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f~E(,l N # A es IN lp T PRZYBYLKJ~- K'Wl A Ty()W~ TKA ja; nve s t i t i SYste in in ci 625-03 p] r& of7. Zda ik I AM, w Krakow~e !lit B(JZEX, .1ozef; P,'-JOR.. ?,dL'-B-'a:w Aphonia as ~n-~ tlrst sign of it fe-ve-~-~ lIq F 116": 1. Z Oddz~alu Dzie,~'-eceg~ SZJ-La~P. Mle'3k-'-:~L~- -w Now!~~ (OT.dvnator- dr. F. F-a-gR-!,sKa---hrzarovska). KWIATKOWSKA,, Eugenia; PAJOR, Zdzislaw Remarks on the vaccination in children wfth damaged central nervous system. Neural. nourochir. psychiat. Pal. 15 no.4-.635-637 JI-Ag 165. 1. Z Kliniki Psy,2hiatryo2ne,' A14 w Krakowie (Kierownik: prcf. dr. K. Spett) i z Fawilonu Psychiatrii Dzieciejej (Ordynator: adiunkt dr. F. Kwiatkowska). BOZEK, Jozef; PAjOh, Zdzislaw A case of reoplaBtic exudative pleuriBy in a 5-year-old child. Fed. Pol. 40 no.42429-430 Ap'65. 1. Z Oddzialu DzIeciecego Szpitala Mlejskiego v Nowel Rucie (Ordynator: dr. med. R. Rogalska-17hrzanowska). ?AJM'ICJ LJ. Use of horses in a modern army and sozre experiences in distance riding. P-37. VOJNI CLASNIE. (Jugoslavenska narodna armija) Beograd, Yuposlavia Vol. 9, no. b, Aug. 19~,~5 Pionthly List of Fast Eurooean Accessions (LEAI) LC, Vol. ~, no. 9, Sent. 1959 Uncl. - ~j -_ , -,. I ) /_ I/__ ~ f,\ LAUDAWSKA, B.;NOWIGKI, Z.;PAMZCM, T. ~. . 1. .. Obstetric shock. On. pol6ka 24 no.4:413-422 Oct-Dac 1. Of the Mat Wnecologic-Obstetric Clinic (Head--Prof. J. Sieros- sewski, M.D.) of Isoft Medical Academy. ,STEROSMSKI, Josef; PAJSZCZYK, Teresa; KIESZIIKWICZ, Jerzy Shock ta obstetrics ( according to clinical data in the period of 1955-1959. Gin. poleka 32 nD.2;203-214 161. 1. Z I Kliniki Polosuictowl Chorob Kobtecych A.M. v Ladst Kie- rownik.- prof. dr J. Sierossewskl (SHOCK in p-!ogn) (PREGNANCY iompl) (LABOR compl) BIMMZMMI* J.;,P.A.TSZF,.Mg Ift; MMZKIMCZy Zo Ck, the incidenoe of shonk in relation to the course or pregumey and labor. Amsh-i gin. 36 to.lM2-45 Ja-F 160. (KMI 13110) (PMNANCr,o CWWCATICIRS OF) (BROCK) (LABM6 MWUCATSD) LAUDANSKA, E.; '3AKC--dSKI, J.; NOWICKI, Z.; LACHOWICZ, L.; FAJSZCZYK-KIESZKIEWJ'Z~-. _L.I_KIWZKIEWICZ, J.; PIECHOWIAK, Z., WISNIOWSKA, r-;TUIM -- Acute and chronic fetal anemias and role of wards for coinplicated pregnancy in their prevention. Ginek. pol. 33 no.6:765-771 162. l. Z I Kliniki Poloznictwa i C*,:orob Kobiecych AM w Lodzi.Kiero~mik: prof. dr J. Sioreszewski. (ASPHYXIA NEONATORUM) SIEROSZEW19 Josef; KICINSKI, Janusz; NOWICKIg, Zbigniew; PAJSZCM-KIWZKIEWICZ, Toro"; WOLODZKO, Leon Heart 161. 1. Z nik: defects from the obstetric viewpoint. Gin. polska 32 no.2 :135-144 (HEART DISEASE in pregn) (PREGNANCY compl) I Illniki Polosaletwa I Chorob Koblocyvb A.M. v Lodsi Klero*6- prof. dr J. glerossewski IAUDANSKA, Estella; NOWICKI, Zbigniew; PAJSZCZYK-KIESZKTEWICZ, Teresa On the problem of prol=Sed labor. Gin. polsks 32 no.2jl45-152 161. 1. Z I KlIhIki Polozutf~wa I Chorob Koblocych A.M. w Lodzi Kieraw- n1k: prof. dr J. Sterospewski (DYSTOCIA) 4 'Sn vi e ~- c, -Ir. 2m -. 7 ,F-h Mtdv ~K7~ef oc:- :~7,,-f. 1,~A. PAJTAS. J. Conjunctival asthonopla In the light of Pavlovian pbystology. Cook. opht. 10 no.6:357-362 Doe 54. 1. Z kliniky pro cans choroby 19karskej fakulty SU v Ilosteach, Prednosta Prof. Dr. Josef Pajtas (ASVMNOPTi conjunctival, physiol. Pavlovian theory) (CONJMCTrVA. diseases &otheropt&. phystol. Pavlovian theory) PAJTAS, J. _ Treatuent of tr&chow with nalfomasidoe; milit&ry point of view. Yoj.sdrav.llsty 19 no-3-4:62-63 050. (CLKL 19:3) PAJTAS, J. 3ffect of diamox r-m intactness of tae iris in cataract extraction. Gesk. ofth. 14 no.6:444-446 Dee 58. 1. 