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0,TROI-NOT , - , Y-- '. . - , , ~ - ~ 1-7 r I I r-, 1 '17n , tf ~ . -, n c , I - ,. - - - ' ~ - I (!ITFLA D, ,, krr-"hr, -al odvlrati~yl) OSTMMUI. G.. Inshener Planet in the laboratory. Tekh.mol.25 no.1:9-10 Ja '57. ()UU 10:2) (Geophysics) OSTROUROV, G., inzhener; GL'SHGHNV, S., in2hener. The mo-chine hu6 come to the stock farn. Teich.mol. 22 no.8:1-4 Ag 154. 1 Agri cul tural machinery) MYROUNOV,Georgly 'P-- ~;'- - - -_ Scientists of the world at the rourd table. Takh.pol.23 no.11:7-15 M155. (KLRA 8:12) (Geneva--Atomic power-Congresses) OSTROUMDV, G. tilgh onmriy. Illn. takh. 4 no.10:14-20 U 159. (MIRA 13:1) kliticloar phvaice) 2 G A UTM,R. Ostroumov, G., Ent-in-r TITLE At the Hise of it New Sur, As, vn3khode novo~o Polr.t,;, PER T X': 7 AL Tekhr.i~a molode7hi, Nr 1 , pp I - 4 US"H A I I ST71 A T Tn t~-is scie.,.tific article for 1,e eral infir- tic~n, t-.e .~;Innr writfie on tic future of t.1,firmorruclear ur-er~,.y. it of September the 2nd lnt~-r,ational Conference ,f t -.p U7 0.7 problerms of the pe-ceful use of atimic ent-r',-,y wii- 1,ei,l in Go, ev- 1-io- tl,, ta an delepatev from f.1, (-nu: t r i - u . well ~ur ~00,,) (3x,:orts sind obsurvers atte -led thi. Con: - i e T',-,ere aL,)~it twice ti.e number of special-,:-.ts ,r~sert s c om -,;, v e t n tt.e :%Eetint, in 195'). At that ti-~e, t ere were still .-, L-..) - -v. tics who doxibted tne pos!iibilitY of cr: trolled t h er u i -. t. r- r , a c t I or-, . A t t h i -q 4' n d -n,) e t i - , qCi et t i :, t -q gere rki-r~-d j.,. - I-;iff iculties blit L.'Iso on t~.p i,-.P~)rta -e of rr,sp-i In tm! !'ielld. V,e fifmouij lecture held :y t ~ e Ac,d-mi fit Htrwell in 1)'~, vif~s u val~iable Conti -,I t Tne preaort article is based C~,rd 1 on -A '4 , - - '. . : a rec.-tly d,?l4vor~d ir. Chira hy tne At th,~ ;-,iie of a WV1 ~"In .1. 'I ~ I- -I - 1-11 I. V r nf t c, t t tt ii t u I t 0': t it j f t I I f f t t 1 co f e r. r I r )'I 1 1 ~t i i t t t tI t t o, v o The vi 11 I P f I r f I t t t !~a r 1 t t El N t ! e r m o n c Par e-ier,~y ra n 1) e ~l i rertly t ru r fr -T. e I i - t c. r r e t F,jrt V Kurc ;itov rc,,,o : ', e d an i T~ v (,, i, t i t ~ ), rrr ~ ~ -1, o i it hy t I r, t i t : t e o f A t o -- i c X r. e r) v . I' , - i v e t i it , ~,s ~t r e I ise.' on t .-. e w o r k 1, y t eA : ;, I (~ m i c I a r IC, A . :, . .3 rv n d 1. Ye. Tamm who exa,ni r7f?d tl,c- poqFlibi 1~ t v -f t ic. or. o f , I Fi Fria ~,y I na. , el. i c f i v 'I d ~, n I it r h,, i )u, , 'F e a C 2, Th, ne invert 1 -at io!i!; one of t - c 4 C! 1r t -,e At tNe R1 3e Of 4 New 311r, field of research of the,7-onuclaar reactio.-is rr,, to t!.em, are such toroilul plants as Bj itain' s "7'ota" Soviet ";,I' I'&". The otht r di z Yct Ion I a t!,e res. . - . ~,f t- e behavior of plam-ia in straAt!ht t!ibes Mhich the press r- t. ~ , te ! after KUrChAtM'2f- lecture ut 11a:well. After ~',. I . liu 1 k P r had suge;ested a system wit!, nu-called ra-gintir ~1 - 1~ calculating it in 19~4, a now direction in this L ,A t a r or, , qu cn, 3 v a t a m a we r e d e 9 i gna t ad as a e! I L, li,i ti i t r,i , s T~xir application malei it poiisible in princi~lf~ t,) I r. n.; iloo-it tt4oni*r.'f thor;,onuclear reaction. T~.e t "r.; I - "UKra" worked o,.t -irjd-~r- t:.,- 1,. re - t i or. I r, t: i)'-unt 1. 1 n ( F i r e F i n I I.y I . V . Kt; 1 t v ur. r, i ri e d f e -~I tic,s ~r',vo on t. C e 'Ai e - t -.y i v i i re e d i k I 1 1 fl Card ACCF.3SIM EX: AV3W1203 8/9003/63/OOD/142/0303/OW3 Cotromms 9, 8 __Llmftl c of weston) TZMXS Repwt fm the rim c ft c WAM lzvemtUmp 16 Jkm 63j, IN 3p cola,, lah %PIC TAOS: VISCUSSIM &W" VIS MOVII)SUOMI &VICS UNA In the Vbwtj*,5 TXVs In a discummUn of the com* polft an Us ccomemm ostnawy refm to the ma uptiama 69YICO Wed In the Vbstdw low SWAD ft. I 11: *In the emmudtatims rOm,, thw molemAy WOO vp t1* mwo or rather the twlnp of the MOVIMUM device Iwtalled 1u the c0ln ce the Vcutck-5. 2be wallp f1mly drmm alcbo 10 wt InW Its u;pw left-bond com-,~. On the Oberical Simm thmm Ic a r1m w1th a retIcle, ne elan Is rotatod with euwtly tbo sum angular W-Imltv as the mrtbo and tho ocams cmtln=U =d islands drift b=umtb the poInt of the ret1cle, MN It 1e over tbe outern ;wt of the JWI I Ocenn. 7hin mxnme tbut tho ship Is timme" Card lij AcCMICM M: AW3DD1203 Further acearlytUm mA a at the amice tv its assipw imUcate tbat tbere Is amther# sooner circle within the larear omj it is used &UdM the &*OnU7 MA ImAIM cC the ablp. 20 cbmp the globe 0a setting Trm "arbit" to "laWing " a switch In tbrow ldm to skip to a 4 cmalmS the & maw poaltim Dare a riftae cc the soon -c1rcle abwm the point at Web the ship vou3d land W the commormA begm at the mmmmt. Moo the mooll circle havs the comm3mut to cbmse the plam for 2mmAbW. 7he ronvAps statament aqppurtm the earlier mntim of a nubur of noulan en the carrier rocket: "IU rocket soom& to float. Aveam of flame, Wid like the mm Itselto ylu~pa ftrivamly ft= the diacberp mozzles to Vle gripirA," Retarding the power of the rocket., he Days# "I am vriting theno linen oxdd the i9E3E=- of the- ro&,et,. In a glass stvmdlug near me a =03 spom is Annllma, Ovar mw bead the raDf of the cbeez-vation-point vczmMft In 61MInU," Oxtrou=$e article a1w InUcatev that the Chairrar of tho SUite Coomisolvnp UP Chief Spaceship Deu~~,p and the Chief of the Laurwli Card 2/3 I ACCMSIMI IIR: lw"3WI203 Commud an Ju ebaree ar tho coamDdrmo &xrlmg the lprapmtion MO. Immch of SWO Twel"o SPAD a, Ztm W. 14 ME IxAi: 19Z=63 c-r-W3 OSTRCUMCV, G. Coming-of-ape of the atoin. Nn.tekh- 5 no.3; P--IC Yr '61. (KRA (Nuciear reactors) -mmimlm--q~orgiy Through the eyea of & witness. Nauka i zhizn' 29 no.9:11-14 S 162. (MIRA 15-10) 1. Chlen redaktaionnoy kollegii zhurnala "Nauka I zhiznl". (Astronautics) OSTROMIOV, 3 0 23031 Tvortgy gaologichemkoy nauki. (0 rus. uchenykh-geologakh). ni. A. Fobedinakiy. Tekhnika-aolodezhi, 1949, No. 7, C. 27v.32. - Prodolah. Sledust. SOs LETOPISI NO. 13, 1949 OSTROUMDV, G.A.; SWEYNBFRG, A.A. I*thod for measuring pillne voltai.1,39. ?rib. I tx~kh. efsp. 8 no.3:85-81, MY-Je 163. ~MIRA 1. Lenln.Trad-ikly wo,,iudnr.,;tvenr,yy iniversitot. ~Oscillogr&phy) ZAKIMATOV, D.P., inzh.; LOKSHIN, A.M., inzh.; OSTROUMOV, G.A., prof.; SIFIEYNBERG, A.A.0 Inzh. One cause for accelerating the corrosion of hydropener-itor thrust bear'nge. Elek. at&. 34 no.708-42 Jl '63. (MIRA IC: 8) MF I I N I w "', N 1, '' -'. ~t l.. .. 'o A. . " H" . A. A. . ,( , m , ' - 1-- " y !" .~ 7 : . ~ - '. , .~, ~: . n . .'I -. . , ,' ',, - -, ,.. . -1--.,.) . -T., * -, - . , I , .1 . ! 1, 1 ,I I., ), , ~ ~ , V.- ~ , OSTROMV. G. A. *gatural Convective Beat Transfer* in Closed Vertict4l Pipe@*` Sub 1.2 4r 47, Physic# Inst Imeni P. N. Lebedev, Acad Set I DIssertationr presente,l for degreep in science nnd engineering In Moscow in 1947 SO: Sum No. 457, 19 Apr 55 U8S:R/Flectronic95 Sep/Oct 48 RelayaPolarized MathematIcs, Applied Me Problem of the Linear Theory of the Polari- zed Rolay, " G. A. Ontroumov, Molotov State U, Chair of Gen Fhve, 15 pp -Avtonugt I Telamekb" Vol IX, No Br1ofly discusses theoriae on subject relay hrhIcb determine limits vithin vhich It can be utilized. First mention of a polarized relay van made in G. A. Ootroumo?la article, "Method for Making Computations on Polarized Relays" (Sci Tech Collec- tive, Leningrad Electrotecb 11nat of Communications, 4W. 18/49TU.