur. 18 no.2:233-236 Mr-Ap '56. NUA 9:8) 1. lhImlcb##kIy Institut AN Usb=, Tashkent. (Reat of wetting) (Uy*n) za- 5 (2) AUTHORS: Tarasevich, N. I., Khlystova, A. D., SOV/212-z5-8-18/44 Pak, Ye. A. TITLE. Determination of Tungsten in Molybdenum With a Method of Chemical-spectrum Analysis PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, Nr 8, PP 955 - 956 (USSR) ABSTRACT; A method of chemical-spectrum analysis was developed for the determination of small quantities of tungsten (1) (approximate- ly 10-3%) in molybdenum (II). To increase the sensitivity of the spectrum determination they investigated chemical enrich- ment using inorganic co-precipitating agents; the following were used: eilicic acid, metastannis aoidt zirconium phosphate, and ammonium phosphomolybdate (111). (111) proved to be the most suitable for the enrichment of (I) at which a 90% co-precipita- tion occurred. This fact was determined by radiometric measure- ments at different (I)-conaentrations by means of radioactive sodium tungstate (W185). The article contains a method for purifying (I) for the preparation of spectrally pure standard Card 1,12 samples. The spectra were photographed with a XS-55 spectro- Determination of Tungsten in Molybdenum With a SOV/32-2r-8-18/44 Method of Chemical-spectrum Analysis graph, photographic films of type 2 (sensitivity 16 utits of GOST) for the range 2900 1 and type I (sensitivity 0.7 units of GOST) for the range 4000 1 were uaed. The results of ana- lyses of several samples and artificial mixtures according to the described method are given (Table). There are 1 figure and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Moscow state University) Card 2/2 BRUDNAYA, E.I.; PAK, Ye.A. Studies on the effectivenese of mycerin in the Veatment of coli enteritis in children. Antibiotiki 5 no.6:104-107 N-D 160. (MIRA 14:3) 1. TSentrallnaya nauchno-issledovatellskaya laboratoriya gigiyeny i epidemiologii Kinisterstva putey soobahcheniya, detskaya bollnits, Lyublino. (MYCERIN) (ECHERICHIA COLI) /I "- , ~j ,. lashomer. ANTIPANOT, R., Imshemor; KARLOV, A., insbomer.; PAK. Yu - We discuss work organization problems. Stroitel' se.2115 7 157o (KIAA 10:3) (Dailding) (Wages) PAKV Yu. Problems of scientific labor organization in construction. Sots. trud 8 no.8;77-82 Ag 163. (KMA 16:8) 1. Nachaltnik inspektsii Gosudarstvennogo komiteta po voprosam truda i zarabotnoy platy. (Construction industry-Management) Zlti~~hener. Using the continuous-operation method in laying floors. Stroitel' no.4: 13 AP '57. (MLRA 10:6) (Floors) PAK, Yup j SOROX IN, V. fiew development in the system of awarding bonuses in workers in construotion argenizations* Sots. trud 8 no.D128-134 ja l63. (MM 16:2) (Vage"onstruction industry) (BOMM system) _j_ "TuriyJAtorovich.; GAKDZHUNTSFV, A.M., inzh., red.; HORUOYP K.L., ~. - 1; red.izd-va; FRUMOVA, T.M.,; STEPANOVA. 3.S., (Work organization in the construction industry) Organizataiia trade v stroitelletva. Noskva, Gos.itd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhIt. I stroit.materialam, 1959. 187 p. (NnU 12:5) (Building) FAK.Yu,Ye., inzhener xed work teame as a hidden source of higher labor productivity. Strol. prom. 33 no-5:5-8 VT '55. (14LU 8: 6) (Const ruction industrv) PAX, Yu.Ye., inzhener. Regulating work norms and wages for construction workers and engineers. Stroi.prom. 33 no.12:5-7 D '55. (NLM 9 - 3) (Wave) (Construction industry) FA"' I Yu. P-jj--.tin~- b~y stri PAK5 lueylee Sbortening the time required for aasembling and specialized operations b7 inTroducing fwrther induezrialization., specializ-g- 'ion and cooperst-~on. Trudy MIEI no.75229?