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OSTUPS, To. Improve the storage of machinery. Muk.-elev. prom. 26 no. 11 31-32 N 160. (HIPA 13:3.1) 1. Zamestitell direktora TalsInskoge kblebopriyomnogo punkta letviyekoy SSR. (Grain-handling maahinery--Maintenance and repair) 1. TAKIBAYFV, Z11. - C3TY:~-K--V, - KAY-t -)V, D. 2. TISSR (600) 4. Cosmic Rays 7. Absorption of star-forming con4,onent of cosmic rays at a height of 4,CK)O meters. Zhur.ekap.i teor.fiz 23 no. 4, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March IV53, Priclassified. OSUBIO, S.. inihener. ~ Modernized stuffing box of the 17-49 refrigerating machine Khol.tekh. 31 no.3:70 JI-S 154. (KLU 7-.)) (Compressors) OSUCH, A. ,?be Influence of Undercutting on the Speed of Breaking Dow Coal" p. 38 (Wigaamosci fignUm, Vol. 4, No. 2, Feb., 1()53, Katovice) SO: Monthlj Lijft of EAd European Accessions, Vol. 3, No. 2, Library of Congress, February, 1954, Unel. CT C'-. A. "P,,-draul I c loa ii nF in I trr,- f-T,,ortq * i of C-on I in t ho ~?C- I a I ;, -C.W, I min- . " r. 20 - (F-rze~ -~ 1 n I ',or -i i c-,,.v )'Jol. 12. io. , , O'une Yatowice, Toland SC: Vonthly InA,3), of ~.ast Euror-a,i A(-ces~-icrin (.-..,Al) L(l. IQ' - 7, 1 iu. .., Arril 19~,P TECT OWGY Periodicals: Mi Zl-',-, I A-) -IT rZ'N .Vn.. "'), n . 17, Sept. OSUCP How the 3d (~,u, arlerly ronferenrn of Krakow i~rarw'i of t-in A5sociation of Polish Xecnanical Fnj-,inporr an(,. Tpr~inirianr- ;n war orr,anized. T). H~-*. ?-'Ont~AY T-irt of Tant Fiirn-,.-an Arrp-,r~ons Y, V .1. Fn~ T-1;ar- ' 11,1-, 'Ir, COUCH, Krzy4.,ztof Shorbiom-AnCa in thv, we cif combuation moto" soric3 514U3. Pr z,,,- i! I - kolej.twckirin, 1/. no.7-199-202 -TI '- 62. A. CeLtralny Osrodek Badiem I Rozvtoju Techniki Kolejowvj, Wvi-szx;~t,. OSUCH, Krzysztof Better heating of the engineer's cabin of combustion loco- motives. Przegl kolej mechan ii (i.e. 161 no.lil.5-17 Ja '64. 1. Central Institute of Resenrch and Development of Railway Techniques, Warsaw. CZARNECKI, Lech; GRANICKI, Olgierd; QSUCH, Rozalla; SZCZYGLOWSKI, Jan The problem of viral hepatitte in pregnant women. PrezeCl. e;j,'dc,-.-. 16 no.2:199-205 162. 1. Z Kliniki Chorob Zakazny-ch M! w Bytomiu Kierovnik: prof. dr K. Szymonski i z II Kliniki Poloznictwa i Chorob Kobiecych AM w Bytomiu Kierownik: prof. dr B. Stepowski. (PAEGNANCY compl) (HEPATITIS INFECTIOUS In pregn) WOLOSZCZUK, Irena; OSUGII, Tadousz; ADAMCZYK, Josef On cases of otaphylococcal eepticomiae trenti-A with adr,-nal cortrtx hormones and antibiotics. Polski tygod. lok. 17 no.26:1038-lT., 25 Jo 162. 1. Z Osrodka Badan Klinicznych PZII i ir Kliniki Chorob Zakaznych AM w Warsuvie; kierownik: prof. dr med. B. Kassur. (ADIIFNAL CORTi!:X HORMONE thor) (AIMBioncs thor) (STAPHYLOCOCCAL INFECTIONS thor) ADAHCZYK, Jozef; OSUCH, Tadeu3z Treatment of trichinosis with ACTH and adrenal cortex hormones with reference to the clinical course and some diagnostic tests. Przegl. epidem. 15 no.4:399-410 161. 