1.1inilm pre ocne choroby lek. fak. Ul v Kosiciach, prednosta nrof. dr. J. Pajtae. (CATARACT EXTRACTION Pff. of ticetazolamide on intactness of iris (Cz)) eff. on iris intactness in cataract extrtiction (CO) I I . r --. *,;, .. -I t h. , * . - . . -. . . I - " . Tn . I n . . . I , - I - . i -I I EXCPRPTA MEDIGA See 12 Vol 13/8 Ophthalmology Aug 59 1246. LARGE TUBFRGJS XANTHOMA OF THE I-IDS OF BOTH EYES AM) OF T11E FACE - Obrovsk~ tuber6zziy xanth6m mihalnic obidvoch oxi a ich ;iirokfto okoILa Z.,sP- ~at 5 Klin. fire OAni~ Chorob. UK. Ko~ice OFTHAL. 1957. 11jus. 4 Report on a case showing an tinusual tumorous growth. The author suggeHts that xanthomat2 are real tumours originating from embryonal anlage, formed by xanthoma cells producing lipoid 8ubstances. Local factors are Most important in the Renesis of xanthomat2. changes in choleBterol metabol18m enhancing but not cautAng As growth. The only effective treatment i.-s operative removal. Zahn Prague Treatment of tuberculous peril3hlebitis of the retina with streptomycin. PAS, and electrocoagulation. Cask. ofth. 8 no.6;353-363 Dez 1952. (CLKL 23:4) 1. Of the *a Clinic (Head--Docent Josef Pajtas, M.D.) of Slovak Univer- sity, Prague. PAJTAS' J. ftthogenesis of JUVOnilO vitreous hemorrhages in women. Cook. ofth, 11 no.4-5:266-272 1955. 1. Z kliniky pro ocne choroby UK v Kosiolach. prodnosta prof. KUDr Jozof P&jt". (VITREOUS BODY, hemorrhage juvenile in women. pathogen.) WTAS. J. Ten years experience with combined implant of amber wrapped in fat. Cask. ofth. 9 nG.5:417-422 Oct 1953. (CIn 25:5) 1. Of the )We Clinic (Head-Docent J. Pajtas, M.D.) of Slovak 'University, Kosice. EXU~in' A IEUCA See.] 2 Vol.9/7 Ophthalmolov Jul 55 oiliciach. - Spojivkciva 1190. PAJTAS J. Klin. pre oent chorob. lek. Fak. SU.. K asienopia vo svetle pavlovovskej fyziol6gie. Conjunct ival ast henopia. in the light of Pavlov's pnysiology tSL.OFTHAL. 1954. 10/6 (357-362) Chronic conjunctivitis represents peripheral stimuli which lead to formation of conditioned reflexes of fatigue - inhibition. It this is stimulated by close work, an increased fatiguability sets in and total inhibition results as the functional ability of the nervous cells was overstepped. By repeated and intentionally forced close work the asthenopia becomes a pathological, conditioned connection in those areas of the brain cortex. in which, the intentional accommodation mechanis,--n is brought about - and this results in some subjects in a psychoneurotic condition - neurosis. It in an example of long lasting psychic trauma which might be reversed by judicious treatment. Zahn - Prague EAST -EILK&NY /YUGOSLAVIA CERKAK, Krunoslav, Docent, Dr., S~~~ranjo. Dr., and PAJIIJ~rXq,__~r.., Institute for Pathology and Therapy at the Faculty for Veterinary Medicine of the University '_ I not given] in Zagreb, Yugoslavia .original-lAnguage version (Director: RAPIC, S., Professor, Dr.). "Some Observations in the Experivental Small-Intestine Invagination of Dogs" Leipzig, Archiv f,;, ~xperimentellle Veterinarmedizin, Vol 20, N1 3, Jun 1966, pro 553-563. Abstrac*; The small intestines of 42 dogs were ,nvaginated by instussuscep- tion and iixation so that the condition resembled the spontaneously occurring di.%ease. All animals developed a degree of mechanical ileus. The critical period o- the diseese was the 4ch to 6th day; 14 animals died during this period. Once this p-?riod has passed the chances of defecation being resumed were good. Eight dogs showed various complications, such as abdominal-wall infection, stomach rupture, intestine twist, and the like. The invagination was invariably lethal if the small intestine was inflamed at the time of intussusception. 35 references, Including 14 German, 2 Yugoslavian, 1 Czechoslovak, ind 18 Western. (Manuscript received 2 Jul 1965.) p A j 7TIFI Prief s!irvpy of' tne Rill of Amen,~7~ent- to LY (1 n~stvr, kL- r Yugosinvi P! VOI. t n--. Yorthly --~ st -)f s Jan. 191~m,.:. 