-299 161. kAIRA .14,12) :1. %m4mltnik planovogo otdela. KiniBterstva Btroitellntva Kambonkoy SSR. (Construction industry) 1. PAK, YU. YE. 2. USSR (600) 4. Constructim industr-y 7. Controlling disbursementz~ of the wagc fund. .3tro'tel'stvo no. 1, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, A FRIL 19", '.Incl.. PAX, Yu.,.Ye,. inzh.; GWARMAN, M.D.. inth., nauchrkyy red.: XRYUGIR, Yu. V., -.,. - - r~-~. lzd-va.; STIPANOVA, B.S., tekhn. red. (Organization and wages of construction workers] Organizatsiis i oplate truds rabochikh-strottelei. Moskva. Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po strott., arkhIt. i strott. materialam. 1958. 99 a. (NDU 11: 12) (Wages) (Construction industry) PAN, YuJe., inshener. Axperlence In housing construction of the Toroshilovsk Constrliction Trust. Sbor.zat.o nov.tekh.v strol. 16 no.2:6-8 154. (KJAA 7-5) (Toroshilovsk-Building) (Building-Toroshilovsk) Tnstitiltions : Not given. Submitted : No date. ROTSHTEYN, Aleksandr Grigorlyevich; &UMOV, Boris Konstantinovich; PAK, Yuriy Yefimovicb; KRIVTSOV., V.I.v red.; KUZIMIN, V.A., red.; 1-zd-val BELOGURDYAt I.A., tekbu. red. Iv [Problems of the economieB of labor; lecture tranacript) Voprosy ekonomiki truda; stenograma lektaii. LeniWad, 1961. 32 p. (Leningradskii Dom nauchno-tekhnicheskoi pr andy. Seriia: Strbitellnaia promyshlennost') 14:7) (Construction industry-Labor pr4ftetivity) (Wage payment systems) ly, YurjX-jafimovlcl4- inzh.; PROFERANSOV, D.P., red.; MORSKOY, K.L., red. izd-va; TDIMA, Ye.L., tekhn. red. [Labor organization in a construction brigade] Organizats-'ip- truda v stroitellnoi brigade. Fosk-va, Gos. izd-vo lit-r-y po stroit., arkhit. i stroit. materialar, 1961. 35 p. (MIRA 15:2) (Construction industry) ROTF III , Aleksandr Grigorlyevich- PAK Yuriy Yefimqyiqhj_FROFEWSOV) D.P., nauolmyy red.; GEIZiFt G.S., red. izd-va; GOLIBMG) T.M.p tekba. red, [For high labor productivity in construction] Za vysokuiu proiz- voditellnoet' truda na stroike. Moskva, Go6. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. I stroit. materialar,, 1961. 37 p. (MIRA 15:3) (Construction industry-Labor productivity) L 43655-66 F.4T(l) IJP(c) ACC NR, A O22V3CF-- SOURCE UW0361/6 /000/001/ 9570W-7, AUTHOR: Sapa, V. P Z. N. ORG: none TITLE: A case about the motion of a point of variable mass SOURCE: AN KazSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fiziko-matematicheskikh nauk, no. 1, 1966, 95-97 TOPIC TAGS: ordinary differential equation, variable mass system X'09 7V'I r/ ,9 e 0 -e4 F 0 A r-/oA) ABSTRACT: The equation for approaching points is (ui U" - 20 - i*uu- + (n.- - g) 0. (1) where E.ij are coordinates of a moving point A, x, y are those of a following point of variable mass N, g is the acceleration due to the force of gravity and u = ~/:k. A case for which the equation is solvable in quadratures is described along with the Isolution. Orig. art. has: 22 formulas. 20 SUB CODE:/2, /SUBM DATE: 00/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REF: 000 ACC NR, A L71 i i0 i~: P a k7, N' ORG: none TITLE: 71-~, rf-;iLierli Cf 'I" d SOURCE: AN KazSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fiziko-matematicheskikh nauk, no. 1, 19Lh, 98-101 TOPIC TACZ: ordinary differentia: equation, approximation method M 0 -rlo A-) 171 F CAI t3&) / r ABSTRACT: The differential equat-ion for-the motion of approaching points is given as (1 4- 1! ros,~) y' - 2y sin b' + (b'- 1) e cos fl y - y', where y---~-- is the relation between the polar radii of the moving point A and the P approaching point of variable mass 14; ip is the Polar angle of a point in the plane of point A, E I's the eccentricity of the trajectory of A along a conic section. The cases in which E < 1, c = 1, and E > I are studied using the approximation method. Orig. art. has: 14 formulas. SUB CODE: IV. ?C,/SU[iM DATE: 00/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REF: 000 Coro I-/!-- PAK, r El'-n 'riod ip, r .4:, t', e of W.'