1. Z Osrodka Badan Klinicznych PZH i II Kliniki Chorob Zakaznych AM w Warazawie Kierovnik: prof. dr B. Kassur. (CORTICOTROPIN ther) (ADRENAL CORTEX HORMONUS ther) (TRICHINOSIS ther) BTSTRZAIICWSKA, T.: KUS, J.:,-OSUCH. T.: WOJWAROWSKA, W. On the effect of certain infectious diseases on the orCmn of hearing. Otolnr.polska 14 no.4:441-454 160. (COMMICABLIC DISEASES compl) (117,AMSS etiol) BrSTRWOWSXA, Toofila; KUS, Jan; OSUCHv Tadeusz; WOJNARCWSKA, Wanda Examination of the organs of hearing and equilibrium In acute bacillary dysentery. Przogl.epiden. 14 ni-3:367-3'11 160. 1. 2 11 Kliniki Chorob Zakaznych A.M. w Warazawie. Kier.: prof. dr nod. B.1assur. 2 Kliniki Laryngologicznej A.M. w Waratawie. Kier.: prof. dr nod. J.5zymanski. Z Zakladu Laryngologii S.D.L. w Warazavie, Kier.: doe. dr ned. T.Bystrzanowska (DYSENTERY BACILLARY physiol) (HEARING TESTS) BYSTRZANOWSIA, Teofila; KUS, Jan; OSUCH. Tadeuez; WOJNAROWSKA, Wanda Effect of certain infectious diseases on the auditor7 oystem. Gtolar.polska 14 no.3:329-334 160. 1. Z Kliniki LsAT7ngologicznej A.M. w Warazavie, Kierovrdk: prof. dr mad. J.Szymanski; Z II Kliniki Chorob Zakaznych A.M. v Warezawie, Kierownik: prof. dr mod. B.Knaeur i z Zakladu Laryn- gologil S.D.L., Kierownlk: doc. dr mad. T.Bystrzanows)m. (COMMUNICABLE DISEASES compl) (DEAFNESS etiol) OSUCHP Tadeusz; HAREBSKI, Jerzy Clinical observations on chronic 14sniovski-Crohn disease. Poi. tyg. lek. 17 no.51l7&182 29 Ja '62. 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Zakaznych MI w Warazawie; kierownik: prof. dr med. Bertold Kassur. (ILEITIS REGIONAL case reports) 1 " Jl. Przegl. cpiriom. n,- UCH, r w r. K r t 'id ! k i!- i~ I F, i,.: r Ir 0SUCHOWA, Jadwiga; SLOTWINSKA, Ludmila Contribution to cases of retic-;losarcorkatosis. OtolaryTig. pol. 17 no.1:117-121 163. 1. Z Kliniki Otolarynpologicznej AH w Wurszawie Kierownik: prof. dr J. Szymanski. (SARCOMA, RETICULUM CELL) (LARYTIGEAL NEOPLASMS) (SKIN 'ITEOPLASILl OSUCHOWA, Jadwiga. Evaluation of foreiCn bo-lie.,) tract during the per-lod of 35 laryngological clinic of the polska 15 no.4: 4~ ~-467 161. in the c3ophar~;.q and lower yt,-arg accox-ling to -aaterip-l (-,f the Academy of Medicine In Warsaw. Clt3lar. 1. Z Klini.?i Otolaryngologiczno,' AV w Warszawie Kierowndk: pl-)f. dr med. J.Szyman3ki. (FSOPHAGUS for bodies) (RiZPMAT04Y SYST~-2-', fnr bodice )' OSUCHOWSKA,t Barbara Application of the Hall effect to measurements of heavy direct currents. Przegl elektrotachn 37 no.111462-465 '61. 1. Zaklad Elektroniki Instytutu PodBtawowych Problemow Techniki PolBkiej Akademii Nauk. CHOUFAS, D.N., prof. dr Inz.; i,-., Inz. jtram-latul-j Considering enUineering systems as a scientific discipline. Przegl alektroteclm 39 no.6s2011-210 Je 163o OSUCHU-,~!S) K, . ) B. Changes of the clizate. P-3. GAZETA UBS-Iiv~ATUtA. P.I.H.M. .,.'arszawa, Poland. Vol. 12, no. 4, Apr. 1~5v- Monthly List, of i~est Wropean Access ions Index ki-Eitl), LC. Vol. 8, No. 9, Sej,tmber 1"59 6ncl. CISZMKA, Jozefa, mgr inz.; OSUCHM'SKA, barbara, mrr 'r,-,. Remarks on w-ritinf: articles for teckmica' per4okllc&.". elektrotecIm 40 T-,O.b:260-261 Je 164 1. Deputy Chiff Wit.ors, "Pr-.egl Klt,k~rotcchilcmy% witrilow. POLAND / -jeneral biology. Cytol,~,qy. B-2 i Abs Jcur: Ref Zhur-tliol., Iio 109 19L'9, 427F-5. Author Osuchowska, Z. Inst NrA , 1fftvvp"-*- , T!tle Sexual Differences In the Structure )f Cell Orig Pub: Folla morph3l., 1957, R, N) 1, 59-r,4 Abstract- No abstract. Card 1/1 7 P/034,/60/000/"4 CK 7 A?22/AO26 AUTHOR: Osuchowski, Boguslaw, Master of Sciences TITLE: The Use of Radioactive Tm 170 Preparations in Radiographic Metal Tests PERIODICAL: Pomiary-Automatyka-Kontrola, 196o, No. 4, pp. 136 - 138 TEXT: The feasibility of using Tm 170 in aluminum and steel defectoscopy has been established with a view to a likely Polish production of Tm 170, to eco- nomical aspects and labor safety. Pertinent tests were accomplished with a Soviet- -made preparation, which had the dimensions of 5 x 5 mm and an activity of 16.5 mg Ra ( 4.2 C). The preparation was placed in a defectoscope shown In Figure 1 and 2. The photographic material used in the test was Polish-made film Foton Rentgen Super (440 CUK) and ODR-made covers Perlux - M - 200 G (high amplification) arid Porlui M- - 100 G (sharp), manufactured by VEB Kali-Chemie. The Plates ivere developed for 7 minutes in the Agfa 30 developer at a temperature of 180 C. Minimum dimensions of pins, grooves and apertures perceivable on aluminum test radiograms have been e3tablished. Figure 7 shows the absolute and the percent datectability of control pins in aluminum. The experience compiled shows that Tm 170 ensures results com Card 1/ 5 P/034,160/000/004/CV, /00-' A222/AO26 The Use of Radioactive Tm 170 Preparations in Radiographic Metal Tests parable with X-Ray radiography; a Tm 170 radiogram of an aluminum casting Is shown In Figure 8. A su=ary of the results is used to indicate the feasibillty of Tm 170 defeotoscopy, especially because industrial X-Ray equipment is rathtr expensive and not yet manufactured In Poland and safety measurai for Tm 170 are easy to observe. The Polish reactor may ensure an ac1tvIty saturaticn of Tm 170 as high a:, 120 C/g (or about 0.47 g Ra/g). There are 8 figures and 1 table ASSOCIATION- Instytut E.ektrotechniki Zaklad Radiologil Przemyzqiow,!-~ IlInstil"'Ate of Electrical Engineering, Department of Industrial Radloloay) Card 2/5 P/034/6C)/OOO/Oo4/OoL,, :r,7 A222/AO26 The Use of Iladioactive Tb 170 Preparations in Radiographic Metal Tests Figure 1: Tm 170 Defectoscope for preparation Card 3/5 Figure 2: Head piece of defecto~-cope L:,L P/034/60/000/004/002/007 A222/AO26 The Use of Radioactive To 170 Preparations in Radiographic Metal Teats Figure 7: Graph showing absolute and % detectability of control pins in aluminum detectabilt- b aluminum thickness a UY 11 F,I A1111, 77-1 a It N C1 card 4/5 P/046/601/005/oi/M/00.6 AUTHORSt Domanus, J6ze Osuchowoki jggg -Wal TITLEt The Concept of "Gram-Equivalent of Radium" for Non-Point Iso- topic Gamma-Ray Sources /Y PERIODICA.Li Nukleonika, 1960, Vol, 5, No 5. pp 145 - 148 TEXT: The English-language article contains an exposition presented on October 16, 1959 at the Symposium on Metrology of Radionuclides of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna. The authors advocate the de- termination and introduction of an international gram~eqiivalent of radium for non-point Isotopic gamma-.ray sources. The determination of the activ- Ity in Curies is not satisfactory for gamma-ray sources used in radiography and