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LONGINOV, B.A.; OVSIYENKO, A.I. Use of now materials for the insulation of regenerator mirrors. Koka i khim. no.1:66 164. (MM 17:2 1. Dnepropetrovskiy kokookhimicheskiy zavol. Distri 4E2o/494J an I'ftlr Mawk St ZZ Mv.L ~M. but con-wed on ctrala %tip) ww~gfowa bi a mcithis mcthW Oil, 19m, 2. 270, ALA., x d11). The ffw4n d1wimlation the n*vic blods imcasm from 23-51 to ~U' with kxrram of Stowth tato thm Ot to &0 mnimin, TtA niwiba of blocks (n) orimed at an nallo AQ to th* mm orkmatioa of the cry%W I fOlkM A OUSMY GlIUM411 IAW: M tj CAPI-al(SUPI. I J W. L 36111-66 -(k mi ijp(c-~_- - ~tva ~.&P ACC NR, Ai'6017,,06 30 1, ".. Cvb~: UR, 012614613211005167-W-)731 J: eolutski,- 1. G. ; UvsiyqrJk~j~ XC.; .I)OrJuv, '. L. Yu. iA1-U511FIr, 11;J~ILU-v u1, lio';d 1111Y31cB A;i Iii-flu-neo uf ulLrasouiA ontne do-rou uf growi from t1,0 melt I'LK a M, LZ,14-.uV i Me Lal IJ vu(ic I I iju, V. 2" ,eIG AG3: alumirium,, metal, cryzilal, crysstallAzatim., uitr--.,,,mc t-fecu, ultrasonir irf-ad!,AiLlf, :;inj;lo cryj-ii Tn,~ uf`oct, ur an ultxf/!:~, r-,(, oi ('7. CT-C 'I- , t,..: .-elt. w::; r ow I Lut-cr , ~, zZI). ,-u, ler1r.crital prv, ed".7-c cr-, t,;JIi.-it,, I i -.1 of a i, - L,,I. -v~ Fi,-. i). "tif. u. . , i ~ L' 'A-Y:;~-;t- Of J LIrLi:III;I (oir,ve-i fr-'~ L!-,(l nd Lt. o,; t ,ii - a c t i ur. ,, j, was a Ye I it Y f.- 5 C) r . hi--notv K r v -L,-. '~2) ard uy c ~,t -iw, zi:,,. c!aii L, . ;1. 0 , rt-:,cnL"I i-raiii-, i(::.] i.-' 13,ylicaL,,~ t of i.1 U~ Card lbk~~ L AWL-" XW(n)1VF(n)-211?1ZVP(t). 1JP(G) -ACC UK: AIP5025325 SOUP= COMS UR/0126/65/020/003/0401/0405 AVD=t Oval-Tenke. D. Its.: Alfintsev, G. A, ORG:, Institute of Natal Maiis. a thmpwk stitut matallof isiki AN MtMR) TITLI: If feet of small additions of silver on the growth of gallium Wpk~_%l f too ajau xt to ' ~rl SOURC19 Fisika matallov I matellovedenlye, v. 200 no. 3o 1965p 401-405 TOPIC TAGS: silver containing alloy,, gallium, siftle cy7stal Vroving. cz7atal Ira" ABSTRACT: In studying the growth mechanism of highly-nJitgallium (>99.9992%) frt3 a'selt, It was Indicated that from studying the (0(11) face during careful cultivation, avoiding vibration and deformation of the crystals, growth was accomplished by two-dimensional nucleation. For this face, there was a charac- teristic presence of-0.46 C super-cooling threshold Imilow which the crystal had practically no growth. it was also determined that light deformation of the growing irystal led to a sharp Increase In growth rate and a change of its tow perature dependence. When the (111) face was usedw the effect of small alloy addition*$ silver, In particular# was investigated. The study on effects of C 1/3 UDC: 542.65 L ACC YK: AP3025325 alloys was especially Interesting since they are always included in sow quantity In the raw metal and can signif icantly affect the degreja of growth rate and the nature of Its temperature dependence. Clarification of this question was i extremely significamt in developing a theory on metal alloy modification and also In developing methods of obtaining single crystallItith any type of structure.1 It was interesting to examine the effect of such additives in quantities which are soluble both In the liquid and solid phases. Silver, which compared to other metals possesses the greatest solubility In solid gallium, was selected in this connection. Deformation of the growing crystal led to a sharp Increase in growth rate of pure gallium crystals and a change In the nature of its temperature dependence. Possibly, the