-- VZO/Electronica (Contd) sap/oct 48 No 9, 1935). Presents methods for constructing G two-position a- ratus vith mAximum ~On-BitivItY 'Pa during oscillating OPOrdtiOn- -4 18/4M1 ,&)W W V 0 W M V iz -4 -0-111131% ow -iw 11"T. 1m; 1p,mrses, L':~ big 6 1 1 of it U If 44 to As if $a of ill-Ni'll-111 III in p 0 oll 4 It A I L A A-A 1, A A J-1 -Alo A 4 A it It. MAr"JIMATWAL THROPIP OF SUADY XSAT THAPIMPI FROM A VERTICAL CIFICULAS MINX, We- OUPSHIM POSED FORCID AND "It LAWPAR COMACTIONS A, QW.Mov Zhiir TOM Fill 20. 750-?" M Jules go.fral Author. he.. sn'titlamad loss problefflol tat a. I-mvii! for,rd P-0~111# mo"'*Phl Is A olittichiJ MP- 0 see .."it be noal flow tkr",*I% the top$ *&its Me pe-iotil Puo broft sol-if is Law pre"al paper for a clefWar wirritral =e 0 i hre to an iviosrupc ma,pri.1 - list ..-.pit- that the -1-t7 -1-, .1 Illowd prtlclos mi;-U4 to t?w bro,. -0-00- - )--ttfi*d toew"ettom pr,bt*.N#p in the -6dle part 4 vertica tubes TIw larro., :,r*gordpd ..,a ouptrimprealtim of It** And 4 '.. lloPix it Is C%UW that to* i,ityrovit has Throligis the pro"Ace of a rl:,$Irtc:IY &*,&I oymmvtry ho most empersvvy* Srsilkerwl Am adiliticseal com-~ntoi *b;,ch is smilopyamanirtric wit), respect to Aft axiel oa A results 61"s Me I.I.&I heal tramtsferrod till low onvoift-s in the, upward &rvctl(m too WIN; 1 111411. 461003 .60 co., car 4 11 (W (5-- 0. At IV 1 11 1 111- T a 1 0 the to At 10 9 A a 9 it 60, 31 d a a 4 It 0 V It it KID I !as 464 00 * 111 0 00 0 0 0000 e 0 0 do 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ~*000 00 0* 00 00 e 0 0 0 41 0 0 :100 off* 00 0o0600000 o1 Wass IrIff or VxWxWrrrW1! - . vow- K,A.M-.AL JUL A JLJL A, K.A JL-JL.JL-JL-JL 11 1. - , __ " - .0 , - , 0000000o000 p # a 9 0 off Ali It I , t v V 61 a V 111, 0 a 4t Q if a 4 0g rit L s a it, p ~&.,. it t ..1, 0 a I lee- lis 00 PU -FrATVMANY #TATIM OF IFIRILIK MIL AT V091 ! VILL a M COCITLAIN DMRS I 92PIERDIRINTAL PART G A.0afroaltipsov, Zber Too fris to to. 1000 00 111051% AWC Ila Russians) I IV, former Paper. itm latest Use Fit 30. 75& 19SO., a tilif"try was 60.0jusiam Witich stallifillied .0.9r4i sitillsorl. J vertical r1plifewto that 'to obveev" in liquid. 11". 6641 coo 008 1 rill in vertical tubes hoolosti ir,,m bei,. he.. 00 ir coatrise6ed, as a mats re"It. that this ohlAblillinlenil d a 400.1. 1 gradiont rif temp raturt,avirralrd in the donrul: vefur:l goo pipe** ran%-* becticlow takes place Independent .1this, * 00 , the Isms Inds, limits of heat transferred b of Lha u ntit 00 . a l q y nar current illowever. with increasing heal quantill, a 0 crills,A) all"flor, wse. when the lanstrartiv ~ and in the Postcritical states the thermal brhA%,.,r J the liquid mass doe% nor littier eastrillaily fr,,m thst it a .slid 00 txidy This thetiry hap born I-m the 4-n,vt-n goo -siataliard by %#.~let tart.. that the J the liquid goo parlicloo are strictly vertical An ratierin,, -lu,tt 0 do., r,bvd IMI M1kI1tlr4li,wo~ br-Khl ab-,ut in 'he,sir r-11- 1,% the present, (if wria,wal ciuyip.,riaril is very %mail , ,ni do o Fsar" wills this vertical complesents, in the partiq le, 0- ties P,IlbuW% the prinicipel result- ,I the th-rv reMAIn moo applicable when the fivallnit birronits Intrii-, trial. ne. plirsissame" are o -00 Corning W firre, "#&d for the r,)Fo.rrll,m I., ros'), 6)... to 0 4 611 level one low pec-.1lor damped ..-P.,.1 ...... 111.1l'usi. ft 6LLUOLK&L Lill*bftotl a I I 'Joe o the tube gee I kjli .11 (P.. 44, 1 111111111M1: 99, 1. a ilsii, 0I I t; IN is _Y t a a a of a I a S, 0 0 a , 0 0 41 I 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 4 0 0 00010 99 0 0 0 0 000000 V: 0 *a*** 0 00 so so *I a too** A I 00000009 *90006 00 r a 11 11 it tA is 19 w SO 0 It v a a a bb If is 0 4d v I_ 0 F 9 9 1 L r 1w, ""M -00 -00 /y 00 a egg 90, 10 -00 0 00 PRIL STATIL)NARY 4 . T&Tj~jj.,)r "ILL fit AT I m, IN 'N CIRCULAN "HE,14 11 TPOORLTR 41 00 PART G, A. CSty~ rbur Te" Fl- 20 1311 14 -1950, M., I, b-.-f .,p, .1~, .900 00 0. t *lkp&" %1-m %b%rh "It 91$rA 1h 1h,, Tkh so* Prix 20. 7 "I'liftw 1, Ze 0 go* Soo 1110141 -go tie 0 too lot u a $1, 00 It gal lot a a 0 0 a *00 00 0 10000000000000000 ee UBSW/jj~ ~jcs -- New Techniques 11 Apr 50 Heat Flov "Optical Quantitative Method for Observing Ther- mal and Diffusional Phenomena as a Plane Problem wA for Small Deformations of AlmoBt-Planar 1-1 Surfaces (A Methjd of Lattlceb),' G. A. 0stroumov, '3' Molotov StateU imeni A. IF. Gorkiy t- r-4 aDok Ak Nauk SSSR", Vol LXXI, lqo 5, PP 887-890 Propagation of heat and diffuslonal processes can be experimentally studied in solid by examn of the light patterns on the surface of unevenly 'heated, slightly distorted solid, because of 4W 176T102 EMM/Phyaica - New Techniques 11 Apr 50 (Contd) variations in heat and pressure, gradients. De. scription of app, theory, and use. Submitted 13 Feb 50 by Acad S. I. Vavilov. An* 176T102 UWR/Mathemtics - Hyperbolic Functions Aug 51 "Method for Rapidly Processing Results of Meas- uremrnts by the Method of Hyperbolic Tangeht," G. A. Ostroumav "Zhur Tekb Fiz" Vol XXE, No 8, pp 948-961 Subject method is often applied to study of plane waves. Outlines mathematical theory and gi-w-es example of graphic construction. Obtained variaw points of the graph experimentally from study of material of various vidths. These points appear to lie on a circumference, vhich 191073 USSR/Mathematics - lic Funct ions Aug 51 Co facilitates detn of vave p%rameters of material according to wagmitude and location of this cir- cumference. Submitted 31 Dec 50. 194TB V) 0 S-r- C T C, . A . Arnr~rir - e I v -e r-s i T- e - r r C-- f, f' r - i re: r ecr,r i rn Olsem-od f Frc~r Ver I cn r. lly S) c n rc~ Sc' f "'Ay USSR/Physics - Diffusion coefficient Card 1/1 Pub. 153 - 16/24 FD-Iuko Author Ostroumov, G. A. Title Application of the optical lattice method to the measurement of the diffuBion coefficient Periodical Zbur. tekh. fiz., 24, No 10, 1864-1366, Oct 1954 Abstract ne author describes a method, which Is based upon his derived equation (11), unique in that the constants of the apparatus do not influence the results of measurements. Institution Submitted I arch 101, 19514 Category USSY '-I j-1 irs - rrp K-4 Abs Jour R-.-- f F I z I kb , 14~ Y" . N, Author O~ty Q A Titl~e t1it. Sej.L,jtj%-.'y cf ttie Oplical-Grating Method Orig Pul, a- tekhn flzlk~, , ~-1,4, 2L. v-y-p 11, 2c)43-20)-5 Abstract Yt- us- - f a gra-rig ',n ppnum'.ral I-nstallations Increabes 'hplr gensi- tivity Substailtinl'y Ej,_wtirns Eve gIven for the resolution of the pe,,umbr5i m~-th-l '-) llj,~ use iind,,r -onsideration. It Is -oncluded *Lq, 'ipon -,r~f-- u!ze -f !he grating this method has the same reso- as the iriterft-ren,e mo-ter, but -ails for a sLmpler setup. Card OSTR~UYOV, 0. A. Physics - Electrolyte ccrvectior. 1 Card ./. P-,t,, 1-4-~-9/_6 Author Ostroumov, G FD 423 Title Electrostatic convection in electroiytQ6 Periodicn- A,,ir. eksp. ~ t(--,3r. fiz. 26, 5L'5-59-i', 14a~ 1954 Abstract D,~veiop~i an~; ~--ipp ements the rejuits of' hl~r previout; work ' OTr,;(i .n ,, Ko,-n,* Li~ po ikuqtik(2 N SSSR," sbornik Nu ~, pp P re-ating to t~-e ciz.c.."ation of -~Iectrostatic convection in c).i:,~ir~c!. 1'i~led wit~~ tin v.cctrolyte. Thankr, V. S. Sorakin. Institution M(.) ~ot )v Stott, ~Jzl 1. ver, : ty Submitted i"ecember 17, OISTRO doktor fisiko-natematicheakikh nank. Now paper drying method. Bum.prom. 29 no.11:18 N 154AMMA 9:1) 1. Professor Molotovskogo gosudarstyeanogo univereltets im. A.M. Gorlkogo. (Paper-making machiner7) ~Momovo 61. PHASE I TRUME ISLAND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REPORT AID 208-1 BDDX Call No. QC32?. q? Author: OSTROLWV* G.A. Tull Titlet FREE CONVECTION UNMM CONDITIONS OF INNER PROBLEM Trw aliterated Titlet Svobodnaya konvektaiya v usloviyakh vnutrenney zadachi Publishing Data Originating Agencyt None Putlishing Houses State Publishing House of Technloal Theoretical Literature. Dater 1952 No. ppt 256 and No. of copies: 4,000 27 plates. Editorial StaLf f Lrd1tort None Editor-in-Chief: None Tech. Ed.s None Appraiser: None Text, Data Coverages This book gives theoretical and experimental data related exclusively to heat tran smission by convection on the vertical tube. The author applies the theory of natural gravitation to heat problems in geo- physics (heat convection in oil wells, geothermics in underground water basine, a-j well as In industrial problems (convection in castings, chemical procesces, ventilation, oil transformers, electroric tubes, LU.) and tc many other related questions. (Sketches, charts, photos, and tables). 