1-m-1. )3c A-1 nallowlIFINUNIX tomilfts d 1 .6, V~ 116) . , 14 . k. . . Im. bl.,l A l,%rjAUi (I . 1060. it - lijuag lho t"0401 o1 Pom (A, 1937. 1 Sm. '.1-7, *u's ti~ uo-t 14,4MIA1. siw,6,1 44 the C(IME, InA Uw f-farlit'j, 1141. fs.(gy krol beat ~Ojammy -A gt)U,, I.twmA V-, ..a )(AAA' . -* ..4, 1 h, , Ab to torsi "er -4 WRIA th, Lotarl.'-d .~, I I it MENDEL, L.; MERESTE, U.; PAJUPLTU, E., otv. red. (Statistical charts: Arv oonispd. Tartu, Tartu Riikool Ulikool, 1963. 115 P. IIn Estonian] (MIRA 18.3) RWTER, Raul; PAJUSkLU, E., red. [Heavy industry of the Eutonian S.S.R. and prospecta for Its developrent) EeBti NSY rasketUstus ja Bello arenemispers ektlivid, Tallinn. Eesti Raamats, 1964. 190 p. [In EstoniZ (MIRA 18:7) PAJZS,, A. PAJZSs A. Theory and design of blades for choppine straw. p. 302 Vol. 2, No. 10, Oct, 1955 Budapest, Hungary JARMUM KEZOGAZDASAG1 GEPEK SOs Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEILL), IL, Vol. 5 No- 3,, lk-rch., 1956 ...' v-"',],l '.w't' . . .1. ''. 1! ~ , .. r. I -~~ r ,' ] ~ t - ) 'I I (,TIit , ': '.,. .", ~ .1 - . . n.). 4 S, 0 :'!cnt'.'- ' Ll 1- If E'-" .- % - ,- --, ~ -'r. ." -,-, .:t ,, rr.,)e ~n . - . . PAjZS, Andras, oklevelea gepeszmernok Flr~Da.rat:cft -~f tre ouncil for Jtatual E-ccnzrn-!c Assia,-xir:e standard pi posal's and their introduction in .1,16 machine and tractor industry. Szabvany kozl 11 nc.1:42-4'" Ja 165. 1. Standardization Genter of AgrictidturFil Machinery, . PAJW, Andras, okl. gepossuernok ,,he situation of the standardization in the agricultural macb-inery and tractor industry in the German DawcMtic Republic. Jarma MOSO 9eP 8 no.12t469-473 D 16.1. 1. K(M M9Sqppfqjje0zte*i Inteset Ssabyany-basis- rizeto. PARS, Andras, ok2eveles gepeszmernok One and a half year's work In the airricultural machinery standardization. ')zabvany kozI 13 no.205-39 F 161. PAJZSJ. Andras Abrogation of a Xinistr)r of Metallurgy and Mac~dne industry standard. 3zabvary kozI 15 no. 10:218 0 163. 1. Koho- as Gepiparl VezogepfejIesztesi Iritpzet. PAJZS, Andras lll~ ~-- Modification of the '~iniatrv of Metallurgy and Machinc. Industry a-Ldndards. Szabvany kozl 15 no.10:21F 0 163. 1. Koho- es Gapiparl Wniszteriwn MezGgepfejlvsztasi Intf-ze'.. GASPAR, Laszlo; PAX9, Andras Cheap road construction. Mesogaad techn I no.5:26-Z7 I a0 BOWMR, :mre; TOY,d-'_S, Lafos; U.-IA':, San_lcr: "l,-C3_'K, le~, VADNAI' rleza- KOPA,5Z Karoly- IA.-Z-;. :-rj_ , L;Z, A- Issuance of trade staivlax6s. SzL~lwaiiy kozl 25 no-10: 217-213 C '63. 1. Kozlekedes- es Poitauvyi ~'dn.4szter'_'x-. I/'-, Terwazlisa,-.' es luszak! Fe.~:,lesztesiSzakosztalY veze-oj-e (for Bo-mir). 2. Kozleked-~,-s- f-s Pos~au;,-yl Gep.-S7i-ti SzakcBztaly vezetoje (for TIo~Cye3). 3. Koziekedes- es Postaiigyl !'lnisztcrlLv% 1P). Tavlcozlo- f-s Biztositober3ndezesi Szalcosztaly vezetoje (for Urban). 4. MAV Szabvanyosito Fonoks(,,,,:., Budapost, VT., Mepk,)ztar:mS;,.v utja '73-75., TIT. am 304~ SZ- (fcr linn-sl1r). 5. Kchr,- eEz Gapipari illin-LSZt.~_'. I 'Szers,.aKigepipar Z tasi Kozpont (for Vadnai.). 6. Koho- es Gepipari Min_lszt-,-_i L:- 1.qz.,Erosaramu 3m*bvmywl*asj Kozpontja (for Kopasz). 7. Koho- es ul'epip&ri !llniszl~:' _;vaLrianyositas: lo:zXe -it. 'sudape3t, Kozpont, Mezo~yop- es !,!a .11 - ~~ zlin 1, e z Krisztina korut 55 (for Pa.-*z:i). ~3. Korj-Tiy-.i4-p&r- lpa2_fej:eqzt"_S_' Fooszta-ly. Alta-l-anos :.""?i es Szervezesl Osztaly ',for Szobel). t FAJZS p L. Ia Soviet shoe factories. p. 42. KR-F-S CIPMIMLKA, Vol 6, nc. 2, Apr 1956. SGURCE: EKAL, Vol 5, no. 7, July 1956. PAJZSv Zoltan Exhibition of chairs and othe---- Borts of furniture for sit-Ling. Faipar 10 no.2t45 F 160. BOROS. I..; PALYI. A-.; KOS, T.'; PAJZS' Ze. Selection of food by rats and its relatiOL to productioij of conditioned reflexes. Acta phyaiol. hung. 7 n0-3:251-265 1955. 