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AGRANOVICH, V.M.; OVANDK'R, L.N. Theory of initic-id FAr,, c : I * ' 11 If . : . .1 " . . .. I . . ... 7 5 It.,,. k, ~, , I IF E", 'it.111-101roe-r Ab 0 optima Scattering.of llgft vaves by pbonans' and of the t$pe ao- r6 ed systes tbe- prv~ertles -of cowens lei -t' a- It based - on - the ap*mel used tr~ time autbw- 3s 2394P .1961- 1 -$5 -&Mi-03)--fOr-VwAb*er&ctlcn -between- f -wv betv"n the radiation fl*]A and the Mstal is not .i be Me- -maken possible an ans4sla- a efffttil vhich cannot be regowded.viW32.08 hvaevwk of pwtmimtion the=7. ?w article emsistg of S -t~ or u0nunear data eq M tion -Of the efftetl~" fbuowed tw a dimanion Of-OMrStO effftto. The subjOat headins u%j. z, oweria theO27 Oil 7:7 _;zz b? Au - 40 thaAni ..-Ydrjnat on of' NWTMW"~-- -111mem-0-- of and of;the dimensiofis of the Crystal BYxwb27 -.7amarka an Orcildu3stlft of ~xonlinftr eft)ects, ftZellonlinear effectB due to Interic-Ition, (Pwmsw~: SOA0*14) 6 -ao~~ theory of Raman trIng Yom of the Pam- scattering tensor. Onrtonex. Composite tones. - ~tesdwme.( -TampuTstv" -dopindfnwe. 20. Rman scattering In piezoelectric :,'CrJ*. art& bas: 7- flMes;o 50 famulas 1, and 3 tables 1021 00, kill MIM, -F -77 ACC H]b AP6018813 SOURCE CODE: IM/0056/66/030/005/1332/1342 AITTHON: Altranovich, V. M.; Ovander. JL. N.; Toshich, B. S. ORG: none TITLE: Theory of the nonlinear polarizability of crystals SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperisent&I'noy I teoreticheakoy fisiki. v. 50, no. 5. 1966, 1332-130 TOPIC TAGS: I - I -- exciton 04xofor rry3roq't 5 -r'-&'S0"r3 J'r Oje leSr,94- 61P j IMM w4rc W*r rd, vot ABSTRACT: A new method is proposed for calculating the nonlinear crystal polarizabiA t:n:oT tijl (ku, k'*', k"w"), which determines the third-order nonlinear optical pro- c a es in the exciton spectral range. The main difference between the new method and previous methods in that in determining cijl, real electromagnetic waves in a medium are used for the states in the zeroth approximation. The properties of such waves (dispersion law, polarization) differ significantly from those of approximate models, such, as Coulomb excitons and transverse photons. A relationship is established b:twe:n ci I and cubic anharmonic coefficients in a normal wave system. The expreastaq f r C il Ntained by the authors becomes identical to that found by other researchers if the refractive indices of all the normal waves are assumed to be close to unity (or if the tenmor cij to assumed to be a unit tonsor). The new method can also be used for calculating the nonlinear polarizmbtfty teneor tijl,. Orig. art. has: 38 for mulas. ICS) BUD CDD9s 20/ SUBM DAM 26Wov65/ ORIG REP: 014/ M RIP: DOW ATD PRISS:5'0/31 -L-443ig-66 E'e.'TWIT IJP(c) GG ALA; NXIM6-1-~W BORcE 0=1 VR/3-'58765/-W0j025/0O02~D015-' AVMORSs Agranyviabo V. N. I Tookiab, D. S. WGI name TITLEs On a theory of the nonlinear polarizability Of crystals SONCEs Obniamk. Fialko-oner ticheakiX Institut. Doklao, 731-25, 1965. K teorii TOPIC TAGSs tensor, crystal, electromagnetic radiation, Hamiltonian, Green fuzAction, Maxwell equation, Fourier seriesp exciton, phonon interactionp coulomb interaction nonlinear effect, particle interaction, charged particle ALSMCTs The tonsor of nonlinear polarizabilitgy of orystals 6 iji for the exciton regioA of the spectrum is found by a method similar to one used earlier (V. N. Agmnovich and Yu. V. Konobeyev. FTT, 5, 2524, 1963). The interaction between .charged particles of the crystal and ths natural radiation field existing in the crystal in not aeouned to be weak. The tensor of nonlinear effects Jto proportional to the corresponding anharmonicity coefficients. The general formla for the tonsor of nonlinear polwi sability . :0 1-.. .-V Ned&) R Wo V) boy 1. 62~ W. , V., , X. , -X; together with 'ren', U W, J~W' A'-Iwo) W, i~- -W! 2;1 X Card I ACC NP,; AU7,!1OR: Verlan, Z. H.; C,,,,andcr, L. N. 05Za: KiCV St-tC L;-_-iV0Z'5_`tY iM. T. G. SheVZ,~.L.-.AO (K-'Ycv!;Xly gosUdarstv,:zr..7 L~-.!VL~-- s1te TITLE: scattering in cry:.,L--.-; SOURCE: tvcrdogo tc:.a, v. 8, ro. 8, 1,366, 24.35-2439 ,OKC Ta%GS: ~;catterirg, exciton, aD_-o2pz.'on coefficient ABSTRI.CT: - , ~ to a theory ve'oped iur by one of -he authors (Ov~ndcr) , 11he Stokes 0,- the Ra-Lan scattering zrys-,ai should be ireated ass ~[-.e spli-1- ting of: a irto two pa-rts. 0;.o -,*.a a __`&-.t exciton -_'n the rc-lon or cr-Is- ,tal trarsp_._c-; ot.,.cr is almost pure.'Y a MCC,)anlCal vibration, wnlc,,, even-n-ally heats the cry3t__'. A study ir. made of the -e-onance -,1z,-ian scatteriM, 1n-,0 ac- count the disperslon of vibration, and damping. This linits the intenzivy of the in -the resonance point. I-z is shown that auxiliary vlave~; arise near exciton an" ca:-. -..)lay importz..-*t roles in the case of thin pl--te--. it y wavej j~MW,_- follows fr,:n -,.-Aeory th~L-z -,ne absorption _c,,fficient (for the ordinar- faster th,;,.-. t.,u i.-,zensity of the Raran as t:~e incident liZht f-recuency a,?- proacner tho band frequency. OriE. Lrt. has: I ftigura. 17 formulas. SUB CODE: 20! S M, F1 DAT L .28Xay65/ GR:G RZF: 005 i Card 1/1 L 541&-66 EWT(1) 'ACCESSION WR: AP5025308 UR/0051/65/019/004/0638/0640 535.375.001.1 AUTHOR: Ovand*r. L. N. :TITIX: Nonanalytic functionality of Coulomb exciton energy and peculiarities of 'Ramn resonanc6 scatteriq% SOMCE: Optika I spektroskoplya, v. 19, no. 4, 1965, 638-640 TOPIC TAGS: Raman scattering, exciton, crystal optic property, energy band struc- 'ture *ABSTRACT: The author attempts to explain the effect which nonanalyticity in the band structure of Coulomb excitons has on some of the characteristics of Raman scattering. The essence of the problem reduces to the fact that the Coulomb exciton -energy appears in the formula for the intensity of Raman scattering given by the au- .thor in a previous work (L. N. Ovander. FM 6, 361, 1964). Mon-piezoelectric crys- ~tals are considered, I. e. crystals with a center of symmetry. The effect of nonan- lalatycity with respect to the nondegenerate, double dogenerate and triple degenerate 4evels is studied, using the notation given In the previous work. Recommendations Cwd 1/2 L 21'41-" EWT(I)/EPF(C)/? 