.' ~7- t7,1 ~rc yeva MOB- zslv 11. Vasill. Kafedra f kovskogo gosudhrstvbnncgo med~tslnskcwo ins--i'Luta 'mpni ',~,rugova i I'aboratoriya Xa-.vcyev, :rI s -- i t--'La epidemir-'ogii " mfkicnir~Qk;ld Gamaie--. .-I r - I I T -1 0 5 D:W:Y)/! K/OD Gil) -On :-Vc- '7~1-.'~- Of Ir*--kIn'I water pro On with of Space ;~"OJ C,:)e C"C; n 1""C'~;Cowr "ro"I 2"' PO P;'00' e.,;'wy mad-itsiny, 1966. Prob- emy e,,,i am c o i-xn i cr,I ;'-'robi-ex.5 of sp;kce iu,~(iicl'ne rnaucri, y ~ -.f kon e "'13 3'Gppor~ System, w"ter 5-I'lVer ion' L-'P.-'cc A ;iiethod for IPU!-;t lff~ep t'he tas'Le qualities of drinking water,- while preventing development of micro- liora even after secondary contamination. Most physical methods of disinfecting water can only be used immediately before drinking, since the have an insufficient aftereffect. Biological purification methods are y f, no' presently used because of the unfavorable effects of - itibiotics-on t e human organism. The most effective and least toxic of .he chemical preservatives are silver preparations. Experimental data are presented from a 1961-1965 study of the Card V2-. L 10969-67 ACC NR: AT,6036586 properties of ionic silver as a drinking-water preservative. It was establishied that the minimum siiver dose which ensures a stable bactericidal *Ae L Doses of silver ions ten "' c' for six months is a dose of 0. 1 mg/liter. c or times larger than the minimum bactericidal dose did not have a toxic effect on experimental animals. Human comsumption of water preserved with silver ions in a dose of 0. 1 mg/liter for 15 days did not result in any pathological shifts in the functional condition of those organs and systems most susceptible to the effect of silver. Experimental material demonstrates the effective preserving qualities of silver ions and the absence of a toxic effect of the preservative on h-=,ar, and anizial organisms. [W.A. No. 22; ATD Report~ 66-!16' SUB CODE: 06 / 5UBM, DATE: OOYay66 Card 2/2 PAN, Z.P* Wfect of botullm toxin P on tissue respiration In the brain of guinea pigs. F&ra.i tots. 22 no,5:473-476 S-0 159. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Kafedra flarmakologil (savediWashchly - prof. V.V. Vasil 'yeva) Ii Mookuwakogo gosudarstvennogo usditsinskogo inatituta imeni N.I.Pirogova. (OWSMIDIUM DOMIMM) (TOXITS AND AWITMNS) (BRAIN metab.) LY04i oce !anog~aph i'i4:-Di- v-A s- L 6-414" -us tit I~i 4ftif AN' S Ss'-k- -(K- e, d.-`6W4 Aji --ba aquer- -sens r atomatid-- correlatbi 4roil 10 -44-iksorls~u L'o- e-- at t iv, I ty of COW -de6i; ib~d iid',4iliatlirrents: .. ......... .yaro.L zl--tr-a-fisverbe- -.fl it ctua t,. ok: th6~t 6c ord; '-,-i nez CXMCOUP fi iautomat m e W /V) ----SOURCE CODE: UR/2566/65/074/000/0062/0066--l A Ct R- -AT60170?i ALITHOR: Paka, V. T. Naumenko, m. r. Tatapenko, Ye. V. Chigrakov, K. I. Shmatkoll B. A. ORG: none"" TITIX: Electrical thermobat~~ri!pb with cable connection SOURCE: XM SSSR. Institut okeanolqS11. Trudy, v. 74, 1965, Elektronnyye pribory dlya okeanologicheskikh issledovaniy (Electronic instruments for oceanological research), 62-66 TOPIC TAGS: measuring device, heat measurement, ocean property ABSTRACT: An instrument for measuring temperature and depth of the upper r-eaches of of the sea is discussed. The apparatus has two separate channels, each consisting a C.C' bridge. The temperature probe, a thermistor with a resistivity of 1.3 kQ at 20CIC, _11sl one arm of the bridge and the remaining three arms (consisting of fixed ani variable resistors) balance fluctuations of the galvanometer. The depth probe (in the form ot an electrical membrane) is connected to its bridge in the same manner. aoth measure meats are made with a single meter which is switched manually from one bridge to the other. A schematic of the instrument is given and the mounting of each probe is ie Card 1/2 L 36071-66 ACC NR: AT6017052 scribed and Bketched. Tests show that the accuracy of temperature measur4ment and that of depth measurement is 0.5 m. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. SUB CODE: 09,14/ SUN DATE: none/ GRIG REF: 002 PAKA, V.T.; MAKUSHKIN, V.P.; NAUWN'KO, M.F.; C~!IGRAKOV, K.I. Lowering counters from a maving sh'.'p. %,eanologiia 4 no.1:12A-'.'31 164. ~fXTR.A 1. Yalintngradskoye otdeleniy,- Instituta okeanologii AN SSSR. Acclum mRo AAQUM W=/0VtW=A.A3/0324 i AVfH=s P&MI :~!. To I Wavimenkop He Fei Chigrskov# Re Is TITLIt A device for displacing remote pickups from the side of a ship SOUFC& Okesnologiya, v. 4, no. 2, 1964, 313-331 TOPIC TAGSs remote pickup, telometryp tooper4iturs neamwementj ocean tsaparaturs,, oceanographic equipment ABSrRACTt The authors have designed a piece of equipment to permit measurei-ent f teiVeraturs in undisturbed Is7ers of water some distance from the side of a hip (15 m)o The device is caned a diverter and is "In trated in Fig. 1 on th6 : Enclosures, The method of using it in shown In Fige 2 on the Anclosureso It in hold to the ship by a cable attached to the end of the vans., and its horizontal and vertical positions are controlled by the two rudders at the t4kil end of the frame, '-All parts we mode of obset steel 3 ma thick and of angle braces 50/5D mi% Joined by welding or by bolts. Fcr rftidityp the vans consists of two shoots of - 40010 'Disturbanice doe to the divarter itself and of the caW sg7 be neglected If =uLU temperature variations within borlsontal dist4mose Is" then a motor we discarded. Cwd XA ACCESIN Us AP403mo An oxw4)le of 'the record OWned from this device Me been published In a differ- ant paper by *,be authwe to 4# Poo I)* OrIge arbe hut 2 figurcs. ASSOCIAT:UX d4dadye Instituts okemmUgii AN SM (11-1J wad IDLvlnlmp Instl%09 at Oommo2oiWIAN SM) SMMaTTED& 00 DATS ACQe MNwQ ML s 02 MD RM WTI OW 000 !SUB CORI 116 Cmd AUMIM Ul AP4032no ----Maw CC== Ol a b' Fig, 2, The divwtw a - nUW v:Lowj b.m Ipbo viml Ivanel 2 leabouti 3 boriwntal rwUer; 4 vorblo" ra"WI 5 ft~e CDI=noiom givm in card A AP403nio ZNCLa~ 02 FUe 2o Deflection of atwo PdLakW (1) ftva ,I NIa We of OWp (2) a - fastanIM of aug to To* of diversw; b taffsaMtM plakV, PAKA , IT .T.; NAITWNK~ TA 'A REM, Ye.V. - ~-'HDGP A , .1 . ; ii.1'. I Recording wt~ cable - lineb. Trudy :n9t. okean. 74t62-66 '~~5. ~ m -- -. ;.. -~. -- , 1~ 2 1 -u I Fel; UP", i&al --- . J " c AITS T leql -LL L; w 't &,I EL I-K? N- -I pe j ba-rare (--~e PAIrAlr.A, R.; TYC. H.; WALCZAK, W. Bacteriolytic activity of S&rcina lutea. Act& sicrobiol Pol 2 no.4:293-296 '53. (M4L 3:8) 1. Z Panstwovego Zakladu Higieny v Waresawle. (URCIIU. *lute&,, bacteriolytic action) LAVRM'TIYEV, P.F.; GOLUBTSOV, V.V. ~AiAIAP E.V. Distribution of annual precipitation in the vater-h&dB of the lakes in the Balk hash-Alakul I Depression. Trudy KazNIGII no.17t 3-18 162 (MIRA 18:2) FEYVE, Ya. [Nive, J.); FAKALN, G. [Fakalns, G. i1 Colorimetric determination of mobile Wneaium in soi-In. Yestle Latv ak no.3-59-66 c62. 1. Institut bioloeli AN Latviyskoy SSR. PEYVEP Ya V. [Feive, J.); ANSPOK, ?.I. [Anspoks, P.] P G,Zh, - S iMwaw, G ); NOWNME04tepawaya, T.A., p r. Mapping trace element contents of soils on a collective fam and estimating the effectiveness of the use-of fertilizers. PochvO.- vedenie no.7:1-9 J1 164. (MIRk 17:8) 1. Institut biologii AN LatviyBkoy S*L I j(2) SOV/6-59-4-9/20 AUTHORS: Vol'berg L, P . Vollpe, R I Pakaln , Ta. K, TITLE: Method and Working Organization for the Renewal of Topographic Maps (0 metodike i organizatsii rabot po obnovleniy-u topo- graficheskikh kart) PERIODICAL: ',eodeziya I kartografiya, 1959 Nr 4. PP 31-35 (USSR) ABSTRACT; Considerin,- the im,.