1. 11. Klinik fur innare Hadizin der Meaizinischign Univorsitat, Budapest. (FOOD, selection. conditioned reflex in rate) (REYLXX, CONDITIOM, food selection in rate) BOHOS, We.; PALYI, Anna,; KOB, Tibor.; WZS. Zouzoa. Selection of diets in rato daring production of conditioned reflexes. KiBerletes orvostud. 7 no.2:176-185 MRr 55. 1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Bffetem II. oz. Balklinikaja. (REFLEX. CONDITIOM. prod.. selection of diets in rate) (DIETS Beiection In prod. of conditioned reflexes in rats) RAIRDI,. 19tvan, dr.; PAJZS, Zouzoanna, dr. Pdarapy of depressive conditfousi with levomepromatine. Ory.hetil. 102 no.8053-057 19 7061. 1. Pestmegy9i Tanace Idegbetaggondozo Intezate as a Janos Korhaz- Randelointeset Bajme'gallaplto Oestal-1. (TRANqUILIZIM AGEETS tbar) (IOUSSIOS ther) (PSTGHOSES XMIC IMPRESSIVE ther) PAJZS, Zouzoanna, dr. A rare complication of cardiac infarction'. Protew bacterenia secondary to embolic skin necrosis. Orv. hetil. 102 no.49:2335-2337 3 D 161. 1. Janos-Korhaz-Rendelointezet, Bajmsgallapito Oaztaly, Budapest. (PROTEUS INFECTIONS) (MYOCAMIAL INFARCT compl) (SKIN dis) (S&vfICEMIA) FETROVSKIY, V., tnzh.; SERDYUKOU, L , inzh.-. PAK. A.. inzh. Change of the quality of fat during the production and storage of food meal. Miam. Ind. SSSR. 30 no.4:10-12 159. (MIRA 12:12) (Feeds--Storage) (Oils and fate) GUSEVA, N., red.; NAGIBIN, P., (100 kilograms of meet from each duck layer] 100 kilo kilograrmov miasa ot kazhdoi utki-nesushki. Alma-Ata, Kazse1'khozgIz, 1962. 26 nos. in I v. 14 p. (MMA 17: 1) PAK, A. Photo cf Dro iec'el i.wm River "C* 1;7Wel- 18- Rl Sj --i" t~ 7- ~ower 7'.1 a ~oviel Sour-e: lmchno-v "raris ~,rt Vav oqc~7~~; T !11 I-s -.a' Al-st.acted in -",A;- "'roasur~ li, Lrav, TA-Asicn, PAX A. kand. sel'skokhozyavstyennykh nauk. LTAKHOV3USUTA, T.Te.. red.; - 7. N.V., takhn. red. [ How to increase the fat content of milk] Kak povysit I shimost I moloka. Alm-Ata, Kazakhakoe goo. izd-vo. 1956.,9 p. (MIRA 11:7) (Kazalthstan-Daix-jing) PAK, A.A. Surgical 'reatment of simple fractures of thd 'lemur. Trudy 1nat. klin. i e~:sp. kbir. AN X&z. SSEL 1:86-94 Ir,),, (xLRA ir,:5) 1. Iz Karagandinskoy gorodskoy travmatologicheskoy bol'nitsy (Kazakhokaya SSR) (F]CMUR--FRACTUR.9) PAK. Alskasy Andrayevich; ISAYFMO, N.P.; UGAY, N.A. [Diversified state farms on virgin lands; based on the example of the 4XustanaiWIg State Form, lustanay Province] Knogootroolevoi sovkhoz na teelinnykh samliakh; na primers sovkhoza "Kustansiskii.* Kustanaiskoi oblesti. Moskva. Goo.izd-vo sal'khos.lit-ry, 1959. 115 P. (MIRA 12:12) (lustanay Province--State farms) PAKO A.M.; SOKkd'',~K'Y' D.7. Effect of molybdeniun an,,-, rhenium ad-,;~tionr on '-he ac , 4 ,, -' *, r - I of Raney Izv. Al: 15 no.3:V-8-3 Jl-Ag It5. A 24:11) 1. Suh-,,i4ted 9, 19t-,5. SOKOLISKIY, D.V.; PAK, A.M. Wdrogemation of sodium einnamate over a skeleton nickel catalyst with additions of certain metals. Kin.i kat. 6 no.5t948-951 S-0 165. (MIRA 18911) 1. Kazakhskiy gosudaretvennyy universitet Imeni Kirova, khimicheskiy fakulltet. PAK# A.P. Behavior of concrete ir a fiat stressed state. Sbor. dokl.. po gidr. VNIIG no-4:29-3? 162. (,K,~-RA 18 17) Y~DYR`V, R.K.