1/2 Svobodnaya konvektsiya v usloviyakh vnutrenney sadechi Air 208-1 Descriptions of the test equipment and experimental method as well as mathematical analysis of the test results would seem to be of interest, chiefly to persona doing research on heat tranimiasion problems. Purposes A book for scientific research engineers, technicians and students working in the field of geophysics, thermal engineering, metallurgy, industrial chemistry and hygiene. Facilitiess Gratitude was expressed for consultatic.i and comments to Academicians L.D. Landau and M.V. Kirpichev, Corr. Members,Academy of Sciences,N. 11. Andreyev ewd A.S. Predvoditelev, S.N. Rzhe-vkin, F.Ye. Stepanov, D.A. Frank-Ramentakly, I.G. Shaposhnikov, L.S. Tygensen and A.M. Kuznetsov. Molotov State University iment A.M. GorIkiy. No. of Russian and Slavic References: 34 (1905-1950) Available: Library of Congress 212 SUBJECT USSR/MATHEKATICS/Iritegral equations CARL 112 IG - 684 AUTHOR 'IERTGEN' B.A., OSTROUMOV G.A. TITLE On the problem oe-d--e-te-rminin'g optical inhomo6~eneities. PERIOLICAL Priklad.Mat.Mech. 19. 109-11-1) (19""" reviewed 4/1957 The practival application of the optical track method is restricted to two- dimensional cases. The authors investigate the question whether the method can also be extended to three-dimensional cases with some chance for practical results,i.e. whether it is possible e.g. to determine the index of refraction inside of an inhomogeneouq medium in dependence of the coordinates x,y,z such that light (of certain wave length) passes through the medium in direction of the three coordinate axes, and this in different layers. Mathematically: with which exactness a unique continuous function n - f(X,Y,Z) can be determined by the three equations X Y z f(xpygg)d-x - t,(y,z), f(x,y,z)dy - +,(x,z), ff(x,y,z)dz 0 0 0 In general the problem is not solvable. Therefore at first the following problem is treated: to find - amone the polynomlals which depend on x,v,z in second order - that polyncnial f,(X,YZ) for which I Priklad.Mat.Yech. ji, 109-112 (19r)r,' CARL 212 PC, - fJ14 X Y z jjj [f (11,Y,Z)- (a, +Ei,,x+. . .+a 10Z dx ~y dz - Min. 0 0 0 Since in this case the 10 partial derivatives with respect to a i must separately vanish, the 10 coefficients a i can be determined, For polynomials of third order f 3(z,v,z) the problem cannot be solved, since for that case even the experimental determination of "moments of first order" e.g. f I f(Igy1z)dX~~'(Y".) 0 would be necessary. This determination is very difficult, if no other relation exists and is known, e.6:. symmetry of f with respect to the dentra: plane I - I X. 2 Furthermore, in a second problem, tY,13 symmetry is assumed to exist with respect to the x-, the y-, and the z-plane, rind it is asked for the exactnes.~, with which, under thig assuairtion supposed to be true, the index of refraction can be determined in its local dependence. --------- -- w.7 0 A MtygUnyj W RiMiRn. EngltA trul-Mign in, ft"l '(No* York), Vol. 2, No. 3,.438-32 (May; Is Several wler. of axpeximenw ~d qualfixtive eba" a movement 1A 41st.11W carried out to clArUy aptwitaneou L *ja6r the d Which n am* f to twwased I plac*s by addition of a 47od eectroly* Tb* bxperiments - Au43tantIOed tho assumed properflea ot tho phenomenon, In --parUcular IVwa3 po6stbls to produce- a mnlel *( the -gas disch Al F ctuat Ag -.4omnon-of toy arge frum IL 001L lu A V OSTRDMIOV, G.A. (Molotov) Gravitation and he&'. C9LVeCti*M pkreretere of water &n.,4 &1r. Izv.All SSSR.Otd.tekh.zauk a-3:159-162 156. (FILRA 9-7) (Heat--Vonvection) (Atmosphere) LISSR/Optice Physical Optics, K-5 Abet Journal: Referat Zhur - FizikA, No 12, _'956, 3571G Authort Vertgeyn, B. A., Ostroumov, G. A. Institution: None Titiel On the Problem of DiocloBing Optical InhomogeDeitles Original Perio(licalt Pri)L-'. matem. i mekhanilm, 1956, 1,), No 1, iog-112 Abstract: &amination of the problem of the puaoibility of determir,.1-ng IrLe indices of refraction n (x,y,z) of a transparent inh-wogene,_-ui3 specimen as a function of the coordinates from given 3-fold trarie.- illumination u." the specimen in directions parallel to the Car- tesian coordiruite axes, i.e.) along the known optical t1iicknesses of the specimen in 3 mutually perpen(Licular directions: (rrorp functions of the type x n(x,y,z)d-x = 4(y,z). It is shew-n !,iiat 0 in the general case such a problem cannot be aoived. However. it Card 1/2 USSR/Optics Abst journa~t Rerer-,i Abstracti is po fl J er ~,11(i pu ~'-a. W n !-e.9 ~e 'I lfj,jj:~ im 1, k X? Y deter i u Li. po..p.amiai re,al I ve * x with ;iv-ruge leviation .1'rom n(X,Y.7 already requ---r~s know;- i,. oi' tne L.yl,e X xr~ 7 VII, r, , A t; iv I.. . resu-c-, ~iie )u~.uj-iAj aise L,.y anolaer forml~uatiozj of' tile p r ~, L, ., namelv. !'I n4l.rit~ Fi f unr t, i an n (x, y, z ) represer I I riv it p, . ,, ~ !r, I i . powe: !it ! -., 1, -) ) /. and z ul A.~ r tile - U~,AI 1. 1 "f t 1,~i t ior fkz~d U111i . 4"'(1L113 f,ul. C t. 10DII 1,01. tile -' Ahe- A', r e tran,q ion ~)e aPprox imated b.~ polynamiala 0!' tiv, B.irn~ N with reqp- L %.- ,',,e ordLiates. D,icu a mettiod cf n z e ancl of t rn:. t, i-I ~,i r; (j. 1. 1 L.Ln !, pe ~- tmeii -i i r; on e d 11, e~, in pra-ice ,u diac Lose Lnnomogenei-,Ies. The reLiuti.,n;;,L~pt i;,- %o the a AE:. not pertai-n . case of a strongi.; pronourced a,ng-e Inhrmogeneity, in, ~,ided ii~ the boiy cZ tue Irans- Card J-1 " I I ,C14 ~ -I ~ t " t'k USSR/Atom!c and Mclecular Physics - Heat, D-4 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 12.. 1956, 3440H Auth~,r: OstrcLmov. A. G., Oat. oumov, G. A. Inat-ItutIcn: Ncno- Title: On th,- Pr~blem of Thermoelectric ConvectLon Original P,--riodlcal: Zh. tekhr). fiziki, 1956, 26, No 3, 636-639 Abstrhct-. A Platinum w-ire 12.8 cm long 0.05 or ().I mm in diameter is connected into the circuit of a thermcanemometer bridge, making it possible to measure its average temperature, and is lccate:d horizontally at the distance 13.5 mm above a disc 12 cm in diameter. The dlac le charged from a rectifying circuit to a voltage of 6,000 relative to the wire, at positive and negativet polarities alternately. The current. flowing between the wire find the disc ia measured with a galvanometer. The wire is located in a penumbral OptiCal Installation (Brating method), making it possible to phctograph the thermal processes near the vire. The resulting photcgrapha are eho;m. It turns out that at small applied voitages a rising streamer of hot air moves upward away fr-,vn ths~ wire. At high vcltages the streamer becomes distorted, and is so to Bresk drawn Into the strcng fileld between the wire and the electrode; a conduction I cif 2 ';~331?," A' riil' - arA W-le'u.'vr - lit!at , D-11 Az-i, irra Rel-rat - Fizika , No ~2, )44CP A U *, 11 ., 3 ur,,7 v , A uqtro,,jr.-3v. G. A. lnatit,zt-'~r~: None TI ". I e :Or ~he Vr:~nleu Phennoclectric Convection Origi,a. ~n. *-ekhn. fiziki, 195b, zb, No 3, 0,3(-biI4 At,!) t rA r, I :carrert -'s iilmultflneousiy observed flowing in the air betweei, thr- i!