deformation caused the emergence of dislocation and as a result of this, growth of deformed crystate,occured with the help of the dislocation mechanism. Like deformation# small additions of silver ".01 weight %) led to a sharply Increased growth rate. However$ the growth rat* of gallium crystal@ with this addition was lower than the growth rat* of pure gallium deformed crystals&. It was possible to explain these effects no originating from the assumption of the existence of two competitive contradictory processes, ard 2/3 ACC U: AP5025323 0' caused by the presence of the addition. From one point of view, the uneven capture of the addition caused dislocation, facilitating crystal growth but from another viewpoint,, the accumulation of the addition before the crystallization frost hampered the diffusion of stomo of the min substance into the solid phase med tbassetsided the growth* of the crystal which tontaimed defect#. Orig. art* boo. a UP* EM CM I WO DAIS I 233*pt64/ ORIG Ws 004/ M RM 000 Card 3/3 __1 330M--66 ya(c) JD ALL rM 015086 SOURCE CODE: trR/oo2o/66/i68/OOl/OO8O/OO82 ALFMOR: Zasimchuk, I. K*j Ovsiyenko, D. Ye. ,ORG: Institute of Physics of Metals, Acadery of &r."nces 1krSSR (Institut metallo- fiziki Akadendi nauk UkrSSIR) TIME: Effect of _gadmi npurity concentration on the substructure of zinc single ~crystals SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 168, no. 1, 1966, 80-82 TOP1C TAGS: cadmium, crystal structure, zinc, single crystal, crystal impurity, !metal grain structure, crystal dislocation ABSTRACT: Various highly sensiti methods are used to study the effect of impurity concentration on the dislocation tructure of single crystals. The vork vas done on zinc single crystals with cadmium concentrations of 1.10 3, 2 .10-4 , 3.10-2 and 2-10 ! lat.%. The substructure of the crystals vaB studied by x-ray diffraction topography of the crystal surface and by taking reflection curves using the double-crysta.1 spec- trometer principle vhile rotating the specimen. The crystals vith the tvo highest cadmium concentrations vere studied by dislocation etching. The experimental results shov considerable variations in dislocation structure as the impurity concentration is changed. Photomicrographe show that the subgrains are stretched out along the axis of Card L 33008-66 F-A:CC NA, Ap6o15088 g.r-)vth. The orientation of the subgranuler boundaries in the specimens %r1th the two ,Lavest concentrations of cadmium tends to deviate with equ&l probability toward both sAeb from the axis of grcyvtb, while the subgranular boundaries In crystals with con- centrations of 0.03 and 0.2 atl Cd follow the axis of growth very closely. The a-rage dAameter of the subgrain decreases from approximately 1 = for the lowest ~calm!,im concentration to approximately 0.13 mm for the highest Impurity concentration. IThe purest specimens show a fine structure in the form of small dark spots, streaks and lines lying in rove or randomly distributed. The results of elveriments on de- formation of the single crystals suggest that this structure Is due to dislocations for which the Burgera vector has a component normal to plane (10131. Topo raw for ~ ~tne purest zinc specimens show a dislocation density of 105-5-IOS lines/cmf. Isolated 'dislocations are usually not observed in zinc single crystals with caftJum impurities, although specimens with a concentration of 0.2 wtl Cd show a block structure vithin ithe subgrains with elements measuring 40-100 V, and a disorientation of less than I' !between adjacent elements. This type of structure is much less pronouneed In crystals iwith 0.03 at.