- PAK, A.T. during hydrogen evoL;tlon frCE a on nickel electroplated from eleal,--ollytes cortair,-;rLg va:,4-:ii,5 anions. Uzb.khim.zhur. 6 no.4:81-85 164. (MIRA 18,12) 1. Tashkentskiy gosudarstvennyy pedogogiche6kiy lnsl,-tijt imar.', Ndzam,,. QXROV, R.K.; PAK, A.T. Overvoltage of hydrogen on electrolytic nickel obtained by different cell operation systems. Dokl. AN Uz. SSR no.9:39-41 159. NIRA 13:1) I.Tashkentakiy goeudaretvennyy pedagogicheakly institut Im. Nizami. Predstavleno chlenom-korrespondentom AN UzSSR Jak. U. Usmanovym. (Hydrogen) (Nickel--Blectrometallurgy) :..A LY6 UK) D., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; NAZARENKO, L., red.; VAGIBIN, P., --,w-",----tekIm. red. [CrosBbreeding for market proditctior. in animal husbanctry] PronWshlennoe skreshchivanie v zhivotnovodstva. Alma-Att., Kazsellkhozgiz, 1962. 26 nos. in 1 v. 10 p. (MIRA 17-.1) P_'Xq D.N., kand. sel'skokho2yaystrennykh nauk, laureat Stalinskoy premil; H.S., zaeluzhennyy zootelrhnik XELzal-.hskoy SSR; SJIATOV. A.V.. laborant. Improving the system of raising dairy cows of tho deBirad type. Zhivotnovodetvo 20 no.4:42-49 Ap 158. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Kavakhekiy aaachno-tBaladovatellekly institut zhivotnovodstva (for Snatov). (Kazakhstan--Dairy cattle) ftl~ D. S. - -1 , , , -,14., - . ~ [Achlevements of zootechnical ocience must be put in practice in stockbreeding] Dostishentis sootakhnicheakol nanki - v praktiku shivotnovodstva. Alma-Ata. Obahchoetvo po reeprostrenenitu politi- chaskikh I nouchnykb snanit lazakhokot SSR. 1955. 32 p. (NLRA 10:6) (Stock and stockbreeding) r All ',a HST,isok I,5--I'zn-,,anne-v lAteratm-l": -4W 7,77 aim PAKP D.N., kand.selskokhozyaystvemVkh nauk; MOVIKOV, H.S.; SHEMSHMA, Line breeding " examplifled by Ala-Tau cattle. 23 no.804-38 Ag 161. breeding) ZhIvotnoyodatvo (MIRA 16:2) (Kazakhstan-Cattle PAKASHUA, V.D.; ANTIR YNV, S.A.) DANIIDT, A.Ya.; UGAROV, Y.P.1 PAX,.Y.Y.; PCIDKOPAYBV. I.I. Fortieth anniversary of the Great October Revolution. Xhleb. I kond. pros. I no.9:31-36 S 157. (MIRA 10:11) 1. Mytishchinskly khlebokombinat Moskovskogo oblastnago tresta khle- bopechenlys (for Makashava. Andreyev. Danilov). 2. Klinskiy khlebo- kombinat Moskovskago oblastnogo trests. khlebopacheniya (for Ugarov4. 3. Pbdollmkly khlebokombinat Moskovskogo oblast-lago tresta khlebops- chenlya (for Pak. Podkopayev). (Bakers and bakeries) REKsjjj, V.E., NECHAYINA, L L,, VAVILOVA, G.S.; FAA, G.V., red.; SELEZNEVA, A~D.. -7. , . - I ed. (Supply cf materials and 6quipment, abroad] Materiallnc- tekhrAcheskae 8nabzhenie za rubezimm. Mloskva, Ekonomika, ,9~5. 214 p. 1,MIR-A 18ig) IOFPS, Ya.A.,; NIKONOVA, I,!..; MIDITKO, V.F. ; NAyDENIOV, G.N. ; ZD1,IN, B.14,; 1;OCKEVK.IlL~, L.P,: '~EFIKPOV, L.I.; KIST.41OV, N.I.; KUDROV, V.M.~ FAK, G.V., red.; POIiQ,'AMA, A.A., tekbn. red. [Structural c~.,-_nos in the industries of the United States, Great Britain and German Federal Republic in the postwar year ]Str%Lk-turnye izreneniia v p,or:yshlpnnosti SShA, Anglii i Mv-_orlevoennye j,ody. 1..onkva, Ekonomizdat, 1962. 417 1). (MLtA 15: 10) 1. !'oscow "auchno-issleduv,,;tel'skiy ekonomicheskiy institut. (United States.-Imdustries) (Great Britain--Industries) (Gemary, West-Industries) CHERTKO, Valentin Fedorovich; NOCHEVKINA, Luiza Petrovua, k4K,_ G-V --,. red.; GERASIMOVA, Ye.S., tekhn. red. [Structure f capital investments in the industry of the U.S.A. and the Federal Republic of Gerwny] Struktura pro- myshlennykh kapitaloviozhenii SShA ! FRG. Moskva, Ekonomiz- dat, 1963. 210 p. (MIRA 16:5) (United States--Capital investments) (Germany, West-Capital investments) FAK _G.y - red.; PONGMX-iZVA, A.A., tekhn. red. - !!"_ __ _t, (National economy of the socialist coizil.ries in 19(--.; of the Central Statistical Administrationl1larodnoe khoziaistvo sotsialisticheskikh ~;tran v 1961 godu; soobshcheniia TsSU. Moskva, Ekonomizdat, 196.2. 178 p. (MIRA 16:1) (Com=ist countries-Statistics; GRUZINOV, Vladimir Petrovich; PxK, G.V._,__~ed.; GERASIH)VA, Ye.S., tekhn. red. - [Wages in the industry of socialist countries] Zarabotnaia plate. v promyshlennosti sotsiallsticheskikh stran. Monkva, Ekonomizdat, 1963. 