1R(,:) WfM ACCRIBION NRs AP5022726 lyx~ UR/0181/65/0071009/2199/2402 AVTNORe ABranowlehe V* N&I Ovanderv Le No 4 q TITLIs Theory of induced light absorption in crystals 46tRCts Ftalks twerJo*o tole, v. 7, no. 9, 1963, 2799-2802 TOPIC TAGSs Induced absorption, absorption, nonlinear absorption, light Interference, frequency doubling, two photon absorption ADSTRAM in& theoretical investigation of Intensity- 'induced aboorp- tionjan analysis is made of the conditions under which interference effects for two-photon absorption are manifested. The case when the frequency of the two-pboton harmonic falls in the oxciton absorption bond is tro-ted on the basis of the theory of nonlinear effects in a subsystem dxcitons with retardation taken into account, It is shown the& anharmosicity due to Coulomb-Interaction can take place when the frequency of the Incident wave in almost twice an large as the excites absorption frequeseys Origo arto has$ 12 formulas. (CS CWd 1/*... 2332=M XCIISHON N&I AF3022726- 65SOCIATION9 some 193NITTSDi We*65 10 ItIO'SOVI 006 Cora -2 13L. INCL# 00 OTRIRI oil SUN CODRIS5JOP ATO PRISW9~ ACCESSION M AP4035472 6/0051/64/t)16/005/0735/0738 AUTHOR.- Ovander, L. K. TITLEt Form of the Raman scattering tonsor SOURCE: Optika I spektroskopiya, v,16, no.5, 1964, 735-738 TOPIC TAGS: Raman effect, Raman scattering tensor, crystal symmetry, crystal point group ABSTMCT: In nn earlier paper by the author (Opt.i spektro.9,571,19GO) tilere was investigated, by the method of group theory, the form of the Raman scattering ten- sor for the case when the frequency of the incident light is remote from the fre- quency of the absorption bands. In the present paper the author considers the form of the Raman scattering tensor in the case of irradiation in the absorption band for 32 point groups. The basic equation for the Raman scattering teiwor is taken from the book of G.Placzek (Ralleigh Scattering and the Raman Effect; cited in Rus- sian translation). With approach of the incident light frequency to the absorption band there become stZpificant the term that correspond to states whose energy ap- proaches In". Knowing the symetry of the system, one can decide which of the con- Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4035472 ponents of the tensor p are non-zero, which vanish and which are equal. 7bufi, there is obtained the form of the tensor for the resonance case. The results of calculs- tions are presented in the form of tables for 13 point groups (the values for sow other groups can readily be derived from the tabulated values). It in noted that in a number of cases the tensors are nonsymnietrical: the tensors are symmetrical only in a number of particular cases. I formula and 13 tables. ASSOCIATION: none SUDUI7TWt 81Jun63 DATE ACQi 22MayG4 ZNCLi 00 SUB CCDN: OP, 53 NR R3W 80Vt 003 OMR: 000 ACCESSION MRs AP4Ol3h89 S/0181/6h/006/002/0361/0367 ALITHDRs Ovander, L. N. TITLEt Form of the tenBor of combination scattering in crystals SOUIM Fizika tverdoeo tela, v. 6, no. 2, 1964, 361-367, TOPIC TAGBt combination scatterinrr, dipole moment, ordinary tensor, piezoolsctric tensor,, infrared sp(,ctrum, combina6ion spectrum ABSTRAM This is a continuation of the author's previous work (Opt. i spoktr., 9,, 571j, 1960) and also utilizes results from several other papers by the author. Vibrations in crystals are of two type,. One type hab dipole moment, is active in infrared and conbination spectra,, and is found in crystals with no inversion center, i.e., piezoelectric crystuls. Piezoelectric vibrations have a tensor with two components3 "ordinary" and "piezoelectric." The other group of vibrations has no dipole mment. These vibrations are Inactive in the infrared spectrums They are found in crystals with an inversion center as well as in crystals without it. Such vibrations are called ordinary, and they have only Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP40396B5 S/0181/64/006/006/1893/1895 AUTUORi Ovander, L. N. TITLEt Elementary theory of Raman frequency emission SOURCEi Fizika tvardogo tela, v. 6, no. 6, 1964, 1693-1895 TOPIC TAGS: Raman scat~CTing, stimulated scattering, Raman laser, i liquid laser, gas laser, solid laser ABsrRACT: The elementary theory of stimulated Raman scattering is reviewed and the conditions for generation of Raman scattering aAd spectral narrowing are established. Experimental results. using data from the quoted references, indicate that spatial narrowing is about one milliradian (0.001) while the computed value, based on theory presented in this article, is about 0.0001. Formulas indicate that the longer the relaxation time, the narrower the spectral line. and that a continuous generator produces a very Cord 1/ 2 4VWMGa,, Ae (Rubashevskiy, A-lit OVANUR- N_ d6aliw %ialectio development in the Kichurin biology* by D,M, Trosin. Revieved by A. Rubaaovsohi,, 5. Wander. .. I I. OVANDKR. L.N. Raman spectra of solutions in the absorption band region. Opt. i apektr. 4 no.5&555-559 My '5A. (MIRA 11:6) l.Kiyevski.v gosudarstvannyy univerBitet. (Raman effect) AUTHOR: Ovander, L. N. Dl-,~-4/ 14 TITLE: Rayleigh Scattering of Li6ht by Solutions in tne Absorption-band Region. (Releyevskoye rasseyaniye eveta rastvorami v oblasti polos7 pogloshchenlya.) PERIODICAL: Optika I Spektroakoplya, 1957, Vol.Ill, Nr.3, pp.221-2?