% Cd. No banded structure vas observed in highly pure Bpeciment, which :may be due to insufficient d-islocation density or to the high mobility ~jf the rubgran- ular boundaries at temperatures close to the melting point. An impurit:y icelIL;Iar) structure is formed with an increase in cadmium concentration to 0.03 at.%, which cnanges the direction of the boundaries In the dislocation substructure and red-ices the size of the structure while simultaneously preventing the formation of auhgranu~'ar boundaries with high disorientation. A further Increase in cadmium concentrntion to Card 2 / I CODE: UR 1, t'Q J'I 0 6 Q U lt~ C F 8 5 /6 h /T n, i- T I T Li iu,;earcii on tr)t- ,rowth mectiantsm and imperfections in metal crIstals So~;t~CE: Arayins'kvy fizvc1invy zhurnal, v. 11, no. 6, 1966, 691-693 TA"z crysTal , metal crystal , ref ractory metal , crystal growth, single 44~9441' growLn, crystal impe-ifection, crystal Iroperty ABSTRAC-1: The All-Union Conference on Growth of Metal Crys"Is wap __ held i-n Kiev, 7-12 June 1965, under sponsorship of the Scientific Council of the Academy of Sciences USSE alqd,~q_ 15SLitute of Ph sics of Metals and Scientific Council of the Ukraini'an Academy:~Mle'n&s. Prod ems prowth mechanism of metal crystals, the formation of dislocation structures n the crystals, new methods for growing 11 ingle crystals, Wdy 6f-TaIngle crystal AlrucLure, and the formation of crystallization ceitte" were discussed. The follAxAng llwts the authairs and subjects of reportil- preseIrTed at the Confer we. ad Temkin, D. Yu. ProbU4 I-the gr 'PULL Us OW, interface crystal-liquid. Lyubov, B. Ya. Theory of nonstationa h of. s by "jps of the forvation of two-dimensional centers. % Card 113 -71 1, 34077-66 ACC NR- AP6018045 Borisov, V. T. Static theory of normal crystal' Rrcvth Wtfi4i.- In ttre author's opinion, is characteristic for metal crystals. Alfints v, C. 0., and 1). Yu. Ovsiyenko. Data Indicating tW4 possibility of growth of high-purity gallium crystals by the formation of two-(imenstonal centers. _~ernkin, V. F. Borisov, and Yu. E Nikonova, . V Yu~ -Matveyv. Results of studies of the Kineti(s of crvstal growth in binary allo"S. saran, Yu. M., A. 1. Bykhovskly, and others. Reports on :he growth of crystals in the solid priasu. Bvkhovskiy, A. I., L. N. Lar Ikov, and V. M. Fal'chenko. )emonstration that crystals of high-nuritv a-tin r1w h v tne dislocation mechanian. Lavrent'vtv, F. F.,V. 1. Idatov, and Yu. G. Kazarov. R!port on the development of 0 _~,~_thods tor gr.owing sinple crystals of low-melting meta13. .SavitskiL,_ Ye.-M., V. F. Terekhova, V. Ye. Koles nichenko, and S. V. TsIvinskiy. 8 efractory met Discti.~,, ion of methods for growing sIngle crystal of r als Ovsiy r'I'01 -J. Yu., Contemporarv concepts on the formation of the disiocation structure in growing single crvstals from melts, which is of primary importance in obtaining single crvstals with required 9tructure and properties. Sosnina, K. I., and 1. K. Zosimchuk. Discussion of the effect of impurities on the number of imperfections In crystays, depending on the nature of impurities and con- ditions of growth. Rozin, K._M., B. 1. Birman, B. L. Timan, and others. Reports on the distribution of impurities at the crystal iz-a`i-Fo__n_rr`ont. Savitsl(iy, Ye. M., V. n. Yesin, and others. Reports on tivestipatiOnS of thP dig- located structure of refractory metals bdenum, tungiten, tantalum, etc.)- moly Card- - -.