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GVMAMID. I-Irk., insh. Calculation of an unflooded spillway with lateral pressure. Irv.v7s. meheb.sam.; snerg. no.9:104-111 S 158. (KIRA 11:11) 1. Navocherkanakiy Inzhenerno-moliorativW Istitut. (Hydraulic enginoering) ,,, -1, 66174 SOV/143-59-9-18/22 AUTHORS Ovcharenko, I.Kh., Engineer TITLEs The Problem of Calculating High-Speed Flows of Rectangular Cross- Section PERIODICAL# laventiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Energetika, 1950, Nr 9, pp 114-121 (USSR) A.11STRACTs The basic differential equation for a steady-state irregular mo- tion way be written in the following form (ftecording to M.D. Cher- tousov (Ref.10))t - dz - dh V * dhf (1) where dz . change of the coordinates of the free surface of the flow in an elementary section da; dh, = magnitude of pressure, used for creating a velocity in the section ds; Of a friction losses. The integration of this equation was per-formed by many hy- draulics experts in the USSR and abroad. The works of Soviet scientists are mentioned in this connectiont D.A. Bakhmetev (Ref. 2), N.N. Pavlovskiy (Ref.9), I.I. Agroskin (Ref.1), M.D. Chert3u- sov (Ref.10), M.M. Skiba (Ref.7) and others. The basic equation Card 1/4 of an irregular motion and its integrals were established for th 41--, 66174 SOV/143-59-9-18/22 The Problem of Calculating lligh-Speed riow8 of Rectangular Cross-Section case of slowly changing motions, or the absence of centrifugal forces. In actual practice, there are frequently caties, where a flow, passing tbru some structure, is deformed to such an extent that the model of a slowly changing motion may no longer be used. Centrifugal forces will appear, which are expressed in the afore- mentioned equation by dh,, thus - dz - dh v * A f * dh i * (2) The presence of the magn,'* ;e dhi complicetes the integration of the equation to a consideraole extent. There are at-tempts in solv- ing this problem theoretically, for example G.I. Sukhomel (R~f.S), however, no results for practical use have been obtained. Taking into consideration the difficulty of solving this problem by theo-- retical methods, the author attempted to solve experimentally the case of a high-speed flow in a rectangular cross-section. These investigations dealt with s a) the determination of the degree of flow deformations in the cross-section of the model, depending on the compression of the flow upon entering; b) studies of generallv known integrals of the equation (1) concerning their use in cal- Card 2/4 culations of deformed flows; c) determination of empiric deponden-~~ q , 66174 SOV/14:1-59-9-18/22 The Problem of Calculating High-Speed rlove of Rectangular Cross-Section cies for calculating the depths in the cross-section. The investi- gations were performed at the Novocherkasak Institute of Meliora- tion Rngineering during 1957 and 1958 under the guidance of Can- didate of Technical Sciences, Docent U.N. 3kiba. A model of a high-speed Ylov was built especially for theme investigations. Its plan in shown in fig.4. The dimensions of the model are list- ed. According to the method of Professor A.P. Beresiaskiy (Ref.3), only one half of the flow was investigated. The results of these investigations were compiled in seven sets of graphs. Deviations of theoretical values from experimental data are given in percen- tages. Using formulas of M.M. Skiba, I.I. Agroskin and Bussinska- Bakhmetev, the author derives a calculation method for the curves of a free surface in high-speed flown of rectangular profile. Ex- perimental data of A.P. logthda (Ref.5) are mentioned in this con- nection. This paper was presented by the Kafedra gidravliki (MAir of Hydraulics). There are 2 diagrams, 7 sets of graphs Card 3/4 2 tables and 10 Soviet references. ~K OVCHAMNKO, I.Kh. Stationary vaves in chute spillways. Trudy NPI 106:105--109 160. (14TRA 15:5) (Spillvaye) C'ICHARENKO, I. K.,-.. , Csn,-,. Tecri. Scl. (dis") lllnveetlr--atior~ and m~ -.. -- e 5e C '. I :., " HyJrRulic Computrition of II-)yatrotakov" C;f , C Kiev, 1961, 31 pp. 'Kiev Auto~,Oulle--~On,' Ih8t.) 16C copies (KL Supp 1 -,-, ) - OVCHARENKO, I.Kb., inmh. Calculating chutrva with rectinf7ular cross ap.-ctions. 1zv.Tv13. uchah.sav.; enorg. 2 no.9:114-121 S 'S9. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Novocherkasskiy i"hmnnrnn-meliorat1vny-y institut. Prodntavlana kafedroy gidravliki. (Hydranlir enginooring) 'OV/14~ -58-,--1C/18 AUTHOR: Ovcharenko, I.Kh., Engineer TITLE: On Lomputing a Non-Flooded Sollway with a Lateral Compression ~K voprosu o rwabate nezatoplennogo vodosliva s bokovym szhatlyem/' PEHIODICAL: Izvestiya v-ysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy - Lnergetika, lj5B, Nr J, pp 104-111 (USSR) ABSTRACT: There are a number of works on this problem, aii of which however, make further tests nceessary. Tne author feeis that the throughlut capacity of a slii~_ way is Influcncec by the following lact(.rs: a) 1he degree oi lateral compression; b) '.he proportional width of the spillway; c) The slope factor of the supply channel. -ests were made in t,'-,E nyarauiic iabora!.ory cf the Novorcrici-kassk Ameiioration L-nginEc-r- ing Institute in ldt;7 under the cirectiun -1 N.M.Skita. The tests ano calculations show that the c.pacity of a spillway deiends not only on the form of the su~,iy Card I/1- channel, but also on the slope factor of thc ch.,nnel I I ~ v I . -, I . I I OTCHARX111D, I.