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LITTM"N. Imrs, dr.,; RARKAHYI. Istvan, dr.,; PADAITYI, Alajos, dr.,; TOTE, Jozsef, dr.,; RUDICS, 1mra. c1r, --kfi gm. Induction and abolishment of ventricular fibrillation by electroihock. Magy. sebeezet 9 no.3:166-i6g June 56. 1. A Budapenti Orvostudomanyi Ag7etem Bebesztovabbkepzo Klinikajanak kozlemenye Igazgato: Littmann Imre dr.. egyetemi tanar. (VIMIGUIAR FIBRILUTION, exper. induction & abolishment by electric fibrillator- defibrillator appar. in dogs (Hun)) PADANYIJ, Alajos, dr. I HL-mostagill In 1/01I.-MIt"y ji(Imorihip, witi.: /I Tv, illoxyllill I tamponade. Tuberkulozis 17 no.6:17,--'81 Ja 164. 9 1. Az Albrechtshaus-i TBCI Gyogyi.ntezet (NDK) koziemenye. MMLYI, IAamlo, Dr.; PADAVYI, Alajos, Dr.; UNOAR, Iwe, Dr. I Critical,elaboration of 150 cases of 1W cancer, Orvo hetil, 99 no.34: 1167-1170 24 Aug 58. 1. A 3hidnT)esti Orvostudomnyi Zaetem IT. - az. Sebeazeti Klinikajanak (igazgnto: Kudasz Jozsef dr. egyet. tanar't kandidatus) es az Orazagos Kora4i TBO Intezet (igazgato: Boszormenyi Miklos dr. kandidatus, tado- mnAvos vezeto: Foldeo Istvan dr. kandidatus) kozlemenye. (WNG NEOPIASMS clin. aspects & statist. (Han)) PADANYI, Alajop,,-.dr. - - --- ~EarI7 diagnosis of pulmonary cancer by eFriedelle" catheter biopny. Orv. hetil. 103 no.36:1697-1701 9 S'162; ~ 1. Albrechishausi TBC Gyogyintezet (NDK). (LUNq NEOPLASMS diag) (BIOPSY) Phzrmacology el am!no-ketua wiib ;~iTvj me itlij 1-11Af-- v nicotinic effect3, IL 1. r6rszisz, X T. Wie-szt, and R. Pad.Alili Acla. physW. Acad. Sri. hung., 1955.k 7 139-161.--' 11~ct of -than 50o: , ti . , r,1Cr, - - --woniatic and aiiph.tic amin-krtell- (nivs- 0.1 t]"m lit!"IV YnLh-,,.;c;d by the. authors) "it,-irculation, jrsp~mtiuli, and galltdia ~IAT- M;eil, Thc~~t Conipmudi Caw.'e, alw in ([(.~rtpllratu clits, ;~ ri:v~, in blood pi-surc, Wahmit a m~-coadar, hill 1he co,-t i., pmvented by adrvaaluctomy, panglioa-bli-x-,king z;_-vnt% and adreno- lytics. Tbcy contrl',ct the nictitating membra-le., They liavv a niclitinL-Iike ar.6on %vAhout the ranglion-blociting compomnr. They stimilla te uspi-,ation by exciting the can~.tifl sinwt, 'Ibis effect of compounds A-84, A-73, A-94, N-482. and others is as .,trosig as that of labelinc. They 51iow rt~ciprocal tarhyphylaxis I'vid. lob line Thcir cifect in cwi, cr s -it -acting the ic piratuty pardyai.~ cauwd by morphine is 0-3--40.6 of that of lobt:line, Rvxp,~riraenl-s indirate that the greater artivity i-f lobelin~ is due secondarily to its depreisant action on circ&aticln. Compound A-66 cau-S, cramps in mice, rats, and dogs which can be supprcssed by sevenaL -id, -3n, alsa It has, thereforr,., bt~, -% its rcflcx acti, a central stiniti)3ting, corediol cm Fe or tetm --like action. TI ic cocipottililf: do ut dar a cithvr the enriftacti!i, p, %, -ur of thu ],,cart or it', sy,~tern. The nico::mc-liko. onci-A j~4 chic-fly a jiop-rty- of compounds vAii0i stimulate rcspiration Intl luxrv the i,,rouping CFT.-CO~R or I ull Compounds CO-r?, havc an aotiniculinic effect. The 2 typci rA dfvct rm, flio uin , C", , It. g Some of theni li~ve am ,Ifect twice. a~ gr-it [is papave-'I", best stitnulautfi u! aru ~At-661 A-81-1, A-94, and PAD-LRE- VA, L. Padareva, 1. Jet us be like them. p. 9. IIADIO. Sofiya. Vol. 4, no. 1-, 1955. SO: Monthly List of East E=opean Accessions, (EEAL), N, Vol. 4, 11,o. 11, Nov. 1955, Uncl. PADAREVAt L. Meeting in Pleven. p.2. (RADIO ITELEVIZIIAI Vol. 6. no. 2. 1957$ Softi, Bulgaria.) SO: MonthlY List Of East European Accessions (EEAL) M, Vol. 61 no. 12, December 1957 Uncl. Country : USSR of the Category : Forestry. Biology and Typology Forest. K Abs Jour RZhBi01-? No 6, 19597 No 24703 Author Iladarivskiy, Ya. I, Academy. Inst Forestr"In Title Fir-Porest Types of the Shepot Y Chernovitskaya OVIast and Their Natural 71ege- nerat ILon, Orig Pub Sb, stud, nauchno-issled. rabot, Ukr. s.-khe akad., 19589 VYPo 39 135-137 Abstract In the Shepot Forestry, Abies alba comprises 13,,2 percent of the foreEt-covered area. Among the fir trees, two types have the greatest di- stribution. The fern-woodruff fir occupie-c the raiddle parts of the slopes of northwestern ex- posure with recent browzr-podzol soils. The compo- sition of the stands is 6 E 4 S; productivityg Card 314 ACC NR: AF6014720 'about. the same depth within 30 days. Zia same was true of salt penetration. 