- - _1~ ___ r j t ri t lm n It I na r-v A I rv q as t i n - a n ra t e s o' It 1) (, I I t and e-cpresserl nceft r w i I r ry 9 La I i. wh I c it i i f p r I ma r v I i ma t 1 on and i t -; Fi f f P, t on pt~vq i t P r 1 7 it I i ,n unde r cond t I I onF; () f Jeep ;1j; C,- 1, ~ 41 Card 0 1/ S iycvK 0. 6. r4. KOnKTAKC, A. S.,- MMINSMTN. L. I. ; PITROVSK IT. S. D. ; OVS IYINIO. G. P1. . BAEUSOV, V.Y~.; GARY. S.Z.; IJUTA, V.I., radairtor; RUIZNSKIT. Ta.T.. takhnAcheskiy redsktor [Theory of mechanisms and machinery; manual fcr course@ in dotigning) Teorita mekhanizzov t mashin; rukovodetvo po Vursovomu proek-tirova- nitu. Kiev. Goo. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashincetrott. I sudostroit. lit-ry, Ukrainskoe otd-nie, 1954. 139 p. (MIRA '1:11) (Machinery) (Mechanics) KURZKYAKU. Aleksandr Stepanovich. KIIEKFANSHTM, Lev I saakovinh: PL'rHC,VSKIY, Sergey Dmitriyevich; OVSITMO, Gr '_14Q klmlovich; HAKILOOV. Yauilijy Yefimovich; UTTI, V.I., i- re .~-79DWMIT, Ta.Y., (Theory of mechanisms Rnd machines; manual for the cmirse in designing] Teoriia mokhenitmov i meahin; ru)covodetvo po k-ureovomu proaktirovaniiu. Pod red. A.S.Koroniako. hd.2.. dop. i perer. liev, Goa. nnuchno-tekhn. I zd-vo maahinostrolt.llt-ry, 1956. "06 p. (MIRA iz*-)) (Mechanical engineering) (Machinery) 0 0 M0 *1 1 0 Ic ell C:4 0Ic 1) 0 10 D! a 0 0 0 ,e 2 0 c 0 d, -60 1. '"n 0 6, Q, to U, C MV 1. 0 0 4) o2 2 2.1 C~ a d ~ 10* :3 1c, gv.e o 00 a '62 cl ,2 g J. Cc IC .0 10 0 .4 5 - .1 Oi .- V a , 0 no, 00 Igw_ o I KORMAKO. Aleksandr Stepanovich; KREMENSHTETN. Lev leaskovich; PETROVSKIT, Sergey I)mltriyovich~-oyqLT-ELIKQ.-kica-r~z- MikbByjoYi-C,h:._HAKHANOV. Vasilty Yefinovich; ERCLEVITS, H.S., Gts,n , kand.takhn.nBuk. retsenzent; PILIP1110, Tu.P.. red.: GORNOSPAATPOLOSEATA, H.S.. LProJect work for course credit In the theory of mechanisms and machineej lureovoe proektirovonie po tecril nelthanismov I mashin. ltd.).. dop. I perer. Pod red. A.S.Koreniakc. MoFikvA, Gos.nAuchno-taichn. iad-vo mashinoetroit.lit-ry, 1960. 259 p. (MIRA 14:3) kNechanical engineering) OVSITITIKO, G.K. (Ovalienko, H.M.J Caui3ee of loosening of nuts in axial vibri.tion. Dop.All URS'.! no. 5:5 )5-600 '60. (MUU, 13:7) 1. Kiyevski7 politekhnicheekly Institut. Predstavleno akadeimikom All 'jSSR F.P. 3slyankinym CY.F. Bialiankinym. . (Bolts and nuts--Vibrations) OVSIYENKO), G.M., inzh. Effect of axially directed ribrations on the. loosening of IlUts in stressed threaded fastenings. Hashinostrienie no.1:87-91 Ja_F 163. (MrRA 16:7) 1. Kiyevskly olitakhnicheakiy institut. Nolts and nuts-Vibration) ho I OVS Technical training of students. Grashd.ay. 17 no.10:19-20 0 160. (NDU 13:9) lo lbehallulk Rishokogo aviatsionnogo uchilishchm spetsolushb Grashdanskogo vosdumbnogo flota. (Aeronautics-Study and teaching) OVS]YENKOP N, 11- - The cybernetic: machIne Ln the role or Q~-, teacher. Grazhd. av. 21 no,5t28-30 MY 164. (MIRA 18;j 1. Nachal'nik RIMiskogo aviatsicnnogo 3pe',R-"31'nyKh sluzhb Grazhdanskogo vozdu6hnogo f'IoUj. OVS I YENKO. 1.1 . ; MIRZUTW A. N.N. ; KIRIL1A)V, M.To. Finish the landscaping and planting of the yards. Gor. khoz. Mosk. 10 no.B:P.3 of cover Ag '56. (KLRA 9:10) 1. Upravlyushchty domami domoupravleniya no. 82 Loningradekogo rayons. (for Oveiyenko). (Moscow--Landscape gardening) SILB01AMOY, A.L., professor; GWITS, R.N., starchiy naticlinyy aotrudnik-; BHUSIIITSY- N.A. M.P.; VjWITSKIY. V.P.; OALrJKO, Yu.H.. direktor; OVSIYIOKO. 