-Te.; TOITSKIT, L.N.; TARMIN, V.I. Vibration constants and dissociation energy of the BeCl molecul-. Opt. I spektr. 8 ne.6:746-751 Je 160. (MIRA 1318) (Silicon chloride--spectra) Ovc~~O,- ;,Ye. lt:~- - 14xltiply superharwaic functions. Us.mat.nat# 16 no.3:IcY7-200 v,qJe 161. (MIRA 14:8) (Harmonic functions) OVCHMNIO,j I.Te.; VMAKOV, Yu.Ya. Bands of the SIM molecul* In the region 3220-2735 A. Opt.i spektr. 13 no.5t635-"l N 162. (KMA 15 t12) (Silicon chlorld"pectra) I.Ye. OVCHARENKO) Use of the mettod of direction functionaln In the theory of precommuting operators. L)okl. AN SS,;R 154 no.5t103R-1041 F164. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Odesskiy inzhenerno-strnitellnyy institut. Predstavleno akademikom L.S. PnntryaFinym. OVCHARENKO, :.Ye. Continuation ~." . A'i AT7-33P. 38 no.53257-26! '61.. ("I'liA ~ ": 6) I yj 4 n.,) T.. 1.,,j t, ?re J s * - v] Pno ay. find - 1. x c r 1 . Odesq)c t , -. nz nanorno-q t.rc I to ' I n AN SSR M.M.Dzkirlxiqrynncm. L 7V K' Ir. V r-, -V . t. s/031/62/Ul3/Go-5/oo3/ol7 E202/E192 AUTiiORS: oveharenko, I.Ye., ;%nd huzyakov, Yu.Ya. TITLEt The bands of the SiCl molecule In the region of 1220 - 2735 1 111. 14 1 U U I C A L: () 1, t I ka i -; pt, k t r o s k o p i y a , v. 13, no. 5, 19 b 2, UU 4 1 TLXT: 1--41n8 -tetalled experime-Tital data from the zero linet., and Demlandres' tables, the authors determined vibrational constants W ; W X for the B27 ; x2riV2 and x2r-il/2 -t-t-,s of tile Si28CI35 and S128CI37 molecules, in order to Interpret further the bands of the B - X system in the region ;~630-277u and to find in particular reliable vibrational constants for thf. ~ 2 1 excited state. The SIC14 vapour discharge tube uso-d was ul the type uspd by Ji. Sciluler (Spectrochim. Act&, v-'i, 1950, 63). Various types of di8chargea in the SiC14 were tried to embrace tht, various SiCl bands. Low current density glow discharge wait used to isolate the hitherto not described low intensity baiids, e.g. an extensive Deslandres beries with v' = 2, and a large number of bands in the iLsotopic molecule. A special high current density, Card 1/2 Tile bands (it' the SiCl molectile in . . . impulse discharge tiibu with a cvntral constriction, previously described (I.Ye. uvcharpnko. L.N. Tunitmkiy, V.I. )akutin, optik,i i spektr. 8, 1960, 74b), was viNed in exciting high vibratit)ival levels to observe the bands with v" = 8 and v' 4.5 - also hitherto unobAerved. In all, 16 new bands oL the B - X system of the Si 28 C1 35, and 21 bands of the isotopic molectiles, were identified and tabulated, reducing the wavelength in air to wave- numbers in vacuum by means of the Kayser tables. Tile extensive transverse v' = 2 series and the bands (3,1), (4,1) and (.).2) yielded much higher accuracy in the determination of the vibrational constant of the upper excited state B2 E and also served as a cross-check. There are 2 tables. SUBMITTED: beptember 14, 1961 Card 2/2 1 ~ - -f 3 /OU/W/008/06/OD2/0 2 4 J-*JO i2ol/2691 APTBM i Oveharmaw'O, 4.1p., Tunitsidy. L.N. " laimt1a, V.I. TITLM Analysis of the Fine Structure of the 3101 Molecular Bonds PMUODIULt OVUM I spektrookoplys. 1960, Vol 8, Nr 6. pp M-761 (USSR) ABBIUCTs Four electron states 42n, DL C2,& Wed ID2Z) of the gial aqlqcQlq are i~ (Rats 1-4) - The vibrational constants of these four *totes were reported by joveme (Rot 4) and are listed In Table Is the constants with question marim were considered unreliable by jovema. fte pgassal paper reports now values of the retatimal constants of the 301, xlq~/2' xafty2 states, derived from the rotiktional analysis of the (1, 0), (0, 0) and (0, 1) bands of the 92-1 -* On transition. The spectra of SIM were ozelted In a quartg pule"Ischarge tube, similar to one used earlier (Rof 6) and show schimatically in a f1pro sm p 7". The tube me filled with a mixture of silicon tetrachloride and helium. The spectra were photographed with 4L DM-3 spectrograph is the third order (dispersion or 0.57 I/M' resolviag power of 432 ON), And measured with a 11A-2 comparator Card 1/2 (an iron or* spectno me used As the lovelongth standard. of. Table 2). -9 :49 Jhue n 19 RGY AND DENSITY OF IONS IN AN ELZCTROMAGNETIC TRAP (USSR) NE 0.. 0., L. L Ovshmen B.-~ Go Safronov, V. 0. Sidorkin, and A- Nemash"lo. Ukrayinalkyy #zichW zhurnal, V. a. no, 4 Apr 1963, OZ-459.*.. 51195/63/008/004/006/015 -density plasma in an electromag- for tAe confinement of low ne-tic 'trap have been inve_sUgatc& The density and lifetime of electrons, the and _d dps~ft energy of ions, and the magnitude of, the. potential w e I I w e r e The density of electrons in thefrap-al'the moment of space- charge- formation was det~rmined:hy theinjection current of electrons. The :.:_deitsity of electrons after termination of the injectio'nvai determined from Ihe. electron emission occiArring while the elettrostatic: trap was openand thwrh ian,energyof the em erging. ions, by the retarded -potential 'm e t h o d. iergy of the'potentW well was determined by the passage time of krypton er _._:,.jon4 through the inner region of the trap. The actual: iowenergy is the sum Card 2/2 ACCESSION NRs AT4025313 8/0000/63/000/000/0233/0236 AUTHORS: Lavrent'yev, 0. A.; Nemaahkalot S. A.1 Ovcharenko, L. I.1 Safronov, B. G.r Sidorkin, V. A. TITLE: Measurement of potential well in a