2hermal !stability and creamability, both depending on a coagulate-crystalline structure wit]h ininute crystals, were also tested. The margarine retained its ci~bic form in tha I j'.hermal test and furnished a satisfactory filling for pastries. It was concluded t1rdat 0 the margarine obtained as above has a structure closely resernblin.g and can be Iused as emulsifier for dry milk; the method furnished a product containing minute I Q I :crystals and a coagulate-crystal]-ine structure. Orig. art. has: 3 tables. SUB CODE: SUBM DATE: 12Jan65/ ORIG Ra-- 006/ OM REF. 001 2 YADARIYANq Isse Simplified method for making removable dental I)rostheses for the upper jaw with a stamped metal (steel) base*' Stomatologiia 37 uo;&&~-69 N-D 158 MU 11:12) L Is stomatologicheskov polikliniki Noo-11 upravleniya khozraschat- ;;mi lechebnymi uchrezhdeniyami XoskoZogo gorodskogo otdela zdravookhroneniya; (MTAL PROSTHNSIS) BORDIN, V.; FADAST, N. Those who leave time behind. Av.transp. 40 no.7:6-8 JI 162. (h-M& 15:8) (Kwhira-Tran,sportation., Automotive) PADAVCOVA, H. and 130R, I. "Our Experiences with Operetions in Congenital Heert Frilure. " (S,~cond Children's Clinic of Ghnrles Universitv in Prague). SO: Pad. listy, Prague, Vol. 8 (1953), No. 3, pp. 132-134. --?ADC" IJKO, A.P. PADCHENKO, A.P. -r~ On the article by Prof. N. A. Flegmatov and the Candidate of Veterinary Sciences V. S. Shipilov./on, "Raising the conception rate in cows and heifers.'Reviewed by A. P. Padchenko. Veterinariia 34 no,3:88-89 mr 157. (KIRA 10:4) 1. Starshly veterinarnyy vrach Pervukhinskogo oveklosovkhoxa. Kharlkovskoy oblasti, Bogodukhovskogo rayona' (Artificial insemination) (Sterility in animals) (Ilegmatov, N,A*) (Shipilov, V.S.) PADCMKOp I.K. Viability., of Trichomonag urogenitalis in wati~r 14ith different - the water factor salt contents and the epidemiological role of in urogenital trichomoniasis. Tr,11(ly Mrs tovPe xiauclu - 41-~Tft. fuOm- no.2&41-49 063 (MIRA 17:3) 1. YJyevskiy naucbno-issledovatellskiy institut epidemiologii i mikrobiologiie PADCHENKOO I.K. Contamination of a gynecologist's hands by Trichomonas vaginalis and methods for their disinfection. Fed. Akush. i gin. 24 no.6: 58-60 162. . (MIRA 17:4) 1. Kiyevskiy institut epidemiologii i mikrobiologii (direktor - kand, med, nauk S.M. Terekhov). FADCHENKOp m1adyshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Some current problems of trichomoniasis in man. Vrach. delo 4: 114-118 Ap 362. (MIPA 15:5) 1. Kiyevskiy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut epidemiologii i mikrobiologii (nauchnyy rukovoditell - deystviteltnyy chlen MIN SSSR, prof. L.V.Gromashevskiy). (TRICHOMONIASIS) Padchenko,, I. K. On the question concerning the spre,-d -if the protozoan fauna in !,-Iiev (Preliminary report) PEdchenko, I. K. Patients suffering from diarrhea and their infestLtion vith intestinal protozoa and heiminths. Materialy nal-ichnykh konferentsii, Kiev, 1959. 286pp (Kievskiy Nauchno-issledovatellskiy Institut EIRpideritioloEii i '-"i)(robi 010-J4) 0---L PADCHEVKO, V.D., kand.tekhn.nauk; FAWONOV. A.Y., inzb. Protection of electric traction equipment at junction stations in cases of the short cirmiting of a.c. and d.c. contact networks. Trudy TSNII MPS no. 190:71-97 160. (MLU 13:12) (Electric railroads)' . (Electric protection) MIKIT, E.A., inzh.; inzh. Protecting the construction enclosures of drying kilns. Der. prom. 13 no.2:29 F 164. (MIRA 17:3) MIKIT, B.A., inshener; PADCHIN, A..I., Inzhener; GLYTSGARI, Sh.Z.. r9daktor; ~ -t~ '. '- - - " , SHULI KW. S. bff6ikrt'!vdaktor [Technological processes in sawmill work] Takhnologichaskie proteesey lesopillnogo proisvoistva. Kooky&, Goulesbunizdat, 1952. 65 p. (sawmill@) (KIRA 10: 1) 1. MIKIT, Ye. A.; PADCHIN,-A. 1. 2. USSR (600) /+. Sawmills 7. Critical remarks on standard plans for sawmills. Les. prom. 13, No. 4, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Aoril 1953, Uncl. MIKIT, E.I., inah.; PADCHIN, A.I-i PARIZESKIT, S.D.; STAPRAN, Ta.V- Taper-eawing of boards from logo. Der.prom. 9 no.4.-IO-12 Ap '60. (MIRA 13:9) (Lumber) MIKIT, A.A., inzh.; IFADCHIN A.I. inzh. Mechinization and autmation of timber drying in woodworking enterprises in Latviae Mekh*i avtom,proizve 17 no.1:26--Z7 Ja 163o (katmation) (Iativa-Umber-ft7ing) (MIRA 16t2-) FOIT, R.; ZIKMUND, E.; SIMEROVA, R.; PADP_E Z. Considerations on utilization of certain depot and mixture of insulin. Cas. lek. cesk. 95 no-51:1389-1394 21 Dee 56. 