- anq th-~ -Iec*rcdp. I!r)dr!r rertain conditions the wi-re starts rotntink- Ba se, I o qervations macie. I,*- Is deduced that the phenomenon is aue not to tit t,:~ T-)rt-ra d1scharge. Bibliogranhy, 5 references. SUBJECT USSR PHYSICS CJ~Br PA AUTHOR OSTRUL'OV,G.A. TITLE -dnateady Heat Convection r.ear a Horizontal Cylinder. PERIODICAL Zurn.techn.fis, 26, faBc-12, 2720-27"0 (19'~(,,' Issued: I / 10~T_ Heat convection was experimentally investigated near a thin hclrizont~,l wire im- mediately after the wire had been put under current. This case was choser, because the corresponding steady process Is wfill known and because this case represents a variety of the "flat problem" in which it in of advantage to employ the optical wrid method. At first the system in iescribf-,d, after which there follows a doqcrip- tion of the three series of experiments. The first series served the purp03t Of clarifying the hydrodynamics of unateady convection as well as of the relf-itions existing among the rcsults obtained by observations relatinC to th'- kinematics f a 1,ydrodynamic flow by thc~ method of lielit-disper3ing particles anA of the teipper- ature gradients by means of the optical jrId ai~.-thod. Four phot06 illustrate the typical cases. On the basis Of these j.hotos the following ccnclugioris m;,y be drawn: 1.) HeatinE of the thin wire causes the occurrence of a hydrodynan,._- ~i- pole, or better of a horizontal band of vertical dipoles. In the course of the de- velopment of convection two circular flows gra~lually begin to form it, the liquid on both sides of the torch risinC i~)ov(.. the wire. These circulur flows are not HELM11OLZ vortices, for the v(~locity in them dii;.Anisnes the nearer them, apiroach the rotation axis of the circulation. The motion of the 11(julda in tht~rn can bt- compared with the rotation of solids. 2.) Thf.- characteristic cal. which crownzi the -1urn.techn.fia,26,fasc.12, 2720-2730 (11))6) CARD 2 1 2 PA - 1t127 rising unsteady f low of t,.e hot I I juid I s Bu~-,orted at its oi, is by thr.- rot ~~tl ~)n axis of the circuits. ' . ' In tz,e thick part of thi s cap trj#_- c ve.' -_~ ~' - ties are vertical to the surface of the cap. 4.) The velocity of riq-i6 flow is in its central part and in th(. case of steady operation is neRrly equal to the rising velocity of the cap. ''.. ~ Thus it is possible to draw im~ortarit con- clusions concerning the charactur of hydrodynamic kinematics from the optic (half-Bhade) appearance of the picture. In the course of the opcond serieti of tests the dependence of the rising velocity of the cap on the intensity of heat- ing was d-3termined. Three serivs of photos ore ohown: a) The thin wire in water, b) in transformer oil, and c) in ethyl alcohol. Diagrams are attached for these three cases. - Third experioental series: The optical and photo('~raj~hic jarts W_-re switched off, ani the resistance of a platinum wire waq recorded by means )' an oscillograph at the moment when the current was switched on. R(,sults are .-epre- sented in form of a diagram. In conclu3icn theoretical invostiURtiong -re Carried out. The simplified theory of the unstc~ftdy process under inve3tiLat' _~n is tLe following: In the course of the first tithCe a slowly thickenine :4orizontal cylin- der is formed near the thin wire. Durir,C the second stage it Flowly -ioves from its placo and continuen to ti,irkc-nj in U,s.- course of this rn, ion it must overcome the viscosity of the liquid by whic?, I t Itj or *h10i occlii4lor, ti,k ed wire, by which it was created, Is drawn out of this jylindur. Thif equations for the first and second stage3 of the unstGady process ore then set up which, for the end of the eecond stage, ec over into a transceiident equation for a dimension- less rtidius. ITISTITUTION: Moscow State I.Iniversity. AUTIHOR- Ostroumov, 6. A. TITLE: The Corona Triode (Koronn,y triod). 20-5-19/54 PERIODICAL: Doklridy Akfideirli Nauk SSSR, 19~7, Vol - 1 15, Nr pp. 919-921 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present paper t~ivt-.n the ,~r ~rtical r,,-~iults )f 1,, inv"stleation carried out n 1',)54 which for various reasons has not yet been published. fh-4so rqultn, ray, result also frc~m v~,rljuu known pr,~viouii wDrkf;. ~ccordinely, the curi ent !unsit~ of ti-o! cor0na i,,i its- utely not proportional to the local elL-ctrical fi~-ld itrength of the :iurface of the coronaformint~ point. Phe ,orona current chooser, i t!) way near the peak about in the lino! of th,~ hiFhest fiold ntrenFth, i.e. in the extended point axis. Around the corona-formine point ("cathode") an auxiliary electrode ("1a1 tice") can be arranged in such a wuj that its po'ential with reqpvct to the point acts snarply on the strength of the corona current. The part of the current passing over to tYis electrode is neglij~,ible and practically the eritir~- CARD 1/3 current passes over to the counterelectroJe The Corona Triode 20-5-19/54 In this way an analoCy of an eiectron triode is obtained. It is, naturRI ly , arifilotrous but not i i,~n, icai Such a corona triode, compared with electron tri,,?Aeo, n~q amone, other thinF s, tho following puculiar,' ties: P,-qi ~iv, as well as neeative points may form it coronu. The auxiliary electrode (vrid) can, according to the averape voltaFe at which it has to work, have a different shape. A snheme is also j-iven for tht, ~inaloFy of a radio tel-~j,raphic valve. The coronao ciepen(I upon the gas, it~' compo3ition JLnd purity, on pr~-stture, tumperaturt~ ir.-i upon the ,~lectrodt- mut,-rial. Nuzt, some vw1rini, r1rcult!; for the application of the cor3na tr1ode fire.- ~:iven. F-r feeding: of the corona circuits hi~-h vc)ltupe currer,t gources-rectifiers- for 10.000 V and more art, uqed. Onk-- and two-ppriodic corona dovicep may serve as rectifitrg. The wiring circuits f,,ivtn h,~r,- Jo not exhaus t I ve Ia I with all possibilitit-s. More are 4 fit-urn ind I of which is Slavic. CARD 2/5 The Corona Triode 20-5-19/54 ASSOCIArION: Wolo~ov State Unlversit~ imeni A. 1. ~or'Klj (itolotovskiy goqudarstvurinyy uMveraltet im. A. M. Gorlkovo). PRESENTED: M. A. Leoritovich, A(,,uJ(!tnlclnn, Marc?, 1114, 1-- SOBVIFTED: hiRrch 12, 1q',7 AVAILABLE: Libr~ir~ of Corwr.!iij CARD 5,'3 AUTHOR: Ostroumov, G.A., Doctor of I-f,ysico-matnematica-i Sc !e,,' TITLE: Stirring of Stee~ in an Open-hearth Furnace by fneans of' a Rotating Electromagnetic Field (Peremeshivaniye stali v martenovskikh pechakh pri pomoshchi vrashchayushchegosya magnitnogo polya) PERIODICAL: Stal', 1958, Nr 11, pp 999 - 1002 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The possibility of the application of magnetic stirring of open-hearth bathsin order to speed up the smelting process,is discussed. On the basis of theoretical caicu- lations it is Shown that this can be done effectively by means cl a 3-phaBe 50 CPS field- the 3-phase current is fed into a apeaially built-in winding which acts as the stator. The stator induces in the molten metal edk,, Currents and thus the molten metal acts as a rotor of an asynchronous motcr. The movement of the molten metal Is determined by the generated electro-dynamic forces, the visccoity of the melt and the boundary conditions. Calculaticns are carried out for a given set of practical conditlons. Card 112 Stirring of Steel in an Open-~iearth Furnace by mpar.L~ ul a Electromagnetic Field There ax-e 4 figures and I-, Soviet references ASSOCIATION; Permskiy gusudarstvermyy universitet L, zn,: State Univeipity) Card 212 SOV/81-59-8-27703 Translation from: Referatl%,.