plasma by means of the time of flight of charged particles SOURCEi Diagnostika plazmy* (Plasma diagnostics); ob. statey. Moscow, Gosatomizdat, 1963, 233-236 TOPIC TAGSi plasma research, ionized plasma, plasma source, plasmia injection, plasma confinement ABSTRACT: A method is proposed for measuring the poteitial of a plasma du~ring the time of flight of a beam of charged particles through the plasma. In the case of a dense plasma, w).en the Deby"- screening radius is small and the electric fields in the plasma are concentrated in a narrow boundary layer, methods using beam& of Card 1/4 ACCESSION NR: AT4025313 charge particles entail experimental difficulties. The operation of the experimental setup is such that after the injection pulse is Icompleted, the potential of the grid of the plasma gun becoires lower than the cathode potential, and the electrons are locked in a trap. The plasma is produced as a result of ionization of the re- sidual gas by the electrons. 7he potential well is measured by passing a modulated beam of krypton ions through the plasma. The time dependence of the plasma potential in determined from oscillo- grams which slow the phase shift of the ions in the beam. Orig. Iart. has: 4 figures and 6 formulas. 1ASSOCIATIONt None SUBKITTED: 190ct63 !SUB ODDE: .mj~ >. 1 Card 2/4 DATE AM 16Apr64 NR REP SM 001 ENCL: 02 OTHER: 001 ACC NR: At'7 ~-,jz'906 SOURCE CODE: URJ0185/66joll/()r)9/,')(ib_, i.1vrent',mv, 0. A.; Oveharenko, L. I.; ' a f ronov, B. H. ', ydo r,~ I ~u-r:n~~ineerin:~ F)stiLutc, Acndemy of Sciences, iJmi,,ov lRstvt~i' AN' ct,-on injeclio;, Into on eloctroi-iagnetic trnp ravtmt~'Kvv fIzvchnvy 7.hiimnl, v. it, n,.. o, 1966, 9~~,-owj ti c v, r V" V. ;vc - I Or.1C' a:,;;;" c " e c Tilu L :,-Ion of the c* iz~ witri kit c'1 !L ',i. ahcan Lic i-,',vcngLh i,, crltic.1 V,ilue Lhe eacape oj c, tro-..j. fr,;. tr~ia Lrap io conoi-,onec, by iffuaimi proceanes ovily. urIA. t-irl. 3 6, 4 1_~/ -Card L 2404846 ACC NRs AT6008946 where alo is the charge exchange cross section; no is the density of the residual gas R is the radius of the region occupied by the plasma. This relationship may be used to establish the energy distribution of the stream of ions circulating in the trap from the distribution of neutral ions. By narrowing the time interval for registra- tion of the recharged particles, the variation in the intensity of a strean of ioniz- ed atoms of a given energy may be plotted an a function of time, which means that the same may be done for the intensity of ions of a given energy in the trap. It is shc 'that there is a hot plan with an average ion energy of the order of 400 ev in an electromagnetic trep,, %ban the Injected electrons have an energy of the order of 2 kev. The decay time after the Injection pulse Is 50-00 psoc which ogre*& with the previous- ly measured lifetime for hot electrons in this trap. A cAmparison of the lifetimes for ions with various energies shows large losses of low energy ions. This is ap- ParOntly due to an limmase In the cross section of resonance charge exchange for hy- -dreges Imms,at I= w~ergiesp, Orig. wt. has: 3 figures. SUB CODCt 20/ DATE: 200ct65/ ORIG mr: 003/ OTH REF: ODO OW 2/2AAOP VlA.,,'SlAVSY.IY, V. M. : ,. -:! , - , '. . ;i I*, ~ , l'ie , " . .. . . I., - , i , , , . I . F a r I, IT, )Yr ~ -,,r-) L f,j I oro ..vto0,,Z.viA.l'f tva . ( rrar ,portat.l )n , , , 1, )rT. )I . .,. '. DOROGLINTSEV, V-G-, kand.tekhn.nauk (MoFkva); -OVCHAROKO, N.I., kand.tpkh. nauk Olloskva) Cprtain nrotirmm conef-minp the -onstructi.,)n of a towor direct")nal r.-lay 1,ased on the Hall pf-.'Pct. El ektrichestvo no. 9: 57-f ~$ 1 ~I . Wlt- 14:0 (Electric relays) OWNIN, V.K., insh.; Prinjaij uchaatiye: OVCHLRENKO, M.I,, tekhnik; MWTZMA, AJI., tekhnik Heat treatment and the uschwacal properties of lXhl2N2VMF steel. Stall 23 no.2:162-166 F 163. (MIRA 16:2) (Chromium-edakel atA91-Heat treatment) OTCRARM-90, NON,, vypnek; YAROCHUX, A.T. [lAremchuk, A.T.), (2conomy of Lvov Province; a statistical sis=all Narodne hospodarstvo VvIvelkol oblasti; statystychn7i sbirnyk. Vviv. Dorahstatvyday. 1938. 338 P. (KIn 12:3) 1. bnm (Previnee) Statystychnis uprevIlnuis. (Lvov Province-loonomIc conditions) 011~FIRENIKO, M. V. , (Veterin ry Surf-eon, Nort I -B a ike I Ralon, Burynt Eenonovocillin in necrothcil3eals of --eindeer Veterinarlya vcl. -T, no. IC, October 114-1, pp. Pl-P'O. OVCHARMO. N. , ins h. &let-tronics in the gprvice of Industrial hygiene. Okhr. truda I sote.strakh. 3 no.6:5?-58 Je '60. (MMA 13:7) (Ilectronl~~ waaurement) OTCRLRMIOI No. InIh. Blectroulc apparatus 9"Dds on guard' Okhr.tru" I sOtB- strakh. no.12:62-6) D 159. (MIRA 13:4) (Blectronic apparatus and appliances) (Indum trial hygiene) OVCHLEMO.-N.. insh. glectronic safety devices. Okhr.truda i ootn.otrakh. U .7: 68-69 JI 059. OJRA 12:11) (Industrial 9&fety) Ph'TaOV. To.; OVCrlAallXU, 11. itole of Ind-istrial teleTi8ion in indlistrial hypiene. Ok:�Lr. trnda i aots.9trak-h. no.5:83-8's N '58. (KIRA 12: 1) (Indiiatrial tnleviaion) (Induatrial hygiene) PETHOV. Yo.; OVGWINUKO. N. - -- Automtic control of electric lights. Okhr.truda i sots.itrukh. no.5:PA-86 N '58. (MIRA 12:1) (Electric lighting) OTGRA . N insh. :A-,~ '11~ Burner for singeing pig carcasses and heads. Vies. Ind. SSSR 29 no.1:45 158. (MIRA 11:3) l.Rostovskly-na-Donn If"okombinat. (ftcking houses-Rquipiment and supplies) Orch,4e'L,~\, J~, OVCHARANKO. N.: TKACHOKO. G. Improvement for horizontal vacuum pans. Klan. tad. SSSR 28 n0.5:29-31 '57. (KIRA 11:1) 1. Hostovskly-na-Domi myasokombinat. (Drying apparatun) (Meat industry-liquipment and supplies) OVCHARIIM. N.I., kand. takhn. nauk Special features of symmetric current components of double contacts to ground. Izv. VY6. ucheb. zav.: energ. 