1. VUFB. reditel Dr. Ing. R. Blum. KUF. reditel MgPh et RNDR Tomicek. II. Int. odd. na Bulovce v Praze VIII. prednosts. doe. Dr. R. Folt. (INSULIN, administration. depot Insulin & Insulin mixtures (Cz)) FADECHOM11CZ M CONcerning the principles of division of carpentry in the construction of buildings. p. 219 (Przenwsl Drzewhy, Vol. 7, no. 7, July 1956, Wars-awn, Poland) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (ETAI) LC. VOL. 7, no.2, February 1958 USSR/General Problwms of Pathology - Allergy U-1 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol.0 No. 180 1958, 847h1 Author I Padegimna- Institute t- ~Uno ~Medfoal Institute Title The Role of Angioreceptors of the Organism in the -Anapbylactic Reaction Orig Pub t Kauno, mode inst, Daibai, Tr, Kaunaesk, med, in-ta, 1957., vol., 4., 19-39 Abstract % The vessels of the isolated spleen., connected with the organism of the cat only by its nerves, were perfased with horse serum (HS) or a 20-peroent solution of egg albumen(EA). Upon perfusion with the EA the arterial pressure increased by 9.5 per- cent,, the respirations quickened and the vessels of the spleen contracted. Upon perfusion with HS, the pressure increased by 12.4 percent. The reaction to perfusion with HS was maintained also following Card 1/2 7 USSR / Goneral Problams of Pathology. Allargy. U Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol6i No 11, 1958, 51503. Author Padegimas. V. Inst "F~o given. Title : Interooeption and neaotivity of the Organism. Orig Pub: Sveiakos apsauga, 1957, No 5, 6-9. Abstract: The antigen was perfused thro h the blood ves- -sels of an isolated splben (S~gof a cat, sensi- tized to horse serum (HS). In the presence of nervous connections of S with the organism the perfusion of HS caused an elevation of blood pressure (BP) by 15 mm of Hg, an aceeleration of respiration and spasm of the splenic vessels. Exclusion of the carotid sinuses with a 5% sol. of carbolio acid followed by perfusion of HS through the spld!en led to an elevation of BP by Card 1/2 MOMOVIC9 Konstantin, prof.; MAVERg Hubert, sanitetski potpukovnik d-r; PADEN,~IMIWan. Factor analysis in a combined muscle test. Voj,sanopregl.,, Beogr. 17 no.6:681-684 Je 160. 1. Oblasna vojna bolnica u Zagrebu (MUSCLES pbysiol) PADENOV. K.P. Chemical weed control in Sverdlovsk Province. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 7 no.3:55 Mr 162. (MIRA 151ll) 1. Urallskiy nauchno-inaledovatellskiy institut sellskogo khozyaystva, Sverdlovsk. (Sverdlovsk Province-Weed control). PADENOV, K.P. Some problems of studying the preparial diapause of Phorbia genitalis Schnabl. Zool. zhur. 41 no.5:765-768 My, '62. (MIRA 15:C'~) 1. Minsk Experimental Station, All-Union Institute of Plant Protection. (Diapause) (Phorbia) ,rAREUOV. Kuz'ma Platonovich; GWOMY, B., red.; YLAKSIMOVA, I. , T e- R &-. -re-C I -.- - (Chemical wood control] Khimichaskeis borlbs a sorniakami. Sverdlovsk, Sverdlovskoe knishnoe izd-yo. 1960. 52 p. (KIRA 14:2) (Weed control) (Herbicides) - ` 0 6 a 0 :["'Jif" 4 4 -AV 0 0 0 0 0~ CC VP It The genesis oi azinite wtins In the neighborhood of SppUy Wtimmi prs it 1' -i TI 1-22(i 173 1 Z i zoo . ,. ' . , id m d y 4:m4 -Rn lish 18-21)(1947), -Axinite was fount] filling fimures I itimw at 2 lt"litic-- michar) Firlwher re 0 .,Zoo 0 S C A 611AILUIAK-1. U111ML111 CLASSIFICATIO. tr ell of a of a I I J. 0 000 gio 0*0 00 0 0 00 . .2 0 0 0 0 0 * roe go see 00 too 9 ts o V4 KID n 4 04 a I * 0 0 00 00 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 040 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I : : : : fro, BlioTes neu 4i W f -~ f-) ///--ZQ --7 C- /- "Y ) /"~ !~rj;~ 1, t~. wl.d-nAjt,- , raAl ba-dr 'The rovisfou of niberaig,of (be bl:~Ilmthiuita an t'-Toup K pa(Mra (Charles LIHV.l Prague). Chew. Z:rde 18, 14-t. with tht: Dc-hyt- WSSEerrer methoj it prc~,;ed that vezWup - preseat . is a trinsitiowil fcrinatimi betilc~n bi-saniabinite alid dilinitc. 'lle arninging of gLaditei limd-.4t -nifte. and ha-mirlarim irilo. ra tile hillite !Llid ail- nite is dinclls~efj, '11-Te gmup of N.5mutt ki apjyIie_1!;,)fI cif Ole narne for ghdife, lh.,d- -trbiuite, ~~nf! hammarite i pt'DL~P;.' Y. RALERA, Y. Eindheir-ite from Vrancice near !~ lir. p. 37. Vol. 66, Eo. 8, 1956- DCZPFR~AVY. RkIDA Preha, C~echoslcvakia So: Vast Euro?.e--n Accession., Vol. 6, li'o- 3, March 1957 PADERA, K.; JOHAN, Z. Vanadinite finds in Bohemia. p. 187. (Casopis Pro Mineralogii A Geologii, Vol. 2, no. 2, 1957. Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 10, October 1957. Uncl. C'SEE C'~ OSLOV AK-I A PADE RA K. ITatural Science Faculty of Charles University (Prirodovedecka fakulta Karlovy university), Pra,-ue Pra,-?,ue, Casopis pro mineralogii a geologii, 'I'o 4, 1964, 479-4EU- "A Find of Pb-Rich 1,17inerals on the Burnin'-n- '~"Iaste at Beckov near r2rutnov. 11 .n;l stoood try, C the asc---d- --- !4 - mf ~ ~2 - ~ -- VL" ~ I , j - Z, ~~ ~ a s j a the b. i~ ri.l I -- ;3o oko n T,:-- i t- n ov geol 9 no,4: 4o"7n,--480 '!r 4 o" tt~r~ r, -,I, e5 ~~rj -m-- cif Natural FAIM, Karol; YIPUM&. Bail'. Is arsenpl W rite a mineral existing as a second Tariety of arsenic? Min.sbor. no.10:160-164 1$6. (KM -9:12) 1. Wedris, mineralogil, gookhtnii I kristallografli larloTa universiteta. (Arsenic) (Arsonolauprio) P 1VO -I M, lazakh On Kustanavska-ya, 0. Tractor Drillers, shortam of anil training. N: Kazzakhstanskaya P,-av,-a j'Llma - Ata Source : Fel). 