323 P. (MIRA 16:7) (Europe, Eastern-Wages) SORDKIF , G.M.; CLEYNIK, LP., doktor ekon. nauki HYABUSHKIN, T.V. doktor ekon. nauk; DUDINSKATY, I.V., kana, ekon. nauk ' MIRDSHNICHENK6, B. 11. ~ kand. ekon. nauY; '-.*?.?LEYEV, Y, T. ekon. nalik; TARNGVSKIY, 0, 1. , knnd . ekon. nauk; -7Ti;If)ZIfF.V, V. 1. kand. ist. nFiuk; KGNC)VAWV ', Ye.A., kand. ekon. nauk, GEHTISOUCH, G.B., kand. ekon. nauk; POPOV, K,.I., kand. ekon, nauk red., ZEVIN, L.Z., rod.; NUCLAYEV, D.N., red , PAK, 3.V,. red., GERASIMOVA, Ye.S,, tekhn. red. (The building of communism in the U.S.S R and cooperatIcn mung the socialist countries]Stroitel~stvo komminizma v SSSR i sotrud- niche8tvo sotsialisticheskikh stran. Pod obshchei red, G M.Sc)ro- kina. Moskva, EkononLizdat, 1962. 334 P. (MIPJ., 16;2) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR, Institut ekonomikA aurovoy sotsialistiche- skoy s4stemy. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademli nauk SSSR (for Sorokin), (Communist countries- Foreign economic relations) MIROSHNICHENKO, B.P.; BOMBMSK.TY, Z. [ i3omblewski,Z. ],(Poll skaya narodnaya ResjmbIika);GZH1BDVSM , Z.[Grzybowski, Z.3, ~Pol , skays narodnaya hespublika);SHCHEGEL'UYAK, V. [Shchehell rliak'V. J, (Poll skaya barodnaya Respubliki);TOMAN, 1. (Chekhoslov&tskaya SM); ENGERT, M. (Germanskaya Demokraticheskaya Respublika); PIPLOV, k.(Germanskaya Demokraticheekaya Itespublika); WZE, E.(Germanskaya Demokraticheske:-a Respublika); BOYTELI, B. [Boitel, B.],(Germanskaya Demkrati che okay a itesFrublika); LAZAi~, D., ("'-Nngerskaya Narodnaya Reopublika); NIKIFOROV, V.,(Narodnaya Res- pu -ika ;3olgariy); GERTSOVIGH, G.B., red.; STUPOVA, A.D., red.; NIKOLAM, D.N., red.; PAKI-G.V., red.; GERASDIOVA, Ye.S., tekhn. red. [Flanning in European socialist eountries] Planirovanie v evropai- skikh stranakh sotsialimm. Moskva,, Ekonomizdat, 1962. 271~ p. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut ekonomiki mirovoy sotsialisti- cheskoy sistemy. (Buropep Eastern-Economic policy) 11 1 1 E " , , 13' K It; , Sduard Anareye-vich; F- It ~ , ;- V, - -~d - ; :,?" 1"" , V ' ailad. red. (froblems of i-jaiui,r.j*, Ir. tlie Juvel"P4 ies " : ov " planirovaiii la v Mcsx-,ra~ Ek,-.- nurnika) 19 t 1, . ~. ~F.I. !, PAK# Gy.; DEVAY, Martha A new method for investiFating the anastomosis of vascular Esysleris. Acta bat Hung 9 nc.1/2:1.'7-121 '63. 1. Landwirtschaftliches Forschungsinstitut der lIngarischen Akademie der Wissenschal"ll-en, Martonvasar. HA~ V, Ni yv.4 , -- ~l ; v;~,,,:- ~., I ~, ,,, , K~ I A F, v ,j,, F V A. N 3 HFn , J A s 7 e -re r - nc A anp rr. a r F A. rly r, V 2 n -,av. I-n fi, M c, s k v -m t4au VASIL'TSOV., V.D.; V)LODA-,cSXlY, L.M.; WLCHENKU, V.Ta.; GALE";ShAYA, R.A.; IROV, N. I.; WMA, L.F.; XCLOVAL01 , Ye.l..; MATVIYEVSKtv"., E.D.; PKIRE-SKU, RUDAKOV, *Ye.V.; 3AYFULINA, L.1-11. SKVOi~'ISOVA, A.1 SOKOLOVA, NJ%; SOU 'IKOTA, I.A.; STOLPOV, N.D.; SURKC , Yu.V.; TE3,:, V.A.; TRIGUEEITO, 1,..Ye.; FIRSOVA, Yu,V.; 31,ABUN-INA, V.I.; YUMIN, F.N.; '"'YAJUSHKIN, T.V., doktor ekon. nauk, otv. red.; '~LAMPIYEV, P.M., red.; PAK., G.V., red.; G&USIT.OVA, D., [Ecommy of socinlist countries, 1~60-11~62' Ekonoaika strz:n sotsializm, 1960-1962gg. 1.'.o8kva, Izd-vo "Ekonoulka," 1964. 261 p. 0-lJRA 16:12) 1. Akadeniya nauk SSSR. Institut ekonomiki mirovay sotsialA- sticheskoy sisteRi. (Comminist countries-Econordc conditions) V I I'!! K(N Y1, P..' Ys V-'., V. I ~u pt A 3 h 3 1 f T E i 1 Y' BAS(IVA, N.N.; o~LKOV.17,KlY, -ALYGIN; , N.I. Reel ItS of tye teqtjrl~- o" tho' and rivi. ~ra : i zat i on c,!' ari ! I hod !,.,q 11. t):'7 weld rodents fcr T.Aar.~.e. Aur. no 1,18,139 111 16-1. 1. 1z 1,ootovsktt-o i ",r-c!dtie Aziatskoj,o Ch i mkc n tskoy , I a I dy- Ki. r,:aris k. ry , "~ ril I of"or. nk (;v T'. r kv!