-6. (USSR). ABSTRACT: This is a theoretical paper. An earlier paper by the same author (Ref.1) dealt with scattering for incident- light frequencies far from the absorption band. This paper considers the case when the Incident-li&lit frequc,ncy lies in the absorptio.i band. A solution model obtained earlier (Refs. 1, 3) was used In this work. The quantum-mechanical state of the system was describeci by three quantum numbers representing the state of a molecule, state of the solvent, and radiation field respectively. It Is shown that tne Rayleigh scattering intensity varies with the frequency or the incident 116nt and Is proportional to the ordinate of absorption spectrum. Card 1/2 The spectral form of scattered lines is identical with AUTHOR Ovander, L.F. TITLIs Luminescence aioJ j,eBonance Scat~-riaE ras6evaniye, e4ed Oj) I CAL Optim I Spoictrosgopiya, 1958, Vol 5, Nr 1. p:, 10-14 AIGTRLCTs The paper is entirely theoretical. It deals with seat-. ;riix, o,, li~,ht observed when the frequency of the Incident light lies in the abaorptIOL band region. This is called resonance scattering. The author attemrms to find the relationship :jetw-jen the r3sonance scatterint., and lumireS1-e11r!e which is also produced Dy incident light with Its froquancy lying in tha absorption band. The case of' imyloigh scat.uria~ 16 m,ticarao ~:.-re- The criterion used to )3uparate lumir-)scurce from the resonan,:5 scat ering is due to iavilov (Ref 2, and it is oas-3d o- tho ti-,,,e dependence (duratioL) of the amitte~ -.Ight, It is sro.,Nw, th~~t t,-is Card 1/2 'A Ul 1. ti-, .'I t ti. 0 -A r- ~xr v r T I 1 3 IL t; at .3 -3 1. ASSOCIATION Ki -WTE 1c 1, j!., "er b a i:~,. te t nV -at SUMUTTED; gi.- lard B/05,1/60/008/04/008/032 AUTMs Ovand or, L.N. 9201/9691 TITLIBs The Anti-Stokso Components of the Raman Spectra of Compounds with Rerogen Bond ~ FMODIC&L s Opt1ka I spektroskoplys, 1960, Vol 8, Nr 4, pp 477-01 (Wi&R) ABBTRAC?t A theoretical discussion of the Raman scattering in contDounds with hydrogen bonds is given. A one-dimensional model, used earlier by Stepanov (Ref 1) and Vollicenshtoyn at &I. (Ref 2), is used to describe the properties of a hydrogen bonds the model is a q"ntus mechanical syetdo consisting of three nuclei. It is shown that the structure of the anti-Stokes component should be similar to that of the Stokes component. The paper Is entirely theoretical. Acknowledgment is made to 1.1. XaDdilenko for suggesting the problem. There are 5 references, 3 of which aris Soviet and 2 Garnan. SUMITTIDt July 14. 1959 C& rd 1/1 OVANDER, L.N. R=an effect in crystals. Fiz. tvar. tola 3 no.8&2394-2400 Ag 16.1., (MIRA 34W 1. "vokiy goaudarstvennyy universitet im. T.G. Shevchenko. (Raman effect) S/ I 811621004.,'~ -~' , 1// '~ / .~ - P102/B104 AITT-',V~', Grechko, C and Ovander, IT LF, Peru I iari t i es of Raman scattering in piezoe. ec t r c t-: PERIJI)ICAL: Fiz ika tver-ioro tela, v . 4 , no TEXT : A paper by H. Poulet (Ann. Je Phys. , 10 90 9, 1) s I i s c,~ s: in detail . On the basis of the theory of poT-arizability, Poulet h:.s studied anomalies in Raman scattering and described the depenjence 011 Raman ocatterinp on the *ave vectors when longitudinal and transver~-e oscillations occur in the crystal. In the present oaper, it is Fl,,D-A!~ that the effects considered by Poulet may be due to intermolecular interactions. The authors do not apply the theory of polarizability whoue applicability has not yet been verified for cryLtalS, but consile Raman scatterinr to be a polariton decay. They rentrict themselvp:; to cubic crystals and triply degenerate oscillations. The contrib-iti-)n of intermolecular intercetion to Raman scattering is investigate,.!, a,.-1 are derivei for the degree of depolarization an,1 r,,,r t'-P dePendence of the sdatterinp intennity on the scatterinf- anf,le f-)r Card 1/4 S/I 81/62/004/001,'02 5,,'3~,2 Peculiarities of Raman scattering ... B102/B104 longitudinal and transverse oscillations. The crystal is aa3umed to consijt of symmetrical molecules with three levels each: ground state plus two triply degenerate etates. Raman scattering in due to tvD componenta, ItA and 11B. 11Awas investigated earlier (FTT, 11 ~394, 1!0,1), and H., which describes dipole-dipole interactions between electrons anI lattice vibratione HB= I Dsp x (1) .O,ij 7 d9p D,o) is considered here. x electron coordinntes, y i . vibration coordinates, a and s molecule numbers, R 1381 ~intermolecular lif;tanc,, p - proJuct-of electron charge and effective charge of the vibrati-,n coordinate.1, and j Cartesian coordinntes. 11Ris then Card 2/4 S1181162100410011025i3c"2 ileculiarities of Raman scattering ... B102/BlC4 With V) . (9,.(2m:x 12l)(Iriyito) expressions for the Raman ml E rij i . ij scattering teneor are derived-z (longitudinal oscillations) (transverse oncillationa) 0," -,0. ('1,X) -4- a, (,ty) -4- a, (,-, I These relations are identical with those derived by Poulet. It ir how theoretical results can be compared with experimental data. are 10 references: 4 Soviet and 6 non-Soviet. The reference to th. Engl iah- language publication reads au followe ; H. Whiriston. Chp~:,. 19, 156, 1951. ASSOCIATION: Kiyevskiy go3kidaro tvvnnyy us i veri; i Let i -7,. 7. S-,ev (Kiyev State Un iversi ty Imer J T. C. Shevc~.f,n~ )I 5US14ITTED; July 17, 11061 tart 4/4 33370 S," 8' /62,'004/001 /D416 '3r 2 7,, 113 8'/ B 2/B1 38 AUTHORt Ovander, L N. TITLE: Absorption spectrum of a crysta: due to the dec< of polaritons PERIODICALt Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 4. no. 1. 