4, 1~147 Abstracted in "gSAri"IT-reasure Tsiand" Report No. 282 on- file Ln Library of Con7ress, infor-a-ti-on Division. IPA AE if j, 5; r, 4fA KMIKHOVSKAYA, Z.A.; PUDUBNYY. S.A.; PAIFMVSKAYA. A.L, redektor. [Manual of Instructions on gravimetric prospecting with variometers] Instruktaila po gravirazvedke a variongtrami. TJtverzhdona A.T.Shata- lovym 24 Hulia 19-52 g. Moskva, Goa. ixd-vo geol. lit-ry, 1952. 84 p. (MLRA 7:4) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) MinisterBtTO 90010gil. (Prospecting--Geophysical methods) PADM~VSKAydl. - -I.- "Biological Properties of Oak Buds. 0 Sub 19 'Mar 51. 140rcow State Pedagogical Inst imeni V, I. Lenin. Dissertations presented for science and engineering degrees In Moscow during 1951. SO a Sum* No., 480,j 9 MaY 55 PADEMSKATA, M-I- . - - -... . ... ~ -- .; 1: On-the biology of resting oak buds. Uch.zap. inst. no.4:20-38 '57- iKIRA 12:4) 1. Is kafedry biologit, (zav, - Prof- I-R- Geller) Kurskogo gosudarst- valmogo pedagogichaskogo inatitutao - (Buds) (Oak) PORREVSKAYA,.M.I. Me-adows of the middle reaches of the Seym River and their present-day condition according to the example of the.Lenin Collective Farm, Ltgov District.' Kursk Province. Uch.zapAursk.gos.ped.inst. 12: 136-161 161. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Kafedra botaniki Kurskogo gosudarstvannogo pedagogicheskogo instituta. pAnmvSKATA, H.I. tion of a meadOw- P01i'llkh- 14thod of StudY1,139 quality, determina (MIRA 11:9) obuch. no.8:32-34 Ag '58- 1.Kurskir pedagogicheekly institut- (Pastures and meadovs) 40 M. I. PADEREVSKAYA Gharacteristics of buds in some plants of the Streletak.-~,ve Preserve. Bot.zhur. /+8 no.2:192-10,8 F 163. (Streletskoye Steppe Preserve-Steppe flora) (Buds) KIBELlp F.S.; IM-ISHCHIKOVAt L.K.; PADEREVSKAYA, V.P.; RATIM-R, M.M. Dispensary care for rheumtic fever patients in the Oktyabroldy Distriet of Sverdlbvpko Zdravo Rose Feder* 4 no* 4:30-32 Ap 160e (MIU 13: 10) lo Iz Sverdlovskogo gorzdravotdelas * -(SVERDIDVSK--MUMATIC MER) PADEMSKI, K. Testing the kinemati6ecuracy of a gear-hobbing machine. p. 576. MECHANIK. (Stowarzyszenie Inzynierow i Technikow Mechanikow Polskich)'kTarszava, Poland., Vol. 32A. No. 9, Sept. 1959. Monthly list of East European Accession (EEAI) LC., Vol. 9., No. 1, Jan. 1960 Uncl. RADERERISFI, K. .1 - - '). The method of selectinrr change in tramrits-ic7m,. Z. - (:--umF,~m. Poland. Vol. 30, no. 1, Jan. 195.7.) so: monthly List of East Euronean Accession Lc, vol. 6, no. 7, Jul~v 1957. Uncl. ,RMKI,.Karol-P,,mgr inzop adiunkt pADF Measu,ring instrament of the kinmatic accuracy of gear 110'b- bing maobinese Prze9'l melch 22 no.l8t563-566 25 SIY63 1. Katedra Obrabiarekv politechnilas, Warrzawao PADEREWSKI I mgr inz., adiunkt Kinematic precision of gear hobbing machines. Przegl mech 22 no.17:532-539 10 S 163. 1. Katedra Obrabiarek, Politechnika, Warszawa. of 'm i r1a Ty 2 rp- (3 -,heml a in of zent 0" r T- tr GILENKOP A.; IZOVSKIY, K., red.; VEYSAK, N., rd.; ZA_DERI~N.-P-0. red.; POSFELOV, G., red.; SELIKPA, D.G., red.; GOSTISHCHEVA, Ye.M.,, takhn. red. N 505fl sails to Kuyumbal 505 idet v Kuiimbu. Novosibirsk, Novosibirskoe knizhnoe izd-yo, 1962. 86 p. (MIRA 16:7) (YeniAW Valley~-Inland navigation) TAURIV, Frants ilikolayevich; LISOVSKIYY, K., red.; MEYSAK, P., red.; I_N,_G-,-red.; poSPELOV, G. ~ red.; sELIKINA, D.G.) red. [Bright oil] Svetlaia neft'. Novo5lbir5k~ Novosibirlcoe 'MIRA 17:4) knizhnoe izd-VO, 1963. 39 P. k KITAYNIKp A.U.; LARIONOV, N.N.p zhurnalist; BRATCHIKOV, B.,, zhurnalist; EYROV., V... zhurnalist; VOLKOV, Ye., zhurnalist; VOSKRESENSKIY, N., zhurmlist; MUSH, A.., zburnalist; GCRDIU, A.v zlmlmallst; GIUWKOj A.,, shurmlist; DASHKOV, S,,, zhurnalist; DROMIUSFAI-K0,1 A.p zhurnalist; YMSHOV, No, zhumalist; ZHULYABINt A.,, zhurnalist; KRASNOV, I.,, zhurnalist; rOCHIMSK31, Ye., zhurnalist; LYKCV, M., zhurnedist; MMSAK,, No., zhurnalist; PADERIN, G,.,_zhurnalist; PALIM) A*j, zhurnalist; PONOMM, P.,, zhurnalist7i-MBINA M., zhi=na:List- TAGIRCVj Toy zhurnalist; TIMOFEYEVO B., zhurnalist! YANSHIfl, V., zhurralist- TRUBITSIN, N.A.,; OMSH-Mihisov' So, red,izd-va; T6BuKH, A,, teklmoredo [Novosibirsk; a collection] Novosibirsk; sbornik. Novosibirskoe knizh- Uos izd-wo, 1961. 180 P. (1= 15:5) (Novosibirsk-History) (Novosibirsk-Description) SHAFER, Yu.G., kand. fiz.-mat. nauk, otv. red.; PAPOLP,_aX., G.N.p red. [Cosmic rays and problems in-cosmic pbysic,;transactions] Koomicheskie luchi i probleny kosmofiziki; ~Mdy- Novisibirsk, Red.- !mi. otdel Sibirskogo otd-niia AN SSSR, 1965. 29) P. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Vsesoyuznoye soveshchaniye po kosmofizichaskomu naprav- leniyu issledovaniy kosmicheskikh luchey. Ist, Yakutsk, 1962. KOWMIYETS, Nikolay Grigorlyevich; CHEREPANOV, A.I.) doktor biol. nauk, otv. red.; PADE IN G N red.; VYALYNH-, A.M., takhn. red. ' ' ' -"14 [Parasites and predators of the tent caterpillar Dendrolimus sibiricus] Parazity i khishchniki sibirskogo sbe~kopriada. Novosibirsk, Izd-vo Sibirskogo otd-iia AN SSSR. 1962. 172 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Siberia--Tent caterpillars--Biological control) ALITERGOT, V.F., kand. bil. nauk., otv. red.; PADEIR12G.N.I., red.; OVCHINITIKOVA, T.K. , tekhn. red. [Physiological bases for the methods of increasing the resistance and productivity of plants in Siberia) Fizio- logicheskie osnovy priemav povysheniia ustoichivosti i produktivnosti rastenii v Sibiri. Novosibirsk., Izd-vo Sibirskogo otd-niia AN SSSRp 1963. 181 p. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Sibirskoye otodeleniye. Tgentral I- nyy sibirskiy botanicbeskiy sad. KRYIDV, Georgiy Vasillyevich; SOBOLEVSKAYA, X.A., doktor bio. nauk, prof., otv. red.; PADERIN, G.N., red.; SEMOVA, Ye.G... tekha. red. (Forest resources and forest-type zones of Siberia and the Far East]tesnye resuray i lesorastitellnoo raionlrovanie Sibiri i Dallnego Vostoka. Otv. red. K.A.Sobolevqkai Novosibirsk, Izd-vo Sibirskogo otd-niia AN SSSR, 196Z. 23) p. (MIRA 16:3) (Siberia-Forests and forestry) DFVYkT V, Buis Niholayevich; 1"'e. [Theory of c-:~-u eaa in --a -,evji ces from the stai.-cipcint cl' c:(;n-Lrc- "teorlia Pere- khodnykh pratse-~zsc-i v s tocbki zrE:n;-ia qed.- izd. otdel Zilbirsko,w, c.-tal-ri-Aia ;-14 39!*-')Z,. 32,2 P. 17, PADEMN, Gennadiy Nikitichi-, SELIKINA, D.G... red. . [Seventeen steps] Semnadtsatl shagov. Novosibirsk, Novosibirskee knizbnOe izd-vo~ 1963* 60 Po (MIM 17: 5) PADERIN, Gennadly-Nikitich [land of new addresses; sketches)Zemlia novykh adresov; ocheeki. Novosibirsk., Novisibirskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1961. 181 p. (MIRA 16:1) (Siberia--Description and travel) FADIFRIN) Ivall. ...... .'---,- c"45-47 c' 1-'f! Man frm, a jager,-;# * zn-~-r- 4,1 5 4 1. !aA 1E: 10) I I PA0Z-R1W, I~L~ PADMIN, N.D.; GLAZYRIN. Ye.K. - -00~~ PalegwnouB gastritis; cure. Xhirurgila no.3:75 Mr 154, (MLItA 7:5) (STOMACH, diseases (mmma$ Ophlogwn, ther.) *stomach, ther.) USSR/Diseases of Parm Animals. Noninfectious Diseases R-2 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 7, 1958, No 31091 Author : Padetrja_YAPA-~ -77~ Zooveteiiftar~ Inst -Ata Institute Title :Data on the Pathogendsis of Cardiovascular Insufficiency in Chronic Affections of the lAings of the Horsen. Orig Pub :Tr. Alma-Atinsk.- zoovet. in-ta, 1956, 9, 159-163 Abstract It was established that a prolonged overstrain of the cardio- vascularsystem in pulmonary insufficiency leads to the devel- opment of cardiac weakness. In the initial stages of the development of pulmonary affections of the progressive micro- bial bronchitis and alveolar emphysema type, when) clinically, only an insignificant displacement of lung limits, amplifica- tion of the percussion soun&i and weakening of the vesicular respiration is perceived, no noticeable disturbances of the cardiovascular system will be noted. With the development of pulmonary insufficiency (decrease of the depth of breathing, backward displacement of lung limits, decrease of the vital Card 1/2 FADERINP V.P.., assistent Materials on the pathogenesis of cardiovascular insufficiency in chronic diseases of the lungs in horses. Trudy AZVI 9:159-163 156. (MM 15;1+) 1. Iz kafedz7 chastnoy patologii i terapii (zav, kafedroy6- chlen~-korrespondent AN KazSSR, zaaluzhennyy deyatell nailki KazSSR doktor prof. Ya.I.Kleynbok) Alma-Atinskogo, zooveterinarmogo instituta. (Lungs-~-Diseases) (Cardiovascular system-Diseases) (Horses-Diseases and pests) SHALTYKOV, S.Sh.; PAIDERIN, V.P,, kand. vet6r. nauk Organi2atior of veterinar~y measures on seaso%al pastures, Velberinari-'a 41 nc.7~,9-10 il 161to (M-T-4 1821 1. Semipalatinskoye o-LIastnoye upravlen~ye prcfzvcdst7va zagatovok pel,lakok~jO'i:Y~17,'3~~v('fi,-iyiert produktov (for .'3baltykiyv w 2. Semi.pultitlyinkly -zoovel.,tranavriyy _i, nEltat, PAdcjrj'n),, Coungy CA 7' T-1)"I'My Human and Animal Physiology, Metabolisn .435. IJOTUIR. 