-.yy zhurnal. Khlmlya, '959, Nr 8, p 309 (Ussp", AUTHOR: Oatroumov, G.A. -L4 TITLE: New Invoatigatione or Free Heat 'onl,~4c-~lon in Closed Cyll-nd-riza. h~!,CWs PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Permsk. ur.--., 1958, Vol 15, Nr 4, pp 3 - 4 ABSTRAM A review. There are V. Gertsovsk-ly Card 1/1 A Ui!!ICR J ": t r 0u, m 0 v TITLE: 0:. t h,~ r) ~, I ~I,jn of t-r, 11; % c).-. 1 14 1 L !. o F1 i , ~ - L i i K v 1 0 n I I stei-,uk %P.1r)v teku--hr~.-j " II.;;!,-r,, Vol. ',B, Nr I FER I C A L Zh,,.rnal TL.' 2 1 12 19 A A T Al tliouj,-~i t, i L; ~,"-s !)eoii Im %m for n lar.t, ti occ,irs wi-tely i:. n- t i n ii. 1--i~ t ry , and in lai ly I i f e '.,a3 i.cvt~r '-cen accur;iIqly ex~ 1~ir.ed nor lli~La iLs trituro I i 11 V,3:" t i: --. t -I t 1'-2 pr-sent ;J~-- 01, tne I LI t r er, 10 ~I v c,:-: t * x 1 1 -- i n t 1, e 1) c r i i i c na t u r ~,l oscillitions of the val:s of * %a; .:-, e I s c;.,. s e ~ by n F , ~,,, ~ , . - I iqu i d by -,.e,, n s o f t 0 , r i -,, i t i e Iij,'Othe:,00 sct u! Jorfl-c-; :f a riot compressed ,Aont., an immobile I,unt wall in the miinrer 1) the v(,Ioc~tj potential, the vel,,,citj comlo-e 's -iA t (2 !111 rf~.!C 0 Of W ! I I Ca,-, 11C e, ~ J-e:7!3P~! Ily t 'Ie "91 WI WaVe Card 1, 4 0~11-tiol~r (Rcicr4~:-~cu- 1): On the ?roblen of the Self-Ex,.,itation of the Natural 57-2a-6-11,,~~: Oncillations of Channel W-11s 't~! t.-,e Flovr-,'!.~, Liquid ',f . U C Ll K(7 us k(x ct), U. k~ccI 1:Y .3 in x - C t ) ; V -il.,l C e ky cos k(x - Ct", OL f, I it ~'. ( x - c t iver.-.,-e t:.er7nal ca-.ucity conveyed bj t ~, e f 1 ;V i 71i d t o t n e s i ir fa c e u., i i t o f t ~. e w av e I vw%l 1i oe t r r.- ~ i r c,ljo 2 j 2 2 0. A C v d t c k a ; C T 1, 2 The case of a vibratint,- viall can with resi,ect to t'~e fl-wi. li-iuid be ~iei3cril.,ed as the aui)erposition of two waves, ah--:. move with dif:L,,-e,.t velocities. It is to 1'e expertod t:.nt thi~oe tro waves c;ii. so self-excitation of the wall if the ca,, ~itj emitted lby t~~p flowi:~f, li,,iuid adapto to the cap city of vi ~-,c -s disi)orsion. l'!.t: cor-lition of thi oe f-excitation 2 2 2 Card 214 C OC c + k Or. the Problem of the Self- Lxcit;,tiol! of t~,, Oscillations of Cl,rr-'e' W~,'o FlOWIT',C Lijuid The fre ~ue:~cy of t:-.e se,, f-e:.citation of the -..all I iardnea a. Tne -,j- 'Li r.,-A ,, of t I, e r~oi- ! it i an of sel f -,,x- : t wit!, the fre -,~iencj t ion lou(io to :in equ tior, f r e v. Sity of' tile Ii. Uid 2) - 3,.,. 3 3 Eh r, - . Eh k 2 c - C3. OLY~ p V(I - a Vs'~ U, a ;ruduul incr-e,---so of velocity the tin. j,11 tulo of the :i~,t tl *sc illationo c,i~;aed wi 11 probably increase , T ere is how-., * posvibilitf of a rhan~-e-over to the self-excitatio.- of r-W f(-.-:7! of occill ition P.o-. Eh3(2k)5 C IA) 1~0 which is tar~t.-mount to an increaso of frequency b.f '),( it~ -:T~ u t T~.ere x-e , fii7iires ~md 6 refern,-cea, -I. of which ir-(? Snv,~-t C t,. r d 5,, 0,, tL,-- i'r )', ' o:.. of t'.(- 5, 1 f -Ei.- 1 t 7it ~ of t~~,, t,~ ral 11-tle-t- I'll :1.1. on, I I I ~ t I of~ n o I, C% . ... 1 W I , ~; ! Y t -~- F I')!;. r". 1, 1 '1. 1 ! " j ,, " C I A", I J: - :i e r 77 :~ -. i ! -. ):i . ! , , s t v E, n j, y j u r, i v e r u i t (-? t ( P e r m' :3 t n t (- Un i v e , - ~ ; *, j ' , , , 1 1:1 I - I I I D . ju:~C, '( , I'll," 1. Fluid flow-Theory 2. Structures-Oscillation 3. Phthemntics 1. Ill. ! -, 4 AUTHORS: TITLE : C :n T, Cy I i: v t 1 v el, t 0 1 1v 1; 1 1 r 1 2 PEP I )D I C A L T(6 ~m p ACT -!--r t-, In Al STFI - t t dev" ~-i e~l .. T:-,e i:.: I I f an ax al r-- L; r i r r i beans o t t ul. e . Fo r t 1, 1 s ru it t:.e hc---' t:.- t c t: . o V., po - T 1 I I C Q ' ' , ; v' I ei T I. 0 1. v et 1 1, W. (1: 1!'. 1 (.0 e y ~ c r L.1 1 f . i t :, V1I r 'a ii 1aso t vi ,I t I %-., e I l 6 On t lie i1r-)b I em of t:,e T!-c- i y in Cyli:-.Irical. C,--vltico t;IP C("Iroo ~)I r 1; "o I e 0 t u 1) 1 e d 1!. it t e 0 e t 1 0 h, Id I in,~Iined tu- t h; ~- t w ~o a e r t:.resholJ ef~, 1 o,cupji,,,~ t .- or, r c, t I ~T, 1 Jul'! -nd (iie in 1". f 1 1'. ,~ I- j f t e z " 1 0 n t fl, ra Z. d -I --177. u t )7 , C t ! nc* -~e u.,, c E? D: CC)n ~Ct Iv I t y a.-- i r u r f~ r, e t e I-, (-. e T- I i t u! 0 -.Tit:., t t 1!-I f j r a L31 I - ~, t , ~- -, t e C h u, e r - 11 Fiy i - I gn I All tt fact s r !3 4,2 I T~ Card 2, On the Pra",11 em of 'I i,e T, r-)- of Froe ~Ie A Conio,,, I, )I i in Cyli.;drical Cavities ASSOC I AT 10,'! Po r --.,q i I'S u:, '. v.:~ rt~ it ot -7 3 t 3 MI IT i'ED D,-- c L, o r 1. Convection-Theory 2. Water-Ifeat transfer Glass tuLing-Applications Card 5/ I r V~e C) " u -1 ~1 t'~ U'! C) t I 'J"eri jal t 1'e Lk IV- ri L t::,2 Tllie tezi eratur t;,o I of th e f e .2 d I n,~ i r." t eml, e : - t ure _- , i r _ e carrent 1.eriud ~ n tne Ci;~,urc?,3 cbt... n- ir u experi;nentti 4erc ~;_i ie A LA r of " dlu~ne tel- of O'c'),- Im"i-In'i i a,m e r;i -rl 1 ,. t_ v, r . sA j , i ~ :--nt 1 -2 r. i 3 e no r, n r, n,~ Dr P lu~, - J-11 T-0 ~l USTROUNUV. G.A. Theory of therr-ial proceases applied to the extrusion of wire in liquid forms umler stationary conditions. Zhur.tekh.fiz. 29 no.2:239-246 F '59. (141RA 12:4) 1. Pernakiy gosudaretvennyy universitet im. A.M.Gor'kogo. (Wire drawing) PHASE I BOOK E)a:10rTATION i0%, I/ 4_~014 Ostroumov, Georgiy Andreyevich Fiziko-matematicheakiye ob.iovy mgr)itnogo peremeshivaniya rasplavov (Physi-c- mathematical Fundamentals for Magnetic Mixing of Melts) 140scow, Vet-a11ur,,1i7.dat 1960. 64 p. Errata slip Inserted. 1,6' .)0 copies prin"-d. 11. 1. Bortnichuk; Ed. of Publishing House: Ya.D. Rozentsvey,~; Tech. Ed.: P.G. Islent'yeva. PURPOSE: This book is intended for workers of scientific r-#,s~arc~, Wid institutes of the metallurgical arid machine industries. COVERAGE: The book discusses the electrody-neLmic, hyd-rodynamic .. and metallurijcal processes which accompany magnetic mixinjr of melts. The section on ele-ctrr, dynamics treats the propagation of a tra-.~eling electromagnetir wave in at. In- finite conductinp semispace.- and in a conductor of firilte dimensions as wit-11 as the ponderomotive electrodynamic forr-ri dlr3tributo-d it, thf-m. In the- se-ction on 'iydrodynamics the selection of the most advantaj~!(jut; current. rr-t-qat-noy wv~ tr,i- Card 1/2j Physicomathematical Fundamentals (Cont.) iOV/42(S~~ role of the reservoir dimensions are studied. Lr~ this book tre -,-rm reservoir ia used to describe tht- nirnacr!, bath, ladli- and ot~,~--r in which the molten mi-tal is mixed. The section on wtalluru d,-aIE, with t~;e con- ditions for equalizing te-mperature and composition during mixing anJ L~&- ac- celeration of the reaction of the wlt wit)-, sla,-- No pe-rsona3itl~s ar- r.'rntioned. There are 9 references, aLl Soviet. TABLE OF C(XPMNTS: Ch. I. General Recarks I-o"word I. Role of magnetic mixing iii production 2. Characteristics of the problem under study General plan of discussion Ch. II. Blectrodynamics 1. Plan of performing computations i 2. One conductor in front of a plane- Card 2/ 1~ Physicomathematical Flundwrnttil,, (Colit, ) SOV/42014 3. One phase in front of a plLne and the optimal polar dictance 13 4. TtLree-phase stator in front of a plane and the genemti,)a of a traveling magnetic wave 5. Propagation of a traveling magnetic vave in a cpnducting semispace 17 6. Distribution of the time average of electrodynamic forces in a conducting semisppce ~)j 7. Distribution of forces in a conducting layer of finite dimensions ,5. Role of a magnetic circuit 2", Ch. III. Hydrodynamics I . General equation of motion of a liquid 28 2. Plane problem and the current function. Physical meaning