teletherapy. These sources oannot. be conBidered as point sources be- cause of their relatively heavy activities and large dimensions. The effect of autoabsorptior, in the source does not permit determination of the lat- ter's, output directly from the known activity and ionization constant. The concept of the gram-equivalent of radium is more convenient for practical reasons, because it makes possible an Instant calculation of dose-rate-9 for a given distance from the source in question. The specification method for Card 112 DOMANUS, Jozef; OSUC4DWSKI BoRuslaw - The concept of "gram-equivlaont-of-radiur" for non-point isotorAc gramma-ray sources. Fukleonika 5 no.3:143-148 '60. 1. Puclenr Enera Comission, Polish Standards Conmittee, Warszawa , DO"PTUS, Jozef; OSTICHCWSKI Bogualaw - ---- Application of large cobalt-60 sourcem to gamma-radiography of ireta'~s. ",ikleonika 5 no.5:281-300 160. 1. Electrotechnical Institute, Warszawa, Industrial. Radiolo&v Departnent 27322 1 &000 .1.4 6o/Ou5/Oil/011/018 p"5 D249%303 AUTHORV Osuchowski. Boauslaw TITLEt Detecting metal defects with 170 Tm PERIODICAL: Nukleonika, v. 5, no. 11, 1960, 771 - 784 TEXT: A study of the application of 170 Tm for detecting faults In metallic parts is described. The Soviet-produced activated sample of 170Tm te used in the form of a cylinder, 5 ma in both height and diame er, and had an initial activity of 16.5 mg Ra (4.2c). e Percentage transmission of thulium raliation through Al, Fe and Pb and the relative necessary exposures through varioqp thicknesses of Al and steel were measured, using Polish Foton Ilentgen Super films (440 CUK) and fluorescent screens Perlux M-20OG and M-100G. The Mpfectoscope was tested on ape -Ily prepared Al and steel parts and it was found that, for Alwin thicknesses not exceeding 10-15 mm, faults ',e~g, rods notches or holes in the parts under test) measuring 0.5 mm or less could be detected. A P11 mm steel Card 1/3 27322 j'70 P/046 b0/005/011/01i/418 Detecting metal defel:te wi*tl To D249YD303 rod could be detected through a 10 mm thicl#ese of this metal, Sen- sitivity of this device (focal length = 70 cm) was compared to that of an X-ray Muller MG-150 Inetrament, with a tube of focal length equal to 2.5 on operating at 50-100 kv. The latter was more successful in the case of 45 mm thick Al, owing diefly to the ener- gy of the X-rays being lower in this region of thicknesB than that of 170Tm radiation. It was concluded that the two methods give com- parable results and a brief discussion of their economics is given. Use of the thullum detec-.or will depend1b on the necessary exposure times relative to those of the X-ray method as well as on the cost of 170 To which must be `mported. Cost of the experimental defecto- scope was many times lower than that of an X-ray set. To samples may be reactivated in Poland, to the level of ,;120 c/g. Activi- ties of cylindricaldimples of different sizes are tabulated, Opti- nun foe 1 lengths of 1701 defectoscopes, f, are given by f 1(0/ *9 11 d, where 0 repr ,ents both the height and the diameter of * cylindri:al active sampl-~, n9 (taken as 0.3 mm) is the geometri- Card 2/3 27322 '70 