-ense increase in the building activity in all sectors of national economy, a systematic renewal of topographic maps in series is necessary. nen the renerial of these maps was started in 1957, only a few copies of the project of regulations for the renewal of topographic maDS on scales of I : 25000, 1 : 50000 and 1 : 100000 were availa- ble The3e regulations, however, cannot be used for a renewal of maps on a large scale. Some deliberations for the organiza- tion and methods of renewal of topographic maps are brought here. The experience particularly in 1958, showed that such a renewal should be carried out primarily on the basis of aerophotographic plans composed according to aerial photographs of the latest photographic flights. In advance, the relief of the map to be renewed must be transferred to these aerophoto- graphic plans. The spatial model of the landscape can be Card 1/3 directly obtained on the aerophotographic plan according to SOV/'U" --4 - '2 c A and 7ork:.rL '.r. aniz aon the Rene-W.-__1 of 'o- 0.- a-'' "a the -rocedure suggested b,-, 7. 1, ri7entov and 7. 1 ay a which also improves the quality of the product. Concernin6 the experience in the renewal of the aerophotographic clans nn a scale of I : 10000 on 11B basis of earlier aerophoto.~7raphic ,lans, reference is tnken to the paper by ". 11. Pazel'skiv (Ref 1), All E:eodetic carto,-raphir statistic, and descriytivu 1.apers available at various -~utiorities, local organizations ar.] admini~-trations, should be most carefull~r collected, Put - as the workinj experience Df the topo.-raphical squads of the MAOP shows even un:!er these conditions it is, in a nii-iber of cases, not possible to prepare aerolhotc)b-Taphic -.1ans on V~e bas-Ls c-f aerial ph.~t.~graphs of latest photo.-ral,hic flights in indoor service orly. Besides, the experience shows that the aerial TlhOtographs for the reneval of topo~Traphic ma--s should be made one year hefore startin,; the fiell work. The exlerience of 1?58 shcwed th~;t the data of the aerial photo- ,,al~h air-ve much too late if t:ie aerial nhotogra-phis made t':,,o s-mp year ag the renewal of the ma--.. Some deli~era+ions -:-.e orC.-~nization of the work for the renewnl of -,cLrn-hlcal squads are brou[;ht here. -he times Card 2 :! -__ A '~~Po-raphical 'ri-ade 4 1 ~o Yetliod a:~j OT-ariznt~'cr. for th& Ee-ewal T_Opo_r2;~hic lla~s th- renewal of map-= 4 :z: '-pc.Craj.1.ei . To impr,~ve the or,~aniLat ',r,t -_:-,,blivide the mork. In the transfer of the rel-of ro,jrese-.-,' __~n fr-,,m tha oricrinal of the map to be reneved tc aer.-;', plan devices for optieLl llesij~n should 1.)e used t:-, i:-_z,,~ase t!.e capa.^itY. 3uc*,, devices are much in -,;sc, in T'-c i, cf the VTS, but they are missin,.- in tlie toj-oj7rai~:,_-A squads at -,re3ent. All preparatory work can ~_, Jone by the --ir-l-,:r seriv--ce in winter. To avoid waiting t ime a new or:-an,,zLition (-.f the work by the brigades is suC gest.-A m twu war,.anis a,-corlin,, to difficultien, (;eo-raphi- cal ccndt:ionj, map rcalc-, e.,.perierice of the topof,,rnpher, and m(;ans of transpurtatiun b~~ car aa well as road systeLis. There i3 1 Soviet referr~i:-e. Card 3/3 (~~A K t) V A,, "' /I, ~', TOLIBUG, L.P.; it- PAXLIJ- Y&.-F..-- Complete field preparation of aerial photographs. Good. i kart. no. 406-39 AP 0 57. (KM 10:8) (Aerial photogrammetry) 1. OGILIVI, II.A.: YAJ. 2~ USSR (60n) 4. ~iineral '..Iat--rs - C 7. ?hysico-Clw- t. f gidrc-,,-eol,)r(l)l'. 6.1 9. Li.;t of R-azs'un Accessicni, L' rar cf Ouni-re ~s, -arcl,., -T V 1, 1, 1 - A KA' KlNrL,T-l(-%V -,--I .p " . 1. 1 ~ - nd- rtiv4 ~ ' .-sp. .r7h. , . .I NISHK -,' t yu- . , -U_ % I n i 5 e.. -, F, I,I ;-enning frr Li Fh.-q- preAluo'nig -largn partelp for tipnr-.,m(-n- !.c,ults have been eicceoded . S t:- c,,-' . ma t . 1 *1 n o . 4, "1 - 4Ap '65. -P.-61