(- 1. v I Pn.:nzei,3koy I rritivorhumnykh sLantsiv. VAVIIUV. A.S., kand. tekhn. nauk; NIKDLUEV, I.K., inzh; PAK. I.D.. inzh. Constructing diversion channalis in quicksand. Gidr. strol. 27 no.10:30-33 0 158. (MIRA 11:12) (Irrigation canals and flumes) (Soil mechanics) AUT!!'-.,H-' 7avilov, A.';,, -'Rndidpte of Technical Science!R, '.7;Lolayev, Pak, T.'-, FrigineerF Y, . andI TTTLE: The ~onqtruction of a Derivation Canal in "hifting .1rouni (Stroitel,s~vo derivatsionnogo kanala v oplyvayushcnikh gruntnkh) PERIODICAL: ",idrotekhnichesknve stroitellstvo, 11)03, Nr In, pp APSTRACT: The autnDrs describe the construction process of a lerivn- tion canql, built as a part of the Nizhriy Bozsu '~y ~ ro e - lectric .*,-'ower Plant near Tashkent. The topograr)'-ic and hy- drographi.c situation of this canal were very irifs-orable. 'he geological structure of the canal consisted of .-.uatpr- nary deposits, represented by loess-like clayey Toi-- '~, ovc~r- laying the eroded surface of brisic rock, marl and san-,4-3T-one. The dept)-. of' subsurface water varied in lir-its of 2 - '- to 0,5 - 1~rc M, E-2004 excavator and FSh-l wr-lk-4ng e)tc,,- vator were used in the excavation. The excirivation work w~,s stopned after reaching 1. - 1,5 m below tne subsurfrce writer Card 1,12 horizon, due to L shifting of the ground. The following re- The Construction of a .E'rlVqtion --anal in Shifting :;rounJ commendation.3 wpre made: 1) a minimum deep, parRbol2c-ihar~i canal crossection was needed; ?) a stabilizatiDn of "rc- nal slopes by means of loading the lower sections; 5 an tension cf the embankment as much as poss:ible t, allow tr~- moving of equipment, There are 2 diagrams and ' map 1, Iniand waterways--Construction 2. Soils-StabIlity Card 2.12 PAKF I.F,, SIMANOVSKJY, VA, Results of the work of the open-door ward. Zhur. nevr. I psikh. 65 no.3;476 065. OGRA~:8,4) 1. Gorlkovskaya oblastnaya psikhiatricheskaya bollnitl3a No,l (glav-nyy vrach V.I. Kopnin',, FAK, 1. 1. "Importance of hicroreaction Flocculation in Sero-Diagnosties for SyThilis," Vest. Venerol. i Dermatol., No. 1, 1949. Sci. Assoc., Serological Lab., Central Dermato-Venereal DiseF--ses Inst., Min. Public Health, -cl949-- PAK, I.N. Properties of the sums of some trigonometric series. Dokl. AN SSSR 151 no.l.-38--41 Tl 163. 04IRA -r,,, -?) 1. Elektrotekhnicheiskiy institut svyazi im. M.A. Boncb-Bruyevic ha. Predstavleno akadWaikom V.I.Smirnovym. (Fourier series) ZP.YEZMYY, A.F. Prinir.ali uchastiye; RASHOVICH, L.M.; KLOVSKI'Y. D.D.; PAK, I.N.; CO 2 [Tables tind formulas of sums of series of the type e- rT) C5 nx 00 2 Z-: 1. --n and 1: Jrn Cos Tabljtsy i formuly sumn riadov vidov n-1 -n Sin nx 00 M2 Cos 00 -M2 COG P sin rix s in nx. Pod r,.d. A.M. Uo-Mro,go. nw I Len.'ngrad, Ic 58. 73 p. (YD,A 15: 12) (Series) (Mather-atics-Tables, eU.) FERWa, B.A.1-FAK, I.N-"YEZDNIY, A.M., red.; GALICHINSKAYA, V.V., tekhn. red. [Tables and formlas of sums of trigononetric series of the type "0 In(r) 00 nIn(r) sin nx textbook]Tablitsy i for- cos nx a&. -n =+a En n2,#.a2 wl mly summ trigononetricheskikh riadov vidov ?~ In(x,) cos nx , 0(~ nI(r) sin nx; uchebnoe posobie. Fod red. 4-j n2.~a2 El n2+,2 hul rit" A.M.Zaezdnogo. Lening.-ad, 1961. 47 p. (VI-LA 15:12) 1. Leningrad. Elektrotekhnichoskiy institut m7azi. (Fourier aeries) (Mathematics-Tables, etc.) PAK, T. 1". C D h I. IJI S, : :- ":vI . pi . Upp- r irvi i ow,,r I ~ m 1 ta -)~' ,vitr ,' - , --- -. n: - - - ., ~ v '~ I . , I. numeri cal sprJ es , compo'wl Or -!)-" .- I c !-11 * "%, ( ''Tiv , , : . . I ir".1 uche 13. I'nst. sv! azi in. 14 - 14 ~i- - ' ' 'r.l. I. Lt-, i riv. r~ai s K A y e lolt. ',rol,e i fit i !,,It - c1 i i , Y. ,, . I v pr~)f. M.A. b-mch-Brup~vichi. PAK , T N. (Lon-,xi-mi) :;o.ri,e )!