1962 294 2)" TEXTs A special case of combination scattering is considered whict. -an be regarded as absorption. The process of decay of a polariton ( light exciton) is shown schematically in the fij~ure. The branch., II corresponds to a polariton with an energy--2E 0 and with a wave vector k 0~ Th-,B polariton disintegrates into two polaritona with energy E 0 and wu,re vectors k, and 2 represented by the right and left part of the branch 11, respectively. The law of conservation of momentum reads k0 . k, - k 2 The following three cases are considered~ 1) The polaritcn Las eneigy E0, and its spectral width LE is approximately equal to the spe-~--i' Card(, -OVANDS-R, L.-&- Rayleigb scattering in or7stals. Piz. tver. tolm 5 no.1:21---)5 Ja 163. (MIR& lfitl) (Scattering("Ics)) Okcitons) OVINDIR, L.N. Easonance Raman spectra in crAtals. Fig. tvar. tosla 4 no.6: .Epl-1473 Je 162. (KUU 1b 3 5) 1. Kiyovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet Imeri T.O.Shoychonko. (Raman effect) (Crystals) OVANDER, L.N. -- ----iim--d"ffect in piezoelectric tetragonal brystalB. Fiz. -ye:-. ikla 4 no.6:1466--1470 Je '62. ~KFLA 16: ~) 1. Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni T.G.Shevehenka. (RAman effect) (Piezoelectric substance) - uvrdiL-I, I L. N. Theory of nonliziear u, tical - 1', v Ls. r'iz. tvur. Lela 5 Rr 063. . ~- . - I . Kiyevsk."y gusud&retverwy-y u...vFjrsitet imeni 'I.G.ShevcheilLo. (1-lagrieto,,ptiml effect) , 0 6 Mall v. l Ai an bir Ncv4se. 1934 lit. ~,A mAdmis 0 Mdomit low"ti pitiod 9n a 4 1 i liw t1w aw lllllliollo~~I natiural 7 ~ fth4ii~hi 6f the Wfuiii~ Were dituribid in an adLibatio aplirads tion. RolidtN " P2-6VOd t)iat, ~Si intensity of the difftsion line depends to a Urp:mxtent xpon:tho; fkv ey of ~ the radistimi - spectrusi md varies P"PwticmAI37 to the ordirAts, of tho olosomtIon "Wetrom, It wm 9 ostabliihid that "a ocombirAti * diffusiiM ban be subjected to cn&noo an dwing with admixtures. as van as concentratioral duiring. -~~Sut~aioi g The v. 0, Shorcho*a note, Univerall . . . 0, . - , - 1 .1. ar- nt t @r ' -,j i-I (*', t -' 4, -i9 b-ond t!~A eb?c:- - '- c~ nd . -t . I soe I:t - . 2 -ic . . ? - " TE, , 5,~ . . ..I, - - ., : ', Ir- *~ - - ~c nt t eri nov ) 'AUTHORt ITITLE: S/051/6i/010/003/010/010 E032/E514 Ovander. L. N. 6onnection Between the Absorption Spectrum and the Dependence of the Raman Spectrum on the Frequency of the Incident Light PERIODICALt Optika i spektroskopiya, 1961. Vol.10, No.3, pp.420-421 ,TEXT: In an earlier paper the present author used a specific model to establish that the intensity of the Raman spectrum, looked ,upon as a function of the frequency of the incident light, is proportional to the ordinate of the absorption spectrum. In the ,present paper the author analyses an example in which this is no ;longer true. i.e. the result obtained in Ref.1 cannot be extended ~to arbitrary systems. The Raman intensity near an absorption band lis determined by the tensor (G. Plac)R)Ct. Ref.2). a,, ,This expression contains only those terms which are significant r Card 1/4 :Connection Between the Absorption ... S/051/61/010/003/010/010 E032/E514 :near an absorption band. The factor dependent on w is also omitted, since it is assumed that within the absorption band the relative change in the frequency is small. In order to avoid complications. polarization properties are ignored and It is assumed that a is a scalar quantity. Consider now a complex molecule having Untinuous absorptiog bands. Bearing this in mind. it is n convenient to considerW W as a continuously varying quantity, no n+y 1 while Mn = Mc(WI) and Mno M (w,) are assumed to be continuous functions of WV If the motion of the electrons and nuclei is discussed on the adiabatic approximation, then it is easy to show that M I(W1) - kM0(WI). where k is a constant. The frequency dependence of the Raman spectrum is then given by the square of the quantity M, (W) do 0 (2) and the intensity of the absorption spectrum in given by Card 2/ 4 Connection Between the Absorption_ S/051/61/010/003/010/010 E032/E514 I - M2(W) (3) 0 where for simplicity Mis as umed ~o be real. Comparison of ltqa.(2) and (3) shows tRat I :nd aare not proportional to each other. Consider the simple absorption spectrum shown in Fig.&. Assuming that y is much smaller than tile width of the absorption spectrum, one can obtain the limit of Eq,(2) when y-4 0. Using the formula lim I -P Orb (X) -# 0X + iY X where P denotes the principal v2lue and b represents the delta-function, one obtains the a versus W curve shown in Fig,E This example shows that in general the proportionality between the absorption and the intensity of the Raman spectrum does not hold There art 1 figure and 2 Soviet references. [Abstractor's Notet This is virtually a complete translation] SUBMITTM October 10, 1960 Card 3/4 *01 :.:,, I' ~;: ." . 1. , el,,r. oentterinp ot ; . "." "'.Aiong in the of ,it, r..-.r- t i on bome . ,)- * .' -- ' r.. i no.1:221-226 -' ".7. ." . . t -,, c ~7 r I- Iv govidn rs * - ~ - - ..-. -.m i v er a I t et . , . - t - :ac at toring ) D,~k~ -if A t )i Ant t Lt Y 7 - bldl)d -4L%Sjn t!!,t YtSkM d tbg w th Z -1 1 ~, 14 fi f T i &c &-o w the o ape o . tbo soum. he juing UrA c bmt=4 in the obwffpHon rqLiu ckb bt qumarl th" =Hy am by e0to o( the *dmnixt. A. -p4owwl i - 7v- - - V:i UVANM, L.N. ,- -4 Anti-Stolwa component of Raman spectra for compounds containing a hyd"gen bond. Opt. I spektr. 8 no.4:477-481 AP 160. . k9IPA 13:11) (Erydrogen bondivg) (Raman effect) 1. cv.."tzrim, ". --, 2. - 14.311' (6 ~c j 4. Lenir, Vladimir Illich, 137(1-1?24 7. lanir's ",)ok, ~'Bterislisr- and Pm, irocrIticism, R rrodel of the irt's , Z).TA of of view in nhilonophy. *Iisnyk AN ',TSP 21 .o. 7 194~ 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions. Library of Congress, - June 1953. Unclassified. 7, 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 1953. Unclassified. FWCMSL; VITA, Ala; E%SLKAGA K.; APWTOL, A.; BkL71EV, Ariadna; BATCuj,. R=DU,P.; BWM, Kiria ~deceaaedl; MWNER, E.; mcruRwu, Georgeta; DMIITHIU, St.; FELLER,H.; MICO, I.; MTHIYL, Valentina; A.; PAPP, E.; RADUIMOD, Al. .7~~C~k - Contributions concerning allergic complications of scarlatina within the scope of data obteined by current research. Arch. ra=. path. exp. microbiol. 