1.I., do- tsent, direl-tor. Certain data on the role of the cerebral cortex in the pat=,genesis of re- actions which occur following trunsfusion of difflerent-type blo6u. Vest. khIr. 73 no.4:9-13 JI-Ag '53. (MI-A 6: R ) 1. WralnRkiy nauchno-insledovatollskiy inotitut perelivuniya krovi (for Orlenko). 2. tkrainskiy inetitut unovershenstvovaniva vruchey (for Ovsi:-11- ko). (Blood--T-ransfus ion) (Brain) KARTAVIE, V.A., doteent; LYaMOVITSKIY, M.M., professor. zaveduyushchiy; MIUM, I.I., dotsent, direktor. Tochnique of stoppIng hemorrhages from cerebral eirruses. Vor,. no I roicri I r. 17 no.):54-55 My-Je '53. (KLJLA b:8) 1. Filial 2-y khirurgicheskoy kliniki Ukrainal:ogo inatituta usovershen- stvovaniya vrachey (for Lartavin and Lyakhovilakiy). 2. Ukrainski7 institut usovershenetvovarLiya vrqchey (for Ovidyanko). (Brain-Hemorrhage) OVSIYrNKO, P.I.; 2ENINA, M.N. Grease for steel cables. 11rudy MakNII 14. -~.p. j~or. , no. 5. 14u- 15 5162. ( ?C RA I b - t- , (Mine hoisting-Eq,iipment and supplies) (Lubrication and lubricants-Tegting) FERTF.L MEYSTER, Y,.N.j ., M.N. Quality of grease for ?~olst!--,w Tr,dy ~hkNll 121 70p, gor, a1ek*.romekn. no.4 . - I -, -I (MIFLA 16, t ' (wire rope' k --at'on and lubricants) 'Lubri anly, . -.. --... , , i. Study of *np fr',~tlm ; roTert,.ea ~,f lnng materlble -)f ~:-Vlnf 8~.E7-!. Trudy Fae.N.Tl '60- ( M: ~~A '!)i' ~!, - 1 1.111 (Frictlon' OVSIYENKO. P.I. Effect of the inertia of the mass of a hoistiiLg cable an the amaunt of cohesive force crf the cable and the lining of the hoisting sheave. Trudy MakNII 12, Vop. gor. e:Aktromrkh. no.41 279-283 161. (MIRA 16t6) (Mine hoisting) OVSITENKOP P,I. - . - ,re re rm ion of the "ad of the approach of cages to s&fet7 devices on multirope hoists. Trud7 K&kNII 12: Vop. gar. elaktromakh. no.4:291-304 161. (MIRA 16t6) (Mine hoisting) OVS IYUKO - , V. [Ov3iionko, A.) Automatic glass. Znan. ta pratsia no.7:12 J3 161. (MIP,% 1,4:8, (Glass research) KILIDISHEVP G.; OVSIYENKO, V, 'A,djusting and calculAtion of distribution series* b7 A. 1. 8zhov, Vop, ekon, no.12-114-117 D 162. (MIRA 161l) (Hathemtical statistics) OVSIYIM O..-Y._ ,, %W -- "' - Academic conference on problems In the astiodolo" of the statisti- cal study of labor prodiActivity in the SovLet economy. Top. ekon. no.3:149-155 Kr 157. (NLRA lOr6) (IALbor productivity--Sta-,istics) AUTHCR: Ovsiyenko, V. Jk-J/.,-: I C TITLE: Post-Wa-r Censuses in the ',: in,~r` -fthe People's Democracy (Poslevo7erinyye p~re,,.is. n-,se_en_- v stranakh naro.l.noy jemokrazii" PERIODICAL: Vestnik statistitki, 1959, Nr 1, -,, 7G (USSR) ABSTRACT: Between 1945 and 1956 all Euro-,ean -_-ntrles of People's Democracy conducted censuses. A table shows the years when the censuses were cariied out. The experience of Soviet stati- stics had a favorable influence on the orgra- nization of these censuses. The article c_n- tains a brief description cf the last censuses conducted in these countrics. It stites which residents were registered in th-1, various coun- tries, the dates for which th(, censu.;es were fixed and how long they laf;t-d. In '! ~nfr-,r-i, e.g., - 15 days, in Albanib - ' It gives Fvirticulars on the met',ods an. ori~ani_ Card 1/3 zation applied, on the control mride nfter A 7". -, Post-Wax Censuses in the ~ountrie.-, of the Feople'B Democracy ell ~.. physical defect-~ ~.,.-e .... .. . . The:-e i:-, one tab.c. Card 3 /3 c4 Month! List -f Puss iqn Acc,,-ssi --ns Ll~,r-trv f C(.ngr- ;s , OVSIENKO, V.A. Zav. Otdelom ekonomiki, Vsesoiuznyy nauchnoissladovatellskiy Institut libiar,.Ykh kulltur Dost. sellkhoz., 1952. no. ) - OVSEYFNhQ.-1.Y,.- i n7h. Defectm In reinforced concretp poles On lir kv. transmission lines. Elek. sta. I? electric r.