* ,-x-F rX _';e- .-S. n,)tt,. 7, ~ . ~ :I '- -.1 Y- (;, . (!.!' :.-A " (,: 1 ) - -1, ' . ~3 u i !-.r-. ~ ' ' I-'i t v 7 , 1 ~- '. . RMR4, G.S.; YlLMENAYA, V.Ya.; KOVALEVA, D.I.-; PAK,1-N-; ZV;EZDI,'I'Y, A.Y., ~~-IC:I","KUA, V.V.jl teklin. red. [-.ables aru fo=:ula.-; ofl sums of triConovnetxic se-ies of the, t.;-p-- 00 00 I r f-Os &,j cos nx and nx; textbook for studonts] 1 2 sin 4. V. n 4 11 ab:its-j i s-urrxa trigono--f-richeskikh .,iac.ov -,Iir_~ov 00 COS Yj - S Tl~~ i rz, (r) Cos rxx; --chebnne posobie -.'Lia -,-l n-4_.- in n:!; ~a,- sin :-'-udentov. Fod r-6, A.',-'.Zaezdnogo. Leni,-,,grad, 1~61. ~~l F. 1~ Lenii:Cr~.d, Elektrotel-hnicheo'Kiy institut -3v,,,az,*.. (Series) (Mathematics-7ables, etc.) - PAIP I.N. Some results regarding the properties of functions defined by trigononetric nwies vith amotono deere"Ing coefficients. Vest.WU 18 no.7:30-4.4 163. (MM 16:4) (Functions, Continuous) (Fourier series) PAK, I.T.; CREBAKOV, V.A. Solution of some engineering problems by mpans of a T-') tpabulator. Izv.AJI Kazakh.S5R.5~r.mat.i nek-h. no.R:)7-44 '59. (MIRA 13:'~) (Tabulating Lachines) PAK, J. Specialized teams as a scuive of increased efficiency, p. 9* BUDOWNIC7WO PRZEAffSLME. (Ministeretwo Budownictwa Przemyslowego) Warszawa, Vol. 4. No. 10, Oct. 1955. SOURCE: East EurapeanAccessions List (EEAL), Library of Congress, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 19569 PAX, K.A., kand.tok-hn-muk dots. Tumporuturr, fi"l,i 6f Ei r,, tafAvi.lar plate tit bouulliinj con- ditlong, obtainod by ::qtarJ-aint. lzv.vys.uc-ljnb.zav.,, "nfirg. 3 no. 1: 1;18-1'3 3Mr 160. (IGIL, 13:3) 1. UralInkly losotfikhiii,-~mui:ty institut. ProdstILVIena lutfedroy strottollnoy mok'umiki. (liolit trio'Ituif3sion) PAZ. I.A., dotment. )mndidat takhnicheakikh nauk. Slag ladies with now stiffening ribs used in blast furnaces. Test. mash.37 no.1:23-25 Ja '57. (KM 10:2) (Blast furnaces) PAK, K.A., doto.. kand.tekhn.nauk produced V the wo-gbt of llqu~d slag on the alag car ladlog. Isy.vya.ucheb.zav.; ch-qrn.met. no.9:123-131 S '58. (MIRA 11:11) 1. Karagandinskiy politekbAcheskiy inotitut. (Metallurgical plants-Rquipment aLnd supplien) (Slag) (Elastic plates and shells) -5/34 AUTHOR: -Pak, K.A., Candidrite of Technical Sciences, Iecturer. MIE: A slag ladle for blast furnace plant with additional stiffening ribs (Shlakovyy kovsh domennogo tsekha s novymi rebrami zhestkosti) PEidODICAL: "Vestnik Ma-shinostroyeni7a" (Engineering Journal) 195-7, No. 1, pp. 23 - 25 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: in view of the short service life of existing slag ladles, temperature measurements were carried out which have revealed points whei--e the creep strength of the material is exceeded. A re-designed stiffening ring is illustrated which ensures adequate strength and stiffness. Card IA There aie 4 fiSuzes, including 2 photographs. AVAIIABlLE: Library of Congress PAK, K.A., kand.tekhn.nail , dots. Deforzability of various],v shaped slag basins. Stall 20 no.8:695-696 Ag 160. (KIHA 13-7) 1. Urallskiy lesotekhoicheskiy institut. (Blast furnaces-3quipment and supplies) PAR.- K.A., kandidat tekhnicheskikb nauk. dotsent; CRALIKKO, A.V., Inzhener. Umperature distribution on the walls of a blast furnace slag-car ladle. Stall 16 no.7:652-653 J1 156. (MLRA 9:9) 1. KrIvorozhakly gornorudrwy institut t zavod "KrIvoroshetall". (Blast furnaces) (Metallurgical plants-Iquipment and supplies) I ~". I". ..1. SHCHIRMO, N.S., professor, dokto-.~ tekhnicheakikh nauk; PAK, K.A., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk-. Method of computing the tilting of slag ladles used in open hearth furnace shops. Vest.mash. 34 n0-7:15-17 J1 154. (Mlak 7: 8) (Slag) (Open-hearth procoss)