22 no.48909-918 S-D'63 1. Travail do l'Inatitu+ Modloo-Pharmaceutique, itsay, et do Mopital des Maladies Contagieuses dm Jamy, Micu, I., dr.; OVANFSCU, AJ., dr.; CUCIUIL.AJIU, Georgeta, dr.; J31-ZMA!tIU, G, , dr. - -""" Pyocyanic and staphylococcal septicopyohemia with pleural focus. Had. intern., Bucur 12 no.10:1531-1536 0 160. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Clinica do boli contagioase Iasi (director: prof. Maria Franche). (S:TTIC;aIIA etiol.) (STAPHYLOCOCCAL iNFrCTIONS case reports~ (PLLURA dis.) NICOIAUP St. S.P acad.; ZAVATE, 0.1 CONSTANTINESCU, N.; MICU, I.; BIRZU, N.; RUSUY Florica; 9-VA~E-Scul-Al.- Viral infectious hepatitis O.I.H.) transmitted parentally. Studli corn infrainicrobiol 12 no.4:421-435 161. 1. Institutul de inframicrobiologis al Academioi R.P.R. si Inatitutul de igiena, Iasi. 2. Membru al Comitetulul do redactie si redactor responaabil 'Studii si cercotari do inframicrobiologis' (for Nicolau) NICOLAUP S-St., acadomician; ZAVAT-',', 0.; 00113TIANTINLSOU, N.; MI~U, I.; BLZU, N. ; RUSU, FIo.-ica; OVU!-SCU, Al. Research on viral infectious hepatitis (M-11.) transmitted by parenterml route. Stud. cercot. inframicrobiol. 12 fto.4:421-05 161. (HLPATITIS, IN7.XTIOUS transmission) (INJ-:~;1'10113 complications) (HOSPITAIS) BALDOVIN-AGAPI , Corilia, dr.; FBANCHE , '.IsLria, prof.; BLU P-* , rina, dr.; MICU, 1. , dr.1 C VAIUCU.A._, dr. ; Ai.,DRO,,,,( -Vjr:' ~. , dr. RADULESCU , A. , dr.; DI:'I'R:U , St. . dr.; DI:'ITFIU, A. dr.; RIUGINA , N. , dr.; BLINDU , F. , dr. Receptivity to scarlet fever assessed by Dick's reaction with fractional domes of purified toxin. "icrobiologia (Bu$ur) 6 no. 1:69-76 Ja-F 162. 1. Inatitutul "Dr. I. Gantacuzino" si Spitalul "lzolarea" din Iasi. A A ,r, r r. ZAVATF, Olga; DOGAIM, Maria; CONSTAN-, I fll~;C,', N.. ~I(ANCIQ , Mnr I, Fi. -A t U, A - OVAMIXId All . ; PISLLAGA, L. Research on recurrences of ex an thematous typhur . I .' I . Comparative evolution of serological tes'.s in typhy- recurrences and primary infections. Stud. c-rct'T . InfraffOlcrobiol. 15 no.3:245-253 164. , A )qqPA) OlPk~&ij,4 If D e- in analytical cheinktry. ' termination iron. u1ninucle Vanadium and -titalnum. l 4n#) Dun ii t. Vlfl u'" 'Ll LI ! q 4 ~ . (,4 e 1, ". E 1h., Ducurems, Ronlui.:O. Pu l MR. lVa ~ lincurf-Sis 19-, =A) ill kus,ialt 411d Freurh I -T he Metal to be detd. is plotd. with macuute 21,;, InJOH1101. 1114- P11 Ll tilt IM411. hi-1011! 1)11111 111USt be Uh Ow%: 3-11 ((.r Fe, 4 -0 ltv Al. 3 41 for V, and 111-8 (of Ti. 'llic plit. is wailled vrith lint water, filtertA, Own dist-Avcd in SN 110. cxmpt tg)r Al where a 1. 1 solu. (if 5A' lICl atul. FtOll is used. To the mulum sniu. and exmi-s of OJY chloramine T is added dropwisc and with stirring. U tbk 0.5 g. W KI is added and the I liberated by- tlec extess of chl(mumine T is titrated with a OAN XatSO,. Ifthe"ns. of A) mul V have a mncn. larger ibun 5 ing. /cc. the risulls will be high A. DvWm- W Or - f OV A hT-S! AN I A,; VC I r, If 1 -.3 -'J , T ; 3! , I . ------- 7-- Important products resutin ~ from the action of chlorine -n certain silicates; preparation of silicon tetrachloride from dintomite. F.. 1Q5. Ace,demia Republicii lopulF-re Romine. 371'~DIT S' 'k-RCETARI '11 "' -1E. Bucuresti. Vol. 3v No. 3/4, July/Dec. 1155. So. Ejist Europe&n Accessic~is List Vol. 5, No. 9 Septem),er, D56 qt, !vQ al"'. -&ad D-. Glyl an, Intl detd. I too mciric racthO4 by ppts. It A* axalate lu 3% hfutru AM the *Ad. Cd COMMA (4 abx ..gxOmbk%A4Dn OX lippd. After filliv 0 .-exartly Loa I s ust! UtfUtIA with cuuguadon of tbt f.Itmd= -d ' - "~- -" f ~ ) . I Rumania/Chemicall Technology. Chemical Products and Their Application -- Mineral salts. QKides. Acils Bases, 1-' Abst Journal: Referat Zbur - Khimiya, No 2, 1957, 5021 Author: Spacu, P., Voic-hescu, P., Ovanesian, A. InstitutiDn: None Title: Products Obtained on Action of Chlorine on Same Silicates. Frodictlrjr of Silicon Tetrachloride from Diatomite Original Publication: Studil el cerretari chin., 1955, 3, No 3-4, l9r,-201 Abotra:t: SiC14 was obtained by chlorination of diatcmite (containing a small amount of Fe203) in the presence of coal as a reducing agent. The diatomite being porous has a large contact surface of active silica, vhich makes possible a ready reduction; the chlorination reaction takes place at a lov temperature (730-7500). Bisulfite liquor is used as binder for the raw material. Yield of SiClj, is 46-50%. Card 1/1 MMIA/Analytics,j chemistry. AnLlygis of Diorpnic 21"Astances. E-2 Abs Jour: Ref. Zhur.-Khimiya, 1958, No 11, 3095- Author : P. Spacu, A. Ovaneslan,_D. Ofivinescu& Inst :Not given. Title tVolumetric Method of DeteminatIon of Cadmium. Orig Pub: Bul. Inst. politehn., Bucuresti, 1956, 18, No 1-2, 55-58. Abstract: A method is described, based on precipitation of Cd2+ in the form of CdC 204 - 3H20 in a neutral medium Rnd on a subsequent permnganatometric determination of the excess C204-. At a big excess Of Na2C204 ( > loc.) a complex com- pound Cdh'a-2 (C204)2 soluble in water is formpd. The pre- sence of important quantities of amonium and allcali salts in the volution contributes also to the solution of the deposit. CdC2O4 - 3Hpo . 0.1 n Na22 G2 04 is added to the analyzed solution containing 0.1-0.2 g Cd diluted by water Card 1/2 oVfirVr13"77A', r-\. -, USSR/Plant Physiology Respiration and Metabolism. 