rl V4X60/005/011/011/016 Detecting total dej1ects With To D249 D303 cal Okskarpness and d is the thickness of the part tested. In prao- tie*# the use of focal lengths -e 30 em is restricted to examining very small parts. The recommended active sample dimensions (0) are given as 2 x 2 and 4 x A moo Assamizg exposures of I hour, the prao- ticol thicknesses of Al and steel are respectively rNj35 and ,,YlO ma for the 4 x 4 cylinder. A thloknees of ,.j2O on of Al is suitable when using the smaller recommended sample. The ap*atus is compact and light and %he procedure is said to be extremely simple, beingp therefore well suited for use on the production line. A further advantage of the 170Tm defectoscove is that %he necessary protec- tion against radiation is easy to achieve. ]Nomograms are presentef which allow calculation of safe distanCes and thicknesses of lead and steel shielding for a 48 h? working week, assuming a permissi- ble dosage of 300 mr. Conversion of these values for different permissible doses Is Illuetrated. There are A figures and 4 tables. ASSOCIATIOlt Instytu% elektro%e~hnlki. Warszawa, takkad radiologil prsemyslowe~ (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Warsaw, Department of Industrial Radiology) SUBMITTEDt July, 1960 Card 3/3 DCHANW, Jozef; OSUCHOWSKI? PpLruklaw On the problem of the concept of the radii= gran equivalent in non- point isotope sources of gamw rays. Polaki prsegl. radiol. 25 no.4: 405-410 161. 1. Z Nomisji 83nergia Jadrowa" Polskiego Xmitatu Normalizacyjnego Przewodniesacy: doo. J. Domnus. (RADIUM) P/034/61/000/007/002/003 D218/D304 AUTHOR- Osuchowski. Bogus-law, Master of Engineering TITLE- The application range of Polish-made iridium 192 isotopes for flIw detection PERIODICAL: Pomiary, Automatyka, Kontrola, no. 7, 1961, 271-274 TEXT: Results of experiments are given in the application of Ir 192 isotopes for fl w detection in steel and castings. During the experiments, isotopes of Polish and Soviet make were used. The properties of the products are given in Table 1. The first 6 sources are of Polish make, the last two of Soviet make. Rziklio- graphs ware taken on Agfa plates, which the author found the most suitable of those available. The following types were used: iqyfa Texo F with covers made of .2 mm lead and Agfa Texo R covers made of Perlux M-200-G and M-100-G. The total and percentage detection of artificial flows made according to Polish standards, PN-57/M- 70001 is shown. For this experiment a product of dimensions 5 x 5mm was used; distance between the source and the plate 70 mm; film den- Card 1/3 a P/03 61/000/007/002/003 The application range. . D218YD304 sity 1.2 - 1,6, Flows were placed immediately in front of the plates, The methods for calculating the time of exposure for a particular type of film and material tinickness are given graphicaLLy and in tabulated form. The relationship between detection of tlcLtr and focaL length of source is given by ng = 0 d/(f - d) (1) where ng resolving power at boundaries depending on diameter of source, distance between source and plate f, and (I - distance between flow and plate. Assuming that d is the equal thickness