2 no.2:52-62 7 159. (MIRA 12:7) 1.Moskovski.v ordena Lenin& enargetichaski- inatitut. Predstaylena kafedroy relsynoy zashchity i avtomatizataii energosiatem. Ollectric current*--Grounding) OVCHKaHKO, bl. , i nzh. Electronics ails safety. Oichr.truda I 3ots.strairh. ) n0.,+: 68 AP 'bo. (MMA 13:6) (Ile-Lronic tqparutus and appliances) Mkikhi~!~LL, N.A. FLifillment of socialist obligations to aid FL&r'culture it' t. c.:. of the 2-2d Congress of the CPSU. .'-.azved. i -,kh. n.Ar 1,7 rx.~~ 59-60 Ag 161. 1. Lkrainskiy respublikanskiy Kor-t-. soy,-z.-. rabochikh C-oolot~orazvedochnykIl rabo* (ohirokt,yp, Lis~rict (bneprcpetrovsk in s OYCHUM 0, N.I., kand.tekhn.nauk Filtering devices using semiconductors for relay protection installations. Izv.v7s.uchsb.z&v.; energ. 3 ac-6:21-27 ,6o. (KIRA 1):0) 1. Moskovskiy ordena Lenina, energeticheskiy institut. Pred- stavlena kafedroy rel4noy zashchity i avtoriatizatsii energeti- chegkikh sistem. (Blectric lines) (Blectric protection) 4 PETROV. Ye.A., Inzh.;.0VCHARIITKO. Photoelectric automatic control of lighting. Prow.energ. 12 no.8:24-27 Ag 157. (MURA 10:10) (Photoelectric cells) (Ilectric lighting) j - "I I FWMV, YO.A., inzh.; OVCHAJMKO, N.I.. inzh. - - - Dmvices for checking the condition of the grounding conductor of olectric Instruments. lknergatik 6 no.3:31-32 Mr 158. (XlU 11t2) (Ilectric instruments) FUIKIN, V.Vp inzh.; DOROGUNTSEV, V.G.,, kand.tekhn.mauk; DVCURIMKO, Nj.,_ kand.tekhn.nauk Direktional power relay based on galvanamagnetic effecte. INW. vys.ucheb.zav.; energ. 5 no,11&24-29 N 062, (MIRA 15112) 1. Moskovskiy ordena lomina mergeticheskiy institut. Predstavlena ka.fedroy releyno7 mahchity i avtmatizataii energomistam. (Electric relay) CVGHARENKO, h.1., kand.takhn.nauk Use of the Ra.11 effect in tlectric power engineer~~ng. irom. energ. 18 n9.7:28--35 JI 163. (MIltA 16:9) (Hall affect) (Electric measurements) OVCHARENKO, N.I. D.c. voltage galvRnomagnetic amplifier. Prib. i tekh. eksp. '7 no.11:107-109 Ky-Je '62. (MIRA lr-:7) 1. Moskovskiy energeticheskiy Irstitut. (Magnetic amplifiers) VC)SIRDKNMV, Nikolay Nikolayevich; DOROGUNTSEV, Uktor Gavrilovich; MARANCHAK, Vad1l1y Faicarovich; OVCHARUIW,, Nikolay 111lickj_ SIROTINSKIT, Tevgeniy Leonidovich; FABRIWT, Veniamin Llvovich; *fVANOV V.r., prof., retmmseatj GIZIL, YO.F.P dots.1,X815 wmi; SIROTKO, V.Y,., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsen~ zent; SOLOVIYEV, I.I., prof., red.; FXDQUYEV, A.M., prof., red.; OVSYANNIKOVA, Z.G., red.; GOFDKHDVA, S.S., [Use of transistors in relay protection and system automa- tios)Primenenie poluprovodnikov v ustroistyakh releinoi sashchity i sistemnoi avtomatiki. Moskva, Vysshaia shkola, 1962. 282 p. (MIRA 16:3) (Electric protection) (Electric relays) (Transistor circuits) 43260 S/143/62/000/011/001/002 U201/U308 AUTHOM: Budkin, V.V., 1-1'ngineer, Doroguntsev, V.G. and Qvchar-.- cnl:o, Candidates of Technical Sciences TITIL Power flow relays based on the Hall Effect Izvestiya vysshil-h uchebny1ch zavedeniy, EnergeLika, no. 11, 1962, 24-29 TaT: The authors analyze the oneration of a ;.)ower protec- tion relay hav~,n~; t-aq Hall affect sensing elements which constitute the load. Of relay. Owing to two sensing, elements there are no second harmonic components of the Hall emf. Com:)ared with the existin-, type of Hall ".ffect protection relay the unit dos- cribed has a -reatly increased sensitivity. This is achieved by: a) restricting the deriodicity of the change oZ magnetic induction in the current circuit by lowerinr, the voltage to its minimum per- missible value; b) by limiting the magnetic induction and power dis- sipated in the current circuit due to S.C. currents exceeding the nominal value; c) by momentary increase of iTu)ut power of sensing Card 112 OVCHARENED, N.I. ---- ------ Safpt 'v ds-vice for limitinp danFerous currents stould a brpak oc-ur in tN- wires if a trol'~.v line. P-om. enerp. If --). ' ' : 3(- 3F N I AP. ( MU RA 14: Q ) (FlPetric protection) (Electric lines--Gverhead) (Electrin cranes) OVCHARENKO, Nikoley Illich; KHAUSTAlEVA, N.I., red.; GOROUOVA, S.S., %eklm. red. [Galvanomagnstic effects in semiconductors and their technological uses] Gallvancmagnitnye lavleniia v polil- provodnikakh i ikh tekhnicheskoe ispollzovanie. Moskvn, Goo. izd-vo wVysshais, shkola," 1961. 99 p. (MIRA 15:4) (Semiconductors) (Hall effect) FABRDLAIIT, Veniamin Llvovich.; JVCHA;Xli'KO, 11,1 , red.; Al IINAYEA , N -A.; tekhn. red. I (Filters with -rometrical curponpnts] ii I 'try si:nxctrichrykh . porer. Xookvti, ~oseierj-~Azcat, -,o9tavliaiiAs!:chikh. 2. 