21851 ~AUTBOR Paderina V.P. The Vitamin Activity (C, carotene) of Fermented T "I Tt E I and Salted Vegetablics. opio.. ruB. :Uravookhr. Kazalchstana, i958, No. 6, 52-55 T-16 ABO~URACT :No abstract L 54953-65 ACCESSION NR: APS014290 This is particularly important for rwlmonarv Fections hac&unp th-P alvpnl, a,-,p first 5 _-~Ms S s ASSOCIATION; none .SUBMI77ED: 240et63 NO REF SOV- 004 ENCL: CO OTHER: W, SUB CGIZ: LS Card 2/? V- NISELOVSKAYA, L.I.; PADERINA, YO.M. Fxocesses of oxidative phosphorylation in the liver of guinea pigs poisoned with staphylococcal toxin. Vop. med. Khim. 9 ho. 3-:256-260 My-je 163. (MIRA 17.9) 1. Otdel biokhimii i otdel mikrobiologii Inst-ituta eksperimentallnoy m6ditsiny AMN SSSR, Leningrad. - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L 5239-46 ACC NRs AP5025976 It is concluded that streptomycin resistance in pathogenic staphylococci can be achieved by subjecting the recipients to the action of the phagolysate of the donor strain or to the action of the eadogenous phage induced in this strain, and also by using preparations of such an endogenous phage passed over a streptomycin-sensitive culture. Orig. art. has: 5 tables. SUB CODE: LS, CB SUBM DATE; 26Dec64 ORIG REF: .0,00 OTH REF: 001 Cc 2/2 ANATOLTY., S.A.; ILIIN., G.I.; PADERINA, Ye.M.; SAFRC, L.N. Significance of the biological activity of microbea for the development of experimental staphylococcal infection. Report No.I: Significance of the virulence of the pathogen in the development of general staphylococcal infection in intraor- bitally infected mice. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. i immun. 42 no.1:98-102 A 165. (min 18:6) 1. Institut eksperimentallnoy meditsiny AMN SSSR. ACC NR, AP6024~46 -lytic viiuleut culi`ures were subjected to phage typing and spectrum determinations. Endogenic phages were obtained from 8 strains; the action spectrum of these on the same set of indicator culture*a was determined. These endogenic phages were found to be affiliated with, but not identical I Anti- 'to, the type-phages acting on the lyoogenic strains. phage immunity similar to that observed by Boyd in Breslau ibacilli was seen. However, the phage resistance spectrum i(and phage type) of staphylococcus cultures is not mainly determined by cellular~reconstruction. A single-&train staphylococcus population may contain cells with differpnt ~C_"T- __pkaae sensitivity. NA-50; CBE No. 11J 11 Ilysogeni and SUB CODE: 061- SUBM DATE: 19Dec64/ ORIG REF; .4TD -7t N Card 212 004/ OTH Rzi: 004/ 23744 01/004 S/101161/000/008/0 D227/D305 V. (Leningrad) 1.9 LiPat0V9 A. and GaYril'c"k9 ce detects q, 41 i9o 0 padernOt Aroni c devi JNU THO R: jkn elec flame-registering deviceD any conditiOnR--ln a burning match under TITLE*- the flame of in bright sunlight darkness or Radio, no- 89 19619 27-28 VERIODICAL'. lame can be affected by e%traue egisterilag filluminatlon or a rise in tem- Normal Pickups for r increase in . n Of an An TB'XT % characteristic criterio a chance issiono toors such .as t the most and ultraviolet em OUS faC ce shows tha Ls infrared of -various types Of Vractl of il .,juency The pe ratu re * tile Pulsation ation fre ceeds 30-35 cycles. . in open flame is check Of the mean Fulst seldom ex . men teLl jals shoved that i of the cases) lies with experld tible mater T (in .75~ the comba .9 pulsation frequenc Ug device dealt 'With in most Probable mean The flame-registeri plifierg a rectifier )-25 cycle range* tive pickup, a, band am resistances were used the V Le consists of a sensi Photoelectric artic] output relay. +C-A and an Card 1/3 23744 S/107J61/000/008/001/004 A flame-registering device... D227/D3O5 the number required being determined by local conditions. a,s pickups 9 pickup is not more than 150 kohm. Its The rated dark resistance of the 2.1A which means Y maximum at spectral characteristir-a have a sensitivit fiame of relatively that the device has sufficient sensitivity even for a ;ist- An experimental check showed that photoelectric reE low temperaturea ere suitabfe for flame pickups registering very -small ances of this type v The band amplifier (a circuit diagram is given) changes in illumination. e (about has quite high sensi ti-vity (about 20-26/4-4) with low internal nois filter. 1-2 frequency characteriaticsgithanks to the band ,Av) and specific t to detect a burning match at a distance Of 5-6 SensitivitY is sufficien d to other sources of light or infra- meters. The device does not respon ts of an amplifier proper and a former red emission. The amplifier consis the frequency characteristics device. The negative feedback circuit boosts the frequency range at 15 cycles and gives a marked amplification drop in of 10-17 cycles is about 70 cycles. Total amplification at frequencies bridize is built of semiconductor diodes - -___ _--iater can USSR/Pbysics Servomee7aanics Mar/Apr 51, "Computation of Linear Circuits in Installations With IApulse Transmission of Signals," 1. P. Paderno, Z. Ii Rapoport, TranssignalsvyazIproekt, Min of Transp USSR "Avtomat i Telemekh" Vol XI.I. No 2, PP 135-148 Describes procedure for designing a 2-conduct6r d6 linear circuit with parallel-connected electromag-I netic receivers, which circuit is used for purrose~, of direction and contr6l in certain automatic and telemech installations encountered in railroad: transportatioil. Gives formula's for computing'the 187T76 MsR/P:Ivsics Servomechanics Mar/Ap,r 51. I ,iesistance of the receiver and magnitudes of sup- Iplimentary resista,nces serving to ensure,identity of' conditions of operation of all linear receivers. Of,control i6tation.during transmission of code signals in the circuit. Submitted 4 Air- 49; re- I submitted 20 Nov 50 after. revision. 