of the tested material, the author obtains optimum focal Length as given by fopt m d( Q/ng + 1) (2). It is assumed that the resolution for films with lead covers - .3 mmfor M-100 covers .4 mm and for M-200 covers .5 mm. The relationship between fopt and the thickness of material for various source diameters is shown graphically as well as the relationships between exposure times anci material thickness. Additional graphs give the relationship between maximum thickness of material and focal length isotopes of Table 1, assumin1c, uniform exposure time of 10 mins, a similar relationship Card 213 The application range ... 11/034/61/0-,0/007/002/00') ',)2l81L)304 for 1 ho,,ir exposure time anel possil)lc ap-)lication ran7,n ~or ticular -),.-oducts of T;ible 1. There are 12 figurcr, ;in-l 2 jxS,S 0 ~; !..T -~. 0 14 Zaklad radiolo,-,ii orzemysio~:cj instytutu techniki (Departrcnc of Incl,-,strial .,adiorrap'hy. '~hc Institute of L"lecti-ical ngineerin,g) Table 1. Legend: 1) Dimensions of product; 2) diameter mm 3) he ight m.. ; 4) Volume mm 5) Stren,,,th of product; 6) total strength; 7) specific strength: 8) Country of ori- gin. TA !1:. 1(- AI 71.1 a, U ,1 cn V. N.1111~,, C 0. 5 n, 4 0r, 91 21 1 1 1.4 Card 3/3 OSUCHOWSKI p Bogtwlaw, m1pr. Rzfliating i9OtOPG9 in thO defectoscopy. Przegl elektrotechn 36 nc.3:331 Mr 162. RZADKNOLSKA, Fnzblo,~fi; I.IALENSFA, Kry!,tY"i Grr'll" Poych, "'.0-rauf Pol. 14 no. 6 33 N - D114 1. . Z Pri., g t w rw o-j- Sw f, ! - ium !] ft ' #-rw, wr Cl., ryct -.1 '411 '-S7;1-: ~ ~ (Dyrek-tort dr. mold. F. SCIUARZO Stefan; KLIMEK, Rudolf; HADEJ, Jan; HATUSZEWSKI, Ifenryk; OSUCWdSK1 , Jerzy; SOLARZ, Edward Oxytocin analogues in obstetrics and gynecology. Ginek. pol. 34 no.4:487-490 163. 1. Z I Kliniki Poloznictwa i Chorob Kobiecych AM w KraKOWIf- Kierovnik Klinikit prof. dr med. S. Schwarz. KLDW, Rudolf; 0SUCHOWSKI, Jerzy The standard electrophorogram as a register of electrophorette pattern. Folski tygod. lek. 16 no.21,78()-792 22 HI 161. 1. Z I Uiniki Poloznictwa i Chorob Kobiecych A.M. w Krakovie; kier-ownik, prof. dr S. Schwarz. (BLOOD PROTEINS chem) BUTKEVICH, L.M.; HAKOGON, M.B.; OSUKHOVSKIY, V.F. Effect of external stresses during the annealing of ccld-worked L62 brass on its mechanical properties. Fiz. mt. i metn1loved. 16 no.4s583-588 0 163. (MIRA 16112) 1. Sibirskiy ftdko-tekhnicheskiy Institut. L 8587-66 EWT(1)/EWT(n)/EWP(J)/T IJP(c) AT/RM ACCESSION M AM29902 UP/03DII651007/OW/2578/2579 v. z. Tknebenko V. X. . v. z. AUMM q!221svskL L. A. T TITLE: -i~�rzd~~ the mechanism of forvotion and destruction of the heterochir-ie of electrets frombee BOUNI: YUDM tvardogo toU., T. 7v no. 8. Lc)65,, 2378-2579 "j ''4 111 -i 1, I, U TAG13: electl*t IMX., ejectT1c4i1jhA=L charge donxit3r,, tenperature depend- encey electric polarization., Ion distribution A302PACT: the Worpose of the Investigation vas to check wbotber the commonly shOrea 1Wpotboxis that the Increase in the discharge current of un organic (bees- Vex) electret with Increasing temperature Is due to the motion of the Ions induced IV t1w laternal TWA of the ol"tret. The authors carried out polorization mea- xw*Ments cc b"anx criginal1y heated to 