of' the current function X1 3. One-sided position of the stator 55 4. ~bst favorable current frejuency 5~ Card 3/4 Physicomathematical FuadFkMeRtals (COOt-) SOV/4204 5. Two-sided position of the stator 57 6. Nonuniform temperature distribution with respect to the depth of a melt 140 7. Reservoir of finite dimensions. Theory 8. Reservoir of finite dimenaions. Results V 9. Discharge of a liquid in a flow 1,14 Ch. IV. Metallurgy 1. Conditions for equalizing tempe rature and compoeition y, 2. Acelerating the reaction of a melt with Blag ~9 3. Advantages of using industrial three-phase current 61 Conclusion AVAIIABLE: Library of Congress 62 NNL/AC/fal Card 4/4 9-io-6o 82n~29 cc S/139/60/000/057008/045 AUMORS: Ostroumov. G A and Sojj,~,~. OZ3/E3'5 TITLE- Heat Transferllof a Horizontal Wire Heated by an Alternating Current PER10DICAL: Izvestiva vysshildi uchebnylih zavedeniv, Fizika 1960, Nr 3, pp 52 - 55 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In an earlier paper (Ref 1) tire authors (lealt with measuring the beat rplease of a wire in variour, fluids in the case of periodic heating A Lomparison of the obtained results with the calctilated heat trangfer resulti,rig frcm molecular heat conductivity in an equiv- alent solid body has revealed great differenres This is attributed to the faLt that the re;;., experimental conditions (the finite lengths of the wire soldered onto massive terminals, tile limited volume of the reservoir) differ considerably from the general assumption--; made in literature, which were used for tile LalCUlation_-4 (cylindrical wire of infinite length, infLnite distance from other bodies at a given temperature) Therefore. the authors considered it advisable. to comparf- tile Card 1/3 experI.Mentally determined treat transfer from a wire 8 2.1 L' 9 S/1T9/60/oOo/o3/oo8/o45 Heat Transfer of a Horizontal Wire Heat'eR 7 Current placed in a liquid and a wire fused into a solid The test arrangement was the same cis that duscribed in the earlier communication (Ref 111~ A platinum wire (,I 0.05 mm dia, ahout 10 itim length was brazed onto opper leads of about 3 mm dia which weie placed intu an aluminium reservoir filled with sulphur and heatod b- '', -a n alternating current. The -eservcir was placed int( a special thermostat. Sulphur was consi-dezeci as a suitable medium due to its faVOUrable fusion temperature and also because on soliclification there are no shrinhage ~avities- The heating was effected by means of a modulated 50 :p, current, whereby the modulation frequencv varied betweer, 0.05 and 30 cj,-~-. As a rc-sult a lie at i rig . lir rent wi tki a large number of frequencies was obtained. The rez;ults are plotted in graphs. Figures 1-4. It was found that t, lie heat transfer during periodic heating of the cyltilrlf-r has the following fealture.Q in a medixiin not onl v the reactive but also the activt- component of tile tic-at flow increaseq with frequency 1 zi c ont ra ~ tt o 3 So I i d medium., where the reactive component of tie livat trall:;rK" Card2/3 82329 S/139/60/000/03/008/045 E07A/E~ Heat Transfer of a Horizontal Wire ea '09 by an Alternating Current is almost proportional to the heating frequency in a liquid niedium t1je reactive heat flow shows a dependence on the frequency which can be expressed by a power relation whereby the power is Iess than unity and more than 0.5. Even in the described simple case, non-9teady state convection proved very complex and requires further investigation. There are 4 figures and 2 Soviet references. t-K ASSOCIATION: Permskiy gosuniversitet (PCM51i State University) SUBMIT-TED: April 23, 1959 Card 3/3 OSTRCUROV. G.A. Rate of settling of a suspension as a function of the velocity at which the solution is moving. Koll zhur. 22 ao. 5 :f 11-614 &.0 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Permskiy universitet. (Suspensions (Chemistry)) (Sedimentation and deposition) cl 2"OL 7 "ic', R 7 1 TL Tii- !:-o I.', i1 t.; 1 1," ,1, , ~! 1 1 K ~7, -EXT: lt.t: :;7,fthod of vi,, !,)v lh(, -rrov v of mo;L.,;urf,rent:;. It ic v-~puriiLil, pu i n to tu tho fit,,. J1-$ 'Ili ILI. "it Leig t(~d V;il ue ,f th e :7, o? I~ ~;,j r i(. q ,I I-, n ty 1 -?1 .1 A b ~, t. ra c t u, r n 0 t 0 - C om ~ I e t (,- t ra n o I a t 1 ~ ti Card 1/ 1 cr, C.7, c c e c e L - C. c c 3 s o o v u r e v a s r r~ s 0 r. 1 c'-. t s frO.7. F, C: t~s "',Z) 0 OSTROUI-M. G.A. Theory )f acoustic wind. Akust.z~.ur. 8 no.] lll~, ~,~ , ',- . ,.IL- .~; ': 1. Leningradaldy goaudarstvennyy universitet. (sound Waves) OSTROUMV. G. A. Spherical radiator approximately oquivalent to a point exploal,-n in the air. Akust. zhur. 8 no.2:204-209 162. OCFU ir,-~) 1. Leningradskii gosudarstvennyy univernitet. (Shock waveB) (Exploolons) I-MLINIKOV, N.P.; OSTROUMOV, G.A.; SHTEYNBEIL, A.A. 14ethod for stabil-tzing spark discharges in water. VeBt.IL'J 17 no.10:15'1-158 162. (:C-tA i5z5) (Electric spark) S1020162/1 47/004/0, 31027 B I 17/B186 AUTHORS: Mel'nikov, It'. P., Ostreumov, G. A., Shteynberg, A. A. TITLE: Some nharactej~istics of the disruptive discharee i.,I electrolytes PFRIC)DICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 147, no. 4, 196., TF,/': As an addition To previous papern (Vestn. Leningradsk. ur.iv. n,,. 1,G, 157 (1,)62)), the behavior of several electrolyte solutions under hij~h voltage was studied over a ivide range of concentration. Thi,; 6,,~navicr ~-s shown not to aepend on the chemical composition of the electroijtt-s ~)ut --n'.y on their conductivity. Graphic representations of the uehavier ef' ,',t?C- trolytes with a conductivity of' 0 - 0.')2'10-4-0.74 ohm-1-Um discharCe Cap in liquid of 0.25-20 mm were studied by sectiona were distineuished, (1) Discharge is possible. A potuntial Jumi is clearly recognizable; its height decreases as the conductivity of tr"? electrolyte increases. Larger electrode spacing causes a gradual incre,sc in the delay of voltage drop after disruption of the air eap. (11) Aperiolic discharge: no disruption occurs. An increase in conductivity Card 112 A t ACCESSION NR:IIAP3002725 S/0120/63/000100310085/0089 "THOR: Ostrou gy--n. A. Shteynberg, A. A, 77TLE. Method for measuring pulse amplitude SOURCE: Frlborj~ I tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 3, 1.963, 85-89 TAGS., ise- parasitic emf distortion TOPIC amplitude meisurements toroidall coil, Induction compensation'. "STRACT: A method for measuring pulse amplitudes is described, In which effects of the magnetic field produced'on the probe leads of an,oscilloscope by currents flowing'Ahrough the Investip-ted device are eliminated through com. pensation of the IMuctance In the measured portion of the circuit by an equal i mutual inductance.' During current.flow through the circuit (see Fig. I of Enclosure) a maghetic field arises iAnU induces a parasitic e~nf in loop ARCNBPA. Thibemf combines with and distorts the measured voltage drop Card,l/.3 ACCESSION NE: AP3002725 across the device P. In toroidal -coil coimpenzating loop R an equal but opposite emf in Induce4 and as a result the parasitic emf Is suppressed.A suppreuxion method for parasitic hf oscillations, which. could distort the display, Is also ptesented. Experiments iphowed that the Insertion of a 750-ohm, resistor between the compensator and the cable will. deci~ease the circuit Q of the measured network and damp the parasitic oscillations. A practical meas- urement procedure; and test me!hod are also discussed. Orig. art. -has - 9 figures and I table. ASSOCIAMON: Leningradskly gosvda'rstvennh universitet (Leningrad State University) SUBhUTTED: 03Jul62 DATE ACQ.