1-2 Abe Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., No 6, 1958, 24627 Author : Oknins B.Z., Ovanesian K.A. Inst : Institute of Plant Physiology, Academy of Sciences USSR Title : Physiological azd Biochemical Study of Cherry Seeds in JUturation and Passing into Quiescence. Orig Pub Fiziol. raetyenii, 1957, No 1, 77-81 Abstrazt Seeds for the study were collected from 4-year old cherry offshoots of Polevka and liubskais. varieties June 18, July 6-7, July 25, August 3-6 at the experimental section of the Institute of Plant Physiology of the AcadexW of Sciences USSR. Reserve nutritive cubstances, starch, su- gar, fate, lipoids, protein and plasuDdeen were determined in fresh material. Separation of the protoplasm was obser- ved under the microscope both on live and on fixated Card 1/0 - GUNEISILN. 0v"081 ~-ur;) us-kitol po khimlia Belt-working apparatuas for nbtaining gas from '11-ulds anA so'--, ! aubetanser biolog i khia. no 6!5~-54 '61. - I- Vechf~ren takhnikum pr) inkhanika Picviiv. Ut A G - (loon I rip red ') -,4kw;r,vlwf k. 1) 1' 1 Rae -f a metal rod over~-rown by hone tissue f-I I -A,P, vrnttias, F. OrIk on . t re ". i p rc t. e z . 1 14 n o . I -. 66 V~y -Js I I,' . 1 1, __,. J, I , ~: - ) ( HONE6 - -6 URGf;RY ) OVANSSOV, A.G. (leningred) ,4~~ ftz'tli-o'n file-respatory. Ckrtoo.travm. i Drotez. 1~ no.4:53 Jl-Ag '57. (MIRA 11:1) (hURGICAL INSTRUMENTS AlCD APPAHATUS) OVAHNSOV, A.G. (leniagrad, Ican. Griboyedova. d.2-b. irv.77) -" Ligation bobbin. Weet.khir. 79 no.7t132-133 J1 157. (KIRA 10:10 1. Is 5-okogo voyennogo gospitelys (veduahchiy khirurg - P.P. Ntrogorskiy) (ORGURY. OFIRATIVI. apparatus and instruments. ligation bond (Rue)) OVAUSOV, A.G. L-ray disignosis of fractures of the DoBterior edge of tne fibla. A.G. Ovaneeov. Ortop.trnvm. I Drotex 19 no.2:67 Nr4p 158 (NERA 11:5) 1. Is Leningrndskogo okruzhnogo voyennoro goenitnlyn (nnch. N.S. Sokolov) (F IB IA--YRACTURE) OVANICSOV. A.G. (Leningrad, naboreshnaya kanala Gr1boyedova, d.2-b, kv.77) Variations In the structur6 of the posterior surface of the distal epiphyste of the tibia and its clinical significance. Vest.1rhir. 83 U0.11 N 159. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Iz kafedry operativnoy 1rhirurgit (nach. - prof. A.N. Nakelmenkov) Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena Lenina akadenii im. S.M. 11rova. (TIBIA anat. & histol.) OTANBSOV A.G.- OVANESOV, A.I. A guide for bone suture. Ortop.,traml protes. 20 no.12r49 D 159. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Is Leningradakogo okruzhnogo voyermogo gospitalys (nach. - I.S. Solcolav). (MEHOPEDICS equipment & supplies) Owasov, G.A. , dottiont kand. to k1m. filluk; LA BROV IN, G. A. , InMi. Increasing the load capaci*.y of steel pourlnC bridge 3tall 22 nc.1:94-c,.) Jb t~~ . !,.:I. 1. Zaporozhskiy mashincwrcitel rq-,r insLiLut ', zavod " (Ojwn-hearth furnaces --Equliment and suj~lies (Crane5, derricks, OtL TKHOSTOV, B.A.; 1,,UBIN114, A.Z.; OVANESOV, G.P.; SAVEL'YEV, IN. Rpsults of Keologicsil lrosperting for oll and gas In ~,hp R.S.F.S.R. for lQ63. Geol. nefti 1 gaza 8 no.3:1-9 3 Mr 'b4. (KIRA 1":6) 1. GosplRn RSFSR I Vspross! sovet narodnogo khozyaystva 16 Fsh . OVAIWOVP G.P.; YARULLIN, K.6. z az nj--' :, I a . Alteration of oil properties in Paleozoic sa'Lzen-.s Df Sov.geoi. 5 no.9:87-101 ) I t,,: . 1. Bashkirskly fiiia-1 AN (Bashki-ria-Petraleum geology) OVAVESOVI G.P.; KRATIYANOV, F.I. Oil and gas possibilities in the Ural ~Iountain portions cf Bash1dria, Orenburg mid-Aktyulinak Provinces in connection vith the possible extension of Sakmara-Artinskiye reef5withir the limits of this area. Sov.geol. 5 no.2:3-16 F 162. (IAM 15:2) 1. Upravleniye "Bashneft", Treat "Bashneftegeofizika". (Dral Mountain region-ProspectinL7) KUVrM.. S.1.; OVAIIESOV. G.P.; ZOIPYEV, T.M.1 SIIAYE:VSKIY, Yu.1. Oil reco-.rery from a nonuniform stratum. Gool. nefti I gala 5 no.12!23-30 D 161. (MRA Ii.: 11) 1. Bashkirskiy roynarkhos. (Baahkiria--Oil reservoir engineering) C,, T. ; YARUT,; IN, K.S. C,11 field'-pecting in %shkirla. Vop.geol.vost.okr.Ftus. P-atl'." 'ITTzh.7rala no.6-1'--N 160. (MIRA 14:7) (Bashkiria-Petroleim geology) OVAIIESOV, G.P.; YARULLIN, K.S. Connection between oil pools and coal deposits in the laver Carboniferous of no.-thwestern Bashkiria. Vop.geol.vost.okr. Rus.platf.1 IUzh.Ura.a no.6:75-84 160. (MTRA 14:7) (Bashkiria-Petroleum geology) (Bashkiria-Coal geolog7) OTANMV, G.P.; VITUGIN, P. 1. Prospecting for oil in FaDenennian sediments of Bashkiria. Geol. nefti i gas& 4 no.5:6-9 My 060. (MIRA 13 - 9) 1. Obsyedinentve Bashkirskoy neftyanoy prourshlennooti i OktvabrInk- neft'. (Bashkiria-Petroleum geology) OVAMSOVP G. P. New data on the tectonics of weBtern Bashkiria. Vop.geo..vos*-.-,k.-. Rus.platf.i lUzh.Urala no.7:34-47 160. OIC:-~ "-.1, (Bashkiri"eology,, Structural) OVANESOV G.P.; NADEZHKIN, A.D. VAthodB for appraising the predicted oil and gas reserves. Geol. nefti gaza 6 no.4:"-46 Ap 162. (,'MtA 15:4) 1. Upravleniye Bashneft'. (Petroleum geology) (Gas, Natural-Geology) RDZANOV, Leonid NikolAyevich; OVANESOV, Gurgen Pavlovich; AKSEN(;V, Adollf AIekBeyevich; ArEZRDIN, Alekeandr Danilovich; ZARETSKAYA, A.I., ved. red.; DUBKVS"TA, L., takhn. red. (Method fc rating producible and prospective reserves of oil and gas in platform areas as exemplified by the studies carried out in the Bashkir A.S.S.R.] Metodika otsenki. per- spektivnykh I prognoznykh zapaeov nefti I gaza platformen~ nykh oblaatei (na primere Bashkirskoi ASSR), Moskva, Gos- toptekhizdat, 1963. 81 p. (MIRA 16:11) (Bashkiria-Petroleum geology) (Bashkiria-Gas, Natural-Geology) OVANWOV, G.P.; VITUGIV, P.I.; YEFREMOV, Ye.P. Resi-Its of forced produotion of the layer DI, of the Konstantinovskoye field. Geol. nefti i gaza 6 no.6:1,~-16 je 16? . (IAIM 15:6) 1. Basiddrskoye TSentrallnoye neftyanoyc upravleniye i lieftepromyslovoye upravleniye Oktyabrlskneft'. (Bashkiria-Petroleum geology) -OVA!t'--SOV, Gurgen Pnviovipb4 BEITAV, Yu.K., ved. red.;DIMSHTEYIN# -G.-U., doktor geol.