423 1, (Eloctr'Ic .".1torn) (hadlo filter-0 MHARENKOJP N.I., kand. tekhn. nauk Hall effect in sesiawa6miarie- Prom. energ. is no.5147-51 MI 163. (MIRA 16W (Hall effect) (Semiconductors) 11-N, OVCHARENKO, N.1.9 kand.tekhn.nauk Using electronics In safety engineering in mehinery-industry plants. Vest.mwb, 41 no.707-81 n 161o (MIFA 14:6,' (Wehinery induntry--Safety mamures) FETROV, Tevgenly Andreyevichi OVCHAWK0, Nikolay Illich; KASATKIN, A.S., prof., retsenzent; # retsifizent; POPOV, G.A., inah., red.; DZINDA, Ye.M., red. izd-va; DOERITSM. R.1., tekhn. red.; SKIRNOVA. G.V., tek1m. red. [Electronic devices for the protection of workers in the machinery industryl glektronrWe ustroistva dlia okhraror truda v mashinostroenii. Mosima Mashgiz, 1961, U9 (MIU 14: 11) lInduBtrial safety) Filectronic instruments) S /10 5/f) I /OC)()/C)() 0/00 P.4 E I o 4/E 4 (-,ind i da 9 It- of Te hn 1 1 1 1 0% h.t r e r1 C,kri I i ~Ia t p of T~ tin I I -------------------------- I FLE n r Nit- I em-, I n ma k 1 n g I I, ow e y it I I t I -Y.,i Ihv 11ol I (.I I C. I I A 1. E c o. I 'ItI N o . 1) ~S , : ( I, ) 111,1 V I R., r, o I(,V jjt~ f IEI I, 7EXT V Rp F i/11, ~ fv " r ~ I v, o e II15 Q N oI I I 'i I t 1011,1 ow e tI e I s 1, it c- d o n lie fi, I 1 1 c-tff-t I, ang e ine n h N, e, se inno It v11 s e I i I ill I T e rl~; I I I p IIV, uh 411, '114. It.I 1 1 0 1 c- Ne N- u- r I'I p p t lie Ha I Ief 17 e, f k' f p t f [ ~ : I ! , .11irl a Ie riti ,n im I t 1i r t f !i *~ P,-, I !1, 1, 1 1 t m. l t r III I i nIfi~I k I r 'I I t () f f he ru1" , '111.1 ()1 tI ~ o 1)1 to\. I, I ino li 1 dP InSt, 1 1 mo t I r om I s I n I, ma I e Y I I If r H,t I , , , I I I i r - i ~ii.t v, vr r to \ - I I e v f. !I.. I f el t (illtaI ri e (I I [I 7 5/10 1 /OC~O/Oc, rn s i I t i i o k , I Iv E I E't I tit- r e o i r, v onni,( i(~rt kIn e r 11 1 r I r ni" f I me L r I ~'Tll TI f,,% s (ql I I e 1,; Il tie I I 1 1, n - I a n p s I f .'~ll t I t I f I S I e m o -ti f I I TT I f T I 27, 77, 5/105/61/000/00VOOVoo, (~F r I.) in 1-i ot,lem- in rTI,Ak i ng E194/Ei -,-, ,it i ent r emains , onston, . 1'e, '111sc, the emi t ter r esl-iton~ i- I - t t-duced and the input power is ( cirrespond inrly in~ e,ia-A Flowever foults in%ol% ing loss of voltiige ari- ij%ki.31 I durat ion and ~,o such over In,, I IS it I e I IS U,% N T o I i , b I H,- - v r I o a d i ng I NY s I, o it , it( u it ( tit r ent q i I Isu'l I I ri I ulv' it 1~ IF 'tie roted urrent of t fie Hit 1 1 effe. t emi r t v r ti (,it I d I - t- ~ I t- v -1 r or-dinglN The use of a Hall-effect emitt er of I 11SI. I eqII 1 , - ~i t tlie loj(. res istan( e s Ii oil 1 d I - e I es s I h,i ri one ohm, Tht- em i -I ii 1, e it s e d t u 1 n c r P. a , f, t lie speed of piote, f i on on I , I, lif, fi t !I, (Irrl I t er i s ( oint. i ne Ll w 1 t h inertialess transist or amplifiers T" I I-, pu t i mpe,lan ( e o f su ( h imp I i f i e t- s ma y i, e t e ris o t hund r ed F- , f im - ri s u, I i a s e i a -3 e ri s i t 1 v i r i s ensur ed riot so mkit h I-, I t r I, f e it, i t t e r a 11 t, e m f ie vp I jp ed a g e v its i t i I. i I o f Ihe em I t t e I Cie r nia n j Ism 11,j I I f- f ? e I t t e r g 1 ia vP t h " ~, z ~,,, t r- s t I, o I t a ., p seris I t I % I t N and rr , #- ) % I- I IT a t t \, e I u n,i f f- P, I: --d 1,~ t emp~ra t ,y A, or d i ri It I I t, .11 r ommended for i,e it, t eIo s o ( i e d ~ i th t r in, i st , t (1M111 if lei s The 'v I, v i t- in ta ( t ii , e d i n ci mo d e I () f -i d i r i 1, c w e r re lay wh I , 11 h,1 -1 1 an oper i t i ng dev I , e a zo-t I, i ri,! i llli~ed on ttan~i.Vor I - I ()d e .4 T% o ( I r it I d i i I, ' i )ri I I I r d 3 /7 ,- .7 .,7, S/ ; 0 1 /000/0010/cC, P C, i in r ot I *-;!i, I Tk ElqVE'4`~ %, spI oll e f, f s - 11) 1k~ ork t-1 t e r r n j n t i n,1 the he i t it, u j IT) I tit n e n !m. r i .te I Th eii k? w it 1.1 11 111/ p11, mlIi t-11 1 t, fill f! r: 11t r I it z V I !" t 11., 1 . ~ ~.1 1 n !T 1, t I I i r wh e 111 ; pr t rTi it Te t lU II[AIJ in IIN , urr.[I I I I A -It .; r I-- f (It jr~ 1 1-[1 1 - llj(~tvtit, rt c ? I v fi ,,I av % hit %vedli,i 1, Iy f I n ir-,v h i Ali (,p P ra I i ri gs p p e diri p ra i r -jIi ngiin e i v -, t ia n Ito I N, I eI"). e, d ~4/ , 5/6 1/OC)()/O(_)10/()(j ~/O(; 7 Certain prciblemu. in makinv El 94/E4 ~ 9 I, PC allse 3. t i ~~ I,)% v I ,t- 1) If' I ec t Pil by t h e a p er I ()d I C I short-circuit currents. For a sine direk tional po%%, i t- kis- used in zero-phase-sequence directionod prTXection , I lie \(,I I Itze- splitting circuit of Fig.8 may be used, giving much liml-v transient operation. By limiting the range of chan'Ye (,I ma~zrivl i( induction In the r~lisy circuit the minimum relay opetatirig jmwer may be reduced to 0.1 VA. As high-speed d.c. amplitier!~ tip so insensitive, one Iva) (if increasing the sensiti%,ity whilst simultaneously reducing the power (it-awn from tile in,ti-timent transformer-4 is to convert the constant component of tho Hall e.m,f. into alternating current with subsequent amplification arid phase- sensitive rectification. Thero are 9 figure!q and 1) Soviet referevites. SUBMITTED: February 20, 1961 Card 5/7 A 189/A026 AUTHOR% Ovcharenko, N.I., Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLEj Transistor Filter Units for Protective Relaying Devices PERIODICALt Izvestlya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Energetika, 1960, No 6, pp. 21 - 27 TFMi The paper analyzes the operation and gives the design of selective and directional power filter units for protective relaying of two-phase ground faults occurring at various spots in the system with an isolated, or compensated neutral. The filter units disconnect one faulty line and preserve the operatlon of the other one. They were built and tested in the laboratory o~ protective relaying and automation of power systems