- 12M63 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: 00 NO REF SOV: 002 OTHER: 000 card 2 3 OSTROW.0vo On the mechanism underlylnR cavitational destruction. Ak-ust. zhur. 9 no.2:19F-204 163. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Leningradskly gosudare tvennyy universitet. (Cavltation) WLINIKOV, N,.P.; OSTRCUMOV, G.A.; STOYAK, M.Tu. Development of an electr,Ic discharge In aqueous elentrolftes. Dokl. AN SSSH 148 no.5:1057-1051) F 163. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Loningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A.A.:?hdanova. Predatavleno akademikom M.A.Leontovichem. (Electric discharges) ACCESSION KRi AP4035709 S/0057/64/034/005/%.1949/U'j51 AMOR: Mel'nikov, H. P. ; Ostroumov, G. A, ; S toy;ii(, 1J. Yu. TITLE: Development of electric brp-ikdown in aqueous sodium chloride solutions SOURCE: Zhurnal taklinichoskoy fiziki. v.34, no.5, 1964, 949-951 TOPIC TAGS: electric breakdown, sodium chloride ABSTRACT: This paper reports a contiltuatinn )f earlier work on electric in sodium chloride solutions (N.P.hlel 'nikov, G.A.0stroumov and A.A,Shteinovv,~.DAN SSSR,147,4,1962; N.P.Mol'nikov, tnd i-he 12 to 13 kV discharges (normally, po,-,Itlvq, point to negative plane) took place b- tween electrodes separated by 5 mm and iiamorsuti In the nolution. The discharges were photographed at 2.5 x 10r') frames/sec with back Illumination provided by an auxillay spark. Continuous time resolved photographs were also obtained of limited portion.,, of the discharge. In low concentration solutions the discharge begins with the de- volopment of dark branching filaments which propagate from the positive point elec- trode with the velocity 1.2 x 105 cm/sec. When a filament reaches the negative plane a luminous plasma discharge propagates backward along It with much greater velocity, Carcil/2 ACCESSION NR- AP403570q covering the 5 mn gap in a time much shorter than the 0.4 microsec between success- ive photographs. The luminous discharge increases for a time in width and intensity. A sequence of 24 photographs is reproduced showing this development. From the con- tinous time scan photographs it can be seen that the luminous discharge fills its expanding channel for 3 or 4 microsec, after which the Itiminous discharge begins to contract, while the channel continues to expanid at a decreasing rate. In wore con- rentrated solutions the initial filaments propagated somewhat more rapidl, and were luminous. In very concentrated solutions the filaments were not formed and no plas- m2 discharge between the metal electrodes occurred. In this case only a small regi(M about the positive point electrode was luminous. This luminosity is ascribed to an arc discharge within a bubble formed at the electrode by thermal effects. has: 1 formula and 4 figures. ASSOCIATION; Loningradgkly goeudaretvenny0y universitet in.A.A.Zhdanova (Leningrad State University) SUBMIT'ITI)i 25Apr63 DATE ACQi 20MayO4 E IC L: 00 SUB CODEI EM NR IIFF SOVi 002 IMIER: 000 Card 2/2 C.STRal4r, G A 11/5 743.2 Smzka dorozhnostroitelonykh mashin (lubrication of road .08 building machines, By) G. A. Ostrou v (and) 11. A. CIIEKAV- TSEV. Wskva, Gostoptekhlzdat. 1953. W p. Diagre., Tables. OSTROUNOV, Jeorgiy Arkbdlyevich; ZILL&R, G.K. , red.; YmlisilEiILOVA, ().m. , vedushchiy red.; YK)OTOVA, I.G., Linstructions on the gathering of spent petroleum oils for mechanics and shop supervisors] Pamiatka po sboru otrabotanziyv-n neftlanykh masel; dlia mekhBnikov i nachal'nikov teekhov. Moskva. Jos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry. 1960. 24 p- (MiRA 13:6) 1. Tsesoyusnaya kontors regenerateii otrabotannykh amazochnyich masel. (Minaral oils) 25(5) PMM I BDOX EXPWITATION SOV/1359 Spravochnik uekhanika mashinostroitel Inoge tavoda vdvakh tomakh. t. 1: Organi- ?atsVa I konstnLktorskayn podgotovka remontuykh rabot (Handbook for Mechanics Gf ftchinery )hnufacturtag Plants In Two Velumes. Volelt Organization and De- elgD-Preparation for Plepair Work) Moscow'. MAshgiz, 1958. viii, 767 P. 44),000 copies printed. Resp. Ed.: Noskin, R.A,; Cmadidate of Technical Sciences; Ed.: Gliner, B.M., &�,iw---er; Tech. Ed.: Sokolova, T.F., Eds. of &A, Borisov, Yu.S., Engineer.. A.P. Vladziyevskiy, Doctor of Technical Sciences, and R.A. Noskin, Candidate cf Tl~chaical Sciences; Managing Ed. for Peference Literature (?4ashgiz): Kry lov . V. 1. . Raginee r. PURM: This handbook is intoended for personnel responsible for repair and maintenaDce operations in machinery manufacturing plants. COV79RAGE: 'nu, handbook contains information on the operation of tndustrial equipment, organization of repair and maintenance. design -preparation for maint- enoance work, modernizatiou of metal-cutting machine tools. and the economl-s of maintenance. Mitntenance personnel of the following plants Participated in the preparation of this handbook: 1,eningrad Plant imeni Kirov, Kharlkov Plant card '/ 15 Han,fnock for Mechanics of Mo.,!hiruery (Cont. ) so V/ 13 5') 0~,r Trani3port. Mv hi rip ry I iro!ri I Killyuho)v.; Moncow Pljint I men I L I. kha-nev , Chi . ~-i - ~insk Tractor Plant, e1c. Contributions by the following are alt4o ar~tnvwl-f'dged: vorkers of scientific research institutes (ENM, ToNIITMASH, NITI) and %-tuzps (MVTU Went Bauman, Leningrad Polytechnical Institute , Moscow Institute fic-, Engi-neering Physics, Moscow Industrial Engineering Institute); and worke--s iD ~-aglaeertng and planning institutes (V?rl b. NINTRANENASH. VPTI b MJN1.rYAZ)U,1ASH, 'USPI-8). There are no refemnces TkBLE OF COWWM: Ch L. U*Alftatton of Equipment euersl operatiag .conditions (Kazah, M.I. Docent) ~r.crf:-'Ising the Curability of equipmeLt (Kazay., M I. , Dicerit) RF~slc kinds of machine part wear Initial breaking-in of machine parts Wear of baoic machine parts and measures taken to increase their resistance to wear 4 Operation of forging and pressing equipment (Ginzburg. Z.M.,E:ngineer) 11 Drop Lammers Forgiag machLws Crank presses, and she-ars 14 3--r-am-hydrau-L'Ic presses 1~4 Ca rd Handbook foi Nechanios of Machinery (cont. ) SOV/1155() Opera'k*lion of electric installations (Luklyanov, T P, Engineer/ Intrashop electric networks with voltages to 1000 v Keetric motors Electric fu..-mace installations Mercury rectifiers Installations for eLectric plating Special featurea of calcu.Inting electric energy requiremento from d-c, sources for electroplating Axe welding unita Resistance welding machinea Lghttag installations Grounding systems and the grounding aystem neutral Electric meterG Wbrication of equipment (03trollmov, G.A , Engineer) Lubricants Labricating ayatems, devices and tmplerv--uts Chrice of lubricaxkta Substitution of lahricanti Organiztzig llub~-Icatioii ojwnLttons 'IL' Card 3/15 H"dbocy. l'or o.' MrLcUnery (Cont ) 3OV/13.)g Regeue.m.t--on o- i,.-Ad lubricating Oilc (Shr-shkin P. I., Engi-neer) Premnratlou rf' Lcile equipm-it and parts (Borlsov,'Yu.s Engineer) Stxjrlrtt~ IdIf, V-1d PV.1-t'3 Pro "'P -_ -, ' - ): ~ I rrp." "Ir Lji!' -.nj'_~u "or ricehanics (Borisov, Yu.S. Englneer) Typieft! dt-scr_'i Cuti_ert Of EL Chief wchanic ill a ma"!hinery 04' ItUl.',eB ,f d 31)0p MeChaniC in a mchirlery Ilyl d ( n c-, -1, LI'lop personnel in reference to working equ~TJLVIV~ end i-,-sjx)rfjibU1.tif-s for ite technical condition 7~10,-ztl for wchl-ne tool- operators on trie technical opem".ion (.!' nachine tooln said their oare Qw,__ ' "i cat 1 or. qu-1 n:nr 1, t 8 Ch. IT, P-N-,vc-ntive Hatut-emance of Squipment Pre trtivu sycLem (V1LWziyevskty, A.P, , Doctor of Tecluil 3r1pn(-o:j ~- 'kkks, D. 1, , Enginer r; Yakobson, M. 0 Doctor of Card 4, i.'