18W76; 1.4 D '- ~- t~ P Ij (] ) 1, -1) P BOYTSOV, Aleksandr Yevgenlyevich; GIRASUKOV, VUdimir losifovich; KRIVITSKIY, Konstantin Aleksandrovich; FAMNO I.P!'*_kP-ndidat takhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor; YUDZOII,D.M., temichasny redaxor [Illeatrio supply for communication installations) mietropitanie ustroistv sviazi. Moskva, Goa.transp.zhel-dor. izd-vo, 1955. 319 P. (Illectric engineering) (MIRA 9:3) aMNO. I.?., kaudidat tekhnichookikh nauk.- KRIVITSKIY. K.A., inzhener. Conownications on Canadian and American railroads. Avtom.. telem. i ovias' no.2 7 157. (MLBA 10:4) (United States-Uilroads-Gomminicat Lou systems) (Canada--Pailroado--Communication systems) A- . PADERNO, I.P., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk; LEONOVA, N.A., inzhener. ShAll automatic telephone systems for station communication with selector call device. ATtOM.elem. i svias' n0-7:15-18 Jl '57. (MLRA 10:8) (Rai 1r oads--S tati ono ) (Telephone. Automatic) irzhere;-. 10: J, t-'1) r I- I f I - ~ /'/1\,/ i "--f-.I GUSHCHINA, M.N., inzh.; PADLSNO, I.P., kand.tekhn.nauk Atomic lantern. Avtom., telem. i eviaz' no.9:45 S '57. (MIRA 11:4) (United States-Railroads-Equipment and supplies) PADMO, I.P. Calculating circuits having bridge connection networks. Maktro- 49WO1411 no.8-69-70 Ag 157. (MIRA 10:12) (ilectric circuits) (Telecommunication) 4 b- ~ I .-I - ~N__O I- C~"-I-- /_ I PADJRNO I.P . kand. tekhn. nauk; KHANIN, A.I., inzh. (Ioningrad). B166tronic velocity motor. Zbel. dor. transP. 39 no.12:,46-59 D 157. (Railroads-Hump yardBY (MIRA 11:1) PAIMNO. I.Pe, kand. tekhn. nauk; KRIVITSKITO K*Ae, inzh, Commmications on the United States and Canadian railroads in 1956-1957. Avtom., telem. i oviazi 2 no.1:45 A 158. (MIRA 11:1) (United States-Railroade-Communication systems) (Canada-Rai lroads--Corzmnicati one systems) 7- - i ` -- , ,~ I"' I - MIRSKIT, A.G., inzh.; PADIHNO, I.P., kand. tekh. nauk. Yonr-wire patching bair. Avtom.. telem. i oriaz' 2 no.2.,12-16 7 158. (Telephone-Squipment and supplies) (MIRA 11.01) GUSHCHINA, M.N.9 inish.; PAHEM, I.F., Imnd. tokhn. nauk Iquipment used for determining overheating of axle bearings. Zhol. der. transp. 41 no.4:84-87 AP '59. (KIRA 12:6) (Car axles) (Bearings (Machinery)) (Ihilroads--~ plywat and supplies) KRIVITSKIY. K.A. -." PADSM, I.P., 1Mnd..tekhn.n%uk Intercommunication system for railroad service arease Avtom.. telem-i evias 3 no.9:18-20 S 159. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Glavn" spetsiallet tekhnicheakogo otdela Giprotransaignal- evyazi (for Krivitskiy). (Railroads-Communication eyateme) FADERTO, I.?., inzh. Printing apparatus of superhigh speed... Avtom., telem.i oviazi 4 no-3:48 Mr 160. WU 13:7) (ZLect,ronic apparatus and appliances) (I)rinting) , PADERNO, I.p zh. Something now in the audio systems of railroad stations in the U.S.A. Avtom.telem.i sviaz' 4 no.8:47 Jkg '60. (MIRA 13:8) (United States--Railroads--Communication systems) . FADERNO, I. kand.tekhn.nauk -TAP~~ ~,P~ Use of computers and computer-technology by:5raiga railroads. Avt.p telem. i Oviazt 5 no,lt42-46 Ja 161. (MIRA 14:3) (Railroads-Electronic equipment) (Electronic calcualting machinas) PARVITSINA, M.A.~ inzh. (Leningrad); PADM-NO, I.P., kand.tokhn.nauk T7 IT-n4jjgMW) -------- P, -,~? Design of linear power supply networks for remote control systems; Elektriche6tvo noo3:2&32 Mr 162, (MM 15:2.) (Remote control) PADERNO, i. P. (Leningrad) Ranervation with fractional multiplicit3r. Izv. AU SFOR, W. takh. nauk. Energ. i avtom, no.6:168-170 N-D 162. (MIRA 16: 1) (Electronic industries-Qua3ity control) (Automatic control) L'I Al C) s/223/62/ooo/dil/001/002 A055/A126 AUTHORS: Paderno, I.P., Candidate of Technical Sciences, -Lidin, D. TITLE: Problems of reliability PERIODICAL: Avtomatika, telemekhanika I svyazw, no. 11, 1962, 17 - 22 TEXT; The authors explain (on several practical everyday examples) what reliability really is, and stress the importance of resorting to the "reliabili- ty science", especially in telephony and railroads. The fundamentals of the probability law are stated and the exponential law is explained. The determina- tion of the reliability of a system