of the Moskovskiy energeticheakly In- stitut (Moscow Power Engineering Institute). The selective filter unit conElsts of two three-phase voltage filters - forward and reverse sequence - a voltage amplitude-equalizing circuit, an adding circuit, and a three-phase phase-senst- tive circuit. The selective filter unit operates at ground faults with A and C phases only. It can directly be connected Into contactless transistor protectjw circuits, e.g.: a high-frequency phase-difference protective circuit Also, a sensitive zero Indicator can be connected to the output of the phase-sensitive Card 1/2 S1 143/60,1000/cV, orj6 o0b, xx A I 89/A026 Transistor Filter Units for Protective Belaying Devices circuit. The directional power filter unit consists of a single-phase reverse- sequence voltage filter, a three-phase forwarJ-sequence filter, a voltage ampli- tude-equalizing circuit, an adder circuit, a frequency filter, a phase-sensItive circuit and a transformer. It Is advisable to use a transistor transducer of the Hall emf (Ref. 9) in place of the phase-sensitive circuit with electric additicti. By using the transducer as a harmonic analyzer (Ref. 10), the frequency filter caLn also be omitted. Tnere are 4 figures and 10 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION. Moskovskly :,rdena Lenina energeticheskiy institut (Moscow "Order --f "Lenin" Power Engineering Institute) PRESENTED. Department o, Protective Relaying and Automation of Power Systems SUBMITTED: December 25, 1959 Card 212 .? -V, 7 39159 5/12o/62/000/003/025/o48 E192/E382 alva;ioia~,zietic amplifier for direct voltages .Irtbory ;- to'~hnilca eksperimenta, no. . 1 1, 1962, 137 - IC9 ~ZXT: e is based on the use of the resistance c.ian~:es in a semicon(~uctor in a ma~;netic field. If the semi- c onL:uc t or is in t:le form of a thin go5manium plate and the maZnotic field does not exceed 6 x 10 the change in the Oe, resistance can be described by the following formula: (1? 0.2 ~M.10-4 (2) w1l e1, e;i as t'-Ic ;.,.a,~nctic field, U is t:ie vulta.--e of the sample, PO is the resistivity of the sample in the absence of a ma~;notic field and is the resistivity in the presence of a magnetic field. Card 1/3 5/12o/62/000/003/025/048 A .... E192/E382 '.:o~:,!-:ovslciy encrzeticheskiy institut O.'iscow Po--cr-en,(~inecring Institute) k~ 3:...! TT EJ 6e,)tc:-.Ibor 15, 1961 Rj Card 3/3 DO.'bDGUt4'TSFV, V.G., kand.te~hn.nauk; NOMARENW, N.I., kand.tekhn.nauk Power directivity relay based on the Hall effect. E16 . sta. 32 no.12:51-53 b '61. ( Ki RA I ~~ : 1. 1' (Electric relays) (Electric power distribution) (Electric Frotec..Jri~ OYCHARZKO. N.L. Imnd.tekhn.nauk Use of automatic reclosing for mintaining one of the dauWd lines In operation in the case of grounding at two points. Isv. vys. ucheb. zav.; energ. 3 no. 7:1-5 Jl 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Moskovskiy ordens lenins energeticheskly institut. Predetavlena kafedroy relsynoy sashchity I aytomstizateil. (Blectric currents-Grounding) (Ilectric lines) PWROV, Te.A.: OVCHARINKO, N.I. Relay using semiconductors for e-plosionproof Prom.energ. 13 no.4:24-26 Ap '5A. (Electric relay-a) (Mines and mining--Equipment automatic control. (MIRA 11:4) and supplies) OVCIWUNKO, N.I. Can: -3ci -- (di--) :,til'OtY devic-s in c i r,~,i I ts 1, tti ,1.,.o r. .'r1raided curren ts . " j'. I S , . ; . I ", I :- " r --.: . (. .. i., . ., I . .1, r, :, I , , ! , ; n ". ". ir- ..o: ~;,- -., -,." Power 1, 1 .. - .".. MC." "-V). ! ~, ~ ~ (K.L, 23-57, 113) -611- Te r- v re n it r) 'rg,nepr, ns tr,-c~n ts -'s .-in w .p n I i - i r-- r i vp. rroverL- 1 1 srr-vn go ~,rov',~ ~A p iev, r- ir.q -r men tA XC'%Rrg- Df XT-1 'Drv t"7. I ') ' 11 ~i r V~ P I I A n r vp i k ~-.wpr- I rl p pi r: t 0 f Fi r. r: 7. r 4) r t e ower :rvinpering ivision of t I- c . t 1 1 Rr ro s . roye a n t I - t r r. F,, r 1 o - levp )Pei qnotner t p p I rl p .7 1 t p r n s tr re P p p c) v- r- n r e a v : F1 T. T) s w ~~p n e w t S 07 ~i r P e pn! p -7 n r an! qro.ln!_-ortn-_, qnd -nosp c rr. i n r c R n i e t P s - F, 1 w I t new ;nl- n rd I I -I c I -I Tnatruments -Pstlnov tne -.Onl n~i~~or. of An Flec,-rir -o-, , '- .~ -, 'exchange of --xperience. ,r.qrks A* t, - en ' , t- q 11 t~~e npw s-vsterr -Fin ori.v t e-, - - , ', - I if the p-ser network s neutr9l leni IF pro-;nlp~ ")~Prp is I ri,ot, ;in-l 1, . irr-jit ll,-,grnm larl - 1, ~,OVCHMMIKO, N.I.. insheneT. Applice,tion of phase-comparison carrier relays in compensated circuits. Blektrichestvo no.4:30-35 Ap '57. (MLRA 10:5) I.Mookovekly energeticheskiy institut im. Molotova. (Blectric networks) OYCHAMIM. N.L. kand.tekhn.nauk Behay'.or of directional high-frequency filter protection In the case of double contact to ground. 1vv.vye.ucheb.zxv.; energ. no.9:1&23 S 158. (MIRA 11:11) 1. Moskovskiy ordena Lenina energeticheskiy institut. (Electric networks) PETROV. Te.A.. Inzhener; OVCHLUNIO V.I., inshener. Protective device employing a radioact!vo isotope. Pros.energ. 11 no.9:19-21 S 156. (MI-RA 9:11) (Electric apparatus and appliances) (Radioisotopes--Industrial applications) Vkh"tteatm oam AJ3 tjft ' - the ISAMOU wesum to ac" 1642*6 40 oi FRTWV, Te,A., insheswer; 0 1., inshener. Blactroaic protective arrangement. Prom.ezerg.ll ao.4:5-8 Ap 156. (NI&A 9:7) (Machinery--Safety appliances) (Ilectromic apparatus and appliancf~s) AU !:,-7 0 B :jvc-,&r(,nK -an6idate of ~e-~.nllca.! -cl,:r.,es TITLE: -',ehavl.