~ Handbook for Mechanics of Machinery (Cont.) SCV/1359 Types of maintenance Periodicity of maintenance and structurv of the maintenance cycle 126 Iabor input into maintenance operstione 129 Plaaning maintenance operations 130 Prepamtion for maintenance operations ~'Vladziyevskiy, A.P. , Doctor of Technical Sciences; Vaks, D.I., Engineer; Yakobson, N.O... Doctor of Technical Sciences) 130 Spare parts - 130 Development of technological processus for maintenance operations 132 Supplying tools and devIce3 132 Supplying materials --~ 2 Organizing maintenance operations (VIadziyevskiy, A.P. . Doctor of Technical Sciences; Vaks, D. I. , Engineer; Yakobson, N. 0. , Doctor of Technical Sciences) 132 Organizational methods for maintenance operations 132 Shop maintenance bases 153 Organization of maintenance crews 133 14easures for speeding maintenance opemtions and reducing the downtime of equipment 134 Classification of defects 135 Procedure in transferring equipment for maintenance 13; %intenance of precision machine tools 135 Card 5/13 Handbook for t4echanics of Machinery (Cant.) 90V/1359 MaintenaLce of equipment in automatized production processes and pro4untion I-aws -5) MDdernitation of equipment 06 Staff of the Chief Ylechenic's Section (recommended) (Vladziyevskiy, A.P., Doc+,ur of TL-chnical Sciences; Vaks, D.I., Engineer, Yakobson, M-0 Doctor of Technicai Sciences) Bureau of preventive maiiitenance (BFPR) Designing and engineering bumau 140 Planning and production bure~au 140 WaFr-s of maintenance workers (Borisov, Yu.S. , Engineer) Standard piecework wages for w--chanics engaged In Mintenance of equipment a 414 Calculating wages of w~,,rkers according to the quantity and quality of output ---41 Differential wave payment 14' RemulAration for work requiring different qualifications 14-1 WW-q for overtIme wcrk i4 Overtime work cannot be compensated by compensatory leave 14'. flemitnemtion for work perforwd on legal holidays 14',' Work performed on t1ly veckly day off 1117 Rpmu-eration c,f riection leaders !4P. Card 6/!3 Bandbook for Vlechanics of Machinery (Cont SOV/1359 Ch. III. Operation and Maintenance Standards 149 ?*tal-~~utting machine tools (Vladziyevskiy, A.P , Doctor of Technical Sciences; Vaks, D. I - , Engineer; Yakobson, M 0. . Doctor of Tech. Sciences) 149 Wood-vorking machine tools 204 Forging and pressing equipment 216 Founding equipment 228 Hoisting and transport equipment (cranes, electric lioiats, monorail lorries) 241 11~ydraulic equipment 246 Electrical equipment (Luk'yanov, T.P., Enginr-~r) 249 Steam paver equipment (Zobin, V.S., Engineer) 258 Ventilating installations 265 labor content standards for equipment maintenance (Vladziyevskiy, A.P., Doctor o-,' Tech. Sciences; Vaks, D.I., Engineer; Yakobson, M.O., Doctor of Technical Sciences) 272 Stanaards for serv-icing between maintenance periods 274 Standard downtime of equipment 275 Standards for the expenditure of materials neceseLry for equipment maintenance ?T5 Standards foi storing spare parts 299 Types of docil ntation based on the PPR (preventive maintenance) system (recommended) 305 Card 7/13 Handbook for t4echanics of Machiiery (Cont. ) SOV/1359 Ch. rv. Yaintenance Bases (Plotkin, I.B., Ergineer) 318 Make-up of the cal ntcmance -engineering shop 318 Calculating basic proportions of maintenance bases 319 Determining the quantity of basic machine tools 322 Composition of the machine-tool stock 324 Iabor compositiou 326 Technological characteristics of buildings and hoisting-transport equipment 326 Arrangement and calculation of areas 327 Workshop for optional equipment 328 Pipe repair shop 329 Ch. V. Designing Preparatory tc Maintenance Operations 331 Compilation and documentation of drawings for replAceable parts of 331 equipment (Shifrin, S.M., Engineer) Extent of maintenance (Nr-.jkin, B.A. , Candidate of Technical Sciences) 362 Stand rds and specifications for basic machine parts and assemblies (Sam-shik, N.H. , Engineer) 364 Numbering system for metal-cutting machine tools and their classification 364 Basic standards permitting the mting of machine parts 364 StandardJzation of allowances and fits 390 Basic standards for gear transmission ilements 395 BafliC standards for external markIng 0 machine tools and machines 397 Card 8/13 Handbook for Pecl-hanics of Wichinery (Cont.) SOV/1359 BIkU and roller bearings (Niberg, N.Ya.J Candidate of Technical Sciences) 402 Selection of a bearing of the same type anu size IL02 Selection of a bearing of a different type and size 42n Pits for bearings mounted on shafts and between outer rings and T-.,itallation and adjustment of bearings Choice of packIng devices for bearing assemblies Gear transmissions (Kedxinskly V.N. Engineer) 4112 Spur gears IjII2 Accepted symbols III;", Basic information on meshing of spur gears 4115 Standard gearing hL Q Geometrical calculation of spur gears h6c) Correction of spur gears 4-,o Identification of gearing elements of spur gear transmission 476 Measuring tooth thickness 482 Bevel gearn 486 Accepted symbols JdV Basic information on meshing of bevel gears '7 TyT,es of bevel. gear3 Correctiou of bevel gears Card 9/13 Handbook for Wchanics of MacUnery (Cont. SOV/1359 Geometrical calculation of bevel gears Identification of gearing elaments of bevel gear transmission Worm gears AcceptA--d symbols Shape of pr-)file and methods of machining vorms and worm gears Geometrical calculation of worm gears Correction of vorm gears identification of elements of worm gear transmission Spiral gears lolprances for ?lemente of spur and vorm gear transmissions -r gf-ar transmission 'pa 1~- vr-. I g bear transmission Woni gear ",ransmission Belt (b-ives (Gloyzer. V.Ye- Flat belt drivrs V-b--lt drive Belt joints ~ieas*ares for improving the Instj%.Uation of belts Care of belts 9&fety engineering Card 10/15 Engineer) function of belts Handbook for Machanics of Machinery (cont.) SOV/1359 Basic materials used in maintainirig and modernizi-ng equipment (Morozova, Ye.M., Engineer; Spivak, E.D. . Candidate of 71echnical Sciences) Steel L, 56 Cast steel ~56 Cast iron 566 Nonferrous metal alloy~3 570 Ch. VI. Modernization of Metal-cutting Machine Tbols (Kucher. A.M., Candidate of Tlechnical Sciences; Kucher, I.M. . Candidate of Tech- nical Sciences) 57 Basic objectives of nxlernization 5-7 Increasing speed, power, eLnd rigidity of nacbtne tOO13 58 ~ Reduction of support time and automati~ation 591 Modernization of lathes and tur-ret lathes 6oi Modernization of milling machines 615 Modernization of other types of machine tools 627 Drilling and boring machines 627 Vertical lathes 629 Planers 629 Shapers 63o Card II/ 1~ Handbook for Mechanics of Machinery (Cont. 9DV/1359 Gear-cutttng machines 633 Grinding machines 6311 Hydraulic equipment and instruments used in modernizing machine tools (Barsukov. A.A., Ehgineer) 638 Controlling and regulating hydraulic equipment 63,8 Manual, mi.,chanical and remote control of hyd:.-aulic equipment 631 ILvd.raulic panel control 633 Calculations for machine tools undergoing modernization (Kaminskaya. V-V. Candidate of TL-chnical Sciences; Levina. Z.M., Engineer) 667 ,eneral aspects 667 Calculations bawd on comparison 668 Checking calculatioas 669 Calculation eyaurple 717 Ch. VII. Safety Engineering and Industrial Hygiene '26 Safety engineering during repair work (Borisov, Yu-S., Engineer) 726 Organization of accident prevention in plants 726 Safety measure. directivea 729 Safety engineering in uperuting electrical installations (Liklyanov, I.P. , Engineer) 740 Clasaification of shop space based on their conditions 741 Card 12/ 13