-min.nnuk,rod.; 'YAKMILLVA,Z.7., trThr.rcd. [Formation of oil and gas pools in bash~iria, their classif~- cation Lnd p:-oope tinj- methods"Fo=drovinie zalez)-tei nelti i gbza vPrasl~,17ii, il-h klr;ssifik~,tviin i retody ;,oi--,,-ov. Poci red. G.E.Dikenshtein,. I-'oskvLil Gostoptekhizdat, 1?1- 2"". i . :-o,,Iogy) (b&shkiria-(I..,i, I.' Aural-Goology) I. p - OVANESOV, G. P.9, Doc GEOL-MIN SCI, "PROBLEMS OF.IFORMATION. or PETROLEUM'DEPOSITB AND GAS OF BAKSHIRIYA.( THEIR CLABSI- FICATION AND METHODS OF PROSPECTING." UFAt 1960. (ACAD SCI USSR9 INST OF GEOLOOY NO COMBUSTIBLE MINERALS, MININoAGEOL INST,BASHKIA AFFILIATE ~AcAO SCI USSR9 AomINISTRATION OF PET- ROLEum EXTRACTION INDUSTRY OFtBASMSOVNARKHOZ "BASHNEFT"'). (KLt 3-619 206). 85 I, OVAnSOV. G.P. T~rjms of Bashkir oil pool&. Geol. neftl i gaza, 4 no.11:21-28 N 160~- (MIRA 13:11) 1. Upravleniye Bashneftle (Bashkiri&-Oil fields-Clamaification) AUTBCRS: Ovanesov. ^3 F-, Vitug-.n, P I. TITLE: Prospe.-!ing for il 17 Famernian r PERI,DDICAL: -, & o I o izi.-; a r. f t ~ : 7a zti , n o TEXT: In Febru;%r:,- jw!, -' . -.,, occurren,-e ir. thip uT,.- A~'; :n Bashkirya art, f .nu~'r. ;i'' ,- f z f, from different importance. A r. t -'nu indicates that t~-,e ,rlire Tuymazy-Serafimcvskoye area is prcspf-ctive w:th regard to Famennian ci.. In various fields the cccurrence of ~il wav, discovered in the carbonate leposits of the D-?vonian and Carbr ni ferc,US layers, so that it is absolutely necessary to intensify prrspecting -. 'K~ Bashkir plateau. The oilfield Subkhankulovskoye, the bes,. kn,-V;r. dt~j s with accumulations in the carbonate is tentatively beinr exp! :tel. T ollf teld has a typical Tlateau structure A n a Poulhwest r )-I direction; the fund has two 3imes. ~ drill,,ngs were '.' f lh-r yielded such amounts of oil that an industrial At- 'lizatan is pose-.b't The Fam,-rnian oil is approx!ma'ely three times less vi-- IS th~- Card 1/3 Sj ~-~0/6'/ -7' Pro E, Pe- * -Inc f--:- C: n nn: r P 'B the (,rArbonqrpous lay-r -f 3, 7- 4 f m 7S k. Y t ~ ~ d Un I - -'r s,,il fur . As t rul e , the - F d ~q -- . * - I t~-xt--er t he -. i_ %*A I a,- r cracked limestone. It is difficull t- Je-rmne the whtor-cii i- at the same intervals oil was obtained froir, some wells wi*hou* water mini from others oilfield water Nithout oil was obtained It IS P-~'30*b,'~ thl the oilfield water penetrr.Lej irom other zones ur through fissurt~s ~.n- the lower layers; it is als, possible that water bearing horizcns ar" present In the lower Fame-inian layers. From these findings 'he conclude that oil occurrences in the carbonate deposits are :f peculiar type and difficultly to br Pxploitel At present. proms'ng coil bearirq~ carbonate deposits are bring determined according to the findings of !h~ drilling, such as core jr oil In the washing fluid The rJ In- bore holes is also difficult as the washing fluid penetrates into the fissures of the productive part of the cross se:tion and ~,bstruc*s Research institutes and industrial organisations have until n-w ipvc-! too little attention to the carbonate rock formations and 'he',r bearing chara-teristics. Reliable gecphysical methuds fcr thn tion of individual porous parts and fcr Pstimating the oil bear r,g characteristics are necessary and a1sc thp -arbonale :%yers m--i- b- m-~- Card 21" S/- -Ql/~ - !- - " " /- - I- - , Pros pe -I i r.,- f -,7- . . . ~, n a I.... B,-". /B~ -arefully stuJied. Tt,, r.. 4rf- -' f:gurt.,,q. ASSOC'ATT,N, BFts hne !- ' , ' K * y -1 L r ~~ K r,, " ' ' 1~,/ Card 3/3 ~_ OVAIMOIt-~F.; FASTUKHOV, A.G.; BILAIAN, R.S. Condensate gas deposits in the Ishimbey portion of the Ural Mountain region. Geol. nefti i gas& 4 no.10:1-7 0 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Obsyedinenive Bashkirskoy neftvanoy promyshlennosti I Trost Ishimba7ekoy neftyanoy promyshlonnosti. (Ishimba.v Tagion-Condensato oil wells) OVANICSOV, G.P.; KutT�vrv, ?4.y. %tho4 of prnspacting for atructural features In the bashk-Ir U.S.S.R. Gool.naftl 2 no.10:9-16 0 159. (AURA llill) 1. Oblyedineniya Bashkirskoy neftyanny procrehlonnosti. (Bashkiria-Goolngy, Striictural) RMLNOV. L.Ne; CIVAIMOV, G.P. "' oil- space and gas-bearing prompeots of Paleozoic sediments In Bashklrl&. Geol, neftl 2 no.5tl&25 My #58. (NIRA 1115) 1. Pashkirskly soynarkhoz Ufluskogo, neftyanogo noxichno-Iseledovatell- skoffo inatituta. (B&*hkIrI&-Petrolsum geology) (Bashkiria--4&~. Maturnl-Geology) - OTAUWT, O*F, Using the *Uftmto* drilling rig In PrOGPectImg for Bashkiri&n oil fields. Geoi. zwfti 1 no.614l-47 Ja 157. (nu 1098) Cftihklrl&--Oil wall drilling) OVAIMOV. G.F. PAthod of prospecting for large oil fields in Bashkiria. Geol. nefti I gass. 4 no.2:5-9 7 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Bashkirsidy sovnarkhos. (Disahkiria-Petroleum geology) A IV 4: ~ " Li d t Subject USSR/Mining AID P - 1134 Card 1/1 Pub. 78 - 12/25 Authors Ovanesov, 0. P. and Rosanov, L. N. Title MeM01a__of_-i1n_,_v_e:, iga t ion of the shapes of structural forma- tion in the Devonian deposits of Bashkir Periodical Neft. khoz., v. 32, #1i, 46-49, N 1954 Abstract General description of the geological formation of the Devorian deposits in Bashkir is presented particularly the location of structures indicating presence of anti- clines. Deep structural survey drilling is also recom- mended for preliminary evaluation of the oil-bearing potential. One map and I chart. institution None Submitted No date OVAMOV. G.P. --- mwmppwmmm~ Nxploitation of roof pools. Neft.khos.34 no.7:30-34 il 156. (KL-RA 9:10) (Petrolmm geology) OTANMT. G.P.; ROZANOT. L.N. Method of exploring structures In Z*vonian deposits of Bashkiria. Neft.khos. 32 no.11:46-49 N 154. (KLRA 7:12) (Bashkiria--Geology, Stratigraphic) Ovi 113SOV a G.P.; KAZ I M:.. ~ .d. Now data on the geology of oil- and gas-bearing regions in Bashkiria. &m. geol. 1 00.1:114-1V Ja 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1. ObOyedinenlys OBashneft'.1 g. Ufa. (BashkIria-Petroleum geology) (Bashkiria-Gas, Natural-Geology) OVANESOV, G.P. Method and efficiency of prospecting for comnercial oil fielda and pools in Bashkiria. Trudy VNII no.33:33-54 161. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Bashkirskiy sovet narodnogo khozyaystva. (Bashki-ria-Petroleum geology) -4 OVANNSOV. G.P. W,thods for exploring and contouring oil pools by means of multivells. Geol.nefti 1 no.8:28-32 Ag '57. (KtRA 10:12) l.Bashneft'. (Petroleum geology) AXOPYAN, O.G. : OVEN-J.'~Cv. G.~'. Inte-i-e ex-r.,'-oita*.i,)- of the 'Prafimovskays Kroup of the Bestkirinn fie'dr. lffecl.nefti ' no.1l.-56-63 R 157. I . 'Ib'yediner'.ye 3.-.Pr.,,ieft , Bw 6irip--i atrolleum erWineeriag) I OVANESOV, G.P.; KIIALIMOV, E.M.; SAYFULLIN, M.S. Present status of and methode for devellopirp Ar,p-:- 01i field. Geol. nefti i gaza ' no.10tl-9 0, (MIKA 11;1c,) 1. Sovet narodnogo khozyaystva K)F-Sfl, NeftepromyFil-vnye upravlenlye Bashneft' I Neftepromyfilovoye upravler,~ye Arlanneft'. BROD. 1.0.; BEGISHEV, F.A.; GABRIELYAN, A.G.; OVANIZOV,, G.P.; SEYFUI.1- MULYUKOV, R.B.; SHORNIKOV, B.Ya.; SHPIL'MAN, I.A.; KHANIN, I.L. Oil and gas potential of the Volga-Ural region, the lower Volga Valley, and the Caspian salt-dome region as parts of the northern Caspian oil- and gas-bearing basin. [?rbdy) NILneftegaza no.10:5-16 163. ~vy (MIRA 18:3) 1. Nauchno-iBBledovatellskaya laboratoriya geologicheskikh kriteriyev oteenki perspektiv neftegazonosonosti; Upravleniya neftyanoy I gazovoy promyshlennosti Verkhne-Volzhokogo I Sredne-Volsbakogo sovetov narodnogo khozyaystva i i Orenburgskoye geologicheskoye upravleniye. *- Ah~'Ill, , ~', *. ~'. ; , EI. I ~ .~ t h, I i.. 'i ~ :- . " ~ A . . I I . I 1. 1 I OV; N?.' X . 0 . T . j '0. p . . ~'. j . , .,JV , I . I ..,I .-I,rcsfict-L, !-n the ValgL-Urad rs.7-'on for the lb~-. -~D )ee-Tr. Gecl. nbfti I geza 8 no.912&.32 ~-~ 't~4. ., R-- --. 1. joveL naronnugo khozyayBvv& RUSR 1. Srednt-Volzlsk-,; sove'. nUrodnago k-',o-..vEiygtva. OVkNESOV,, G.P.; KHALIMDV, E.M. Features of the present state of the development of the Devonian oil pools in Bashkiria. Gtol. nefti. I gass, 8 no.lW-12 0 164. (MIRA M12) 1. Sovet narodnogo khozyaystva RSFSR I Bashneft'. F-rd)(,hOV , S. F. ; - V;-Ij.j'( V , G. F . ; V :1,1, 1. A i Y , Yu .~;. ; I-AT"I , K . Yfj . Geology ELna prospects f3r firidini? o'.- and j7as In Sov. geol. " no.!Cj:88-97 C I ~v. . ( " .4d ! , ;, 1. Ii-.s,,-itut geologii I razrabotki guryurhlkh iskopayemyk., . OVAN?.SOV, M.G.; SATTAROV, M.M. Effect of production methods on the vater encroachment of pools. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; neft' i gaz 5 no.2:47-52 162. (NaRA 15:7) 1. Moskovskiy inatitut neftekhimicheskoy i gazovoy promyBhlennosti imeni akademika I.M. Gubkina. (Oil field flooding) w V-.! III I A ....... IV P---2 -A J- .11.ft r J: 4-14 .1U '77 -T-,L 1-3 -44 -%- J. mi.1 V,1 IrlTno _1Tw -_-~v .1 -ts _11"T~nd A v " -I." 3-1 je -:a -m -v 'Y's F- 'I I ItA-4 OLT Xq ..I'm -11-Tv I- -t;-9 J. 13SAIV.-Ipf P.M, ftz-v .1-13 %-.44to J. WMA) -ft T--4 P--v P-n-ll -"..g _--_9 -V% P_ (ri- "I Z1 -ImI14.1-S 1A P~-m --Vo _n ftm ~Inw mil-2 J. mad " JO ftnl~r~",q 'WIANIMSIM p ..4 1,- .V I " 4,& 1 1.4-m "t -mr- Irrm -.1 ..d.1- _.Tv-v r-l-liiwv P_ I-Mc J. Lj_*1 Aw-o ~Mmv In Ln-Uds t".-me .$Q *;'T*l JD _a U _W_ .1 P- 111-46110 P:- P-, J- ~-z -1 -9 I_ 'nlxz J- '-Iva d-4 1Wl.T..Q .2. ort ..,, MT_-Q J. AT.-d-O P_ -Tic arud-3 .1 -u-m P_ -IF" J. 4jA;'4.-S7.v P-1411I Cal At.-d-o -TiTT-%.d ws J. MIZ-1-4 4-lin" j. p~.N q% j. ZjjTjqj.MA I I ~..g ODI J. F-,Wl ;- SIM-% .-Jm W~sddw w I ~aa-xw .t.jw. q... fts- .--.Jv .0 ..It vMT-,P;T.%=.p -, ~-d 0 J. _.J.- on J. "zISz - - -,-.4 P.Tz- pmt" - a -rTrMm -1-3 . Im . I m- P.. J. %_ Ion Inn.-% -1 _11w% p _1%eaD,,qs- an,wg :aTTr%qIjQ at'"W m 00 ISM .* -pImImv,- we P" p" Apm. mt .1 POOM J. -14.4 -.q t_-j_jd -j .,n"- V~ J. T.A A-41AS"AbOir- P".jTjjn Zj-l*..Uj. -j PIOISIM J. 610tM~ -19 s$.rSM_ ~Ipaj Ms"O.P -MMI-9 -1-Id I't 6141-cipw w tns.%= ~ ._I Ou -.-I. ".. -1-VA AQJ .1-CILA VUG-- F-JMW Mj "P.0a J. 996.4 W1 P_4~0.1 "WID-0 jo In-Man s"O-I'm -uls-m-C gain ."V n j. ftTS*l -ju-jp.W ..j ii.s.-qwl n IV= MeMI.SS je Amon M130 I-Id t"-Tw SIM not.-C Qj OW41%en an -a) "ftswq -I- ad 0" ..161od-O pM XMIrl-C J-T.Ill AU ASD%WM1W2 On JO -Wffind" u.."- jj.1s A4 j.TjdmII O.I.Swe go -IVIIIII-0 MSIAMM WA 1~ 9"wemw wwalen-d J. M*Sv s"0-_ T"ID-TWO " pmpbv~ WIsm P" Oulas-tw-a -Twad jai p4vmnl Ss Maq I% 1~ -1-t-d 3 v - 'n -~L I-sm"OR-1 *4 *9 1 *is '"m I f.--l-B tmnftTw-u SIM Twixt.-C jo -%-a -jem '-A-wnv 'W'A 'PaqnA -old- ODO'l P-U-l dITO wift-4 'd Od -m (M.T..D P.- je an -0 M 6814WIF JO Wl"41`1-3 1601-t4d-D JO-1-14) SUM TTftT-9 - -W&IMS I CT..Q"lel d Lftwba gtu&oqe fe"81je" Umadgm& covios I XBvW OVANESOV, M.G. nil potentia-~ -,- *Pe -a.-L.< na*Ie 'n*.-qrlp%~,t~r3 o' tre p:--,--iclnr (forrigenous: )evor-an fmmation of *-ne -)hk%pavo oil field lzv.vys.ucheb.Lav.-neft' i gaz ' no. '64. ()41*,tA 1. MA)skovski'i nstlltu~ i gaz(v(,y pr~- mysnlennc,sti imen, Id" -,titkIna. MUSINI M.Kh.,- OVANESOV, M.G.; YIJFEROV, Yu.K. Oil potential of the limestones of the Biya horizon in the Shje-apC71 field and their prnspects in the adjao~ent territories o~ Bashriria and Orenburg Province. Neftegaz.geol.i geofiz. no.9:43-,,6 163. ("IRA 1-7: ~) 1. Ufi.Tskty neftyanoy naurh-no--Issledovatel'skiy instittit i Nerte- promyslovoye upravlonlye "AksakovnefttO. - OVARESOY,-M.G. -;-KHALI.MDV, E.M. Change in the properties of oils in the DI and DIV horizons of the Shkapovo field as related to geological features of the productive sediments. Izv. vjs. ucheb. sav.; neft' i gaz 4 nc.2:3-7 '61. (KIRA 15:5) 1. Moskovskiy InBtitut neftakhimichaskoy i gazovoy proawshelnnosti imeni akademika I.M.Gubkina i NeftepromWalovoye upravleniye "Aksakov,neft". (Shkapovo region-Petroleum geology)