-)r A' a .~rectlonai krequ-ency ri:lc, i.- wi tr, ! (,- jr.tact to Uround 'PoveaeniyE naprav,,(?r-ri,:. v-ys,-:kochastotno), zast-.chity pr'. zar*,ka,..yak.-- ra. ze-dyll) PEhlOiICAL: urhebnykh zavedeniv 1379, '.,- ~" p ~USSN) ABSThACT: T! i e pa -Il ves 1~ir= results of an analysis -f behavi.~- a pa,-allel filtei- fus(c with h`ph blockinr n (,, ,,ble contact to groun(I in t h r C L; s w .; t. !~ P r, .!,s,,-,,ec zero poi,,.t. The tiuthur examincs c i r -u'. which will ensurt- *~,al Im i or. c-~' s 1A unly one point ot' contact t, Fr-un,, A two ;,tiases ~- , various parts of the c~~rcu~ * . tAna 1y s' s s'~,ows t,:-.a, a -rcctional filter , rotec*i'.-r, te~~av(.,, -inc( r* a w: *.t. loubir contact +,a grounc, a) us ua I a k~ llolt, damage lines, as wf,,,, as can*-acts I a- , '-f-iays. b; In raciai Card 1/--, often -:,aks -)nt -.nt~ only, tf trit. tor,UE :ta'.ini SOV/ 14 -1, -58- .' -fr 18 behavior of a L i rec', 1,)na I rrequency rilter t'rot ect lon wit- . 0,.A ,e Contact to "round SUBMIT T LE : May " , I --,' -4 Card 3/17 ~.4 (3) 6OV,'14 l-- -I-- 'I') AUTHC')R: Ov-hhreiiko, N. Candidate of TechnicFti TITLE: Some Peculiarities (f Symwetric C,),-- I f Circuits (0 riekotoryKh cs(,te:.., sostavIyajushchikh *oKov Jvnyny~.~l zamykar.i.- na ze--Iyu) PERIODICAL: Izveetiya vy,-shikh ,ichebnykh zave,ler.Jy - nneree*:~a, 1911, Nr '-, PP 1-9-62 (USSR) A.BSTRAC-1: Methods fcr calculating double ground short clrcu:*~- in compenf-ated networks are adequately covered In .'iterat-~re. Therefore, the author considers some peculiarities of damaged lines with grcund short c-,-- cuits of two phases at different points of netiv,-rks with various configurations arid derives formviltir- symmetric c-irrent components in such lines. The formula, a.-e to be used for the analysis of the worK of protective relays in case of double jround shor*. circ,jits. The formulae were presented in a fied form, thus they are more suitfAblle for s,-ich ar, Card 1112 analLysis. A ring network with two f-e~ s,,--irces is OVCHARENKO N L Durability of a blast furnace hearth and hearth bottom. Metallurg 7 no.10:24-25 0 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy notallurgichaskiy institut. (Blast furnaces--Design and construction) OVCHAREIIKIU, R.L., inzh. Prevention of hGat excesses and gas releage in blast-furnace casting yards. Be20P.truda v prom. 4 no-9:15-16 5 6o. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Dnepropetro-iskiv me tall urf-I chaskiy inotitut. (Blast furnaces--Safety measures) OYCHARMO, E.L., insh. Preventing gas explosions during the blanbring of blast furnaces. Besop.trada v prom. 4 no-7:24-25 J1 160. (KIM 13:8) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgichaskly institut. (Blast furnaoeo--ftfety measures) ,- . . - - i - -1 -. I, v t- ~ ( . . I r., -1 : . , ej~ li . - - , : , , . , i ": . . . -~~ I - * I 1.1~ . - . . - - rus T.a t ' r F In r ~ 3 - f- ~~ ft - -` I . . . . 16, 1 !~q ~ ~,~ .. .0 ) r GEMIN, TaJe.; OVCHARENKO, N.M. Investigating certain physical processes occurring on the surface of crystals at high temperatures, Part 7z Role of viscous flow in awwthing out roughnessem on the surface of a solid. Fiz. met, i metalloved. 11 no. 5t807-" My 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Inatitut khimii pri Khar1kovskom goeudaratvennon universitete. (Surfaces (Technology)) (Viscosity) IZMAYLOV, N.A., prof.. zaaluzhennyy daystell nouki,; EIGMR&NKO, ,A.N.. red. ~-ONHARLUX0,-14E. , knnd.kh1m.nnuk, red.; IMJBINSKIY, G.P., dotaent, red.; KOVAIJV, P.V., doteent. rod.; TRI�T'YAKOVA, A.N., red.; POGOZFWV. P.P., [In the open spaces of tne wonderful mot~ierland; colloction from the Departments of Pkysical Education and Sports, and General Physical Geography of Kharkov University and the Kharkov Kountbineering Section] Ila prostorakh rodiny chudesnol; Bbornik kDfedry fizic-ionKogo vosj;itaniis i aporta i obRhcnei fizicheakol eongrafli Kharkovnkogo ordenn Trudovogo Krasnogo Zrwment gosudarntvennogo universitets imeni A.M.Gorlkogo, khar'kovskoi gorodakoi sektsii al'pinizmn. KhBrlkov. Izd-vo Khar'kovsko- go goe.univ.. 1959. )97 P. (MIRA 1):12) (Mountaineering) (Tourism) (Physical .-,fiography) .I OMIt -MIC, 11. 1 ~. Crystallizati n Ine!ics -.-f thin layers on e7traneouc aL-rr ,- h-AB a ' Iden. I C11. 7 f. , i 1. 6 -6P '56. 1 ! -h- I ~ -:- .- ~ T-a ; , 17 F. t I -- - I( -~CL ~ - 1 ) ( - 0 , : ) GRGIMN, Ya.Ye. [Ilehitzin, lA.D1.1. OVCHARa,',NKO, 11.11. Effect of "inniiritleaw on production of diffuse porosity. Tyk-T fiz.zlmr. 3 no.5:696-698 5-0 '58- (MIU 1?:?) 1. Kharlkovakly rosudarstvennyy universitet i nanchno-iBeleda, 'all- skiy instltut Xharlkovakogo roaudarstvennogo universitata. (Ionic crystals) GEGUZIN, Ya.Ye.; OVCHARENKO, N.N. Microscopic pycno~try of solids with microcavities. PoroMw t. 2 no.5kl5-19 S-0 162. (MIRI 15:11, 1. Kharlkovskiy ordena Trudovogo Kmanogo Znamni gosudarstvennyy univerBitet im. A.M Gor'k 0. (Metallograp;~) Metala--DenBity) A GBOUZIN, Yaje.: OVCHARZWC, N.N. fteses vacancies occurring in tin during zinc evaporation (in systems with "vacftncy source"'). Piz. met. i metalloved. 4 no.3.