containing n elements whose individual reli- ability is knownis briefly explained, and the probability of faultless opera- tion of two amplifiers is calculated as a practical example. The possibility of increasing the reliability by preventive maintenance is mentioned. At the end of the article the authors briefly describe how music can help In checking the 'faultless operation of electronic computers. A special attachment, reading num- bers and.alphabetic characters directly (without the aid of punched or magnetic tapes) and containing an analytical device for conversion of notes in-to sets of Card 1/2 Problems of reliability 3/223/62/000/0-11/001/002 A055/A126 numbers, is added to the computer, and the computer, operating with thase num- bers, causes a loudspeaker to reproduce the notes. If the music thus reproduced by the computer is faultless, the operation of the computer is faultless, too. There are 2 figures and 1 table. Card 2/2 5/108/62/017/006/007/007 D407/D301 AUTHORS: Paderno, I.P. and Fedorov V. G., Members of the Soci_e_t_y'_(_ze~ Association~ TITLE: Counting of objects PERIODICALt Hadiotekhnika, v. 17, no. 6, 19621' 60 - 67 TEXT: The scanning device and memory cells used in auto- matic counting of objeGtsp are described, as well as the operatir.g- principle involved. It is shown that the problems of counting of ob-~ .jects and of pattern recognition are related: both problems involve the sineling out of one "essential" property, common to all the c,b- jects under consideration, and the neglect of all the other second- ary properties. The counting of the objects is based on the trant;- formation of physical characteristics into an electric-pulse seq7.xence which affects the corresponding memory cells (the cell mosaic). The transformation is effected by means of a two-dimensional scanning system. A pick-up, sensitive to the K-character (i.e. the essential property) of the object, determines the presence of this character. Card 1/4 S/108/62/017/006/007/007 Counting of objects D407/D301 in the scanned zone. Thereupon a pulse is transmitted to the cor- responding memory-cell, which stores the received information un- til it is read. The scanning device should have adequate resolv- ing power: the length of the scanning element should be not more than half the minimum distance between two neighboring dbj6ots. The cell mosaic forms a two-dimensional matrix. On completing the. scanning cycle, the electrical images of the object-shapes appear on the matrix. In order to ensure that (on reading the informat- ion) the count should be accurate, the excited memory-cells which are close to each other, form an electrically-coupled lIK-groupfl, .characterized by the fact that all the cells of such a group are in the same state. The counting of the objects begins after the formation of the X-groups, by transmitting interrogation pulses to the cell mosaic by means of a second scanning-system. The du- ration of the two scanning cycles is determined by the operating conditions of the device and by th 'e-fastness required. The epeci- fic design of the scanning system is selected in accordance with reliability- and convenience requirements. The memory cells of the ---Card- S/108 62/017/006/007/007 Counting of objects D407YD7,01 matrix can be made of contact, as well as contactless elements. Basic diagrams of the 'counting device, consisting of contact (res- pectively contactless) elements, are shown. The principal ele- ments of the counting device are: distributers, mobile electro- magnets, scanning commutators, relays and capacitors. The system also incorporates a selector and a recording device. The number of discharge pulses of the capacitor is determined by the number of K-groups, which corresponds to the number of objects to be counted. If it is required to ascertain the number of objects as a function of time, as in the case of studies of bactericide pro- perties, the recording device can be supplemented by a discrete- to-continuous converter of variables and by a device which records the counting results on tape. There are 8 figures. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-tekhnicheakoye obshchestvo radiotekhniki i elektrosvyazi im. A.S. lbpova (Scientific and Technical Society of Radio Engineering and ~Card 3/4 -198 2 9 -6 5 WT It 1) /EEC (b) - 2/MiA b 777, T, ACCE SSION NR- AP404883: 4. ~i -s AUTROR: Paderno, 1,P. (Leningrud' TITTLE- Reliabilil-y two refierved restorable systv r.-. with one servic-, S,21z-- 2 2 - SOURC E: AN SSS R. T-z v . T v Khn i c n e s K ~i v a i: r 7-1 1 Tw: fit-, 4 TOPIC TAG~S, qutomation. v()ntro: -vstf- ABSTRACT: Th,s article ia a continuation of the au--aoa-s orevious work 'Iz,, AN: 5~SSP, -v !v.,n V