140-3600j, than coolea to room tempera- tw*,p &M then "boated to OC In a fle3A 3,,3 ky/cm. In all cason the s=Vle was kept in Us palwimtIon tiold for 10 mituttsp after v1deb It vas cooled to 20C In 60 nimites. On voltage was then rewvad., the capwitswe divebargedI, and the oleotrat r0hentea to 560,, and the discharge current measured. The rexults show concluslys2r that wben the electrets are heated the Increase in the disebarge cur- rmt,, the vaue of the mwdwa~ and the tine of aypowance of this mLxlmm are Card 42 L 858?-66 ACMBICN Nh AM3W2 connected 4aly with the motion of the low under the Influence of the Internal field of U* altatrat. If the lade seebanlan In not decisive In the formatlon of the betarodbule In the electrat., those raUtlans wW not be astlefled. Orig. aft. bam: I figov and I table. ASSWIAITONs WOavvostv, jSo#ud&rxtT9nXO7 wd"Ysitftip VlMlyastak (Far- 3"ters state advors SMKM=s OINLY63 EMM 00 MM COBS 8Bp EE IM W 9DV3 ODI 07m: W4 jw cora 2/2 OSUSKYP Amton; DOSEEOVA, Nora Fxam.'nal,lat, of 'no, ~crr,_' zntingeq Df wc,,,.Apn malprift-9 their presning In gas-' 'gf,% apace. DrovareKj %-jakm ..70 '63. 1. Stal;nv ~ri,variip~v ilra*'[!'-qva. CUM p Anton Detaruinatien of uro&-fornaldshyd* resins In chipboards. Drevaroky vyskun mc.2s 85-94 164. 1, Stato R"earoh Institute of Wood, Bratislava. OGUSKT, J. Result of the ca=aign against venereal diseases In Slovakia. Bratial. leir. listY 33 no.8:569-576 1953. (CLKL 25:5) 1. Of the Central Anti-Venereal Action by PZ, Bratimlava. RMW,A.; DRGOP)C. J.; UP-0. J.; OSUSKY, J. Observations on the cutaneous tests for syphilis with the pro- paration luoteet. Bratiel. lek. liety. 30 no.8-10:700-704 Aug- Oct 50. (CIAL 20:4) 1. Of the Dermato-Venereological Clinic of Slov&k University, Bratislava. OGVACIWVA,$__V. OSVACIUNA, V. A second locality of Urtica Kioviensia in Czechoslovakia. P*166* Vol. 11, No. 3, 1956, BIOLOGIA, BRATISLAVAm, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. SO: Monthly List of East Wropean Accessionb,, (EEAL)p LC, Vol- 5,, No. 10, Oct. 1956. istvan) dr. On the word of the .~l'ubco7,!,itter-, on INavigation of thp UT -European ~.con(jr,ic .ouncll. Kozip~cd ko?,l 1,4 no..4:41F-4Y 16 j6 163 t,l " . 5, ... MIKUYMIKO, Ivan Grigorlyevich; PESKIN, Zalman Izrallevich; MOGILENKO, P.D., retsenzent; OSVALID, E.Ya.,, ved. red. [Manual on wages In the coal industry] Spravochnoe posobie po oplate truda v ugollnoi prorqshlennosti. Foskva, Vedra, 1965. 298 p. (Y,1RA 18:7) LLivl& EWT(m)/EWP(v)/r/aip(t)/.Np(k)/WP(2)/LFWP(b)/kWA(c) MP(c) JD/~M/W AM. NRs APS025755 SOURCE CODE: UR/0286/65/ODD/Olti/0120/0120 AUTHDRSt Lotsmanov, S. N.; Krivun, G. H.; Chakunovj, 1. P. I UUenskiyj, S. N.; 03valld, F. V.s Bordo"kikh, N. S. ..... ............................ .... ORGa none :TITLE: Silvorless solder for solderi c its alloys. Class h9v No* 174931 SDURGEa ByuUetenl izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 160 1965s 120 'TOPIC TAGS:. solder, copper, copper alloy, tinp nickel, cobalt, manganese ABMMT: This Author Certificate presents a silverless solder for soldering copper- ~and its alloys* The solder contains tin., phoaphorunp and copper* To improve the density aRA strength of the soldered joint and to lower the soldering temper- ature, rdckelt* cobalt (up to 1%) and manganese (up to 095%) are added to the solder, w the remaining components are taken in the following proportionst tin- 10-10s phosphorus- L-5%. copper- remainder, SUB CODE: 1E., NW SUBM DAM 24Dec62/ ORIG. REF3 ODO/ GTH Ra t 000 4090V 0 ell J# CSVALD, Kalmar Increasing thr! mitput factor (coo I ) of power plaiAs by using gererutoy,s an n7nchrnnous mctors. Energis es atom 17 no,140 Jal~,4. OSVALD, R.; KFAT0G1iVIIA)VA,H. Basic relations of ptysicr,chemical pamme-tars cf the first turbid saturated juice. Listy makrovar 79 no.9tW-223 S'63- OSVATII, Anos, dr. (Martonvasar) Problems ri~latlng to mAtheiriatical description of p1ant irrov*h. Elovilag 8 no.4t26-31 Jl-Ag 163. OSVATH,-leaz-lo The R-26 double-control metal training glider. Repulse 14 no.11:13 N '61. OSVATH. Pal. dr. Relation of infant nutrition mixtures to coll Ill polysaccharide binding. Gyermok&vo4raszat 11 no.2:54-60 F '60. 1. A Laszlo korhaz (Ig.: Roman Jozeef dr.) kozlemenyo. (INFAFT NUTRITION) (F,SCMICHIA COLI) SCHRADI, Antal, dr,) OISVAili, dr.; GERGELY, Istvan, dr. Our experiences with diathymosulfone and iaoniazid treatment in various forms of tuberculosis. Tubarkulozia 16 no.6:16'7-1'73 Je 063. 1. A Debreceni Orvostudomanyi Epyetem TBG Klinikajanak (mb. igazgato: Pongor Ferenc dr.) kozlemn;re. (TUBERCULOSIS, PULMONARY (TUBERCULOSIS, LYMPIJ NODE) (PUEUMONIA) (SULFOINES) (ISONIaID) (ANTITUBERCULAR AGENTS) (AMINOSALICYLIG ACID) (THOKACIC RADIOGRAPHY) KOSTTUKOV. Aleksandr Alaksondrovich; BOLISHAKOV. V.P., knnd.tek)m.nBuk,; MIKHATLOV, N.G., kand.tekhn.nsuk.; OSVENSUTA. A.A., red.. SHISHKOVA, L.M.. (Theory of ship waves and wave resistance] Teortio korabel'nykh voln I volnovogo soprotivleniia. LeningrAd, Goo.aoluinoe izd-vo sudostroit.promyshl., 1959. 310 P. ()4111A 1):I) (Ship resistance) (waves) KIY, ~Jltdlnjav red i.r,:Ir.'ki v f:*,:- itol nc. :-.E-Oinnixe k,rab~,n. 6 9 116 6 5/129/6 0/000/06/005/022 E073/E535 AUTHORS: Bokshteyn, S.Z., Kishkin, S.T., Doctors of Technical Sciencesand Osvenskiy, V.D., Engineer TITLEt Influence of Poly ansformation~ on Diffusion~~ in Titanium A PERIODICAL: Metallovedeniye i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov, 196o, Nr 6, pp 21-26 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The operating temperature of titanium alloys is usually 450 to 5000C which is not in accordance with the high melting point of the titanium. It can be assumed that the low heat resistance of titanium alloys is due to a certain extent to diffusion processes. According to A. D. McQuillan (Ref 5) the temperature of polymorphous transformation for pure iodide titanium is 882.50C. At the operating temperatures the a-modification is stable, whilst at the high melting temperature the 0-modification is stable. For the purpose of investigating the influence of the allotropic modification of titanium on the diffusion, the authors used iodide titanium of the Card 1/4 following composition: 0.015% Mg, 0.01% Si, 0.02% Fe, o9Y,6 S/129/60/000/06/005/022 E073/E535 Influence of Polymorphous Transformations on Diffusion in Titanium < 0.02% Al,