-400-406 157. (MIRA 10ill) 1. Kharlkovskly gosudaretvanny7 universitat imeni A.M. GorIkogo. (Tin-sino alloys) (Diffusion) (Crystal lattices) um ILA Pub 92 - 13140 Ormin, TA. Z. and.oveharial"P.Ne NO j YAtal mwfaces at hJ49h teimperatwes -3909 Now 21v 29% Feriodima Dak, AN SSSR "/3j,, 389 Abstract I uprilmonts Intended to. 4atermine the state of =Md sueafte at MV- tageratwes, (Ow - 950PC) an descrOed. The experlsients were conftated an copper,. sumpUngs, rtl*o at tim suqxlem vwbr t1w temp- T~vv awfeee ps emtvms nentioned are also.described. ]POW-WassIM references (1936-1952). -niustrivionse ~.Jnstlt~mtjLons Rharkow State InIversity A. N. Gorldy ."-.Presented byt Academician X. V. B&I"s June 7,v 19% IZ!;4v ~ ~;- . Cy AUTHuRS: Geguzin, Ya. Ye. and Ovcharenko, N. 1~. 126-3-3/34 TITLE: Excess vacancies occurring in brass duria- eva:)orati,~n cf zinc (in a system with a 11vacazcy sourcell~. (U'b izb.ytoohnykb vakarisiyakh, voznikayushchikh v latuni pri isparenii tsinka (v sisteme s "istoctinikom vaAansiy"). MIUDICAL: "Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniye" (Physics of i~et&is and Metallurgy), 195?, Vol.IV, No.3, pp. 40L-406 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: In this paper the authors aimed to follow experimentally certain details of phenomena takint place in one of the types of specimens with e "vacancy source", namely, in specimens of an alloy from which the volatile component is rcmoved. The selection was governed by the desire to fo.,low simultan- eously the kinetics of the coaGulation of the excess vace.Lcies and the kinetics of their removal from the specimen waich can be materialised most easily on specimens of an alloy which does contain a volatile component. Brass containine, 30* zinc was used for the investi6etioris in the form cf 20 um 1o%, 4 mm. dia. cylindrical specimens after preliminz-ry stabilisaticn by annea-ing at 820 C. The time and temperature depcadence out 2/2 of the decrease in viei&nt and volume of' a-bras3 specimens was followed experimentally after removillL L11(- VOI-Eltile component, i.e. the zinc. On the basis of Loe obtaixieu -2/EWT(M OF m~ AW/T/~NFW/EEt 2/ 01 -~7 owl ffM~70 N AP501 /65/0101003/0371/0379 ACCESS 0 548.4 yevaq 10 Ve 2!k!!!n Ya. Ye.; OVCMVenko M., N.- i vorob ~.-TITLE; Investigation of phenomena on the surface oUsingle crystals.. -On the m'echa k "Ism-and kinetics associated with the heallng of do* cracks an no, surface of ionic 7 ografiya 'v. 10i no, ~39 1065,.3714 kAitan 7~ tii iapej~foatJpon', -TAGWI crystal ographys crys U;ikkli~ q healing me ciackshn -sin 1 crystals was-observed. chaniss of. -.&.ep ile Na ji - -I~tiailj,-- Cracks were introduced artificially -in-single crystals using,a ra- per__ t r or -300 which was slowly xb bladn'. , --a special. heated kniftwith an apex. angle of presi64.Into,the sample.-, Heat-treatment was done in the region Just below the it-, -point. and -was, interrupted sporadically. to observe.cheTtes occurring In the crack-'. opening.. . A long-focus optical.-Votes was used so- that -the changes in the', cra:ck be obiorved-without-destroying - During-. isothermal annea.lingi- the: tio - Sample i Ppen.lh is' di splacad:- due - tc~ the iial U~7x of mate' ris I A - large numbei* of pro- 9 U 7 7 X 57 r APS013718 -cr W OW7 ack:! v4 vin, a laces. la ~A ~,Qle; 2).~, the fix=jh liie'r~gions of the i*uih pro mate"': d -'shd !Roilli(lil" Ap ;d '0~lculaflons' are rive presented for,tbe cement- of the, track opening -&jrlhg -hoalini'miuminz that the mechanism Is cme[~. --vak v - diAiRz--~A"Ults -of ~anialovm ulatio~s . asnuming vol 5 66~,di us m, ari--0re4e;'n-t'e'd"W_ t_b6ut'Aiii~vatIbn* Theo Vti-', r ids:it"fti ons Ong show' that - the Applitatioti- Of stress during, healing. decreases tbii,-. c A--i~'- flare angle and shi6xild.substantially accelerate the self-healing. This was ccn- t.t f irmed -in-experime~tb with 3ingla NaC1 crystals by applying 7 to 120 W7ain weights:: .:per vm2 pe~pondlcular. to. the plane-of the crack. Orig': art*' has., 8 ligures, I tabld' A 7 formulas,'. iwkd#'- Statif Univers ty) SUBMITTED* 22Jun64: ENCL6. 00 SUB COVEI Ss 7_1 NO JW SOVui'-,006.-,' OTHERi. -.00 Card-.4 6~-z GEGUIN, Y&.,~o , OVZURENKO, N.1,1. Mcs ti,)!. of ma-~ r., 3, D-r 1,: , us !-,, 1 -v , -..g I r, He' I a I rig 1p c ry s t &l s -ir ~-ir tt;f ac~ lon -if small eier~rir f I#- IIn. Dokl AN S3371 l6 ! n r,. 3 162 1-62 -, Z : 1 1 16 ~. (MIRA 181') I . Fhar I k~,vsk Ly 4,,, -; ~!c , - v,�,in./y ~ r,! ,,, re', tf- t I m. A. 14. ' r3r I k ogo. Submittel Nf.;verrbpr )0, . GEGUZIN, Y a. Ye. -, K( VALEV. I N. i (" :!'A'TNKO, N.N. Sl.udyinp in the -irfripe 1;3yo!r ~ --- 'r,o .- and radiolsotope moth(,ds. tver. tewin 5 nr- "I , - ', , . ,'M:RA I . Khar'k, vqk ly goqudftrqtvannjj ir.,, vs- r!1 i te t i M rainskiy I ris' 1 tu' me! 41 , o v , OVCHARENKO, N.N. Visual method of investi,,ating the kinetics of oxidatior and the decomposition of oxides on metril surfaces. Porosh. met. no.4: 37-41 Jl-Ag '61. (KIRA 16:5) 1. Nauchno-isgledovatellskiy institut khWi, KharIkov. (Metallic films) (Activation analysis) GEGUZIV, Ya.Ye.;_QVCHARENKO, N.N. Anisotropy of the surface diffusion coefficient in metals. Fiz. tver. tela 4 no.11:3.117-3123 Iq '62. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvenny7 universitet imeni Gorlkogo. (Diffusion) (Metale-Heat treatment) GEGUZIN, Ya.Ye.; OVCHARENRO N N. - P Kinetics of thermal etching of tvin boundaries in gold and copper. Fize tver. tela 4 no,11:3110-3116 N '62. (KIRA 15:12, 1. Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet Imeni. GorIkogo. (Surfaces) (Metals-Heat treatment)